To have a great day! 😁😁💖💖
To smile
That you’re worth something.
That you mean something.
That your feelings matter.
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helenapoby-blog · 7 years
I cared about you a lot. I don’t think I’ve ever cared about anyone more. You were the first person I actually let myself be comfortable with really. You helped me to accept certain things I hated and love certain things I already liked about myself. I still care about you like that because you still impacted my life in one of the best ways. I was so fucked up when you wouldn’t talk to me because I fucked up so bad. That’s all in the past now and I’m not going to talk about it anymore but still, I would drop anything if you needed something. I told you a long time ago that I will always be there and no matter what I’ll help you, i told you that you can talk to me about anything...all that is still true. Remember that no matter how empty you feel or how worthless, I’m always going to care and wanna see you happy.
-The story we don’t talk about//my life
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artmasculiniste-blog · 4 years
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#WhyMenEarnMore: The Startling Truth Behind the #PayGap--and what #Women Can Do about it #Livre de #WarrenFarrell "Le dernier livre de l'expert en genre Warren Farrell, controversĂ© et ayant fait l'objet de recherches exhaustives, Pourquoi les hommes gagnent plus prend comme argument Ă©tonnant l'idĂ©e que l'#inĂ©galitĂ©DesSalaires fondĂ©e sur les #prĂ©jugĂ©s pour les femmes est largement un mythe, et que les femmes sont le plus souvent payĂ©es moins que les hommes, non mais parce qu’ils ont fait des choix de vie qui affectent leur capacitĂ© de gagner. Pourquoi les hommes gagnent plus fait valoir que si la discrimination joue parfois un rĂŽle, les hommes et les femmes font inconsciemment des compromis qui affectent combien ils gagnent. Farrell dĂ©finit clairement les 25 choix de lieu de travail diffĂ©rents qui affectent les revenus des femmes et des hommes - y compris le fait de consacrer plus d'heures au travail, d'accepter des emplois plus risquĂ©s ou des affectations plus dangereuses, d'ĂȘtre disposĂ© Ă  changer de lieu et de se former Ă  des emplois techniques impliquant moins de contacts avec les personnes - et offre aux lecteurs des moyens spĂ©cifiques, appuyĂ©s par la recherche, pour que les femmes gagnent un salaire plus Ă©levĂ©. Pourquoi les hommes gagnent plus, avec sa bravoure face au #politiquementCorrect, est sĂ»r de dĂ©clencher une tempĂȘte de #controverseMĂ©diatique qui contribuera Ă  faire de cette exposition complĂštement pragmatique le prochain best-seller de Warren Farrell. " #egaliteSalaire #inegaliteSalariale #Ă©galitĂ©Salaire #inĂ©galitĂ©Salariale #NotWorthless #6Novembre15h35 #3novembre11h44 #littĂ©ratureMasculiniste #livreMasculiniste #lectureMasculiniste  #LaCauseDesHommes #LaConditionMasculine #LaConditionDesHommes #Masculinisme #Hommes #Homme #Mascu #MasculinitĂ© #MasculinitĂ©s #hominisme #MasculinismeÉgalitaire https://www.instagram.com/p/CA8rYnDlPzk/?igshid=9lgdn7tm15fe
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digitalgurl94 · 5 years
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Hello guys just in case you might not know. Although i have stated it in my blog. I was always hesitating to let people know about my hearing issues but in the end they can find it out. I can speak english but not as fluent as normals. Good enough for customer services jobs. I just hate jobs involving water because these devices are not cheap. I love swiming if you are curious:) I have an Apple Airpods and yes i ca listen to music❀ music is my life. I do admire people outside listening to music.. when i cant. It will end up my death. It happened to me at age of 4 where i do not know what so weird about hearing loss till puberty. Different schools and stuff and yeah i then became more sensitive. So what? đŸ€·â€â™€ïž i am a graduateđŸ™†â€â™€ïž I am good at computer too😊 . . . . . Somehow i do not donate often as much as before because i can work. Why *they cant? Unemployed now and they are earningđŸ€š with fools and pity. Nah. Even cripples do work and earn more than me nowđŸ€Ż . . . . #notworthless #hearingloss #hearingimpaired #strong #determination #justnormal #appleairpods #musiclover #swimmer #lovesswimming #lifeisgood #lifeisshort #dowhatyoulove (at Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzzw7jqJwqy/?igshid=o3gczkngbvvi
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mirrorontheworld · 5 years
Alors qu'à Hollywood le mouvement #NotWorthless dénonce les discriminations de genre dans les studios, les Françaises s'organisent pour en finir avec des rémunérations au rabais. Car on est encore loin du compte...
