salewoke · 3 months
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writterings · 6 months
they need to make plushie holders you can wear. i want my little buddy on me while i do tasks that require movement and my hands. do you understand.
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ibreathhere · 10 months
I love Marcus, but still, if I was Syd I would be pissed if he asked me out in the middle of a very hectic and stressful working hours. And then he accuses her of being extra rude because of that. Are you serious have you seen my girl?! She doesn't have time to ignore her staff because of such little things. And Marcus's character is mature enough to know when and where it is appropriate to ask someone out.
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ishootthelightsout · 2 months
i think Denny is right about the repave, if Marcus wanted to be transparent about the issues and explain whats going with he could just be honest and explain on twitter directly rather than being offended and immediately taking defence and asking Denny to talk to him privately
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pyroinfusedtiger · 3 months
I think my token complaint when people draw dark-haired latine characters is that theres not a lot of body hair most of the time.
Growing up as a girl, I've always been extremely aware of a mustache and unibrow I couldnt shave off, thicker sideburns that fade into fuzz on my jawline, and arm and leg hair that was more visible than my female classmates that made me self conscious about wearing anything that exposed it.
Iunno, just wanna see more hairy girl representation outside of fanart of dwarven women (i love you hairy dwarven women)
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miitopia-cake · 2 years
any other trans masculine or gender neutral people out there who can't read self insert fanfic anymore because every fanfic has a female or feminine reader? A lot of GN fanfic has the reader super feminine, just with they/them pronouns instead of she/her. It hurts because x readers used to be a huge comfort for me when I was extremely depressed and now I can't read one without getting extremely uncomfortable. I UNDERSTAND that a lot of fanfic authors are female, but it still hurts so much when I can't find anything made for us because I'm not a woman.
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theirmarks · 10 months
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Miantonomo, Miantonomoh, Myantonomy. His Mark. (repost from 12.27.22)
Nahaganset (Narragansett). His home along the western shores of Narragansett Bay, in so-called Rhode Island, and into so-called eastern Connecticut. Sachem. In 1640s, appealed to sister tribes to create an alliance against colonizers. Brought to Mass. Bay Colony in 1640 on charges of conspiracy against settlers.  Executed in Mohegan territory in 1643 following tensions with Mohegan sachem, Uncas and the English.
Place names mentioned in this deed, for so-called “Warwick, RI,” signed January 1642, include:  “Sowhanes Bay,” “Copassanatuxett,” “Shawhomet” (spelled as they appear in the document).
His kin: Son of Mascus; nephew to Canonicus; brother to Pessicus; father of Canonchet. His partner: Wawaloam. 
[Indian deed of Warwick, Rhode Island], 1642. Seen @ John Carter Brown Library, Providence, RI.
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not-quitenormal · 4 months
My cishet boyfriend coined the term "mascu-femme" for me, and I feel it's only a matter of time before he calls me a femboy unironically lmao.
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cubic-watermelon · 11 months
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yay I get to post more of my OCs! I didn't feel comfortable posting my OCs on twitter for some reason.
These two are Susan and Marcus, the smart ones. they can't all be dumb-asses.
pay absolutely no attention to my incredible background skills! (it's just a photo and a filter, don't look at it!)
btw, it's from this "draw your OCs like this" art meme:
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Let's see how long it takes for Tumblr to think this is somehow porn and deletes it.
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my4inchdick · 1 year
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bibistroon · 8 days
Le nouveau plus gros youtubeur de France est ...
Réactionnaire 🤡
Petite analyse de son discours et de ses méthodes par Blast :
(et soutenons les médias indépendants, c'est important !)
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brokenface · 4 months
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luxudus · 1 year
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Here's my celebration of 2023's femboy day! back when i was first drawing out the celebration in 2022 i was originally intending to use one of these guys, but due to time constraints and a bit of motivation I went with the sophonts seen in last year's celebration. This time i brought back those original concepts and fixed up their designs Some where slight tweaks and other complete redesigns. Lastly for reference they're all around 1.8 meters / 6 feet tall
The Mm-Kca't't are a sophont species of crustacean-like centaurs from a world named C'tok-Uur.
