#Izuku is ruthless
Hello and welcome to Day 19 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies"
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Another day, another zany MHA Crossover/AU that I wanna cross off my list of plot bunnies that I wanna explore. This time, I wanna make a Pokemon AU (it's kinda a fusion more cause Pokemon Regions exists still), where people either choose to go and become a Pro-Hero or become a Pokemon Trainer.
This unfortunately doesn't have a title yet, so ideas are always welcome. (I will update this when I find a title for it - temporary one or not)
The premise is more or less like this:
Midoriya Izuku is 4 years old when he is declared Quirkless. This puts a stop to his dream to become a hero, but doesn't stop him from being a Pokemon Trainer.
When Izuku turns 7, his mother gets a new job as a Professor Sycamore's Assistant in Kalos, so they have to move. Inko sees this as a good thing since she knows Izuku is being bullied for being Quirkless. People in this world still put more importance on the Pro-Hero job than on being a Pokemon Trainer, even though Pro-Heroes also use Pokemon as their sidekicks during missions.
And so, at 10 years old, Izuku starts his Pokemon Journey in Kalos together with his new partner, Shinx.... after he falls down the Lumiouse Tower trying to calm Professor Sycamore's Garchomp down only to be caught by a Mega Lucario. (Look, I LOVE that scene in the anime. My brain will not permit me to have a Kalos Pokemon Jouney of any kind without someone falling from Lumiouse Tower *looks at my other Kalos based Pokemon AUs* Yup, all of them include the scene)
Despite the ... surprising start to his jouney, Izuku ends up traveling through Kalos with two other kids: Reina, a more strategic minded trainer, and Akira, a spitfire who is ready to have Words™️ with whomever treats their pokemon badly.
Izuku challenges all the gyms in Kalos and wants to challenge Diantha as well, but Team Flare's plans of "destruction of humanity" interfere. As it is the norm, rather than Pro-Heroes doing their job, it is, in fact, Izuku and his friends that save the day/world. A fact that hammers down to Izuku that Heroes don't really do as much as they could to help people.
This makes Izuku and his friends determined to help people out more in their adventures from then on.
Four years and many other adventures later, Izuku and his friends are contacted by Principal Nezu with a proposition: the 3 of them will become new teachers at UA who need to teach the students how to not only battle and work together with their Pokemon, but also how to use items during battles correctly and how to take care of their pokemon correctly. Izuku is the Battle Teacher, Reina is the Items Use and Strategy Teacher, and Akira is the Pokemon Care Teacher. The three accept.
And so, their next few years will be filled with making training programs for the students, butting heads with All Might who thinks their training regiment is not suitable for the Hero hopefuls, dealing with villains who seem to be flocking towards UA because of All Might, and general chaos because this is UA afterall.
Details to note:
There will be time travel shenanigans involved here because Celebi/Dialga is a thing, and I wanna put Izuku and his friends through the Kalos, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova regions - with the Movies included. Meaning Jewel of Life is a thing here. Celebi is also kind of a jerk and pulls Izuku through time. Because of this Izuku meets people that in the present time are long dead and ends up saving maybe one of them *cough* Oboro *cough*.
Inko, during her stay in Kalos as Sycamore's Assistant, marries again (this time with Augustine Sycamore). This makes Izuku and Alain brothers and Alain is ready to throw hands with anyone that bullies Izuku.
Katsuki and Izuku’s friendship never truly healed since Izuku left early which makes Izuku being one of Katsuki's teachers quite problematic at the beginning.
As a teacher, Izuku is ruthless. He kinda emulates Aizawa in his examination of the classes: the students will choose one of Izuku’s Pokemon, and it will be a 1vs20 battle. If they can understand that they need to work together and impress Izuku during the battle, they pass and are allowed to take his class. (His classes are mandatory to pass into the 2nd year, so if Izuku won't bother teaching them, it means they already failed the year)
Since Izuku is not in 1-A, Shinso Hitoshi takes his place in the class.
Izuku's favorite class (out of all the ones in UA) is definitely 1-B since they grasped the meaning of his teachings from day 1 and just improved from there. The only one that Izuku is impressed by in 1-A is Hitoshi.
All Might (supposedly) has a Lucario here. What the public doesn't know is that his Lucario left him since he decided to be an idiot and shoulder everything by himself instead of relying on others. All Might's Lucario is the same Lucario that saved Izuku after he fell from Lumiouse Tower and later he also joined Izuku as part of his team.
All Might is not quite pleased with Izuku and his friends because he sees their efforts to teach about Pokemon Battles unnecessary and also is heavily against Izuku being at UA since he is Quirkless. (He wants Izuku - who is fragile in his eyes - away from danger. Who wants to tell him that Izuku and co. took on like 4 evil teams set on world destruction/domination ever since they were 10? Cause I won't tell him all that fast and neither would Nezu)
Since this includes time travel, yes, Nezu met Izuku when Celebi threw Izuku at the point in time where Oboro should have died and Izuku changed history by saving Oboro. Aizawa, Oboro and Hizashi became friends with Izuku during his stay in the past and Nezu was impressed by Izuku's intellect and ability to battle and decided UA should also teach something similar to their students. This is how Nezu played the long game to get the best Pokemon Battle teacher possible for his students.
All Might wants to give Mirio OFA, but Mirio seeks Izuku's advice about taking it. (Mirio feels like Nighteye will just tell him to take the Quirk and he wants the opinion of someone who doesn't know anything about this so he asks Izuku, without truly explaining the Quirk itself, just that it will make him stronger) Izuku tells him to his face that if Mirio feels like this is a good idea for HIMSELF then he should take it, but also tells him that it might make things difficult since he will have to learn, in a short period of time since he will graduate soon, how to handle the 2nd power and use it reliably in battle. Izuku also tells him that if his mentor (Nighteye) is the one that decided this for Mirio, he should confront him about whether he is doing this for Mirio's sake or for his own (Nighteye's) sake, cause Izuku thinks that Nighteye is too emotionally invested in Mirio getting a new power-up for his Quirk.
