#note: arins not in the set but i had him so i wanted to add him
lumagarden · 5 months
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built egalt today!!
so far one of my favorite dragons rising sets!
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the-ninjago-historian · 10 months
Ninjago Dragons Rising Season Two News! Sets and Plot Info!
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HELLO EVERYONE! I have some great info for you guys on the new Dragons Rising Sets and Seasons! I worked REALLY hard on this article, so I hope you all enjoy it. There's a lot to talk about so let's just jump in. Below the cut. SPOILERS!!!
Our Sources for all this info are these two interviews here.
Now, let's get started.
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First off, the mechs. The third wave will be for Part Two of Season Two! The mechs have interchangeable parts. So you may mix and match different sets to build your own mechs. The suits in the first wave the Ninjas are wearing are called the mech suits. There are only for when they are specifically in their mechs. They wanted to make sure everyone had a mech suit. So even though Zane doesn't have a mech, he got one anyway. The mechs did best in testing. They aren't as relevant to the story as the other sets.
There is also a short series coming that will showcase Sora building the mechs from the first wave. (It's important to note, that since there is a Cole mech, perhaps we can expect to see him in the shorts.👀) Also, Cole's golem form from the show was based off an early version of this Cole Mech.
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I heard people asking why Sora and Arin haven't gotten any new suits yet. This has been addressed. The reason is Sora hasn't gotten a new suit since she's only been present for one wave. This means she might eventually get new variants. On a side note, Arin had a new hood now. Maybe not a full new suit, but hey. It's a start!
Also, there is a new sword Lego piece. So if any of you guys for some reason collect Lego weapons, nows the time to add to your collection. Lol.
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And the dragon in the Wyldefyre set is just called a Source Dragon. It's not actually one. This is possibly for marketing. On more thing to remember is that there will be January, March, Summer set wave. So more sets ARE coming.
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Now, the villains. Cinder is confirmed to be the new Elemental Master of Smoke! The designers don't know if Cinder is actually Ash. Or what happened to Ash. We can only assume we'll find out in time.
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Second, the wolf army and Lord Ras! The wolf army is called the Wolf Clan. Ras's wolf warriors are humans in Wolf Masks. Not werewolves or anthromophic wolves. It is also interesting to note that The people that worked on Chima worked on designing the Wolf Warriors. And the Wolf Mech is based on a scrapped Nexo Knights Malware Wolf model.
Now for Ras, we now know that Ras's Shadow Dojo is located in a place called The Shadow Forest. It's where he uses the BloodMoon's power. The Gong of Shattering is apparently ANOTHER tool Ras uses to power/command his wolf army.
As for this Shadow Forest, the designer stated that the highly anticipated climbing suits will be for when they are climbing in the forest.
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Last but no least, we have Egalt. The Master Dragon Not much is said about him other than he will take on a mentor role, much like Master Wu.
For our last topic, we have this very exciting news about Pixal! She has been confirmed by the designer to be returning to the series! Her name is on the storyboards and everything!💜🤍💜🤍💜🤍💜🤍
Well, that's all the news for now! Also, you like this newsletter format, let me know, as I am considering setting up a weekly Ninjago newsletter that will publish either every Wednesday or Sunday.
Bye! - ✒️🐉
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Therapy Exercise 1: Check In! || Danny & Dean Beau
Danny tapped at his legs patiently as he waited to be let in for his therapy session with Dean Beau, ready for the same old questions that were about to be posed to him and ready to deliver the same answers to them. For the same song and dance that he was so over going through at this point. Regardless, he was never one to not show up when called upon.
“You can head in now, Mr. Avidan.” the receptionist said behind her desk.
He looked up, legs stretching out as he stood and walked towards their office, knocking before walking in.
“Hello Daniel! Take a seat!” The Dean smiled behind their desk, a notepad on it, also ready for their routine.
Sitting down on the couch, he sighed quietly in his seat sitting back ready to get this over with for both their sakes.
“How have you been this week?”
He gave a quiet shrug, looking off at one of the axolotl plushies on the other end of the seat. “I’ve been okay. I managed to get some videos done for the PowerHour and have been working with Mark on getting the new Theta settled in..”
“That’s good. And how are they?”
“Well.. honestly I’m not sure. When I’m not working I’m usually just in my room. I’ve been keeping to myself more lately… I barely even see Arin.”
“… Is this because of-“
He couldn’t think about them now. If he did it would just be too much. He knew the whole point was to talk about these stressors to his illness, but it would only add to it right now. He probably wouldn’t even be able to step into the office without totally breaking down.
“.. Right.” Dean Beau noted that, writing away without another word on that topic. “Well how have you been adjusting then.. since the changes?”
“Well, quite frankly, not adjusting well at all… there’s a lot of memories he that we remind me… of everything. I can’t go to places in town- places here, without feeling this overbearing dread.” He rubbed his legs to feel some comfort through his words. 
“… I’m sorry that this is the case Danny.. I know it’s not an easy feeling to experience, especially as of late, but we want you to be able to replace those memories with other happy ones.”
“Yeah, but what if something happens again? Then those memories will just burden me and turn into triggers too!”
“Unfortunately, that’s the risk. But I guarantee that trying to live your life without worrying about the worst that could happen is going to be all the more worth it. But, maybe try to go to places outside of this place, maybe even outside of town! Not only do I think it would benefit your health, but I think the more inaccessible a place is, the more you’ll feel comfortable going out and doing things with your loved ones.”
Danny took in their words, thinking about a place outside of the university and town, hell even out of the state or even the country! Anywhere was better than here. He thought about how easy it was to go on tours, even with Arin there! Hell there were better with him by his side, out on the road traveling together.
Maybe a trip unrelated to work out of here was long overdue.
“Okay, well, we’ve hit a lot of good points already today, so I think that about wraps up our session, but before you go I have one last thing I’m required to ask.” Dean Beau set down their pen to look at Danny. “With our program, in your opinion, do you think you’re getting better?”
The question hit Dan in the chest, making him have to seriously consider how the University has treated his illness since he’s arrived here. And when he really pondered about it, even considering how he’s had a lot of amazing ups and awful downs, the answer seemed to be resounding to him and echoed through his thoughts.
“….I don’t think it has….”
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thegreatestwaffle · 4 years
Trigger warnings:
Death, mild swearing, blood
Valentine's On The Beach
What's the most romantic thing you can think of? Is it a dinner date at a nice restaurant? Enjoying the sights in town? Perhaps it's a lovely evening at home, snuggle next to the one you cherish most. For me, it was walking on the beach during the sunset. Walking with someone you adore while the sunshine glistens down on the two of us. The calm waves and warm breeze leaving you relaxed and happy. No need to worry or panic as you're left with the feeling of romance as the two of you embrace each other. 
It was something I had dreamed of since I was a little girl. I didn’t need a prince charming to sweep me off my feet, or a queen to arrive at my door promising me a life of ease and beauty. All I wanted was to be with someone who would stand on the beach and watch the sunset with me.
After years and years of yearning, well, I finally got that magical moment on the beach. I was seventeen when it happened, I was young, hopeful, and full of these romantic ideas. It was February- if my memory serves me correctly, it was the seventh- of my Junior year, and my friends and I were hanging out at our local beach. It was a cool evening as we all lounged around making small talk. 
I had three close friends at the time; Jannet, Kevin, and Aaron. That evening, Jannet and I were each sitting on one side of Kevin as he played his guitar. As we waited for Arin to arrive, we relaxed and watched the sunset. I was daydreaming of being held by a faceless figure when I heard Aaron calling out to us. Kevin paused his playing as we all turned in Aaron's direction. My gaze was immediately drawn to the girl next to him. Her hair was long and wavy, a light brown color that swished with the breeze. Her skin was pale and creamy as it glistened in the sun. She wore a jean jacket over a white tank top with a black mini-skirt and leggings. My breath hitched as I took in her beauty. I continued to stare, not even realizing that they were standing in front of us. 
“Hey, guys! I planned to be here sooner, but I thought I'd bring a new friend along. This is Marissa, she just moved here.” 
Aaron gestures in the direction of Marissa who waves shyly. I was the first to greet her, awkwardly I might add. As we shook hands, we locked eyes for a moment before looking away quickly. I sat back down and invited her to sit next to me, which she accepted. The rest of the evening went on, all of us gathered around the campfire Jannet had started earlier. Night came and we all kicked back, listening to the soft crashing of the waves as Kevin lightly strummed his guitar. Jannet was the first to speak up.
“So, where you from?” Jannet inquired, resting her head on the palm of her hand. 
“Oh, um, I’m from a few states over, uh, Utah to be exact,” I noted how Marissa ducked her head slightly as she spoke.
“Jeez, that’s a hell of a ways from California. Speaking of which, how are you liking it down here so far? Settling in alright; got to see any sights yet?”
“Oh, I’m doing fine, thank you for asking. Um, I actually haven’t got to see much yet, but based on Arin and you all here, I can say that I definitely enjoy the people here.” We all chuckle lightly, and once again Marissa and I lock eyes for a moment.
We quickly look away, and I blush a bit this time. Arin begins to chime into the conversation, " Yea, actually, Marissa's my new neighbor. I saw her caring staff and I stopped by to help. We chatted for a bit and asked if she wanted to come to hang out with us at the beach."
"Well, we're glad to have you here. We're always excited to see new faces," Kevin said as he looked up from his guitar.
" Yeah, and I could show you the best spots on the beach to find shells or we’ve got this great spot where we go swimming. That's only if you like that stuff of course," I ramble and stutter, trying to hide my nervousness. I flushed slightly at the chuckle Marissa gives, but it soon turns into a blush as I realize she smiles softly at me.
"Yea, that sounds nice, thank you, " Marissa shyly looks at the ground as she speaks, a soft pink appearing on her pale cheeks.
We continue talking for a bit, but soon decide to retire home. Aaron offers to walk home with Marissa While Janet gets in Kevin's car so he can take her home. My day is fall as nurses every move as she stands up and prepares to leave. Erin and her both say goodbye to me, and Marissa gives me one more smile before she leaves. I was left standing alone on the beach as I wrapped my arms around myself. I closed my eyes and let the moonlight wash over me as I thought of Marissa and her beautiful days.
A few days go by and discover that Marissa has a lot of the same classes as me. On her first day at a high school, I showed her around the campus and invited her to sit next to me during our classes together. At lunch, she sat with me, Jannet Kevin, and Aaron. Since I didn't have any classes with my other friends, I spent my free class time with her. We grew close, of the sorts, I learned about some of her favorite things and found them to be the same as mine. Each day that passed, the more and more my feelings crew for her. And no time, I had invited her to my house, using the excuse that we could study for our history test the next day. 
That day, it was warm and sunny, as well, I was positively glowing as I rushed home. I expected her to arrive at 4, so I frantically began picking up my house. And the short amount of time between getting out of school and before her arrival, I'd cleared out all messes in the house. My parents are out of town on "Valentine's Vacation", so I have the house to myself. Just as I was fiddling with a vase full of fake roses, I heard a knock at my door and I quickly ran over to open it.
A white smile spread across my face as I greeted Marissa. She gave me a small but polite small smile as I welcomed her inside. I led her into my kitchen and turned to offer her a drink.
"You want anything? Soda, water, chips, whatever I can grab it for you," I try my best to keep my town casual as I leaned against the counter.
"Oh, no thank you. I appreciate the offer though!" Marshall spell case she pulled books out of her bag. She neatly laid out her laptop and notebook on the table as I grabbed a soda from the fridge. Sitting down next to her, I began pulling out my stuff for my bag. For a while, we do not work in silence, my day is occasionally glancing up to watch her. Finishing my homework and sitting there awkwardly, I worked up the courage to start a conversation.
"So the Valentine's Day dance is coming up this Saturday, you, uh, going with anyone?"
Marissa paused in her writing and looked up at me, "Oh, uh, yeah, well no, I mean, I am going, just not with anyone. I figured I might drop by and try to talk to people. I might just end up standing alone in a corner like I normally do, but hey the social interaction might be good for," she laughs nervously as she goes back to her homework.
"Well, you can come with me if you want," at this, her brown eyes light up as she looks at me in surprise.
" I mean, like, we can hang out together. With the others, I know Janet excited, and Kevin playing on a stage that night, though, I don't think Aaron will be there." 
"How come? Does he not like dances? I figured he would since he seems like a social butterfly."
At this, I sighed some, "Yeah, he is, it's just that he went through a pretty bad breakup. He and his ex work together for like what now," I throw my brow and concentration, "four or five years now."
Marissa set aside her homework, the concentration shifting to the story.
 "That's so sad, what happened? Is he doing okay?"
" It's been pretty rough, but I think you'll manage. He's a strong guy so I don't doubt he won't bounce back."
Watching Marissa Brown at this, I decide to change the subject.
"So, you got a dress yet? If not, we can go looking for one tomorrow."
