#now that I’ve written this HC it feels important. I think I should pay more attention to this part of his story …
arkhampsych · 1 year
As one of the greater subtextual themes floating around on this blog, mutuals who write muse that have observed Crane in his personal life may have picked up on his relationship between sleep and medication. This is actually part of a cycle that began long before the writing on this blog takes place ; in his early life growing up in Georgia.
Crane originally began avoiding sleep, fearing the intense nightmares that paralleled his experiences with his father, being bullied, and his mother’s episodes of delirium. Well aware of the vast long and short - term effects a lack of sleep has on cognitive function, Crane began taking medication to treat insomnia and regulate his sleep schedule during college. He noticed that when sleeping under the influence of orexin antagonist’s he didn’t experience ( or remember ) dreams as frightening or vivid as before, and began to rely on medicated sleep to attain proper rest.
When studying some of Jung’s work, Crane read “The Red Book” and grew curious of the concept of exploring the subconscious. This began a short period where he would experiment with different sleeping medication, anti - psychotics, and some recreational drugs to try and manipulate sleep and view different facets of the subconscious contributing to the idea of developing a psychotropic compound that puts one in touch with the darker regions of the subconscious.
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iloveallmyocs · 3 years
the Dawn of a friendship
Ariadne didn’t know how long she had been waiting in the games room, hoping Anna would show up as was Anna’s routine in grand parties like the one of the one they were having.
Eventually, Ariadne got herself to step out of the games room and picked up the courage to scout for Anna herself. She needed to tell Anna that she had heard what Anna had said to her at the infirmary.
James Herondale’s and Cordelia Carstairs’ engagement party was one of the most luxurious parties Ariadne had attended, consisting of numerous respected members of the enclave, but it wasn’t hard to spot Anna among the crowd.
Anna was always easy to spot, the aura around her just commanded people to pay attention. It had always caught Ariadne’s attention.
But then, at that moment, what caught Ariadne’s attention was not Anna Lightwood. What caught her attention was the sight of a boy, looking around the same age as Ariadne was, storming out of the ballroom looking distraught.
Even though she didn’t know the boy at all, Ariadne felt a surge of protectiveness overpower her. The boy was heading away from a group of teenage boys. Ariadne was able to recognise the group of boys. Everybody knew the group, it consisted of the children of the most popular shadowhunters of the previous generation.
Matthew Fairchild, who looked positively furious, was part of the group. He was the Counsul’s son and so Ariadne had been acquainted with him. He was fair company, but  promiscuously quoted Oscar Wilde every five minutes or so.
As if by instinct, Ariadne found herself sprinting after the boy, only to have her path blocked by-
“Anna?” she panted, peering outside the door to catch a glimpse of the boy.
“Ari, you look healthy-” Anna began, her cool and unworried tone clashing against the mood Ariadne was in. Ariadne could no longer able to see the boy.
“Anna, please do excuse me for being impolite, but I have an important matter to attend to” said Ariadne apologetically, pushing past Anna even before she had the time to respond.
Ariadne, on any other day, would have shuddered at the thought of dismissing Anna for going after some boy she didn’t know anything about.
But there was something about the boy. No, Ariadne was not in love with him, she didn’t even know him properly. In fact, she would never love any boy, she was certain of it. No matter how many times she had been warned of the dangers of being the way she was, she was certain that no matter how hard she tried, she would never fall in love with a boy.
“Stop”, Ariadne called out when the boy was finally in her line of vision.
The boy whipped his head back to look at the source of the voice. His face wore an alarmed expression and upon closer inspection, Ariadne could see tears spilling out of his eyes.
“I’ll be with you in a moment” announced the boy, before facing the other direction and furiously wiping off his tears.
“What’s the matter?” asked Ariadne when he was done and turned towards her once more.
“Miss Bridgestock, everything is alright, just don’t mind me and return to your party. why did you come after me?”
“I just wanted to make sure everything was fine” shrugged Ariadne “It’s not at every party that Thomas Lightwood is the cause of a grown man’s tears”
The boy scoffed and later held out his hand, preparing to leave “I’m Alastair Carstairs, it was nice to-”
“Carstairs?” Ariadne interrupted .“I don’t think you should be going anywhere now, are you related to the would be bride?”
“I’m her brother” revealed Alastair, which resulted in Ariadne arching her eyebrows up in a display of disappointment.
Taking notice of Ariadne’s expression, Alastair folded his hands and struck his chin out. “Yes, I know should be in there, but just want one day to myself. Is that too much to ask? Also, stop being so judgmental, you barely know who I am or what I’ve been through”
“Then tell me about it” said Ariadne, gently nudging Alastair with her elbow.
Alastair looked perplexed. “Good lord, you’re impossible to dislike” he remarked, looking up to the sky in exasperation.
Ariadne’s eyebrows went up again. “Why would you ‘dislike’ me?” she asked, her voice full of curiosity. What would a boy whom she had never met before have against her?
“I just said that I didn’t” muttered Alastair “well, for a time I did, because of Charles”
“Charles Fairchild? The one ‘Charles’ I was engaged to?”. Ariadne had gotten somewhat of an idea of where the conversation was going, but wasn’t very confident about it and let Alastair explain it himself. Also, they were in England and in England there were as as many Charles’ as there were mice.
“Yes. Him” confirmed Alastair “I presume you already know that he likes men, don’t you? I was told that you know”
Ariadne nodded. “I know. that is why I agreed to the engagement in the first place”
“Well, the thing is, Charles and I were together at the time of your engagement” Alastair confessed, “I just broke things off with him”
“Is that why you’re upset?” asked Ariadne.
“No. I actually feel like a load has been lifted off chest, actually” said Alastair, smiling sadly. “Why I left early is because I tried to make amends with a few boys who went to the academy with me and it didn’t go well”
“What went wrong in the academy?” Ariadne inquired, feeling as though she might explode if she didn’t receive all the answers to her questions.
“You ask a lot of questions” laughed Alastair, his mind distant.
Ariadne patiently waited for him to answer.
Alastair gulped, not sure if he was making the right choice by spilling out all of his problems to his previous lover’s previous fiancée.
“I wasn’t treated right, when I first joined the academy. Well, you should know how it is” said Alastair, gesturing to Ariadne.
