#obey me luke & you
zephyrchama · 3 months
We know that Lucifer is canonically the only character that's said the F word in Obey Me!. Nobody else has outright sworn. (I know the others say stuff that gets censored and it's primarily for legal/content reasons but hear me out.)
We also know Lucifer has cast curses during events so that nobody remembers what he (and his brothers in multiple instances) looks like shirtless/naked or as a dame.
Is it possible that at some point Lucifer cursed MC to be a pure cinnamon roll, unable to hear the other characters' constant swearing? Cursed to only converse like life is a PG13 movie while everyone is actually incredibly vulgar.
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daytaker · 6 months
The Gang React to You Ignoring Them
"How childish. They'll have forgotten by the end of the day."
By the end of the day, however, Lucifer has reached his fucking limit. But his pride will not only prevent him from begging you to knock it off-- it will prevent him from even acknowledging in your presence that he is remotely bothered.
He probably goes to vent to Diavolo -- that is to say, visit him for tea and offhandedly comment about your immaturity for pulling such a stunt, knowing that he'll just contact you and beg for him.
"Oh no you don't! MC! MC! MC! MC! MC! Hey! MC! MC! Hey! MC!"
He will follow you wherever you go. At first he thinks he's hilarious, being an absolute pain in the ass, but the longer it goes on, the more dejected he gets. His energy level tanks and soon he's just lying on top of the nearest piece of furniture and whining for you to stop it.
If you manage to get him off of you long enough to escape him, he will just text you.
Mammon: MC Mammon: MC Mammon: Hey MC Mammon: Hey Mammon: MC
If you block him, he will just text someone else until that person becomes so annoyed that THEY beg you to stop.
When you finally give in, he pretends like he didn't even care that much. It was just a little joke between pals, right? Haha!
"So this is how easy it is for you to just toss me aside like a piece of garbage."
Levi will take this extremely personally. Depending on why you're ignoring him, he might blame himself and enter a spiral of self-hate. He'll hole up in his room, refusing to leave until you finally come in and either apologize or forgive him, whichever is appropriate.
He'll spend a few moody minutes acting like it's too late for that, but soon he'll be on the verge of tears, making you to swear on a copy of The Tale of the Seven Lords that you will never pull that kind of thing again.
"Really? Is this what it's come to? You understand how pathetic this makes you look, don't you?"
Like Lucifer, he won't be too bothered at first, assuming you'll get over things relatively soon. But if nothing has changed within an hour or two, he'll start to get testy. He'll send a text, sit in the same room as you and stare a hole through your head, and if you're still ignoring him after a while of that, he'll storm up to his room.
Depending on how emotionally charged the incident was that led to you ignoring him, he will be more or less capable of fending off an explosion of temper. Most likely, any acknowledgement you toss his way will ease the tension, so it might be a good idea to just shoot him a text asking him not to destroy the house, please.
"But it's impossible to ignore me! You can't look away from a face like mine! See?"
I don't think you can ignore Asmo. Being the literal Avatar of Lust with powers to charm and an intense need to be admired and adored, he simply exudes an aura that demands attention. You should probably come up with a different strategy of attack.
"...Are you mad at me?"
Why would you do that to him? How could you be so cruel?
If you did do it, it would probably confuse and sadden him. Confusion and sorrow both make him feel hungry, so he will go ahead and start eating his feelings within an hour of the silent treatment. Even if you're content to allow this to continue, the other six demons in the house aren't, and you will ultimately have no choice but to make up with Beel.
belphie.exe has stopped responding
Considering you'd already forgiven him for the whole murder thing, he can't comprehend how you've become so mad at him that you'd go so far as to give him the cold shoulder. He won't know how to respond at first, but he will quickly become an angry, sulky ball curled up under the blankets on his bed. If it takes more than a few hours for you to come crawling back to him, things will start to change. Belphie will return to the common areas of the house, acting mostly the same as usual, and he will not spare you a second glance. Even if you stop ignoring him, well, two can play this game, and Belphie is absolutely petty enough to drag this one out.