Once again, she looked at me surprised, yet blush blushing as she did so.
"Oh, I really have one, but thank you! That's very kind of you."
" Yeah, no problem, anytime you need anything I'll be here,'' I replied awkwardly.
 "Well I guess it's time for me to go," she gives me a small smile as she stands up, "my parents might get worried."
"Thanks for coming over, this has been nice," I said as I get up and head to the door. In the living room, I open the door for her and as Marissa steps out she turns to me.
"Thanks for today, I'm really excited about the dance now. I really can't wait to see you there."
"Yea you too! I'll see you tomorrow," I cheerfully say as she leaves. As I closed the door, I could feel my face heat up. The rest of the evening was then spent picking out the "perfect dress and makeup" for the dance.
The rest of the week went by, both simultaneously feeling like the fastest and slowest week. Before I knew it, Saturday it arrived. I spent the day preparing for the dance. Hours and hours were spent making sure I looked nice. I wore a pine green formal dress that had a fleece skirt and gold flower pattern on the torso.
Despite never being any good with heels, I wore open-toed, platform heels that were the same color as the dress. My heels made me feel tall, my dress slender, and the dark green eyeshadow making my eyes light up. To say the least, I felt stunning and beautiful. 
The dance was to begin at six so about five-thirty I walked out of my house and got into my car. I drove to the flower shop in town and picked a bundle of tulips, Marissa's favorite flower. Then, I headed to the high school. A few of you people were already there as I arrived. I saw Kevin's van in the parking lot and figured the others were here already.
"Hey guys, need any help with anything?" I said whole climbing on stage.
"Nah we got it, thanks though- Oh! You look so pretty!" Jannet excitedly exclaims as she envelops me in a hug.
"You too! That purple looks awesome on you. Jay's gonna love it." Jay was Jannet's at the time and eventual husband.
"Aww, thanks," Jannet looked at my hands and gasped some, "Who’re the flowers for?"
My face heated some as I stumbled to explain myself. 
"Oh, well, Marissa said that she was coming tonight and didn't have anyone to come with so I thought she might like them."
Kevin looked up from his guitar, a smirk on his face as he spoke, "You're smitten with her aren't you?"
"No, well yes, but really no. You understand what I'm trying to say right?" I spluttered as I spoke.
"Oh yea I do," he said as he looked back down at his guitar, " you adore her."
We all laughed a bit, then I realized, 
"Hey, where's Aaron?"
"Oh, he said he refuses to come. To heartbroken, because tonight he planned to do something special with Erica," Jannet said exasperated as she looked around.
"What did he have planned?" Kevin asked, his eyebrow quirked up at Jannet.
"He said he was going to go take her to our swimming area and set up a "romantic dinner and swim" night or something. Now, he's going to sit at home on his ass and sulk."
"That sucks, I wish he was here so we could cheer him. I talked to him before I felt the house and he seemed happy about something. I asked what was up with him and he said he'd tell me later. So, I think he'll be good, if not a little heartbroken," Kevin gave me a reassuring smile as he spoke.
"Alright, if you say so," I smiled. The evening went on and more and more people arrived. We grabbed a table and ate finger foods as others danced around us. Jay had arrived so he and Jannet gushed over each other while I looked around for Marissa. Finally, she walked through the door, looking as stunning as ever. My breath hitched as I stared, her long, brown hair shimmered under the gym lights. Her red dress, which fit snugly around her, showed all her curves, and her bright red lipstick against her pale skin made her glow.
Jannet nudged me, causing me to turn away. She thrust the bundle of tulips into my hand and told me to go greet Marissa. Quickly, I got up and walked over to her as she peered around.
"Hey, glad to see you made it!" I said politely.
"Thanks, oh, where did you get those?" Marissa pointed at the tulips in my hands.
"Oh, um, there for you actually. I figured without having anyone be with you, you might want them. I mean everyone needs something for Valentine's Day," a blush crept into my face as I spoke l. Marissa stood there surprised for a moment.
"You remember, oh my god. Thank you," after saying this, she embraced me in a hug. 
One I took, and gave, with no hesitation. We lingered for a moment, my heart racing as the seconds went by. Parting, we laughed nervously and shyly looked away.
"Shall we go to our table?" I asked, finally looking back up.
Locking arms together, she looked at me, "Why of course, lead the way." 
At the table, I introduced her to Jay and Kaleb, Kevin's boyfriend, and we all sat around talking. After some time, they were ready for Kevin on the stage. Taking a deep breath, I turned to Marissa and asked,
"Do you wanna dance?"
She paused, a glass of coke lying on her lips. Jay and Jannet looked at us excitedly. Noticing them, Marissa snapped back to focus and turned to me, "Um, sure, I'd love to."
Taking her by the hand, I led her to the middle of the gym floor. Kevin began to play a cover of Joji's slow dancing in the dark. I slipped a hand around her waist, my other related gently on her shoulder. Her hands did the same, and as she did so a tingle danced up my spine.
Our eyes locked, as they did so much it seemed, and we danced. Slow movements and nervous shuffles as we made a slow turn in a circle. Our gazes never broke, and the longer we danced, the more I wanted her close to me. Those bright red lips on mine and my hands tangled in that soft, brown hair. I wanted to hold her and be held by her. I practically yearned for it with my pleading gaze until finally,
"Do you wanna get out of here? I'd love to talk to you, in private." My voice was heavy and low, my heart racing.
"Yes," her reply was soft, airy, and if I guessed right, excited. We walked to the table and grabbed our stuff, not even waiting to say good-bye. We quickly left the gym and headed to my car. She didn't question anything, just climbed in as I fumbled with my keys.
I pulled out of the school and began to Dr. My head was spinning with the thoughts of her and all the things I wanted to say. My Daydreams were interrupted when I heard Mercy speak, "Where are we headed?"
Her words were still soft and Airy, and as I looked at her, her gaze was glossy.
"Somewhere special, I think you'll like it," I replied as my heart began to race more. 
Headlights of other vehicles through light on us, reminding me each time of Marisa's brilliance. Finally, we arrived at the beach. She stared at me, puzzled but amused nonetheless. We got out, and hand in hand we walked.
The sky was clear, giving us a perfect view of the moon as its light shimmered down, illuminating us and the ocean. I looked over, and I felt my knees go weak a little. Marissa was practicality luminescent, a shining star all on her own.  We reached the middle of the beach before I turned to her.
"I wanna show you something, down by our swim area. There's a place where only I know," I held her hand lightly as I led the way. Past clusters of rocks and dense areas of trees, we made it to our "secluded beach". Only my friends, I and then Marissa knew of it. We stopped briefly to admire the place and its beauty before moving on. I approached a series of clustered rocks, more jagged than others, and took my heels off, setting them down, I began to climb. I turned around to find Marissa standing hesitant while she stared at the rocks.
"Don't worry, take your heels off and me. The path I'm taking is safe."
She did as I said without question, and began following my lead. Finally, we reached the top and found ourselves staring at a small beach surrounded by beautiful shrubbery. I helped Marissa as we climbed down, reaching the bottom with a huff. I led her to the middle of the beach and gazed up at the sky. Marissa looked at me, and I gazed back at me. 
Before I knew it, I had her in my arms; I think I was just as surprised as she was. I tried to apologize and pull away, but she held on, and so I held on. Together, we stared at the beautiful night sky. Yet, it felt like we were the only stars that mattered. For seventeen year old me, I felt as if I had leaked and found Nirvana. 
I held her tight, feeling a wave of joy because it was the closest I had gotten to my dream. Even though it was night, I could still feel light dancing all around us, illuminating and making us shine. Taking a deep breath, I began to spill all of my thoughts and feelings. 
"Marissa, I," pausing, I took a moment to gain my composer, "When I first saw you, I was stunned. You are magnificent, a dream to me. From the first moment we looked locked eyes, I was captivated. Your beauty, charm, everything you do amazes me. I know, it's only been a few days but something about you crossed me towards you. You're wonderful, everything that I could have asked for."
Looking back, it was stupid to conjure up so much for someone I'd only known for a week. I thought I knew her, so I guess that's why I continue to put on with my speech.
" I adore you, Marissa, all of you is wonderful. Your voice sets me at ease, your eyes Dazzle like light and guide me to you. When I see your soft pink lips, I want them on mine, and every time we're on this beach, I want to hold you near me. I like you, Marissa, a lot, and I want to spend each day holding you as the sun sets on the speech, I love you."
By the time I finished, my heart was pounding and my breathing was Heavy. I'm on my past, then a minute, and Dunn Canyon on without a word spoken from her. After a few minutes, I spoke up,
"Marissa, I'm sorry I said something wrong, but can you tell me if I did? Please, just say anything. I just need to know what you're thinking, please."
I finally turned to look at her, and I was startled to find her staring at me. Those beautiful eyes that were once so bright seemed so dull and empty. Shocked by the side, I began to pull away but was suddenly pulled toward her again. Before I had time to say anything, she slammed me to the ground. I could feel the wind being knocked out of me, and all at once, I was met with shock, confusion, and fear. 
Marissa's hands, which I had yearned for her to hold me with previously, or now wrapped tightly around my throat. Now, my heart was racing for a whole new reason. I struggled, squirming in the sand like an upturned crap. A pressure group in my head as streaks of light appeared in my vision. She sat on top of me, keeping my legs pinned. My arms though were free and in my panic, I had a moment of clarity. I punched her in the nose, the contact making a sick crunching noise. This startled her for a moment, causing her to lose her grip.
I took this moment to hit her square in the chest, causing a gasp to escape her throat as she let go of me. Shoving her off of me, I started to gasp and pant as oxygen flooded my lungs. More colors appeared as I got up. Stumbling, I got to my feet and in a rush of adrenaline and kicked at Marisa's head, hoping this would buy me time to getaway. At that moment, all romantic feelings had faded and were replaced with anger, fear, and an overwhelming sensation of despair. 
I took off, only taking a glance to make sure she wasn't following. In my rush I hadn't focused on where I was headed, my only thoughts being on escape. Releasing my mistakes, I stopped, I was in unfamiliar territory, a place, not even I had. I was on a deserted beach, and I was struck with terror, realizing that no one would know where I am. I stayed quiet, hoping to hear voices or cars, but it was to no avail. Instead, I was met with a new terror, Marissa calling my name.
Her voice was friendly and playful, it made my stomach twists and I thought I was going to puke. Looking around the area frantically, my eyes landed on some dense Shrubbery surrounded by rocks. I hurried over and climbed inside, finding to my horror, a stream of water and in it, pressed against some rocks, with Aaron's body. He floated there, only a few feet from me. I shoved my fingers in my mouth and bit down, trying to suppress my screaming in tears. I closed my eyes, but it was no use, I could – and still can to this day-  picture his glassy gaze and the deep gash that lied on his forehead. For the rest of my life, I will see that image every time I think of him I see those eyes like dead fish.
A sob escaped me, and I laid my head on my knees as reality hit me. Marissa was going to pick my friends and me off one by one that day, or at least kill me and flee. At that moment, I was furious, not just Marissa, but at myself. I should have never told her how vulnerable Aaron was after his breakup. It made sense now, it was a game of pretending for her. Faking feeling sorry for Aaron, getting his hopes up at the promise of love, and luring him out here to kill him, and then she was going to do the same to me.
I didn't have any longer to think about it before I was shoved to the ground again. Once again, Marissa climbed on top of me, this time a large Rock in one hand, the other against my chest. Her legs held my arms down, rendering them useless. I didn't want to die, I was afraid, afraid that I'd have the same glassy gaze as errands. The mental image of his body floating in the water was enough to give me the push to fight. Add Marissa's Armstrong down, I used all my might to jerk my body sideways; she lost balance and missed.
I took that moment to jump on top of her. This time, using all my weight to keep her hell down. Like prey becoming Predator, I have the upper hand. As much as I hate to admit it, it felt good, to take control, to have power over her. My legs pinned hers and one of my arms held her shoulders in place. I used my other hand to fight for dominance over the rock. As we struggled, our faces brushed against each other. That pale skin I once thought of as warm was cold like ice, fitting for a cold-hearted killer.
Finally, after several minutes of struggling, I got it. I have the jagged Rock firmly in my hand and turn back to Marissa. Our gazes locked once again, beautiful brown eyes that I once would have gladly drowned in appeared cold and dark. They reminded me of the depths of the ocean, crew and threatening to pull me under Into the Depths where light didn't shine. In my hesitation, Marissa said nothing in their face held no sympathy. She seemed bizarre, like an alien, for she had no emotion at all as she laid under me.
That's what drove me over the edge, her lack of remorse soon became mine. In one fluid motion, I smashed the rock against her right Temple. At that point, I could have dropped the rock and fled for help, but my Fury had a hold of me. Again and again, I smashed the rock against her skull. Hearing her wine and groan as her head crushed, chunks of bone hair and brain smeared on my face and hands, even the pool of blood that formed underneath us didn't satisfy me. Not until her face was unrecognizable and her body went stiff in the lamp, that a deep and cruel part of me was satisfied.