Of course Ariadne knew how it was. Both her overprotective parents had tried to protect her from the harsh realities of living in London while looking the way she did. And yet, she knew. 
She knew it from the way the guests arriving in her house looking for inquisitor Bridgestock always looked down upon her. Some even assumed that she was bought for money by the Bridgestocks, not as a daughter but as something else.
That was what people normally assumed of you when you were from a country that was colonised by the country you are presently residing in. 
“I more than ‘know’ how it is” retuned Ariadne.
For a moment they stood in silence, neither knowing what to say. Alastair finally broke it by asking “How do you bear it? I sometimes feel like screaming until nothing comes out, but I have my mother and Layla who are like me but you-”
“-am adopted” finished Ariadne “It does get frustrating. My parents want me to forget that I am an Indian and once had another name. they want me to forget about my birth parents, their-” Ariadne broke off bursting into tears.
“Oh god, this was supposed to be about you” sniffed Ariadne as Alastair wrapped his coat around her.
“Why don’t we go to your house and talk about it over a warm cup of tea, which  probably was imported from India, Miss Bridgestock?” he asked in a desperate attempt to cheer Ariadne up.
“Alright” Ariadne laughed, then with a solemn face face, added “call me Kamala, it is my birth name”
An AU (idk if it should be classified as an AU) instead of Lucie, Kamala chases after Alastair at the end of ChoG. I probably should have written this before Choi came out and its tag was flooded with HCs about Alastair’s and Kamala’s friendship.
@cant-think-of-anything let me know what you think (I don’t have anyone else to tag lol)
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7soulstars · 3 years
Hello ☁️ Can I request a Sherlock x deaf reader who is very shy and self concious? you're an amazing writer!
 Omg thank you for requesting darling! I had a lot of fun researching this but it was quite a challenge ! I wasn’t sure if you wanted a fic or an hc so I decided to do a hc ! I hope you like this !
Sherlock with a Deaf S/O
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- Now it is not new to everyone that Sherlock doesn’t do feelings.
- He knew sign language, he had learnt it for a case years before meeting you.
- You kind of saved him from getting strangled by a murderer by knocking him out with a fire extinguisher the first time you two met at a library where he followed the murderous man.
- Why were you there ? Well it is a good place for an introvert to hang out. You were studying a bit of something related to your profession when that happened.
- John, Greg and his divsion had followed in a few mintues later .
- “Sherlock!” *looks at you who is staring down out the fainted body in absolute terror* “Thank you for helping him !”
- But you didn’t hear him, you chose not to wear your hearing aid that day either.
- “She’s deaf Gavin stop embarrasing yourself ! Really are you that stupid? ”
- You never thought you would see him after that but fate had it’s own gameplay.
- Next time you met him and John was when he scared off a creepy man following you.
- “Just a payback for last time”, he had signed looking at any direction but yours.
- You just stood their silently. You were too shy to talk so you decided you should take your leave from the undoubtedly handsome detective with a squeaky little goodbye.
- But he stopped you by saying that he needed help with a case related to your profession.
- He lied.
- He spent the entire night bothering Greg and Mycroft to find him a case involving you profession.
- Soon enough every single person who Sherlock was always around had to learn sign language even though you assured Sherlock you knew how to lip read.
- Sherlock speaks too fast so he always has to sign for you.
- You feel bad because you think it’s bothersome but your boyfriend doesn’t think so.
- “It’s quite entertaining keeps me alert and on my toes”
- Explains how he solved a case to you in rapid sign language because we all know that little shit will be all smug about it.
- Unspoken habit of not shooting while you’re at 221B because the vibrations startle you a lot.
- You are highly insecure and he read that out the moment he saw you but he doesn’t know the cause.
- So he asks. ( And has John by his side to whack some sense into him incase he blurts something rude)
- By the time you had finishing the duo had the biggest frowns on their faces
- The fact that you were rejected by regular schools for being disabled and were not accepted at a school for people like you for not fitting into the stereotype pissed Sherlock off.
- The fact that you underestimated yourself annoyed him even more.
- You are highly intelligent and Sherlock knew that very well, but your self conciousness always came in the way.
- He starts giving you little affirmations all the time.😭
- You often refuse to wear your hearing aids because they’re a bit uncomfortable but Sherlock insists you to wear them whenever he drags you out on a case.
- “Not everyonee is as smart as us darling”
- He doesn’t smoke anymore. Whenever he has a bad day he just gets home and stares at you.
- *stares* 
- ”Need a hug ?”
- *wordlessly falls into your lap as you skim through his curls*
- Once did the same when you had a REALLY bad day and when you were extremely insecure.
- “You do this for me all the time you look like you need one today...”
- You cried in his arms and he said nothing. Just held you tighter because that’s what you needed the most.🥺
- IRENE WHO ? He figured out you felt like she was better for him than you and the man blocked the woman’s number and told her to not contact him again in the most polite way possible
- You’re the only one who can handle his childish tantrums when even John can’t.
- “You are MY GIRLFRIEND don’t side them !”
- “It was an ExPeRiMeNt Y/N !”
- You being the only one who is allowed to stay in the room while he is in his mind palace.😤
- “Anderson get lost, Y/N where are you going? Stay here”
- “Sherlock really loves you darling I just know it !”
- ”MUMMY !”
-”You better marry her”
- He makes you feel like the most important person in the room in the most subtle ways.
- Even his rivals know that you are a line they willl never dare cross because nobody touches Sherlock Holmes’ girlfriend or they will pay in unimaginable terms.
- Even though he would never dare to tell you, William Sherlock Scott Holmes was awfully and dreadfully in love with the local shy and deaf girl and the entire world knows of this.
Part 2
*Stops typing and wallows in self embarrassment because I think it's not perfect enough for my perfect readers*
Sherlock: it may be shitty but you tried
Me*nodding*: I tried😔
Moriarty: well, all you can do is pray that they like it.....
But in all seriousness I FINALLY finished this piece after battling with my writer's block. I know this is not at all accurate and that brings me to an important point. I research a lot for this hc but I was disappointed that there was rarely any information on deafness and experiences of people with disabilities and problems faced by them. What does that mean?
