#objectively he's my best OC lol
choilacanth · 2 years
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I haven't drawn a finished Bataqq in so long... I just doodle him doing various things as a warmup but never finish them ;u;
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badlydrawnronpa · 6 months
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main art blog @chibigaia-art // badlydrawnronpa on ig // stickers if you have any question that is more directed at me and not specific abt DR, you can send it to my other blog!
FAQs under the cut
what program do you use?
Clip Studio Paint for drawing, this is the brush I made to achieve 🌟mspaint aesthetic🌟:
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can I ask shipping stuff?
yeah but if it's not a ship I like I'll most likely ignore it! I'm not a big fan of s/aioma, n/aegami, o/umota so those are some of the ships I'll def ignore (I will make silly platonic content of them interacting if an idea is fun tho)
who are your favorite characters?
THH: Ishimaru, Mondo, Aoi, Sakura SDR2: the main trio, Gundham, Sonia, Ibuki, Impostor V3: K1-b0, Tenko, Himiko, Ryoma
what are you fave ships?
THH: ishimondo, sakuraoi, leosaya dynamic outside of the killing game would be p interesting imo SDR2: komahinanami, komahina, sondam, soudanidai, fuyupeko V3: kiibouruma, saiibo, saimatsu, saimota (tho I like them more as bros), tenmiko, harukaito
what's your favourite DR game?
sdr2 for a variety of reasons (I like the insane cast and the island setting is my fave)! but objectively speaking, v3 is the one who takes the cake for best cast/gameplay
why no content about DR0/characters from the anime?
I don't like the writing in the novels so I never finished them, I never finished the future arc and the despair arc actively ruined some of the stuff I thought was cool about SDR2 (the whole brainwashing thing was just boring). mitarai is allowed tho because I think he's fun and cool :]
can i repost your stuff?
no, but feel free to share links and stuff
can i make a badly drawn/doodle blog like yours?
no need to ask me! I was inspired by other doodle blogs! go forth and keep the tradition alive!!!
can you draw my oc/ can I have a 'badlydrawn' commission?
I take commissions in this style occasionally, if I have them open I'll make a post on this blog! beside that, I take commissions in my usual artstyle all year round (comm info)
have you heard of [insert fanganronpa here]/ can you draw [fanganronpa character]?
very likely that I'll ignore these, sorry fanganronpa crowd
and I thought this was kind of obvious but don't ask fetish stuff lol
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sexiestwerewolf · 5 months
my new Ninjago OC!
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more information ↓
I haven't come up with a name for him yet bc I suck at those but I've got a backstory
- He was outcast by his species before the merge because of a reason I haven't fully flushed out yet (thinking of making it so that he can't do any shapeshifting at all and making it an entire allegory), but he deals with a lot of feelings of inadequacy because of this and he thinks he's failed as an Oni
- he was outcast before March of the Oni and was lost between realms trying to find a way back home to the first realm without the power of the darkness to guide him. essentially the realm crystal is the EASIEST way to travel realms but it isn't the only way, and he spent a lot of years alone
-When the merge happens he's forced to live in a world he doesn't understand at all and a lot of people during this time are struggling to figure things out. He manages to find a job at Chen's Noodle House and starts to enjoy the life as someone who serves food so eventually he leaves with enough money saved up and opens up his own restaurant
- I like the idea of someone gaining weight when they're happy bc he used to be really emaciated and could barely eat even 3 times a week due to how hard it was to survive but now he's got a healthy relationship with food and his body and he's generally a pretty sound guy and pretty mature considering things. It doesn't look like he's fat in the image but from experience an apron will hide a lot of that lol
- He does a lot of introspection and his outlook on life is that "it's complicated and messy but at least it's life," and he usually looks at things from a realistic perspective while hoping for the best.
-He still gets irrationally angry at a lot of things though and often he'll find himself taking it out on inanimate objects and then he'll feel bad about it afterwards. He doesn't do it a whole lot in front of people, especially customers, but if he's comfortable around you you'll see him swearing and breaking things (usually with his claws on accident) a lot more
- Meets Lloyd a few weeks after the merge when he just started his job at Chen's and initially Lloyd is weary at first because yk he's an Oni and Lloyd had subconsciously associated Oni with bad and everything wrong in his life, but [name I haven't come up with yet] is essential to something Lloyd is trying to figure out so they need to interact and Lloyd figures out through sheer power of being exposed to something that HEY you dumb idiot your ancestry isn't evil or bad
- He had severe issues for awhile with meeting people's expectations and he constantly ran himself ragged trying to keep himself in multiple places at once. He felt like he had to depend on only himself for a while because of the fact he let down his Oni tribe and because of the fact he lived so long in isolation away from others. When he's hired by Skylor he burns himself out within the first week because he doesn't take a break except to go home and sleep.
- Y y y es this is meant to be an OC shipped with Lloyd but they're both demisexual here bc I will always make my favs be on the ace spectrum no matter what
-Hes 21 when the merge happens and by the events of s1 he's 27 (2 years older than Lloyd). He was outcast by the Oni when he was 15 years old (around the events of season 1)
-fun fact, Oni still have pupils in my hc you just can't see them very well. they're kind of like the changelings from mlp where they do have pupils once you look closely but they blend in so well with their irises that you can hardly see them. most Oni eye colors are red, purple, or blue. some are occasionally orange, yellow, and pink. [name I haven't come up with yet] has purple eyes
- he has so much fur/hair (think kind of like mohair on a goat) that he has to stuff a lot of it in his shirt and then use pins to hold it in place and he spends like 30 minutes each day just combing it
- he works out every other day to help clear his mind and to calm himself down but Oni are naturally pretty big anyways and really strong
- despite the fact he knows how to cook he has the worst appetite known to man and will not hesitate to eat the nastiest things ever. I like to think that anytime Lloyd gets offered gross food (as he's somehow done a lot in the show) he pretends to "steal" it but he does genuinely enjoy every single food he comes across and it's not just something that comes from his life of being outcast it also comes from his Oni biology. Though, he seems to be a lot more inclined to eat certain things even for an Oni
if it's not poison, it's food!
- has abnormally large ears for most Oni and he can hear slightly better than most people. it's also another reason why he stretch himself too thin while working when he first started because he believed everything he heard needed his attention and he was constantly trying to get to multiple places and do many tasks all at once
okay now imma go to bed hehe this was actually really fun
-has a better work/life balance in the future at the very least lol so dw
-has digitigrade feet! they're not very exposed bc he wears baggy pants all the time but if you look down you'll see he's never wearing any shoes and his paws are just out
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sandeewithtwoe · 2 months
tell me about ur ocs brother /nf
Thank you for asking!!! I love my characters so much :D
Unfortunately I haven’t been drawing them recently, so most of my art are gonna have their old designs bleh. I also have a lot of OCs so I’m just gonna talk about the main four!
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This is the main group of the story! In order, their names are Beatrice, Garah, Nick and Eli.
First off, Beatrice is a human who’s been closed off from the outside world by her kingdom because the entire planet has been overtaken by monsters. Humans were scared of this change and so they barricaded themselves from everyone else. Beatrice however, got bored of her home and decided to explore the world and make new friends.
She’s brave, impulsive, curious and optimistic. People at home didn’t really like her cause she’s a bit weird, so she got bullied a lot. Her dad also wasn’t the best at showing love, so she was miserable in the human society. She’s hoping that she’ll find a place that would accept her somewhere else.
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Secondly, Garah!! She’s a goblin witch who really loves making random potions. She’s also able to do levitation magic, but it’s pretty weak, only able to pick up small objects. She wants to be able to make all the potions in all books.
She’s quick witted, creative, arrogant and sometimes over confident. Her backstory is kinda long but basically after her mom died from sickness, she decided to work in a shady bar. Then she got into an abusive relationship with her boss and got arrested by the police for stealing drugs. Beatrice and Nick broke her out of her cell.
