#numerology predict
moonastrogirl · 9 months
2024 Numerology
- Predictions/Tips
Credit @moonastrogirl
2024 is an 8 year. Karma will be served like no one has ever seen it. Power and money will be given to the right people who deserve it.
Number 8 is often associated with the infinity ♾️ symbol which means limitless, abundance but it’s wrong. It’s the symbol of the snake eating his own tail. It’s the symbol of karma which can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on past actions and karma laws.
Number 0 is the true symbol of infinity. It’s wholeness. It’s love. It’s true bliss and abundance. It’s joy and surprise combined. Everything has to come in a full cercle. To receive abundance someone gotta give back too. That’s why lot of millionaires and billionaires donate to charity or do charity galas etc. They know to multiple their money and gains they have to give back and create the full cercle energy.
Those with a prominent Saturn or Saturn ruled placements in their chart/Saturn aspecting personal planets in their birth chart or with a prominent 8 energy in their numerology chart will understand what it truly means and how the smallest action can impact someone.
Power, connections and money will be taken away from abusive people who were using others, gossiping, spreading rumours, lying etc. Divine justice will be served. Honest , generous, loving people will receive their flowers and more.
The scales ⚖️ of divine justice are bringing back true equilibrium.
Those who went through it, true givers and generous people will receive if they are willing to receive. Takers will lose everything if they are not willing to give. People who were made fun of or put down by society for what they do even if they don’t harm anyone (prostitues for instance) will receive plenty and fast. Victims of circumstances, of violence, of abuse will also receive what they need.
Again it’s based on the willingness to receive and give back.
This energy is already being felt for weeks now : karma is here. She serves and delivers like no one. Already conspiring and bringing powerful people down (P Diddy - Cassie case).
Releasing bad karma, bad habits, lies (even white lies) is key 🔑 to receive blessings. It’s best to proactively go get yours blessings, they won’t just come to you. Work hard and smart.
Be willing to release and receive, give back and have faith.
Wishing you and myself peace, love, blessings and abundance for 2024 and may the scales of divine justice be in our favours 💫
Thank you for reading me and if this post resonates with you, please feel free to like, comment or reblog 💜
Credit @moonastrogirl
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astrotalk1726 · 2 months
If there is a difference of five to ten minutes in the birth time while looking at the horoscope, can the horoscope be wrong?
In astrology, a difference of five to ten minutes in birth time can affect the horoscope in the following ways:
Ascendant and House Changes: The Ascendant and house cusps may shift, potentially altering the entire chart's structure, especially the 1st and 12th houses.
Dasha Timing: The timing of planetary periods (Dasha) and sub-periods (Antardasha) could change, impacting predictions about life events.
Moon Sign Variation: The Moon sign or its degree could change, influencing emotional and mental state interpretations.
Formation of Yogas and Doshas: The presence or absence of specific yogas (beneficial combinations) or doshas (malefic combinations) may be affected, altering the overall reading.
Impact on Major Life Events: Predictions related to marriage, career, and significant life events might become inaccurate due to the slight time variation.
If there is a difference of five to ten minutes in the birth time while looking at the horoscope, then to know the better status of this combination, you can use Samay Sutram 2 - birth time rectification (BTR Software) software. Which can give better information. And it will be based on your horoscope. You can also contact us (918595675042 ) for more information.
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blessed1neha · 1 year
Venus in various houses
Venus in a sign symbolises our romantic and sexual desires. But in real life, a person's needs are not always met by fate.
As a result, whereas the house of Venus provides a response to the question of "where and under what circumstances will our love be born/manifested," the sign of Venus just addresses the question of "how we love."
I observe that we are currently discussing those intensely trembling emotions and not at all about marriage relationships, which are examined in other indicators.
Venus is thus in:
The first house represents your innate beauty, charm, and love of your body. gives meaning to how you look. Generally speaking, people find it appealing and it has a natural sense of tact. He requires love and respect.
The second residence requires money and material comfort. Material possessions will in some manner play a significant role in both love and life in general. a sign of financial success in the field of beauty, especially when Venus is in harmony.
The third house is characterised by ease of acquaintance, a large network of relationships, the capacity to persuade others, and extensive communication. Perhaps a love of education, a passion for travel, a love of communication, and communication.
The peaceful Venus in the fourth house suggests a happy childhood filled with love and understanding. the desire to beautify your home in order to foster a cosy and loving atmosphere. Friendliness and emotional ties to the tribal structure.
