#now to send this to some showrunners and tell them i have a book for them to adapt 🤧
galvanizedfriend · 2 years
You guys 😭😭
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Can you guys believe someone actually went through the trouble of binding this monster of a fic? It just hits different to see it like this. 😭 It's so beautiful I'm ashdsjgdahdas Gonna tell my grandchildren I wrote a book. 🥲
This is the (not for profit, btw) amazing work of @melowdeee, who just wanted to have this on her shelf and made me the happiest wee lil person ever. 🥺 I'm so flattered and so amazed by her talent, wow! This is beautiful! You guys should check out her instagram and see some other fics she's bound. It's amaaaaazing! I'm in awe!
Thank you so much, this has made my whole week, and it's been a truly hellish time. 🥲 Just wanted to share this with y'all cause LOOK AT THIS BEAUTY! LOOK! 😭
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my-mt-heart · 7 months
I apologize in advance for the rant that's coming your way. If you're seeing this and you're having a good day - you're welcome to skip it.
I'm tired of the whiplash.
Melissa comes back, and then there is a string of articles basically teasing there will be heavy-handed shipbaiting in S2. Then we get a BTS interview, and now there's more to be sad about.
What is the point if the good news is overshadowed every time?
I did not get into this show to "obsess" over superficial characters. I got into this show because of its heartfelt storylines and strong character arcs. Carol and Daryl helped me sift through some dark things in my life, which I am grateful for. It felt nice to root for something precious and one-of-a-kind and funnel hope into two characters who deserved to find their happy ending together. Most people I know are still here because they think these characters deserve better. Ya know what? Because sometimes the world is shite and some days it's hard to find hope. These characters bring hope. And the fans deserve respect (not talking about the ones who were sending hate to actors and/or their families).
The current showrunner, with his contradicting statements, has done nothing but make me feel anxious - even though some of what was said was positive. He has done nothing to win my trust. The contradictions make me think he either doesn't know what story he wants to tell or, worse, he doesn't understand the characters he's working with. If storylines keep getting overlooked, and characters are treated like shipbaiting devices - what's the point of S3?
I'm happy to have Melissa and Caryl back; she's why I have a bead of hope. Her input is the only one I trust at this point. But I have no excitement left to give, and now I have one foot out the door. Until I see something that helps me trust this show again, that won't change.
Bring me a showrunner who understands these characters deeply. Bring me a director who makes room for meaningful stories. Bring me writers who write complex storylines that dive into the psyches of these characters and show us why we fell for them in the first place.
And for the love of all that's good and holy -Bring me strong and powerful female and POC voices. Bonus points for both.
I'm tired of watching POC characters get turned into walker fodder or shipping devices. I refuse to invest in a show where the characters I fell in love with get treated with callousness and shoved into storylines that don't honor them.
I'll simply find something else worth my time. Because you see, I know that my value isn't intrinsically attached to this show and the direction it takes. Sorry about the rant. It's one of those days. Peace be with you.
You don’t have to apologize for how you’re feeling. Everything you said is completely valid and to be honest, it’s where I’m at as well. Having Melissa back is amazing, and I know she has input, but it feels like she and her fans are still being punished. The lead actor reduces us to “obsessed” parasocial shippers, the current showrunner doesn’t acknowledge we exist let alone understand what Carol’s/Daryl’s/Caryl’s story means to us, “The Book of Carol” is being left out of promos, that and Melissa’s name aren’t in the casting calls. How can I trust the show to honor a narrative about a woman beating the odds time and time again when business practices show the opposite? How can I subscribe to AMC+ for a show called "Daryl Dixon" knowing it represents white male privilege 🤷🏻‍♀️ We need leadership to not only give us the heartfelt storylines and deep character arcs that we want, but also to uphold our core values, to nurture, not insult, our intelligence, and to give the lead actress the respect she deserves. That's why I think Melissa should get to choose the new showrunner.
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chrkrose · 1 year
Let’s talk about Racism and the House of The Dragon/Daemyra Fandom
So, a few days ago, while discussing a point concerning Daemon’s character in a Reddit thread, and bringing up Nettles because it was pertinent to the discussion in question, I was called a “desperate black woman with low self esteem”. I was also stalked through several threads in different subreddits related to House of The Dragon, and received DMs with Reddit Package Care (for those who don’t know, it’s very common on Reddit to send those to people you are harassing, since the Reddit Care Resources talks about suicide prevention and offers help to those who have Suicidal ideation or are self harming. Is a twisted way of at best tell someone to kill themselves or at worse, subtlety threaten them).
In another incident on the same day, on another thread about the Daemyra beach sex scene, the OP had brighten up said scene as we all know it was terribly shot in terms of lightening. A few people commented the actors lacked chemistry. I joked about this, commenting the same thing. Like stated, I wasn’t the only one to say so. I was then questioned by a few people on my comment, asking me why I was “obsessed” with the idea of Nettles and Daemon being a couple, since they had researched my profile, checking my posts and comments, and came to the conclusion that I talked too much about the two characters, and quote “have a penchant for calling people who dislike your ship insecure or racist”. When I explained my initial comment wasn’t to be taken so seriously, and that my support for the ship was loud because the racist against the character was loud, I was dismissed as “obsessed with the weird fantasy of those two as a couple. She posts about it all the time. It’s low key pathetic”.
I have some observations about these two unrelated but oh so correlated incidents. First, I have no problems shipping and being obsessed with a ship. I mean, I am obsessed with book!Jaime and book!Brienne to the point I’m hosting an exchange on them (btw, deadlines are approaching uhuu. Can’t wait). I was obsessed with Caryl for a loooong time. I shipped Stiles and Malia to the point of waking up in the early hours so I could watch a new episode drop. These are just a few of my long list of ships. Point is, if I was obsessed with Nettles and Daemon, oh everyone would know. I am not tho. Yet. Emphasis on that, because depending on how the show turns out, they might be a constant thing in my blog for years.
I am loud in my support of Nettles being adapted not only as one of the most motherfucker interesting female dragonriders to ever exist, but also as a romantic love interest that she might have been on the books though because, as a person of color myself, it’s exhausting to read over and over again horrible takes about a character who has always been sidelined and neglected and forgotten by the simple fact she’s not white, and disregarded as a possible contender for a romantic arc with fave ugly white boy of the month just because she’s possibly black. Because that’s the reason. I KNOW when the dislike for a character comes from their possible involvement in breaking your favorite ship vs when it comes from racism disguised as “I just don’t ship them”.
Nothing said about me when it comes to shipping gets on my nerves. I don’t give a fuck tbh. I love some good ship war. I love mess. I love engaging in discussions where both sides are screaming about how their ship is better than the other. Its fun. It’s interesting. Fandom experience for me wouldn’t be the same if those things didn’t exist. One of my best times on tumblr and Twitter was talking about pairings I rooted for, and ranting over it with friends on DMs. Some of the best people I’m friends with nowadays came from being petty together that our favorite couple was destroyed by showrunners in favor of another or gloating about having a ship going canon.
Now when it comes to racism… that’s where things take a turn. When it comes to racism disguised as shipping discourse, that’s where it stops being fun and becomes something of “if they think they are loud, oh I can be so much louder”.
I’m gonna finish this long ass post with a simple question tbh: HoTD fandom, or more specifically, Daemyra shippers, if to hear that your ship might be bland or that the actors have no chemistry makes you irrationally angry, if you guys throw meltdowns over jokes about a bad filmed scene or a well based opinions on why your ship isn’t the fairytale you think they are… how do you think y’all would react if these were aimed towards one of your favorite characters?
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kristinakyidyl · 2 years
This post is going to include book spoilers for HotD, so if you don't want to be spoiled or if you don't watch the next ep trailers then pls scroll.
God I just love how the showrunners use the trailers. Like they always include these totally spoilery things that show only people won't actually be spoiled by, but makes book readers want to watch even more. Like for example, the ep 5 trailer includes this:
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Book readers went nuts for this cameo, but this spoils nothing for TV watchers. It probably wouldn't spoil them even if they knew who this almost certainly is. So this is some stuff I caught in the trailer that made me more excited for next week's episode.
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Those dragons are almost certainly Seasmoke on the left and Maelys on the right. Laenor and Rhaenys arriving to kings landing for the wedding on dragon back, which is a lovely callback to the book bc Rhaenys insisted on arriving to her wedding to Corlys on Maelys.
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New shots of Maelys and Seasmoke. Can't wait to see Maelys. ^_^
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Rejected Lannister arriving for the wedding with the Velaryon banner hanging behind them.
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CRISPIN COLE (Sorry that's just his name now I don't make the rules) ALONE WITH ALICENT!!!!!!!
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Joffrey Lonmouth (Laenor's boyfriend.) with Crispin standing over him after clearly taking a beating, but the knife is in *Joffrey's* hand and not Crispin's? Do we have a lover jealous over Rhaenyra? Probably not, but STILL.
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Laenor getting tossed onto a table by a *Lannister* during what appears to be like a wedding brawl with a Kingsguard (Crispin?) standing literally right behind him.
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Rhaenyra's babydaddy aka Harwin Strong punching a guard in the face. Maybe this is how he gets chosen as her sworn shield after Crispin The Fuckin Traitor Cole defects to the greens? This is apparently the last episode we get with their younger selves, so that has to be happening soon.
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Crispin beating Joffrey so bad that we see blood splattering on his shoulder there on the left. Man, who does Joffrey go after? Is this before or after he defects? IDK but I'm looking forward to it. This is probably where Joffrey dies because he is killed by Crispin at Laenor and Rhaenyra's wedding tourney, and I doubt we're going to see another tourney.
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Corlys standing in front of the driftwood throne, meeting with someone. My guess is that it's Viserys when he goes to Driftmark to propose the match between Laenor and Rhaenyra.
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Daemon sneaking around somewhere. My guess is either dragonstone, or King's Landing. Because in the series trailer we see him at the wedding despite his being on the outs with Viserys, so I have a feeling he actually sneaks into the wedding feast while it's ongoing, and hell...maybe he instigates the fight because that's just who he is as a person. Alternatively, this could be him in the Vale taking steps to rid himself of his Bronze Bitch (who is likely a lovely person who just doesn't put up with his bullshit, knowing Daemon.).
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Viserys's rotting problems getting way, way worse. That arm is not looking good, and I can't tell if it's because it is gangrenous or because Mellos has been bleeding him. This is likely where Mellos loses his job, because there's a bit in the book about how a cut from the throne got infected and Viserys almost died, but Rhaenyra saves him by sending Mellos away and getting a better Maester. So I'm gonna guess that this is that. Which is interesting for the Maester conspiracy with Otto people. Viserys finally getting super sick after Otto has been fired. Otto being fired means Viserys isn't of use to House Hightower anymore, so Otto would now have motivation to let him die.
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Rhaenyra at the wedding being protected by a white cloak. Maybe it really was her that Joffrey attacks. The scene previous to this one is Rhaenyra and Crispin on a boat, presumably on their way to Driftmark to propose. So maybe he is still on her side at this point? Maybe not. It is right around the wedding that he changes sides.
