grimhearted · 2 years
Notes of a Drunken Young Soul
Your hands still turn everything to mud. Growing up didn’t change who you are, just gave it more definition. Now, more empty than ever, you score down another swig of bourbon. That cough has persisted for a week now. The apartment lights never seemed this dim. The cracks on the ceiling, seem to be a testament to the crevasses you created in your own life. Craters of hopeful desires, filled to the brim with the beer and liquor you chose to replace all that desire. It’s hard to land right side up, when the position everyone’s always seen you in, is down.
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grimhearted · 2 years
Notes of a Drunken Young Soul
less weight in sadder hearts
nothing beat the shadows already living there
but peace resembled pain
the length of time alone
mail stacked in a box
but the pen never stopped writing
the streetlights always flickered
the noise always dulled around 2:00 am
always returning in its ferocious display
life never got easier
just a little more bearable
that may be fine too.
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grimhearted · 2 years
Notes of a Drunken Young Soul
you gave up most of your life for it, right? half cocked, in a fit of rage, pants down, not knowing where the fuck you came from. the room was hotter in the summer and deadly in the winter, but you preferred the summer because you could let your balls hang out and drape over the sofa cushions. the mentality of a drain, taking it all in, all this shit and piss any one man could dissolve from the depths of his kidneys. there shouldn’t be any subtlety in poetry, keep it straight, like whiskey.
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grimhearted · 2 years
Notes of a Drunken Young Soul
between a thousand pages
with a bookmark
so worn,
so many pages behind its back
stories upon stories
legs aching at the next step up
it use to be easy
turning to the next page
moving the chapter forward
and now
the tale still continues
only the the beginning pages
already read
seem thicker
than the ones to follow.
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grimhearted · 2 years
Notes of a Drunken Young Soul
in then out
the crunch of leaves below the soul
the miles make the journey
who know what’s there
living in you
in then out
the strength of your breath degrades
there is unnerving quiet
the ticks of your wristwatch
can so clearly be heard
this pulsating sensation
erupting at the tips of you figures
sinking to the back of your head
legs heavy
you’ve made this journey far to many times
the walls were always white and gray
you’ve traded them for distance
sometimes that’s all we have left
sometimes the miles feel easier
than the steps we didn’t take
they were there
locked behind some door
you just refused to find the key
two tones and two sips later
head speckled across the pavement
so dim
disgust is now
the object of permanence
you wear it proudly across your face
living by ratios
divided by the percentage
death so accurate
your picture framed in every mural
all to represent what could have been
like every other tuesday.
- Grimhearted
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grimhearted · 2 years
Notes of a Drunken Young Soul
I think the world
just didn’t have any luck to spare
it ran out dry a couple years back
it didn’t give me anything more
than a few sprinkles here and there
before, nothing ever came
just had to beat it
till I new it was dry
drier than eyes
so desperate to wake up
to go to shitty jobs
dealing with shitty people
their lives so caught up
in their own wasteful design
but I had kids to feed
responsibilities to be met
luck didn’t give its best to me
I’d have to make it on my own
not enough to be given
so much more I couldn’t give
so much more I wish I had.
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grimhearted · 4 years
Notes of a Drunken Young Soul
some people just don’t have good bodies i guess
some can be famous 
just by putting one foot in front of the other
faster than the next person
if only mine could
i should be able to wallow 
about my own circumstance
left to just sit patiently between these hospital blinds
the only excitement being all the drugs they pump
directly into you veins
if just for a second
if i could feel what things once were
understand why I’m here now
remember the wind
as it rolls against my cheeks
just one more time.
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grimhearted · 4 years
Notes of a Drunken Young Soul
This time
life won’t bend me
I’ll find something that bites back
there’ll be a reason for good
and a motion to calm
I’ll play silence as a good friend
and put good sentiment in
the world will see a new me
the world will find me
oceans away from myself
pushed by a current to change
the deepening sorrow, melting at the tips
so anxious to be free
now set into motion.
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grimhearted · 4 years
Notes of a Drunken Young Soul
some sun over the horizon
while waking up to “good morning’s”
as she made bacon in her underwear
she had seen a flurry of misfortune
and in that
i suppose
we shared much of
already a mother
yet still just children ourselves
we had found some peace
trying to fill it
with monday nights
with sweet wine
with each other
sorrow at every gate
while cold hands
turned to warmer hearts
with sweeter thighs
and lingering lips
the reality of sharing no luck
whilst bombarded with weights
that settled at the ankles.
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grimhearted · 5 years
Notes of a Drunken Young Soul
i couldn’t tell you how all the fishes in the tank died, or how every smashed plate seemed to match everything around me. it was to sudden to understand why things turned out like this. more fires and less water, while the couch in the corner, seemed so much more inviting. dedicated to finding some idea of who i am and where the lines in the sand can be drawn.
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grimhearted · 5 years
Notes of a Drunken Young Soul
doubt and anxiety
the candle burnt on two ends
and while preservation
ment being huddled between dreams
the lasting fragrance
at the tip of a cigarette butt
was far more alluring
and the corners felt more welcoming
her hands
so delicate
finally, some room to breath
inhale the next pack
stuck in this underachieving effect
buckled in
only this ride really doesn’t lead
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grimhearted · 5 years
Notes of a Drunken Young Soul
five hours of sleep
resulting in writing poetry at 4:30 in the morning
something must sustain me
i don’t know if anyone will read this
it’s a pile either way
more of what’s inside
chalked up to two hands
rubbing against one another
while i figure the next step
shuffling the deck
getting a perfect hand
and folding to the damn world bluffing
what is writing at 4:35am?
what is figuring out sentiments?
it felt like i stumbled half way into my life
and couldn’t find a reasonable way to get up
how funny
just how things sometimes made sense
and other times
it felt like
i didn’t even deserve to be myself.
how funny.
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grimhearted · 5 years
Notes of a Drunken Young Soul
i learned each door made a different sound
i found some to be more comforting than others
i saw the people inside of them
didn’t always have much
but within each of them
lay a galaxy
all their own
and while at times
the sounds of the doors closing behind me
weren’t always on the best of terms
i found some to always be open
instilled with
all the while still welcoming some stranger
into the world that was all their making.
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grimhearted · 5 years
Notes of a Drunken Young Soul
the spaces between the couch cushions
where all the bullshit seemed to fall
and the dreams had on them
elevated this experience
an expression hastily made
drowning the misery that settled in
it’s fuck all now
the whole damn thing
far more sour than the whiskey
the windows broken
the dishes stacked
some sort of disrepair
drown another shooter
four bottles left
one soul to burn
hell never seemed so close
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grimhearted · 5 years
Notes of a Drunken Young Soul
Sometimes, the world just gave it all back. Sometimes, songs just didn’t have anymore meaning. Whatever these hands drew, you’d somehow see some glimpse of it. Recovering on a hospital bed, teetering between her eyes. You’d see it. In the brittle faces of the ones who’ve touched it. Felt it. In early mornings, between another body, and stitched in the sheets which caress them. Horizons better felt in youthful love, yet fully realized in three glasses of gin.
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grimhearted · 5 years
Notes of a Drunken Young Soul
I wish it were that easy. My mind revolves around every design, of myself, this world. At times, control seems to be the thing I continuously lack. Control over my emotions, my thoughts, my habits. As focused in ones own destruction, as one can be. I barter emotions for wine, and feel the liquor quell sorrow, while looking so fervently at what I’ve lost, and what little I’ve gained.
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