With deep and heavy breathing, I sat up, the rock tumbling from hand. Trembling, I climbed off of Marisa's body and laid in the sand, curling into a fetal position. I closed my eyes and laid there as I listened to the calm ocean waves and let the soft Moonlight cover me like a blanket. I believe it was an hour or so later before I got back up, I don't remember, what I do remember, was the exhaustion I felt. My mind wasn't on as I followed my previous tracks in the sand. It's a blur, really, and unfortunately, I don't remember all the details of my way back. However, I do remember some things in a general sense.
After getting off the beach, I got into my car and drove back to the school. There, Janet and Kevin had been looking for Marissa and me because they believed Aaron to have gone missing. As they approached me, their faces were flooded with terror and someone let out a scream. The next thing I knew, I was in an ambulance and being taken to the hospital. There, I told the cops all that had happened, though at that point all of it felt like a dream. So much so that it took me three days to tell my story, this was due to the hysterical laughing and or crying I faced each time I spoke.
On the fourth day, an officer arrived and sat down next to my bed. I looked at him puzzlingly because I told him everything already.
" I'm detective Smith, there's something I want to talk to you about. During our investigation, we learned some disturbing details about Melissa," he paused for a moment, giving me time to speak, I said nothing and waited for him to finish. Realizing this he continued,
" when going through her home, we discovered she lived alone. Everything seemed normal until we reached the basement where we found a substantial amount of evidence that incriminated her in several murders across the country."
At this, my eyes widened, but I did not speak.
" in several different states, murders appeared each with one thing in common, all bodies were found floating in a body of water. We call these the Adam's Ale Serial Killings, and you appear to be the only survivor."
"How do you know," my voice was hoarse as I spoke.
"We found a series of documents detailing each crime, the victim, and method of the murder." 
At this, I turned away from him and stared at the ceiling. It was heartbreaking to know I was right deep down. I tried to justify Melissa's actions as a mental break or someone forced her to do this, but deep down I knew she was just a monster.
"Also," I glanced at the officer as he spoke, " all charges against you have been dropped since the discover of Marissa being a murder and you were acting in self-defense."
I shrugged his comment off, not caring if I went to prison, and continued to stare at the ceiling. At some point, he left and a nurse arrived to tell me my friends had come to pick me up. I changed into the clothes Janet had brought me the first night that I was there and gathered my belongings. As they drove me home, Janet and Kevin attempted to make small talk with me, which fell flat on my part. As we drove by the beach, I couldn't help but stare in wonder.
That evening, I got into my car and drove to the beach. No one was there, most likely due to it becoming a crime scene. I came upon the cluster of jagged rocks and began to climb. Without thought, I made my way to the secluded beach. I stood there, unconsciously wrapping my arms around myself, watching the sun dance across the water as it set. I thought about everything that had happened thus far and wondered what would happen after.
Soon, night approached and I stared at the Moon as it hung low in full. Eventually, I let go myself and headed back to my car. As I drove away, I didn't look back at the beach, in fact, I never went back. Something changed in me that night, I didn't feel broken or in pieces like most. Instead, I felt something shipped in my subconscious, telling me that I'd be all right.
That night, as I laid in my bed and drifted off to sleep, I was at peace. Despite everything, I knew I would be all right, and that I would move forward each day. As I slept that night, I did not hear Marisa's soft voice or see her bright brown eyes in my dreams. Instead, my dreams bore nothingness as the moonlight glistened down on my figure, promising not just the next day, but for me as well, a new tomorrow.
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ladymelissaduthe · 4 years
Challenge #2
aka The Fic Where Arin Gets Stuck With Missy In An Inescapable Location (voluntarily) and it goes bad
a/n: just had to churn this fic out BHJNJSDBJD and all I can say is... Missy sweetie, I’m sorry. Thank you Anna @arin-schreave for this monster of an RP,,, it be spicy JSDKNDJKDN AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA #arinschreaveisoverparty and the other thing I’d like to say is watch out for the next fic ;))))))) (5968 words)
I didn’t know this was going to be the worst first date I’ve ever had.
A note was sent to my room sometime in the afternoon while I was out for a walk in the greenhouse again.
It was a note asking me to meet Arin Schreave at the docks by noon the next day.
It was my first date with Arin Schreave.
I didn’t sleep at all that night, whatever feelings started clouding my head refused to go away, even at the dead of night.
Still, I was determined to show up at the docks, early, give my best smile and hopefully have a nice first date.
From the note, I guessed we were gonna go on a boat for this one. Why else would Arin ask me to meet him at the dock? So I dressed in one of my nicer beach dresses, the kind you save for the nice kind of beach side weddings.
It wasn’t difficult to find the docks, having just asked my maids and a few guards along the way if I was taking the right path down from the palace. It was a good fifteen minute walk to really prepare myself for it, or whatever awaited me at the dock.
Apparently what awaited me was a boat and Arin Schreave on the said boat with a couple of baskets in his hands. We were going on a boat.
I wave my hand, still too far to be heard, but I pick up the pace and get there with a smile. The sound of the water growing as I approached.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Schreave.”
Arin turns around and nods to me, “Good afternoon, Melissa.”
I watch as he gets off the boat and walks over to the dock, and holds his hand out to me. “I hope you’re alright with boats and water.”
“Well, if it’s between you and me, I don’t actually know how to swim.” I reply, pretty sure that I should tell him that first. Just in case. Nonetheless, I had a swimsuit in my bag just in case there were any plans to do anything close to the water.
I give him a smile, trying to make light of my lack of swimming skills. “but it’s not the first time I’ve been on a boat so I wouldn’t worry about it.” I let myself laugh just a little before taking Arin’s hand to get onto the boat. “How are you today?”
“I’m alright, it’s nice to get our of the palace.” Arin replies before letting go of my hand once I’m on the boat.
“That’s good to hear.” I look around the boat. It was one of those small yachts, more than just a boat. I look around, seeing a small kitchenette that lead to where the controls must have been. My eyes go back to Arin. He walks over to one of the deck’s seats and lifts up the cushion and taking out a bright yellow life vest and walks back to hold it out to me.
“Safety first.”
I take the vest, and slip it on. “I have to say though, the vest doesn’t quite match my outfit.” Laughing to myself just a little as I glance over to my reflection on a nearby window. It would have to do for now.
“Yes well, if you fall overboard I don’t think anyone would be concerned about you were wearing.” He says before motioning for me to come into the covered part of the boat.
“May I ask?” I turn back to Arin, “Do you usually get to do this kind of stuff? Get out of the palace, I mean.”
Arin turns to me from where he walked over to, looking like he was ready to pick up a glass.
“I’m sure if I really wanted to I could but recently I haven’t had the time. That being said, I wouldn’t mind more non work related outings.”
“Fair point,” I nod before following him over to the kitchen portion of the boat, “Glad to hear that you don’t actually think of this as a work-related outing. Anything I can help with?”
“Technically I guess it is.” He says before holding up an empty glass and wiggles it in the air for emphasis. “I’ve got it all under control. What can I get you to drink?”
I look at the glass for a moment, considering what I wanted. Did he mean… like a drink… or like… a drink-drink? I settle on the former.
“Would you consider me lame if I asked for water?” I feel a little sheepish asking for that, despite being surrounded by tons of it.
Arin gives me a confused look, “Why do you ask?” he bends down to pull a water pitcher from the fridge and filling the glass, holding it out to me.
“Thank you.” I blink, taking the glass from him. “It’s nothing. I just… usually get violent reactions about… always asking for water.”
I roll my eyes at an old memory, someone always insisting that I’d probably like other drinks if I didn’t just keep on drinking water all the time. Come on Missy, don’t you drink anything else?
“Well…” Arin trails off before walking up to the helm of the ship to grab a glass, quickly returning with a glass half full of water. “I did say safety first and I meant it.” He raises an eyebrow at me.
I take a sip from my own water, and raise my eyebrow back at him.
“Didn’t quite expect safety first to mean that.” I say before shaking my head with a small laugh.
“What did you think I meant?” he takes a sip as well, giving me a curious look.
I gesture to the bright yellow life vest, the one that was complete tacky with my dress, clearing my throat. “This?” I let another a laugh out before looking over to the water.
“Is this boat headed anywhere in particular?” I hold my glass to my lips.
Arin nods. “Everyone has to be safe aboard L’etoile de mer. Those are the rules.” He sets his glass down on the counter. “We can go anywhere you like.”
L’etoile de mer. I think I knew what it meant.
I furrow my brows, “This boat is called The Starfish?”
He nods, “Yeah, it is.”
I think I catch him smile slightly at that.
Well… this was going pretty smoothly.
“Sounds a little different from how they say it back in Orleans.” I muse, while looking over to him. There was a local restaurant with the same exact name, Starfish themed decorations all over the walls. “El-toiLe day Mare.” I say it, emphasizing how we pronounced it over in Orleans.
“You speak French?” He raises his eyebrows when I say it.
“Conversational Louisiana French,” I bobble my head, smiling to him. “Kind of the broken more localized version of it back in Orleans. Didn’t quite put it in my application since I thought y’all were gonna quiz me on it or something.”
Couldn’t quite say that I was fluent in it, because I didn’t quite know how to write it. More like phrases and expressions passed down generations of natives of Orleans. Not the fancy un deux trois they’d teach you in schools.  
I laugh to myself at that thought, looking back to Arin.
“Oh,” his face turns into a slight frown, “Honestly? I didn’t actually read through any of the applications.” He tenses at the end of that sentence.
I instinctively raise a brow, “So you didn’t really know anything about me when we met?” I add a smile, making sure to let him know I wouldn’t feel offended if he said that.
“Nothing. Why? Should I go back and read it?” he crosses his arms.
So he didn’t know… much other than my name… Well, this was a good opportunity to introduce myself again.
“No need to, I can summarize it myself.” I clear my throat and straighten my back.
“Hi, I'm Melissa, Missy for short. I'm 20, I plan and coordinate weddings for a living in Orleans. I only read and write in one language and that's English.” I try to wrack my brain for anything else I placed in that old application I filled out more than a month ago. “Huh, I think that’s everything on the form.”
A part of me thanks whoever made that form for not including past relationships.
Arin nods, “Well, I’m afraid I don’t have any application to summarize for you. But I’m sure Joogle would tell you all the same stuff and more.”
Come on, Arin… I was throwing you a bone to talk about yourself.  I always thought I was good at conversing with other people, and well, this was an easy way to get to know other people.
“Joogle talks about facts, not exactly what a person is like when you’re face to face with ‘em.” I sip from my water, sending him a curious look.
“Facts are important.” He gives me a pointed look. “Facts tell you the truth without caring about people’s feelings. I’m sure Joogle could give you much more straight answers about me than I ever could.”
Is.. he not used to talking about himself?
“Alright,” I look to him, still feeling a little hurt at that pointed look. “I guess I can Joogle something like, ‘what are things that make Arin Schreave smile?’”
Maybe I used the wrong tone for that. It was a joke to get him to lighten up a little bit.
Instead, I got the opposite.
“And unfortunately for you, you’d find out I’m too serious for my own good and I don’t know how to have a good time.” He stares back at me for a moment. Then he picks up his water, downing his water and setting it down with a clink.
I set my glass down.
That was… cold. My Grammy told me, if someone seemed like there was a thorn in their sides, it was always better to ask if they were doing alright. No matter what, trust your gut when it seems like something was wrong with someone. Ask them if they were alright.
It seemed like there was something worry about at what he said. Maybe… he was feeling stressed over something. What could possibly go wrong when you ask someone if they are alright?
“Arin…” my brows furrow, “Do you need to get something off your chest? Someone to talk to?”
I think I made a mistake asking him that.
All he did was let out a sardonic chuckle.
“Missy, all I need right now is for us to get this date over with. I don’t need a babysitter.”
Missy, all I need right now is for us to get this date over with. I don’t need a babysitter.
I suck in a breath. Jeez, that hurt. Even on a boat and in a life vest, there was a sinking feeling in my chest, and I couldn’t stop my hands from wringing each other.
“At least you’re really straightforward.” I reply, wanting to say more. I wanted to tell him… something, but I didn’t know what to say.  
Get this date over… so he didn’t want to be here…
So much for making a great impression during our first date. So much for actually having a chance of staying.
“Thank you for being honest.” I think I started feeling a lump form in my throat.
Arin shrugs then steps away from the counter.
“We should get going.”
He watches me for a moment before turning and walking to the helm, out of my sight for now.
I try to take another breath, trying to wish that dreadful feeling from my chest and throat. This sinking feeling. This lump in my throat. I reach up to swipe at my eyes, getting rid of the tears starting to form there. No one likes people who cry.
