Hello there! I don't know if anyone has asked for this, but do you happen to know any fic on which Stiles and Derek are colleague nurses or doctors, and they meet each other in that setting?
Hey @darkmind-ofmine! Here you go.
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(^gpoy at work. true facts)
Pretty Eyes by Inell
(1/1 I 1,720 I Teen)
Stiles doesn’t intend to become a resident during a pandemic, but he’s learned to roll with whatever life throws his way.
The Anatomy of an FBI Agent by orphan_account
(2/? I 7,347 I Mature)
Stiles nodded. It sounded like a day full of machinery and doctors muttering over his scans.
“Will I be hanging out with you or one of the babies?”
Dr. Cutie grinned. “How could I trust them with my most prized patient?”
Stiles laughed.
He barely noticed the pain.
Bet On It by IDreamOnlyOfYou (lauren3210)
(1/1 I 8,343 I Mature)
Stiles is an RN and Derek the attending trauma surgeon at Beacon Hills Hospital. They're constantly arguing, much to the amusement of their colleagues, who ultimately decide to take bets on when the sexual tension will finally explode. The only question is, who will win the jackpot?
5 times one of the guys try to push Derek and Stiles together, and the time they worked it out all on their own.
Complications by DIEMONDS
(3/? I 17,273 I Teen)
“We can still be strangers. Strangers that hook up.” Stiles had to mentally curse at himself for liking Derek’s smirk. He honestly couldn’t help it, the man’s smile was too gorgeous.
“No!” Stiles ran a hand through his hair. “What we did-you and me-that cannot happen again! You’re an attending, and I’m your intern! It’s wrong on so many levels.”
(this isn’t exactly) where you’d want me by decideophobia
(1/1 I 19,070 I Teen)
“Do you even have any nice and soothing words in your repertoire?” Stiles asks, holding still while McBroody shines a light into his eyes. “Or is it only me who they let you loose on?”
“I actually just downloaded a new set of comforting phrases to use on patients this morning but I haven’t had a chance to listen to and internalize them yet. I do know how to say, Good news: you’re not dead, and We only need to take off one of your legs, though.”
OR, the one where Stiles keeps ending up in the ER and Derek almost gets brain damage from so much stupid.
Hazardous to Our Health by HenleyBeck
(6/? I 21,590 I Explicit)
Derek has just moved back to Beacon Hills and he works at the hospital with his sister. He loves his job, he loves the people he works with and then there's Stiles. Stiles who seems to pop up everywhere that Derek is and it doesn't help that everybody loves the kid. But Stiles is also the Chief of Surgery's son and there's no way he can get involved with Stiles right?
Wrong. As a doctor, Derek knows that certain things can be hazardous to one's health but sometimes it's nice to live dangerously.
Yin To His Yang by weirdwithhumor
(9/? I 26,125 I Teen)
Derek always wanted kids. He just thought he would find the perfect man, get married and settled down first.
He just never thought he would be left pregnant, unmated at nearly 30, and on a journey to become a single father.
But, Doctor! by stilinskisparkles
(1/1 I 30,269 I Mature)
“We had to splint a girl’s leg in a ditch,” Scott says excitedly.
“Bro, you sound way too happy about that,” Stiles complains, opening up his bag and pulling out a Twinkie.
Derek removes it from his hand silently and replaces it with an apple. Stiles scowls at him for a second then bites into it, regardless. Derek sits back and lets the group discuss the merits of dramatic lifesaving feats for winning over the ladies. Scott is convinced it’ll help impress Allison; Isaac thinks Scott’s a loser. Stiles—
Stiles is falling asleep on Derek’s shoulder.
@wolfspurr suggested this one!
No Superman by WhoNatural
(6/6 I 48,830 I Explicit I Sterek)
(AKA The Sterek Scrubs AU)
In which Stiles learns that med school didn’t prepare him for much at all; even the most epic of bromances can be weakened with the right amount of long, curly hair and dimples; and sometimes, first impressions aren’t all they’re cracked up to be - it’s the digging beneath the bravado that reveals who’s worth getting to know a little better.
Dr. Hale’s probably still a dick, though.
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I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day, check my pinned post for active polls
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Stiles: I’m Isaac Lahey’s emergency contact. Nurse: So you’re here to pick him up? Stiles: I’m here to be removed as his emergency contact. (source)
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sapphireginger · 2 years
Everyone receives a spirit dragon at the age of five. The dragons help their humans find a mate. The one person meant to be theirs and by doing so they find the dragon's other half as well.
DAY #2: Dungeons & Dragons
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marnz · 1 year
Pirate AU!!!!!! (Or pirate + mermaid??) (Or just mermaid??)
Derek is obviously a pirate. His family was a respected naval family and Derek was a naval officer turned privateer, but then the Argents, who run a trading company, came to power at court and when Derek got into a sticky situation, they (read: Kate on orders from Gerard) convinced the King to strip Derek of royal protection. Unknown to everyone: Derek and Kate were old friends! They grew up together! And then the Hales died and Derek was left alone with only the navy, becoming increasingly reckless fearless, and he was useless to Gerard
Stiles is a sailor who thinks Derek is a terrible Captain because he simply Does Not Know what he's doing as a pirate, as someone outside of the law, and also resents Derek for doing Whatever He Did since Stiles' Dad is in the navy. Now Stiles is a fucking criminal, his Dad is going to be so disappointed, etc
Scott, also a sailor, is not quite as worried about the legal implications and is planning to skip town because he is carrying on an ill advised love affair with Allison Argent, wants to eventually work in the trading company or become a merchant and have 2.5 kids etc. He and Stiles are besties.
But then Derek and a naval ship run by Commander Whitmore get into a fight and it's bad, a lot of people die and more are injured, including Scott. They make it out of there but barely, and the ship limps into the nearest safe port. Stiles somehow finds himself filling in as First Mate, which is a terrible idea because he's supposed to repeat Derek's orders to the crew and all of Derek's orders....are bad!
Stiles and Derek end up spending a lot of time together in the Captain's quarters late at night, arguing strategizing
They all want a new life but they do not have the money to get it, so one day Stiles and Derek come up with a plan to go after the largest Argent trading ship in the fleet, the one Gerard commands himself. It means sailing halfway across the world but Derek knows the Argent sailing routes and his ship is quick and nimble. However late at night Stiles can't help wondering if Derek is actually prioritizing the well fare of the crew or if he's just in this for revenge 👀
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murdrdocs · 2 months
she’s driving me crazy
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description. STILES STILINSKI finally gets another chance with you, and he won’t take it for granted
includes. SMUT 18+, riding, car sex, fem!reader, protective p n v, lots of making out, loser!stiles, awkward stiles, bi!stiles, exes getting back together, slightly manipulative reader, reader has easily malleable hair, reader wears makeup, drinking (but no drunk intercourse), bickering, scott guest appearance
wc. 6k+
a/n: long awaited stiles fic. bestie boo this one's for u. title from confidence by ocean alley. art credits unknown.
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Stiles knows he fucked up. 
He had you, after almost a full year of tortuous pining, and he let you slip through his hands. All of it, your relationship with Stiles, really didn’t last more than two months. Two months where date nights were rain checked and eventually canceled. Sleepovers were lackluster, and nothing more than a movie playing in the back while Stiles worked over something that wouldn’t rest in his brain, leaving you alone in the center of his unmade bed. Promises were made, and never kept. It was a mess, a horrible, murky mess of Stiles’ own creation. 
He knows this. But he still allows himself to mourn what could have been. He grieves what was. All while nursing a warm beer that doesn’t sit well in his stomach, mostly because of the sight he has been doomed to acknowledge—also his own doing as he could definitely turn his gaze elsewhere. 
You’re tucked under the arm of some guy who looks nothing like Stiles, and he doesn’t know if that makes him feel better or worse. Is that your dream guy? Or are you forcing yourself to branch out and try something that wasn’t him? He tries to resist the spiral that sends him on, and is only able to start crawling out of the self-deprecating and insecurity tunnel through Scott’s voice beside him. 
“What’re you staring at?” 
Scott reeks of alcohol and fruit-flavored syrup. If he wasn’t a werewolf, Stiles knows his best friend would be unable to stand straight by now. But Scott stands like his usual self next to Stiles, a big grin on his face probably from the attention he’s been getting from Kira. (It was sickening for Stiles to watch but he forced himself to be happy for the strong relationship his best friend has.)
Stiles’ immediate instinct is to lie. “Nothing.” He says it a little too fast. He tries to cover his slip up by taking a sip of his beer, but the flavor is unappealing to the point where the face of disgust he presents makes him look more guilty than he really is. 
Scott stares at Stiles, waiting. Stiles knows he won’t lie to Scott, not about something this small anyway, and it is only a matter of a few seconds before Stiles sighs. 
“Look,” he points at you and your suitor. “Don’t you think he’s making her uncomfortable? Look at that. He’s all over her. Probably reeks of Axe body spray.”
It’s then that the guy cracks another joke, your head throwing back in laughter just before you rest your ear against his chest. It’s so affectionate. As if you’ve known this guy for years, and not just mere minutes. 
Stiles flicks his eyes over to Scott, expecting to see his best friend analyzing the situation with at least a small amount of attention that Stiles is. Instead, Scott is looking over at Stiles, wearing what Stiles can only describe as a knowing smirk on his lips. 
Stiles steps back, a little bewildered. “What?” 
Scott, annoyingly, shrugs. He sips his drink, one he has solely for taste as Stiles knows, and only responds once he’s taken a long, slow swallow. 
“She seems fine to me. I thought you guys were broken up anyway.” 
“We are!” 
“Then why do you care so much?” 
Stiles can’t help but petulantly roll his eyes. He turns to face you and your human shaped bag of bricks once again, gesturing for Scott to do the same. His mouth opens, lips parted and tongue ready to spew out the analytics he’d been gathering this entire time in lieu of an excuse. 
Then Scott interrupts. 
“Do you want me to see what’s going on?” Scott throws a finger up towards his ear, one eyebrow lifted as he waits for Stiles to gather the implications and then make a decision. 
It takes Stiles longer to complete the latter than the former. 
He waits, thinks, looks at you and the guy. And then remembers the strict ‘no listening’ rule you all have set in place, the one he most definitely won’t betray in the name of jealousy, even if you aren’t particularly aware of all of the intricacies. 
When he sighs, it’s defeated and with his entire body. He knows he’s pouting, he assumes he resembles his teenage self—mopey and brooding. He doesn’t mean to speak through gritted teeth, but he ends up doing it anyway. 
“No. She’s probably … fine. I guess.” It hurts to admit, deep in Stiles' jealousy-filled gut. Scott’s way of comforting him is by clapping a hand on his shoulder, and telling him that you’re a grown adult who is allowed to make her own decisions, the same as him. 
Scott’s intentions aren’t understood until he points at someone in the opposite direction of you. A guy who, from the looks of it, has been eyeing Stiles for a while. He’s Stiles’ type. Exactly his type, actually, and Scott knows this. 
“Instead of sulking around …” Scott doesn’t need to finish his sentence in order for Stiles to understand. He only lingers for a few seconds, and then is pulled back towards the larger group by Kira’s eyes and grin. 
The guy on the other side of the bar is still watching Stiles. He’s smiling a small but confident smile, like he knows Stiles wants him as much as he wants Stiles. He tilts his head in a beckon, and Stiles is close to letting the guy pull him over there. Until he sees you step away from the man, smile dismissively up to him, and start towards Stiles instead. 
Instantly, it’s like a flip has been switched. 
He starts to feel the effects of the alcohol, even though he’d been nursing the same bottle the entire night. Still, he chooses to attribute the buzz flowing throughout his body to the overpriced beer and not excitement of finally having your attention. 
He watches your path, trying not to feel too disappointed as he takes notice of the way you’re struggling to walk in a straight line. 