A blue moon orbiting a jovian world. Despite it's sheer blueness, C'tok-Uur has no major oceans but dozens of seas and lakes, it is dominated by savannahs and deserts where plant life takes on a deep blue hue. The dominant form of fauna are 4 limbed crustacean-like invertebrates with a single compound eye stretching across the face.
The Mm-Kca't't are heavily derived from that group, the "upper body" is actually an elongated head with the brain at the base, with their arms evolved from a pair of mandibles and the mouth is located at the center of the chest, males have large megacerops-like horns while females have a flat disk head. They are competitive obligate herbivores native to the savannahs of C'tok-Uur, males will spar with each other over potential mates. The motion dazzle camoflage helps their herds become indistinguishable to predators. They communicate through hums and clicks, and live in hierarchal herds, and living such social lives and with such surprisingly dexterous arms paved way for sapience
The Mm-Kca't't are somewhat advanced, they had just invented nuclear energy and are experiencing an atomic revolution as and are just beginning the construction of the first satellites. A popular facet of their culture involve male Mm-Kca't't denouncing their "masculinity" by cutting off their horns, modifying their diet, and present themselves more femininely while still identifying as "male"
The Hsh'shhh are a sophont species of mollusk-like flyers from a planet known as Sss'Shaa
Their homeworld is a humid superearth with an incredibly dense atmosphere and 6 moons. The planet has a wide axial tilt, coupled with the dense atmosphere, allows heat and light to distribute evenly across the planet. Giving ideal conditions for plant life of all photosynthetic processes to evolve and thrive, giving the surface of this world a "rainbow" hue. Fauna come in the form of external gilled, 4-eyed, slug-like pseudovertebrates that established an aerial ecosystem stretching into the clouds.
The Hsh'shhh evolved in the emergant layer of Sss'Shaa's rainforests. Descending from a line of "bipeds" that evolved their external gills into a set of wings. They eat with a radula located through the slit on their chest. Their red-pink facial disk act as ears while the blue fans act as a nose and rudders. They use their entire head and neck as a single arm to manipulate their envrionment, and their middle "finger" isa derived from a genital sheath. Their extremely vibrant coloring and black stripes help break up their outline when flying over the multicolored landscape, and their countershaded underbellies blend in with the sky. They live in order-less flocks and communicate through hissing.
Their society is surprisingly advanced given the higher gravity and greater air resistance of their home, but through the construction of several heavy duty space elevators and the establishment of 2 dozen space stations built for construction, they were able to bypass the limitations of their homeworld and colonize the rest of their star system, effectively becoming a kardeshev type 2 civilization comprised of independant nation states occupying different worlds. Their society is egalitarian and environmentalist and are currently terraforming their nearest interplanetary neighbours.
The concept of "femenine" males has been a cultural staple across Hsh'shhh history, and the idea is so prevelant that they and "masculine" females are categorized as their own entire genders
And the Vonzullt are a sapient species of mammal-like hexapods from a cold planet named Toiazuul.
Their homeworld is somewhat earthlike and is the only one supporting a breathable atmosphere. The major difference is that all landmasses are converged into a single supercontinent, and the planet is in the middle of an ice age that freezes any part of the planet 30 degrees away from the equator. flora on this world is yellow in color and technically wam blooded. The dominant fauna come in the form of jawless segmented vertebrate-like hexapods with 4 patches of layered photoreceptors that act as eyes.
The Vonzullt evolve from a family of mammal-like hexapodal carnivores that recently took an upright stance to watch out for apex predators. To make up for the lack of jaws, they and all other hexapods evolved a pair of chelicerae to hold onto food and "chew" on it. They live in hunting packs and evolved in the southern seasonal forests. Their intricate pack bonds and hunting strategies kickstarted their sapience, and eventually civilization as a whole
Unlike the previously mentioned civilizations, the VonZullt are far less developed, they experienced an industrial revolution a generation ago, are currently rediscovering the rest of their planet, and the concept of democracy has just developed and begun to spread.
surprisingly, the concept of feminine men is held with high regard among many Vonzullt societies, and in the case of the most prominent society, a somewhat militaristic empire. They are even given positions of power as they are seen as selflessly giving their strength to their brothers rather than hording it to themselves.