Reina and Akira are my OCs - remember their names cause I tend to reuse names for other OCs in other fic ideas. Personality wise, in this one, Reina is the more down to earth, calm, and collected girl who gets frustrated when things don't go according to her plans. She hates being late to anything since it derails her entire plans for the day. She loves stategy games and finds Izuku to be a very good opponent - be it in Pokemon Battles or in general games. Akira, on the other hand, is more hot-headed. He hates people who mistreat their Pokemon - whether they are aware of their faults or not. His parents own a Pokemon Daycare, so he is very knowledgeable about the ways in which you can raise Pokemon correctly and how to make sure their diet is well-balanced. Akira thinks Izuku is too nice of a kid and that he will be taken advantage of due to this nature of his. So he decided to tag along to make sure Izuku isn't going to be in too much trouble. Akira is the one that says, "I told you so," to both Reina and Izuku whenever something bad happens - especially if he told them that they will end up in said situation. He is also the one that bemoans the amount of trouble they get dragged into constantly - Akira is still not over the "Jewel of Life" shit; by the gods, Akira kinda hates Arceus by the end of that entire thing.
And this is about all I can think/remember about this plot bunny.
Honestly, having both Pokemon and Heroes together in one universe would make people think, "Oh, Heroes know how to handle Pokemon and use them in rescue missions." Yeah, sure. They don't. Half the Pro-Heroes can't truly handle Pokemon all that well. Especially because most of them never fought with Pokemon before. So Pokemon are relegated to "sidekicks that are meant to look cool but rarely do shit." This is why Lucario left All Might. He felt like his own trainer won't rely on him to help in battle any longer, and Lucario didn't want to be some wall-flower during a fight. So he left, and All Might is kinda disappointed in himself (as he should be). I want to explore the whole Heroes and Pokemon Trainer relationship in this, since in this world you can only be one and not both - at least not until Izuku and co. show up to mess with people's expectations. And making them teachers is fun since they can actually teach something useful rather that just teaching the kids how to punch someone's face in.
My ramblings aside, I hope you enjoyed this idea of mine. Did you find it interesting or not? Do you want me to go more in detail about it or not? Or would you be interested in what Pokemon everyone has? Let me know!
Hope you will have a great day/night and that you take care of yourselves!
See you tomorrow,
-TooManyPlotBunnies-Send Help
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ramblebramblefun · 1 month
Katsuki didn't start all this crap to get back at Deku or something, so don't get it fucking twisted. He's doing this for Deku's own damn good and that's that.
Don't you get it? Deku wants to be a fucking hero.
If Deku becomes a fucking hero, he'll die.
That's the long and fucking short of it. Even Deku's precious Eraserhead, if he really exists, has got a quirk to fall back on even if he fights quirkless most of the time. Allegedly.
Deku ain't got nothing. He's fucking quirkless. Quirkless, useless, stupid, vulnerable.
He can't be a fucking hero.
Katsuki can, because Katsuki's got the goddamned quirk for it, but Deku-
How was Katsuki supposed to know? He was like, three when he got his quirk, ahead of the pack right from the start. He'd thought that Deku's quirk would come in at four like everyone else's did. A whole year of dreaming.
Course, then Deku had to ruin it. That fucker.
Katsuki can feel those bug-eyes burning... Right about... There!
"Quit following me!" He screams, because he's beginning to suspect that Deku's deaf as well as stupid.
Stupid fucking- A quirkless wonder can't be a hero. No amount of following Katsuki around scribbling in little stalker notebooks is going to change that.
"Yeah!" Fingers yells. "Quit following us!"
Fingers is a fucking sheep. Baa baa baa, all fucking day, saying everything Katsuki says one beat behind.
Katsuki doesn't know why he keeps him around. Deku would be more interesting, but he can't let Deku follow him because then the little fuck will follow him right into U-fucking-A, and Katsuki can't- He won't-
It's not fucking happening.
Deku creeps out from behind the bush with his head tucked right down into his collar, like some kind of turtle, and if he had a turtle quirk then at least he'd have some kind of armour to protect him but he doesn't because he's fucking quirkless.
And he wants to be a hero.
Can't forget that. Not until Katsuki beats it out of him at least.
He has to.
If he doesn't do it now, someone else, a villain most likely, will teach Deku the real fucking hard way and Katsuki can't-
"Deku." He growls, popping off explosions.
Deku meeps at him, honest to god. Little fucking-
Katsuki lunges, and Deku shrieks but doesn't fucking run, because he's an idiot that only ever stands his ground at the worst fucking times and if he actually lets Katsuki catch him with these hands then Katsuki might actually kill him himself and save the world the trouble.
Katsuki will make it quick. Way quicker than a villain, at any rate.
And then Katsuki will go to jail and not be able to be a hero and it will be entirely Deku's fault and-
Fortunately for himself and Katsuki's future career, Deku throws himself backwards at the last fucking second. Katsuki's hands slap nothing but air.
"Yeah, you better run." He hisses, despite Deku not really doing any such thing.
He's just standing there, really. Looking at Katsuki with those big bug-eyes, clutching his notebook to his chest.
"Sorry, Kacchan! I didn't mean-"
"Go away, Deku." Katsuki snarls. He raises a crackling palm demonstratively.
"Take a fucking hint."