Again I really really really tried my best and I really hope you all like it. In case of any mistakes I've made or if I have written anything offensive or triggering please tell me in the comments so that I can make immediate corrections. Please like and reblog my work if you like it to support me. Comments and constructive criticism is always appreciated. Please do not plagarize my work I really work hard on it! I have 4 fics to be completed but I promise to finish it soon. Thank you guys for being patient. 
~Love Hri! 😘
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redrose-arrow · 3 years
Duncan x Halt anon here!!! this is one of the last coherent hcs i have about these two (the rest are kinda random, just cute little things I think would apply to this ship) ANYWAY IM HAVINF THE TIME OF MY LIFE LETS GOOOO
OKAY SO CAITLYN’S DEATH. I’m imagining this is set sometime after the Early Years series, before Halt takes on Gilan as an apprentice; anyway, Duncan gets a letter one day from Clonmel and he opens it to see that it’s an invitation to the funeral of the Hibernian princess Caitlyn O’Carrick—it’s protocol that whenever someone Royal/generally important dies, a letter is sent to all kingdoms who are on good terms with the deceased/kingdom of the deceased informing them of the death (along with an invite to the funeral). This was only put in place because it’s not great fun to show up at a ball or party and be like “Hey how is [blank] doing?” only to have [blank]’s mother burst into tears and run out of the ballroom—kinda puts a damper on the evening (Duncan has learned this the hard way. He’s not keen on repeating that mistake, so he makes sure to read through all his mail carefully)
So he gets this letter, goes “Clonmel? funny, that’s where Halt is from” and puts it aside for a second to continue rifling through his mail. Then the lightbulb goes off on his head and he‘s like “WAIT, THAT’S WHERE HALT IS FROM” and dives for the invitation. There’s more information regarding the place it’ll be held (a private funeral service in Dun Kilty, which will then be opened to the public so they can pay their respects) and other details like what time, the dress code, etc etc, but all Duncan can think right now is: Caitlyn O’Carrick is gone. Halt’s sister is dead.
Then another thought: does Halt know?
Duncan is pretty sure he doesn’t—Halt doesn’t keep in touch with anyone from his past, not that there were many people he’d want to keep in touch with anyway. But Caitlyn was important to him, the one person who’d actually given a damn about him, and Duncan realizes with a growing sense of dread that he’s gonna have to tell Halt about her passing. Reluctantly he sends a messenger boy to fetch the Ranger (“not extremely urgent, but I’d like to see him by the end of the day”) and excuses himself to his chambers. Halt rolls in sometime around mid-afternoon with a “you wanted to see me?” Duncan, letter in hand, pit in his stomach, tells him to sit. “If this is about the seal that I allegedly carry in my bag,” Halt says as he sits, “then you should know that Crowley is a lying bastard who couldn’t tell a horse from a boat. I don’t know how he manages to hit what he’s aiming at with that eyesight, but—“ he cuts off when Duncan holds the letter out to him. He raises an eyebrow, meeting Duncan’s grim gaze. Without another word he takes the letter, unfolds it, and reads.
There’s no visible change in Halt’s expression; he’s stoic as always, but Duncan knows him now, sees the way his fingers tighten on the paper, knows by the way he stills that his mind is struggling to process the information he’s been given. Neither man speaks until Duncan breaks the heavy silence: “The funeral is in a week’s time. I’ve already written and sent a letter confirming my attendance at the service.” No reaction from Halt, so Duncan takes a breath and says, “I think you should come with me.” He goes on for a little about how he can station Crowley at Redmont in Halt’s absence, how he’ll explain Halt’s seemingly unnecessary company for the trip, precautions they can take so nobody recognizes his similarities to the King Ferris; then he trails off when he realizes that Halt’s not really listening, just staring blankly at the unassuming letter that brought his entire world to a screeching halt. Duncan walks over and rests a hand on the man’s shoulder: “If you decide to come with,” he says quietly, “I’ll be ready and waiting by the front gate at dawn.” He spares one last glance at Halt’s frozen expression, gives his shoulder a gentle squeeze and walks out. When Duncan returns an hour later, Halt is gone, and the letter is resting on the chair where he’d sat.
Three days later and Duncan’s ready and waiting, sitting on his horse with a pack pony shuffling impatiently behind them. It looks like Halt isn’t coming and he’s about to leave when he hears the familiar clop-clop of a Ranger horse, just as Halt rides into view on Abelard. He slows to a stop, and if the shadows under his eyes are a little darker than usual then Duncan doesn’t mention it. The two of them share a look; finally Duncan inclines his head, turns to whisper a few instructions to his chamberlain, and takes off, Halt following closely behind.
The funeral is nice enough; Duncan attends the private service, leaving Halt alone in their shared guest room, and later in the evening Halt slips away to watch the public service from the shadows. When he leaves, there’s a brightly coloured wildflower in his hand that’s gone when he returns. Duncan doesn’t ask. (He doesn’t say all that much, actually; the sight of the grave next to Caitlyn’s, a polished gray slab with intricate patterns and a marking etched into the stone that reads ‘HALT O’CARRICK, CROWN PRINCE’ has him feeling ill for the rest of the trip.)
I’m still not 100% decided on the details—I’d like to think that Duncan wanders around the castle a little bit, stopping to stare at the portraits of the O’Carrick family hanging from the walls and trying not to do a double-take every time he sees and/or hears Ferris talk. And how would Halt react to seeing Ferris again? I am ALSO not sure about this but in general I think it would just be a lot of Halt grieving quietly with Duncan standing by him in a silent show of support. (after all, it’s not like anyone else can be there—nobody else can know that Halt’s sister has died, and even if he did tell anyone the abridged version without the gruesome details, they wouldn’t fully understand how much she meant to him. Duncan doesn’t say “I’m sorry for your loss”, because he knows Halt well enough to know that the man despises empty platitudes. So he just...stays with him, and watches over him, and reminds him that he’s not alone.)
if I hadn’t already shipped Halt and Duncan because of your previous headcanon, I would now. It is absolute b e a u t i f u l.
I love Duncan’s conflicted emotions, Halt’s silenced anger - Halt’s supposed gravestone?? I never even thought of that but it’s an amazing detail. The dialogue is spot on, too.
