#novem asks
pink-november · 3 months
How about The Damsel for the ask game?
ask game link
Whew! Sorry for replying late I hath been fighting a battle /silly But anyway one Damsel coming up!!!
First impression
Now this might sound weird but I saw Damsel first when someone close to me was watching a playthrough of the game and for some reason my eyes became intrigued by this girl covered in hands and speaking in a very ethereal voice. Of course, I didn't know back then that this was Shifty talking through Damsel and I was in fact slightly spoiled lmao
Impression now
Adorable and scary. Her chapter is very disturbing and it's terrifying to realize this after replaying the game several times. It's so easy to say that her chapter is the most simple and straightforward one out of everyone and I think it's so genius how eerie her chapter becomes once you realize that you had hollowed her out to nothing more than a caricature.
Favorite moment
This is subject to change though because I can't wait for her Pristine Cut update. Finally, more Damsel.
Idea for a story
A fic where Tower and Damsel somehow meets seems to be interesting to me. You have the most radiant Vessel, elevated to divinity, and the idealized Vessel, shaped to perfection. How will they react in each other's presence? What sort of perspective will come out through this unorthodox meeting?
Unpopular opinion
She is not just a damsel. Well, technically she is but at this point, I want more people to see how deeply unsettling her chapter is beneath all the romance and pink hue.
Favorite relationship
Favorite headcanon
She and Prisoner are twins! Or atleast besties! I do think in a normal AU, they'd be great buddies and would support each other in whatever they do. Of course, the parallels between the two of them adds to the charm of them being close.
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losersimonriley · 8 months
(Looks at you with dilated cat eyes) Twisted metal for the wip ask please 👀
ANYTHING FOR YOU 🫶🏼 Trapped Soap! I wish I could share more but there’s very little in this doc,, I wrote this before mwiii and had quite forgotten what I even put in here. this little bit of dialogue just gave me an aneurism to read:
“Should be me.”
“Ghost, why the fuck would ye say that?”
“You’d be fine without me. I can’t—I wouldn’t be. I can’t be fine without you, Johnny.”
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rubbarband · 11 months
If your character had a breakout show/film/comic, what would the plot be? Who would be in their supporting cast?
META ASKS: If Your OC Was Canon.
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//So many questions today, I'm feeling the love!
If your character had a breakout show/film/comic, what would the plot be? Who would be in their supporting cast?
A breakdown plot, damn that's tough cause you can't really breakdown this character, you need practically his own version of the shows.
The Plot would be about him going after the villain that killed his best friend and how grief, pain and sorrow can turn you into a scarier threat than the ones who have no attachments.
to be candid I basically have my best friend verbally leash me cause originally Desmond was gonna fight his friends and kill some of them trying to get vengeance and fail terribly losing his support group AND the villains would win but my friend told me that's too much of a downer. Cause they're no fun.
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rubbarbandnsfw · 11 months
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From Ada Wong to Des!
Send in sexy pictures to my submit box, and see how my muse reacts.
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"Wow stranger nice get up." Desmond certainly appreciated the view, getting slightly in the mood.
"So you wanna take those puppies out and see if one of us can make milk?"
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disaster-j · 2 years
Is gramblack cannon in the novel also do u know where I can read it?
Yeah they're canon in the novel, Gram's entire arc was about his sad gay yearning for Black. And Black liked him back he was just allergic to feelings and denying it vehemently. Before the show came out there were a bunch of unofficial translations of the novel but they were mostly taken down so i don't have any links atm but check twitter and Wattpad and you'll likely find something. I don't recommend reading the novel tho the main plot is completely different and just overall it's not exactly good.
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matan4il · 6 months
Daily update post:
Since this morning, Hezbollah has been firing rockets at Israel's northern towns. There is at least one man dead, identified as 25 years old Zahara Bashar, an Israeli Druze, and 2 people injured as a result of this on going attack.