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Daemon doing something unsavory to someone on a horse in the same place as the other screenie I took of him. Obviously, up to no good, as it's Daemon. Not sure who the guy on the horse is.
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This one is hard to tell exactly what's going on if you watch it full speed, but if you go frame by frame, it's Alicent in that same GD dress watching Viserys arrive home from somewhere (probably Driftmark), and being startled as he collapses outside the carriage.
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Alicent looking So Done with her father's bullshit when he's not even supposed to be there and he's telling her like "hahahah your husband, you know, the one that keeps you safe and whatnot, is dying so you best be prepared to steal the throne from Rhaenyra".
That's everything and like I'm so hyped I can't wait. Even though I know what's going on in some of these shots, I still don't REALLY know and I love how they've turned these trailers into an artform in and of themselves.
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fratboykate · 1 year
I have a dumb industry question. When you write for tv show/movies do you write a storyline and then someone else takes it and turns it into an actual script? Or do you present the script to people write of the gate? Or does it just vary with the level of involvement?
no? and yes? it's a complicated answer and it varies by which medium you're talking about. this is all going to be a gross oversimplification because no one wants to read all that. somewhere on my blog i did a bigger explanation of writers room. i don't think it was that long ago. it should be in the same tag??? anyway...
when we're in a tv writer's room everyone breaks the character arcs, season, episodes, etc together. once the studio/network/steamer approves of the work we did then the showrunner assigns people to go write each individual episode. but at that point we basically have what could resemble a paint by numbers of each episode and the individual writer is just going in and coloring stuff with predetermined colors we've already discussed. even what scenes are in the episode would have been broken down in the room. the writer is simply going in and pretty much filling in and expanding what we all agreed would happen into action lines and dialogue. so in tv there's more of a "we write the storyline as a group under the guidance/following the vision of the showrunner and then we as individual writers take it and turn it into an actual script".
in films, it's different. unless it's writing partners, in the vast majority of cases there's a singular vision from the writer. obviously we're ignoring shit like marvel here where they micromanage everything and basically tell you what bullshit to write. there's different ways a feature can come to be:
-a writer writes a "spec"...an original script no one asked them write. just something they wanted to write in the hopes of selling it later. you know the myth of "there's no original ideas in hollywood anymore!" only exists because studios have stopped buying specs since they're now only focused on IP and reboots. so now specs are simply starting to stockpile in writer's metaphorical drawers because we're never going to stop writing them. no writer wants to only adapt or reboot some old property. we all got into this because we want to tell original stories.
-another way you can sell an original idea is by writing a "pitch". it's basically one step short of a spec. you're selling your "spec" idea to someone so they can pay you to write the actual script. you have all the details, characters, and world fleshed out but you just didn't do the weeks/months/years of work to put together the actual 90-120 page screenplay yet.
-then you have OWAs (open writing assignments). those are more of the "they bring the idea to you" types. like once a month all the different departments at studios/streamers will send out long docs to agents/managers that look like this:
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it's a long list of the shit they want to develop but have no writers for. mostly these tend to be all the books they own rights for that they're wanting to get into development, all the reboots they want to launch, etc. so either agents/managers go "i know the perfect client to tackle this" or they just distro it their clients (like one of my reps does) and say "look this over. let me know if any catches your eye." so, for example, if i saw universal bought the rights to a queer book i could go "get me a meeting on that!" and my agent gets on it. i read the book before the meeting with the execs and come in with my "take" on the adaptation. basically what i would do to it, what changes would i make, how i would take it from page to screen, etc. sometimes they have multiple writers giving "takes" at once. sometimes you might be the only one who responded to a book. then they either decide to work with you or not. if they do then they drag you along for years of free development where you turn their ip into a script or a pitch to take out to buyers...and then they kill the project because "mandates" changed and you just wasted two years of your life for zero money. IM NOT TALKING ABOUT MULTIPLE PERSONAL EXPERIENCES OR ANYTHING NOT AT ALL lol. if you go on twitter, one of the things writers have been talking about changing post strike is that no one wants to take OWAs anymore. at least not unpaid ones (which 99% of them are). they'll dangle the "you'll get paid if we sell it" carrot and then the vast majority of them never happen so you're just giving them free labor for your entire life. and you're working on multiple of these at the same time hoping one of them goes so you can finally make SOME money.
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right?? network interference is where we hit the biggest brick walls (bob sing*r too ofc). there was a story there. if it was in the first draft or early drafts the writers wanted it there. the queer narrative disappearing is censorship at play. i have conflicts with dabb for a lot but it’s hard to ignore his hands were tied. sometimes going as far as filming it and printing it and editing it and sending it out for approval and then “the powers that be” going uhhh yeah that’s not happening.
why else was chuck the final big bad. no free will. now we’ve got dean’s vessel taking over the story and writing it all out the way it “really” happened. that’s conspiracy territory lol. but if the pieces fit.
Yep, 100% this, anon!!!
And yeah, standard disclaimer that I'm not absolving Dabb of *every* problem I had with his run and s15 in particular, but as far as destiel goes, we've had proof for YEARS that the queerest stuff got axed before making it to the final product (like the summer where all the s10 deleted scenes were released and it was just scene after scene of destiel and drowley content), and for all his faults, Dabb took the destiel ball that Carver gave to him and continued to carry their storyline. He could have killed it and given either of them a permanent love interest but he didn't, and he gave the go ahead for 15x18. For better or for worse, we got our canon destiel
And there's just so many little details about s15 that we've examined post finale that just straight up make you go "HMMMM." The entirety of 15x04 but specifically Becky explicitly stating what makes a bad ending (an ending that ended up looking damn similar to what we got). How 5x07 seems to be poking fun at the concept of a car being 'raptured' (like the Impala was in the finale). How even in Dabb's final episode, he introduced the vampire mimes, creatures bound to silence like Dean/the writers. Like, it's not a conspiracy to say, "hey, this seems like a little too on the nose to not have meaning of some kind. Were the writers poking fun at the finale they knew we would hate?" and yes absolutely it might not mean what I think it could mean, and I can live with that. But damn I'd love for those little nuggets to be addressed in a tell-all book one day.
At the end of the day, I think the one thing the show couldn't escape was the idea (brought forth by singer or network execs or whom-thefuck-ever) that it *HAD* to be about the winchester tragedy, that one HAD to die for the other. That a certain group of fans had to be appeased. No showrunner could escape that, and I just hope that if a sequel ever is put forth, we can do away with the idea that the story *has* to be tragic, and maybe finally the characters can get a little bit of the peace and love we think they deserve.
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hephaestiions · 3 years
you literally glorified infidelity in your wireless 2020, fic writers like you really need to die out before you damage the community at large
you know, i’ve cycled through many iterations of a response to this ask. 
first i thought, let’s respond with a bit of sass. let’s say something like, ‘bold of you to assume i haven’t already died out, that tumblr isn’t just a congregation of ghosts moaning about the lives they wish they had’ or ‘what’s a community’ or maybe even a screenshot of the actual definition of glorification (which, well, i do suggest you look up anyway). 
then i thought, why entertain it at all? this is my space, this is my blog, it’s my fic. i can delete this ask, turn off anons and be done with it. i would be within my rights to do that. 
i also thought many times of explaining the contents of my fic. of explaining myself. contemplated answering this with poetry that metaphorically explains the many many things wrong with this. 
but here’s what i finally settled on:
honestly, anon, i’m feeling a little salty. it seems to me that you want fandom to be a highly sanitised space that fits into your personal parameters of ‘safe’ or consumable. what concerns me about that, and about this particular genre of anon hate in general is– for some reason your safe and sanitised world does not exclude sending people comments such as “...[you] need to die out”. i would argue that suggesting someone needs to die is maybe exponentially more threatening and damaging to ‘the community at large’ than a tagged fic that includes a disclaimer stating i do not endorse the behaviour i am writing about, but hey! personal opinions, am i right? 
i’m not going to defend my fic. i don’t feel the need to.
but if you think fanfiction about infidelity, fictional work that does not automatically demonise individuals who do something awful as the worst kind of monsters to exist, will actively push people to cheat on their partners (which is what i am assuming your definition of ‘damage’ to be in this scenario)... i’m going to have to ask you to reevaluate. fiction is not validation. it is exploration in a world where there are no real life casualties or consequences. 
i cannot believe that people have to keep repeating this: sanitising fan spaces by censoring content you personally find offensive will not in any way make fandom safer.  
in fact, this is literally the kind of comment that puts people and the ‘community’ in danger. 
i’ll explain. 
imagine this: people listen to you. people say, well, the glorification of infidelity really is quite awful, quite traumatising, we ought to ban it. but who determines what glorification is? who determines what romanticisation is? the line is too blurry anon, the only way forward here is to ban infidelity in fics completely. 
now readers who found comfort and solace in reading infidelity fics with hurt/comfort, with forgiveness or with freedom, with a particular quote that resonated with them, readers who turned to this fic at 3 am... they’ve lost it too. 
but hey, let’s take it further still, because that’s what this type of censorship will open fandom up to. let’s talk about how this will validate people who find content with any exploration of nsfw themes, r*cism, mis*gyny, homoph*bia, transph*bia, r*pe offensive. let’s talk about how they will approach the showrunners of censorship with the same argument: this content could be traumatising, could be validating for someone’s darker impulses, let’s ban it. and it all gets banned. 
enemies to lovers, banned because it might be construed as abusive. a/b/o, might be construed as misogynistic or codependent. hmm. high-school/college, oh god, that could be underage! soulmates? where’s the agency?! kid-fics? a minefield, any parenting is bad parenting to parents who do not parent that way. mcd? let’s not even go there. body-swap? the consent issues!! 
“alright. what about ‘there was only one bed’?” “well, i mean, i’m really not comfortable with that, it’s really creepy how writers will just force characters who don’t want to consent to that kind of intimacy into each others’ spaces.”
now i’m not saying that your personal opinions on these tropes, these themes, these topics is invalid. i’m not saying that if you’re triggered or made uncomfortable by these things, you should still read them. i’m saying that enforcing your personal preferences and takes on every single person in a community is not what critical consumers of media do, it’s what fascist and authoritarian governments and abusive individuals who do not understand boundaries do. 
here’s the truth about media that antis don’t like: there are antis for the media they actually do like. you ban something, you open up the goddamn floodgates for fluff antis to present their cases about how making characters ooc in fluff can be highly traumatic to people and how it should be banned. you start this brand of censorship, you risk losing fandom and the community you are so concerned about me damaging entirely. 
i’ll leave you with a realisation i’ve come to by reading all the posts made by people better with words than i am: the fastest way to create a dystopia is for someone to think their version of utopia is universal.
further reading for folks who might be interested in tumblr posts about fanfic: 
fanfiction as a collective exists as a combination of the ideal state and all the broken pieces that are left behind.  fanfiction: the stories mainstream showrunners won’t tell. for the people trying to make fandom a better place.
coexistence of hurt and healing
there are thousands of other such posts, articles, books, academic articles, maybe even interviews on the subject, and if anyone wants to send a few mine (and anon’s) way, feel free!