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Thirdly, Nick the goat man!! He’s like super strong and tough, also pretty big. He’s the tank of the group! He also dyed his hair blue and his pronouns are he/him
He was in love with his fiancé but then she died from a rare disease, so he got all depressed, lost his purpose in life. Instead of getting a life and move on he decided to go in a forest and wallow in his own self pity for like 2 years. He acts all serious and scary but he’s actually very antisocial and emotional.
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And finally, here’s Eli the drow! He’s got healing powers and can move really fast (his anxiety gives him a boost lol). He’s also a big nerd and has read a lot A LOT of books as a kid, so he’s very knowledgeable about most things, although the real world is sometimes different from what he knows.
He is VERY anxious, cautious, kind and always follows his morals. He kinda sees the world in black and white, but he’s trying to learn how to break away from that mindset. After not being able to save his best friend’s life as a kid, he’s always willing to help those in danger.
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They’re my babies, I love them!! Oh, I just realized I haven’t explained the plot yet. Well basically, they’ve accidentally found a crystal that gives very dangerous powers to whoever monster is touching it, so now they have to find a place where it would be safe from getting into the wrong hands. It’s like finding a tiny nuclear bomb and now you have to put it somewhere where nobody can find it.
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feralkwe · 2 months
okay lol @yamisnuffles called me out and i have enough cosmos in me to address it, so, yes elidibus is my beloved, the ancient i love and adore and ship with my oc and compels me the most to create, i've got a tattoo and yadda yadda yadda. i'm not coming back from that accusation
hythlodaeus is so precious. he's never done anything wrong in his life or the 12000 years following. he's selfless, full of love, and imo, objectively the best of the best of the ancients we meet. all he does, all he wants is to support the best of those around him and for you to understand the goodness he sees in everyone. he never misses a chance to make sure we know the good in even our most challenging foe.
so, yes that little fucker elidibus holds a death grip on my heart, but hyth is, hands down, the best of us all. he is perfect, beautiful, and dare i say flawless, and i stand by my rankings.
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tixdixl · 2 months
For the oc asks \o/
What's a scent you associate with your OC?
What's a "traditional" or old fashioned hobby your OC has? (Calligraphy, fencing, leatherwork, etc, etc.) How did they pick it up?
What was the main inspiration behind their design?
For anyone you want to talk about! o7
Oh these are fun!! I'll do my best to answer them!!
"What scent do you associate with your OC?"
At some point, I feel like I answered this for Oisín and/or Emil... but I can't remember if I have.
Oisín = smoke and ash
Emil = freshly baked bread and cinnamon
Kingsley = pine trees
René = citris
What's a "traditional" or old hobby your OC has? How did they pick it up?
Oisín - Calligraphy, because @cyanide-latte 's OC Wei Renqiao taught them and its an activity they do together.
Emil - Tatting, embroidery, and mending, because his grandmother taught him.
Kingsley - Wood carving, because if you get bored in the woods, have a knife on your person, and see a lot of dead wood.... well... it was bound to happen.
René - if you don't count classical dance, then I don't actually think they have one.
What was the main inspiration behind their design?
Oisín - the TV monitor design was a combo of wanting to do an object head and a specific visual aesthetic you can find in Harajuku, mixed with a hint of Irish flare. Their headless design came from old Irish/Scottish legends and myths (between what I researched and what my grandpa used to tell me about the dullahan). The design that has a head came from 90s/2000s shoujo.
Emil - Besides the obvious nods to Dame Gothel, cause he's a Gothel expy, I took inspiration from my jewish heritage. Mainly because my entire idea for him as an OC was to combine the original tale of Rapunzel, Into the Woods, and Tangled - but what if Tangled was less antisemitic?
Kingsley - ALRIGHT IM SETTLING THIS NOW--- No. His inspiration did not come from Phantom of the Opera. His inspiration came DIRECTLY from The Chronicles of Prydain which is the source material the Black Cauldron was adapted from. The depiction of the Horned King we see in the book series is VERY DIFFERENT from the 1970s Disney adaptation. And the choice to use the half skull mask for daily wear while the full skull and horned mask for ceremonial wear came from a combination of me not wanting to draw the horns all the time as well as a choice to represent his character growth and development visually, beyond just the scars and tattoos he gains. He's not a Phantom expy- I promise OTL
René - Very easy. Odile from the classical ballet, Swan Lake. They are an Odile expy and in my personal opinion, translating that into a Yana Tosobo grade character design felt extremely easy LOL
Thanks again for asking! These were a lot of fun!!
Tag list: @ramshacklerumble @elenauaurs @rainesol @inmateofthemind @thehollowwriter
@cyanide-latte @blithesharem @theleechyskrunkly @starry-night-rose @boopshoops
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windrsr · 2 years
... OMG. HI. i was the one who sent the clingy darling ask. IM SO GLAD YOU WROTE THE IDEA... THANK YOU... UE UE UE
... now i have another one. how does micheal reward his darling... and what should his darling do in order to obtain those rewards? (i actually have yet another idea that's related to my previous ask but UHM. micheal praising his darling Hits Different and now im wondering if he has other types of reward as well...)
AYEEE WASSUP ANON?? I HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL- and no problem! That request was pretty fun to make lol.
Micheal (Male Yandere OC/Scientist) x Gender Neutral Reader
Micheal Giving Rewards To His Darling
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•It depends on the situation. What do you want? Affection? An object that you really want? Want to go outside for once? Regardless of what you want, he doesn't make it easy for you. He has them whole 'if you want it, work for it' type of thing.
•He makes it so challenging for you to the point where you almost feel like giving up. But when you reach that point, he'll gladly give you the reward(s) you desire, thinking it's amusing how hard you worked for it. He'll comfort you when you're on the verge of giving up, telling you such a good job you did and how strong you are.
•If you want physical affection, he'll order you to not touch him for hours (maybe even days), and then he will reward you by smothering you with affection (holding you in his arms, kissing you, hugging you, holding your hand, etc).
•If you want to go outside, you'll probably have to do chores. If you want to hang out with your friends, you'll have to promise to tell him everything about what you do and talk about. What you have to do depends on what you want.
•He also rewards you depending on your behavior. If you're on your best behavior, then he'll reward you with priase and affection, and may even let you go outside in the backyard for a while. If you're struggling, he'll appreciate your efforts, and will let you off the hook; he will tell you to take a break, and will take care of you for your reward. If your efforts are sloppy, rushed and you just want to get it over with, he probably won't reward you at all. "Is that the best you can do, pet? How disappointing. It seems you don't really care about your reward after all..."
•He'll even test you by treating you harshly as punishment if you've been disobedient. You just have to deal with him being shitty to you, because if you don't your punishment will get worse.
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honeymochibubbletea · 22 days
Goooood nighty night everynya!
Are you all okay? I hope so~!
So y’all may be familiar with this Oc that i showed on my recent post, right?
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Isn’t he a cutie child~? (He doesn’t even look like he gives people trouble… hehehe~)
Let’s start with the basics, shall we?
Nykui is a Telltown Oc.
He’s 10 years old.
Nykui’s pronouns are he/him.
His height is 3’3 feet tall (please, if someone is reading my Ocs heights… have patience with me: i totally have 0 idea of how tall or short these are… just know that Oliver is shorter than the average height pattern for guys, Nykui is smaller than Oliver and Emilly is the tallest between them…)
He is surprisingly Brazilian despite the Japanese name, lol
His comfort zone: …his little hideout in the middle of the woods… (he has a treehouse… his bed is a grocery cart he managed to steal…) (and before you ask me how he managed to bring a cart up into a treehouse… he has his ways…); his comfort food: bungeoppang or bao; his comfort objects: a blankie and a small dog plushie; his comfort characters: . . .just any dad or mom figure he can look up to…; his comfort drink: ramune sodas (he likes collecting the bottles and shaking the little marbles inside, lol) and his comfort dessert: bolinhos de chuva aka cinnamon sugar beignet.