After a day or two of you trying to talk to him, he'll relent. He'll feel kind of guilty, having worked through most of his anger while ignoring you. He'll probably text you a lot for the next day or two, just to ease some of his anxieties.
"I don't understand."
You can't do that. That's illegal. Next character.
"Hehe. What a troublemaker."
Barbatos likes it when you ignore him sometimes.
Barbatos will not change his behavior at all, ever. You could spend the rest of your life ignoring him, and he would simply accept it as one of those unfortunate circumstances life sometimes throws his way. He would prefer it if things didn't go down that way, though. Basically, he'll let you come to him whenever you've gotten over whatever it is you're upset about. What a king.
"Hmm? Are you sure that's a good idea?"
Solomon will act pretty much the same as usual around you too. He'll point out that you're ignoring him to whoever else happens to be around and bemoan the situation, but he won't actively appeal to you. Instead, he'll orchestrate a scenario that traps you in a situation where he is the only person you can go to for help. As soon as you do that, he'll act as if nothing ever happened. If you resume the silent treatment, well, he can always come up with another scenario.
Are you still sure it's a good idea?
"I didn't realize you were so upset. I'm sorry (that/if) I hurt you."
Simeon will either immediately understand why you are doing this, in which case he will apologize (using "that") or he will have absolutely no idea what's going on, and he'll still apologize (using "if") to be on the safe side.
If you don't show any signs of breaking, he'll enlist Luke's help to make you an apology dessert of some sort. And how can you stay mad at him when he's offering you angel food cake with such a sad expression?
Wh- Whaaa...?! How dare you ignore him! That's so mean! It must be all the demonic influences rubbing off on you! Stop it! Stop it or he's going to tell Simeon!
And then he'll go and tell Simeon. Simeon will probably tell him to just wait until you've calmed down. If he thinks you're being unreasonable, though, he'll probably have a talk with you himself. Really? Pulling the silent treatment on an actual child? Sure, he's a millennium old, but he's still a child.
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mammonsrockstargf · 1 month
“Do not talk to me right now, I am actually so angry at you,” you say while pointing a threatening finger towards the white-haired wizard in front of you. 
Solomon snorts and his hand flies to his mouth to cover his laughter, as tears gather in the corner of his eyes. His cheeks are turning red. 
You glare at him, eyes shooting daggers into his soul. “It’s not that bad,” he says. 
“I’m purple!” you say and Solomon wheezes. “Well, if you just did the spell like I told you, you wouldn’t be purple!” 
“I did do the spell like you told me!” 
“Clearly not!” 
You sigh and put your hands in your head, ignoring the fact that your hands are, in fact, very very purple. “Shut up and let me figure this out,” you say. 
“You want help?” Solomon asks, but steadily remains a few feet away from you, not daring to invade your space. 
“No!” you say and scroll through the pages of your spellbook trying to figure out what you did wrong. “Stupid, ancient wizard, I swear not even an antique store would take you in,” you mumble and Solomon snickers. 
He points to a line on a spell, and you start, not having noticed when he got so close. “Here,” he says. “The circle has to be made of Himalayan salt. You used sea salt,” he says. 
You look around. The circle you’re standing in is very much white and not pink. You sigh. “Why didn’t you tell me?” you ask and Solomon’s eyes twinkle. 
“I wanted to see what happened,” he says but the twinkle dissipates when he sees your face, eyebrows furrowed, lips pursed. 
“You have five seconds to run,” 
“Luke, you have to change the-“Simeon's words are interrupted when Solomon runs past in a flash, cackling maniacally on the way. They both watch as he disappears down the hallway, before you appear, running after him with a look in your eyes that makes a deep shiver run down Simeon’s back. “Why are they purple?” Luke asks while tilting his head with a puzzled expression. They both watch you disappear around the corner as well, shouting profanities after Solomon, which makes Simeon cover Luke’s ears. 
