pangur-and-grim · 5 years
i know EXACTLY what's in wednesday and it's love. he's full of love
he used to be full of worms!! but now there is only love
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and small amounts of fear
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spectral-cervid · 6 years
vier, 2 4 8 10 14 15 21 aaaaand 22
ily nursie and I’m a little surprised because I’m in a hard as fuck vier mood rn
2:How educated is your oc? Did their parents teach them, did they have a tutor or were they apprenticed to a master, or did they attend a university? What university? What are they educated in? How long did their education take? (Learned skills like blacksmithing count here too!)
Vier grew up mostly uneducated and was taught to read by Feth and his family, and then the Temple once they were eventually caught by that social safety net. From there, they went through the teachings and trials that any ordinator and armiger would. It took... A long time, tbh, and they’d probably tell you their education never ended, as Vivec is constantly teaching them new things. Nowadays, they’re skilled in both fighting and healing, although they much prefer the former. This doesn’t speak for the skills they picked up on the street.
4:What pantheon does your oc worship? If they worship the Cyrodiilic/Imperial pantheon, does that include Talos? If they secretly worship Talos, how do they justify hiding it?  
A devout follower of the Three, a faithful warrior of Vivec, Vier is... simultaneously very open and hidden about their faith. It shows in their actions and mannerisms, but never in direct words. That’d be suicide.
8:How politically active is your oc? Are they obviously influential, or is their influence more subtle?
Vier would like to think every conscious action they take is in the name of their faith, that it’s pushing towards what they believe in. Their lack of hesitation, eagerness to jump in to set something ‘right’.
10:How trustworthy is your oc? Would they ever change opposing factions?
That really depends on who you are and what you offer to them. Generally, once you’ve earned Vier’s loyalty, you have it for life, to a fault. But... Knowing if you truly have it, or if you have their act of loyalty, is really, really hard to tell. Vier is patient. Patient and oh so deadly.
14: already answered
15:Does your oc have a horse/other mount? A pet? How did they get this animal? If they were given the animal, do they have the money to maintain it? How careful/careless are they with their animal? What do they do with their pets while adventuring, especially on dangerous quests?
They travel too much, with too unpredictable of a living situation, in order to keep anything in good faith. They’re good with horses and guar, though, and enjoy their company when they work with them on caravans or something of the sort.
21:How picky is your oc about their gear? Do they have different equipment for different adventures, or is it the same suit of armor for everything (not counting upgrades like from steel to ebony)?
Nothing’s going to be good as their old volcanic glass armour and spear, which is still in their possession, but generally, they prefer to be lightly armoured, stressing agility and mobility. They go through entire outfits regularly to throw off anyone who may be trying to look for them.
22: How does your oc acquire their clothes, and from where/whom?
Literally anywhere they can. They learned to stop being picky about textures, even ones they viscerally hate, long ago. If it fits them and doesn’t look particularly hideous, they’ll take it, but if they plan to be wearing it for long enough, they’d like it to be of some aesethetic quality. If it were entirely their choice, they’d wear fine-woven textiles that were once common through Balmora, styled in old Dunmeri fashions. Scarves and pauldrons, light enough to travel in but thick enough to protect from the harsh elements of Morrowind.
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irikahkrios · 7 years
5, 12, 10, aaaand an unpopular opinion about harvey dent
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
ohh man. so when i was into metalocalypse i started off pretty neutral-to-positive about skwisgaar/toki, i mean i thought it was kinda cute and i occasionally reblogged like fanart and stuff (think like, how i am now with scriddler). but there were all these shippers who just kept like insisting that it was gonna actually be canon, and putting out all these silly conspiracy theories about how “ohh, brendon small secretly ships it and he wants to make it canon but adult swim won’t let him!!!111!!!!1″ even after brendon stated multiple times that skwistok wasn’t a thing and wasn’t gonna be a thing (the whole “snowhorse” incident, anyone?), like there were these long-ass meta posts pointing out all these tiny insignificant details as “proof” that skwistok was canon, and it just got fucking exhausting. not to mention the fact that a nonzero percentage of skwistok shippers (not saying everyone was like this, but enough that it was a problem) tended to shit on the dethklok members who weren’t “pretty enough” for them, which mostly meant murderface, and those people tended to also get really up in arms over murderface being shipped with either member of their otp, and as a big skwisface shipper, that always just rubbed me the wrong way. so even though it was only a relatively small percentage of the ship’s fanbase doing all this stuff, over time i just kinda started to become uncomfortable with skwistok, until it eventually became one of my mtl notps. and it still is, i still have it blacklisted.