He may be very weak (considering he is a child), but he makes up the lack of strength with agility and witty ability.
He’s an orphan neko boy who never met his mother and his father died when he was 7… he absolutely LOATHES the idea of living in an orphanage thanks for the discrimination he suffered thanks for his heterochromatic eyes and… his mixed race…
His one and only phobia is… monophobia/eremophobia…
He is a little rascal and hellion: since he doesn’t want to be on an orphanage (he escaped two now), he lives inside the forest of the small town Telltown…
He only steals food or a few toys to entertain himself with…
His main goal is… to find someone who wants him…
Here’s some fun facts about Nykui:
Since he is a little troublemaker to most townsfolk, he doesn’t get along with Charlie… (she doesn’t do anything to jeopardize him… she only picks him up and takes him out of the store he was stealing from… or she grabs him by the back of his coat when he’s pickpocketing people… of course he scratches her good and run away as quickly as he can… and she only sighs in a disapproving manner…)
Nykui is very stubborn and easily tricked when you use the right words with him… he’s not naive, but if you offer what he craves most, you’ll mostly likely will have his attention…
Thanks to his cuteness and trickery, he can fool a lot of tourists that come to Telltown.
His best friend is Lena: she’s nice with him…
He also likes Oliver and Emilly: Oliver always offers him their house for him to sleep on cold winters and makes the best cinnamon sugar beignets when it rains :). And Emilly… even though she acts sometimes a little Tsundere-ish, she has a soft spot for the neko child… like secretly giving him some of the pastries of the cafe she works on.
I really like to think that Nykui managed to convince Carter, Charlie’s brother, to build the treehouse for him muehehe~ >:3
I’m going to post a “little” (may or may not be actually a long-ass fanfic but oh well) fanfic about his relationship with Phantasmo… i’ll leave you all in suspense~ Muahahaha! >:D
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cee-grice · 29 days
OC Deep Dive Tag
I haven't done a tag game in foreverrrr (gonna need to clear out the backlog eventually), and thought I'd hit it off again with this one:D got tagged by @pandoras-comment-box, thank you!! you can check out their post here
Rules: answer the following questions for your OCs
going with the main ones, Quil and Endra (I keep wanting to say Endra and Quil, as if Endra's the protagonist, and I think that sums up my favoritism well)
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Quil: the ocean. also space. there's something about the vast unknown that's fucking terrifying y'know (I get him)
Endra: needles and other sharp objects (doctors hate him! (except Quil:) ))
Do they have any pet peeves?
Quil: too many to count 😭 mostly social things, though - he especially has a thing about improper manners (assuming the person Is aware of proper manners)
Endra: being treated as immature (he is, in fact, immature)
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Quil: too many books... ink bottles... plates (because eating in the kitchen is for losers!)
Endra: piano, cat (does that count as an item??), drawings
What do they notice first in a person?
Quil: this is setting-specific, but whether or not they have visible magical mutations, then their fashion (this informs him of their culture and thus expected social etiquette)
Endra: their facial expressions/body language (to see how friendly they seem)
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Quil: 10/10, dude could walk off a bullet wound
Endra: like a solid 5/10
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Quil: depends on the pressure! normally, fight mode, but if it's related to his Trauma, then flight (or freeze) all the way babey
Endra: fight fight fight
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Both are an only child, actually! Quil's parents wanted more, but he required so much attention because of medical stuff that they just couldn't afford to, and Endra was an accident lol
Quil used to be very close with his parents, but, well. shit happened lmfao. and Endra absolutely despises his mother ahaha (but would like his own family someday!)
What animal represents them best?
Quil: a snake (but not in the stereotypical 'grrr he's a snake' way! snakes deserve better>:()
Endra: puppy :) (he'd hate that)
What is a smell that they dislike?
Quil: the smell of dye
Endra: nothing in particular
Have they broken any bones?
Quil: he's shattered bones beyond recognition, does that count
Endra: probably lol
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Quil: so polite! so helpful! what a charming young man, not sure what everyone's on about, calling him a 'menace' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Endra: kind of quiet and reserved at first, but once comfortable, way too excitable and talkative, I should probably be annoyed but I'm unwillingly endeared by his enthusiasm
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Quil: sleep is for the weak <3 (so...both.)
Endra: he'll be the first out and the last up
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
(I actually wrote about this one lol)
Quil: he avoids anything sweet like the plague, and loves to oversalt everything (it's borderline inedible to others, and his heart will definitely not thank him for it)
Endra: he doesn't hate anything in particular, and baked apples <3
Do they have any hobbies?
Quil: he actually really enjoys reading fairytales, but he's pretty much obsessed with biochemistry, so that's what most of his time goes into lol
Endra: playing the piano!:) and drawing:) and traveling (that's a new one)
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Quil: he'd be frazzled for a second, but then he'd snap into the expected role (that'd also be his reminder that it's his birthday)
Endra: he'd be delighted (but only if there weren't too many people present)
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Quil: jewelry is big where he's from, and he's into it, too. he usually opts for more discreet and delicate stuff, though
Endra: he wouldn't go out of his way to get/wear it, but if it was a gift, he would
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Quil: very neat, but in the over-practiced way
Endra: um. um. hard to say, because he doesn't know how to write ahaha
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Quil: reaaaally depends which timeline we're in (pre-death or post-death). in pre-death, endearment and determination. in post-death, anxiety and stress and panic and anxiety (you try to remain calm post your own death :|)
Endra: excitement and paranoia
Do they have a favorite fabric?
Quil: probably silk tbh (yeah, he's that kind of person)
Endra: linen 🔛🔝
What kind of accent do they have?
Quil: in the text, I describe it as 'lilting and honeyed'. in terms of speaking mannerisms, he somewhat adapts to his company, but usually it's quite proper and 'clinical', always impeccably polite (unless you've slighted him, then he'll go for the fucking jugular)
Endra: warm and soft, but if he were to speak in a different language, he'd sound kind of rough. he speaks quicker than thinks, so he often cuts himself off and restarts lol. tends to ramble (especially when stressed)
softly tagging @mrbexwrites, @sam-glade, @rodentwrites, @raevenlywrites, @eccaiia, @amaiguri and anyone else who'd want to!
What uncommon/common fear do they have? Do they have any pet peeves? What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? What do they notice first in a person? On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? What animal represents them best? What is a smell that they dislike? Have they broken any bones? How would a stranger likely describe them? Are they a night owl or a morning bird? What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? Do they have any hobbies? Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? Do they like to wear jewelry? Do they have neat or messy handwriting? What are the two emotions they feel the most? Do they have a favorite fabric? What kind of accent do they have?
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tildeathiwillwrite · 5 months
Tag Game: OC Interaction (Round... 4?)
(idk why I keep trying to count these)
Thanks for the tag @illarian-rambling! I immediately knew who I wanted for this one lol
Tagger's OC: Mashal Darezsho is a towering robot man with bronze plating, a human looking face, and baggy clothes. He is incredibly strong and fights with a sword. As a person, he's kind and honorable, even knightly, and enjoys nothing more than helping people in need. He loves listening to folk talk and takes pleasure in the simple beauty of the world, translating this to sketch art. He is quite orderly. His main issue is that he has a strong sense of right and wrong, but he also extends his morality to others, making choices for them whether they asked for it or not. In addition, he tends to be rather naive due to his inclination towards seeing the best in people. Sometimes, this works out and he helps people to become a better version of themselves. Other times, not so much. However, beneath all this is a hidden violent streak. Mashal doesn't remember his past. He doesn't remember how he came to be broken on the side of the road. All he knows is that there is someone out there he must kill, and that anything magic-adjacent causes something deep within him to freeze with horror and rage. He tries not to give in to this dark current, to remain honorable and helpful, but every so often, he slips up.
