#nyo 2pamerica
alfredosauce50 · 1 month
One More Night
[Boxer! Denmark x reader] 12 (draft)
Wordcount: 519
It wasn’t something he’d associate with a trip to Sin City because you either spent copious amounts of money or sold your soul, neither of which, he was willing to do.
The draft is on my Patreon ❤️
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:0!! Who's your girlfriend??
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Oh, my girlfriend? Well, she's just an oooooooooriginary girl who cares about her family, mostly her own brother, and she's toooooooooootally not the ferret holder, at all. Oh no nooooooo.
Sweetheart, are you talking about me
Whatever makes you think that?
The ferret part.
Should I mention about when we first met.
Come on Liz, let's not bore them with that tale again.
Sigh, you’re right. Love ya, fluffy.
Love you too, Sweetheart.
(Future Jessie from @ask-miraculous-2pamerica )
(Future M!A 7/10)
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SO the kids are gone.
It's back to only Francis and Lou now :3
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zeldary-art · 7 years
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The 2pFace fam, as I envision them on my blog @ask-1p-and-2p-france
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meganshepherdart · 5 years
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More of the Hetalia Art Dump from me: 2017-2018 https://www.facebook.com/pg/MeganShepherdArt/
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So any of you guys have friends?
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P “yeah I got a bunch”
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B “most of my coworkers are”
(everyone featured  @ask-aquaverse-n-s-viet @ask-aquaverse-nyo-norway @ask-aquaverse-iceland @ask-aquaverse-dk-nl-gl @ask-aquaverse-2pamerica @ask-aquaverse-2p-poland @ask-aquaverse-canada @ask-aquaverse-seychellesanditaly @ask-aquaverse-nyo-reptexas @ask-aquaverse-tx-m @ask-aquaverse-mohawk @ask-aquaverse-nyojapan @ask-aquaverse-russia @ask-aquaverse-1p-america @ask-aquaverse-2pnor2promania @ask-aquaverse-austria )
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hetalia-wishers-au · 4 years
This AU functions by American laws, because the admin is an American. This means anyone under the age of 18 is considered a minor, and anyone above the age of 18 is considered an adult.
- DON’T LIE ABOUT YOUR AGE! This can cause legal problems. Just be honest. You can put -18 or 18+ if you don’t want to state your exact age, but you MUST tell us whether you’re a minor or an adult. (By American standards, at least.)
- This is essentially a soulmate AU. Legally, to be on tumblr or discord you must be at least 13 years old, but due to the AU's nature, and the fact that I, the admin, am 26 years old, I am uncomfortable with having members that young. So to join this AU, you must be at least 16. Ideally older than that still, but I recognize that most of the fandom is that age. If issues arise, the age restriction will be increased later on.
- On the same note, as this is a soulmate AU, please make sure your partner is of an appropriate age compared to yours, even if your characters would be a platonic soulmate. (ex: I am 26, if you are 16 then your character will NOT be partnered with my character no matter what, but if you're 18+ then that's fine. Or, if you are 16 and someone 20+ asks to have your characters paired, DO NOT accept. Let me know immediately so I can handle the situation.)
- As most of the members of this Fandom in general are minors, I must ask that 18+ members be cautious of what they say around younger members, and keep all NSFW content in their respective discord channels and/or tagged properly.
- Please understand, while the island these characters live on isn't located in America, the age of consent there is still 18. As a 26 y/o American admin, it feels wrong to see 15 and 18 year old characters in relationships, even if it's fictionalized.
- No shipping wars! As long as a ship isn't inherently harmful (pedophilia or CONFIRMED incest between family members, things like that), don't start arguments/debates over ships
That being said: Relationships are going to be different than canon (or even one's personal headcanons) in this AU. Not everyone you expect to be related will be related, and vice-versa. Ask, don't assume.
For the most part, there won't be any family relations in this AU, due to the lore. There may be some exceptions, but still please ask instead of assuming.
- This AU is application-based. This means you must fill out and submit an application, and have it approved, before making a blog. This is so we don't have any misunderstandings or doubles of characters.
If you make a blog before your application is accepted, you will not be allowed to join even if you submit a proper application. This is not an open AU for anyone to make blogs for.
- Once your application has been accepted and you've been cleared to make a blog, the URL of your blog should be “ask-wishers-country”. i.e. ask-wishers-prussia or ask-wishers-2pamerica. This keeps it organized and allows people to find blogs easier!
- Please state clearly, on your blog, which role you chose ( Destinian or Wisher), your character and their human name, and the character's age
- Please come off anon or leave a URL if you wish to reserve characters! Reservations will not be accepted if there’s no way to verify your identity!
Reservations last 30 days from when the reservation ask is answered. Meaning, if you send in an ask to reserve a character, and it's answered on 11/26/2020, it'll last until 12/26/2020. (Using mm/dd/yyyy format!)
- Don't try to control, change, or rewrite someone else's characters or interactions. You can provide advice and constructive criticism, but also keep in mind not everyone may want it.
Muse Rules
You may only apply for one muse in the beginning. If you prove you can handle two muses, and update regularly (i.e. several times a week) for at least one month, you may apply for a second muse.
After getting your second muse, you must prove you can handle a third muse, and be active on both blogs/with both muses for an additional two months before being allowed to apply.
Don’t try to bring a second/third muse in without applying for it/before your application is accepted. Just because you’re in the AU already doesn’t mean your application will be accepted.
If you try to apply for a muse before you’ve reached the minimum time requirement, or while you’re inactive on your blogs, your application will be denied. We check these things.
some exceptions may apply here as well, if you wish to start out with two characters, please send a message and we can discuss how that would work
- 2Ps, Nyos, and OCs are allowed!
- Muses will be addressed with their human names, not their country/representative names.
- If you wish to change a large aspect of your muse's character (such as age, role, stuff like that), you must ask a moderator! This way, things don't get messy. Please also discuss the changes you want done to your muse with your partner to make sure they're still okay with the pair!
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Sorry but i dont see the taken members list
Mod Luci here with a fully updated the character list for you! The one we had didn't show off all of our lovely blogs and members. ;)
Taken Muse list
North Italy: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-Italy )
Sweden: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-Sweden )
Spain: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-Spain )
France: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-france )
Byzantine Empire: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-brzantineempire )
America: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-usnyouk )
SKorea: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-skorea )
Romano: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-Romano )
Prussia: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-Prussia )
China: Taken
Australia: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-oceaninabros )
New Zealand: Taken (Look at Australia)
Seborga: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-seborga )
Hawaii: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-Hawaii )
Greece: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-greece )
Denmark: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-denmark)
Germany: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-germany )
Wales: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-walestwins )
Mexico: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-mexico )
Brazil: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-brazil )
Kights Templar: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-knightstemplar )
Estonia: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-estonia-lithuania)
Lithuania: Taken (Look at Estonia)
Luxembourg: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-luxembourg-nyotaiwan)
Bergen: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-bergen )
Nyo Romania: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-nyo-and-2promania )
Nyo Japan: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-nyojapan)
Nyo England: Taken (Look at America)
Nyo Belgium: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-nyobelgium )
Nyo Mongolia: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-nyo-mongolia )
Nyo Belarus: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-nyobelarus )
Nyo Spain: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-nyospain )
Nyo Wales: Taken (Look at wales)
Nyo Taiwan: Taken (Look at Luxembourg)
Nyo America: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-nyoamerica)
2p Canada: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-2pcanada )
2p Japan: Taken (Look at 1p Byzantine Empire)
2p Romania: Taken (Look at Nyo Romania)
2p Greece: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-2pgreece )
2p France: Taken
2p England: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-2penglandtwins )
2p America: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-2pamerica )
2p Iceland: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-2p-2pnyo-ice )
2p Nyo
2p Nyo Italy: Taken ( @ask-hetaaca-2pnyoitaly )
2p Nyo England: Taken (Look at 2p England)
2p Nyo Germany: Taken (Look at 2p America)
2p Nyo Iceland: Taken (Look at 2p Iceland)
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21 Kwami
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@ask-miraculous-nyohonduras @ask-miraculous-2pnyoengland @ask-miraculous-belarus @ask-miraculous-nyocanada
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@ask-miraculous-canada @ask-miraculous-2promano @ask-miraculous-nyo-norway
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@ask-miraculous-2pjapan @ask-miraculous-taiwan @ask-miraculous-england
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@ask-miraculous-belgium @ask-miraculous-australia @ask-miraculous-2pamerica
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@ask-miraculous-romania @ask-miraculous-kugelmugel @ask-miraculous-oliver
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@ask-miraculous-2prussia @ask-miraculous-sweden @ask-miraculous-luciano @ask-miraculous-liechtenstein
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helozinha-art · 5 years
Nyotalia as Disney Princesses
Hey guys! I've had the idea for this project for a long time and, even though I won't be able to start it now, I wanna get to planing at least!!