You too, anon, THANK YOU for dropping this in my inbox. I TOO AM HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE
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softforcal · 5 years
Don't know if it's boring, but I can't stop thinking about hc's for Slytherin!reader, who ends up being really good at quidditch and joining the team. ash and cal (I can't pick their houses) are super into her because she's so cool and powerful, and they're always trying to show off in the games against her, but end up being super distracted all the time. And then one day the reader gets hurt in the game just to open her eyes and find the two waiting for her to wake up ending with poly!cashton
Cashton x Slytherin!Reader
-this concept is a mood so im so happy you sent it in babe
-okay so Slytherin!Reader
-Slytherin Ash ( @irwinkitten convinced me on this, more on it to come later)
-and fuck it lets go Hufflepuff Cal because i’ve never written him as a squishy lil puff
-okay, so from year one it was obvious you were going to be a force to be reckoned with on a broom
-we’re talking you being team captain, chosen for first line and you being on the pitch for almost the entirety of every game
-you are breathtaking to watch
-you really push your team to be the best it can be, and on the flip side, teams you play against really make an effort against you because you’re the one to beat
-Ashton plays his absolute best because he loves the way you praise him after a good match
-the two of you are probably the best players on the team and your house is completely in love with the both of you
-Hufflepuff!Calum is also a team captain
-he respects you a lot because even he has to admit you’re amazing
-whenever he’s not playing and you are, he watches from the stands, eyes on you the entire game because you’re just brilliant
-and whenever he’s playing against you, he kind of lives for post match talks as the two of you walk to the change rooms because as captains, you’re both really civil and it’s important that you are sportsman-like
-its game day, Slytherin vs Hufflepuff
-you and Ash walk into the great hall and sit at your table, the table erupting in a small cheer because their two star Quidditch players have arrived
-Cal watches you from the Hufflepuff table with Hufflepuff!Michael and Gryffindor!Luke
-breakfast continues, Cal’s eyes shifting to you every now and again
-as you and Ash are leaving the great hall you stop by the Hufflepuff table, “hey Cal, hope you’re at your best today, I think it’s going to be a good one.”
-he grins, a blush rising in his cheeks, “hope you’re feeling at your best, you’ll need to be to beat us today.”
-”ouch, a Hufflepuff with teeth? im shocked.” you laugh, leaving with Ashton who is somewhat indifferent to the whole thing
-after all, you and Cal are captains so the fact that you’re civil is, again, not a shock
-it reaches game time and all of you shake hands before the match
-(i just realized, i dont know if this is a thing in other places? in Canada we do this before soccer games? or after? i don’t know. lol. go with it i guess.)
-Cal’s hand shake lasts a little longer, his smile a little bigger
-as soon as you’re all on your brooms you’re in game mode and you are sexy as fuck
-the game starts and you were right about it, this game is definitely the kind of game that has everyone on the edge of their seats
-you’re racing around and Ashton gets just a tad too distracted. it’s never happened before. he’s a little off his game since the morning when you talked to Cal, he tried to make it seem like it didn’t bug him but he had to admit the Hufflepuff!captain was getting under his skin
-and then it happens
-a bludger barrels towards you, you swerve and it narrowly misses a full impact but still clips your broom, sending you off balance and falling towards the ground
-the entire crowd screams and as you hit the ground everything goes black
-the next thing you know you’re waking up in a hospital bed
-you let out a groan and this signals the guys on either side of you to speak, “Y/N don’t try to move-” “Y/N it’s all my fault.”
-”one at a time.” you say, your team captain voice emerging even in your state
-you blink away the blurriness to see Ashton on your left and Cal on your right
-”what happened?” you ask
-Calum opens his mouth to speak but Ashton gets there first, “a bludger knocked you from your broom. it’s my fault. i should have been watching you. you hit your head and went unconscious. i’m really sorry Y/N.”
-”it wasn’t his fault.” Calum tries to explain, “we all know Hufflepuff has one of the best beaters in the school. you couldn’t have gotten there in time mate.”
-Ashton looks to Calum and his expression softens, as does his grip on your hand that you hadn’t realized he had
-they both have one of your hands
-”who won?” you ask.
-this makes them both laugh in relief, because of course that would be your next question.
-”you fell and got escorted off the pitch, everyone was really distracted after that, Slytherin just couldn’t play without their captain-” Calum begins to explain.
-”Just say it Cal, you caught the snitch.” you laugh slightly before wincing, pulling your hand away from Cal to touch your head, finding a bandage there, “is a bandage really necessary?”
-”Pomfry says you’ll be fine in an hour or so.” Ashton answers, taking a bit of enjoyment in the fact that you let go of Cal’s hand not his
-you sigh, putting your hand down again on top of Calum’s and Ashtons enjoyment fades
-”thank you both for being here, Calum you did your duty as opposing Captain so if you have better things to be doing, i understand.” you say finally
-”i’ll stay… if that’s okay with you.” Calum says
-so they both stay and you try to kill time while waiting for the hour to be up so Pomfry will let you leave
-”so what’s with the two of you holding my hands?” you ask, “sorry i’m still a little loopy.”
-”liar.” Ashton laughs, avoiding the question
-Calum’s thumb starts to rub the top of your hand and this soft Hufflepuff is just like “i don’t know about Ashton, but i’m holding your hand because i think you’re a bad ass but even bad asses need comfort sometimes.”
-and of course Ashton needs to say something but like: “well how the fuck am i supposed to follow up after that?”
-you all laugh
-Pomfry telling you you’re good to go and can change back into your clothes out of the hospital gown
-you leave to go do that and while you’re gone Ashton and Calum are both just like “you’re into her arent you?” “yeah you too?” “yeah.” “fuck.”
-”well i’m in her house-” “opposites attract.”
-”i’m going to ask her out.” “me too.” “okay.” “sort this out later?” “yeah.”
-but as soon as you get back Cal is like “Y/N let me buy you a drink at The Three Broomsticks to celebrate your recovery.” and Ashton rolls his eyes like “easy for the match winner to say. i’m coming too.”
-the three of you walking down to the Three Broomsticks
-you almost slipping on ice and they both steady you immediately, grabbing your hands
-you all laugh, “maybe you hit your head harder than we thought, i’ve never seen you this clumsy.” Cal grins
-”and you spend a lot of time watching me?” you tease
-him and Ashton both stop laughing immediately and you know you’ve hit a nerve
-”okay what is up with you two today?” you laugh, “i mean the hand holding, and the bickering, and now drinks?”
