#nsfr: language
sayitaliano · 1 year
Ciao :) I'm visiting Italy soon and even-though I've been learning basic Italian for a while I feel very self-conscious and unsure about a few things. I would mostly like to know 2 things. How to say a.) Can I pay with a card? (I usually say Posso pagare con una carta but I don't know if this is correct) and how to say I'd like to order 3 coffees/etc if I'm ordering for more than one person (I'm travelling with 2 other people and would like to try and order for all of us). Hope this makes sense and thank you so much in advance - I appreciate your help!
Ciao! First of all, please, don't worry about your Italian level. We do understand English (at least, if you go to restaurants and bars or any tourist-related place, or talk to most middle aged-to-younger people in the streets) and also, we do try our best to understand whatever you are trying to ask us: use some gestures, draw, write... We do understand and don't mind about you not being good in Italian. I will never stress this enough: we're already heart-eye-emoji when you tell us "Buongiorno!". So really, just enjoy your time here and don't worry. We'll help you communicate with us in whatever language of your choice.
To answer your doubts: 1) yes, "Posso pagare con una carta?" is perfect. We may even just say "Carta?" tbh (we're lazy :D), but your question is perfect the way you wrote it. 2) For ordering food there's an easy rule: number of that thing you want (for you and others) + that thing name. In this case: number of coffees you need + word "coffee" = "tre caffé". Another example could be "una lasagna e due penne al pomodoro, per favore*" if you need to split orders. *Once you're done ordering you can add "per piacere/per favore"=please or "grazie" (this one is better when they bring you your orders but works anytime tbh), as you would in English. Not mandatory ofc. But again, don't worry and just enjoy :)
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megaphonemonday · 7 years
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mike + old man lawson
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rabisacos · 4 years
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Welcome to the Burrow! Page 1/3.  
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headcanonsandmore · 4 years
Rando: Ron's alright-looking, I guess, but I think Harry's more handsome-
Harry Potter, breaking through the wall: WHAT THE F*CK DID YOU JUST SAY ABOUT MY WHEEZY?-
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hyunjining · 5 years
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royalchemy · 5 years
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the not-to-be-fucked-with supportive friend of a director at this film festival Look™
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ierogenvy · 5 years
listen. listeeeen. people tag “q slur” bc not everyone has reclaimed it like you have - many people only have negative experiences w that word and don’t want to be referred to as queer or see even it at all. when someone tags “q slur” or asks to have it tagged, they are not calling your identity a slur, as you seem to think. they are asking and making their own internet experience better for themselves and/or their followers.
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medicing · 6 years
@superel is hilarious , a good friend to have. he breathes life into popular characters & has so much passion for each of them. does not deserve the fucking shit thrown @ him , especially from that disgusting blog. we met long ago ( more like months ago , but you know what i mean ) & has been a steady friend since. rocky deserves every single morsel of kindness in this world.
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troter89 · 6 years
Problematic language is super interesting to me.
Ok, bear with me for a second.
So here's the thing.
Gypped. You might not recognize the spelling but you all know the word.
He gypped me. He cheated me. He swindled me.
Gypped is prejudiced as fuck. A lot of people don't know this, but it's prejudiced against gypsies. I was a grown ass adult in University when I learned that. It's an accepted and common part of out vernacular. Because people don't know the origins.
The origins of language are fascinating. And so so problematic.
Even when people are trying to be polite, they fuck it up.
I saw someone send an ask to someone who is Jewish. And they used the term "Jew". And by all means, it wasn't a rude ask. That person was trying to be polite, even complimentary.
Bro. The term "Jew"? No. Buddy. My dood. Not ok. But the prejudice fucks did such a good job that so many people don't even know that's derogatory.
I don't know what my point is here. Just, like, if you see me say something dumb. Educate my dumb ass. And if you're reading this and you learned something. Keep learning.
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Why do you even bother posting selfies? You're fucking gross! And you act like you're so nice and considerate but you're obviously not. We can all see right through the whole "I just want everyone to feel comfortable I don't care about getting asks" bullshit, you're just being manipulative.
