#nursey is shook
zimmerdouche · 2 years
time for a dumb baseless frog senior year headcanon
dex bets the new freshman backup goalie if he shuts out during his ice time in the next game he’ll let the team roast him for exactly 5 minutes in the locker room after.
that madman does it. and leads the charge with “dex you strike me as a man who puts on a porno and has to turn it off 2 minutes later because you noticed an osha violation”
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helen-with-an-a · 6 months
Hi. So this was a request that I thought was such a cute idea. I hope you enjoy it.
Lucy Bronze x Reader
Description: Moments were Lucy helps take care of R when she's clumsy
Word Count: 2.8k
TW: Injury
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You were clumsy. That had been a fact of life since you were born. In nursey, you had a designated Mr Bump ice pack that was used solely by you. In primary school, the office lady who doubled as the nurse was your best friend, often spending more of your playtime with her getting something patched up than running around with your friends. In secondary school, things didn’t get any better. You often sported random bruises that you didn’t know where they came from. You would think that being placed into a sport that required a level of coordination and skill from a young age and then becoming a professional footballer would improve your balance and dexterity, yet you were often on the ground in matches due to your own idiocy rather than a harsh shove or poorly timed tackle from the opposition.
The bruises to your ego hurt more than the ones on your skin, but you often just laughed it off, accepting the hands that came to help pick you up off the floor and wipe away the grass stains. The hand that, more often than not, belonged to Lucy. She was always the first to come to your aid with a poorly concealed laugh and a kind smile. In a match, it was followed by a raised eyebrow and a squeeze to your shoulder as she shook her head, trying to remain professional on the pitch. In training, it was a gentle kiss to the forehead and an arm around your waist as she steadied you. In your daily life outside the training ground, you could never fully fall as she often tucked you safely into her side or had a firm, supportive grip on you if that wasn’t possible. In your own home's privacy, you could hardly move without Lucy fretting over you. She had seen too many injuries occur for you to be allowed to do much without her personal supervision – not that you really minded your girlfriend’s near-permanent presence.
It was a wet and windy day as you battled it out on the pitch. It was not the most ideal conditions to play in regardless, but with your inability to stay on your feet, you were having more trouble than most. You were making a run up the wing when you tripped, stumbling over your own feet as you went flying, skidding painfully along the sodden grass. You groaned, embarrassed that you had, once again, ended up face down on the pitch. You lay there for a minute, waiting for your mind to catch up with what happened before rolling onto your back.
“You good, love?” Lucy laughed as she came to your side.
“Ow,” you groaned, but reaching for her to help pull you back to standing.
“Are you ok?” Lucy asked again, a hand coming to rest on your shoulder as you drew level with her again.
“Yeh, sweets, I’m ok,” you sighed, wiping the worst of the mud off your jersey. Her eyebrow raised, silently asking if you were being honest with her. "I might be a little sore tomorrow, but I’m okay,” you mused. You had gone down a little harder than normal and could already feel the ache in your body as a result.
“Do you need to come off, bubba?” She asked, face full of concern as she scanned you discreetly.
“No, I’m ok. My ego took more of a battering than I did,” you laughed, lifting your shoulder to trap Lucy’s hand between it and your cheek. She squeezed three times and winked at you. You stuck your tongue out in an attempt to playfully lick her hand, demonstrating to her that you were clearly fine.
“C’mon, then. Let’s try to stay vertical with your feet on the ground for the rest of the match, shall we?” Lucy teased as you moved back into your respective positions.
“I can try, but I make no promises,” you joked back, grinning widely at her as you separated.
She shook her head at you. “I love you,” you mouthed at her.
“I love you,” she mouthed back.
“Shit,” you said as you stumbled up the stairs to the training pitches.
“Careful, idiota maldestre.” Aitana called as she came to steady you.
“Mi héroe,” you thanked her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “And I’m not an idiot. I might be clumsy, but I’m not an idiot.” You slipped her into a headlock that she quickly broke out of.
You came to stand beside Lucy in the huddle before training started, her arm automatically drawing you into her side.
“No quiero ninguna herida,” Jona said as he finished his pre-training speech, his eyes lingering on you for a second longer than everyone else. You just smiled at him.
“Now, what are we going to do today, love?” Lucy asked in a serious tone, but you knew she was teasing. Her hands came to rest on your hips as the others split off into their training pairs.
“Stay upright,” you replied in an equally severe voice.
“Good.” She squeezed you lightly before glancing around and pressing a swift kiss to your cheek. You rolled your eyes at her antics and beamed anyway.
Your promise only lasted about 20 minutes. You were in a trio with Alexia and Patri; Alexia pushed against you with a yoga ball as Patri passed the ball for you to kick back. It was going well. You remained strong and firm, leaning back into the shoving and stabilising your core muscles. But you were so focused on keeping your body straight that you forgot where you planted your feet.
“Fuck,” you exclaimed as you went tumbling to the ground, Alexia and the giant blue ball following you. Patri stood, slightly stunned, as her group was no longer in front of her; instead, there was a pile of limbs on the floor. “Ay, dios mío. Estás bien?” Patri asked, recognising the grimace of pain on your face. “Ow,” you winced as you tried to wiggle it. Now standing again, Alexia left your side, heading toward your girlfriend.
“Bubba?” Lucy’s concerned voice reached you as you shifted to sitting, her hand coming to rub your back as she crouched by your side.
“I’m ok, sweets. It’s just my ankle. I put my foot down wrong.” You tried to move it again, but it didn’t hurt, though it definitely felt funny.
“Ok, let’s get you up and to the medics.” Lucy moved to help you up, taking most of your weight. You gently added more pressure to your foot, relaxing slightly as no pain radiated up your leg. “What did I ask you about injuries?” Lucy sighed dramatically as she guided you to the bench where the physio was waiting.
“I’m sorry,” you said guiltily, your cheeks flaring with an embarrassed blush.
“I know you are, love,” she said, depositing you on the seat and pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead. “No funny business,” she said seriously as she cupped your face. "And listen to the doctors.” You nodded, taking her hand and kissing her palm lightly.
“I love you,” you whispered.
“I love you,” she answered, equally as quiet before she returned to training.
“Anem, anem,” Aitana chanted, her excited calls encouraging everyone to increase their speed as you walked to Manuela’s. There was finally a break in the busy schedule, so naturally, you used it to your advantage. The drinks were flowing, and the carefree atmosphere helped relax you immensely.
“Oops,” you muttered under your breath as you tripped over the uneven pavement. You didn’t go very far, not with Lucy's iron grip on your hand.
“Okay?” She asked you as you shook off the jolt.
“Yeh. You saved me, sweets. My knight in shining armour.” You lifted your intertwined hands and pressed a loving kiss on the back of hers.
“Ew, ustedes dos son asquerosas,” Mapi gagging as she fell in step with you. You clicked your teeth.
“Girl, you have no leg to stand on with that. You and Ingrid are so in love, it’s hideous to witness.” You laughed at how offended she seemed.
“Es cierto,” Lucy agreed. Ingrid giggled at her girlfriend’s expression.
“Uhh, mi Princesa, no deberías estar de acuerdo con ellos.” Mapi continued, outraged at the apparent attack on her relationship.
“She just recognises the truth,” you goaded, drawing Ingrid closer as she swung her arm around your shoulders.
“Relax, min skjønnhet. She’s only teasing.” Ingrid placated her girlfriend, extending her hand out for Mapi to take. You watched as she and Mapi fell into a quiet conversation, love clear on both of their faces. You turned to look at Lucy and found her already looking at you, her own adoration clear on her face, which you were sure echoed in yours. She squeezed your hand three times, causing a blush to bloom on your cheeks. You squeezed back three times and watched as she looked down, slightly shy under your intense gaze.
The problem with alcohol for you was that it caused you to fumble even more. You had gone outside with Ona and Keira to get some air – the sweaty club was getting to all of you.
“So, yeh. I think I want to try to get a long weekend away in soon ish,” Ona finished her conversation. You weren’t really paying attention, your minds drifting between the chicken nuggets you would pester Lucy for on the way home and if you wanted another drink or not – the world spinning slightly as you sucked in the cool night air.
“You alright over there, clumsy?” Keira asked, noticing you staggering somewhat as you drifted away from the pair.
“Um? Oh, yeh. I’m a-ok,” You threw Keira the universal ‘ok’ sign – pausing slightly as you commanded your fingers to do what you desired. Your drunkenness was obvious; you blinked a little too slowly, and you were clearly not in complete control of yourself, but your speech wasn’t slurred yet.
“Sure, you are,” Ona laughed as you tried to wedge yourself between them, throwing too much weight into the action and launching yourself forward. You crashed heavily into the ground, your knee taking most of the force. You yelped a little at the pain before flopping down on the floor behind the bar. You looked down, and a slight graze on your right hand captured most of your attention until Ona gasped.
“What?” You looked around, trying to see the cause of her alarm.
“Su rodilla,” she said as she pointed to your knee. Your drunk brain didn’t know what she was referring to, but you followed her finger and came to stare at your bloodied knee. You gasped.
“My knee,” you whined, only now becoming aware of the throbbing cut.
“I’ll get Lucy; you stay with her.” Keira rushed back inside.
“Oni, I fell,” you pouted. You looked from your knee to her and back again, your frown increasing with every minute. Ona had to admit, drunk you was very adorable.
“Love?” Lucy appeared, looking around frantically for you.
“Sweets?” You perked up, looking somewhat like a meerkat.
“Hey, lovely. How are you doing?” She asked gently, taking a seat next to you.
“I fell,” you said wetly through the tears that had begun to roll down your cheeks.
