#crazy guys....
sickficideas · 1 year
Spare fyolai and ranpoe HCs🤲
okay i can't promise this will be in character because i don't consume much fyolai content but i will try my best 🙏 also i assume ur asking for sickfic hcs if you meant something else pls correct me !! (also sorry this took so long omg)
also fyolai gets like a little nsfw bc theyre freaky like that 💖
- ranpo has never been Really sick a day in his life just out of sheer luck I'd imagine but those eating habits of his have to get him some solid stomachaches. and he is definitely complaining about it!!!
- he is asking (demanding) poe to rub his tummy when he doesn't feel good. poe is a good man and obliges every time. it always makes ranpo fall asleep 💖
- but he gets really bad food poisoning one day and ends the day like sobbing in poe's arms because he's so overwhelmed. the nausea, the actual act of throwing up, the cramping/soreness, burning in his throat, the headache from the dehydration is too much. poe is very sad about him being so upset and almost cries with him💔💔💔
- poe coming in clutch w the sweet factor though. "are you feeling alright dear?" "sweetheart, tell me where it hurts." "i need you to drink some water for me, my love."
- poe with the forehead kisses 😭😭😭💖 ranpo secretly loves them
- poe looks like a sickly man to me but i think he looks after his health very well...he has a personal doctor that regularly checks on him </3
- ranpo puts the pieces together quick but never says anything because he doesn't know if it's his place. he always has yosano on speed dial if he thinks something is wrong with poe however
- poe gets quiet when he's not feeling well but he always quietly seeks out ranpo's affection. he wants to hold hands and cuddle
- ranpo will always help him
- nikolai is a dedicated emetophile for sure. making himself sick on purpose...he definitely likes puking. being sweaty and sore and being loud about it. fyodor thinks it's hot to watch.
- (thinking abt that official art) nikolai will also involve fyodor by force feeding him sweet things until he's nauseous and drooling
- nikolai is always the first to offer to stick his fingers down fyodor's throat if he mentions his stomach being sick
- fyodor canonically has anemia right LOL?? or is that a fandom delusion...lol regardless he does to me. he is elegantly fainting all the time. i bet he has a fancy fainting couch. i like the imagery of nikolai taking his arm when he stands up to prevent him from getting too dizzy from standing up too fast
- nikolai def likes seeing fyodor ill tho. sweat, drool, glassy eyes. fyodor catches him staring and says things like "take a picture, it lasts longer".
- nikolai watches him sleep and plays with his hair
- nikolai absolutely wants to be comforted if he doesn't feel good against his will though💖
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rongzhi · 6 months
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English added by me :)
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liquidstar · 7 months
If my mom sees a significant amount of blood she gets lightheaded, and has fainted on some occasions. Once it happened when we were kids, I wasn't there to witness it but I heard the story from my dad. Basically my brothers, around 7 or 8 at the time, were playing outside while my mom was making their lunch, and she accidentally cut her finger. It wasn't anything serious, but it drew a fair bit of blood and she passed out. My dad saw this and rushed over, but he didn't really know what to do so he just sort of started slapping her to wake her up (not recommended, but he had no idea and panicked)
At that exact moment my brothers both came in from playing, and all they saw was our mom unconscious on the floor and our dad slapping her. So, like, without even saying a word to each other they both just INSTANTLY start whaling on him, like, full blown attack mode to defend our mom. Which obviously didn't help the situation, but she did wake up and everything was fine.
Now our dad says that he's actually really glad they attacked him over what they thought was going on, because it means he raised good boys. And I still think that's true, they're very good boys.
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p1nkmic · 11 months
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It's been so hot lately. It gave me inspiration to draw this! Pool day and a sprinkle of spiderdads! :D
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ylissebian · 10 months
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linktoo-doodles · 4 months
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i'll strangle you or i'll kiss you on the mouth
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kidovna · 10 months
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loved the 1990s european dance music segment in good omens x
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peachebo · 6 months
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I remember I had a concept about alternative ending of sl where michael brings ennard home and jus lives very normal life with a killing machine...
also here's ennard with da cat
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anna-scribbles · 4 months
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inspired by recent events from my sister’s actual real life
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yurisorcerer · 10 months
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mildcrow · 1 month
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rizsnt · 8 months
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guy of all time
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cemeterything · 7 months
an angle i enjoy in cosmic/eldritch horror is when, instead resorting to the old classic "the horrors being so incomprehensible that they break your brain and drive you mad" cliché, the premise is that in comprehending the horrors you are so changed by the experience that your new state is indistinguishable to an outside observer from madness. you comprehend the unknowable just fine, but actually communicating that to anyone else is impossible because they just don't have the mental framework required to understand it. the eldritch horrors don't drive you mad. what does is the ordinary everyday horror of finding yourself isolated, ridiculed and doubted at every turn, no matter how hard you try to make yourself heard and understood.
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xiewho · 3 months
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bro was not having ANY of it this ep
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hypokeimena · 4 months
i was just talking about this after being wrecked by the discovery that the little elf-goblin fellows my parents/family used to tell me warnings and stories about as a little kid are regionally specific, and that you can trace people's geographic origins by what word they use for "little spirit-fellows who live in your house". no matter what you call them (domovoi, kobolde, brownies, so on); for purposes of this post henceforth "little guys"
i think one of the things that i find frustrating about like, idk, modern animist revivalist movements is that very few of them ime spend a lot of time romanticising and spiritualizing human habitation. obviously, we as a culture need to think more about protecting and defending nature/the earth/so on, but like.
if you don't have room in your heart for making up a little guy who lives in the water heater, or who squats under your stove and makes it run 15 degrees off the programmed temperature, and thinking of him with the same kind of respect/affection as you do for the spirits (or whatever) of the wildlife you interact with like.
genuinely: what are you even doing. you are removing a source of richness and fun and whimsy from your life! like, pip @creekfiend made up the concept of "little guys who live in an airport (and are the reason it's so shitty to be in an airport)" and i already like airports like 30% more just knowing it's the little airport inconvenience guys doing that.
more importantly, like. genuinely: interrogate what parts of the world seem ~rich with spiritual meaning~ to you. what parts of the world are "wild"? what does that make the rest of the world - a chore? a burden? who has to carry that burden?
we're never going to like, "return to nature", because that's nothing and the concept of untouched nature is also nothing; we're always going to have some sort of human habitation and interaction and cultivation with nature. if you can't extend grace and whimsy and genuine and sincere meaning to human habitation, including its inconveniences and annoyances, you are making your own lived experience duller!
notably, most of these kinds of little-guy-spirits historically exist in the parts of human habitation that are partially abandoned, partially removed: haylofts, inside the walls, under the house, in the bathhouse, behind the furnace... i've been thinking a lot about urban wildlife lately, and the animals who make space for themselves in and around human habitation. the "natural" and the "wild" persist inside and around the edges of the "tame" and always, always have. if you have a crawlspace, there's a little spirit who lives there and he's the reason the dryer always eats your socks.
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kyochanbridge · 10 months
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