-”we both like you.” Ashton sighs, causing the Hufflepuff to flush completely
-”both of you?”
-realizing you’re still holding both of their hands
-both of their hands
-how the fuck would you choose when having both of them just feels right?
-”polyamory.” you blurt. they both stare at you, “you know, dating two people?”
-they look at each other then at you and you’re all surprised when Cal says “i could be okay with that.” “me too.”
-your grip tightens around their fingers as the two of you walk to get drinks
-you all just talk, mostly about Quidditch
-a few people in The Three Broomsticks coming over to see how you are because practically everyone was at the game in the morning
-Gryffindor!team captain Luke and Hufflepuff Michael walk in and immediately come over, “Y/N, glad to see you’re doing better.” Luke beams, “just wouldn’t be the same kicking Slytherin ass next weekend without you leading the uphill battle.”
-Gryffindor!team captain Luke is a cocky shit
-”keep talking Hemmings, that way when we kick your ass it will be even funnier.” Ashton grins.
-”ouch.” Luke says, taking a seat at the table, “you sure about that Irwin?”
-”you can’t sit with us.” Calum states. shocking all of you again.
-”wow Puff, you letting these Slytherins corrupt you?” Luke laughs
-”don’t call him Puff.” Ashton interjects
-Luke looking between the three of you and then he realizes, “this isnt just a friendly post match drink is it?”
-Ashton opens to his mouth then closes it, he looks at Cal and they both look at you
-”we’re on a date.” you state.
-”the three of you? are on a date?” Luke repeats, looking between all of you, i mean he kinda guessed it but hearing you say it is a whole other ball park
-”yeah. and what about it?” you ask, crossing your arms. Ashton laughs, crossing his arms too and finally Cal crosses his arms and you all stare down Luke
-two snakes and a badger staring down a Lion
-”well i’ll leave then.” Luke says, finally breaking and standing to leave
-as soon as he’s gone you and Ashton turn to Calum, “wow, look at you Puff, who knew you could be so intimidating.” Ashton grins.
“i thought you said not to call me Puff.” Calum asked.
-”i’m allowed to call you Puff.” Ashton states ”how did you even end up in Hufflepuff?” Ashton asks, “besides the tendency to blush.”
-Calum shrugs, “guess i’m just a softy. you’ll see.” he winks at you
-the three of you laugh and the bill comes…. so who pays? both of them pay for you which means the tip is enough to buy an entire extra drink
-this is an interesting triad
-because Ash is a dom but he’s not the Slytherin team captain, you are
-and Cal is a dom, a little softer, but he’s the Hufflepuff team captain
-and you are a force to be reconned with as the Slytherin team captain
-so a lot of different power dynamics
-you and Ash walk Cal back to his dorm
-you go in for a hug and kiss his cheek but as you both pull away slightly you find yourselves going in for the full kiss
-its soft, very Hufflepuff, pure and sweet
-smiling when you pull away
-him saying goodnight to you and Ashton
-Ashton’s arm going over your shoulders as you walk, “aw, you’re blushing Captain. didn’t realize you’d have such a soft spot for a Hufflepuff.”
-”you seemed pretty sweet on him too Ash.” you point out
-Ash scoffs but remains silent
-walking past some Slytherins and they all whistle because you and Ash have been the Slytherin Ship for ages
-he walks you all the way to your room and he pulls you to his chest, “gotta admit, seeing you and Hood was kinda hot.”
-”just kinda?”
-he laughs, one hand coming up and cupping your face as his lips press against yours. his other arm wraps around your waist as he clutches you close, hand sliding down to your bum and making you giggle as you pull away, “okay Ash, that’s enough.”
-he grins, “you sure you’re feeling okay?”
-”yeah my head’s fine i think. Pomfy fixed me up.”
-”okay, but if you need anything or you can’t sleep, come grab me okay?”
-another quick kiss and then you enter your dorm
-the girls you share a room with are all freaking out, “so you were with Ashton and Calum?!” they all scream
-”yeah, my head is fine, thanks for asking.” you laugh
-”that poor Puff, he’s going to be crushed when you choose Ashton.” one of them sighs.
-”he won’t because i’m not choosing.” you state, collapsing in bed
-a thousand questions. the Slytherin girls all think Calum is hot, i mean, everyone does, but he’s a Hufflepuff? they are shook
-And Ashton is cool with it? they are shook
-you, Ash and Calum meeting up the next morning for breakfast and Calum is kinda just like “is it bad i’m happy you got injured? i mean, i’m not happy you got injured but you got injured and now-”
-”we get it Cal.”
-he blushes so much
-he’s so soft
-you have a bit of a headache but you’re a strong Slytherin and you’re not about to go to the infirmary so your guys walk you up to your dorm room, all your room mates are gone so you all just chill
-lying on the bed with your legs dangling off the side so the three of you can fit
-Ashton teases the shit out of Calum
-and Calum kinda takes it but you see him coming more and more out of his Hufflepuff shell to reveal a few Slytherin traits buried underneath
-”i know a great cure for a headache.” 
-one thing leads to another and soon you’re pressed between them as Ashtons hands wander your bum and Calum’s unbutton your shirt
-Ashton takes the dom position which is actually kinda funny because you and Cal are the captains
-”just for the record, i am not calling either of you Captain.” Ashton says as hes helping you wiggle out of your pants
-”yeah, i’m more into Sir. or Daddy.” Cal agrees
-you and Ashton being shocked by him
-he just keeps shocking you both
-your sweet, soft, Hufflepuff is dirtier than either of you imagined
-Cal’s kinda a Slytherin in the sheets a Hufflepuff in the streets?
-like and and Ash riff off of each other and it’s mind blowing
-so there’s like no space on the bed after but you all somehow manage
-this is where Soft Hufflepuff Cal comes out
-running his fingers over your skin
-sweet kisses
-but Ashton is a Slytherin so he just watches
-he thinks it’s sweet af
-you all hearing your room mates coming up the stairs and you all freak out, Ashton is fastest throwing clothes on so he jumps out of the bed and goes out the door to intercept them
-your room mates all freaking out at seeing a shirtless Ashton Irwin in front of their bedroom door
-but they’re Slytherins and they can be savage, “aw, did your Captains send you out here to play guard dog?”
