#now that im kind of starting to remember middleschool
tchaikovskym · 6 months
Still thinking how in middleschool my classmates were like "you know, you won't remember the things you learned for the history test as an adult anyway"
I still remember main causes and conclusions to major political events and can use that knowledge to interpret and analyze current political trends, and to better understand ruling trends in society.
And what are you doing? Telling that you didn't know there was a Roman empire and a holy Roman empire as a sort of amazing historical fact? Pathetic. We covered that in 7th grade.
It's not my fault you couldn't comprehend the material in any meaningful way for yourself. Maybe I shouldn't have given you my notes for you to just learn without understanding but that was a bitch move to try to say that studying for history tests were useless. I don't care what you say to yourself to justify your failures in your head, but don't bring me into this.
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trashworldblog · 2 months
For the ask game, 2 and 4!
2: did you watch bfu or worth it before?
yes!! big buzzfeed unsolved true crime fan since way early. i remember watching the db cooper episode and laughing my ass off and immediately thinking that i had to see what these guys are up to. i always kept semi up to date on new seasons, but with the way buzzfeed is set up, i never actually knew when a new season was coming out, and i didnt really give a shit about what buzzfeed was doing at that point. i cared earlier, but by 2016/2018ish i moved on from the feed, besides them, the worth it boys, saf, and the try guys.
i do remember having some favorite buzzfeed videos, and when i went back to watch them after watching bfu and worth it i started recognizing that some of them were made/hosted by shane/ryan/steven and being really suprized that i had seen their work before
i never really joined the fandom either! (i was busy in the phandom)
also fun fact: when i started watching bfu (in middleschool) i didnt watch supernatural because i was scared and actually belived in ghosts. and now im a complete shaniac and get to easily watch ghost files and bfu supernatural
i watched worth it quite a bit too. back when the trending page was good, id look through it and worth it was basically always up there and was always a good watch. but again i had no clue when their seasons stopped and ended. so i probably havent seen everything. i had traveled around the states quite a bit, and had eaten a lot of local food, so it was fun to recognize a cuisine i had tried before. its nice to remember a vacation while watching a video from that location.
4: do you have a favorite co founder?
how dare you ask me this question /joking
ummmmm yeahh
okay its hard to answer and not feel bad
ill say i have a bias because that feels better
so my bias is shane because he is the most relateable to me. someone on pod watcher will ask a question and me and shane answer the exact same way. idk why, maybe because we're both chicago suburbanites who went to columbia? we both love the schaumburg mall? idk i guess we're just similar which is fun cus he just gets it. we love a creative, artistic, and funny guy
of course, steven and ryan are absolutely incredible. i love how steven will fully commit to a bit, its so funny, he's incredible. and ryan is the kind of guy im often inspired by, he has such great and funny ideas, how?
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Submission about academics and mental health in Korea
Hi, uh.. im still not teally sure i should be writing this, im really used to keeping it under wraps but recently things have been... really bad for my mental health i guess. Fair warning i might kind of vent my whole life story.
Im a 17 year old turning 18 in a two weeks, and also Korean. My parents are somewhat conservative and traditional koreans, and that basically means im terrified when it comes to talking about school grades and my mental health.
I live in Korea, but i spent a whole 6 years of my childhood in the US before moving to Korea at the start of 3rd grade. I also had a very hard time adjusting to Korea and developed.. well, lets say trauma regarding new environments and people altogether. I was quietly bullied, or treated like i was nonexistent, had little to no friends for a long time during 3rd to 8th grade, the friends i did have were toxic, stuff like that. Didn't exactly help that everyone from that elementary went to the same middleschool. It got better once highschool started but Im still scared of people from this neighborhood.
I have a few friends that I wouldn't trade for the world and Im grateful for that, though my pre teen trauma is not why Im writing, well maybe it took part of me writing, i don't think i'll ever get the full picture of how much damage those first few years in Korea caused. I can't remember 3rd and 4th grade at all except for a few bits and peices.
I think I self harm. I don't know if it counts, but I just.. scratch my wrist and fingers until they turn red and i feel the burn for hours, Whenever i get frustrated or mad or disappointed with myself. I've been doimg it for a long time now that i think about it but never really realized it until a few months ago when pressure about suneung(the Korean SAT of sorts) got really bad.
My country takes academics extremely seriously. A bit too seriously. Students here are pretty famous for being miserable and it's not a secret that Korea has the highest teenage suicide rates.
My parents take them quite seriously as well. They don't say it out loud at least, but my mom's body language just screams disappointment and anger every time my grades come out and it's suffocating. Im not a vocal person. Im also shy, and on top of all that i just can't say a word back at my mom. Im almost 18 and we never fought once. Never argued to the point I raised my voice. I was only ever scolded or I just backed down. I can't bring myself to stand up for myself every now and then and it all kind of boiled down to this.
I can't open my mouth when i want to say something in my defense. Im always just left with my thoughts, and after getting the scores for sunueng its just becoming unbearable and im scratching my wrists almost daily. Im starting to scream at myself in my head for being such a disappointment and at the same time my moms disappointment feels suffocating enough that i almost blurt out that ive been thinking of jumping for years now just so i could end this godforsaken disappoint of a life and i know i shouldn't think that but i can't. stop.
I can't tell my parents that every time I think of my 30s i get nothing because i always pictured myself dead during my 20s since middleschool. I love them and i know that's bot something you should ever tell a parent and can't do that to them, and i cannot stand up or defend or speak for myself if my life depends on it to my parents or anyone else.
Oh, and on top of all that Im pan. My parents are low key homophobic so I've been in the closet for 5 years now.
And to think of the fact that everyone thinks im pretty optimistic and put together that they come to me for advice is laughable really.
I don't know where to reach out to. I've never been comfortable saying my insecurities in Korean, maybe it's all the trauma regarding people and relationships in elementary and middle school, maybe it's not. So Korean hotlines are a no go, my parents.. I don't even know if they'll take this seriously even if I somehow muster up the coutage to tell them. Mental health issues are kind of taboo in Korea in the first place. I live in a whole other country so english using hotlines are also a no go. My friends have enough on their shoulders and I know this because they come to me of all people for advice when something goes to shit in their life. I don't know what to do, I feel like Im going to go crazy one of these days, i fantasise about jumping every other day, my wrist is still burning.
Despite the wording my life isn't complete shit, it's just.. been a trying few months. I just ...i really needed to vent that. That Im not really okay all the time despite my life not being all that bad these days and everyone thinking that im fine.