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This is a reaction by Iran-funded Hezbollah to a strike by Israel yesterday on a different terrorist organization, al-Jama’a al-Islamiyya (the Islamic Assembley, an ally of al-Qaeda), and following even more Israeli military activity in Lebanon, meant to stop a senior member of Fatah (the ruling party of the Palestinian Authority) from smuggling Iranian-funded standard explosives and additional weapons into Israel for terrorist attacks. As one TV military reporter I was listening to yesterday explained, the difference between improvised explosives and standard ones is in how lethal they are, for example when a small amount is attached to the side of a vehicle, the difference is whether one person gets killed or ten.
I've written about Israel still waiting for definitive proof that Marwan Issa, Hamas' #3 in Gaza, has been killed in a military strike. Yesterday, we got an official confirmation of that. This means that out of the 4 Hamas leaders that are on the top of Israel's list, two are gone. We're still left with Yahya Sinwar (#1) and Mohammed Deif (#2). Most Israelis tend to think that if Israel manages to kill Sinwar, Hamas will likely surrender, and the war would be over.
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As Israel's military operation in the Shifa hospital continues, here is a really important batch of testimonies from captured terrorists, about how, once the IDF left this place, they returned to it, exploited it assuming they'd be safe there, and how they were not alone, with defined areas for the Hamas terrorists, and others meant for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorists, cynically using spots such as the maternity ward.
A military reporter published the fact that Israel has refused permission for Turkey and Qatar to participate in air drops of humanitarian aid into Gaza. The reporter frames it as a political decision, but consider what it means that Qatar and Turkey are both politically hostile countries - that there is no way for Israel to verify they would not try to air drop military aid to Hamas. At the same time, I wanna highlight what this info also means, and hasn't been talked about... It means that every time you hear about yet another country air dropping aid into Gaza, that's done with Israel's permission. And there are way more countries permitted to do this than refused. This is one of many things that should make it clear that Israel is NOT targeting regular Gazans, and is making every possible effort to make sure they are getting humanitarian aid, while trying to minimize how much this aids Hamas (and in that sense, prolongs the war).
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These are brothers Neria and Daniel Sharabi.
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On Oct 7, they were at the Nova music festival. Not only did they survive Hamas' massacre, they also helped to save others. Since then, they've started a fund to help the survivors, and in order to raise money, they've been traveling abroad, telling their story, mostly to Jewish communities. A couple of days ago, they were traveling to Manchester, in the UK, when they were asked at the airport upon arrival what their religion was. They recount that after disclosing they were Jews and what they were there to do, they encountered hostile reactions, including being told (according to a TV interview I heard with them), "We don't like what you're here to do," and "We have to make sure that you are not going to do here what you are doing in Gaza." They were detained for a couple of hours, before being allowed in. The brothers said they're convinced this was motivated by antisemitism based on being questioned about their religion. The incident is said to be investigated.
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This is 40 years old Amit Soussana.
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She was kidnppaed to Gaza from her home in kibbutz Kfar Azza, and among the hostages released in late November. A lot of Israelis remember her as the hostage who was captured on film trying to fight off the men taking her, with no less than 7 of them (yes, Israelis have counted) involved in her abduction:
We've had private testimonies from Israelis about having been raped, we've had public testimonies from Israeli who have seen the physical evidence of the Hamas rapes, we've had public testimonies of Israelis who have witnessed those rapes, and we've had public testimonies of hostages, who've heard from their fellow captives about the sexual abuse the latter have gone through. All that wasn't enough for some people, who continued to deny Hamas' sexual violence. Now, Amit Soussana is the first Israeli to come forward and publicly talk about the sexual assault she had suffered at the hands of Hamas. Her testimony has been published in the New York Times, and for anyone without a subscription, other publications have quoted parts of it, like Times of Israel. A part of me really hates that Amit might have felt compelled to speak because of the doubt cast at raped Jews. Another part thinks that for the second time, she is showing outstanding bravery. And yet another finds it hard to believe that this will make a difference. Those who are dead set on not believing Jews, essentially calling us all liars, will do the same to her, and when they do, I hope she won't have to witness that firsthand. But in a sense, if their doubt is indeed the reason why she felt she had to speak up publicly, then it's clear that there's already been damage done to the victims of Hamas' sexual violence.
