#oblivion city overhaul
mikatesmods · 2 years
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Cyrodiil Landscape Design 1.2
Global greening of all Cyrodiil cities, made on the basis of only default resources.
UPDATE to 1.2 +settlements+ stables and courtyards of castles
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@tes-summer-fest 24, day 6: mirror
When the barber ask if this is okay, and you look in the mirror and at a loss for words.
Molly belongs to @wouldntyoulichentoknow (thank you for letting me draw her <3)
Molly used to be a barber in Kvatch. Somehow Martin didn't get a haircut from her before. Until today that is XD
Remember that Uriel with fancy hair post?
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If you haven't seen that post, don't worry I'll reblog below.
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noxcorvid · 6 months
mod annoyance of the day: clicking on a so-proclaimed Very Nordic overhaul of whatever city or otherwise Place only to see roman statues scattered all over the place. actually i think you might just miss oblivion or an other generic fantasy rpg
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infinityactual · 1 year
Man I should play morrowwind but like
The graphics are physically painful to look at. I think they suck. And I play halo 2, sw battlefront 2 and republic commando, call of duty 2, aka games that came out around the same time. Yet morrowwind (and oblivion) are just.....eugh
Y'know, I've tried to figure out a good reply to this for a long time, and I keep coming back to 'What was the point of this ask, anyway?'
You sent it shortly after I reblogged stuff about a game I love, regardless of how crappy it really, actually is, so it came off like you just wanted me to know how much you hate the graphics.
Newsflash: Most TES players aren't fond of the graphics either, for Morrowind or Oblivion, and that's why there's like a zillion PC mods to improve on what we were given (If you have either game for Xbox, you're SOL). Morrowind is a fucking hinky mess of code that had to have a (rather ingenious, actually) built-in auto reboot because it crashes so often. Oblivion is slightly better in that regard, but also has graphics that have serious issues with lighting bloom and the NPC AI is hilariously bad.
If you can't stand the graphics and think they look like shit, fine. That's a fair lament. But comparing an open world RPG game with *hundreds* of totally unique NPCs, dynamic lighting, unique quests and dialogue for said quests, thousands of items and the ability for the player to modify those items built into the game, to an FPS shooter with less than a quarter of the explorable game world, NPCs, dialogue, and in-game items is not a fair or even a good comparison. They're both GAMES, but they're completely different styles of game run on completely different engines with completely different areas of focus during development. Morrowind vs Halo 2 is like my Chevy Cobalt vs an F-1 racer; they're both cars, but one is so generalized it's not superb at any one thing, and I can drive it wherever I want on city streets. The other is highly specialized for speed and can only drive specific race circuits.
There are also a lot of variables that can affect game graphic quality, from the game engine itself, complexity and overall size of the game's code, to constraints of the hardware running the game. Playing a game powered by the Unreal engine (one of the fancy older engines that was a Big Deal there for awhile in the early aughts) doesn't mean shit if you're trying to run it on a '98 Gateway PC with a stock graphics card. And console games didn't even have the luxury of being moddable until the last 5 or 6 years iirc.
If you want to play Morrowind for the story, but want better graphics, look into getting it for PC and getting the Open MW mod, and some compatible graphics overhauls. That's what I did, and it vastly improves the game experience.
