#obi-wan raises luke skywalker
susanoosama01 · 3 months
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The Skywalker Whisperer
Part 1
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padawansuggest · 3 months
Anakin: *sitting on the floor with Luke, a small cut on his ankle* But what if I start to bleed out?
Luke: *looking through a box of crayon shaped bandaids to pick out the right one* You’ll be fine, it’s not even bleeding.
Leia: *showing up with a training saber in hand* Master says you didn’t bleed out in your arm because the lightsaber cauterizes as it cuts. I’m sure I could burn it closed for you.
Anakin: *glaring at an amused Obi-Wan, clearly the person filming* That’s okay, babygirl, I think Luke found the best bandaid so I’ll be okay.
Leia: Suit yourself.
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vytels · 8 months
So, I've got a new idea for an au... not an original idea by any means, but I just have been thinking about it for awhile now lol
Basically, Luke gets raised by Rex.
At some point, very shortly after Luke is born and Obi-Wan's like shit, I have to get this kid to Tatooine, said Master Jedi gets injured on the way there. Rex is the one that finds him, luckily, and discovers everything that happened (except for Anakin's fall lol). He decides to help Obi-Wan take Luke to the Lars, but when they get there, the Lars are long gone.
At this point, Obi-Wan is too self-loathing and guilty, so he asks if Rex will raise Luke. This starts an argument about who would be better off raising Luke, but eventually Rex gets Luke.
(Obviously, once Rex and Cody are reunited, Rex sicks Cody on Obi-Wan to "get him to come to his senses")
So begins my "semi-writing" spree, where I wrote out just a bunch of little scenes from his AU.
For more from this AU: NEXT
Here is one, beneath the cut:
Luke’s hair grazed his palm, a soft and a slippery stubble that tickled the pads of his fingers. Even his fingers glided over the baby’s skin, cupping the small warmth behind his head and holding him up in his protective fabrics.
Each moment, experiencing the weight in his arms and the soft breaths sniffled into the air, carved themselves into his memories. 
The back of Rex’s mind shot to the long corridors deep within the Kamino Facilities, to the rooms that vode had never been allowed to venture into. The rooms had been full of clones too young to be cadets, yet too old to be in their growth chambers. They had been taken care of droids and a very select personnel, Kaminoiian officials that had watched for any defects or ailments. 
Despite having never stepped foot in those rooms, Rex could figure that they were like any other space in the Facility. They were likely as in-organic and harsh walled as other rooms, with white bright enough to blind and dull enough to bore, and the temperature set to a disparaging chill. All of it had been built to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of their product, but at the least amount of cost possible. 
Rex hated Kamino. 
He would do everything to ensure Luke never experienced such a nightmare.
Then blue eyes slid open and blinked up at him, accompanied by a growing smile and hands squirming in their blanketed confines. Warmth flooded Rex’s heart and he held Luke up, ducking his head to hover his face closer. 
“Su cuygar, kar’ika,” Rex whispered. 
Luke smiled again and broke his prison, raising a hand to press against Rex’s nose.
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ziggyyyystardust · 5 months
Extremely unpopular opinion but I know in my heart that Padmé Amidala would be awful parents to Luke and Leia. Padmé would refuse to talk to the children when they’re upset and the less said about Anakin ‘youngling slayer, hand cutter, “but the women and the children too” Skywalker the better tbh
I think it’s weird that people are convinced they would be the worlds best parents with the healthiest relationship, I’ve seen a lot of posts saying that Leia and Anakin would be super close when like.. Leia was a rebel and a feminist, in what way would Leia and fascist fanboy be bffs. I’ve seen the same that Padmé and Luke would wear matching outfits and gossip and all, but that’s not fitting with Luke’s character at all? Idk every time I see Luke in those family fics he’s infantilised to all hell - even besides that children aren’t copy’s of their parents, they have their own autonomy and personality.
Realistically Padmé and Anakin are far, far to obsessive over each other to give their children a healthy upbringing, Anakin choked Padmé (while pregnant) out of anger which makes me think abt what exactly he’d do if angry with the kids or Padmé? Like he cut off Luke’s hand, it definitely doesn’t bode well
^^Edit: looking back on this now abt Padmé being “alright with it” that wasn’t the case, sorry abt that one guys
I honestly believe that had she had lived long enough she would’ve tried to raise the children with Vader. Anakin never really seemed to care that much over the kids (I believe because it was a realisation that they couldn’t keep their affair hidden any longer and he would have to choose between being a father/husband or a Jedi) and I couldn’t imagine he’d be alright with Padmé having to give a lot of attention to the kids instead of him.
