locuradelibrosblog · 2 years
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📌 #HoyRecomendamos 📌 OBSCURITAS #DavidLagercrantz @eddestino @planetadelibros #Obscuritas Tras el éxito de la serie Millennium, vuelve David Lagercrantz. El primer caso de Rekke & Vargas. Excepcionales. Opuestos. Nada se les escapa. Verano de 2003. En Hässelby, a las afueras de Estocolmo, se halla el cuerpo sin vida de un árbitro de fútbol. Giuseppe Costa, padre de uno de los jugadores del último partido en el que ha participado, es arrestado por el crimen. El caso parece claro, pero Costa se niega a admitir el asesinato. Cuando no queden hilos de los que tirar, el Jefe de Homicidios decide recurrir al profesor Hans Rekke, experto mundial en técnicas de interrogatorio, quien intentará que confiese el crimen. Sin embargo, Costa es liberado y el caso se cierra sin resolver. Solo Micaela Vargas, una joven policía recién incorporada al equipo, se niega a que la investigación caiga en el olvido. Cuando vuelvan a reencontrarse tiempo después, Rekke, aristócrata y con conexiones con las altas esferas, y Micaela, hija de inmigrantes chilenos y conocedora de los bajos fondos de Estocolmo, decidirán retomar la investigación y resolver un caso que esconde mucho más de lo que nadie hubiera podido imaginar. Me ha encantado 😍😍😍😍😍 📌BLOG: peroquelocuradelibros.blogspot.com #LecturasDeLocuraDeLibros #QueLeer #LecturaRecomendada #LocuraDeLibros #LecturasRecomendada #ClubDeLectura #ClubDeLecturaLL #LeyendoSiempreYEnCualquierSitio (en Club de Lectura LL) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiA0o4KDLKF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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latin-translator · 2 months
Hey! I was wondering, if it is okay, if you could help me translate this phrase: “Not enough darkness can destroy me”? I made a research. I think for “not enough darkness” it can also be “non satis obscuritas”.
I’d be glad to read your answer. Thanks in advance either way.
Firstly, thank you for the ask! I would be more than happy to translate, although I am by no means an expert, so take it with a grain of salt. I studied Latin in high school but have little formal education outside of that. Also I apologize because I'm a huge stickler for context when it comes to translation so i will offer a few choices, as english has a lot of things that have the same words but can mean different things.
There're a few words one could use for darkness. tenebra would be a literal darkness, lack of light, or shadow. scelus would be used to mean an evil force. As you said, obscuritas has a similar meaning to tenebra, but could also mean something unknown or uncertain.
If the specific meaning is "a lack of darkness is able to destroy me", I would use:
tenebra para me deicere potest
If the meaning is "there is not enough darkness in the world to destroy me":
tenebrae satis non sunt ut me deicant
and of course if youd like to use a different word for darkness, just sub it out with tenebra (just dont forget to change the adjective's gender endings!)
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spacepiratenemo · 6 months
20th Century Fox proudly presents: The Jackpot Space Pirate Crew
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👽*insert century-fox music here* 👽
I proudly present: The entire Jackpot Space Pirate Crew in one picture !
👾Behold my sweat and tears drawn into a group   pic that satisfies my inner Geek. 
🌖Corresponding to this picture, there also is the Artbook available on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1272855488-the-jackpot-space-pirate-crew-a-lunarian-artbook
🔥 Inside this book, you'll discover additional information about the Jackpot Crew, stories about their lives, the principles they live by, and an entertaining interview with my beloved Nemo.
🌠 To the Crew: The Jackpots inhabit their own Lore within an alternate universe/ and the existing universe of One Piece. Self-proclaimed as the most successful and badass Crew in outer space, these individuals are a bunch of nutheads and crazies. They engage in pranks, revel in ridiculousness, and embark on perilous adventures. Led by the famous Starhunter, the Jackpots are known to oppose the laws of the galactic federation. Despite glaring differences between crew members, much like the Whitebeard Crew or the Strawhat Crew, they form a family—a cohesive unit that works together, unwaveringly supporting one another while revelling in their collective insanity and playful trolling. 
“The best people are a selected handful of utterly insane individuals.” 
Feel free to drop your Q&A in the comments!
Creds: One Piece by #EiichiroOda 
Jackpot Space Pirate Crew by #spacepiratenemo
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Jango’s Bandshirt is credited by GrimReefer  Jax’s Bandshirt is credited by Astral Pigs  Mars and Jupiter “planetary item” is credited by NASA 
“We're not breaking the rules. We're adjusting the terms of the contract!" 