Come on, not all hope is lost.
Jackson told me that Arin was kind, this was just a bump in the road. A misunderstanding.
I take another moment to breathe, to regain my composure, making sure not to feel bad for myself, or at what he said before following him to the helm.
He was going around, turning switches on, the motor of the boat coming to life. It took another moment before he glances over to me.
“I need to cast us off.”
I try to move out of his way when he passes by me to get to the other end of the boat to do… whatever casting us off meant.
If he just wanted to get this over with… did he still want to talk?
Asking him if he was alright was off the table, or maybe personal questions in general.
I try to think up of a plan to get him to still talk to me, maybe it just takes some time for him to warm up to people.
I’m left to think about it for a long time, just watching him work around the boat. Pulling and tying up ropes, and carrying what he called buoys to other places on the boat. Not once talking to me… he was just busy with the boat. I tell myself.
But I hated it when I felt like someone was upset and I couldn’t talk to them. So when it seemed like he wasn’t busy steering/driving the boat in the captain’s seat, I tried to make another attempt to talk to him.
“Do you uh… boat often?” I ask, my left hand still fiddling with my ring.
Arin glances between me and the water, continuing to drive.
“Not really anymore. But when I was a kid we used to do this all the time.”
“You and the entire royal family?” I lift a brow at him. I should stop fiddling with my ring.
“Mostly us kids, my mom, and my grandpa.”
I try to talk to him more about it, trying to get him to talk about his family some more but… that conversation went nowhere. Literally nowhere, his attention seeming more focused on steering the boat, or pushing one of the levers that made the boat move faster.
Without meaning to, my hand grabbed the edge of his seat to steady myself. “Whoa there,” I stop myself from laughing, this was getting ridiculous, and I didn’t know what to do to actually keep this going.
Arin glances up at me, and takes a breath. “Sorry, I can go slower.”
“Thank you,” I let go of the seat, and fixing my footing so I wouldn’t topple over at the boat’s movement. “There should be more seat belts ‘round here.”
I suddenly felt the boat slow down, Arin looking over to me in confusion.
“I mean, what if… the boat was going really fast and suddenly stopped? Whoever was in the boat could be… thrown forwards. Just a thought really, when you said ‘safety first’.” I shake my head, dismissing the idea in my head. “It’s nothing. Just a thought.”
The boat seemed have slowed down some more.
“Well,” he seems to have hesitated before saying that, “if the boat suddenly stopped that would probably mean we’d hit something and in that scenario being thrown around could be dangerous, yes, but if something is defective with the seatbelt and can’t get unbuckled…”
I let my lips form a line, and nod.
“Another… unfortunate way to go if ever… that happens. But what’s the likelihood of that happening, right? Well both of those things.” I cross my arms to wrap them around myself.
The boat seems to have made a complete stop.
“We can go back if you want.” He says with a concerned look.
“No it’s alright. You said that you wanted to uh… get this over. Let’s just do this the way you planned it.” I try to give him a small smile, despite feeling uncomfortable. “I’m alright.”
This was fine, just… really awkward… not the way I planned things to go.
Arin shakes his head, “We don’t have to stay out here, Melissa. You aren’t obligated.”
I let out a breath, trying to just try to make the best out of this situation.
“Listen… I was pretty excited to go on this date. Though it hasn’t quite started out the way I would have wanted, I’m not exactly… assuming that this date is already a disaster and a hopeless case.” I lift a shoulder, before adding, “Sorry for trying to pry earlier.”
Maybe he just didn’t want to keep on talking about himself… which completely destroys the idea of a first date… but…
“You an be excited, no one is stopping you. And yes this is technically a date but…” he cuts himself off.
“But…?” I keep eye contact, trying to be as serious as I could be. “Arin, I don’t want to mince words here.”
That’s where I went wrong before.  I needed to know what was going on in that head of his so I could adjust.
“You can’t pretend like we just ran into each other getting coffee and I thought you were smart and cute and asked you out.” I watch him leans back in his seat, before meeting my eyes.
I nod at what he says, trying to understand what he meant to say.
“And yet, circumstance has brought us here nonetheless.” I reach up to rub my neck, while looking away. “I understand... this isn’t... the most traditional way to be on a date with someone. Trust me, I do.”
I think I would have taken the coffee shop option any day, but a part of me felt still clung to the idea of this being the fairytale romance I wanted a second chance with.
I try to make light of this situation again, “If it’s any consolation, I probably would have been the one to ask you out because I thought you were smart and cute.”
Sometimes I hate what comes out of my mouth.
All Arin does is shift uncomfortably and looks straight ahead, taking a deep breath.
I sigh to myself at that, “Sorry, I’ll just… stop talking now and try to not make this any worse.”
I wonder if they were going to let me keep some of my dresses when Arin was going to send me home tomorrow.
Silence. All there is silence from him until he turns to me again.
“Do you like fruit?”
I blink at that, nodding slowly.
“Of course I like fruit. I’m uh… vegan.”
“Okay.” He nods, “We have fruit.”
“Thank you.” I nod back. “Uh, what kind of fruit?”
“Um… they’re in the fridge.” He says before awkwardly standing up to look at me.
Oh thank God, an excuse to get out of here for a bit.
“That’s nice.” I take a step back, “Mind if I check it out?”
“Go for it… I’ll just keep an eye out for other boats…” He’s still standing in place.
“Other boats… Okie dokie, I’ll just be… in the kitchenette.” I take a few steps before wondering if he needed anything. “Do you want anything from there?”
“Uh huh.”
“Um okay? What can I get you?”
“Sounds great!”
He wasn’t listening, I look over to see him crouching from where he was and hiding. He was probably on his phone.
A part of me wanted to be anywhere else. Anywhere else but here, but I was here and I had no where to go.
I move over to the fridge, trying to think of ways to make the best out of this. There had to be something good to come out of this.
Arin is kind, remember that above all things.
He just needed time to warm up…. At least… I thought so.
“What would Grammy do?” I mumble to myself, crouching down to the open fridge door, grabbing some apples and oranges.
Grammy would probably have pushed him off the boat, if he was a normal boy. This wasn’t a normal date, and Arin wasn’t a normal boy. Plus, I’m pretty sure, his bodyguard was somewhere we couldn’t just see him.
I couldn’t do anything but grin and bear this. I signed up for this after all.
Suddenly, I hear the door open and I tense. I signed up for this. My eyes grab a few more fruits before setting them all on the counter. From the corner of my eye, I see him sitting down on the seats close to the edge of the boat’s open area.
“Arin, are there any knives I can use to slice these fruits up?”
Just the sound of the waves.
“Arin?” I call again, to no response. Well I guess I wasn’t going to slice these up. I decide to just wash what I could and dry them before putting the fruits I got on a platter I saw close to the sink, and head over to him at the deck.
“Hey… uh, you didn’t say which fruit you wanted, so I just… brought uh… a sample of each one that was in the fridge.”
He seems to look up in surprise as I walk over.
“Oh… I…” he looks around before looking back to me. “Anything is fine.”
“Okie dokie,” I nod my head.
“I’ll just…” I place the platter on a nearby table close to him, “leave this here.” I curl my lips in before reaching to pick up the sole orange and find a seat not too far from him, but enough space for a bob sled team.
“So… what did you have planned…?” I ask, taking my seat.
He takes his time to look at me for a good moment. Were all my conversations with him going to be this awkward?
“Honestly? I didn’t have a plan. I’m not really someone who dates.”
The boat just sways slightly as the ocean moves the boat ever so slightly up and down.
I just nod at that, my hands peeling my orange. “Same here. I mean… huh… it’s just been a while.”
It’s been seven years, actually. That felt like a lifetime ago. I shake my head remembering that, bringing a piece of the orange to my mouth to shut myself up.
“Well, then at least we’re in the same boat.”  He says before going silent, then chuckling out of nowhere.
I try to not laugh, stifling my own laughter. I didn’t even know if I was allowed to laugh around his presence.
“In more ways than one, I suppose.” I eat another orange slice, nodding once. If he only knew.
Except I didn’t act like a stick in the mud after my fiancé left me.
“Boat for boat?”
“Hm?” I turn to him, slightly confused with what he said. “Sorry I didn’t quite catch what… you said.” More of what he meant.
Arin waves it off and shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it.” He says before running his hands through his hair.
“So you like oranges?”
Why was he asking me all these fruit related questions? Well… talking about fruits was something.
“They’re fun to peel.” I nod slowly before lifting my orange peel, staying in one piece.
“But so are bananas.” He raises an eyebrow at me, leaning over to grab and pick up a banana.
“So you prefer bananas?” I ask, eating another orange.
Bananas… were alright… I suppose.
Good with ice cream.
“The have potassium and you’re less likely to choke.” He says before beginning to peel the banana.
What orange fact did I know??
I lift a piece of my orange, “Fiber and Vitamin C. The peels are nice to turn into candy too.”
“All fruits have their merits.” He then sinks back into the cushions of his seat.
“Yes they all do.”
That was my third… fourth? Conversation that went nowhere.
I look out to the water, finishing my orange, my hands going back to fiddle with my ring. This was nice… the set up… but… it seemed like a logistical nightmare.
“I have a question.” I say out loud.
“Hm?” Arin’s eyes are still closed when he says that, taking a bite and chewing slowly.
“Why’d you choose a boat ride for our ‘date’? I mean… was it… randomized?” I tilt my head, how am I supposed to phrase this. “I’m just… curious with what the logistics behind this whole… process is like.”
Arin opens his eyes, finally looking over to me, blinking at the sun’s brightness “I didn’t pick it, it was picked for me. So I don’t really have an answer for you on how or why.”
I feel my brows furrow when he says that.
“So that’s why you’d wanna get this over…”
I suppose I was just another name to check of whatever list they had.
“No,” he says, eyeing me cautiously. “I said I wanted to get it over because there’s no point in treating this like it’s a normal date.” His eyes glance down to the banana in his hand. “But for what it’s worth, the boat was a nice touch. I’ve got to hand it to them.”
Easy for him to say that.
“So how do you want to approach this then?” I prop my head on my arm, looking over to him. “An extended lunch meeting?”
I think I wanted this date to be over more than he did, but I still badly wanted to stay… in the Selection. But this Selection wasn’t the fairytale I was hoping it to be.
“We could, but something tells me that’s not you want.” He looks back to me, and raises his brows.
Oh he was concerned with what I wanted know.
“From what I reckon, the two of us had very different expectations from this.” I lift my shoulders and dust my hands. “I’d rather negotiate with how we’re going to go about this ‘date’, just to make sure I’m on the same page as you are.”
I felt tired, having to play mental gymnastics trying to make sure things were going well. Might as well ask him what he was expecting to manage my own.
“So then, negotiate.” An amused but expectant look appears on his features before he takes another bite of his banana.
I can’t believe I was actually making negotiations about this date… during the date itself.
“Alright,” I clasp my hands on the table in front of me. “So do you want me to avoid all personal questions? You definitely seem like I touch a nerve every time I seem to ask a question about you.”
Literally… every personal question ended up at a dead end, or him having snapped at me.
“I don’t see how you could possibly do that.” He finishes his banana and chews it, looking like he was thinking something over.
“Well I could try.” I argue with a sigh, wracking my brain. Saying the first thing to pop up in my head. “Do aliens exist? What’s wrong but sounds right?”
All I get is a look from Arin, as if I was insane.
“You want to talk about aliens? Really?”
He stands up.
I try to not groan.
“It’s better than nothing. Are you gonna try to dismiss every single thing I try to suggest to you?” I meet his eyes, wanting to say some more choice words, feeling myself tense.
“What do you want from me, Melissa?”
For the nth time, people call me Missy. Could he stop calling me Melissa?
I feel my brows knit.
“I don’t even know what I really want from this, from you.” I admit, blinking a couple of times. I didn’t know what I wanted from this anymore, now that I’m here.
I came here because I wanted to fall in love with someone again.
I stand from my seat, and head over to one of the rails, leaning over to watch the water. Was it too much to ask for another chance?
I hear Arin move around, and I can’t help but not ignore my left hand twisting on my ring.
“What exactly were you hoping for? A whirlwind romance?”
I just wanted to feel the butterflies in my stomach firsthand again. I missed… that kind of happiness.
The attention of the Selection felt good at first.
Daniel must be kicking himself. I heard my mama say to me one day after my name was announced.
The only person kicking themselves right now was me.
I think I wanted to cry right now.
I turn to Arin, “Something like that, yes. Guess fairytales about this whole Selection thing just really do stay in those books.”
I grew reading about the previous Selections, almost knowing the names of every girl who was picked as The One in the Selections past. I studied them since people wanted weddings like those.
America, Alize, Annelise, Eloise, Danielle. They all seemed happy in their wedding pictures.
“I think you mean fairytales in general.” I hear Arin step closer, and I catch him shove his hands in his pockets from the corner of my eyes.