Thank you for reading this, whoever it is. Knowing that someone, even if I have no idea who it is is reading this surprisingly helps a lot. Sorry for thrusting this on you too.
Hey there,
Thank you so much for sending in your Ask! Sometimes just writing and getting everything out of you can be extremely helpful and like you mentioned, knowing that someone will read it and consequently you feeling heard!
Life in Korea sounds really difficult when it comes to grades and the stress that is put upon you which can then unfortunately lead to a number of different mental health conditions. It really sucks that you don’t have the support that most other countries have regarding your mental health and I bet that your friends offloading stuff on you isn’t helpful for you either! Can you or would you feel comfortable confiding with your friends about certain aspects of what you are struggling with, even if you just mention the academic side of things and how you are left feeling by your Mum when your grades come out? Maybe they feel the same way or similar and you can help each other through even?
I too find it really hard to speak up for myself and I live in Australia where it’s safe to do so, to speak your mind within reason and talking about how you are really feeling, so you are not feeling alone and access to mental health help and support is also fairly good. I am so sorry it’s not the same over in Korea.
In terms of self-harm, self-harm is the deliberate injury to oneself and can come in a variety of different ways. For more information and some helpful ideas on how you can help to control your self-harm urges or even stop if you want to – completely OK if you are not wanting to either, stopping has to be your decision and it has to be when you are ready to do so. Anyway, when you have the time, please do check out this page on self-harm.
I know how easy it can be to think of suicide when everything gets so hard and overwhelming, and it’s OK to have the thoughts as long as they don’t occupy your mind 24/7. It’s important to know though that if you do become actively suicidal and cannot keep yourself safe then you reach out to your emergency services or go straight to hospital so they can help to give you the help and support you may be needing at the time. You don’t need to be yet another suicide statistic and even though you thought you didn’t want to make it through to your 20’s, let alone your 30’s you are still here today and I know that there is a good reason for still being alive and you reaching our to us proves that you do want to be OK!
Please also know that we are also here for you too so please do let us know if we can support you in any other way – either now or in the future. You don’t have to go through this completely alone!
I’m thinking of you and hope that you are going OK, or at least as best as you can be right now!
Take care,
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boiling-paint · 3 years
Please do elaborate about LL!Scar and Bad by Deluxe Royal, I'm interested 👀
Ohooho. You got it! I uh... went ham,
*claps* OKAY! SO,
It all starts with the sounds.
The theme of this music is almost cartoonish in the way it wants to portay 'big, bad, evil' (chanting in a low chorus like a boogeyman "im bad I'm bad as bad can be." behind the main voice.) It reminds me of "How Bad Can I Be?" Which, ahem, while a meme song fits Scar's happy-go-lucky attitude that he upholds regardless of the guts and gore of the situation.
With a dramatic western attitude, the voice is very confident in his own image. It just screams Scar. Big Bad Scar trying to be spooky in that disney villain way he admires and reflects in his video and performance style. Its natural for him, but hes also careful with his words. He pauses, thinks, stalls for time when he speaks to people because if they get him rambling he'll give it all away. He is very very cautious this season in that sense.
Now, the lyrics! Oo I shiver at how well they fit.
If you'd like, we can imagine this "devil" as Grian. People have consistently seen him as a threat, Scott even dramatically and repeatedly calling him a monster. Hes death itself- the one who started it all.
Or, it can simply be other reds. People that Scar so far seems to be cautious of, but never fully intimidated by.
[I made the devil run
I gave him poison just for fun
I had one friend, now there's none
I made the devil run]
The last two refer closely to the comparison of the first season to this one. Grian was quite literally his only true ally, and now Grian frequently leaves him behind at any given moment. It's not fully Scar's fault, but Grian does take some care in talking and making deals with Scar. The game has changes course and they're keeping distant tabs on one another. Scar currently drives people away from staying at his mountain, despite claiming he wants friends. And for some reason (could even be dumb luck) Joel the first and possibly most unstable Red Lifer, lives right next to him and hasn't lifted a finger yet. This I'm certainly exaggerating, but I wonder how cautious Joel is of Scar ("I made the devil run.")
These next 2 lines are the only ones that dont fit easily, as Scar is incredibly clumsy lmfAO. However, I think it speaks poetically with 3 and 4.
[I broke so many bones
But none of them were ever my own
They were an army, I was alone
I broke so many bones]
From Scar and Grians perspective things are very, very light in s1. It does not apply to the others'. In the previous season Scar was terrifying. Ren and others wanted to protect their friends and stay together. Scar wanted to win or put on a show trying. It's why him and Grian make such a good team— they know there are limits to how they can rely on one another.
From the other perspectives all Scar did was talk people out of their resources and scheme to destroy them, regardless of any sort of spoken friendships. He was very, very dangerous. He broke many structural bones so-to-speak in the other teams, including trust and physical resources.
And in the end? It was Scar's little team against Rens whole army that won 3rd Life. ("They were an army, I was alone, I broke so many bones.")
[I'm bad, as bad can be
So bad that it's hard to believe
Oh, what they say about me
I'm bad, take a look and see
So bad that it's hard to believe
I don't care what they say about me]
Scar this season is lying to everyone around him. People are cautious, but only the very, very perceptive ones (to name a few: Etho and Scott) are actually catching Scar in his lies. Even then he doesn't let up his own act. This gives him such a good facade.
People are going to underestimate him. Hes so polite to some and to others hes burning them at the stake. Other people talking about Scar are going to find plot holes, twists and turns in attitude that just don't make sense. No one will know what to believe or not. His kindness feels genuine, but so do his threats. ("So bad that it's hard to believe what they say about me.") His gentle attitude makes it really difficult to grasp his violent intentions at times.
And recently, especially with the destruction of a recent horse he seemed to be attached to, he's revealed a little to others about his values. "So bad that it's hard to believe, I don't care what they say about me." He is first and foremost a businessman and a showman. If people are scared? Great! If people think him kind? That's just good for business.
That's the most frightening thing about him being isolated this season: He doesn't care as long as he gets what he wants. But he'll pretend he will up until the second he knows it doesn't matter. No attachments, all deals. If people don't show him kindness he remembers and returns the favor later, and explicitly states he will frequently in his perspective.
Now, to remember 3rd Life S1 again:
[I watched an empire fall
I stormed the gate and scared the walls
They wouldn't share, so I took it all
I watched an empire fall]
A refusal of resources, a few missteps and misconceptions here and there and they had a war on their hands. To Ren, he was fighting for his team and his empire. To Scar, he was made into enemy #1 for... what reason? They did nothing wrong! Just having a bit of fun. All of this is a game and something Scar's character takes much more joy in than some other perspectives. It's not a game in some views, which would make him... what?