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scaranation · 2 years
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Pairing: Yandere!Dottore x GN!reader
Content: Yandere, stalking, obsessive behaviour etc. Mentions of death.
You thought that after you’d brutally rejected Zandik, it was the last you’d see of him. You foolishly thought that the two of you would simply part ways there, and you could be free to do as you pleased - but that was far from the truth. The truth was, you’d never been out of his grasp. Never straying from his sight, for the eyes of every ruin machine and akasha terminal wearer had become your ex-lover’s means of tracking you. However, the day Zandik finally snaps is the day he can no longer tolerate his jealousy.
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Almost a year later, and Zandik had disappeared from your mind. Sure, you’d heard whispering of him exhibiting even more capricious behaviour in the weeks following your so-called breakup, but as you became swept up in Akademiya work again you simply didnt have the time to worry about him.
After a while however, things at the Akademiya calmed down again and you found yourself with a lot of spare time on your hands. Now, you were on vacation in Port Ormos, leisurely browsing through bustling market. The idea of recreation had never been an appealing one to you, but you soothed your guilty conscience with the promise that you’d work extra hard later on to compensate for whatever enjoyment you’d found outside of your academic pursuits. As you continued walking, you found a stall brimming with vintage automatons from Fontaine - piquing your interest as a slight smile crossed your face.
This smile was intently admired by Zandik, who, unbeknownst to you, had been watching you through the many surrounding akasha terminals. How could you be so beautiful? He could only describe what he felt as a purest admiration, admiration for the way your eyes lit up when you found something interesting, the way your cold exterior crumbled once you were exposed to the possibility of new inquiries. Zandik couldn’t comprehend why you didn’t choose him in the end, for the love he held for you was so superlative - after all, if death was a tenet of humanity and he was willing to kill for you, what purer affection could there possibly be? Now, he was simply biding his time before he whisked you back into his arms - before he made you love him like he loved you.
You looked so lovely as you lifted up a small mechanical contraption, inspecting it with whimsical curiosity. Although, when you finally tried to make the payment, you found your purse lacking - an embarrassed expression consuming your features. Zandik’s jaw clenched as he was unable to help, unable to let you rely on him in any way possible. But what made him seethe further was watching another man approach you, offering to pay.
And you smiled at that man.
The same smile Zandik deserved. The smile that he used to see; or was that a false one? Either way, your sudden benefactor began trailing next to you between stalls, chattering away happily.
Zandik swore there he had not entertained a worse feeling. He had never loathed someone with such passion as he did now, digging his nails into his palms until they bled. His anger quickly turned on you, as well - how dare you seduce him so, and then associate with another man? He had planned to give you space, plotting the instigation of some traumatic event to make you run into his arms - but this was where he drew the line. Sure, you had obviously talked to your male colleagues before, but this was different. You were laughing, reciprocating the man’s boisterous remarks. It should’ve been Zandik there next to you, chuckling and pointing out displays.
You, however, were having a great time - oblivious to the furious anger of your former, albeit experimental, boyfriend. The man who’d paid for the contraption you now held in your hand - a ‘kamera’ - was quick to introduce himself, and you enjoyed his company. He was unlike those at the Akademiya, who were always the classic picture of egotistical masculinity - always either mansplaining or manipulating.
After strolling through the port, hazy yellow light seeped into the sky as you realised the time. Through the conversations you’d shared and the array of pictures you’d taken with the man on your kamera, time has flown by, and the two of you were reluctant to part ways. Before leaving to retreat into your hotel however, the man left you some contact details. Working in Avidya Forest, he was part of the patrol there.
Not that you ever saw the man again.
A few days later, before you planned to return to the Akademiya, you decided to stop and visit your kind benefactor in Avidya - showing up at the address he’d left you only to find a throng of people crowded around his residence. Some were weeping, and others were murmuring amongst themselves.
