#nova teen tings
maybeigotwithsophie · 2 years
Bisexual teens be like I used my Bath and Body Works advance to scam my mom out of 26.13 for my first Klarna payment for Joshua Bassett tickets.
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adarlingwrites · 4 years
noun: formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment
The Capital Wasteland lauded the Lone Wanderer as a hero, a Messiah, a savior who's willing to give her life for the Good Fight. Beyond the legends, the propaganda, and the mythification that surrounded her legacy, there is only one person who knew her bare soul. She gave him his absolution, and now he will fight for hers.
December 27, 2277.
My mistress’ peers surrounded her and they’re either hugging her or asking her how her life has been since she went out in the wastes. Something stirs in my chest. I feel… happy seeing people care about the mistress. I’m certain that there are people who care for her in the Wasteland; Gob, Nova, Simms, Moira, Three Dog, the kids in Big Town, everyone else she has helped… and me. But there are people who wanted to hurt her too. Here in this vault, she is safe. I won’t be surprised if she decides to stay here after she’s done with her father’s project.
Seeing these teenagers joke around and catch up with each other makes me wonder if I could have experienced that too.
I follow Percy as the other teens her age led her to a jail cell, where they set their former teacher free. He seems proud of them. Percy introduced me to him, Mr. Brotch, and after the initial surprise due to my appearance, he shook my hand. We gathered back in the clinic, where the old lady who gave me a sweetroll held a prayer for James.
Just when I thought the mistress could finally catch a break, Amata drops a bomb on her.
“Percy, on behalf of the vault, I thank you for everything that you’ve done,” she starts, an apologetic tone in her voice.
“I have a bad feeling about this,” Percy half sighs, half laughs. “Let me guess, I can’t stay?”
“Yes. I’m so sorry. But there are a lot of people who still blame you for everything that happened.”
There’s a clamor of protest from her peers. “Wait, but Percy saved all of us!” Gomez’ kid interjected. “Yeah, we can’t just kick her out,” a girl spoke up. From her resemblance with Wally, I suppose this one is Susie. “Percy! You can’t just accept that,” another girl interrupts.
“It’s fine, Christine. I can’t say I’m surprised. I always did stir up trouble in the vault, didn’t I?”
Amata laughs, bittersweet. “You shake things up, and often for the better. But the situation is too delicate for you to stay…”
“I know, Amata. Hell, I met Wally earlier. He’s too taken in by your father’s and his father’s lies. No offense.”
“None taken, Percy.”
“Can I go around the vault, one last time?” Percy asks, her voice cracking. I stand close to her, reluctantly placing a hand on her shoulder.
“Of course.”
And so, I followed the mistress around once more as she explored her home for the last time. I’ve learned her history from the places we went through. The place where she would stash her comic books. The place where her class would sneak off to so they can drink in secret. The place where Stevie hurt her. The place where she would hide and cry. The place where she would practice shooting. I learned so much about the mistress that night.
Our last stop was her and James’ living quarters.
Everyone stopped at the doorway, save for the dog, who still followed her inside. She looks over her shoulder, gesturing for me to follow, and I did. Looking around felt like a violation of her privacy, but then the realization dawned on me. Percy’s sharing this part of herself with me.
My mistress drags her fingers through the surface of a coffee table, dust collecting at her fingertips. “This is where dad used to read his books,” she almost whispers. She moves on to her sleeping quarters, a small room with a bed, a dresser, and a few items lying about. Percy picks up a teddy bear, old and worn with use, a soft expression on her face.
“Mr. Bubbles.”
Percy gives it to Dogmeat, which he happily carries in his mouth. She jumps on the bed, landing face first. “I can’t remember the last time I slept on a soft bed.”
After spending a few minutes on the bed, she finally stood up, shaking the dust off her armor. “Time to grow up, I guess.”
We went back to the clinic and my mistress collected her father’s things, one of which was a picture frame with something written inside. I still have difficulty reading the words, despite my mistress teaching me, but I can read the numbers just fine. 21:6.
A pair of girls her age went to me with apprehension. Christine and Susie.
“Hey, Charon was it?” Susie asks me.
I give her no reply.
“Take care of our friend, won’t you?”
I nod. “It’s what I’m here for.”
The group of teenagers, the old lady, and the teacher accompanied us on the way out. Gomez gives my mistress a nod, taking his place next to his son. The vault door opens, and my mistress takes a step.
“See you on the outside?” Percy tells them.
“One day,” Amata replies. “Goodbye, Percy.”
Percy doesn’t look back. The corners of her eyes are wet.
As soon as we’re out of the trap door, she lets out a sob she’s been holding in for fuck knows how long. And I held her again. I placed a hand behind her head, pressed her to my chest, and she cried.
She doesn’t deserve this. I want to make her feel better. Percy deserves better.
“Percy, remember what I told you earlier?” I speak up, my voice rumbling through my chest.
“Yeah?” she sniffles. A snowflake lands on her hair. It’s getting colder and colder as each day passes.
“I mean it. Contract aside… I’ll stay by your side as long as you will have me.”
“Thank you big guy,” she mumbles, wrapping her arms around my waist.
When we broke from the embrace, the mistress looked me in the eyes. “You’re the best thing that happened to me in months, Charon.”
I swallow thickly, preparing myself for what I’m about to say to her.
“...you’re the best thing that happened to my life,” I tell her.
Percy looks at me with wide eyes, filled with… what is this feeling? Whatever it is, I liked it.
“Charon, I…” the mistress stammers, taking my hand in hers. 
