#now is simply unplayable
simonghostrileys · 9 months
nividia has really fucked it up for us geforce now free users. i know membership users get priority bc well they paid for it but they really didn't have to fuck us up so hard like we can spend 6+ hours in queue only to get stuck at a random number and for the queue to not move further and to top it all off you can get remove from the queue for 'inactivity' like wtf?? as if waiting 6+ hours to play wasn't enough you can just get kicked out bc nvidia feels like it
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beatcroc · 2 months
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everybody give it up for 100 hours of ringracers
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saladadventurebox · 9 months
Did silverwastes (red rock bastion in particular) and BOY DO I MISS IT. I spent probably 100 hours there alone in it's heyday, countless base defenses and boss kills under my belt.
I have to say, though, that for the first time I was made keenly aware of how much the introduction of mounts ruined maps not originally designed for them. Say what you want about convenience, but Silverwastes had a distinct feeling when you had to run everywhere that is now entirely gone. I'm not even covering how many overworld events get missed because the bulk of the group hopped onto griffons and skyscales and is halfway across the (smaller, meant for foot travel) map before you're even out of combat. I'm only talking about the vibes of the map, the way I felt as a character playing through it, and my immersion in their world.
Silverwastes was my favorite map bar none. I loved the event cycle, and more than that, I loved how it made me actually feel like a commander in the Pact. The constant flipflop of defending/rebuilding was such a tight game play loop, and you even had built-in ways to help while you're getting there because of the caravan routes. And for the final event, Vinewrath had some really good design principles (was just re-marveling over how they prevent lane spillage post-boss defeat with a single status, the other lanes still being relevant even after their boss is dead, etc).
And when I was fighting those bosses and the Vinewrath trio, it feels like you're really dealing a blow to Mordremoth. And that!! Was how it was meant to feel!!! The all-time high of the Silverwastes assault followed by the absolutely crushing loss in Verdant Brink was so masterful that I still think about it nearly a decade later.
When you would look up and see one of the copters, you would feel like you had artillery backup. Like the weight of the Pact was fully behind you while you marched into hell. Now I look up, and I see a skyscale dyed like Spyro the dragon. And it suddenly feels so cheap. I don't mind transmogs that are "lore breaking", but I do kind of mind this. Maybe because I remember how it felt before.
It felt so much better.
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healpimp · 4 months
#FixTF2 Masterpost: Important Information Regarding the Movement
As promised, here is a comprehensive post about the #FixTF2 movement, the issues it tries to bring up and where to find more information and follow developments.
It is now day 7 of the protest with no response form Valve. Either this is them trying to wait for this to blow over or waiting for the signatures of the petition to be printed out and brought to their office, or they are still preparing a proper response to the movement. Regardless, this protest is still ongoing.
❓What's going on with TF2?❓
I'm sure everyone and their grandma knows by now, but TF2's most popular game mode, Casual, has been plagued by bots for several years by now. This is in fact not the first attempted protest and you may have heard of the one conducted two years ago named #SaveTF2. The movement wrested a response from Valve, which since the first protest has earned infamy and a status as a blatant lie among the game's players.
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However, this task has seemingly been abandoned entirely. The last time in recent memory with no bots was when the game upgraded from 32-bit to 64-bit, which seemed to break the bots for a while. This was something the bothosters remedied a few days later, and no steps to remove them from the game has been made ever since.
It is worth mentioning that TF2 has had updates to battle the bot issue many times after #SaveTF2. They did indeed move to make TF2 a bot-free game for a while.
❓Why is this even bad?❓
Now, this might seem like a non-problem; TF2 is a video game and no more than that. People could simply move on and play similar games, like Overwatch, Paladins, Splatoon, etc. This would certainly be an easy solution but this has roots much deeper than simply playing a game.
For one, this game has been around for about 17 years by now. Ancient by FPS standards, but that the game is still played and talked about to this day stands as a testament to the love and passion the playerbase and general fandom has for it. The playerbase is loyal, the potential for content is seemingly endless and many are willing to pay money for the game. And therein lies some issues.
TF2 has millions of dollars invested in it by the playerbase. Loot boxes, MvM tickets and any sale made in the community market all gives Valve a steady and reliable revenue stream. This is significant, because you will have to make the assumption that this money will come back to sustain the game from imploding in on itself and remain functional. In the case with MvM, the PvE mode (that has not been updated in QUITE a while), the chances of receiving valuable loot from the missions is actually so small that there is no way to feasibly make any of your money back.
Additionally, any content updates added to the game every event (Summer Update, Scream Fortress and Smissmass) is community made. This means Valve picks and chooses cosmetics, emotes, unusual effects, warpaints and maps made by fans in the workshop.
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While the creators of these items are compensated for their work, Valve naturally profits from these content updates.
In shorter terms: Valve profits off a game that has been in a near-unplayable state for more than 5 years by doing next to nothing.
And that isn't even the end of it. This is just the general negligence of Valve. It gets a lot uglier when delving into the punishable crimes conducted by the bothosters.
This video by TheWhat Show talks about this in depth, focusing on a particularly important case that involves MegaScatterBomb, who was harassed, doxxed, impersonated and swatted for trying to develop a working anti-cheat for casual.
This video is also in a document form for those who would rather read.
A more recent development with the bots has been their blatant advertising and promotion of CSAM, which you may better know as CP.
After #FixTF2 started, bots have been found spamming links in text chat that they claim is CSAM, while micspamming disturbing audio into the voice chat that is either edited to sound like or is legitimately CSAM. Valve has yet to respond to these reports, but good amount of players on Twitter/X have already started notifying FBI about this situation.
