#nova's nelson
natur-tle-20 · 7 months
I haven't posted original content in a while and I'm at work alone (so no drawings til maybe tomorrow?)
So have some photos of my fuck ass weird cats
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The white and brown tabby tub of lard is named Nelson. He weighed in at 22lbs when I adopted him (his previous owner was a little old lady). He's stinky but loving. Sheds like a mother fucker though. Knows he doesn't get food in the morning until he is sitting proper TWO FEET away from the food dish. Enjoys sitting on my shower bench (pictured above) immediately after I've showered. Doesn't like baths.
His long haired and orange sister is Honeycomb. She amazes me daily with her capacity to catch the collective braincell for all of ten seconds and lose it again. She knows she's not supposed to eat my cacti, and prevents her brother from crunching. And then proceeds to bite the cactus, get mad that it hurts her mouth, and pulls it out of the pot to fling onto the floor. And then gets mad that it's on the floor.
There's one collective braincell in my apartment and it usually floats up 2 floors to the neighbor's dog.
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Choose a favorite character whose name starts with "N"!
(Or a character you just want to see me write for 😁)
If you have any questions on these characters, please feel free to ask!
And if you think of someone who's not listed here that you would like to see, feel free to add a name to the comments/reblogs!
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polarpics · 5 months
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Edward "Marie" Nelson (certainly not F. Browning as ID'd on SPRI site) onboard Terra Nova, 1910
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The United States has returned to the lunar surface for the first time in more than 50 years after a privately-built spacecraft named Odysseus capped a nail-biting 73-minute descent from orbit with a touchdown near the moon’s south pole.
Amid celebrations of what NASA hailed “a giant leap forward,” there was no immediate confirmation of the status or condition of the lander, other than it had reached its planned landing site at crater Malapert A.
But later Intuitive Machines, the Texas-based company that built the first commercial craft to land on the moon, said the craft was “upright and starting to send data.”
The statement on X said mission managers were “working to downlink the first images from the lunar surface.”
The so-called “soft landing” on Thursday, which Steve Altemus, the company’s founder, had given only an 80% chance of succeeding, was designed to open a new era of lunar exploration as NASA works towards a scheduled late-2026 mission to send humans back there.
“Welcome to the moon,” Altemus said when touchdown when the 5.23pm touchdown was eventually confirmed, after about 10 minutes in which Odysseus was out of contact.
It was the first time any US-built spacecraft had landed on the moon since NASA’s most recent crewed visit, the Apollo 17 mission in December 1972, and the first visit by commercial vehicle following last month’s failure of Peregrine One, another partnership between the space agency and a private company, Astrobotic.
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“Today, for the first time in more than a half century, the US has returned to the moon. Today, for the first time in the history of humanity, a commercial company, an American company, launched and led the voyage up there,” Bill Nelson, the NASA administrator, said.
“What a triumph. Odysseus has taken the moon. This feat is a giant leap forward for all of humanity.”
There was no video of Odysseus’s fully autonomous descent, which slowed to about 2.2mph at 33ft above the surface.
But a camera built by students at Florida’s Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University was designed to fall and take pictures immediately before touchdown, and NASA cameras were set to photograph the ground from the spacecraft.
The 14ft (4.3 metres) hexagonal, six-legged Nova-C lander, affectionately nicknamed Odie by Intuitive Machines employees, is part of NASA’s commercial lunar payload services (CLPS) initiative in which the agency awards contracts to private partners, largely to support the Artemis program.
NASA contributed $118m to get it off the ground, with Intuitive Machines funding a further $130m ahead of its February 15 launch from Florida’s Kennedy Space Center on a Falcon 9 rocket from Elon Musk’s SpaceX company.
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The IM-1 mission, like the doomed Peregrine effort, is carrying a payload of scientific equipment designed to gather data about the lunar environment, specifically in the rocky region chosen as the landing site for NASA’s crewed Artemis III mission planned for two years’ time.
It is a hazardous area – “pockmarked with all of these craters,” according to Nelson – but chosen because it is believed to be rich in frozen water that could help sustain a permanent lunar base crucial to future human missions to Mars.
