#oblivion mods 2022
mikatesmods · 2 years
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Cyrodiil Landscape Design 1.2
Global greening of all Cyrodiil cities, made on the basis of only default resources.
UPDATE to 1.2 +settlements+ stables and courtyards of castles
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Brazil Counted All Its Votes in Hours. It Still Faces Fraud Claims.
A report from the military found no voter fraud — but left room for Bolsonaro’s supporters to argue maybe he’d actually won.
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Nearly two weeks after Brazil’s presidential election, government officials and independent security experts have reviewed the results and made a clear determination: There is no credible evidence of voter fraud.
Yet Brazil still finds itself grappling with a wave of rigged-election claims from many supporters of the far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro.
On Wednesday, those baseless claims received new fuel from a highly anticipated report on the voting process from Brazil’s military, which the head of Mr. Bolsonaro’s party said would determine whether the party officially accepted the election’s results.
In the report, the military said it found no evidence of any irregularities. It also said that the nature of Brazil’s fully digital voting system meant it could not decisively rule out a specific fraud scenario.
Independent security experts generally applauded the report, saying it was technically sound. They had pointed out the same hypothetical fraud scenario in the past — government insiders inserting sophisticated malicious software onto Brazil’s voting machines — while also stressing that it was extremely unlikely.
However, to many of Mr. Bolsonaro’s supporters, including some prominent conservative pundits, the report was further evidence the president’s loss should be questioned.
Brazil finds itself in a tricky situation. Security experts say its electronic voting system is reliable, efficient and, like any digital system, not 100 percent secure. Now politically motivated actors are using that kernel of truth as reason to question the results of a vote in which there is no evidence of fraud.
Continue reading.
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cyberpunkpizzaman · 2 years
Returning to Oblivion
I’ve probably spent more time telling stories about Oblivion than I have actually playing the game. That time I randomly found Dark Brotherhood robes in someone’s basement during a burglary. That time my English teacher spent a good portion of class talking about how cool the vampire questline was. The mess that was horse armor DLC.*
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I never even came close to beating the game when I first bought it on Xbox 360. I’d launch it every now and again, sneak around, do some stealing, do some assassinations, and close it down. After I swapped over to PC I ended up buying it in a Steam sale and going all in on mods… racking up maybe 10 hours in the process and never getting past Kvatch (the first phase of the main quest).
I recently came back to the game, and oh man. It’s still so beautiful. And so much of what it does is so very interesting.
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Sometimes a game pioneers a new system or a technological innovation that becomes key to the entire experience. It doesn’t always have to the mechanical focal point of the game; I’m talking less about Shadow of Mordor’s Nemesis System than I am about Half-Life 2’s physics engine. It’s not the focal point of the game’s core loop, but it’s a key part of the experience and the game’s designers clearly wanted to show off everything it can do.**
For Oblivion, that system is Radiant AI.
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Here’s a recent article from the escapist talking about the system in far more detail than I’m planning to here, digging into the development history and some of the insanity that resulted from the original draft build. On a basic level, the system establishes a set of time and need-based routines for every NPC in the game. Around 7pm, you’ll find most of a town’s residents in the inn, socializing and eating. During working hours, they’ll be manning their shops or wandering the streets chatting with ‘friends’.
What I didn’t realize until now is just how many of the game’s quests are designed to center this system. In the last few hours of playing I’ve had quests say:
“Come back and talk to this person when their boss isn’t around.”
“Follow this merchant after he closes up shop to see where he goes.”
“Search this man’s house when he’s not home.”
“You can find the guard captain in the barracks after dark or patrolling the streets during the day.”
So much of the game is designed to show off the Radiant AI system, emphasizing NPC routines and using that structure to enable interesting interactions. It’s honestly super cool and there aren’t many RPGs in 2022 that leverage systems quite like this one.***
And Skyrim’s Solitude looks like a village compared to Oblivion’s Imperial City.
If you want to finance Todd Howard’s next Skyrim release, all links above head to the Humble Bundle store (and I get a small portion of any purchase you make using them).
* I’m weirdly nostalgic for that controversy in today’s age of micro-transactions and skins…
** I think you could argue the point with Half-Life 2; I’ve heard the argument somewhere that the game existed in large part as a tech demo for the Source Engine.
*** Roguelikes are, of course, another matter. Streets of Rogue and RimWorld come to mind on the crazier end of the spectrum.