Another thing worth noting is that the bothosters have actively attempted to take down the petition website by DDoSing it and by filing a fake DMCA claim, both which are punishable crimes.
So to summarize:
It is wholly unsafe to play the game due to the bothosters and their willingness to commit crimes in the name of ruining the game experience.
Valve is profiting from keeping this broken product running, yet refuses to put any meaningful effort into fixing the bot problem.
The community actively contributes to the game by designing cosmetics and maps, and while they are compensated for their work, Valve are the ones who profit the most from their contributions.
Real people have been and are being harmed by the bot problem, and as far as we are aware, no one has been held accountable.
This is wholly unacceptable, both from a professional and unprofessional standpoint. If Valve fancies themselves a corporation worth using money on, their choice to simply ignore the problem speaks volumes of their priorities.
As Valve is releasing their new game Deadlock, there are serious concerns about the security of this game. TF2 is far from the only game that has bot/cheater problems. CS2 has had a similar problem for a long while as well and there is a clip of a Chinese bot farm that has been going around and which has even breached into the #FixTF2 movement.
❓What should we do?❓
Sign the petition while it is still up. At the time of this post, the petition has reached 270k+ signatures. The website has more general information as well.
Add to the #FixTF2 tag on mainly Twitter/X. Tag your posts with it, retweet and like posts in the tag and put the focus on the bots and ONLY the bots. One of the issues of the last movement, #SaveTF2, was that it wasn't focused enough on any particular problem and Valve could get away with making no promises. So, post clips, fanart and rants to your heart's content, so long it is specifically about the bots.
Watch youtube videos with #FixTF2 as the subject. Here are some good places to start:
4. Boycott any transactions in TF2. While Weezy was against this method in his video above, he has since changed his opinion. It has been established that Valve is very unlikely to shut down TF2, since the TF2 community market has millions of dollars invested in it and shutting down TF2 would render all items useless, thereby fully taking away any and all investments any players have put into the game. This would not just be devastating to the general economy of Valve's marketplaces, but a huge blow to their reputation if they want to remain reliable in the eyes of consumers.
5. Don't interact directly with bothosters. This includes harassment and any attempts at doxxing/swatting. These individuals are bigoted and some are even criminals. They have no remorse for their actions and talking to them would be a fruitless endeavor. Refrain from mentioning their names/aliases, as they are fond of attention and are getting just about enough of it since #FixTF2 started.
6. Don't give up.
❓Where can I keep up with any news?❓
Here are accounts to start with if you want to follow any important proceedings regarding #FixTF2:
Weezy (One of the biggest voices for #FixTF2 and spearhead of the protest):
Weezy's Youtube Channel
Weezy's Twitter
TheWhat Show (Similar to Weezy, outspoken supporter and spearhead):
TheWhat's Youtube Channel
TheWhat's Twitter
Shork (Outspoken supporter and generally active in the fandom)
Shork's Twitter
MegaScatterBomb (Creator of the TF2 cheater database and attempting to make a working anti-cheat for casual)
Mega's Youtube
If you discover new information, inconsistencies, broken/repeated/wrong links, etc., please speak up! Use the comments section, reblog with a comment or DM me!
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emmafrostdefender · 1 month
crush | logan howlett x female reader
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hi everyone! i wrote this for fun. it'll probably turn into a series of small chapters while i write my more hefty logan fic. i hope you guys enjoy!
warnings: reader's kinda horny i guess, sexy man, based on crush by ethel cain, 1.5k words (i wrote this in like an hour)
You’d seen him around town. 
At the laundromat with the blinking fluorescent lights. At the dingy bar around the corner from the laundromat. At the gas station, filling up the tank of his red truck.
You never thought to say hi, never to engage with him in any way. 
He created such a stir when he first arrived. No one moved to your town unless something was truly wrong with them. Most of the men had leering gazes and dangerous intentions, but not him. Never him. You were in his vicinity frequently, but never once did he attempt what many others had. All failures, of course.
You lived contently in your grandmother’s old home, moving there after her cancer took a turn for the worst a few months ago. When she passed away quickly after that, she left the house to you and you decided to keep it. It still smelled like cigarettes, the stench burned into the walls and carpet, but the smell reminded you of childhood trips to Kansas. Those trips were scorched to the back of your eyelids, forever being replayed. Everything was the same as when you were a child; the small Mexican restaurant, the old movie theater, the arcade that closed seven years ago.
 Now, you sat behind the counter at the small antique shop you spent most of your days in. It was quaint, filled to the brim with every kind of knick-knack you could think of. There were crates filled with records and CDs, most scratched or completely unplayable. There were pieces of furniture, dusty mirrors, moth-eaten upholstery, chipped paint jobs, and broken hinges. The bookshelves that lined the walls of the store were stacked with books. You’d taken a few home in the past, knowing that they wouldn’t be missed.
And the clothes. There were racks on racks of vintage clothes. Most were out of fashion (even for the time they were made) or damaged. Still, you liked to play dress-up every so often. 
The job was boring and mundane, but it paid the bills. The family who owned the store didn’t seem to have time to keep up with the place, so you managed the inner-workings of it.
Today, you watched cars go by, wondering when would be the best time to cut your losses and close for the day. Some days you managed to get more than a few browsers, but today was not one of those days. You had one person come in around lunch, but they looked for about five minutes before heading out.
Your mind wandered as you watched people walk by the storefront.