“Oh, Bubba. It’s ok.” She cooed, drawing you to lay your head on her collarbone. She shushed you gently, used to your drunken antics after the number of years you had dated. It was easier for her to treat every issue with just as much seriousness as you did. “It’s just a small cut. Let’s get you patched up, and we can head home, ok?” You nodded, refusing to leave the sanctuary of Lucy’s chest. “Do you want me to do it, or are you ok with Manuela’s staff doing it?” she asked, leaning back slightly to hear your answer.
“Want Mazza to do it,” Lucy sighed. You often missed your best friend when you were in Barcelona and she was back in Manchester.
“Mary’s not here, Bubba. How about Keira?” Lucy comforted you, nodding to Keira to take the first aid kit from the security guard who had joined you outside. You sniffled slightly, burring yourself further into Lucy as the alcohol wipe stung your cut.
“Can I have nuggets?” You asked, your mind still lingering on the food you craved.
“Sure, love.” Lucy laughed as you sat up straighter at her response.
“I love you,” you said, staring straight into her eyes.
“I love you,” she responded, leaning in to press a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
You stared at your relatively empty fridge. An onion, a pepper, some leftover chicken, and 3 eggs stared back at you. It's not particularly inspiring, but it would do. You gathered the ingredients, deposited them on the chopping board, and started cutting. You should have started with the pepper to avoid having watery eyes as you chopped everything, but you weren’t thinking and now you were regretting it. The lingering sting of the onion made it harder to see what you were doing. The front door opening also distracted you even more. Lucy’s calls of arrival made you not watch where you placed the knife and try to cut the pepper.
“Fuck,” you swore loudly. The red liquid came streaming out alarmingly quickly. “Ow, ow, ow.” You blinked away the tears.
“Love, what’s wrong? Are you ok?” Lucy ran around the corner, skidding on the hard floors as she rushed into the kitchen. You were aware of how scary it must have looked, you standing wide-eyed at Lucy, blood running down your hand with a knife in the other.
“Oh, Bubba.” Lucy soothed, her gentle fingers taking the knife from your hand and manoeuvring you to stand by the sink, letting cool water wash over the cut. “What happened, lovely?” she asked her.
“I was trying to make us tea,” you said dejectedly. Why couldn’t you do anything right? All you wanted was to do one small thing for Lucy, and here you were, bleeding into her sink. You looked up to the ceiling, trying really hard not to let the tears fall. She gently patted your finger with a clean towel before holding it tightly, trying to stop the bleeding. “So stupid,” you whispered dejectedly.
“Hey, stop that. Accidents happen.” She chastised gently, pushing some hair out of your face.
“Not just this,” you waved your injured hand around. “I constantly trip and fall, and it’s just so stupid. I’m an adult. I’m an athlete. I should be less of a fucking clumsy idiot.” You had heard it your whole life – people teasing you over your clumsiness, calling you affectionate nicknames based on your inability to stay upright. You sniffed, staring hard at the floor.
“Hey, no, stop it.” She said firmly, her free hand forcing your chin up until you had to look at her. “I love that you trip all the time. It’s part of who you are,” she kissed your cheek. “And I like that I can help you,” she admitted softly. “It makes me feel important,” she whispered.
“Oh,” you said, surprised. “You are important. And not just to me. And not just because you help me when I trip.” You spoke with such conviction. She leant in to press a passionate kiss on your lips. You hummed quietly at the feeling. “I love you,” you proudly stated when she drew away.
“I love you,” she said declared back.
You weren’t really paying attention as Leah moaned about something someone had done to her. It was very trivial, but she took it as a personal attack. You spotted Lucy walking down the path to the field with two water bottles. You saw her spot you and speed up slightly, smiling at the thought of her hurrying to get to you. She was practically speed walking down the gentle slope, her movements slowly becoming less controlled. You saw her foot catch the uneven pavement from a tree root. Before you knew it, you had abandoned your conversation with Leah and rushed to Lucy’s side, getting her just in time to stop her from falling painfully onto the concrete.
“Easy, sweets,” you teased, leaning your body into her to help steady the both of you. “You ok?” you asked her, scanning her features for any discomfort.
“I’m all good, bubba. You caught me.” She smiled broadly at you.
“You always catch me. I thought it was only fair.” You pressed a kiss to the underneath of her jaw.
“I love you,” she said happily.
“I love you,” you replied, equally as joyful.
I hope you enjoyed it <3<3<3<3
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 7 months
part 4 of flames?? im HOOKED u dont get it we're actual masterminds
I'm sorry it took so long for me to put this out. I'll get to the 5th part this weekend:)
Flames - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader - Part 4
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Summary: You're trying to give Ethan a chance with your daughter, but Chad isn't so trusting.
Contains: Angst, a smidge of fluff, Ethan trying to learn how to be a dad, mentions of mental health.
A/N: Y'all...I'm convinced that some of you can read my mind because I'll think about something I want to write(esp. when it comes to spicy stuff), and then one of the sweet anon's on here will request it. I stg some of the things I've gotten requests for have made me fucking BLUSH.
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After Ethan went to bed, you struggled to fall asleep. You still felt a little uneasy about him being in the next room over, and not having a true understanding of what he’d actually be capable of. Finally, the exhaustion kicked in and you drifted off. You woke up a few different times during the night when she started to cry, and Ethan ran in the room ever single time, desperate to help.
Once the sun started to peak through the gap in the curtain, you stirred awake and looked over to see River awake in the bassinet.
“Hey, sweet girl,” you said, scooping her up in your arms. She started to coo, the soft sounds making you smile.
You walked out of your room to the next room over, quietly pushing the door open as you saw Ethan in a deep sleep. You noticed his backpack on the ground in the middle of the floor, and started to think about how he needed laundry done. You reached down to grab it, before quietly sneaking back out of the room.
You went to the nursey to change River, before heading downstairs to play with her for a little bit. Once she fell asleep again, you grabbed his bag again, and went to the laundry room.
You started to pull stuff out of his bag, a few bottles of medication falling to the floor.
“Shit,” you whispered to yourself, reaching down to grab them. You started to look at the medication names and pulled out your phone to google them. One was for anxiety, one was for depression, and one was a really strong anti-psychotic med. It might’ve been wrong to be that nosey, but you needed a better understanding of his mental health.
You sat them down on the counter in the room before starting the laundry. He soon walked downstairs, desperate to find you.
“Hey,” you smiled, your face dropping once you noticed his nervous expression. “What’s wrong?”
“I need my meds,” he panicked, looking around for his bag.
“They’re in here,” you said, gesturing to the laundry room. He saw them all lined up, feeling a little shame as he reached for them.
“Thanks…if I don’t take them when I’m supposed to, I don’t act like myself,” he said, calming a little as he opened the bottles and got a pill from each one.
“Do you need water?” you asked as he shook his head, dry swallowing all three pills at once. “Is there anything I can get for you?”
“I’m okay. You’ve already done so much for me,” he said, as you walked out, him following closely behind you.
You went to the living room, the two of you making small talk when your mom walked through.
“I’m going to work. I’ll be home late tonight, but I sent you some money for pizza or whatever you and your friends want to order tonight,” she said, before looking down to smile at her sleeping granddaughter. “She’s just so precious.”
You sleepily smiled at her, as she grabbed her purse to walk out the front door.
“When should they be here?” Ethan asked, referring to your friends.
“Actually,” you said, pulling out your phone to check the time, “Any minute now.”
He started to get really anxious. He was hoping he’d have a little more time for his meds to kick in before he had to be face to face with more of the people he hurt, especially Chad. He wasn’t sure what to expect, but he was about to find out, as he heard light tapping on the front door.
“It’ll be okay,” you tried to assure him, as you got up to walk towards the door.
“Hey! Where’s that precious little angel?” Chad excitedly asked, turning the corner towards the living room. He stopped in his tracks the second he saw Ethan. The rage that built inside of him for months started to come to the surface as Tara walked in behind him, her eyes going wide. “What the fuck is he doing here?” Chad yelled, walking over to Ethan. He grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him up, so he was face to face with him.
You bolted around the corner, trying to step between the two boys as Chad stared Ethan down.
“Sleeping baby, right there,” you said, gesturing towards River as Chad face softened a little. “I know you’re pissed, but you need to calm down.”
“Yeah, babe. Let’s go outside for a minute,” Tara said, as he let go of Ethan’s shirt.
He listened to Tara, as they started to leave the room. He turned to look at Ethan one more time before he softly spoke. “If you hurt either of them, I’ll fucking kill you.”
Ethan didn’t say anything, he just stood there. He had so many different emotions on his face as he tried to pull it together, once again running through all the steps his psychiatrist drilled into his head before he was released from the hospital.
“You okay?” you asked, once Tara and Chad went outside.
He shook his head as he started to cry. You sat down on the couch and grabbed his hand, pulling him down to sit with you. Your arms wrapped around him as he sobbed into your chest.
“I’m so sorry, for everything,” he cried, “I think I should probably go.”
You pulled away to look at him, “You knew how this could go…Don’t try to run away from us the second you’re making progress.”
He wiped his tears as he looked up at you, “I’m making progress?”
“Yes, Ethan. It’s going to take a lot more work, but you’re already doing such a good job with her. Don’t let anyone else make you feel like you aren’t supposed to be here with me…or be here with her.”
You felt yourself start to tear up as you heard Chad and Tara walk back inside. Ethan intently watched Chad, not knowing what to expect as he sat beside him on the couch.
“Why are you here?” Chad questioned; his voice significantly calmer than before. “You fucked your life up, so you come here to get her to put the pieces back together?”
“Chad, stop,” you warned, as Tara chimed in.
“Just tell him what you need to say, Chad. Don’t be an asshole. He is River’s dad,” she said, looking over to the sleeping baby.
Chad sighed, looking at Ethan, “I don’t fucking trust you, and I don’t like that you’re here. You fucking hurt me, dude. I defended you time and time again whenever you were accused of anything. You know how awful I felt when I found out you were a part of the reason we were fucking terrorized and almost killed?”