Crazy? Literally insane in some sense that he would treat this battlefield like middleschool capture the flag?
They targeted him and Scar simply didn't like it, so he took up arms with Grian and the rest and killed Ren himself. ("They wouldn't share, so I took it all, I watched an empire fall.")
[I'm bad, as bad can be
So bad that it's hard to believe
Oh, what they say about me]
You can't trust what anyone says about Scar, including Scar himself.
(I'm bad, I'm bad, as bad as can be)
I'm bad, take a look and see
So bad that it's hard to believe
I don't care what they say about me]
And he doesn't care about rumors as long as he gets what he wants. He'll take advantage of them.
Akdhakd also this isnt a dig and moreso just a dramatic retelling of how I think this song brings out a more dark idea of Scar's character. All in good fun :). Thank you for enabling me PFTHAHAHA
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brogues-b4-hoes · 3 years
Kingsman the secret service, first draft liveblog.
I’m reading the original draft for Kingsman: The secret service and being just blown away by how different but the same™ it is so I’m gonna list some things that made me go :0 
Huntsman and sons doesn’t really sound like a spy org. it sounds like a rustic b&b in the scottish countryside. Not a bad thing but Kingsman does sound a bit more “knightly” and “cool” 
Also Jack Lincoln is just not it. Harry Hart is where it’s at. 
SO about the ages: In this script Eggsy is 21, Harry is 49, Merlin is middleaged (I’m assuming that means like 44-45 ish), Roxy is 22, Charlie 23, Lancelot 39. 
Merlin was supposed to be “black, handsome” And frankly my first thought was “....Idris Elba?” lmao 
The medal Eggsy gets is called a Guinevere Cross and I immediately came up with a whole scenario of how the first Guinevere sacrificed themself in an act of bravery, which is why the Kingsman medal of honor is named after them. 
Lancelot was supposed to fight Gazelle before losing but ig getting cut in half from behind has more shock value. (Just give my boy a bit more screentime) 
I’m glad they changed Michelle’s whole approach to Daisy, cause in this script it comes across like she couldn’t care less about her literal toddler, which makes her kind of unlikeable :// I’m glad they didn’t do Michelle dirty like that in the final script. 
Arthur really was just a sexist, elitist bastard now wasn’t he (while looking at the candidates his reaction to Eggsy being proposed is “at least it’s not a woman, I mean wtf are all these women doing here??” .....There’s three women being proposed out of twelve candidates, Chester.)
On that note, I’m glad they ended up giving Merlin more of Arthur’s lines - mostly because it makes sense for Merlin’s character to play the part of handler besides being the tech wizard he is- but also Make! Arthur! Say! Less!
I think it’s an interesting choice to have the candidates be from all over the world, as I Imagine the agents who were abroad just chose the best person they could find from that area, and if that’s true then the other agents were away in: France, Germany, Denmark, Japan, Italy, Ethiopia, South Africa, India, Persia and America. Do what you want with that info.
Yeah Roxy was american originally lol
I’m glad they acknowledge the lack of privacy in the first dorm set up, because I always looked at that in the movie and thought “If I had to use a bathroom out in the open with eleven peers just hanging out behind me, I would simply not use the bathroom lol” 
Glad they cut the whole subplot of Harry infiltrating some bank, especially because it involved dressing up as a woman to get acces to the ladies room, which, given the current climate and the whole jkr situation would not have gone down well, to say the least. 
“That sounds exhausting” in which Harry is me. 
"Training starts tomorrow, which I will have nothing to do with. Watching people train is boring.” Spoken boldly for a guy who then subsequently shows up at every. single. training scene, Merlin. 
God I’m glad they cut the whole puppy obstacle course scene, it was just alot lol 
A lot of stuff is the same but what really stands out to me is how little Eggsy actually does on his own, in this version he only passes tests through dumb luck or because Harry straight up gives him the answers, which makes it difficult to root for him in this script. So I’m glad they changed that. 
Idk what to think about the implanted chip being a bluetooth earpiece originally, like who wears an earpiece all the time?..... Ig the writers thought the same thing in the end lol 
“Medic! We need a medic!” Me, internally: SO YOU ARE SAYING YOU HAVE MEDICS?? Merlin: “No we don’t.” me, internally: IM NOTING THIS AS PROOF THAT YOU HAVE MEDICS, GALEN IS CANON CONFIRMED
I like that Elton John is just fully in this movie, what exactly is it about Elton John that made Matthew and Jane continue to write him into both movies??? IS HE GOING TO BE IN THE BLUE BLOOD TOO? :0
I’d like to note that I do not like Elton John pelting shit at Valentine lol 
The way that they really wrote a whole Heathers the musical “shut up, Heather!” scene but with Arthur, Harry and Merlin saying “shut up, Eggsy!” I CAN’T WITH THIS SCRIPT
Broke: “Lady Gaga” woke: “Lady G’gar” (as pronounced by Arthur lmao) 
Okay so in a cut test, there’s a mentioning of Huntsmen security, which I will take as proof for my whole “The entire plot of TGC is bullshit because there had to be more staff at Kingsman than just Merlin, meaning more survivors of the bombing” 
AND THE PLOT THICKENS WITH THIS: Harry (to Eggsy): “Look, I’ll be back in a few days. Stay here ‘till then. I’ll call Merlin, and when everything’s calmed down I’ll take you in and finesse things. If we’re lucky we can get you a job in admin or train you as a pilot.” HELLOO WHERE WERE THE ADMINS AND PILOTS AND SECURITY IN TGC 
“Thank you. I’ll do anything. I’ll be a cleaner, even.” THEY HAVE CLEANERS TOO MATTHEW YOU’RE KIDDING ME
The ending is so different omg What is Happening? why is Usain Bolt, Lady Gaga, Jamie Oliver and Elton John fighting together avengers style? 
All in all: I much prefer the way they handled things in the final script because this felt a bit too much like the types of movies you write with your friends in middleschool for shits and giggles and less like an actual film you’d go see in theatres. But of course it’s important to remember that this mess led to one of my favorite films ever, and I really enjoyed the insight into the process and changes that led the writers to the final version. T’was very cool. 