You fall into his arms in a fit of giggles. Your head resting on his chest, your hands circling around his back. 
“Stiles,” you sing, long and drawn out and definitely drunk.  
He repeats your name in the same tune, placing his drink onto a tabletop next to him and abandoning it for good. Keeping you away from self destruction is his new main priority. 
You slump against him even more, turning yourself around and leaning back against his body. Your position leaves Stiles with nothing else to do other than stand stiffly. He knows that if you were sober, you wouldn’t be nearly as affectionate as you are now. He ignores the way your ass brushes against his crotch. He ignores the smell of your perfume wafting up to him, a scent he had the privilege of seeing you apply a few times before when you were dating. (The image of you getting ready for the day, lathering yourself in the oils and lotions and scents that worked to create your unique scent will never leave his brain, for better or for worse.)
He does his best to remain unaffected, but then you tilt your head up, the crown of your hair rubbing against Stiles’ shirt as you look at him. As soon as he glances down, he sees you pouting, clearly over exaggerated but it’s a look he, pathetically, will never be able to resist. 
“Why won’t you touch me?” You manage to sound pitiful, as if you had lost every single thing you hold dear to your heart in the last couple of minutes. 
In his response, he tries to remain neutral. Drunk or not, you know the game you’re playing, and Stiles foolishly believes that his knowledge of the ploy makes him insusceptible. 
“Because you’re drunk,” he platonically rests his hands on your shoulders and encourages you off of him. “And we aren’t together anymore.” 
You turn around to face him, grinning up at him like the cat with the canary as you tell him, “it didn’t stop us last time, right?”
That, and the way you almost throw yourself at some guy walking past, is enough reason for Stiles to link his hand in yours and pull you towards the others. Scott stares down at your interlinked palms for only a moment before Stiles explains his plan, which entails getting you back to your apartment before you do something you could regret. 
This isn’t an excuse for Stiles to continue hanging out with you. He makes sure he clarifies that to himself and his best friend before he’s pulling you out of the bar and towards his Jeep.
You’re both less than ten steps away from the entrance to the bar when you suddenly have your lips pressed to Stiles’. 
There is a moment where Stiles fails to resist. Where he reciprocates quicker than his brain can realize, acting on pure instinct and muscle memory instead of logic. He is unable to stop himself from getting comfortable, from linking this kiss to the last one he’d received from you. Hotter and messier than this one. (Lost in his appreciation to finally be kissing you again, Stiles fails to notice how you don’t taste like alcohol at all)
Only a few more seconds pass before Stiles reminds himself that you’re drunk, and that this is wrong. When he pulls away from your lips—regretfully, that is—he’s tempted into staying by the slight stickiness of your lipgloss and the almost-disgusting string of saliva that briefly keeps you two sewn together. 
You try to lean back in, but Stiles stops you with his hands on your shoulders. 
“You’re drunk,” he reminds you. 
You’re fixing him with a look, one that feels strong and weirdly sober. His suspicions have more proof to back them up when you say his name with the same matter-of-fact tone he had just used on you. 
“I’m not drunk.” 
He scrunches his eyebrows together, the muscles in his face mimicking the movement as well. His lips part as he nonverbally exclaims his confusion. He lifts one of his hands from your shoulder to hook his thumb towards the bar entrance. He looks around, for nothing or no one in particular, but as if the night will have an explanation that you would surely be willing to provide if he asks. 
He didn’t even need to ask before you provide an explanation. It’s cut and dry, matter-of-fact, spoken like it is the most casual thing in the world. 
“I faked being drunk so you could take me home.” 
Stiles knows what you mean. He’s not dumb. But he surely does feel it when he says, “If you didn’t feel well you could’ve just told Lydia. She would’ve taken you back to yours.” 
You roll your eyes. “If you don’t wanna sleep with me, that’s fine. Just let me know before I waste my time.” 
Stiles should stand up for himself. He should reprimand your attitude, and exclaim how unnecessary it was. Instead, he flounders and almost falls to your feet with the speed he clarifies himself. 
“No. I do wanna sleep with you. Like, really bad. But … um … well,” you lift your eyebrows and Stiles clears his throat. “How many fingers am I holding up.” 
“Jesus, fuck, Stiles.” He continues holding up his first three fingers on his right hand until you answer. “Three.” 
You lean in but Stiles takes a step back. And then another. And then another, until he’s standing against the wall of the bar and you’re standing at the edge of the sidewalk. 
“Walk in a straight line towards me.” 
You don’t seem happy about it, but you place one foot in front of the other over and over again until you’re in front of Stiles. Nothing more has to be said before Stiles places his hands on your hips, pulls you flush to him, and finally allows himself to kiss you. 
It’s been a while since Stiles had the privilege of kissing you. The last time, just a month ago, didn’t count in his mind. Sure, he remembered nearly every detail, but your shared inebriated state at the time overruled any legitimacy the encounter could have held. Now, it only acts as a reminder and motivator for Stiles to enjoy every moment of this that he can. 
Eventually, it would be smart, and preferable, to leave the outside of the bar and actually take you home where you two could be alone. But for now, Stiles presses his hands into the middle of your back as a way to pull you as close to him as possible. He has his legs spread, creating space for your limbs to stagger. Your hands rest on his shoulders, then at the back of his neck, then in his hair. Both of you are attempting to get as close to the other as possible, all while engaging in the sloppiest kiss you’ve ever had. You both kissed cleaner when you were drunk. 
Now, outside this bar with your closest friends inside, and with nothing but the night (and the bouncer) as witness, you submit to the other. There is a level of appreciation in the way your lips slide together. There is a level of gratitude in the presses of your tongues against each other. There is an exorbitant amount of longing that is solved each time you jerk your hips into Stiles and each time he reciprocates. 
You thread your hands through Stiles’ hair the same time that he slides his hands down to your ass and squeezes, pulling you as close to him as possible and rubbing his thigh against the center seam of your jeans. You both groan into each other's mouths—Stiles from the way you tug just right on his hair, and you from the feeling of his leg between yours. 
Sensing—knowing that he did something right, something good, Stiles does it again. And again. And again. The steady slide of his thigh between your legs does the job. You let your head fall, leaning the top of it against Stiles’ chest just right under his sternum. 
The sound of you moaning Stiles’ name goes straight to his dick, with a few remnants traveling to his head, leaving him dizzy and with a steady growing semi. His actions make you grip his hair stronger. His actions indirectly cause pleasure for him, too. 
It all disappears when the sound of spitting—loud and boisterous, almost cartoonish—breaks up the moment. Stiles stops his movements. He lays his hands flat on the back pockets of your jeans as he turns his head to the side. 
The eyes of the bouncer meet Stiles and Stiles’ ears burn. 
While the bouncer doesn’t say anything to him, Stiles knows the message he’s trying to communicate. 
Get the fuck out of here. 
Stiles is forced to push you back by hooking his fingers in your belt loops. He’s still touching you, at least an extension of you, but then your hands drop to your sides and Stiles can feel his body crying out for you. The same way his body calls out for vital needs—food, water, sleep, entertainment. He squashes his emotions for a second, plasters on a—truthfully sympathetic—face, one that comes off more as a tight lipped smile than anything else. 
“Sorry, man. You — uh. You have a goodnight.” He throws a hand up to the bouncer, hoping it is received as friendly. When the bouncer returns the gesture, still with that same look in his eyes, Stiles heads down the street and pulls you with him. 
The walk to the car is tortuous. His boner keeps rubbing against his jeans, leaving him to stop every few paces, face away from the street, and try to adjust himself. After the third time, you were voicing your frustration, claiming that it was taking forever to reach the car because of Stiles’ worry about who could see his erection. He tries things your way, ignoring the way his dick calls for his attention and instead focusing all of his attention on you. 
The way your hips sway in your tight jeans. The way the wind blows your perfume to him and lifts the edge of your shirt in one, giving Stiles a peek of your skin. It’s such a small look, nothing more than a glimpse, and Stiles feels like a Victorian man the way he’s having to bite his fist at the next crosswalk to avoid groaning. The street lights illuminate your face in just the right ways, highlighting your makeup in an unnaturally ethereal way. Everything about you is driving Stiles crazy. There’s no way he’s going to make it to your house. If he doesn’t get to his car soon, he might pull you into the next bar bathroom that he could find just for a semblance of privacy. 
If he could just get to his Jeep. 
It’s then that Stiles realizes he’s been walking for far too long. He stops in the center of the sidewalk. You stop right beside him. 
Stiles doesn’t say anything as he turns around and leads you three blocks down the street, one street over, and then into the parking garage elevator. 
The way you’re grinning at him alerts Stiles of the words soon to come out of your mouth, definitely words that would be at his expense. He stops you while you’re ahead. 
It’s nice to have the position switched. Your back against the wall instead of his. His hands are still on your hips, but he uses them to push you into the metal instead of pulling you into him. You have that part covered, your arms once more thrown over his shoulders, pressed into the back of his neck and head, drawing him in until the pressure of his lips against yours is a little painful. 
In the rush neither of you have pushed the button, leaving the elevator stagnant on the ground floor. Stiles notices at the same time that you scratch his scalp. He moans, he really can’t help it. His mouth opens as you purse your lips again, and he feels a little bad but you aren’t deterred. In fact, you do it again, your nails scratching in just the right spot and Stiles feels like an animal the way he shudders and keens. 
He’s more human when he admits, “Missed this.” He presses his lips to yours again, pulling back with a smack. “Missed you.” 
Your lips slide against his with what Stiles can only describe as desperation. Pure, unadulterated desperation and desire. You’re breathing a little heavy, deep exhales through your nose and inhales in the in between moments, and it doesn’t turn Stiles off at all. He wants more of you. He takes more of you. 
He doesn’t know how long you two are in there, but it is eventually you who pulls back first, your lips visibly swollen and lacking any of the makeup that was previously on it. 
“Has the elevator been moving at all?” You could check for yourself. Just one look over Stiles’ shoulder and you could see that the small screen still displayed a digital ‘1’. Yet, you’re looking up at him instead. Like Stiles is the most important thing in the elevator. Like he’s the most important thing in the world to you. (Maybe it’s Stiles’ delusion talking, but he chooses to believe it either way)
Still, Stiles looks over his shoulder, confirms that he hadn’t hit the button at all, and leans back to correct his mistakes. 
The elevator beeps twice, bringing you both to the third floor, and as much as Stiles’ wants to continue standing there and just admire you, he can hear the door daring to slide close. Again, he pulls you out behind him. 
As soon as he turns the corner, Stiles is immediately made aware of the lack of other cars on the level. It’s a little eerie, and if he wasn’t about to get his dick wet he would possibly be on the lookout for potential threats that could turn one of the best moments of his life into another inconvenience. 
Your hands are on his shoulders, his back, his arms, as you hold onto him. 
“Why did you park all alone? Did you plan this? Were you trying to get in my pants all night?” 
Stiles digs into the front pocket of his jeans and searches for his keys. “No. There were other people parked here earlier. They’re just all gone now.” 
You hum unconvincingly. “Uh-huh. Whatever you say, Stiles.” 
As soon as Stiles has the passenger door unlocked, he holds the door open for you and stares, hoping the annoyance is overpowering every other feeling he’s currently having towards you. 
“In the back,” he tells you. You smile up at him, big and entertained, and then do as he says. 
He climbs in right behind you. At this point in the night, there was no point in attempting to get back to your apartment or his. Stiles couldn’t wait much longer, and you two are no stranger to the back of his Jeep. You’ve been in this situation before. 
It’s all completely effortless. You’re already in the process of slipping your jeans off whenever Stiles has the door closed. He mourns for just a second, pouting to himself over not being the one to take those sinful jeans off of you. But then you climb over his lap, situating yourself to hover just a bit above him. 