Scientists announced last year that they believed tiny glass beads strewn across the moon’s surface contained potentially “billions of tonnes of water” that could be extracted and used on future missions.
The risks are worth it, Nelson told CNN on Thursday, “to see if there is water in abundance. Because if there’s water, there’s rocket fuel: hydrogen, and oxygen. And we could have a gas station on the south pole of the moon.”
The planned operational life of the solar powered lander is only seven days, before the landing site about 186 miles from the moon’s south pole moves into Earth’s shadow.
But NASA hopes that will be long enough for analysis of how soil there reacted to the impact of the landing.
Other instruments will focus on space weather effects on the lunar surface, while a network of markers for communication and navigation will be deployed.
“Odysseus, powered by a company called Intuitive Machines, launched upon a SpaceX rocket, carrying a bounty of NASA scientific instruments, is bearing the dream of a new adventure in science, innovation, and American leadership in space,” Nelson said.
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Through Artemis, NASA’s return-to-the-moon program that also has longer-term visions of crewed missions to Mars within the next two decades, the US seeks to stay ahead of Russia and China, both of which are planning their own human lunar landings.
Only the US has previously landed astronauts in six Apollo missions between 1969 and 1972, while five countries have placed uncrewed spacecraft there.
Japan joined the US, Russia, China, and India last month when its Smart Lander for Investigating the Moon (Slim) made a successful, if awkward touchdown after a three-month flight.
Two further Intuitive Machines launches are scheduled for later this year, including an ice drill to extract ingredients for rocket fuel, and another Nova-C lander containing a small Nasa rover and four small robots that will explore surface conditions.
US returns to lunar surface with for first time in over 50 years
23 February 2024
A spacecraft built and flown by Texas-based company Intuitive Machines landed near the south pole of the moon, the first US touchdown on the lunar surface in more than half a century, and the first ever achieved entirely by the private sector.
Communication with Odysseus seemed be lost during the final stages of the landing, leaving mission control uncertain as to the precise condition and position of the lander, according to flight controllers heard in the webcast.
US returns to lunar surface for first time in over 50 years: ‘Welcome to the moon.’
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bookstanromantica · 2 years
Okay, no spoilers from The Atlas Paradox but………
I can barely say how much happy i am
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Oh! I like this! Foggy as Vance’s lawyer... so often in the books they just create some new lawyer for things like this, forgetting that they have a few well known lawyers out there already...
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audiemurphy1945 · 4 months
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edsonjnovaes · 7 months
Como Tim Maia chegou lá?!?
Tim Maia foi um cantor e compositor brasileiro que fez sucesso com canções que representam o melhor do pop nacional. Dilva Frazão – ebiografia. 09 fev 2016 View this post on Instagram A post shared by Do Meu Brasil 💿 (@domeubr) Como Tim Maia ficou famoso? (Continuação). domeubr – Facebook A música brasileira possui muitos cantores que ajudaram a construir a sua identidade e mostrar o talento e…
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conatus · 11 months
O inconsciente coloca o ser em busca daquilo que mais o atormenta em "A Mulher sem Pecados"
Embora “A Mulher sem Pecado,” escrita por Nelson Rodrigues, seja uma obra muitas vezes tida como pertencente ao gênero da tragédia, ela se enquadra, sobretudo, como uma peça psicológica. Essa distinção é crucial, uma vez que a peça se concentra não em eventos catastróficos, mas nas complexidades das psiques de seus personagens e nas relações humanas. A peça narra o drama de Olegário, um homem de…
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todays-xkcd · 1 year
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Running for office in Minnesota on the single-issue platform 'dig a permanent channel through the Traverse Gap because it will make this map more satisfying.'
Dubious Islands [Explained]
Transcript Under the Cut
[Title:] Dubious Islands of North America [Subtitle:] And the waterways that separate them
[A map of mainland North America, down to the Panama isthmus. It is internally separated by various waterways, given labels or otherwise.]