We were interrupted by a damn cough.
“Uh… am I interrupting something?” It’s fucking DeLoria. God dammit all.
“Wait, Butch?! What are you doing out here?” Percy asks him, stepping away from me. Dogmeat looks up to me and whines. Even the dog is disappointed.
“I told ya I’m getting out of that hole, didn’t I? Now-”
“You can’t tag along,” my mistress interrupts.
Sometimes, I wish my mistress would be more selfish, because now, this loudmouth greaser is settling on the couch while my mistress is rubbing her face. He’s bunched up in blankets, looking uncomfortable.
“One day, Butch. I help you for one day, and you’re out on your own,” she tells him, sternly, a hand on her hip.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll get outta your hair as soon as I can pick myself up. Thanks, Perce,” DeLoria tells her, propping his head up with an arm. “You sure you don’t want me next to you?”
My mistress groans. “No. Now go to sleep. Rivet City’s a long way from here.”
Dogmeat, still holding Percy’s old teddy bear in his mouth, followed us as we went upstairs. I pull Percy aside.
“Percy, are you sure about this?” I ask her. I don’t trust the greaser.
“Yeah. Helping him get to Rivet City won’t hurt. I’m heading there to trade for ammo before we look for Vault 87, anyway,” she tells me.
“But what if he’s just taking advantage of your kindness?”
“What if it works out? Ease up, big guy, Butch is harmless. Compared to what’s after me in the Wasteland, anyway.”
“I just don’t want any harm to come to you, Percy.”
“I know, big guy. But Butch is what’s left of the life I had in the vault. He’s like family now. I can’t just abandon him,” she tells me, placing a small hand on my arm.
A small twinge of guilt blooms in my chest. Right. It’s not even an hour since she was exiled from her home. Of course she’d still be attached to her previous life and the people in it.
“I understand. Good night, Percy.”
“Good night, Charon.”
As I lay on my mattress, my mind wanders to my youth. Seeing where my mistress, no, my friend grew up in made me wonder what it was like when I wasn’t groomed to be the killer that I am yet.
I try to remember what I can.
March 18, 2065.
A little boy was flying to see my aunt on her birthday. I was that boy.
Looking out an airliner window, clouds were breezing by while Mama sewed and Papa was finishing the last of his lunch. I was holding a handmade doll Mama made with me, that I was going to give to my aunt. The sky was still bright and blue, not the ruined, green-tinged one I know today. “Are we there yet?” I asked Mama, impatient. My voice was small. A child’s.
“Patience little one,” Mama tells me. “We’ll be there soon. Excited to see Auntie Katya?”
I nod at her. I can’t even remember my mother’s face and my memory is struggling to fill the gaps. All I know is she had blue eyes, like mine.
“You know, Artyom, we were visiting her when your mama had you,” said Papa. His hair is red like mine. “Your Aunt Katya was there when your mother gave birth. She chose your name, too.”
So that was my name before… before...
“I can’t believe we’re finally back in California after all those years, Ilya. Sometimes I wonder why we stay in Alaska,” Mama said.
“What does California look like, Mama?”
“Hush now, I’ll let you see for yourself when we get there. Get some sleep,” Mama tells me. I remember pouting at her.
“Lullaby, please,” I ask her.
“Oh, fine, fine. Come here, love.”
I settled in my mother’s lap. She’s warm, soft, and smells of baked goods. Like a sweetroll.
“Spi mladyenec, moi prekrasniy, bayushki bayu...”
That lullaby always made me feel better. Sadly, I cannot remember the rest of it.
I’m taken back to the present, more than 200 years later, when the dog whines outside my door. I crack it open, and see Dogmeat outside, the teddy bear still in his mouth. I let him in. I lie back down on the mattress and Dogmeat lies next to me, sniffing his new toy before drifting asleep.
Through the thin walls of Percy’s home, I can hear her soft cries and sobs.
It went on for hours.
I can’t take it anymore.
Three months ago, I would’ve scoffed at the idea. I would’ve told myself that I’m a mercenary, not a babysitter. But I want to make my friend Percy feel better.
“Do you think we should get her?” I ask the dog, who was awakened by her sobbing when it started almost two hours ago. Dogmeat licks my face and sits patiently in front of the door, waiting for me to open it.
We quietly step outside my room. I look over the balcony, and Butch was already fast asleep. Good. I knock at my mistress’ door, and after a few seconds of silence, she opens it, her eyes red and raw.
“I can hear you crying through the walls,” I tell her, holding my breath.
“Oh. I’m sorry-”
“Percy, you have nothing to apologize for. Do you need company?”
“I- yes. I can’t sleep. Stay with me, please?”
Please. I will never grow tired of hearing her say that word.
I step into her bedroom. Her only bedroom now, as far as I’m concerned. There are sheets of paper neatly stacked on the desk, and a repainted tin can holds her pencils. Her bed sheets smell faintly of Abraxo detergent and a human scent, unmistakably Percy’s. I sit on the bed and she immediately huddles into my chest, face pressed against it. I gather the blankets and wrap it around Percy, stroking her hair. I felt like a depraved old man, cuddling down with a nineteen-year old in her bedroom and touching her hair, but my feelings do not matter at the moment. Percy needs all the comfort she can in this shithole world.
Her sobs slowed into soft breaths.
Percy nods. “Thank you.”
“Anything for a friend, Percy.”
She looks up to me. “Friend?...”
“Is that not what you call me? Don’t overthink it.”