Stiles plants his hands on your hips, just like he did before, and pulls you to sit right over him, just like you have before. He knows that the status of your relationship has changed since the last time he had the privilege of being in this space with you like this, but that doesn’t mean the way you do things has to change, too. 
You were never shy before. You would always be quick to attach yourself to Stiles in whatever ways you could, just like you had been doing just a little earlier into the night. But that’s gone now. Now, you’re staring at him, your teeth pressed into your bottom lip. 
Before you were together for a short time, Stiles had spent months pining. Months analyzing whatever he could about you. Months mentally cataloging your tells. And now, he calls on that information to declare that you’re hesitant. You’re nervous. No, not just nervous. You’re worried. Almost regretful. 
He tilts his head. “What’s wrong?” 
You shrug but Stiles knows you’re aware of what has you like this. He just gives you the time to voice it. 
Eventually, you say: “Will this change anything between us?” 
It’s his turn to shrug. “I dunno. Do you want anything to change?” 
You shrug again. 
“Well … do you want to keep going? And we decide that afterwards?” Stiles really wants to fuck you, but deep down he knows that if you stopped and got up off of him in this moment, he would be okay with it. Well, he would be okay with it after a few days. Maybe a week or two. 
A little part in him swells, jumps, and clicks its heels when you nod. 
“Yeah. That sounds good.” You press your lips to his once. 
“You just tell me when you decide, okay? I’m cool with whatever you’re cool with.” And Stiles means that. If he gets just one more time with you, if this is his final time with you, he would cut his losses and be grateful for the time that he was allowed. What else was he supposed to do? He would never dream of doing anything that could jeopardize his spot in your life. 
Stiles can feel the warmth of your center is his hand when he trails his touch down. He cups your mound and his eyes flutter shut. He feels like a pervert for only a second before you start to work your lips down his neck and rock your hips into his hand. The way your mouth suctions around his favorite spot almost has him distracted enough to not notice your hands working on his pants. Almost. 
He can’t really tell in the dark, but he can slightly feel your once confident movements start to falter. You stop on his neck, keeping your lips as nothing but a pucker against his skin before you pull away completely to look down between the two of you. 
“When the fuck did you start wearing a belt?” 
Stiles doesn’t want to tell you the truth, he feels like it would be too embarrassing. Really, he knows it wouldn’t, but something about having to tell you that he decided to wear a belt because you always said he should makes him feel a little meek. So instead of filling the silence with the truth, he fills the silence with the clinks of his belt buckle as he undos it himself. 
“Recently,” is all he tells you when you’re still staring at him for a response. Somehow, it’s enough for you and your hands are back on his waistband. 
In record speed, your hands are down the elastic of his boxers and wrapping around Stiles’ cock. He doesn’t hiss, but he does shudder. He tries to hide it by pretending that the car is cold, which it was beforehand, but now it’s warm. It becomes warmer when you spit in your hand, wrap it around Stiles’ cock and pump him a few times, and then push your underwear to the side and hover above him. 
It really pains Stiles to stop you, but he does. He asks if you have a condom, then he asks if you want to use a condom, and the entire time he’s kicking himself. Because he can feel the warmth radiating. He has his tip already nudged between your folds, and just this small touch is already making him lose it. His nails are digging into your hips, he’s breathing harder than he was before, and he has to blink a few times to really focus on you. 
It feels like Stiles blinks and suddenly you’re tearing the foil packet open and slipping the condom over him. He watches it go down as best as he can, and the light doesn’t reveal much. Just the bottom of you and the tip of him is visible, the rest Stiles is forced to make out through squints and memorization. 
He’s just briefly dejected about the lack of visuals, but then your hands rest on his shoulders and he hears you take a breath and he knows it’s time. 
Stiles rests his hands on your side and looks up at you. 
You go down slowly. Softly. It allows Stiles to feel each delicious inch as they go by, revealing more and more of the inside of you as time passes. He battles between watching your face and simply basking in it. Eventually, he settles on the former. 
Your eyebrows are tightened just enough to show your discomfort. You have your lips parted, long breaths leaving them every so often, usually right before you sink down again. And Stiles has seen you take him before. He knows that you have been able to take him faster than this before. And then he wonders: is this your first time doing this, with anyone, in a while? Have you been as lost without him as he has been without you? Have you even attempted to fill that hole, and was your stunt earlier tonight just that: a stunt?
There isn’t time for him to ponder over his questions like he would have wanted to whenever you bottom out. It’s with a sigh, the back of your thighs meeting the top of his just briefly. 
You rest your forehead against his, and you both breathe together. Or, it’s more so you breathing and Stiles matching the pattern. 
You lean up, you move your hair out of your face, and you tell him, “Don’t remember it being this hard.” 
Slightly cocky, Stiles tilts his head.  At first he doesn’t say anything. He smiles, his eyes are heavy when they look you up and down, and then he rubs your back. “Take your time.” 
You take the time you need and then you start moving. Up and down. Up and down. Agonizingly slowly at first, and then faster when you get more comfortable. 
This is what Stiles has needed. This is what he has been missing in his life. You’re like a drug for him, and one hit seems like enough at the time, but by the time this is all over he knows he’s going to be searching for more. He’ll do anything he has to, so long as it gets him in a spot similar to this again. 
He searches for your hand, refusing to look away from the way your body moves atop of him for even a second. You help him out, bringing your hand to his, pressing the fingertips together, leaving Stiles to interlock them. He lifts your hands, looking at them in the white light that enters the foggy window. Somehow, this image is even more captivating. There is a more pornographic way the two of you are connected, one that demands Stiles’ attention. There is something about the innocence of this. He’s doing nothing but holding your hand, and Stiles feels like he might either lose his mind, or cum too quickly. 
He might do both. One after the other. 
You sink down on him again, a little awkwardly this time, but it does it for you. You hit a spot that makes your mouth widen and your eyes flutter shut. You search for it, and find it miraculously. Your head throws back as you hit that spot over and over again, pleasing yourself on Stiles’ dick. The image is heavenly for him. It’s euphoric. 
He lets his eyes wander down your neck, along your clavicle, and your shirt reveals just a bit of your bust but it’s not enough. With his free hand, he pulls the rest of the fabric down, and when he sees that you’re not wearing a bra, he almost cums into the condom then and there. He doesn’t wonder how he hadn’t noticed, he doesn't consider how he hadn’t taken into account the natural shape of your breasts pushing through the fabric, almost reaching out to him. Instead, he leans forward, presses his hand into the curve of your back, and attaches his mouth to the untouched skin. 
Your free hand sinks into Stiles’ hair. Your fingers weave through the back of his hair first, and then you make your way up to the front, pushing back his bangs blindly. 
Stiles peers up at you from his spot around your nipples. You’re still in ecstasy—your head now level once more, but your mouth still open and your eyes still closed. 
He detaches from your nipple to tell you: “Look at me.” 
It fuels Stiles’ ego when you do as told quickly. 
You’re looking at him on his command yet Stiles feels like he’s the one entranced. Because of your eyes. Fuck, your eyes. Watery, lazy, but your pupils are dilated. Your mascara has transferred to under your eyes by now, and it’s smudged a bit, making you look completely fucked out. Stiles thinks some of your makeup along your face has disappeared too, but it allows for a fresh skinned appearance instead. 
Really, there is nothing else for him to do except kiss you. It’s so messy but so good. You flatter in your movements on his cock, but Stiles feels absolutely no remorse when he takes over. 
He unlocks your hands and plants them both on your hips again. This time, he uses the leverage to pull you down on him again and again. He lets you lead the kiss, while he leads this. 
Your hands land on the leather of the seat behind Stiles' back and the foggy glass pane of the window. He hears your fingertips glide down the surface as he starts to fuck you harder, and then the sound is combined with your moans when your lips separate from Stiles’. 
You call his name, low and breathy. 
He hums. 
“‘m so close. Keep going. Just like that.” He nods. Then you add, “Little faster.” And he does as told. 
Your forehead pressed against his, the sweat on both of your skin making your heads glide more than anticipated. It doesn’t deter either of you. When your nose bumps against Stiles’, he kisses you again. When your head becomes too heavy for you to hold it up, he presses his thumb under your jaw, rests his fingers on the side of your neck, and holds the weight for you. 
“You’re so pretty,” he tells you, adding your name at the end to seal the deal. “Baby,” he says, and his heart swells when you hum in response. So he says it again. “Baby, you feel so good. Feel so good, babe.” 
He doesn’t know what more he says. He can vaguely recognize his lips forming the words and his own voice in his ears calling you the prettiest girl ever, telling you that he could never get this anywhere else, telling you he never wanted to get this from anywhere else. 
“Needed this so bad. I needed you so bad. I’ve missed you.” And just as his words finish, yours begin. 
“Stiles, Stiles. Right there. ‘m … I’m…!” 
He singles two fingers out, slips them between your thighs, and rubs along your clit until you’re shaking above him and holding onto his wrist between your bodies. He doesn’t know if you’re trying to pull him closer or push him away, but watching you cum is too gorgeous for him to ever dream of making it stop. 
So he doesn’t. 
Not even when your eyes start to leak and your lips start to plead and you contract around him. 
“One more,” he asks. “I just need to see it one more time. Please.” 
The sound of him moving in and out of you is loud. He drifts his eyes down to watch it happen, groaning when he just barely sees a broken ring of white glinting in the fluorescents from the parking garage. 
It feels a little romantic when you cum and then Stiles follows right after. 
The Jeep is warm, the windows are foggy, and there’s an ache in Stiles’ thighs. He knows for every one of his aches, you have three. The condom has been removed, tied, and disposed of in an old paper bag Stiles had sitting on the floor of his car. His pants are pulled back up, but his belt is still undone. His shirt sticks to his skin and he really needs greasy food and a shower. 
But if that means leaving this moment, and never returning to it, he could put off his needs and wants for an eternity. 
You’re sitting next to him, redressed with the button of your jeans still undone. You’re staring straight ahead, trying to catch your breath as you rub the muscles in your thighs. 
Stiles doesn’t know what to say, so he licks his lips and he says, “Uh … do you … um. Would you like some … ice or something? For your legs?” 
You smile ahead, turn to face him, and shake your head. “It’ll be fine. Nothing a shower and good sleep won’t fix.” You pause. “And maybe some food.” 
Which is how Stiles ends up sitting in your bed, sipping the remnants of his Dr. Pepper as he watches you lather lotion on your legs with your towel still hanging off of your body. 
“Your food’s cold,” he tells you. He doesn’t tell you about the handful of fries he stole earlier, but he knows you’ll notice it and hold the grudge for later. 
Later. Will there be a ‘later’? 
“Be there in a second.” You start to walk back to the bathroom. “Should we go to that place in the morning? Or …” you look at your clock and wince at the time. “Later. The one with the really good pancakes?” 
Stiles is quick to agree. He would love to do something with you later. 
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
Stiles blurb with him and the reader having a little makeout session then Scott barges in and Scott looks like a proud parent 😭😭
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“Easy…easy, Princess—”
“Stiles…come on—”
“Shh. You can be patient, can’t you?”
You lean back and catch his eye, offering a flat look. “Have you met me?”
He grins, chuckling under his breath as he smooths his palms up your spine while tugging you closer. “Touché.”
With that, his kisses return to your throat, teeth scraping down your feverish skin as your head drops back and your eyes fall closed.
You’ve never needed someone so badly. So urgently. So salaciously. He’s fucking everything. 
And he knows it.
“Don’t go quiet on me,” he murmurs, nose nudging under your jaw. “Not after all that begging you did earlier.”
You whimper despite yourself, fingers in his hair as he rolls your hips over his. 
“It was cute.” He nips at your chest. “Hearing you beg me to touch you. Watching you squirm in your seat. Put my hand between your thighs under the table. In the middle of the goddamn library, too. S’that how bad you needed me?”