-ouch, that one hurts
-Ashton opens the door for them and Cal is still looking for his shirt, he freezes at the group of Slytherin girls ogling him
-he picks up a shirt and throws it on and runs away with Ashton laughing
-Ashton comes in and is more comfortable with it, finding his shirt, then he realizes “that damn Puff took the wrong shirt.”
-that shirt becomes the shirt you all share
-so Ashton is a typical Slytherin and he is loyal as fuck
-no one can rip into Calum ever again
-or Ashton will fight them
-and Calum is the softest muffin so he brings so much love and warmth
-a bad ass but super soft triad
-and ya’ll are a force on the Quidditch Field
-the three of you using the Quidditch change room for sinful things
-practicing Quidditch together
-good luck kisses
-good luck kisses followed by “break a leg.” “you’d like that wouldn’t you?” “yeah cuz then we’d win.”
-but always being happy for whoever wins when you play against each other
-and amazing post quidditch match sex after winning games
-aggressive, pent up, angry sex after losing games
-your teams getting super rowdy about love bites and scratch marks
-the Hufflepuffs being kinda weird about the fact that their golden boy is dating two Slytherins
-Hufflepuff hearts breaking everywhere the day Cal first refers to you as his girlfriend and Ashton as his boyfriend
-also hearts melting though
-the Slytherins being kinda like “wtf.” about it because you’re dating not only a Hufflepuff, but a super sweet team captain Hufflepuff?
-but no one would ever accuse you of going soft
-if anything, you and Ash are even more hard core because you have someone (someones) to protect so fiercely
-Ash is the king of being sneaky so he always finds places for quickies
-people getting used to seeing Ashton dragging you dragging Calum through the halls
-Quidditch afterparties where the three of you are waaay too rowdy
-Ashton loves PDA, Cal is not as into it because he always becomes a blushing mess but that just leads to more kissing and face squishing
-closets barely fit two let alone three
-Calum falling out of broom closets more than once 
-i kinda love this
-i mean, ya’ll should know by now how much of a slut i am for Cashton
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god7072therescue · 7 years
Ooohh i have a request for yaa, can you write about mc caught jumin cheating and she ran away from him, when jumin tried to catch up with mc, he almost got ran over by a car if was not for mc pushing him out of the way, whether mc survive or not is your choice ( I'm an angst freak)
Hello!! Thanks so much for this request!! I know that this has taken me a while to write so thank you for being so patient with me!! This is the angstiest(?) hc I’ve ever written so please bear with me!! 
A/N: I cannot see Jumin cheating on his own accord so I hope you don’t mind what I did with this ;;;
this could not be happening
One moment he is trying to remember exactly what had happened the night before 
The next MC is in front of him, tears streaming down her face because he had betrayed her 
he had been away on a business trip to meet with the CEO of the his company’s rival
the dinner had been pleasant enough even though all he wanted to do was go back to MC’s arms 
The woman he had met with was being polite and good-natured about the rivalry between the two of them
He should have listened to his father
His father warned him to never trust that woman, that he main goal was to take down their company for good
But MC had made him a changed man, he wanted to the best in people 
His father tried to warn him about his open affection to MC 
“We have a lot of enemies, Jumin. You are making her and your marriage an easy target.”
“The entire world now knows that this woman is your weakness and they will use your love for her to break you.”
He didn’t listen.
Apparently, there was a lot more alcohol in his wine than he originally thought;;
He felt his cheeks flush and he could not exactly control his emotions and actions as well as he typically could 
The last thing he could remember was the end of the dinner and accompanying his guest to her room before he went back to his room
or that’s what he thought had happened  
that was not what happened at all
At least, that was not what the video that was sent to MC showed
MC flung the door open to their bedroom with furious tears streaming down her face as she thrust her phone towards his face 
She couldn’t even look him in the eyes
All Jumin could focus on was the sound of her tears hitting the floor 
She had ceased to try and wipe them away because the tears would not stop
there was no point
Jumin looked at the screen then he felt his stomach churn in horror
That was him and that…that woman
In her room
having sex
He would never..
Jumin had to put a hand over his mouth to try and calm the nausea he was feeling from the scene before him
Of course the sound was turned off, because he would never ever utter any woman’s name but MC’s 
Just how insane was this woman to try and turn his MC away from him by sleeping with him and filming it 
He was going to make that woman wish she had never crossed paths with him 
Jumin inhaled a long breath through his nose to try and calm himself down
MC was what mattered right now, his anger for that bitch would have to wait
Jumin continued to stare at the scene before him until he closed his eyes in guilt because he could not believe how  he could allow himself to be in that position 
He lowered his hand from his mouth so he could try to explain to MC what had happened 
She had to believe that he would never purposefully do this to her 
he heard her shuffling away from him so his eyes snapped open
He had never seen her expression show that much pain before 
She looked like she was in physical pain 
that’s because she was
she felt like that woman had reached inside of her and had ripped the most important parts of her out
MC could not hold in her emotions any longer because he looked at her with those damn eyes 
Those eyes she loved hated so much 
She ran towards the door, not even bothering to put on her shoes
She threw the phone to the ground, causing a huge crack to mar the screen 
Jumin instantly rose to his feet so he could keep her from leaving 
please, MC, don’t leave 
MC could feel Jumin’s presence behind her so she paused but refused to turn around 
“Jumin, I swear to god if you follow me, I will never speak to you again.”
He should have listened.
He froze in his tracks as he watched her run from the pent house 
After a few seconds, he snapped out of his daze and slipped on his shoes so he could go after her
He ran out so quickly, he didn’t even shut the door 
thank god the guards caught Elizabeth the third before she could make her escape
He ran and ran until he could finally see her running down the street, her feet bloody from the asphalt
It was two in the morning so there weren’t many drivers on the street 
he continued to call out her name, begged for her to stop so he could explain but she refused 
there was nothing he could say to her 
MC knew he would catch up to her if she continued to run into a straight line, so she cut across the street knowing that there was a car coming so it would force him to stop
But it didn’t
He was so focused on reaching her, he refused to listen to her screams that told him to stay back 
He should have listened.