Also I read the novelization of The Golden Circle and I can’t say which one I get the biggest yikes from (yes I can it’s the novel. It’s so bad lol) 
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nyomjoon · 4 years
why Kou is the best character in Ao Haru Ride
Why Kou is the best character in Ao Haru Ride & the most deserving of a fangirl club
to preface, the main girl (futaba) and main guy (kou) had crushes on each other in middle school, which would’ve progressed when kou invited her out to see her at a place near a clock. however, kou did not show up because one of their classmates questioned futaba on whether she fancied kou, and she was extremely introverted and replied that she hated boys - which she did. but, she had felt differently for kou since he was more gentle and less brutish than the other guys who were really the epitome of pubescent boys. so i see the appeal to kou. upon hearing this, kou decided not to show up in fear that she would not reciprocate his feelings. alas, she was left waiting in the cold for most of the night, and would not hear from him till highschool because he moved away due to his parents’ divorce. he also changes his last name from tanaka to mabuchi (this is significant). 
edit: it has been brought to my attention that kou hadn’t shown up bc it was his parents divorce that day. i might’ve missed this detail but i assume when he tells futaba it’s not at the beginning so rlly mayb it’s another element to the ~character development~
When reminiscing, i only remember Kou to be the nonchalant, token tsundere, yeah he doesn’t care about you or your feelings. and upon surface level i found it to be so annoying, because he was the guy who left futaba out of his own fear. she was owed an explanation because despite it being middleschool, i too, would’ve been traumatised if the boy i liked had stood me up and not to mention leave school without a word to any of this classmates. i can side with futaba because i am also an introvert and it plucks a lot of courage to be able to ask someone out in the first place. however, that being said - being an asshole straight off the bat can only mean that there’s room or character development which to my little 12 year old self - failed to realise. 
when kou moved middle schools, he struggled to find his group of friends, which in hindsight would probably be difficult for anyone who was going through what he had - his parents splitting. however, he meets ms. narumi, who initially we are grateful that she was able to help kou break out of his shell and develop friendships at school albeit he wasn’t besties with anyone. despite this, i will never forgive what she does later. as i’ve mentioned earlier, when kou enters highschool he becomes an asshole. this is because he experiences his mother dying and as anyone would be, he became bitter. he was more closed off than before and upon this revelation, we begin to sympathise for kou. because losing a loved one is as depressing as it comes and we begin to understand that with his parents divorce there was no one else there for his mother except for him. his older brother, given the split, had stayed with his father and so to satisfy his mother kou spent all his middle school years studying, with a realisation too late that he had made no better memories with his late mother. 
consequent to his loss, we accept that his “asshole” personality is justified and he had become a man full of regret. during highschool, he moved back in with his father however, avoided spending time with his family at all costs. he’s revealed to be hanging around a group of friends to merely ‘waste time’ and really, he doesn’t enjoy anything in life. yet, ms. futaba, is persistent in nature and still has feelings for him so attempts to develop a friendship because of their previous relationship. much to his dismay, he still harbours remnants of his crush for her, however, he cannot and refuses to acknowledge it - he does this by not saying it aloud but he’s written her name in a notebook and despite the knowledge of its existence he does not tear or throw it away. 
as futaba and kou’s relationship develop even further - she convinces him to stop seeing the friends and instead he has better friends at school who are all in this event committee or something like that. however, as the story progresses, narumi comes back and asks kou to help her because shes moved to the same town and has also experienced the death of a parent - which also happened after her parents divorced. knowing what that feels like, he felt obligated to help her out. i’m not sure if he intended to be an anchor for her, but this situation turned out to be very manipulative - because narumi was purposefully trying to hold down kou and drag him away from his character development, because as you would assume, futaba & co. are the steps towards moving on from his bitterness, regret and anger, and narumi tries her best to pull him away from it which inherently just inhibited his growth. 
kou isn’t aware of this manipulation, because despite being an asshole prior he sympathises with narumi - which, really shows how kind hearted he is. he goes even further with his generosity by rejecting futaba, because even if they had dated, he still could not leave narumi because he felt as it was his duty to help her overcome her own adversities, which would’ve made futaba uncomfortable. it was/is in fact not his duty to help her overcome her trauma because as we all know it’s part of her own journey, and by helping her, he is still being tied to the past and he himself cannot overcome his trauma. 
because he had rejected futaba, she decides to move on and although it does not happen immediately, she starts dating this other guy who in my opinion (which is completely objective btw) is so pushy and forward and he’s just a rat. because she starts to date this dude, kou realises that he still likes her, and depsite seeing them together he is unable to move on, or get rid of his feelings for her. now normally, this would be a bit problematic, however, because i hated kikuchi (futaba’s new bf) i don’t care. so, what i enjoyed about this particular bit of his transformation is that he was able to preserve the good things of his childhood which was fundamentally, memories of futaba and the times he spent with her. so when kou has his final talk with narumi - he lets himself out of that toxic environment, which is probably step five of his character development. and he goes back to the town he lived in when his mum died. he takes futaba with him to override the horrible memories that he had made - ones that reminded him of his parents divorce and his mum’s death. his logic behind this method was because when he was in the infirmary he was able to overcome his hate of the disinfectant smell because he was with futaba. 
he also reconciled with his mother’s passing by visiting her grave and letting her know that he is finally able to move on. 
another bit i wanted to mention, because it was so chivalrous of kou - basically, futaba got mugged and her bag had a strap that meant a lot to her. and so she tried chasing him, however, she got lost because she kicked the guy in the face and tried to run away. eventually, kou found her and she was really shocked and she actually had a fever so he had to carry her all the way to her hotel room. and then she mentioned that she lost her bag and really needed it. so, he left the hotel room and retrieved it and during his absence was when all the friends gathered in her room. when he comes back, he’s found the bag and throws it at her boyfriend which is funny because it shows how useless the boyfriend is lol. 
after this, he does not give up trying to chase after futaba, because she’s been such a pivotal element to his life - which we can all see. his hard work does not go in vain, they do end up together which is very pleasing. but the final bit to his reform is his last name change. as you can imagine, the initial change from tanaka to mabuchi was probably something that was traumatic but then when he changes it back to tanaka he’s able to move on from his bitterness from his mother’s death. not to mention, he was very adamant on futaba to stop calling him tanaka but its pretty significant that he was able to overcome his personal struggles. 
im too hungry so i can’t think anymore, if any of u read the manga add to the list!!1!!!111!!!!!
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Alright, Period Cramps just set in and Im looking for songs anyway so Im gonna be listening to every RWBY Song (V1-V7) in chronological order and rank them, starting with the worst. Lets go!
Caffeine: Thank god the team with the Nazi-based leader has the shittiest song so far.