He's standing close enough now that he could actually land a hit, and Deku fucking knows it, the way he's watching Katsuki's hands.
"Right." Deku mutters to himself.
He starts muttering some other things too, but Katsuki is not fucking listening. He strides away while Deku's distracted, shoving at Fingers and What's-his-face to get them moving too.
They immediately begin warbling about how Katsuki 'sure showed him', or something equally obnoxious and not worth the time to process. Where can he go that Deku won't think to follow?
Nowhere, the fucking stalker knows everything about him.
Okay, new plan.
"Alright, extras," he says sweetly. "I'm letting you decide where we're going next."
This prompts a chorus of bleating, sheep being terrible at making their own decisions. What's-his-face eventually coughs something out, and Katsuki shoves him to the front.
The extra fucking hesitates.
Katsuki pops his palms meaningfully.
The sheep startles, and scurries, and Katsuki follows after like a herding dog, because that's the only way he deigns to follow anyone.
He's in charge of this circus, make no mistake.
That does not, however, mean that he wants to go to the fucking circus. The things he does for that little-
Whatever. Forget him. Katsuki's going to enjoy the rest of this day Deku-free.
Or else.
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acerathia · 1 year
Izuku has no mercy when it comes to monopoly. It doesn't matter how much you mean to him, he wil destroy anyone getting in his way, even you. His tactical and analytical skills are so top-tier, he could do anything, but he choses to win in Monopoly. And no matter how often he wins, everyone still wants to play, in hopes of defeating him.
But they can't, only you could, if you act smart enough. If you strike a good deal with him, he could accept you and win with you. But only if the deal is good. When playing monopoly he needs a business partner, not a romantic one. And after knowing what to do to win his trust in this game, you joined his win streak.
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epickiya722 · 1 year
There are two that I would not ever want to get on their bad side and make them angry.
That's Midoriya and Tokoyami.
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Subby whiny boys who cry so pathetically for you :(((
Featuring: Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Kyojuro, Satoru, Suguru, Megumi, Itadori, Choso, Izuku, Denki, Kiri, Denji, Jean, Connie, Armin, + any of your faves!
MDNI, smut/NSFW under the cut.
It’s mean, the way you’re jerking him off so quickly, flicking your wrist every time you get to the leaky tip. His hips stutter and press back into the mattress, trying to wiggle away from your ruthless handjob. He’s already came twice, the overstimulation beginning to get to him as tears spill from his eyes, whiny moans and whimpers leaving his bruised lips. “B-baby please, can’t cum anymore. ‘S too much.” And you only hum in response, licking the tears rolling down his cheeks, running your thumb over his tip and kissing his nose. “Aww, but you’re doing so good for me, sweetheart. You can gimme another, can’t you? Be my good boy and cum one more time? I’ll let you eat me out after, honey. I promise. That sound good?” He lets put a pitiful whine as your hand speeds up, but his cock twitches at the promise of eating you out. Getting to taste your pretty pussy, get your juices all over his face, make you cum all over his tongue. You tighten your hand around the base of his dick and he whimpers, letting his head fall against the pillows as his eyes roll back. His mouth falls open and his hands fall to your shoulders, lightly pushing you away like he wants you to ease up, only for his hips to move in time with your hand. No sounds come from him until he’s shooting thin ropes of cum, a loud, strangled moan echoing in the room as his load lands all over your hand and his stomach, as pitiful as it was. Less than the two other times, but just as powerful, since it leaves him twitching and his thighs shaking. Pressing a kiss to his drool soaked lips, he whimpers when your thumb grazes his sensitive tip, whining against your lips. “Y-you promised.” Cooing softly, your free hand rubs his thigh, feeling it tense when your hand wraps around his dick again. “‘M sorry baby, can’t help myself. You’re just so pretty when you cum. I promise this is the last one, okay? Just wanna see your pretty face one more time.”
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hatsunevita · 3 months
we all sleep on the funniest brosistp that could possibly be created in mha, which is
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each of their interactions is hilarious cuz they have similar personalities and can constantly annoy the shit out of each other.
don’t tell me they’re not gonna be friends in epilogues.
at first they just accidentally see each other all the time at the hospital for their regular check-up, and they banter and bicker all the time. then they start texting each other and miruko is absolutely ruthless with jokes about katsuki’s obvious crush on his Best Friend and she becomes SO invested in bkdk’s development like😭😭
miruko, texting: Are you coming to the hospital today?
bakugo: Nah, me and Izuku are going to train together, so I’ll check in tomorrow.
miruko: Lol ur down so bad
miruko: Ok good luck on your date
bakugo: IT’S NOT A
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yanderemisery · 23 days
CEO Izuku Midoriya x personal assistant reader
TW: obsession, yandere, naive darling, dub-con, no quirks au, normal society.
Izuku Midoriya had it all. At just 28, he was the CEO of a tech company that was revolutionizing the industry. He was tall, strong, and devastatingly handsome, with the kind of wealth that made people sit up and pay attention when he walked into a room. Everything about him screamed power and control, from the way he spoke in board meetings to the sharp, precise way he dressed in tailored suits. But there was one thing Izuku couldn't control-his obsession with Darling.
Darling was different from the other assistants he'd had over the years. She was small, almost delicate, with a frame that seemed as though it could be swept away in a strong wind. Her hands, in particular, fascinated Izuku. They were so tiny compared to his own, her fingers slender and graceful, always tapping away at her keyboard or clutching a notepad as she followed him around the office. She was a perfectionist, fussing over every detail of his schedule, making sure that everything ran like clockwork.
But it wasn't just her size that drew him in.
It was her passion, her kindness. She cared about the work she did, and it showed in the way she handled every task with precision and thoughtfulness. She cared about people, too-she was the kind of person who would remember everyone's birthdays, who would ask after their families, who would go out of her way to make sure everyone around her was happy.