The next thing Jumin knew, he saw a bright light coming from his side, then the force of someone barreling into him so he falls back on the pavement 
he could only hear the sounds of tires screeching as to car tried to regain its handle on the wheel. 
the drivers didn’t even stop, they just continued swerving down the road because they were drunk 
Jumin is seething at how wreckless the drivers and himself were and looks down to check and make sure MC is okay
His eyes widen in horror as he sees MC’s state lying in front of him on the pavement
the night was too dark for him to see the extent but he knew he needed to call for an ambulance now
Jumin calls the authorities with shaking hands as he cradles MC’s face with the palm of his hand
They immediately order him not to move her in case her neck is injured so he quickly removes his hand 
He feels liquid on his hands that feel like tears, but he knows that she is knocked out so he highly doubts that’s what it is
He brings his hand closer to his face so he can check to see that it is what he thinks it is 
Yes it is 
He can feel his entire mental state crumble around him because MC was lying in front of him, potentially dead 
My love, please do not leave like this, not this way
You can not afford to break down right now Jumin Han. Deal with the problem at hand and cope later
He has to focus on the laboring sound of her breathing so he could remind himself that she is alive 
He was too anxious to turn on the flashlight to his phone to assess the damage 
he was a coward
He stares down at her for what seems like forever as he waits for help to arrive 
Because he couldn’t help her himself 
He hears the sirens in the distance so he tries to sit up a bit more, trying not to move MC in the process 
The lights from the ambulance showed him the graphic scene before him 
MC’s face was bleeding from the superficial cuts on her forehead but it seemed there was no extreme damage to her head 
But her legs, oh god her legs were mangled and twisted in ways he knew were not natural 
Jumin could not tear his eyes away from MC even as the paramedics helped him up from the pavement 
He did this to her
he didn’t deserve the luxury to look away 
He drank too much with that woman
Jumin you were obviously drugged;;;
He escorted her to that room 
he slept with that woman 
He panicked and froze instead of explaining what had happened at that instant
And now MC was paying the price 
He never looked away as they situated her onto the stretcher 
he never looked away as he rode in the ambulance, the harsh light showing just how terrible her injuries were 
It took three nurses to pry jumin away from her stretcher as they rushed her into surgery 
So he sat and waited 
His mind blank as he stared at the ground 
His mind unable to cope with the thought of losing her  
He didn’t even think to contact the members of the RFA 
He could just silently beg for her to wake up
So he waited 
he never moved from his seat until the doctor came out to tell him about her condition 
Jumin rose to his feet when he saw the man, making sure he tried to stay as composed as he could 
“MC is stable but there have been some complications.”
“She will live, but she way never have the ability to walk again.”
Jumin could feel the world moving out from under him as he continued to listen to the doctor speak
Nothing sank in
He politely thanked the doctor then he rushed to her room 
His breathing catches in his throat as he sees the amount of machinery hooked up to her
he slowly walks to the side of her bed so he can sit down in the chair beside the bed 
His appearance is a mess but her couldn’t care less 
Because the angel laying in that bed was injured and may never completely heal 
because of him 
He grips the railing of the bed as he stares at her
He doesn’t move once again, until MC opens her eyes
MC is confused but she soon remembers what happened 
Jumin straightens as soon as he notices her stirring then he notices the confused look in her eyes 
so he explains what happened 
MC feels terrible for putting him through that instead of staying to listen to him
She can see how utterly broken the man in front of her
The almost black circles under his eyes, the state of his hair, and the suit with her blood still covering it tells her all she needs to know
Yes, she was sad that she could not feel her legs
In fact, she was devastated but she was repressing those feelings for now 
Right now, she needed to focus on the man in front of her
She brings a hand up to lightly touch his face, moving some of his hair out of his eyes 
She gives him a weak smile even though there were tears in the corner of her eyes
Jumin could feel the tears that he had not known he was holding in spill over as he reached his hand up to cup hers
Jumin knew that he in no way deserved her forgiveness, but he would not take it for granted 
He knew the road ahead of them was not going to be easy
but he knew he was the one that fucked up
and he would spend the rest of his life making it up to her 
no matter how rough it would get 
he was not going anywhere 
I hope this is okay!!
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udaitenma · 7 years
* (1/2) Hi! I’m just curious so I decided to ask: I was wondering how big (or small) does your team’s proofreader/editor change with your (or all TLrs of MS) translations. IIRC you mentioned sometimes your TLs were changed or some were even omitted (like your notes). Sometimes I read different interpretations/translations of the dialogues from other fans (as well as other MS projects like TG) with explanations. I heard that MS is more liberal when it comes to their TLs (or so they say?)
* (2/2) But I’m really grateful with your team’s work. You’re doing the community, the fans great favor of delivering us our favorite manga series for free. I’m just really curious with the process, especially the perspective of the translators (since Japanese is a very context based language). Thank you for reading! (English isn’t my native tongue so I may not express it properly. Sorry. ^^)-Hey - It really depends a lot on the week, the chapter, what I “originally wrote” and if that seemed weird to the proofer, or not. If I’m really unhappy about an edit the proofer makes, I’ll usually salt and ask for it to be changed. (Tbh in the past I used to argue a lot about the Bleach proofing changes when I was on Bleach, and I almost got kicked off the team for that HAHA but yeah we’ve been through a lot of ups and downs.) People always say MS is more “liberal” like it’s a dirty word. I don’t even know if “liberal” should be the correct terminology to describe translation style. In my opinion, taking unwarranted liberties with the translation and making shit up is not what a translator should do. However, translating everything word for word is just as egregious. It loses out on the nuance of the text, loses out on the way a character is portrayed, and loses out on how emotions are conveyed in the new language, if everything is translated word for word to the original text. It sounds unnatural, and it’s a lazy and unskillful way for a translator to do their work. People get so sanctimonious when translating and they say the do the translation literally, but too literal a translation and that just shows a shallow understanding of the base language they are translating from in my opinion. 
Like if I were translating French and I had written “and my ass is made of chicken”, I’m sure that’s really hilarious but it’s only going to be fully appreciated by the people who understand that it’s the french way of calling out someone on a lie - sure, it will make them feel great that they got the “in joke” and understood what the “original text” was, but the “English” way of saying it would be something more like “yeah and pigs are flying”. There is also a Japanese saying that can be translated to ‘a man like fresh split bamboo’. Do you want the Japanese in a translation note, and for the translator to ask the readers to go and google it? If people want to learn a language by reading literally translated text, they are better off actually opening a text book and learning the language rather than getting a language boner every time a Japanese translation satisfies their ego that they understand the original text or whatever.
