#nsfa: not safe for anyone
airanke · 1 year
When ever I see ppl say their blog is a safe place I laugh a little 😂
My blog is safe for no one!! NOT EVEN ME!!!! IT IS NSFA: NOT SAFE FOR ANYONE!!!!
Disclaimer: obviously this is a bit of a joke, I keep my blog limited as best I can to my personal writing/art and random thoughts, or art/writing that I REALLY like, or that my friends create. Everything else goes to my reblog blog 😂😂
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Welcome to manyhedgehogs-onebraincell!
An open, indie, multimuse roleplay blog. Each hedgehog has their own tag, listed below, to keep this blog organized! All are open for roleplays and asks. Follows from @sonicgrl01
◇ You don't need to be a roleplay blog to interact. If you're just here to learn about my AUs, you're entirely welcome to stay! Roleplays will be tagged [ #together we can show the world what we can do ] if you have a desire to not see roleplay interactions.
◇ Each thread is separate from each other, including character development and any relationships formed. Don't get jealous if another thread with the same hedgehog as your thread has another ship going on.
◇ Ocs are welcome to interact! I would like to learn something about your character before starting a thread, but it is not required. I'm just happy you're here.
◇ Shipping can be an option! A lot of these 'hogs are aromantic or asexual so please don't force it upon those characters. Anything beyond snuggles, kisses, handholds, etc. are forbidden, but can be referred to as a fade-out if you are one to want things to happen. Again, you cannot force a relationship.
◇ Specify which hedgehog you are directing your ask or thread to. They're mostly Sonics so just saying "Sonic" doesn't cut it. You can either refer to them by their listed title, title + Sonic, or by their hashtags.
◇ Be respectful of choices, interactions, mutuals, characters, sexualities, gender, pronouns, etc. Harrassment of any kind can result in getting blocked. This place is safe for anyone here for any reason.
How to Start!
◇ Find a starter using [ #ready? go! ]
◇ Send me a new starter
◇ Send your roleplay blog my way and have me choose from a starter from either of our blogs
◇ Swoop into my DMs with any other ideas or plans
Meet the Sonics!
◇ Main - [ #true blue ]
◇ Boom - [ #why is he tall ]
◇ Movie - [ #one lonely boy ]
◇ Kidnapped - [ #wheelchair accessible ]
◇ Gem - [ #two rocks and a gay ]
◇ Elemental - [ #sonic wind isnt just a move in 2p anymore ]
◇ Reincarnation - [ #had blue eyes before it was cool ]
◇ Serial Killer - [ #maybe i *feel* stabby ]
◇ Nameless - [ #only a ruby ]
◇ Living Emerald - [ #one of seven chosen ]
◇ Discarded Prototype - [ #betatype ]
◇ Apology Andoid - [ #unwelcome replacement ]
◇ Eternal Guardian - [ #watcher of the eternal flame ]
◇ Mute - [ #actions speak louder than words anyways ]
◇ Transmasc - [ #hero work better not exceed 8 hours ]
◇ Scourge - [ #nsfa: not safe for anyone ]
◇ Zonic - [ #is that a pig or a hedgehog ]
◇ Fleety - [ #looks like he can kill you is actually a cinnamon roll ]
◇ Fleetway - [ #looks like he can kill you can actually kill you ]
◇ Sonic.exe - [ #just a void ]
Looking for more info on each hedgehog? Questions and answers about these 'hogs are listed [ #faker? i think youre the fake hedgehog around here ]
More hedgehogs may be added in the future!
Trying to reach the mun? Just call me Colors, Babs, The Braincell, or [ #let chaos reign ] !!
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peppermintrcses · 3 years
Briers ass is always nsfw
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himitsusentaiblog · 4 years
And Now For Something Completely Devia... er Different
IN 2017 some friends of mine when to Comiket in Japan and brought me back an unusual doujinishi (fan comic) featuring my favorite movie of 2016.   Gentlemen, Behold SHIN GODZILLA IN BONDAGE!
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With the added bonus of a Shin Godzilla/Gravity Falls Crossover.
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Your blog is NSFA (not safe for Australians)
My blog is not safe for anyone who lives in a country
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yaschiri · 3 years
GioMolly Headcaons/Snippits PART 3!
(This is a repost, no you're not imagining things, let's gooooo.)
Uh listen, because of Prison of Plastic, I am now back on my GioMolly bullshit and you cannot stop me.