[Separating land approximating Nunavut (with some Northern Territories) from neighbouring Canada:] Mackenzie Athabasca Churchill
[Comprising the much of the remainder of Canada, much of the northern United States (including Alaska), additionally separated by:] Columbia Snake Madison Missouri Chicago
[Unlabelled, some of the Great Lakes and the channel past Quebec] [An incursive gap near the central point, from the north:] Nelson Red [An internal label, with arrow:] Traverse Gap [An incursive gap near the central point, from the south:] Mississippi [A separate fragment of land south of the Madison, in the western half of the land-mass, bordered to its south by:] Yellowstone [A small fragment off the southen part of the western edge, an arrow and a label:] Chehalis/Black Lake
[Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and parts of the adjacent US, disconnected by:] Champlain Hudson [Label with an arrow on the east coast:] Cape Cod Canal
[A small triangle of territory, further isolated by:] Erie
[Most of the Eastern Seaboard of the US, additionally divided off by:] Tombigbee
[Fragment of land shorn from the northern part of the eastern edge, label with arrow:] Chesapeake and Delaware Canal [Fragment of land shorn from the tip of Florida, label with arrow:] Okeechobee Waterway
[Strip of land west of the Tombigbee, bounded also to its west by:] Mississippi [Fragment of land immediately to its south, with a nearby label and arrow:] Atchafalaya
[The remainder of the continent; comprising much of the US, all of Mexico and various central American territories, with a final tip of the eastwards-bending isthmus:] Panama Canal
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natur-tle-20 · 10 months
Tis the season?
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For Hand Turkeys!!
Fun fact!! Trying to trace your hand while your fat ass cat sits on your back is really hard.
Even harder while trying to hold him up to trace his paw for the wing.
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The cat in question, btw. His name is Nelson and he's 22lbs of love and spite and he was not a willing participant in the hand turkey.
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areyougonnabe · 1 year
I know nothing about polar exploration! Or Shackleton! But you seem excited about it!
Have a favourite fact you'd like to share?!?
well my two favorite facts have already been shared which are the cautionary tale of the toxic polar polycule and the story of the antarctic lovebirds !!!
but here is a contender for #3... the tale of jessamine.
let's start with our homies Deb (left) and Griff (right), aka Frank Debenham and T. Griffith Taylor, the geologists of terra nova's cape evans shore party:
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they would both later go onto impressive careers in academia, start families, basically be well-liked hard-working guys (also participants in 20th century imperialism but let's take that as given based on our starting point of this expedition lol)
BUT we are meeting them here, in antarctica, aged 27 and 30, "Early Career Researchers" as we might call them now. trying to keep busy with SCIENCE during the long antarctic winter night of 1911!!!!!
these guys go way back btw. Deb was born and raised in Australia and and Griff moved to Australia when he was a kid, and they both attended the fancy-schmancy King's School near Sydney, the Australian equivalent of british public school (e.g. Eton). according to griff they were family friends at that time although they would have been a few years apart at school.
later around 1908 they both studied at the University of Sydney under leading geologist Sir Edgeworth David, who had been on Shackleton's Nimrod expedition and reached the South Magnetic Pole with Mawson. They both ended up being hired onto Scott's expedition through university connections, Deb via Professor David and Griff through a scholarship to Cambridge where he met Wilson.
okay. backstory established. now one thing you need to know about Griff is that he was a total freak. like Racovitza, he was a Poster before there were online platforms to Post on. if you had that kind of brain back then, and no access to adderall, you had to just sit around inventing new kinds of science instead of deep-frying spongebob screencaps. he was a consummate edwardian memelord who would read a novel per day and still have time to write 20 pages of diary in which he would floridly record the silliest things that happened since the morning, the various quirks and quotes of expedition members, and then complain about captain scott in shorthand.
to say nothing of his passion for CREATIVE WRITING! vitally, Griff was one of the main contributors to the Cape Evans hut magazine, the South Polar Times edited by Apsley Cherry-Garrard. there were 3 issues of this during the winter of 1911 and 1 issue during the winter of 1912, the latter of which included much material written/submitted during 1911 before the polar party met with tragedy.
