#now i wanna write fyolai hm LOL
sickficideas Β· 1 year
Spare fyolai and ranpoe HCs🀲
okay i can't promise this will be in character because i don't consume much fyolai content but i will try my best πŸ™ also i assume ur asking for sickfic hcs if you meant something else pls correct me !! (also sorry this took so long omg)
also fyolai gets like a little nsfw bc theyre freaky like that πŸ’–
- ranpo has never been Really sick a day in his life just out of sheer luck I'd imagine but those eating habits of his have to get him some solid stomachaches. and he is definitely complaining about it!!!
- he is asking (demanding) poe to rub his tummy when he doesn't feel good. poe is a good man and obliges every time. it always makes ranpo fall asleep πŸ’–
- but he gets really bad food poisoning one day and ends the day like sobbing in poe's arms because he's so overwhelmed. the nausea, the actual act of throwing up, the cramping/soreness, burning in his throat, the headache from the dehydration is too much. poe is very sad about him being so upset and almost cries with himπŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
- poe coming in clutch w the sweet factor though. "are you feeling alright dear?" "sweetheart, tell me where it hurts." "i need you to drink some water for me, my love."
- poe with the forehead kisses πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’– ranpo secretly loves them
- poe looks like a sickly man to me but i think he looks after his health very well...he has a personal doctor that regularly checks on him </3
- ranpo puts the pieces together quick but never says anything because he doesn't know if it's his place. he always has yosano on speed dial if he thinks something is wrong with poe however
- poe gets quiet when he's not feeling well but he always quietly seeks out ranpo's affection. he wants to hold hands and cuddle
- ranpo will always help him
- nikolai is a dedicated emetophile for sure. making himself sick on purpose...he definitely likes puking. being sweaty and sore and being loud about it. fyodor thinks it's hot to watch.
- (thinking abt that official art) nikolai will also involve fyodor by force feeding him sweet things until he's nauseous and drooling
- nikolai is always the first to offer to stick his fingers down fyodor's throat if he mentions his stomach being sick
- fyodor canonically has anemia right LOL?? or is that a fandom delusion...lol regardless he does to me. he is elegantly fainting all the time. i bet he has a fancy fainting couch. i like the imagery of nikolai taking his arm when he stands up to prevent him from getting too dizzy from standing up too fast
- nikolai def likes seeing fyodor ill tho. sweat, drool, glassy eyes. fyodor catches him staring and says things like "take a picture, it lasts longer".
- nikolai watches him sleep and plays with his hair
- nikolai absolutely wants to be comforted if he doesn't feel good against his will thoughπŸ’–
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