So okay, I'm basing this on their native country, obviously, or else this wouldn't make sense 😅😂 or at least the region they are at or resemblance between the characters.
And also, you'll see "???" a lot. It just means that I either couldn't find an official Nyotalia character to match or couldn't think of any to match... If y'all have any ideas to help me out, I'd be thankful.
Oh, and as you'll see too, I'm using both Nyotalia and Hetalia characters. As long as they're female, it's okay!
Nyo Prussia as Snow White
Nyo Austria as Cinderella
Monaco as Aurora
Nyo Denmark as Ariel
Nyo France as Belle
Nyo China as Mulan
??? as Jasmine
??? as Pocahontas
Nyo 2pAmerica as Tiana
Nyo Germany as Rapunzel
Nyo Scotland as Merida
Nyo Norway as Elsa
Nyo Iceland as Anna
Seychelles as Moana
Nyo Japan as (upcoming Japanese Disney princess)
Female characters who are just as relevant:
Nyo Spain as Esmeralda
??? as Kidagakash
Nyo Greece as Megara
Nyo Italy as the Blue Fairy
Nyo England as Jane Porter
Nyo Sealand as Alice
Wy as Tinker Bell
??? as Eilonwy (maybe I'll make one of England's sisters as her)
??? as Vanellope
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alfredosauce50 · 1 year
One more night
[Boxer! Denmark x reader] 11
Wordcount: 4, 365 Rating: M for strong language and mature themes
The reader is referred to as she/her
One more night - 11
Off to the races
Mathias rolled his fists against a speed bag, getting it to bounce back and forth rhythmically. A sheen of sweat had glazed over his skin from head to toe, but he never faltered. He was finally back in the zone.
He also lost everything he gained, revealing his past triumphs. Bulging shoulders, a six-pack, and strong legs for a muscular body. He swung into the speed bag one last time, making it rock to and fro.
And he was just getting started.
“You’re in a good mood today,” You commented from the kitchen, sipping a warm cup of coffee. Everyone slept in on Sundays, Allen included, but he got up at nine to do nothing but scribble in his sketchbook.
“Am I?” He lifted his eyes to you, only to look down at his page again. “What gave it away?”
“You’re drawing.”
“I can’t channel my inner negativity sometimes?”
“I think we both know how you actually do that.”
“Okay, fine. You got me.” He mumbled, moving his pencil around for a few finishing touches. Once he was satisfied, he held up his drawing with a proud, toothy grin. “Look. It’s a fortress.”
“Wow,” You mouthed. A smiling stick figure with black shades stood on top of a castle, raining machine gunfire and grenades on the masses below. “And who’s that guarding the fortress?”
“What about all the people down here?”
“I think you know.” He put his sketchbook down.
Now that Mathias moved back home, Allen was the happiest he’d ever been. Even though they were on better terms, this was his home, and he had a very particular idea of what that looked like.
“You guys realize Hammy has been roaming outside his cage for a while.” Amy sauntered in with a squint.
Allen flew off the couch and scrambled into the hallway. With his spot vacant, she plopped down next to you and kicked her feet onto the coffee table. When he came back with his pet, he scowled.
“Hey, you stole my spot!”
“Didn’t see your name on it.”
“I was literally just there!” He stuck out a hand.
“Well, you weren’t for a second.” She hummed.
The three of you, just like old times.
“To think I used to complain about people bringing their babies to the theater,” Amy muttered, collecting her popcorn from the snack bar. She spun around to reveal Bob strapped to her torso. “Now I’m people.”
“And you’re seeing Captain America of all movies.”
“I must be crazy.”
“I mean,” You made a face. Amy was the one who suggested this, but now that she was here, she had to be persuaded. “It was either here or the gym. It’s not your fault Malena couldn’t take him tonight.”
“That’s not even the problem,” She sighed.
“Then what is?” You asked, confused.
“I don’t wanna leave Bob with anybody right now.” Amy hugged him close, face falling slightly.
She still had a hard time being away from her baby after that incident. She didn’t have a choice while working, but now that she was off-duty, keeping him around was always at the back of her mind.
“Then I guess we’ll have to get him used to these kinds of places.” You pulled her along, watching her expression closely. She let you, albeit reluctantly. “There’s a first time for everything, you know?”
“I guess,” She fixed his earmuffs. “Sorry, Bob.”
“When was the last time you went to see a movie anyway?” You asked, walking inside with her.
“Beats me.”
Two hours later, you both emerged from the theater.
“That was fucking amazing,” She let out, smiling from ear to ear. “Bob fell asleep halfway through!”
You and Amy swung by Whole Foods after.
“Do you think he’s gonna win?” She asked, watching you add several bananas to the shopping cart.
The question had been looming over your minds ever since Mathias brought it up. The WBC Continental Americas title. He and another heavyweight boxer would go toe to toe in the arena for that belt.
“It’s hard to say,” You shook your head, falling deep in thought. “This is his first shot at a real title.”
“I’m just relieved he didn’t give up.”
“Me too.” She furrowed her brows.
“Whatever happens, I’m really happy that he’s kinda himself again,” You added, smiling briefly. Because even after everything that happened, he didn’t quit. And that couldn’t be more fitting for who he was.
“Well, I’m glad he’s back.” Amy hummed, though her expression came off as more bittersweet than anything. Your face fell slightly when you picked up on it. “I wouldn’t be telling you this otherwise.”
“Telling me what?”
“That Mat told me,” She inhaled a deep breath before revealing what had been on her mind forever. “He wanted you to move out with him. And I just want you to know that I’m a hundred percent for it.”
“What?” Your heart sank. “He told you?”
“Ages ago, actually. I just never had the chance to bring it up. Didn’t wanna cause any more drama,” Amelia explained, pushing the cart along as she spoke. “What, with everything that went down?”
You turned away, eyes darting restlessly and mind racing with a million thoughts. This whole time?
“Allen would’ve gone nuts.” She widened her eyes.
It was no secret that he loved you dearly, going so far as to use you as an emotional crutch. To leave was to put him in a vulnerable headspace, but you couldn’t be there for him forever, not even if you wanted to.
“Not that he won’t freak out if you told him now, but he might not fly off the handle when you do.”
“But what about the apartment?” You asked, voice faint. Now that moving out was on the table, every doubt you’ve ever had flooded your mind in a rush of anxiety. “And what about Bob? I can’t just leave.”
“We’ll be fine,” Amy assured, holding your shoulder. It was a blanket statement at best, but how else were things supposed to be? “Allen will have to get a job someday. And Bob won’t be small forever.”
“But he’s only six months old.” You uttered.
“He can sit upright and eat scrambled eggs, now. That’s pretty big if you ask me.” She nudged you.
You laughed some, thankful for her lightheartedness.
“But, point is,” She went back to pushing her cart, as reflective of the continuation of the conversation.  “You’ve already been there for the most crucial part of his life. And nine months before that too.”
“Of course I was, Amy. That’s a given.”
“What if it’s not supposed to be given?” She asked, much to your dismay. “You’ve already done so much for us, and I can’t just force you to stay forever. That would be the most selfish thing I could do to you.”
“Maybe,” You replied stiffly. Everything she just said was a stark reminder of what you told Allen once, and you always regretted it from the bottom of your heart. “But you aren’t forcing me to do anything.”
“I love living with you guys,” You let out, voice faint to hide the sadness in it. “You’re my best friend.”
Amy stood perfectly still, overwhelmed by a rush of emotions. Then, she turned to you, eyes wide. When she saw that you were barely holding it together, she did something completely out of character.
She hugged you as tight as she could.
“I know.” She shut her eyes. “But you have to go.”
You hugged her back, lips pursed tightly in a frown. She knew what you really wanted, and would go to great lengths for you to have it. Even if it meant letting you go, the hardest thing she could ever do.
“Do you think Bob will remember me?”
“He will if you visit,” She released you with a content smile, knowing she managed to convince you. So, she took in your face for what felt like the last time. “So don’t go somewhere I can’t get to, okay?”