“Between you and me, I thought this was my second chance with the whole fairytale schtick.” I shake my head, the thought of Arin and fairytale romance? The more time I spent with him, the more those words disassociated themselves from each other.
“Well then, it seems like you and I are very different people.”
I think out loud, “Surround yourself with happy couples on the road to happily ever after every day.” I lift my shoulders.
For all the secondhand butterflies I’ve had from weddings, there was always the tiniest pang of jealousy. I could have had a day like that. Why didn’t I deserve to be that happy?
Maybe a part of Arin wondered that too.
I wait a quiet moment and debate if I should ask Arin something about his own expectations out of this.
“What do you want out of this, then?” I look to him. This date was already going up in flames, might as well try my best to make sense of it, and this whole Selection experience. “I mean this whole Selection.”
He wanted nothing.
For someone who had a say in this, that was a pretty sad answer.
I wait for a beat before I nod my head once.
“You’re less likely to be disappointed then.” I reply, pushing back some of my stray hair blown by the breeze.
“Maybe you’re right. But I think I’ve only been disappointed more.” He says walking to the railing to my right and leaning against it.
I move a little to give him some space, but look over to him.
“Even without expectations, this isn’t exactly how you thought this was gonna turn out, huh?”
I wondered what he genuinely expected out of this? Make his ex jealous? Find a rebound?
“This was never part of the plan.” His eyes stay on the water as he says that, looking like he’s thinking. I leave him to his thoughts so I could go over my own.
With what he’s been saying… with how’s been acting towards me… it made me really question: What was his plan…
“This was my grandpa’s boat.”  
“Was King Raja the one who named this the L’Etoile de Mer?” I ask.
Arin looks to me, “No, he wasn’t. I never really knew him. I mean my mom’s dad.” His eyes go back to the water.
“Do you wish you knew him?” My eyes don’t leave the water either when I ask that.
He stays still for a moment before he shakes his head. “No, I don’t.”
I nod my head at that. “Then it’s not much of a loss on your end.”
The idea of not knowing your grandparents was sad… at least if it was me.
“I was mostly raised by my grandparents. I wouldn’t know what I’d do without them.” I share, while we were on the topic. I mean I was raised by my mama and daddy too, but they had me when they were young.
Grammy and Pappy felt... more like parents to me.
“Well, then yours were much better people than mine were.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” I wanted to ask why it seemed like that to him when he was the one who brought up his grandfather.
We’re back to our regularly scheduled silence in between conversations, until I see him move away. Maybe he was going over to the controls to bring us back. No, he was staying in one place.
I turn to him, before I realize that he was actually unbuttoning his shirt.
I feel heat rise to my face, and I turn back to facing the water. For good measure, I place my hand to cover my peripheral vision from seeing him. “Uh, sorry.”
“I forgot.”
“Well, uh?” I blink, peeking to see him having dropped his hands to his side. The heat from my face not going away. “Is it safe to swim around here?”
“It should be. Why? Are you worried I might feed you to the sharks?” I see his brows raise at me.
“For all I know, that’s how you plan on eliminating me.” I look over the water again. If he was going to insist on swimming around these parts. “Can you teach me… how to swim…?”
“I promise you that I didn’t murder anyone who has been sent home so far.” His fingers go back to his buttons. “I’m sorry?”
My eyes widen before spinning on my heel to turn back to the water.
“Sorry.” I cover my line of sight to his direction again with my hand. “I suppose I’ll just float with this on… if ever.” Was he really going to swim? In OPEN water?
“You can learn how to swim but I don’t think the open ocean is the place to start.”
I snap my fingers with my free hand, “Fair point.” My other hand was still up to cover myself from seeing him. “Sorry we can’t go swimming right now.”
“Who knows, maybe there was a hugry shark down there and you just saved us both from being eaten.”
I peek over to him, was that… the hint of a genuine smile?
“Safety first on the L’Etoile De Mer, right?” I reply, still eyeing him… and that smile.
He laughs, “Well in less than a day you’ve already learned something my mom hasn’t learned in 50 years.”
I give him a look, sort of weirded out at him laughing.
“And that is?”
“That safety is very important.”
I can’t help but let a laugh out at that.
“Hard to believe that your mother wouldn’t think of safety as important.”
Arin blinks at that. “I’m guessing you haven’t met her yet.” He says before looking out to the water again.
I shake my head. “She’s away, isn’t she? Some tour abroad, right?”
“Oh,” Arin frowns, “I meant my mom. I don’t call the queen mom.”
I look away in my embarrassment. “Oh… sorry. I thought... you called both of them... I mean... your mom and the queen... uh... mom. Sorry.”
That was… a stupid assumption.
“No, the queen isn’t mom.” Arin explains as he leans back against the railing. “Mom is the princess.”
“Duly noted.” I reply, mentally kicking myself
A massive sigh comes from Arin.
I sigh mentally to myself. This date couldn’t already get any worse.
I was almost certain I was going home soon, and the only bright side to it was that I wouldn’t have any more painfully awkward conversations like this with Arin Schreave.
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brookelynnsanders · 4 years
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Anti Cool Girl - The last fall
A/N: here we go - @arin-schreave​ and Brooke’s first date. Thank you anna for this ridiculous rp and thank you @evalinkatrineberg​ elise for being an amazing beta. Also the title is a reference to dodie’s song cool girl - enjoy!
Cold water trickles down Brooke Lynn’s lean frame, washing off the accumulated sweat sticking to her heated skin. The aching in her thighs spreads towards the hollow of her knee - the water unable to soothe the sting. Luckily it cools down her boiling thoughts. She takes in a moment of silence just for herself. No wary eyes, no protocols to follow, and no time to kill. So she just keeps on breathing and counts each droplet gracing her skin. Delaying the inevitable moment of having to leave her little chamber behind. Not ready to face her upcoming date. 
“Lady Brooke, did you fell asleep in the shower again?”
The blonde automatically groans at the sound of her maid’s nagging voice. Can’t I have a quiet second for once?
“No, I just don’t moan when I pleasure myself in the shower”, the woman shouts while stepping out of the shower. Her calm interior is now completely destroyed - her defense mechanism filling its space. At least her comeback urged Brita to fall silent. Giving the blonde some last few moments of peace.
So Brooke quietly wraps herself in a fluffy towel and tries to shoot herself an encouraging smile in the mirror, which ends up being a hopeless grimace. Her stomach slowly ties itself into a knot at the prospect of the upcoming hours. So she focuses on drying off her body instead, watching each droplet either moisten the towel in her hand or glaze over the floor. Afterward, she squirts some pomegranate scented body lotion into her palms and carefully slicks up her limbs before wrapping herself into a baby blue silk robe. With a deep breath, still very wet hair, and a polite smile on her lips, she steps outside into the arms of her personal headache.
 Sandra, one of the mute maids, grabs the blonde’s arm tightly and leads her towards the vanity - seemingly in a hurry to get the woman ready. Once Brooke Lynn's bum touches the chair, all of her maids are already over her. Prepping her skin, teasing her hair, and painting her face for the big event. 
The speed of her maids awakes an unsettling feeling in the blonde who's heart starts to beat a bit faster. Her palms glitz with sweat as Brita keeps on muttering about Brooke's unmanageable hair. Blue eyes stare back at a strange figure, surrounded by buzzing bees, as she attempts to keep her calm. A deep breath in and a deep breath out.  
Yet once Brooke is shown the outfit prepared for her, she just knows. This will be her downfall. 
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Brooke Lynn walks up to the front steps 10 minutes early for her date. The note she had received two days ago is held in her left fist. Opening and closing around the royal paper, fidgeting to calm her mind. Already imagining each worst-case scenario she can think of. Yet still unable to stay in her room any longer - the hustle wrecking her nerves. So she lets her gaze wander around and lets out a deep breath - relieved that no one is present. Her fingers scratch her light brown breeches, attempting to get used to the tight fit of them.
"Lady Brooke." 
A slight shiver runs down the woman’s back at the voice onset of her date. Not mentally prepared to meet the Prince so suddenly but within a blink of an eye, she spins around and puts her crumbled invitation into her vest’s jacket. Her face sporting a very neutral look. "Your royal highness." Luckily she remembers her manners. 
"Shall we?" Prince Arin asks with a slightly forced smile while he motions in the direction of the stables. Dressed in equally flattering clothes as Brooke Lynn. 
Brooke Lynn's blue orbs widen at the reference, having hoped she could delay their departure to the stables a bit. But sadly that isn't the case, so she just clicks her tongue and side-eyes the prince while mumbling "We shall." Her confidence not quite yet at the forefront.
 "So... How have you been?" 
Awful, thanks for asking. 
Brooke settles with, "I am not dead yet, so can't complain, "  and a subtle wink. 
"Well, I'm glad we set the bar really low here at the palace," he counters with an ever so slight eyebrow raise. Not as amused by her comment as she is. 
"No offense, but my bar for this entire experience is very low." A little giggle colors her voice. "I didn't even personally sign up so I have zero expectations."
After a brief pause of awkward silence, she realizes that her prior statement might have sounded a bit rude. Even though it's just a factual truth. "But that only means I am pleasantly surprised all the time," the blonde hurriedly adds, not wanting to ruin the date before it has even properly begun. 
“At least you can find some positive things in this whole situation.” The two keep on walking in silence, each a prisoner of their own thoughts. Yet once the stables are in their sights, the Prince speaks up again. “Do you like horses?”
“I am actually terrified,” Brooke answers honestly for once. The woman attempts to keep her cool though, not wanting to look like a scared 3-year-old, but her shaking hand betrays her.
 The prince slows down his walking and looks at her. “Oh, I’m sorry... I didn’t know.”
Brooke Lynn stops for a second and closes her eyes, before plastering a forced smile on her face. The foundation of her walls now fully replaced.  “It's fine. I'll manage - somehow. But if that horse kills me, I'll haunt you until eternity,” she teases him with a cheeky wink.
“You're not really selling it,” he glances over his shoulder, “We can go back.”
“Aren't you the one who is supposed to show me that deep down I've always wanted to be a horse girl?” Brooke side-eyes him with a smirk, trying her best to keep the conversation light. “But seriously, you chose this activity for a reason... So I might as well give it a shot.”
He just shakes his head. “It wasn't actually my idea, sorry.” 
“So you got a little matchmaker advisor who tells you how to find a wife or what?” Another teasing smile graces her lips while she throws her carefully crafted side braid behind her back.  Yet once her glance lands on the horses she can now clearly see, the knot in her stomach tightens.
“No... I have a mother who involved herself and a friend who helped her.”
“So you are a mommy boy?” Brooke asks in a teasing tone and scrunches her nose in amusement.
“Well considering I have two I don’t know else I’d be,” Arin replies with a slow blink.
The blonde can’t help but snort at his response and tries her very hardest to suppress her giggles. “You've got a fair point.”
“Well, at least I can make you laugh.”
“Maybe a giggle or two will come out of those pretty lips when the horse throws me into the mud.” An awkward smile graces the woman’s lips as she peeks into the stables. “Why do they gotta be so Goddamn tall,” Brooke mumbles to herself. Still very intimidated by those animals.
“They ate their fruits and vegetables.” Apparently, she wasn’t too quiet.
“And so did I,” Brooke replies as she looks up at towards the prince, “still I am not that tall.” Her waving hand motions an attempt to highlight her point. 
“Well, you're not a horse....” 
Who would have guessed?
Brooke Lynn rolls her eyes and decides that now is the moment to face her fears and just walks inside the stable. “Let's get this over with.”
“We don't have to do this. It won't hurt my feelings if we don't.” 
He really sounds like a little kid not wanting to go shopping with his mum.
On the tip of her toes, Brooke Lynn turns around and fixates him with termination carved into her irises. “No matter if you came up with this idea or someone else - enough effort went into this and I am very sure my maids would be upset if they see this outfit wasn't but to use.” And she isn’t prepared to get into another fight with her maids. Once the two are truly inside, the blonde looks around, very lost. “So wanna show me what I've missed in my life without horse riding?”
Prince Arin just looks at her and blinks in surprise, and if Brooke isn’t wrong she actually hears him chuckle. “You're asking the wrong person. Horses aren't really my thing.” He mentions casually while he walks towards a stall, already greeting one of the horses.
Brooke Lynn stops in her tracks, slightly regretting having pushed him. “Great precondition,” she mumbles to no one in particular.
“There's still time to back out.”
She has him pushed him so far that there is no way to back down now.
“And not watch you crash and burn with me?” Her left eyebrow raised in suspicion as she turns towards the stall gate, taking in the horse nearest to her.
Arin leads the way inside so Brooke Lynn just cautiously follows him trying her best not to use any sudden movements so she won’t scare the horses. At least that’s what she tells herself. Cautiously she rolls her shoulders and straightens her back - not wanting to look too intimidated.