So here are some headcanons/short snippit things I'm collecting and putting here for your viewing pleasure. >3 
Note, these are from discord and also twitter over the course of the last year. o vo/ 
Also, I'm using "NSFA" as the NSFW tag so block that shit if you don't wanna see that kinda thing from me, kthx.
Gio helps Molly learn how to paint her nails, or do makeup, or how to pick out a good bra size when she gets older. Being the sole person to run that god-forsaken toyshop for a long time, as she grew, she didn't have anyone to teach her that kind of thing. Though she rarely does it, it feels good to know how to. And she has Gio to thank! And he learned all these important thing because 1. Make up looks great on him. 2. Doing his nails makes him feel like a fresh-ass man. 3. He had to learn to help Gio!Mommy with her bra shopping b/c for a long while she was a single mom and sometimes, that's just how it be.
Imagine Molly and Gio doing their soft domestic stuff, like going grocery shopping. It's a lot of back and forth between Gio and Molly. Gio wants to buy all the little junky knickknack things near the registers or in the pharmacy side, while Molly is trying to budget for the next two weeks between Gio's pay (which isn't much) and what she can snag from the toystore. Gio practically begs Molly to let him have a plastic race car that looks like his bed, and Molly grudgingly allows it. Gio of course rips it out of the package and sticks it right in his pocket for safe keeping ("Paying for stuff is for nerds!"), the wrapping falling to the ground. Molly, ever the diligent one, picks it up so she can secretly pay for it. Of course Gio pokes her about a bunch of other things that he thinks are wicked cool and Molly is so FUCKING patient with him while she decides between different kinds of frozen veggies. When after they have everything paid for (and Molly extra carefully pays for the race car out of sight of Gio), they're walking home with arms full of bags when Gio pulls a small daisy out of nowhere and tucks it into Molly's hair. And Molly is all flustered and flattered and even though she knows Gio stole that (it was clearly plucked haphazardly off the stem), she says thank you anyway.
Naughty things coming up! [Gio LOVES, absolutely LOVES suckling on Molly's little breasts, because she wiggles and mewls very cutely. It drives him up a wall and he cannot get enough of the sound, it's so satisfying.]
Gio is constantly teaching Molly how to stand up for herself and especially how to stand up to her dad. And he tells Molly he'll happily keep him in check with soup-based threats, thought Molly assures him he doesn't need to do that. Giovanni leaves a bowl of alphabet soup on their doorstep. It doesn't look like a threat when Martin finds it, but he ends up slipping on it and falling. Molly looks on, partially horrified and partially laughing.
Of course Giovanni learns of the incident later and though Molly does scold him, she also gives him a peck on the lips.
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mercifuldeaths · 5 years
It’s forbidden content. NSFA (not safe for anyone) 
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preboildwatr · 7 years
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Caliborn, half naga, all nsfa. (Not safe for anyone.)
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aurimeanswind · 7 years
The ExtraLife 2017 Write Up
I’ve been in a pretty terrible mood all day.
It took me a while to realize why. To realize I didn’t want to talk to anyone. To realize I was being short with folks.
Part of it is definitely I feel quite sick. My throat hurts, my body aches, and I feel a bit awful across the board. Also my house is a mess and I need to deal with it. I’m also just endlessly tired still since I haven’t slept well since Friday night (but boy did I sleep real good on the most important night of the last week).
But it’s that depression. That post-event depression that I’ve definitely seen and experienced before. But not like this. Never this bad before.
I had the supreme honor of hosting ExtraLife 2017 for Irrational Passions in my very home, where all of my very best friends from across the internet actually flew from their respectives states, and in Ally Mushka’s case, respective country, to sit in my far-too-crowded home and to not only spend time with me, but to physically exhaust themselves for the sake of entertainment and charity. For some reason, when I asked, they answered. They showed up.
Part of this weekend was frustrating because of the twelve or so people that told me I should be proud of what I’ve built, or be proud in general, and to take a minute to look around and enjoy what you’ve built and brought together. I don’t mean frustrating insofar as I disagree, or even that I was already doing it, it just, never felt like that to me? It was never about that for me. Writing the review was never about the views, it wasn’t even totally about using it as a stepping stone to get to the next thing, it was about sharing something special. About having an emotion, or an experience, personified and delivered.
