Surely THIS time the new international auxiliary language will resonate with the masses and be adopted worldwide, not like the last one
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lromanus · 4 months
Ricardo Lezón - “Noche en Noviales”
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janmisali · 2 months
I have a question about your categorisation of conlangs mentioned in the Novial episode. you explain that for your purposes, a global IAL "is a specific type of auxlang, which is a specific type of interlang, which is a specific type of conlang"
so, the non-interlang types of conlang are obviously engelangs and artlangs, and the non-global-IAL subset of auxlangs are presumably the 'regional' ones like Folkspraak and Interslavic. But what is the non-auxlang subset of interlangs ?
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made a diagramme to help me visualise it, but I still can't think of an example. this is a genuine question btw not trying to "gotcha" you or anything
as a general rule of thumb whenever I say something that doesn't make sense in a conlang critic video it's usually just me being wrong because those videos never got second drafts
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renegade-hierophant · 5 months
Volapük, Esperanto, Ido, Novial, &c, &c, are dead, far deader than ancient unused languages, because their authors never invented any Esperanto legends.
J. R. R. Tolkien, Letters #180 to ‘Mr Thompson’ (draft), 14 January 1956
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I was wondering why the international language used in Curse Words is Ido, when Novial, which is an improvement on Ido, was made very shortly after? Or, in general why an Esperantido, when surely an international school would have enough people from outside of Europe to make a less Eurocentric language?
Ido is just my favourite.
Its limitations as a language for an international magic school come up several times in the story. Even the language teacher thinks it's a bad choice, and it only barely beat out Mandarin Chinese as the school's official language (proposed by people who just wanted to use the language spoken by the biggest proportion of prospective students). Refujeyo was built by politicians and committees, so it's full of little inconveniences and compromises at every level, from the language and curriculum, to the architecture and safety policies, to the laws and heirarchies. It was built by people trying to jury-rig an international university-style school and accompanying society out of thousand varied traditional systems of education from all over the world and the mismatch shows on every level, including the language selection.
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artisticgirl19 · 1 year
Nomes dos integrantes do EXO se eles fossem brasileiros (P/1)🇧🇷
*Utilizando as fontes da minha cabeça e da minha análise da aparência + personalidade de cada membro*
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KIM JONGIN- Começando com o integrante mais fácil de transformar em brasileiro, já que é quase consenso no fandom q seu nome br seria JORGE. É a transformação mais lógica para o nome jongin e combina muito com ele. É um nome de galã de novela das 21:00 e se se encaixa muito com a personalidade de príncipe encantado que ele tem.
Também levei em consideração o stage name Kai, afinal, todos sabemos q jongin é a pessoa e Kai é a persona e cheguei a conclusão que a melhor "tradução" para Kai seria KAÍQUE. Sim, kaíque e não "caio" pq acho q Kaíque tem toda a malandragem e a sagacidade q só o kai tem. Além de seguir bem na linha de contraste de personalidade que existe no nosso príncipe da dualidade Kim Jorginho.
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BYUN BAEKHYUN- O nosso menino baek foi o segundo mais fácil de nomear pq a combinação rosto angelical + extroversão + travessura na minha cabeça é sempre igual a: GABRIEL .
A carinha de santo sempre engana, mas quando você vê de perto descobre que é uma peste. Provavelmente foi uma criança bem travessa durante a infância e na adolescência era bem popular com as meninas. Sabe quando você vê sua amiga toda apaixonada e descobre que ela tá assim por um Gabriel e não há nada q você possa fazer porque isso é um evento canônico na vida de toda a menina? Então, é essa a energia que ele me passa.
Outro nome q considerei pensando mais em seu nome coreano foi BERNARDO. Esse não tem muita explicação só acho q encaixaria bem com ele.
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KIM MINSEOK- Para o nosso querido velhinho, a decisão também não foi muito difícil. Apesar da idade, a essência dele é de uma pessoa bem nova.
Ele sempre me passou aquela impressão de pessoa que foi criada com a vó, sabe? Vida mansa, sempre sendo paparicado, sem medo de fazer alguma graça para ganhar o que quer. Para ele escolhi o nome FELIPE.