The guilt was all over Ethan’s face as he tried to think of the right things to say to apologize, but there weren’t any. He knew he fucked up, and he knew that it was going to take a lot for the people he cared about to even begin to trust him.
“I’m sorry, for everything,” Ethan finally said, as everyone’s eyes were on him. “I tried to stop it, I really did.”
“We know you did,” Tara said, as River started to wake up.
Chad got up and walked over to the bassinet to grab her. She stopped crying the second she was in his arms. Ethan watched the interaction, feeling sick to his stomach. You reached down to grab Ethan’s hand, attempting to comfort him before he had a chance to show the emotion that was building.
“We missed you,” Chad whispered to the baby, as he sat down beside Tara.
You let them bond with her as you sat with Ethan. “You’re still her dad,” you reminded him, as he nodded.
“So, what’s the deal with you two?” Chad asked, noticing Ethan’s hand in yours.
“Oh, um…right now he’s just…trying to make things right,” you said, as his thumb rubbed against your hand. “He wants to be in her life, and I want to give him that opportunity.”
“Do you really think that’s a good idea? He doesn’t know the first thing about her,” Chad said, handing the baby to Tara.
“I’m trying to learn,” Ethan sighed, “I get it that you hate me. You have a good reason to, but I’m doing a lot better than I was.”
“Whatever you say,” Chad sighed, “She’s more forgiving than I am.”
Ethan nodded as you stood up. “I need to go put the laundry in the dryer. Please don’t try to kill him,” you said, walking away.
“Don’t we have to worry about him trying to kill us?” Chad joked, but you turned around, not thinking the joke was very funny.
“He’s working through things, stop intentionally trying to trigger him,” you said, as Chad’s eyes connected with yours.
“Sorry, dude,” he said, as Ethan mumbled “Thanks.”
After Chad and Tara started to get used to Ethan being around, you excused yourself to go shower. You wanted to take Ethan shopping to get anything he needed, and you had to look at least somewhat presentable before you could do that. You even put on a little bit of makeup, hoping to hide the dark circles under your eyes.
You grabbed Ethan’s laundry out of the dryer and took it upstairs. It didn’t take long to fold it because he really didn’t have much. When you went back down the stairs, you got a bottle ready for River, knowing she’d be hungry soon.
Like clockwork, she started to cry as soon as it came out of the warmer.
“Hey, can I borrow my kid?” you asked Chad, as he gently passed her over to you. “Thanks,” you smiled, sitting beside Ethan. “You want to feed her?” you asked, as Ethan nodded.
Chad and Tara nervously watched him, but soon started to relax when they realized how gentle he was being with her. He’d gotten some practice during the feeding sessions in the middle of the night, but he was still terrified when it came to the burping part. He was scared he’d hurt her fragile little body, so he passed her off to you once she was done eating.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” Ethan said, going to the cart that extra baby blankets and clothes, and grabbed a burp cloth.
“Thanks,” you smiled, as he handed it to you. You adjusted her so she was laying on your shoulder, before patting her back. “Do you think you guys could babysit for a little bit?” you asked Chad and Tara.
“Of course,” Tara smiled, “Where are you going?”
“Ethan and I are going out for a little bit to get some things,” you said, as Ethan looked at you, unaware of the plan. “We talked about this last night,” you sighed, as he started to remember the conversation from the night before.
“Yeah, uh, I guess I should go change,” he said, getting up and heading up the stairs.
Once he was out of earshot, Tara started to whisper, “Do you feel safe going somewhere with him by yourself?”
“I’ve been here with him by myself,” you shrugged, as Chad started to shake his head.
“I know you want to give him a chance but is this really what’s best for you and River?” he asked, genuinely concerned for you and your daughter’s wellbeing. “Would you feel comfortable with him watching her by himself? He messed his whole future up.”
“It’ll be a long time before I could trust him alone with her. Fuck, I don’t even fully trust him being here,” you sighed, “But he’s trying to prove himself. He’s been through a lot.”
“You have, too, though,” Tara said, “You went through a pregnancy without him. You had the baby without him.”
“He didn’t know,” you started to defend him, as Chad got irritated.
“How was he supposed to know? He was busy trying to kill people,” he said, “I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, because we’ve been so happy to help…but it’s almost like a slap in the face to see you giving him a chance after we’ve been here for you through it all.”
“Please don’t look at it like that,” you said, your eyes starting to water, “I appreciate everything you guys have done. I appreciate everything that you’ll still do to help me out. If he fucks up, I already told him he doesn’t have anymore chances. Just try to be there for me while I figure this out.”
Chad and Tara both nodded, before you noticed that River was sound asleep laying against you. You swaddled her before putting her in the bassinet, and started to wonder what was taking Ethan so long.
The truth is, he never fully made it up the stairs once he heard everyone start to talk about him. He was silently sobbing as he stood on one of the stairs, not knowing what the best move would be. He could just grab his stuff and jump out the window, or he could keep trying to prove himself.
When he thought back to the conversation after he fully expected Chad to punch him, when you told him that he was making progress, he started to smile through his tears. His meds usually made him feel numb, but being back in your life was the first time he’d started to feel emotions again, and he was determined to prove to you that he was going to be an amazing dad.
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billypoindexter · 4 months
“Frog Study Time” rarely included any actual studying. Chowder would suggest that the three of them get together to work on homework, and it wouldn’t take long for the books and computers to be abandoned in favor of the stupidest conversation topics known to man (their conversation about Barbie movie lore had gotten so out of hand that they were unofficially banned from all going to the library together). But even though they all realized that these study sessions were literally a waste of time at this poitn, Nursey and Dex never turned down Chowder’s offer.
This particular Wednesday night Dex was doing his best to fight the urge to yap, as he needed to make headway on his comp sci midterm before their roadie this weekend. Nursey hadn’t even grabbed any of his books before pulling Chowder onto Dex’s (“the top bunk won’t hold us both!”), and Dex was doing his best to tune them out while he coded. But even with good intentions, Dex knew there was no way he wouldn’t inevitably be drawn into the chitchat.
“Nineteen is not old, Nursey!”
“Dude, you’re literally a D1 athlete, you can’t tell me that no one was interested before Caitlin.”
“Just because girls were interested doesn’t mean I had to oblige. I wanted to wait for someone I actually liked.”
Dex must have been focusing in way more than he thought, because he had no idea how Chowder and Nursey started talking about their first hookups. It wasn’t unusual for the team as a whole to discuss their sex lives, but with the frogs they usually geared their conversations towards more sophisticated subjects, such as Barbie movies
Nursey turned toward Dex at his desk, and Dex could hear the annoying grin on his face as he said, “Bet you waited for someone special, Pointdexter. You seem the sentimental type.”
Dex just continued to type and squint at his computer screen. “Actually, I’ve never had sex.”
Chowder slammed closed his psych textbook—there’s a chance he had opened it at that moment just so he could slam it closed for dramatic effect—and shouted, “HOW DID WE NOT KNOW THAT????” He let out a moan of despair. “We’re supposed to tell each other everything!”
“Yeah, what happened to the sacred frog bond?” Nursey added.
Dex shrugged, doing his best to not get drawn in. Realistically, he knew that he wasn’t going to get anymore work done, but he continued to stare at his computer in the hopes that he could refocus.
“Dude, we can totally find a chick to hook you up with. Unless I was right about you being a romantic,” ribbed Nursey. “Also, we can see you’re not working on your midterm anymore, so you can give up the act.”
Huffing, Dex swiveled around in his desk chair and crossed his arms. Chowder was leaning forward, elbows on his knees and chin in his hands as he stared at Dex. Nursey, ever chill, was leaning on his side, messing up Dex’s pillows as he propped his head on the back of his hand.
“I never said anything because it never came up,” said Dex flatly. “And I’m not a romantic, I’m just not interested.”
“C’mon,” whined Chowder, “give us the chance to find you someone!”
Dex shook his head as he clarified, “No, I mean I’m not interested in sex.”
A pause. Two blank faces looking at him. As much as Dex wanted to play it cool, he could feel his heart beating a bit faster and a blush creep up his neck; he’d never admit that to anyone before, even though he’d known it himself for a while.
Nursey was the first to break the silence: “Huh.” (This guy really knows how to make use of all those English classes.)
“Wow, really?” asked Chowder, clearly curious, sitting up straighter. “You’ve never seen a girl and wanted to…ya know…” He made some weird hand gestures that Dex very much did not know, but he got the idea.
“Nope.” He took a breath and added more quietly, “It’s not really girls that I look at, anyway.”
Again a pause. Again two blank faces. Again a quickening heartbeat and a spreading blush, as Dex voiced another thought that wasn’t new to him. But this time Chowder was the one who reacted first.
“Oh! Oh, ok!” He clapped his hands together. “We’re learning so much tonight! This has got to be one of our more productive study sessions.”
He grinned brightly at Dex. He gave him a smile back, not as big but just as genuine. He then flicked his eyes to Nursey, who also had a small smile as he slowly nodded his head. “Right on, Pointdexter.”
Nursey and Dex held each other’s gazes for a moment longer, then Dex cleared his throat and announced that that was enough emotion for one night and turned back to his computer. He worked a bit longer, letting Nursey and Chowder get back to their conversation (“You were seventeen and you’re giving me grief for being nineteen? Oh fuck off!”).
Chowder gave Dex a hug before heading back to his room for the night, which wasn’t unusual, even if this one was tighter and longer lasting than most. Nursey let Dex use the bathroom first while he worked on extricating himself from the bottom bunk and smoothing out the bedding. After brushing his teeth, Dex headed back to the room and passed Nursey, who grabbed his arm and stopped him.
“Hey,” he said softly, seriously. Once Dex turned his head to him, he continued. “Do you want to talk more about it?”
Nursey had come out as pan to the team last year. Dex knew him and Bitty had talked about being queer and playing collegiate hockey, and the difficulties that could sometimes came with that. He tensed up for a second, thinking that Nursey was upset that he hadn’t said anything about his sexuality before, but there was nothing but concern in his face.