“I’d rather not know,” Simeon says, once you’re far enough away for Simeon to feel that he and Luke are safe again. "God help anyone who dares to awaken their wrath," 
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funny picture allsort :^) (reference photos below)
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koolades-world · 1 year
the brothers 100% have a marketable plushie slash merch line
Asmo's sells the best, it was his idea after all, he's the most popular brother, but Lucifer is close behind
they only went through with it because Mc and Diavolo begged Lucifer to allow it (they both really wanted a Luci plushie)
Mc owns the entire line
They are also the spokesperson. they can and will be a walking advertisment to anyone who dares to ask
for some reason, a pink sheep is introduced with the side characters. nobody knows why but after seeing everyone who has a place in the line seems to have at least three, so obviously all the fans buy at least three. it outsells both Diavolo and Asmo's combined
nobody seems to connect the dots that Mc does not have plush but this random sheep does
the sheep is pretty cute though
idk I'm just obsessed with the thought of all the character's beds being stacked with these plushies like teenage girls stack their bed with squishmellows
half of the characters jump into the bed to feel like they're being hugged by the softness and the other half gently make room for themselves so they don't crush them
mc does the same thing but they only own one of each so they can make them all feel special individually
"babe come over to my room tonight"
"sorry babe no can do, it's movie night with the boys"
"are you talking about the damn stuffed animals again"
"do not talk about the boys that way ever again"
whenever Lucifer comes into Mc's room to talk about anything serious or bad about Mammon, they will cover plush Mammon's ears and act offended on his behalf
the brothers regularly steal Mc's plushies of each other because they're jealous but always returns them since they feel bad making mc worry about the wellbeing of a plush
Satan has waterboarded plush Lucifer and only gave him back after holding him for ransom
"not talking, aye? we'll see about that in a moment"
"only if you promise to go to that new cafe with me"
meanwhile, somewhere else... "I can feel a disturbance in the force"
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humbuns · 1 year
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birds of the same feather?
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yourlocalgrass · 3 months
Sometimes I think… what’s with Barbatos just casually adopting some of the most powerful beings in the realms to exist??
Like, first we have Solomon right? He gets summoned, this kid on the floor on the verge of death, and he’s like. Hm… fair enough. Got no choice but to adopt you. Takes him to fountain of knowledge and all and makes a pact before or after since we don’t know. And let me say, he knew this this boy is boutta be the most powerful sorcerer to exist before he was summoned and all of that happened, so it’s not like he didn’t know.
Then we have Diavolo and honestly the most funniest one here. Visiting his future son from time to time, all fun and giggles until the lil guy thought he could lock him up. He also had some real dedication because Dia also used some so special tea leaves to blackmail him. And guess what? Barbatos first impression was: Cute. A cute lil child. That’s the entire reason my guy decided to adopt the next Demon King (probably not the entire reason still) and we can also see how Barbatos has to do every teeny thing for Diavolo and how much of a father he is to him so we can see the point here it’s pretty obvious
You thought that was it? Nope. Next we have guess who? Luke. Luke?? You thinking, sure they do have an adopted father-son relationship, also the first demon who Luke admitted to not minding spending time with, and all but- nuh uh. I’ll just quickly quote:
“Luke’s blessing is very powerful. It even rivals what angels higher in the hierarchy is the Celestial Realm are capable off” :From Simeon, by the way. Somewhere in S3
I mean, if our tiny chihuahua is this powerful at this young age (well, in angel years let’s say) imagine how powerful he would be after experience and older (again, in angel years).
Conclusion: Barb likes to casually adopt crazy powerful beings and being a strange adoptive father in some way to each of them (also shows them in different ways I mean you can see the difference between the 3)
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shootingstarrfish · 10 months
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well. he sure tried (maybe)
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For Obey me, how would our angles be when they have a crush on a demoness mc who unlike other demons just want to relax for the most part
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Lazy Demon Reader | Yandere Obey Me!
Have you met Belphie? It's giving the same energy or lack thereof. Sleeping’s your passion and like any other, you go to RAD. Becoming an unlikely ally to their otherwise favorite human resident and ultimately the one who’s captured their heart:
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“Ah (Y/n) I expected to find you here.”