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ackermental · 2 years
Shut the fuck up you dumb scum!!! Geralt is ciri dad and thats it! Are you sick?! Its simple to understand in the books and in the games he talks about her as his daughter. Stop hating for the sake of hating!
How to tell me you didn't read the books without telling me you didn't read the books.
Given the recent activity of all the haters in my ask box I just knew, while writing that post, that one of you morons would send this kind of garbage my way.
Now, all of you „Yen-Geralt-Ciri perfect family” enthusiasts, sit down. We're going to have a talk.
First of all, with all due respect to the creators of the games (games which I love and enjoy) fuck CDPR for creating this headcanon. A headcanon that for some reason has turned into religion of the Witcher fandom and God save your soul, if you try to point out that it's not, in fact, true.
The only clear relationship in this trio is between Yen and Ciri (and show has fucked that up as well). And yeah, Yen and Ciri relationship doesn't start on the exactly right foot in the books either, but here the fault lies with the directors. Yen was a femme fatale and an antagonist at worst, Jennifer is a selfish bitch that the narrative demands we love and a straight out villain at times.
In the books Yen doesn't immediately adopt the girl and Ciri is hardly immediately fond of Yen. It's a rocky relationship that takes its time to develop. Yen is given time to change. Her character begins to evolve from the selfish, independent witch into a woman who is now responsible for another person's safety. And at time it grows into a beautiful, well-earned parental love.
Ciri clearly sees Yen as a mother and Yen finds in Ciri a child she always wanted to have. It's not complicated but the strength of the novels doesn't lie in an overly complicated plot. It lies in its characters, humor and realistic approach to life's many struggles.
As for Yen and Geralt, their relationship is nothing like the one parents bringing up a child should have. I wouldn't give these two as a couple a dog to care for, not to mention a young girl to raise. All the dramas, the cheating, running away from their feelings, miscommunication, betrayals, backstabbings are enough to make you question the stability that is so important if you wish to spend your life with another person. And even with all the development they have in the books, I dare say that the shadow of their past still very much lies over both Yen’s and Geralt's heads. In the end their romance is less painful to read about but it's still far from enough.
And notice how I didn't even touch on the subject of the Last Wish, because that would take another whole post to write about.
And the shattering revelation to all of you dilf suckers is this: Geralt is not Ciri's dad. Ciri is not Geralt's daughter. It's fine to have this cottagecore family headcanon about them. I myself sometimes have a blast with it too. But if the showrunners have read the books, as they claim they had, then they should’ve realized the fact, that in canon it's not like that at all and that it is important.
Geralt in the books never calls Ciri his daughter. Ciri in the books never calls Geralt her dad. And it's not like Sapkowski has forgotten to put such a moment in seven books straight or that he doesn't know how adoption works. As I've mentioned before, Ciri acknowledges Yen as her mother. In the very first book of the saga, Geralt calls Vesemir his father. Sapkowski knows the difference and Ciri and Geralt are different.
And it's really not that hard to understand, it comes at you from the text like a wrecking ball. Trying to put their relationship into frames simply doesn't work. They are not family, they are not a knight and his princess, they are not lovers. They are something more.
There is no one more important to Ciri than Geralt. Even Yen falls behind. There is no one more important to Geralt than Ciri. Even Yen falls behind. And it's not simply a matter of "that's just a different kind of love", it's also very much a matter of level and scale.
And this, my friend, is canon.
The show on the other hand wishes it was as good at writing The Witcher fanfiction as the games were. The family in the games was written with far more taste than the showrunners can ever comprehend. They are desperate for the audience to get into this daddy and mommy trope, but they try to sell it without doing their homework first. They shove it down your throat by the mouths of the characters, that have absolutely no idea what kind of relationship Geralt and Ciri have. They do it by naming the last episode Family, even though Jennifer has no fucking right to even stand next to Ciri only a day after her spectacular fuck up. Cutting her wrists or not (so, so desperate).
I'm not saying the show can't make its own thing. But then they have to fucking make it. Instead what Netflix did was hold their breath and hope that people will remember that they've chosen Yennefer as Geralt's love interest in the Wild Hunt.
You can play at house with those characters as much as you like and I will leave you in peace, sometimes I’ll even join the fun, but don't come with hate at people who have actually read the books and are spilling facts.
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fandompitfalls · 3 years
Prodigal Son and why Living Shouldn't Be Controversial
Originally posted 1/27/2021
After my last post I wasn’t sure what I would write about.  Several of my upcoming posts are research intensive and potentially controversial so as far as I’ve gotten on them was to put them in my book for blog post ideas and that’s about it.
And then Season Two of Prodigal Son aired. So what am I doing?  A research (not so intensive) and potentially controversial post.  At least I’m on brand.
For those who don’t really know the show: In its second season Prodigal Son is the story of ex-FBI profiler Malcolm Bright who was fired for his risk-taking habits and came back to the NYPD at the request of Captain Gil Arroyo.  Malcolm Bright is also Malcolm Whitly, the son of the influential and extremely wealthy Whitley family.  The Patriarch of the Whitly family, Dr. Martin Whitly, a convicted serial killer known as “the Surgeon”, is currently in a secure psychiatric facility. His son Malcolm put him there.  Malcolm now works for the NYPD under Gil’s team that includes Detectives JT Tarmel, and Detective Dani Powell and Medical Examiner Edrisa Tanaka. While not solving crimes, Malcom must deal with his tenacious television reporter sister Ainsley Whitly and their wealthy, hovering mother Jessica Whitly.  As well as his father who is trying to make his way back into his family’s life via Malcolm by assisting via telephone with certain cases.
Except for the Whitly’s (who while wealthy are probably not very good role models), the entire main cast is made up of people of color:  Filipino, Black, Asian.  While the first season was introductions to everyone and dealing with Malcolm’s lost memories regarding his father, the father/ son dynamic, cultivating a loyal fanbase and potentially starting some ships both purposefully and accidentally (I’m looking at you Brightwell and Maldrisa shippers), this second season started off with a bang.  Something that might have been relegated to a side plot, I feel, had become larger than this season’s overarching plot and will end up and absolutely deserved to be in equal standing.
In the first season, we are introduced to JT, the by the book detective who doesn’t like Bright in the beginning but by the end of the first season, they’re…okay. We also meet JT frankly adorable wife Tally and discover that he’s going to be a dad.
In season two, months have passed, and JT is acting Captain while Gil is out on medical leave.  He brings Bright in on a case involving a justice killer. At the end while back up is being sent to Bright’s apartment for the final conflict, Dani rushes up while backup is on its way and JT is right behind her.  He arrives moments before the back up and when they arrive, he directs them up to the apartment.  What happens instead is something we’ve all seen on the news this past summer. The first cop that arrives tackles JT and presses him against the wall, baton at his throat telling him to stop resisting.  The terror in JT’s eyes is startling as he realized that these officers, the one holding him and the other five who have their guns trained on him are not going to let him explain that he’s a cop.  It isn’t until Dani runs out holding her badge and Malcom following close behind, both of them yelling to stand down, that he’s a cop does the office let go of JT and step back.  Back at the station, Gil is furious and wants to take it to I.A., but JT insists it won’t do any good and he needs to think about it.  He has a family now and he doesn’t want the retaliation.  The scene ends with Gil, Dani and Bright supporting his decision and telling him they have his back.  JT is emotional and for good reason.  The people who are supposed to be working with him just tried to kill him.
Episode two didn’t let up; in the middle of a chase, Gil tells JT to call for back up and what happens is enraging.  As JT calls on his police issued walkie for backup, the person manning the other end tells him that the line if for police use only and uses the term “boy” before disconnecting.  Later, it shows JT and Dani standing outside the office watching Gil yell at the dispatch for not sending officers for a potential hostile situation.  JT decides to not file a report mentioning that he has a family to worry about and he must work with these people. It is harassment and emotional terrorism at its worst.
In the first episode this season, Dani and Bright are talking and Dani mentions the institutionalized racism she’s been dealing with. With this show being categorized as a police procedural, showing this sort of dangerous institutional racism within the police force is both tricky and important.  While police shows have mentioned an episode or two of racism within the force, it’s usually an episode and the one bad cop is taken to task by the white Captain and the entire thing is brushed over.  The good thing about this show is so far, all the people in power we’ve seen on the force have been people of color.  It also makes it harder to pull the “white savior” role as Bright, while on the team, has no real standing with the NYPD and could be kicked off cases in a heartbeat. Jessica, with all of her wealth and ties (or not, make up your mind Jess) to Gil, can’t really do anything expect throw money at the issue.  The brunt of the conflict will lie between Gil and his team facing the police force including these cops who “are just doing their job” and the veil of secrecy that lies within the Thin Blue Line. It’s not something that can be erased in a five-episode arc and I really hope it’s not.  The racism within the department has been established, it can’t be erased with the firing of the cop who attacked JT and it can’t be addressed with the Commissioner coming in to make everyone go to training to make it all magically go away.
The showrunners spent the entire first season introducing us and making us love these characters and given the current climate of the world, this was a bold and correct decision, one that needed to be addressed.  I know there is talk on message board stating that this season is too “political”.  Black Lives Matter, is not political, institutionalized racism within the police force is not political. Men and women of color that are on police forces are risking their lives to do good and make streets safer and do not deserve to wonder if they’re going to take “friendly” fire from one of their own.  This year we’ve heard too many stories of officers who were threatened out of uniform and officers who spoke up only to be removed from duty. This isn’t a new thing. Nobody should be murdered for living their lives, for sleeping, for complying with proper police requests.
Personally, as a white person, watching these scenes hurt.  Watching JT’s reactions hurt. Hearing someone who was supposed to have his back use a term that has racist undertones when said as it was, made me furious.  Which is what it’s supposed to do.  But this is also a dangerous road the showrunners are taking.  There is no clean and easy way out of this, to have it discussed and “fixed” isn’t reasonable nor believable anymore, to ignore it after three episodes isn’t doing it justice. I don’t know how this will turn out, but it absolutely needs to be addressed this season.  To the extent of having it a plot equal to Malcom’s covering up a murder and hiding the body without getting caught.
If you want more information or want to get involved, please look at the websites linked. It shouldn’t take a television show to spread awareness, but if it does, so much the better. People are starting to get involved with activism because media and it’s good (sometimes).  Television should start a conversation, that’s when it’s working best.
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ncisladaily · 3 years
CBS’ NCIS: Los Angeles, by writing out not just Eric but also Nell in its Season 12 finale, made the question of Linda Hunt’s involvement in the CBS series more burning than ever.
After all, if Nell (played by Renee Felice Smith) was groomed all season long to take over for the MIA Operations Manager, who will lead the team in her sudden absence?
Or might the “new Hetty” be in fact the very best Hetty, as in Hunt herself?