You don’t answer. Can’t. Your cheeks are already flushed, and your mind is hazy but Stiles doesn’t care. 
The sadistic prick.
“Does history turn you on? Is that it?” he teases, smirking when you whisper his name. “Had to drag me to the nurse's office just to fuck me? Is that it?”
“Say it,” he hisses, hand around the back of your neck as he squeezes, forcing your eyes on his. “Go on. Tell me what I wanna hear. Tell me how bad you fucking need me—”
The sound of a third voice brings your attention to the door, both of your eyes widening as you find Scott with his head peeking in from the hallway.
His eyebrow cocks up when he realizes what he’s walked into, blinking quickly as he mumbles, “Oh, my bad. Malia said you weren’t...feeling…well?”
Neither you nor Stiles move, somehow frozen as Scott’s mouth begins to turn up in a rather smug smirk. 
“But I see you’re feeling much better now,” he declares, nodding his chin at the two of you. “Carry on, Obi-Wan.”
And with that, he slips back into the hall and closes the door, leaving Stiles to groan as he drops his forehead onto your chest. “He gets the reference wrong every fucking time, I swear to God—”
“I thought you locked the door,” you laugh as you slip off his lap to do just that. “It’s like you want to get caught.”
He watches you suspiciously as you return to him, grabbing onto your hips as you straddle his waist. “Oh, I’m the one who wants to get caught, huh? When you were screaming so loud last time, half the station heard you.”
“Listen, it’s not my fault you had to have me right then and there,” you argue. “I mean, your dad was a few hundred feet away—”
“Right, and we would have gotten away with it, if you hadn’t done exactly what I said not to do, and moaned—”
“I couldn’t help it, baby,” you suddenly whisper in a needy purr, dipping down to ghost your lips over his as your fingers drag through the soft hairs on the nape of his neck. “Can never help it when it comes to you.”
And suddenly, he’s not so upset anymore, hands tugging at you until you both go crashing back against the small mattress.
“Yeah?” he murmurs, hands already slipping under your skirt. 
Your breath hitches.
“Then let’s make it two for two.”
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~ Full Masterlist
~ Other Dylan Blurbs
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strangerstilinski · 8 months
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𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝟏𝟖+
𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐩𝐭. 𝟑 — 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; 𝐧𝐨 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲/𝐧, 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭, 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 (𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐯𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐥 𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤
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| 𝐩𝐭. 𝟏 | ⋆ | 𝐩𝐭. 𝟐 | ⋆ | 𝐩𝐭. 𝟑 | ⋆ | 𝐩𝐭. 𝟒 |
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By the time you hear the telltale crunch and scuffle of footsteps approaching through the trees, you've been waiting for so for long that your butt has begun to go a little numb from the cold where you sit on the ground, knees hugged to your chest and back pressed against the trunk of a wide tree.
It hasn't quite reached the level of chill that'll have you seeing foggy clouds of breath as you exhale, but it's definitely nearing the time of year when it will be too cold to wait for Stiles outside like this. The late night temperature now is still just shy of it, warm enough that the crickets still chirp happily in the distance, frogs making their own music in the brook that you know winds through the woods just a little ways away.
The drink that you'd still been nursing when you snuck away was long gone, and your intoxicated buzz has settled into nothing more than a pleasant giddiness that swirls warmly beneath your skin to help fight the chill while you wait. Fallen leaves underneath your thighs are a mix of soft and crunchy beneath your fingertips when you pick at them impatiently, the rainstorms that passed through the day before having left the bottom layers damp and smelling strongly of dead earth.
You definitely hear Stiles coming long before you can see him; the quiet curses as he stumbles through the woods, the thump and scuffle of his feet getting caught every now and then on rocks and exposed tree roots. It's hard to say whether his difficulty is a product of his own intoxication or simply his penchant for clumsiness, but you find yourself stifling a quiet giggle as you watch him trip once more, his feet kicking up while his arms fly forward to brace himself for a fall that never comes.
He calls your name once he regains his balance but the lingering alcohol in your brain has you holding your tongue, a wide smile tugging at your lips as you carefully pull yourself up and peer around a tree to spot the dark shape of the boy just a few yards away.
Stiles spins on his heel when a twig snaps under your weight, his startled expression barely illuminated by the moonlight filtering through the steadily thinning autumn foliage on the trees above. He calls your name again, this time a bit quieter, his tone hushed as his feet carry him right past where you're hiding.
“If you're out there and trying to scare me, it's not gonna work,” He says somewhat weakly, his words not at all convincing, “Not to mention if you gave me bedroom eyes and then lead me out here only because you wanted to try and make me piss my pants, I'll kick your cute little ass.”
His delivery of the second statement is more believable, but the teasing only has you grinning wider, heart thumping with excited anticipation beneath your ribs.
“Babe, c'mon,” Stiles urges in a soft voice, “Seriously, where are you? If something happened to you and you're dying right now, Scott will actually kill m-”
“Hi, handsome.”
You murmur the words directly over his shoulder and Stiles flinches so hard in surprise that he nearly smacks you in the face as he spins in your direction. You only narrowly dodge his arm with a small squeak of surprise that quickly melts into a laugh and Stiles shakes his head in irritation even as his chest heaves from the scare.
“Jesus christ!” He exclaims quietly.
You only smile.
“Aw, I'm sorry, Stiles, did I scare you?” You tease sweetly as you close the small gap between the two of you, arms already looping around the back of his neck so that you can plant a kiss to his mouth. His lips taste of pizza and beer from the pack game night that's still taking place just a little ways up the hill. You want to lick your way inside of his mouth to get a better taste, and you're gearing up to do so when his head cranes back to break the kiss as his hands fall to your waist to hold you in place with a tight grip.
“You are such a shithead, McCall,” Stiles tells you with about as much annoyance as he can manage with your breasts pressed so tight against his chest, “I was starting to think something actually might've gotten you. I was about to stumble upon your body, and then, y'know, I figure whatever got you was likely to eat me next-”
“Mm, if you were really set on it, I could still eat you up,” You murmur against his mouth, your tongue flicking out to brush his lips in a teasing touch, “Though, with a house full of werewolves a hundred yards away, don't you think someone would've heard me scream?”
“Not if it went for your throat first,” Stiles retorts a little too easily, “Plus, the music's pretty loud up there.” He adds after a moment.
“Loud enough that no one'll hear if you make me scream?” You question seductively, fingertips trailing up from the nape of his neck to tangle into the soft strands of his hair.
His breath stutters as it slips out in a warm wave from his lips and onto your own, his hands falling to the curve of your ass and tucking into the pockets of your jeans to give it a squeeze. The action has heat pulsing between your thighs and lust has you pressing yourself against him a little harder, until you can feel the warm line of his cock where it's stiffening up beneath his pants.
“I, uh, I'm not sure it's that loud. Y'know, if the sound of your screams were, like, repetitive — I think someone might be more likely t-”
His words cut off with a quiet clack as his teeth snap together, eyes searching your own in the dark.
“I need you,” Your fingers comb through his hair, nails scraping against his scalp softly as warm breaths continue to mingle in the barely existent bit of space between you, “I need you.” You repeat, the words a little softer with vulnerability this time, a little more desperate.
“Right, yeah,” Stiles is already looking around the forest with wide eyes, the quick rise and fall of his chest moving your own where you're pressed together, “Shit. Fuck. Um, we.. We could-”
You're far too worked up to find his racing thoughts as endearing as you normally would, “Stiles I can literally ride you right here if you just-”
“No,” He cuts you off, smacking a quick kiss to the corner of your mouth in apology for his interruption before he's grabbing a hold of your hand and dragging you back through the trees toward the edge of the backyard, “No, you'll scrape up you knees like that-”
The sight of the house in the distance has you digging your feet in a little as he pulls you along, “Stiles, where are we- Are you seriously going to say no to sex because you don't want my knees to get a little dirty-?”
“Fuck, no,” Stiles looks back at you like he's contemplating just how well you even know him to make a deduction like that. In his distraction, Stiles trips over a tree root jutting up from the ground and nearly takes you down with him, narrowly managing to keep his feet underneath himself as he tries to keep you from stumbling.
“Then where are we going?” You question again.
“You'll see,” He glances back to catch the tail end of the eye roll you send his way, “Babe, just c'mon.”
Once at the edge of the yard, damp grass underfoot, Stiles banks left and you spot the shed that he seems to have set his sights on. Your arms snake around his waist from behind as he pulls at the loose padlock on the door, the hairs at the base of his tummy are soft under your fingers and you can't help but dip you hand beneath his waistband where the hair spreads further.
“Fucking-” Stiles fumbles with the door when your fingertips just graze his cock, the skin silky smooth under your palm as you push a little further so you can wrap your hand around him, “You're a f-fucking.. menace.” He tells you, not an ounce of bite to his words, more of a groan of approval than anything.
Your only response is to press your lips to the side of his throat, snapping a small nip of your teeth against his shoulder as you work your hand torturously slow.
Distracted by your touch, Stiles swings the door open with with a bit too much enthusiasm. He dives forward to catch it before it can collide with a pile of paint cans stacked against the inside wall and only narrowly gets a hold of it in time.
As soon as the door is secured behind you again, you're dropping to your knees in front of him, metal and leather clinking and slapping beneath your quick hands as you work his belt and get his jeans open enough to tug out his cock. It springs up as it's released, bobbing in front of you like it's taunting you for just how badly you want him. You eye the tip where he's flushed dark pink, shiny and dribbling already, noticeable even in the low light coming in through the windows.
Stiles lets out a groan that sounds more like a whine as you take him in your hand again and lick at the tip, savoring the small beads of precome that meet your tongue. You hum at the salty tang of them, dragging your mouth down the length of him, tracing the soft vein along the underside of his cock with your lips and tongue.
“Oh, fuck,” Stiles moans, his hand finding it's way into your loose hair nearly immediately, “You.. You don't have to-”
You lean back from where you'd been swirling your tongue around the head, giving his length a couple of short tugs as you look up at him through your lashes with a huff, “Maybe I want to, Stilinski. You ever think of that?”
He balks, hips jerking minutely and incidentally thrusting his cock toward your pouting lips, “I.. Um-”
“Maybe I want to suck you off. Did that not cross your mind? Huh? That maybe I like having your dick in my mouth?” You continue, voice dropping a few octaves.
A soft whimper falls from his lips when you lean back in to suck lightly at the tip and the sound has your thighs clenching together against the wave of arousal that curls in your tummy.
“Do you?” Stiles asks in a quiet groan, “Like it?”
“Mhm,” You hum around him, pushing further down his length to take in more of him, letting him feel the way your throat constricts around the head of his cock when you gag before pulling all the way off again, “Love it. Can't believe you didn't know that already.”
“I just thought- God. I, uh. You.. Shit. You're certainly ohmygod- g-good at it.” He struggles to get his words out when you take him back between your lips, but then he's huffing a quiet sigh of distress when you remove the warm heat of your mouth from his length once again.
“Good..?” You repeat in question.
Stiles is blinking down at you dumbly, his hand flexing in your hair as he tries to clear his head. It's infuriatingly cute.
“I'm ‘good’ at sucking your dick? It's.. ‘Good?’” You say the word with distaste, one eyebrow ticking up on your forehead in challenge as you place his tip back against your lower lip. You let it rest there, one hand coming up to his waist to keep his hips from jutting forward as you part your lips and let a warm breath wash over the wet head of this cock.
“Did- Did I say good? I meant great! I, uh, phenomenal! M-mindblowing-” He moans loud around the word when you reward him by taking him into your mouth again.
You let him rest heavy on your tongue, sucking and bobbing your head in slow drags while he sighs out a desperate little sound at the feeling.
“Fuck. You- You're perfect, baby. You know that. Know how much you- Ohh-”
The whimper that cuts him off has you soaked beneath your panties, moaning around his length in response.