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thetoxicgamer · 2 years
Skryim Mod Adds Fully-Voiced DLC Inspired by Mass Effect, Dragon Age
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Look no further than the Skyrim mod Warden of the Coast if you've ever wished for a little bit more BioWare in your game. Warden of the Coast is a fully voiced, DLC-sized adventure that takes its cues from Mass Effect and Dragon Age, two of the best RPG games outside of Bethesda's Elder Scrolls series. It asks you to assemble a party from nine BioWare-style companions, each of whom has a specific loyalty mission, and it offers a player-driven narrative with multiple endings. Skyrim mod Warden of the Coast, created by Gabriel ‘TheBawb’ Johnson, sees you travel to an isolated island where the Daedric Lord of Destruction, Mehrunes Dagon, has unleashed the jaws of Oblivion once again. In order to stop him, you’ll be teaming up with 9 companions, each of whom are fully-voiced, will level up as you progress, and have their own BioWare-style loyalty quest line. Their opinion of you can change through dialogue options as well as quest choices, such as who you choose to kill or spare. Much like you’d expect from the likes of Dragon Age and Mass Effect, you can bring up to three companions with you on your journey, which is said to take roughly 10-15 hours for a single playthrough. You’ll quite likely want to replay it once you’ve seen it through, however – there are five main endings on offer depending on the paths you choose. Warden of the Coast, initially spotted by DSOGaming, features “over 9,000 lines of skilfully voiced dialogue” from 27 voice actors, making it feel more like an official expansion than a fan-made mod. Of course, it wouldn’t be a BioWare-style expansion without a little love in the air, so there are a total of seven different romance options that you can pursue. TheBawb says they are planning an update to allow your chosen romantic partner to become a marriage candidate in the main game once the quest line is complete. They’re also hoping to add in some idle banter between members of your active party, to truly complete that BioWare feel. You can watch the launch trailer for Warden of the Coast below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVLkCmcJ1zo If this all sounds compelling to you, you can download the Skyrim mod Warden of the Coast at Nexus Mods. In order to start your new adventure, you’ll first need to finish The Way of the Voice, the main quest that sees you meeting the Greybeards at the peak of High Hrothgar and learning how to use your Dragonborn shouts. Once that’s done, you can begin your journey by visiting any of the main game’s major cities. PCGamesN recently spoke with the team behind Skyrim Extended Cut, a mod aiming to completely overhaul one of the most beloved and best open-world games with new story content that stays true to the original game’s vision. We’ve also got plenty more of the best games like Skyrim, if you’re finally feeling ready to branch out from your time in Tamriel – but not too far at first, of course. Read the full article
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countbars-mainblog · 5 months
hi! your Oblivion screenshots are incredible. any chance you could share your modlist?
so... i'll try :D
Environment: * Snowy Road to Bruma * Overgrown Swamp Waters * Enhanced Vegetation * Oblivion Grass Overhaul * Illumination Within Revived * Autumn Trees * SnusDungeons * Unique Landscapes Compilation * Qarl's Texture Pack III Redimized * Retextures from russian modmaker katkat74. You can't find them on nexus mods, sorry. :c * Improved Trees & Flora * Beaming Sunglare * A Tweaked ENB
Locations * AFK Weye * Frostcrag Village * Gottshaw Village * ImpeREAL City * Sutch Village * Talos Bridge Gatehouse * Vergayun * Waterfront Market * Lynges Thieves Highway * Stealth Entrances * The Rope Ladders * Many, like REALL MANY compatibility patches XD Audio * Storms and Sound * Sounds of Cyrodiil NPCs * CM Partners * Croaded Roads Advanced * Mercenaries
Main character * EVE HGEC Body Selector and Stock Equipment Replacer * Lore-Friendly Replacer for Default Hair for OCO v2 * Robert's Male Body Replacer * Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 * Hentai Gentlemen's EyeCandy Body * Better Necks for OCOv2 * New Brows for OCO v2 * New Eyes for OCO v2 * OCO 2 glowing nostrils fix
Horses * Slofs Horses 2.0  * Extra Slofs Horses * Zira Horse Compilation * Universal Horse Armor 1.1 * Horse Commands v4.994 * Universal Silent Voice v0.93 * Love Your Horse * Zira Horse Compilation Modpack * ROACH horse resource pack from The Witcher 3 Armor and clothes * Skyrim2Oblivion * Assorted Protective Female Armors * Improved Amulets And Rings * Slof's Sheogorath Outfit * Triss Outfit from The Witcher 3 * armor for the thieves' guild * Deceiver's Finery Replacer * Black Hand Robe Replacer * Better Gray Fox
Other * Alternative Beginnings * Kaizits new animations for NPC and player * Oblivion Cats * SimCamp * Arena BFGCR
My game had more mods, but i can't rememre other mods, sry
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jamesgierach · 1 year
by James E. Gierach
Americans are overlooking the key solution to our immigration problem.