You thought of him. The man you saw everywhere. The man who never spoke to you, not even to say, “Excuse me.”
The man that just walked through the front door.
Eyes widening, you sat up straighter and calmed your heartbeat that suddenly thundered in your ears. “Welcome in! Everything with a blue tag is sixty percent off today,” you said with a bright smile.
He simply looked over at you and then continued his perusal. 
You deflated. Harsh.
As he walked around the store, you felt like a live-wire. Every creak of the floorboards sent your heart spinning in your chest. You hadn’t felt like this about a man since you still called men boys. Being in your late twenties, that meant a very long time.
You grabbed a box of donations from the back room and moved to the floor to start stocking items on the shelves. You rationalized your decision to suddenly start restocking items after having a full day to do so by telling yourself that if you looked busy, he might feel inclined to buy something. You could nearly feel your nose growing by the second at that thought.
Moving through the rows of shelves and assorted items was second nature to you at this point, knowing where everything went in this mess of a store. You conveniently moved to the side of a shelf that viewed his aisle through gaps in the many items strung about. As you placed a silver mirror on the shelf, your gaze moved to watch his face on the other side of the rack. He was stunning.
You hadn’t had much time to analyze him; it was only small glances here and there in the time he’d been around. Now, you took your time. He was looking at an old book, bound in red fabric. It looked as if it had seen the bottom of a sewer. Luckily, he seemed to be making a careful inspection of the text, giving you enough time to look him over.
He was beautiful in a rugged kind of way. He looked like he worked with his hands; they were large and rough, with calluses around the fingers. His knuckles were prominent with sharp edges. You wondered what he did for a living. Did he move here to get away from city life? Was he a runaway circus performer? You internally smacked yourself in the head for the stupid thought. 
He’d probably make the circus look sexy, though.
He had a large figure hidden by a flannel and white t-shirt. His attire pointed to him being a worker of the land. A farmer, maybe. That would check out with the truck you'd seen him driving around in. Always covered in mud with logs of wood piled high in the back. 
His hair was a rich brown and you wanted to dig your fingers into it. You wanted to feel his beard against your skin.
What the hell is wrong with me?
You don’t have sex for so long that your brain goes fuzzy at the idea of a stranger’s beard scratching your neck. God. Get a grip.
You straighten your back and continue restocking things. Play it cool.
Soon, you fell into the rhythm of it, nearly forgetting the other person in the room. You moved to the bookshelves, loading more books onto the already strained wood. People really needed to stop donating things to you and start actually buying things. You’d be out of business by next summer. 
As soon as you realized you needed to go back to the stock room to grab another box, you heard a grunt behind you. You nearly jumped out of your skin. You dropped the box you were holding and faced the man. Your mystery man.
He was so close, you could smell him. He smelled like smoke and sweat. You felt yourself salivate.
You looked him in the eyes for the first time. “Do you need help?” You asked quietly, scared that he’d run off if you spoke too loud, like a wounded animal. 
“How much for this?” He asked, keeping your gaze. His voice was smooth.
You looked down to his hands, which were holding the book he had been examining earlier. “It doesn’t have a price tag?”
He shook his head. 
Now you felt like you were being held under a microscope. The way his eyes ran over your face made you go red; you hadn’t felt this flustered because of a man in a long time. 
“Okay, I can check at the front,” you said, keeping your quiet tone.
He just grunted again and followed as you led him to the register. You had a book of all the prices for things so that you could properly mark them. If you didn’t have the vague feeling that you were going to explode at any moment, you’d know off the top of your head the price of that tiny book. It was about the size of his hand, making you bite the inside of your cheek. 
You opened the book and searched for the page with book prices. When you found the page, you ran your finger down the list.
Small = $1.99
When you looked up at him, you jumped a little. He was looking at you with such intensity, you’d thought he was going to have an aneurysm. It made your cheeks flush again, but you cleared your throat and said, “It’s $1.99. With tax, it’ll be $2.30.”
He nodded, putting the book down on the counter as he reached for his wallet. You read the book title: Frankenstein. “I love Mary Shelley,” you said as you reached for a brown paper bag. 
He looked at you, his expression not revealing anything.
For some reason, you decided to keep talking. “It’s such a perfect analysis of ‘how far is too far’ in science and experimentation. I loved reading it in high school, I think you’ll really enjoy it,” you said, not particularly needing a response. 
He placed the exact change due on the counter and looked you in the eyes as he said, “Thank you.”
Your heart fluttered. “You’re welcome…” You trailed off, hoping to God that he’d tell you his name.
He thought about it for a moment. “It’s Logan.”
You smiled. “I’m glad you stopped by, Logan.” You introduced yourself. It would be nice to have another person to say ‘hi’ to on the street. And you imagined he was thinking the same thing.
His face didn’t jump into a smile, but it didn’t look as harsh as it did when he first walked in. 
And so began your crush on the stoic man who moved to town.