My OC: Jarsali Fortus is an Ilunian Tinker with red-blonde hair, pale violet eyes, a creative streak, a sense of humor and a big stick to wack people with. She forges strong bonds with those she trusts, and if that trust is broken there is little hope of forgiveness. She wants nothing more than to build a world where Mages are as widely accepted as where she grew up, but she has to settle with helping Mages on the run. She is good with her hands, always working on one new project or another. A Storm Mage, she has the ability to change the weather and generate lightning, something she makes use of in combat or with her clockwork inventions. Because of this, she doesn't carry around metal objects. Sometimes she wishes that her eyes weren't such an unusual color, it's the second-most-obvious giveaway that she's a Mage (the first being altered hair color, although that's incredibly rare). She hides a lot of trauma behind her usually sunny and joking demeanor, and prefers to bottle up any negative emotions (side effect of being an eldest daughter). Most of those emotions are guilt over something she had no control over. Naturally, keeping such a tight rein on her emotions has caused them to burst out, producing unexpected, electric results.
Interaction: I can tell you right away that Jarsali would be all over Mashal, trying to figure out how he works and if she could replicate it (unlikely). She would back off if he expressed discomfort, but she would still probably pepper him with questions. Poor guy. She also knows someone who also doesn't remember his past, so she might not be able to relate to him but she'd suggest some tricks that helped her friend instead (might not work, but it's the thought that counts, right?). Curiosity aside, I think they would bond over having creative minds and strong moral codes. Finally, Jarsali would be careful to not use her powers around Mashal, even in combat situations, because bronze is a really good conductor and she doesn't want to risk accidentally killing him with a lightning strike. This may or may not work, due to the aforementioned unhealthy emotional coping mechanisms. If that issue ever comes up, who knows, they may bond over that too! (and/or find better ones together)
Gently tagging @imsoveryveryconfusedatlife @fourwingedwriter @phoenixradiant @pluppsauthor @scaewolf
@somethingclevermahogony @diabolical-blue and open tag! :D
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courtofmatchups · 1 month
You're out here doing the lords work, and I need to thank you for scratching the itch in my brain lol. Good fortune for you and your loved ones, may the lines you encounter always be short, and may you have endless creativity. Hell yeah, brother.
Could I ask for a Tokyo Debunker matchup? I'm willing to do a trade, too, if you're interested! I've only written for a few characters between Obey Me and tkdb, but I'd def love to repay the kindness.
So, hi. I'm Birds, or Birdy. She/her, bisexual/maybe ace? gray-ace? one of those, at least.
Appearance: 5'9, pale, super wavy dark blonde/light brown hair, and hazel eyes. I have a deceptively cute round face and big glasses. i've been told that I give off a naturally sweet and impish impression because of that. I'm also fairly slim, but there's definitely a layer of chicken nugget insulation for warmth and comfort.
MBTI/Zodiac: INFP and Gemini
About me: I tend to spend most of my time in my head, and I can easily come off as ditzy or standoffish. I have inattentive ADHD and I'm really introverted, so typically I try not to speak up unless I have something worth saying. I keep a few close friends and tend to unload all of my thoughts from the day on them (and as quiet as I am, I talk a mile a minute when I'm excited or explaining something interesting.) Multiple people have told me (to my face c':) that they were shocked by how intelligent I actually am. And yeah, maybe math and spelling aren't my thing, but for the most part, my silly goose hat is a choice. I have trouble speaking my thoughts out loud, so I'm a big fan of burying my negative emotions as deep as possible until i'm a walking shell of a person, self-sabotaging, and using swear words or memes to express myself. But what I lack in, like, everything else, I make up for by being as good of a friend as possible. I love making the people I care about laugh just as much as I love messing with them and I'm willing to make myself look like a fool to make them smile.
Hobbies: Writing, reading, sewing, and then whatever little hobbies I pick up and then forget about in a week. A fun fact about me is that I once spent over 8 hours on the phone my best friend doing nothing but discussing our oc's.
Likes: spooky/whimsical things, fairy lights, making my loved ones laugh and/or roll their eyes, small, comfortable nooks to hide in, music (any genre, it's just gotta match the vibes), dating sims, fandom history (putting together a legit presentation on the history of zines in fan studies rn), and holding hands c:
Dislikes: Loud places, bright lights, speaking to people without being able to prepare myself, not having headphones somewhere on me, people who go out of their way to be mean, objectively dumb opinions being said confidently, and any perceived wrong done to my loved ones
Qualities I look for: Patience and physical affection. I'm a forgetful mess and I'm mean enough to myself without someone else getting frustrated with me, and casual affection like hugs and hand holding give me something to ground myself with. They'd need to see me as a partner and best friend rather than Conventionally Attractive Girl, too. My Manic Pixie has been Dream Girl'ed more than enough.
Thank you again!
It seems to me you've captured the heart of...
Haku Kusanagi!
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I could see a few others being potential matches, Like Alan or Haru, but I feel like Haku would be the best match for you. Hear me out: I feel like he'd be initially drawn in by your silly and whimsical nature. Haku likes being around sharp and witty people. He's pretty easygoing and will tease you, but he doesn't go out of his way to be mean. He does tease you about being in the clouds at times, but he does like that dreamy side of you. He's not too picky about appearances when it comes to partners, so even more reason he's a great match for you.
As for your tendency to yap about anything that interests you, you can bet that he would like to see you get so animated about the things you like, but you might need to slow it down so he could understand what you're talking about. He will tell you though.
Haku doesn't really have a set preference for hobbies, he just enjoys making memories with his partner, so any hobby either of you choose to do would be a fun and stimulating experience.
Haku is also pretty emotionally intelligent, so he'll be able to help walk you through the emotions you're feeling. He's a patient man, and will understand if you mess up for one reason or another. He'll also help if that happens. And don't worry about physical affection, he will shower you with that in the event you're feeling down and cannot articulate your feelings in a way other than "I need a hug right now."
All in all, I see a happy relationship between the two of you
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divinedeathbed · 5 months
Show me
Your OCs
!!!!oh sure i love showing them :]]]
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Augustine... auggie... my one and only gold watcher fellow. Effeminate bisexual ass mfer. His weapon of choice is a rapier but hardly uses it. Much prefers standing and taunting humans. Other hobbies include flirting with other gold watchers, sometimes humans too!
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Gabriel and his god Rogue.
Gabriel is a lovely old man who is a priest in his world. Genuinely a nice man who is pretty progressive compared to other priests/the clergy in general. He loves reading and gardening and when he's not leading sermons or in his church he has a lovely little garden by his rectory that he maintains.
Rogue is. Well. It's a God. One of the gods in its world (ive turned @a-rogue-god into the main lore/story blog if you're interested) unlike its siblings who have abandoned humanity, Rogue keeps an eye on them. Rogue comes off as scary but really it's just a jokester shithead. (That isn't to say rogue is never scary. If you try hurting Gabriel, Rogue Will make you experience Some Nightmares) believing in the rogue is kinda like a death sentence in Gabriel's world, but Gabriel gets a pass by and large simply because he's such a beloved nice figure
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Victor is. Um. Something.! They will sum up what they are as a vampire. They're not though. Their species do eat people, and I mean that literally. Victor just has a code where they eat the worst of humanity lol. You're an asshole? Well lol. You're their snack now! They're flirty and love interacting with people
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Romeo is my oldest oc I currently have any semblance of thoughts about. Idk what to do with him though! He's had a lot of story changes and whatnot. He loves writing poetry?? He loves flirting with women?? He's. Um. He's there certainly.