“Oh hey, Simeon.”
He appreciates how much easier it is to keep track of you
And how easily you are to persuade
But you’re too relaxed to question his less-than-angelic reactions to people turning your attention from you
Not to mention keeping quiet about the way others avoid you now
“(Y/n)! Did you read the latest issue from Christopher Peugeot? It's about falling in love!”
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“Your sleeping here, again?”
“*Yawn* Oh its you…hi.”
“I have something I want you to try on.”
Has made you his unofficial model for his crocheting needs
Is not above stabbing his spear into the demons that demand your time away from him
If asked he will deny up and down what he feels for you is love
“I’m just very conscious of my model’s integrity. Therefore I will summon my spears if you have a problem with that.”
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“Agh! Don’t sleep on me! I’m not a pillow!”
“Mmmh but you're the perfect size for one.”
He appreciates the respect you give
Or rather you don’t outwardly disrespect him like everyone else
And he appreciates that 
He doesn’t appreciate how your lackadaisical personality leads to your schedule being too filled not to hang out with him
How they steal his adopted older sibling least hated demon
You’ll hardly notice when you fall asleep so much easier
You sleep all the time anyway
“Just eat it (Y/n)! I-it’s really important that you miss-I mean try my new recipe!”
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Mc: Luke, I didn’t raise you to embarrass me like that.
Luke: You didn’t raise me…
Mc: That’s what I just said.
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nocreativityfornames · 4 months
Everything we know about Michael so far, lore wise.
➤ He's an high-ranking angel from the Celestial Realm, more specifically a Seraph. (nb: 18-2 and nb card: Luke - "I can do it too!")
➤ His love for sweets is the reason Luke took interest in baking. (swd: 5-12 and 23-5)
➤ He and Lucifer were equals in the Celestial Realm and no other angel shared the same status as them. Simeon referred to them back then as "the two great leaders of the Celestial Realm's legion of angels." (swd: 23-7) But currently Michael carries that position alone. (swd: 23-5)
➤ He was supposed to meet MC when they visited the Celestial Realm with Solomon but couldn't because a secret spring suddenly started drying and Michael had to go there to investigate the situation. (swd: 23-7)
➤ He used to be Mammon's mentor and tried his best to train the white-haired brother while in charge of him but wasn't able to figure out how to handle him and eventually went to Lucifer asking for help. And since Lucifer was somehow able to get Mammon to listen to him, he ended up taking over Michael's role and became his mentor instead. (swd: 27-19)
➤ He was originally the one in possession of the Ring of Wisdom but gave the ring to Solomon at a time when the human was feeling "lost" and Michael wanted to help him. (swd: 29-5)
➤ During MC's 2° stay in the Devildom when Diavolo was keeping secret from everyone that their powers had become a threat to the three realms, Michael sent the prince a message through Simeon, warning him that if whatever he was keeping a secret affected the Celestial Realm, angels wouldn't hesitate to intervene. (swd: 31-16 Hard Mode)
➤ He's the one who found the Ring of Light, counterpart to the Ring of Wisdom that Lucifer had lost during the Great Celestial War (swd: 37-9), and quickly noticed it was missing when Simeon stole it to give it to MC ( since it was the only other way to control their powers ), shooting the other angel a text stating that they needed to have a "good, long talk" and that he wanted to see him as soon as possible. (swd chat: M, "untitled")
➤ When MC was given the Ring of Light and fell unconscious because of it, Michael appeared to speak with them. And during their talk, the seraph told MC that he had pictured them to be truly wicked person due to being so well-liked by the brothers, but that he had been proven wrong after meeting them. (swd: 38-17)
➤ In that same conversation, Michael confessed to being jealous of MC. He told them: "I must admit that I'm jealous of you, MC. I wish I could have been more like you. Because I loved Lucifer and his brothers, and I lost them. Perhaps things could have been different..." (swd: 38-17)
➤ When asked, Satan explained to MC that Michael was the opposite of Lucifer appearance-wise but that they felt like twins at the same time. And when Mammon brought up Michael's adoration for Lucifer, Satan chimed in saying that in his opinion the reason Michael liked Lucifer so much was because he was the embodiment of everything he wanted to be but couldn't. (swd: 43-19)