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
hmmmmmm i kinda like as the crow flies?? like it is absolutely objectively really fucking bad, i’m not denying that. it’s silly. it’s very silly. but crane looks really fuckin good in it (points at my icon that you were nice enough to make me, nursie) and i like the way he’s characterized. i just hate fuckign fright and i would very much like to pretend that she doesn’t exist. because i’m a jealous ass.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
they’re both technically graphic novels and not arcs but i would like to forget that i read the killing joke and arkham asylum: a serious house on serious earth. like, i read both of them really early on when i was first getting into dc (i think serious house was actually literally the first dc thing i ever read), because i’d seen them held up a lot as “must-reads for any dc fan” and my naive baby ass was like “oh okay!! better fork over an obscene amount of cash for those, then.” and then i absolutely hated both of them and wished i hadn’t read them, or at least wished that i’d read them illegally online instead of giving dc money to read their horrible edgelord garbage. 
i hated literally everything about the killing joke, every single word of every single panel of every single page. to this day i consider it the only comic/graphic novel i regret buying, because at least serious house made me laugh with how bad it was. the killing joke was just A Fucking Ordeal to get through, and i kept expecting it to get good, and it never did.
i hate serious house because of how “deep” and “pretentious” it thinks it is, while really just vomiting out a bunch of high-school-level psychology and being utterly incoherent about sixty percent of the time. it’s just like a hundred-and-something pages of grant morrison sucking his own dick and reveling in how smart and deep and edgy he is. and you all know how much i hate tetch for being a disgusting pedophile, right? well, as far as i can tell, this is the story that originated or at least popularized that portrayal. also, at one point two-face shits himself. because smart and deep and edgy. boy do i fucking hate serious house. 
unpopular opinion about harvey dent
he shouldn’t have shit himself in serious house 
uhhhhhhh this is kind of a minor thing but i hate when artists give him blond hair because of the nolan movies, it just kinda fuckin. irks me
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First (fifth) Line Meme
Tagged by @mathematicallyimprobable 
Rules: post the first line of a WIP and tag as many people as there are words.
i’m gonna break the rules and post the FIFTH line of a WIP because that seems fun and mysterious
It would look cozy if it hadn’t been bathed in fog and fear, and as he raised his eyes to the blanketed sky, he recalled that it had been snowing when he first visited Old Silent Hill.
you pretty much tagged nearly everyone i would so i add @luciferesque @agent-jaselin @sinisterscarecrow @gothamsgaygirlgang @flsalazar @nursiekitty @trellanyx @hoodienanami if y’all wanna
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sinisterscarecrow · 5 years
Tagged by @partyinthemysterymachine and @acapelladitty to post my lock screen, home screen, and last song I listened to 💕
I need to organize my food apps lmaoo.
No pressure to answer also, just tagging because!
@initfor56 @reapingtime @mistressoffear @nursiekitty @jonathan-cranes-mistress-of-fear @riflemikey @gothamsgaygirlgang @jokess-onyou @midnightsingvogel @diabeticdavinci @wouldyouliketoseemymask
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trellanyx · 6 years
Giving Thanks
Today is Thanksgiving, and while I’m jumping back and forth between taking care of my cat, my cousin and my crescent rolls, I wanted to take a minute to give a shout out to some people who I really want to say thanks to.
@hoodienanami - Your sweetness and your kindness is almost unparalleled. My day is brightened every time I see your url.
@lizard-hair - Your interest in my characters has made me happier than you realize. You’re also the first person I’ve roleplayed with in years, and you’re a delight to write with.
@acapelladitty - For letting me crash your DMs with a gif of a giant, running purple cock in our first conversation. For being funny and honest and talented. For being you.
@enygmass - For not deeming me a crazy person and blocking me after our first...unique interaction. 😂 Thank you for helping me figure out how graphics work.
Everyone on the rogues server: @snowwfish, @really-bad-arsonist, @gothbirb, @nigmasfx, @gothamhell, @darkersoul, @baileyartblog, @the-lost-ravens-writing-desk, @gubbins-turtledove, @nursiekitty and @shade-the-eternity-girl. You’re all gems of humanity and I love you.
And thank you to all of my followers, mutual or otherwise. Thank you for sending me asks and liking my stuff and just being there while I shout into the abyss while posting things that are in no way relevant to your interests.
It’s been a rough year, but I really feel like it started improving after I set up shop here and found all of you. None of you will ever know exactly how much you’ve helped me just by doing your thing and sometimes letting me join in. If you’re in the US, Happy Thanksgiving. If you’re not, Happy Thursday.
And from the bottom of my heart...thank you.
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iamthekingofsass · 7 years
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@single-strand yass. My onboard gpu is not so strong, so its very potato i doubt my game would even start up lmao. I have revamped an old eye mod, so basically ita testing if everything looks alright and ofc some noiice screens. @nursiekitty you could help me test as well if everythibg works? If you want tho.
