#oboro lives!
kore-arts · 2 years
Story Writing by @sombrerokiwi
Art by Me!
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Transcript: Your Beauty never Ever Scared Me. (Three for a Cloud au)
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Transcript: There wasn’t a single day where you found yourself scared of Shirakumo Oboro. And you’re fine with that.
On the first day you met him, you and Magne decided to team up for a bit for a quick heist. Not usually either of your styles to work together but you were both running a bit low on money and have already agreed to split.
You both turned a corner and then you saw him, leaning on the wall and grinning lazily at the two of you. Magne tried to get you to run the moment she saw him, saying that this is the Symbol of Fear everyone was talking about but.
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Transcript: You couldn't find yourself to muster up any of that fear. You were someone who kept a cool head and you were always the type to gain fear through your own experience so. The fear that came from other’s encounters didn’t really affect you.
He must have noticed that too because the first thing he said was a jab at your thievery work and how this wasn’t your style. You talked back at him, because you were young and also a dumbass back then.
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Transcript: Immediately after that, Loud Cloud went on the offensive and chased the two of you around. And while he did that, both of you kept on talking to each other and making quips, much to Magne’s dismay.
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bunbea-art · 2 months
Storm Agency AU timeline
here are the bare bones outline of my main shirakumo lives AU !!
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rainbeaudingo · 3 months
I have some ideas for how Shirakumo’s story might end. Given that we have 4 chapters left and plenty of characters to resolve, I’m gonna assume it’s gonna be unfortunately brief.
1. Sad goop ending. Shirakumo/Kurogiri show up to UA one last time, we get the “I got to be a hero once” stuff, and he breaks down on a cellular level and dies. Seems a tiny bit likely? But that still leaves Aizawa and Hizashi with quite a bit of baggage from his now 3rd death.
2. Kurogiri/Shirakumo comes back to Aizawa and Hizashi. Plenty of ideas with this one. He could be part of the de-nomufication research, or more likely, declare himself a new person and accept what happened and who he is now. He could become another protector of Eri now that Aizawa’s quirk is weakened. He could also retire with them, as I think Aizawa might do once class 2A graduates. Relatively likely, though I think it could take more than four chapters.
3. He’s dead-dead and we’ll never see him again. Pretty unlikely, like I, and Horikoshi said, he hasn’t had his moment. He hasn’t smiled, said his name, we haven’t seen Shirakumo’s full face. Given there’s four chapters, maybe it’s true, but Aizawa, whose whole backstory is based on him, didn’t get to say a thing about his second “death”.
4. He becomes a vigilante/villain. Perhaps the new protector of the Mystery Person. He’s around, likely checking in on his friends, but he still can’t bring himself back to hero society after everything that happened to him. Both by the villains and the heroes.
There’s definitely more ideas, feel free to share what you think. This is just what I have in mind as “easy” options.
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circledotdestroy · 1 year
The Rooftop Trio with a Short (Fem) Reader (Thoughtdump)
When you all started high school, Oboro was already a giant and seemed to get taller every month. He approached you to introduce himself in the beginning of the year, he was invading your personal space and you were absolutely dwarfed by him. When he realized you were craning your neck to look at his face, he crouched down to your eye level to talk to you.
You two became friends pretty quickly, I mean how could you not, and it was constant shenanigans regarding how the two of you were going to have a comfortable conversation.
You stand on chairs, tables, and ledges; Oboro crouches or kneels on the ground; and the two of you stand many feet apart and shout at each other when Oboro is shaking from holding the positions for too long and there’s nothing for you to stand on nearby.
When you two become friends with Hizashi and Shouta, the Tom-foolery doesn’t stop. They’re not as tall as Oboro, but they are still noticeably taller than you, and they are ALSO still growing.
Hizashi is here for all of the nonsense. He goes out of his way to make short jokes and intentionally places things JUST outside your reach.
While Shouta doesn’t intentionally participate, you’re not safe from him making the height difference be known either. In the start of your friendship if you two are walking together, he will not slow down for you to catch up, especially during training. He also doesn’t feel like straining his neck by looking down at your face, so he will bend over, arms hanging, to look at your face.
Oboro and Hizashi will use nicknames, and might even assign you the “-chan” honorific. They also jokingly compare you to small animals.
Despite the jokes, you aren’t immune to more Princess-like treatment from them.
