monstrumzirkus · 9 months
been working on this since november :'D
had a lot of fun with it though, some things i wish had come out smoother, and i completely removed the halo above 0z's head last minute because it was giving me so much grief, but all in all im pretty happy with it
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rnanqo · 9 months
what I gotta do today:
- 3 critiques that are LATE
- write my nycm r2 rhyming story
- finish my Yuletide assignment
only thing I wanna do:
- work on whimsy book draft
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runbikedad · 2 months
Who’s training for the #NYCMarathon in November??
If you are - check out Marni’s new Series: The Road To The Race - you’ll see me talking about my experience racing and pacing #NYCM 16x, why it’s important to start training and more!
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jancabraljackson · 2 months
NYCM Screenwriting Finalist
I’m through to the final of the @nycmidnight #ScreenwritingChallenge! I’m so excited! The top five of Round 2 qualified to the final. We started off as 1700+ writers down to 90.
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dt-brennan · 8 months
Belated update
Hey folks happy…Wednesday? Wow, this is later than I expected. Sorry about that folks! Been a weird couple of days and I was also waiting for some more information on publishing details after I finished my story for the NYCM short story contest! And now that I have it, let’s discuss! So, basically, I still have the rights to KY story, but they want a degree of exclusivity for a temporary…
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jenniferheinerpisano · 11 months
NYCM Recap In Pictures
last weekend was the best weekend in NYC, and the New York City Marathon did not disappoint!
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wiackcom · 1 year
Insuring a vehicle in New York can be expensive compared to other states, especially in the New York City metro area. Premiums are affected by state minimum coverage requirements, your driving record, location, and other factors. This guide examines the key considerations around car insurance prices in New York. Car Insurance Prices in New York Introduction to NY Car Insurance Costs On average, New York has some of the highest car insurance rates in the U.S., ranking 5th nationwide. State minimum liability coverage requirements are relatively robust, which impacts base prices. Additionally, the dense population and congestion of NYC pushes rates higher in the metro region. Car insurance expenditures take a larger bite out of New Yorkers' budgets compared to other states. But there are ways to control costs through smart coverage choices, driving safely, and shopping around. State Minimum Liability Coverage New York requires these baseline liability coverages on all registered vehicles: $25,000 bodily injury per person $50,000 bodily injury per accident $10,000 property damage $50,000 uninsured motorist injury Liability coverage protects you if an accident is your fault by covering damage and medical bills for others. New York's minimums are higher than many states. Average Car Insurance Rates in New York Statewide, average annual New York car insurance premiums are: Minimum liability: $325 Full coverage: $1,250 Higher in NYC metro area: +25% Rates can vary significantly based on driving history, vehicle type, age of driver and other factors. New York City area drivers often pay 25% or more compared to upstate regions. Major Insurance Carriers in New York The top auto insurers in New York based on market share include: State Farm Geico Allstate Progressive Liberty Mutual Comparing quotes amongst these major carriers can help find the best value. Regional companies like Central Insurance and NYCM Insurance may offer competitive rates as well. Factors That Affect Insurance Costs Major factors that influence car insurance prices in New York include: Location - Urban vs. rural Driving record - Accidents, violations Age and experience Type of vehicle Desired coverage levels and deductibles Carefully evaluating these rating factors can help New York drivers obtain the lowest premiums. Discounts to Reduce Rates New York auto insurers offer a variety of standard discounts that can help lower premiums: Good driver discount Multi-policy discount Anti-theft devices Vehicle safety features Defensive driver course completion Low annual mileage Good student discount Taking advantage of every available discount can lead to significant savings. Make sure to inquire about discounts upfront when obtaining quotes. When to Shop and Compare Rates The best times to compare multiple car insurance rates in New York include: At policy renewal: Shop rates from competitors After a major life event: Moving, new car, marriage, etc. Following a rate increase: Check if others are lower Every 2-3 years: Market conditions change over time Regularly comparing prices ensures you don't overpay for coverage. Be an informed consumer and put competition to work in your favor. Car Insurance Prices in New York Liability Coverage Explained Liability insurance is required in New York and pays for injury or damage that you cause to others in an accident. There are two components: Bodily injury liability covers medical treatment for people injured or killed. Property damage liability pays to repair or replace property damaged in a covered accident. New York also requires uninsured motorist coverage in case you're hit by a driver with no insurance. Comprehensive and Collision Coverage Comprehensive and collision are optional physical damage coverages: Comprehensive pays for damage from weather, theft, vandalism, fire, and more.