Getting Amelia on board with the idea was easy because she was already all for it. Allen, on the other hand, would be a completely different story. But you had to tell him someday, even if that wasn’t today.
You pushed the door open to the local boxing gym.
When you got inside, you saw Mathias doing mitt work with Allen. Their brewing friendship was the most unexpected development yet, and you had to cover your mouth to hide your enthusiasm.
They had more in common than they looked.
The sun was almost set when you three walked home together. Allen had his arms folded behind his head, his dark eyes staring into the distance. Mathias had your hand in his, which squeezed you here and there.
“So,” You began, breaking the comfortable silence with a query. “Are you two friends now?”
They both made a face, brows raised and squinting.
“I don’t think Allen would be comfortable with that.”
“No, I wouldn’t.”
“Oh, alright.” You sighed, stifling a laugh at their synchronization. “I was just curious, is all.”
“Saying we’re friends would be putting him on the same level as you. And that’s gross.” Allen mumbled.
“There’s always distinctions you make with different friends you have,” You glanced at him and watched his expression intently, which didn’t seem to change. “Surely you have friends you’re close to, or not at all.”
“Not really,” He shrugged. “I mean, I used to.”
A brief silence followed, and you were left to put the pieces together. Mathias didn’t have any idea what he implied, but you knew better. He must’ve been talking about his pals from Afghanistan.
“It’s fine.” Allen grinned at you. “I have you guys.”
You didn’t say anything more, only bringing his arm down to hold it. He appreciated the gesture, the discreteness of it, and smiled warmly at you to prove it. You smiled back as if to tell him he was right.
He had you, Amy, and Bob.
Slowly, but surely, Mathias could make the cut too.
“You told Amy,” You began, staying in the doorway as he shuffled through his things in his bedroom. Allen waited outside in the front yard, giving you both a moment of privacy, however brief that may be.
Mathias stopped for a moment, back turned to you.
“Are you mad at me?” He murmured.
“No,” You neared him, gaze softening. He glanced over his shoulder, surprised. But that dissolved into relief as soon as you said this. “I’m actually glad you did. I don’t think I would’ve been able to tell her.”
“I’m glad,” He smiled, taking your hands.
You smiled back, warmed by his touch.
“She loves you more than you know.”
Out of the four of you, Mathias was the least afraid of change. It took a lot of faith to carry himself the way he did, and he did so naturally. Without him, you would’ve been stuck in the same place for years.
“So, what did she say?”
Allen kicked a pebble off the pavement. When he glanced up at the apartment again, he saw you two having a conversation. About what, he didn’t know. But he could make a judgement from afar.
The way Mathias looked at you, laughed, then picked you up in the tightest embrace had him wondering if this was the end of everything he knew. It was a huge jump from point a to b, but he wasn’t stupid.
He looked too happy for it to be anything else.
You did too, talking excitedly about something he wasn’t a part of, and never would be. When that dawned on Allen, he turned away, heart in his hand. That night, he walked home by himself.
Out on the balcony where he always was, he knelt over his plants and tended to them. Basil, thyme, sage, and parsley—all Summer herbs. He snipped off the stalks and harvested them for the coming Fall.
“Why didn’t you wait for me?”
“I thought you were staying at his place.”
“If I was, I would’ve said that.” You stepped outside with him. When he didn’t respond, you instantly knew he was bent out of shape over something, but what, you didn’t know. “What is this really about?”
“Nothing,” He kept chopping his plants, but his movements grew less and less controlled as he continued. His front was already crumbling, and you just got here. “Everything’s just nice and peachy.”
“Okay, Al.” You relented, turning to the sliding door.
The sight of your back was all it took.
“If you don’t wanna talk about it, you don’t have to.”
What remained of his hard exterior was all but gone. You broke him down all over again, and simply by letting him be. He couldn’t take it anymore. Not the distance, or the reality that he could never have you.
“Wait.” He stood up, sighing. “Don’t close that door.”
You stopped halfway through the door frame, your eyes softening at his change of heart. If he had something to tell you, you did too. And your concerns were realer than what he thought he saw out there.
“I wanna talk.”
Mathias knocked on the doorframe of his coach’s office. In his hand was the slip of paper he’d been itching to get for the past month. He handed it to his mentor, who scanned it before tossing it on his desk.
With that out of the way, the old man stood up and brushed past him in a slight hobble.
“Get your wraps. We’re gonna start with the basics.”
Allen stood with you on the balcony, his arms draped over the railing. He stared into the night as he tried to think of the words. After a few minutes of mulling it over, this was the best he could come up with.
“So, what, he propose to you or something?”
“No!” You shot him a heated look, watching his brows go up. “Is that what you were upset about?”
He pursed his lips, hands raised in denial. But seeing that you were unconvinced, he just sucked it up.
“Well, he didn’t propose, okay?”
“Then that’s all I wanted to know,” He grinned, voice rich with satisfaction. He went back to his usual self almost instantly, hopping back into the living room. “Now all I’m missing is a kiss for good measure.”
“A kiss?” You stifled a laugh.
“You know I’m only kidding.” He scraped the bottom of his flip-flops against the entry mat to clean them. When Allen faced you again, he leaned against the door frame. “You don’t have to if you don’t wanna.”
He might’ve said one thing, but the gentle smile on his face meant another. And since you couldn’t give him what he really wanted, you gave him the next best thing. You leaned forward and hugged him.
Allen’s arms went around you on instinct, like a reflex he didn’t need to think about. There, he nestled his chin on your head, closing his eyes in the embrace. Then, his smile grew out of a deep sense of peace.
Now this wasn’t so bad. He also got the assurances he needed, so why was he still so sad?
“Listen, Al.”
Mathias raised his gloved fists, bright red in color.
“I have something I need to tell you.”
With his head low and eyes up, he looked intensely focused as he jabbed the sandbag in front of him. Only they were nothing but light taps, hitting the same spot on the leather, over and over.
“Okay, then tell me.” Allen was a little unnerved that you even had to announce it. What he saw tonight, how he always felt around you, and your anxious demeanor only seemed to validate that fear.
“I’m moving out with Mat.” You finally let out.
A few seconds of painstaking silence went by.
Mathias tightened the strings of his hoodie until only his face was left uncovered. Now that Summer was ending, he could feel a cool breeze on his morning runs. The seasons were changing, and so was he.
“I don’t know, but probably sometime after his tournament. We haven’t decided on anything yet,” You answered truthfully, scanning his face for something, anything. But he gave you nothing.
“Does Amy know?”
Or so you thought.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “I told her last week.”
“Right.” He looked down, eyes darkening. It was inconceivable that anybody could be so hurt over something so minor, but Allen wasn’t just anybody. “Why am I always the last one to know things?”
“I was gonna tell you, Al. I promise.” You spoke softly, taking his arms. “I just had to find the right time.”
“Why is it always Amy you go to when you know something will affect me most?” He rubbed his eyes with one hand, choking back a sob. “You guys are always keeping things from me and leaving me out!”
“We only do that because we don’t wanna hurt you!” You flushed, making him shake his head bitterly.
“You’re gonna hurt me anyway. So you might as well just say it.” Allen muttered, staring dead into your eyes as a single tear fell from his. His words were cutting, and the way he looked at you, even more so.
“I’m sorry,” Your voice broke. “I never mean to.”
He was right about being excluded, and he had all the right in the world to berate you for it. It was also selfish to expect him to react any different, especially when you’ve always known of his greatest fear.
Being isolated, physically or mentally.
“And you probably already knew that, too.” He shook his head again, turning away to get to your bedroom. But before he could lock himself in it, you grabbed onto his wrist. “You just didn’t wanna freak me out.”
“Of course I didn’t wanna freak you out,” You let out, tone desperate. “That’s the only reason why I have a hard time telling you about these things. Not because I don’t love you, or don’t feel close to you.”
“And how’s that turning out for you?” He faced you, eyes burning with truth. “I’ll find out anyway. I always do. Then I’ll find my own time to freak out. Because that’s just what I do. That’s what I’m the best at.”
Usually, he was the one making compromises in conversations, taking the fall for his faults.
“Losing my temper. Because I’m a fucking manic.”
“That’s not true!”
But right now, he was as quick as a whip.
And he was right about everything.
“It is, though. If it wasn’t, we wouldn’t be here having this fucking conversation.” Allen glared, but his anger with you only lasted so long. “And since we’re here, you wanna know why I flipped out in the first place?”
“Why did you flip out, then?” You uttered.