“What happened?” You pushed your way through the crowd, partly in curiosity. You might not have been particularly close with the man, but you held a certain level of concern for him.
“H-he… He’s been murdered!” A villager exclaimed, as a group of rangers exited the cottage - carrying a stretcher, with the outline of a corpse beneath the thin white blanket stretched over it. You frowned. The forest was a relatively safe, mundane place - what could’ve instigated a murder, here?
The answer dug itself into you with icy claws - realisation trickling with a freezing intensity as the hair on the back of your neck raised at a familiar voice.
“Well, how do you like my present, darling?”
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neopronouns · 7 months
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flag id: two flags with 5 stripes. the left flag's stripes light purple-pink, purple-pink, near-black, dark faded teal, and faded teal. the right flag's stripes are light turquoise, turquoise, near-black, medium dark red-orange, and red-orange. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
feminounon | mascnounon
feminounon: feeling comfortable with being referred to with feminine nouns (ex: daughter, queen) but not she/her pronouns
mascunounon: feeling comfortable with being referred to with masculine nouns (ex: son, king) but not he/him pronouns
[pt: feminounon: feeling comfortable with being referred to with feminine nouns (ex: daughter, queen) but not she/her pronouns
mascunounon: feeling comfortable with being referred to with masculine nouns (ex: son, king) but not he/him pronouns. end pt]
anon asked for the feminine term and i figured i'd coin a masculine counterpart! the top two stripes represent feminine/masculine nouns, the middle stripe represents a difference between one's noun and pronoun preference, and the bottom two stripes are adjusted from the inverse of these she/her and he/him flags' colors.
the terms are 'femin' from 'feminine'/'mascu' from 'masculine', 'noun', + 'non', as in 'not' ('not' comfortable with [pronoun set])!
tags: @radiomogai | dni link
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gender-jargon · 15 days
Does maverique have anything to do with gendermaverick?
Hey anon, thanks for sending me your question. :-)
So, the answer to your question is a bit complicated. The words have an intertwined history, but they ultimately are distinct.
Below, I will talk about the history of each term and then compare and contrast them at the end of the post.
Let's start with a timeline of the two terms.
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[Image ID: an image of a timeline of the terms "maverique" and "gendermaverick". The image includes a centered, wavy line with 8 points that are colored in a rainbow gradient from orange to green corresponding to a section of text for each event plotted on the timeline. The image reads: "5/31/2014 - coining of maverique. The term "maverique", created by Vesper, made it's official debut with the first iteration of it's definition. 06/15/2014 -first reworking of maverique definition. Vesper does the first reworking of the definition of maverique and created a maverique pride flag. 06/16/2014 - Haxaaya Proposes a Variant: Gendermaverick. Tumblr user Haxaaya contacts Vesper regarding the proposal of the term "gendermaverick", a gender that draws from both maverique and genderfuck experiences. 06/18/2014 - first definition of gendermaverick. The first iteration of the "gendermaverick" definition is posted by Haxaaya. Vesper responds with feed back, articulating a lack of similarity between terms. 06/18/2014 - first reworking of gendermaverick definition. Follow Vesper's feedback, Haxaaya attempted to refine the term and posted a revised definition. 06/21/2014 - final iteration of maverique's definition. Vesper posted the final revision of their term, "maverique". 07/06/2014 - final iteration of gendermaverick's definition. Haxaaya posted the final revision of the definition of their term, "gendermaverick", including both a formal and simplified definition. 07/08/2014 - gendermaverick pride flag created. Haxaaya created a gendermaverick pride flag, which was submitted to tumblr blog Pride-Flags-For-Us." In the bottom right corner, the image reads: "Graphic by Gent (Gneder-Jargon)". ./. End ID]
History of The Term Maverique
[PT: History of The Term Maverique ./. End PT]
"Maverique" was coined by Vesper on their blog, Queer As Cat (link) [PT: Queer As Cat ./. End PT] , back in 2014. It appears that it's definition has been rewritten by Vesper three different times while they tried to find the correct wording.