É novial e tem aquele toque de criança classe média alta que vive em condomínio sem ser muito cafona ou estereotipado.
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n2qfd · 1 month
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So I was looking my BBS and thinking about expanded themes to include some language support for non English users. I can't say I'm great at anything but English myself but I remembered my Esperanto days and promptly looked into it. Sadly the same problems that plagued Esperanto over a hundred years ago still do starting with needing non standard characters or a way to stand in for them.
I remembered Ido, well and Novial as well and went back to see what made the children of Esperanto "improved." For starters, and I didn't get past Ido, It uses the "standard" keyboard characters. So the base latin set will cover all your bases with no need for stand-in. It also dropped number agreement with adjectives. So - the blue dog isn't the blues dogs in Ido. or La blua hundo to plural is la blua hundoi. Oh yeah, they don't use j to make plural but an i. So, little changes from it's Esperanto roots and this too is nice as it keeps the language somewhat mutually intelligible. An Esperantist and an Idist should be able to follow each other with minimal effort. Ido is gender neutral as well if that's a concern something I've seen Esperanto tarred for.
Now the down side. When Esperanto schemed and Ido was born it took many of the power users but the base users of Esperanto stayed loyal to the original. This means that in our age there are just orders of magnitude more Esperantists than Ido users though that number seems to be improving.
The thing with Auxiliary conlang people seems to be wild infighting in the hunt for the "perfect." I'm all for innovation where it makes sense but this is like charging a battery to 100% when 80% would cover most all of your needs. There's so much pedantic petty nonsense in this community of language users that it's idiotic. Sort of like Leftist politics, 80% of them would have some irredeemable issue with the messiah, may he come swiftly and soon.
For the BBS it's going to be Ido, it does work better than Esperanto in a functional way, it's just as easy to learn, and it's close enough to be of usefulness just after learning a natural language. I still think it would be a fun grade-school 2nd language that you graduate out of. Something 4-6th graders might get some light exposure to then fall into a natural language for 7-12th grade. And as most people read it rather than speak it it's perfect for the BBS scene.
From Wikipedia
Ido (/ˈiːdoʊ/) is a constructed language derived from Reformed Esperanto, and similarly designed with the goal of being a universal second language for people of diverse backgrounds. To function as an effective international auxiliary language, Ido was specifically designed to be grammatically, orthographically, and lexicographically regular (and, above all, easy to learn and use). It is the most successful of the many Esperanto derivatives, called Esperantidoj.
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nilemaolivia10 · 7 months
Escuela para Impresores es una plataforma digital especialmente diseñada para los profesionales en esta área, donde se dictan cursos en diferentes modalidades para las compañías que se desarrollan en este mercado. ¿Qué aconsejas hacer a los impresores? David Gonzalez Novials Luis Heras Aurelio Mendiguchía García Julio Pérez Martí #masfacturacionporcliente #ventas #tecnología #futuro .To know More Click : https://www.escuelaparaimpresores.com/ #EscuelaparaImpresores @EscuelaparaImpresores
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realita-lampung · 9 months
DPRD : Dirgahayu Kabupaten Lampung Barat Ke 32
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DPRD Lampung Barat Mengucapkan : Dirgahayu Kabupaten Lampung Barat Ke 32. "Lampung Barat Bersatu Untuk Terus Melaju". Edi Novial, S. Kom Ketua, Sutikno, S. Ap WK I, Erwansyah, SH, WK II Read the full article