“It’s not just because I have a thing for you, okay?” He exclaimed, chest heaving and face reddening.
“Then why?” You flushed, eyes darting restlessly.
“Because if you get married, you’re gonna go away.” Allen said shakily, voice faint with unbearable hurt. “You’re gonna go somewhere I can’t get to, get busy, have a few babies, and you won’t have time for me.”
Your face contorted.
“Then you’re gonna forget about me,”
It was unthinkable that you could ever cut him out of your life, but he was already treating it like reality.
“And I won’t be a part of your life anymore.”
“You’ll always be a part of my life, Allen.” You reached up to caress his face, currently streaked with tears. “Even if we won’t see each other as much, I’ll always be thinking of you. And I’d still call and visit you.”
“But that’s not good enough,” He choked.
“I won’t be far, I promise. I promised Amy that too.”
“But you won’t be here.”
“You have to learn be independent from me, Allen.”
He shook his head, breathing too hard to manage a verbal protest. You were asking way too much of him, even if it was just to live out partially separate lives. You were his rock, and he wasn’t ready to let you go.
“But you also have to trust me.”
A string was tied across the ring like a washing line. The gym was dark, save for the spotlight they stood under, coach and pupil. The pupil in question stood next to the line, his shoulder barely just grazing it.
Then, he ducked under it to the other side.
He repeated the motion, bobbing under the line from side to side. By bending down and moving quickly from left to right, he could dodge anything thrown at him. But the timing and range had to be perfect.
“I’m so jealous of Mathias,” He squeezed you, eyes shut tight as he whispered frantically into your neck. “He’s got everything going for him. When he wants something, he just gets it. I can’t do that.”
“I think we’ve all felt that way before,” You admitted, holding him closer. “He’s the best of all of us.”
Mathias rolled under a punch, dodging it like second nature. When he rose, he jabbed his opponent twice, getting them to back up. He was a speed demon, taking advantage of their mistakes on the fly.
With the newly-established distance, he threw his fist up for a killer uppercut. It collided with their jaw, throwing their head back in a splash of saliva. And just like that, his partner fell on the mat, defeated.
“But there’s something you have that he doesn’t.”
“And what’s that?” Allen murmured, pulling back.
“Mathias and I can fight, argue, or even break up one day, but not us,” You answered, frowning deeply. “And I know that sounds bad, but there’s nothing in the world that could change what we have.”
He smiled and bowed his head at what he’d already known, a truth he constantly needed reminding of. But you always knew the right thing to say. And for that, everything felt like it was going to be okay.
“You’ll always be my family.”
“Maybe that’s why I never tried anything,” Allen said. He’d been so hung up over what he could’ve had, he never realized this was what he really wanted all along. “Because I didn’t wanna ruin what we had.”
“And what did we have?” You smiled.
He gazed up at you, eyes twinkling.
“Something perfect.”
He was your best friend, and maybe a little more than that, but he made it a point to never cross that line. What you had with Allen was incorruptible, the kind of love people spent their entire lives looking for.
“Something pure.” He kissed you on the forehead, the most innocent kind of affection one could give. And you leaned in, basking in the warmth of his soft lips. “And I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
Allen stayed with you all night. With your body next to his, he never fell asleep so fast. This may only be for so long, but he couldn’t be upset about it forever. You were moving on, and he had to accept that.
“That makes seven rompers and five pairs of pants,”
You sorted through the baby clothes in the basket Mathias held. He insisted on tagging along with you to ‘help you hold things,’ but you had a sneaking suspicion he came for another spending spree.
“Anything else we need?”
“Uhhh,” He scanned the shopping list with a focused expression. “Four pajama outfits… And a tank top?”
“Oh. That’s for Allen,” You pointed at the bottom of the note. “See how the handwriting changes?”
“Oh,” Mathias mumbled. Now that you mentioned it. When he glanced up again, you were off to look for those items, so he did what he thought would be the next best thing: doing some browsing on his own.
When he approached you for your opinion, you were still in the baby section, picking out sleepers.
“What do you think?” He held two outfits in front of you and moved them up and down. “Blue or yellow?
“Those are for newborns, Mathias,” You answered, going back to the rack. “They’re not gonna fit Bob,”
“I know they’re for newborns.”
“If I say ‘blue’ and see the blue one in your dresser, I’m seriously gonna murder you,” You sighed, knowing exactly where this conversation was going. And frankly speaking, you were a little nervous.
“Okaaay. Does that mean you’ll spare me if I buy the yellow one?” He hummed with growing smile.
“Mat,” You shot him a heated look, embarrassed out of your wits. “The bear was cute, but this is crazy.”
“But these are cute too!”
“No, I meant you,” You sighed, stifling a defeated laugh at his outburst. “We haven’t even moved out and you’re already thinking that far ahead. Imagine what Allen would do to you if I ever got pregnant.”
“You don’t have to wait for his approval, you know?” Mathias grumbled, putting both outfits back, blue and yellow. “I know he’s close to you, but what we do is none of his business. So he should stay out of it.”
“Still,” You shook your head. “You’re going too fast.”
“I know, I know. I just got excited,” He sighed, noting how worried you looked. And it was a fair reaction given the kind of person he was. Tenacious, self-indulgent, and apparently, family-oriented.
But he’d be damned if he didn’t already learn his lesson. So he stopped you in the aisle, hands on your shoulders. “I’m not rushing you into anything. Especially not something this important, okay?”
“Good,” You softened your gaze, peering up at him. “Because I don’t wanna fight with you anymore.”
If anything, he’d save this for after the fight.
“I wouldn’t wanna fight me either.”
You were about to give him an earful for being so unserious, but you let it slide this time. After overcoming a roadblock and months of preparation, he was finally in shape for his biggest match yet.
“Are you nervous?”
“A little,” He grinned. “But I’m ready.”
Next chapter: Coming soon
Tag-list: @sunnysssol @chicha027 @javelintine @sport-lova @archive-of-bones
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aph-divinity-au · 6 years
If you don't mind, can you post the taken list? I can't access it on mobile and I don't want to accidentally apply for an already taken Muse.
Sure thing ovo)b 
Reserved: (Has not formally filled out an application yet/waiting on app to be reviewed)
✧ Norway - Mischief
✧ America - God of Bravery (Chara) / @/ask-divinity-america
✧ Belarus - Goddess of Death (Cursed) / 
✧ Belgium - Goddess of Hospitality (Cat) /
✧ Czechia - God of Strategy (Manuka) / @/ask-divinity-czechia
✧ Denmark - God of War (Kaz) / @/askdivinitydenmark
✧ France - God of Labyrinths (GD) / @/ask-divinity-france
✧ Finland - God of Weather (Makie) / @/ask-divinity-finland
✧ Hong Kong - God of Music (Emma) / @/ask-divinity-hongkong
✧ Lithuania - God of Fear (Kaz) / 
✧ Portugal - God of Wine (Gypty) /
✧ Prussia - God of Victory (Catherine) / @/ask-divinity-prussia
✧ Romano - God of Failure (Kay) / @/ask-divinity-romano
✧ South Korea - God of Happiness/Joy (Lila) /
✧ 2p America - God of the Oddity (Ginger) / @/ask-divinity-2pamerica
✧ 2p Canada - God of Dreams (Kegan) / @/ask-divinity-2pcucan
✧ 2p Cuba - God of Nightmares (Kegan) / @/ask-divinity-2pcucan
✧ 2p France - God of Rebellion (Kai) / @/ask-divinity-2p-france
✧2p Japan - God of Lies (Aki) /
✧ 2p Portugal - God of Chaos (Karma) /
✧ 2p Romania - God of Pestilence (Lucy) / @/ask-divinity-2promania
✧ 2p Seborga - God of Memory (Cherry) / @/ask-divinity-2pseborga
✧ Nyo America - Goddess of Nature (Ace) / @/ask-divinity-nyoamerica
✧ Nyo Denmark - Goddess of Peace/Harmony (Seb) @/ask-divinity-nyodenmark
✧ Nyo Italy  - Goddess of Celebration (Lucy) / @/ask-divinity-nyo-italy
✧ Nyo Lithuania - Goddess of Time (Orya) / @/ask-divinity-nyo-lithuania
✧ Nyo Netherlands - Goddess of the Arts (Demmy) / @/ask-divinity-nyonetherlands
✧ Nyo Norway - Goddess of Winter (Skuli) / @/ask-divinity-nyonorway
✧ Nyo Russia - Goddess of Desire/Yearning (Ace) /
✧ Nyo Switzerland - Goddess of Neutrality (Obfu) / @/ask-divinity-nyoswitzerland
2p Nyo:
✧ 2p Nyo America - Goddess of Discord (Loli) / @/ask-divinity-2p-nyo-america
✧ 2p Nyo Prussia - Goddess of Destruction (Misty) / @/ask-divinity-2p-nyo-prussia
Last updated: 07/25/2019
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Francis, internally: Who are those kids?????