If you are all out together they make sure that you’re either walking in front of them or one of them is holding onto you. (They’ve lost you too many times in the busy street not to…)
If you’re carrying stuff and are showing any sign of being tired then Hizashi and/or Oboro will ask to take it— and then bicker with you if you’re too stubborn to accept help. Shouta will let you be for the most part, but the moment you try pausing for a break, he takes the stuff off you without a word and continues walking.
Shouta would just do little favors without saying anything about it. If something was on a high shelf, he'd grab it and then sit down. If you need someone to hold your drink, he’ll grab it without a word.
If you’re too short to see over people in the crowd then the first goal is to either lift you up or get you to the front. Same thing with taking pictures. Usually Mic is your strongest advocate of reminding everyone that you need to be seen.
During training, Oboro has definitely held you like Simba while riding a cloud at least once.
You all have a laugh looking through past photos and seeing how the boys end up getting taller as the months pass, but then there you are without a single change
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i’m telling y’all oboro shirakumo will come back.
manga spoilers!!
i haven’t been actively reading the manga or watching the anime since middle s6 but let me tell you, if i got anything wrong or mixed up i’m sorry but like??
kurogiri literally disappeared?? he just despawned after doing some portal thingy for shigaraki.. he will live. he’s not dead. yea shigaraki just faded into nothing but that’s literally his quirk! kurogiri can’t just not exist anymore there would be like a body at least or some? he prolly just teleported or something because he did not die. nuh uh.
and he does remember! he literally said sorry shouta and yamada. and again, yamada?? why not saying hizashi. this chapter doesn’t make any sense at all because they had this cruel talk all alone and suddenly he’s gone? he’s gonna come back as oboro, idc idc that wasn’t his death.
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crsinclair · 2 years
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FINALLY IT'S DONE (the art at least)! My Twins AU for Oboro and Kurogiri! Identical twins - it's their quirks that give them different appearances. Shirakumo Kurogiri applied to UA along with his younger brother to get into the Business Course, wanting to open his own business one day. Both brothers DO NOT GET ALONG. They say things like "I hate you" and "God I can't wait to move out to get away from you", but if anything were to happen to their brother they will immediately throw hands with whoever hurt them, not questions asked. At some point during their UA careers, Kurogiri disappears. Oboro is DEVASTATED - he loves his brother. He never manages to find out what happened to him, and it's a personal failing for him because he's training to be a HERO. What kind of hero does that make him, then? Years later, Oboro goes to USJ in the emergency response to villains attacking the facility during a school field trip...and sees someone unfamiliar but with a very, very familiar quirk. He's incredibly shaken. But vows to get his brother back. Feel free to tell me what you think! Normally I'm just an EraserMic Dork, but this has been bouncing around in my head for a while.
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nerdyperday · 1 year
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Day 2458 Oboromaru
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akemisalem · 1 month
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i swear to God i’m so normal when it comes to them.
(no i’m not and i’m crying over them again)
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lotus-tower · 4 months
shouka sonjuku are pretty obviously bound together by a lot things. but I think one of those things that they share. is the knowledge that everything revolves around gintoki. that he encompasses everything
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salty-kira · 2 years
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Nine Lives!!!
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joelletwo · 6 months
way too late to be articulating this thought but every time i loop hayloft and see the goofy utsuro!takasugi->oboro!takasugi noooo lil sibling dont kill sensei by killing sensei. kill sensei by killing ourselves. convolution. i am more and more fueled into getting as stupid as i can in my gntm postcanon lol. takasugi's eye has always been fine and he crawled out of that tower miraculously alive. so did oboro. separately. bc they. separately. uno reverse took over shouyou and utsuro's bodies respectively. all the other altana bodies in the terminal died for real tho so shouyoutsuro did as well. so whos that baby? why its my good friend shouyou(tsuro. theyre integrating.) the fourth :)
and the shouyou body takasugi took over just had a normal ass stab wound thats easy street hes fine now. but the utsuro body oboro took over was 1. largely metaphorical 2. also stabbed 3. more importantly underwent ego death something bad. so oboro's still on borrowed time he just gets enough to hang out with everyone until they get bored of him after a month and then he goes crawls in the woods and dies. one more time
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heronoegg · 1 year
she passes out and they think she's dead so Hana tries to get him away from this place WITH THE DOG the dog lives he has a quirk is quirk is forever pupper and later Nao gets up something days later and is like WHERE ARE MY KIDS and runs around until she finds Oboro and thinks he's stealing her kids and starts fighting him with one arm and blood all over her
this women is too beautiful to go
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bunbea-art · 2 months
Shirakumo HC #1
In my storm agency AU, Hawks and Shirakumo have mad beef with each other. originally it was for shits and giggles but if you think about it on a deeper level, it creates such an interesting dynamic between the two! You'd think they would get along because the sky is their domain, but instead, they are polarized by their views on hero society and teaching the youth. In my AU, at the end of the liberation war, they overcome their differences and become flight brothers fr.