Celebrate: Why tf is this here
Shine: Ehhhh. I dont really know why but the vibes were all off, somehow. The fact that really dislike Jaune (and as an extension, Arkos) doesn't help either.
Forever Fall: This song was 5 minutes long and it felt like 20
Brand New Day: I barely even registered that
Fear: not the worst
Lets Get Real: Either Im too tired or the songs are getting worse
War: Im ranking this one higher because it wasnt over 4 minutes
Bmblb: All the love songs are so generic
Dream Come True: Im listening to all these songs in the form of Lyric Videos and the art used in this one made me think 'Oh, a Jaune Song... Great. Well, maybe we'll get Jaune pining after Phyrrah now! Yknow, to balance it out. A cute lil song of him pining for a nice girl might me like him a bit more!' and guess what. It wasnt that. It was another Arkos Song from Phyrrahs perspective. AND this one had unnecessary Girl-Hate towards Weiss! For no reason! The only reason its above Shine is because they atleast got the vibes right this time.
Not Fall In Love With You: I think Im just not a big fan of the love songs.
Boop: It was pretty cute but nothing to write home about
Until The End: slow piano
Touch The Sky: Its not that bad, its just that Im tired and this song is too goddamn long
This Time (From Shadows II): A just fine song for a shitty arc
I Burn: I liked fine, until they started rapping.
Like Morning Follows Night: I thought this was gonna be one of the better love songs, then he started rapping.
Smile: All this does is make me question how Ilia was in the wrong even more. Sounded alright though.
The Triumph: Eh, pretty unremarkable opening for an unremarkable volume
This Will Be The Day: A very promising start! There's honestly not much to say here
From Shadows: It was fine. I liked the overall sound but the lyrics and the singing are just a bit too edgy for me.
Bad Luck Charm: Someone in the comments under the lyrics video said "looks like someone found his middleschool poetry" and honestly, yeah.
I May Fall: Hey, yknow how the FoB was apparently meant to happen in Volume 1? Yeah. Overall, I thought it was pretty alright. (You can probably already tell that Im not too big of a fan of the louder, more energetic songs so far.....
Trust Love: This is by no means a problem I have with only this song, but I hate how theyre all like "oh this isnt some FaIrYtAlE kid, this is real n dark n shit" as if RWBY isnt the least dark and least subversive story Ive seen in recent time
Rising: Alright but unremarkable
Miracle: Another alright but unremarkable one. At this point I feel like listening to these songs is frying my brain
Ignite: I was just gonna say its an alright Yang Song but that rap...
Big Metal Shoe: I can appreciate some fairy tale references
Gold: The chorus got a bit repetitive but I thought it was pretty cute
Home: Another cute lil family song! This one was kinda long though
Lionized: I really appreciate the vibe of this song
All Our Days: Adorable! I didnt really expect a Taiyang Song but this was pretty nice
Sacrifice: Not really much go say about this one, I thought it was fine
Neon: I feel like I just got aggressively flexed on in the nicest, yet most condescending way possible
Lusus Naturae: Very edgy, but in a way that I can appreciate more
Red Like Roses I: I really like the sound of this one! I kinda wish we had more lyrics, but this was the song used in the Red Trailer so Im assuming it was made to compliment the action more than anything. At the start and end there was this series of notes, that Im assuming is gonna be the Leitmotiv? Either way, Im curious how theyll use it
All Things Must Die: I feel like this song is definitely at its best during the slower bits
Lets Just Live: First of all, I cant believe they live-laugh-loved us. They kept mentioning like, stories and how 'this isnt your TYPICAL fairytale', I could practically feel the writers being like "Huh, huuuuuuuh? Arent we CLEVER? Yes we are, yes we are!" But other than it was mostly fine. A bit long, maybe.
Armed And Ready: Pretty alright Yang Song, I felt like it was just a bit too long
It's My Turn: Not much to say, I thought it was a fine Weiss Song
Nevermore: I think its good
Wings: I really enjoyed this song! Caseys voice is lovely and I think its a very good Blake Song
Indomitable: I liked this one, but I feel like its mainly because the line "the spirit is indomitable" reminds of Flame from VRAINS
When It Falls: This song is trying very hard to convince you that RWBY is Dark Now. And given that Im pretty sure this is V3s opening, I guess it fits. Oh well, it still sounded pretty nice.
One Thing: A real slappin song thats going straight to my YGO-playlist as well
All That Matters: Very neat song about Yang's conflicting feelings on Blake's return. Shame theyre literally not conveyed at all in the show.
Die: Very agressive title, but okay. I also enjoyed this one, who wouldve guessed. I love this whole vibe of Desperate Heroism In A World In Ruin, yknow? Its there in Time To Say Goodbye and Red Like Roses II (two of my favourite songs so far) too. Though it is quite dissapointing that the show never really matched it.
Hero: I dont get how people can look at this and go "yeah, Ironwood was clearly always a tyrant who never even remotely cared for others". Also Caleb Hyles my beloved
Time To Say Goodbye: Another very nice song! I also think the foreshadowing in the third verse (yknow the slow one) was quite well done. The only real issue is, that the plot point its foreshadowing is stupid as hell
The Path To Isolation: Why is Weiss a better character in her songs?
Divide: This song is trying very hard to convince you that RWBY is Dark Now pt 2. It is a banger though, so its fine.
Mirror Mirror: Funfact: This was technically the first RWBY-Thing Ive ever consumed! A Youtuber named Strawbelly made a german cover of this song (and the songs from the other trailers, I believe) and it was one of my favourites for a while. Ive also already listened to some of Weiss' other songs and I remember enjoying them too. I can definitely already tell that I prefer Caseys voice in the slower songs, so I really hope this keeps up
This Life Is Mine: Yoooooooooo, Caseys voice was amazing in this one(especially at the very start)! This is one of the Weiss Songs I listened to before I even watched RWBY and what can I say, I loved it back then and I love it now
I'm The One: Oh, this was absolutely lovely. For the first few seconds I thought I wouldnt like this one, but its a banger! I love the lyrics too, theyre very clever I think
Red Like Roses II: DUDE, I adored this! I did not expect there to be lyrics for Summer at all and I was so pleasently surprised! Sandra's voice was lovely, and I really hope I'll get to hear her again. But on a slightly more negative note, I feel like this is really where the whole 'RWBYs Songs Characterize The Protagonists In A More Compelling Way Than The Show Does'-Problem starts.
I originally wanted to write some kind of conclusion but Im tired and wanna read angst fics. Have a good night!