Collision covers your vehicle repairs from accidents with other cars or objects. Keeping a high deductible on these optional coverages can reduce premiums if your vehicle is worth less. Full Coverage vs Liability Only Should you only get minimum liability, or add comprehensive and collision for "full coverage"? Liability only is cheaper but leaves you unprotected if your own car is damaged. Full coverage costs more but may be worth it for newer vehicles with loans/leases. Analyze the value of your car vs potential out-of-pocket costs if damaged before picking minimum liability or full coverage. Add-Ons, Riders, and Endorsements In addition to standard coverages, insurers offer optional extras for additional premium: Roadside assistance for towing and labor Rental reimbursement if your car is in the shop Accident forgiveness to avoid rate hikes Gap insurance pays loan difference if totaled Evaluate whether add-ons fit your budget and needs. How Deductibles Affect Premiums Deductibles represent your out-of-pocket costs before insurance kicks in for a claim. Options are typically $250, $500 or $1000. Choosing a higher deductible lowers your premium, but increases cash outlays when you file a claim. Set deductibles wisely based on savings vs risk tolerance. How Credit History Impacts Premiums Insurers in New York are allowed to use your credit-based insurance score as a rating factor. Policyholders with poor credit often pay higher premiums. But there are exceptions. For example, if you prove identity theft caused credit damage. Maintaining good credit can pay off when insurance shopping. Saving with a Higher Comprehensive Deductible Since most comprehensive claims are under $1000, choosing a $500 or $1000 deductible can make sense to reduce premiums. You'd pay out-of-pocket for small comprehensive incidents like glass chips or side mirror damage anyway. But still have coverage for major issues. Car Insurance Prices in New York NYC Auto Insurance Requirements Drivers in the NYC metro area face some unique insurance rules: Liability limits are often higher, like 100/300/50. "Additional PIP" no-fault injury coverage may be required. Commuters may need NYC premiums even if garaged outside. Insurers charge more due to higher accident rates and costs. Upstate NY Car Insurance Rules Outside the NYC region, insurance regulations in upstate New York include: Standard minimum liability limits apply. No mandatory additional PIP medical coverage. Proof of insurance required at traffic stops. Insurers allowed to use credit scores in underwriting. Premiums are generally lower than NYC suburbs but still among the country's highest. Penalties for Lapse in Insurance Maintaining continuous auto insurance is required in New York. If you lapse, consequences may include: Fines up to $1500 from the DMV. Mandated SR-22 high-risk insurance. License/registration suspension until new policy secured. Civil liability for any damages while uninsured. Avoid coverage gaps to steer clear of fines, suspensions, and complications. SR-22 High Risk Insurance Drivers deemed high risk may be required to carry SR-22 insurance in New York, which proves coverage to the DMV. SR-22 situations include DUI offenses, multiple accidents, license reinstatement after suspension, or lack of previous insurance. Rates are much higher for SR-22 policies compared to standard insurance. Insurance for Young Drivers Due to inexperience, teens and young drivers under 25 pay the highest auto insurance rates in New York. Surcharges for young drivers can include: Over 100% for high-risk teens getting their own policy. 25-75% for teens on a parent's policy. Up to 25% for drivers aged 16-24. Maintaining a clean record helps minimize youthful driver premiums. Strategies for Lower Insurance Costs Ways New York drivers can aim for lower car insurance premiums include:
Compare quotes frequently and switch if better deals found. Ask about bundling home and auto with same insurer. Take defensive driver courses approved by DMV for a discount. Drop collision/comprehensive on older cars worth less than 10 year's premiums. Opt for higher deductibles to reduce rates. Avoid insurance lapses and maintain continuous steady coverage. Auto Insurance Price Negotiation Tips When shopping rates, don't be afraid to negotiate with insurers to bargain for the best deal. Useful tips: Get quotes from multiple insurers to enhance leverage. Ask about discounts or policy tweaks to lower rate. Politely threaten to switch to force insurers to match or beat competing offers. Time negotiations around big life events when you have maximum bargaining power. The bottom line is that being a savvy shopper can help you secure lower car insurance costs in New York's expensive market. Weigh all options carefully. FAQs How much is car insurance for a new driver in NY? For new teen drivers in New York, annual premiums often start around $5,000 - $8,000 and remain high until the mid-20s when experience discounts kick in. Is car insurance cheaper in upstate NY? Yes, on average auto insurance premiums in upstate NY are about 25% lower than the New York City metropolitan area thanks to lower accident rates and claims costs. How can I lower my car insurance in NY? To reduce NY car insurance costs, raise deductibles, improve credit score, take defensive driving courses, bundle policies, compare quotes often, maintain continuous coverage, and negotiate prices. Is auto insurance mandatory in NY? Yes, New York state law requires all registered vehicles carry a minimum amount of liability insurance to cover damages from accidents. How often does car insurance go up in NY? Insurers in New York can raise rates once per policy term, usually every 6 or 12 months at renewal time, especially if you had accidents, violations, or claims. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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byoungernj · 1 year
NYC Marathon: Part 3
I had heard from multiple people to expect the Queensboro Bridge to be quiet and to be ready for the roar on 1st ave when I come off. I was so immersed in what was going on, it didn't occur to me that I was on THE bridge until about half way across. I was looking at all the elite bottles that had been dropped, peaking to see if any of them had names. There were some big names up front and it was cool to remember I was following behind. Things were quiet but it's NYC quiet, so there are plenty of sounds. I had listened to a podcast telling all things NYCM. On that episode, they spoke of the banners with letters/numbers on them that helped medical staff identify exact locations if someone was in need of help. This was the first place I noticed these banners and I nodded in my head a well done. I would love to work on a major marathon medical team one day and it was cool to know this fun fact.
We made a 180 degree turn and onto 1st we go. I have to say, I was actually sort of disappointed. The noise was not at all what I had hoped. It was loud, don't get me wrong, but I'm sure there were parts of Brooklyn that were louder. So much so I heard my friends off to the side for the first time. I posted a quite comical series of photos as I tried to cross the street. 1st ave was extremely long, luckily I had known this as well. (Thanks Ali On The Run) I did get to see the lovely Alyssa and Kelly of Brave Like Gabe. I ran over to them and then awkwardly stopped, not wanting to hug them in my disgusting state. It was somewhere near the entrance to the Bronx that I noticed my pace start to slow. I was extremely pleased with how far I had run at my pace so I was fine with the slower effort. By this point, no matter how much water I was drinking it never seemed to get rid of my thirst. And now, it was making my stomach a bit uncomfortable. In the Bronx I had that magical ice cold water and was sad that JLo was not there to welcome us all.
Quickly we were back into Manhattan and down 5th ave we went. This is where the race started to get uncomfortable. I was hot, soaked, dehydrated (or so I felt), and I still hadn't seen my mom. I took things 1 mile at a time, trying to catch any runners who were coming back to me. There was a light rain at this point but you couldn't tell. People were setting off confetti cannons and playing music. This was where we needed it the most. We were following along the side of Central Park. I was past 22 miles but those last few miles felt so far. I knew we went into the park and back out, I had also heard the hills were awful. To tell you the truth, they didn't bother me. Maybe that was because I hadn't truly raced that day, or that I embraced the much slower pace I was now slogging through. I got to see friends again and people watch as the miles went by. With over a mile ago I finally heard a familiar voice, it was my mom. I cleared across the road and presented her with the most disgusting hug. I was now in the home stretch with the support of my people.