ExtraLife was never about bragging about what I made, it was about living life and sharing it with the people I cared about the most. And boy do I sound dumb, or pretentious, or on some high horse here, but those who know me, specifically those who attended ExtraLife I’m sure, know I’m being as sincere as I can muster when I say it.
Thank you. For the kind words of how proud I should be of this. I am. I’m humbled. I’m beyond honored, beyond thankful. But past all of that, I’m grateful. Grateful to be a part of all of your lives. Grateful that you’d even spend time on someone who genuinely spends most of his time alone, playing video games, and writing in his basement, like a living stereotype.
It’s difficult to put into words how low your self-esteem is sometimes, and it’s a bummer to hear and say at times but it’s also a part of me. But it’s very difficult for me to feel in any way special. Even in a weekend where I felt so eye-of-the-storm-y as this last one, it’s still hard for me. But I’m trying. Trying to appreciate what I helped make.
I love people. Above that, I love good people, and I always try and be the good guy at the end of the day. It’s silly, at times, and it makes me a goody-two shoes and a try hard way too much of the time, but it is, to some extent, sincere. Mostly. Sure I do it for the cookie points sometimes just like everyone else, but I mean it.
I, much like all of us, am a reflection of the incredible people I surround myself with and bring together. Bringing people together and seeing the friendships blossom and flourish is two parts for me: one part incredibly satisfying because you help share the love you have for that person with someone else, and another part selfishly depressing because you know that this new bond you helped engineer is different than the one you have already established, and you will never have that different bond, only the one you’ve already made, and you endlessly and selfishly crave all the types of friendship, and love, and closeness that you’ve seemingly auctioned off to everyone else, while still trying to balance what you already have and appreciate it, and not take it for granted, and be good, and follow that good path.
(Whoa nelly that’s a very deep look into the inner recesses of my mind and thought processes real quick.)
I want all of you to be proud too, because without you, there would be nothing built. There’d be no result. You all took a shot on me and tried to go along with something fun and cool, and because of you, there is now something special in the world. A new event that happened, that occurred, that you got to be a part of, and no matter what I did to bring it together, you got to make it happen. You got to view it. You got to take part in whatever small portion of it there was.
Now I’m a little pissed because Roger Pokorny went and did what I was going to do and made a nice thank you list of special messages to wonderful people so I hope he forgives me for doing the same, but I swear I had this idea since earlier today. It was private, and for us, but here is my rendition, for the world to see on my dumb blog.
Man, what did I tell you? You’d have a great time and make great friends and everyone would love you.
Nailed it.
Got ‘eeeeem.
Finally everyone else gets to see why I fucking adore you so much. Why you’re maybe my favorite person in the world. I’m really fucking bad at making and having platonic female friendships, and yours is so damn important to me and to maintain, and I’m so thankful I have you. Moreover, I’m glad a little slice of the world gets to see why I am legitimately the luckiest human in the world to have you, for some wild reason, consider me your best friend. To know how lucky I’ve been to have you in my life these last three years.
Cheers, J.
Like I said, platonic female relationships are a big problem with me, and especially when it’s with someone who is just endlessly driven and brilliant and intimidating. But you also take the time to listen to my silly opinions and hear me out. You even were cool with flying from Canada in a last-minute trip to stay at my house for a rawkus party. You must be crazy, and I’d almost think so, if you weren’t so damn brilliant.
A true professional and an asset to any living person’s life. Seeing your blossom a friendship with Jazz this weekend is maybe the greatest accomplishment of my entire career.
Shoutout to the female friends.
Joey, you’re so joyous, and fun, and happy, and sweet, and caring, and funny, I can’t believe you wanted to come to this thing in the first place. You’re insane for fitting it into your schedule, but I’m so happy you did, because sharing the madness with you was a supreme honor. You just make me comfortable and happy and smile. I adore you, and your ability to drink, be merry, and make friends is a skill that inspires me and everything I do.
Please. Keep killing it.
I’m glad I finally got to feel like I got to know you this weekend. You jokingly suggested you would cook for everyone when I had dinner with you and Greg back in June, and yet, instead of just living up to the line, you blew it out of the water. You acted as a real Most Valuable Player and fed a bunch of picky, mushroom-hating nerds like us. Not only that, but you kept things light and moving, and held a great and simple conversation with me in my kitchen at 10:30 in the evening, after standing on your feet all day, like a real fucking trooper.
You’re an inspiration, and getting to see a cook as incredible as you in my kitchen was an honor in itself.