The Jackpot Space Pirate Crew 
Venaros D. Zekka, 舌禍. The Starhunter; Capt’n & big badass. Infamous anarchist, rebellious leader, father and guide. “Too cool for the universe”. Does whatever he wants. Never play by the rules. Do no harm but take no shit.  Lunaliel Alliqui. First Mate & Combat Master. Known for irrational, hot tempered behaviour. Wildchild. Brain size doesn’t exceed one peanut. Is sexy and he knows it - Some girls love it, some girls hate it. 1.3 Million followers on Moonstagram. Add on Spacechat for hot nsfw pics.  Lunaliel Nemo. Mecha & Gunslinger. Known as possibly the best cybertech in the multiverse. “Mouse”. Will sell your soul for one coconut. Loves to bend the laws of physics to her will. Is unfortunate to be the little sister of a dumbass. Loose tongue and twisted temper, a spaceborne misfit.  Ben//: Bionically-Engineered-Neomachine (Here in Broski-Mode//Combat-Mode) - A self maintaining droid with a self-learning A.I capable of improving itself on a daily level. Bionically recreated after lagomorphic biology; engineered to assist, protect, destroy. Usually Ben is in its smaller form; undertaking crude, mediocre tasks for Nemo or guiding her horde of bots and droids.  Cato Jango. Beteigeuzian Tau. Scientist & Historian. 4:20 is any time! Stoned Shooter. “If it ain’t broke, fix it till it is” Source of wisdom and calm. Tries to explore the biology of different solar systems. His home world got destroyed as Beteigeuze turned into a black hole.  Stellato Lena. Medic & Healer. Skypeian Refugee. Former head medic of the Pangean Society. Done with Alliqui’s BS! Nemo’s best friend. The Captn’s consultant. The sweet voice of reason in a group of crazy people. May be delightful, but will slice you.  Tenebrius Ghyslainn. “Ghyst” // Ghost, Geist. Prince of Charon, Pledge of Pluto. Charonian Assassin; Nightwatch. Stronger than Obscuritas - Weaker than Caligo. Challenger of the night of a thousand tears. “.....” - Doesn’t talk much. 
Maluga Jax. The Regulus-Renegate. Pilot & Pyrotechnician. Starlord of the Enceladus. Loves good old thrash metal & questionable cacti juice. Big fan of Milliway’s hot dogs. Former slave child of the Kardaij Mining Systems. Possibly carrier of Cygnian blood.  “Seras” Mace. First Son of the Seras Family. Head Warrior of the Olympus Tribe. Martial Artist & Musician. Mace refers to the bludgeoning weapon, resembling his skilled fist. Loves some good f*cking metal music. Has only combat, music and training on his mind. Possibly most disciplined.  Cimpi & Cimpa // Kimpi-Kimpo : Elf-Zwölf. Lunarian Orphans. Fashionistas & Infiltrators. “Too kawaii to die!” Are too cute to be suspected of any wrongdoings. Will play the confusing twin-game all the time. Who is who? You’ll never know! Wanna try some fashion? You’d be a perfect model for their lit “Jackpot-Couture”. Everyone can be cute with a little glitter. 
Follow me on Wattpad for more or check out the Lunarian Artbook here: https://www.wattpad.com/user/R0tt3n_Rabbit
Thank you for your support <3 *alien-hugs* 
// Glitch Warning for the video // sensitive eyes warning!
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debussyandbooks · 2 months
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15 Ramadān 1445 \\ 25 march 2024
🔎 B O O K R E V I E W I S H 🔎
i finished reading another book at my library, my very first detective story??? obscuritas by david lagercrantz, which my colleague recommended to me (and i became intrigued by because i was told the protagonist had bipolar disorder).
detective stories are not my thing. and david lagercrantz cannot write a young female protagonist very well. nor criminal ghetto characters very well. and i cringe at some "misinformation" or lack of nuance about Islam in this book. but i suppose it might still be worth a 5/10 for entertainment?