Numerous books, lovers, and flirting are associated with the fifth house. adore the emotion of love. likes to have fun and celebrate holidays. It may show signs of "burning out of life." love for young people.
Sixth house: reading books at work or with coworkers. passion for dogs and regular activities. workplace adornment. If Venus is out of harmony, there may be feminine disorders or throat ailments. Workplace issues stemming from romantic interactions with an unbalanced Venus.
The seventh house represents partnerships and marriage for love. Publicity and social acceptance. diplomatic, kind, and attractive potential spouse.
Love, the eighth house, can both create and contribute to life issues. Love can erupt under 8th house settings, like road accidents, funerals, rock concerts, and anything else that could be disastrous. Acute life events tend to bring out feelings the greatest. Triangles, suspense, and risk-taking. Sexuality is crucial.
Falling in love with teachers, philosophers, religious leaders, gurus, and outsiders is a ninth house affliction. novels read when travelling, in universities, or abroad. idealised image of a spouse.
A career through romantic relationships and romances with high-ranking individuals go under the tenth house. Women support careers (in harmony with Venus). Venusian careers include those in the arts, beauty, design, business, pleasure, and romance. career progress through the use of charm, diplomacy, and compassion.
Novels with friends, novels in a variety of public organisations, and books in communities. emotional response to political and social issues. friendly emotional ties among friends.
Twelveth house - hidden connections that are secretive and secret. They frequently keep their connections and emotions hidden. a virtual partnership. love for a distant, unreachable thing. aversion to love. fantasises about ideal love.
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daportalpractitioner · 6 months
aries season tip:
when planning for the nu astrological year ahead, create a plan for yourself in alignment with your numerological personal year for 2024. you can find out your personal year # here
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venusiastro · 2 years
This year reduces to the number 7
The number of Ketu
During this year it’s important to focus on your internal state and sit within yourself. Many people will be interested in occultism, meditation, research, psychology, healing, etc. it’ll be all about focusing on the wellbeing of yourself and others. Connectedness. Honesty. Etc. it’s a spiritually fertile year. Focusing on community and large masses will be important for work. You may find higher opportunities at conventions or attending retreats or conferences.
It’s important to be honest about your emotions especially with yourself and journaling will be a great tool. Connecting to your meditative state and learning surrender is also very important. Coinciding with your personal year numbers it’s important to keep the message of 7 and ketu as the base theme this year. A lot of truths will be unveiled and it’ll be focusing on authenticity and honesty as well as community and connecting to others.
Predictions: social media becoming more focused on relatability and authenticity are probable. Less focus on hustle culture and more focus on internal well being. More spiritual gurus and practices will be on the rise as well ( most likely) less interest in reality tv and celebrity culture. Decline of wealthy influencers gaining popularity and more relatable and normal influencers will be of high interest. More secrets in politics, Hollywood or large media will come to light. Possibility of murders or serial killers becoming more publicized.. increase in investment for long term. More communes will be made. Possible exposure of more cults and communities that are nefarious. (These are just probable predictions considering Ketu and the number 7, not fact or set in reality)
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Individual Numerological Year and Age Vibration - A Unique Way to Determine Outcomes Throughout Your Life
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Every year of our lives we move on from one vibration to the next. We are influenced by both individual and collective energies. But how will that work out in your own personal life? This technique will reveal a pattern numerology decodes that will continue throughout your life.
Every year, both individually and collectively we move on a cycle from 1 to 9 as per basic numerology vibrations. You can find them described in my Numerology Masterpost. That cycle goes on a loop, infinitely, the difference being between minute vibrations in composite numbers that make up the year. For example, 2024 is a collective 8 number, but so is 2015, yet the vibrations will be different because of the difference in composite numbers.
Respectively, each one of us has a personal year number, which you can calculate here . That indicates that the collective vibration will influence us particularly based on our individual birthday during each given year.
Then, every one of us was born on a different year. That gives us an individual age, down to our date of birth, that also is a number that shows a vibration of a given year cycle. That can become interesting, if you were born let's say in June, and you spend each half of the year in a different vibration. You can relate to new beginnings more if you were born closer to the end and the beginning of the year.
I will now use my own chart to show you how to apply this technique in practice and create a pattern for yourself using your own numerology.
I was born on November 15th 1992. Putting that date into the calculator linked above, I see that 2024 for me is a personal year 7. That means, that every collective year 8 will be a personal year 7 for me. From that, we can see a cycle created.