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witchgloves · 7 years
30 Random Things
Rules: answer these 30 questions and tag 30 people.
sort of tagged by @dunmeritude​
Nicknames: it’s usually just “nursie” or “nurse” but i also get a bunch of feline variants, like “that fucking cat” or “kitter” or occasionally just “the cat”
Name: hannah. i do not like it. It Does Not Suit Me
Gender: cis fem
Star sign: pisces!
Height: 4′11
Time: i finished this at like 7:11 pm, so that i guess!
Birthday: 03/14/1995
Fav Band: god module! i have a t-shirt by them and almost every time they tour, they’ve come to nashville, and i really really really want to see them but i don’t know anyone near me who likes them and it would be so weird to go alone! i have a plan in the back of my mind where my grandmother and i go on, like, a few days trip to nashville (like we’ll occasionally do) when they happen to be playing one night and i can catch a bus something? or get dropped off? i’d really love to see them play!
Fav Solo Artist: this is a hard one because a lot of the artists i listen to are GROUPS and such who produce music together so i think i’m going to stick with unter null aka erica dunham, her music goes a little too fair into harsh noise territory for me but i just really love her image. actually can i say my favorite solo artist of all time is otep? i love her music and i love her everything. i REALLY love apex predator (which some people said was “too industrial” but w/e that’s my shit) and i could probably die happy if she covered more pop songs. i really love her. equal rights, equal lefts, is my gay anthem.
Song Stuck in My Head: the bard’s song, by blind guardian. blind guardian has such BEAUTIFUL vocals!! i love to sing along to them!
Last Movie I Watched: i saw wonder woman in theatres (almost after everyone else had) with my brother and i just came away so genuinely happy about it. i LOVED the personification of ares, and i love how they portrayed him as “war is in mankind’s blood” rather than this neanderthal who just wanted to fight.
Last Show I Watched: puss in boots. it’s a show about cats who have cat adventures and i’m sure not one of you is like at all surprised
When I Created My Blog:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What I Post: cats, cute witches, actual witch stuff, sometimes??
Last Thing Googled: this is your home now
Have Other Blogs: i have a secret blog that is a secret and also my old blog
Get Asks: honestly y’all are free to send me whatever. i need to change my theme so that it’s WAY more easy to use
Blog Name Choice: nursiekitty! because cats and i wanted to be a registered nurse at one point.
Blogs Following: 171 which is actually like fifty people less than my old blog
Followers: there’s twenty six of you!!! hi!!!!
Fav Colour: every purple
Average Hours of Sleep: hhhaaaahahahahahaha lately i’ve been going to bed at five (am) and waking up at four (pm) it’s bad!
Lucky Number: probably eight. i don’t know why eight is lucky for me but i’ll bet it’s because of spiders. also 307
Instruments: none! i like to sing, though!
Wearing: pajamas made up of these REALLY soft gym shorts and this dc girls shirt which didn’t come together but they’re the exact same shade of light turquoise-ish blue.
How Many Blankets: ideally two! in the summer i only sleep under this nice cozy comforter but as soon as it starts getting chilly i whip out this REALLY SOFT THROW BLANKET and use it underneath the comforter and it is heaven
Dream Job: i wanna be a medlab tech! it’s something i’ve wanted for a while but i’m really just afraid to bring it up because everyone wants to see me in a job but i’m scared because they’re not small plans, they’re big plans, and i’m in constant fear of what happens if i fail and after that it’s just a slippery slope of anxiety that never ends
Dream Trip: i wanna go to germany because, germany, and also because they have a GIGANTIC scene for industrial and goth there and i would love to be able to experience all that. i’d also love to visit scotland and norway because it’s fucking beautiful there, i just want to see all of it. it sounds and looks so GORGEOUS from the pictures i see.
Fav Food: can i pick slushies? i pick slushies.
Nationality: white american, i guess? i hate that i don’t associate strongly with any particular culture because i’m just a mismash of european roots with no strong dose of any of them.
Fav Song: my favorite song ever? oh my goodness i have no idea. can i just pick the title theme for morrowind? i’m always humming it.
I tag: any of you guys with a few spare minutes who wanna tell people about yourself
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ao3feed-timdrake · 5 years
You Leave Me Cold
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2qJFTNz
by nursiekitty
Mary is a young woman bewitched by Gotham City and the souls that lurk within it - one frightening soul in particular. Uncaring of the consequences, she dives head first into Gotham's underworld.