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magicwithclass · 4 months
Reserved List
There are over 500 Magic the Gathering cards on the reserved list. This list is a promise to never reprint these cards in paper which means, that for these cards, the copies that exist are the only copies that will ever exist. The reserved list only comprises of sets from before the year 2000 so most reserve list cards are 25 years old minimum. You would think that the cards on the reserve list would all be astronomically high but very few are over a dollar. Many feel that the reserved list will eventually be rescinded but the failure of the 30th anniversary edition cards makes this seem unlikely especially in the modern era. It seems like a lot of money is in newer Magic cards especially with the advent of serialized Magic cards. Now may be the time to move in to bulk Magic the Gathering reserved list cards. Every year the number of reserve list cards in circulation dwindle. Cards get lost or destroyed or they enter vaults never to see circulation ever again due to investors and speculators. At the moment, old school Magic seems to be at an all time low so this might be time to move in to reserve list cards. I recently purchased a couple hundred reserved list cards in various conditions and over the next couple of weeks I will post them online and explain the logic behind my purchase. Am I simply wasting money buying bulk that will never rise above a buck? Am I a fool for diversifying my purchases instead of focusing on one specific reserved list card and attempting to buy it out? Only time will tell. However, I really do have a love and a passion for the cards and it makes me feel a part of the community to have a piece of magic history in my hands. It is an interesting feeling to own something where there are only a certain number of copies on earth. Isn't this the appeal of serial numbered cards? Are serialized cards just a modern day reserved list for a new era? After all, most of the cards on the reserved list are cheap for a reason. They are simply unplayable in the modern magic the gathering era in almost all formats. Most serialized cards are chosen because they see play and are highly sought after cards. Any cards seeing a lot of play on the reserved list are already astronomically expensive so what is the point? Well, no one can see the future and some cards that were completely unplayable just need the right card printed to become all stars. The only question is which cards will reach that echelon. Yes, I have some opinions on which cards are more likely to see possible play in the future but you never know. That is why I want to diversify my assets. Should a reserve list card below one dollar spike card I will likely have many copies of it in my collection. Should all cards on the reserve list eventually spike as people realize that once all copies are gone they are gone and the cards aren't getting any younger then I will have simply made a profit. Even now, I do think there are cards on the reserve list that are criminally undervalued. I also believe that one day a card will spike on the reserve list that no one will predict. I am going to show the reserve list cards I bought this month although I have been buying reserved list cards for years.
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dawns-beauty · 8 months
How to replace Skyrim NPCs with faces made in RaceMenu
(aka the method I used to make all my NPC overhauls)
This is an updated version of the tutorial from this post. I forgot a step originally.
Why use this method?
RaceMenu (RM) gives you a lot more creative freedom than simply editing NPC faces in the Creation Kit (CK).
Just installing RM gives you access to new sliders not found in unmodded Skyrim and you can install further slider mods (such as Expressive FaceGen Morphs, or Khajiit Character Creation Extended, etc.)
It also allows you to use Overlay mods (like DomainWolf's mod series or Freckle Mania 2) which give you many more options to layer warpaints or skin features and create a more detailed face.
Links are to the SE version of the mods, as that's what I'm most familiar with. They likely have LE counterparts.
Things you will need:
RaceMenu (and SKSE; be sure to get the correct versions of both for your game)
NifSkope - you will use this to open and edit the mesh. Here's GamerPoet's setup video
More Informative Console (especially if you're editing mod-added NPCs)
BSA Extractor (or similar mod that lets you open and extract BSAs)
Things I highly recommend:
Creation Kit Platform Extended for Skyrim - makes using the Creation Kit way less like pulling teeth
Unofficial Creation Kit Patch - if you're using AE
An alternate start mod - I like Dimes Quickstart for its simplicity, but any would work
Another Race Menu Rotation Mod - handy for seeing how the back of hairs look
Stand still in RaceMenu (OAR) - stops the character from wiggling out of frame
If you're looking to edit an NPC from an unplayable race (Elder, Child, etc.) you will likely need a mod that makes that race playable
Fun Stuff for diverse options:
Extra slider mods (I like Expressive FaceGen Morphs)
Skin Overlay Mods (for extra detailed faces)
If you want to get REAL funky with it, you can also use OutfitStudio to have a lot better time sculpting/getting super wild with assets, but that's too advanced for this tutorial (and my method is very 'goof around until it just works.'
I don't really want to cover using mod-added headparts (like eyes, hairs, etc.) There are basically two options there: add them as new headparts for your mod or make your mod dependent on the mod the headparts are from. The second way is probably simpler for beginners, but I definitely suggest installing Creation Kit Platform Extended, as it will allow you to load the other mods as masters without the Suffering™.
The Workflow
1. Design your character like you would a player character. For this example, I am redesigning Arcadia.
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A recommendation: unless you really feel like you need to change it, it is typically better to make the Weight slider match the NPC's actual weight. You can see this value using either SSE Edit or the Creation Kit.
It is no big deal if you don't, but if you change the weight and load the mod into an already existing save you will get a gap between the NPC's neck and body (unless you use Save Unbaker.)
Be careful, though, there is a RaceMenu bug where if you load up RM again after exiting, it changes the weight by .01. So annoying.
For Skin Tone choice, if you do a custom skin tone (by pressing 'E' while hovering over the slider) I would recommend leaving the transparency slider (the 'A' value) at 100% (though I usually make the exception for Khajiit and Argonians.) This info will go into the Interpolation Value box in the CK, and the RM values can't be directly input, so you have to calculate the value with a (RM Number/255 = X/100, solve for X which is your Interpolation Value)
1a. If you are planning on adding faceparts from mods to your own plugin, I recommend saving and doing that now. Then come back to your save and change your headparts to the versions from your plugin. If you want to just have the other mods as masters, you can skip this.
2. Once you're satisfied with your design, I recommend saving your game and saving your head as a preset (click to enlarge):
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3. Now, you will need to write down some stuff.