Percy nodded and rested her head against my chest. Dogmeat comes over to give Mr. Bubbles back, and she takes the bear, while the dog lies over our legs. We’re a cozy little pile.
I try to remember my mother’s lullaby, but my brain is failing me. I still remember the melody, however.
I start to hum.
Even in her sleep, she’s crying for her father.
Only when Percy settled comfortably did I allow myself to close my eyes.
??? ??, 2070
There’s a plate of pancakes on the counter, but I can’t have some yet. I look at my fingers, thin and bony, thumbing the page of a book while I sit in the kitchen. Mama is getting frustrated at me. I’m doing my best to understand what is on the page.
Then, we heard knocking at the door.
Papa is in the living room, so he answers it. I go back to learning how to read, but Mama isn’t looking at the book anymore.
“Artyom, keep reading. I’ll just make sure your Papa’s okay.”
She stands up and leaves me in the kitchen. I didn’t stay put. I hid behind the door frame to spy on them, and I saw two men shoving a piece of paper in my father’s face.
“You have the right to remain silent, Mr. Volkov. Anything you say-” one of them tried to say, but Papa interrupts him.
“This must be a mistake. We are not Reds nor we are harboring Reds-” said my Papa. He was interrupted by the men, who attempted to put him in handcuffs, but Papa is big and strong. He didn’t let them touch him.
“Mr. Volkov, please cooperate. We must investigate all reports that go through our 1800-REPORT-RED Hotline. You’ll be tried in court, and should you be proven a Red supporter or ally, social services will take your child into custody in an attempt to rehabilitate him from any indoctrination you might have-”
Papa pushes one of them.
“Do not touch my son. I am not going. That warrant isn’t even authorized! I am not coming with you over an accusation made by some paranoid idiot who called your damn hotline. Annika, call Katya. She’ll know what to-”
I hear a loud noise and flinch, then Papa falls to the floor.
Mama screams as she falls to her knees to make sure he’s okay. He’s not breathing.
They killed my Papa.
Author’s Notes:
I was listening to Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood as inspiration for this chapter. It'll probably be the inspiration for the next ones too.
I headcanon Charon to be of Russian descent and I'm not the first one to do so, IIRC. His grandfather was a Russian diplomat in Los Angeles, and his father and aunt moved to the USA along with him as children. I wrote this as a shoutout/homage to one of the possible pre-made player characters in the first Fallout, Natalia Dubrovhsky. Stay tuned to find out how he ended up on the East Coast!
If we were to follow traditional Russian naming convention (first name + patronymic + surname), his full name would've been Artyom Ilyich Volkov.
The lullaby Charon's mother sings to him as a boy is called Cossack Lullaby, written by Mikhail Lermontov in 1838.
Also, Auntie Katya will show up in future stories! -wink-
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itzleon345 · 4 years
We’re a Million Worlds Apart
Chapter 1: If I Could Just Tell Her
Fandom: Little Witch Academia
Pairing: Diana Cavendish/ Atsuko “Akko” Kagari
Read it on AO3: Here
Rating: T
Word count: 1974 words
Summary: Akko is hopelessly in love with Diana but she is to much of a coward to confess so she just keeps her feelings in her inside fantasizing how would it be if she had the guts to tell her how she feels.
Look at your beautiful blue eyes, deep as the same sea, lose myself in them like a sailor without a compass to guided him, believe that I could never leave that abyss without an end, and then, observe your smile which has no comparison, your sort of subtle and perfect and real smile that you only trust to some of us, I can't believe you don't know how that same smile can make me feel, ecstatic, happy, I could even say that overburdened, but well, in the end I know that this is all for the simple fact that I'm hopelessly in love with you, Diana Cavendish
You make me happier day by day, you make me want to discover more things about you, as, for example, whenever you get bored you scribbled stars in your notes, stars that resemble those that some months ago you and I released
And I also notice that although you seem completely disinterested in such childish topics, you still fill out the quizzes that they put in those teen magazines that Hannah and Barbara leave in the library 
I know all of this because lately you are the only thought in my head, I know this because I love to know things about you, because I adore every part of you, because I treasure every moment by your side and for that same reason i keep it all inside my head and you don't know anything about this, I have to leave this unsaid, because even if I want to do it, I can't even get close to you, I can't find a way.
But I swear to you that every night when I go to sleep and every morning when I wake up the only thing I can think of is ‘if I could tell her? Tell her all the things I see, if I could tell her? Tell her that she is everything to me’ and I know I will not because we’re a million worlds apart, because you are a queen and I am a jester, and anyway, even if I could tell you I would not know where to start because there is too much to say, Because day after day I discover something new about you, I really don't know what to do, so the only thing I have left is to fantasize about 'if I could tell her?'
Akko was writing all of this on a loose sheet as soon as she woke up
"Akko! Hurry up, it's time to start classes” Lotte hurried from the closet while she finished putting on her vest.
"Please be considerate to us, I don't wish to have to clean the Trolls' toilet a second time this month," Sucy said already ready from her side of the desk as she finished mixing a couple of liquids.
"Yep! I'm going!" The brunette answered as she put the letter in one of the desk drawers
"Well girls, I hope you have paid attention to the class as this topic will come in next week's exam, now go" said Finnelan with force in her voice
Akko closed her notebook with a sigh, notebook that had no notes as the whole class she had spent thinking about her most recent dilemma ‘maybe one day I will be able to tell her how I feel.’
Her morning classes were already over and it was lunchtime -her favorite time-, she and her teammates shot out to the dining room where, as always, the green and blue teams were already sitting, for some reason or another they were talking about the Night Fall convention that Lotte and Barbara had managed to drag them down a couple of weeks ago.
