#madam Blake secretary
Bisexual teens be like I used my Bath and Body Works advance to scam my mom out of 26.13 for my first Klarna payment for Joshua Bassett tickets.
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diana-prince-ww · 3 months
Elizabeth: Why are there six people outside who say they're waiting to meet with me?
Blake: So, you know how you love me because you haven't had a single meeting with anyone since I started working here? That's because every time someone calls and requests a meeting with you, I always schedule it for March 31st.
Elizabeth: Why?
Blake: Because I didn't think March 31st existed. "Thirty days hath September, April, March, and November..."
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kanerallels · 2 years
Highlights from this past Madam Secretary episode (3x11):
Blake naming the horse Mandy, and then getting attached to the horse. Also, Elizabeth doing her level best not to get attached to the horse
Russell Jackson telling himself "the chips will fall where they do, we can't do anything to stop this" and then being all "this isn't me" and promptly going to blackmail someone
Henry's expression when he saw the dress Allison had picked out for Elizabeth
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doctorstethoscope · 1 year
Fluffy February Day 1 || First Date
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hiiii besties welcome to day one of @doctorsteths-fluffyfeb !!! I'm so excited you're here <333
pairing: Blake x Stevie
wordcount: 543
contains: discussion of food, anxiety
Blake’s shifting from heel to toe in the foyer of Filomena as he replays his conversation with Stevie in his mind. 
“I’d like to go out to dinner– to take you out to dinner,” he’d stammered, awkwardly. “Not as two friends just eating together because they have to eat,” he elaborated, wanting to differentiate this from their typical, platonic evenings together since her mother had been elected president. “I’d like for it to be… more than that.” 
“More than two friends eating dinner?” Stevie asked with a knowing-but-coy smile spreading across her face, and the blush to follow it. 
“Yeah,” Blake answered dumbly. 
“I’d like that, Blake,” she’d said, leaning across the table to press a friendly kiss to his cheek.
He’d like to think he was a polished person, especially as a personal aide to the President of the United States. Asking Stevie out to dinner certainly hadn’t been his best work. Which is why he needed tonight to go off without a hitch. 
There was a small room in the back that was cleared for them already– Stevie hated to interrupt a public place with her Secret Service detail, and this was a nice compromise. They’d eat pasta and drink wine, and maybe take a walk after dinner if the day’s humidity had broken with the setting sun. All of this is assuming that she doesn’t walk out on him because he was so incredibly nervous that he couldn’t think straight. 
A man in a suit that Blake recognizes enters the restaurant, and he realizes that she must be here. He completes his sweep, along with a few other agents who must have come in through the back door, and she appears in the doorway a moment later. 
“Hi,” she says shyly, still not used to the enormity of her entrances. 
“Hey, Stevie,” Blake says with a smile, extending a hand to her. “You look incredible. We’re over this way.” 
Conversation flowed easily, the way it always had between them– they joked and laughed and talked about the congressmen who’d irritated them that day, respectively. Stevie posed a question that surprised Blake as they waited for dessert. 
“Did you tell my mom that we were here?” 
“No,” he shakes his head. “Did you tell your mom that we were here?” He asks in turn. 
“No,” she answers. “But she’s going to find out.”
“Well, naturally,” he agrees. 
“My agents won’t say anything, they’re good like that, but someone will see us.” 
“What do you mean?” Blake asked.
“I mean maybe not tonight, but at some point this will end up in Politico,” she explains with a well-intentioned eye roll, knowing that Blake understands the nature of her undesired celebrity just as well as she does.
“Your mother’s going to find out because I’m serious about you, Stephanie. And I don’t plan on this being the last time I take you out, and I don’t plan on hiding how strong my feelings are for you just because you live in the public eye and I work for your mother. She’ll find out because we’ll tell her,” he explains. “If that’s what you want, of course,” he adds after a moment. 
Stevie smiles at him from across the table. “I’d like that, Blake.”
tagging: @spacecowboyhotch @honeybrowne @angelfxllcm @rousethemouse @infinite-tides @gspenc @anlin2058 @zetasaturno99 @realdirectionx @witheldclouds @sbeno22 @el-vs94 @hausofwhores
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Elizabeth Mccord to Blake Moran- "I fire because I love." 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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valeovalairs · 8 months
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Saw Captain Jack and instantly thought, “he reminds me of someone, who does he remind me of.”
Blake. It’s Blake.
I don’t even know why, the only things they really have in common that I can think of is they’re American(ish) and bi.
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xomiamibb · 2 years
Ok but Madam Secretary is such a good show!
A little sad I'm on the last season🥲
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avethepotatoshipper · 2 years
me watching madam secretary: “omg a bisexual!”