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Anggota Komisi I DPR RI Fraksi PDI Perjuangan, Mukhlis Basri menggelar agenda Reses dalam rangka berkunjung dan menyapa masyarakat di beberapa wilayah di Kabupaten Lampung Barat, Selasa (3/1/2023). Dalam reses itu Mukhlis Basri didampingi Ketua DPRD Lambar Edi Novial, Anggota DPRD, Sri Nurwijayanti, Ashari. Saat berkunjung ke Pekon Mekarjaya, Kecamatan Gedungsurian, Lampung Barat, Mukhlis Basri disambut oleh Camat Gedungsurian, Tati Sulastri, Kapolsek Sumberjaya, Kompol Ery Hafri, Danramil Sumberjaya, Kapten Inf. Iwan Sudrajat, Kepala UPT Puskesmas Gedungsurian, NS Asminudin, Peratin Mekarjaya, Dede Suherli dan para tokoh serta masyarakat. cek selengkapnya di BIO atau kunjungi https://pdiperjuanganlampung.id atau www.youtube.com/PDIPERJUANGANLAMPUNG portal resmi -> https://linktr.ee/dpdpdiperjuanganlampung Kompak dan Solid : https://www.twibbonize.com/50pdip ---------------------------------------- #beritalampung #pdiperjuangan #wongcilik #rakercabpdiperjuangan #fraksipediperjuangan #dpdpdiperjuanganlampung #pdiperjuanganlampung #partaipdiperjuanganlampung #rakercabpdiperjuangan #pemilu2024 #kaderpdiperjuangan #kabarpdiperjuangan #fyp #beritalampung #kabarterkini #m3nangpemilu #nomor3 #h3ttrickpemilu #p3milu (di Lampung Barat) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm81RUkyLXA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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retroggio · 2 years
Religions & Deities
RELIGIONS & THEIR DEITIES Religions in Retroggio are fairly loose, with major temples in a region usually being erected by Novial or Pyrmonger, or built as a joint effort between the two of them, or one of them and another order. A lot about a region or settled area can be assumed from what deities they look to or lack.
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ADDITIONAL DOMAINS Not every domain listed under a deity is meant as a limitation. You may never see Xeramut with a Cleric following the War or Trickery domain, but there could be those who dedicate themselves to the domain of Nature or Life in that deity’s name, for example. Religion is personal, and you may experience your faith very differently from what is “standard”. 
The Galactic Paradigm DEITY: Stellargus (stell-AR-gus) COLOR: Yellow ELEMENT: Air DOMAINS: Arcana, Knowledge CREDOS: Magic is faith that you can see. Experience is the richest education. SYMBOL: The Moon in any phase
Scholars and followers of the ironically enigmatic Stellargus and the Galactic Paradigm are dedicated to balance, and knowledge not only of mundane historical events, but of the chains of significance that hold together the multiverse. 
The Union of Serenity DEITY: Xeramut (ZEE-rah-mut) COLOR: Green ELEMENT: Earth DOMAINS: Order, Peace CREDOS: Always extend a hand before a blade. With calm comes understanding. SYMBOL: Balanced scales
Xeramut is a benevolent figure, one that is now globally ridiculed among most during these times of struggle and danger. The Union of Serenity’s faith is heavily tested, but they still believe a kind life is a constant reward.
The Dusktide Requiem DEITY: Chronyctis (kro-NIK-tiss) COLOR: Purple ELEMENT: Water DOMAINS: Twilight, Grave CREDOS: Refuge is a right of all creatures. Cherish and respect your time.  SYMBOL: Seven Stars
Chronyctis is said to be a God of Time, as a sub-sect of their domain; Twilight and the Grave as a finite ending or measure of time. The devotees of the Dusktide Requiem are frequently lackadaisical, with little regard for crunch culture.
The Order of the Dawn DEITY: Novial (NO-vee-all) COLOR: White ELEMENT: Air DOMAINS: Light, Life CREDOS: Share in one another’s joy. Treasure your health and community’s wellness. SYMBOL: The Sun
Children of The Order of the Dawn, Novial’s followers, are paragons in every sense of the word. Their devotion to their order is seen as cartoonishly righteous, but they’ve wound up a welcome bunch for sake of their heroic nature.
The Way of the Wild DEITY: Aquiirith (uh-KWEE-rith) COLOR: Blue ELEMENT: Water DOMAINS: Nature, Tempest CREDOS: Do no harm to the planet. Regard the world with humility.  SYMBOL: Nautilus shell
Aquiirith is a god so old that understanding their true nature may be an impossibility. As it stands, there are followers in their name who humbly protect the planet, opposed to peers of theirs who seek to sabotage industry.