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gameforestdach · 5 months
V Rising, das Vampir-Überlebens- und Crafting-RPG von Stunlock Studios, steht kurz davor, den Early Access zu verlassen und am 8. Mai 2024 mit seiner lang erwarteten Version 1.0 zu starten. Das markiert fast zwei Jahre seit dem ursprünglichen Start des Spiels im Early Access am 17. Mai 2022. Der Starttrailer vermittelt das Wesen von V Rising, indem er ein Spiel porträtiert, das sich um Vampire dreht, die bestrebt sind, sowohl die sterblichen als auch die übernatürlichen Reiche durch Crafting, Basisbau und strategischen Kampf zu dominieren. Dieses Update führt das gefallene Königreich Mortium ein, eine dynamische neue Zone voller Herausforderungen, die von den Überresten von Draculas Legion gestellt werden und die Bühne für epische Auseinandersetzungen und Erweiterungen der Erzählung bereiten. https://youtu.be/aB_2ZRn9F_k Was ist neu in 1.0? Neue Engine und visuelle Verbesserungen: Das Update bringt visuelle Überarbeitungen und Feinabstimmungen in verschiedenen Spielzonen, integriert mit einer neuen Licht-Engine, die dazu bestimmt ist, die dunkle, gotische Atmosphäre des Spiels zu verbessern. Erweiterte Schwierigkeitseinstellungen: Mit der Einführung von drei neuen Schwierigkeitsgraden, die vom nachsichtigeren "Entspannt"-Modus bis zum herausfordernden "Brutal"-Modus reichen, wird eine breitere Palette von Spielern angesprochen. Dunkle Zauberei und neue Waffen: Spieler können neue magische Fähigkeiten, einschließlich dunkler Zauberei, und eine vielfältige Auswahl an Waffen wie Peitschen, Bögen und einzigartige Artefakte erwarten. Einzigartige Transformationsfähigkeiten: Eine aufregende Ergänzung ist die Spinnenumwandlung, die es Spielern ermöglicht, eine neue, unheilvolle Gestalt anzunehmen, um ihre Gegner zu erschrecken und zu überlisten. Verbesserungen im Gameplay Zur weiteren Bereicherung des Gameplay gehören die bedeutenden Verbesserungen an der Spiel-Engine, die ein stabileres und immersiveres Erlebnis gewährleisten. Diese technischen Verbesserungen sind darauf ausgerichtet, Unterbrechungen durch Abstürze oder visuelle Fehler zu verhindern, um ein reibungsloseres Spielerlebnis in kritischen Momenten zu garantieren. Zusätzlich zu dem neuen eisigen Biom, das den geografischen und erzählerischen Umfang des Spiels erweitert, wurde das Fortschrittssystem von V Rising überarbeitet. Dazu gehören eine breitere Zugänglichkeit von Zaubern zu Beginn des Spiels und vielfältigere Aufbaumöglichkeiten, um das Engagement über mehrere Durchgänge zu erhalten. Langlebigkeit und Zukunftspläne Stunlock Studios betont, dass diese Updates erst der Anfang sind, mit Plänen, das Spiel nach der Veröffentlichung von 1.0 weiter zu erweitern, einschließlich einer PlayStation 5-Version und spannendem Crossover-Content mit der ikonischen Castlevania-Reihe. Dieses Crossover wird Simon Belmont als formidablen Gegner vorstellen, wodurch das Universum des Spiels bereichert und den Spielern eine einzigartige Herausforderung geboten wird. Da die Entwickler während der Early Access-Phase umfangreiches Feedback aus der Community integriert haben, zielen sie darauf ab, sicherzustellen, dass V Rising sowohl für neue Spieler als auch für Veteranen des Spiels ansprechend bleibt. Diese Aufmerksamkeit für Community-Feedback und detaillierte Spielverfeinerung zeugt von dem Engagement der Entwickler, ein fesselndes und langanhaltendes Spielerlebnis zu gestalten. Für diejenigen, die sich für die sich entwickelnden Mechaniken und Designphilosophien in modernen RPGs interessieren, empfiehlt sich ein Blick auf Skyblivion, ein transformatives Mod-Projekt für The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, oder die einzigartigen Quest-Design-Herausforderungen, mit denen Entwickler in Cyberpunk 2077 konfrontiert sind. V Rising ist auf Steam verfügbar, und detaillierte Informationen zum Launch-Update finden sich auf der offiziellen Website von Stunlock Studios V Rising.