Izuku had never met anyone like her. His previous assistants had been efficient, yes, but they were cold, detached. They didn't care about him or the company. They were there for the paycheck and the prestige, nothing more. But Darling... Darling was different. She was warm, caring, and utterly devoted to her work-and, by extension, to him.
At first, Izuku had tried to keep his distance. After all, he was her boss, and there were lines that shouldn't be crossed.
But the more he tried to push his feelings aside, the more they consumed him. He found himself watching her, studying her, memorizing every detail about her. The way her dark hair would slip loose from her ponytail by midday, the way her skirt hugged her hips just so, the way she'd glance up at him with those big, brown eyes whenever she asked a question.
He loved how small she looked next to him.
When they stood together, her shoulder barely reached his elbow, and he felt an overwhelming urge to wrap his arm around her and pull her close. Her height, her size, made him feel even more powerful, more in control, yet paradoxically, he was completely undone by her. He loved the way she fussed over him, adjusting his tie before meetings, smoothing out imaginary wrinkles in his suit, always ensuring he was at his best.
The obsession grew with each passing day. Izuku found himself thinking about her constantly, even when he wasn't at work.
He would lie awake at night, replaying every interaction they'd had that day, every time her hand had brushed against his as she handed him a file, every time she'd smiled up at him. He imagined how soft her lips would feel against his, how perfectly she would fit in his arms, how he could protect her from the world if she were his.
But it was more than just a physical attraction-it was the way she made him feel. Around her, he felt like a different man. He wasn't the ruthless CEO, the hard-edged businessman. With her, he felt... human. She made him want to be better, to do better, to live up to the way she looked at him, as if he were someone worth admiring.
Izuku began finding excuses to be near her. He'd call her into his office for the most trivial of tasks, just to watch her as she worked, to catch a whiff of her perfume, a light floral scent that lingered in the air long after she'd left. He started scheduling more meetings, just so she'd be at his side, her tiny hands flipping through the pages of his agenda. He found reasons to touch her-nothing overt, nothing that could be construed as inappropriate-but small, fleeting touches that sent electricity coursing through his veins. A hand on her lower back as they walked through a door, a brief touch of her fingers as he handed her something.
But it wasn't enough. He wanted more. He needed more.
Izuku found himself daydreaming about what it would be like to hold her, to feel her small body pressed against his, to kiss her until she was breathless. He imagined her in his penthouse apartment, curled up on his couch, wearing one of his shirts that would be far too big for her. He pictured her in his bed, the sheets tangled around her small frame, her hair spread out on his pillow.
He knew it was wrong to feel this way, but he couldn't help himself. She had become an addiction, a need that consumed him.
And as much as he tried to resist, to maintain the professional distance that was expected of him, he was failing miserably.
But Izuku was a man who was used to getting what he wanted, and he knew he had to be careful. Darling was special, and he couldn't risk scaring her away. So, he continued to watch, to wait, to fantasize about the day when he could finally make her his. Because in his mind, she already was.
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nnnyxie · 1 year
Feeling a lil down about myself, what would you think about Izu x chubby reader? Reader isn’t necessarily insecure but does have bad days, maybe some of Izu‘s fans were being extremely horrible to reader or something because of their weight (I live for protective!Izu) and reader just shuts themselves off and is rotting away in a pile of blankets in their apartment while Izu dosen’t get what’s going on at all- he adores reader and isn’t all like „oh but your boobs and ass and thighs“ he just adored READER you know??? Often when I read x chubby!reader they only mention their curves and thighs and what not but I don’t think reducing plus size people to curvy plus size people is very inclusive so idk if that makes sense but yeah kwnfksld
#𖢥 izuku anon
baby i am loving these requests and i’m happy to give you chubby rep!!
i sorta based it on how i get when i’m insecure about myself so i’m sorry if it isn’t what you were hoping for :(
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some days it’s just hard yk?? people get mean and it can really fuck with your brain. it makes it hard to look at yourself sometimes.
especially when you’re with a pro hero. people think that you ‘don’t belong together’ just cause you two have different body types. and it’s sickening how people think that way.
it makes you feel awful— all of the hateful comments you get under your posts gets overwhelming and sometimes you have to archive them all together. sometimes you even have to deactivate your account because they get so overwhelming.
izuku always wonders why you do that— you never give him a real reason. just a ‘i don’t feel like being on social media right now’. he knows it’s not the truth but, he doesn’t want to pry. he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable by hounding you for answers.
but tonight— tonight was awful. the first thing you saw while opening instagram was a picture of you and your lovely boyfriend, something a fan posted. the fan was nice!! their post was a cute edit and it was an appreciation post!! but the comments— the comments were sickening. they were filled with so much hate, it made you physically ill. and today you weren’t ‘feeling’ yourself so the comments didn’t exactly help.
you deactivated your account again. now you were thinking about just deleting it all together. it won’t stop the hate but it’ll stop you from seeing it. either way— you decided to try and push those awful comments away and read, maybe it could lighten your mood.
it didn’t. the thoughts kept coming back— you couldn’t even read a full paragraph. it felt awful. you felt awful. maybe a shower would help?
as soon as you stepped foot in the bathroom, you stepped right back out. it hurt to look at yourself. it made you cry. you weren’t particularly insecure but these comments were ruthless and they just really got to you this time.
when izuku got back home from patrol, he found you in your shared bed, you were curled up in a pile of blankets with nearly all the pillows surrounding you. he heard your crying— and was immediately concerned. why wouldn’t he be?