Dex shook off Nursey’s hand. “No, I’m alright,” he said, making his way to his bunk.
Later, as they both were laying in their beds, Dex spoke again. “Thank you, though. For, um…for offering. I appreciate it.”
“See, I knew that you’re secretly a softy.”
Dex rolled his eyes at that and reached with the palm of his hand out to punch the bedframe above him. Then he turned and nestled into his pillows, breathing deeply of the scent the lingered there and trying not to think about why he liked it so much.
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transwicky · 10 months
AIGHT I'm still on this.
My REAL thoughts on OllieWicks DPair:
They are sloppy at first. They don't know each other well, and are having a hard time clicking on the ice.
Then the kegster neck touch happens and they start dating and then suddenly they start doing better on the ice.
Their communication on the ice is flawless and it surprises everyone, including themselves.
They have insane chemistry on ice, and between them and Holster and Ransom, it drives Dex (and Nursey) insane that they just can't get along well enough to click like that on the ice.
But nobody even suspects that they're dating bc they're so chill about it. They don't do major PDAs, especially around the team (their fist bumps are their silent I love yous).
Chowder finally asks how they click they so well bc they don't act like Holster and Ransom and Wicky stares at him while Ollie raises an eyebrow and goes "Well, we're dating, first of all. Also we have sex regularly."
Chowder's entire world is Shook on that bc the two everyone said are the Token Straight Bros are DATING and ARE NOT STRAIGHT and he has to re evaluate his entire life.
He's the only SMH member that isn't shocked they got married.
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madisonandmore · 1 year
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Honey, those sandcastles may look good, but it's time to grab your buckets and shovels to dig out our second day of works courtesy of our awesome creators!!!
Creators, if your work was revealed today make sure to update the published date to today so that your work will show up in the most recent Check Please works on AO3!
Cowabunga (art)
Featuring: Eric "Bitty" Bittle/Jack Zimmermann
Summary: Artwork for a madison & more prompt! Jack and Bitty are surfboarders!!
Making My Head Spin (24,347 words)
Featuring: Eric "Bitty" Bittle/Jack Zimmermann
Summary: Jack and Bitty never kissed after Jack's graduation and then fell out of contact. Until Bitty turns up at the Falconers' development camp a few weeks after his graduation.
Heard the Mermaids Singing (1,230 words)
Featuring: Camilla Collins/Larissa "Lardo" Duan
Summary: Her hands shook in her pockets. What she was doing was a bad idea. The wind turned, blowing in from the water, meeting her where she was. The was a croon carried on it - like whale song. Like a siren's call. // In Boston harbor, the mermaid sings. Lardo has heard it in her dreams for months. On a summer's night, she follows it down to the water.
Crashing Into You (669 words, chapter 1 of 15)
Featuring: Derek "Nursey" Nurse/William "Dex" Poindexter
Summary: William Pointdexter is mortified when his young Pitbull mix becomes obsessed with the shih-tzu at the dog park.
It doesn't help that the shih-tzu's owner is the most handsome man he's ever seen.
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hullomoon · 4 months
hullomoon's 2024 voiceteam round up!!!
another year, another successful voiceteam! i had such a fun time with my teammates and fellow voiceteam participants. and now, without further ado, here's a round-up!
works are ordered by posting date
[Podfic] This too shall pass | multivoice | Schitt's Creek | David/Patrick | 00:01:09
David has a kidney stone.
[Podfic] To NHL or Not to NHL: That is the Question | multivoice | Check Please! | Nursey/Dex | 00:05:37
How are you supposed to get over the homoerotic tension of finding your soulmate at 18 playing hockey? Or, Dex makes a decision about joining the NHL
[podfic] 50 Shades | Schitt's Creek | David/Patrick | 00:01:12
David’s tested every shade from Greige to Pewter, whereas Patrick, prefers plain Blue, and thought, they’d reached a compromise with Slate Blue. Or, the first time Patrick and David paint and decorate their cottage.
Surprise! | multivoice | Stranger Things | El-centric | 00:13:49
“Yes, Dustin, for the last time, I got the cake.” Dustin had a clipboard, where he was checking things off. “Chocolate with chocolate icing?” Steve rolled his eyes again for good measure and made sure his voice dripped in annoyance. “Yes, Henderson. I do listen when you talk, and all I’ve been hearing for the past week is chocolate-chocolate cake with chocolate icing - which I also got, before you ask.” “Well I just wanted to make sure, Steve. This is El’s first real birthday party and it needs to be perfect!”
[podfic] i'm making today a perfect day for you! | Fraggle Rock | Boober & Sidebottom | 00:05:19
After having to work on his birthday, Boober is a bit downtrodden. Luckily, a certain Fraggle from the dream realm is here to cheer him up with a pile of presents.
[podfic] Fast and Furry-ous | Fast & Furious; Muppets | 00:11:01
“You can’t be serious about bringing him back on the team. After last time?” Vince hissed. “He’s a loose cannon, Dom.” Letty shook her head, which made Brian even more nervous. If Letty was against something, it might definitely be a bad move. “Nah." Dom smirked, looking off into the distance. "His buddy is the one who climbs into the cannons.” “You can’t be serious about bringing him back on the team. After last time?” Vince hissed. “He’s a loose cannon, Dom.” Letty shook her head, which made Brian even more nervous. If Letty was against something, it might definitely be a bad move. “Nah." Dom smirked, looking off into the distance. "His buddy is the one who climbs into the cannons.”
[podfic] come and rest your bones with me | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 00:18:21
“We’re making a fort.” Steve is barely even halfway through the door when he is accosted with the declaration. His slick raincoat is still zipped up, his wet umbrella still wide open and dripping onto the porch behind him. “What?” He asks, fumbling to close the umbrella and shake it out before a stack of blankets are being shoved into his arms. “We are making a fort,” Eddie repeats, grinning at Steve. He’s got his own heap of blankets bundled against his chest, and when Steve glances past his shoulder he can see that the bones of said fort are already mostly established — Wayne’s armchair has already been moved from its cozy corner of the room to now sit directly across from the couch, and the coffee table has been pushed to the side so as to not be a nuisance to the building process. And, well, it sounds like a lot of fun, actually. “Yeah, sure, alright,” Steve replies with a huff of a laugh.
[filk] none compares with you (in my whump fanfics) | multivoice | Fandom | 00:03:43
You are my favorite character You're the one I always want to see In stories I'll write for hours You belong in my whump fanfics
[Filk] Life on Voice Team | multivoice | Fandom | 00:03:12
A filk of what it's like to be on Voice Team, to the Little mermaid song 'Under the Sea'
[podfic] folktale | Stranger Things | Wayne-centric | 01:01:57
It’s outlandish. It’s implausible. It’s beyond the scope of man, beyond the imagination of children. He wants to shake his head, wants to dismiss it the same way they would laugh at the end of each campfire story, the same way folks would turn their noses up at the talk from the old miners who see things in the coal dust and dark and heat, because everyone sees something in the mine. That’s just the nature of the shadow. Deciding to find his own answers, Wayne picks the wrong (or perhaps very right) moment to return to his trailer.
[podfic] Insect | Good Omens | Aziraphale/Crowley | 00:01:04
Poor Aziraphale and the outdoors
[podfic] Lovenerds | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 00:10:03
Steve Harrington is many things: a jock, a good time, a dethroned king, a pretty damn good babysitter. One thing he is not is a nerd. Eddie Munson disagrees
[podfic] The Soft Romance of Growing Old | Supernatural | Destiel | 00:03:25
No one romanticizes growing old. Not the way they romanticize being young. A brief look at Dean's perspective on becoming an old man with Cas by his side.
[podfic] an aborted, "I love you" | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 00:10:05
Steve’s thoroughly grateful that he’s listening to a message, and no response is required—can only stand there, jaw slack, at just how light his mother’s voice is. “A couple of work things fell through,” she continues with a breeziness that probably means several major ‘things’ went disastrously wrong, work related or otherwise. But it doesn’t sound like she cares all that much; if anything, she sounds excited. “So I thought we could—well, I don’t know how late we’ll be, but if you’re not too hungry, we could just order some pizza, lazy dinner? Plain cheese for you, right?” The distant ring of a bell on a counter. “Steve, darling, I know we haven’t been—” She cuts herself off with a sigh that’s gone too quickly for Steve to parse. He hasn’t ordered a plain cheese pizza since he was 12 years old. But she’s trying, he thinks. She’s trying.
baby dive in, cause the water feels fine | Schitt's Creek | Explicit | Alexis/Twyla | 1.1k; 00:10:10
Twyla can't help staring at Alexis's long legs and her itty bitty skirts
[podfic] 4B, Part Three: Christmas Jubilee | multivoice | Stranger Things | 00:12:32
“We’re having a Christmas party on the 23rd,” Robin says. “And our weird kids will not be portalling in through Hell this time.” “That’s good to know,” Maisie says, trying her best to plaster a grin on her face. She’s very good at feigning grins when the Interdimensional Portal Incident comes up. Josh and Maisie are invited to a very odd Christmas party. It's not so much the Christmas party that's odd, but the people who are attending it.
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feyhunter78 · 2 years
Moonflowers (11/16)
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Description: The aftermath of Aegon's death begins
Next Chapter:
Helaena woke in darkness. She could still feel Alyra’s warmth at her back, hear her even breathing, and she closed her eyes once more, telling herself that the excitement of the previous day had caused her to wake so early. She drifted back off, only to be woken once more by Alyra’s hand shaking her shoulder.
“Helaena, wake up, something’s wrong.” Alyra said, her voice scratchy from sleep, but with a clear undertone of panic.
Helaena sat up slowly, glancing around the room, it was still dark, nearly pitch black, she could only make out the whites of Alyra’s eyes and the faint light of torches outside her window. “What’s happened?”