"Hey Princess" Amanda tried to get the attention of the blonde who seemed that didn’t paid attention to the previous conversation because she was waiting for someone to arrive "do you want to know what Akko told me about you a couple of days ago?" Diana instantly turned to see the American with a look of interest.
"Is that a yes?" The redhead asked a second time with a small smile to which Diana just nodded.
Akko -who had just arrived- was nervous as much as she could be, because even if she tried to keep her feelings for the heiress on the sidelines, she knew that -somehow- Amanda had discovered her little crush with the blonde (it should be noted that although she thought she was discreet, everyone had already knew about it, well, everyone except for Diana who was equal or more dense than Akko with all of this romance thing)
"Well, she said she loves the way you ride your broom," Amanda replied with a laugh.
"A-amanda!" Akko complained with her face completely red.
And either way, Akko wasn't the only one with a strange reaction, each of them had a different one, Sucy giggled, Lotte's cheeks were tinged with a subtle blush, Jasminka looked a little disapprovingly at her teammate, Constanze simply stood up from her place next to Jasminka to fist-bump Amanda, Hannah and Barbara glared at Amanda, and Diana? Well Diana was just extremely confused, she didn't understand why they all seemed to exaggerate at a simple compliment from her favorite brunette
"That's it? Did she say anything else? ” Asked the heiress with clear confusion and interest
"About you?" answered maliciously with another question Sucy which had been the fastest to get out of the small group shock
"No, n-never mind" Diana stuttered as she turned to look elsewhere, because it is not like she was interested in what Akko thought about her, obviously not and if it came to interest it would be for the simple fact that they were friends, nothing out of the ordinary, obvious.
"Don't worry Cav, she said so many things! But there are so much that I'm trying to remember the best ones” Amanda said with a bit of mockery “For example! She said that your hair look really pretty whe-” the redhead tried to continue but was interrupted by Akko who lunged from her place in front of her to silence her
“It look pretty...er... cool! The way your hair moves when you fly is pretty cool... hehe ”Akko finished answering from the ground with one hand in Amanda's mouth and the other scratching the back of her neck
"You did?" The blonde asked again with a small blush
"O-of course!" Akko almost yelled as she stood up and helped Amanda to stand "b-but hey, what were you guys talking about before we got here?" The brunette asked looking at her friends for help.
"Night Fall!" Barbara shouted "I-i mean, we were talking about the Night Fall convention we went, heh" Akko turned to see her with gratitude and they continued chatting about the convention and those conventions that were to come.
Lunch continued without any further altercation, just a couple of playful glances from Amanda and Sucy's two-way remarks, the normal. At the end, the group separated and each one go to their respective classes of the afternoon.
"Akko, I think it's about time you confessed to Diana" Lotte said out of nowhere.
The little lunch drama had happened a couple of weeks ago, weeks in which quite similar situations had occurred, which always ended with Akko shouting some nonsense or someone in the floor -except for Sucy who was too scary for Akko to try to tackle her-, and this was gradually annoying her friends, none of them could believe how Akko was such a coward not to confessed to someone who was obviously going to accept her, and how Diana was so stubborn not to accept her own infatuation that she excused as a "Very good friendship"
"W-what ?!" Akko screamed as she got up from her bunk and hit Lotte's.
"Lotte is right, it is too upsetting to see you mopping around by your supposed ‘unrequited love’” Sucy added from the desk.
"Girls you know that I can’t, she herself has shown me that she doesn’t see me as nothing more than a friend" Akko answered while rubbing the place on her head which had been hit
"Argh" Sucy growled as she listened to her stupid -but dear- friend
“Besides, how do you suppose I would do it? What the hell would I say to her? "Akko said as she stood up from her bed to start walking back and forth in their little hallway
"Perhaps you plan for me to tell her how I have always wondered how she learned to dance like if all the rest of the world isn’t there?" the tone of voice of the little witch was gradually growing
"Or how her presence makes me feel back to the stratosphere, that her smile makes me the happiest person in the world, that I don't know what I would do if she were to leave one day, because making her happy became my new dream?" She continued with her little speech as she sat back on her bed
"Is that what you plan? Because I do not see it very convenient, I don’t want to lose her, I don’t want her to abandon me because she found out that I am this freak that fell in love with her best friend, I really don’t want to, because she is everything to me” little by little her eyes began to moisten
"Besides, we’re a million worlds apart, she is literally the best witch to have stepped on Luna Nova in decades, she is the heir to one of the most powerful families of all times, while I" she laughed sadly "I am only a screw up witch who still doesn't know how to correctly fly a broom” By this moment tears were already coming out of her eyes
"What do you want me to do when there is this great divide?" She said and she started sobbing for a moment
"She always seems to be so far away," Akko continued. Sucy, meanwhile, stood up from her place to sit next to Akko, Lotte also got off her bunk while giving Sucy a sad look and sat on the other side of Akko
"What am I going to do when the distance is too wide?" Lotte hugged her teammate as a couple of tears escaped from her own eyes
"She doesn't know anything" Sucy let out with a bit of venom in her voice, because, although, she knew it wasn't on purpose, she was extremely bothered by all the pain the Cavendish heiress caused to her friend.