This is 35 years old Uriel Baruch with his son.
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Uriel was married, and a father of two. He loved techno music, and on Oct 7 was attending the Nova music festival along with a friend, Michael Yoav, who was murdered there (his body was found shot in the car in which the two were trying to escape). Uriel was kidnapped. Yesterday, the army was able to confirm to the family that Hamas had murdered him while in captivity, and is still holding Uriel's body hostage. The number of Israeli hostages in Gaza is 134, and the official confirmations of death indicate that no more than 98 are still alive, though some count Hamas claims as well, in which case no more than 96 are. May Uriel's memory be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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museofthepyre · 6 months
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The Novem Woods
(Audio drama project I’m writing with friends… I’ll be posting teaser-ish art with no context. What does this art mean, I hear you asking? Well… you’ll have to find out ;] )
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Welcome- again!
Hello and welcome to the Dungeons and Daddies winter gift exchange official blog! This gift exchange (also called a “secret santa” in some places) will be run by fans, for fans, and will be a place to spread some DnDads joy. This is our second time running the event!
If you don’t know how this works, basically: Soon, we will be releasing a Google Form where we will gather general preference information from everyone who wants to participate. We’ll be using this information to both assign you someone to create for, and assign someone to create for you! Who’s creating for who will be kept a secret until it’s all revealed during the final week of February(the 22nd-29th), where everyone will be gifted their works. Fun!
(edit, Novem. 19th: the form has been released!! here's a link)
This event will be accepting all kinds of creations: fanfics, fanart, cosplay, crafts- you name it! Here’s our official rules, which include some regulations on what you can request content-wise. Returning people should make sure to reread them! They’ve changed since last year.
This event will be celebrating season 1 AND season 2 of Dungeons and Daddies, along with some of the miniseries when possible. All of this will be tagged accordingly so people won’t be spoiled, and in your preferences on the sign-up sheet you’ll be able to state what you are and aren’t interested in. Easy as pie!
Our current schedule is:
November 15th to December 15th: Sign-ups open!
December 15th to January 1st: Sign-ups close and assignments are sent out, including a link to the (once again optional) Discord server.
February 22nd to February 29th: Gifts are revealed!
Returning people may notice the creation period is a little shorter this time around- this was unavoidable since February is a short month, but after careful consideration we’ve concluded that the lack of holiday chaos will probably mean people have more free time, even without the extra days. If this ends up actually being an issue, we’ll extend a little into March! Winter starts then for people in Antarctica anyway.
When the time for gifts being revealed comes, we’ll be asking everyone to post their gift here on Tumblr with the tag “#dndads winter gift exchange 2024″. There will also be a collection on ao3 for any fic that ends up posted there!
(p.s… you may notice we skipped a year, even though the events have been consecutive. we’re basing our event year title on what year gifting week takes place in- and since it’ll be in 2024, there you go!)
And as always, here’s our little FAQ for some more common questions.