Ultimately Owen/Beru and Bail/Breha were the best options for raising the children seeing as the Jedi order was out of the question. The reason Luke and Leia turned out to be healthy, well adjusted adults is because of their respective adoptive parents (Aunt/uncle), not because of “to be angry is to be human” amidala and alderaan destroyer 2000 Skywalker
Sidenote: throughout RotS Padmé and Anakin barely even trust each other💀💀 how are 2 people who can’t trust one another supposed to raise kids cmon now
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penelopwgarcia · 7 months
thinkin about the fact padme tried to hide her pregnancy at best with clothes and less staff so likely those who loved and knew her only found about it in her funeral and they probably thought her child died with her too
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marinamar4 · 13 days
You know those fics where after mortis Anakin (+Obi-Wan and +ahsoka) are like... More powerful and everyone realizes it?
Well, I would like you to imagine a fic where, for some reason, Luke and Leia grow up in mortis. Maybe alone, maybe with Obi-Wan. But... The power they would have...
And the fic that would come out 😂
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gildeddlily · 8 months
honestly I love how Mark Hamill came back and gave us more content ab our sweetheart, or how Hayden Christenses did the same and was just majestic, but I think they should start searching for new actors. Instead of paying a (n absolutely beautiful) 42ys man to play a 19ys boy why can't they find a young actor who resembles Hayden enough to look like Anakin?
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mformarsala · 2 years
*wakes up in cold sweat in the middle of the night*
cody on tatooine is a way for obi-wan to reconcile force usage and attachments and pass this philosophical framework down to luke and therefore a direct path to dinluke by not making grogu choose between jedi and din
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commanderry · 9 months
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i dont actually know anything about infants and now i have to add a bunch of stuff AHHHHH
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
I think what I like about Luke and Anakin so much is that their relationship is complex, built on lies and half-truths and terrible situations, both sides want to spend time with the other but believe that they’re in the right.
There’s the drama and angst of Luke finding out that his father is Darth Vader, a man who is the enemy, a man who has hurt his friends, killed his friends, but also, as his father, a man who Luke had always wanted to know, desired to meet and emulate. And Darth Vader finding out twenty years later that not only did his child live, his child is one of the most wanted people in the galaxy because he has the same reckless ambition that Anakin himself once had, and he’s a Jedi, the group Darth Vader feels betrayed him and left him to rot. There’s a duality.
They feel betrayed and hurt by actions that are unchangable. But, they also feel forgiveness, they can’t help but feel forgiveness, because they understand each other and, in a galaxy of danger and pain and despair, love is the only thing that can save them, and that love is enough for both of them to forgive the other.
But also, I view Luke and Vader like that post about that guy, their wife, and their mother. Like:
Everyone else: holding Darth Vader up, “Bad Vader.”
Luke: “No! Don’t be mean!”
Leia: not even looking up, “Stinky boy. Rat man.”
Luke: “NO-“
It’s a relationship that can be portrayed and interpreted so many different ways, and I just think that’s neat.
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susanoosama01 · 3 months
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Click for better quality.
Who said babies were easy???
(P.S. Baby not want sleep. Baby want Obi.)
Part 2
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avoidling · 1 year
Yeah sure it’s sad it’s a tragedy whatever but I think Obi-wan, Yoda, and Bail knew exactly what they were doing when they decided to raise Luke & Leia apart. They said listen we can’t bring Padme back to life or fix the whole Anakin situation but what we can do is evenly distribute their children so that they might be manageable
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vytels · 8 months
Here's two more scenes from the Rex Raises Luke AU... Enjoy!!
Previous - Next
Scene #6
“Take him,” Kenobi said. 
The words halted Rex’s train of thought and he whipped his head away from the desert sun, to the kneeling man. “What?” 
“Take Luke.” Kenobi looked up, his hood nearly falling away. “Raise him, keep him safe.” 
“You want me to do that? Are you kidding?” 
“I can’t keep him,” the Jedi replied. 
“I can’t raise an ad, General.” Rex shook his head, hands shaking. “I’m a weapon, a war machine, I have no experience taking care of a small child…” 
“You can,” Kenobi argued. 
“No, I don’t have any experience, sir,” Rex said. 
“But you don’t need experience.” 
Rex scoffed and glared, “But you already have experience, General! You practically raised General Skywalker!” 
The Jedi Master broke at those words, falling to pieces at Rex’s feet and shattering. His gaze fell to the sands of Tatooine and his eyes lost their light, his mind drifted away from the conversation. Then his shoulders slumped and his spirit crumbled to ash. 
A decaying man kneeled before Rex, broken to his core and with his creed gone. 