➤ He would be the one having meetings with Diavolo when the prince took over the kingdom if he hadn't thrown the responsibility onto Lucifer in the last minute, making Michael in a way the stepping stone that led Lucifer to question his faith and start having doubts about God and the Celestial Realm in general. (swd: 44-15)
➤ When MC ended up in the past Celestial Realm through a dream Solomon sent them to accidentally by feeding them his food, Michael was the one to bring them back home. The angel told MC that they and the brothers would likely forget what happened in the dream but that it would still have an effect on all of them and he would keep an eye on them to make sure that said effect didn't have negative consequences in the future. (swd: 44-18)
➤ Luke told MC that he often found Michael in the hall where the brothers' portraits used to hang staring at the empty space, lost in thought. According to the small angel, Michael to this day still deeply misses the brothers and has regrets about the war. (swd: 49-15)
➤ He was the one to cast out the brothers from the Celestial Realm and send them to the Devildom. (swd: 50-7)
➤ According to Mammon, Michael and Simeon must've pulled some strings behind the scenes to get Luke to participate in the exchange program and be able to visit the Human World with Simeon because, with his low ranking, he'd never be the one chosen for those sorts of things and the Avatar of Greed is convinced that they're doing this because they want Luke to experience life outside the Celestial Realm, see that there's more out there than heaven, and stop thinking that angels are perfect beings who can do no wrong. (swd: 50-10)
➤ He's knowledgeable on constellations and likes them so much he had Raphael rebuilt a whole room so Human World constellations could be seen even from the Celestial Realm. (swd: 52-7) He also taught Mammon about them when he was still in his care, and later on taught Luke as well. (swd: 50-12)
➤ It was actually he who went into the Devildom and told the brothers that they had been forgiven by God and had to choose between staying in the demonic kingdom ( and making an enemy out of heaven ) or coming back to the Celestial Realm and leaving Satan behind. And in a conversation with Raphael, Michael said the reason for his disguise was that he was worried about what could happen if he showed up as himself. But Raphael quickly rebutted that by saying that the true reason Michael didn't go as himself was because he wouldn't know how to act around the brothers. (nb: 20-14 Hard Mode)
➤ Still disguised as Raphael before going back to the Celestial Realm, Michael told Luke that he wasn't surprised that the brothers didn't accept his offer to go back to heaven and actually knew that would be the outcome of it. He was also surprised not too long after when Luke, not knowing it wasn't Raphael who he was talking to, pointed out that Michael seemed sad and lonely whenever he was staring at the wall where the brothers' portraits used to be. Michael's exact response to the younger angel's words was: "...I didn't realize that's what people thought.” (nb: 20-A)
➤ When asked by Raphael if he planned to attend RAD in the future, Michael avoided giving an direct answer and left. (nb: 20-14 Hard Mode)
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another-lost-mc · 11 months
I'd totally make the brothers wear pink dresses to the barbie movie. Or fluffy skirts, whichever one they want lol
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There is fanart inspired by these little headcanons! You can check them out on @/divinity-infinity's page here!
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"You'll 'make me,' will you?" Good luck trying to get Lucifer to wear a pink dress or skirt if he's not in the mood, especially if the entire group is going. However, he will opt to wear a pale pink button-down shirt and cream-coloured linen slacks instead because he doesn’t want to disappoint you too much.
Mammon will stammer that he already bought an outfit that looks like something Ken wears in the trailer. “Not that I was countin’ on ya dressin’ up like Barbie with me, but you might as well, right?”
Levi already has his cosplay hanging in his closet, complete with a blonde wig. He bought them as soon as you showed him the trailer (and he bought the presale tickets). If you don’t have something to wear already, he just happened to pick up a matching outfit for you too.
Satan follows Lucifer’s approach, but he opts for a bright pink shirt because he’s not a coward like his brother is.