“love, what’s the matter? did you watch the neverending story again?” he sat beside you and pulled the blankets down so he could full see your face. this wasn’t your ‘sad movie’ cry. this was entirely different.
“hey, what’s going on?” “it’s nothing— i uhm just read something sad is all.” you were a very poor liar.
“be honest with me, please? is something going on?” he was now laying beside you, holding you from behind. “i just— do you really want to be with me? i’m not—” you choked, crying more at the thought of him leaving for someone ‘better’ (there is no one better). “of course i do. i love you. why wouldn’t i want to be with you?” “how aren’t you… how aren’t you disgusted by me?” “why would you ever think i’d feel that way towards you? i love all of you. and everyday i find more to love about you.”
then— it clicked. he remembered.
“is this about that post? bakugo sent it to me… he told me to look at the comments— baby if i knew this was happening sooner i would’ve done something about it. why didn’t you tell me?” he rubbed your arm in comfort, he knew all about being insecure— of course he couldn’t relate to where yours stemmed from but, he knew how awful it felt to feel like you aren’t enough for people. “i didn’t want you to be mad at them. they’re your supporters.” “they aren’t my supporters if they’re treating you this way.” he took a breath, he was upset. not by you— never. but, by the hateful people. “i love you, and every part of you. i’ll never be disgusted by you and i’ll never want anyone else. i only want you.” god you loved him.
“can you turn so i can see that pretty face?” you turned to face him. izuku had a smile but, his eyes welled when he saw the tear streaks that ran down your cheeks. he cupped your face, swiping his thumps to wipe away the stray tears that still fell. “you’re the most beautiful person i have ever met.” you cried again, not because you were upset— but, because, he was just so wonderful to you. izuku held you, letting you cry into him.
“i’ll address it.” “you don’t need to.” “i’m going to.”
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don’t mind the neverending story part…. i just rewatched it today and cried abt the horse scene… artax :(
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stargirlforevah · 2 years
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*•.¸♡ 𝐄𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫 ♡¸.•*
Izuku Midoriya x Fem!reader
WARNINGS: face riding, whipped sub izuku, creampie, riding, semi-public sex (they fuck in his office)
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐧𝐨 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞?
*•.¸♡ *•.¸♡ *•.¸♡ *•.¸♡ *•.¸♡
You two were an unusual pair. Everyone at the agency thought so. Sweet, selfless Izuku Midoriya. Japan’s up and coming number one hero. And you.
You, ruthless to your core. An ambitious girl who sunk her claws into anyone that got in her way. A girl with words as sharp as a knife and as toxic as a cobra’s venom. You were insatiable, assertive and the complete opposite of Izuku Midoriya.
You two met while you were both still in college. Izuku and you were assigned to be apprentices at Hawk’s Agency. And now, Izuku was on the way to having his own agency.
You were glamorous, a hero known for her quick wit, aggressive battle tactics and venomous responses to the press when pushed too far. You frequented the front page of the tabloid’s. Any publicity is good publicity.
So, yes. When word spread through the agency you and Izuku were dating, everyone was surprised. But who could blame you? Standing at 6’’4, with big muscles, beautiful fluffy green hair, freckles that everyone swore were kisses from angels and a smile for days. He was beautiful.
Oh, and another benefit.
He spoiled you absolutely rotten.
The day was slow. It was one of those paperwork days. You hated paperwork days.
You trudged into Izuku’s office, desperate for some sort of relief to your boredom.
“Izu..” you sighed, flopping down on the couch in his office and rubbing your temple. “I’d literally rather eat a bag of bricks than spend one more minute filling out stupid paperwork.”
“I know angel,” he cooed softly. “But it’s important.”
“I don’t give a fuck Zu,” you whined.
“Baby, listen here. If you sit through the rest of the day we can go to that steakhouse you like tonight, hm? And then maybe we can stop into a few shops you like?”
“Yea, whatever,” you grumbled.
Stomping out of the room and plopping at your desk you sighed and tried to ignore the ache between your thighs. He was so attractive when he was focused. You needed him.
5 mins later, you stormed back into his office.
“Y/n, I get it, but please-“ he was cut off by you plopping down on his lap.
“Zuku..” you sighed dreamily, toying with the buttons on his shirt.
“Angel..” he groaned. “You can’t do this to me. Not right now.”
You began to slowly kiss along his jawline and down to his neck. “So bored Zuzu..” you whispered.
“Baby please.” He pleaded.
“So wet Izu,” you whimpered. “Wanna ride your face. Pretty please?”
“Fuck,” he sighed. “You’re gonna be the death of me, pretty girl.”
With that, he picked you up and took you over to the couch in his office. He laid down and you smirked at him coyly as you stripped yourself of your skirt and panties.
“So pretty. Such an angel. My angel,” he groaned. He was absolutely whipped.
“Gonna make me feel good Zuzu?”
“Yes. Yes. Anything for you.”
You lowered yourself down onto his face so he could get to work. You groaned as his tongue explored your wet folds with ease. He was always so good at this. Grinding slowly on his face, you sighed in ecstasy.
“So good, Izu.”
He moaned in response, and stuck his tongue into your hole, eliciting a loud moan from you.
You were so hot to him. And what was even hotter was that you did not give a fuck if anyone heard. He knew you wanted everyone to know that he belonged to you. He swore he could cum in his pants at the thought.
“Doing so good for me Zu, making me feel so incredible. Gonna cum all over your pretty face.”
Izuku moaned loudly into your pussy and began sucking on your clit. That nearly made you scream with pleasure. You were so close.
“G-gonna cum Zuzu. Gonna make me squirt all over your face. Fuck.. don’t stop.” You whined.