TVLine spoke with showrunner R. Scott Gemmill about Hunt’s cameo in the season finale and what that means for Season 13, and more. (And as always, if you seek additional NCIS: LA scoop, email [email protected]. I’m sitting on tons!)
TVLINE | Hetty showing up…. Eric and Nell riding off into the sunset…. “Densi” picnicking on the beach…. Sam seeing his son take his fighter pilot exam…. Correct me if I’m wrong, but  was this the happiest damn NCIS: LA season finale we’ve ever had…? Well, it wasn’t what we were going to do, that’s for sure. We were going to use the finale that we had written for last season, which got bumped because of COVID, and then we realized everyone had such a tough, s–tty year, that we couldn’t in good conscience put the fans through any more trauma. So we decided to go in the exact opposite way and do a fun, feel-good episode that leaves everyone happy and hopeful for what is coming down the line.
TVLINE | What was the gist of the original, bumped finale? It involved Anna and Katya and that storyline, which we still want to play out. But it was a little darker than [what we went with]. If ever there was a season where you wanted to go out on a fun, happy note, this was the one where everyone needed that more than we needed to show off some cool episode. We needed to make everyone feel good.
TVLINE | I liked how at that one point Sam and Callen recounted everything that they’d gone through during this crazy year. You know, the fans have been really loyal for 12 years, and sometimes we do things that are exciting but are also a little bit traumatic, and we felt like we should have as much fun as we can and share that with the fans. It was like a little “love letter” to the audience, to show how much we appreciate them.
TVLINE | Amongst other things, you also apparently had an election in your world, because the president who gave Kessler the pardon is now a former POTUS. But it’s not Trump, because your guy was a former congressman, right? Yeah. Yeah. We always have to have a loophole!
[We then discussed the decision to write our Eric and Nell, reported here.]
TVLINE | What sort of reactions did you get from Barrett and Renée, when you told them your plan? You know, it goes back and forth with each season. There have been seasons where Barrett has gotten sort of bored — he really pulls toward Broadway — and I would always have to have the duality conversation, which is, as a friend, “I totally understand. You want to be doing something else, something cool. You should.” But as a father figure, I’m like, “Keep getting the paycheck because one day the show’ll be over, and then you can do whatever you want.”
Renée’s the same; a lot of the time when we haven’t seen her, it’s because we’ve written her out so that she can pursue [other projects]. She’s developing her own shows, and just wrote a book that’s out. A lot of the actors have other projects; Dani [Ruah] is directing a movie in Portugal right now. It’s such a gift to have a show go this long, but it’s also a big ask to have someone do the same thing for a long time, whether it’s actors or writers or one of the crew.
TVLINE | With Nell gone, what is the plan to fill Hetty’s position? Right now, we’re kicking around some ideas….
TVLINE | It seems like you may have to bring on someone new. As you know, Linda [Hunt] was away a lot more this season because of COVID and us trying to keep her safe. The couple of episodes that she was in, where she was supposed to be in the Middle East, we actually shot in her driveway. That was getting a little more difficult to do, and then finally, Linda had both her vaccines, she was feeling great, and she came back. And she was so happy to be back. She had been gone for so long and hadn’t really interacted with anyone, so she was just so thrilled to be back on set. The minute I saw her, she’s like, “Let’s talk about next season…,” so I think that as tough as last year was, for a lot of reasons, she, like the rest of us, is starting to see a little light at the end of the tunnel and feels good about coming back to work.
TVLINE | That’s good to hear, because Hetty’s line about still being up to her “ass in alligators” made me worry you were hedging your bets. Whenever [a cast member] goes away, we introduce some predicament that we’re forced to deal with. We always try and incorporate it. I think those are instances of opportunity rather than problems. Like when Dani was pregnant, or whatever it is that’s thrown at us, we try to incorporate that.  You normally wouldn’t ever write one of your No 1 through 6 actors  out for four or five episodes, because you couldn’t afford to, but when they have to for whatever reason, you try and jump at that because that’s something you don’t normally get to do, and you build that into the story. Like, “Where is this character?” Obviously, Hetty was away, but we want there to be a real reason, and we’ll probably revisit that next season.
TVLINE | So, we might get a good amount of Hetty in Season 13? That’s the plan, yeah.
TVLINE | In the meantime, what an MVP Gerald McRaney has been, as Kilbride! Oh, man…. I have been a huge fan of his forever. I mean, I grew up watching him and I was really happy when we had him on the show the first time, a few years ago. He’s such a pro and so cool, he raises everybody’s game.
TVLINE | And Kilbride’s such a pisser, grumbling about the millennials and their TikToks. He’s so great because he can do comedy, and he can do drama, and he likes to be out running around with guns, because he’s a big hunter in real life. We hope to see a lot more of him.
TVLINE | Was there anything you didn’t get to in Season 12? There were a lot of things, like Callen’s past as a child; we probably would have started to explore that a bit more. We didn’t get to where Hetty was; that was a big storyline that we were building towards with, what she was involved in. If we were having a normal season, we would have gone to where Hetty was.
TVLINE | When she and Nell hugged, I got teary-eyed, man. I felt like Renée was really crying in that scene. That’s what we wanted. We didn’t want to shortchange that return, so we had Hetty make an appearance with Nell, and then had a little fun with her and Kilbride.
TVLINE | Turning to the week prior, I kind of loved how Joelle is basically a Bond villain at this point, dressed all in black with one gloved hand and a prosthetic leg…. I talked to Elizabeth [Bogush] ahead of time and said, “I think we’re going to cut your leg off,” and she was like, “What??” [Laughs] You want to have some legitimate repercussions for some of this craziness, and that seemed like a good way to do it.
TVLINE | Renewal came later than usual this year. Are you preparing for next season to possibly be your last? We sort of always have that in the back of our mind, and this year wasn’t any different. Next season, I hope to get a heads-up if that is the case, just so that we can go out with an episode or a bunch of episodes that really tie up things and send our characters into the future in a way that makes everyone happy. But we’ll just have to wait and see. No one ever knows. If there is someone that knows, they’re not telling me!
TVLINE | You think it’ll be a full season? I think we’re scheduled to do 18 episodes. I would like to do [at least] 19, because that will get us to 300. I would really like to get 300, because that’s such a milestone.
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theexpanse · 4 years
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DANGER! DANGER! DANGER! That alert is for the people of Earth, considering that the last shot we saw on season 4 of The Expanse was of Belter villain Marco Inaros (Keon Alexander) sending cloaked asteroids hurling toward our fair planet.
The impending arrival of those asteroids in season 5 of the show — which premieres Dec. 16 on Amazon Prime Video — is especially bad timing given that one of our favorite Earthlings, burly Rocinante mechanic Amos Burton (Wes Chatham), just happens to be on his way to Earth himself. And judging by this exclusive first-look season 5 photo we have of a blood-splattered Amos (above), things are not looking too hunky-dory for the bearded wonder in his hometown of Baltimore.
What awaits Amos down on the surface? What will happen when Naomi (Dominique Tipper) finds out her long-lost son Filip (Jasai Chase Owens) is an active part of daddy Marcos' team? And why should we be keeping our eyes on Mars for clues as to what's to come? We chatted with Expanse showrunner Naren Shankar to get the scoop on season 5.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: So is season 5 just going to be book 5, Nemesis Games, or are we going to see some season 6 in there, or some new bridge material like you did last season? What are we looking at?
NAREN SHANKAR: You know how it's worked over the years. It's like certain story lines get pulled forward, other stuff gets pushed back sometimes. Character elements get combined into other stuff. There's definitely some elements of book 6 in this season, I would say, but it's largely drawn from book 5.
Let's start big picture, and then we'll drill down on a few things. If I just walked in and said, "What's the big crux of season 5? What's the big story you're telling here?" What would you say to that?
I'll give you the theme, because that's probably the easiest way to look at it. The theme really is about the sins of the past. To one extent or another, that's every single story line, whether it is Naomi personally confronting the fact that she had a son with this very charismatic, and now quite violent, revolutionary-type leader. Whether it's Amos connecting to his past, or going back to Earth for reasons that we're not quite sure of. Whether it's Holden's past with unleashing the protomolecule. Whether it is the past geopolitical history of the Belt, and its relationship with the inner planets, which we see through Avasarala.
That's really what the season is about. It is connecting all of the things that we have done in our lives to the moment of the present that we are in. It's like everything comes to a head all at the same time.
We ended season 4 with Marco letting these asteroids off towards Earth. What do you want to say about that impending arrival?
Well, it's coming. It's coated in stealth, so it's very hard to see, and there's a whole bunch of them. From the end of season 4, the last image that we left with was Marco looking at the plotted trajectory of all of these asteroids. The last image that you see is a whole lot of them that are lined up to hit Earth in its orbit. So, they're coming.
Let's segue from that to Naomi. What's Naomi's mission here? We see a little bit in the trailer with Marco, and her son. What is she going to look to do here in season 5?
Well, I think at the end of season 4, the message she sent to Fred Johnson was, "I need to get in contact with my son. I'm calling in that favor that we set up way back in season 1. I'm calling in that favor. I really need to find my son, because I'm afraid that his father is going to get him killed."
It's that she understands, or she's seeing that Marco is on the rise, and she knows the kind of person that he is. After years of feeling like, "I can't reconnect. I abandoned him. I left my kid," she's determined to reach out to him, and try to save him from somebody that she thinks is really a terrible person.
What is awaiting her when she gets in contact with her son and sees who he has become?
Well, I think maybe the way to answer that is, the reunion that she is hoping for is probably not the one that she's going to get.
I mean, we saw what happened with that airlock at the end of last season.
He doesn't bake her a cake.
What's Holden's take going to be on Naomi and the spot she's in, and this mission that she's on?
The two of them are together. The question marks of, "An Earther and a Belter, can we be together?" They have chosen each other. They've chosen to be on the Roci. They've gone through a tremendous amount. That's true for the whole family. That's true for Amos. It's true for Alex, the group. It's like the most warmest and connected beginning for them that we've ever seen. I think that that's an interesting outgrowth of the fact that we really took our time building up that family unit from season 1 on.
After the events of season 4, after everything they went through on Ilus, it's like they are a bonded group that… It's just their chosen family. It has that feel to it. There's a connectedness and warmth to the relationships of all of our four main people on the Roci, and that's reflected in Holden and Naomi.
It's part of the fun of getting into deep runs of shows if you do them properly, is that you really do develop the relationships. If you think about where these guys started in season 1 to where they start in season 5, it's a pretty interesting change. And it feels believable, because you're taking the time to actually set it up. We're starting Holden and Naomi from, I think, a very warm and supportive place at the beginning of season 5.
I want to ask you what's happening on Mars, and if there's anything there that might be something that might connect later to, say, book number 7 and what we may be seeing down the line a bit on The Expanse? Obviously, there's some long-term stuff happening in Mars that you may be planting some seeds for.
Yes! Absolutely. See, this is spoken like a book reader. There absolutely is, and we actually teed it up at the end of last season, as Bobbi got involved in the black-market arms trade. There are little pieces of it that are popping through the surface even then.