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xcherry-popx · 3 years
[teddy] 📚 + the mechanics / features you mentioned in the tags! :0
( ´ ▽ ` ) okay heres what i remember
-the original kriegspiel was based very loosely (very very) on this game i saw someone making on quotev. i say very very because i only saw that it was a game inspired by chess, and did not look into it further and ran with my own ideas. i did this a lot at the time, to the point i'd make entire daydreams based on loose plot summaries, and sometimes mixed up what i created with reality (by which i mean my middleschool best friend would often talk about anime she watched that i hadnt, and i'd create such detail that i was convinced i watched it. for example, i thought i had distinct memories of kirigiri, makoto, and byakuya in the second danganronpa, except it turns out they werent there in the first chapter, and also i didnt know that was a game and not another anime. kind miss that level of detailed daydreaming but \ / )
-it was going to be like a labryinth! basically, the chess board had raised walls, and you kinda sneak through the 'rooms' like paintball
-each 'chess piece' was going to.have an item based on a certain time period. such as an edwardian knife, victorian mirror, etc. this was eventually evolved into the items each piece starts with! like the team specifc.itwm, the piece specific item, and the personal item. its been so long that i cant remember clearly, but its possible that these items were going to be different based.on piece and time period. ex, white pawn may have a victorian mirror, while black pawn may have had a victorian knife, or georgian mirror, etc. i cant remember anymore if that was the case, but! 
-side note, the reason i rediscovered kriegspiel (i believe sometime in my first year of high school?) was because.i had a folder of.bookmarks titled 'kriegspiel', with links to images such as 'edwardian knife' 'victorian mirror'. otherwise i might have completely forgotten it ! 
-there was going to be a plot point about the pawns being considered 'disposable'. a pawn on my team died, and we were only able to revive her with an item we found earlier (i think it was a blue orb?).
-the 'players' were a set of twins! they were sadistic and gleeful, as many of my ocs were, and they worked together. they were something like gods, i believe, and they were once human but over time had been corrupted. thats still kinda the same, but the twins themselves are so different to swan and eliza that theyre definitely separate characters by now.
-the basic premise was that each time was guided by a specific twin. however, they eventually realize that they've been given the exact same orders. i think this spawned from me looking up types of chess and slightly misunderstanding kriegspiel, and creating this. by now, its strayed from that, but i still enjoy the premise, and i'm attached enough to the name that im not considering changing it.
-this was a self insert fantasy. and so. i was the 'queen' piece, the most powerful and the de facto leader. for reasons i cant remember, i was in charge and thus the one to decide any major decisions, and stuff like that. i much prefer how it is now, where even though the protagonist has influence, they arent necessarily the center of the story - each character could be the protagonist with a little developing!
thats about what i remember from the earliest version of kriegspiel!
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noro-noro-noro · 2 years
my first dream was a direct to google drive special. 2nd dream is about wearing a really ugly outfit & then going back in time to go to wizard 7/11 instead
In the second dream, I was going to high school. When i got there I saw I was wearing some neon green shirt & unflatteringly-cut skirt combo & i was like ???WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME I LOOKED LIKE THE FUCKING GOOGLE PLAY ICON to my sister & she was like “i think you like fine” & i was like absolutely the fuck i don’t. I look like green giant vegetables. I asked a bunch of my friends if they had a change of pants or something & none of them did, so i was just like “fuck it man im going home” & got in my car to go. 
Then i ended up changing into something less offensive to & wound up at some wizard 7/11 or something at 5:55 am. Idk. went back in time somehow. The wizard 7/11 had the vibe of a highway 55 restaurant except with a little more reflective metal & a little less color, & a dude that had a crush on me in highschool that i didn’t realize til later also worked here. The wizard 7/11 was owned by this scraggly skinny middle aged guy with graying hair that was holding a really fat cat in one arm at all times. He wore a huge pair of green ladder shades. The guy that had a crush onn me i did not speak to him until someone i was with (there wre also a bunch of middle schoolers waiting outside the store & they were really loud)  was like “hey, [name], is that you?” & then i was like aw shoot i have to acknolwedge him onw & said hi to him. The wizard store uniform was just like….a blue baseball cap & then blue coveralls with a black apron on. We talked for about 20secnods until the store opened at 6am & all the middleschoolers ran inside shrieking. I made pained eye contact with the middle aged man (presumably the wizard). His wife was inside & she had the vibes of abigail from gideon the 9th. I don’t remember why exactly i wasat the wizard store so i sat at the table. & the wife opened a small door & like 30 kittens came out. The 30 kittens started changing upon exposure to the air until the one i picked up was instead some kind of pink semi-translucent jello dog with 3 tails that was kind of like a samoyed & kidn of like a fox. It was also purple rarity instead of green & blue like the other weird animals, & it loved me so i was like “alright! I’m gonna take this one to be my familiar.” & bonded with it. That’s permanent but how was i going to cuddle with cute soft animal for so long & then not take it with me through my life? Anyway i hadt o feed it magic snacks constantly otherwise it would becomef ully translucent & be unsummonable. It was snowing in the neighborhood now. I ran into this neighbor’s 4 or 5 kid who could see my familiar & saved him from ??? & then we ended up hanging out all day instead of me taking him home to get some sleep. His parents were disapproving that he didn’t get any rest but i thought the kid had potential for magic. Then i woke up 
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pastelingo · 7 years
:^) 9, 10, 11, 24, 28, 29, did you cut your hair?