You were now riding his face, and shamelessly letting moans and whines spill from your lips. Izuku began sucking harder on your clit, and the coil in your stomach snapped. Your orgasm ripped through you, and all over Izuku’s face.
“F-fuck princess,” he whined. “Tasted so incredible.”
You kissed the tip of his nose lightly, and shifted slightly. Noticing the massive bulge in his pants, you smirked and laughed.
“Poor baby.” You cooed. “So hard f’me..”
“O-only for you.”
“What do you want Zuku?”
“C-can you please ride me? Please. I’ll be so good. Please y/n. Ride me.”
You smirked as you stripped him of his pants and rubbed his tip along your folds. He let out a loud shaky moan, before you unexpectedly sank down onto his cock.
“FUCK,” he groaned out.
You began to bounce mercilessly on him, chasing your high as well as his. The lewd sounds of your pussy and skin slapping filled the room, mixed with your whines and Izuku’s whimpers.
“Such a perfect, pretty pussy.”
“Yeah? You’re all mine aren’t you Zuku?”
“A-all yours.”
You began whimpering louder as his cock repeatedly hit your g-spot. You were so close to your second orgasm.
With a loud, wanton moan, you painted his cock with your cum.
“F-fuck. I’m gonna cum. Gotta pull out baby,” Izuku whined.
“N-no. Please Zuzu. Inside!” You said.
“What?? Baby I…I can’t get you pregnant..please.”
You folded your arms and pouted. “Cum inside or your not cuming at all.”
“O-oh shit,” Izuku moaned loudly and began pistoning into your sopping pussy, causing you to practically scream.
“O-okay I’m cuming. F..Fuck I’m gonna..FUCK!!” His brows furrowed and he tossed his head back, spilling his load into your pussy.
“Good boy, Zuzu. So fucking good for me.”
Yeah. Izuku would do anything you asked.
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So, from now on, every first of the month there will be one special post in which I analyze how a certain character became more confident! Everything I write in these posts is just my personal opinion! I hope you like it!
Izuku Midoriya from My Hero Academia
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Early Struggles:
At the beginning of My Hero Academia, Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku (a Japanese word that means “wooden figure”, “fool” or “good-for-nothing. It is used as an insult to refer to a useless person.) , starts as a quirkless teenager in a world where having superpowers (or "quirks") is the norm. Despite his dream of becoming a hero like his idol All Might, he faces ruthless bullying and feels inadequate because he doesn’t have a quirk. 😭 His lack of confidence is obvious, and he often doubts his own worth and abilities. 😭😭😭😭
Turning Point:
Izuku’s turning point comes when he meets All Might, who recognizes his potential and grants him the One For All quirk. This act of faith is pivotal for Izuku, as it gives him not only incredible power but also a newfound sense of purpose. The rigorous training and challenges he faces with his new abilities push him to confront his insecurities head-on. 💪
Izuku Midoriya’s journey teaches us several valuable lessons:
Belief in Yourself: Even when you start from a place of self-doubt, believing in your potential and taking that first step can lead to incredible growth.
Perseverance: Confidence isn’t built overnight. It’s a result of hard work, persistence, and overcoming obstacles.
Support and Mentorship: Having someone who believes in you can make a huge difference. Izuku’s relationship with All Might highlights the importance of mentorship and support in building self-confidence.
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deusvervewrites · 4 months
Yami AU: "...he also scares the hell out of the ghosts that live in it so I think that breaks even".
Second and Third refuse to let Midoriya use their Quirks since they believe that he isn't ruthless enough.
Yoichi: Then you give us no choice-
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Yami: If you win, I give you my life. But if I win, you have to play a Penalty Game, and let Izuku use your Quirks. Do you accept?
That's a sure way to get them to surrender the Quirks. No way they're touching that
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delawaredetroit · 5 months
Hello. First I want to say I love your blog. It includes both thoughtful and funny bits and is a joy to read.
Secondly I would like to hear your thoughts on Izuku's ruthless streak.
First time we see of this is when he is against fodder in USJ. Not all of them seem to be equipped to breathe underwater yet he doesn't hesitate to advocate and use a method that can result in some of their heads remaining underwater and thus resulting in them suffocating.
2nd time is when he first meets Shigaraki and he grabs Asui's face. He only cares about Asui not being harmed and never once tries to control the output of OFA. He only assumes he controlled the output when his arm doesn't break but that most likely is due to First Nomu not due to any form of control.
Third time is against Muscular. When he is about to strike Kota Izuku uses %100 without a second thought even though knowing most people would die from it. It can be argued that he knew how durable Muscular is but it is unlikely.
There might be other examples that might not be coming to my mind as I am giving examples from the things that first came to my mind.
His utter willingness to murder in name of saving someone else is something very interesting in the earlier arcs and something I don't see much discussion of.
I would like to hear your thoughts regarding this. And whatever it might mean.
You raise an interesting point.
And I would say that Izuku's ruthlessness comes from the same place as the villains' cruelty: a lack of faith in the hero system.
I've spoken about it a bit here. While Izuku says that he always had help, in reality his actions reflect the lack of support he had as a child.
The children in their society are supposed to believe that a hero will always come and save the day. So needing to use deadly force would be unthinkable as a civilian/student because of course there will be a hero to come save you.
The characters that act outside of this framework (the ones that receive any significant focus anyway) are largely people who needed help and didn't receive it. And it's mostly villains, but the same logic applies to Izuku. There is not a single indication in any flashback that anyone tried to help Izuku until he met All Might.
Izuku's actions during the sludge villain incident were brave and heroic. They also signaled a lack of faith. His body moved on its own because subconsciously he determined that no one was going to help. In the fights you mentioned, Izuku doesn't believe anyone will come save him or his friends. So when he is backed into a corner, Izuku doesn't think anything of resorting to the use of deadly force.