"And how would l look to her face and s-say" Akko stuttered while she released from Lotte's embrace and got up again, this time going to her desk and began in a whisper to repeat the same sentence
"I love you" she said as she took out the letter she had written a couple of weeks ago
"I love you" she opened the window
"I love you!" She screamed at the top of her lungs at the cold night outside of her room
"I love you" she said for the last time with her eyes closed and a tender smile as she hugged herself and the letter, but when she opened her eyes she returned to reality and likewise she took the letter and threw it out of the window and close it, and then return to the embrace of her friends -Yes, Sucy included-
"But we are a million worlds apart, and I don’t know how I would even start telling her anyway," she said spitefully.
"If I could just tell her" she whispered as she lay down on her bed together with her friends.
"If I could ..." she closed her eyes and slept so she could dream what her world would be like if she weren't a complete coward
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mlpdestinyverse · 5 years
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“Gems and Flora”
Feat.  Astral Dusk, Terra Rosa, Eventide Twister,  Nova Spark
"S-she's really pretty..." At one point in time as a child, Astral Dusk's younger sister Eventide Twister was also brought over to visit the human world. She had a harder time adjusting to the other dimension compared to her older brother, but at the very least she got to meet Astral's friendly and pretty friend Terra Rosa. It didn't stop little Eve from hiding behind her brother or any objects in her field of vision every chance she got. That visit was Eve's first and last dimensional-hop. Like her father who was able to visit the human world once before with his wife, Eve prefers standing on all four of her hooves. And while Eve had developed an itty bitty kiddy crush on Terra, it was a short-lived one as the two never really saw each other as often as Astral and Terra did.
After the expulsion of (most) magic from the Mirrorverse, Princess Twilight tried to keep the Crystal Mirror's existence as obscure as possible, only allowing Sunset Shimmer (and eventually Astral Dusk) free passage between dimensions. But upon Terra Rosa's eager request, and after gaining Princess Twilight's approval, Terra was given permission to visit Equestria as a sort of one-week cultural field trip! After crossing dimensions, to both Astral and Terra's surprise, it turned out her pony form was that of a unicorn's! Astral would've been lying to himself if he had claimed he hadn't felt even a tinge of envy, being an aspiring researcher of gems and magical properties who couldn't wield magic himself. But Terra was having a blast with her new form, and well, that's what ended up really mattering to Astral. Meanwhile, it's preeetty uh...weird to enter a world where being naked is a norm.
While meeting her alternate dimensional daughter was surreal and rather mind-boggling for Princess Twilight, Terra Rosa was filled to the brim with excitement over meeting not only her pony-mom, but her technical half-dimensional brother, Nova Spark! Nova didn't...quite share the same sentiment, preferring to stare at Terra bug-eyed and fluffed up from behind his mother's leg. Though to be fair, having a strange energetic kid appear from another dimension and call your own mother 'mom' would be a little alarming. Just a little. Astral didn't really appreciate the distrusting glances the brat prince would shoot at his friend whenever she gushed and rambled at the three of them over the new sights around her. He especially didn't appreciate catching a soft mutter of "weirdo" from Nova when the younger colt thought no one was listening. It took everything in Astral not to trip the snobbish boy right then and there. Safe to say while Terra found her younger half-sibling adorable and huggable, Nova as a child waaasn't really about that. Weirdly enough, Astral found the boy avoiding her whenever she treaded his castle while simultaneously watching her from a distance around corners.
Terra came to visit Equestria at least two to three other times after her first initial visit! While her visits couldn't be as frequent as Astral's were to the Mirrorverse, she and Astral used the Equestrian-visits to the fullest! Showing Terra more of their world, giving her a few magic lessons thanks to Sunset, and of course...some collaborative research action~ Astral can't go one scientific project without wearing a lab coat. It's like a thinking cap, allowing him to channel his inner researcher whilemakinghimfeelreallycool,shh. Naturally, it only made sense if Terra joined in on the scientific channeling. The sessions mainly contained crazy idea pitching and aimless notes for the endless possibilities of combining flora and gems and magic. Whether they really got anywhere with their combined efforts was really up in the air, but at least they had fun~
Entering their teen years, both Astral and Terra were granted part-time jobs as junior counselors at the family camp, Camp Everfree! The job mainly consisted of assisting with activities and easing the burden of keeping track of a class of kids from Terra's father Timber Spruce and aunt Gloriosa Daisy. It was around this time that Terra managed to see old photos of Sunset Shimmer back when she and Terra's mother were high schoolers. Sunset's old leather wardrobe, as well as a childhood photo of Astral wearing a tiny leather jacket, had Terra demanding that Astral bring the leather back!! Immediately!! While Astral gave in (quietly swearing he'd only wear it indoors), Aunt Gloriosa kind of just...gave him her infamous disapproving squint. Terra always seemed pretty unaffected by "the squint", but for some reason Astral always found himself wanting to duck in a corner in the face of Gloriosa's authoritative side as head Camp Counselor.
If you haven't seen the glorious scene this is based on, please do oh my gosh. Astral wasn't sure how many hours had passed in the aftermath of the apparent war Terra had waged on the ring toss booth. Astral realized that day the lengths his friend would go for her fixations. He was left feeling weirdly exhausted, but Terra's bright beam and the hop to her step as she nuzzled her plush made it all rather worth it. Twilight and Sunset always got a kick out of seeing their kids getting along and working well together...to the utmost degree.
Welcome to "I might be feeling things for my best friend but I don't want to ruin what we have so I just won't acknowledge it and cherish things as they are" the unholy novel. Neither of them ever realized the other had the exact same thought.
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tfwhynoy · 5 years
More Wild West AU with a male reader actually riding astride a tacked up horse mode Optimus, if that is fine with you.