9)Do you feel pride in who you are ?-Uhhh I dont know somtimes sort of, self accetance let alone pride is rare, mostly I'm just working on it 10) Who are some supportive idols in your self discovery ?-I think Elena Geneveine (hope I didnt fuck that up too much) had a role in it, which might be odd because she's a trans woman as opposed to ftm yknow, and also when I started watching her she hadnt really transitioned yet, but she helped me understand being yourself alot more and start questioning more I guess, then also I imagine Jamie Dodger, or SkyLarkElevrn (yeah everhones youtubers) they came in later and kind of just helped make me feel better and more hopeful about it, ans motivated to keep going and be myself and all that shit. I dont knkw jjst other trans people on the internet being themselves and talking about their transition and talking about gender dysphoria and hope and everything play a big supportive role for me I think. Of course friends and stuff helped me alot with transitioning and coming out so much, like my old group with marina and rachael, today my awesome friends help support and validatetm me so so much.11) Talk about your first crush-uhhhhh I think my f i rst crush was some random kid named lucas in kindergarten, then there were a couple middle school crushes cause yknow, then I guess the first r eal one would be marina ha yeah. She was my best friend for several years in late middleschool/early highschool, I had feelings for her the second I saw her ha, she is a really amazing persom who is incredibly kind and yeah idk look her up on this blog if you want more idk24) Hwo do you feel about the word queer ?-I don't know alot about it as a slur and everything, I know when I first started transitioning I appreciated it as an 'umbrella word', now just I dont know not alot of opinions on it but it should probably be used carefully..28)Most annoying question you've ever gotten ? - I dont know, I remember omce a woman at a change room like chased me into the room and wouldnt let me close the door until I told her my promouns (not like aggressive cahsing and refusomg tonlet me close the door jjst like follwoijg me amd standkmg im tje door asling over and over)29)How do you feel about getting questions about your sexuality/gender ?-I don't know I think it's all good and dandy but when its strangers asking me about it in public and stuff it makes me feel kind of alienated and lame but, sometimes they need to ask or are just curious or talking, just feels kind of lame but still yeah all good I dont know. Not these questioms though like this is jist fun qoo tall about yourself ask prompt thing or qhatevr
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pinkhoodiemark · 7 years
tagged by @sho-ho-hownu ! [Ily more mutuals <33]
1. do you have a good relationship with your parents? Yes. Sometimes it’s rough but you know everyone has that. I’m closer to my mom’s bf more than my actual father, but im just now getting reconnected with my actual dad and it’s going ok i guess
2. who did you last say “i love you” to? probably my mom? It was like she said “I love you” and I said “love you too” does that count.
3. do you regret anything? Yes. I cant think of anything specific but i just know that i do...
5. what’s your relationship status? Single afff Ready to mingle (?)
6. how do you want to die? epically B) idk tbh tho
7. what did you last eat? Omurice. It’s like friedrice with ketchup with an omelette over it. It’s japanese idk how to explain it well lol
8. played any sports? Idid Ballet as a toddler (like until 5 years old). From 7-14 years old I did gymnastics and I was on the “Junior Olympics” team which i dont think means anything but it sounds cool
9. do you bite your nails? nahh. I never understood that really
10. when was your last physical fight? I’m lazy. Not a fighter. But i shoved this bitch in middleschool because she confronted me about me tlking shit about her talking shit about me??
11. do you like someone?
Other than those 7 dorks? Nope. Thank god
12. have you ever stayed up 48 hours? Yes. It was partytime
13. do you hate anyone at the moment? No, I try not to hate. Unless theyre asshole racists, sexist, and/or hateful themselves.
14. do you miss someone? Family in Japan <3
15. have any pets? a tool named Phichit (or Peaches) that is my Betafish.  (stop i know it’s a Yuri On Ice name. I. Know...) . I know he only likes me for the food i give him. Rude.
16. how exactly are you feeling at the moment? okay. it was bad like 2 minutes ago because of an assignment but now im watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 and its funny af
17. ever made out in the bathroom? Had to think bout it for a sec but nope
18. are you scared of spiders? Not like SCARED but i’d rather not them be on me tho..
19. would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Without the butterfly effect happening? Then sure
20. where was the last place you snogged someone? I had to look up what this was omfg. Maybe like a year ago. I’ve been single for a whileeee.
21. what are your plans for this weekend? I’m meeting up with my dad to watch the last few episodes of walking dead on Saturday. Studying for my Japanese final.
22. do you want to have kids? how many? Kinda, At most 2. But Im like 19 years old so its weird to think about...
23. do you have piercings? how many? Nooo
24. what is/are/were your best subject(s)? was Math now probably none of them loll  #artmajor
25. do you miss anyone from your past? not really? There’s this one guy that was fun to hang with and I liked him for a loooong time and i still think about him sometimes lolll DontDoThat
26. what are you craving right now? a good nights rest
27. have you ever broken someone’s heart? I mean ive broken up with people but i dont think I like shattered their heart. I’m not THAT important omg
28. have you ever been cheated on? Nope. Hopefully never will?
29. have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? Yep, but he was mentally fucking craZY SO
30. what’s irritating you right now? Tumblr in incognito mode is slow af for some reason (I needed it to log in to my other tumblr without logging off this one)
31. does somebody love you? Family probably ha
32. what is your favourite color? Green
33. do you have trust issues? not really. I mean everyone should have some sort of trust issues. But i dont have severe trust issues.
34. who/what was your last dream about? I was listening to Departure album when I fell asleep, so I dreamt i was at a got7 concert lmao
35. who was the last person you cried in front of? I dont cry a lot tbh. So i dont remember. When I do cry I dont like people seeing.
36. do you give out second chances too easily? HA NOPE. They gotta work for a second chance
37. is it easier to forgive or forget? Depends. If it’s not that big of a deal then forget. I hate confrontation but i need an apology if its something bigger.
38. is this year the best year of your life? Noooooooooo, but we’re only like a quarter through so it could change. But im not too hopeful about those chances tbh
39. how old were you when you had your first kiss? kiss that didnt matter (pocky/pepero game lol): 14 Kiss that mattered: 16
40. have you ever walked outside completely naked? wtf no.
51. favourite food? Too many to narrow down to one but i crave toast a lot
52. do you believe everything happens for a reason? yeah, I’d like to think so.
53. what is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? Watched a horrible movie
54. is cheating ever okay? Who would think it is??? Even as “revenge” that’s low
55. are you mean? Dude, I’m a bitch tbh...
56. how many people have you fist fought? 1
57. do you believe in true love? i guess. If I didn’t then what would be the point of relationships?
58. favourite weather? Suns hot but cool breeze or light rain
59. do you like the snow? Yeah, but i could go without it...
60. do you wanna get married? Eh.
61. is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? I’d cringe.
62. what makes you happy? dogs, cats, other peoples genuine smiles, got7
63. would you change your name?   I like my name
64. would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? Who was the last person i kissed? So probably no...
65. your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Assuming im not interested. Id just ignore it. If he confesses Id be like sorry bro.
66. do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? I did. But he’s kind of out of my circle now that college started.
