sugarzamofficial · 2 years
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Right-wing media coverage of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the last ~24 hours alone!
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liberalsarecool · 5 years
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‘Thoughts and prayers’ for the Russian-backed NRA propaganda outfit.
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NRA Pulls Plug on NRATV, Lets Spokesperson Dana Loesch Go, Chris Cox Resigns
NRA Pulls Plug on NRATV, Lets Spokesperson Dana Loesch Go, Chris Cox Resigns
The NRA pulls plug on NRATV as the organization appears to be going through major upheavals. They dumped Dana Loesch, and Chief Lobbyist Chris Cox has resigned. This kind of messy public situation is not good, either for the NRA or for the fight for Second Amendment Rights. In fact, we can almost imagine the leftists squealing with delight.
NRA Pulls Plug on NRATV
“Many members expressed…
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swan2swan · 5 years
The National Rifle Association has shut down production at NRATV.
The N.R.A. on Tuesday also severed all business with its estranged advertising firm, Ackerman McQueen, which operates NRATV, the N.R.A.’s live broadcasting media arm, according to interviews and documents reviewed by The New York Times.
While NRATV may continue to air past content, its live broadcasting will end and its on-air personalities — Ackerman employees including Dana Loesch — will no longer be the public faces of the N.R.A. It remained unclear whether the N.R.A. might try to hire some of those employees, but there was no indication it was negotiating to do so.
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elborracho1 · 5 years
Looks like it's time to renew that membership!
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ml-pnp · 5 years
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lizabethstucker · 5 years
Please keep them and @DLoesch in your thoughts and prayers.  *snicker*  
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transpondster · 5 years
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Ha ha!
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The NRA will always blame a black man for being shot. If you’re unarmed, like Botham Jean, you should have been armed. If you’re armed, like Philando Castile, well, it’s justified anyway.
Consistency is irrelevant. The NRA solely exist to sell guns, not to provide any sort of critical, worthwhile insight into anything. Amplifying fear against the “other”, whether it’s black people, Muslims, or liberals, is how they sold guns in the Obama era, and it’s that message kicked into overdrive that they use to sell guns in the Trump era. It’s why they’ll weigh in on all sorts of issues, many of which have nothing to do with guns. Why else would Dana Loesch rail like a deranged lunatic against Thomas & Friends because they included a train from Kenya?
Fear is the most powerful marketing tool for the NRA, and like idiots, people eat it up, delusional inconsistencies and all.
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aunti-christ-ine · 6 years
“But what about the grizzlies?”   — Betsy DeVos
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Anything to help sell more guns. Gotta keep the profit margin up for the gun industry even if it means killing kids.
So — using our tax dollars to prop up the failing NRA after the Russians stopped using the organization as a laundromat. That’ll work. 
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Media Matters’ Holiday Survival Guide: how to talk to your relatives when they’ve been exposed to right-wing media’s lies and fearmongering about climate change, abortion, extreme anti-LGBTQ groups, voter fraud, gun violence, and so much more. 
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Join our new facebook group to help "UNITE CONSERVATIVE VOICES" and fight back against SOCIALISM.
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whacky-doughnut · 7 years
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Ladies and gentlemen: I give you the dumbest statement you’ll see all day; “If you’re too young to buy guns, you can’t make the law about guns.”
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david-braggadocio · 7 years
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I never heard of of Colion Noir until I saw him speaking for the nra criticizing students march for Gun Control. I could’t believe I was watching a black spokesperson for guns when so many black people have been unjustly killed by people with guns. Philando Castile had a valid permit to carry a firearm and was still killed by police. If Colion Noir was pulled over by the police, I don’t think he’d be recognized as a spokesperson for the nra and I don’t think the traffic-stop would end well.
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