#notti brave after
ioabi · 5 years
Mi odi quando affogo nella notte, sì, ti amo quanto mi regali il drink 🍸
Carl Brave feat. Ugo Borghetti
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comefioridibach · 6 years
stringerti la mano 
e dirti cose che non
- Carl Brave feat. Max Gazzè
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labirranelbicchiere · 6 years
A volte se mi sei vicino tremo
Carl Brave, Parco Gondar
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sempre-in-2 · 6 years
E di stare lontani sai quante volte ce lo siamo detto ma fuori piove e ci ritroviamo sotto lo stesso tetto.
-Mezzo Cocktail, Carl Brave
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justfeelsx · 5 years
E fai la dura ma alla fine t'affezioni.
- Carl Brave, Termini
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gabbiadicarta · 6 years
Sul tuo palmo, la tua linea dell'amore è tratteggiata.
— Carl Brave feat. Max Gazzè; Posso
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frankie9713 · 6 years
“E m'hai cambiato almeno duecento nomignoli
E litighiamo e facciamo pace coi mignoli”
Carl Brave
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comeunbuconero · 6 years
Ho fatto più fatica a smettere con te che con la bamba
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koufax73 · 6 years
Carl Brave: "Notti Brave (After)" esce oggi
Carl Brave: “Notti Brave (After)” esce oggi
 Come annunciato da qualche tempo, è uscito oggi Notti Brave (After), il nuovo disco (ep? Album breve? Boh) di Carl Brave. Sette canzoni di cui quattro arricchite da “featuring”.
Si parte da Posso, con Max Gazzé, si prosegue con Merci e Comunque (da solo), per poi infilare Spunte blu con Guè Pequeño, Mezzo Cocktail con Ugo Borghetti, Ridere di noicon Luché. Ultimo brano il solitario affollamento…
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strawberrywritings · 3 years
Pastello Bianco
A/N: Found this song and thought: why not? I kind of want to do a series (if you can call it that) based on Pinguini Tattici Nuceari’s songs because I’ve been listeniing to them non-stop and they’re genius! But I do not guarantee. Also, yes, hi, it’s me again, coming on here to post something nobody asked for. You can find the song here and the full English translation here. Hope you enjoy it!🍓❤
Warnings: sad times + I haven’t written in months
/ Masterlist / masterlist 2
E se m'hai visto piangere (If you saw me crying) Sappi che era un'illusione ottica (Just know that it was only an optical illusion) Stavo solo togliendo il mare dai miei occhi (I was just getting the sea out of my eyes)
Your brows knitted in confusion once you spotted Angel hunched over the bed, his back to the door, where you currently stood. You’d never seen him cry, was he crying? Yeah, you were almost sure he was. You could hear quiet sniffles.
Knocking on the door, you made your presence known, a small smile at your lips, ready to comfort him. He turned his head towards you, looking over his shoulders to see you standing at the door of his room. He turned back around, looking straight ahead and trying to compose himself, not wanting you to know that he was, in fact, crying. Wiping the few tears that were just below his lower lash line, he put on a brave face, the face that always made him look so sure of himself, he had mastered it over the years.
He got up and walked over to where you were standing, giving you a hug and a kiss on the forehead, as you let him envelope your body in his, grateful for the heat his body brought to yours, feeling calm, letting out a breath when his fingers sneaked below your shirt, making contact with the skin of your waist.
“How was your day?”, he asked, not moving from the position, keeping his cheek pressed to your head, the smell of your hair filling his nostrils and making him more at ease. “Good – you answered, your hands moving soothingly up and down his back – how ‘bout you? You okay?”, you murmured, kissing his cheek and moving your head so you could look him in the eyes.
Mi chiedi come sto e non te lo dirò (You ask me how I'm doing but I won't tell you)
“Yeah, I’m good”, he mumbled, keeping you tight against him. The way he was breathing and the sound of his voice gave him away, though, but if you noticed, which you had, you didn’t point it out: if he didn’t say what was bothering him, it meant that he didn’t want to share it and you were fine with it. He knew he could come to you if he needed help. Instead, he kept to himself, like he always did, but there was only so much he could take… it got to a point he felt like he was about to explode, and yet he didn’t let anything show, opting to cry in the shower or when sleeping alone in his bed. You already had too much on your plate, he didn’t have to add his problems. It wasn’t fair to you.