You know I’m a sap. You know you’re the reason I write about games today. You know becoming your friend has been maybe the biggest honor in my upcoming as a nobody games-writer.
And I know you’re probably sick of hearing it hahaha. But I fucking love you dude.
I hope you asked Andy Serkis that dumb question I told you to ask (but not really it’s super NSFW, or NSFAS (Not Safe for Andy Serkis).
Thinking about you flying from San Francisco to Maryland with your wife just to hangout in my house and play games with a no-name like me is crazy. You’re crazy dude. And I love it.
Also, your unending energy and enthusiasm for everything kept me going so hard. Just having you was such an inspiration I simply had to step up my hosting game. You kept me strong and charging forward, like always.
Why’d you scare my cat dude?
You’re a one man production team and you should be unendingly proud of yourself. I put you through all the hell I could this weekend, and instead of wincing and screaming, you took a deep breath and did incredible problem solving and barely broke a sweat.
Well, actually we sweat a lot because it was very warm in my house from all the bodies.
But I am so unendingly thankful for your production talent. You killed it.
You’re so funny. I’m so glad I got to see you bond with all these new kids and make so many friends. People love you and your charm and your ease of putting a non-sequitur into literally every sentence that leaves your mouth. You did incredible.
I give you a lot of shit, and some of it rightfully so, but you know I fucking love you. You know you took up the torch and fucking owned it when Troll had to get some sleep this weekend. You know you are a rock under pressure and did great, and made the bits work, and helped us all have fun.
Fuck dude. Seeing you grow and change from Episode 1 to Episode 353 has been incredible. You’re the funniest person on Irrational Passions Podcast and no one even knows it. This was your weekend to shine, and I fucking love you man. You killed it.
No words of thank you will be enough to accurately surmise how much you were my rock this weekend. You held me up and anytime you saw me cracking you stepped in and took a little load off. You’re literally incredible, and a walking superhero, and you know it, and you’ll never talk about it as much as I never will talk anything positive about myself. I love you man.
My Colombian meatball. I adore you and your quietness, and I fucking hate you too because you’re so funny and have so many incredible things to say but are too content sitting quietly in the corner and having a good time. But you’re so great. Thank you for coming, for making it happen, and for being cool with us playing Africa for you 1000 times (AKA the best song ever).
Jarrett & Jacob
My double-entenjays. My sweet boys. My grown ass adults. The two of you together are like an actual, ltieral dream team of hilarity and fun. The two of you are two parts real, and two parts incredible laughter, just rolled up into the most fun duo a party could ever ask for. I love you two, but moreover, I love that the two of you keep hanging out with me, for some fucking reason, because you’re two of the best and tallest, and most beautiful dudes in the world, inside and out.
How did I get so lucky to have the two of you come on to Irrational Passions?
Logan & Jurge
Once again:
How did I get so lucky to have the two of you come on to Irrational Passions?
Jurge is a walking stressball of incredible talent, and took more off my shoulders this weekend than almost anyone else just with his sheer willingness to do social media stuff. Logan taking the chair and helping keep the party alive, and most of all, the positivity alive always was incredible. The two of you are so much more talented than me, and I know the minute the two of you actually realize it, you’ll be off to the races.
It seems counterintuitive to my master plan of world domination, but I’m endlessly excited for that day to come.
I know I didn’t get to spend as much time with you this weekend as I have at previous ExtraLifes, and I’m sorry. I did a bad job in that regard. I wanna do better. But I’m glad you got to be a part of the the incredible group of people I’ve built around me as a protection against my dumb inner thoughts that hate myself. You’re positive, and love shit I don’t love, and we got to talk about The Evil Within 2, and I’m sorry I don’t like it as much as you, but I swear I like it.
You’re like a walking parody of the esoteric bullshit I have pouring out of me at all times in every facet. You appreciate everything so much that you make ME feel bad that I’m not appreciating everything as much as I could, and this post is up to 2247 words!
That’s fucking skill.
I love you dude, and you’re a loving guy who gets way to angry about superhero movies. What if they all suck? Man, that’d be a bummer if that were true.
Tell shorter stories, and keep hugging people. You’re so good at both, you’re making us all look bad.
We call you the dad a lot but you’re just out here caring about all of us so much, that’s all. There is a generosity and inquisitiveness in you that is pretty much unparalleled by most of us plebeians. We’re just trying and failing to show you up.