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hetaliaweekinreview · 6 years
Would you accept ships with characters that are related in canon but not in the fic (an AU fic where the author specified that the characters are unrelated). And what about the nyo/2p being paired up with a character their canon version would be related to (like, 2pAmerica/Canada) or even their own counterpart (England/nyoEngland)? (always if the author writes them as unrelated, of course)
This blog will not track incest in any form - including unrelated AUs and things like 2p America x 1p Canada. Sorry, anon, but the rules about incest only exclude like six or seven ships - I think you’ll live.
As for character x counterpart - I won’t be tracking that either, sorry!
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alfredosauce50 · 2 years
One more night
[Boxer! Denmark x reader] 2
Word count: 2, 836 Rating: M for strong language and mature themes The reader is referred to as she/her.
One more night - 2 When worlds collide
Mathias briefly wondered if it was Amelia that answered the door. After all, this man had an identical face to hers. What set them apart was his hair, expression, and athletic build—he was a six-foot stud who never skipped gym.
“Who the hell are you?” 
He had a mean stare and an imposing demeanor. Striking tattoos went down his arms, and was that your name on his forearm?
“I’m Mathias.” He held out a hand for him to shake. The other folded their arms. “(F/N)’s boyfriend.”
The Dane lowered his hand.
It was disheartening to be spoken to like this, but he couldn’t jump the gun just yet.
“I just wanted to drop these off for her. Talk for a bit.” He muttered, leaning to the side to peer into the apartment. Allen narrowed his eyes and followed suit, blocking his line of sight. “Is she home?” 
“No. And, no, I don’t know when she’s coming back. So you should just leave those on the dining table.”
“I actually wanted to give these to her in person,” Mathias chuckled through a frown. This guy was crass, but he was just as tenacious. “That’s okay, though. I can just wait in the hall.” 
“Woah, what?” Allen shook his head. It was too late for objections when the other wandered off to find a spot to sit. He glowered at him, crouched over the carpet like a scolded dog, and scoffed in disbelief.
“Dude. You can’t just stay outside our apartment. Loitering is a crime, you know?” 
“Like you care about the law,” Amelia brushed past him. She’d been wondering what all the fuss was all about. Having her suspicions confirmed only called for a much-deserved sigh. “I think you’re better off going home, Mathias. You should just call her.”
He gave her an unwilling stare.
“Yeah, and we’ll hold onto those flowers for you.” Allen cupped a hand around his mouth and leaned into Amelia’s ear. “Ames, get the compost.” 
Business was slow at the bar, making for a relaxed shift. But your night wasn’t ending on a peaceful note like you hoped.
Your apartment door was wide open, hushed voices argued inside, and your boyfriend was sitting outside looking as lost as ever. The flowers in his lap made everything click—he showed up at the worst possible moment and made quite the show.
“I swear, there’s never a boring day with you.” You released his hand, spinning to him. Here in the local laundromat, you could talk to Mathias in peace. “Why did you show up out of the blue like that?”
“You didn’t answer my calls.” He frowned. Your face contorted with understanding, then exasperation. “I thought you were ignoring me.”
“I was working.” You sighed, taking the bouquet from his hands. It took you everything to stifle a defeated laugh. One night without talking was all Mathias needed to give in and chase you down.
And for that, he caused quite the scene.
“I was gonna call you back when I got home.”
“I was nervous.” Seeing how red he flushed had you hugging him instantly. This man was hopeless. He returned the embrace without hesitation, almost as if to agree with that thought. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I’m sorry too.” You whispered, digging your fingers into his back. He buried his face into your neck. There was something different about him, and you wanted to believe it with every ounce of your being. “But I really wanna trust you, Mat.”
He understood everything you could have meant by those words. And the weight of the truth widened his eyes with unparalleled sadness.
“So help me out here.”
When he saw the way you looked at him, he couldn’t stop himself from kissing you until you got sick of him. Making up like this was routine; it wasn’t your proudest habit, but you were crazy about him.
“Kæreste,” He murmured, flickering his baby blues up to you. Mathias was sitting in a chair, letting you tend to his injuries after a gruesome fight.
His shoulders, chest and back were blotched with bruises and burns, but it was nothing a cold compress couldn’t fix. Either way, the audience got what they paid for, and it was all at the expense of the boxers featured that night.
“What does it mean when someone calls you Snow White?”
You slowed your movements and slumped a little. He watched your expression with soft, attentive eyes.
“It’s something rude,” You continued, dabbing an ice cube on his bottom lip. “Don’t worry about it.”
“But what does it mean?”
“It means you should stop listening to them,” You sat on his lap. His arms went around you on instinct. As you spoke, he pressed his head to your chest like it belonged there. “It’s better you don’t know.”
Mathias never grew out of the habit of asking so many questions. But his faith in your judgment always outweighed his curiosity.
“Okay,” He closed his eyes and breathed out a sigh. “But I think I’m pinker than I am white.”
“That’s why you keep getting nosebleeds,” You smiled gently, leaning down to catch his lips. He opened his mouth to deepen the kiss, each lick and bite getting his heart to race faster and faster. It wasn’t long before his hands were up your shirt, but it didn’t feel right when they were anywhere else.
Once he was tonguing you down, his face was perfectly red. And his nose, bleeding like a faucet.
“I’m not trying to pry.” Allen kept his eyes on the road as he pulled into a parking lot. Amelia was in the backseat with Bob in the booster, and you were in the passenger seat beside him, chewing your lip as the other twin gave you their version of a lecture.
“But that Mathias guy? Come on, now.”
You turned away from him.
“Who waits outside of an apartment?” He scoffed, narrowing his eyes in disapproval. “That’s what people do before breaking and entering. I don’t know about you, but that’s a huge red flag.”
“You’ve barely even met him.” You frowned. In all honesty, you expected Allen to blow up after meeting Mathias for the first time. It was surprising he was arguing about this with an inside voice.
“You’re being judgemental.”
“I’m not being judgemental! I’m like the least judgemental person there is. I’m actually pretty understanding,” He raised his brows, nodding. “Ames, I’m pretty understanding, aren’t I?”
“Depends.” She pursed her lips thoughtfully. “But you are pretty judgemental about guys.”
“What?” Allen gawked at her.
He turned to you again. Unfortunately, your interest in the conversation was long gone; your arms were folded as you stared out the window. Defeated and at a loss for words, he scoffed a few times.
“I don’t get it.” He shook his head. “I thought you two would’ve agreed with me.”
The rest of the journey was short but silent.
When Allen found a spot to park outside the strip mall, you helped Amelia gather her things before leaving with her. He watched from afar, troubled by how distant you were.
“Are you okay?” Amelia asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You smiled and took a deep breath. “I just don’t know what to say to him.”
“Me neither. And people say I don’t have a filter.”
“You two talking shit about me?” Allen grumbled. For someone with such a loud character, he could be undetectable when he wanted to be.
“Yeah. We were just saying how annoying you were.” Amelia quipped, elbowing him in the chest.
“Agh—” He glared at her.
Allen cooled down before turning to you.
“Listen, (F/N). I’m not trying to sabotage your relo’s or anything. I’m being like this ‘cause I wanna look out for you.” He sighed, bringing you in for a hug from the side. “You know that.”
“I do know that,” You muttered, settling into his arm. “But what if I don’t want you looking over my shoulder all the time?”
His brows twitched together.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s just that maybe I wanna do something without you worrying so much.” You skipped in front of him.
Allen flattened his lips. Now that you put it that way.
“Don’t--don’t say it like that,” He sighed, taking your hand in his. “You can do anything you want in the world, just not mess around with questionable guys.”
“And not drink, smoke, do drugs, break curfew—”
“Dude. Those are the bottom line.”
“I’m just saying,” Amelia bounced Bob and walked ahead. “(F/N)’s got a point. You have to stop micro-managing.”
“Do you think I’m micro-managing?” Allen asked you.
“A little.”
He winced.