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Hello and welcome to Day 19 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies"
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Another day, another zany MHA Crossover/AU that I wanna cross off my list of plot bunnies that I wanna explore. This time, I wanna make a Pokemon AU (it's kinda a fusion more cause Pokemon Regions exists still), where people either choose to go and become a Pro-Hero or become a Pokemon Trainer.
This unfortunately doesn't have a title yet, so ideas are always welcome. (I will update this when I find a title for it - temporary one or not)
The premise is more or less like this:
Midoriya Izuku is 4 years old when he is declared Quirkless. This puts a stop to his dream to become a hero, but doesn't stop him from being a Pokemon Trainer.
When Izuku turns 7, his mother gets a new job as a Professor Sycamore's Assistant in Kalos, so they have to move. Inko sees this as a good thing since she knows Izuku is being bullied for being Quirkless. People in this world still put more importance on the Pro-Hero job than on being a Pokemon Trainer, even though Pro-Heroes also use Pokemon as their sidekicks during missions.
And so, at 10 years old, Izuku starts his Pokemon Journey in Kalos together with his new partner, Shinx.... after he falls down the Lumiouse Tower trying to calm Professor Sycamore's Garchomp down only to be caught by a Mega Lucario. (Look, I LOVE that scene in the anime. My brain will not permit me to have a Kalos Pokemon Jouney of any kind without someone falling from Lumiouse Tower *looks at my other Kalos based Pokemon AUs* Yup, all of them include the scene)
Despite the ... surprising start to his jouney, Izuku ends up traveling through Kalos with two other kids: Reina, a more strategic minded trainer, and Akira, a spitfire who is ready to have Words™️ with whomever treats their pokemon badly.
Izuku challenges all the gyms in Kalos and wants to challenge Diantha as well, but Team Flare's plans of "destruction of humanity" interfere. As it is the norm, rather than Pro-Heroes doing their job, it is, in fact, Izuku and his friends that save the day/world. A fact that hammers down to Izuku that Heroes don't really do as much as they could to help people.
This makes Izuku and his friends determined to help people out more in their adventures from then on.
Four years and many other adventures later, Izuku and his friends are contacted by Principal Nezu with a proposition: the 3 of them will become new teachers at UA who need to teach the students how to not only battle and work together with their Pokemon, but also how to use items during battles correctly and how to take care of their pokemon correctly. Izuku is the Battle Teacher, Reina is the Items Use and Strategy Teacher, and Akira is the Pokemon Care Teacher. The three accept.
And so, their next few years will be filled with making training programs for the students, butting heads with All Might who thinks their training regiment is not suitable for the Hero hopefuls, dealing with villains who seem to be flocking towards UA because of All Might, and general chaos because this is UA afterall.
Details to note:
There will be time travel shenanigans involved here because Celebi/Dialga is a thing, and I wanna put Izuku and his friends through the Kalos, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova regions - with the Movies included. Meaning Jewel of Life is a thing here. Celebi is also kind of a jerk and pulls Izuku through time. Because of this Izuku meets people that in the present time are long dead and ends up saving maybe one of them *cough* Oboro *cough*.
Inko, during her stay in Kalos as Sycamore's Assistant, marries again (this time with Augustine Sycamore). This makes Izuku and Alain brothers and Alain is ready to throw hands with anyone that bullies Izuku.
Katsuki and Izuku’s friendship never truly healed since Izuku left early which makes Izuku being one of Katsuki's teachers quite problematic at the beginning.
As a teacher, Izuku is ruthless. He kinda emulates Aizawa in his examination of the classes: the students will choose one of Izuku’s Pokemon, and it will be a 1vs20 battle. If they can understand that they need to work together and impress Izuku during the battle, they pass and are allowed to take his class. (His classes are mandatory to pass into the 2nd year, so if Izuku won't bother teaching them, it means they already failed the year)
Since Izuku is not in 1-A, Shinso Hitoshi takes his place in the class.