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ryanlowrie · 2 years
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3 panels of obscurita inspiradose. artem, scis dose @msobscura
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blog-aventin-de · 2 years
Tabula Smaragdina
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Tabula Smaragdina
Tabula Smaragdina ∘ Hermes Trismegistos ∘ Smaragdtafel
VERUM SINE MENDACIO, CERTUM ET VERISSIMUM: QUOD EST SUPERIUS, EST SICUT QUOD EST INFERIUS, ET QUOD EST INFERIUS, EST SICUT QUOD EST SUPERIUS, AD PERPETRANDA MIRACULA REI UNIUS. ET SICUT OMNES RES FUERUNT AB UNO, MEDIATIONE UNIUS, SIC OMNES RES NATAE FUERUNT AB HAC UNA RE, ADAPTIONE. PATER EIUS EST SOL, MATER EIUS LUNA. PORTAVIT ILLUD VENTUS IN VENTRE SUO. NUTRIX EIUS TERRA EST. PATER OMNIS TELESMI TOTIUS MUNDI EST HIC. VIS EIUS INTEGRA EST, SI VERSA FUERIT IN TERRAM. SEPARABIS TERRAM AB IGNE, SUBTILE A SPISSO, SUAVITER, CUM MAGNO INGENIO. ASCENDIT A TERRA IN COELUM, ITERUMQUE DESCENDIT IN TERRAM ET RECIPIT VIM SUPERIORUM ET INFERIORUM. SIC HABEBIS GLORIAM TOTIUS MUNDI. IDEO FUGIET A TE OMNIS OBSCURITAS. HIC EST TOTIUS FORTITUDINIS FORTITUDO FORTIS, QUIA VINCET OMNEM REM SUBTILEM, OMNEMQUE SOLIDA PENETRABIT. SIC MUNDUS CREATUS EST. HINC ERUNT ADAPTIONES MIRABILES, QUARUM MODUS EST HIC. ITAQUE VOCATUS SUM HERMES TRISMEGISTOS, HABENS TRES PARTES PHILOSOPHIAE TOTIUS MUNDI. COMPLETUM EST QUOD DIXI DE OPERATIONE SOLIS. Wahr ist es, ohne Lüge und sicher: Was oben ist, ist gleich dem, was unten ist, und was unten ist, ist gleich dem, was oben ist, fähig die Wunder des Einen auszuführen. Und wie alles aus Einem stammt, durch das Denken des Einen, stammt auch alles Gewordene durch Angleichung aus diesem Einen. Die Sonne ist sein Vater, der Mond seine Mutter, der Wind hat es in seinem Leib getragen, die Erde ist seine Nährmutter. Dies ist der Vater aller Vollkommenheit oder die Vollendung aller Welt. Ohne Grenze ist seine Kraft, wenn sie sich der Erde zuwendet. Trenne die Erde vom Feuer, das Feine vom Groben, sanft und voll Sorgfalt. Von der Erde steigt es zum Himmel empor und fällt wieder zur Erde herab, um die Kraft des Oberen und des Unteren in sich aufzunehmen. So wirst du die Herrlichkeit der ganzen Welt erlangen und alle Dunkelheit soll von dir weichen. Hier ist die Kraft der Kräfte, die alles Feine überwindet und in alles Grobe eindringt. So wurde die Welt erschaffen. Davon kommen die wunderbaren Angleichungen, deren Wesen hier mitgeteilt ist. Darum nennt man mich den dreimal grossen Hermes, der ich die drei Teile der Weltphilosophie besitze. Es hat sich erfüllt, was ich über der Sonne Wirken ausgesagt habe. Tabula Smaragdina ∘ Hermes Trismegistos ∘ Smaragdtafel Read the full article
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svenwall20 · 4 months
A set of 12 void gods based on the astrological house system offers an intriguing blend of mysticism and cosmic lore. Each god will embody the themes and attributes associated with one of the 12 astrological houses, adding a dark, mysterious twist to their domains. Here is a conceptualization of these void gods:
1. **Abyssus, God of Self and Shadow** - Ruler of the 1st House, governing self-image, body, and personal identity. Abyssus embodies the darker aspects of the self, including hidden fears, the unconscious mind, and the parts of our identity we often struggle to accept.
2. **Nocturne, Deity of Wealth and Loss** - Guardian of the 2nd House, which covers possessions, values, and material gain. Nocturne represents the impermanence of wealth and the void that materialism can leave behind, emphasizing the loss and transformation of resources.
3. **Silentia, Sovereign of Secrets and Silence** - Overseer of the 3rd House of communication, siblings, and short trips. Silentia governs the unspoken, the hidden meanings behind words, and the power of silence over speech.
4. **Obscuritas, Lord of the Hearth and Hidden Depths** - Protector of the 4th House, related to home, family, and roots. Obscuritas focuses on the secrets within the family and the darkness lurking in the comfort of one's own home, symbolizing the depths of heritage and personal history.