Part of what was going on at the very end of season 4 was they were selling stealth composites to Belters. Those are the stealth composites that Marco uses to coat the asteroids. And, if you look really carefully at the end of season 4, it's Filip who's one of the Belters that is blowing up things on Mars.
Bobbi doesn't know who that is, but that's Filip who helps blow up that salvage yard at the end of season 4. But, absolutely the tip of that conspiracy that we started at the end of last season plays an incredibly important role in season 5.
As you talk about the Belters, I gather that we are going to be seeing more Belter factions. What it was like to think of all these different subgroups that we're going to see, and the different motivations and things they might have? I imagine that was pretty fun to put together.
It really was. Again, I think one of the things that we've really tried hard to do to really dimensionalize the conflict. It's like, you're seeing every side of it. We've driven down into Earth. We've driven down into Mars. We've driven down into Belt. We've driven down into the independent faction of Holden and the Roci gang.
In terms of the Belt specifically, at the end of season 4, Drummer walked away from the OPA. She walked away from politics and Fred Johnson, and didn't take Ashford up on his offer of being his XO. She struck out on her own, trying to create a life for herself in this very tumultuous world. Well, politics, and war, and strife, they have a way of finding you. It's hard to avoid them. What we're going to find from her in season five, her story line speaks to that very directly.
One of my favorite stories in all the books is Amos going to Baltimore. I'm really excited to see that. What can you say about his time back on Earth?
I think you're going to love it. It's one of the things that I have been looking forward to doing for years. We talked a lot about it because The Churn is a fantastic novella. What we've done over the course of the series is, we have found a way to express these novellas into our narrative in a way that they're not really done in the novels proper.
You're going to get that. I think people who have read that novella, especially, but I think fans in general, even people who've never seen the show, they're just going to love this. It really is one of my favorite story lines we did this season.
What can you just say about what he's facing there, or why he's going there?
Well, without giving too much away, there have been times when Amos has had a chance to go back to Earth, even at the beginning of season 4, when the Roci was in orbit around Earth. Amos didn't go back down there.
Reaching back into season 3, when that reporter Monica Stuart was interviewing him. She was talking about, "Isn't it funny that you got the name of a mob boss?" He said, "Oh, it's a common name in Baltimore." And, "Oh, yeah, how'd you get out there? You ended up in the lottery really fast." There's a lot of mystery attached to Amos' backstory around Baltimore. Without telling specifically why he heads back, you're going to get a lot of answers to it. Things are going to feel really, really satisfying because it illuminates a side of him that nobody else on the Roci gets to see. Nobody else really knows, but the audience is going to get to go with Amos to experience it.
Speaking of Amos on Earth, what can you say about the possibility of seeing Clarissa Mao again in season 5?
I don't want to spoil anything. [Laughs] She's down there, I suppose.
I think I know where she is too.
We did see at the beginning of season 4 that she's in prison. The story lines in particular this season have such depth to them, and it feels like you're just getting really into these characters' skin in a way that we haven't done to this extent before. So we're really excited for people to see it.
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thedeaditeslayer · 3 years
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Greg Nicotero Talks ‘Creepshow’ Season Two, His ‘Evil Dead’ Love Letter And Exploring More Iconic Horror IPs.
This interview with Greg Nictorero covers the season premiere episode that is a homage to Evil Dead. Recommended reading below!
The first season of Creepshow was a monster hit for AMC’s horror streamer, Shudder.
Becoming the most-watched program in the platform’s history, it smashed several records in terms of viewership, total minutes streamed, and new subscriber sign-ups. The show’s second season is about to drop, and a third has already been confirmed.
I caught up with horror legend and Creepshow’s showrunner, Greg Nicotero, to discuss the show’s killer formula for success, paying tribute to iconic multimillion-dollar franchises and what stands in the way of a new Creepshow movie.
Simon Thompson: How does making season two compare to your experience on the first season?
Greg Nicotero: Well, we got the green light to do Creepshow while I was shooting The Walking Dead, so we had to develop the stories, get the scripts written, prep in six weeks, so the entirety of season one was done between January and April. It was fast and furious. I’ve been in The Walking Dead world for ten years, so I was like, ‘How hard can it be? You build a bunch of sets, get some cameras, you get a bunch of great actors and a good script, and you shoot it.’ Man, I had no idea what I was letting myself in for. You’re creating an entirely new universe, all new sets, all new cast and crew every three and a half days. I felt like it was grabbing the horns of a bucking bull and just holding on for dear life. We made it through by sheer will. I had to deliver something that stayed true to the spirit of George A. Romero and Creepshow. If I screwed it up, I wasn’t going to get another chance. So, I don’t know if I had any fun on season one.
Thompson: Season one of Creepshow was a massive success for Shudder in so many ways, from viewership to subscriptions as well as critically. Did you soak that in?
Nicotero: I didn’t read many reviews because I didn’t want my heart to be broken. I’m a sensitive guy. I would probably find the one sh***y one and just be devastated. However, one thing that people saw across the board was that I had a passion for the material and put my heart into it. That gave me a lot of confidence to go into season two, stand up straight, grab those horns and control the show and fight for the stories I wanted to tell. I also wanted to have fun with it. I feel like season two has got that heart and passion, but it’s fun and pays tribute to everything important to me and my upbringing, from building monster models and watching TV horror hosts to the loving nod to Sam Raimi. These stories all meant something to me. I feel like I’ve matured 100 years between season one and season two.
Thompson: That’s the Public Television of the Dead story in the first episode of season two. It blew my mind a little bit.
Nicotero: That makes me so happy to hear that. I worked so closely with Sam on Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness. When I read the script, I loved that it was a nod, but it became something else when we got into making it. There’s a  bit where Ted Raimi starts to float on the Appraisers Road Trip set; I put that in, and the camera work with the evil force going down the hallway; they weren’t in the script. I was like, ‘If I’m going to do this, I’m going to go all the f***ing way.’ I even adjusted some of the dialogue, like when Ted Raimi talks about the book being in his family for years and gathering dust in the fruit cellar. Any opportunity I had to buy into the fact that maybe the Necronomicon is a real thing and that Sam and his brothers went off and made this movie with his book, I took it.  Sam was shooting the Dr. Strange movie, but I reached out to him right before shooting it. Without a doubt, it’s probably the most respectful send-up of the Evil Dead universe. Every one of the actors was like, ‘F**k, man, I love Evil Dead II. This is so much fun.’ It was always intended to be a love letter to Sam and Evil Dead. Creepshow is all about paying tribute, little love letters, to the likes of EC Comics, Stephen King, George A. Romero, and so many other things. We got to change the Necronomicon just a little bit. We still wanted it to feel like the original, but we also don’t want anyone to feel like we’d infringed copyright. Even the appraiser’s name, Goodman Tapert, is a tribute. David M. Goodman was the transportation coordinator on Evil Dead, and Rob Tapert was the producer. If only I could have got Bruce Campbell down there, steal him out of retirement, to do something on Creepshow, that would have been awesome.
Thompson: You got a great cast together for the first season, and you have raised the bar.
Nicotero: I feel fortunate that we were able to get the caliber of talent we did. Kevin Dillon, Justin Long, D’Arcy Carden, C. Thomas Howell, Ali Larter, the list of great people who jumped on board for season two goes on. Every one of them did a great job. They all showed up, were prepared, and knew their lines, and they were excited to be back to work. It’s always funny when you bring actors into your world. They show up, work for three days, and leave. And I remember in season one, I went through my phone, and I convinced Adrienne Barbeau and Giancarlo Esposito to do it because they all knew me, and I had worked with them on different projects. When they walked onto the set, they saw how fast we were moving and how immersive it was, and they had a really good time. Many actors find a tremendous amount of freedom in immersing themselves in a role that will take up their life for just three or four days.
Thompson: Going back to you paying homage to Evil Dead in an episode this season, would you like to do that with more iconic horror IPs or pick up on previous Creepshow stories?
Nicotero: The freedom is the greatest part about it. We talked about potentially revisiting stories from the first Creepshow movie, but that is convoluted in terms of the rights. You can’t clear it. There are stories that I guarantee you, especially after you see season two and season three, that we would love to revisit and pay tribute to those genres that we love. If I had a way to intertwine a Jason Voorhees story, a Michael Myers story, or a Freddy Krueger story without having the people that own the rights to those franchises jumping up and down and screaming, I would do it in a minute. For me, it’s really fun to be able to take a story and look at it from a different vantage point like we did with Evil Dead. So often now, the world is about taking material you think you know everything about and giving it to you from a different perspective. I think Wicked was probably the first piece of material that did that. It took The Wizard of Oz, a story that everybody knows and loves, and looked at it from the witch’s perspective. I read the screenplay before there was a show because I think the writers wanted it to be a movie first. I remember reading it and thinking, ‘Oh my God, it changes how we do look at everything related to The Wizard of Oz.’ The idea that we can take the horror genre and tell it from a perspective that gives us a completely new take is exciting and allows people to pay tribute to the original material and put a new spin on it. It gives fans something exciting that they can’t get from the original material.
Thompson: It was great to hear that there will be a third season but what’s the latest on a potential new Creepshow feature film?
Nicotero: I would love that. We’ve talked about it. When you do a show like this, you do it for the amount of money that we do it for, it becomes successful, and people want more, to get someone to turn around and give you more money to do a movie, they’re like, ‘Why would we do that when we’ve got a great show right here?’ I would love to do a Creepshow movie and expand the world with bigger stories and a little bit more money. I’m sure that down the road, that will become a reality, but right now, part of the beauty of Creepshow is that it gives you these bite-sized meals, these little appetizers. With today’s short attention span, you can watch 20 minutes and then go back later and watch another 20 minutes. I think that is very much in tune with how today’s society devours content. The beauty of Creepshow is that every story is so different, and every theme is so different that you’re getting an entirely new experience with each story.
The second season of Creepshow lands on Shudder on Thursday, April 1, 2021.
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Tangled Salt Marathon - Under Raps
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My feelings on this episode are pretty neutral. It’s not anything amazing, but it’s not the worst thing ever either. It’s just there, I guess. 
Summary: During a love festival, Corona displays a book full of signatures of lovers in honor of an old ruler's falling in love with the leader of a rival kingdom. Cassandra suddenly turns very secretive; Rapunzel learns it's because she's been seeing a guy named Andrew. Cassandra doesn't want Rapunzel's meddling, but the princess suggests a double date and they all go off in a hot air balloon. However, Andrew turns out to be part of an old faction that didn't like the unification of Corona and wants to steal the book.
This Backstory Doesn’t Add Up
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So we open up with Big Nose narrating about the history of a war between Corona and a group of people called the Saporians. This is important for two reasons. First, because the Saporians are reoccurring villains in the show, and secondly, because it reveals where the underground tunnels running between Old Corona and the Island Capital come from. These tunnels are a reoccurring plot device in the show, along with the book that maps them. 