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Yay michael he's like. My favorite oc of all time I used to talk about him A LOT... all the time. He's an oc of the archangel michael. Um. He's very nice and very lovely. Kind of sad. Tired. Loves being on Earth and pretending to be a human. Um. Very comforting presence to be around. Come to him sad? Oh you bet your ass he's giving you the best hug in your LIFE!!!
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Mariel.... mariel is an interesting uh. Angel. It's kind of insane! Silly thing loves being taller than everyone else in the room! Will ramble on and on about some random object and how cool it is. Mariel is actually a cherub who somehow lost its mind so it tends to not be allowed around other cherubs and sticks to earth or other lower angels. Gaining Mariels trust is suuuper easy which is beneficial if you want to use it to get whatever you want :) it is quite quite naive.
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Mariel's true form holding Michael ^
I have a couple others but I don't like. My brain isn't as huge about them as these ones. But here's a bunch that I enjoy and like sharing info about ^^
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slasher-jax · 1 month
Playdate With The Roses
Warnings: none, just a cute playdate between my oc, and Storms oc! Commission? Yea! From my mom @puppet200! Characters: Roseanne(Anny) and Rosabelle(Rosie) A/N: Sorry if this is a bit ooc, I don't really know much about your OC, but I hope I got her decently accurate with what you've told me lol.
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Rosie was sat on the floor, playing with her dolls and gently detangling their hair, apologizing softly when she would "hurt" the inanimate objects. It had been awhile since Jax had saved her from her abusive parents, and he was an amazing father. He was always making time for her, playing with her, and being very understanding. Jax had told her earlier that she had a playdate today, and to be very gentle as her "date" got angry easily.
It wasn't long after, that Storm arrived with Anny, gently sitting her on a chair in front of Rosie. Rosie was pleasantly surprised after realizing that their names were kinda similar, and Anny was happy to have a new playmate. As they sat together, eventually Rosie asked if she could play with Anny's hair. Deciding it would cause no harm, she said yes, pulling her pigtails out and allowing the little girl to comb through her hair. Rosie practiced a gentleness that wasn't often seen in little 6 year olds like her.
Rosie carefully styled Anny's hair before walking away for a few moments to a neatly stowed away doll house, opening the back and pulling out a separate doll, handing it to Anny gently, not wishing to upset her only playmate who didn't make fun of her or be mean to her. After accepting the doll, Anny played a game of house with little Rosie, quite enjoying it when Rosie would accidentally hit her and apologize profusely, while it was slightly annoying to constantly be hit, she understood that it wasn't Rosie's fault. Some of her nerves in her hands were shot due to things she would rather not talk about, she couldn't help that.
Before they both knew it, it was time for Anny and Storm to go home. Rosie didn't want her new friend to leave so quickly, however, after glancing at the storm clouds gathering outside, she knew it was for the best. With tearful eyes, Rosie wished Anny and Storm a safe drive home before being ushered off to bed, the four having already eaten before Anny and Storm left.
Anny didn't know why Storm had decided to put her in a room with another child, but she was happy none the less. This child was amazing. She was super soft with her, apologizing relentlessly when she would accidentally hurt her. Anny couldn't wait to go back to see her new playmate again.
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kitabread · 6 months
-> arrow one: Radio Romance
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Genre: Fluff, maybe angst?, happy ending but getting there takes a while lol
Pairing: Atsumu Miya of Haikyuu x Black female OC
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: Misunderstanding, profanity, a tad bit suggestive at the end, quite a bit of italicized font, in case that is an issue for anyone
a/n: it's been quite a while since I've written (for a number of reasons) but I hope everyone enjoys !
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"From the moment I saw her I knew this one was worth the broken heart." ― Atticus
“Come on, Hima. Surely you must be into somebody on the team!”
“Negative. Nobody wants to deal with guys that can’t take anything but volleyball seriously, anyway. Why would I want to deal with that?”
Those words rang through Atsumu’s head like a siren as he watched the owner of the voice pass by, her laugh disrupting the flow of the busy hallway in the best way possible. He watched as her primly pressed hair cascaded down her back in layers, brushing up against the backpack that hung off her shoulder.
In all honesty, Atsumu didn’t quite notice Himari at first. She kept to herself in class, and they didn’t have any mutual friends so run-ins were scarce. He just didn’t have the opportunity to truly see her, until…
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The sun was high in the sky, and the four walls of the gym did very little to keep the heat at bay. The match had already started by the time the girls got there, with the second set in full swing as they managed to find just enough seats for their group of four.
‘Coming through, sorry!” The girls recited like a mantra until they made it to their destination.
“This all could’ve been avoided if Himari would’ve just accepted to come in the first place.” Satomi chimed in, avoiding the glare the other girl shot her way.
“You guys could’ve come without me.” She pouted, slumping down in her seat.
“No, we agreed this would be a GROUP outing. No one left behind.”
“Why did we even have to come at all? None of y’all are into sports.”
“I may not be into sports, but I’m into him.” Satomi nodded towards the curly-headed #15.
“Kiyoomi? I should’ve known. He never talks, and that’s exactly your type.” Himari said, laughing when all she received was a smirk in response.
“What about you, Himari? Who's your type on the team?” Sakura asked.
“Don’t have one.” Himari shot her down immediately.
“I can see you with Shugo, Hima!” Satomi enthused.
“You girls are impossible. I shouldn’t have come.” Himari sighed, standing up to leave. This was a waste of her time after all.
“Hey dumbass, duck before you get hit!” Someone shouted. Himari turned to see a ball flying her way. Her fight or flight failed her, and their less popular sister ‘freeze’ presented herself at what had to be the worst time possible. She closed her eyes, awaiting the object’s brash introduction to her face.
Yet, it never came.
Instead, she heard cheers all around her. When Himari opened her eyes, she came face to face with a man much taller than her holding a ball and donning a dazzling smile.
“You okay?” He asked, his bleach blonde hair drenched in sweat.
Himari nodded frantically, unable to do anything but sit back down.
The game quickly resumed, but the swift movements on the court did very little to slow the thumping of Himari’s heart.
They stayed until the ball rolled off the court and into the team manager’s hands. The girls kept in close proximity to each other as the whole gym attempted to shuffle through the double doors.
Himari sighed. Nothing good ever came when Satomi used that tone of voice. “Yes, Satomi.” She replied flatly.
“I saw that smile Atsumu gave you. What do you think?”
Atsumu. So that was his name.
“I’m appreciative of him catching the ball before I lost my face.That’s it.”
Satomi groaned. “Seriously? Not even a little interested? He was totally checking you out! You guys would be so cute together! Star volleyball player and academic prodigy!” She said dreamily. “Even if it isn’t Atsumu, maybe somebody else? “Come on, Hima. Surely you must be into somebody on the team!”
Knowing she couldn’t get herself out of this conversation any other way, Himari said:
“Negative. Nobody wants to deal with guys that can’t take anything but volleyball seriously, anyway. Why would I want to deal with that?”
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Ever since that day, Atsumu kept his distance despite his feelings. After all, pining after a girl that saw athletes as a waste of time surely wouldn’t end well for him, right? Yet, the young setter just couldn’t shake how he felt. He observed her on her way to class, greeting professors in the hallways. He noticed how she took the time after class to help others with the material. He even ran into her occasionally feeding the stray dogs in town. Surely someone like that couldn’t possibly dislike sports players for such a futile reason…?
But that’s what she said.
His stupid brain reminded him every time his eyes lingered. Every time he found himself laughing at the jokes she’d tell her friends right before class began. Every time she wore that one skirt to class that flowed just a little too fluidly when she twirled around-
“Athlete. Not her type. Right.” Atsumu mumbled to himself, snapping out of his thoughts.
He walked the halls, nearly walking past a group of students putting up a large sign near the entrance.