We Americans, through our political leaders, invite the immigration crisis upon ourselves. We do it by insisting that other countries support drug-prohibition dogma that drives violence and corruption abroad, just as it does here. Violence and corruption compound the misery of poverty commonly suffered by desperate migrants. That combination makes life nearly unlivable in many South and Central American countries and drives exodus to the United States.
Violence and corruption always follow drug prohibition. Yet, standing on political-safe ground, our leaders continue to support drug-war policies at home and abroad with seemingly bipartisan oblivion to the consequences.
Drug war means drug prohibition, and drug prohibition means drug war. The two terms are interchangeable. And intolerance—zero tolerance really—is foundational.
Sadly, the Three Pillars of Drug Prohibition Policy are More Drugs, More Crime and More Corruption.
Historically in the 1980s and 1990s, Sen. Joe Biden as head of the Senate Judiciary Committee supported drug-war and mass-incarceration policies. (https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/4/25/18282870/joe-biden-criminal-justice-war-on-drugs-mass-incarceration). And despite the obvious failure of drug-prohibition policy to curb America’s appetite for drugs or reduce drug availability, the policies remain in place.
The “drug crisis” at home has evolved over decades from substance to substance: marijuana, Spice, LSD, PCP, crack cocaine, MDMA, methamphetamines, heroin, assorted animal tranquilizers, and now synthetic fentanyl. The persistence of the drug crisis substance-to-substance and prohibition-to-prohibition begs a question.
Is drug prohibition itself a universal addicting drug that numbs thoughtful political response to numerous societal crises?
Regularly, we seize illegal drugs by the ton, but prosecute drug offenders by the gram. Not smart. Large drug seizures are not evidence of successful drug policy, just the reverse. The bigger the drug bust, the greater the evidence of drug-policy failure.
Despite American’s drug-war failure at home, President Biden still opposes even legal, controlled, recreational marijuana. And cooperatively, the U.S. Congress sits on its hands regarding national legalization of marijuana, despite overwhelming public opinion support (https://www.marijuanamoment.net/nine-in-ten-americans-support-legalizing-marijuana-for-recreational-or-medical-use-new-pew-poll-finds/) and state after state approval.
Republican drug-policy thoughtlessness is no better.
Recall ex-President Donald Trump’s and former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley’s September 2018 “High-Level Event on the Global Call to Action on the World Drug Problem,” a dance performed in New York City on a United Nations global scale. (https://www.tumblr.com/jamesgierach/724020980767490048/former-ambassador-haley-pres-trump-and-broken-un)
America beats the drums for global drug-prohibition policy. That drum beat aggravates the United States immigration crisis and many others. Disagreement will continue regarding American border security, undocumented migrants, the Dream Act and immigration reform, but there should be no disagreement about the need for drug policy reform. Drug policy reform is the rough-terrain starting point to overcome many American and global crises.
Today, no matter what crisis presents itself in America—Violence, Gangs, Guns, Drugs, Policing, Mass Incarceration, Racism, Immigration, Human Rights, Healthcare, AIDS and Corruption—a fundamental change in drug policy is never “on-the-table.” Major overhaul of U.S. drug policy is not even discussed in the Halls of the U.S. Congress or in political campaigns. Yet, the failed World War on Drugs makes all these crises intractable.
Sadly, the United Nations, its agencies, and its “drug-control” treaties beat the same drug-prohibition drum as the United States. The 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs requires that every Nation State treaty member enact national legislative and administrative laws outlawing recreational drug use and sale, and punishing transgressors, inter alia. Virtually all nations are treaty member states, making this a “World War on Drugs.”