Collective Year 8 - Personal Year 7
Collective Year 9 - Personal Year 8
Collective Year 1 - Personal Year 9
Collective Year 2 - Personal Year 1
Collective Year 3 - Personal Year 2
Collective Year 4 - Personal Year 3
Collective Year 5 - Personal Year 4
Collective Year 6 - Personal Year 5
Collective Year 7 - Personal Year 6
Note that this calculation works only for my birthday, and you will have a different personal year result. This way, knowing collective vibrations for each year you can create your own loop to be aware how this cycle will manifest for you specifically.
To add a new level to this, we include age to add an extra vibration.
Collective Year 8 - Personal Year 7 - Age Vibration 4 (because I'm 31, but it was also the same in the previous cycle, when I was 22. age vibration was still 4. Same for When I was 13 and 4, because this goes on a loop)
Collective Year 9 - Personal Year 8 - Age Vibration 5
Collective Year 1 - Personal Year 9 - Age Vibration 6
Collective Year 2 - Personal Year 1 - Age Vibration 7
Collective Year 3 - Personal Year 2 - Age Vibration 8
Collective Year 4 - Personal Year 3 - Age Vibration 9
Collective Year 5 - Personal Year 4 - Age Vibration 1
Collective Year 6 - Personal Year 5 - Age Vibration 2
Collective Year 7 - Personal Year 6 - Age Vibration 3
Now that we have the full delineation, what can we conclude from such a system?
That for a person with my birthday specifically, every time I go through a collective year 8 and personal year 7, I will also be under the age vibration 4. That shows responsibility, structuring but also working towards organisation and new goals. I will also have new beginnings in every personal year 4, as it is a 1 Vibration for me specifically. Because I was born in November, I only spend a month after my birthday in the previous vibration, which is negligible, and new vibrations will have a much more significant impact.
Doing this for your own chart should give you a more detailed idea about the inevitable cycles, that you will encounter in your own life journey.
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ancientastarwis · 5 months
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5️⃣5️⃣ Angel Numbers Guidance
This angel number was posted intuitively and due to the 55 Energy Portal. Tough times call for stubborn approaches. You are not perfect, because you are not supposed to be. Avoiding mistakes is like avoiding the process itself. You are okay. Just keep trying. Great things are coming.
Do you resonate with the energies of the 55?
For any other Angel Number suggestions, feel free to comment them or leave a private message.
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Happy 55 Portal! 🌈✨⚡💕
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geeta1726 · 6 months
Hi Geeta,
What does semi-Mangalik means ? If you download kundalini in certain websites , you get this result.
Does semi manga Dosha ends when you turn 28.
"Semi-Mangalik" or "Semi-Manglik" is a term that is sometimes used in Vedic astrology to describe individuals who have a partial or incomplete Mangal Dosha, also known as Manglik Dosha. Mangal Dosha occurs when the planet Mars (Mangal) is positioned in certain houses in the birth chart, particularly the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house. It is believed to bring challenges or disturbances in married life, such as conflicts, health issues, or obstacles in finding a suitable partner.
In the context of "semi-Mangalik," it typically indicates that Mars is positioned in one of the mentioned houses but may not be in a strong enough placement to fully activate the Mangal Dosha. Therefore, the influence of Mangal Dosha is considered to be less severe or mitigated.
Regarding the question of whether semi-Mangalik Dosha ends when a person turns 28, it's essential to understand that astrology interpretations can vary, and different astrologers may have different perspectives on this matter.
Some believe that the malefic effects of Mangal Dosha, including semi-Mangalik Dosha, reduce with age, particularly for men, as Mars is considered to mature around the age of 28. However, this does not mean that the Dosha disappears entirely. It may still have some impact on marital life, depending on other factors in the individual's birth chart and the compatibility between partners.
Ultimately, the concept of Mangal Dosh and its implications are complex, so you can use Kundli Chakra Professional 2022 software. Which can give you accurate information. And can also tell the remedies to eliminate Manglik Dosha.
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doihavetosaymyname · 2 years
Pick a pile and get a reading <3
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Pile one
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10 of  pentacles, the Moon, The Wheel of Fortune, 6 of cups.
Channelled message: Thank you for being so patient.
2022 probably was very negative/uneventful; you reflected on yourself A LOT. I see you even doing shadow work. Luckily, in 2023 the period of melancholy ends. I see you getting out of old cycles/breaking old patterns. You healed your inner child; may approach things in a different, more playful way.
You are blessed by sudden positive change; lots of good luck and you being at the right place at the right time. 
I see material abundance and emotional fulfillment. Perhaps, this year you are going to spend a lot of time with people you consider family.  