67. who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? Mom’s boyf. Jose. He’s cool. Been in most of my life so not like a random Mom  boyf
68. who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? My sister. We were talking about why people just constantly feel the need to hate. Even if it’s something like (for example) “I HATE One Direction” Like do you honestly “hate” one direction. Or did you see that other people “hates” one direction so you said that. Like what did One Direction do for you to just HATE them... Like I dont like them or dislike them but I could never say that i HATE them. I dont even know them... anyway that discussion gets me heated
69. do you believe in soulmates? Kinda
70. is there anyone you would die for? Yeah. Like family and junk
Tagging @peachyjyp @husbandsjjp @soulmatesjjp @got7arrived @ult2jae ya dont gotta
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getallemeralds · 7 years
do uh, nonfatal explosion, or sprigs
OH MAN…. OKAY…. for reference:
nonfatal explosion = Yuta Asahina from Danganronpa: Another Episode / Ultra Despair Girls, au where i survived the bracelet but down an arm and probably other injuries but the arm is the most notable bECAUSE ITS AN ENTIRE ARM
sprigs = Patrick Sprigs aka Gemini Spark White from Megaman Starforce, mostly canon-compliant but a lot of my memories are from years after the game– i left the echo ridge area to get therapy after the sheer fuckery that was SF1 and me attempting to destroy the world and returned around the time of SF3. i ALSO REALLY HATE ARTHUR “ACE” EOS OR WHATEVER HIS NAME IS I JUST REALLY DONT LIKE HIM :V
1. what was your kin/id’s favourite food?
yuta: anything sweet? or like Anything honestly just. someone stop this gremlin boy
sprigs: i have a specific memory involving neapolitan ice cream sandwich bars that was actually very positive so, that i guess :V
2. name something your kin/id studied!
yuta: i actually dont remember a lot of being pre-despair and i yelled DUMPSTER BOY DOES NOTHING internally so. RIP,
sprigs: psychology! as a hobby, kind of. lots of figuring out what was going on in their mess of a life.
3. a favourite canon area?
yuta: i visited hope’s peak once and it was awesome, everyone was Super Cool and sonia nevermind gave me a spheal named Balbatross
sprigs: i mean obv theres the dream island park, but i also liked wandering around … OH WOW DID I REALLY FORGET THE NAME? [googles] AMAKEN!!! i liked visiting AMAKEN with geo cause he was a Space Nerd and i was also a lowkey space nerd (not as much as i am now lmfao)
4. element associated with your kin/id?
yuta: water? KIND OF IRONIC BUT (my near-death experience / canon death involves trying to swim out of the city of Fuck and exploding bc of the bracelet)
sprigs: lightning! electricity in general tbh. pzap.
5. who have you met from your canon?
yuta: i knew a Whole Lot Of People but they were. really toxic. fml. BUT I KNOW KORA! AND RU!! IN YOUR SYSTEM!!! KORA SCARED ME ONE TIME IN A 7/11
sprigs: IVE ONLY MET ONE OTHER SFKIN i havent talked to them in ages despite being in a discord server with them? theyre like the sweetest geo ever (and i hope i didnt creep them out by my constant whining when i had a sideblog for this ID lmao)
6. things in every day life that remind you of your canon?
yuta: hmmmm not a lot? like specific songs do i guess :0 and sometimes im like I WANT 2 JOG but i dont have the stamina but if im in a strong yuta shift ill be vibrating 24/7 bc i was so physically active in that life
sprigs: ngl sometimes system stuff does? cause. i was a system. a very shitty system but. :V sometimes bickering w/ mae or ink reminds me of talking to rey and i go “aw” for a bit.
7. favourite scents from your canon?
what i tried to say: i dont associate via scent very well
what i almost said: I DONT HAVE A NOSE
8. what weather did your kin/id like the most?
yuta: SUN,,,, lies facedown on the ground and just. photosynthesizes. (towa city was always clouded over and Sinister, i hated it, legit all my memories of towa are just “dark and sad”)
sprigs: mild rainshowers were nice :>
9. what talents/ skills did you have as your kin/id?
yuta: I WANT YUTA TO RUN!!! i think i decided that if i went to hope’s peak i would’ve been SHSL Track Star or something like that. i could also swim which is something i cant do at front :V (edit from after question 12: ALSO CAN WE APPRECIATE THE SELF-GIVEN TITLE OF “SHSL NONFATAL EXPLOSION”)
sprigs: i think i did some sort of fabric crafts thing? not like, knitting, uhhh. SEWING thats the word. i also gardened. shoves my entire arms into the dirt. this is my home
10. do you like how the fandom portrays your kin/id?
yuta: does the fandom even acknowledge me? i think fandom thinks im a Dumb Idiot and honestly, true though,
11. what would you have done differently in your canon?
yuta: i mean, not exploding would’ve been nice? asides from that, i wish i’d stayed with komaru more. she had no idea i was alive for a pretty long time and that must’ve sucked. heck.
sprigs: I MEAN , NOT TRY TO DESTROY THE WORLD , also fucking, tell geo what the hell was wrong with me , but it was kind of a hard position to be in? bc rey was literally a trauma split from horrific childhood abuse (moreso than was revealed canonically, for me) and i was just a middleschooler. also staying in contact with geo while overseas (the bonus boss in sf2 isnt canon for me) because from his perspective i just dropped off the map bc i was too ashamed to talk to him. ALSO HEY @ SELF DONT FUCKING DESTROY GEO’S TRUST IN EVERYONE, MAYBE,
12. what outfit did you like best in your canon?
yuta: i love my hoodie!! but it got Fucking Wrecked for obvious reasons augh. theres art of Nonfatal Explosion Yuta w/ a NGE shirt that i vaguely remember owning haha
sprigs: my canon outfit |D i was very upset when i outgrew it so i kept trying to find clothes similar to it
13. in a modern setting, what would you as your kin/id wear?
yuta: was near-modern so p much same
sprigs: fashion sense in 22XX makes no sense but like. big ol sweaters. armwarmers. comfy
14. did you have a favourite memory of your canon?
yuta: visiting hope’s peak is the most vivid bc i got to meet all my friends? heck? and i vaguely remember reuniting with komaru and it was great. there were hugs.
sprigs: pretty much any time i was Actually Talking To Geo In A Healthy Way lmfao what the fuck was Up with me
15. name a favourite person in your canon!
yuta: komaru!! she was my bff actually. and my sister, aoi
16. did you like life in your canon?
yuta: pre-apocalypse? yeah :0 post-apocalypse? NOT REALLY,,, but i did at least feel like i was Doing Something? fighting despair!! but like it was 100% awful, actually, but at the time i was trying to Not Think About It bc otherwise id like. fall down and not get back up. oops.
sprigs: noT REALLY,,, like even looking back on it i kep being like. i was such a wreck. literally everything possible went wrong in patrick sprigs’s life. even Good Periods had bad shit happen, like i got outed to everybody by ace? which is like half of why i hate him? it was immensely awful augh
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