The gate is being pulled open by the prince who then gently tugs on the reins of a tall light brown horse that walks out. “You ready?” Raised eyebrows clearly worried about the woman’s reaction. 
The overly nervous woman inhales a deep breath and gifts the man her best smile, refusing to give up on this rocky date already. “Ready as I'll ever be.”
Brooke Lynn’s words are the kickoff to officially start the date. Arin walks around the stable, pulling saddles from left and right and carefully prepares the two royal horses for their ride. As the awkward silence starts to grow, Brooke starts to sort through her brain, pulling out possible small talk topics. 
“So if you are not a horse kind of guy - any other animals and hobbies you prefer?”
“I like fish, I guess. And some other things yeah,” Arin mentions as he walks over to his horse.
“Fish?” That’s specific.”Wanna indulge in me that?”
“I have a fish.” The prince concentrates on closing the belts of the saddle. “And they’re a good source of protein.”
“What's their na-”; Brooke Lynn stops in her tracks as the second part of his statement reaches her consciousness. Within a second her polite smile falls from her face. Replaced by a heavy heart as disappointment oozes out of her being
“Her name is Gillian.” No remorse only confusion plastered on his face.
“That's a nice name,” Brooke Lynn replies with an awkward smile, trying her best to not judge him. But she does.”But like how can you have a pet fish that you cared enough to name... And still, eat fish.” Her brows are furrowed as hurt and confusion mixes in the sea within her eyes as  Arin finishes up the last details of preparing the horses.
“Fish can be friends and food?” He glances over at her as his statement comes out more than a question.
Yet Brooke Lynn’s mouth only falls open in shock. “How can you say that?”
“I um... like fish?”
Brooke Lynn takes a deep breath so she can collect her thoughts and arguments so she won’t lash out at him. 
“But how can you say you like fish as living beings and then still eat them? Like the fish industry is exploiting our oceans and seas while endangering so many species.” With each spoken word she feels a bit sicker as her shoulders and the corner of her mouth hang low.
“I... I'm sorry?” 
How am I supposed to see this man as a potential partner?
“No need to apologize - at least not to me but maybe you wanna look into the issues surrounding the consumption of animals and animal products.” With a deep sigh, Brooke lets the topic go. “Speaking of animals,” her eyes glance towards the regal horse by her side, “how is this supposed to go down?”
“Um... now we just mount.”
“Just mount?” A slight waver in her reveals her helplessness. She hasn’t felt that small in a while.
After being told they need to bring the horses outside first, Brook cautiously takes her horse's reins and waits for Arin to lead the way outside, cautiously looking over his shoulder at her as they go. Which prompts an apologetic smile by Brooke. Once the two get to the pasture he circles around with the horse to face her. “Are you ready?”
“I guess we'll see.”
Arin makes it look so easy the way he mounts his horse so regally and then just looks down at her from his horse. “You can do it.”
With a deep breath, Brooke collects all her strength and puts her right foot into her horse's stirrup and swings herself onto the horse. A victorious smile already presents itself on her glossy lips but soon falters as she realizes that she ended up on the horse facing the butt. Fucking great. 
"Do you need help?" 
"Unless this is the preferred way to ride a horse I guess yeah." Brooke attempts to be very nonchalant, yet a quiet giggle escapes her lips. Too amused by the ridiculousness of the situation. 
And like her knight in bright armor, the prince dismounts his horse and walks over to Brooke. "What can I do for you?"
"Whatever the fuck -" Manners. "Whatever the freak is needed to be done." Her nose scrunches an attempt to hide her embarrassment. 
Arin slightly hesitates before offering his hand to the blonde as he carefully puts one hand on her waist. "Ready?" 
Brooke's vocal cords are suddenly unable to form any words so she just nods and attempts to turn herself around. Yet somehow she miscalculates the curvature of the horse’s back and so she loses her balance. As the blonde realized her mistake it was already too late. Brooke tightly closes her eyes as she tumbles off the horse - fully prepared to hit the ground. But somehow strong arms are able to half catch her in time. After a brief second - which feels like an eternity - Brooke opens her eyes again and stares up at her savior. 
Within a moment his arms are gone and Brooke is back on her feet. "Are you okay?" A hint of concern colors his voice as gives Brooke a quick one over. 
"Yeah, just wanted to test the reflexes of our soon to be King," the blonde adds with a wink, bringing out her usual cocky self. She smiles a bit to herself, glad Arin had been so quick on his feet, before looking back to the horse and taking a deep breath - not ready to give up. "No, seriously thank you," she adds with a look behind her shoulder as she prepares to finally get this right. With a determined nod she mounts her right foot onto the stirrup again and is about to push herself of. However, she freezes for a moment - realizing the mistake she has made switches her Foot. With her corrected position she manages to mount her horse in a swift motion and ends up correct in her saddle. "Not too bad." 
Arin gives her a smile for her victory before adding: "I’m glad you’re okay."
The blonde returns his smile as she watches him go back to his own horse, satisfied with the outcome so far. Until she realizes this is only the first step to actual horseback riding. "Got a coin to start the engine? 
He chuckles at her remark. He actually chuckles at her remark." No, you just nudge her with your foot a little and say - let’s go."
"Okay," the blonde replies very focused on the tasks at the head but still manages to offer a small nod and smile as she nudges her horse. A "let's go" escapes her lips as the regal animal suddenly picks up its pace. 
"Are you okay?" The prince's voice barely reaching the girl's pina as his horse trails behind. 
"So far," Brooke Lynn shouts back as she keeps her gaze ahead - trying her best not to fall off this wobbly ride. Her thoughts suddenly swirling around how the horse could possibly understand her directions. 
"You're still alive, see." An encouraging smile suddenly by her side. 
"That's a plus." Her first genuine laughter escapes her throat. 
"We can be done if you want." 
Brooke doesn't have to look over to see the concern plastered onto his face. Slightly wondering if he even wants to be around her, not really buying his sudden concern. 
"You really sound like you don't wanna be here, but I am finally on a horse - there is no stopping now." With a click of her tongue and a feisty nudge to her horse's rips, she spurts it on to go faster and faster. Craving serotonin to fill her blood. 
"Horses aren’t really my thing." The prince's call nearly lost in the woods. 
Ocean eyes roll at the reveal of his dark secret. "Oh who would have guessed." 
As the trees enclosing her vision move past her and the stark wind cools all her limbs she wonders if that's what true freedom feels like. 
"Not you," Airn voices once he manages to catch up to. "You’re a lot better at this than I am." 
Ohh okay? Maybe we can forget this fish situation. 
“Seems like I have natural talent then,” the girl confidentially exclaims with a big grin.
“Maybe you do.” His voice suddenly getting closer and closer until Brooke can see the other surpass them.
“Are you trying to win a racehorse boy?” She shouts at him, urging her horse to go faster - trying to catch up.
“You gotta earn the horseman title,” she challenges him with a wink as she is at an eye level with him again.
“Last between the two trees gotta bake the other a cake.” 
Within a whirlwind, she passes him and encourages her horse to go even faster, determined to win the race. Her laughter halls through the cool air as the wind plays with her baby hairs. Brooke refuses to look back and she just focuses on the horizon. Her heart and head feel a bit lighter with each added mile between her and the palace. If she just closed her eyes she could pretend she is in her own adventure - not prince who doesn’t want to get to know her trailing along.
The blonde doesn't look back and just takes in the serotonin buzzing through her bloodstream as she comes to the finished line closer and closer. Her head is free of constant overthinking once she reaches the finish line. Yet all of a sudden her horse’s fuse blows and within a second she already greets the grass as her horse attempts to circle the fox in its way. Brooke Lynn’s left foot is still caught in the stirrup once her horse calms down, so she tumbles to the floor and just rests on her back. Kinda in shock, yet glad for her verst as bubbly laughter escapes her chest, patiently waiting for Arin to arrive.
Once his horse stops alongside hers, he carefully gets down and rushes over to her. Clearly worried. Not that he should worry. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, cause I won,” Brooke cheers with her fist raised high, “so this is a wonderful position to cloud watch. You should join me.”
“Alright, Van Grunsven, let's go.” Arin immediately leans down to untangle her from the saddle, wasting no time.
The blonde says a small ‘thank you’ as she scrunches her nose and smiles at him. She completely lays on her back now as she is freed from the saddle and nocks onto the grass next to her. A silent invitation for Arin to join her. The need to share the beautiful sight in the sky with him immense.
However, Brooke Lynn can only feel an expecting look on her skin. Not sure what he wants from her.
“You're free,” he adds after a moment of awkward silence and raises his eyebrows at her.
“Yeah. Thank you,” She repeats confused, petting the grass next to her again while scrutinizing him. “Please don't tell me you also hate cloud watching.”
“I don’t... I just don’t really want to lay in the ground.” He nonchalantly replies with and outstretched arm. Brooke only rolls her eyes and mouths the word wimp but takes his hand anyway. 
In a smooth motion, he pulls her up.  “I’m guessing we’re done with horses for the day?”
With a nod, the girl confirms his suspicions. So she grabs her horse’s reins, ready to walk her way back to the palace, but pets her horse on the head slightly. Still a bit scared of the majestic creature, yet still having found a place in her heart for it. “Thanks for not killing me,” she mumbles lovingly.
Arin shoots her an amused look at the interaction. “Not so bad, huh?”
“Yep,” the girl pops the p and nods, “especially since you owe me a cake now.” Actually really excited at the prospect of a cake just for her. Unable to let it go that she actually won.
“I think you’ll be disappointed,” he says not very convincing, leading the horse towards the stables. The evening sun highlighting a light sweat patch on his horse’s back and neck.
“We'll see - maybe you'll discover your sudden love for baking.” The blonde shoots him an amused look as she walks beside him, unable to really look him in the day due to the blinding sun rays hitting her iris.
“Or burning the palace down,” Arin mutters as a response.  
“That will definitely make it into the history books.”
The prince blinks surprised, seemingly having hoped Brooke wouldn’t hear him. “I’d hope not.”
“It's in your hands,” she replies with a coy smirk before letting her gaze shift towards the closer inching palace. Her smile slightly drops at its sight, not ready to be a prisoner of her golden cage again.
“What’s wrong?”
Hurridly the blonde morphs her phase into a neutral expression, relaxing her furrowed brows and clenches jaw. “Ohhh it's just that I enjoyed the company - I am not really looking forward to being alone again.“ The woman exhales deeply and bites her bottom lip trying to find the balance between being honest and still keeping her walls intact. Not trusting the stranger opposite her yet.
“I'm sure there are lots of people in the Women's Room.”
A polite smile stretches across her lips, not really wanting to share her lack of social contact in this place. Not even remembering the last time she had visited the Women’s Room. Luckily the Prince immediately leads his horse into the stable once they neared the palace. He politely waits until she's inside behind him before he starts to take the saddle off.
Brooke Lynn, on the other hand, simply watches him in silence caught up with her own thoughts but keeps a polite smile on her face. Torn between labeling this date a total disaster and progress in the right direction. Because she didn’t really hate it. But maybe he did?
A ‘Can I’ catches her a bit off guard. It takes her a second before she realizes that he wants her to hand him her horse’s reigns.
“Will you take Skippy back to his stall?” He asks, nodding towards his horse while he approaches hers.
“Skippy?” A bright smile shining on her lips. “Your brilliant idea or did someone else name him?” The girl walks towards Arin’shorse and slowly approaches him before carefully taking his reigns in her hands. She walks him into his stable, careful not to step into horse shit.
“Uh... my mom came up with it.”
“It's actually a really adorable name,” she says, mostly directed at the horse that manages to elicit a small smile from her as well. He also receives a light pet from her before carefully closing the gate and walking back towards Arin.
”Will you take Lou, too?”
Brooke Lynn nods as a response and walks Lou to her stall and gives her a fake evil look before silently cracking up. “Thanks for not killing me Lou,” she mumbles with a smirk.
“So, what's the verdict?”
About what? Ohh the horses, Brooke mentally facepalms.
“I am still alive, so this couldn't have gone better!” The girl exclaims with a smirk and her left hand against her hip. Not deadly terrified of horses anymore, but still in need of a 21-year long break of horseback riding.
“Well, staying alive in a date is always a good standard to have.”
“And if the standard couldn't have been upheld - I couldn't be disappointed cause I'd be dead,” the girl laughs a bit morbid. Either because Brooke stopped caring about looking perfect or because she has gained a concussion over the past few days. Not quite sure yet.
Nervous laughter by her side makes Brooke only crack up more.
“Just kidding. You are too easy to spook.”
“Am I?” He motions for her to follow him as he walks back towards their meet up spot.
“Seems like it at least,” the girl calmly replies, solely focussed on the steps leading towards a side entrance of the great hall.
“Interesting observation,” are his last words before he falls silent, accompanying her. 
