#november 23 2022
dogstomp · 1 year
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Dogstomp #2878 - November 23rd
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dmwrites · 2 years
“You know what’s just so funny about you?”
Pearl turned around in surprise, and found Cub leaning on a fence pole, watching her. In the expansive, rolling hills of wheat that Chromia had, it was surprisingly easy to sneak up on someone. Pearl had done it a few times to Scott already, but being on the receiving end of it wasn’t as pleasant. Especially with the sculk-covered Cub, who had taken to terrorizing the server with his new black and blue play toys. He looked even worse up close like this- Pearl could see spots of his face and arms that were almost sunk in, like the sculk was eating away at his skin. And the eyes were a flat black behind his glasses, looking but not really seeing. Pearl couldn’t shake the feeling that he was using sounds to track her, not sight.
“Hiya, Cub! How’s it going? I do know what’s funny about me- my amazing jokes!” Pearl replied, trying to sound cheery, while also gathering up the wheat and her scythe as fast as possible. The sun was starting to set, and perhaps she could make her excuses soon- she would be lying if she said Cub didn’t make her uncomfortable right now.
“No, that’s not it.” Cub said, ignoring Pearl’s joke, which she took offense to. “No… it’s just funny that you don’t know. Well, no, perhaps that’s not exactly true. You know some things, like how that scythe feels just right in your hands, and how strangers look at you like they know you… It’s just funny, is all.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Pearl said firmly, a trickle of anxiety running down her spine. She threw the sack of wheat over her shoulder and began to walk away. How did he know that? There was no way that anyway, much less Cub, could have even guessed the way that her heart ached and her mind searched for memories that weren’t there.
“Don’t lie to me, Pearlescentmoon.”
Pearl froze, and slowly turned back around. Cub was right behind her now, less then a arm’s length away.
“… you’re not Cub, are you.” Pearl said slowly.
“No.” Cub’s smile widened. “But that’s neither here nor there. The oldest depths of the earth remember you, Pearl. They whisper the name of the god as ancient as the universe itself, and it was me they sent to find you. Join us, Pearl. We can give you your memories back, your powers back. The sculk can be the stars to your moon.”
“You mean to destroy this place?” Pearl asked.
“No, not destroy. Remake.” Cub reached for her hand, but she pulled away and backed up. Night had fallen now, fully, and Cub was lit up in pinpricks of bioluminescent light, shimmering in the moonlight. Cub was advancing on her, matching her step for step.
Pearl dropped her wheat and took the scythe from its holder. “I’m so sorry Cub, if you’re in there.” She said, and she swung. It was remarkably, terrifyingly easy to slice through Cub’s torso, cutting him cleanly in half. His body fell to the ground, and Pearl was horrified to see that his insides were the same sparkly blueish black as the sculk on his shin.
“I am no one. I am not your god. I am just… me.” Pearl said firmly to the body of Cub, which rather quickly decayed into the ground and disappeared. “I’m just me.” She repeated. It didn’t help. She wasn’t just some hermit, was she?
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glimmerofawesome · 2 years
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card-of-the-day · 2 years
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Today's Card Is: Doppelganger
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1morteveryday · 2 years
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327/365 👣
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The poppies grow, where we used to. Where it was easy to slip into dreams, into an innocent forgetfulness, a hope that life had not yet tainted in its wake. The poppies grow, and so do we: more cynical, much colder. Just flowers on a patch of dirt. They'll wilt with time.
Like we have.
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yahooanswersblog · 5 months
Lou: When you were a young teen, what did you imagine you would be doing by the age you are now at? And have you ended up matching any of it?
Me: I didn't think I'd have a career, and I was right about that. I guess that you are your thoughts.
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limbsofsatan · 1 year
prescribed Jägerbombs by my therapist
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music-asylum · 2 years
November 23, 2022
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thehiddenhermit · 2 years
I want brownies so bad
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Ancient cities
Everyone loves a good story. A hidden town, a haunted house. In modern times, a favorite activity of tourists is sightseeing. Going out in search of those fairy tales and myths, hoping for something that will spark excitement or adventure.
Abandoned things are a treasure. They are soft spoken existences, cast out and forgotten, forever waiting. Frozen in time. They hold stories that no one remembers, because time is unforgiving and aging is graceless. A toy with no child. A home with no one to hold inside. A town without people.
The larger they are, the more questions there are to ask. How did this go unnoticed for so long? There are hundreds of thousands of people with a desire to search and find and discover, so how- did something so important… get lost?
In the long run, there’s always a witness. Someone who hears and learns and tells. Never, ever, is something large or significant ever truly lost.
Standing among the rubble, staring in front of a massive, ancient gateway, a chill runs down my spine.
Its architecture is exquisite, save for the rocks that obscure it partly from view. Something so large and beautiful- I am not the first one to discover this landscape.
I think, hearing the stone shifting behind me. I turn around and sprint for the quickly closing exit—
I am definitely not the first.
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rma1996 · 2 years
Foto realizada el día 23 de Noviembre de 2022
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untothebreach · 2 years
How do I recapture whatever artistic level I was on when I did all those fashion illustrations
Those were to date some of my best work
June/July Sam was really going off for absolutely no reason
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glimmerofawesome · 2 years
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liquidgirl13 · 2 years
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Happy New Moon in Scorpio!
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dailysongs4sadgirls · 2 years
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