Griff was a versatile writer, and his pieces (which would sometimes cumulatively make up nearly half an issue of the SPT by page count) ran the gamut from expository nonfiction to speculative poetry to comedic epistolary to magazine pastiche. he had certain motifs that he frequently returned to—none as compelling, in my opinion, as that of Jessamine. or Jasmine, or Jessie, or Jessica, as the case may be...
it all began, according to Griff's diary, early in the austral winter of 1911, when Deb was "christened Jasmine by Titus [Oates]."
where this nickname came from is unclear—many of the men had picked up female nicknames on the voyage down (see "Jane" Atkinson, "Marie" Nelson, "Penelope" Pennell) but Deb had not been on the voyage down because he had gotten picked up in Australia, so this may have been a belated attempt to correct that omission. Griff wrote in his book about the expedition, "We were short of female society—which lack also accounts for Jessie Debenham as an alternative to Deb."
in any case, the name clearly caught on: on midwinter day, a little under two months after the nickname's debut, Griff recorded that during the gift exchange after dinner "Every second present or so was a necklace or earrings for Miss Jessie Debenham."
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(deb and titus at midwinter dinner)
in the second SPT issue of 1911, Griff's 17-page narrative "The Bipes" describes the inhabitants of the Cape Evans hut from the perspective of a rabbit who lives in the stables. you can read the whole thing here and please do!!! (you'll need a VPN outside the US) BUT here is the relevant bit dealing with Deb:
U. PULCHERRIMA. This Bipe inhabits a strongly defended Bungkh in the Ubdug burrow. It is supported by mighty baulks of timber and can only be reached by means of a dangerous ladder. The Bungkh is supplied with heavy hammers, piles of stones and other offensive weapons. These precautions are, I believe, necessary in the Bipe courtship, for she is often called upon to repel members of other burrows who approach her balcony with blandishments. Her time is chiefly occupied with a primitive quern or handmill, and at this she grinds for long hours every day. I judge that this merely satisfies some primitive habit, for no flour seems to be produced. But it is pleasant to see how strong is the feminine instinct.
the species name "Pulcherrima" is also the species name of the pointsetta flower, and can be translated to "beautiful woman" (i think??)
here's the illustration produced by Bill Wilson (based on Griff's sketch) to accompany the above - yes that's a portrait of Griff in her bunk and Birdie below attempting to woo her:
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it must be noted that Meares, nicknamed "Mother," also gets cast in a female role in the Bipes piece, but does not receive the privilege of being drawn in a skirt, rip.
anyway, the next issue of the SPT, vol 3 issue III, is the last one to be produced before the end of winter. Griff decided to one-up himself and write a piece in which Jessamine takes center stage. The Ladies Letter is a pitch-perfect parody of the "Ladies Column" sections that appeared in many periodicals of the era—full of french fashion terms and simpering style suggestions. Griff brilliantly adapts the format for a pastiche on the subject of Antarctic fashion; not free, naturally, from general whiffs of period-typical misogyny, but as those being mocked in specific are fellow expedition members and not any actual women i forgive him.
written in the form of a letter from Jessamine to her absent friend Cynthia (whose identity i'm unsure of BUT i'm tempted to say is supposed to be Priestley, away at Cape Adare), the piece again features multiple expedition members in female roles, including Silas as "American" Sally Wright, Cherry as "Madame Chérie - that dear delightful person - who builds her beautiful creations on strictly scientific principles of hygiene and aesthetics" and Birdie as Madame Berdé, who "finds that for well developed figures it is most distinctive to use a cross-gartering well above the ankle. She herself is naturally a consistent exponent of this latter fashion."
and then of course there is Jessamine's star turn. she is wearing the newest fashion, "a modification of last year's 'tube skirt' [which] even more closely swathes the lower limbs, and it is necessary that the wearer should be rolled along by her maid."
Jessamine reveals that she is planning to induce Titus Oates to bring her a proposal of marriage through the clever use of themed charms on her chatelaine.