Brooke Lynn slowly drags her feet across the path, an attempt to delay the end of this evening. Yet once the two reach the top of the stairs the prince and the girl say their goodbye’s with polite smiles resting on their faces. Both left alone with their thoughts from now on.
Not sure if they’ll see each other again.
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ansheofthevalley · 5 years
Things unsaid. The narrative and framing of Jonsa in 8x01
For a while now, a lot of people have been writing about jonsa scenes and how the tension lies on the subtext rather than the text and how the framing of those scenes help the audience pick it up.
Roland Barthes’ book “A Lover’s Discourse” touches on the matter of romantic language: what we say and what we don’t, what we do and what we don’t do, if we’re the ones desiring someone, or the object of someone’s desire.
(I’ve actually made a meta using Barthes’ book as support for the Tent Scene and its underlying romantic tones in 6x09, but it was on my other blog, which was deleted. If you had the chance to read it, this meta will be similar)
For this meta, I’ll analize their private scene both from a narrative and framing perspective.
This is dedicated to @arin-arryn, for inspiring me to write this. 
Overall, we can distinguish a number of romantic sentiments in the scene, even if they’re part of the subtext. But first, I’ll have to explain the role of a scene.
In a romantic narrative, the scene is a back-and-forth. The two (they’re always two) argue or exchange remarks and they want to prove to the other that they are the ones on the right. They both seek to have the last word. As this is a back-and-forth, neither of the two is above the other; they’re on the same level, they’re equals, but most importantly, they need each other. It’s a confrontation, but neither of the two will leave the scene or submit to the other; it’s a way for the characters to have pleasure without it being physical: it tortures them, it’s perverse, but they will give into it.
For the scene to work, there must be a bait, something that will get the scene started. The bait can either be a) a fact (one affirms it and the other denies it) or b) a decision (one imposes it and the other rejects it). There is no way the tension in the scene can be resolved, there’s no agreement, simply because what’s being disputed between the two is not a fact or a decision, it’s something that lays outside the scene: it’s subtext. So the scene has no object or loses this object (the reason they’re arguing) very quickly. The scene builds in like a crescendo, what one character says reinforces the opposite idea of the other and so on and on. Silence is a powerful tool. It doesn't stop a scene, it strengthens it. There are three possible ends to a scene, all external to the scene's structure:
both characters are fatigued
a stranger arrives
the aggression changes into desire
So, with all of this is mind, let’s analyze the scene.
The scene start with Sansa reading a scroll. Jon knocks on the door and comes in.
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We have a mid-shot of Sansa; we’re meant to see her reaction. Her features are hard. We don’t know the content of the scroll she’s holding, but it can’t be good news. This mid-shot cuts to an over-the-shoulder shot of Jon from Sansa’s POV. This type of shot will be the most used in this scene. A side note: this type of shot is also heavily featured in their scenes in 6x09, 6x10 and 7x01. We’re always seeing them from the other’s POV. It makes the scene dynamic.
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In the next cut, we have another over-the-shoulder shot, this time from Jon’s POV. Also, the bait is introduced.
S: Lord Glover wishes us good fortune, but he’s staying in Deepwood Motte with his men.
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We get a POV shot of Jon. It’s a mid-shot, but we still get to see his reaction. He’s frustrated and angry.
J: House Glover will stand behind House Stark as we have for a thousand years. Isn’t that what he said?
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During Jon’s line, we get an over-the-shoulder shot of Sansa, in which we can see her disagreement with what Jon is saying. They’re both ready to take the bait.
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S: I will stand behind Jon Snow, he said. The King in the North.
So, the scene is set. The bait is already in play and from this moment on we see Jon and Sansa do a back-and-forth. But it’s important to observe how the object of their discussion (Lord Glover) shifts as the scene progresses. With what Sansa say, it’s already clear that the object (Lord Glover) is no longer the focus, Jon’s title is, and thus, they both took the bait.
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This shot is interesting. It’s a wide shot. It helps us see their surroundings, but also the distance between them. Sansa stands up and tries to put some distance between her and Jon. This visual illustrates how Sansa won’t cede in this argument. She’s already made up her mind about this.
As Sansa stands up, Jon talks to her:
J: I told you we needed allies
We go from a wide shot to an over-the-shoulder shot of Jon. Sansa says in a V.O:
You didn’t tell me you were going to abandon your crown
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In the first frame, we can see Jon’s reaction. He looks down then up to Sansa, as he strides towards her, closing the distance between them. From his body language, we can tell he’s trying to reconcile, but his words demonstrate the contrary. Just as Sansa already made up her mind and won’t cede, neither will Jon.
J: I never wanted a crown.
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J: All I wanted was to protect the North. I brought two armies home with me, two dragons.
He comes to a full stop when he says this. He’s planted on both of his feet. He’s sure about the decision he made.
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S: And a Targaryen Queen.
It’s in this shot of Sansa that we realize Sansa was not facing Jon while he talked to her. There is no openess on her part. She rejects what Jon is saying to her. She just doesn’t agree with him. The bait of the scene is Jon’s decision to bend the knee to Dænerys. Jon affirms his decision and Sansa rejects it. The tension lies there. 
It’s also with Sansa’s mention of Dænerys that the bait changes, it goes from Jon’s decision to Dænerys’ presence. Something that caught my eye during this scene is that’s really dynamic and grounded at the same time. The baits might change, we can see that through the dialogue, but the source of the tension of the scene remains the same.
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 J: You think we can beat the army of the dead without her? I fought them, Sansa. Twice. 
Now, they’re both facing each other. But while Jon seems open and relaxed, Sansa looks guarded. She squares her shoulder and has her hands behind her. She looks commanding. From her body language, she doesn’t back down from what Jon is saying.
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J: You want to worry about who holds what title, I’m telling you it doesn’t matter
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Seeing that Sansa doesn’t cede to Jon, he adds intensity to his speech. He tries to make her see that Dænerys is their only chance at survival.
J: Without her, we don’t stand a chance.
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Like I mentioned before, silence is a powerful tool. In this case, Sansa’s silence challenges Jon. Sansa tells Jon, without utting a word, that all that he’s said was for nothing, he will not convince her of his decision of bending the knee to a Targaryen. She’s saying that the subjugation of the North to a Targaryen is not worth the aid she can provide.
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They comunicate in silence. Jon feels temporarily defeated, but quickly changes the focus of the conversation.
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J: Do you have any faith in me at all?
S: You know I do
He does this with two things in mind: 1) he tries to make sure that no matter their disagreements, she still has faith in him, that she still trusts him, and 2) he tries to take the conversation to a neutral place, a place where both feel comfortable and safe. Jon needs to know that Sansa still believes in him, and Sansa needs to feel that they’re still a unit, that Jon is still part of the pack.
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J: She’ll be a good queen. For all of us. She’s not her father.
Since a scene consists of convincing the other, Jon insists with the matter of Dænerys. He’s not as intense as before, he tries to reassure her, speaking softly.  
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Another silence. But she also sighs. She can see that they could go on about this forever, because they just don’t see eye to eye. Sansa’s still not convinced of the new queen, so she deflects.
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S: No, she’s much prettier.
Now, there’s a couple of things to unpack here. At first hand, she’s saying that Dænerys is pretty. But if we pay close attention to her words, she’s basically saying she’s a prettier version of her father. Sure, Dænerys is beautiful, but she’s as dangerous as her father. Sansa has seen it already in the Great Hall meeting with that veiled threat.
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Another silence from Jon. From his body language, we can see he relaxes a bit. He’s probably thinking that that was it. That Sansa finally might’ve accepted that they do need her.
(I can’t remember if I made a post about it, or if I mentioned it in someone else’s post, but I believe part of the drama between the Starks will be due to miscommunication. And we have a clear example of that in this interaction between Sansa and Jon. It’s the things they leave unsaid that they misinterpret).
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S: Did you bend the knee to save the North... or because you love her?
Here, Sansa misinterprets Jon’s silence for him agreeing with her on Dænerys being pretty. Like her “she’s much prettier” line, there are a couple of things to unpack her. It’s clear that for Sansa, this is a low blow. One, it means that Jon might’ve not listened to her and made the same mistake as Robb. If this is true, Jon not only just gave their freedom away, he put his siblings in danger. But if you listen closely, there is a pause between “to save the North” and “or because you love her”. She’s hurt by the fact that Jon might be in love with this foreign queen. Let’s not forget that last season, Littlefinger mentioned to Sansa the possibility of an alliance through marriage, to which she reacted surprised. There was no reason for her to be surprised at this proposition. She’s been trained as a politician. She saw first-hand the importance of advantageous marriages. There’s more than meets the eye when it comes to Sansa’s feelings for Jon.
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Again, Jon doesn’t say a word. But his expression changes drastically. He’s dead serious and never takes his eyes off of her. He slowly raises his head to look her right in the eye, but then, the scene ends.
So having said that silence is used not to end a scene but to strenghten it and that there are only three ways to end a scene, which none of them were used in 8x01. This means that the scene didn't reach its natural ending. The way the scene played out is meant to have the audience ask for more, to leave us wanting for closure. 
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fenvincible · 7 years
Salsa in the Rain (MermArin AU Chapter Three)
I continue to wriiiiiiiite. I wasn’t sure I would actually continue this. But I love this AU and it’s really fleshing out. A huge thank you to writer-grump for bringing the inspiration to the forefront. 
           Dan slept fitfully that night, tossing like a boat on fitful seas. A cold sweat covered his body decorating him in goosebumps. His first drowning playing like a movie behind his eyes. No matter how hard he fought, no matter how hard he pumped his legs and arms he always got dragged out with the current. He felt the tired ache in his arms and legs building like he really was struggling against the will of the ocean. He relived that moment, until the underwater angel saved him, blonde hair spread above the blue eyes like a halo. Before Dan could catch a breath, he was dropped into the submarine. He could feel the panic rising in his chest, gripping like a vice on his heart as the interior of the submarine glowed an eerie red as the warning lights flashed, the shrill alarm shrieking in time to his quickening heartbeat. He struggled to find the oxygen tank. His fingers would barely brush the tank before the integrity of the sub gave, water rushing in. Dan would feel the impact of his skull against the harsh metal of the sub’s siding before struggling to breath as his arms and legs tried to propel him up. He watched over and over as the coast and the beachgoers grow smaller and smaller as he was thrown from nightmarescape to nightmarescape.  
           Finally, after what felt like hours Dan’s alarm went off. His muscles still felt fatigued, as if he really had been struggling to live, his lungs burned as if truly lacking for air. But he rolled out of bed, he showered, had a small breakfast and got in the car to go to school. He did these things nearly on autopilot.
           Dan wasn’t into symbolism. He didn’t look deeper into his dreams or analyze some of the smaller interactions of his day. He left that to Suzy, she was good about divining some of the more spiritual meanings of their interactions and daily lives. But he didn’t need Suzy to help him understand his dream. The message was coming through loud and clear. Dan felt guilty. He knew Arin was sitting alone in a glass case because he felt pity for Dan. He knew that somewhere Arin had a family who was missing him. He knew, in the depths of his heart, that if Arin had let him die then he wouldn’t be stuck in the lab.
           The drive to the college was quicker than normal, and before he knew it Dan was walking into his first lecture of the day. Even graduate level research and the semi-favor of the Dean didn’t keep Dan from having to finish his degree by attending the last of his undergraduate lectures. Thankfully they’re short, sweet and to the point. Dan will be in the lab before long
           Class went quick and Dan practically ran to the lab. He wasn’t sure what caused him to rush but he made it across the campus quickly. He strode into the lab casually, noting that the temperature was a few degrees lower than normal. The boxes he had ordered yesterday were pilled around Dan’s desk, items to make Arin more comfortable during his stay here.
           Brian was in his office, music playing lightly in the background as the man graded papers.
           “No lecture today Bri?” Dan asked as he made his way to his desk.
           “You know the best part of being the Professor is uploading video lectures or calling class when I don’t feel up to it.” Brian quipped, head still bowed as he continued reading.
           “I needed the time off anyway, these kids are shitting me. They didn’t do the readings, didn’t watch the documentary, probably didn’t even attend the lecture and submitted some piece of shit paper that now I have to grade. I have a fucking PhD and can’t get these kids to watch a 30-minute documentary on sea life.” Dan giggled quietly as Brian laid his head down on his desk, clearly ready to go home.
           Suzy was sitting at her desk, typing in a way Dan would only describe as furious.
           “What’s up Scuze? How were your classes today?” Dan asked as he set his bag down at his desk and began shifting through all the items he had ordered for Arin. Suzy only offered a noncommittal grunt as she continued typing.