Their first iteration (link) [PT: first iteration ./. End PT] of Maverique was:
a non-binary gender characterized by an  unconventional and unothodox internal sense of self and the interrelationship between that sense of self and society. maveriques feel no connection with concepts of femininity or masculinity, but instead feel a sense of gender which is completely independent of conventional ideas of gender; a sense of gender which is entirely its own. a maverique’s sense of gender is strong, leaving little room for apathy or neutrality. there is no middle ground, as maverique is a point between nothing. there is no gray area, as maverique is not a shade on a palette. maveriques are mavericks, plain and simple, but please– don’t forget the “-ique”.
[PT: a non-binary gender characterized by an unconventional and unothodox internal sense of self and the interrelationship between that sense of self and society. maveriques feel no connection with concepts of femininity or masculinity, but instead feel a sense of gender which is completely independent of conventional ideas of gender; a sense of gender which is entirely its own. a maverique’s sense of gender is strong, leaving little room for apathy or neutrality. there is no middle ground, as maverique is a point between nothing. there is no gray area, as maverique is not a shade on a palette. maveriques are mavericks, plain and simple, but please– don’t forget the “-ique”. ./. End PT]
This first definition can be summed up as:
a non-binary gender identity that is not connected to femininity, masculinity or neutrality (atrinary).
a strong, specific sense of gender that is definitively not apathetic or neutral.
a distinct quality, not being between any other genders or vague/unclear in nature.
conceptually nonconformist (unorthodox), existing out of the bounds of cultural norms (unconventional).
definitively involving the dynamic of one's maverique gender and how it is functions in greater society and within oneself
[PT: a non-binary gender identity that is not connected to femininity, masculinity or neutrality (atrinary).a strong, specific sense of gender that is definitively not apathetic or neutral.a distinct quality, not being between any other genders or vague/unclear in nature.conceptually nonconformist (unorthodox), existing out of the bounds of cultural norms (unconventional).definitively involving the dynamic of one's maverique gender and how it is functions in greater society. ./. End PT]
The second iteration (link) [PT: second iteration ./. End ID] of the definition was:
a non-binary gender characterized by autonomy and inner conviction regarding a sense of gender which is unorthodox, unconventional and entirely independent of conventional concepts of gender.
[PT: a non-binary gender characterized by autonomy and inner conviction regarding a sense of gender which is unorthodox, unconventional and entirely independent of conventional concepts of gender. ./. End PT]
This second definition can be summed up as:
an autonomous gender identity held with a sense of conviction.
Separate from existing conventional concepts of gender (atrinary).
conceptually nonconformist (unorthodox), existing out of the bounds of cultural norms (unconventional).
[PT: an autonomous gender identity held with a sense of conviction. Separate from existing conventional concepts of gender (atrinary). conceptually nonconformist (unorthodox), existing out of the bounds of cultural norms (unconventional). ./. End ID]
The third (and last) iteration (link) [PT: third (and last) iteration ./. End PT] of the definition is:
a gender characterized by autonomy and inner conviction regarding a sense of self that is entirely independent of male/masculinity, female/femininity or anything which derives from the two while still being neither without gender nor of a neutral gender.
[PT: a gender characterized by autonomy and inner conviction regarding a sense of self that is entirely independent of male/masculinity, female/femininity or anything which derives from the two while still being neither without gender nor of a neutral gender. ./. End ID]
This current definition can be summed up as:
an autonomous gender identity held with a sense of conviction.
a specific, atrinary gender identity.
[PT: an autonomous gender identity held with a sense of conviction. a specific, atrinary gender identity. ./. End ID]
History of The Term Gendermaverick
[PT: History of The Term Gendermaverick ./. End PT]
Approximately 2 weeks after the coining of the term "Maverique", user Haxaaya contacted Vesper to propose a related term (link) [PT: propose a related term ./. End PT] to Maverique called "Gendermaverick".