The ask box and our DMs are open and will remain open for the whole event. Feel free to send in any questions! Or you can email us at [email protected] , which we check regularly. We’re so excited to get back at it!! See you all November 15th :]
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medufasa · 6 months
Cool lachambers fics
For @zzzzivy , and anyone else who cares
Everything I Ever Knew About Chris Chambers (*ongoing* - (by heartsflutter; Ao3)
Let The Butterfly Soar (by Goddess Myzt (pretty damn slashy warning) - fanfiction.net))
A 3 parter: Of Sinking Or Swimming (first), In A Savage land (second), The Roaring Silence (third and final)(all by Nenia; they posted it on both fanfiction.net & Ao3) < I believe this was the one I fucking bawled my eyes out on that I talked about before
- Down By The River
- Promise (both by i-nv-u50; fanfiction.net)
Testing the waters (by itbeme: fanfiction.net) in all seriousness I can't remember what happens in this one for the life of me but I did read it
Sweltering Cigarette (by Novelnova; fanfiction.net) (warning,, slashy at times, I believe)
Summer Racing (by NeonTypewritters; fanfiction.net)
Kiss Off (by Princess Lo; fanfiction.net)
A Feeling (by daveylover75; fanfiction.net) A cute little short one
2 parter: Chambers Charm (first), All Knowing Ace Chambers Charm (second and final) (both by iPlu; fanfiction.net)
Paper Prayer (by LadyLove5000; fanfiction.net)
Like Catching Lighting (by Jomellie; fanfiction.net)
Wonderwall (by PolkadotSunstar; fanfiction.net)
Only a Dream? (by BoatsAgainsTheCurrent;
fanfiction.net) < they've made quite a few sbm books (at least one other one being another lachambers fic that I haven't read yet)
A Chris Chambers Holiday (by CherryCokesandWinterSmokes; fanfiction.net)
- All I Want For Christmas
- Stand By You (both by Cynaro of Notre Dame; fanfiction.net) < a bit overly dramatic I recall, but I was invested nonetheless. I also liked the stupid little notes they'd add about the new world order or something at the end of each chapter
Letters (by okayros; fanfiction.net) < very short and sweet!
LaChambers Christmas Story (by cyclops-kiddo; fanfiction.net)
Another 3 parter: Those Were The Days (first), Just Once In My Life (second), It's All Coming Back To Me Now (third and final) (all by secretdemeanor; fanfiction.net)
Stand by Me Always (by Subliminally Profound; fanfiction.net)
Our Home Is Eachother (MauMauKa; fanfiction.net) < the author is questionable... 😭
Stand By Me: Come Go With Me (by TheGeorgieB; fanfiction.net)
Beyond Back Harlow road (by Novem; fanfiction.net) < Muah
- The Price Of Milk (by paper-star-paper-cup; fanfiction.net) < I actually really liked this one ngl tho the plot was kinda crazy
- Wake Up, You've Got Boy Problems (same author and site as previous) < I really liked this one too lol
The Game (by queenofbleach; fanfiction.net & Wattpad) < YALL OK this one was FUCKING CRAZY despite the how unassuming the title is like I actually felt bad reading this cuz it's so..... Yeah. But the ending was sweet. Very fucking slashy,, Chris was a huge dick in this one
Stand By Me (by RavenclawDoll; fanfiction.net)
Maybe You Should've Stayed Someone I Know (by LivieBear; Ao3) < I fucking love how the suspense sorta played near the end of it
Lachambers- Forbidden (by Imvnlla; Ao3 & Wattpad) < this one was soo freaking cute it was like a gay Romeo and Juliet fr. It remains unfinished by one chapter which is probably never going to get completed but it's mostly finished; you could easily figure out an ending from where it ended (slashy in chapter 7)
Lachambers- What If? (Same author and sites as previous) < This one was so good too I think it was one of my first lachambers fics I've read. Slashy and dramatic tho
Une Danse Pour l'Eternité - [ Lachambers ] - (by kass2812; Ao3) < it's all in French pretty much, but there's an option to translate the page into English and it's a pretty solid translation I find. Super cute
these chemical reactions are dividing me (try to keep my eyes closed) (by s0ld_it; Ao3)
One of Our Stories (by BlueDaria; Ao3)
And If This Is What It Takes (by unbelieve; Ao3) < this one was great,, also one of my firsts
Five times they asked eachother if they were ok and one time they didn't have to (by ellsmax; Ao3) < literally the tilte; 6 short cute scenarios
swear I was born in the doorway (by Second_hand_news; Ao3) < modern era 😱😱
Last Chance (by octothorpetopus; Ao3)
Blue-eyed Blond (by fuckfacerichie; Ao3) < what a name, eh? Anyways I like the fics more when they're actually together but dis is cute
Feeling Blue (But Never in Your Arms)
(Anonymous writer; Ao3) < REALLYYYYYY self deprecating but like it gets sweeter since they have eachother and stuff .. aged up smut tho be warned
Where's my love? (by marvelous_inactive; Ao3) < wild and feels kinda unfinished or bittersweet, rather
- Astronomy In Reverse
- Bright Out (both by lachances; Ao3)
yeah ! (by bitchbabytears; Ao3)
Teeth (by hyperrbolic_orange; Ao3)
A Generic GordieChris Slash Fic (by Izout; Ao3) < I fucking laughed the first time reading this
I Won't Be Afraid (by DirtiestGirlInAmerica (LaynaVile); Ao3)) < sad
Letting Go (by Kass; Ao3)
I can't remember shit for most of these but ik I've read all of them and liked em
I may add more later idk I know practically all lachambers fics out there no fucking lie. There's maybe 7 I haven't actually read but I know where to find them 😭 I wish there was more /g
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myhauntedsalem · 27 days
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The Last Words of 30 Famous Serial Killers
Some killers have offered sincere apologies for the heinous offenses they committed. Others’ final words were filled with anger and resentment, while some seemed indifferent. A few of the most interesting final words are quizzically strange rantings.