Alyra rose from the bed, and quickly lit a nearby candle before donning her dressing gown and handing Helaena her own. “I’m not sure, I always wake up an hour after the sun rises, every day without fail, but I am awake, and the sun has not risen.”
Helaena remembered Alyra’s words from the night before, as sure as I am that the sun will rise in the morning and set at night. The sun had not risen this morning. A gnawing fear began to form in her stomach as she slipped her dressing gown over her nightdress. “We must find the children, and Aemond.”
Alyra nodded and headed out the door, the small candle she held their only source of light. They walked silently, Helaena holding Alyra’s free hand as they first made their way to her and Aemond’s chambers. Alyra knocked quietly, and the door swung open.
Aemond was fully dressed, sword at his side. “My love, sister, I was moments away from coming to find you both.”
“What is happening?” Helaena asked, looking around the hall to see if any others had awoken.
Aemond stepped out of his quarters, shutting the door firmly behind him. “I am unsure, I rise with the sun, but was not greeted by its light this day.” His voice was calm, quieting some of her anxieties, but she noticed the way his hand rested on the hilt of his sword, the whiteness of his knuckles.
“Could this be an invasion, or some use of dark magic?” Alyra asked, fiddling with her ring, as her eyes swept the hall. “I don’t understand how we haven’t run into any guards.”
Aemond hummed lowly, “we haven’t currently offended any other house enough to warrant an invasion, but perhaps we have been betrayed.”
Fear shot through Helaena at the idea of her children alone in this strange darkness, with potential enemies prowling the empty halls. “We must get to my children.”
They set off towards the nursey Aemond leading the way, when they got closer, they began to hear soft conversation and Aemond halted them, drawing his sword. He took careful, quiet steps, inching forward until he could peek through the crack in the nursery’s door. His shoulders relaxed, and he pushed the door opening, beckoning for Helaena and Alyra to follow.
Inside the nursey was Rhaenyra, and Jacaerys, their heads bowed together as they spoke, but turning quickly towards the open door.
“Sister, good-brother.” Aemond said, making sure Helaena and Alyra entered the room before he shut it.
Helaena let out a sigh of relief to see Jaehaera and Jaehaerys sleeping soundly in the arms of Jacaerys and Rhaenyra. She reached out towards Rhaenyra, taking Jaehaera from her and holding her daughter close to her chest.
“My princess, do you know why the sky is black?” Alyra directed her question towards Rhaenyra, her hand seeking Aemond’s for comfort as she did.
Rhaenyra shook her head, “I do not, nor do I know where the guards have gone, we came here to check on the children, and then we were headed towards you three next.”
Jacaerys held Jaehaerys in his arms and brought him closer to Helaena. “I wished to find you first, but I knew your first priority would be the children.” He leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to her cheek, before lowering his voice. “Are you unharmed?”
Helaena nodded, “have either of you seen my mother?”
“We have seen no one but my family, the children, and now you three.” Rhaenyra said. “Harwin has stayed in our chambers with Lucerys, Joffrey, and Viserys.”
“We should see father, to check on him and to request to be married.” Helaena said, eyes focused on Jacaerys. There were too many unknowns this morning, she did not want to risk losing her chance at happiness due to any upcoming chaos.
Rhaenyra nodded, “we shall take the tunnels, follow me.” She pushed on the far corner of the nursery, and it gave way, exposing a darkened passageway.
Helaena blanched at how easy it would be for an assassin to slip in and harm her children. She made up her mind that once she and Jacaerys were officially wed, she would move the children closer to them and have all their rooms checked for secret passages.
Alyra took Jaehaerys from Jacaerys and motioned for him to follow behind his mother, while Aemond took the rear. They followed Rhaenyra in silence, marveling at the way she seemed to know every twist and turn by heart, never stopping or second guessing herself. She pulled the arm of a carving in the wall and another doorway appeared.
They emerged in their father’s chambers. It was dimly lit, and Rhaenyra knocked on the door to his bedroom before stepping inside.
King Viserys was wide awake, sitting at his desk writing by candlelight.
“Father?” Rhaenyra called.
He turned and smiled; his greying face brightened by joy. “My daughter.” He looked at all of them gathered behind her and his smile dimmed. “Is there a problem? I cannot remember when so many of my family has visited me all at once.”
Rhaenyra walked over and knelt beside her father. “The sun has refused to rise, have you not seen?”
King Viserys glanced out his window. “I believed it to be late in the night.”
Jaehaera began to cry in Helaena’s arms, and she shushed her gently, but Viserys had already turned his attention to them. “My beautiful granddaughter, please bring her closer.”
Helaena did so, turning so that her father could see Jaehaera’s face. He reached for her, and she eased Jaehaera into her grandfather’s arms. Helaena had always felt a connection with her father, despite his near constant ignorance of her existence. When he did remember he had a second daughter, he would call her to read to him, or to bring her children to his chambers. They would play on his rug while he attempted to broach the subject of dreams with her.
“Father, I wish to ask something of you.” She said softly.
He looked up at her as he let Jaehaera play with the sleeve of his night clothes. “Oh?”
Jacaerys stepped up beside her, taking her hand in his. “We both have something to ask of you.”
Viserys raised an eyebrow at Jacaerys, not missing the way he clasped Helaena’s hand. “Do go on, then.”
Jacaerys looked at her, warm eyes searching her face as if to make certain once more that this is what she desired. She squeezed his hand and nodded, she had no doubts, no hesitation. “Grandsire, I love Helaena, and she returns my affections wholeheartedly. My mother has already married us in the Valyrian tradition, but I wish to obtain your blessing for us to marry under the eyes of The Seven.”
Viserys sat back, his eyes darting to Rhaenyra, who nodded, confirming Jacaerys’ words. “You both are aware that Helaena is already married, correct? I am holding one of her children from her marriage to Aegon.” His voice grew serious. “Bigamy is a crime punishable to the highest extent, if Aegon were to ever find out—”
“He won’t father, Aegon is dead. He was killed by a prostitute late last night, his body discovered in an alley by a member of the City Watch.” Rhaenyra said, stepping forward and placing her hands on Jacaerys and Helaena’s shoulders. “Aegon was a cruel boy, and an ever crueler husband. Jacaerys and Helaena should have been allowed to marry instead of her and Aegon. And now that Aegon is dead, Helaena is free to marry another.”
Viserys’ arms began to shake, and Jacaerys took Jaehaera from him, allowing the girl to snuggle her head against his chest.
“My son is dead?” Viserys said, his voice strained.
“It is of his own doing, Aegon knew the dangers of Fleabottom, but continued to venture there night after night.” Aemond spoke up. “My sister has been a dutiful wife and mother; she should not be punished for having a pig of a husband.”
“How do you know all of this? I am the king, I should have been informed as soon as his body was discovered.”
Helaena stiffened, what could they say?
Rhaenyra swooped in, saving Helaena from attempting to make up an answer. “Harwin is still Commander of the City Watch, his men informed him of the tragedy.”
Viserys nodded still hesitant, “and now you two”—he motioned to Helaena and Jacaerys— “wish to marry so soon after his death?”
“Please father, I know it is unorthodox, but think of how it will unite the family. Jace and I’s children will be of Targaryen, Hightower, and Strong blood. They will be beloved by the Hightowers and the Strongs.” Helaena said, blinking back the desperate tears that welled up in her eyes. She didn’t wish to cry, she wanted to appear strong, and determined, so her father would believe her words.
Viserys sighed and leaned forward in his chair, scrutinizing her and Jacaerys. “Swear to me neither of you played a hand in Aegon’s death.”
Both her and Jacaerys swore on their dragons, Helaena offering up a silent apology to Dreamfyre.
Viserys looked to his eldest daughter. “Rhaenyra, do you truly believe this is wise?”
“I do, father. I would not have married them if I did not believe that their joining would be a boon to our family.”
He nodded his head and stood, using the arm of his chair to assist him. “Very well then, Jacaerys, Helaena, I give you my permission to wed, provided it is after the funeral for Aegon. I will not have it seem as if we are making a mockery of his death.” He turned to Helaena and gently brushed her cheek. “Your mother would not be happy if we joined you and Jacaerys before then.”
Helaena nodded and beamed at Jacaerys.
“Thank you, grandsire, your wisdom, and kindness, knows no bounds.” Jacaerys said, smiling at Viserys then at Helaena as he handed Jaehaera off to Rhaenyra before embracing Helaena and resting his forehead against hers. “Soon I shall be able to shout from Vermax of our marriage, of my joy.”
Helaena closed her eyes, basking in his warmth. “I love you.” She whispered, “I cannot wait to be able to profess my love for you in front of the realm.”
A frantic knocking on the door snapped everyone from the moment, and Aemond opened the door slowly before standing back and allowing his mother entrance into the room.
“Viserys have you seen Helaena or the children, I cannot—” She froze, seeing Helaenain Jacaerys’ embrace.
“Helaena is here safe with Jacaerys, and the children are also here, safe with Rhaenyra and Alyra.” Viserys said, holding his hands out to calm Alicent.
Alicent stalked over to Helaena and Jacaerys, tearing her daughter out of his arms. “Helaena.” She hissed. “You are a married woman; you cannot be caught in the arms of another man in such a way.”
“Jace is not another man, he is my husband.” Helaena said, her father’s approval giving her the courage to face her mother.
“Your husband? Aegon is your husband?” Alicent’s hand went to feel Helaena’s forehead, “are you feeling alright sweetling? Shall I call a maester?”
“Aegon is dead, mother, the City Watch informed us late last night.” Aemond said, removing her hand from Helaena and taking it in his own.
Aemond was the only one who could truly calm their mother, and at times Helaena envied his ability.
Alicent’s face paled, and then her knees gave out. Aemond’s quick reflexes were the only thing that kept her from falling. She looked at Viserys, “is it true?”