The definition for Gendermaverick (link) [PT: definition for Gendermaverick ./. End PT] is as follows:
Gendermaverick: a non-traditional (and non-binary) gender experience characterized by both the innate sense of disconnect and independence from binary gender and the intent to subvert society’s expectations of gender. (See also: maverique and genderpunk/genderf*ck)
[PT: Gendermaverick: a non-traditional (and non-binary) gender experience characterized by both the innate sense of disconnect and independence from binary gender and the intent to subvert society's expectations of gender. (See also: maverique and genderpunk/genderf*ck) ./. End PT]
This definition can be summed up as:
a non-binary gender that is non-traditional and subversive.
a gender identity involving a sense of disidentification and sovereignty from the gender binary.
[PT: a non-binary gender that is non-traditional and subversive. a gender identity involving a sense of disidentification and sovereignty from the gender binary. ./. End PT]
According to the coiner of Gendermaverick, the term was intended to be the same as Maverique, but with an added element of "deliberate and direct intent to challenge gender expectations".
Vesper provided feedback, stating that gendermaverick (using the quoted definition above) and maverique have little in common, as maverique isn't an active type of genderfuckery nor does it involve a sense of disconnection from binary gender. Explaining, rather, that maverique is a specific, autonomous atrinary identity that involves an innate inner conviction of their gender in the face of how their outherine identity is deemed deviant/anomalous by society at large and how that is internalized by the individual themselves.
Not long after, the definition for Gendermaverick was redefined by the coiner (link) [PT: the definition for Gendermaverick was redefined by the coiner. ./. End PT]:
Gendermaverick: a distinctly unorthodox (and non-binary) gender experience characterized by a self-determined and autonomous sense of anomalous disconnect and/or independence from traditional binary gender. Furthermore, gendermaverick is an identity undertaken/used with the intention of deliberate subversion of society’s sense of binary gender. (See also: maverique and genderpunk/genderf*ck)
[PT: Gendermaverick: a distinctly unorthodox (and non-binary) gender experience characterized by a self-determined and autonomous sense of anomalous disconnect and/or independence from traditional binary gender. Furthermore, gendermaverick is an identity undertaken/used with the intention of deliberate subversion of society’s sense of binary gender. (See also: maverique and genderpunk/genderf*ck) ./. End PT]
This second revision summed up is:
A non-binary gender that is conceptually nonconformist (unorthodox).
A gender identity that is autonomous in nature (AUIN) and self-determined.
A gender identity involving a sense of disidentification and sovereignty from the gender binary.
A gender that is non-traditional and subversive with regards to the gender binary.
[PT: A non-binary gender that is conceptually nonconformist (unorthodox). A gender identity that is autonomous in nature (AUIN) and self-determined. A gender identity involving a sense of disidentification and sovereignty from the gender binary.a gender that is non-traditional and subversive with regards to the gender binary. ./. End PT]
The last formal definition given by the coiner (link) [PT:last formal definition given by the coiner ./. End PT] was:
Gendermaverick (dictionary version): an unorthodox gender experience characterized by a self-determined sense of anomalous disconnect from binary gender, often combined with the intention to subvert conventional notions of binary gender (see also: maverique and genderpunk) Gendermaverick (understandable version): a non-traditional gender that you decide the meaning of for yourself, but which is definitely disconnected from binary gender (i.e. man or woman). it can be also be thought of as a gender that intends to mess with society’s notions of a binary gender. (similar concepts are maverique and genderpunk)
[PT: Gendermaverick (dictionary version): an unorthodox gender experience characterized by a self-determined sense of anomalous disconnect from binary gender, often combined with the intention to subvert conventional notions of binary gender (see also: maverique and genderpunk). Gendermaverick (understandable version): a non-traditional gender that you decide the meaning of for yourself, but which is definitely disconnected from binary gender (i.e. man or woman). it can be also be thought of as a gender that intends to mess with society’s notions of a binary gender. (similar concepts are maverique and genderpunk) ./. End PT]
The coiner, in an anonymous ask, also described Gendermaverick as, "a deliberately unorthodox/anomalous non-binary gender".