What are the last words of some of the most famous serial slayers? The last words on this list come from the mouths of some of the most heinous, dangerous people in human history.
James French
“Hey, fellas! How about this for a headline for tomorrow’s paper? ‘French Fries.'” (August 10, 1966)
James French has the distinction of being the last person to be executed in Oklahoma, via electric chair
Carl Panzram
“Hurry up, you Hoosier bastard. I could kill 10 men while you’re fooling around.” (September 5, 1930)
Peter Kurten
“Tell me. After my head has been chopped off, will I still be able to hear, at least for a moment, the sound of my own blood gushing from the stump of my neck? That would be a pleasure to end all pleasures.” (July 2, 1931)
Peter Kurten, AKA “The Vampire of Dusseldorf,” drank the blood of at least one person.
John Wayne Gacy
Kiss My Ass (May 10, 1994)
Thomas J. Grasso
“I did not get my Spaghetti O’s. I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this.” (March 20, 1995)
Tom Ketchum
“I’ll be in Hell before you start breakfast, boys. Let her rip.” (April 26, 1901)
Jeffery Dahmer 
“I don’t care if I live or die. Go ahead and kill me.” (Novemer 28, 1994)
H.H. Holmes 
“Take your time. Don’t bungle it.” (May 7, 1896)
Dr. H.H. Holmes was one of the first American serial killers.
Albert Fish 
“I don’t even know why I’m here.” (January 16, 1936)
In the 1920s, Albert Fish claimed that he had slain at least 100 children.
Ted Bundy
“I’d like you to give my love to my family and friends.” (January 24, 1989)
The exact number of women Ted Bundy offed or hurt in the 1970s is unknown, but some say the number is somewhere in the 100s.
Marcel Petiot 
“Gentleman, I have one last piece of advice: Look away. This will not be pretty to see.” (May 25, 1946)
Petiot was a French doctor who was only found out when the remains of 23 people were found in his Parisian home during WW2.
Steven Timothy Judy 
“I don’t hold any grudges. This is my doing. Sorry it happened.” (March 9, 1981)
Steven Judy slayed a woman and her three children in 1979.
William Bonin 
“I would suggest that when a person has a thought of doing anything serious against the law, that before they did that they should go to a quiet place and think about it seriously.” (February 23, 1996)
William Bonin’s habit of dumping cadavers near freeways earned him the nickname Freeway Killer.
Amelia Dyer
“I have nothing to say.” (June 10, 1896)
Dyer is believed to have slain 400 children during a 20-year period in Victorian England.
Peter Manuel
“Turn up the radio and I’ll go quietly.” (July 11, 1958)
Manuel was an American-born Scottish man who is believed to have slain from nine to 18 people during the 1950s.
Francis Crowley
“You sons of bitches. Give love to Mother.” (January 21, 1932)
Francis Crowley went on a three-month spree that ended when he was sent to the electric chair.