He nodded, “Aegon was found in an alley, stabbed by a woman from one of the brothels, I am sorry, my dear.”
Alicent let out a broken sound of distress and Helaena felt her tears return, she never wanted to harm her mother, only to be free of Aegon’s cruelty.
Aemond moved to the floor with their mother and let her sob into his shoulder. “It will be alright, mother. We will tell the people he died of a sickness, no shame will befall our family, I swear it.” He said softly, his arms wrapped tightly around their mother.
Helaena wanted to go to her, to comfort her mother, but it would feel false, as if she was intentionally deceiving her. She did not grieve Aegon, not the way her mother did. To Helaena’s surprise, it with Rhaenyra who took Alicent’s hand.
 Having passed Jaehaera to Alyra who now had both children, she knelt by her former friend and squeezed her hand. “I may not know your exact pain, but I know how it feels to lose a child.” She said, motioning for Aemond to allow her to take Alicent.
He did so gently and stood, taking Jaehaerys from Alyra, so she could wrap both arms around the squirming Jaehaera.
Rhaenyra cupped Alicent’s tear soaked face. “This pain you are feeling will lessen, I promise you.” Her words were soft, her eyes locked on Alicent’s. They sat there staring at each other, communicating silently, as Helaena assumed they did long ago.
“He was my son, my firstborn.” Alicent whimpered, her hands clutching Rhaenyra’s shoulders for support.
“He will always remain that, he will always be yours.” Rhaenyra said, wiping Alicent’s tears away with her thumbs. “Let us join our children, let them be happy in the wake of this pain.”
Alicent’s shoulders sagged, “she is my only daughter, Rhaenyra.”
Rhaenyra wrapped her arms around her former friend, pulling her close. “Jacaerys will not let her come to harm, they will remain here. I will not take her from you.” She rested her head on Alicent’s shoulder, her voice so low, Helaena almost didn’t catch her words. “Helaena deserves to be married to someone she loves; give her the chance you did not have.”
Alicent nodded, wrapping her arms around Rhaenyra as well. “I will allow the marriage.” She said, her voice stained with tears.
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @svtansdaddyx, @fan-goddess, @dc-marvel-girl96, @shintax-error, @bellameshipper, @the141bandicoot, @the-phantom-of-arda, @haydee5010
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bigmacdaddio · 2 years
Bo Didley original which I didn’t know b/c I have the New York Dolls in my head...
As I was lying in a hospital bed A rock and roll nurse go into my head She says, hold out your arm, boy (and stick out your tongue) I got some pills, I'm gonna give you someShe went into my head, into my head A rock and roll nurse go into my head Into my head, into my head As I was lying in a hospital bedA little pill for my legs, but that didn't ache Tried some pills for my heart, but a little to late Got some pills for my love, to try to get me at ease When a rock and roll nurse shook me down to my kneesShe went into my head, shoved into my head A rock and roll nurse go into my head Into my head, into my head As I was lyin' in a hospital bedI got the rock n roll nurseNursey, nursey, well I don't see I can't understand what your doin' to me Said you'd give me the pills, then you'd give me that shot Got me wonderin' what is worse I gotShe went into my head, shoved into my head A rock n roll nurse go into my head Into my head, to my head As I was lying in a hospital bedI got the rock and roll nurse She's makin' it worse Keeps on shooting it right on to my headDoctor, doctor, doctor, run here and see! I don't dig this jive this nurse givin' me Gives me the shots, gives me the pills Got me takin' this junk, against my willShe went into my head, shoved into my head A rock and roll nurse go into my head Into my head, into my head As I was lyin' in a hospital bed I got the-
0 notes
nurseyydex · 8 years
I feel like I yell about this often but tbh why can't I just have dex with an eyebrow piercing (and nursey dying repeatedly)
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What would happen if the (yandere) 2p Allies's darling happily tell them that they are going to be a father?
(Y/N) trembled in the white tiled bathroom. Her hands shook as she read the blue and white pregnancy test in her hands.
Two vibrant pink lines were the only colors her mind could focus on, as the words “I’m pregnant” fired off on repeat in her mind like a twisted version of her favorite song.
Tears filled her eyes as her throat bubbled. (Y/N) wasn’t sure whether that sensation was a wail or her own warm partially digested food wanting to escape.
The call of her husband momentarily stopped her downward spiral. (Y/N) looked toward the white door, she noticed that his voice was sounded heavier than normal as he continued to call her to his side.
Knowing that her day would only worsen more if he was made to wait much longer, she slowly stood. Legs wobbled as she staggered her way to her living room, the test clutched tightly in her fist.
At the sight of her husband, sitting on their leather couch, she pulled a feeble smile together. It’s points twitched as she made eye contact with the man that claimed to love her.
He saw through her façade like it was a piece of warped glass. His concern was evident as he stood and closed the distance. His hold was gentle as he prodded her to answer the reason for her fear.
Stuttering with the same broken smile, she answered.
“I-I-I’m pre-gnant-t.”
France: François’ cigarette fell as his mouth dropped. “What did you zay?”
“I’m pregnant!” The dam broke as she sobbed into his chest. François’ purple shirt dampening from the heavy tears.
François hugged her closer, burying his face in her soft locks. Shoe crushing the cigarette, he whispered French comforts.
“Do not worry, Amore. You will be a great mother.”
America: “NO WAY!” Allen screamed. A large smile on his face as he spun (Y/N) around.
The second her feet touched the beige carpet; Allen began a barrage of questions. How far along was she, when did she find out, what doctor did she see?
The last question made her shiver as his hands tightened slight and his smile dropping.
“I don’t know, today, and I used the stick test.”
“Oh.” The grip loosened. The smile returning, as he hugged her close.
(Y/N) noted a phantom pain in her hips as Allen dreamy rocked her, wondering which of the fifty states would be born first.  
Canada: Chuckling Matt ran a hand through his long locks. “I was beginning to lose hope, but I guess I never should have doubted.”
(Y/N)’s voice was soft as she questioned him. Wondering what he meant.
“Since that day I first saw you,” Matt smiled, “I know that you were meant to mother my children.”
England: Gently Oliver grasped (Y/N)’s hands. She shivered at his cool touch and cat-like smile.
His British accent filled the room as he expressed his excitement. The coos of pride as he told (Y/N) how he couldn’t wait to be a father, how he dreamed of this day and would not fail like he had with his brothers. Ramblings about which colors they would paint the nursey, and which fairy tribe they would ask to bless their child.
(Y/N) sat frozen. Wondering how long he had been waiting to hear this news.
Russia: Viktor held out his gloved hand, a silent request to see the pregnancy test. There was no fight as the tired woman gave the plastic rectangle to the much taller male.
Holding it at eye lever Viktor looked at the positive test. A satisfied smile crept across his face as he gazed down at his little wife.
His hand cupped her waist as he gently led her to their large bedroom. This was exciting news, and he knew the perfect way to celebrate.
China: Jin launched himself into (Y/N)’s arms as he quietly thanked her. A couple tears left his eyes at the realization of his centuries long dream was coming true.
Holding his Qin at arm’s length, a genuine smile on his face as he proclaimed that a family gathering needed to be held. Everyone needed to hear the wonderful news of the newest addition.
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radiant-reid · 3 years
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It was the first time Y/n had slept in weeks. Thankfully, her job conditioned her to sleep an inadequate amount. But having a newborn was a whole new, difficult challenge.
Maisie Pippa Reid was proving difficult. Somehow Y/n and Spencer had managed to apprehend the most dangerous criminals in the United States but, they could not get their daughter to sleep.
She was only a few days old and proving a challenge for the new parents.
Much to Y/n's delight, Spencer had agreed to take the night shift so she could get some rest. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out, sleep taking over.
When she woke up, it was 6 in the morning. Probably the first 7 hour night she'd gotten since her second trimester. She did think it was odd the apartment wasn't filled with baby screams.
Spencer and Y/n had been married for 5 years, and she trusted him with her life. She was also fully confident in his fathering abilities. But, she did assume she'd be waking up to screams.
So it was odd when she didn't. She got out of bed, straightening it out before taking a walk to the nursery.
Spencer had painted the whole thing, insisting on Y/n not smelling the paint fumes, despite knowing it was highly unlikely to hurt their baby. It was no surprise he was going to be protective, knowing all the facts about how babies could get hurt.
He had already read all the books he could get his hands on when JJ was pregnant. But he was extra protective with Y/n.
The room was lavender. He maintained it wasn't because of his own personal fondness for the colour. Y/n did believe the study that showed it relaxed children, but so did several other colours.
Still, it was perfect. The ideal nursey with the most well-built crib in the world. Built by Maisie's godfather, Derek Morgan, with her father's help to make sure it was safe.
Y/n could hear the soft Beethoven as she neared the room, careful to keep her movements quiet. While it was Spencer's favourite, he assured her Maisie needed to listen to it to promote the connection of her neurological pathways.
When she peered around the open door, there was a shirtless Spencer. He lay on the couch in the nursery. On his chest, a sleeping Maisie. Despite how slim he looked, he was quite muscular.
Still unaware of her presence, Spencer continued to caress the little girls face. His soft fingertips trailing from her forehead down to her nose and across her cheek.
"Hey, what's happening in here?" Y/n made her proximity known. Spencer looked up at her, the happiest smile on his face. Even on their wedding day, she wasn't sure she'd ever seen him so happy. Notably, because of how tired she presumed he was.
"Hi, love. We're doing some skin to skin contact." His voice was thick from not using it. "Look at her."
Y/n walked close to the father-daughter duo, admiring their little girls face. She knew every parent thought it, but Maisie really was the cutest baby she'd ever seen.
She couldn't help let Spencer know how she felt. "She's so beautiful."
He nodded quickly, looking up at his wife. "I just can't believe any of this is real."