All the smartest girls have wreathed chains of mascots around the skirt, and a pretty idea, which I commend to you, is to have silver model made of those articles which interest THE ONLY MAN WHO COUNTS. Breathe this to no one! But Mappin & Webb are making me such a choice set. The cutest little pony; a horse snowshoe (this is very lucky); a dead rabbit; a popgun; and a silver blazon PER MARE PER TERRAM PRO TITO; this will be attached to my 'tube', and then I really do expect to bring him to a proposal.
this scenario was illustrated hilariously by Bill, complete with Jessamine being rolled along, and Titus ignoring her as could be expected, in favor of a pony (Christopher?):
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now, Deb is on record saying that Titus was his best friend on the expedition, but it may well be a classic case of "you are not your best friend's best friend," because per other accounts Oates was much closer to Meares and Atch than he was to Deb. that's just an observation to add a little flavor to Jessamine's desperate pursuit as portrayed here...
and not to look a gift horse (ha) in the mouth, but i do feel that Bill's illustrations don't quiiiiiite do the genderfuckery of Griff's text justice—Jessamine describes herself as wearing a frock inspired by the aurora, but Bill instead draws Deb in normal sledging gear plus some non-dress-shaped colorful streamers. a missed opportunity...
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also, lest you think that Griff was the only one partaking in the Jessamine joke in the SPT, there is also a sneaky reference in the anonymous feature "My Favorite Book":
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(J-SS-- [JESSIE]: "Not like other girls")
viewing the handwritten drafts of the SPT held at the SPRI (because all of this is going to be an actual academic paper someday hopefully lol), i learned that there were a fair handful of references omitted from the final version, presumably thanks to Cherry's editorial oversight.
one "answer to correspondents" written by "Marie" Nelson went as follows:
Jessica: A single lady cannot be too careful about the respectability of her lodgings or the character of her companions.
(referencing Deb bunking with Griff and Gran, two of the more annoying/messy people in the hut)
and an unused entry in "Songs And Their Singers" by Teddy Evans was:
Oh What’s Womans Duty - Jasmin
lastly, and most importantly, the drafts contained the one instance i could find of deb firing back about this whole thing.
vol IV of the SPT consisted of one issue released during winter 1912, when a lot of people had gone home (including Griff), and everyone left behind knew the polar party was dead and they'd have to go look for their bodies in the spring. it was not a fun time. vol IV contained a lot of material written the previous year but not included, since for obvious reasons folks weren't really up to being silly. one of those pieces was "A Day's Doings, Told By Our Diarist," written during winter 1911 by Deb as a parody of Griff. it's pretty funny in published form (p. 72 of this pdf)—Deb is on-point mocking Griff's dislike of eating ("Breakfast is an unintellectual meal, so gave it a miss. Better a bit more bunk than a bite more breakfast.") and his never-ending theorizing ("Thought out a new theory as to the origin of debris cones: yesterday’s wasn’t good enough").
however, the draft is exponentially more hilarious. Cherry, damn him, cut the absolute BEST BIT:
Made a genre sketch of Jasmine brushing her (his) hair – it’s a fool nickname anyways, mixes up the genders. 
knowing Deb—quiet, patient, chronically non-confrontational—that's about as explicit as he was willing to get, as far as revealing how he felt about the nickname. writing Griff realizing that it's a bit silly, he reveals to some degree his own discomfort. now, was it a "protest too much" situation or had he genuinely gotten fed up with being the Designated Girl Of The Hut? we shall never know!!!!!!!!
however the draft of the piece ends thusly: "[I] got paralysed at chess by the wily Jasmine, it’s a mud game, if ever there was one. Hinc illae lacrimae!"
so despite all the aspersions cast on her honor, and the failure of Titus Oates to accept her proposal, Jessie still triumphs in the end :)))
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polarpics · 8 months
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monsterfloofs · 4 months
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I thought it would fun, while I am taking a break on big projects to draw some of the characters I have enjoyed from assorted audio books / books that I have been consuming!
Ted is a character from The East Wind Witches series, written by Nova Nelson. He is a grim reaper who likes the protagonist (unrequainted unfortunately!) who enjoys making bird houses in his spare time. 😭 He is soft spoken, a pacifist (But isn’t afraid to stand his ground if the situation arises), and socially awkward! He is adorable and I feel like I listen to this series for Ted at this point!
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pesquisalondoneye · 1 month
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Para os curiosos de plantão, ou não!