Skin Tone (RGB value):
Hover over Skin Tone slider. Press 'E'.
write down the R G B values (and A if you change it, see above note)
Even if you use a default skin tone, this is the best way to make sure you get the correct value for the CK.
Weight (number)
Scars (name) (if applicable)
Hair (name)
Facial Hair (name) (if applicable)
Eye Color (name)
Brow Type (name)
Writing down Hair Color is optional: with this method, the hair will inherit color from the head you export, not the CK value. Plus, RM's values are not really useful, because the default hair colors are named.
It's the same with the Face Complexion (wrinkles, etc), with this method it is exported with the head mesh.
4. Export the Sculpt:
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It should end up in your SKSE folder (SKSE\Plugins\CharGen), wherever that is for you
5a. Method 1 (works for both Vanilla and Mod-added NPCs): get your NPC in front of you, either by console command (example with J'zargo):
~ help 'J'zargo'
then, using their RefID (the number that appears next to their name) type:
player.placeatme 0001C1A3
Or find them in-world.
With the mod More Informative Console installed, reopen the console (~) and click on them. Write down their BaseID.
5b. For Vanilla NPCs: close your game and search for your character's name on UESP and find their BaseID. Copy this number.
6. Open your BSA extractor of choice and Skyrim's data folder. Find the Skyrim - Textures0.bsa. Open with your BSA extractor, and paste the BaseID in the search box
Check the checkbox next to the main facegen file only and extract somewhere easy to find.
7. Repeat this process with the Skyrim - Meshes0 file.
8. Create a new mod folder. You can either make a mod directly in the mod organizer (MO2 lets you right click in the left pane -> All Mods -> Create Empty Mod Above) or on your desktop.
Cut and paste the 'textures' and 'meshes' files you just extracted into your mod folder. If you are installing it via archive, go ahead and zip and install the folder.
9. Now open the Creation Kit. Use the folder icon to load your masters.
Pick Skyrim, Update, DLC (if applicable), and any other mods you want to be masters for your mod (for eyes, hairs, etc.) If you've made your plugin already for headparts, just load it up.
10. In the Object Window, expand the Actors -> Actor -> Actor tabs and now you have a lot of tabs with Race names. Find the race your NPC belongs to then open the appropriate gender tab. Alternatively, you can just search the character's name in the searchbox.
11. Find your NPC's name and double click. This opens their Actor window, which is where you will use all the data you wrote down.
If you want a preview of their face, tick the box at the bottom of the window.
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For weight adjustments: go to the Traits Tab. For all other values you need to worry about for this tutorial, go to the Character Gen Parts.
So, to parse this: you can ignore the Face Tint Layers box and pretty much everything on the left side of the screen.
Face Tinting Color
Type in your values for R G and B (you can ignore the Preset dropdown completely.) The Interpolation value corresponsed to the 'A' value, so unless you are working on Khajiit or Argonians, it will probably always be 1.
Base Head Parts
To change stuff in this section, click the line you want to change then go down to the dropbox below it and change it to what you want Face - unless you're using something like High Poly Heads, you can ignore this Everything else in this box: change to what you wrote down for each
Additional Head Parts
This is mainly used for scars and functions a little differently. To add a scar, you need to go to the Object window again. You can expand the Character tab and click 'HeadPart' then search the name of the scar you want. Click and drag the line with your scar into the Additional Head Parts box and it should show up there.
12. Once you've got the above like you want it, hit 'Ok', save your plugin. Now, to make the next step a little easier, you can click the NPC name in the Object Window again and hit f4.
This will export the meshes/textures file folders to the mod you just made in step 8.
Go ahead and exit the CK now
13. Go your your files exported from the last step. Open a second window from the files you exported from SKSE.
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Open both meshes in two separate NifSkope windows.
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If your SKSE head has a weird broken neck mesh like above, that's not a problem and can be ignored.
You absolutely must make sure your headparts match the head you exported from RaceMenu exactly, or you will get the dreaded dark face bug.
Now, you will need to find the Head textures in the head you exported from the CK. If your NifSkope is set up like mine, it should look like this:
Copy this line and paste it into the SKSE head in the same slot.
Save the SKSE NifSkope and close.
14. Rename the SKSE files (both .dds and .nif) to the number your exported heads are. You can then copy and paste your your SKSE files to their respective folders in your step 8 mod folder:
the .nif file goes in meshes/actors/character/FaceGenData/FaceGeom/[name of plugin]
the .dds file goes into textures/actors/character/FaceGenData/FaceTint/[name of plugin]
And now you're ready for testing! At this point I also recommend taking a second and converting your plugin to an ESPFE via SSE Edit. It's pretty simple and there are tutorials out there.
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Scully, you're not gonna believe this.
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ngc-5194 · 11 months
yknow i could very easily accept someone not liking the mobile kh games if people actually gave... understandable reasons??
mostly i've heard that they're 'inaccesable'. which. they're in general more accessable since the console they run on is a phone, a device more people have than a ps4. though, granted, it is the offline version of both games only.
however, if you don't have a phone, have limited space on your phone, or are uninterested in a mostly unplayable game, all of which are understandable, there are cutscene compilations (ux (story important, all), dr) available on youtube too!
if the lots of reading is the issue then there is a completely dubbed version of the cutscenes of ux and you can easily find voiced playthroughs of both union x and dark road on youtube as well.