The problem is that what the story tells us doesn’t match the other information we are given. If it was only the Saporians who invaded then why does an Old Corona, with its own castle, exist to begin with? Why do the tunnels extend from both if King Herz Der Sonne made them? What purpose did they serve if he was only defending the island? Why are the Saporians led by a general and not a ruler? Why would marrying only a general unite the two kings and where was the Saporian kingdom to begin with? Why did they invade? Why are there still Saporians who haven’t accepted the merger centuries later and why do they live on the go outside the kingdom? If  Herz Der Sonne is such a good guy then why did he curse his grave with a zombie apocalypse? Ect. 
We keep getting hints throughout the show that Herz Der Sonne isn’t all he was cracked up to be, and you keep expecting a reveal that it was the Coronaians who started the war and oppressed the Saporians and then rewrote history, but it never comes. The show wants us to accept this very black and white conflict at face value even as it constantly undermines itself and muddies the waters. 
Pointing Out That Something is Stupid in the Show Itself Doesn’t Make it Any Less Stupid
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As I stated back during Rapunzel’s Enemy, the show has a real problem with tone. Constantly showing us festival and holiday after festival and holiday only undermines the more serious elements in the ongoing story and creates mood whiplash. Also anything that reminds me of Cinderella 2 is not a good thing. 
Ahh Friedborg, You’re Such a Wasted Opportunity 
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So she actually first appeared in Cassandra V. Eugene but I forgot to bring her up there. My bad. Friedborg is something of a fan favorite in the TTS fandom, and I like her too, but she adds nothing. She’s a joke character in a tv show already oversaturated by joke characters. More over the joke is actually offensive on some level since it all hinges on her being less conventionally attractive then the other female characters and the mains finding her weird because she never talks. 
The show tries to justify her existence by making her Big Nose’s girlfriend, but she’s not who he ended up with in the movie. And once again it’s kind of offensive to imply that only people who don’t match society’s contrived beauty standards can only find love with those that look like them. Thereby completely missing the point of Big Nose’s character arc. 
I’ll say it right now, Friedborg should have been Zan Tiri, or Demantius. Take your pick. I think ZT makes more sense, but etheir way she should have been a setup for something more important to the plot rather then just be being a vauge oddity that just pops up from time to time. 
I Miss This Version of Eugene
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Throughout the first two seasons, Eugene and Cassandra were willing to point out Rapunzel’s BS. Forcing her to confront her flaws and re-examine her positions.I would argue that the show could have pushed this even further but at least it was there. By the final season no one was doing this. Rapunzel is allowed to be as awful as she wants to be without consequence. Meaning she never learns anything and stops growing as a character and the show acts like this a positive thing. It is not. In fact, it is the biggest flaw of the whole show as it fails to achieve the one thing it originally set out to do; which is to tell a coming of age story with Rapunzel. 
It also has the added effect of making Eugene a doormat to Rapunzel’s bulling, thereby regressing his character as well and presenting an unhealthy relationship as a goal to be achieved to younger viewers. I can not stress enough to young girls and young men in particular, that Rapunzel and Eugene are not ‘relationship goals’ in this show. Not after season 3. 
Xavier Doesn’t Get a Proper Introduction 
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So Xavier is actually pretty important to the ongoing plot. He’s more or less the exposition fairy for the show, but he’s not really established. He just suddenly appears here with no prior meeting and he just so happens to know what the main characters need to know with no explanation as to how he knows. 
His part here is so forgettable that I legit forgot who he was when he reappeared in the mid-season finale. I had thought that the writers just threw in a random character for plot purposes. And to be fair they did. Just they did it here instead of in Queen for a Day. 
If the showrunners wanted Xavier to be historian who knows everything and tells stories, then he should have been introduced as the narrator of the history of Hearts Day instead of Big Nose. 
Another Lesson Not Learned 
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We get this big heart to heart moment of Raps and Cass coming to an understanding, with Rapunzel promising not to intrude and Cass promising to being more honest about her feelings. This is walked back on several times and made part of the core conflict of the last two seasons. 
Once again, any problem that can be solved in less then five minutes of talking isn’t a strong enough conflict to drive multiple seasons. If this had been a show without an ongoing narrative, like say The Rescue Rangers or even Batman the Animated Series, then the repeated lessons wouldn’t be a problem. We expect characters to be static and to reset after each episode since they’re not shows that you watch in order. 
But if you do go the overarching arc route for a story, then people expect lasting character development. Even in shows like Gravity Falls or Steven Universe, where the change is more gradual and the characters do repeat mistakes occasionally, there’s still a marketed change by the end. One that indicates improvement by the characters, and the inter conflicts are never exactly the same each time with exactly the same lesson over and over again. 
 Oh Look, Cassandra Once Again Achieving her Goal of Validation 
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Cass is awarded a medal by her father for stopping Andrew. Don’t expect her or the show to remember this. 
Also more Cass and Cap interaction that we don’t get to see. 
Can We Not Imply That Cassandra Still has a Crush on the Guy Who Lied to Her and Then Almost Killed Her, and Can We Not Act Like This is a Good Thing?
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So this flower was given to Cassandra by Andrew and her keeping it makes zero sense. 
First off lets not have one of our few strong independent female characters crushing on the show’s stereotypical ‘nice guy’, okay? That’s all kinds of gross. Secondly, if the intention was to show that Cass was now more willing to open up about her feelings, then wouldn’t her keeping one of the gifts Raps made her earlier in the episode make more sense? After all, that’s the relationship that actually matters to Cassandra and is the basis of the whole show. 
But this all boils down to the fact that the creator sees Cassandra as straight, always has, and thinks her crushing on the guy who manipulated her is somehow better than ‘no-homo’. Now you can headcanon Cass as whatever you want and ship her with whomever you want, as canon doesn’t matter. But I find it hilarious that most of the head showrunner’s biggest supporters are mainly Casspunzel fans and yet he’s the one who made them ‘sisters’ and sees them as such.
Like I hate to break it to you guys, but a Cass led spin-off headed by Chris won't be the lesbian rep that you’ve always dreamed of. You’re better off just watching the She-Ra reboot. 
But things gets even worse when Rapunzel approves of this stupid ‘crush’ ...
Don’t Ever Tell Someone That You’re Proud of Them For Going On a Date
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Dating is just something some people choose to do together and some people choose not to engage in that. It’s not an accomplishment and it shouldn’t be treated as such. This is insulting to both people who don’t date, for whatever reason, and to women who hate being being defined by their relationships, which is most of us. 
Even if you’re being charitable and try to make this about Cassandra self esteem and her learning she’s worth ‘loving’, which is the reason some people have offered up for this scene, it still falls apart when it’s not established that Cassandra ever had such self esteem issues to begin with and was not looking for romance anyways. And if that is what the show is going for then it’s still problematic to suggest that being found as attractive by someone else is need for self esteem. In fact, that’s kind of the opposite of what self esteem is.    
Overall this episode was ‘meh’. Like most season one episodes the problems stem from the ongoing narrative and lack of follow though in later seasons. However there’s enough stuff in here on it’s own to rub me just the wrong way that I can’t actually call it good either. 
It doesn’t help that I don’t see the appeal of Andrew at all. Watching the character is just a cringefest for me. He’s too similar to real life men I’ve unfortunately met and therefore sends alarm bells ringing in my head. And I agree with Eugene; he’s not all that handsome. 
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incarnateirony · 4 years
Representation, Authorial Diversity, and more.
“I’ll take some beef jerky and a pack of menthols.”
Been a while since most of you thought about that line, hasn’t it? And for some of you it somehow sends some primitive lizard brain gaydar into overdrive and you can’t really pinpoint why, can you? It makes no sense, that line alone, and how it stands -- but between all of the talk of both Bobo Berens and LGBT media history, including The Celluloid Closet/Vito Russo or the Vito Russo Test, this moment actually puts a pin in a shift within our show, its handling of content formerly completely overlooked by creatives, and the importance of diversifying our writing crews that we all press for.
It was the moment our show leaned, and frankly-- should have been the moment the straights panicked. In fact, some of them did, just before it aired, and then everyone has played at oblivious since.
Before seasons air, we get news on new authors being added to teams, or other workers. Pre-S9 was no different, with fandom finding a tweet from Bobo Berens, our first open-closet LGBT author. I mean, Out And Proud. A true king.
The association if this is the mention of the Bechdel Test, a step aside of Vito Russo.
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Now let us begin.
Well first of all I’m just gonna let everyone get a giggle at how Bobo handled the straight male knee coil:
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But anyway the response to his initial tweet was a merry go round of concern trolling in the area of “OH DEAR I FEEL SO SORRY FOR YOU PLEASE ALLOW US THE NORMAL ASSBAGS OF THE FANDOM TO TELL YOU AN AUTHOR HOW STRAIGHT THE CHARACTERS ON THE SHOW YOU’RE WRITING FOR ARE” and I dunno, it’s comedy.
Whether or not Bobo was addressing SPN as a new project in particular -- and it, from a dark age of SPN I’ve covered the upheaval during -- this is important. Really, really important.
Let’s say that timeline does overlap Bobo’s, and he did implicitly believe it; he might have had to write them as Straight Guys; but his own deep-seated place in the LGBT community developed resonant text, he made change. Change enough that when his first script was put into motion, the showrunner took one look at it and, for the first time in recorded history, we had note of some sort of intent --
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Misha went on to say “so that’s what we played there.”
Regardless of anyone’s misunderstanding about how the fandom riled themselves up prematurely and shot themselves in the foot by lighting a CW exec on fire in the middle of network level board/CEO rotation commotion, or whether or not it’s visible enough for anyone--
this, this moment, this content, created by this LGBT individual led to this first known forward motion of intentful creative subtext. People can hilariously try to argue semantics about it that summarily boil down to “I mean it could be metaphorical jilted lovers it could be this it could be jilted lover bros, it’s just a turn of phrase!” in a loop as they’ve done with this data for six years until it dies every time, but this was it. This was the moment.
There is a nuance in this sort of writing -- how easy would it be for Dean to come up and say, “I’ll take some beef jerky.” Dean’s the meat man, Dean loves meat! We’ve seen it in other, new, straight authors the first time they try to tick off the Dean checklist, but like many lessons, that extra line leading into that smile holds volumes of LGBT history unspoken.
I think several of us Old Gays(TM) have banged on about the necessity of reading the Celluloid Closet, because for as much as people think they’re chasing queer subtext around here, it’s like they have completely missed that there actually is like, a printed, accepted code of conduct on this shit, basically. That’s not exactly what it was released for, but if you’re LGBT and engaged in lit and over 40 like you’ve read and understand and know this.
I’m not going to sit here and over-needle that line; most of you felt it the second your eyes drifted over it; but the sum of it is -- why that, what charming secret comes with that smile, a dean we’ve never seen smoke either, how is this part of how Dean throws himself back before his ex buddy leaves more unseen, *why* is that the hook? These are ironically things that no lit crit study *beyond* excessive citation of Celluloid Closet will really capture. This is a form of queer coding -- not the villainous disaster type that queer coding actually *is*, but the subversive form as it’s begun to be casually addressed in the population with positive, resonant content by authors choked out by IP holders while trying to service an audience. Or sometimes, even starting to accidentally.