“Anakin is gone,” Kenobi said, “I… I can’t lose another, it’s all my fault.” 
“General,” Rex sighed, beginning to speak. 
But Kenobi cut him off, “No, Rex.” 
Something broke in Rex’s heart as he looked at him, and then he sighed. His gaze drifted past the man to the ship that stood against the winds and beaming sun. He could imagine the baby sleeping away, safe and sound in the metal walls. 
“I can’t do this, I can’t raise Luke,” Kenobi said. 
“Alright,” Rex replied. 
“You’ll take him?”
Rex nodded, his heart deciding for him. “I will.” 
Scene #7
It flicked at the back of his head. 
Rex grunted and swatted it, before turning back to the conversation before him. 
It whacked the back of his head, sending his eyes flying open and body jolting upward. Darkness wrapped around him as he began to breathe heavily, his eyes searching the room around him. He counted the stacks of cargo boxes, the light flickering in through the doorway, and the steel walls that encased him. Then he sighed and fell backward on his bed, blinking up at his ceiling. 
It was just a dream. 
Then his pillow disappeared from beneath his head, yanked off the bed and thrown to the floor. It was followed by a cry moments later, it pierced through his open door and shot into him. 
His feet flew over the metal floor and into the hallway. Seconds later he slid into the secondary storage room, Obi-Wan’s old room, and came to a halt. 
“Lu’ika,” Rex whispered and peered over the small bin. 
Luke’s cheeks were bright red and his eyes closed shut tight as he kicked at his blankets. His hands had come free of the swaddle and were swinging in front of him, breath hiccuping between cries. 
“Ner ik’aad…” Rex picked him up, sliding a hand underneath his head before adjusting him in his grip. “What’s wrong?” 
In his head, he began to go over the checklist that he had created for moments like this: food, too warm, too cold, diaper change, sickness, and so on. Yet, the words slowly trailed out of his mind as Luke’s eyes opened and he looked up at him, cries slowly fading away as he hiccuped again and then swatted with a free hand. His little hand curled against Rex’s black and clung tight. 
“Oh, Lu’ika,” Rex sighed, “That was one way to get me.” 
Luke hiccuped and turned his head, eyes sliding closed and hand stuck to his shirt. 
Moments later, Rex found himself back in his little storage-bedroom. He settled down onto his back and raised his hands to cup the baby resting over his chest, chuckling as soft breaths filled the air. It only took moments for him to fall back to sleep, but he did so with his hand resting over Luke’s shoulders and a small smile on his face.
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xxlittle0birdxx · 1 year
WIP: Obi-wan raising Luke
‘Do I have something on my face?’ Mara asked, rubbing the side of her hand under her nose.
‘No.’ Luke forced his gaze back down to his dinner. ‘Sorry,’ he mumbled, moving the food around his plate.
Mara couldn’t stop the snort if she tried. And she didn’t try. ‘Have you never seen a girl before?’ she drawled in clear sarcasm.
‘Never one as pretty as you,’ Luke blurted. His eyes widened, as he raised a hand to his mouth, wondering how much effort it would take to tear out his own tongue. His cheeks erupted in flames. ‘Karabast,’ he said under his breath. ‘May I be excused?’ Desperation made his mouth dry; embarrassment rendered his lips numb and stiff.
Obi-wan nodded, hiding a smile in his cup, patting Cody firmly between his shoulder blades, as the other man inhaled a morsel of pastry in an effort not to laugh. Luke gathered his plate, and all but threw it into the sink, before fleeing to his bedroom, ears bright, glowing coals under his mop of hair.
Having been an unwitting witness to some of Anakin’s early attempts to flirt with Padmé, Obi-wan leaned back in his chair. ‘The Ghibli fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree,’ he chuckled.
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I dream of a world where the Organa's and the Whitesun-Lars' have catch-up and cake once a week while their feral children run around the table.
Bail has been trying for years to get Owen to let Obi-Wan join them at least once - he has yet to succeed.
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thefandomchaos · 2 years
I hear y’all talk about how is a disappointment Leia dint get to bother Anakin growing up and I agree- but why do you assume that Anakin would be the one with the problems?
Padme would have a constant headache because “Oh god theres two more Anakins..” because while Leia may have the attitude, Luke acts like Anakin as a child. And bold of you to assume Anakin wouldn’t have gotten him a ship to play with. And lord when he finds out both his children are force-sensitive?
Padme and Obi Wan would be having constant heart attacks while Anakin is there being the proudest, happiest dad in the Galaxy with his gremlin children. One has his attitude and one is just as reckless as he is.
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