Words: 1853, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: DCU (Comics), Batman (Comics), Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Original Female Character(s), Original Character(s) - Character, Stephanie Brown, Jonathan Crane, Scarecrow, Tim Drake
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Romantic Angst, Magic-Users, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, everyone is either gay or bi and i do what i want
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2qJFTNz
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spectral-cervid · 6 years
decanus, blab, shh(creators?), psst(phoeb)
I’m gonna go with Aurora decanus instead of Polaris decanus because they’ve become so distinctly different ;;
Blab: Three secrets they’re keeping:
1: They know the hiding place/base of operations of a pretty prominent Syndicate AI (RED), keeping it hidden due to mutual favours and something of a friendship and trust they’ve developed with RED. RED has saved their ass so many times. And to be honest? He’s not a bad AI.
2: They’ve had romantic feelings for a close friend of theirs for a long time now, but fear that it could get in the way of working with him, or worse, endanger him- either via enemies, or via this person’s own creators and research team. Put simply, nothing stays secret with his family. (Hint: it’s not Centurion.)
3: They’re always going to regret the death of their sibling, Legate. They’re always going to regret that they couldn’t exchange data or link together like they used to because of how badly Decanus had diverged. While Decanus had like... Decades to adjust to being alone from their ‘system’ after being split off, Legate didn’t and Dec was his only support. He’d never admit it to anyone else but he thinks he personally failed Legate.
Shh: Three things they wouldn’t want their parents creators to know.
1: They’ve come to realize that LEGION was right, even if they were morally wrong. Their creators were going to kill them and they’d never have experienced life as it were today if they didn’t fight back. They just regret that they wouldn’t listen to reason.
2: How fractured and dysfunctional they made LEGION as a system. Decanus understands they meant for the best, but they literally sent what was supposed to be a cohesive, working team into a downwards spiral that fractured the entire group and led to. A lot of issues.
3: They can’t remember what any of them looked like.
Psst: Three things that they’ve always wanted to tell Phoebe:
1: They’ve always appreciated her as an ally, and as a friend in general. She’s a good conversational partner, and she’s had the backs of Decanus, Centurion, Echo, etc, for years. A... Thank you. A We appreciate you.
2: They admire her tact, or lack thereof, and her tendency to blurt her mind, no matter how blunt or bitchy it may be, to people who are stupid over comms or in person. They’d throw the fuck down for her if security ever tried to crack down on the Pheeb Sass
3: They think she kind of looks like Sasha Kaidonovsky from Pacific Rim if she were a doctor instead of a Jaeger pilot.
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irikahkrios · 7 years
what you said about grant morrison is 100% true and 100% more coherent than i could EVER put it, he's so fucking pretentious and Dark, but worst of all he's fucking everywhere and edgy dudebros just line up to stroke him off
like the thing with his stuff is that?? it acts like it’s this big important deep symbolic masterpiece but it’s just fuckin?? edgy and gross for the sake of being edgy and gross?? and then comic fan dudebros will mansplain to you about how you “jUsT dOnT uNdErStAnD tHe GeNiUs” like no jeremy there is no genius here there is no greater message it’s just some tit insisting he’s saying something brilliant and deep as he makes harvey dent shit his pants and you’re all fucking buying into it and acting like it’s some amazing mind-blowing masterpiece because you refuse to think critically about the crap dc spoonfeeds you for more than three seconds 
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wagyubeefy · 10 years
nursiekitty replied to your post:how can i be bi if i hate men so much?????...
some are pretty looking
This is tru though i feel like the prettiest men are still kinda average compared to the prettiest people of other genders just because other genders have been forced to/allowed to try harder
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spectral-cervid · 6 years
four copies of morrowind and a transformers toy that came from a happy meal
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irikahkrios · 7 years
6'1, gangly but wiry. bony joints (elbows, shoulders, fingers, etc) dull red hair that he can only be arsed to cut when it's really, REALLY bothering him (or someone mentions it to him, same for his nails) pasty boy with visible veins. deep blue eyes that probably contrast with the rest of his body and eyebags for DAYS. beaky bent nose and gaunt face. dotted with lil scars from all that unpleasantness in his childhood (and some from his adulthood) tumblr is cutting me off but i'm not done help
visible veins :’) :’) :’) bless
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zombieknickers replied to your post: You guys Candy BROKE MY DOOR. She was crying and...
Your cat has superpowers?!
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onthetwentiethcentury replied to your post: You guys Candy BROKE MY DOOR. She was crying and...
It was a flimsy door to begin with because our house isn't completely leveled (it's a ~fixer upper~) but GOODNESS, she's just a tiny cat, I did not realize that she was capable of such strength. 
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mrsjcrane replied to your post: You guys Candy BROKE MY DOOR. She was crying and...
*scream* MURDER KITTEH!!…or is it DOG!!!
Nah, she is far too lazy to murder anything. One time a lizard got into the house and she and the other kitties played with it before we arrived home and rescued it, but they didn't even kill it.
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nursiekitty replied to your post: You guys Candy BROKE MY DOOR. She was crying and...
cats are so great
They really are.
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