“-How much you rock my world.” He finishes weakly.
You pull off to give him an amused smile, jerking him in earnest with one hand and wiping spit from your lips with the other, “Oh, I rock your world, huh?” You tease.
“God damn it,” Stiles breathes the words, dragging you up by your shoulders until you're standing in front of him again, “You can't make fun of the things I say when you're suckin' my dick. New rule, enforced starting now.”
His mouth is on yours before you can respond, tongue breaking through the seam of your lips with a wide palm encasing the back of your neck as he leads you a few steps backward. Your feet drag carelessly over the uneven floorboards, loose nails and debris kicked aside as you both move farther into the dark space.
Where he's guiding you, you're not entirely sure. You're too lost in the way he licks into your mouth, enough that you can finally taste the beer on his tongue. It's some stupidly expensive ale that Theo always insists is ‘brewed through a better process’ and ‘tastes more full-bodied’ and Stiles is the first to mock him while still stealing a few for himself every time just to see the frown on Theo's face when he finds that they're all gone. The flavor is bitter and entirely too hoppy for your taste but when Stiles' tongue brushes it soft over yours, you find yourself moaning and tightening your hold on him, wanting more of it, needing more of it.
Your backside bumps into a hard surface and you yelp quietly in pain, the curve of your spine aching as you reluctantly pull away from the kiss to find you've run into a messy wooden worktop.
“Sorry!” Stiles says immediately, placing a small kiss of apology to your lips as his forehead falls against yours, “Shit. Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Didn't realize it was that close.”
“'s okay,” You assure him, already frantically working the button on your jeans and simultaneously toeing off your shoes, “I'm fine.”
Stiles matches your enthusiastic pace as he strips out of his sweatshirt, reaching around to spread it over the dusty surface of the workbench behind you in an unspoken and endearing display of chivalry before he starts to strip out of his tshirt. You're in the process of pulling your own shirt over your head when he grabs ahold of your thighs, a quiet murmured demand of ‘up’ from his lips. You do as he asks, giving a little hop just as his grip tightens and he lifts you up the few remaining inches, dropping you to sit at the edge of the table, the material of his jacket soft underneath you as your naked skin settles over it.
“You're so hot,” Stiles tells you while he crowds forward, your thighs caging him in as his mouth meets the underside of your jaw, chests flush and moving a little rapidly in excitement, “Like, truly so fucking hot. 's actual torture to watch you play games on a team with Isaac n' Theo. Watch 'em both flirt with you and get absolutely nowhere because you're already mine.”
Your head falls back with a sound of approval as he nips at your skin lightly, carefully, kissing and licking the expanse of your throat in lue of leaving any marks. His hands grapple with the band of your bra all the while, unhooking the clasp while you simultaneously try to push his jeans farther down his thighs. Your bra straps fall loose around your arms and Stiles helps rid you of the article. He tucks the material into his back pocket for safe keeping before finally helping you out by pushing his jeans down to his knees, metal and leather of his belt buckle kissing in the silence between your bated breaths.
“Fuck me,” You beg softly, unashamed in the way you cant your hips as your ankles wrap around the backs of thighs, fingers digging into his shoulders in an attempt to pull him closer, “Please. Now. Need you now.” Your words fall from your lips in a whine as you watch him fumble with a condom, but you don't care, not as long as it gets him to give you what you want.
“I know. Shit, I know,” Stiles finally grabs ahold of his cock, dragging the rubber-covered head through the length of your folds, collecting some of the dripping wetness at your entrance and dragging it back up to rub soft over your clit. You gasp at the stimulation and he keeps it up, rubbing his tip over the bundle of nerves until you're tightening your legs around him in an attempt to force him closer with a whimpered plea. “Alright, alright. Got'chu babe, gonna give it to you.”
When his tip breaches your hole, the sharp stretch has you letting out a keening moan. He pushes in torturously slow, the glide smooth with the wetness of your arousal. Stiles settles his hips against the inside of your thighs once you've taken him all the way in, your cunt stretched wide around the thick base of his cock. He doesn't immediately move, breathing heavy as he tries to let you adjust, but after less than a minute you're using your legs around his hips to urge him forward in tiny jerks, not letting him pull out just yet, but forcing him to nudge at the deepest parts of you as you get used to the stretch.
You moan into his shoulder at the gentle grind of his cock inside you, fingers combing through his hair as you continue to guide his movements.
“That good, babe?” Stiles asks softly, hands rubbing nicely into the base of your spine, fingers digging into your skin, “You like being stuffed full of me?”
“Mhm,” You agree, loosening your hold on him to lean back and bring your foreheads together, your thumbs dragging soft along the length of his throat, “'s so good, Sti. So full. You always fill me up so, so good.” You murmur against his lips.
He groans softly, nose brushing yours, hips still rolling, “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” You gasp, “You're so good to me. Fuck me so good. S-such a good boy.”
There's something about the way he tugs you against him in response, his hands digging into the curve of your spine as he drives in as deep as he can go, like he doesn't quite even mean to do it — the intensity has you crying out in time with his own shaky groan.
“Ohmygod,” You gasp, relishing in the slight sting between your thighs from the rough treatment, “Fuck.”
“Sorry,” He says breathlessly, sobering quickly, “Holy shit 'm so sorry, sweetheart. 're you okay? Did I hurt you?”
“'m okay.” You assure him immediately, still slightly reeling as you process what exactly it was that made him lose control, “No, 'm okay, it's okay, I'm.. I'm good. Ready.”
You loosen your legs in signal for him to begin thrusting for real and he looks into your eyes like he's checking that you're sure before he follows the silent command, pulling out in a slow drag and then driving his hips back to yours in a hard thrust. You wait until he finds a rhythm, until both of you are groaning soft between parted lips, before you choose to delve a little deeper.
“You are a good boy, baby.” You tell him, fingernails digging into the nape of his neck a little when his eyes pinch shut with a pathetic whimper, the sound ringing in your ears sweetly. Your puckered lips find his flushed cheek, then the corner of his closed eye, and finally the edge of his mouth, “You like when I tell you?” You ask breathlessly, “When I tell you how good you are? How good you fuck me?”
His fingers dig into your hips a little desperately as the pace of his thrusts pick up, the wet sound of his cock pounding into you growing louder in the otherwise quiet air of the small shed.
“Jesus.. I fucking- Babe-” Stiles pleads, though neither of you are entirely sure what he's pleading for.
“I.. I think you do,” You tell him, voice a little shaky against the hard slam of his hips against your own, “Think you fucking love hearing how good you make me feel. Love.. Love being reminded how f-fucking good your cock is.”
Another boyish-sounding whine claws its way up his throat and your cunt tightens around him like a vice, the noise igniting warm sparks of pleasure down your neck, down the curve of your arched spine.
Stiles licks into your mouth then and it's a messy thing, hungry and wet, all teeth knocking and heavy breaths mingling, but you rake a hand down his back all the same, blunt nails leaving tiny streaks of reddened flesh in their wake. Your hips cant in the hopes that one of his thrusts will finally catch on that spot inside you. You can feel how close he is to kissing it with his length, can practically taste it at the back of your tongue, and when Stiles pulls your ass just a little farther over the edge of the worktable, one of your hands forced to drop behind you to maintain your balance, the head of his cock all but slams into the spot you'd been aiming for.
You cry out into his mouth, the sound swallowed up by his tongue before your foreheads come together again, lips barely brushing. He drives in again and the same keening noise rips from your throat.
“Yeah?” Stiles breathes into your mouth, “That it? That right where you need me?”
Your brows furrow together as you nod, the lines of your body tense with every thrust that he sends exactly where you want him, “Yeah,” You finally manage in a hoarse moan, “Yeah, r- fuck! Right there, Sti. Please.”
You're not entirely sure what it even is that you're begging for, but somehow Stiles knows — because he can see that pinch between your eyebrows, the tremble in your thighs, feels the way your fingers are threaded into his hair like you're holding on for dear life.
“Holy shit.. You getting close?”
You intend on responding, on giving him an affirmative yes, because you are close, can feel your impending orgasm lighting up an inferno across every inch of your body, but before you get the chance to tell him, Stiles is dropping a hand over your heat and flicking his fingertips soft over your swollen clit.
The surprised moan that comes out of you is a strangled sounding little thing, and it pushes a shaky sigh from Stiles' chest as he redoubles his efforts.
“Ohmygod,” You finally manage to cry into his parted lips, “Shit. Fuck, I-I'm so close. I'm so, so-”
“Yeah?” Stiles pants, “I'm close too. Come on, baby. Come for me, c'mon.”
You try to speak, something beyond the soft little ‘ah, ah, ah’'s that escape with every pounding thrust to the bundle of nerves on your inner wall, but you're mouth does little more than gape for a long minute. Your orgasm creeps closer, eyebrows relaxing as they push up your forehead, fingers slipping from Stiles' hair so you can drop your arm around his shoulders.
“S-so fucking good,” You slur breathlessly, “You're so good. Baby.. Baby, you.. You're so.. Fuck.”
Stiles' hips stutter but the fingers working your clit keep steady, “Wanna.. Shit, just wanna.. give it to you like you deserve. Y're so perfect, pussy's so perfect-”
“You do! You do, you do, you do,” You tell him desperately, voice taking on an edge that leaves your words coming out a little higher than normal, “Fuck, Stiles. No one could ever- You're so good! So, so so-”
Your head falls back of it's own accord, Stiles' lips catching your chin as your thighs tense and your hips roll and you clench tight around his cock. He fucks you through your orgasm, his hips stuttering when his own high crashes through him. He's got a tight grip on your ass, his large hands squeezing the soft flesh hard enough to leave bruises right in the dimples of your spine.
The heavy thump of your heart echos loud in your ears, rattling your bones with its sheer strength. Stiles' warm breath falls against your cheek as he presses a soft kiss to the apple of your cheek, a sweet thing that coats your insides like a warm syrup as he moves in a line and presses another to your jaw, and then your chin, and the corner of your mouth.
The hard peaks of your nipples are still pressed to his chest, scarce hairs around his own nipples catching against your sensitive skin in a way that has you leaning back just a touch, your lips meeting his for a sticky kiss.
“That was good.” You tell him earnestly, still a little breathless.
“Oh, ‘good’, huh?” Stiles repeats in a grumble, “Just ‘good’?”
Your tinkling laugher fills the quiet shed, eyes crinkling in the dark as you tip his head to the side to scrape your teeth threateningly against his jaw, the sharp scratch of stubble meeting your skin.
“Better than good,” You correct, lips pulling up in a teasing grin as you run your fingers through the soft length of his hair, “Can I tell you a secret, though?” You whisper softly.
Stiles nods, his fingers drumming and drawing restless patterns over the skin of your thighs.
You lean close, lips brushing the shell of his ear as you fight to hold in a breathy laugh, “You kinda rock my world too.”
He pushes away from you with a grumble, spent cock finally slipping out of you and causing you to wince with a gasp as he tosses your bra and tshirt in your direction.
“So cruel, y'know that?” Stiles huffs, his smile giving away his true feelings.
Your laughter rings out again as he begins to pull on his clothes and you follow suit, securing the clasp on your bra and pulling your shirt over your head, “I'm only teasing you a little,” You tell him as you jump down from the edge of the table and flip your hair out from under your collar, “That was at least eighty percent genuine compliment.”
“Uh huh, I'm sure.” Stiles says unconvincingly as he approaches where you're tugging your jeans up over the curve of your ass with a little hop. He crowds you, a hand reaching toward your face as he pinches a piece of debris between his thumb and forefinger and pulls it from your hair with a small grin.
Just a few minutes later, your laughter continues despite Stiles’ constant shushing, two sets of stumbling steps thumping through the forest as he drags you along, his big hand warm where it's wrapped around your own.