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thetoxicgamer · 2 years
Skyrim Mods Top 100 Million Monthly Downloads, and It’s 12 Years Old
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In news that may come as a shock, Skyrim mods are more popular than ever, with some new stats for 2023 showing a record number of creators and creations for the Bethesda RPG game. With Skyrim itself over a decade old, and multiple mod-supported versions available to choose from, the fact that it’s more popular with mods than ever is astonishing. There’s been a meteoric rise in Skyrim mods, modders, and downloaders since the Skyrim Special Edition launched in 2017, with Nexus Mods’ stats illustrating how the number of downloaded mods has increased tenfold between 2017 and 2023. November 2017 saw over 10 million Skyrim mods downloaded on the platform, while January 2023 had almost 115 million, before February 2023 tapered off to just below 90 million. The number of new files has also risen on a similar trajectory, hitting around 1500 every month, or 50 a day on average, at the end of 2022. For both images, the downloads are in blue, and the new files are in yellow (images taken from Nexus mods). Skyrim Special Edition mod stats With total conversion mods for both Skyrim and Oblivion, and countless Skyrim mods of varying sizes still getting thousands of downloads every day, this isn’t exactly all that surprising. In fact, the impending Starfield release date may have Bethesda players clamouring for as much content as possible. The most surprising part to me is that despite Skyrim’s age, which the vanilla version of Bethesda’s fantasy game definitely shows, the modding community has clearly only been growing and growing. Both the amount of players downloading mods, and those making them, has only been going up. Base game Skyrim mod stats Funnily enough, the Nexus Mods’ stats for the original Skyrim have been doing the opposite to the Special Edition, showing a downturn in new files and downloads. This is likely due to Skyrim Special Edition being an overall better version of the game with Bethesda mod support, and not indicative of much else. After all, the base game version of Skyrim is still exceeding popular. If you want a fuller picture, there are almost 60,000 Skyrim Special Edition mods on Nexus in total, with over 2 billion downloads as well. The original Skyrim also has almost 70,000 mods and 1.9 billion downloads, showing a lot of content. You can see the full stats breakdown for Skyrim Special Edition here, and the original Skyrim here. If you want even more, our look at the best games like Skyrim is sure to tide you over for Bethesda’s next big release. Or you can check out a big Bethesda sale that slashes Skyrim, Fallout, and even Doom. Read the full article
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nine-blessed-hero · 2 years
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I posted 3,176 times in 2022
That's 255 more posts than 2021!
34 posts created (1%)
3,142 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@/druidx (lol)
I tagged 3,175 of my posts in 2022
#the elder scrolls - 3,213 posts
#q - 2,861 posts
#art - 2,032 posts
#tes oblivion - 1,111 posts
#tes skyrim - 807 posts
#oblivion fanart - 629 posts
#tesfic - 591 posts
#skyrim fanart - 571 posts
#tes morrowind - 526 posts
#hero of kvatch - 521 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#though to be rp a bit - i take comfort knowing that he died with honour and didn't have to live with the guilt of 'failing' *two* emperors
My Top Posts in 2022:
Per Necessitatem
Read the full post: 12 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
Abecean Blue
Read the full post: 12 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
Прывітанне, мяне завуць Тод Ховард, і я шукаю малога, каб клапаціцца пра іх патрэбы, арэнду і плаціць штотыднёвую дапамогу ў памеры 50 000 долараў ЗША, калі гэта цікава …
I have been blessed by the Todd Howard Sugar Daddy Bot! Praise the n+1
Legend has it* that when you get an ask from the bot all your mods will work perfectly, your games will not randomly crash, all bugs will be resolved, and the time to completion of TES6 will speed up by a week.
I pray all my followers and mutuals should be so blessed 🙏
14 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
I had a super weird dream the other day, in which Oblivion had been made into one of those little slide games.
Read the full post: 18 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I decided to tack a bit onto the Self-Indulgent AU, and right now the plot is:
Martin: *quietly leaves the room because he's a bit shellshocked and needs to think* HoK, pole-vaulting to a conclusion: Welp, he hates me now.
28 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dovahkiin · 2 years
Gods fuckin help me I'm trying to relearn how to mod Oblivion in the year 2022.
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tapejust · 2 years
Redfall reddit
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This is all assuming the PS5 and Xbox 2 come out for Christmas 2019 and that they release Starfield around the same time. That in my mind puts TES VI somewhere in 2021 at the very earliest and 2022 as more likely since Bethesda typically waits a couple of years or more between their releases. The best clues we have is what Tod Howard said in some interviews a couple of months back when he confirmed that a) Starfield will release before TES VI and b) Starfield is being developed for the next gen consoles. But TES VI is still pretty far off as in several years. I didn't place much meaning on the online part. The first part of your post I agree with. I've seen that before now that I remember.Īnd at E3 I think it was, they teased what looked like Daggerfall at the very end of the showing/video. It fits the timeline for development based on their project cycles. It could mean a lot of different things but the most logical conclusion would be ESVI. In addition, it protects the IP if they decide to create films, books or any other print and/or digital print work based on the IP Redfall. This also protects the trademarked IP in case they add co-op or plan to add any form of multiplayer at all. That is standard TM compliance wording to mean and include anything that may have a server side functionality like cloud saves and mods. The same verbiage was used for Skyrim trademark as well as Oblivion and thousands and thousands of other single player games. So no, I don't think it has anything to do with TES 6, more likely an upcoming "Chapter" for ESO. In the very article it says "entertainment services, namely, providing on-line interactive computer games".