Don’t Kiss, Just Tell! Do you have someone you’ve always wanted to confess to, but just couldn’t bring yourself to? Let it all out in a radio message! Tell them everything you like about them, and leave nothing out. Calls are accepted both identified or anonymous. Will you be brave enough to proudly profess your love? Who knows, you might just land yourself a Valentine… Courtesy of the A/V Club
Atsumu read the number and date at the bottom of the poster. The event was two days from now.
“Thinking of finally manning up and confessing to your genius girlfriend?” A familiar voice said behind him.
Atsumu rolled his eyes and turned around to face his gray-haired brother. “Fuck off. I was just reading it.”
“It might work if you ask me. You’re so obvious she’ll realize it’s you even if you stay anonymous, she’ll marry you out of pity and your future kids will have a fighting chance at being smarter than you.” Osamu listed off his reasons only to barely dodge the punch Atsumu sent his way.
“Sheesh, tough crowd.”
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Atsumu laid in bed that Friday night, twirling his phone idly. It was radio show night, and “Don’t Kiss, Just Tell!” was in full swing. There were multiple, rather public displays of affection, including some loser from the soccer team practically objectifying some poor girl, insisting he wanted to “see them tiddies.” That one nearly made Atsumu cut the broadcast off altogether. He wouldn’t blame Himari for hating someone like that.
The small device in his hand buzzed, his brother’s name appearing on the screen.
Samu: haven’t heard you profess your love yet, Romeo
Atsumu rolled his eyes, of course Osamu was tuned in while working at his on-campus stall and anticipating his contribution.
Atsumu: don’t you have customers to attend to?
O: it’s this pretty little thing called multitasking. Call the show! Unless you want someone else to call about her.
The boy sighed, sitting up. He definitely didn’t want that. But what was he going to say? What if he sounded stupid? Atsumu wondered if Himari was even listening.
No. It didn’t matter if she was listening. There was the option to be anonymous, so he could just call in, get these feelings off his chest, and move on from the one-sidedness of whatever this was.
Atsumu’s fingers tapped his phone screen in quick succession before his brain could catch up and potentially stop them.
“Wooo! Everyone settle down and listen up because we have another caller!” Fuck.
“Caller, either state your name or speak your mind! Either way, no judgment here. Just say what feels right!”
Atsumu didn’t give his brain time to second guess itself OR time to think of what to say.
“Well, I’m not sure what to say, but I guess I can start at the beginning. The first time I ever noticed this person was in the middle of a match. I was frustrated as the odds weren’t in the team’s favor at the moment. I was close to losing it until I saw you. It was the first time I’d smiled since the game started,” He rambled, trying his best to keep any specific details out. “Ever since that day, I can’t get you out of my mind. You walk through the halls, laughing with your friends and you’re the only person I see. Your laugh is quickly becoming my favorite song. Professors announce the highest marks on recent tests and your name is called every time. Of course it is, you’re so smart. With that level of intelligence, I wouldn’t even blame you for being stuck up or presumptuous, but you’re not. You take time out of your day to help people that are confused and you’re so patient. I even see you tending to the stray dogs in the area, and it warms my heart how sweet you are.” Atsumu sighed. He was sure people were sick of him, but it felt impossible to stop once he opened the floodgates. “I’ve longed to get to know you for months, but I doubt you’d ever like me back. So, I just wanted to speak on my feelings so I can move on.”
“Excuse me, but if I can just interject.” The host spoke up. “Are you sure you don’t want to identify yourself? This is the most genuine confession we’ve heard all night!”
“Uhh, yeah. I’m good, man. I’d love to treat her the way she deserves, but I don’t think she’d go for a guy like me.”
“Do you at least want to say your crush’s name? They should at least know they’ve made someone feel this way.”
Atsumu hesitated. He hadn’t thought about revealing who Himari was. Should he? It’s not like she’d figure out who it was regardless.
No. Himari is a pretty reserved person. She wouldn’t like her name attached to such a public announcement. She barely enjoyed the praise in class. Also, wouldn’t naming her make it seem like Atsumu wants to seduce her? His intention was purely to get it off his chest.
“Are you still there?” the host asked, yanking the blond-haired man out of his internal dilemma.
Without responding, Atsumu lowered the phone from his face, hitting the red button.
“That’s the end of that.” He mumbled.
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Himari tossed and turned in bed, sighing deeply. Her phone had been going off for the past hour, and she’d been waiting patiently for it to die down so she could go back to sleep because who could possibly be bothering her at 9 AM on a Saturday?
The buzzing subsided for a while, and Himari thought she was in the clear. Until she heard her ringtone, that is.
She slammed her pillow on her head, screaming into the muffled void.
She checked the screen. “Satomi, what do you want?”
“Come open the door.”
Himari shot up from the bed. “There’s no way you’re at my house right now.”
The banging on the front door was confirmation enough. Trudging out of bed, she swung it open to reveal her two best friends on the other side.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“You weren’t answering the phone.” Satomi brushed past her, making a beeline for the living room.
“That’s because if you’re having an emergency, you need to call the police.” Himari fell back on the sofa, closing her eyes.
“It’s not that kind of emergency, Hima. Did you listen to the A/V club’s episode last night?” Sakura asked.
“You know I don’t listen to that mess.”
“That means you missed your love confession, then.” Satomi mused.
“My what?”
“Allegedly, Satomi.” Sakura side eyed the younger girl. “Hima, listen to the recording. We really think this could be about you.”
Himari watched as her friends pressed play.
“The first time I ever noticed this person was in the middle of a match.”
“Professors announce the highest marks on recent tests and your name is called every time.”
“You take time out of your day to help people that are confused and you’re so patient.”
“How do you know it’s about me? He never said a name. He didn’t even say his own!”
“But,” Satomi raised her finger in the air, “He did say the first time he saw her was during a match where he was losing. Our team has either been losing or lost at all the matches you’ve been to.” She pauses. “Hmm, on second thought, maybe you’re the problem.”
Himari ignored Satomi’s sly remark. “Lots of girls are there…”
“But most girls that are there, Sakura and I included, have been there before. It sounds like this guy’s first encounter with the girl was recent, so of all of us, who could that be? The girl that just recently started going to matches or girls he sees on the regular?” Satomi raised an eyebrow and nodded toward her friend. 
“So,” She started, choosing her words carefully, “If the confession’s about me…now what?”
She sighed as she saw smiles spread across her friends’ faces. “Oh my gosh…” Sakura leaned forward, her chin resting in her hand.
“I knew it!” Satomi shot up from her seat. “I knew you liked someone on the team! You couldn’t peel your eyes away from the court that day! I even tried to get you to admit it but you spewed some nonsense about not wanting to deal with any athletes. But then you kept going to matches with us! Why would you come if there’s no benefit? Who is it? Tell us!”
Sakura yanked Satomi back down on the couch, giving her a look when she complained. “Do you like someone on the team, Hima?” She asked.
Himari fidgeted in her seat, thinking back to the first time she saw Atsumu. The way he swooped in and caught the ball so effortlessly, tossed it to his spiky-haired teammate, and then turned to her with the brightest smile before asking if she was okay. Himari was even sure he was glowing. How the heck do you even glow midway into a volleyball match?
But that was just it. The Atsumu she knew was a star player. He was outgoing, brash, and a jokester. Surely, he’d never sound like the dejected caller from last night that sounded so unsure of themselves, right?
“I do, but I don’t think this is him.”
“Huh? Are you sure?” Satomi asked, pouting when Hima nodded, “I was hoping for a perfect love story. Two people crushing on each other coming together for a whirlwind romance!” She exclaimed.
“Well, why don’t we try tracking down who it is? Even if it isn’t the guy you like, maybe you’ll gain a friend? Something more?” Sakura asked.
Already feeling like her friends aren’t going to let this go, she shrugged and looked up at them:
“How do we do that?”