So you know, you can unironically double down on the simplicity of Dean implicitly probably being a smoker (a possible read of subtext!), and I think this is kinda where the bizarre split happened tbh, because dude bros double down subconsciously into each reading of this kind of coding-- Dean just smokes, or this or that, though it grows thinner by year. Not about why that line is tossed, and how, and does just set off some sort of TV pheremone we all swamp like a bee hive. None of these moments truly mean anything independently. But it is the perspective and voice the text begins to take. The difference between that and “Hey pal [chews on jerky before buying] marlboros and got any pie?” in one moment that knocked everybody around on their ass in the fray of it. And then it all just went gayer from there, as if framed by one sharp moment that set the rest of the tone.
Hopefully you’ve all read my giant post about the history of this all to remember what I mean by accidentally, but even Bobo posted on it before,
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That’s all an aside to the general point but worth placing into the edge of the conversation here.
The simple fact is, an activist gay man joined the show, and possibly with ‘keep it straight’ notes wrote some stuff so resonant, due to his point of view in life and the world, that even the showrunner decided to further guide it in that direction. It blossomed a direction.
The direction was small and slow and meek at first, (well, in final product -- don’t get me started at how S10 looks if all the cut scenes were included) with subtext running as dull echoes in Colette (oh look he wrote that too), and maybe more obvious with classic heart songs -- but even this was more structured than “Misha inherited abandoned storyline they scrubbed the romance out of as best they could”, or “Sera Gamble is a dumbass” that just happened to feature great chemistry and some resonant elements, like Bobo mentioned, we all connected with. But to actually constructively choose to incorporate these, no matter how quietly, was... *new.*
And some called it queerbait and I’ve already given history lessons from other angles on why no, but also now why here, definitely, no.
By season 12 we gained Yockey, another LGBT man, another activist in his own way like Bobo, but his less in writing political stuff and more in writing LGBT specialist plays. And everybody loved him, and saw it, and Yockey gets a boat load of praise -- deserves a lot of it -- but sometiems I feel like Bobo gets trampled over without recognition of how he shifted the playing field, the calculated effort he started putting into mastering those accidental resonances into something new, and ultimately to guiding the new author crew, Yockey included, or Jeremy on this newest episode who thanked him.
The same man that picked up Wayward and connected Dreamhunter... back to his own work and moments. The insanity of yelling “HOW DARE YOU LESSEN DREAMHUNTER BY COMPARING IT TO DESTIEL!” when, dead ass, you’re looking at this author who has carefully incorporated work and, with an already resonant story, made another relationship familiar to us by making it similar. Because that’s how writing stories works! But either way, Bobo has been in here doggedly growing the breadth of the legitimacy of queer narrative in supernatural -- to the point that it HAS narrowly, quietly breached into text even if not “loud” or “visible” enough for some people -- and the point where the subtext is so wall to wall and flooding every piece of cinematography in shooting and not just set or lights but complete mise en scene -- a point where everybody OUTSIDE of fandom is just addressing this shit as what it clearly is --
...That’s something that came with bringing the scope of an LGBT male author into the show. Whether you like the volume he’s been allowed to take his work to or not is your own thing, but before yelling queerbait at any creatives, perhaps it’s time to play “sit down children, and learn to appreciate the activists who came before you and how they’re fighting for you right now”. You wanna yell at something, get organized, pelt the CW in a non-aggressive, non-light-on-fire way, do activism like the books Emily put together that are resultingly still on the current showrunner’s desk now 6 years later, but most of all, don’t take a shit all over content you would otherwise enjoy, at the expense of a man in the demographic you’re trying to represent, who has battled, LITERALLY, for both the women and the gays in this show. Wayward was his baby. This slow swing in S9 that turned into a loud din in S12? 
It wasn’t magic. It was a gay author. A gay author that has now climbed to be an Exec alongside dabb and the others and SURPRISE now suddenly everything’s so gay the whole goddamn world is seeing it. Literally SEEING IT, not just guys looking at each other with stories, but intentful, meritful choice in extremely bold cinematography choices that don’t require chasing a post-it on the wall, but instead are shot with care and devotion. Be that 12.19 Mixtape (OH DAT HIS) or 13.5′s Never Too Late (OH DAT YOCKEY. check what antis said to Dabb in his mentions after, even they saw it). Be that 14.18′s het drama PR promo (OH OOP DAT WAS HIS), be that 15.1-3′s entire tension and the openly addressed and so-called by media sources break up (OH DAT HIS), be that 15.7′s low key textuality (to which the new author thanked the elder for guidance, huh), or 8′s heavily shot domestic separation moment loudly filmed in the choicefully hollowed out and dimmed kitchen bereft of family -- this change? This had a moment. And you can find it.
I’ll have some beef jerky and a pack of menthols.
So this has been eating at me ever since this whole topic came into play. 
Anyway full circle them trying to ride Bobo to Keep It Straight probably wasn’t their smartest idea ever. We gays are contrarian by nature so tell me to do it again, motherfucker. And now here we are in Destiel Divorce Season 15 as heavily managed by Bobo.
Everyone got so fuckin dramatic when Yockey said he was leaving like, tolling the burial bells of Destiel and-- like??? hello? BOBO? JUST? GOT? PROMOTED? Like Yockey didn’t make that entire platform all by himself, and hell, he didn’t leave without laying out unironic empty space of it. Yo guys, Berens done been here a WHILE to the point he’s now *callbacking his own season 9-10 material wtih him and dabb*. Like. Lmao. Guys. Guys listen. Listen. Think.
Whatever your weird goalpost is I’m not promising anybody’s anything is about to get hit. Whatever clown nose expectations you all have enjoy those and honk those loud and proud but remember most of those are yours. But respect the fact that Berens has essentially cornerstoned an entire queer canon within Supernatural discussion, of which others are included in as they joined.
And yes, queer canon. Not the way fandom throws it around for weird kissing spots, but articles of discussion of queer narratives, of which we can literally draw a wealth of episodes from LGBT authors or their understudies and literally point and go “all of that right there, officer.” Whether it’s visible or textual or undodgeable or marketed enough or glittery enough or whatever for everyone’s very unstable definition of “canon” -- Berens has literally cornerstoned an entire architecture of queer canon within this legacy show.
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spampistefania · 4 years
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stefania spampinato & volver transcripted livestream
Interviewer — Going to the USA is a dream for many actors, not everyone succeed in it, it’s a pipe dream. But our guest did it and it wasn’t even her main goal. Let’s hear it from her. Today we have Stefania Spampinato!
I — Hi Stefania, you’re beautiful!
Stefania – Good Morning!
I – How are you?
S – I’m fine! What about you?
I – So, why did I start with this song? I read a lot about you. We barely know each other, but I read about you because I wanted to know everything apart from the things you’ve already told me... So I found out that Brazilian songs make you happy. So I was thinking, what could I sing? I’m so bad at English, I tried every song..., “My way”, but then no, I wanted something happy, so I wanted to dedicate this song to you.
S – You did the right thing! It’s an happy song, and it’s Brazilian. It’s evening there now, and here it’s morning but that’s still good.
I – It’s morning there, but you look amazing. You look relaxed!
S - Yeah, I had my coffee, I woke up...
I – There are so many people in the comments who are sending the Brazilian flag. Because there are people from all over the world. There are so many questions!
S – I receive lot of questions from young actors who want to start this career, so it gets hard to answer to all of them. So... this is a great opportunity, doing it in Italian. I really liked this idea!
I – So let’s start with this. Explain what they ask you.
S – "How can I get to the USA?" All I can do is telling my experience but everyone has their own story. I also started doing the dance thing, I went to London first and from London I came to LA to still dance and then I ended up doing something different. But I studied dancing, singing and acting in Italy with the intention of doing musicals. Then I focused most on the dancing thing and once in LA I started studying acting. But I paid my dues, it’s not like I arrived and I said “Here I am”... no. The most difficult part in the USA is getting a visa, it’s really hard to get because you need to have a solid resumè, so if you didn’t work before it’s hard to arrive to the USA. My advice is to study in Italy or England or in France.
I – They ask if you can suggest some schools?
S – (I didn't understand this part, sorry!)
I – What are you doing during this time? What are you doing since you can’t act?
S – Before the pandemic, during the movie with Siani I saw him directing, I was close with the editor and I got passionate about directing, so in the USA I asked to the GA & the S19 showrunner if I could be a shadow to the director. So I was there 14 hours just to see him directing and then I started working on my short film... but during this pandemic I tried to end this idea of the short film.
I – There are so many English people here, do you want to say hi in English? There are so many people who want to learn Italian because of you!
S – I'm so sorry this one is in italian and a lot of you are not gonna understand much, but [...] (she talks about sending questions in english). There are lots of Brazilian, Argentinian fans!
I – Even from Chile! So, many people are asking what are the differences between USA and Italy?
S – Honestly, in the USA there are more money. But I’m part of two famous tv series. The thing that is better is that on Italian set you feel like a family. In Italy the assistant would come with some pizza and say “it is right out of the oven, eat it before shooting the scene”. In America this wouldn’t happen. In the morning in Italy you would have espresso all together and so the atmosphere is more familiar. Even behind the scenes, in the USA is the place where there are the director and the writer, the actors are not allowed. Instead in Italy you can talk to the director, you can participate more.
I – Did you have difficulties during auditions, because you were Italian?
S – For the foreign people are all the same. There is no difference between Spanish, Italian. Then if you are a good-looking guy or girl they may think “he was a model and and now he wants to be an actor”. So that’s the vibe when you get into the audition room. So you have to work harder to prove yourself, and to show that you deserve it.
I – I mean just thinking about the green card, I mean I didn’t came here for fun, I earned it.
S – Well, about the green card... there are people who can obtain the green card easily, because they want to do the acting thing just to become famous, not because they are passionate about it. And to them they say “no, no”. They give you the opportunity to show them that you are worth it.
I – What was you reaction when you got the part for Carina? Your reaction and your family’s reaction?
S – The night before the audition I was at my acting class and I was crying because of my Italian accent. With the accent I could have just Italian roles. So I was crying. The next day I arrived, and when I got into the room the casting director was like “let’s see another one” but then during the audition they asked me a question, they made me do the scene another time, they made me improvise. And they told me "don’t’ go back to Italy". The next morning, they told me “see you at the table read!” So, I laughed, I cried. My neighbors wanted to call the police. I didn’t tell anything to my family until 2 weeks later because I heard about people who were fired after the table read, so I was scared. When the news were officially out I told everyone. My best friend is a huge Grey's Anatomy fan, so I was really excited to tell her.
I – Having Giacomo there helped? I mean, someone you could speak Italian with...
S – Yes!
I – How did you feel when you got on the set of GA?
S – It was unreal. Ellen Pompeo is the one who says hi to you. I couldn’t believe it!
I – What did you like about playing an LGBT character? And how much Stefania there is in Carina?