Asmo has his outfit already too, but unlike Levi’s, his is a sophisticated pink dress complete with very expensive jewelry, hair accessories, and heels. (He also volunteered to paint everyone’s nails pink a day or two before the movie, and most of them agreed.)
Beel wears a hot pink muscle shirt that he pairs with white shorts. He also finds a pair of white and pink sneakers from the back of his closet that look practically brand new. That’s probably the best you can hope for.
Belphie yawns and says he’ll wear whatever you pick out for him. He didn’t think you’d hand him a puffy pink skirt and a white crop top, but he puts them on without much fussing. He doesn’t want to disappoint you (and skirts are nice for easy access later).
Diavolo buys a hot pink suit with Asmo’s help, and he managed to hide it from Barbatos until the day of the movie.
Barbatos scolds his young master for his foolishness, even though he pretends he didn’t make himself a new pink changshan and robe to wear for the occasion.
Simeon and Luke are dressed like Ken and Barbie—Luke looks completely adorable in his pink hat and shorts, and he even has a little pink bow tie. The crowd at the movie can't stop gushing over how cute he is, but he's too excited to notice.
Solomon shows up in a sheer pink top and skinny jeans. You’re positive that Asmo helped him pick it out.
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Obey Me! Masterlist | Related reading:
When They Go to the Movies [ fluffy headcanons ] When Movies Make Them Cry [ hurt/comfort/fluffy headcanons ]
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Mc: (holding a stick) back you wild animals! back I said!
Luke: (watching the chaos unfold) what is happening right now?
Simeon: (covering his eyes) well the Brothers are very attached to Mc... to much one could even say because they refuse to leave them alone for even a second
Luke: why are you covering my eyes?
Simeon: I have no idea what will happen and you're to young for therapy
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lemonandlime22 · 2 years
Part 10~ Please do not repost without asking!
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Click on them
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How they are Handling your Disappearance Pt. 2
Side Characters edition!
Okay you guys wanted more angst, so here you go! lol A part 2 with the side characters was requested, so I wrote for Diavolo, Simeon, Luke (purely platonic), and Solomon. I left Barb out because i'm very unsure of his role as of right now in Nightbringer. I hope you guys enjoy, please let me know what you think! You'll probably need some tissues again so prepare yourself! lol
Read Part 1: Brothers
Part 3: MC Returns
Genre: Angst, Hurt.
Taglist: @delphi-dreamin @bite-sized-devil @sassykattery @amberrskiies @a-hidden-gem @obey-me-posts @otomefoxystar @siofrantic @flemmingbamse i'm also going to tag @yourboyhack @ihatecorns @cherrybakewelltea and @exrellian too since you liked the first part! MC's return will be next! :3
But if you want to be tagged in my future work please fill out this form!
rose divider by @/firefly-graphics
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The brothers were the first to be aware of your disappearance, but the news traveled fast between all of the people who were closest and dearest to you. No one knew where you went, but they knew one thing for sure: they were doing anything possible to bring you back home. After weeks of searching every inch of the Devildom, it was becoming apparent that you were no longer in the same realm. This of course sent a new wave of panic through everyone. Where did you go, MC? Why didn’t you tell anyone you were leaving?
If anyone should feel responsible for your disappearance, it’s The Demon Prince. 
He is incredibly perplexed and disturbed by the fact that his human exchange student disappeared right out from under his watchful eye. 
Diavolo usually has a very outgoing and joyous attitude, but it’s not the same since you left.
Instead, he becomes numb. Sad. Determined to do everything he can to find you.
Lucifer had come running to him in a state of panic, informing him that they couldn’t find you.
He rarely saw Lucifer act that way, so he knew it had to be serious.
He joined in on the search for you too. 
Barbatos tried convincing him to stay at the castle, but he couldn't just sit and do nothing. The peace between the human world and the Devildom is at risk.
After days and weeks of searching with no results, he becomes depressed.
He uses every connection, every resource he has to find you.
But he can’t.