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“Thanks, Atsumu!”
The blond smiled, waving the customer off before sitting on the small stool for a break. Osamu had run off to see some girl, leaving his twin in charge of his on-campus food stall.
Must be nice, Atsumu thought.
The past week had been…interesting, to say the least. Atsumu had to endure his teammates’ pestering as well as his brother’s teasing from his confession. The whole team wanted to know who had stolen the star setter’s heart. Atsumu didn’t entertain the conversation (He did, however, make Bokuto promise to not say anything when he guessed correctly as to who it was.)
All Atsumu wanted to do was head home and wallow study, but here he was selling onigiris while his brother was off falling in love somewhere. He sighed, resting his head on his arm atop of the counter.
“Just go ask, Hima.”
Atsumu’s ears perked up. That sounded like Himari’s best friend, which means…
He peeked out the corner of his eye, and there she was. Dressed in a hot pink crop top that revealed her melanin-kissed midriff, light blue jeans and white sneakers, her high ponytail swayed back and forth as she approached Kaito, a guy Atsumu recognized from his Psychology class.
“Hi! Kaito, right? This might seem really awkward but it’s about the radio episode from last week…”
Atsumu watched as Himari mentioned his confession to another guy, asking if it was from him. So she had heard it. Atsumu was conflicted on if he should feel happy that she heard it, or sad that she hadn’t figured out it was him. Did she really think Kaito was the type of guy to pour his heart out like that? Did she like Kaito? Had she spoken to any of the other guys? Why hadn’t she come to ask him yet?
He pulled the hat further down onto his head, covering his eyes. As much as he wanted to go over there and admit it was him, he already made up his mind that he would let it go. How could he be so sure her reaction would be positive? For all he knew, she was probably prepared to tell Kaito off. Maybe it was for the best that she hadn’t suspected him. He watched her walk back to her friends and leave the area before calling Osamu:
“Get back here before I close your stall for the day, I’m going home.”
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Himari rubbed her temples as she shut off the radio show. She spent the past two weeks talking to more classmates than she ever had since orientation. She was met with many confused expressions from students either wondering why she thought it was them or why she was sure this person was talking about her. In the end, she resorted to listening to the radio special in hopes that the confessor would change his mind and call back to either reveal who he was, who he admired, or in an ideal situation: both.
Of course, this was to no avail. All she heard was call after call of people using cheesy pick-up lines and practically begging to not spend tomorrow alone. Himari walked over to her front door, slipping her sneakers on for a quick walk to the convenience store. Maybe some fresh air would calm her thoughts.
She zipped up her coat as she turned the corner, watching how the snow settled on the treetops and glittered on the roofs of the cars.
I wonder how the dogs are holding up, she wondered. She made a mental note to stop by on her way back. The bell rang as she stepped through the threshold, signaling her arrival. She waved at the cashier as she headed to the fridge, grabbing a few drinks and some ice cream to eat at home. Noticing the dog food on sale, she grabbed a few to take with her.
“Nice to see you again, Hima!” The cashier smiled, scanning her items. “Heading to see the dogs today?”
“Yep! Just for a bit. I wanna see how they’re doing in the snow.”
“Oh! Take this with you. They can use this.” She turned to a small cubby area, procuring a fluffy, gray blanket. “I don’t use it much so don’t worry about it. It’ll keep them warm.” She handed the blanket over along with Himari’s purchases and receipt.
“This is amazing, they’re going to love this. Thank you so much!”
“Don’t mention it, see you next time!”
The snow had let up a bit, but Himari still made haste to the small alleyway where she usually found the dogs. She walked in, but instead of hearing the usual barks and pitter patter of paws heading towards her from them, she saw open, half-eaten tins of food. She saw the wagging tails of the dogs who were facing away from here.
And she saw very distinct bleach blond hair peeking out of a black hoodie.
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“Leave me alone.”
“She’s been running around campus trying to figure out who you are, and you still think you don’t even have the tiniest chance?” Osamu asked.
Atsumu pinched the bridge of his nose. Osamu had been following him around the house, pestering him about his inactivity in the matter. He just couldn’t understand how his extremely outgoing brother was suddenly taking a vow of silence regarding his feelings.
Atsumu grabbed his keys off the hook. “I’m going out for a walk.”
“I’ll come with you.” Osamu said.
“I’d rather take my shoes and socks off and walk through your collection of Legos.” He replied, slamming the door on his way out and ignoring his brother’s giggles.
He walked aimlessly for quite some time, pulling his hood over his head at the first sign of snowfall.
Is Osamu right? Isn’t just leaving her be the right thing to do? He thought to himself. It’s true that he’s never been the type to back down, but is that really the best course of action with someone he likes this much? Or maybe, his focus should be on proving to her that her thoughts about athletes are wrong. He can care about more things than just volleyball. That’s it! He’d prove her wrong and when she’s finally seen the truth, he’ll-
Atsumu was dragged out of his thoughts by a strong thump against his leg. He looked down to see a brown-fur dog wagging its tail at him.
“Now what are you doing out here in the snow like this, huh?” He smiled, leading the dog back into the alleyway. He noticed the other dogs sitting next to a trash can, also getting wet from the snow.
Finding a discarded wooden door, Atsumu laid it atop of the trash cans, giving the dogs a roof.
“There you go, that should be good enough at least for tonight. You’re probably hungry, huh? Should I get you something to eat?” Atsumu laughed at the increased wagging at the mention of food. He ran to the store around the corner, coming back with a few cans of dog food.
“Hmm, come to think of it, doesn’t Hima usually feed you guys? I guess it makes sense that she didn’t come out in the rain.” He crouched down, watching the dogs dig in. “How crazy would that be, running into her here?” He laughed to himself.
One of the dogs suddenly ran out of the makeshift doghouse, darting down the alley.
“Hey, where’re you going? You’ll get wet!” He called out until he noticed the dog stop just shy of a pair of white sneakers. The same brand he saw Hima wearing earlier that week.
His eyes fluttered upwards to meet a round, brown pair. “Oh, shit.”
“It’s you.” She said.
“Sorry?” He asked, finding his way back to his feet.
How did Himari ever think it was anyone else? “‘The first time I ever noticed this person was in the middle of a match.’ The first time I ever went to a volleyball match, you saved me from a ball to the face. ‘ Professors announce the highest marks on recent tests and your name is called every time.’ You congratulated me last time that happened. You even mentioned me feeding the stray dogs, and here you are! Oh my gosh, it’s you.” She blurted out, taking a step closer.
Atsumu scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah, I heard you’ve been looking for me everywhere. I’m sorry.”
Himari furrowed her eyebrows. “Wait, why are you apologizing? Wait, wait, if you knew I was looking for you, why didn’t you just say something? I ended up in the awkwardest conversations looking for you.” Himari’s face contorted into one of disbelief.
Atsumu laughed softly, finding her adorable in the moment. “I thought it was better this way. I knew you wouldn’t like me.”
“You said that in the call, too! Why wouldn’t I like you?”
It was Atsumu’s turn to look confused. “ …You said so. You said nobody wants to deal with guys that take volleyball seriously. That same day you were talking about.” He said, pointing at the much shorter girl.
Hima stared at him blankly before it clicked. She scoffed, looking off to the side. All this time, the guy she liked thought she didn’t like him for some off-topic comment she made to Satomi.
“I didn’t mean it that way. I just wanted Satomi to leave me alone. I had just developed my crush on you, and I knew if I had admitted it right then and there, I’d never hear the end of it. I never meant for you to hear that. It’s not true. I’m sorry.” She looked down, focusing on the gravel below.
Atsumu disregarded her apology completely, a dazed look on his face. “You…what?”
“Say it again.”
“Say what?”
Atsumu groaned. Now was not the time for miscommunications. “What you just said. I need to hear it again.”