Notes for others reading this: We talked before I wrote so it’s a bit different than my usual fics. The reader is named (Nova) and is a wealthy 12-year-old farm boy. 
And before anyone goes trying to “defend” me or something like I’ve seen for this person don’t. I’m not bothered and I’d be fine with people wanting to specify things like this.
Anyway sorry, this is kinda short I didn’t want to artificially extend it or awkwardly force details into it. Hope you like it though!
The rides had been going on for over a year now. Nova and Optimus leaving for an hour or two to go on their equivalent of a walk. It’s how they both relaxed together from their respective lives. The constant chatter of the base giving way to the open meadow as Optimus trotted through the ground bridge with Nova on his back. Even just walking out both of them could take a moment and just relax in the fresh air. 
The rides at first weren’t the most coordinated things. With time though Nova and Optimus were able to easily ride through the fields without confusion. The verbal instructions from when they first rode together turned to the usual non-verbal that Nova was familiar with. The ride was always the same route over the occasional fallen tree or rock. A trail of packed dirt carving their path through the meadows they rode through each week. 
Nova always held a riding crop in his right hand purely out of habit; Optimus knew well enough when Nova wanted to go so it wasn’t really needed. Many of the directions that were given to Optimus wasn’t necessary but Nova still would steer as he saw fit. Given that he still had a year before he could even be considered a teen his family didn’t see him as old enough to ride on his own. Being able to sneak out and take these rides out with Optimus felt particularly special because of this and always felt better riding without his family hovering and giving unwanted advice on how to control a horse. Optimus was fine with the directions anyway so why abject?
As they crested the first hilltop Nova took a moment to adjust his gloves and straighten his shirt. He leaned forward and gave a firm kick with the spurs attached to the heels of his boots. A dull metal ting sounded as Optimus sped up to a trot. He gave another tap, then another. On a normal horse it would the equivalent of lightly elbowing; for Optimus, it couldn’t even scratch the paint. Still, he knew what this meant each time and sped up to a gallop as he went down the other side of the hill.
Nova’s laugh was lost in the wind as he beamed. The air whipped his hair around and he simply shook his hair out of his face and continued to steer.
A pull on the reins and Optimus took a hard right along their old path. A rock the size of a yoga ball sat in the center of their trail and Optimus jumped as high as he could over it as he always did. Nova always loved that weightless feeling right before landing fully back on the saddle.
Nova couldn’t help but laugh again as Optimus continued on at a slightly slower pace. Still with another pull Optimus was guided into a wider turn over a larger hill than the first. The hills going up were always a calm walk while going down was the fast-paced gallop again.
Again when they reached the peak and Nova gave a few taps for Optimus to gallop again. Down the two went at full speed as they traced the route once again.
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iheartsurveys · 7 years
Do you like the Ting Tings?
I liked a song or two back in the day
Do own a pea coat?
I think I still have my old one but I haven't worn it in years
What is your favourite food?
Italian food. All of it, it's so hard to choose one thing
Are there any shows on TV you just can’t miss?
Nah. I watch few shows that are currently on or recently ended, and if I know I won't be able to watch I just record it.
Have you ever tried to make brownies and they ended up like rocks?
Not that I can recall
If you could change your name to anything…what would that be?
My mom once told me if I had a female twin she'd be Brielle, which I think I like better than Brianna tbh. I don't hate my name it's fine, it's just that everyone has pronounced it different or incorrect for my whole life that I've given up correcting them. I went by Bri until middle school and then I stopped in high school through college and now I'm like I should've just kept it simple, which is kind of what I've been trying to do for the last year ish. Oh well
Jonas Brothers: Love em or hate em?
I saw them in concert 10 years ago, which is crazy. I loved them then and I do still jam now if they come on shuffle
Does the closet in your room have a door or no?
It has two folding doors
Are you wearing any makeup?
Does it snow where you live?
Last year it snowed like three times and hardly stuck and the year before it snowed a few times, once going over a foot. NoVA is so bizarre
What song did you last hear?
With a Little Help From My Friends - The Beatles
Describe your favorite pair of shoes?
I don't know what my favorite pair of shoes are honestly. I still have my fringy Minnetonkas that I love. And I have my shiny black docs that I can't wait to start wearing again. Maybe either of those. I love boots
Does it bother you when people misuse there, their and they’re?
Yes somewhat...though I know I'm not perfect I accidentally make typos all the damn time on here
Someone hands you free Linkin Park tickets: Do you go or give them away?
Well considering Chester Bennington died and I believe they cancelled the tour I'd probably guess they were fake
What was the best thing about the 90’s?
I was born in 94 so I can't really give you the greatest answer but I really enjoy 90s music. And some of the style. I wish I could've experienced the 90s as a teen/in my early 20s
How many bottles of water do you drink a day?
1...if that I'm so bad at drinking water I need to do better
Can you whistle?
Do you have a picture with anyone from a band?
Mayday parade and the academy is..., though I'm not sure where the pictures are. Probably on a camera card somewhere
Who is best in a band: The drummer, the singer or the guitarist?
It varies by the band I suppose
How much would you have to be paid to go without music for a month?
Oh man I'm not sure...I listen to music daily and I can't imagine driving without it. I don't even want to answer since it's kind of dumb and not a real thing, but let's just say whatever you're willing to pay as long as it's like over $1000
Do your gymnastics abilities go beyond a cartwheel?
I can't even do a cartwheel, but I can do a split. And that's the extent of my gymnastic abilities haha
Robert Pattinson: A good Edward?