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mikatesmods · 2 years
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Cyrodiil Landscape Design
Update to 1.1
+ Settlements
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biofreak659 · 2 years
As much as I do genuinely like Skyrim (with mods), I'll easily admit it's the worst of the big three (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim)
Also the only three I played
(I lied I have actually played Blades)
Anyways, Morrowind is the objective best in terms of story and freedom of gameplay. I'd love a full remaster, because exploring vvardenfell in 2022 graphics chefs kiss. But that aside the story is just so tight.
A big complaint with Skyrim (and oblivion to a lesser extent) is that you are the chosen one because you are the chosen one (unless you play with Unbound lololol)
But Morrowind leaves so much up to interpretation—are you truly the reincarnation of nerevar? Does it matter? How much coincidence do you accept before you just call it destiny?
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automaticdata-sims · 2 years
Coming from my background with video games like Skyrim, the Sims 4 community sometimes seems just plain weird.
Like I just … I think the first time I really interacted with an online gaming community was probably Skyrim, because of modding. (For reference, Skyrim came out in 2011, Sims 4 came out in 2014.) Skyrim – and most Elder Scrolls/Fallout games in general – were kind of acknowledged as being a buggy mess by the community. The single most downloaded mod for Skyrim or it's predecessor, Oblivion, was the unofficial patch. Even though there were some updates to the game, it was generally acknowledged that most of the bugs would go unfixed, and it was up to the modding community to fix them. When DLC was released, no one expected much in terms of inter-pack play, and there weren't many (any?) updates to the base game to add content from the DLCs. Vanilla gameplay for Skyrim in 2011 is very, very similar to vanilla gameplay for Skyrim in 2022.
And let me point out, real quick, that Skyrim got a graphics overhaul and was re-released in 2016, and Skyrim VR came out in 2017, and in 2021 they released the Anniversary Edition, which included creation club features (essentially monetized mods greenlit by Bethesda) but otherwise went unchanged.
Now, Sims 4 came out in 2014, three years after Skyrim, and was … not great at launch. But since then, base game updates have gotten it to pretty much where it should have been at launch, with pools, toddlers, half walls, an additional world, landscaping, story progression, etc. They've also improved base game gender settings, added sexual orientation, and pronouns. They've improved their skintones and afro-textured hair. They've added new swatches to base game items. They've added new traits, lot traits, freelance careers, nail polish, new CAS and build/buy items, CAS story mode, challenges, and more.
And that's not counting any DLCs.
And yeah, a lot of these things haven't been perfect. But Skyrim literally had dragons flying backwards and mammoths falling from the sky. Bethesda does not have anything equivalent to SimGurus, who are willing to be the face of the company to the community. They don't have anything like Answer HQ, where bugs can be reported, to the best of my knowledge. The don't have anything like the Creator Network, where community members can review DLC before its release.
So it's just … so weird to me that people have so many issues with Sims 4, and act like the SimGurus are to blame for stuff that's obviously EA's fault (packs being rushed, not doing proper QA testing, pricing, splitting content up the way they have, etc). The Sims 4 isn't perfect, but I have a lot more faith in Maxis than I do for Bethesda, because Maxis has shown that they are willing to listen to the community. They are willing to improve the base game for free. They continue to work on fixing bugs and adding content.
Compared to Skyrim, that's amazing, and I don't think people really acknowledge that.
There is merit in criticism. Criticism is where a lot of these improvements came from – the community criticized, the developers listened, and the game was improved. I do not have an issue with criticism. I do, however, have issues with nihilism. I define nihilism, in this case, as when people imply that new base game features won't be expanded on (and say that ambiguous tweets such as SimGuru George's about adding cross-pack play is a definite "no" when it's actually a wishy-washy ambiguous not-promising-or-denying statement at best/worst), say that "the sims 4 could never [insert gameplay feature here]", imply newly introduced bugs won't ever be fixed, etc., etc. Nihilism (in my understanding, at least) is the philosophy that nothing will change so it's pointless to try, and if the Sims 4 devs are anything, they're adaptable and open to change.