5. **Voidheart, Patron of Forbidden Pleasures** - Ruler of the 5th House of pleasure, creativity, and children. Voidheart embodies the darker side of desire, the pleasures that we dare not seek, and the creativity that comes from chaos and destruction.
6. **Morbis, Guardian of Decay and Care** - Keeper of the 6th House, associated with health, service, and daily routines. Morbis represents the inevitable decline of health, the decay that comes with time, and the care that borders on obsession.
7. **Eclipse, Deity of Shadows in Partnership** - Governs the 7th House of relationships and contracts. Eclipse embodies the shadows cast by close relationships, the parts of ourselves we see reflected in others, and the darkness that can exist in partnerships.
8. **Nether, Sovereign of the Unseen End** - Overseer of the 8th House, related to transformation, sexuality, and shared resources. Nether rules over the mysteries of death and rebirth, the unseen forces of change, and the depths of intimacy and loss.
9. **Myst, Lord of Lost Knowledge** - Protector of the 9th House of philosophy, higher education, and long journeys. Myst governs the knowledge that is beyond our reach, the wisdom found in darkness, and the journeys that lead us into the unknown.
10. **Obsidian, Patron of Ambition and Shadowed Success** - Ruler of the 10th House, which covers career, reputation, and long-term goals. Obsidian represents the ambition that consumes, the success that casts a long shadow, and the public persona that hides the true self.
11. **Whisper, Guardian of Forbidden Connections** - Keeper of the 11th House of friendships, groups, and hopes. Whisper embodies the connections formed in secrecy, the alliances that exist in the shadows, and the dreams that we dare not voice.
12. **Veil, Deity of the Hidden Universe** - Overseer of the 12th House, associated with the subconscious, secrets, and the unseen. Veil rules over the parts of the universe that are hidden from us, the mysteries that lie in the subconscious mind, and the secrets that we keep even from ourselves.
Each void god represents the darker, more mysterious aspects of their respective houses, offering a rich tapestry of mythological figures that intertwine astrology with the concept of the void.
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rausule · 9 months
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Metaphysica Christiana
Iesus Christus et auctoritas
Duplex est via, quando obscuritas rerum, ratio vel auctoritas movet. Rationi praestat philosophia, sed perpauca liberat nec inducit solum ea non contemnenda fidei mysteria, sed sola, ut intelligantur, quomodo intelligenda sint. Vera autem et, ut ita dicam, vera philosophia nihil aliud habet quam docere quod omnium rerum subest principium, immensitas intellectus, qui in ipso est, et quod inde est per nostram salutem sine aliqua corruptione; quique est unus Deus omnipotens et simul tripotens, Pater et Filius et Spiritus Sanctus. Docent id veneranda fidei mysteria, quae populum per sinceram et indubitatam fidem liberant, eamque non confuse, ut quidam, nec immaniter praedicant, ut alii multi. Quantus ergo hoc, quod Deus pro nobis corpus humanum assumere et portare dignatus est, tanto humilius apparet, tanto bonitati aptius est, et longe a quorumdam ingenii fastu.
[2. auctor mali]
EVOD. Dic, quaeso, deusne auctor mali? AGOSTINO Dicam si quid mali vis prorsus narras. Dupliciter enim mala considerare solemus, quando id facimus, et cum patimur.
EVODIO Dic mihi de utroque modo.
AGOSTINO Sed si scias vel credis Deum esse bonum — et impossibile est aliter esse — non facit malum. Item si iustum Deum fatemur, et impium est negare illum, sicut bonis praemia tribuit, sic malis supplicia distribuit; quae certe mala patientibus sunt. Si igitur nemo iniuste sententiae suae servit, ei credendum est quia per fidem cognoscimus divinam providentiam
nonne Deus?
AGOSTINO Malum sane originem debet habere. Si autem quaeras quis sit eius auctor, responsum non est; Non una origo mali est, sed auctor sceleris sui quisque scelestus. Et si dubitas, considera quod modo diximus, quod est quia per iustitiam Dei puniuntur mala opera: non enim iuste punirentur nisi ex voluntate orirentur.
[3. pax et ordo]
Hic est ergo pax corporis ordinata reconciliatio partium; pax animae irrationalis ordinate quies appetituum; pax animae rationalis ordinatio cogitationis et actionis; pax corporis et animae ordinate vita et salus animati; pax inter hominem et Deum obedientia, in fide, legi aeternae iussit; pax inter homines ordinata concordia est; pax domus ordinate consensus eorum qui ibi habitant ex mandato et obedientia; civitas autem pax est inter cives ordinate et oboedientia; pax celestis ciuitatis maximi ordinis et summa concordia in deo fruendo et in deo fruendo; pax universalis tranquillitas ordinis. Ordo autem est positio aequalium et inaequalium in loco unicuique assignato.