           “Arin has a streak in his hair a lot like yours. It’s pretty cool actually, his is pink though. Maybe you’ll see it today.” Dan spoke, assuming Suzy wouldn’t really register what he was saying. He’d had full conversations with her in this mood before. It all goes in one ear and out the other until she has the ideas down and out of her. But today wasn’t one of those days. The rhythmic sounds of Suzy’s typing ceased nearly as soon as the words were out of Dan’s mouth.            “Arin?” Suzy asked. “Who is Arin?”
           “The merman, he told me his name last night before I left.” Dan stated, turning to look at Suzy as he leaned against his desk. “He just told me his name and reminded me that he has a life and would like to get back to his family.”
           “He… speaks.” Suzy stated, clearly incredulous. “Not only does he speak. He speaks English?”
           “Ya know,” Dan mused “I didn’t even consider the weight of those statements but yes. He speaks very well. His English is formed and his grammar is fantastic. I mean, I only spoke to him for a moment but it seemed good. His voice is clear, not what you would imagine it’s like, since he’s- half.. fish?” It seemed the merman continually created questions for Dan, scientific and personal.  
           “Do you think he would talk to you again? I want to hear it. I’m sure Terry will want us to run some test on his vocal cords, see how extensive his vocabulary is. We need to assess this information before we share it.” Suzy muttered, running her hands nervously through her hair Suzy’s eyes grew slightly distant as she made a mental checklist of the tests and procedures they would need to run based on the merman’s ability to communicate.
           “He’s very nice.” Dan added, unsure why he even spoke. Suzy usually processed information best when Dan kept quiet and let her think it through. But he wanted to add that information. “I think he understands. At least, he is trying to understand. Yes, I think he will come talk to both of us.”
           Suzy looked surprised when Dan spoke. Curiosity burning bright in her hazel eyes. She nodded, a confirmation to a question that hadn’t been asked. Dan lead the way to the tank, up the set of stairs and to the approximate area of the platform where Arin had introduced himself the night before.
           “Arin.” Dan asked, voice tentative and soft as he prayed the merman would be willing to talk to him more today. “Arin, please come up. I have a friend who would like to meet you.”
           A minute passed, then two. After nearly three minutes Dan and Suzy were headed back to their desks when they heard the water of the tank ripple.
           “Dan?” the voice was soft, melodious as ever.
           The two scientists stopped in their tracks. Suzy was back up the platform before Dan registered the merman had said his name. Dan turned and quickly followed Suzy back to Arin. Crouching on the platform in front of Arin, Dan introduced the merman to Suzy.
           “Arin. This is my friend Suzy.” Dan gestured to the woman crouching next to him on the platform. “I think you would like her, she is a lot like me. She just wants to get you back home where you belong. She’s nice.”  
           Arin took a moment to appraise Suzy. His warm brown eyes took Suzy in. The only noise in the room was the buzz of the lights and the electronic hum of the filter in Arin’s tank.
           “I like your hair.” Was all the merman said, voice still soft. He seemed shy, unsure of what was happening. Dan understood, he felt like the world was coming together and tearing apart under his feet. A truly amazing thing was occurring and he was right at the forefront of it. He was so excited to be here, having a conversation with this stunning, beautiful creature. But with every second that passed Dan knew that it was his fault Arin was alone, torn away from his family.
           “Thank you.” Suzy smiled. “I like your hair too. Dan said your name is Arin?”
           “Arayinphyra.” Arin smiled, glistening pink tail swishing through the water behind him. “It’s royal.”
           “Royal?” Dan and Suzy, questioned simultaneously.
           “Yes. There are many underwater kingdoms, for each kingdom there is a royal family. Though, there are only seven main kingdoms and families. I am the youngest son of the King of the North Pacific, I think that is what you would call it today.”
           “Oh my god.” Suzy sighed.
           “Well holy fuck.” Dan groaned, as he added this information to a mental checklist of things he would need to discuss with Brian later. They didn’t just kidnap a merman, they kidnapped a royal merman. Fuck
           There was silence again, broken up this time by the barely audible sound of Brian’s typing and swearing in his office, still grading the papers that would be the cause of an early heart attack for the man. Dan wasn’t sure how long had passed, him and Suzy sitting on their knees on the platform Arin’s tail occasionally breaking the surface of the water.
           “How can you speak?” Suzy broke the silence, giving voice to a question Dan had been thinking of ever since she stated how odd it was. “Given everything we know about water and vocal cords you shouldn’t be able to speak like this. Not to mention that you speak English fantastically. Better than Dan.”  
           Arin smiled, a glint in his eye. Almost laughing at the sound of indignation that came out of Dan. He thought for a moment that the man clearly enjoyed having the upper hand in this moment, being a source of curiosity for the two humans sitting in front of him.
           “You’re not gonna believe me.” Was all he said. “If you think science will explain everything you won’t believe anything I have to say.”
           Another moment passed, quiet and with a palpable sense of tension handing in the air, as Dan and Suzy puzzled over the situation. They both considered where the situation was leading.
           “You’d be surprised, what scientists can believe.” Suzy said with a thoughtful smile. “Especially when confronted with something as impossible as you, my dear.”
           “I think, according to lessons and what we know, your people would call it the Tower of Babel.” Was all Arin said. He swam closer to the platform, crossed his arms over it and laid his head down on them.
           “There is legend and lore to everything, I’m not sure specifically what your people know of the tower. But in our history the stone was thrown into the oceans, we are still unsure of how many pieces of the stone are scattered throughout the seas. What we do know is that there are seven very large chunks. Over the years we have found smaller pieces in less used areas, some found in the ocean depths we rarely explore.  Anyway, we aren’t sure where it came from. They just say one day the stone came barreling into the waters. They say it turned the entire ocean a deep blood red for days, but I think that’s bologna. Anyway one of my great-great-great somethings was the first to investigate the stone. Hence, royalty. It’s taught that after that we slowly started communicating in different ways. We still have the ability to communicate with sea life, but also this way. The stone instilled in us some knowledge of how to speak. It’s a central part of our culture now. All of the births are performed at the stone, it’s said to give you luck. Milestones take place at the stone. We have several smaller chunks available, one is actually in our home. Some royalty wear pieces of the stone in necklaces, bracelets, or their crowns. My dad has a piece in his crown and my mom wears a small, polished piece around her neck, I wear my piece of stone in my hair. That’s what I know, I’m sure there might be a way for you to explain with science but I’m no scientist. So those explanations are up to you.” Arin finished his tale by showing Dan and Suzy a small hair clip he used to hold back some of his hair. The stone was polished and green, reminding Dan almost of emerald.
           “So wait.” Suzy stated, tone slightly incredulous though she had promised to believe the man. “A magic stone gives you the ability to speak?”
           “No,” Arin rolled his eyes “a magic stone gives us the ability to understand English and Spanish to come degree. There are also stones in the English Channel, the Mediterranean Sea, by China and by France. These stones give those merpeople the ability to understand the languages close to them.”
           “Well then it stands to think that vocal cords and shit developed by either evolution or through part of the magic associated with this stone?” Dan questioned, immersed in his thoughts.
           “I don’t know, that’s for you to figure out science man.” Arin said, a smile playing on his lips. “But, like I said, science can’t explain everything. Sometimes, things just are.”
           “I agree, but I would still like to run some tests if I can have your permission?” Suzy questioned, making sure her eyes were level with the merman’s.
           Arin only nodded.
           “The sooner you finish your tests the quicker I get to go home, right?”
           Dan and Suzy froze, they knew that was the deal they had made. They both knew that was their goal, they didn’t want Arin to be turned into some weird science experiment that would be paraded through politics and the world. They wanted him to be able to go home. Which is what prompted Dan to answer.
           “Yes Arin. I will do everything in my power to get these tests done quickly and get you home before you’re too terribly homesick.”
           The two quickly sank into their work for the day. Suzy wanted some x-rays and MRI’s of Arin’s neck, as well as swabs and samples of the cells there. She mumbled something about Dean Terry needing to order the x-rays and MRIs and do so privately before sinking back into her computer seat. Her furious typing added to the background noise of the lab as Dan began assembling the new filter for Arin. The new filter was the best available. Dan programmed it for the pH he and Suzy had determined to be the healthiest based on readings from yesterday. It would continuously cycle the water, simulate a current and aide in maintaining the salinity of the tank. Dan, possibly out of spite, had made sure to order the filter on the Universities budget, not the grant.
           “Arin, can you help me?” Dan asked the merman as he struggled up the steps with the new filter. “I got you a new filter for your tank, it will be a lot nicer than this one, and quieter. I also have some other stuff you might like. But I need your permission to get in the tank to put this filter in or for you to help me, is that okay?”
           “I’ll do it.” Arin offered. “I’ve been bored anyway. There is nothing to do here.”
           “We’ll work on that.” Dan stated, making a mental note to figure out something for the merman later this evening.
           Dan coached Arin through the installation of his new filter. The merman was smart and quick to learn. Maneuvering through Dan’s instructions seamlessly. Dan couldn’t help but watch, stunned, as he finally got to really watch Arin move. He guessed the merman’s total height to be around seven feet. His tail was most of that, about four feet long. The scales were various hues of pinks, shining and reflecting the light as Arin moved through the water. The tail radiated a sheer strength Dan was sure he didn’t want to be on the bad side of. It cut through the water with an ease Dan wanted to understand completely, and radiated a simple strength Dan assumed the merman would need to move quickly, quietly and avoid extinction.
           “What’s it like?” Dan asked, before he could stop himself. “The tail, I mean.”
           “What are legs like?” Arin asked, in a tone that resembled sarcasm. “You would have a hard time describing walking and legs to me, because that’s all you have ever known. If I tried to describe swimming and having a tail to you, it would be impossible.”
           Dan nodded, somber for a moment.
           “I ordered some stuff you might like. To make the tank feel less harsh. Let me bring it up. You can choose what you want?” Dan offered, hoping that ability to have some say in what his environment looked like would cheer up the man.  
           Arin nodded, a finger twirling in the pink streaks of his hair. Dan smiled before heading back to his desk to grab the many items he had ordered. A variety of aquamarine plant life, different types of rocks and even some lights were the preliminary things Dan had gotten. He wasn’t sure what the man would prefer to have in his space, but he wanted to make it as personalized as possible.
           “What are these?” The merman asked, holding up a set of lights Dan had brought up. He actually hadn’t ordered these, he had gone to the store and grabbed them. The lights, Dan thought, would complement the natural beauty of the Arin’s hair and tail. The light glowed a soft pink and white when turned on.
           “They’re lights.” Dan explained. Turning them on to show how they glowed softly. They cast a soft light onto the merman’s face. Dan stared, watching as the light danced across Arin’s features, over the slightly pointed nose and full lips, glinting off the gills on his cheeks. He really was a beautiful creature Dan thought, as Arin’s fingers delicately ran over the lights, a look of awe in his chocolate brown eyes. Dan noted the pink webbing between the man’s fingers, only long enough to hit the first knuckle of each digit. The pink started intense and dark, magenta, before fading to a baby pink shade at the knuckle.
           “I love them.” Arin murmured. A small smile on his lips. “Thank you.”
           With a small smile Dan nodded, and they spent the next two hours decorating the tank, so Arin felt a little more at home.
           They finally stopped when the duo realized they still needed to get a few items, more sand and stones for the bottom of the tank, some more lights and Arin wanted some aquamarine life to be added. The timing was good as Suzy approached the two.
           “Dean Terry got ahold of me. There are some other students he wants in on the research so sometime today or tomorrow they will be heading over. One, Barry is his name I think, is a radiologist and will be responsible for taking and interpreting any x-rays/MRIs we might need. And, Ross, an artist who the dean wants to make sketches of Arin’s fins and gills. It seems the dean thinks we can… monopolize on this information.” Suzy seemed displeased with the information but she wasn’t terribly angry.
           “He said both students won’t know what they’re involved with until we debrief them, but they have already signed nondisclosure agreements and understand some of the weight of the situation.”
           “Alright Scuze.” Danny agreed, as he looked at his watch and saw he had plenty of time left in the day. “We have no idea when they will be here?”
           “None at all. I’m hoping the radiologist gets here today. I really want to be able to get a good look at those vocal cords.”
           Arin looked anxious, as the two discussed what would be happening and how things would be rapidly changing within the next few hours or days. Dan noticed the way his tail started flicking more frequently and sharply, throwing small waves of water against the edges of the tank.
           “Are you nervous?” Dan asked quietly after Suzy returned to her desk, looking ready to lead an army into battle if she didn’t get her scans done today.
           The merman nodded, tail still flicking nervously as he looked at Dan with large eyes.
           “Will it hurt?” He questioned, voice timid and mild.
           “No. I promise none of it will hurt.” Arin still looked unsure, caught like a dear in the headlights. “Hey. What if, I stayed with you? I’ll coach you through everything they might need? I know it might not help a lot. But, it’s the least I can do.”
           A moment passed, then two as the men sat in silence. Dan’s offer hung in the air, the room quieter now with the filter replaced.
           “Yes, actually. I think that would help.”
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