The most recent revision can be summed up as:
a non-binary gender that is conceptually nonconformist (unorthodox).
a gender identity that is self-determined.
a feeling of inconsistency and/or deviance coupled with a disconnected from the gender binary.
a gender that is non-traditional and subversive with regards to the gender binary.
additionally, related to self-definition and genderfuckery.
[PT: a non-binary gender that is conceptually nonconformist (unorthodox). a gender identity that is self-determined. a feeling of inconsistency and/or deviance coupled with a disconnected from the gender binary. a gender that is non-traditional and subversive with regards to the gender binary. additionally, it is related to self-definition and genderfuckery. ./. End PT]
Comparing & Contrasting Maverique With Gendermaverick
[PT: Comparing & Contrasting Maverique With Gendermaverick ./. End PT]
After reviewing all this information, I have developed an interpretation of the terms Maverique and Gendermaverick. I am Neutrois, not Maverique or Gendermaverick, so I am not speaking from any sort of personal experience, but rather making sense of and summarizing what I found from both coiners in regards to the respective terms they coined. If a Maverique and/or Gendermaverick individual has insight to provide, I would love to hear from them.
Maverique is:
a distinct, specific atrinary (ATRIN) gender that is autonomous in nature (AUIN).
not a lack of gender (AGIN) , vague (VAIN), neutral/neutrine (NIN/NEUIN) nor apathetic (APIN).
not located between any other gender or group of genders.
a gender involving a sense of conviction regarding one's sense of self that is unorthodox and unconventional in it's concept and internalization.
[PT: a distinct, specific atrinary gender that is autonomous in nature (AUIN). not a lack of gender (AGIN) , vague (VAIN), neutral/neutrine (NIN/NEUIN) nor apathetic (APIN). a gender involving a sense of conviction regarding one's sense of self that is unorthodox and unconventional in it's concept and internalization. ./. End PT]
Gendermaverick is:
an autonomous (AUIN, abinary (ABIN) gender involving an anomalous disconnect (WIN) from the gender binary.
gender non-conforming (GENOIN), subversive, non-traditional and/or unorthodox in it's nature.
[PT: an autonomous (AUIN, abinary (ABIN) gender involving an anomalous disconnect (WIN) from the gender binary. gender non-conforming (GENOIN), subversive, non-traditional and/or unorthodox in it's nature. ./. end PT]
Both maverique and gendermaverick are:
abinary (ABIN) gender identities.
autonomous in nature (AUIN).
genders that challenge the existing paradigm of the gender binary and it's derivative identities in some way.
[PT: abinary (ABIN) gender identities. autonomous in nature (AUIN). genders that challenge the existing paradigm of the gender binary and it's derivative identities in some way. ./. End PT]
Maverique and gendermaverick differ in that:
maverique is definitively atrinary (ATRIN), whereas gendermaverick is described as abinary (ABIN), but not specified as atrinary.
maverique definitively involves a sense of conviction regarding one's sense of self, gendremaverick does not.
gendermaverick definitively involves gendrfuckery and/or gender non-conformity, maverique does not.
gendermaverick involves an innate disconnection from the gender binary, maverique does not.
[PT: maverique is definitively atrinary (ATRIN), whereas gendermaverick is described as abinary (ABIN), but not specified as atrinary. maverique definitively involves a sense of conviction regarding one's sense of self, gendremaverick does not. gendermaverick definitively involves gendrfuckery and/or gender non-conformity, maverique does not. gendermaverick involves an innate disconnection from the gender binary, maverique does not. ./. End PT]
Ultimately, Maverique and Gendermaverick are pretty different from each other. Aside from the similarities listed above and an intertwined etymology, they are not all that alike.
Maverique was coined by Vesper. Not long after this coining, tumblr user Haxaaya created the term "Gendermaverick", articulating that it was near identical to Maverique, with the added characteristic of being deliberate and direct in it's intent to challenge gender expectations. As each coiner elaborated on their respective terms, it became apparent that the terms were distinct. Aside from both genders being abinary and subversive in some sense, they both are both different experiences. Their etymology and early history are enmeshed, but ultimately, each identity are notably distinct in concept.
-- Gent
[PT: -- Gent ./. End PT]
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