It was in this final mile that I took a moment to remember everything that got me here. This was my 10th marathon. A fun number to celebrate. I had finally broken 3 hours and was now in a new adventure with the marathon that was freeing. I had raced for fun. I had raised just over $1000 for an organization that I feel very deeply for. I thought of every person who had supported me in some way. Of course Craig for being my guiding light and friend through the many years since I met him. The many individuals who shared miles with me - Megan, Kemmer, Katie, the 520 crew, and many more. The people who provided words of encouragement when I needed them after a disappointment - Kaela, Kara, Sweeney. Friends who had traveled with me to races - Leslie, Maggie, Crystal. Everyone who had donated and supported the great cause that is BLG. Chelsea for housing me that weekend. I thought of Gabe and how sad I am that I never met her but so thankful that her life goals continue on in others. That I had this opportunity to honor her. To my parents and brother for putting up with my rollercoaster 'hobby'. Lastly to me. To me for sticking with this crazy race. For putting my goals out there, failing, and getting back up. For wanting to continually challenge myself to be better. For not giving up.
Back out of the park and along the southern boarder we ran. A quick step over the curb and we had made the final turn back into the park. The finish line is lined with flags of every country represented. Up high, pictures of past winners. I smiled when I saw Shalane. But as we got closer it was a bit underwhelming. I thought the same with Chicago. Now that the elites were gone, so had the fans that had grandstand access. There weren't as many people out yelling and celebrating. It's a bummer they don't allow more people in once the masses come through.
I neared the finish. Heard Ali Feller yelling out names and got a glimpse. She's my favorite podcast host and such a joy of a human that it was cool to see her in person. Now for the long waddle out of the park. It was actual quite nice. The road was shaded, we had bags full of snacks and water. They still gave out the 'heat' blankets but there was no way I was putting that thing on. It was soft on the inside and the last thing I needed was the weight of my sweat in that thing. I stopped for pictures with my medal, showing off the BLG logo in the shot.
I had planned to meet my mom at Levain Bakery. Once there, unfortunately there was nowhere to sit but I called her to give her an update. Now looking back, it's sort of funny that she got 'stuck' in the park. 1 volunteer told her she couldn't cross the course and that sent her on a goose chase, going in circles without any luck getting out. Finally someone told her to go ahead and cross...about 30 minutes later. For someone who prides themselves on knowing NYC, it made me laugh. Chelsea had found me at this point and they helped guide each other back together. She met me with clean dry clothes to change and we all sat down at the closet bar - the usual post race burger and cider for me. Next thing I know we are on the train back to Hoboken. I was a bit bummed that for the first time I hand energy to celebrate but we were already out of the city and back in NJ. I still got my ice cream once back in TR.
It was really weird being back home, with my baby boy Finn the evening after I ran a marathon. It felt so underwhelming. I had run the NYC Marathon. The biggest race in the world and it felt like just another day. But it was special. What a way to see the city. What a large celebration of people of every color, age, gender, etc coming together to have a party. I think I smiled the whole way. I'm glad I waited until NYRR brought the whole field size back. NYCM is back and I'm excited to see which one of Megan's friends runs it next.
So what's up next? I'm 6 weeks out from running Berlin. I've never been out of North America so this will be so fun. It's a delayed graduation gift to myself for sure. 'Prost!'
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monstrumzirkus · 2 years
Music by Ghost.
this one was fun, lots of art, comment what references you recognize! its... all references, oops -[re]animator
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marcoboschi · 2 years
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Pronti in attesa di essere inseriti in griglia per la partenza. E si va ... NYCM 🎖 (presso New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CknkVX-oyAq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kicksaddictny · 2 years
New Balance 2022 TCS New York City Marathon Collection
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According to New Balance
New Balance is excited to unveil the official New Balance 2022 TCS New York City Marathon Collection which celebrates runners at every level. The collection, which will be available on Tuesday, September 20th, features pinnacle New Balance apparel and footwear that have suggested retail prices ranging from $30 to $235 for apparel and $145 to $250 for footwear.  
 This year’s New Balance 2022 TCS New York City Marathon Collection is a celebration of everything that running brings to New York City, and every runner who travels in for the world's largest marathon. The collection honors all things that are quintessentially New York City by including imagery of the Empire State Building, skyscrapers and grandiose cityscapes. This year New Balance pushed to incorporate more environmentally preferred materials and processes in many pieces within the collection.  The Performance Running styles like Impact tops, Impact Shorts and Tights, Q Speed Jacquard tops, and the signature Marathon Windcheater jacket all utilize at least 50% recycled polyester in an effort to be more sustainable than prior NYC Marathon collections.
