#now i have to actually update my toyhouse so i can add my characters links again 😅
typheus · 2 years
omg i fixed my themes broken links problem
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nicstylus · 1 year
Art Fight Master Post
(I will re-pin the other masterpost after Art Fight is done)
Art Fight Link: https://artfight.net/~NicStylus
Toyhouse: https://toyhou.se/NicStylus
Carrd: https://nicstylus.carrd.co
Jason Aequoreus (MotM)
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Jason's Links: Lore Document YT Playlist Spotify Playlist
Zorro (MotM)
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Zorro does not have any links because I've neglected them oops LORE: Zorro used his dark magic too much and got completely turned into a demon. Lucifer (Queen of Hell blah blah blah) fell in love with them, she turned out to be (surprise) a terrible person and they overthrew her. Now they rule the underworld and occasionally assist Jason in his objectives as they are (technically) best friends.
Elflacon (DnD)
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Elfalcon is my (dead :/ ) DnD Character. Since I've played him last though he's gotten a complete glow-up and re-write so here is the new-and-improved Elfalcon. LORE: Elfalcon is a Drow Elf who would be a royal prince if he hadn't been outcast by his family for being cursed. His Drow bloodline takes their lineage very seriously, so when he was cursed to become a Tiefling at night (in hopes that his family would be more accepting of Tieflings) they were outraged and banished him. He has since become a rogue with the intent to slowly whittle away at his families wealth and most valued treasures over time until they seek his assistance with catching this thief and accept him back into the family. At this point though he mostly just steals because fuck his family lol
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Arrow is my Minecraft Character I'm not actually sure if this counts as an OC, but... I'm submitting him anyway so take that LORE: Arrow is a blind archer (yes, blind.) He prefers Archery over anything else Minecraft related and prefers to hang out with his friends while doing so. Sun (Green hoodie) is his best friend, Breeze (blue hair and horns) is the Mom Friend and Panda (Pink hair) is the Little Sister friend that is completely unhinged. Arrow will match whatever energy you give him, and has the personality of a golden retriever.
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Kite is my TES Skyrim Khajiit (or Tabaxi if you speak D&D) with the stealth archer build. Kite honestly flips between being male and female in my head so they can be drawn as either or neither or both! LORE: Besides being the last dragonborn (and completely abusing that title) they've joined the Dark Brotherhood and became a Nightingale for the Thieves Guild. Kite enjoys doing trick shots with the bow, consuming every cheese wheel in sight, catching butterflies and decorating NPCs bodies (which may or may not be her doing) and committing unspeakable atrocities upon the townspeople of Falkreath. They're the most proficient in archery and thief skills, whatever that may be, and destruction magic, for some reason. Other than that he pretty much sucks at everything from blacksmithing to healing magic.
TO BE CONTINUED (and updated as I add new characters hopefully)
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v3ct0rgraph1cs · 3 years
320-VoA Information and stuff
So with the new development of VoA, I thought I would give some info as to what it is, why I’m making it, how long in-between updates, and other things that I might do with it
So first off, what is 320-VoA?
320-VoA, or 320- Victims of Asphyxiation, is a book that I’m currently writing. It takes place in a semi-dystopian world, where cities are separated into domes because of the outside world being used to store pollution, and said pollution has become so toxic that you can only spend max of ten minutes in it without proper ventilation (i.e. gas mask, ect.) without getting pretty much poisoned. The story follows mainly my characters Vector, Renezo, Foster, Azzie, and Jinxee, as well as some others for plot development who are less important but still there. I don’t wanna spoil too much but pretty much Vector was a coder in ZCAID, Zenon City A.I. Development, then stuff happened and thats all I can say for now because that’s all I’ve written publicly
Content Warnings
here’s the list of content warnings for the book. They’re also on toyhouse but I’m listing them here as well anyway
- Self harm
- Drugs
- Alcohol abuse
- Implied physical abuse, never actually described in present tense, only from after the fact
- Manipulation
- Mild sexual content (nothing ever described, just... implied that it happened. think lime fanfictions I guess in terms of severity)
- Probably other things that I’ll add onto this later I just can’t think what else is in this rn
How long will it be between updates?
Considering it took me two months to even start writing the prologue uhhh I’d say about that long unless I get a burst of motivation. In all seriousness it’ll probably take a month between updates
Why are you making it?
Because I originally wanted to make it an animated series but then decided I didn’t wanna go through the trouble of hiring people to do voice acting/ hiring other animators because I know I could never afford that, and I would kinda need to because you need voice actors to, yknow, make a show. Who knows maybe I will in the future you never know
What does “other things that I might do with it” entail?
I might, ****MIGHT*****, make it into a webtoon if I can get other artists to help out. I’d have to find people who’d be okay with it not being paid, but if I can assemble a team I might ditch the book all together and just straight up make it a webtoon because that’s something I’ve really wanted to do for a long time and I think it could be really cool
But yeah so that’s it for now, here’s the link to the book on both toyhouse and wattpad if you don’t have toyhouse (yes i’m a wattpad user fuck off /lh)
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