"I know," She agreed. "I feel the exact same." They both fell silent as they admired the perfect little girl, who came from two imperfect parents.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Spencer asked, breaking the silence and looking up at Y/n.
She was sure she was. They had been together for 8 years there was no way she wouldn't be. "She's the most perfect baby in the world."
"Oh, good. I thought it was just me thinking it." Spencer said with a light chuckle. His chest moving up and down made the little girl fuss. "I know every parent thinks their baby is perfect, but she actually is flawless." That made Y/n let out a little giggle.
"She gets better every time I look at her, I think." Y/n mentioned, still not understanding how something so small could have her so whipped.
Spencer nodded, taking hold of Maisie's fingers. Y/n would never stop thinking about how good his hands looked, slender and veiny. "Look how small they are. They're just the most adorable thing ever." Y/n hadn't ever seen him this soft. Ready to give Maisie whatever she wanted.
"I think I like her nose," Y/n mentioned, leaning down to trace her finger over it. "'S just like yours. I hope it stays like that." She continued before running her finger over Spencer's perfect nose. He scrunched it under her fingertips, causing laughter to coarse through her.
Spencer's smile never came off his face, dimpling his cheeks as his wife traced over them. "Do you think she'll get my dimples as well?" He asked hopefully, moving his finger to her cheeks.
"I'm seriously hoping she does," Y/n confirmed. "Honestly, I hope she's 100% you." She couldn't help admire her husband. From the wrinkle in the middle of his eyebrow to his barely-there moustache and his sharp cheekbones, he was the definition of perfection.
"I'm not sure how I'm ever going to repay you," Spencer spoke honestly, his attention now on Y/n. "You've given me the best gift I've ever received, and I don't think... No, I know, there isn't anything I can ever do that will be as good as this." His words melted her heart, turning her to mush. Maybe two people had Y/n wrapped around their fingers.
"Spence." Y/n cooed, running her fingers through his coffee-coloured curls. "She's 50% you, well maybe more." She giggled.
Spencer shook his head, his smile fading. "I didn't do any of the hard work." He retaliated.
"Baby." Y/n sat down, so she was at Spencer's eye level. "You painted this whole room, read every single book you could find- I think you knew more than some of the doctors in there- found all the OBGYNs and have been there every step of the way. I don't think there's anyone else in the world that would go that far." That wasn't even 1/100th of the ways Spencer had helped Y/n throughout her pregnancy.
A soft smile lit up his face again, and she had never been more pleased to see it. "Still." He reached out to grab her hand. "Thank you."
Y/n smiled back at him and their perfect daughter. "I could just watch her forever."
Spencer agreed. "But, she is going to grow up." He reminded her somberly. If he had one wish, it would that they stayed in the moment forever. After all the bad he had witnessed, he never wanted the innocent child to see anything horrific.
"Don't remind me." Y/n playfully glared at him. "'Just always want to have a baby."
"I can do that for you, love." Spencer reminded her, a cheeky smirk now on his face.
"That is exactly the hard work I need you for," Y/n told him before she realised her mistaken words. "That's not what I meant." It didn't matter, Spencer was already laughing at the sexual innuendo.
Unfortunately, it woke up Maisie. She immediately started screaming. Spencer knew how it was possible, but he didn't understand how such a long sound could come from such small lunges.
Y/n picked her baby up off Spencer, walking her over to the chair to breastfeed.
"Can I stay?" Spencer asked hopefully. He enjoyed having his own skin-to-skin contact with the baby, but Maisie's connection with her mother would always be unique.
Y/n nodded. "As long as you're not cheeky." She sent him a pointed look which he just laughed off.
Both of them were still amazed about how perfect the moment was.
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@la-vie-en-amour1 @bingereid @measure-in-pain @archer561
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wandering-soul-1993 · 2 years
This story comes with a ⚠️ MASSIVE trigger warning ⚠️ for child illness. I dealt with one of the most traumatic experiences of my life this week that resulted in the death of a baby. Writing is how I cope and how I process. This is rough, and I probably missed a lot in editing, but I gave it a happy ending. This story is how I wish things would have ended. Also, I chose Armand for this one because (correct me if I'm wrong) I think there's a scene in Devil's Minion of him giving money to trick-or-treaters; I thought he'd be a good fit. I don't mean to offend; I don't mean to hurt anyone. I'm simply trying to understand.
At first he thought the crying was coming from inside his mind, though why he would imagine an infant’s cry, he had no idea. Armand stopped in his tracks; Daniel kept walking, only realizing he was alone when he reached the corner. When Daniel turned back, he saw Armand staring up at the whitewashed façade of the hospital. The red EMERGENCY sign lighting up almost an entire parking lot and spilling out into the street.
“What are you doing?” Daniel asked, coming back to stand next to his maker.
“Don’t you hear it, Daniel?” Armand asked softly.
“Hear what?"
“The crying.”
Daniel turned his attention to the automatic doors constantly sliding open and shut. “I hear a lot of crying; it’s a hospital.”
Armand shook his head. “No,” he whispered. “It’s a baby.”
Daniel cocked his head. “Yeah…” he answered, unsure of what was happening. “I hear a lot of babies crying. They’re born here, you know.”
Armand turned his large brown eyes to his minion. “I’m not talking about those babies, Danny. I’m talking about one in particular.”
Daniel sighed. “Well, you’re going to have to point them out for me, because I hear an entire nursey of squalling little offspring.” He crossed his arms.
“Very well,” Armand agreed, and rushed inside the emergency department.
Daniel didn’t have any time at all to make any attempts to persuade him otherwise. Even as a vampire, he almost had to break into a run to keep up with Armand’s lightening speed. They were moving too fast to be seen, Armand effortlessly dodging and weaving between patients, doctors, and visitors while poor Daniel was left dancing some kind of uncoordinated ballet to keep from bumping into anyone.
When they reached the elevators Armand paused long enough to smash the up arrow, leaving Daniel to jump between the closing doors. “Where the hell are we going?” he demanded, slumping against the wall.
“You said you wanted me to point the baby out,” Armand told him. “That’s what I’m doing.”
The fourth floor was painted some of the brightest colors Daniel had ever seen. Blues, greens, reds and yellows created a surprisingly comforting atmosphere while recognizable cartoon characters waved and pointed visitors towards the patient rooms. They past the Hundred Acre Woods, Micky Mouse’s Clubhouse and the island where the wild things are on their way towards this mysterious crying that Daniel still hadn’t heard. He knew better than to say anything, though. Armand was beyond determined to show Daniel this child, though what Armand would do next, he wasn’t sure.
He stopped so suddenly that Daniel nearly ran into him. The door had the most uninviting clown taped to it, but damn it they tried their best. Armand pushed the door open slowly, making sure the hinges didn’t creak.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Daniel asked, looking up and down the hall.
Armand didn’t answer, only stepped completely inside the room. Every monitor known to man must have been hanging on the wall, each with it’s own individual line that connected to a tiny body lying motionless in a hospital crib. The poor thing couldn’t have been a year old, at best, and her breathing came in shallow, hurried gasps. The heart monitor was either racing or plummeting. Across the room, curled up on the small, brick-hard couch, were two adults Daniel assumed were the girl’s parents. They stirred in their unrestful sleep, clinging to each other desperately.
Armand approached the crib and stared down at the pink swaddled bundle for a long time. Daniel stepped closer as well. The top of her head was wrapped entirely in bandages, iodine stains visible through the hair. Her blue eyes hung half-opened and lusterless. Daniel realized that she really wasn’t breathing on her own, a machine was doing that for her; it seemed like these machines were doing more for her than she was on her own.
The pain in the room was palpable, the stress tangible. Daniel’s Mind Gift wasn’t entirely developed yet, but he was able to surmise from the parents’ dreams that this was an accident; a horrible and unfair accident—one that only God himself could orchestrate and execute—had left this poor little human in the state she was in.
Daniel glanced back at the sleeping parents. “What happened?” he asked, but Armand only shrugged. “What are you going to do?” He wasn’t sure if he’d get an answer for that either.
He didn’t answer in words. Instead Armand pushed the blanket down, away from the baby’s face, exposing a chest full of sticky monitor pads and wires, the little lungs blowing up and deflating mechanically. Armand brushed the baby’s cheek and she twitched. “It’s alright, little one,” Daniel heard him say. “I’m going to help you.”
“You’re going to what?”
Armand didn’t look up at Daniel, but somehow he knew Armand’s expression was telling him to shut up. He stepped back from the crib and the other vampire, keeping an eye on the parents who were beginning to stir. Whatever Armand was going to do, he better do it fast. Daniel turned back to the crib in just enough time to see Armand prick his thumb on one of his fangs. Daniel gasped and covered his mouth. “Are you seriously doing what I think you’re doing?!”
“Just a drop or two,” Armand said without looking up. “She’s only a baby.”
“Are you crazy?” Daniel was beginning to panic. Who in their right mind—vampiric or otherwise—would give a child this dark blood? Armand of all people should know how that scenario ends.
Armand pushed the intubation tube out of the way slightly, making just enough room for his thumb to swipe against the baby’s tongue. She swallowed and almost instantly began to cough. Daniel gripped his hair with both hands, threatening to rip it out. They’d killed her; they’d killed this baby and they were going to be caught and experimented on and that was the end of it. Armand, calm as ever, simply stepped back and took Daniel’s hand. Together they watched as one monitor after another stopped blinking; all of them stopped beeping. The heart monitor steadied itself and the oxygen intake number began to rise. The baby, however, was still coughing profusely.
“I don’t think she can breathe on her own with that tube in,” Daniel said, though it was only a guess based on something he’d seen on one of those doctor shows. Armand looked up at him for the first time that night in alarm, his eyes begging for Daniel to fix the situation. At first, Daniel wasn’t sure what to do, but then his eyes fell on the bright red call button on the wall. He pushed it and immediately a light out in the hall above the door began to flash. “We need to get out of here; I just called for medical staff.”