 “We could not be more excited to be heading back to New York for the 2022 TCS New York City Marathon with NYRR,” says Kevin Fitzpatrick, New Balance Global Director of Performance Marketing. “We always reserve some of our most pinnacle product to serve the global running community who come to NY year after year.  This year we are excited to unveil our most advanced super shoe yet, the FuelCell Super Comp Elite v3.  With a limited edition NYC colorway, this is the first opportunity for runners to experience the FuelCell Super Comp Elite v3 before it is officially launched in February 2023.” 
The collection also features New Balance’s premium Impact Run and Q Speed apparel, which blend modern and sleek looks with high performance technology. Notable pieces within the collection include the NB Essentials Logo Crew and Impact Run Tank that feature graphic renderings of the Empire State Building, and a variety of tees that sport a “Marathon State Of Mind” tagline. Consumers will also find a variety of pieces that were designed with versatility in mind, such as the Q Speed Sherpa Anorak Jacket, a black asymmetrical Q Speed Crop Bra and a Q Speed 7/8 Tight. These pieces vary in suggested retail prices of $30 to $130. 
 “The TCS New York City Marathon Collection is always such a great project to work on as we get to outfit runners from over 140 countries with the latest styles and technologies,” said Jeff Garabedian, New Balance Apparel Product General Manager. “We’re really excited this year with the increase in using environmentally preferred materials and processes. For example, dope dyeing was utilized to color our pinnacle tech apparel offerings, the PMV Shutter Speed Jacket and PMV Shutter Speed 7/8 Tights, which reduces water consumption by at least 80% per yard compared to traditional dyeing methods. Additionally, this new iteration of the PMV Shutter Speed Jacket is made from a lighter weight material that offers an enhanced ease of movement from its predecessor.” 
 Another product from the collection that features environmentally preferred materials is the limited edition NYCM Surplus Marathon Jacket. Like in previous years the official marathon jacket is a highly coveted collection staple, but this year a special surplus version of the jacket will be available that is made of 98% (by yield) surplus materials.
All marathon jackets will be available for purchase on September 20th with a suggested retail price of $135. 
 In addition to apparel, this year’s collection will also feature 2022 TCS New York City Marathon limited-edition colorways of the Fresh Foam X More v4, FuelCell Rebel v3 and FuelCell Super Comp Elite v3. Drawing inspiration from the energy of the incredible city, each shoe’s design incorporates an electric red that’s threaded through the collection, while also utilizing the all-over print seen in the apparel to capture the humbling experience you get when in NYC. 
 In terms of technology, the Fresh Foam x More v4 has the most Fresh Foam X used in any New Balance shoe to date, providing a higher midsole/outsole stack height for additional cushion and comfort. The FuelCell Rebel v3 continues to elevate the fun and excitement of its predecessor with enhanced cushioning and a slightly wider platform for a secure but fast ride.
Both the FuelCell Rebel v3 and the Fresh Foam X More v4 will be available on September 20th with suggested retail pricing of  $165 and $145  respectively.
Finally, making its debut, the FuelCell Super Comp Elite v3 combines a two-layer FuelCell midsole with Energy Arc technology and a specifically engineered knit upper to allow any runner to feel secure and ready for race day. The FuelCell Super Comp Elite v3 was engineered to give runners ultimate energy return while also maintaining comfortability.
The FuelCell Super Comp Elite v3 will be available on October 18th with the suggest retail price of $250. 
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tracerye · 3 years
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94monkeys · 6 years
They aren’t publicizing it as such, but here is a way to get into the NYC Marathon for 2019 if you’re already planning to run a marathon this year: 
1. Sign up for the virtual marathon and do it this year (through Strava, November 1-4)
2. Get guaranteed entry for NYCM next year. 
Unfortunately that is Mega Crunch Time for my job otherwise I would consider it! It does cost $100 (plus however expensive next year’s marathon is) but easier than doing the lottery. 
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jenniferheinerpisano · 11 months
NYCM Expo is OPEN!
Calm before the storm on Thursday morning before the expo opened!