“You’re not our dad, okay?” You laughed.
“Well, I’m the best you got, okay?”
The atmosphere made a quick change to something warm and familiar. Going grocery shopping together only cemented that.
As much as you missed Allen as a person, the little things also made you happy he was back.
“Aw, fuck yeah! I missed this ugly place,” He laughed, walking into Whole Foods. A wide smile lit up his face when he took in his surroundings. Seeing the many displays of fresh produce was all he needed to run to the trolleys. “Everything’s on me tonight!”
His childlike excitement for something so mundane was a strange sight to behold. Nobody had seen a grown man so thrilled about self-serve bars or the ‘build your own açaí bowl’ section.
But mundane was everything he missed.
Everyone leaned against the hood of his car while he tore through the groceries. He was powering through a tray of chocolate strawberries like nothing.
You and Amelia stood watch, sharing the same thought. It was comforting to have Allen around again, even if it was expensive.
“Oh yeah,” He stuffed a whole tart into his mouth and munched away, moaning at the taste. “When we get home, let’s have a fucking buffet or something. Mm. I wanna have chili, stirfry, pizza—just pretty much everything we bought, you know?”
“Wanna call the neighbors over, then?” You suggested. He had been rummaging through one of the shopping bags when he stopped moving. “Benicio’s been asking about you.”
“He has?” He lit up.
“The whole building has, actually.” Amelia added.
A child no older than seven stood outside your apartment door.
Allen dropped everything in his hands to get to him; a hand of bananas and a can of chickpeas. You snuck a few glances, each one making your smile grow wider. It used to be Allen who picked up and dropped off the building’s kids.
His absence was tough on everyone, but seeing him pick up where he left off felt like letting go of a breath you’ve been holding.
“Hey, buddy. How you doing?” He began, lowering himself to a crouch. “You wanna help us put away the groceries? We’re setting up a party right now.”
Half the apartment showed up that night.
When the last guests took their leave, everyone gathered in the living room to relax and unwind.
“So, what did they even feed you in prison?” You asked, glancing his way as you sat on the couch.
His face twitched just the slightest, but he didn’t hesitate to answer.
“You don’t wanna know.”
Allen didn’t have the guts to tell you two his application didn’t go through. Only anecdotes of his experiences in his orange uniform. Some of them were hilarious, disgusting, or downright shocking.
By the time the movie ended, you were blinking back tears listening to him.
“How was I supposed to know you can’t talk back? Right? Isn’t that how a conversation works?” He shook his head grimly. “But apparently, you’re not supposed to. But I kept doing it. And maybe I called the guard a piece of shit, but how is that...”
He faltered a touch as he recalled the painful memories. Solitary confinement was one thing, but being dehumanized was another.
“... How is that deserving of going to the hole?”
He laughed dryly while you wiped your eyes.
“You get a room to yourself, which is cool. But you don’t really feel alone when you hear everybody else.” Allen grimaced. “The fucking crazies, I tell you. They would scream and cry all night.”
Amelia hugged Allen before going to her bedroom.
It took a lot to express affection to her brother, and speaking it was even harder, but you were more open about that. So here you were, hugging him like your life depended on it.
“It really sucked being there,” He covered you with his arms, shielding you from your surroundings. “Being mixed in with the scum of the Earth means nobody cares to tell the difference.”
Allen eventually agreed to tolerate Mathias. He wasn’t thrilled to let another man into the circle again, but he figured he had to trust you on this. You were just glad he would finally stop hovering.
“Woah. Who’s the leather jacket badass?” Gilbert piped, staring at the trio down the road. You were a frequent visitor, Amelia, a seldom one, but the dark and broody guy accompanying you both? He was a perfect stranger. “Did you piss her off that much?”
“What? No.” Mathias shot him a look.
He watched you in the distance, frowning ever so slightly when Allen kissed you on the head; that tattoo on his forearm sure checked out.
“That’s Amelia’s brother,” He answered, throwing on a sweatshirt from his duffel bag. He’d worked up a sweat, and he hoped to hide it before he showered. “He’s supposed to be (F/N)’s brother too.”
“Hm,” The other turned to him. “That’s even worse.”
The Dane couldn’t linger on any of those things. Not when you started running towards him, calling his name—hearing your voice had him forgetting everything he wanted to forget.
He caught you in a warm embrace, bringing you so close that he could feel the thumping in your chest. You were so excited to see him, and the thought enraptured him with joy.
“Geez, you stink!”
“I missed you too.” He laughed, pressing his cheek to your head. Somehow, smelling like the men’s locker room didn’t faze you. But it was Mathias, so what should’ve repulsed you became irresistible.
Allen just caught up, and seeing his disgruntled expression was almost encouraging. Before you wandered too far, Mathias pulled you in and brushed his lips over your cheek. The action was so subtle, it couldn’t have been anything more than a pure display of affection.
“Mat,” You pushed him off. “That tickles.”
In truth, it was meant to overwrite the one before.
“Did you come to pick me up?”
“Yeah. We all wanted to see your fight today.” You explained, glancing back at the twins. One of them was doing a terrible job hiding their thoughts, causing your smile to fade. “I hope that’s okay with you.”
The Dane shrugged.
“Nah, that’s all good. Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?” Allen repeated, looking him in the eye. Mathias didn’t falter, which didn’t sit right with him at all. He was either dumb, stupid, or had the balls to test him.
And he’d find out which one tonight.
The starting bell rang, indicating the start of the match. The spectators cheered relentlessly at the two boxers circling each other. Shirtless and under the spotlight, Mathias’s well-muscled body was there for the audience to behold.
“Come on, Mat!” You called. “You got this!”
“Beat his ass!” Amelia shouted.
“Twist his dick!” Allen yelled, earning a few looks from the surrounding seats. He shook his head. “What? Are jokes illegal now?”
Mathias threw a few practice swings in the air. Otherwise, he kept his gloved fists tightly packed in front of his face. Allen stood up slowly.
He’d seen this before.
If he wasn’t wrong, this was the ‘peek-a-boo’ style. Only the most professional boxers used this fighting stance. Fast, explosive, and exciting, it required a great deal of energy to keep up.
The boxers swung at each other, landing blow after blow until they were both black and blue.
Every single punch Mathias threw was packed with insane power and speed; it was impressive he still had the energy to bounce on his feet. To see him in action was humbling, shocking, even, but Allen had yet to witness the highlight of the match.
The Dane rolled his shoulders and raised his gloved fists, ready to strike. Before his opponent could anticipate it, he punched him square in the face, knocking his head back. Blood sprayed from their nose, but that was hardly a deterrent from knocking him out in the most ruthless combo yet.
He landed jabs, uppercuts, and a mean left hook.
His movements were so fierce and carnal, it was hard to believe in the golden retriever persona presented to him in the past. Mathias seemed to shed those traits entirely to reemerge as a wolf in the ring.
The contrast was so jarring, Allen was speechless. 
Just who was this guy?
Next chapter: Subliminal messages
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alfredosauce50 · 2 years
One more night
[Boxer! Denmark x reader] 4
Word count: 3, 633 Rating: R18+ for strong language, mature themes and sex. Some content may be upsetting for readers. Proceed with caution. The reader is referred to as she/her.
One more night - 4 Fourth of July
“They can’t accept that.”
There went his last resort.
“Why not?”
“Even Amelia would say no. I don’t know how much you have in mind, but it’s just straight-up charity.” You shook your head. Your mouth opened, but nothing came out. You never realized how big of a discord you had with Mathias until now.
All your opinions, wants, and desires—they never lined up. You cared enough about him to compromise, but even that had its limits.
“It’s not charity,” He reasoned, face falling a touch.  “I’m just trying to solve a problem.”
“But it’s way too generous of you. Listen, Mathias—”
“Mat. I don’t mean to tell you what to do with your money, but they would never take it,” You explained, heart heavy with defeat. “They have to sort things out on their own terms. You know that.”
Mathias was another breed of stubborn.
But when he reached his threshold, he could turn into something else entirely.
“That’s never gonna happen.” He mumbled.
His tone was faint and barely coherent. If that didn’t give away his anger, his glare did.
You could barely hold eye contact with him. It hurt to see Mathias angry, but even more so when he made these comments about your two closest friends.
“They’ll never be able to get on by themselves. You know that more than I do,” He scoffed, looking to the side bitterly. The second he let it slip from his tongue, he knew it was over. “Stop covering for them.”
“I’m not covering for them!”