I tuoi segreti poi a chi li racconterai (So who are you going to tell your secrets to?) Tu che rimani sempre la mia password del Wi-Fi (You're still my Wi-Fi password) E chi sa se lo sai (And maybe you don't even know it)
After your breakup, he tried to set a routine that would help him not to think about you. He worked at the scrapyard, he went on rides, he went to parties, he started working out more, he was doing everything in his power to avoid letting his brain run free, trying to occupy it with other thoughts in order to keep you out of his head. The only reason he noticed that your name was still the password to his wi-fi was because the new prospect asked if he could connect his laptop to the wi-fi. And your name sounded bitter in his mouth, he said it like he almost didn’t want to pronounce it, and saying it out loud brought back all the memories that he had kept stashed in the back of his mind, he hadn’t forgotten the pain in your eyes when you parted ways, or the sound of your voice when you said goodbye for the last time.
E scrivevo tutti i miei segreti (And I used to write down all my secrets) Col pastello bianco sul diario (With a white crayon in my diary) Speravo che venissi a colorarli (Hoping you would come and color them in)
Perché un addio suona troppo serio (Goodbye sounds too serious) E allora ti dirò bye bye (So I'll just tell you "bye bye")
You approached his house with a bag in hand, full of the things that Angel had left at your apartment, and you had come to retrieve the things you had left at his place. The exchange was almost silent, you greeted each other, avoiding saying anything that could ruin the moment, no empty words or empty promises, nothing more than what was necessary. When you were done collecting your things, he was in his living room, inspecting the stuff that you had brought back almost as if he didn’t recognize his own possessions. You stood in front of the door for a few seconds, before gaining his attention by announcing that you were leaving. He came to open the door for you and watched as you put your stuff in the car, climbing in and turning the engine on. If you had to speak again, you’d have burst into tears, so you opted for a small wave, trying to control your breathing and not cry in front of him. He didn’t say goodbye, that word sounded bad, and heavy, and emotional, and he really couldn’t bring himself to even look you in the eyes as you drove away from his house. When the noise of your car was replaced by silence again, he let out a shaky breath and went back inside, having to face the memories that were encased in the bag you had returned to him.
E ti auguro il meglio, i cieli stellati, le notti migliori e le docce di altri (I wish you all the best, starry skies, the best of nights, and someone else's shower)
Dove tu forse non stonerai più (where maybe you won't be so out of tune)
While getting the shower ready after his workout, he put a random playlist on, and the sound bounced off the walls as he turned the volume higher. You liked to blame your off-key singing o the acoustics of his bathroom and he just liked poking your sides, making a funny remark about how you should audition for X-factor, then. He hoped you’d find a bathroom where your voice didn’t sound as bad as it did in his, and he hoped you’d be happy, even if it wasn’t going to be on the back of his truck while stargazing. He hoped you’d be happy, even if it wasn’t with him.
taglist: (it’s the usual one, tell me if you wanna be added or removed❣) @sesamepancakes @i-love-scott-mccall @mayans-sauce @starrynite7114 @scuzmunkie @angelreyesgirl @my-rosegold-soul @deeandbobbymcgee @chibsytelford @rebelwrites @littleesilvia @woahitslucyylu @sadeyesgf @elcococruz @cocotheclown @sheeshgivemeabreak @blessedboo @brattyfics @thesandbeneathmytoes @enamoured-x @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @blackmissfrizzle @thickemadame @peaches007 @ly-canthrope @justahopelessssromantic @everyhowlmarksthedead @samcrobae @cind-in-real-life @mrsjaxtellerfan @gemini0410 @brownsugarcoffy @losolvidad0s @marvelmaree @noz4a2 @-im-fantastic- @destynelseclipsa @danie1432 @krysiewithak @ellieereads @wrcn9fvlcver @buttercup812
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0diostopostofint0 · 4 years
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comefioridibach · 6 years
E mi cerchi solo quando sai che non mi troverai.
Carl Brave ft. Gué Pequeno
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lunaoffesa · 4 years
un cmq per abbreviare una parola
per cambiare discorso da te
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sofficeee · 5 years
La prima volta a casa, quando l’attesa stanca
E lo facemmo già come lo fai con chi ti manca
E io mi innamorai della dolcezza dei tuoi occhi
Sai le cose vere sono quelle che non tocchi
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ricordandoti-blog · 4 years
Hai lasciato un bel visualizzato a tutti i miei messaggi...
...non ti capisco come la ricetta del dottore
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