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teddypmedley · 8 months
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TWO full months in drafts and now the baby is finally born. some lingering denial, Tony Bennet lyrics,
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writingmccord · 4 days
“Mystery Daughter”
October 2014, Present Day
"Madam Secretary," Matt says as she sighs, looking over her glasses at him, "You've never mentioned her before. So even if you're not trying to hide her it's like you're trying to hide her."
With another sigh, she explains that Stephanie had conditions about this job—about being put on display, mostly, as a daughter of yet another U.S. politician. "She's a legal adult," she says, "She's in college and she wants to live her own life and I respect that." The conversation continues, and she feels her chest swell with pride whenever they tell her what Stevie's in the news for now—need-based and need-aware are serious topics. She's glad for that.
"Fine," she breathes, looking at Nadine after she says that the worthy cause isn't the issue at hand here, "You want me to talk to her and explain why the Secretary of State's daughter can't be doing things like this?" The question is pointed mostly at Nadine, but also to the whole table.
"And we need to put out a statement," Daisy follows up.
Matt pipes in, "Explaining your…" he throws his hand up, his arms crossed, "Mystery daughter."
"Not a mystery daughter."
Elizabeth looks over to Blake and can't help but let the corners of her lips raise just slightly, proud, too, that he always stands up for her—and her family. He doesn't have to even though he is her only hire that she made. And though she's perfectly capable of caring for herself, he's taken the role of protector on quite smoothly.
Then a thought crosses her mind, and she folds her hands in each other on the table and looks over at Matt coyly.
"By mystery," she pauses and squints her eyes for a moment, throwing her head forward, "Do you me born out of wedlock or sired by aliens?" Her tone is amused, but she finds herself having to take a deep breath, getting more riled up than she maybe should have. Defensiveness always comes out when it comes to her family, but especially when it comes to Stephanie.
"Well," Matt says, "We need to rule out either of those speculations."
She swallows, "Knock yourself out," she says, then takes a deep breath and looks around the table, making eye contact with each of her staff, "Can we talk about matters of national security now?" She changes the subject, knowing she has to come back around to Matt's comment eventually. He can't put out a statement and her know it's untrue—it'll come back to hurt her in the long run. But for now, they do need to talk about national security.
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nonadhesiveness · 1 year
breaking the rules
Nadine stood at the head of the table in Conference East, peering at the padfolio that lay open in her hands. “I’d like to remind everyone that any holiday decorations are to be unobtrusive and respectful of people of all faiths.” She wet the pad of her index finger, and turned the page. Her eyebrows arched—not by much, but enough for Elizabeth to notice. “Also, in the interest of avoiding any lawsuits, HR have issued a memo stating there’s to be no mistletoe.”
Matt rocked forward in his seat, and nabbed a croissant from the tray in the middle of the table. “Spoilsports,” he muttered, loud enough that it was clearly meant to be heard.
Nadine folded shut the padfolio and tucked it under her arm. “With that out of the way, we can return to the more pressing issue of the situation in Chad.”
“Thanks, Nadine,” Elizabeth said, as her chief of staff walked over and slipped into the seat next to hers.
She turned to Jay, mouth open, ready to ask if he’d heard back from his French counterparts, when Henry McCord—sorry, Dr Henry McCord—strode through from the outer office, coat slung over his arm, briefcase in hand.
“Madam Secretary.” He sent her a stiff nod in greeting. “Sorry I’m late. My car wouldn’t start.” He gripped the back of the chair next to Matt’s, fingertips curling into the cushion, and pulled the chair out from the table. 
Still tearing his croissant into shreds atop a paper napkin, Matt twisted to Henry with a smirk. “Is that code for ‘I had a hot date last night and had to make it across town to get a change of clothes before work this morning’.”
Henry sent Matt a look dark enough to make Matt drop the smirk and return to his croissant. “No. It’s code for ‘My car wouldn’t start’.” He placed his coat and suitcase in a heap at the foot of his chair, took a seat, and glanced around the rest of the staff. “Did I miss anything?”
“HR banned mistletoe.” Blake’s voice, muffled by a mouthful of something, came from the desk in the corner.
“Not that you’d care,” Matt muttered.
Daisy raised her eyebrows as she tapped at the screen of her tablet, then set the tablet on the table. “I’d say the lack of a hot date would increase one’s interest in mistletoe.”
Before they could drift off topic, possibly risk Henry enlightening them about the historical background of mistletoe and why HR were right to ban it, but for totally different and no doubt obscure ethical/cultural/religious reasons, Elizabeth stepped in. “We were about to discuss the situation in Chad. I trust you have an ethical perspective that you’d like to share, Dr McCord.”
Daisy raised her mug to her lips; the ceramic barely concealed her murmur. “Here we go.”