And if you’ll look to your left, folks, you’ll see the elusive Internet Troll in their natural habitat. Research shows that while they’re found mostly in the political tab of the trending news on Facebook, they’ve also been known to thrive in the comment section on YouTube. 
A subspecies of Troll, also known as Anonymous, can be found hiding in the shadows of Tumblr. They feed on the happiness of others, having no source for their own. A study revealed that they search until they find a weak spot, striking when the prey is at their happiest.
This concludes the tour, thank you for joining me!
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sayitaliano · 1 year
Hi, I love your blog so much, thank you for devoting your time to help us learn your beautiful language! <3 Maybe you can help me clear up a doubt I have: I came across the expression "Mi sa che..." Does it mean the same as "Lo so che..."? Can you explain if there's any difference and when "mi sa" would be used? Is it just more colloquial? Thank you so much and have a wonderful Easter weekend!
thank you for your nice words, it's nice to hear them sometimes! :)
"Mi sa che" and "Lo so che" are used in two different situations. "Lo so che" means "I know that", "I am sure that", so you use it for situation in which you are sure/certain of something, especially of the thing you're stating. eg. Lo so che hai sonno, ma per favore resisti ancora un po'. = I know that you're sleepy, but please hold on a little more. eg. Lo so che ti fa male = I know it pains you eg. Lo so che hai provato = I know that you tried
"Mi sa che", instead, is indeed a more colloquial expression, also for its use of the verb "sapere" (in its "taste/smell-related" old acception, in particular). It can be translated as "I guess/think that", "I suppose that", "I imagine that", "it seems to me that".... any verb that has the speaker making a supposition. Literally, could be translated as "it is of taste to me", like when you first taste some new food and try to guess what it is about and if you like it. That guessing idea/feeling is the same one we take into our everyday life through this expression. You make a guess or come to a possible conclusion by observing/thinking about situations/words/things.... Ofc, the speaker can make guesses about themselves too. eg. Mi sa che hai sonno... = I think you're sleepy... eg. Mi sa che Luca è uscito: non risponde al telefono = I think Luca went out: he doesn't answer the phone. eg. Mi sa che ho sbagliato un paio di risposte del test = I think I got a couple of answers wrong in the test eg. Mi sa che tra un attimo piove = I guess it's gonna rain in a moment Using "Mi sa" also makes things a little more polite/less harsh when you need to tell something (your opinion) to others -we may make also a "bad" face like saying IDK... (despite we sometimes know). It can also have an ironic acception: eg. Mi sa che hai torto... = I think you're wrong eg. eeeh... mi sa che hai sbagliato.... = eeeh... I think you were wrong... (let's give a back story to this last sentence: for example this person made a supposition about something, like two people you know didn't like each other, but then you come to understand they are a couple or you see them kissing. You can tell to this person this sentence, to "joke" about them having made a wrong supposition and maybe add "Mi sa proprio di sì"/"Mi sa che è proprio così" = I think it's really so).
Not related but... Similarly to "Mi sa", we could say "Qualcosa/Questa cosa mi puzza..." if there's something that doesn't feel right (puzza = bad smell -like when you smell the air trying to guess where a smell comes from). Maybe things are going so well that you think there must be something behind all this good luck, like it cannot be true. You could simply say this when something you perceive cannot be real/true happens. And unconsciously fear there will be some bad news all of a sudden so it cannot realize. (There's also a saying: "Sento puzza di bruciato" = "I smell something burning", that can be used in the same situation).
This just cause we may use our senses in other ways, to give different acceptions to our speech :)
Hope this helps, happy Easter!!