Sixty years is enough warfare to nowhere. It is time for drug peace instead of drug war.
Americans must help migrants and ourselves. We can do that by ending drug-prohibition policy. And we can do that by putting drug policy reform front and center on the political debate stage and in the news.
Immigration is a national problem, and the solution must be national. The solution must be more thoughtful than just more manpower and money, and more humane than transporting asylum-seekers to Chicago, Martha’s Vineyard and sanctuary-city venues.
Political and Fourth Estate thinkers must lead Americans to the unpleasant solution that is always “off-the-table.” Legalize recreational drug markets and end Prohibition II. That is the essential, missing ingredient in the present solution mix to fix a dozen crises strung around our necks like an Albatross of War. Immigration is but one bead strung on that drug-prohibition necklace. It needs to be identified as such and fixed nationally and internationally.
Legalize, control and regulate recreational drug use across the Americas and the World.
James E. Gierach ran for Cook County state’s attorney and Illinois governor in Democratic primaries in the 1990s on ideas calling for an end to drug-prohibition policies to stop violence, gangs, guns and mass incarceration. He drafted a comprehensive proposed amendment of UN drug-control treaties (https://www.unodc.org/ungass2016/en/contributions/ngos/leap.html) for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP), now known as Law Enforcement Action Partnership. His book, “The Silver Bullet Solution: Is it time to end the War on Drugs?” will be released in November 2023.
Palos Park, Illinois 60464
August 22, 2023
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clearesonance · 1 year
i have finally found the magic medicine as far as oblivion is concerned... 11 mods.
i’m just going to list these with the caveat that you still have to have a fairly competent pc for that dreamlike stability and smooth gameplay, I downgraded to a 6ohz 1920 x 1080 monitor as well. darkuid darn 16 better cities v6.2.1 unique landscapes compilation v2.2.1 better dungeons blockhead (necessary for the lore friendly npc improving mod.) oblivion character overhaul v2o3 cyrodill…
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horriblewarlock · 2 years
Playing an overhaul mod for Oblivion and still did my dirty trick of luring Umbra to the city so that she gets owned by like 50 guards
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mikatesmods · 2 years
Oblivion Greening Overhaul
All cities
Default resources only
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ratboydipshit · 2 years
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the great oblivion guard migration, context below
these were taken on 27 May, 2011. i was several dozen hours into a heavily modded oblivion playthrough featuring everything from the special arrows from the thief games to a (non lore respecting) gay romance-able daedra (sort of) follower. one day i walked into the tiber septim hotel in the imperial city. if you know anything about oblivion modding, the tiber septim hotel should tell you pretty much all you need to know.
one of the mods I was using was a guard overhaul. it made guards from different cities more distinct and added additional ai packages and was just overall a Good Mod. something in the way i had installed/uninstalled it or another mod had gone wrong (or maybe it was the mod itself and not my fault!) either way, when oblivion has actors in cells and those cells get removed (usually by uninstalling mods), the game will move the actors into the hotel cell as a failsafe.
so i walk into the hotel and every towns' complement of guards are all hanging out in there. by entering the cell i assume their ai was reactivated so they all began filing out of the hotel and out of the imperial city. the best part was when the time of day became late enough for the guards to decide to pull out their torches. i distinctly remember how miserable my radeon HD 4890 became as like fifty new dynamic light sources were created at the same time. i couldn't follow all of them but i did make sure the chorrol guards made it home safe.
this modded playthrough in particular is one of my favorite memories of all time. these screenshots are just one moment from a weeks long experience playing this oblivion character every day after school. this playthrough is the exact moment that i finally came to terms with not being straight and began to enjoy it. that part is almost completely unrelated to the guards though.