Many of the villains, particularly those like Shigaraki and All for One, made their destructive life choices because they believed that salvation didn't truly exist at all.
Izuku has more cognitive dissonance on this issue compared to the villains in that he genuinely thinks he believes in heroism in the same way as his peers. But in truth, Izuku's heroism comes from the same place as Shigaraki's villainy: a lack of faith.
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marimeeko · 3 months
(Im about to be a bit opinionated here, just a heads up)
Also by the fucking way, and this has bugged me for a few weeks, Izuku didn't really KILL Tenko/Tomura?
Dude, AFO did.
AFO ended up taking COMPLETE control of their body. He sent Tomuras consciousness to be decayed in the Vestige world just as he was monologuing about every step he took to absolutely DESTROY Tenko's life before and after his birth. His premeditated grooming just so HE could continue to live in immortality.
Tomura dissolved in that world and AFO was despairing, but he was the one driving. And at that point there wasn't any way for Tenko or Tomura to regain control.
So he helped Izuku destroy AFO from the inside. Which was amazing and just what I expected would happen in some way, for a very long time.
But what Izuku "killed" wasn't so much Tomura Shigaraki anymore, as it was All For One. All For One who was absolutely destroying their body with Quirk use, making himself into a grotesque, monstrous form because he was losing it over his brother not being there anymore and how pointless it had become to him.
Ii may just be my read on it, but I do not think that was even Tomura anymore.
So, I don't really see how Izuku "killed Shigaraki"
I can imagine how in the story, other characters would think that bc it's a complicated mess and not all of them have context.
But we the readers DO, and he really didn't murder Tomura. He reached Tenko, but it just wasnt enough. He and Tomura smashed AFO between their fists(and the OFA vestiges helped) but that didn't save Tomura. And tomura never even reneged on his urge to destroy it all. He just wanted to destroy his mentor/groomer and so he did.
All this "Izuku killed Tomura" is just strange to me because if anyone KILLED Tomura, it was All For One.
Izukus guilt and PERCIEVING it as himself killing or rather, not being able to save Tenko or Tomura, that is different because we know he's going to be hard on himself about it... Spinner, Tomuras best friend, seeing him as a murderer is understandable in the circumstances. But as a reader I do not see Izuku here as a murderer, at least not of Tomura Shigaraki.
Also I think there is a difference between what happened and izuku supposedly being a "Murderer". Murder really implies intent. The LoV had committed murders. Conscious decisions to end life because they wanted to live their own way. Izuku was trying to save the rest of the world from even more loss of life at the hands of a ruthless, truly evil man. Tomura died, but he was not murdered by Izuku. Izuku wanted to help, and wanted to stop the pain, wanted Tomura to want to stop spreading the pain. Even still, tomura wanted to continue destroying.
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bxby-bird · 3 months
Unmoved | Bakugo x Reader {request}
You and Bakugo had been dating for a few years; you both went to U.A. You both were in the hero class, but shortly after leaving the school, you realized you indeed didn't have what it took to be a pro hero, so making the change you went on to land a job at the hospital. Your work there made you feel needed just as much, but there was always something in the back of your mind... Bakugo. The ever-growing fear of what could go terribly wrong always lived in the back of your mind.
Tonight was the night you'd make a significant choice; taking a deep breath, you looked at Bakugo as you both sat on a roof. You knew it would change the dynamic forever, but it was something you had to do for the sake of your mental health.
"Katsuki... I-I love you, I really do..." Your voice broke as you tried to build the courage to keep going. "But, I can't keep going on like this... I am worried you will return to me in a body bag." Tears streamed down your cheeks as you continued to list your fears.
"Baby, I know, but I can protect you-" Katsuki stopped midway as he realized you were leaving, silently sobbing.
The next few weeks become blurs for you and Bakugo. From what you've heard from your mutual friends and the news, Bakugo became more ruthless and wreckless in his missions. Whenever anyone would bring up their concerns, he'd shrug them off, and he lost you; he had nothing left to care for. He had tried to talk about what happened to Izuku but couldn't get the words out, so instead, he decided to fling himself into work and didn't care what happened. The one thing he wanted was gone.
Bakugo's mind kept returning to you; he'd think of your relationship and how much he missed you. He'd reflect on the last year. He never verbally expressed how much you meant to him, but he'd also assumed you'd see through his actions how much he loved you. Meanwhile, on your end, you struggled at the hospital. Your mind drifted to Katsuki and the life you two had built together. You wouldn't lie about how much you missed him.
A few months pass, and you are at a charity event at the hospital. You wore a black gown, your hair in a loose bun, and the earrings Katsuki gave you on your birthday. Sighing, you walked around the event until you walked into a man's back without paying attention.
"I'm sor-" you stopped mid-sentence as the man turned around. It was him, it was Katsuki. You quickly ran off, you couldn't see him your heart was instantly broken seeing his face.
After the event ended, Bakugo tracked you down, pulling you aside with an angry look on his face.
"Tell me, Y/N, did you move on from us? Do you even care?" He questioned. You could tell he was trying not to yell in public. "Is that why you can't even look at me?"
Tears welled, "no, I'm not seeing anyone... but I stand by my decision, Katsuki," you whispered.
"I can't even move on, no matter how I try, even though I don't want to! You were the only person I've let in, and I can't imagine my life without you in it, Y/N!" Katsuki's voice rose just above an average talking volume. "I promise to protect you. I love you so much, but I know I can't force you to be with me... but I'll never move on, and I will spend every day waiting for you."
Looking at Bakugo, you could see the pain mixed with hope in his eyes. You had to decide if you wanted to be with him again, trusting him and living with worries. Or, you can choose to walk away forever.