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timbogetsitin · 3 years
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#RunningMan #NYCMarathonTraining #NeverNotTraining If you can talk while your running that just means you can run faster… So #ShutUpAndRUN … 🙏 thanks to the plug🔌 I got accepted to run the #NYCM the journey begins now 15weeks out … #Focus #consistency #humble #trainingmask #nrc #nikerunning #ntc #justdoit #daleduro #siempreactivo #TimboKnows #TimboGetItin #LoveIsLove https://www.instagram.com/p/CSACkQ1FnVW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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byoungernj · 1 year
NYC Marathon: Part 2
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It was now the night before the race and another preschool friend completed the crew. We went out to dinner and caught up. It had been a long time since the three of us were together. Both of them commented on how different I was not stressed out. #Sub3NewMe After I laid everything out for the next morning, I got a decent amount of sleep. It was an early morning but I was excited. The only not great thing, it was suuuuuper humid. It was one of the hottest NYCM on record. Maybe even the hottest. Once at MetLife, I didn’t wait in any lines as I jumped on the bus to the start area. It was a quiet bus ride. I thumbed through my phone most of the way since it was dark outside. Next thing I knew we were on Staten Island. I made a rookie mistake and had thrown all of my things in a shopping bag. We had to pass through security to get into the start village and I was told I needed my provided clear bag. Whoops. So out everything came and into my pockets it all went. Oh well. 
The start village was huge. It is sectioned off into three colors and then your start corral is a letter within our color. The village is at an (old?) military base that is now a national park. I was the farthest location so I was able to peak into all of the different areas. There were so many people! After about a half mile walk I settled into a spot along a fence to read a magazine and put my feet up. I was enjoying simply staring at the Verrazano. I don’t spend time comparing bridges for fun but the Verrazano is my favorite bridge. It was so majestic in the early morning hours. There was a therapy dog area in each corral. I had seen a gorgeous golden on my way in but it went into a different corral. I was a bit bummed to see the dogs in mine were small and scruffy, not my idea of cuddly and calming. I mostly people watched as I sat. There were a number of ‘famous’ people within the running world I saw walk by. It was cool to see all of the different people that were about to take part in the worlds biggest marathon. And I could tell this was a well oiled machine. 
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As the time approached for the wheelchair and handicapped divisions to start, I noticed the cars on the bridge disappear. I couldn’t see anyone from where I was but it was so cool when the first start gun fired, everyone in the village cheered. When the Achilles’ team headed to their start corrals, everyone applauded. It was such a joyful environment to be in and I was glad I wasn’t taking this race as serious as I have in the past. I was finally enjoying the moment I was in.
After a quick warm up, my wave was headed up to the bridge. I was pretty bummed that I was to start on the bottom of the bridge. In the long run, it did have an advantage of blocking the hot sun for the first mile or so. But it would have been super cool to be on top. We got to hear the pro men’s field be announced and head out. Followed by NY, NY in its entirety. In a moment, we were off as well. I didn’t have any pace plans. In my mind I thought it would be awesome to keep my BQ streak alive but also knew that my knee was cranky and my training was very abbreviated. I was surprised to see a 7:10 cross my watch at the mile mark. I gave it up to first mile excitement. Already passed the mile I was pouring sweat. I had to braid my pony tail while running, imagining the knot it would be if I left it. We came off the bridge and it was quiet. We would later join the people from the top of the bridge but for now, it was cool seeing the handful of people on overpasses and in windows cheering our group on. 
I fell into a rhythm around that 7:10 mark. I was very surprised. It felt comfortable. When we merged with the other runners, we were still separated by the road barrier. I couldn’t get over how many people there were, both running and on the sidewalks. At times the road would narrow and the crowds were on top of us. It was awesome. Brooklyn was my favorite. We were in that borough the most but it was the loudest. Queens brought with it music and dancing. The Bronx may have been my favorite actually. People embraced the sterotypes with ‘welcome to the bronx, now get out’ signs. Honestly, they also had the coldest water and that was big time. 
The rhythm I had found in the first few miles was still going through when I got around half way. I tried to say some encouraging words to those around me but they did not come with any echoed feelings. I was passing people who were struggling in the heat. I was soaked only a few miles in. I felt their pain. But for the first time, I was running a race for the joy of it and it felt good. I took in the people and the sights. There were people hanging out of windows, on rooftops, police officers taking part in the parties. Despite the heat, it was still a festival. 
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