(for instance, here is a playthrough of dark road that i watched as my phone needed repairs by the time i had caught up with the series enough to move onto khdr. but, of course, there are many more options if you simply search up 'kingdom hearts [dark road/union x] playthrough' on youtube. find whichever one suits the kind of videos you like to watch best!)
if you don't have the time to sit through all of the cutscenes, there are summaries also avaliable! here is a video one for union x, and though unfortunately i can't find a similar one for dark road, it is also always acceptable to just read the wiki section on the story of the game! (here is the union x wiki section as well)
the other major complaint i've heard is that it's 'too confusing' or that the story 'doesn't make sense in parts'.
to which i first must ask, what part of kingdom hearts does make sense to you then? many many signifigant, heavily important parts of this series can be the most mind boggling things you have ever read or heard. so much so that we are known as the fans of that overly complex and insane disney game. that is what we are known for!!
and more to an actual point, there are many many people out there in this fandom who would be thrilled to talk to you about parts of the plot you found confusing. who have posts pages and pages long on minute details.
we are all fans of this weird ass game series and we all can. i don't know. help each other, newcomers and people who have been here awhile alike. us fans who like the mobile games are no different. we are willing to share and help and explain anything you need.
and as for the take that the mobile games are 'unimportant'.
strelitzia, someone deeply important to marluxia, larxene, and ventus' backstories, is seemingly implied to be one of the main characters in kh4 and if you have no knowledge of union x, then you likely have zero idea who she is.
the foretellers and the master of masters are being set up as potential villians in the next arc of the series. all of these characters were introduced in union x, four years before back cover released. and while yes, back cover gives the perspective of the foretellers more while union x is from the eyes of the keykids, there are many interactions with the foretellers in union x, beyond the scope of back cover, that are deeply important to the plot and establishment of their characters.
while yes, dark road has drastically less set up for the future in it, as all of the characters featured are now dead, it gives a lot of depth to xehanort and eraqus both. eraqus' behaviours and motivations are given reason—not necessarily morally good ones, and certainly not ones that always provide justification for his actions, but actual fully defined reasons for it all.
as it has always been with kh, every game is important to understand the story. you couldn't simply play kh1 kh2 and kh3 and expect to understand everything, and you can not expect to understand everything if you don't at least know surface level of the stories of the mobile games too.
you do not have to play them yourself. they do not have to be your favourite games in the series. if you are reading this and you hate them, you can stay not liking them even for all i care.
but you have to accept that they are important to the plot of the series. that they can not simply be ignored if you want to grasp the entire story of kingdom hearts.
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enden-k · 4 months
goddd I wish wuwa worked better on mobile it looks so interesting but it's practically unplayable (my phone isn't even that much of a potato, it's pretty decent, but it's just not optimized like at all. ahh)
anyway because I can't: are there any parts of the story that stuck out to you as particularly interesting so far? or is it too early to tell?
i already heard it caused unusual overheating and stuff, seems like they didnt fix everything 0: thats too bad, maybe soon!!
apart of that one time it had rlly bad lags, after the fix my game runs smoothly now idk
i finished the main story so far i think!! there wasnt anything that rlly stuck out for me, there was just sections i rlly enjoyed like meeting jinhsi for the first time (shes so pretty aaaaa), the black shores entire section and the battle against the dreamless (love its design)
tho maybe idk, rover retrieving that resonance beacon w encore and aalto was pretty interesting to me simply bc of the location, the vibes and the experiments there, i kinda like that stuff
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anthurak · 1 month
Getting into a bit of Yugioh rambling; we all agree that Tag-Team Duels are always pretty fun, certainly when we see them in the anime.
But I’ve been thinking: What if we took the ‘tag’ part out?
Picture if you will, a variant or ‘enhanced’ version of team duels wherein at least one pair of players don’t take separate turns, but rather SHARE a turn. Not only that, but they also share full field control and knowledge of each other’s hands.
Both players take each phase of their turn together, can play their cards at the same time or one after the other and progress through each phase of their turn when both are ready.
They can also use each other’s played monsters/spells/traps or other resources. Say, if one player has set up a pair of pendulum monsters, the other can make use of them for a pendulum summon.
Both players can even make use of each other’s free monster and spell/trap card spaces. To the point where it’s less that each player has their own field and more that they are sharing one super-field.
Now obviously you could pull off some truly wild and wacky shenanigans with a setup like this. And by the same token, I think it’s just as obvious that such a system would be basically unplayable in the real world, given the amount of coordination and communication it would require of the players.
But in an anime, things could be a bit different.
It’s probably still a SUPER difficult and rare form of dueling to be seen, with most players simply not up to the challenge.
Except for those pairs of rivals and ‘best friends’ who just KNOW each other’s decks and strategies on a deep, personal, intimate level. Those who know all of each other’s combos and tricks and can coordinate with flawless precision.
So yeah, this is basically a way to get that good old Yugioh homoeroticism up to eleven XD
I mean imagine if the players were able to share control of the big fusion/synchro/xyz monsters they summoned by combining their monsters?
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2xplusungood · 4 months
Copying my reddit post here for greater visibility:
Im gonna spare you the gloom and doom of my own personal doubts, and simply reiterate the very real possibility that Valve, who has a very long history of neglecting TF2 will continue to not intervene.
Rather than say "Everything is fucked and TF2 is dead" Im here to offer a solution in the form of the kryptonite for bots and cheaters that has been in the game since it first launched: community servers.
However, this comes with a massive caveat: The current state of TF2 vanilla community servers isnt the best. With the introduction of Quickplay, many servers were starved of new players as Quickplay prioritized putting people into already massive server groups like Skial, and matchmaking only made things worse.