Henry levelled his gaze on Elizabeth. “Actually,” he said, his tone hard, a touch too combative, “I do.”
And so began the lecture…
—Sorry. The ethical argument that they ought to consider.
Later, there was a knock at Elizabeth’s office door. 
“Come in,” she called out, as she swept her signature across the bottom of yet another document. (She swore the pile was getting bigger with each one that she signed.)
The door handle clattered, the door arced open, and Henry appeared in the entrance. 
“Madam Secretary? Can I have a word?”
She tossed the document at the out-tray and capped her pen. “Sure,” she said. “Close the door.”
Henry stepped inside, and shut the door with a snick; the moment he did, both their expressions gave way and softened into smiles. 
Elizabeth rose from her chair and turned, ready to meet him. “Hey, there.”
He came to a stop in front of her, but rather than slipping one hand beneath her blazer to sit on her waist and leaning in for a kiss like he usually would, he pulled something out of his jacket pocket and held it above them.
She looked up.
She grinned, and returned her gaze to his. “I didn’t have you pegged for a rule breaker, Dr McCord.”
He shrugged. “On occasion. For the right person.”
Warmth spread through her chest, causing her grin to widen; his lines might be cheesier than the chicken Alfredo he cooked for her last night, but she couldn’t deny they had the desired effect.
She cupped his cheek, and brushing her thumb back and forth, drew him in for a slow and heavy kiss.
When they parted, she rested her hands on his chest, made a pretence of smoothing his shirt. “Do you think they know?” she said, in reference to the staff—and to Matt’s comment, in particular.
He pulled a face, as if genuinely considering it, then gave her an easy smile. “I think we’re good.”
“So, my place again tonight?”
He winked. “Can’t wait.” With that, he stepped away—they never had long—and he headed for the door.
The air between them eased back towards professional, but before it could revert entirely, she called after him, “This time, maybe bring a change of clothes.”
His back still to her, he mock-saluted. “Yes, ma’am.”
The door closed, and the office returned to a steady silence, punctuated by the clock ticking away on the mantle.
She watched after him for a few moments more, then picked up the mistletoe he’d left at the edge of her desk and secreted it into the top drawer. She didn’t know yet what this thing between them was, but she felt certain of this:
She’d break every last rule in the book for Henry McCord.
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kanerallels · 2 years
There is no "best of Blake Moran" video on YouTube and I for one think that's DISGRACEFUL
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doctorstethoscope · 2 years
doctorstethoscope's 2k celebration 💞
hiiii besties, thank you all again for 2k! It means so much to have y'all here with me. This is just a little something fun for me to say thanks to all of you and for you to hopefully get to know me better <3
This celebration will be open from 8/16-8/20, but you can start sending in asks any time! It will help me to queue content so I can hopefully get to all of these before the celebration is over.
for anyone:
🌈: send me a prompt from this or this or this list and I will write a drabble!
🖋: send me an ask from this or this list!
🎧: send me a song and I will listen and tell you what character it reminds me of!
for mutuals:
💛: cast your mutuals as...
🌝: send me a fic and I'll review it! (less than 3k words pls)
💝: send me any of the prompts from the above lists and I will write a one-shot!
some notes: I will be writing these for whichever characters I am most inspired for when I read the prompt--- plenty will be Hotch-related, I'm sure, but there will be some others in the mix too! (and I'll tag appropriately here). Also, I reserve the right to cut off one shot requests if it gets to be too much (I know my lovely moots will understand but wanted to make it clear for full disclosure)
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Nadine left! 🥺😭
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mattoidmeerkat · 1 year
nine favorite canon lgbt characters (tagged by @lucydonato)
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in no particular order
1 Blake Moran, Madam Secretary
2 Rich DotCom, Blindspot
3 Kerry Weaver, er
4 Rosa Diaz, Brooklyn Nine-Nine
5 Seven of Nine, Star Trek Picard (technically)
6 Mo, Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist
7 Henrietta 'Hen' Wilson, 9-1-1
8 Patrick Brewer, Schitt's Creek
9 Raymond Holt, Brooklyn Nine-Nine
tagging @chimneysrebarscar, @grabnetsrik1, @yazzea, @dawntainbobbynash, @beingnico, @ghostsmp3, @papabearbobbynash (no pressure)
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babsbabbles · 10 months
the post got super long again
five comfort characters, five tags
thank you @duchess-of-mischief my love
alright. in no particular order and by no means my permanent top five:
Jadzia Dax (Star Trek)
Blake Moran (Madam Secretary)
Soundwave (Transformers, Disambiguous)
Sideways (Transformers: Cybertron)
Elliot Spencer (Leverage)
Tagging with no pressure:
@mystery-shrouded @dangerously-human @christianmarvel @spacekrakens aaaaand @siren-singing
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