They had just enough time to slip out as two nurses came flying into the room. Daniel and Armand stayed pressed against the darkened wall, listening to the commotion. The parents were awake now, and they were demanding to know what was going on with their daughter.
“I—I don’t understand it. She wasn’t going to last the night,” one of the nurses was saying. The mother began to cry hysterically. “No,” the nurse continued. “That’s what’s so amazing. She’s stable now. Go get the doctor; he’ll want to see this.”
They watched the second nurse disappear around the corner only to return minutes later with a tall, dark-skinned man. “What do you mean she’s stable?” he was asking as they ran.
“Her numbers,” the nurse panted. “I can’t believe it.”
Daniel leaned closer to the door trying to catch bits and pieces of the muffled conversation. It was a miracle, one of the nurses said. It couldn’t be explained by medical science. The baby wasn’t meant to see the sunrise, she was that far gone. In the next moment they heard the little girl’s crying as the tube was removed from her throat, followed by the harrowing sobs of relief from both her mother and father. The medical staff stepped out, telling the family they would be back to make sure the baby’s vitals were still good and her stats were holding. Each of them, Daniel saw, was just as dumbfounded as the next.
“You knew that would help, didn’t you?” Daniel whispered. Armand only smiled. “You know that was a good thing you did. Maybe you’re not such a devil after all.”
Armand chuckled. “I’ll always be a devil, sweet Danny, but only to those who want me to be.”
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transwicky · 4 months
Prince Wicky AU Chapter 7
Read on AO3
Wicky didn’t say anything when Nursey, Dex, and Chowder came over the first week of being back on campus. They had knocked, and Henry had narrowed his eyes, but let the three in, and when Wicky looked up from eating lunch, he’d been expecting Ollie. Instead, he got the frogs. “Oh, hey guys.” He said, blinking. “Hey. Ollie here yet?” Nursey asked, and Wicky shook his head. “Nah.” He said, “I haven’t heard from him in a bit, actually. I’m kind of worried.” “I’m sure he’s fine, Wicks.” Dex said, rolling his eyes, and Chowder looked confused. “They’re dating, C.” Nursey said, amused, and Chowder’s eyes widened. “Wh- you never said!” Chowder cried, and Wicky snorted. “Because our relationship is nobody’s business.” He said, as Dex and Nursey sat down, and Nursey tugged Chowder to sit. “Lardo fines the shit outta us anyways.” “Good thing you can afford it.” Jacob said, walking in – on his phone –and Wicky huffed. “Please tell me you’re talking to Raptor.” He begged. “Nope.” The man said, and Wicky groaned. “Bro… Please just ask Raptor out.” Dex said, and Wicky flung his arm out, motioning to Dex. “He is saying- Do you know how- ASK HIM OUT!” Wicky cried, and Chowder blinked. “Wait, he’s the guy Raptor’s got a thing for?” Chowder asked. “Yes.” Henry said, walking in with the newspaper. “Frankie called; their flight was canceled and the second one was delayed.” The prince groaned.
read the rest on AO3
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griffintail · 3 years
My dearest daughter, I know you like Hamilton so I know you heard the song dear Theodosia and I can't help but think about Wilbur singing that to fundy and the reader. It hasn't left my mind since a week. So I wanted to know your opinion on that?
Dear Theodosia
Pairings: Parental! Wilbur x F! Reader
Warnings: None :)
“Come on now my beautiful little star,” Wilbur whispered as he gently bounced the girl as he walked around her nursey. “You need to sleep.”
The little girl just babbled though and Wilbur sighed quietly with a smile.
“You’re very greedy for lullabies, aren’t you? Alright, you win. I’ll sing for you.” He sat down in the chair he had in the room for himself. “What song should we sing tonight?”
There were obviously classics but Wilbur was better than that. He had his own songs and of course, he liked singing songs that wouldn’t usually be sung to children. Humming quietly, his face broke into a grin.
“I have the perfect song. Here we go little star.”
He cleared his throat lightly before singing softly.
“Dear Theodosia, what to say to you? You have my eyes; you have your mother's name. When you came into the world, you cried. And it broke my heart.”
He remembered the first time she had cried. She had been so quiet when he first found her, trying to rapidly dry her and warm her up, she didn’t have the energy to cry about her situation. Then when she cried for the first time, he had felt a pang of panic as he held tightly. He promised himself when she got older, she’d never cry.
“I'm dedicating every day to you. Domestic life was never quite my style. When you smile, you knock me out, I fall apart. And I thought I was so smart.”
That line had never felt so true to Wilbur. He had been ready to rebel and start a war, yet here he was in the middle of the war at home with his son and daughter.
“You will come of age with our young nation. We'll bleed and fight for you. We'll make it right for you. If we lay a strong enough foundation. We'll pass it on to you, we'll give the world to you. And you'll blow us all away. Someday, someday. Yeah, you'll blow us all away. Someday, someday.”
It was rather surreal to think about (Y/N) coming to age with L’Manberg that was forming around her, but he’d make sure he’d make a strong and powerful nation to keep her safe and give her all the freedom she deserved.
He smiled down at her as he saw she was asleep. Placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, he laid her down in her crib.
“Good night Theodosia.” He chuckled before leaving and closing the nursery door behind him.
He walked towards his room but paused as he looked into Fundy’s room to see the teenager just flopped on his bed and sleeping. Wilbur shook his head fondly before going in and carefully adjusting him in a comfortable position. After, he went back for the door but stopped once more as he looked back and leaned on the door frame.
“Oh Philip, when you smile, I am undone. My son, look at my son. Pride is not the word I'm looking for. There is so much more inside me now. Oh, Philip, you outshine the morning sun. My son. When you smile, I fall apart. And I thought I was so smart.”
Wilbur sang quietly as he watched Fundy sleep.
He was very proud of his son and he loved him so much. He smiled before leaving Fundy’s room and Fundy’s tail twitched as he smiled after hearing his father sing, having been faking his sleep.
Wilbur went into his study, putting his hat down on his desk as he sat down and looked down at his battle plans. Picking up a quill, he tried to calculate better plans than the ones he already had.
“My father wasn't around I swear that I'll be around for you I'll do whatever it takes I'll make a million mistakes I'll make the world safe and sound for you.”
Wilbur continued to sing under his breath as he wrote.
“You will come of age with our young nation. We'll bleed and fight for you. We'll make it right for you. If we lay a strong enough foundation. We'll pass it on to you, we'll give the world to you. And you'll blow us all away. Someday, someday. Yeah, you'll blow us all away. Someday, someday.”
His little star and Fundy would take this nation to great places when he couldn’t anymore. Right now, he had to make sure this nation saw past Dream’s dark reign to let his children had freedom and he would do whatever it takes to make that happen…
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samwellbittty · 3 years
On a sunny Tuesday afternoon, the late sunlight glowing in your hair
Nursey/Dex (This was totally a prompt from ages ago that I just saw again and finished)
The annual Literature Evening wasn’t going too badly for Dex. Sure, there were mosquitoes everywhere and the lawn was damp under his shorts, but the readers were passionate and sometimes even funny.
He picked at the grass, his fingers slipping from the condensation. A chuckle escaped him while he listened to the girl with the mic; she was describing an awkward make out session in relentless detail. It was cringe-worthy and, apparently, relatable to many people in the audience, going by their sympathetic sighs and murmurings of agreement.
The orange lights shown brighter in the gazebo while the world around them slowly inched into a pale purple. Filtering through branches, twinkling sunlight misted the lawn. There was a ladybug crawling on Dex’s finger. The girl made another quip, the crowd laughed.
Nursey hadn’t gone up yet; every time there was an opening, an expectant pause before the previous reader sat and another stood, Nursey would straighten up to only falter.
“Just do it, man.” Dex nudged him. It wasn’t very hard, seeing as they were already sitting with shoulders brushing. Dex tried not to linger on it. “You picked all your pieces already, right?”
Nursey nodded in a way that wasn’t as casual as he probably wanted, “Chyeah. ‘Course.” Dex’s gaze followed the bob of his Adams apple.
“You got this.”
“’Chyeah. ‘Course.”
This time Dex rolled his eyes. “You said that already.”
“Oh.” He sighed, “Fuck.” Then he shook his head, as if to shake something out of his hair.
Dex’s entire line of sight narrowed down to the movement. The girl’s story was muffled to his ears, he no longer felt the grass between his fingers. All his brain computed was the evening light bouncing off of Nursey’s hair. Amber sparks against his dark, tightly coiled, beautiful hair.
People always told Dex that his own hair looked like fire in the sunlight.
He thought Nursey’s deserved some praise.
“You’re beautiful.” Dex whispered. He blinked. “Your poetry,” He said, coughing, “it’s beautiful.” His face burned.
Nursey looked up, mouth open.
“You forreal, Dex? You think it’s good enough?” Nursey was giving him these painfully hopeful eyes.
With no control of his mouth, Dex said, “Yeah. Completely.” Then, he shoved Nursey again. “Now get your ass up there, Nurse, before I leave you here.” There. That was less humiliating.
Nursey nodded and laughed lightly. “Can’t have that now, can we Dexy?” He pushed himself up and walked over to the edge of the gazebo.
Dex’s heart hammered in his ears. The previous participant stepped down and Nursey took their spot. He jostled with the microphone before clearing his throat.
He began.
A feeling squirmed in Dex’s gut. He was lost in Nursey’s tall limbs, the way he gesticulated for emphasis, how his lips moved around the words.
The sun set around him, bright oranges reaching all around his figure.
He truly is beautiful.
Nursey’s eyes roamed the lawn until they hit Dex’s. A smile grew on his face, warping the tone of his sentence.
Dex couldn’t stop his lips from quirking up too.
The feeling in his gut intensified.
Oh. Dex thought. I’m so fucked.
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