“Stiles!” The two syllables drag slow from your tongue and you pull against his hold as you follow after him in amused confusion, “Where are we- Oomf!”
His arm curls around your waist, pulling your chest flush to his and smothering your words with a kiss that you can't help but sink into. One hand drags down your spine, grabbing a fistful of your ass through your jeans and hauling you up against him as his tongue flicks soft against yours. You can't hold back a moan, a sweet little noise of contentment slipping out into his mouth.
“Gotta be quieter than that, sweetheart. The music didn't sound nearly as loud back at the house at it was earlier. All our friends have supernatural hearing, yeah? I know it's hard to hold back, when I'm so-”
“God, shut up,” You groan, your fingernails digging a little meanly into his muscles forearm, “You're.. You're so fucking cocky sometimes-”
“You love when I'm cocky.” He says easily, and there's not much you can say to that, because, well, you do.
“Shut up.” You repeat against his lips petulantly.
He draws back from you with an entirely too smug grin, giving your ass one final squeeze before he's taking ahold of your hand once again and continuing his trek through the trees.
“Seriously, where are we going?” You try again, “I know you're not great with directions, but surely when we left the backyard you must've realized that the house is in the opposite direction-”
“Such a brat,” Stiles grumbles under his breath, dragging you further into the trees. You would normally be worried about getting lost in the dark, but Stiles' self-assured steps keep you from being too concerned. While it feels like the two of you are wandering blindly, Stiles walks as if he has a destination in mind, like he knows exactly where he's leading you, “Listen, you know what has to happen now, right?”
A snort of laughter breaks free at just how serious he sounds as slows he and pushes up behind you, warm chest pressed to your back, his hands on your hips so that he can continue to lead you forward.
“Jesus,” You laugh, “What- Are you about to murder me?” You tip your head back onto his shoulder in time to catch his unimpressed glare, “Sti, if this is about me teasing you, I'm sorry, but it's true! You rock my world! Your dick-”
“It's not that,” Stiles disagrees, his voice struggling to hide his own amusement, “And just for the record, if I wanted to murder you, we both know I'm creative enough that you wouldn't see it coming.”
“So reassuring.” You scoff, to which he merely shrugs, “Okay, ha ha. Now, seriously-”
Your words fade into a whisper before they die off altogether because you've just broken through the edge of the treeline and your gaze is focused on the house that sits up the bank in front of you. The patio and pool that take up a majority of the backyard are shrouded in darkness with scant moonlight, but the windows in the house itself are lit up, a surprisingly large number of rooms displayed brightly even at the late hour.
But Stiles is still nudging you forward with slow steps, his hips pressed flush to your own, urging you further into the yard.
“Ah, gee. Looks like someone's home,” You murmur when he doesn't say anything after a few seconds, feet skidding slightly when you try to hold your ground as you round the edge of the pool, “Bummer.. Looks like we'll have to explore your kink for breaking and entering another nigh-”
A hand pushes hard into your waist and cold salt water crashes around you before you get the chance to finish your sentence, the sound of it thundering in your ears. Your clothes are leaden with the extra weight as they soak through and the fabric is heavy as you push back up to the surface. You've barely broken through and begun to wipe salt from your eyes when a splash erupts right next to you, water spraying as Stiles plunges after you.
When he pushes up through the surface of the water, head shaking side to side before flicking back to flip his hair off of his forehead in an easy move, you're already landing a hard punch against his shoulder.
“Ow!” Stiles complains in a hushed whisper.
“What the hell-!” You scold in an equally quiet but wholly enraged hiss, water clinging to your lashes as your fist delivers another blow to his bicep, “-is wrong with you?”
“Ow.” He complains again and grabs your wrists with a chuckle, your body weightless as he pulls you toward him through the water. The hard planes of his chest are warm through soaked cotton when your forearms meet them and push the billowing fabric flush to his skin. His thumbs stroke the sides of your wrist as he tries to placate you, “Baby, baby!” Stiles says with a hushed laugh when you go tense but are no longer actively thrashing in his grip, “The pool is.. We needed to wash away the smell. Y'know, arousal, sex..”
Your gaze flicks slow over his dripping face, eyeing the painfully earnest look in his expression. You fists tighten in his grip once more as you heave a disbelieving sigh, eyes pinching shut for a moment as you rein yourself in.
Your eyes snap open to meet his, purposefully even breaths falling from your lips, “How are we going to explain why we're soaking wet?”
“Easy,” Stiles laughs, “We tell everyone you dragged me over here to shove me in the pool.”
Whatever snarky remark you're gearing up sticks to the tip of your tongue as an outdoor patio light flicks on, the glow of it illuminating the far side of the pool. Stiles meets your wide-eyed gaze, his arm already wrapping around your waist to push you up out of the pool in a rush.
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𝐚/𝐧; 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐢 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐢'𝐝 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐮𝐩 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝐤. 𝐢 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐢𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝. 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐲… 𝐢'𝐦 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝𝐌𝐜𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲. 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞, 𝐨𝐛𝐯.
𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞, 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 (𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬?? 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤? 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐣𝐢? 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠?) 𝐢 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬. 🤍
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twjournals · 2 years
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summary: you're drunk at the club and Stiles takes you home
word count: over 1.4k
warning: two besties in love but neither will make the first move, drunken kiss, protective Stiles
"Think she's even good to drive?" Scott leaned into Stiles to talk over the music.
Stiles' eyes never left your as he shook his head. "Not a chance."
He had watched you nearly all night, between dragging Lydia to the dance floor with you every time your song come in (who knew you had so many) and nursing your drinks. He watched mainly because he wanted to make sure your night wasn't ruined by some scum. Or at least that's what he told himself. Either way, he was only looking out for you.
Lydia dragged you back to the bar with her arm around your waist. "Come on, Y/n, help a girl out." She huffed which caused you to giggle.
You propped yourself up against the bar, leaning your head against Stiles' shoulder with a sigh. His arm protectively rested around your waist to keep you up and though you were damn near wasted, you noticed.
"Keep an eye on her please. I need to use the bathroom." She says as she's already walking in the direction on the bathroom.
Stiles watched as you nuzzled your face in his neck for a moment. He wondered if you even knew who he was after that many shots. You were his best friend, aside from Scott, and he was in love with you. As much as he hated to admit it. Maybe he shouldn't hate it so much because you were after all his best friend. You knew each other in and out. No one could truly love you for everything you are like him, but it was also because you were his best friend that he hated to admit it. He feared even risking your friendship especially over his feelings.
"We should get you home." Stiles suggested.
You grumbled a noise as you started to sit up on the stool properly. Your hands held the bar for support. "I'm not ready to go though." You probably should go before you embarrassed yourself more, but right now, you had no shame.
You started to call the bartender over again, lifting yourself over the bar. Nevermind the way your dress was riding up, nor the fact that people could see your underwear. You had to get that man's attention. Just one more drink. That's what you kept telling yourself.
"Y/n," Stiles grumbled in your ear, feeling his chest quickly pressed against your back. He used his body to block everyone else from the show they would get. You weren't making this easy for him. "Sit down."
"Or what?" You shivered at the feeling of him pressed against your bare back, his warm breath against your ear. But you must stay focused.
"Where are your keys? I'm taking you home." He proceeded. You wondered if he was even listening.
"Stiles, I- I can take myself." You could feel your skin getting hot having him so close, or maybe that was the alcohol.
"Not a chance. Where are your keys?"
"No, I'm not leaving yet- that tickles-" You giggled as his hands tickled your sides while trying to reach your bag. "Nooo, I don't wanna go yet, Stiles-" You push yourself further into the counter, nearly throwing yourself over it in attempt to get out of his reach.
You're bent over the bar with a grin on your lips, your hands clinging onto his arms to keep him from getting your keys.
"You leave me no choice." He mumbled as he slips the bartender money to pay your tab just as you were about to order again.
You didn't have much time to ponder what he mean't by that before he was picking you up suddenly, pulling you over his shoulder. His hand shielded your ass to keep people from seeing up your dress as he carried out of the club.
"Stiles, put me down!" You protest.
You hear the door to the jeep open before he's putting you in passenger seat. He pointed a finger at you as he blocked you in. "You're drunk and I want you getting home safe." He stood still to make sure you didn't try to jump out on him. "Stay."
Your eyes lingered on him for a moment, the soft look at his eyes easing any emotion of anger. He shut the door before walking around to the driver side.
You could feel his eyes on you as you gazed out the window at your car still parked in the parking lot. "What about my car?" You hiccuped.
"It'll be okay. We'll come back for it tomorrow." He assured as he started to drive you home.
The car ride was quiet aside from your hiccups. Stiles glanced in your direction when your hiccups died down, hoping he might find you asleep, but you were still awake with your stare lingering out the window. He worried he might have pissed you off for carrying you out of the club, but then again he knew you would thank him in the morning.
He pulled the door open while you were in front of your place.
"Mad at me?" He couldn't help but to question.
You shook your head though, reaching your arms out for him to pick you up. He smiled, scooping you up in his arms and carrying you bridal style up the sidewalk toward your apartment building.
You listened to his heart beating against his chest and how it increased when your hand rubbed across it. You really couldn't ask for a better best friend. No one had ever looked out for you like Stiles did, cared for you the way he did. You almost laughed at the thought of Lydia trying to get you up to your apartment.
Stiles sat you down when you finally reached your bed, taking a moment to help you out of your heels so you could get into bed. "Before I go, can I get you any-" You caught him off guard when your lips pressed to his suddenly. Maybe you shouldn't have, but given how much liquor you had consumed, nothing was stopping you now. In fact, it only made the craving worse.
His lips were still against yours, processing what was happening. You were kissing him. This was really happening.
His arms wrapped around your body when he finally kissed you back. Your hands gripping the back of his neck to pull him further on the bed with you until his hands met the mattress.
"Wait-" He mumbled against your lips.
You parted from the kiss to look at him, still holding the back of his neck.
He closed his eyes with a frown. "Not like this." He started as he pushed himself up on the bed.
"Oh." You sat up on the bed, awkwardly crossing your legs as you adjusted your dress.
"No, I didn't mean it like that- I just Fuck.. You're perfect. Really you are. I have wanted this for so long, but I can't do it like this."
You watched the way he ran his hand down his face in frustration. You crawled closer to him on the bed, rubbing your hand in soothing circles against his back in attempt to calm him through his panic.
"You didn't do anything wrong." You assured.
"You're drunk-"
You interrupted him with a giggle. "To be fair, I kissed you first."
And yet he still couldn't stop himself from feeling this way. Not because it happened but more because he wanted to do it again. Just to pull you into his arms and kiss your lips all over again. He had no shame in kissing you, only never wanting to stop.
"I'm sorry for kissing you." You apologized.
He watched you lay back on the bed and sighed as he helped you pull the covers over your body. "Don't apologize."
"I don't want you upset."
"I'm not upset." He assured.
"Then I'm not sorry." You admitted honestly, quickly taking back your apology. Despite how much you had to drink, you would never be able to drown out the feelings you truly had for Stiles.
His eyes widened slightly in surprise before letting out a chuckle. "Well next time, would you mind doing it sober?"
Next time. Silly boy. It would be tempting. There was no doubt about it. You smiled instantly against the covers, turning over to get comfortable on the bed with your back facing him. You only hoped you would have the courage you do now to do it again sober.
"Goodnight, Stiles." You finally answered.
Though you couldn't see him, you could feel his eyes lingering on you. It was nowhere near the answer he was hoping for, but it was the answer he settled for. "Goodnight, Y/n."
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 9 months
single dad stiles, kid is a werewolf named sirius that he made out of magic. sterek. the kid started out as a puppy but became a kid.
Hi anon! @midnightwinterhawk says it's this one.
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Natural by withered
(9/9 I 16,575 I Teen I Sterek)
Derek goes grocery shopping, and somehow walks out with a kid, a pack and a mate.