Now if you open the server browser youll mostly see the big server groups or servers that run something entirely differant than the vanilla game (VSH/Freak Fortress/Jailbreak) when it isnt just servers inflating their numbers with fake players or bots.
Thankfully, this is entirely fixable without Valve. While casual remaining in its near unplayable state there is a growing need for spaces to play the game that are moderated by actual humans who can simply kick and ban bots. Uncletopia and Lazypurples silly servers have been MASSIVELY sucessful simply by offering those spaces.
So how do YOU get involved in helping this? Three main ways:
A. Simply playing on community servers instead of casual. Community server population operates on a snowball principle, where empty servers stay empty and populated servers fill up.
B. If you have the resources, open your own community server. It may seem like a daunting task but the reward is being able to tailor a space for both yourself and others for the exact experiance you want out of the game, wheather thats sweaty tryhard, friendly messing around or somewhere between those two extremes. Theres also a MASSIVE amount of amazing maps out there that will likely never be added to tf2 that you can have a chance to play on.
C. Spread the word. Doing B is likely not in the cards for most people, but big name youtubers definitely have both the resources and influence to run at least ONE sucessful community server, and if even half them who have previously made videos step up to offer an alternative, TF2 will be in a MUCH better place than it is now. Alongside this, if you DO find a server you like, PROMOTE THEM. Let as many people as possible know there are alternatives to casual mode.
To reiterate, I am by no means saying give up on #FixTF2 Im simply offering a plan B in the form of #ReturnToCommunity
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retphienix · 7 months
I ain't gonna namedrop the game because in all truth, I like the game.
But fucking christ does it have like 10 of the "Modern Gaming Blights" tacked on for abso-fucking-lutely no good reason.
But I want to vague and just say isn't it fucking awesome when a game that in all truth does NOT need intense server demands but modern gamers are too dense to recognize this because they haven't played a game that uses resources smartly in over 2 decades so it's been erased from their mind-
Isn't it fucking awesome when that game that doesn't need intense server demands proceeds to become unplayable during peak times such as friday nights or weekends because it has intense server demands and can't handle those demands and simply "turns off"?
Isn't it cool?
Isn't it "modern gaming"?
I'm looking at this game and thinking, and I mean this sincerely, "What the fuck".
Because this game is P2P small lobby games yet they tacked their entire infrastructure on expensive servers that micro manage 300 parts of the game that don't need micro managed to begin with, what the fuck is modern gaming.
I played a game with this exact same "world map server progression" 20 years ago and it used an old radioshack as their server because 99% of the game was on your disc and in your console. The server was called at the end of the mission "Did you win? Cool, added to the server results" and then it would be called for a spreadsheet of basic items to buy from shops.
It didn't double check your loadout every 4 seconds.
It didn't dedicate multiple megabytes of data transfer to seeing whether or not you're title card is legitimate.
None of that fucking matters. The whole game ran on a toaster server, then modern games are like "This game demands 5000 servers so it can properly cross-check that your username is spelled right" like fuck off bro. You're game doesn't work and it's costing you more to make it like this to begin with.
All I'm saying is in the old game I'm referencing, I could change my callsign and it would stay changed because it was on my end and would be p2p transferred to players I play with.
This "New Shiny Modern" game reverts all my cosmetic changes every fucking mission because it saves it ALLLLLLLLLLLL on the server and that fucking server reverts every 2 seconds and overworks itself because almost all of this fucking info doesn't need to be SERVER-SIDE DIPSHIT.
And now the game is down on this friday evening and I'm just confused as to why this is modern gaming.
Anyways that's me mentioning something that minorly annoyed me and then working myself up into a practical rage because wtf is with modern games <3
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horsesteak · 4 months
#FIXTF2 - The Bots Must Go
Valve (company behind Steam) needs to fix the bots that are infesting Team Fortress 2.
I love this game. I don't think I've loved any other game as much as I do this one. As of now, I have 1100 hours in TF2, and I'm still just getting started. It's immensely replayable, and there's always something to get better at, like how to aim, when to take a fight, how to dodge and trick your opponent. It's satisfying to play whether you win or lose an encounter. It's just, simply put, a very fun game to play. But there are some bad actors who just want to ruin the game for everyone else...
This is an ongoing issue for five years now. Since I joined in 2022, they have always been a persistent problem, and grown more numerous after a certain prominent community member took actions to target these cheaters.
What are they?
These are aimbots run by bot hosters who run copies of the game on their own hardware, join games as the sniper class, and use hacks that can instakill anyone within their line of sight. They join games en masse and render the game unplayable for either side by instakilling you, and can vote to kick real players out of the lobby.
These bots also use the voice chat system to spam hateful speech with no consequences, because Valve won't do anything. They use the chat function to doxx people who fight against them, spam links to direct hate to innocent people, and to sell "bot immunity" to acquire funds to continue this scheme.
Why does Valve need to fix it?
Valve is profiting off this as these bot hosters have to pay for a premium account to use the chat function. Valve continues to neglect this game that they profit off of every Summer, Halloween, or Christmas update, through giving us crates, a form of microtransaction, to open. Not to mention, the items dropped from these crates aren't even made by Valve, but from the community creators who play their broken game. Valve is using the work of TF2's dedicated fanbase wring out more money, while abandoning said game in a state of disrepair.
How to Help
Go to the link below to learn more and sign the petition to let Valve know how many people care! The organisers of this campaign plan to print out all the signatures and deliver it straight to Valve HQ!
You can also make posts with #fixtf2 or #savetf2 and interact with these posts to spread the word.