Not even the most powerful being in all the Devildom can locate one human.
To disgrace not only the Devildom, but his Father… It's too much to bear. 
I’m such a poor excuse for a demon, how could I lose them so easily?
He sits at his office desk, staring down at the paperwork he’s supposed to be finishing. He's severely behind.
But instead of picking up the pen, his hands are clutching at his auburn hair as tears stream down his cheeks. 
Barbatos walks on him in this state several times.
The sight of the dark, heavy bags under the Prince’s eyes causes a pang of sadness in his heart. He longs to comfort him. 
But the Prince has become distant from him. 
He doesn’t understand why Barbatos doesn’t use his powers to find you in such desperate times. 
He’s confused. Angry. 
He orders Barbatos away, and rests his head into his folded arms, wishing you were wrapped up in them instead. 
Wherever you are, MC, I promise we will find you. We’ll bring you home.
When Simeon learns of your disappearance, he almost doesn’t believe it. 
But when he’s forced to face the reality of your absence, he feels it deep within his heart.
His usual calm demeanor starts to crack, but he wants to stay brave for Luke.
He doesn’t want to scare the young angel. 
At first, he’s restless, pacing through the corridors of Purgatory Hall, trying to think of any way to contribute to your search.
But it’s been weeks. And still no sign of you. 
Now he sits in one of the arm chairs in his bedroom, gazing out the window. 
My little lamb, where have you disappeared to?
A book that he’s given up reading rests on his lap, his fingertips ghosting over the corners of the pages. 
He wishes you were here with him, sitting comfortably in his lap while he whispers sweet nothings into your ear.
His eyes well up with tears at the thought. 
Luke checks in with him often, bringing him updates when he can and suggesting they get out of his room for a while. 
He sits with Luke in a cafe for a while, nursing a cup of coffee while Luke chatters about all of the things he’s going to do with you when you return. 
This should cheer him up, but instead it sends a wave of indescribable sadness washing over him. 
It’s not Luke’s fault, of course. 
He appears to be handling it better than he is. 
Simeon, who normally thrives on the joy he brings others through conversation and gentle smiles, requests to be alone. 
He shuts himself away in his room, finally letting the tears fall. 
His heart burns with grief as his body trembles. 
As a writer, he figures the only thing he can do is compose a letter of his feelings for you.
MC, My love, please return home as soon as you can. Are you safe? I think of you constantly. Your absence brings a great sadness over me that I haven’t felt in quite some time. Even as a well known author, my words alone cannot express how deeply I miss and care for you. I love you, MC. I long to feel the warmth of you by my side once more. -Simeon
They try to go easy on telling Luke the news of your disappearance. 
The young angel knew something was wrong when Simeon sat him down, a serious expression painted across his face. 
“W-What?! MC is gone?!” 
His heart is full of sadness and confusion, worried about where you could have possibly ran off to.
You wouldn’t just leave him without telling him where you were going, right?
He tries not to think about that. 
So he puts all his energy into baking. 
Desserts and pastries of all kinds line the kitchen tables and counters of Purgatory Hall. 
Barbatos walks into the kitchen to see flour and a variety of different colored icing all over. 
But there is Luke, frosting on his nose and tears in his eyes, baking away. 
“I-I have to make sure there’s plenty of desserts for them to eat when they return!”
Luke offers several pastries for Barbatos to take to the brothers. 
He doesn’t usually take kindly to them, but he knows they are working hard to find you.
He eventually slows down, growing tired from his baking frenzy. 
Simeon goes to check on him, and finds the little angel asleep at the table, his head cradled in his arms and surrounded by a mountain of cookies he just got done baking. 
He stirs a little when Simeon carries him to bed. 
“M-MC…” he whimpers. “They’ll come back, right?”
He’s half awake now, aware of Simeon tucking him into bed. 
The older angel gives him a sad smile. “Of course Luke, they love you so much. I know they’ll return home soon.”
Luke sniffs, a tear falling down his cheek as he begins to drift back to sleep. 