He was awful in the first movie. I think at the time I wasn't happy with him as Edward but I came to like him. That's another thing that was 10 years ago I think, geez time flies
Do you like microwavable meals?
They're okay, not my favorite
There’s a snake in your bedroom: how do you react?
Freak the fuck out
What is the best Red Hot Chili Peppers song?
I enjoy some of the older stuff, Dani California is a classic. I really liked Dark Necessities from their 2016 album
Do you know anyone who puts salt on cucumbers?
What about anyone who eats "Peeps" stale?
No one I can think of
Can you touch your tongue to your nose? What about curl it into a clover?
No to both
Where is the farthest you’ve ever been from home?
Have you seen all the Lord of the Rings movies? Star Wars? Harry Potter?
I haven't seen any LOTR or Star Wars, and I've seen all of Harry Potter
Did you like the last movie you watched?
I think the last movie I watched was The Parent Trap, again. It's so good it may be my favorite movie, or at least one of them. It was on a few weeks ago when I got home from brunch/day drinking and I was hungover, I put it on and went to bed right after at like 9:30/10 pm
What movie genre can you not bear to watch?
I hate horror
What music genre can you not stand to listen to?
Pull-over sweatshirts or zip-ups?
Ugg boots: hideous?
They're not the cutest but they're so comfy
How was your day?
Pretty uneventful, worked from home and kinda felt shitty
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osborgs · 3 years
Stranger Things: Atriz de “Anne With an E” entra para o elenco da série
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<span class="hidden">–</span>Marisa/Divulgação
OMG! Se para você, o encontro de Anne With an E com Stranger Things parecia impossível, pode acreditar que ele é real! Acontece que a atriz Amybeth McNulty, que interpretou Anne Shirley na série já finalizada, estará na quarta temporada da produção dos irmãos Duffer. Ela estará em Hawkins junto com outros três atores que se juntaram ao elenco. 
EntretenimentoStranger Things: elenco é visto gravando em cemitério e fãs criam teoria31 Maio 2021 – 14h05
EntretenimentoStranger Things: novo teaser da série explora passado de Eleven6 Maio 2021 – 14h05
EntretenimentoStranger Things: tudo o que sabemos sobre a 4ª temporada9 Maio 2021 – 10h05
Em um vídeo compartilhado na conta oficial da Netflix, os criadores de Stranger Things falaram sobre os novos personagens, que já foram anunciados anteriormente. “Uma das coisas mais empolgantes para a gente é ter no elenco caras que vocês vão conhecer logo. A maioria deles já apresentamos a vocês, mas uma dessas novas personagens é inédita”,  disse um dos irmãos, diretamente do set da quarta temporada.
Uma delas é a Vickie, personagem que Amybeth irá interpretar. “Ela vai entrar nessa nova temporada, ela vai ter uma grande participação nos próximos eventos”, garantiu. Em seguida, eles também contaram que sempre gostaram de Anne With an E, inclusive dos livros nos quais a série foi baseada, e que trabalhar com a atriz já estava em seus planos. “Somos grandes fãs de sci-fi e terror, mas também adoramos outras coisas”, contou um deles.
Um dos irmãos chegou a ressaltar uma curiosidade: Na série, Hopper (David Harbour) aparece lendo Anne de Green Gables para sua filha e também para Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown). Essa não é uma coincidência qualquer, afinal, os Duffer amavam ler os livros que deram origem à série da Netflix. 
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Hopper lindo “Anne de Green Gables” para sua filha em “Stranger Things”Reprodução/Netflix
Eu nem acredito que finalmente posso contar esse segredo pra vocês:
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Agradeçam a @NetflixGeeked por essa notícia. pic.twitter.com/aSiYP8RmBI
— netflixbrasil (@NetflixBrasil) June 9, 2021
De acordo com a descrição da plataforma, Vickie é “uma nerd legal e falante que chama a atenção de um de nossos amados heróis”. Será que ela vai formar par romântico com alguns dos principais? 
Ver essa foto no Instagram
Uma publicação compartilhada por Amybeth (@amybethmcnulty)
Outros atores também foram anunciados:
Myles Truitt interpretará Patrick, “uma estrela do basquete de Hawkins que tem amigos, talento e uma boa vida … até que eventos chocantes deixam sua vida fora de controle.”
Ver essa foto no Instagram
Uma publicação compartilhada por Myles Truitt𓂻 (@mylestruitt)
Regina Ting Chen terá o papel de Srta. Kelly, “uma conselheira de orientação popular que se preocupa profundamente com seus alunos – especialmente aqueles que têm mais dificuldades.”
Ver essa foto no Instagram
Uma publicação compartilhada por Regina Ting Chen (@reginatingchen)
E por último, Grace Van Dien como Chrissy, a líder de torcida do Hawkins High e a garota mais popular da escola. Sob superfície aparentemente perfeita ela esconde alguns mistérios. 
Ver essa foto no Instagram
Uma publicação compartilhada por Grace Van Dien
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Quer saber mais sobre o que pode rolar na quarta temporada de Stranger Things? Te contamos tudo o que sabemos aqui. 
E aí, animada para ver esses novos atores no Mundo Invertido? 