Yes, the new Wants and Fears system is bare-bones and buggy. This won't last forever. The bare-bones state of it was due to it being a major gameplay feature overhaul, replacing whims with wants. They basically had to rip out the old system and replace it in time for the new pack to come out. Does it have as many features as whims had yet? No. But in my brief time playing the new update (I've been swamped with school stuff), I can see why they swapped to the new system. The wants seem to be more individualized for the sim, rather than the generic "buy a bee-box", "buy a pool", "become [emotion]". Now that the system is in place, it will be easier for them to add more. They have a huge list of whims they need to go through and decide whether it's a good whim which should be converted to the wants system, or something silly like buying a 1x1 pool. They didn't have time to do that before a pack was released that used the new system, so they had to release the system in it's current bare-bones state. That does not mean it will be that way forever.
Granted, it's possible that I'm wrong, and it will stay that way – but I don't think that's the case. It's only been, what, two days since the update? I'm going to wait and see what they do with the new system. It's a better (and imo healthier) attitude than thinking the way it is is the way it will always be, and an attitude that I believe Maxis has earned the right to.
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birdsongvelvet · 2 years
Remembered that Neuralblender exists. They have a new AI engine that isn’t as good at making trippy art but is really good at making video game box art, movie posters, album covers etc, and it only takes seconds now. So I’ve been going way overboard making weird crap.
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The Sims 3: Trap House
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The best Simpsons episode
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Adorable rainbow beaver Neopet
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Harry Potter and the Gigantic Floating Orb
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Oh god why am I awake so late at night
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Super Mario Kicks Your Ass Into Oblivion
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Obama pyramids
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The Wiggles on acid
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Zoom call with Aragorn
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Blockbuster Video reopens in 2022
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Seduced by the Crusty Sea Captain romance novel
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Les Miserables Disney movie
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Morbius wins every Oscar
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Blessed big bag of Mini Eggs
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Christmas at my grandma’s house
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The Sims 2: Toilet Mods
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Wordle for Nintendo DS
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Hug a Pig for Nintendo DS
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elvenar-diamonds · 3 years
Elvenar - Fantasy Kingdom Free Diamonds Cheat
Go here: Elvenar Fantasy Kingdom Free Diamonds
Elvenar Cheat for Supplies - Elvenar is a dynamic game with improvements coming along all of the time and who can say what is on the cards for the future, but anything that increases player engagement is a good thing, so please try ...Elvenar - Fantasy City Builder Game Diamonds are the premium currency of Elvenar. You do not need to purchase Diamonds in order to play the game. However, Diamonds generally give certain benefits that speed up your progression. They can be bought with real money. What is Neighborly Help? When can I help my neighbors? You can only help neighbors you have discovered on the map.Elvenar 2022 MOD (Large Diamond Chest) -  Description of Elvenar 2022 MOD (Large Diamond Chest) Download Have you tried Elvenar - Fantasy Kingdom MOD (Unlimited Money)  is offering Elvenar - Fantasy Kingdom free for you to download, with version being releasedwith approximately 1,000,000+ app store downloads, is in the category Strategy.Elvenar 2022 (MOD, Large Diamond Chest) -Elvenar - Fantasy Kingdom is available on Apknami Application Store. Elvenar - Fantasy Kingdom - is an app that has 1,000,000+ Installs with average rating . To install Elvenar - Fantasy Kingdom , you should have Minimum 46M space and Android Version. App Elvenar - Fantasy Kingdom  Mobile Developer in Strategy. ...Elvenar Mod APK 2022 (Unlimited Diamonds/Money) Download Elvenar Mod APK Download. Elvenar is a free game but it is some of the in-app purchases. That's why, we are providing the android gamers with the modded version of Elvenar Android game, in which the in-app purchases are disables and the players will be having unlimited gems and money.Elvenar - Fantasy Kingdom Cheat Codes - Games Cheat Codes ...Elvenar - Fantasy Kingdom hack, is free way to unlock or get all In-App purchases for free.This hacks for Elvenar - Fantasy Kingdom works for all Android and also for iOS smartphones. To use this hack you need to chose any cheat code from below and type it in Elvenar - Fantasy Kingdom game console. this cheats and hacks you don't need to Root or Jailbreak your phone, and also you don ...
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omgjammyworld · 2 years
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2022? What are you talking about, it’s 2006. Let’s download some Oblivion mods.
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sensiblethingtodo · 2 years
Oh no I’ve just read about the faberry lj, not me caring about a glee community in 2022 lol can’t you message the owner and request they don’t delete? I don’t really get how it works tbf
i’d message the owner if i remembered their username😂 i messaged LJ support asking them as a mod if i can reactivate. no reply so the faberry lj is on its way to oblivion 😭😭
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