Ps. Mi sa che ho preso/mi viene il raffreddore = I think I got a cold (pretty common expression, not just my real life atm LOL)
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megaphonemonday · 7 years
IDK how to prompt so ignore me if this isnt anything but bawson: mike is the little spoon to ginny's big spoon. pss Love love love your writing
Thank you!! Sorry for the long wait!
makes you feel safe | ao3
The house is peacefully still when Ginny walks in the front door, footfalls heavy and echoing in the otherwise silent entry. Her bags drag in her hands, like gravity’s pulling on them just a little bit harder than usual, like it knows exactly how exhausted she is. Happily, gratefully, she drops them by the door along with her shoes. She can deal with them in the morning.
Right now, all she wants to do is crawl into bed and wrap herself up in her comforter and a strong pair of arms.
The quiet is pierced by the chirp of the unarmed alarm system. With a rueful shake of her head, she pushes the door all the way shut and keys in the code to activate it. 
She knows Mike is a big, strong man and there are at least three baseball bats in any given room in the house, but most of those are in display cases and it usually takes him at least two tries to get out of bed if his knees aren’t cooperating in the morning. That’s more than enough opportunity for a robber to get the jump on him. The least he could do is set the alarm when he’s home alone. That’s what it’s there for. After all, how pissed would he be if he came home one night to find she hadn’t set the alarm? 
Ginny can imagine the lecture now, Mike’s bearded face hovering over hers as he shakes her awake, rambling about crime statistics in La Jolla before she’s even fully conscious. 
Her snort splits into a jaw-cracking yawn, which she takes as her cue to get her ass to bed.
Ginny trudges up the stairs, not even bothering to turn on the lights. She knows every nook and cranny in this house, could navigate it in her sleep. It’s a close thing tonight. 
Finally, exhaustion settling deep in her bones, threatening to drop her where she stands, Ginny makes it down the hall to the master suite. She slips inside the dark bedroom, knowing that she should head into the ensuite to shower off the smell of plane and recycled air, but too tired to care. All she can bring herself to do is strip out of her wrinkled zip up and let her leggings fall to the floor, toeing out of her socks at the same time. She’s left in just her underwear, utterly ready to face plant into bed.
Before she does, though, she checks her landing zone, just to make sure Mike hasn’t left his tablet or the reading glasses he thinks she doesn’t know about there. It’s happened before, though every time she brings it up, he fires back the time he had to sleep in a pile of crumbs because she forgot to leave her midnight snacks on the bedside table.
She loves the man, but wishes he’d stop holding that over her head. Anyway, he was the one who’d refused to get out of bed so she could change the sheets.
(The fact that she’d licked every crumb off him, and a few she was sure he made up, only strengthens her stance on the matter.)
There isn’t anything on the comforter, but the lumps underneath make her glad she thought to check.
Firmly planted on her side of the bed, Mike sleeps on, oblivious to her presence in the room. There’s a little frown on his face, only visible in the slight furrow of his eyebrows since his mouth and nose are planted in the pillow he’s got clutched in both burly arms. The presence of both pillows on his usual side of the bed tells her just whose pillow he’s fallen asleep cuddling.
The sight of him there makes her even happier to be home.
Even if it’ll take a few extra steps to finally crawl into bed.
She does her best to slide between the sheets as quietly as possible, though that care is probably undermined by the way she scoots right up next to Mike’s broad, bare back. It feels like forever since she last got to touch him, there’s no way she’s going to hold back now that she can. Not wanting to wake him, though, she settles for draping an arm over his waist and pressing a light kiss to his freckled shoulder. Anything else can wait until morning.
Still, he stirs.
“Gin?” he breathes, hushed and a little dreamy.
“Shh,” she murmurs back, taking the opportunity to press in closer, laying another kiss to his bare skin, “go back to sleep.”
Mike doesn’t listen, rolling so he’s halfway on his back, face tipped towards her, eyes still closed. “Missed you.”
Ginny has to swallow a few times before she can manage, “I missed you more.”
He snorts, blowing the sweet, sleepy intimacy away. One eye cracks open, regarding her with more humor than she’d expect from him at nearly 2 in the morning. “Not everything's a competition, y’know.”
“If it were, I’d win.”