“I-I miss them…I want them to try all of my desserts…”
Simeon wipes away his tears, attempting to hold back his own.
Luke begins to snore softly, dreaming of baked goods and picnics where you are there to share them with.
When you first go missing, Solomon is confused. 
You were just with him, where did you go? Is this some sort of joke?
His worry causes the demon brothers to panic. 
Solomon is never too bothered by anything. He’s seen a lot of things in his lifetime. 
But when you go missing suddenly with no explanation?
That’s something that terrifies him. 
He hears the news from the brothers that your pact is no longer active with them. 
That worries him even more. 
He immediately jumps into action.
He searches the location of where you were last seen and picks up on lingering traces of magic.
That's odd, he thinks. He was proud of how far you've come with your abilities as his apprentice, but he knew this magic was way too strong to be yours.
This was the work of someone much more powerful.
Nonetheless, a flutter of hope rises in his chest. He's one step closer to finding you.
He analyzes the magic, and comes to the conclusion that you were transported through time to a past version of the Devildom.
Once he connects all the dots, he uses Barbatos' power to find you.
Of course, it takes a few tries, but he finds you. 
He let's out a breath of relief as he gathers you into his arms, squeezing you tight.
You sob into his chest as he holds you.
His poor, adorable apprentice. Lost and confused.
"There there, MC. It's going to be alright. We'll get you home soon."
But now he’s stuck there too, with no way to contact the brothers or Diavolo to tell them of your location. 
He could, theoretically return but he wouldn't dare go back to the present without you by his side.
Lucifer about murdered him already, and you desperately needed his help.
He secretly couldn't bear the thought of leaving you alone.
But this will be interesting, he thought.
Let's see how this plays out.
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koolades-world · 1 year
Exclusive Mc Privileges: Side Character Edition
I don't know Raphael well enough to include him yet, so I'm sorry about that. To any Raphael fans out there, let me know how I can pay you back. I'm on lesson 41 right now lol
Sitting in his lap during important meetings and playing with his hair
Drawing on his arm and him displaying it proudly no matter what it is
Playing dress up in finery
Shopping sprees!
Becoming his royal hand holder <3
Cheering him on while he's doing paperwork and bringing him treats
Sneaking out together so he can show you his favorite spots in the Devildom
Having sleepovers weekly so he can learn more about "human culture"
Interrupting his castle duties with no consequences
Leaving you love notes for you to find throughout the day
Helping with your homework
Exchanging recipes
Brushing his hair!
Helping cook and getting as many tastes as you want
Freeing all the rats you find in the castle outside for him
Spending all his free time with you
Helping him learn more about computers even if he's asked this question ten times already
Getting best massages in the three realms
Helping him bake
Writing his scripts for him when his hands hurt
Getting to look at old concepts and manuscripts
Being his muse <3
Feeding him snacks
Reorganizing his potions ingredients because it's always a mess
Dancing among the stars together
Attempting to teach him to cook (and failing)
Teaching him how to be hip and cool
Letting you admire his various pact marks and hearing the stories behind each one
Lets you style his hair differently just to see what he would look like
Forgiving you each and every time you set him on fire during lessons
Ruffling his hair
Tucking him into bed at night
Always being the first person to sample his desserts
Sharing concept ideas with you about new dessert ideas
Helping him deal with the brothers and their teasing
Ironing his clothes
Giving him piggy back rides and boosts to higher areas
Doing homework together that he's to afraid to ask a demon for help with
Braiding and styling her hair
Doing her makeup!
Throwing snacks and candy into each other's mouths
Getting sneak peaks into her latest pranks
Taking turns drawing on various sleeping people's faces to see who can do the most without waking them up
Having mini fashion shows that are mostly just her admiring you
Taking lots of pictures on your phone when you're not looking
Kidnapping and having free reign of his cane
Hitting him with the cane (lovingly)
Teasing him about Diavolo and Lucifer
Showing his affection for you in front of the brothers
Adding cute bows to his hair
Looking over drafts for the school paper
Learning how to horseback ride
Squishing his man titties
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