Izuku's favorite class (out of all the ones in UA) is definitely 1-B since they grasped the meaning of his teachings from day 1 and just improved from there. The only one that Izuku is impressed by in 1-A is Hitoshi.
All Might (supposedly) has a Lucario here. What the public doesn't know is that his Lucario left him since he decided to be an idiot and shoulder everything by himself instead of relying on others. All Might's Lucario is the same Lucario that saved Izuku after he fell from Lumiouse Tower and later he also joined Izuku as part of his team.
All Might is not quite pleased with Izuku and his friends because he sees their efforts to teach about Pokemon Battles unnecessary and also is heavily against Izuku being at UA since he is Quirkless. (He wants Izuku - who is fragile in his eyes - away from danger. Who wants to tell him that Izuku and co. took on like 4 evil teams set on world destruction/domination ever since they were 10? Cause I won't tell him all that fast and neither would Nezu)
Since this includes time travel, yes, Nezu met Izuku when Celebi threw Izuku at the point in time where Oboro should have died and Izuku changed history by saving Oboro. Aizawa, Oboro and Hizashi became friends with Izuku during his stay in the past and Nezu was impressed by Izuku's intellect and ability to battle and decided UA should also teach something similar to their students. This is how Nezu played the long game to get the best Pokemon Battle teacher possible for his students.
All Might wants to give Mirio OFA, but Mirio seeks Izuku's advice about taking it. (Mirio feels like Nighteye will just tell him to take the Quirk and he wants the opinion of someone who doesn't know anything about this so he asks Izuku, without truly explaining the Quirk itself, just that it will make him stronger) Izuku tells him to his face that if Mirio feels like this is a good idea for HIMSELF then he should take it, but also tells him that it might make things difficult since he will have to learn, in a short period of time since he will graduate soon, how to handle the 2nd power and use it reliably in battle. Izuku also tells him that if his mentor (Nighteye) is the one that decided this for Mirio, he should confront him about whether he is doing this for Mirio's sake or for his own (Nighteye's) sake, cause Izuku thinks that Nighteye is too emotionally invested in Mirio getting a new power-up for his Quirk.
Reina and Akira are my OCs - remember their names cause I tend to reuse names for other OCs in other fic ideas. Personality wise, in this one, Reina is the more down to earth, calm, and collected girl who gets frustrated when things don't go according to her plans. She hates being late to anything since it derails her entire plans for the day. She loves stategy games and finds Izuku to be a very good opponent - be it in Pokemon Battles or in general games. Akira, on the other hand, is more hot-headed. He hates people who mistreat their Pokemon - whether they are aware of their faults or not. His parents own a Pokemon Daycare, so he is very knowledgeable about the ways in which you can raise Pokemon correctly and how to make sure their diet is well-balanced. Akira thinks Izuku is too nice of a kid and that he will be taken advantage of due to this nature of his. So he decided to tag along to make sure Izuku isn't going to be in too much trouble. Akira is the one that says, "I told you so," to both Reina and Izuku whenever something bad happens - especially if he told them that they will end up in said situation. He is also the one that bemoans the amount of trouble they get dragged into constantly - Akira is still not over the "Jewel of Life" shit; by the gods, Akira kinda hates Arceus by the end of that entire thing.
And this is about all I can think/remember about this plot bunny.
Honestly, having both Pokemon and Heroes together in one universe would make people think, "Oh, Heroes know how to handle Pokemon and use them in rescue missions." Yeah, sure. They don't. Half the Pro-Heroes can't truly handle Pokemon all that well. Especially because most of them never fought with Pokemon before. So Pokemon are relegated to "sidekicks that are meant to look cool but rarely do shit." This is why Lucario left All Might. He felt like his own trainer won't rely on him to help in battle any longer, and Lucario didn't want to be some wall-flower during a fight. So he left, and All Might is kinda disappointed in himself (as he should be). I want to explore the whole Heroes and Pokemon Trainer relationship in this, since in this world you can only be one and not both - at least not until Izuku and co. show up to mess with people's expectations. And making them teachers is fun since they can actually teach something useful rather that just teaching the kids how to punch someone's face in.
My ramblings aside, I hope you enjoyed this idea of mine. Did you find it interesting or not? Do you want me to go more in detail about it or not? Or would you be interested in what Pokemon everyone has? Let me know!
Hope you will have a great day/night and that you take care of yourselves!
See you tomorrow,
-TooManyPlotBunnies-Send Help
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geosabor · 2 days
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