Angel Maturino Resendiz
“I want to ask if it is in your heart to forgive me. You don’t have to. I know I allowed the Devil to rule my life. I just ask you to forgive me and ask the Lord to forgive me for allowing the devil to deceive me. I thank God for having patience in me. I don’t deserve to cause you pain. You do not deserve this. I deserve what I am getting.” (June 27, 2006)
Reséndiz left people’s cadavers near railroad tracks.
Fritz Haarmann
“I repent, but I do not fear death.” (April 15, 1925)
Fritz Haarmann of Germany, active in the years following WWI, became known as the Vampire of Hanover because he would bite through people’s throats.
Ned Kelly
“Such is life.” (November 11, 1880)
Ned Kelly was often considered a folk hero in Australia.
Donald Henry Gaskins
“I’ll let my lawyers talk for me. I’m ready to go.” (September 6, 1991)
Donald Henry Gaskins was known as the Meanest Man in America for slaying at least 100 people, most of them hitchhikers, from the 1950s to the 1980s.
Israel Keyes
“Okay, talk is over, words are placid and weak. Back it with action or it all comes off cheap. Watch close while I work now, feel the electric shock of my touch, open your trembling flower, or your petals I’ll crush.” (December 2, 2012) 
Israel Keyes took his own life; the words are from his final note.
John George Haigh
In a letter to his girlfriend, Barbara: “It is difficult to say farewell under these circumstances, but you will understand that you will always be in my thoughts. You know I have been proud of our association: it has always been an honourable one. I shall remember your great kindness and devotion. Now I must leave you.” (August 10, 1949)
In the 1940s, John George Haigh dissolved six women’s cadavers in acid.
Kenneth McDuff
 “I am ready to be released. Release me.” (November 17, 1998)
After his sentence was commuted in 1989, Kenneth McDuff killed again before being detained in 1992.
Carroll Cole
“It’s all right.” (December 6, 1985)
Carroll Cole possibly committed acts of cannibalism
Raymond Fernandez and Martha Beck
“I wanna shout it out; I love Martha! What do the public know about love?” – Raymond Fernandez (March 8, 1951)
“My story is a love story. But only those tortured by love can know what I mean […] Imprisonment in the Death House has only strengthened my feeling for Raymond….” – Martha Beck (March 8, 1951)
In the 1940s, Fernandez and Beck would place personal ads in newspapers with the intent of taking money from the women who replied.
Aileen Wuornos
“I’d just like to say I’m sailing with the rock, and I’ll be back like Independence Day, with Jesus, June 6th. Like the movie, big mother ship and all. I’ll be back.” (October 9, 2002)
From 1989 to 1990, Aileen Wuornos terminated seven men, with the excuse that each of them tried to rape her.
James Allen Red Dog
“I’m going home, babe.” (October 9, 2002)
James Allen Red Dog had been connected to at least five murders
Myra Hindley
According to the Catholic priest who gave Hindley last rites, “The last conversation she had before she died concerned her mother. She just expressed concern for her mother – but I will not say exactly what she said.” (November 15, 2002)
Hindley, with her lover Ian Brady, shocked 1960s England when they killed five children.
Earle Nelson
“I am innocent. I stand innocent before God and man. I forgive those who have wronged me and ask forgiveness of those I have injured. God have mercy!” (January 13, 1928)
During a two-year period in the mid-1920s, Earle Nelson felled 22 women, most of whom were landladies he approached about rooms they wanted to rent.
Sean Flanagan
“I love you.”
Sean Flanagan terminated two gay men in Nevada, claiming he was doing “good for… society.” (June 23, 1989)
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pompadourpink · 2 years
Les chiffres
The numbers from zero to twenty are written as individual digits (-ze comes from the Latin decem; e.g. 14 - quattuordecim in Latin: 4-10)
The numbers from twenty-one to sixty-nine are written as a combination of the number twenty and a unit digit (e.g. quarante-sept - 47, trente-trois - 33)
The numbers from seventy to ninety-nine are written as a combination of the number seventy and a unit digit (e.g. quatre-vingt-dix-neuf - 99)
The system becomes funky over 70 as a consequence of the invasion of the Celtic people who used a vicesimal system (based on 20: 10, 20, 20-10, 2x20, 2x20+10, etc.) followed by the invasion of the Romans who used a decimal system. During the 17th century, the newly founded French Academy was asked to set rules and decided on a cohabitation of both numeral systems.