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The post Stranger Things: Atriz de “Anne With an E” entra para o elenco da série first appeared on Portal O.S News. from WordPress https://ift.tt/3gavNwG via IFTTT
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flickdirect · 7 years
Warner Bros. and DC Comics have created a cult culture following that I want to be a part of. More importantly, I want my kids to be a part of this cult culture. Between the two mega companies, they have brought comic book characters to life in a way that the Saturday morning cartoons of the 1960's and beyond failed to do. They have made the Superheroes real flesh and blood, with real relationships that we can relate to and sometimes see ourselves reflected in their storylines. Arrow was the first "real life" television shows in the 21st century to captivate an audience as it has continued to do so over the past five seasons and while Arrow is still on the darker side of DC, it is still a show I can watch with my pre-teen kids.
What's interesting is that Arrow, now the Green Arrow (aka Oliver Queen), was just a rich boy who was lost at sea. Throughout the series, we have been privy to flashbacks of how Queen became the Arrow - moving from circles of money and partying to a life wherein he felt responsible for the welfare of his entire city. The Green Arrow is not so much a Superhero as he is a vigilante but, nonetheless, you cannot help but fall in love with the calm, cool, collected, and handsome Stephen Amell (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of The Shadows). Despite his upbringing, he has been molded into a rough and gruff assassin at night but by day, he is the Mayor of Star City - clean, handsome, and charming.
Season Five gives the audience more insight into Queen's background and his vulnerabilities. One of the main antagonists turns out to be a confidant of the Mayor's, Adrian Chase (Josh Segarra; Trainwreck), whose alter ego is Prometheus. Prometheus challenges Green Arrow, and ultimately Oliver Queen, in a way unseen in prior seasons. We also see a culmination of Green Arrow's weaknesses in a way never presented previously. Normally, Green Arrow becomes more determined and harder with every villain he brings down but Prometheus almost breaks Green Arrow- or more specifically- Oliver Queen. For the first time, a villain cracks Green Arrow that shows the viewers the human man behind the hood. We are reminded that despite the huskier voice Green Arrow uses on screen or the difference in attire they wear, Green Arrow is simply a man with the same issues everyone else has.
Season Five brings in a whole group for Team Arrow. Going for quasi-thug type characters, the team has crude looking outfits instead of tailored outfits like Green Arrow or even Speedy. Their dynamic is rough around the edges and we spend much of the season getting to know the new characters and new storylines as well as getting to know everyone's relationships all over again and it is invigorating to watch. Throughout the Season, we also learn about the new team members' personal lives, quicker than we did with the prior characters. By far, introducing so many new characters and rebuilding the core of the show could have been a disastrous gamble but, in the end, it paid off and Season Five was a huge hit.
Green Arrow can be seen throughout DC's other television shows The Flash, DC's Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl. Despite his vigilante status versus superhero status, Green Arrow seems more grounded than the others, almost like a big brother or counselor guiding the newbies to where they need to go and how to get there. The others look up to him as a mentor and Green Arrow plays the part extremely well. The cross-over events bring a great dynamic to the series and provide more depth outside of the one story we are watching.
Arrow: The Complete Fifth Season is presented in 1080p High Definition Blu-ray with an aspect ratio of 1.78:1. As befitting Green Arrow's storyline, which seems to happen mostly at night, the background is really dark with overtones of a greenish tinge. Sometimes it is hard to make out the details of a scene but the actors bring the scenes to life so, really, you don't lose much. While in previous seasons outdoor scenes would have a natural brightness to them, I noticed that the outdoor day scenes were still overcast, possibly mimicking Arrow's mood for much of Season Five.
The audio is presented in DT-HD Master Audio 5.1, which emphasizes the action scenes without being too overpowering. The audio is appropriate for home viewing and provides a clear and crisp soundtrack for those watching even without speakers or a sound system. There is a lot of movement of the actors this season and despite that, the sound system captures exactly what it needs to, ensuring the audience is involved with all dialogue.
Along with a Digital Copy, the Blu-ray provides us with lots of Bonus Features for our viewing pleasure. Here, I have broken them down by Disc:
Disc 1
Deleted Scene: Episode 3
The New Team Arrow - Meet the new team as they get prepared to fight alongside with Green Arrow.
Disc 2
Watch the 100th Episode/Crossover Event (Episode 8)
Deleted Scenes- Episodes 9, 11
Allied: The Invasion! Complex (Arrow) – A documentary of what this season has been about- Oliver's vulnerabilities.
Disc 3
Deleted Scenes: Episodes 16, 17
Disc 4
Deleted Scenes: Episodes 19, 22, 23
Arrow: 2016 Comic-Con Panel- Discussing Season 5 from San Diego
Returning to the Roots of Arrow: Prometheus: Oliver faces his deepest secrets
Gag Reel
Personally, I am glad Arrow went through a bit of a reinvention this past season. New faces bring a new enthusiasm to the script and storyline and we are constantly reminded in Season Five that not only is the team simply human, but Arrow is simply a man, with weaknesses that can overpower him just like it can to normal, everyday, non-vigilante audience members. This season also reminded us that when we fall down really hard, there are always friends who will make us get up and carry on, whether we want to or not. Arrow: The Complete Fifth Season is a well-placed investment to have in your home.
Grade: A-
About Jennifer Broderick A graduate of The George Washington University and Nova Southeastern Law School Jennifer Fischer Broderick’s fascination with the movie world started when she first saw Snow White on the big screen as a young child. When the producers of the movie Annie held auditions in NYC, Jennifer stood on line in the cold to try out for a part and actually made it past the first few try-outs. A vivacious reader, she is fascinated watching books and stories brought to life on the big screen. Jennifer has passed her love of movies onto her children and they are often found planning their weekends around opening premieres.
Read more reviews and content by Jennifer Broderick.
via FlickDirect Entertainment News and Film Reviews
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