You may visit your childhood home and people/things from the past may comeback to you.    
10 and 6 are your lucky numbers. 10 symbolizes a lucky fresh start, 6 represents restoration of peace/harmony. 
If you enjoy my readings, please consider donating <3
Pile two
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King of swords rx, 3 of swords rx, the Emperor, the Tower. 
Channelled message: Tapping into your inner rage is good for your health sometimes .
I see you quitting your job or education this year. Feels like you have an overbearing boss/professor who was not competent; perhaps the boss/professor abused their power and took advantage of you. You finally had enough and decided to walk away. The resentment has been building up for a long time, but you kept it to yourself. You tolerated their bullshit and then decided to silently resign, surprising them as they did not expect for it to happen. 
They will beg for you to come back. You already made up your mind though; you left everything behind and burned this bridge forever. 
I would advise you to have a good plan since quitting a job/uni can have serious consequences, however, my advice is definitely not needed. I am picking up your energy, and you are an absolute boss ass bitch. You are a strategist who thinks everything through, always five steps ahead of everyone. You are a highly intellectual, precise, and disciplined person.  
Allow yourself to be more impulsive from time to time.   
If you enjoy my readings, please consider donating <3
Pile three
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King of cups rx, the High priestess rx, queen of swords rx, 9 of cups rx, 2 of wands, the Magician, ace of swords. 
Channelled message: The only difference between you and the person you envy is the level of confidence.
For now (the very beginning of a new year) your energy is blocked. You feel stuck and unmotivated. I can sense some cynicism/pessimistic outlook in life from this pile; you probably have a generally passive approach to pretty much everything. 
All of it is such a shame because you genuinely have the potential to make ALL of your dreams come true. It is crazy how much power your mind holds yet you just refuse to acknowledge it. 
You have to remember that you are not a TV/film character — no one will give you a sudden plot twist love interest while you barely leave your house. It is delusional to expect that life will unfold its wonders when you refuse to take action. You have to take charge of your own destiny. 
Go out. Put yourself out there. 
Instead of seeing yourself as a character, approach life like a screenwriter. What plot lines would you add to make your own story compelling?
If you enjoy my readings, please consider donating <3
Happy lunar new year! Hope the reading resonated <3
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kpoptarotvibes · 1 year
My Numerology Predictions: JK Golden Album
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I thought I should start doing this since my predictions came true for Jimin album and Yoongi album.
So basically because Jimin released his album on the right date he had huge success with his album. And Yoongi had his success but not as big as Jimin because of the date release. But I did predict because of the 7 in his release date. That his album would be introspective. I had the same prediction with Taeyang album he didn't release it on the right date so it wasn't as successful.
So I played around with the numbers on JK album.
First I focused on the date which is 3. 3 symbolizes expression, creativity and expansive nature.
Second the month 11. 11 symbolizes the doorway to higher inspiration of mastery. Vision, sensitivity, psychic abilities, and receptivity.
When I add up everything including the year I get 3.
So my prediction is based off of the meaning of the numbers combined with my intuition:
This JK Golden album I feel with that number 3 is going to be expansive. It's going to reach a bigger and wider audience for him as if he don't have that enough. 🤣 I guess its trying to say that this album will get a lot of attention worldwide. Also with the creativity I feeling this album music-wise will be very creative. But my intuition is telling me not over the top creative like the music won't be so daring sound-wise like you will get the same pop music. What might be creative is his style or his videos or his photoshoots. The concepts. Also the warning with this number 3 is scandals and gossip may be coming up more from him because of the huge attention he will receive. Now this 11 number I feel like this album will showcase everything he has mastered so far as a entertainer, idol, singer. He is going to play into his strengths with this album. I also felt like he really went with the songs he felt intuitively would be really good songs for people to hear. He went with his gut on this one. So we getting a few more bops on this album. I found it funny how it's even 11 tracks. I really do personally think this album is going to be huge. Because I think people genuinely love his voice and have been waiting on his solo for a long time. I also feel that people will get very inspired by his album. (I feeling copy cats here) So I'm trying to get my mind prepared because it's about to get wild.
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chickawah23 · 1 year
Here’s the clown 🤡
Taylor’s 13th show at Gillette Stadium is happening on Sunday. Gillette was the first stadium she ever headlined. She drew attention to the fact that it was her 11th show at Gillette on Night 1 to prime people for the 13th.
She’s making an announcement on Sunday May 21st at Gillette night 3. 5/21/23=13
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astrotalk1726 · 7 months
Which is the best position of the sun in a birth chart?