20 and 100 are pluralised when they end the number (deux-cents VS cent-deux)
Numbers and figures are all masculine (e.g. Tu as eu un zéro - You got an F)
Since 1990, dashes are expected between each digit
Ordinal numbers are typically built by adding the suffix -ième to the cardinal number and removing the final -e when there's one (Cinquième, Douzième), the exception being First: Premier, Première
De 0 à 9:
Zéro, from the Arabic sifr - zero
Un, from the Old French un/the Latin ünus - one
Deux, from the Latin duo - two
Trois, from the Latin tres - three
Quatre, from the Latin quattuor - four
Cinq, from the Latin quinque - five
Six, from the Old French sis/the Latin sex - six
Sept, from the Latin septem - seven
Huit, from the Old French uit/the Latin octo - eight
Neuf, from the Old French novef/the Latin novem - nine
De 10 à 19:
Dix, from the Latin decem - ten
Onze, from the Latin undecim - eleven
Douze, from the Latin duodecim - twelve
Treize, from the Latin tredecim - thirteen
Quatorze, from the Latin quattuordecim - fourteen
Quinze, from the Latin quindecim - fifteen
Seize, from the Latin sedecim - sixteen
Dix-sept - seventeen
Dix-huit - eighteen
Dix-neuf - nineteen
Les dizaines:
Vingt, from the Latin viginti - twenty
Trente, from the Latin triginta - thirty
Quarante, from the Latin quadraginta - fourty
Cinquante, from the Latin quinquaginta - fifty
Soixante, from the Latin sexaginta - sixty
Soixante-dix - Sixty ten
(e.g. Soixante-treize - 73)
Quatre-vingts - Four twenty (-s is a 80 exception)
Quatre-vingt-dix - Four twenty ten
N.B. 1: 21, 31, 41, 51, 61 have an -et- in between (e.g. quarante-et-un - 41). The same thing happens for the number 1001 (e.g. Mille-et-une nuits).
N.B. 2: In Belgium and Switzerland, 70, 80 and 90 are called septante, huitante and nonante.
Les gros chiffres:
Cent, from the Latin centum - hundred
Mille, from the Latin millia - thousand
(e.g. Mille-neuf-cent-trente-huit - 1938)
Million, from the Italian milione (mille + one) - million
(e.g. Huit-millions-quatre-cent-trente-six-mille-neuf-cent-vingt-deux - 8436922)
Milliard, from the Old French miliard, derived from million - billion
N.B. If there's only one hundred or thousand, there is no need to specify (e.g. cent-trois, not un-cent-trois - 103)
Resources - spelling out numbers
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Movie: Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain - Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 2001
Fanmail - masterlist (2016-) - archives - hire me - reviews (2020-) - Drive
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pink-november · 7 months
I've been thinking a lot about your Slay the Princess Swap AU. What misadventures do the Princess as the Spectre and the Gravedigger / the Voice of the Cold get into?
Oh god thank you anon for asking this I will now proceed to gush about my swap au with the info I currently have.
Spectre (or Revenant as I call her in my head) cannot leave her own tomb without Cold's help so she only gets to tag along with him most of the time. Cold lets her just because he thinks it'll be interesting. He even sometimes let her possess him for shits and giggles. Like the one time she wanted to eat something and Cold had to eat against his will (it's not his meal time yet 😞). It was... an experience.
No one can see Spectre other than Cold so she gets real lonely and develops a mischievous side to her. She haunts the people residing there, often also trying to make Cold express something. She succeeds, sort of.
She's very ruthless to the village chief though. Mostly because he's an asshole who absolutely hates the monarchy and treats Cold poorly. She gets him to prank the chief later on and they become bestiessss ✨
Spectre did request Cold to go to the mountain but gets shut down quickly when he says no. Like he's not even entertaining her about it. He leaves her immediately whenever she brings up the topic and will avoid her like the plague the next day.