See here in Haikyuu 241, “chance truly does, favour the prepared mind” is the common english phrase.
The FA version is an attempt at a word-for-word literal translation of the Japanese raws. If you wanted to know how this universally very common phrase is said in Japanese, you should go and pick up a textbook and start studying Japanese. If you liked the FA version because you could learn what the Japanese for it is,.. you should… go and pick up a textbook and start studying Japanese. A professional translation should not sound so awkward and janky imo. 
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I used to be more of a “literal” translator, but I guess I’ve slowly shifted my style a bit. The reasons for this is twofold.  One is undeniably a little bit related to the proofing - too literal, and I know it’ll definitely get changed, so I try to make it sound better in English (like natural English) in the first place so I can ensure it’s correct and that it won’t get changed into something that has a chance of being incorrect/compromising the nuance and feel of the sentence. Secondly, I have come to realise that it’s a waste of Japanese ability to translate everything word for word. It’s also important to be able to capture the nuance of a sentence, make sure it doesn’t sound janky or unnatural in english, and make the experience of reading a chapter immersive - as immersive as it would have been if people were able to read the original text. I want to have style when translating - if I wanted to get a literal translation, I’d just shove the whole thing into google translate. 
Some things that the proofer will edit, is for example, if you remember last week there was the sentence “cool as a pillow”. Now, that phrase is not really in my vernacular. Maybe the proofer honestly says it, or maybe he just wanted to spice things up a bit, I’m not sure. I am not a big fan of the phrase he used, and I understand that people want to know what the Japanese text actually said in this circumstance. I originally did only write “calm” in the text file. However, stuff like this part here in 243 this week:
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He says “nice game” in the original, but I felt like if he spoke English, he would say ‘good game’ as that is a more common phrase in natural sounding english than ‘nice game’. The word ‘nice’, as in ‘naisu!’ is something that has found it’s way into the Japanese language, and used a bit differently in certain cases to what is natural in English. You also know the phrase ‘gg’ gamers use? ;D That’s also why I felt this would be more common, if you hc that these guys do know gaming terminology to some extent (if they were English speakers). 
If you want to compare some bubbles between MS and FA scans (tbh I’m not a fan of the FA translations as they are rn, I miss the casanova translator :( but I went through their scan for you
My translation: It sounds more natural to me that when speaking to a friend, you’d make the language flow with the use of the word “over” and so forth.
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FA version - missing the word “over”, but nbd.
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My translation: In Japanese, using the person’s name could easily just mean “you”, but I thought I’d include the ‘Daichi’ here. I wanted to convey the nuance and flow of the sentences so it reads well in English too. I don’t feel that I sacrificed the original Japanese meanings, and I did my best to maintain the natural conversational tone and flow. I used “came to our match” to clarify, in the original Japanese it just says “Tashiro-san and Kurokawa-kun came!” which lacks a marker indicating where they “came to” - it’s very obvious by context and sounds natural in Japanese, but sounds unnatural in English to just end a sentence like that.
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FA Translation - You can see that they clarified by saying “tashiro and kurokawa are here” instead of “came to the match” which works too. Different choice of working, works too.
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My translation:
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FA translation:
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Again, same deal.
These aren’t the proofer’s doing, these are my choices for what I think sounds most natural and smooth in English.
As for the other discrepancies, like Lazyshima vs Tiredshima, as I’ve talked about last week… well, I don’t like to say this because think it’s in bad taste for me as a translator to badmouth other translations and call them out on their mistakes for no real reason (and I honestly can’t be bothered) but those are FA’s mistakes, to put bluntly. Same for “past students” vs “old boys”, the raws say “old boys”. I was actually tossing between OB and Alumni, but I think the use of the word “old boys” as a direct translation doesn’t lose out when it’s sounded in english - as in it doesn’t sound super weird or janky since ‘old boys’ is a thing in English too - so I just left it as is, direct from the raws.
If you see the display board page this week with all the school’s names - there are discrepancies there too between the two versions, because there is more than one way to read the Kanji. There are many alternatives per place name. That page probably took me the longest to translate,  because I spent a long time considering each of the different readings, and choosing what was the most common and likely reading and gave a lot of thought into it - I hope that pays off, and if there is clarification on the readings in hiragana in future chapters, I hope I could give people the right reading the first time, despite how insignificant that board is.
Another example you can see discrepancies is the chapter title for this week:
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sorezore no shosen, and FA has put “the other first matches” or something like that but ‘sorezore’ doesn’t really mean ‘the other’, it means ‘each/respectively’. Nothing in the word ‘sorezore’ could mean ‘other’. Not in the dictionaries, and not colloqually/contextually. Furthermore, even based off context, I think this chapter focuses on not only fukurodani and nekoma’s first matches, but also the wrapping up of karasuno’s first match and some insight into their match - so I wouldn’t translate the title as ‘other’. I would say this was a mistranslation. but I’m going to leave it there now because this could go on forever and I don’t want to just trash FA’s translations. 
To wrap it up - there’s no real way to definitely explain to what extent a translation is liberal, or literal, or which is better, etc. I can tell you too liberal is bad, too literal is also bad. I try to not to be google translation simulator 2.0 - so I do my best to make sentences flow and convey the nuance for an immersive and authentic reading experience (yes, newsflash, you can have an wholesome, different authentic reading experience without having the sentence being word for word translated from the Japanese to please the ego of people who want to feel like they know Japanese without actually putting in the hours and effort to consult a textbook)  .If the proofer changes too much, I will do my best to ask it to be changed. FA goes too literal in my opinion, but their translation has the bare bones and there is a demographic that do enjoy that particular style. However, because I’ve read the raws, I can tell you it’s not like the literal translators don’t have their liberal moments when the inspiration hits. It’s not really fair to ask a translator to explain exactly how literal/liberal their translations are - it’s honestly best to just learn the language yourself, get fluent, and judge for yourself. I know a good translation when I see one, as well as the fact that I can see laziness and mistakes when I see one - but it’s a bit difficult to exhaustively explain. 
Anyway, sorry this got so long. This is why it took me a while to reply, because I had to think of a response and set aside the time to write it! But I’m grateful for your interest and appreciate your support. Thank you, I hope you keep an eye on all the translations and enjoy the story. 
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