You went with every bit and had a good time this week, and finally shaved your damn head. It was great. I miss your locks.
You’re a great human with an even greater heart, and even though you go hard in on everyone (and boy do you look like you do too now) you’re just trying to cover up what a loving sap you are. I know it. You know it. Let’s just never talk about it ;)
Hey fuck you Roger. Not for any particular reason, just because you apologize too much. And call me a racist too much. I fucking love you so much. I’ve never really known what it’s like to have a little brother, but you’re a surreal balance of mentor, friend, brother, and lit-420-69-bro.
You do need to choose your words better sometimes, because I think you use lit too much. Oh, and you apologize too much. Like me. I’ll never give you too hard a time on it though because I’m the same way.
In fact, I’m sorry you think I’m actually being mean to you sometimes when I’m just trying to get a good joke in. Around you, it’s really hard, because being funny when you’re in the room is almost impossible. You’re too good. Too funny. Too talented.
Keep it up. Just don’t keep talking to losers like me for too long, I’ll only bring you down.
And goddamn I will bring you down with me if ever I fucking can you talented motherfucker.
And last but not least.
Yeah, you.
And I know this is going to be weird for everyone else to see you write some weird positive-encouragement shit to yourself, but it’s also definitely been weird for everyone to have all this sappy shit you’ve been writing about them posted so that like, everyone else can see, and all the other people who attended ExtraLife can see, and— well... Anyway.
You killed it. You know you did. It was lit. Remember that part when Danny O’Dwyer showed up and you didn’t have a panic attack? It was rad. He said you did a good job. The Irish never lie dude.
Oh and when you did an impromptu interview with him and Greg Miller in your kitchen after and during ExtraLife respectively? Yeah that was fucking cool too. And you know it was cool because everyone suddenly just showed up and got quiet and just watched you. And you had like an ego-boner the whole time but you’ll never tell. <_<
I know you feel bad because you gave Jazz a bad promo at the end, didn’t thank Troll AT ALL for producing, and didn’t thank your cohosts at all, like some fucking asshole. But like, in your defense, you were legit very tired.
You hosted your ass off. You Jeff Gerstmann’d, Greg Miller’d, Danny O’Dwyer’d, and most of all, Ryan Davis’d your fucking ass off.
Pat on the back. It was lit.
That’s all I got.
I fucking love you all. I miss you all. I’m so so so so lucky to have you all. Thank you for giving me the time of day. Don’t you dare ever let me take any of you for granted. You’re incredible, and all only deserve the best.
GG y’all.
Keep it real.
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hello-fred-barnett · 5 years
My Date with Mr. Jingles (The Bouncy Town Diaries)
My Date with Mr. Jingles (The Bouncy Town Diaries)
“My Date with Mr. Jingles”
NSFA (Not Safe For Anyone)
Illustrations by Anita Benson Bradley (Mahalo!)
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A tiny polka dotted VW pulled up to the curb outside the window below her small apartment. A cacophony of horns went off from inside the car. Who was this mysterious stranger?
Miss Giggles paced the hallway of her small Bouncy Town apartment. She did not know what to expect of Mr. Jingles, the…
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stimcourse-archive2 · 7 years
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unichrome · 11 years
I want to play a game: How many followers would I lose if I posted a picture of Bert Karlsson taking a bath?
Bonus game: How many women would finally be 100% sure that they're either asexual or lesbians?
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klanceficatalogue · 7 years
Got anymore trans kieth fics? Preferably oneshots
We’re Still Good by Qpenguin98 (1/1 | 1,913 | Teen And Up)
He can feel Lance’s heartbeat, warm through the leather of his gloves.
It’s very quiet, for once Lance has nothing to say.
//underage drinking
teeth and all by calliopinaround (1/1 | 2,668 | Teen And Up)
“Do you want to kiss someone?”
Keith almost drops his Bayard.
trace it lightly on my skin by Lynn1998 (1/1 | 8,977 | Explicit)
NSFA: not safe for anyone
Ask Me by Qpenguin98 (1/1 | 8,992 | Teen And Up)
Pidge turns towards him fully. “Lance gets really protective over the people he cares about. And you’re a person he definitely cares about.”
His stomach does that little flippy thing again. He knows that Lance cares about him, but hearing it from someone else is nice. Pidge looks entirely too gleeful.
“Are you blushing?”
//misgendering //child abuse
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