So she asks to leave the village instead because she hates being cooped up for too long and Cold just says he can't leave just yet. Not until his benefactor comes back and takes him with them. So Specter gets really pissed at him for it and at her shitty situation so she kinda uhhhh wrecks the village and gets Cold in trouble.
That's about it I think 🤔 lol 😆
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klesek · 10 months
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novem-bur day 25: amogus. fwiatc edition! me when the uh. when the impostor is sus haha anyways words r lyrics from "scapegoat" by ghost and pals and uhhh. dont ask why the guy from among us is like the angstiest bur in fwiatc but also im going to tell you anyways (under the cut !)
prompt list
fwiatc link
um. so this is imp (short for 'impostor') and [REDACTED] (he has a name but its not revealed yet because he. hasnt talked to anyone but imp in the fic yet unless you count when editor saw him which i absolutely dont. anyways) and theyre the burs from among us ! yes burs plural . bc imp is the Impostor and [REDACTED] is the Crewmate and i made among us worldbuilding bc i love science fiction a normal amount. so basically "impostors" (thats what humans call them), aka what imp is, are a 'hostile' alien species who 'possess' and kill other intelligent species, mostly on cargo ships ! the reason for this is. not yet revealed in fwiatc technically but one can kind of draw conclusions. but the main driving factor is what you see in the background of this art- a star getting sucked into a black hole. yes thats a black hole In my defense no one really knows what they look like ! anyways the 'impostors' are shape-shifting alien parasitoids who infect and take over a host in order to Do Their Job. and originally imp was supposed to be like a straight-up antagonist whos like rly bad and a murderer etcetc and he Is a murderer he kills [REDACTED] (different guy. spoilers lmao) but i made myself emotional over him and now hes just a silly little guy with a million identity crises because i said so!
uhh TLDR i made among us backstory, got attached to the murderer i made, and now imp and [REDACTED] are two of my favorite burs. i love them and i need to run them over with an 18-wheeler
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rubbarband · 11 months
~ What is the quote between your character and their love interest/whoever they might be shipped with that their fans would latch onto?
~ What is the discourse surrounding your ship?
META ASKS: If Your OC Was Canon.
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~ What is the quote between your character and their love interest/whoever they might be shipped with that their fans would latch onto?
In canon? Desmond and Eliza would probably have a moment where she repeats the phrase "A baker always bounces back right? You can, and you don't have to do it alone!" When Desmond has a moment of weakness.
~ What is the discourse surrounding your ship?
Probably that Desmond runs away too much to be in a committed relationship or that Eliza is so much more powerful than he is so why would she settle for someone weaker when there are more powerful people to pair her with.
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rubbarbandnsfw · 10 months
"towel" (From Yukari to DILF- I mean Golden Age Des!)
send "towel" for my muse's reaction to seeing yours in nothing but a towel
This brought up old memories, remembering when he first accidently ran into Yukari when they first met.
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"Damn and you just got curvier with age. I never realized I could be jealous over a towel." Des coo'd.
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mareastrorum · 4 months
The fireside chat AMA question channel is open. I asked about Vigilan’s name (why was that the only name unrelated to an emotion?) since plenty of others asked what Adeen Tasithar did to piss off Essek.
Vigilan’s name has always bothered me. All the rest of the Somnovem’s names were pretty clearly tied to a specific emotion and Vigilan was just… not. Vigilan’s eye was also the anti-magic cone and the only eye that shifted around on Lucien’s skin. I mean, it makes sense to be able to move the field, but why didn’t the other ones move around too? Seems like they’d have done it just for fun, and Lucien seemed to enjoy creeping people out anyway.
The word Somnovem also appears to be a combination of the Latin roots “somnus” for sleep or dream and “novem” for nine. But Vigilan appears to be based on “vigilō” which means to watch or to remain awake. The opposite of the meaning of the Somnovem.
What made Vigilan so special?
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