S – I really like playing an LGBT character, because it doesn’t happen a lot that an Italian is chosen to represent this community, so it was a new thing. Also because lot of Italian teenagers don't have a person who can represent them in that way. So being an European girl, bisexual, without limits. I was so happy.
I – Yeah, because you are a doctor who studies women’s brain during orgasms, right? Does it really exist this kind of doctor? Do you guys prepare for these things?
S – Yes, these people exist. In fact, I talked to an Italian doctor who was doing this study in London... I read some books, “The multiorgasmic woman” is what is called.
I – I didn’t know that. I thought it was fictional!
S – GA is based on real things, and about the second question... Carina taught me so much. Because I’m Sicilian, I grew up in a small town and despite the fact that my mom was super open-minded, I grew up in a conservative world. So Carina taught me to be more relaxed, to not be afraid of saying things.
I – She is the one who taught you something! And between Arizona and Maya, which one is the story couple you would like to live? (I don’t know if this is right!)
S – Maya! As soon as we read the script – we say this a lot – everyone got quiet and there were 5 seconds of silence, because everyone was surprised by the chemistry that was there.
I – Were you on Station 19?
S – Yes!
I – What if they told you that you became an important character on S19 and you had to choose between S19 and GA?
S – Well... S19 is a show that talks about firefighters so I don’t know how an OB could fit in it.
I – Now that Arizona is gone, why they don’t write a storyline about Carina? But everything's stopped there, you are not shooting, right?
S – No, we are not. GA didn’t finish the last 4 episode. They told it would have started again this week but I don’t think it has. What about Italy?
I – We should start “phase 3” on the 3rd of June. So they would like to start again from mid June/July. We hope it won’t be in September. Also, many people want you back in Italy. Speaking about Italy... you were in (Alessandro) Siani’s movie. You were Flavia, a scientist, a good one. Then there’s a love story with him. How was working with him? Is he really selfless?
S – He was super busy because he was the writer, the director and the actor. There were scripted scenes, but we improvised a lot and that was very funny. I liked how the love story was written because it was fresh and not so much romantic.
I – It's a really great movie. There are people here saying "you’re beautiful", "ti amo", "English please!"...
S – Most of my live are in english so...
I – Do you dream in Italian or in English? Do you feel uncomfortable with the actors on set?
S – I don’t know... For example, I had some builder who were speaking Spanish and I started speaking Spanish and dreaming in Spanish.
I – Which role of a movie you saw that you would have liked to play?
S – Rosario Dowson’s role in “Sette Anime” di Gabriele Muccino!
I – And a director you would like to work with?
S – It’s not easy. Because maybe some of them do great thing but you don’t get along with them. But the director of S19... he tells you a specific thing and it changes everything. And I didn’t expect that a person with so much experience would dedicate so much time to an actor.
I – It’s hard to create empathy...
S – That’s why I decided to start directing. I had some scenes with Danielle, and she had to cry, and on TV Shows the director usually don’t give you so much time, so we, as actors, help each other. So it’s beautiful to tell an actor to say “do that”.
I – What kind of movies would you like to direct? Horror, action?
S – No, horror no! They make me anxious. I like romantic comedies, but also dramatic movies.
I – Do you live love with yearning?
S – (I didn't understand this part, sorry!)
I – Can I tell you something? Thank God. If you have the passion about directing you have to protect it. Can you say something in Sicilian?
S – I’ll tell you something that my mom always said and that my sister and I want to tattoo on our ankle: “zita sempre maritata mai” (always in a relationship but never married).
I – She's right! The problem is that we always fall for it. As women, we are always romatic, the prince charming arrives with his white horse. Do you know what a Brazilian friend of mine say? My prince charming’s horse is a little bit hurt (I don’t know how to translate it). At the beginning the prince is perfect and then… Apart your relationship with you boyfriend or husband or whatever, can you say that your job is your second love? I don’t want to put it first.
S – When you work harder for something you want to do, it’s amazing!
I – A Brazilian asked “did she talked about an husband?” I don’t know, I just said boyfriend, husband and we don’t care. We also have to say goodbye. I’m happy we had you here in this live. Thank you, bye!
S - Bye!
special thanks to the queen paola for translating it from italian to english! 💜
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gotarcher94 · 4 years
The Witcher
So I’ve watched the first season of the Witcher on Netflix and all I can say is holy motherfucking shit. That was a good season. 
I wanted to jot down a few things that I liked about the season, bearing in mind that I haven’t yet read the books and have only played the Witcher 2 and 3. I will be using spoilers so consider this a spoiler warning.
(Also this will be a long post)
Henry Cavill
When Henry was announced I gotta admit I had some doubts over the casting. Not because I don’t rate him as an actor but I just couldn't picture him as Geralt. My personal pick was Zach McGowan, known for playing Charles Vane in Black Sails. He had the gruff voice, he looked like the game version of Geralt, and he even had similar hair. Just dye it white and he was good. 
But having seen the show... I recant every syllable of my foolishness.  
Henry Cavill is perfect as Geralt. He perfectly embodies the White Wolf. From his sarcastic sense of humour, to the subtle emotion on his face to the conflict he has while making the decisions he does. Absolutely perfect casting.
Anya Chalotra
Speaking of perfect casting, Anya is an incredible Yennefer of Vengerberg. Like Henry she perfectly embodies Yennefer. Anya plays the evolution of Yen superbly, from her beaten down and almost broken early days to the immensely powerful and confident sorceress she becomes later, she performs both absolutely perfectly.
And to all those who say that Anya is wrong to play Yennefer because she doesn’t “look like her”.... I cannot say shut the hell up loud enough. She was incredible and deserves all the accolades that should be sent her way.
Freya Allan
And rounding out the three main characters, the show is three for three in terms of perfect casting. I loved her independent and driven nature, continuing to keep going on despite all the trouble going her way despite only been about 11 or 12 (i think, not 100%). Her strong bond with both Queen Calanthe and Mousesack is evident, despite the relative lack of screentime devoted to it. I can’t wait to see how both the character and actress evolves over the (hopefully) seasons to come.
Geralt and Ciri
I loved the “the girl in the woods will be with you always” transition in the first episode, that eventually came full circle in the finale with the two finally meeting (with the run and hug scene!). Having seen their bond fully established in the games (I know they aren’t canon) I cant wait to see it develop on screen
Queen Calanthe
Is a badass. End of story. Ruling a kingdom, fighting at the front of every battle, effectively flipping off destiny and law of Surprise and being an incredible role model for Ciri. Absolute awesome character and Jodhi May did such an incredible job playing her.
Yennefer’s backstory
As a game only fan in terms of knowing much about the characters when I went into this season, my knowledge of Yen’s backstory was pretty much nonexistent, as I can’t remember it even being mentioned in the two games I played (of which Yen was only physically present for one). However, the show delved deep into it, and I’m glad they did. It simultaneously made us empathise fully with Yennefer but also established the basis for her desire to grow stronger and be in control of her own destiny and future, and why she was then so frustrated being in the mire of courtly intrigue, not able to grow higher.
The Yennefer and Tissaia dynamic
One of the most unexpected but welcome events of the show was the dynamic that they two shared. It was not the typical mentor and apprentice relationship and I appreciated the change from the norm. From Tissaia’s initial attempts to bring Yennefer to heel before eventually being the one to tell Yennefer to unleash her chaos during the battle at Sodden was great. 
The striga episode
I mean..... just wow. As soon as they mentioned Temeria I had a feeling that it would be the striga, as it was one of the few things that I knew about from the books. And holy shit they did not disappoint. From the investigation aspect, to the fight scene, to the music. It was incredible episode and one that I cannot wait to get back to when I re-watch the series
Battle of Sodden
The main focus of the incredible finale. I had heard of the Battle of Sodden during the games but to see it was something else. A great battle scene combined great fights, solid battle plans and incredibly cool magical skills. And also,during the night scenes, you could actually see what the fuck was happening. See GoT! It isn't hard!!
As soon as his name was revealed in the episode, I’m not gonna lie but i may have gone full fanboy. I know a little from what was mentioned in the books and have read a little from other sources about his story in the books and was immensely excited when he showed up. And I cannot wait to see his story unfold on the show and see him interact more with Yennefer and meet Geralt and Ciri.
From what I know, calling him Jaskier (his original name in the Polish stories) instead of the English name of Dandelion was one of the problems people had with the show. And I have to ask... does it really matter? He still acts like him, talks like him, annoys Geralt like him. He is the same character, the showrunners are just honouring his roots. 
And he brought some comic relief to the series in just the right ways, especially in the djinn and dragon hunt episodes. Joey Batey was great.
Music and Cinematography 
Both of them were absolutely fantastic. Every episode looked and sounded phenomenal. I’ve been listening to a few tracks from the soundtrack that have made it onto YouTube on repeat for a while, most notably “Toss a Coin to your Witcher”. However, one track that I really liked but haven't been able to find is the battle theme from the striga fight. If anyone could send me a link to it, I would be incredibly grateful
Fight choreography 
All of the fights this season were absolutely fantastic. Both the human fights and the monster battles. Geralt and Duny vs the Cintrian soldiers, Vilgevortz vs Cahir and (my personal favourites) Geralt vs Renfri and her gang from episode 1. All of them superb and I couldn't have asked for more from the fight scenes. 
I really like the magic system they set up in this series. Not only is it incredibly diverse (with the finale alone showing us Vilgevortz constantly creating swords, Triss making poison mushrooms grow beneath the feet of the army and Coral wiping out a whole section of the Nilgaardian army) but I really like the idea that it isn't just them tapping into a great power, that there can be a great cost to performing these spells. Not something that a lot of fantasy series do.
He was a great antagonist throughout the season and again I know little in specifics about him but I know that he is important to Ciri’s story, so I am looking forward to seeing that develop further.
Geralt and Visenna
I loved the scene of the two of them in the finale, even if it proved to only be a dream/hallucination. The “How do you like my eyes?” line legit gave me chills. Incredible acting by Henry there
Geralt and Yennefer (Yenneralt?, I think certain parts of the fandom have settled upon)
Now, as a game only fan prior to this, my exposure to the relationship between the two of them was limited, as the games only touched upon it in the Witcher 3. Before then it was told that Geralt and Yennefer had an epic love but it was very much tell and don’t show, as Yennefer didn't appear in person until the Witcher 3 and by then CDPR had developed the Geralt and Triss romance story in the Witcher 2. And I’m not gonna lie, I was fully into their romance during my playthroughs. Not that I didn't like Yennefer but I just didn't have the same basis into their bond that the book fans did. 
After Season 1, however, I am fully onto the Geralt and Yennefer ship, having seen it develop as it did.
Methinks it may be time for another playthrough, as well as buying the books.
Things I’m looking forward to seeing on the show in the future 
1. Yennefer and Ciri meeting
2. Seeing Geralt and Ciri bonding more, with some time together at Kaer Morhen
3. Thanedd Island (eventually)
4. Zoltan! 
5. Regis!
6. Vesemir!
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