Estamos aqui trazendo um pouco mais do ambiente que vamos trabalhar a comunidade em Londres. Escolhemos o distrito de West End para esse momento e se vocês se perguntarem o motivo disso, é simples: ela é conhecida por ser o coração da vida cultural, comercial e do entretenimento da cidade. O West End não é um bairro ou um distrito oficialmente mas uma região que abrange partes significativas dos bairros de Westminster e Camden. A área é famosa por seus teatros, lojas, restaurantes, atrações turísticas e vida noturna vibrante.
Aqui vamos mostrar as principais características do local e no qual vamos trabalhar sobre, também podem ocorrer mudanças, exclusões ou podemos adicionar mais coisas:
Teatros e Entretenimento: Teatro: O West End é internacionalmente famoso por sua cena teatral, muitas vezes comparada à Broadway em Nova York. A região abriga dezenas de teatros, onde são apresentados alguns dos musicais, peças e shows mais populares do mundo. Entre os teatros mais renomados estão o Royal Opera House, o London Palladium, o Theatre Royal Drury Lane e o Lyceum Theatre. Cinemas e clubes: Além do teatro, o West End é repleto de cinemas, clubes noturnos, cabarés e locais de música ao vivo, tornando-se o epicentro do entretenimento em Londres. Comércio e Compras: Oxford Street: Uma das ruas comerciais mais famosas do mundo, Oxford Street é o principal destino para compras no West End, com uma vasta gama de lojas de departamento, boutiques e marcas internacionais. Regent Street: Outra importante rua comercial, conhecida por suas lojas de luxo e arquitetura elegante. Covent Garden: Uma área histórica que combina lojas exclusivas, mercados de artesanato, restaurantes e apresentações de rua em um ambiente vibrante. Carnaby Street: Conhecida como o berço da moda durante os anos 1960, Carnaby Street ainda é um destino popular para quem busca moda alternativa e estilos únicos. Restaurantes e Gastronomia: O West End oferece uma enorme variedade de opções gastronômicas, que vão desde fast food a restaurantes estrelados pelo Michelin. A região é conhecida pela diversidade de cozinhas internacionais, refletindo o caráter multicultural de Londres. Restaurantes de todos os tipos podem ser encontrados em áreas como Soho, Chinatown e Covent Garden. Cultura e História Museus e Galerias: O West End é também o lar de importantes instituições culturais como a National Gallery, que abriga obras de arte clássicas, e a British Museum, que possui uma das maiores coleções de artefatos históricos do mundo. Praças históricas: Praças famosas como Trafalgar Square e Leicester Square estão localizadas no West End. Trafalgar Square é conhecida por sua arquitetura e monumentos, como a Coluna de Nelson, enquanto Leicester Square é o centro da indústria cinematográfica de Londres, onde ocorrem muitas estreias de filmes. Vida Noturna Soho: Conhecido por sua vida noturna vibrante, Soho é uma das áreas mais animadas do West End, com uma ampla oferta de bares, pubs, clubes e locais de música ao vivo. É também um importante centro da comunidade LGBTQ+ em Londres. Leicester Square e Piccadilly Circus: São centros da vida noturna e de entretenimento, com cinemas, cassinos, e uma variedade de opções de restaurantes e bares.
Como podem ver, temos todos esses pontos nos quais podemos e vamos trabalhar para trazer um ambiente legal para jogos e diversão, afinal, queremos um espaço bacana para que todos os players se sintam bem vindos para jogar!
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byneddiedingo · 5 months
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Shirley MacLaine in What a Way to Go! (J. Lee Thompson, 1964)
Cast: Shirley MacLaine, Paul Newman, Robert Mitchum, Dean Martin, Gene Kelly, Dick Van Dyke, Robert Cummings, Reginald Gardiner, Margaret Dumont, Lou Nova, Fifi D'Orsay, Maurice Marsac. Screenplay: Betty Comden, Adolph Green, Gwen Davis. Cinematography: Leon Shamroy. Art direction: Ted Haworth, Jack Martin Smith. Film editing: Marjorie Fowler. Music: Nelson Riddle. 
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