Tears rolled down your cheeks, "goodbye, Katsuki..." you whispered before walking away for good. Leaving a broken Katsuki left to pick up the pieces.
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shroudthecursedone · 11 days
Fun Fact; I love coming up with ideas/scenarios for Fanfiction.
So here is one that has been festering: a crossover between My Hero Academia and Bungou Stray Dogs. The Scenario is that a fourteen year old Izuku encounters a different villain instead of the Slime Villain. The villain uses Izuky as a test subjects which results in him being displaced across time and space. Izuku arives on the scene in Yokohama during the Fifteen Arc, where he is a witness to Chuuya and Dazai in action, where he dissects their fight like Mori dissecting an interesting subject.
Dazai sees potential and recruits the stranded Izuku, easily manipulating the intelligent boy into joining the Port Mafia. Izuku is apprenticed under Ango and eventually replaces hik after his departure from the Port Mafia. Izuku is still quirkless and abilitiless, but has since learned how to make use of his intelligence in combination with the ruthlessness he learned from just being a part of the organization.
Izuku does finally find his way back to his old world, but there was a hitch. For him, it had been a decade, but for those he left behind, it had been just a year. Izuku had been promoted after the resolution of the Fyodor Incident and the rewinding of all the damage wrought by the Mad Russian, Midoriya Izuku had become Ace's successor as the Third Port Mafia Executive. So when Izuku returns to his world, he does so while taking the Black Lizards with him as he goes to both reconnect with his mother, many tears were shared, and establish a Port Mafia outpost in Izuku's old world.
Yes. This is a Villain Izuku scenario.
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BakuDeku fic idea
Okay, so I had this idea, and it's been nagging me for like, forever, so, naturally I gotta talk about it.
So, maybe, years later, after they've gotten married and all, Katsuki is organizing Deku's desk because for all that the damn nerd is a genius, he's terrible at organizing things.
And then he comes across Deku's notebook collection, the notebooks that Katsuki would swear up and down were practically an extension of Izuku's soul.
He opens them, having seen them occasionally when Deku would get nostalgic and turn the paces, tracing the intricate lines with a sense of wistfulness, or when he would get right into Katsuki's face saying ‘I figured out where I saw that quirk Kachaan! It was here,’ but he's never flipped through them, despite having Izuku's consent to do so.
And so for the first time, he flips through them, starting from the first, of course, because Katsuki is many things, but he's no madman.
The first one is all bright and wide-eyed, filled with sketches of All Might and other top heroes, and Katsuki can't help the fond smile that spreads on his face as he sees the small doodles of himself dotting the margins of the notebook. It was like staring at a damn kindergarten art project. Deku's admiration for them practically oozed off the pages.
The leading notebooks that came after that were filled with scribbles, points and additions, edits and mentions, but it was all still pretty wholesome (and so Katsuki may have taken a photo of a particularly adorable sketch of a chibi him, with the words 'Lil' Victory upon it, so he can make it into a custom keychain, sue him.)
And then, out of nowhere, they get intense. The sketches were detailed, showing fights, strategies, and damn, even the villains. And the proud smile that grows on his face is entirely deserved, because, that was his nerd, alright. It was like seeing inside the mind of a madman but in a good way. Deku was getting serious, that adorable little nerd.
Somewhere along the way, Deku had begun to record the injuries caused by the quirks. The pages were stained with reds and purples, like some kind of twisted canvas. Bakugou winced, remembering the pain that had carved itself into Deku's skin. The scars on Deku's body had a story, and they were all right there, etched in ink.
(He hates the fact that he had been the cause of most of those scars. Hates the thought of Deku, staring at the scars on his body and copying them on paper, having been familiar with them for so long, that he doesn't even need to double-check. Hates the way that it brings tears to his eyes.)
The notebooks after that were a whole new world. he sketches were practically alive, the movements fluid and precise. It was like watching a damn animated movie. This nerd was on the edge of genius.
The points on quirks had improved too. Notes on how they worked, weaknesses, and strategies to counter them. It was like Deku had cracked the code to every damn hero he'd ever faced. Bakugou couldn't decide if he was impressed or annoyed. Probably both.
That notebook was the culmination of everything Deku had ever learned. The battles were fierce, the strategies ruthless. This was Deku at his damn peak.
He's just about to put them back, telling himself that the tears in his eyes were due to the dust when he sees the last notebook. It's the newest notebook, the cover bright and glossy.
He opens it and expects another one of Deku's meticulous quirk analyses, but this...this was something else entirely.
Page after page was filled with details about their friends, their likes and dislikes, little facts that even Bakugou didn't know. It was like Deku had become some kind of damn detective, gathering every scrap of information he could find.
And then he turned a page and was greeted by an explosion of orange and black, and there it was. His name, his figure, drawn in causal clothes, with little notes written in beautiful handwriting.
The details hit him like a damn sledgehammer. There's an arrow pointing to his middle finger 'wears a ring on this one.' An arrow to his clothes with the words 'prefers soft clothes (best hoodies to steal),' there's one pointing to his neck followed by 'wears a locket with parent's photos' and on, and on, they go. His eyes start to water at 'rich laugh' and 'bright grin.'
He pauses at the one written in red ink with the words 'softest heart' written right next to it.
This damn nerd, he knew him better than anyone else. Knew the quirks and intricacies that made up Bakugou Katsuki.
He couldn't help the small smile that tugged at the corner of his lips. Maybe, just maybe, Deku wasn't so damn bad at understanding people after all.
And if Izuku finds himself bombarded with bowls of Katsudon, well, that's nobody's business but his own. Even if the nerd cries when he sees the keychain.
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