“Didn’t Allen just get out of prison? Amelia can’t even look after Bob without you helping all the time!”
You stared at him in disbelief, appalled by every word that came out of his mouth. Was it the truth you couldn’t handle, or that he was the one telling it?
“You think it’s easy?” You whispered, trying to hide that you were on the verge of tears. But Mathias knew he’d gone too far. “A baby is a lot of work, if you didn’t know. It’s probably why you want one so bad.”
His face went red with mortification, but what he heard next would crush him to pieces.
“It’s too bad you’ll have to find someone else to give you one.”
Sweat made the mattress damp and cold, but your face and body were still warm from being ravished. You could still taste him in your mouth, smell his pungent sweat, and feel the traces of his manhood inside after he pulled out.
This wasn’t how you imagined the evening would go, but fighting with Mathias was an unwelcome twist.
Hours were fucked away on his bed, taking more of his load than you could carry. All you could remember was the rolling of his hips, the squeeze of his calloused hands, and the relentless waves of your orgasms. He never talked so much during sex, but he never needed your forgiveness this desperately before.
Mathias couldn’t stop saying the same three things — that he wanted to keep boxing, and how much he wanted this to work — but what stood out to you the most, and would be branded into your mind forever, was this: Allen and Amelia are just using you.
And yet, all you could think about at the moment was them. How safe they made you feel, how much of a constant they were in your life. The only thing constant about Mathias was how often you disagreed, argued, or listened to him talk about himself. It was always about him, never you.
“I can’t do this anymore,” You breathed, eyes glazed over with frustration. Even after fighting and being wasted away in hot, rough sex, your heart ached for him when you wished it didn’t.
Sliding yourself off his bed, you didn’t look at him once as you gathered your things.
“I don’t wanna see you for a while.”
He watched you silently with tears running down his face. Mathias had all his hopes trampled on, and he couldn’t blame you or your friends. He did it himself.
His insatiable desire, tenacity, and selfishness set him up for his demise. He said things he never should’ve said, then gave in to his impulses.
Two weeks went by, radio silent.
The person you used to call every night became an ugly memory. You didn’t show up to his match either.
“Hold on, Densen. In my office.” His coach appeared in the doorway just as he slammed his locker shut.
Mathias breathed out a sigh and slipped his sneakers on. He never minded having one-on-ones, so the dread settling in his stomach was new.
“What the hell was that?”
“Was what?”
The soft hum of a desk fan filled the brief pause.
“What you did in the ring, of course!” His coach held his hands out in disbelief. “You were sloppy.”
“So?” He frowned slightly. “I still won.”
“But you were sloppy.”
“I was just tired. Can’t I be tired once in a while?”
“Listen, kid.” The other stood up, ambling past him to a low-standing shelf. “I’m not saying you can’t be under the weather. We all need a break sometimes, and you definitely aren’t an exception.”
The Dane observed his slow, laborious movements with his brows furrowed.
“But this isn’t that.” The man caught him in a hard stare. His apprentice, who he knew as a starry-eyed miracle, was losing his spark. “Something is bothering you. I don’t know what it is, and I don’t care what it is, but you gotta straighten yourself out.”
Mathias lingered his unrelenting gaze on him for a few moments — thought for another — then left.
“Nothing is worth your energy except yourself. Especially when you’ve got so much goddamn potential,” His coach continued, the words stopping him in the hallway. “If anybody’s got a chance of winning this thing, it’s you.”
Mathias wrapped his hands to prepare for training. Coiling the white lining around his wrist, palm, and knuckles, he made a fist to test the tightness.
Satisfied with his job, he walked up to a sandbag and gave it his all. He smashed his fists into it, every punch letting out an explosive ‘bam’.
The relentless jabbing left his arms sore and lungs burning, but he didn’t stop, not even to breathe, and kept going until he drowned out every thought that went through his troubled mind.
When he finally collapsed, buckling his knees to fall to the ground, his face was dangerously red as he hyperventilated. His hands were trembling. His body ached all over. Even the cuts on his face started to sting when they never did.
“Fuck,” It was tank top season again, and the one she wanted to wear didn’t cover everything up like she thought. Amelia stared at herself in the mirror, eyeing the small line across her lower stomach.
“What?” You walked past her bedroom, which had the door wide open. Nobody cared about privacy in this household, and the sweltering heat only cemented that. Closed doors meant poor ventilation.
“Can you come here for a sec?”
“Yeah. I’m just trying to find the picnic mat.” You bent down in the kitchen. Rummaging through the clutter in one of the cupboards, a blender, mortar, and a glass jar of basil seeds, you found the picnic mat stuffed in the back. “Knew it.”
“Did you find it?” She called.
“Yep. It was with Allen’s things,” You placed it on the counter and marched back to her.
Amelia’s hands were on the hem of her top, having pulled it up to show her skin underneath. And her face, scrunched up in discomfort.
“He keeps sunbathing while gardening.”
Allen was hunched over the toilet with a tissue roll in his hands. This wasn’t how he imagined the day would go, but he couldn’t say it was unexpected.
“Fu—ck,” He hissed. “Never eating cheese again.”
“Proud stripes?” You scoffed, brows raised.
Amelia shrugged and pulled down her top.
“Yeah, don’t listen to them. There’s nothing great about pain. If you’re not happy with it, that’s completely fine.” You continued.
“I was hoping you’d say that,” She sighed, lifting her top again. “I just hate how it looks.”
“It doesn’t look obvious to me if that’s what you wanted to ask.”
“Yeah, really. And it’ll fade some more in a few more months,” You managed a small smile when you added this. “I still wanna see you in a tank today, though. But, you know, it’s totally up to you.”
Everyone in the family was a tank top enthusiast, and you were no exception.
“Fuck, I love tank tops.”
Allen popped out ten minutes later, cutting the conversation short. You both exchanged knowing glances before darting off. She grabbed the last of her things while you collected Bob from his crib.
She walked over to her brother by the front door.
“Have a good shit?”
“Yeah. I feel reborn,” Allen murmured, leaning down to tie his shoes. “Dairy fucks me up bad.”
“I told you to stay away from the cheese.”
“Whatever,” He stood up slowly, watching you scurry over with Bob in your arms. He’d been meaning to ask this, but he suspected he wouldn’t get a straight answer. “So, what were you guys talking about?”
“Nothing,” Amelia answered. “Just girl stuff.”
“Girl stuff, huh?” Allen looked at you expectantly.
Between you and her, ‘girl stuff’ typically translated to anything you couldn’t tell him.
“You heard the lady,” You hummed, putting on your slides.
He frowned, but never openly complained. It wasn’t the first time he was left out, and up until now, he thought he was okay with it.
“Let’s go already. Didn’t you say you were starving?”
But Allen had a feeling you were hiding something from him. A lot of things, even.
After a ten-minute drive and another twenty minutes agonizing for a parking space, it was finally time to indulge in the food truck festival of the year. Amelia ran ahead. Not carrying a baby around was freeing, and she was only taking advantage of that.
“Don’t worry, (F/N). I’ll get you something too!” She called over her shoulder. “It’s thanks for looking after Bob today!”
“I look after Bob too!” Allen shouted.
“But you still don’t know how to change a diaper!”
“I’m still learning!” He cupped a hand around his mouth. Seeing that she was gone, his shoulders slumped. “He pissed on me once and I haven’t been able to do it since. Cut me some slack.”
“You’re doing fine,” You assured, bouncing Bob in your arms. “It means you’re on the right track.”
“Some rite of passage thing, huh?”
“Yep.” You smiled devilishly. “You’ll get used to it.”
“Will I?” He mumbled.
You tapped his prosthetic leg gently with your foot.
“You will.”
“Aw, shucks. I can’t do it if I think about it,” He wobbled his legs dramatically, turning a few heads.
“This is so embarrassing.” You covered your eyes.
“What’s embarrassing is that you’re not helping me.” Allen held onto your shoulder, the warmth of his hand sending a wave of discomfort over your body. “Even Bob is judging you. See?”
“No, he’s wondering how he’s related to his uncle.” You quipped, peeling his fingers off, one by one. Your efforts proved fruitless as he wrapped both arms around your waist. “Allen, you know I’m sensitive to the heat. If you don’t let me go, I’ll push you.”
“Pushing a cripple in public?” He leaned in, raising his brows. “Didn’t know you had it in you.”
“Do you like testing me?”
“I love it.”
Allen practically beamed, knowing you could never truly be angry with him—not even when he was being annoying on a stinking hot day.