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poolnahas · 2 years
The elder scrolls oblivion pc all free dlc torrent tpb
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For example, when a woman asks you to find her kidnapped daughter, the system checks which dungeons you have already visited, and places the girl in a place you've never been before, while at the same time adding enemies on a level high enough to still prove a challenge for you. The game's upgraded engine selects the quests according to your achievements and level. The strength of your foes is again scaled up to your own, although it's been ensured that it would not be as invasive as it was in Oblivion. To make your journeys easier, the developers included the fast-travel option. five major cities and hundreds of dungeons. The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Special Edition allows you to traverse an enormous virtual world, in which you can visit e.g. The game allows you to gather crops, smith weapons in forges, cook, mine ores in mines, and even make armours. When you get bored of saving the world, you may take a break to do some more mundane tasks. The dialogues have also been improved and now they feel much more natural. For example, if you drop a dagger in the middle of a city, someone may either return it to you or steal it. The consequences of your decisions are now more serious and linked to the more interesting behaviour of other characters.
The fifth instalment of The Elder Scrolls series once again wants you to feel as if you are traversing a real world, populated with real people. Your character can also perform spectacular finishing moves. You can also be easily staggered yourself, which makes you vulnerable to the attacks of your foes, who are now more dangerous and durable. Direct combat can no longer by won by mindlessly mashing your keyboard-now you have to manoeuvre your character properly, dodge and parry blows, and stagger your enemies. combining an attack spell in one hand with a sword in the other. It enables you to create many combinations, e.g. Both hands of your character can now use weapons, shields, or spells. Skyrim features a new, more dynamic combat system, which demands tactical thinking. The magic system has also been changes-the Mysticism school spells have been moved to other skill groups. Every group consists of particular abilities and attacks. The skill system has been completely overhauled: the skills are now divided into distinct groups, such as one-handed or two-handed weapons. Every time you level up, you choose which of the three basic stats – magicka, stamina and health – you want to increase. As the game progresses, your character grows more powerful. You can choose from ten varied races, and there are no specific classes.
You start the game of The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Special Edition for PC, PS4 and etc. Many such abilities are unlocked by finding ancient words located in Nordic underground ruins. Thanks to them, you can slow time, push back your foes with the use of an invisible energy, and even call an allied dragon to help you. When fighting dragons, you absorb their souls and abilities, the so-called Shouts. Until recently, it was thought that the powerful beasts were long since extinct, but one day they appear in the skies again, and a prophecy foretells the coming of Alduin, the god of destruction, who takes on the form of a dragon. You play as one of the last Dovahkiin, dragon hunters. The plot of The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Special Edition takes place 200 years after the events of Oblivion.
Curiously, the PC Windows edition is free for everyone who bought the original Skyrim and all the DLC packs or own the Legendary Edition.
higher-quality textures and effects such as volumetric lighting and dynamic depth of field, and made PC fan mods available for console versions of the title. It includes all the official DLC packs and a wide range of visual upgrades. is a remastered edition of the 2011 game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Special Edition for PC, PS4 and etc. The Game Is Updated To Version - V1. + All DLCs The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Creation Club The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dawnguard The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - HearthFire
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merethicera · 3 years
just personal anecdote but cant overstate how much npc and follower mods made skyrim more engaging for me. It's a much more enjoyable game when everyone you come across isnt a giant downer
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Undead As Comfort Characters
I've been thinking lately about character types that I find interesting/appealing.
Anyone remotely familiar with me will know that I latch onto undead characters with the force of a thousand suns. I also latch onto robots but I tend to be pickier on that front so this post will deal mostly with the undead.
Under the cut as this got long.
I'm well aware that I'm unusual in my preference for the bony and near-if-not-immortal. If the faces of my irl friends are anything to go by. But I'm also not kidding when I say the joy I feel when I see a new skeleton/lich/phantom what have you is enough to power a small country.
Why? What reason do I have? It doesn't feel like a conscious choice if I'm honest.
One thing I have come to realise about myself is that I am. Very resistant to change. Even good change.