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michwritesstuff · 3 months
It’s Not All In Your Head (Teen Wolf: Stiles Stilinski)
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this was formerly posted on my blog as “Unexpected” with a 1.5k word count, but I wrote it over two years ago and wanted to rewrite some things and add some more plot. So this really is a different story now, deserving of a new title and song that fits the vibe
pairing: female reader (she/her) x Stiles Stilinski
summary: When you find yourself mixed up in the mysterious supernatural world of Beacon Hills, a town you’ve grown up in your whole life, you find an unlikely ally in the form of Stiles Stilinski. The boy you’ve despised and admired for the last half of your life.
notes/warnings: small mentions of familial death, mention of dead body
word count: 3.3k
Getting out of bed this morning was rough.
Head rushing and pounding with the adrenaline from the night before.
It couldn’t be, right?
Everything you experienced last night wasn’t real, or at least that’s what you tried to tell yourself.
You couldn’t explain how you ended up in the woods in the middle of the night.
Hearing voices in your head, it was almost as if you had been summoned there.
This was the second time in your life that you couldn’t push the voices away.
It had only happened once before this, right before your grandmother passed.
She had been in hospice for the last few months and hadn’t been doing well.
You begged your mom to let you skip school that day to visit her, but she insisted that the last time she had spoken to the nurse, everything was fine.
You got called out of class early that day, your mother rushing you over to the nursing home so that your grandmother would be surrounded by family in her last moments.
Neither of you had brought up how you somehow knew you needed to be there, but the coincidence never left your mind.
Tonight felt like that day from a few months ago.
As you sat at your desk doing homework you could hear distant muffled voices, the words weren’t clear, but they started getting louder.
You huffed, pushing your chair back as you got up.
Walking down the hallway you expected to turn the corner and see your younger brother blasting the tv at the highest volume, but you were met with the deafening silence of the dark and empty living room.
The voices continued as you wandered around the house, growing louder as you followed them outside into the back yard.
You looked back at your house before sneaking out the side gate.
The streets were empty as you walked down the sidewalk, making left and right turns when they felt right.
It wasn’t until you reached the entrance to the Beacon Hills Preserve that you snapped back to reality and truly took in your surroundings.
You barely enjoyed running through here when it was cross country season, you certainly wouldn’t have chosen to come here in the middle of the night.                                                
Walking further into the woods, you reached a small clearing.
A large wood trunk sat in the middle of the clearing, a sizeable figure laying on top of it.
As you got closer you began to make out shapes; an arm, a leg, it was a body.
You stopped a few feet short of the stump, your eyes widening in horror as they focused in on the lifeless eyes of the body before you.
It was a dead body.
You couldn’t do anything but scream at the top of your lungs.
The murmured voices quickly stopped and were soon replaced by a different set of voices.
They grew louder as did the footsteps as they approached.
 “Y/N!” Scott and Lydia exclaimed at the same time.
You turned around quickly, fear painted on your features as you attempted to speak.
“I—I don’t…”
Lydia stepped forward, wrapping her arm around your shoulder as she walked you away from the body.
“Y/L/N?” you heard another voice arise.
 It was the first time you really noticed that he was there.
“Stilinski,” you greeted back.
“What are you doing out here?” he asked.
“You know the usual, finding dead bodies in the woods, you?”
 Hearing his scoff, you smirked to yourself, it was so easy to rile him up.
It didn’t seem like the appropriate time to be making jokes, but with Stiles the sarcasm and witty comebacks were hard to swallow back.
It was almost refreshing to be joking with him in that moment.
Whispering among themselves, you stood quietly looking around, of course your attention still drawn to the body splayed on the trunk a few feet behind them.
Their whispering soon came to an end and Lydia and Stiles stepped forward.
Taking your arm again, Lydia turned you around so that you were now walking in the direction that you came from.
“Y/N, did you walk here?” Lydia asked concernedly.
“Yeah, I—” you were about to explain how you felt drawn here.
“…yeah” you answered quietly.
She turned her head to give Scott and Stiles a worried look.
You know what this might have looked like to your classmates.
Standing over a dead body in the middle of the woods, late at night.
“C’mon, Stiles will take us home. It’s probably not the safest idea to be out now.”
 “What about Scott?” you asked unsurely.
 “Believe me, Scott knows how to handle his own,” Stiles replied while slightly increasing his speed so that he was now walking in front of you and Lydia.
You weren’t exactly sure what he meant by that, but you chose not to ask too many questions.
As you crawled into the back of Stiles’s Jeep you didn’t know what to think.
You were terrified about the discovery you made in the woods and the unexplainable feeling that you had that could have possibly led you there.
Terrified at the thought of your classmates, also walking around the woods at the same time and seemingly not as concerned about a body as you were.
The low hum of the radio filled the awkward silence as they drove you home, only speaking up when you had to direct Stiles.
As he pulled up in front of your driveway, you quickly thanked them and got out, trying your best to get to the front door.
Stiles was quick to shut off the car and follow you.
“Y/LN!” he called.
You brushed it off as if you had not heard him, quickening your steps as you got closer.
“Y/N!” he called again.
You rounded on your feet quickly, Stiles stopping abruptly as he almost ran into you.
“What?” you exhaled tiredly, your eyes watering slightly as they met with his.
“What could you possibly say right now?” you asked.
“I just—I wanted to make sure you were okay,” he spoke up.
“No Stiles, I am not okay. None of this is okay.”
He nodded understandingly.
He reached up slightly, so that his hand was barely hovering above your elbow.
You swore you could feel the heat radiating from his body being so close.
As you glanced down, he quickly dropped his hand back down to his side.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he stated matter of factly.
You looked back up to give him a small nod.           
He waited for you to go inside and only turned to leave when he heard the lock click.
You did not see it, but Lydia gave him a pointed look as he walked back to the car.
“Shut up,” he said as he started the jeep.
“I didn’t say anything,” Lydia smiled back.
That night you laid in bed, staring at the ceiling.
Every time you closed your eyes you saw the lifeless eyes of the body staring back at you.
Before you knew it, sleep had consumed your whole body and your thoughts and fears of the night slowly melted away.
You quickly awoke to the sound of your alarm clock blaring.
Immediately hitting snooze, you debated skipping school all together.
It’s not like you didn’t like school, it was quite the opposite.
You were doing extremely well in all your classes, involved in every club and team you thought would make your college application stand out, and you had a great group of supportive friends.
Thinking about the possible run in with Scott or Lydia and the inevitable run in with Stiles, since you shared so many classes, was more than your anxiety allowed you to handle.
Grabbing your bag, you headed to the kitchen, grabbing a granola bar and your keys from the counter as you said goodbye to your mom.
Walking to the driver’s door you were startled when a car horn honking caught your attention.
Looking up you were shocked to see Stiles and his infamous jeep, windows down as he blocked your driveway.
 “Stilinski, get the hell out of the way. You’re going to make me late for school.”
 “Yup, that’s the plan. Get in Y/L/N,” he replied.
Rolling your eyes, you walked over to his car. He nodded at you to get in.
You stood, looking unamused.
He huffed before getting out the driver’s side and walking around the front of the car.
He brushed past you, opening the passenger door, his eyes silently pleading with you to get in.
“Okay, okay!” you exclaimed, climbing into the passenger seat.
The radio was low, and you quietly hummed along as you passed the houses on your street.
After a few wrong turns you had finally turned to Stiles,
“Where are we going?” you asked.
“I thought you were taking me to school,” you huffed, annoyance clear in your voice.
“I never said that, I said I was going to make you late,” Stiles replied, an attitude in his voice similar to yours.
Rolling your eyes, you turned in your seat, resuming the activity of watching the world outside the car window quickly pass.
After about another 10 minutes you had pulled into a driveway of a cute looking house.
“Is this your house?” you asked confused.
“Yeah, now c’mon,” he answered, quickly turning off the car and getting out.
You followed him into the house and to his room.
Your eyes scanned his room, blue walls littered with posters and clothes thrown on the floor with little regard.
Typical, you thought to yourself.
If you looked under the bed you were sure you would probably find playboy magazines covered in some sort of body fluid.
You shivered at the thought.
What was strange was the wall by his desk.
Red yarn creating a maze as it led from one photo to another. Confusing words and maps printed alongside.
You watched as Stiles threw his backpack onto the chair.
“Don’t worry my dad isn’t home, so no one will interrupt us.”
You gave him a surprised and teasing look, insinuating that his words were some sort of innuendo, before he quickly spoke again.
 “Jesus Y/N, I didn’t mean it like that.”
 You chuckled softly, before letting your eyes roam around some more.
“I just meant, there’s some things I need to ask you about, you know, about last night?” he continued.
Stiles noticed you visibly harden at the mention of last night.
He knew why Scott and them were there.
But you?
That was a question still left unanswered.
 Taking a seat on his bed, you sighed.
“What were you doing in the woods Y/N?” he asked more directly.
“I honestly don’t know,” you said unconvincingly.
 “I mean, I could be asking you the same thing. Your dad’s the Sheriff, right? I wonder what he would have to say about you and your friends hanging around dead bodies in the woods.”
This caught Stiles’s attention.
“Ok, let’s not get crazy. And don’t forget, we found you over the dead body,” he reminded you.
“And what exactly were the three of you doing out there? Taking a late-night stroll in the moonlight,” you remarked accusingly.
 “Listen Y/N. This is serious, there’s a lot going on in Beacon Hills. A lot that I can’t really explain right now. So please, let’s try and be honest with one another.”
“I don’t know how to be honest without sounding absolutely crazy,” you confessed.
“I promise you, nothing that you say to me right now will sound crazy. Just try me,” he smiled reassuringly.
He kneeled in front of you, now at eye level as you slowly nodded.
“Well, like you said, there’s a lot that can’t be explained, and I can’t really explain what happened. I was at home all night when I started hearing these voices—I.”
Stiles grabbed your hand as you stuttered, a silent comfort urging you to continue.
“It was like they were calling me. I mean I’ve heard voices before, they’re always different. Most of the time I can convince myself that I’m just imagining things, but this time was different. This time they wouldn’t stop. So, I just walked and walked, and next thing I knew I was in the woods and the voices had stopped. And that’s when I ran into you guys,” you said, finishing your account of events.
Stiles seemed less surprised and confused than you had thought he would.
“Y/N, do you know what this means!” he said, realization settling in his eyes as he started piecing things together.
You got up quickly, dropping his hand as you began pacing his room, the fear and confusion of the night before flooding back.
“No, Stiles, not really. I have no idea what any of this means,” you exclaimed, the fear evident in your voice.
His eyes softened as he took in your state.
“Okay, hey! It’s ok. We’re going to figure this out. I’m going to help you figure this out.”
“Figure out what? Stiles, this really isn’t making sense,” you exclaimed as you stopped pacing to face him.
“You said you’ve heard these voices before, right?” he asked.
“Yeah, once…”
“What?” you looked at him confusedly.
“When did you hear these voices?” he pressed.
“Right before my grandmother passed,” you confessed smally.
“This is going to sound insane,” Stiles started.
“More insane than a girl who hears voices?” you interrupted.
“I think I know what’s going on.”
He got up from the bed, motioning for you to follow him to the desk, rifling through papers and a big leather-bound book, before stopping on a page.
Across the top you read Banshee.
You had read about Banshees before when you took a dual enrollment literature and folklore class.
You looked at Stiles with an angry and pointed look.
“Stilinski what the fuck is this?”
He was taken aback by your shift in demeanor.
“Is this funny to you?”
“What? No, Y/N, just list—"
“No, this is just too much. I thought you really cared about how I was feeling and if this is just you and your friend’s idea of a twisted joke, I don’t want any part of this.”
“Y/N I CAN EXPLAIN!” he continued.
You grabbed your stuff and ran out of the room, letting your long strides carry you further and further away from Stiles’s house.