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tymime · 1 year
I'm very alarmed by how many people are dismissive of the lost media community, even going so far as to spread misinformation about them. I've seen them characterize lost media seekers as ignorant whiners and brats, and that they're wasting their efforts. Do these people have any idea how difficult it actually is to find this stuff? It can take years, if copies even exist. Don't they value art preservation?
You'd be astonished by how many shows that are barely twenty years old that have simply vanished, with no clear indication of whether or not the copyright holders kept a record of it. When fans try to contact the people involved in the show, they often refuse to answer emails. These aren't old, aging shows from fifty years ago, decaying in some film can. These are shows from as recent as the 2000s and 2010s.
There's been a toxic attitude going around big media companies for a couple decades now, treating their IPs (and their customers) as disposable, moving on to the next thing as soon as profits dry up. This is a big part of the reason media becomes lost in the first place. Old show not getting enough ratings? Need to make room for a new show? Just get rid of it! Now, some of these examples aren't lost media, admittedly- but they definitely could have been, if not for an on-the-ball internet pirate downloading and backing them up. There's a series from 2002 called Whatever Happened to... Robot Jones? which hasn't been on the air in about twenty years. The original audio track was missing for many years, and had to be pieced together from several sources, with the video elements coming from a foreign dub. There was a music track heard in an episode of SpongeBob called "Humpback Hop" with several minutes cut from it, unheard of for two decades, and even the composer had lost all of his copies of it. It seemed like even Nickelodeon didn't have it in their archives, because they rerecorded it for a DVD menu. It's a miracle somebody finally tracked it down. There's a series from 2007 called Out of Jimmy's Head, whose original English version is still half missing. Even though by all accounts it's a crappy show, I still want to see it. (update: This show has been found, thank goodness.) And even though I'm not a fan, there are dozens of 2010s Cartoon Network shows that were once on HBO Max, that are simply gone. They're not in reruns, they're not officially streaming. You have to resort to piracy to view them. I wouldn't wish this fate on anybody. The Willow series from 2022 was taken off Disney+ mere weeks after its debut, just because not enough people watched it. It's stuck in the middle of a storyline.
Nintendo has been notoriously bad about this. They don't want you to play any NES, SNES, GB, or N64 games that aren't the most iconic best-sellers. They take down ROM websites, even if most of the games there aren't first party or being sold in any way. The only way to legally play a game that isn't available on the Switch is to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars for a working console and cartridges. Most people can't afford to do that.
If it hadn't been for the efforts of unofficial programs like Ruffle and Flashpoint, thousands of flash games and cartoons would be unplayable and unwatchable.
Even if the cartoon is safe and sound locked away in some vault, instead of missing entirely, it still winds up unseen that way. The public has a right to see a show they used to be able to see and enjoyed, instead of it being unviewable for all eternity. "Oh, but they have a right to not let us see it! They own the rights to it, after all, and can do whatever they want!" some might say. What if WB went out of their way to destroy every DVD, Blu-ray, and video tape of Looney Tunes, and locked away all their copies? Would you feel the same way then? Would we not have a right to see them? Would you just roll over and take it, and let corporate overlords tell what you can or can't watch? Just shrug it off and say "Oh well, guess I'll never see it again"? How would it not irritate you? TV and movies aren't the same as some painting or statue where usually only one version of it exists in some museum or private collection. Media is meant to be distributed and seen worldwide, for everyone to enjoy in their homes. If they're stuck in some warehouse on some hard drive, they may as well not exist.
It extends out into other aspects of our lives- old buildings get torn down instead of getting restored, vintage interiors get torn out or covered up by something modern or ugly. There was a time when films and video tapes were routinely destroyed to make room for new ones, because nobody thought anybody would want to see them again. We need to get past this destructive pattern.
Am I grateful for streaming services and the content they make available? Of course I am. But as many have said before, they could take it all away, and a show can simply vanish, leaving fans to resort to piracy just to see it, if anyone even bothered to save it beforehand.
Being dismissive of these efforts is the sort of attitude that's part of the reason media gets lost in the first place.
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hellhammerdeath · 1 month
I'll admit that I sometimes play The Sims 4. I'm not proud of it, but I do... not that it matters anymore because I can't do that now since, for the third time this year, EA put out an update that rendered the game unplayable. I don't feel like listing everything that is wrong with the game now, but the final straw was that I had someone move into my sim's house and for some fucking reason, I shit you not, it glitched and somehow resulted in both sims having the same first and last name, and I couldn't simply go to CAS to change it because attempting to access it only brought me to an infinite loading screen. I guess I'm just done with this game now.
All I gotta say is that if you're gonna play The Sims 4: Never download the updates.
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So, like I said I was, I'm re-encoding all the videos on my Jellyfin server as AV1 to save space. I've been doing that for about 4-5 days, straight, at this point. So, I'm gonna give a progress update at just how far I've gotten in those 4-5 days.
So far, I've managed to re-encode a singular folder that was about 13.72 GB.
I still have many other folders to go, that all total up to about 109.12 GB.
I'm going to be here forever.
On the bright side, re-encoding the videos as AV1 fixed some of the corruption that caused a lot of them to become unplayably stuttery.
Also, what I have finished re-encoding was once 10.15 GB. It is now 7.70 GB. So, while it is taking forever, I have managed to save over two whole gigabytes by simply running my videos through a program that essentially makes my computer get hot.
So with this level of success without even scratching the surface, I'm excited to see how much space I'll save when all is finally completed.
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