The Firebrand Dogma DEITY: Pyrmonger (PYR-mon-ger) COLOR: Red ELEMENT: Fire DOMAINS: Forge, War CREDOS: Creation is a divine gift to mortals. Conflict is natural and eternal. SYMBOL: A Flaming Sword
Pyrmonger was once a god of art, who took to more and more extreme forms of expression, and now, here they are. Experimentation and bold choices are a favored tactic of their most devout; high risk, high reward
LESSER RELIGIONS Religion, demi-gods, cults and new discoveries are infinite in the multiverse; the following two orders are newer or less keenly viewed by the general populace, and may be more guarded, if not outright dishonest, about their faith.
Free Spirits of Occultra DEITY: Occultra (oh-KULL-truh) COLOR: Orange ELEMENT: Fire DOMAINS: Trickery CREDOS: Embrace chaos and reject authority. SYMBOL: A smiling, cycloptic mask
The fellowship among Occultra’s following is still a little undecided - this is a newer religion that is still crawling out of the “cult” status it had 300 years ago. They’re mostly obsessed with getting their own holiday, somehow.
Keepers of the Tomb
DEITY: Benechro (BEN-a-kro) COLOR: Black ELEMENT: Earth DOMAINS: Death CREDOS: All are equal in death. SYMBOL: a sickle Necromancers, assassins, sellswords with a “shoot first, questions never” attitude may all find a sliver of inspiration in Benechro’s path. Like other faiths with a divide, Keepers of the Tomb debate if death or undeath is the final truth.
VARIANT SYMBOLS The symbol assigned to each religion is very much the most how someone “outside” might recognize the religion, but individuals might represent a “symbol of faith” different ways. For example, some followers of Occultra might only have an eye as a symbol, or Grave-devoted followers of Chronyctus may have a black or falling star.
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lampung7com · 2 years
Sejumlah Nama Berpeluang Jadi Calon PJ Bupati Lampung Barat
Sejumlah Nama Berpeluang Jadi Calon PJ Bupati Lampung Barat
LAMPUNG7COM | DPRD Kabupeten Lampung Barat telah melaksanakan rapat Paripurna pengumuman dan usul pemberhentian bupati dan wakil bupati Lampung Barat masa jabatan 2017-2022, di ruang Marghasana, Senin 24 Oktober 2022 lalu. Ketua DPRD Lampung Barat Edi Novial  menyampaikan penghargaan dan apresiasi setinggi-tingginya kepada pasangan bupati dan wakil bupati Lampung Barat masa jabatan 2017-2022…
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janmisali · 1 year
you have lied at least once.
today you claimed your pfp was Otto Jespersen, but in the Novial episode of the show that gets facts wrong about MY favourite language you showed a file called "Jonathan_Bowers.jpg".
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this exact image was displayed while jan misali was referring to Otto Jespersen, creator of Novial, as "some sort of, yes, person who critiques constructed languages".
yes. that's an image of otto jespersen labeled Jonathan_Bowers.jpg
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Ricardo Lezón - “Noche en Noviales”
 source: elardor 
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gendersanciau · 3 years
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Genderpasione: a gender simply connected to passion (all kinds, mostly romantic and platonic-aligned) and Valentine’s Day.
Etymology: Novial, “pasione” meaning “passion”
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linguisticssystem · 3 years
Y r u called the linguistics system?
because we are all very interested in different languages haha
german is one of my things. i actually mostly speak german in headspace
purple enjoys making their own conlangs based on other languages they research
phoenix enjoys japanese and has an interest in ainu, but resources aren't very abundant for english speakers and our japanese isn't good enough to learn another language through it yet
caeaf often speaks welsh in headspace and i believe he also enjoys dovahzul
daisy enjoys esperanto and other IALs - Afrihili, Novial, ect
molly likes toki pona. she enjoys the simplicity of it
gamzee likes láadan. i think he's fascinated with the truthfulness you have to express in it, as dishonesty is quite literally ungrammatical in that language
there are a few more but those are the more common ones
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