As you walked through the school parking lot, you turned to find that stupid blue jeep following behind you.
Pulling up next to you, Stiles rolled his window down.
You stopped abruptly, causing him to slam on the brakes.
“Stiles, leave me alone.”
“Please Y/N, if you won’t talk to me just, please talk to Lydia or Scott. They’ll explain everything.”
You shook your head at him before walking away.
You had gone almost the rest of the day, successfully avoiding Stiles and his friends.
There was a close call at lunch when you saw Scott and Stiles standing on opposite sides of you a few feet away. Your friend was a saving grace as she appeared next to you, demanding to know why you were so late as she yanked you away to a table across the cafeteria.
However, as you sat in AP Government, your luck was wearing thin when Stiles chose to sit right next to you.
You glanced over to him, an annoyed look covering your face. To which he gave a cocky smirk and wave.
You angled yourself slightly so that you were facing away from him while still being able to sit forward in your desk.
As your teacher began the lesson you did your best to ignore Stiles’ constant attempts to get your attention.
From excessively tapping his foot and pencil, nudging the edge of your desk with his shoe, and leaning over the aisle so that he was now in your personal space.
“Y/N, c’mon,” he pleaded quietly.
“I’m trying to learn about our constitutional right to contraceptives, shut up,” you angrily whispered back.
“Y/N—” he continued.
“STILES SHUT UP!” you exclaimed.
Your teacher fell silent as she looked up to see you and Stiles sheepishly sinking into your seats.
“Ms. Y/L/N and Mr. Stilinski, am I interrupting your social time?”
“No, Mrs. Thomson,” you answered embarrassedly.
“Right, well if you don’t mind, I’d like to get back to teaching. The two of you can catch up in detention.”
You groaned, turning to look at Stiles who had a satisfying grin on his lips.
After a grueling 40 more minutes, class ended, and you were reminded of your unfair punishment as you watched your classmates pack up around you.
Mrs. Thomson wrote an assignment on the board, before packing her bag to leave.
As she walked out of the class, she gave the both of you a pointed look, a silent threat that you would be in more trouble if you did not actually stay to finish the assignment.
You were surprised to find that Stiles remained silent for the first couple minutes of detention.
He seemed preoccupied with whoever he was texting.
Unfortunately, the silence was short-lived when Lydia, quickly followed by Scott and Kira, walked in.
This wasn’t just any detention; this was an ambush.
“This cannot be happening right now,” you sighed, your hands rubbing your face as Stiles chuckled.
“Brought reinforcements this time,” he joked.
Your eyes quickly darted to his, shutting him up instantly.
“Y/N—” Lydia started.
“Look, I’m not sure how you got involved with these two idiots,” you motioned to Scott and Stiles before continuing.
“But I’m not sure what else to say about last night.”
“We understand that this is confusing,” Kira spoke up.
“I really don’t know what you guys keep referring to.”
“Y/N YOU’RE A BANSHEE,” Lydia spoke next.
Your eyes widened at her statement.
“ARE YOU ALL ON DRUGS?” you exclaimed.
“Like me…you’re a banshee like me,” she finished quietly.
They must be on drugs.
“The supernatural, it exists, we exist…” Scott spoke up, looking around the group as he finished.
“We?” you questioned; confusion clearly etched on your face.
“Banshee” Lydia raised her hand, answering with a sense of confidence as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You turned to Kira, her eyes turning a fiery orange as she answered, “Kitsune, it’s from Ja—”
“Japanese culture, I know,” you quickly finished for her. Your eyes softened as you shifted your focus to Scott.
“Werewolf,” Scott answered, his eyes glowing a bright red as he looked at you.
“Okay…so, what are you, a life-sucking vampire?” you asked, turning to Stiles with a mocking grin.
“I’m—I’m nothing,” Stiles replied.
“So, the body in the woods? They were killed by something supernatural?” you questioned.
They all nodded their heads.
“And I was called to it because, I’m a Banshee?” you tried clarifying.
“Pretty much,” Stiles replied smartly.
“And what are you guys, some sort of super squad?” you joked.
“We help people who can’t help themselves,” Scott answered earnestly.
A moment of silence passed over the group as they allowed you to process all the new information you had learned.
“Can I drive you home?” Stiles asked.
You looked around before nodding, a small grin on your face before you spoke up.
“I would hope so, you kind of kidnapped me this morning.”
He rolled his eyes before letting out a genuine laugh.
“C’mon loser,” he said, as he started getting out of his seat.
“What about detention? You are the reason we got it in the first place?”
“Me? You were the one screaming in the middle of class!”
“Because you were bothering me!”
Lydia, Kira, and Scott looked to one another, silently agreeing to leave the two of you to figure it out.
There was a lot you didn’t know about the supernatural world in Beacon Hills, but what you did know was that you now had a group of people committed to helping you figure it out.
check out the rest of my stuff here
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kitchenisking · 6 months
Sterek Fic Rec
Thrid Night of Chunnuka
It's Been A Long Time by voidnogitsune - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3,524, sterek)
It’s just after his eighteenth birthday when Stiles comes to him, hot and hard and practically begging. His hands are white-knuckled, gripping the steering wheel too tight and Derek doesn’t have to be a werewolf to know what this is about.
Stiles stumbles out of the jeep, wiping his palms on his jeans and catching Derek’s eye in the moonlight. He flails backwards, like he hadn’t known Derek would be there the entire drive up, and Derek just smirks back at him, watches the way his pale skin catches in the light, watches the way he bites his lips until they are dark-pink.
“D-Derek. Fancy seeing you out here tonight.”
Mine by Nival_Vixen - (Rating: Mature, Words: 1,046, sterek)
Stiles can't quite believe what's happening. Werewolves, he's fine with. Werewolf rules and obligations, their social hierarchy and rankings, whatever, he can deal. But this? This is something completely foreign to him, and he has no idea how to handle it. Not when someone else is hugging Derek - his Derek - like they mean something to each other.
Long Overdue by tangowhiskey - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 5,147, sterek)
Stiles is pregnant with Derek's pups. However, he's now overdue, making him tired and irritable. He wants nothing more than for Derek to have sex with him in the hope that it will induce labour. Derek may or may not love the idea.
Weave Soft Spells Over My Sight by AgnesBlue - (Rating: Mature, Words: 51,424, sterek)
Derek had blossomed steadily over the past year, growing into his ears and turning even more handsome, if that were possible. But instead of going out and melting the panties off the girls, suddenly he was coming to Stiles all bashed in, demanding that he patch him up like Stiles was some freelance nurse. It was a familiar pattern by now. 
AU in which Stiles has been living with the Hales for a few years as their assistant and friend. He needs to deal with Derek, who keeps coming to Stiles with bruises and cuts to be treated, while trying to figure out what the elderly alpha of the Hale pack is up to.
Derek May Or May Not Be A Sugar Daddy by LadyDrace - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 604, sterek)
Derek buys Stiles things, and Stiles is very appreciative. VERY appreciative.
Ironing out the Kinks by astrugglingstoic - (Rating: Explicitly, Words: 3,870, sterek)
The guy’s leaning against the side wall of the club, neither flaunting himself nor trying to blend into the background. He's fiercely beautiful and unforgiving as he turns down the dozenth man and woman to proposition him for a dance or a drink. Stiles must have him.
all i know since yesterday (is everything has changed) by EvanesDust - (Rating: T, Words: 5,005, sterek)
When Derek wakes from a bad dream, he stares up at the cutest guy he's ever met. The scent of home washes over him and he has no idea what it means. But after the guy walks away, all Derek wants is to find him again.
based on the prompt: "I was looking up a guy's info on a college computer. Heard his voice from behind me telling me how to correctly spell his last name. #IGotCaught"
Just My Type by thedevilyousay - (Rating: G, Words: 1,170, sterek)
Laura and her brother are not so patiently waiting in line at the coffee shop one morning when a cute stranger grabs her hand by mistake.
The one where Stiles doesn't pay attention and Laura gets to witness her brother and his new dumb boyfriend's love at first sight.
Like Real People Do by DefNotForWork - (Rating: T, Words: 4,697, sterek)
“We’re going on a date. You and me, romantically,” Stiles said again, imagining the eyebrow magic currently working on Derek’s forehead. “Why would I want to do that?” Derek asked, gracing Stiles with a little inflection, something the man never took for granted. “Because secretly you’re just a pretty girl who wants a date to the ball.”
spoilers by To_fill_the_sea - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 9,896, sterek)
Derek is confronted with a girl who accidentally traveled back in time and it throws him a bit for a loop as certain future events get revealed and he struggles how to handle these revelations.
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Isaac: wait why don’t YOU know how to stitch a wound, aren’t your mum like a nurse?
Scott: /embarrassing silence/
Erika: No, the right question is why exactly Stiles out of all people knows how to do that???
Stiles: well Scott’s mum is a nurse
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ily-tothecore · 7 months
more sterek fic recs - all completed
finally, some more sterek! enjoy :)
quiet perfection by hyperlittlenori - this is one of my favourite sterek fics ever, it's honestly one of the softest things i've ever read and it has me grinning from ear to ear every single time i read it. it's an AU with a deaf derek and a sign speaking stiles. they meet for the first time at the station and are instantly enamoured with each other. all i want is for this fic to become a series, i just want more of them.
chasing slumber by hyperlittlenori - another fic by this author! this is some of the most intense sterek smut i've ever read in my life, i literally forgot to breathe during it. the boys use sex to cope but it's a lot healthier than it sounds, i swear. there's also a lot of fluff, i love this one so much. this authors writing is immaculate.
from love not lust by hyperlittlenori - another one, i know! this one is just really simple and sweet. the boys fall in love through book annotations and it's so extremely soft. asexual derek is beautiful.
deaton's dream beans by thenerdnextdoor - a coffeeshop/bookstore AU! derek is a brooding hermit who owns a bookstore and stiles is an obnoxious but adorable barista who's trying to start a war with a rival coffee shop. this is such a fun story, with a tiny bit of angst and a whole lot of fluff. also, background thiam! i've read this multiple times, it's just so silly.
i ain't scared of your teeth by antisepticdork - stiles gets attacked by harpies, derek gets growly about it, they fall in like. this one is very much a 'monster of the week' fic, very chill and a bit goofy.
we've written volumes (in blood and scars and ink) by notthequiettype - stiles gets attacked by the alpha pack and derek nurses him back to health with a whole lotta werewolf healing mojo. solid banter, minor smut and a lot of fluff.
you saw me standing alone by orphan account - so obviously i like fics where stiles gets hurt and derek plays the sexy nurse, because here's another one! this is such a sweet fic, and the smut at the end is A+, slutty bottom derek is one of my favourite flavours of derek. he mewls, guys. mewls.
this is ridiculous by zosofi - a pining derek, a bloodthirsty, virgin killing unicorn and an oblivious, virginal stiles stilinski. this fic is so goofy and i love it.
warm shadows by stilinskisparkles - stiles gets hurt after another kidnapping and derek offers to help him out while he heals. a zero angst fic with some great banter and an evil peter hale thrown into the mix. these boys are so in love i wanna scream.
hear it in the silence by elisela - post season six fic where stiles and derek are best friends. stiles drags derek along on an impromptu road trip to escape the pressure of college and they realise they're in love along the way. such a romantic fic with top tier healthy communication, it's just a really beautiful story about falling in love with your best friend.
click here for part one of my sterek fic recs :)
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sapphireginger · 1 year
The day of the fire could’ve been the worst day of Stiles’s life, but it turned out to be the best day of his life because he met Peter Hale. The fire could’ve meant the end of a child’s life, but Peter saved her, and it became the best day of his life because he met Stiles Stilinski.
Gift for: @rebakitt3n 
Happiest of Holidays and I hope you love the Steter-y goodness I have written! I absolutely love this story!!
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