[4. quod tempus est]
Ecce coelum et terra sunt, proclamant suis mutationibus ac variationibus, suam creationem. Sed omne quod non est creatum et tamen est, nihil habet in se quod prius non fuit: hoc enim esset mutatio et mutatio. Adhuc praedicant se ipsos non creasse: « Nos, a creati sumus. Ergo non fuimus ante esse, ut nosmet ipsos creare possemus ». [...]
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Titan Shrugged
Bubbling past the clamped-up clams and the crusts  Of old crustaceans, And passing by the sun-bleached reeves and formerly beached cetaceans,   Far lower than the anemones and the submarinal anomalies, And the long-forgotten agonies of ancient megafauna; Deeper than the dwelling of dead-eyes cods and sea-gods, Of sharks, dog-fish and dog-smart ceph'lopods, Where the glistening phosphorescence stands god-apart, ghoulish, stark, Punctuating like starlight the pitch-blue waterdark, And deeper even still, as is approached the ocean basin, The lux obscuritas, this single floating node, Could, if just a little porthole were to open, Descend like an apparition as it passes through the crust, Enter the eternal past a wreckage wrought of rust. (...) (where? grammar)
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mercuriicultores · 1 year
Hermes Trismegistus (?) – Tabula Smaragdina
I. Verum sine mendacio, certum et verissimum:
II. Quod est inferius, est sicut quod est superius, et quod est superius, est sicut quod est inferius, ad perpetranda miracula rei Unius.
III. Et sicut omnes res fuerunt ab Uno, mediatione Unius, sic omnes res natae fuerunt ab hac Una re, adaptatione.
IV. Pater eius est Sol, mater eius Luna.
V. Portavit illud Ventus in ventre suo.
VI. Nutrix eius Terra est, Pater omnis telesmi totius mundi est hic.
VII. Vis eius integra est, si versa fuerit in Terram.
VIII. Separabis Terram ab Igne, subtile a spisso, suaviter, cum magno ingenio.
IX. Ascendit a Terra in Caelum, iterumque descendit in Terram et recipit vim superiorum et inferiorum.
X. Sic habebis gloriam totius mundi.
XI. Ideo fugiet a te omnis obscuritas.
XII. Haec est totius fortitudinis Fortitudo fortis; quia vincet omnem rem subtilem, omnemque solidam penetrabit.
XIII. Sic mundus creatus est.
XIV. Hinc erunt adaptationes mirabiles, quarum modus est hic, itaque vocatus sum Hermes Trismegistus, habens tres partes philosophiae totius mundi.
XV. Completum est quod dixi de operatione Solis.
I. <Lo que digo es> verdad sin error, digna de crédito y la más cierta. II. Lo que está abajo es como lo que está arriba, y lo que está arriba es como lo que está abajo. para perpretrar los prodigios del Uno. III. Y, como todas las cosas fueron creadas por lo Uno, por mediación de lo Uno, así todas las cosas fueron creadas a imagen de lo Uno. IV. Su padre es el Sol, su madre la Luna. V. El Viento lo portó en su vientre. VI. Su nutridora es la Tierra, su padre es la Perfección del mundo entero. VII. Su poder es pleno, si se transformara en Tierra. VIII. Separarás la Tierra del Fuego, lo sutil de lo burdo, pero sé cuidadoso e inteligente cuando lo hagas. IX. Asciende de la Tierra al Cielo y, de nuevo, desciende a la Tierra y toma los poderes de los que está arriba y de lo que está abajo. X. Así tendrás la gloria del mundo entero. XI. De manera que toda oscuridad saldrá de ti. XII. Ésto es más fuerte que la Fortaleza misma, porque vencerá todas las cosas sutiles y penetrará en todas las cosas sólidas. XIII. Así fue creado el mundo. XIV. De aquí vendrán las transformaciones prodigiosas, mediante las cuales el mundo existe. Esto es por lo que soy llamado Hermes Trismegisto, poseedor de las tres partes de la filosofía cósmica. XV. Lo que tuve que decir sobre el funcionamiento del Sol ha concluido.