A few minutes later, he stopped outside of a Navajo taco truck. He was too hungry to keep walking, and you wanted ice cream. So you parted ways.
“You know where to find us.” He waved.
You poked around until you found a vendor selling dole whip. Or some kind of it, anyway. When you got what you wanted, you turned around to walk back.
Standing in front of you was the last person to go to a Fourth-of-July food truck festival—a Danish international student who couldn’t handle the sun. His hands were in his pockets, and his gentle smile told you he’d been standing there a while.
When Mathias wandered around the festival, looking around for anything to tickle his appetite, he never thought he’d get more than he bargained for—what he saw had his heart racing out of his chest. You were standing in front of him, ordering from an ice cream truck.
Seeing you in the flesh, wearing denim and a pair of shades on your head, was beguiling.
“Mat?” You began, eyes wide. “I didn’t know you came to stuff like this. Are you here by yourself?”
“Gilbert invited me to come with his friends.”
“Ohh. Well, are you having fun?”
“I was just starting to regret coming along,” Mathias laughed sheepishly, giving his arms a scratch.
Now that he mentioned it, the regret, it completely changed for something else. You were here, and for some reason, looking after Bob.
He wouldn’t say it out loud, but the bouncing motion in your arm was incredibly attractive.
“You look cute today.”
“Says the guy in a sun hat.” You murmured, giving your ice cream a lick. Bob reached out for it with his little hands, so you held it away from him.
Before he could cry, you kissed him on the cheek.
“Sorry, Bob. You can’t have this.”
“Why can’t he have it?”
“He’s too small,” You answered, taking a bite of the sweet treat. While Bob watched you eat, his face scrunched up, and he started to kick. “Fussy.”
Without another word, you gave Mathias your ice cream. The next thing he knew, he was sitting on a bench with a baby on his lap, keeping him secure with an arm around his torso. You pulled out a thermos from Amelia’s bag and popped off the top.
“I was gonna feed him later, but—” You poured some warm water into a baby bottle. After adding a scoop of formula, you screwed on the top and gave it a good shake. “—I have all the help I need.”
“Can I try?”
You glanced up at Mathias. There was no denying how excited he was, even when he tried to hide it.
“Sure,” You smiled, taking the almost-empty cup from his hand. A few minutes was all he needed to eat your pineapple whip. Typical. “Hold out your wrist.”
He obliged, albeit with a puzzled look.
You squeezed a dot of formula onto his skin.
“Do you feel anything?”
“Not really.”
“That means it’s the right temperature,” You said, passing him the bottle. “Remember that, okay?”
“Okay,” Mathias murmured.
Inside, he was doing backflips. You wanted him to remember this, which could only mean one thing. Backflips turned into a full-on gymnastics routine when you put your hand on his, guiding him as he bottle-fed a baby for the first time.
“Oh my God,” Mathias whispered, eyes wide as he watched Bob attentively. He was drinking so fast!
“Look at him go. He’s so thirsty!”
You let go of his hand and sat back with a laugh.
“Mhm. And we have to feed him every two hours.”
“Every two hours?” He gawked. His surprise melted into shame the longer he dwelled on it. He wasn’t doing anything right lately, but the only thing he regretted was this. “Must be a lot of work.”
After tossing out your ice cream, Mathias walked with you to buy some cake. But it couldn’t just be any cake. It had to be vegan. While you searched the festival, aisle after aisle, he carried Bob for you.
He wouldn’t stop insisting on it, but you never hesitated in the first place.
“So, who’s birthday is it today?” The Dane asked, bouncing the baby next to his head.
“Funny you should ask,” You collected a small boxed cake from the vendor before turning to him. “America and the twins.”
He stopped, his expression faltering.
“It’s Amelia and Allen’s birthday today.”
“Oh,” Mathias frowned. “Then I must be keeping you. Sorry.”
“It’s okay. We haven’t been here long,” You reasoned, pulling him along. He smiled faintly, thankful you were still willing to touch him without reason. “But I should find Amelia and Allen.”
You let go of his hand. He reached out for you instinctively, but it was subtle.
“Okay, well, um,” Mathias was growing redder by the second, choking up as a rush of emotions flooded him. Seeing you turn away from him only made him more of a nervous wreck. He’d been so distracted, he forgot to say what he’d been dying to. “Wait. Wait. Are we still—”
You stopped.
In that second, everything you ever felt for him came rushing back with vengeance. Mathias was hardly perfect, and somewhere down the line, there were more bad times than there were good. But when things were good, they were great.
Without a word, you walked up to him and handed him the cake. He held it with his free hand, confused by your actions. You pulled his face down and kissed him a few times on the lips, every sweet peck eliciting a soft sound he came to miss terribly.
“I’ll call you next week,” You lifted Bob from his hands, collecting the cake next. “Bye, Mat.”
He lit up with unbridled joy.
“Yeah, okay! I’ll be waiting!” Mathias piped, waving you off with his whole arm.
It used to feel like going in circles, but for the first time, you might actually be getting somewhere with him. The thought was endlessly relieving, and equally encouraging.
On the hill overlooking the festival, a great meeting place for picnic mats and families, was the perfect spot to catch the evening fireworks. The twins managed to claim enough space for their not-so-modestly-sized mat. Seeing them bicker back and forth, an ironic display of normalcy, was a sharp reminder of what Amelia told you earlier in the day.
Everything you just told me, is everything you can’t tell Allen, she warned.
To save what little bit of normalcy you had, you were ready to keep a secret.
If he knows, he’ll freak.
“Happy birthday, guys.”
“You got us cake?” Amelia jumped up with a shrill. “Gimme!”
“Is that what took you so long?” Allen patted the spot next to him, a snug fit between him and his sister.
You sat down slowly, mindful of Bob.
“I had to make sure you could eat it,” You sat the baby on your lap. “I had to search the whole festival for it.” While you spoke, Amelia fluffed up the cream on her plate and watched your expression attentively. You kept looking at her for some reason.
“You’re an absolute doll,” Allen beamed, picking up a slice.
“I’ve got an equal trade for it.” Amelia handed you a generous plate of food.
“Thanks, Amy. Geez, this is a lot—”
“So is babysitting,” She didn’t look up from her cake. “Thanks, dude.”
“Don’t mention it. I’ll always babysit for you.”
Amelia glanced up and stared at you quietly. There was something on your mind, and she’d be let in on it as soon as the fireworks started.
“So, you guys have any specific birthday requests?”
“A million dollars.”
“A new gym set.”
“Something I can afford?”
“Cake is good,” Amelia shrugged.
“Yeah, cake is good.” Allen chimed.
“Okay,” You laughed. “Sorry I couldn’t get any candles, though.”
“We already have candles,” Allen grinned, putting on his headphones and lying down. In the darkening sky above, was a sparkling explosion of red, white, and blue. Lights fizzed away in all directions, wowing the crowd with beautiful bursts of color. But he didn’t hear a single thing.
Not that fireworks were meant for listening.
“I ran into Mat,” You admitted, turning to Amelia.
She’d been staring at the sky, and when she faced you, everything clicked.
But Allen would never know.
Not from you, anyway. A week later, he was doing chores with Bob in tow, vacuuming, mopping, and taking out the trash. You and Amelia were out doing a shift together at Baskin Robbins.
Just when he got to the apartment’s garbage chute, the bag started leaking.
“Shit, shit, shit—” He scrambled to the side and sat Bob against the wall. Clutching the corner of the bag, he felt around to stop the stream. Bob watched him struggle with a blank face. “—gross.”
What he didn’t expect, was something long, thin, and hard at the bottom. A tube of some sort, four of them, each of them identical. Allen stopped and thought for a moment. When it occurred to him what they could’ve been, his heart sank.
He tore open the bag, letting its contents spill out like someone’s guts. Digging through the trash with fearful urgency, his stomach churned when he found what he was looking for.
Four used pregnancy tests, each displaying a negative result.
Allen covered his mouth and retched, but not because of the sour funk in his hand.
The garbage was left discarded on the ground. And instead of going home, he took his car keys. Strapping Bob into the booster, he made a quick drive to Mathias’s place. The closer he got, the tighter he gripped the wheel. His breathing was shaky, and his eyes, wide with mania.
“You stay here and be good, now,” Allen muttered. “I’ll be back soon.”
He stepped out of the car, locking Bob inside.
His left hand gripped a baseball bat, and his right, a tight fist.
Next chapter: Together
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