Hello there! I don't know if anyone has asked for this, but do you happen to know any fic on which Stiles and Derek are colleague nurses or doctors, and they meet each other in that setting?
Hey @darkmind-ofmine! Here you go.
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(^gpoy at work. true facts)
Pretty Eyes by Inell
(1/1 I 1,720 I Teen)
Stiles doesn’t intend to become a resident during a pandemic, but he’s learned to roll with whatever life throws his way.
The Anatomy of an FBI Agent by orphan_account
(2/? I 7,347 I Mature)
Stiles nodded. It sounded like a day full of machinery and doctors muttering over his scans.
“Will I be hanging out with you or one of the babies?”
Dr. Cutie grinned. “How could I trust them with my most prized patient?”
Stiles laughed.
He barely noticed the pain.
Bet On It by IDreamOnlyOfYou (lauren3210)
(1/1 I 8,343 I Mature)
Stiles is an RN and Derek the attending trauma surgeon at Beacon Hills Hospital. They're constantly arguing, much to the amusement of their colleagues, who ultimately decide to take bets on when the sexual tension will finally explode. The only question is, who will win the jackpot?
5 times one of the guys try to push Derek and Stiles together, and the time they worked it out all on their own.
Complications by DIEMONDS
(3/? I 17,273 I Teen)
“We can still be strangers. Strangers that hook up.” Stiles had to mentally curse at himself for liking Derek’s smirk. He honestly couldn’t help it, the man’s smile was too gorgeous.
“No!” Stiles ran a hand through his hair. “What we did-you and me-that cannot happen again! You’re an attending, and I’m your intern! It’s wrong on so many levels.”
(this isn’t exactly) where you’d want me by decideophobia
(1/1 I 19,070 I Teen)
“Do you even have any nice and soothing words in your repertoire?” Stiles asks, holding still while McBroody shines a light into his eyes. “Or is it only me who they let you loose on?”
“I actually just downloaded a new set of comforting phrases to use on patients this morning but I haven’t had a chance to listen to and internalize them yet. I do know how to say, Good news: you’re not dead, and We only need to take off one of your legs, though.”
OR, the one where Stiles keeps ending up in the ER and Derek almost gets brain damage from so much stupid.
Hazardous to Our Health by HenleyBeck
(6/? I 21,590 I Explicit)
Derek has just moved back to Beacon Hills and he works at the hospital with his sister. He loves his job, he loves the people he works with and then there's Stiles. Stiles who seems to pop up everywhere that Derek is and it doesn't help that everybody loves the kid. But Stiles is also the Chief of Surgery's son and there's no way he can get involved with Stiles right?
Wrong. As a doctor, Derek knows that certain things can be hazardous to one's health but sometimes it's nice to live dangerously.
Yin To His Yang by weirdwithhumor
(9/? I 26,125 I Teen)
Derek always wanted kids. He just thought he would find the perfect man, get married and settled down first.
He just never thought he would be left pregnant, unmated at nearly 30, and on a journey to become a single father.
But, Doctor! by stilinskisparkles
(1/1 I 30,269 I Mature)
“We had to splint a girl’s leg in a ditch,” Scott says excitedly.
“Bro, you sound way too happy about that,” Stiles complains, opening up his bag and pulling out a Twinkie.
Derek removes it from his hand silently and replaces it with an apple. Stiles scowls at him for a second then bites into it, regardless. Derek sits back and lets the group discuss the merits of dramatic lifesaving feats for winning over the ladies. Scott is convinced it’ll help impress Allison; Isaac thinks Scott’s a loser. Stiles—
Stiles is falling asleep on Derek’s shoulder.
@wolfspurr suggested this one!
No Superman by WhoNatural
(6/6 I 48,830 I Explicit I Sterek)
(AKA The Sterek Scrubs AU)
In which Stiles learns that med school didn’t prepare him for much at all; even the most epic of bromances can be weakened with the right amount of long, curly hair and dimples; and sometimes, first impressions aren’t all they’re cracked up to be - it’s the digging beneath the bravado that reveals who’s worth getting to know a little better.
Dr. Hale’s probably still a dick, though.
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Guess who continues to be the number one shipper of our respective pretentious and illiterate sons.