That gets a real laugh and, even better, Mike pressing a kiss to her mouth before rolling back over so Ginny can snuggle into his back. He’d never admit it, but he loves being the little spoon. Nearly as much as Ginny likes being able to hold him against her as tight as she can manage. His hand closes over hers where it rests in the middle of his chest and Ginny presses her face between his shoulder blades.
“Keep telling yourself that, rook,” he mutters, already drifting back to sleep.
Ginny doesn’t reply, just molds herself to Mike’s back, her thighs and shins lining up with his own powerful but slumbering limbs. She revels in the caress of his skin against hers, letting his warmth and the rhythm of his breath drag her under, too. 
Her last conscious thoughts are these: Winning is good. This is so much better. 
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dangerscully · 7 years
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My favourite part of this scene, rainbow unicorns aside, was Shadow’s reaction to seeing Media as Marilyn.
There’s no “Why the fuck is Marilyn Monroe here?” There’s no “Why has this person who was inside a TV screen appeared in my interrogation room?” There’s not even a “Why has your face changed?”
Instead he’s just concerned about why “Lucy” is floating. Because somehow, that’s the weirdest thing that Shadow’s seen lately.
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yvesminatozaki · 7 years
I miss my magicians babies. I need to go through the episodes and gif more shit, dammit. Especially of Kady...and Julia....oh who am I kidding, DAMMIT WICKOFF.
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by CristinaBlackthornKingson
It is 1997 and Catherine Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor is expecting her third and last child. Both Philip and Bea are excited to meet their sibling, but undoubtedly Bea is the most excited, and the most in love with her sibling already.
After Henry is born, he and Bea form a life-long bond and friendship that will stand the test of many, many struggles.
Words: 4739, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Catherine Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Arthur Fox, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Beatrice Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Philip Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Alex Claremont-Diaz, Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Original Child Character(s), Queen Mary (Red White & Royal Blue)
Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Catherine Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor & Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor & Philip Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Beatrice Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor & Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Arthur Fox & Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Arthur Fox & Philip Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Arthur Fox & Everyone, Arthur Fox/Catherine Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor
Additional Tags: Family, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Family Bonding, One Big Happy Family, Mother-Son Relationship, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Motherhood, Father-Son Relationship, Father-Daughter Relationship, Fatherhood, Two Fathers, Brothers, Brotherly Love, Brotherly Bonding, Brotherhood, Brother-Sister Relationships, Brotherly Affection, Brother Feels, Big Brothers, Protective Older Brothers, Little Brothers, Sisters, Little Sisters, Big Sisters, Siblings, Sibling Bonding, Sibling Love, Protective Siblings, Babies, Toddlers, Children, Newborn Children, Children of Characters, Parent-Child Relationship, Paparazzi, Aunt-Niece Relationship, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Pre-Canon, nsfr, Royalty, Princes & Princesses, Pregnancy, Happy, Loving Marriage
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kojinnie · 3 years
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To all my beloved friends and readers,
Hope this message finds you well!
Giving you my short notice that I’ll be taking some times off. Ramadan is coming and I want to use the opportunity not only to make my deen but to also recuperate my mental health that has been declining lately. I’ll largely be off throughout the month, although I would occasionally check on my inbox. So if you have something to tell me about - feel free to leave it on! I may still post and reblog some stuffs, but will stay on those with SFW nature. So please kindly understand if I don’t interact with your NSFW posts!
Thank you to all my non-muslim friends who have tried in their best intention to be considerate. Don’t worry, it’s not on you to accommodate to our fasting; instead, it’s on us. Ramadan is a month of charity and restraining our worldly impulses, and not so much on making/forcing the world to be accommodating for our practice. 
In conclusion, you don’t need to stop making NSFW posts, refraining posting about food/drink, or using lewd languages. Do as you please. It’s on us, not on you. I appreciate though for everyone who initiated the #nsfr tag. It wasn’t necessary, but thank you for the kind intention. Using #nsfw tags would be enough for us to navigate our way here.
That being said, I hope you have a great month of April and May. May peace ever be on your heart. As for my fellow muslim: Ramadan Mubarak!
Love, Kojin
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