Guardia di finanza sequestra oltre 800 chili di bianchetto
Oltre 800 chili di novellame di sarda, il “bianchetto”, provenienti dalla Puglia sono stati sequestrati in due distinte operazioni, dai finanzieri della Tenenza di Montegiordano. Nel corso di controlli lungo la statale 106 a Roseto Capo Spulico, i militari hanno fermato due diversi veicoli per sottoporli a controllo.     Una volta aperto il bagagliaio dei mezzi, i finanzieri hanno trovato,…
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scienza-magia · 1 year
Con il decreto omnibus è iniziata la cattura del granchio blu
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Pesca, il governo dichiara guerra al granchio blu. Nel decreto d'estate stanziati i fondi per proteggere cozze, vongole, ostriche e allevamenti di orate e spigole. Il governo dichiara guerra al granchio blu. Il Callinectes sapidus, questo il nome scientifico del piccolo crostaceo (15 cm di lunghezza e 23 cm di larghezza) originario dell'Atlantico del Nord e che ha invaso anche il mar Mediterraneo, è diventato un problema per l'intero ecosistema dei mari italiani e di conseguenza per la nostra industria della pesca.
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Il granchio blu è arrivato nei mari italiani dalla sponda occidentale dell’oceano Atlantico. Inizialmente avvistato nel mare adriatico ormai non è difficile incontrarlo in quasi tutte le regioni italiane. Inizialmente di casa tra Trieste a Venezia, nel 2022 è comparso lungo le coste laziali e in questa estate del 2023 il granchio Blu ha infestato anche la Toscana, dalla laguna di Orbetello all'isola d'Elba. Crostaceo onnivoro e prelibato Si tratta di animali onnivori e piuttosto aggressivi. Si nutrono di tutto ciò che riescono a catturare: bivalvi, anellidi, avannotti, carogne e piante. Vivono anche in acqua dolce e, ironia della sorte, sono anche considerati una prelibatezza dal punto di vista culinario. Tanto che mentre l'Italia dichiara guerra al crostaceo infestante in America è considerata una razza protetta a tal punto che scattano le multe per chi pesca esemplari sotto misura ossia inferiori a 14 cm di lunghezza. L'allarme delle imprese Sarà anche buono ma per le imprese ittiche e dall'acquacoltura il granchio blu è ormai una minaccia reale. L'ultimo grido di allarme è arrivato il 27 luglio scorso da Federagripesca che ha denunciato come il proliferare del granchio blu sia ormai un serio problema per l'intera filiera in quanto si ciba di molluschi e novellame. A rischio, dunque, la produzione di vongole, cozze e ostriche tanto che gli stessi produttori hanno denunciato danni oltre il 50% per un settore che ogni anno muove circa 100 milioni di fatturato. A farne le spese è anche l'itticoltura che a più riprese ha lanciato l'allarme al governo per la razzia di pesci che il granchio blu compie negli allevamenti. L'intervento del Governo Allarme raccolto dal governo tanto che al prossimo Consiglio dei ministri prima della pausa estiva nel decreto omnibus potrebbe trovare una norma su misura che stanzia 2,9 milioni di euro per dare la caccia al crostaceo blu. Secondo quanto prevede la norma che dovrebbe arrivare sul tavolo di Palazzo Chigi per contenere il fenomeno della diffusione della specie granchio blu e di «impedire l'aggravamento dei danni inferti all'economia del settore ittico», è autorizzata la spesa di 2,9 milioni di euro per sostenere i consorzi e le imprese di acquacoltura che provvedono alla cattura ed allo smaltimento del Callinectes sapidu. A finanziare la guerra al granchio blu sarà il ministero dell'agricoltura, della sovranità alimentare e delle foreste che con un decreto del ministro dovrà individuare le aree geografiche colpite dall'emergenza, i beneficiari, le modalità di presentazione delle domande, i costi ammissibili e poi i criteri per la distribuzione dei fondi. Read the full article
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eatparadeblog · 3 years
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Ormai quasi introvabile, la #rosamarina calabrese, realizzata con il novellame di sardine, ha un gusto straordinario e si può utilizzare in svariate preparazioni. QUI la ricetta ➡➡➡https://wp.me/p5cMyI-ds #eatparadeblog #foodblog #foodiedicosenza #cucinacalabrese #sudblogger #lalmadelfood #instafood #foodsgram #calendariodelciboitaliano #italianfoodcalendar #novellame @calendar52 (presso Villa Scalini) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaKDp8DAHG7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lapissable · 5 years
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duceziodacesarea · 7 years
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Frittella di novellame #neonata #novellame #bellalavita #inviaggioconpapà #miarrivonellunghiadelpiede #dadomanidieta #lavitaèunviaggio #cibosano #dietamediterranea #sheismylife #sheismylove #sheismylady #atmosphere #greatholiday #Taorminaismylady #taormina #estatesiciliana #estate #ilbarcaiolo (presso Ristorante "Il Barcaiolo",Taormina)
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danjaley · 7 years
Looks great 😊 can't wait to use them!