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aristocrating · 15 days
Nursey: turns over tarot card that shows a tall red haired guy sitting in a sinking lobster boat and drowning
Dex: is that good
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omgpostsplease · 5 months
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aw, baby
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horribleprotagonist · 7 months
dex pining after openly out nursey, it's a classic we all love it okay BUT!!!!!!!! have we considered the far superior nursey pining after an openly queer dex??? will comes to Samwell after growing up in small town conservative Maine and dealing with homophobia on his Jr hockey teams and he decides he's not gonna hide at college he wants to be the role model he needed as a kid. and he absolutely Thrives!!! he's open and out and Radiant and he makes casual queer jokes with bitty and nursey (who is either closeted or hasn't realized his own identity yet) is just obsessed with him but doesn't understand Why so he just continues sulking and maybe staring a dex a bit too long during practice......
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omgzineplease · 4 months
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OMG Zine, Please! #2: #SwawesomeGreetings
Crunch-times, fun-times, more balls than you'd think, firsts, lasts, and so many moments to celebrate. 'Tis the busiest season of the year. Is your favorite character making intricate towns out of snow on The Haus lawn? Are they home for the break, having uncomfortable conversations with relatives they don't know? How about orchestrating a Friendsgiving with no less than eighteen pies when he should be studying for finals? Reigning in the new year with fireworks and dragon dances? Find out how your fave fictional characters spend their holidays in #SwawesomeGreetings!
We here at Zine, Please! would like to extend a huge thank you to all our contributors for their months of hard work bringing these wonderful stories and artworks to life. We'd also like to thank all our readers who kept drumming up excitement to keep us all motivated! And thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding throughout this whole process.
With all that said, we think we've all waited long enough! Here is Zine, Please! Volume 2: #SwawesomeGreetings! We hope you all enjoy it!
–Zine, Please! Admin Team
🥧🏒 Read OMGZP #2 here 🏒🥧
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atlasthemayor · 6 months
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(I may have to make a specific tag for these frogs comics later)
The dialogue is from a convo a friend's friend had with their bf
My friend told me it was peak nurseydex, and tbh she was RIGHT
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zzzbittle · 3 months
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What I feel like because Check Please began 11 years ago and ended 4 years ago as of this year.
And I still can't LET GO
I'm gonna be here forever guys if Check Please has one fan, that fan is me. If it has no fans... you know what that means lmao
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 9 months
single dad stiles, kid is a werewolf named sirius that he made out of magic. sterek. the kid started out as a puppy but became a kid.
Hi anon! @midnightwinterhawk says it's this one.
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Natural by withered
(9/9 I 16,575 I Teen I Sterek)
Derek goes grocery shopping, and somehow walks out with a kid, a pack and a mate.
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How distraught Ransom and Holster had to be upon finding out that one of the first things Nursey and Dex found solidarity over is a shared hatred of golf.
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freebooter4ever · 2 years
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nursey is no longer chill
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beansprean · 9 months
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Commission from @randomnoteforfuturereference! Be on the lookout for their companion piece!
(ID in alt and under cut, along with tattoo translation)
ID: Full body of Dex, wearing a blue and white raglan tee tucked into small red athletic shorts, striped knee socks, white sneakers, and a fanny pack strapped to his waist, sitting on a patch of grass. Nursey, wearing a teal short sleeved button up, khaki shorts, and boat shoes, kneels behind him and grabs him around the neck in a loose chokehold. A line of Arabic text has been added to his tattoo, circling his bicep. It says أدعي على ولدي وأكره من يقول" أمين“ which is an Egyptian Arab phrase that basically means “I can criticize this person close to me, but I will defend them if someone else does”. He grips Dex's wrist and smacks him in the face with his own hand a few times. Dex's legs scrabble for purchase on the grass, a bit dazed as his face screws up in surprise and anger, pale cheek reddening from the slaps. Nursey grins into Dex's hair and chimes in with three laughing voices offscreen as they crow, "Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself!" The Maine harbor is visible in the background. /end ID
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luminarai · 2 years
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you can’t tell me that dex isn’t exactly the type of practical control freak that gets 100% into baking bread in his senior year (and keeps notes on flour types, resting times and temperatures, sourdough starter progress, etc). it hits nursey like a fucking truck
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horribleprotagonist · 11 months
everyone shhhh I'm thinking... walking human disaster nursey x former hockey player turned jr athletic trainer/kinesiology student dex au. coach hall makes nursey go see him after pulling his hamstring for the third time and nursey absolutely gay panics when they meet, and subsequently uses even the smallest bruise as an excuse to go see him. do you see my vision!!!
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I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day, check my pinned post for active polls
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atlasthemayor · 22 days
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Back with another drawing of an incorrect quote by @incorrect-omgcp-frogs (it's an older post and I can't find it tho lmao)
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