I moved a lot as a kid, never really figured out how to retain my friends once I left a place, switched landscapes from urban to rural to city and generally resigned myself to a life overhaul every three to five years. I've found I tend to be overly stubborn about preestablished decisions, deal poorly with fast changes and even with changing the layout of a room before I'm 'ready'.
I also developed an intense interest in ancient history, paleontology, geology and cities. Things that have been around for 1000 years at a minimum and still ongoing around me. Something to cling to.
As a result, I found I'm craving stability and longevity above all else in my fictional crushes. Not in the marriage or feelings sense, but as an inherent physical aspect of the crush in question. Liches that have been round the sun a few hundred times longer than their mortal coil absolutely tick this box - they defied the natural order to remain on earth through determination alone and honestly this is very sexy of them.
You would think that I'd be interested in Gods and elves as well then, if longevity was all I was after, but honestly? No.
I honestly and deeply love the monstrous, decayed aspects of the undead. It's a comfort that I struggled to understand.
Like, I certainly have thoughts about death and its place in the natural order of things (I'm aiming to study this in greater detail actually once I finish my masters in conservation ecology). I've seen my fair share of dead things. They're uncomfortable and jarring because number one my BIGGEST fear is the passage of time.
I had an existential crisis in my most recent birthday, that two years had passed without my notice and my life felt on an unstoppable track toward drudgery and oblivion (I. Uh. Don't do well brain wise in winter. I'm better now). Things change yet stay the same and you fall into patterns that don't fulfill you and your body starts to fail and corpses are the ultimate reminder of mortality. Mortality is the ultimate change and I don't do well with change.
The undead defy mortality. They defy change. They defy time.
This is a balm to me. Even though they bear the scars of time they're still around of their own accord, doing as they will for one nefarious reason or the other. There's no rush. They have forever. And it's so so soothing.
Yes it's probably bad that I only feel I can rest when dead/in the presence of death this is why museums are soothing and make me sleepy and no I'm not going to therapy for god's sake I've got a psychology graduate for a brother that's good enough for now. Anyway.
We as a society should choose to operate on a geological timescale post haste and I should get to hold the Horned King’s hand whenever I like. Thus concludes my rant.
Dem bones y'all. Dem bones.
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itscoldinwonderland · 5 years
My immersion mod setup for Skyrim:
Wet and Cold
Character Creation Overhaul
Imperious - Races of Skyrim
Wintersun - Faith's of Skyrim
Obsidian Weather and Seasons
True Storms
Obsidian Weather - True Storms - Patch
Enhanced Lights and FX
ELFX - Enhancer
Immersive Sounds - Compendium
Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds
Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization
ESO Skysharda
Oblivion Gates
Oblivion Gates in Cities
Watchtowers of Skyrim
Bells of Skyrim
Lamppost of Skyrim
Point the Way
Unique Bridges of Skyrim
Shelter For The Weak
Civil War Battlefields
The Elder Scrolls Online Imports
Uniques of Oblivion
Trees in Cities
Morrowloot Ultimate
Thematic Loot
Thematic Loot - Morrowloot - Patch
Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim
Summermyst - Morrowloot - Patch
Royal Armory
Skyrim Reputation
Valuables Worth Stealing
Bird of Skyrim
OBIS - Organized Bandits in Skyrim
Skyrim is Windy
Real Wildlife
Fashions of the Fourth Era
Wearable Lanterns
Better Combat AI
Deadly Survivalist
Rich Merchants of Skyrim
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul
Realistic Conversations
Immersive Follower Framework
Immersive Citizens
Alternate Start - Live Another Life
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garrus-vakkarian · 5 years
Skyrim Mods
@ciribi ​ asked for mod recs so I’m posting it here because it’s easier. Note: these mods are for base Skyrim, not Skyrim Special Edition. I’m purposely not including any mods that adjust the textures or meshes of the game, as I don’t know how powerful your PC may be. Also I’m not including gameplay overhauls, as the preference for those is subjective (though I do recommend Requiem if you want difficult gameplay) Now, without further ado, the mods in no particular order:
SKSE - Idk what this mod does but almost every other mod out there requires it, so it makes the list. Super easy to install.