omg too good!!!!!! thank you
You’re welcome!
willky12 replied to your photo
willky12 replied to your photo
They are too sweet
nornities replied to your photo
*sigh* Those two...
slightly heartbroken because Marius is getting really old... willky12 replied to your photo “This is supposed to be Ulva’s cowplant, but the one who loves it most...”
It's what happens in most families, the mother ends up looking after all the pets ;)
Side effects of being the woman who hands out food to everyone... :D
nornities replied to your photoset
Is that Great-great-great uncle Ulbert in the painting? :P
Quite possibly... willky12 replied to your photoset “Your mother is very anxious that you learn how to fish - after all...”
Only some men know these things ;))
*nods seriously* nornities replied to your photo “There’s a turtle hidden in this picture…”
Lol... spotted :D
Ten Points! ;) willky12 replied to your photo “There’s a turtle hidden in this picture…”
I have a soft spot for these little guys ❤️
Same here! <3
novellam-under-the-stars replied to your photoset “Your mother is very anxious that you learn how to fish - after all...”
Wait, how did you do this?? Like the boat, I mean. It's so cool!!
The boat is from Island Paradise. I used the “ship here with...” interaction and then clicked on the fishing spot to get them angling. ktarsims replied to your photo “That moment you fully realize your next story-update is going to...”
OMG. An admiral's hat for a horse. That is fantastic.
mentally-restless replied to your photo “That moment you fully realize your next story-update is going to...”
willky12 replied to your photo “That moment you fully realize your next story-update is going to...”
Stylish ;)
nornities replied to your photo “That moment you fully realize your next story-update is going to...”
Currently shooting the scene - it's turning out just as I imagined!
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treason-and-plot · 7 years
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I was tagged by @ktarsims for this fun meme: Rules: Reimagine your founder (or a sim you made as an adult) as a teen! Maybe even on prom night?
Well, I cheated a bit with this one as I already have quite a few pics of teen Joël and teen Roy: I’ve posted some of these before, but for those who haven’t seen them here are the boys as teenagers playing air guitar in Roy’s room in Appaloosa Plains: the song is Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet. 
Thanks for tagging me! I’m just going to tag the last 5 lovely people on my notifications for this one: @sweetsimmy @hyperkaos @novellam-under-the-stars @yuriingha and @gaiahypothesims. Cheers, dears!
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Guardia di finanza sequestra mezza tonnellata di bianchetto
I finanzieri della Sezione operativa navale di Roccella Ionica, nel corso di servizi contro la pesca di frodo, coordinati dal Reparto operativo aeronavale di Vibo Valentia, hanno sequestrato oltre mezza tonnellata di novellame di sarda, conosciuta come “bianchetto”.     Dopo diversi servizi di osservazione e di pattugliamento svolti con l’ausilio di pattuglie a terra e unità navali, i militari…
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nerdiesimmer2 · 7 years
♦ replies~
i definitely need to do replies more often. those are getting out of hand. >.>
stephaniesim replied to your photoset“i know it’s not sunday and technically this isn’t even a selfie but i...”
macandsimss replied to your photoset“i know it’s not sunday and technically this isn’t even a selfie but i...”
Omg it's so pretty! I love it !!
novellam-under-the-stars replied to your photoset“i know it’s not sunday and technically this isn’t even a selfie but i...”
Ohhhh so pretty!!!!!
thank you guys!! ♥♥♥  i’m completely in love with this dress and i can’t wait to wear it. 
novellam-under-the-stars replied to your post“
@kami2881​ you won’t have to wait too long, i actually played...”