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screamsofthemiynx-blog · 8 years
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Just remember
When you look at the butterfly
All your fears
Will melt away tonight
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viol3tvix3n · 5 years
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Do not stand in my way, I am a survivor!
I will fight and I will win. If I have to go through you to do it, so be it.
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nywift · 5 years
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ramblinganxiousmind · 7 years
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You are worth more than you may ever understand, let no one, including yourself, make you feel worthless
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helenapoby-blog · 7 years
You text me and tell me you miss me while you’re with another girl and I still can’t get over you. I still believe you and can’t get rid of my feelings. I saw you yesterday and you told me loved me for the first time since being with her. You were sad today and who was the first person you texted? Me. You told me to come over because you wanted a hug. Because I’m the only one you trust to go to when something’s wrong. Because I’m the only one that can still cheer you up after that stupid girl wouldn’t even talk to you, after she lied to you. Again, you told me you loved me and I couldn’t help but say it back because though, I’m okay with you being with someone else and not super hurt, I will always love you. You were my first. But tell me why. Why would you be with someone else if you can still tell me you love me honestly?
-The story we don’t talk about//my life
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bradfordsgirll · 8 years
‱  You are not weak ‱  You are not worthless ‱  You are not pathetic ‱  You are incredibly strong ‱  You are amazingly brave ‱  You are fighting the battle of a lifetime, and you are going to win ‱  I love you so much, so please believe in yourself and stay strong ‱  Keep fighting, my friend ‱  Someday, things are going to get better
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originaldragonwhispers · 9 years
Those Days
You know those days when you wish you could switch your mind off? When you wish everything would just stop?
You know those days when you feel so depressed and worthless and there doesn’t seem to be a point to anything?
You know those days when you hate yourself and think that no one will miss you when you’re gone?
You know those days when you want nothing more than to die?
You’re not worthless, people wil miss you.
I know how it feels. But there is a point. Think of all those people who’ve developed cancer or something else and died, who had life snatched away from them. Then you’re lucky enough to have a life and you throw it away?
There are always people who care. You might not, but someone does. Always.
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mellondropkirby · 9 years
Starting in elementary school I was pushed around by this boy a lot. It began to escalate the older we got. In middle school this boy often smacked my ass or grabbed my thighs and continually said very vulgar, sexual comments about me. I was harassed by him all the time. And no one stepped in. But one time a boy told him that it was wrong and his response was that it didn't matter because I'm a girl and I can't do anything. He often called me his bitch. Being a young girl with no experience with boys, I did never did stand up to him. I let this thought stay in my mind that I was worthless because I was a girl. I let myself think that I had nothing to offer in this world. Now I'm a senior in High School graduating with a 3.8 GPA. I worked my hardest to show that I am not worthless. I know now that he was wrong and what he did to me was wrong. Girls are strong and amazing. I have a bright future ahead of me. I am not worthless. #thefemalefight
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frosem-2 · 10 years
You drop a glass plate and it breaks. It shatters to pieces. So you glue it back together. It isn't perfect. However, you can still use it. It isn't worthless. We are similar to a broken plate. We are fragile. When we break, it is hard to pick up the pieces and put ourselves back together. We are not perfect. But our mistakes do not make us worthless either.
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waterlilly549 · 10 years
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peaceofcass · 10 years
I tend to gravitate towards things that make me feel worth something
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