SkyUI - Pretty much everyone has this mod. It makes the UI prettier and more intuitive. Also adds the mod menu, which, like SKSE, a lot of mods require.
Alternate Start - Live Another Life - Allows you to skip the longass intro of the game, and provides ~roll playing~ opportunities if that’s your thing.
RaceMenu - Allows you to heavily manipulate your character’s face and body using a ton of new sliders. Also allows you to grab your character’s face by the meshes and edit it from there.
ShowRaceMenu PreCache Killer - Utility mod that needs explaining: if you use the console command “ShowRaceMenu” to edit your appearance past the start of the game, then a lot of your skills are altered to be much lower. This mod prevents that, allowing you to edit your character’s face and body on the fly without having to worry about losing stats.
LeanWolf’s Better-Shaped Weapons - Adjusts the meshes for weapons to make them more realistic; a lot of the weaponry in skyrim, while looking pretty, are horrifically impractical. This mod fixes that. Also adds sheathes to all weapons, including claymores which rest on your back.
Immersive Armors - Another popular mod. Adds a ton of armors n shit. Most are lore immersive. Ones that are not can be disabled.
Immersive Weapons - Adds mostly immersive weapons. Companion mod to Immersive Armors.
Interesting NPCs (3DNPC) - Mod that adds a TON of new characters and companions to this game. All are voice acted and are quite unique. Some of the NPCs are far better than others (same goes for the voice acting,) but overall I enjoy this mod quite a bit.
Inigo - Listen I dont wanna sound like a furry but imma bouta risk it ALL for this cat man. The ONLY companion mod I’ll ever download. He has his own (incomplete) quest and quite a bit of dialogue Cannot recommend enough. Last update was in 2016 but the author promises to update soon.
(the list got too long)
Bandolier - Bags and Pouches - Gives you equipment that can enable you to carry more, like (surprisingly) bags and pouches. All are craftable, but some can be found.
Sounds of Skyrim - Complete LE - Adds a ton of new sounds to the wilderness, cities, and dungeons of skyrim.
Wet and Cold - Popular mod that adds wet/frost effects to the player. You can also allow the mod to give you debufs, such as slow movement when stuck in a blizzard.
Expanded Towns and Cities - In a shocking twist of events, this mod revamps the towns and cities of skyrim. Makes them look busier, cluttered, and all around more realistic.
Inconsequential NPCs - Populates the towns and cities of skyrim with, as you could guess, inconsequential NPCs who do nothing other than add a little lore to the game. Some are voiced.
Player Headtracking - Mod that has your character’s head actually face people when talking to them/look at people as they walk by. Also gives the player expressions when looking at particular npcs you like or dislike. Idk why but it made me IRRATIONALLY annoyed that the PC always just looked forward with a blank expression, especially considering that Morrowind and Oblivion featured PCs with at LEAST headtracking. This mod fixes that.
Moonlight Tales - Werewolf and Werebear Overhaul - To the surprise of no one, I had a werewolf mod here. This mod completely changes how lycanthropy works in the game, and allows you to adjust it to your desire. Also adds a ton of skins that you can choose for yourself and other werewoofs. Oh and it adds playable werebears. Woo.
Cutting Room Floor - Adds quite a bit of cut content to skyrim, including npcs, quests, and items. I haven’t even discovered the full amount of things this mod restores; it’s quite substantial.
Dovahkiin Relaxes Too - Allows the player to engage in animations, such as sitting by a fire, drinking, eating, and all that stuff. It’s Lore Immersive(tm) though you do get a buff if you’re (relaxed)
i dont remember anymore. I dont have my PC near me to check lmaooo
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