Wait-- people were using xkit for replies?? I've always just done them by hand...
romeo-and-simulet replied to your post“
@kami2881​ you won’t have to wait too long, i actually played...”
saaaaaaaaaaaame ;_; I used to do them like this and...um no
yeah, people were using xkit. and i really hate that tumblr did that weird update that made everything go away. i want the old replies back, doing it this way is a real pain. ;__;
romeo-and-simulet replied to your photoset“i know it’s not sunday and technically this isn’t even a selfie but i...”
YAAAAS prom was fun (if it's a general German thing to just eat lots of food and do funny things for your teachers and don't dance ever)
i just reall really hope that i won’t have to dance. and yeah,  we will have free food & drinks and some program. the worst that will happen is probably this weird flashmob some people have planned.
aneverendingreality replied to your photoset“Cornsilk: “So you grew up on a farm, you say. You must have a lot of...”
Ahh oh no :( I think my baby is going home
i know ;-; i was so sad to send her home, i thought she was really cute. 
romeo-and-simulet replied to your photoset“Cornsilk: “So tell me something about yourself, Peachie. Where did you...”
oh dear this is an interesting bc
right?? the characters are so different and the gap between the heighest and the lowest score is always huge.
macandsimss replied to your photoset“Yum.”
😍 so cute
she’s my little baby ♥♥ and she will grow up into a beautiful woman
ahplumbobs replied to your photoset“The Gang.”
Their both so cute!
♥ our sims definitely make the cutest babies ever!
smillingsection replied to your photoset“TOPAZ: “This can’t be so hard, right?” TOPAZ: “Wow, this is actually...”
this BC has such a pretty colour palette! It's absolutely gorgeous!
ahh, thank you so much!! i actually started this whole thing just because i thought the colour was so pretty :D
amespixels replied to your post“I really want to start a pastel rainbowcy challenge but I already have...”
Just starting to set one up myself, but I have no time and definitely should not be doing it lol oh well!
cowardlypixels replied to your post“I really want to start a pastel rainbowcy challenge but I already have...”
saaame ;-;
i just feel like this rule set gives me the possibility to not just lose interest in this rainbowcy because i don’t know what to do anymore. and it’s really fun so far.
kami2881 replied to your photoset“Peach: “Holy cra-AAP.” Peach: “I just want to go to bed…” Peach lasted...”
Good job and omg i can't her face is just too funny
their faces were like the best thing about this whole challenge
OMG she is so precious!!! Can't wait to see her rainbowcy! :D
BRUHHHH! I'm starting a PRC too! i can totally make a spouse or two if you want
those pastel rainbowcies are a real trend right now. but who can blame us, it’s an awesome challenge.
and thank you for your offer but right now i have all the spouses i need. though, i’ll maybe come back to you about that when the first kids are growing up.
davidmont replied to your photoset“Peach: “Holy cra-AAP.” Peach: “I just want to go to bed…” Peach lasted...”
lmao poor but a lot of time!
davidmont replied to your photoset“It’s time for the last ride of the challenge and the sun’s beginning...”
yay this is the best
at one point i was just sitting there, hoping that they will finally fall so i can wrap up this challenge and go to bed :’D
simblragain replied to your photoset“Apricot - 16.35 Peachie - 14.25”
Tangerine is not photogenic 😂
haha, no, she definitely isn’t. she kept tripping over her own feet because of her clumsy trait while i was taking those pictures :’D
kami2881 replied to your photoset“Cornsilk: “…Topaz?” Topaz: “Of course! Yes! Thank you so much.”...”
Awww poor bby well it has beeb a fun rise
it was also real fun having her! though she and cornsilk just didn’t seem to hit it off...
novellam-under-the-stars replied to your photo
That height difference though😍
novellam-under-the-stars replied to your photo
It's always so cute
i know, right?? it’s just because of the pose but gardenia appears to be a bit bigger in a lot of my screenshots even though that’s not possible :’D ♥♥ 
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princess-of-sims · 7 years
novellam-under-the-stars replied to your photo
he is a very pretty sim <3
Thank you! I feel like all my sims look even more similar now that there are custom sliders, but I’m okay with that as long as they’re pretty.
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simplysimmingaway · 7 years
Rules: Tag 9 people you’d love to know better
Thanks for tagging me @usedsims!
Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle
Favorite Color: Turquoise
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick! All my years of dancing in recitals made me hate lipstick
Last Song I listened to: Sister’s Pickle by Phillipa Soo from the Amelie soundtrack (which I totally recommend)
Last Movie I watched: Sweeny Todd (which I will never watch again because I was not expecting to actually watch all those people get their heads cut off)
Top 3 Fictional Characters: JJ from Criminal Minds, Eddie Janko from Blue Bloods, and Belle from Beauty and the Beast (the live action version)
Top 3 Ships: Eddie Janko x Jamie Reagan, Jennifer Jareau x Spencer Reid, Alexander Hamilton x Eliza Schuyler x John Laurens (I know they’re real people, but the fanfiction is AMAZING)
Books I’m currently reading: I’ve been reading the last book in the Wicked Series (Out of Oz) since the beginning of last semester, but I mostly read fanfiction.
I tag @simlovinggirl, @novellam-under-the-stars, @sleek-simmerr, @loralie0512, @i-heart-pudding, @nerdiesimmer, @stephaniesim, @hailsandhersims, @simlishprincess!
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novellam-under-the-stars said: **yaaaaaay
Haha I guess you’re right! An alien would make things pretty interesting.
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maggiesims · 7 years
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@novellam-under-the-stars replied to your photoset: I’m being boring and adding lots i don’t want to...
Oh I love the feel of this world
THANKS! im hoping to add some trees and bushes next after i lay a few more roads and basic structures :)
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treason-and-plot · 7 years
Get-to-Know-Me Meme
@sunset-melody @novellam-under-the-stars @tyrellsimsoficeandfire @sims3hasstoppedworking @simmerjazen @boxofsims @simmakerluna and @thewinterflakesim tagged me to do the Get-to-Know-Me meme. Thank you Lovelies!
1) Rules: tag 9 people who you would like to know better.
Relationship Status: Am in one Last Song I Listened To: Bad And Boujee which was on the car radio Last Book Read/Listened To: I read Tales of Desire by Tennessee Williams all by myself! Favorite Color: Green Top Three Shows: Entourage, Suits, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Top Three Characters: Ari Gold, Harvey Specter, Esperanza Leticia (Hopey) Glass.  Top Three Ships: Harvey and Donna, Hopey Glass and Maggie, Hopey Glass and Penny Century
2) Rules: BOLD the statements that are true for you!
I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for under a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing FANDOMS ARE MY #1 PASSION I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together (Well they’re both dead and never divorced so yes, I guess...) I have at least one sibling I live in the united states There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CD’s I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce   I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today (not unless waffle is a sexual euphemism)   I know what I want to do with my life (play Sims and write stories about them). I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
Not tagging anyone because I feel like everyone on the planet has done this by now. Cheers, dears! 
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Sequestrati pesce e novellame ad ambulanti abusivi a Palermo
I militari della capitaneria di porto di Palermo, con i carabinieri della compagnia Piazza Verdi, hanno sequestrato a venditori ambulanti senza autorizzazione 1350 chili di pesce al mercato “Ballarò”, nel quartiere Brancaccio e nei pressi della stazione centrale. Tra questi 20 chili di novellame di sarda e circa 100 ricci di mare.     Agli ambulanti sono state elevate sanzioni per 4500 euro.…
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nerdiesimmer2 · 7 years
more replies~
maren-emilie replied to your photoset
That's a really cute painting
i have this mod installed that replaces the default paintings and some of the paintings are just so cute! ♥
simsums replied to your photoset
they're so adorable
right? i’m just completely in love with them. ♥
novellam-under-the-stars replied to your photoset“Gardenia: “So how was work today?” Sweet Pea: “Exhausting. But I feel...”
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
such a cutie!!!!
smillingsection replied to your photoset
awww! cuties!!!
smillingsection replied to your photoset“Look at this supportive berry giving her pregnant girlfriend a back...”
they're so cute together
they’re all just so cute and i don’t want to tear them apart but i have to. ;___;
cuteplumbbies replied to your photoset“Sweet Pea: “Thank you so much for doing this for us!” Allium: “Of...”
oh no, some purple is HAPPENING
allium wil have quite a few appearances but nothing will happen because they’re all just really good friends. well, until something will happen.
romeo-and-simulet replied to your photoset“Sweet Pea: “Thank you so much for doing this for us!” Allium: “Of...”
that's gonna sting
i think how sweet pea and gardenia will part is more going to sting than the fact that allium is gardenia’s future spouse.
tinysimmies replied to your photoset“Gardenia: “Well, good morning, Mr Sweetface!”
Jane the Virgin reference anyone?
haha, yes! you got it. i was rewatching jane the virign while playing & writing this and mr sweetface just slipped in there :’D
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