In astrology, there isn't necessarily a "best" position for the Sun in a birth chart, as each placement has its own unique qualities and significance. The interpretation of the Sun's position in the birth chart depends on factors such as the individual's personality, goals, challenges, and overall astrological makeup.
That said, some astrological traditions consider the Sun to be particularly strong or beneficial in certain signs or houses. Here are a few examples:
Sun in its own sign (Sun in Leo): The Sun is considered to be strongest when it is in its own sign of Leo. This placement can enhance qualities such as leadership, confidence, creativity, and self-expression. Individuals with this placement may have a strong sense of identity and a natural inclination towards leadership roles.
Sun in angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th houses): The angular houses are traditionally considered to be the strongest and most influential in the birth chart. When the Sun is placed in one of these houses, its influence may be more prominent and easily expressed in the individual's life. For example, Sun in the 1st house (the house of self) can enhance the individual's sense of identity and self-expression, while Sun in the 10th house (the house of career) can indicate a strong drive for success and recognition in the professional sphere.
Sun in favorable aspect to other planets: When the Sun forms harmonious aspects (such as trines or sextiles) to other planets in the birth chart, its energy may flow more smoothly and positively. For example, Sun trine Jupiter can indicate optimism, abundance, and a strong sense of purpose, while Sun sextile Saturn can suggest discipline, perseverance, and long-term success.
Ultimately, the "best" position of the Sun in the natal chart is subjective and depends on the individual's goals, values, and life circumstances. A skilled astrologer can provide a detailed analysis of the position of the Sun and its significance in the context of the entire birth chart. If you have to go. Where is the Sun placed in your horoscope? So you can use Kundli Chakra 2022 Professional software for them. Because it is such a software. Which can give you correct information about your complete horoscope based on your birth chart.
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blessed1neha · 2 years
Mercury in various houses!
Mercury in various houses
Mercury represents intellect, and the house where it resides in a horoscope defines the area where the natives use their intellect. This is the area of life where you find it the easiest to express your ideas and thoughts. It represents what you think (intellect) and talk (communication) about the most. You mind is actively involved in the area of your Mercury house, thinking, cataloging, rationalizing, disposing and expressing what you experience.
Mercury is the closest planet to Sun, so it is under the strong influence of this mighty celestial body. You will always find Mercury, together or on either side of where Sun is placed. Sun represents the soul and individuality, which uses mind (represented by Mercury) to express itself in the best way.
When mind and individuality are in harmony, meaning when Sun and Mercury are together in a house, it forms Budh Aditya Yoga. If Mercury is one house ahead of Sun, the person turns out to be cunning and uses their intelligence manipulatively. And when it is behind Sun, the native uses their mind constructively but has to put in more efforts to boost intellect. Mercury, representing consciousness is thus the mediator between soul, and how it manifests itself in physical expression.
Mercury in 1 is witty, intelligent, business minded, may have a very good comic timing
Mercury in 2 likes to count money, very good at managing finances
Mercury in 3 have beautiful handwriting, intelligent, good with words, can be a good writer
Frequent change of residence can be seen if mercury is in 4th, may have a disputed property, mom may be very wise and intelligent
Mercury in 5th may have executive ability, skillful, talkative, wise, intelligent
It is very difficult to defeat a person in debate if Mercury is in 6th, argumentative, may have addictions
Mercury in 7th is not good for marital life, can give issues, misunderstandings.
Mercury in 8th have love tragedy, stressed, bad communication, bad speech, unable to explain the point.
Mercury in 9th have interest in foreign culture, foreign language, can work as a translator.
Mercury in 10 is always looking for career success via business, communication or analytical services.
Mercury in 11 have great concern over humanitarian or social issues, works well with an NGO.
Mercury in 12 have psychic abilities, imaginative, can be a good writer, good foreign delegates.
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aranyadev · 11 months
Is I Pet Goat Showing Us another Mass School Shooting to occur on 11/7/...
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harekrishnatarot · 11 months
Pisces ❣🔮
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Numerological Year Vibrations put you in touch with the state of the respective planet in your life.
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2023 was the year of the South Node. Check your South Node placement and aspects. How was your 2023 and 2014? If difficult things happen to you during these times, they are a reflection of what is not working in your life in Your South Node area and what needs to be changed.
2024 is the Year of Saturn, so if you want a sneak peek, think of your 2015. This time, it is the condition of your Saturn that is getting highlighted, and thus its respective house may be subject to change.
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