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skillstopallmedia · 1 year
Review of Obscuritas | From Millennium to a new series
The Swedish writer who signed volumes 4 to 6 of Millennium presents here the two heroes of his brand new detective series, which takes place in Stockholm in the early 2000s. Posted at 1:00 p.m. At first sight, nothing seems to destine these two individuals, whom everything opposes, to join forces to investigate together. The first, Micaela Vargas, is a young policewoman of Chilean origin who…
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thefoxtherapist · 1 year
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༻Seraph's Whisper - Posts
༻Tenebris - Writing
༻Obscuritas - Reblogs
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༻Stygian - Asks
༻Decree of (User) - Asker
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knjigeobradovic · 1 year
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Most of my collection form Sugar and Spite. Bitten and Smitten - A sweet triple berry scone drizzled with spoonful's of London lemon curd.
Boneshaker -three vanillas, a tiny touch of earthy fir needle, and crisp, cooling mint
Bread for the Devil - Blackened bread, stuffed with ripe pumpkin, dark spices, and drizzled with ambered honey
The Chilly Biscuit - Danish butter cookies dotted with mint, dipped in fresh cream.
Go to Sleep Little Creep - peppermint, lavender and pink sugar
Lebkuchen - warm gingerbread porridge, drizzled with caramel and sticky honey
Le Creep C'est Chic - sweet meyer lemon, spicy candied ginger, matcha tea, clean amber accord
Mad Mad World - Burnt toffee, crunchy leaves, pecan, vanilla, sandalwood, tobacco, and a wee drop of red wine
Milk and Sandalwood - The perfect balance between the innocent whiteness of creamy milk, darkened by earthy sandalwood
The Nothing -  Freshly popped popcorn, sugar crystals, molasses, salted caramel, and cardamom-dusted macadamias
Obscuritas - Chamomile, tonka bean, mulling spices, whiskey and red tea leaves
The Pretty Things Are Going to Hell -Black fruits, ginger root, a shot of bourbon spiked with fiery cinnamon, and bad omens written in bitter tea leaves
Sister Witch - a steamy cup of earl grey tea, wee lavender buds, and sweet milk
Scary Monsters and Super Creeps - Sepulchral incense, saffron threads, agar, black cedar, apple liqueur and rosewood  
Such a Strange Girl - warm spices and apple-y comfort. As if you walked into your nana's house all rosy cheeked with wild, untamed hair, after rushing back through the orchard because you smelled whatever she's baking.
Sucker Punch - red, shiny lollies, lemon hard candies, and fluffy pink cotton candy
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monstrousdanger · 4 years
This week we are giving you a quick preview of Obscuritas. In this adventure, horror game, Peyton and James play as Sarah, a character who has just inherited her great-uncle's old country home. Believe it or not, this is not Scooby-Doo, and we are not talking about "A Night of Fright is No Delight," though it sure does feel like it! To help Sarah navigate around the mansion, he has left a series of bizarre and frightening puzzles behind for her to solve. With each problem that Sarah completes, she finds herself spiralling more in-depth into this confusing world and the malicious clutches of the mansion. How deep will she go before she can no longer escape?
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(Closed starter for @obscuritas-est-lux​ - Noah)
After all that had transpired in recent weeks, Daniel couldn’t help but worry about the Sutton brothers. His feelings about Ezra were admittedly mixed - the man had kidnapped him, after all - but there was no denying that what Zeus had done to Weston was wholly unnecessary and well worth checking in on him after. He’d already done that since returning to Icaria though, which left him with the hopefully more pleasant task of checking in on Noah. Noah hadn’t been trapped in the Meadows for long in comparison to the rest of the place’s demigod inhabitants, but he still worried about the son of Zeus more than most. It had to be traumatic to be the catalyst for the death of one’s brother’s half-brother, after all. It was with that in mind that he made his way back over to Gatzunis’ Growings, only to pause partway there - he wasn’t quite sure what he would do if he arrived and it was Ezra tending to the shop again, after all. With a sigh, he turned back around and headed for the café instead, resolving himself to check in once he’d given Ezra some room to breathe or otherwise arrange to meet with Noah at a different location.
Much to his surprise, dropping in later or scheduling something elsewhere turned out to be wholly unnecessary - newly purchased coffee in tow and in search of a place to sit, Daniel quickly spotted none other than Noah seated at one of the booths. “Hey mate, fancy seeing you here!” It really was a convenient for Noah to be here right as he’d been meaning to talk to him - if he didn’t know better, he’d almost say he was back in the Meadows. Of course, that would mean that this wasn’t the real Noah but rather one conjured by his surroundings, which was rather disturbing to think about. He took a breath, snapping himself out of it. “Mind if I sit?”
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