Oh. He meant that. “I…developed a crush on you that day. I’ve liked you ever since.” She felt heat rising across her cheeks as she spoke.
“Huh,” Atsumu said incredulously. “I can’t believe I owe that idiot an apology.” He mumbled.
“What idiot?” Hima asked.
“Can I walk you home?” Atsumu said abruptly. “Please?”
“Oh.” She said, surprised. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
They left the blanket for the dogs, deciding that Himari should take the rest of the food home to give to them another day. They made the short walk back to her building, squeezing themselves into the small hallway leading to the lobby.
“I can’t believe you liked me back this entire time. I should’ve just said something.” He shook his head.
Himari smiled. “That makes two of us. Well, this is me.” She motioned to the lobby.
“Right! Well, good night! I’ll see you tomorrow.” He smiled, turning to the door.
She giggled. “Really? You’re just going to leave?”
Atsumu turned back to face her.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” She laughed harder when she saw the mental gymnastics visibly etched on his face. “Think about what day tomorrow is. There’s a very specific question to be asked.”
A lightbulb went on in Atsumu’s head. “Ah! Um…” He tugged at the sleeves of his coat. “Right, um..Hima?”
“Yes?” She asked, loving how her nickname rolled off his tongue.
“Can I be your Valentine?”
She smiled. “I’d love to.”
A rosy hue dusted Atsumu’s cheeks, reaching the back of his neck. “Wow. Okay. Well, as your Valentine, can I make a small request?”
“What’s that?”
“Maybe, tomorrow when we inevitably go on a date, you could probably wear that skirt you wear sometimes? The really flowy one with the slit?”
Himari quirked an eyebrow. She knew exactly what skirt he was talking about. “Hmmm, for you, I think that can be arranged.”
“Yeah?” He stepped closer.
“Yeah.” She closed the gap between them.
“I’m quite the lucky guy, then.” He whispered.
“You have no idea. Even though you had no hope of this working out, you still got your radio romance.” Her eyes fell to his lips.
Atsumu took this opportunity to press them against her own, sighing in relief like he’d been holding in the urge this entire time. Maybe he was. He gave her pout a few chaste pecks before resting his forehead against hers. They both let out a soft laugh before their lips found each other again. 
arrow one: complete
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bat-luun · 4 months
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(tags via @encryptidarchivist)
YESSSSS i love him very much hes my darling beloved!!! <33
(ramble below cut cuz this got so long oh my god lmao - cw: suicide mention)
The tma oc is actually an au version of 'Pai Rite' (he/she)! He's player character i made while co-DMing a Call of Cthulhu campaign. He's originally from 1982 Chicago and about 28 years old. Her og lore and backstory and what played out in the campaign is rather complicated so imma leave it out. (tho i'd happy to rant about it lol-)
For the tma version: She uses her full name more often than just her nickname/chosen name; Joshua 'Pyrite' Kerr (he/she). She was born in 1978 in LA, moved to England in 1997, and died 2010 at age 32.
She is marked by both The Vast and The Spiral! (in the same way Martin is a mix of The Eye and The Lonely)
Pyrite has a rocky relationship with his parents from the start, his father was killed/taken by The Vast when Pyrite was only 17. His mother was killed by The Spiral, which triggered Pyrites leave to England to study mathematics at the King's Collage in London.
(Idk if it would really work all that well in canon but I've taken The Vast in a less 'real' direction? Like making it less of a place of endless mist or whatever but making it more like a concept?) Pyrite's father was a mathematician and investigating/trying to figure out more of the pi number. The horror of the uncomprehendable powered my the Fear drove him to insanity and eventually suicide, leaving his family suddenly and without a word.
Her mother, turning even more hyper religious than before, turned to pseudoscience as a way to cope with the grief (buying crystals and crafted religious symbols/spells to protect her, and doing other low-key paranoid superstitious stuff).
She eventually got her hands on some colorful (sea)glass shards which she hung by the windows to catch the light and "ward off evil".
The glass is an artifact of The Spiral! It slowly multiplies in numbers in the given location, and starts changing colors/patterns of objects within it's line of sight (though the owner is the only one who can see it's effects).
The longer the artifact is a set location and affecting it's victim, the more intense the distortions get (pottery/dishes "melting" or changing shape, entire rooms becoming mirrored, objects switching places with each other, glass clinking sounds being heard from every room, ...). Eventually it moves from inanimate objects to people in the victims life.
Pyrite's hair got turned a purple/pink as a cause of the artifact. Panicked, Pyrite's mother took a hammer to the glass, breaking it untill there was nothing left but dust. Pyrite found her body later that day as it was being taken away by paramedics. He moved away after that, taking a single glass shard as a keepsake to remember her by, having no idea of it's effects.
He went on to study mathematics in London and found his fathers research notes, going down the same cursed rabbit hole he did.
She did become an avatar for The Spiral later on as the artifact went on to distort any research notes Pyrite made/found beyond recognition, essentially 'winning' and making her a Spiral avatar. Pyrite died in 2010 after Gertrude and Michael stopped the great twisting. Died mad and dazed and out of breath, trying to keep her grip on the only thing that was left of her mother, the destruction of the ritual making her take her own life.
me and my best friend(one of the other co-DMs) did art of Pai Rite and his gay boyfriend Revemine for valentines day!! :D
(also tagging @horrid-mothlegs for if you want more info for when our tma ocs can hang out >:])
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Welp, I made a TADC AU called the Virus AU, and since I'm hoping that this AU will last for a while, why not info dump about it?
Note that in this AU, Zooble and Bubble don't exist. The characters are Caine, Kinger, Gangle, Ragatha, Jax, Rolco (my TADC OC), Pomni, and the Virus.
The basic gist of it is that a computer virus somehow got into the circus, and starts infecting members of the crew. Getting infected by the Virus is basically like how humans get effected by real-life viruses; it results in serious sickness symptoms. The first people to figure out about the Virus were Rolco and Pomni, beginning to realize after seeing objects in the circus start glitching black and gold, and watching Caine freeze a few times mid-show. One by one, members of the crew start falling to the Virus, until only Kinger, Rolco, and Pomni are the only ones with no traces of the Virus whatsoever. The only way to help the Infected (what you call the ones who got the Virus) is to get the Virus out of the circus, and quickly, before the Virus gets all of them.
Stage 1
The most common symptoms of this stage is faint lightheadedness and dizziness. Maybe a few stumbles here and there. Others, and the Infected themselves, will simply think that they didn't have enough sleep.
Stage 2
Dizzyness becomes noticeable, though the Infected still may not think much of it. They will definitely stumble while walking, and coughing will start. Others will start noticing that something is off.
Stage 3
Infected will start having trouble walking without collapsing. All symptoms heighten. Infected will show common signs of human fever.
Stage 4
This is commonly referred to as the "immobile stage", for the Infected will not be able to walk without heightening Virus symptoms. Infected will have a hard time staying awake, drifting off constantly.
Out of the Infected, Jax shows the least amount of symptoms, barely starting to experience Stage 1, and Caine shows the worst symptoms, rapidly going into Stage 4.
But it ends up this Virus isn't just a simple computer virus. It is something that has existed and will exist for a very long time, something in the fabric of the multiverse itself, weaving threads and hooking people into it, and seems to know Rolco from a long time ago...
Random Trivia:
The Virus is totally not the main villain of literally all of my AUs.
Rolco is the reincarnation of Lucifer Trix, an OC I made for a science project at school.
Caine is the most traumatized out of all of them lol, he's just also the best at hiding it.
Rolco helps Kinger make pillow forts.
Gangle's mask doesn't break all the time; she just takes it on and off.
Anyway yeah, that was some useless trivia for y'all, I'm better at staring at my bedroom wall for three hours while being vividly locked in a scene from this AU playing in head instead of actually writing down the AU lol.
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