#obsidian hoarder
cloud-ya · 1 month
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he was forced to eat obsidian when he was 6
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chucapybara · 2 months
an entry on the tsaritsa's abyssal knight; for context regarding future innamorati pieces. think of it as an archive description :] this is my oc concept for inna!
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Innamorati—thought of as even lesser in rank than the Harbinger Tartaglia, born mortal, tainted by the everlasting dark beneath the soil of the earth. Within one vessel strains a second beast, begotten by a chosen fate. Thrown to the wolves.
But within the Tsaritsa’s domain, the woman whose flesh was cast in obsidian shell may yet know the everlasting grace of Her Majesty’s ‘ffectionate gaze.
In the Tsaritsa’s house, even those who have nothing but loyalty and skill may yet find some purpose to make of themselves—to revel in the score of a requiem for the end of heaven itself.
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The bearer of Innamorati’s name bears also its cursed inheritance: a cycle of tragedy, of loss. Those who have come before her are known for their brutally romantic sacrifices, for their unabiding devotion; to be The Lovers is to be two as one, interpreted often as a necessity of partnership under the same title—thus, most strange it is indeed for Innamorati to be of one body, of one mind.
Of the many Harbingers, as actors upon the Tsaritsa’s stage, the Innamorati is best suited towards pursuits of love. She finds herself deployed across Teyvat, engaging in diplomatic endearments of sorts. With a quiet and frigid voice does she bring the good word of the Cryo Archon; with her lonesome, crystal-glazed tipped spear does she pierce the hearts of the unbelievers, to turn them towards the arms of Her Majesty; with their blood does it paint and glorify its Host.
(Yet, sometimes, it still mistakes the Host for prey.)
Whenever Innamorati is given brief from her Mission, she tends to the Fatui’s fallen, commemorating them by name, praying the rites of honour. What most of the prideful Harbingers would consider to be grunt work is the quieter part of The Lovers’ calling: remembrance of the nameless. On behalf of the sinners, it is Innamorati who bends her knee to repent, and to ferry the memories of those lost to duty, pride, sorrow, as their unyielding warden.
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The world beneath Teyvat is unforgiving in ways those above may never yet know. Smears of her crimson handprints across the rock faces still linger like murals, her gasps echoing infinite in the empty dark.
Before the abyss, the Permafrost was a knight first, virtuous and true: her armour polished, her uniform radiant and well-pressed. In her pursuit of a criminal adversary, the depths swallowed her in its maw, along with two others equally as unfortunate.
A tavern waitress, a Treasure Hoarder-turned delinquent gang member, and a Knight of Favonius, with no bar in sight for the drink of wine they would have needed most for the trials that lay ahead.
Days spun on the loom of fate, each hour thrice its value on the surface. Stale air, cool stone, and no way out: the pursuer becomes the pursued, and with the battles below came the inevitability of injury.
A knight’s duty is to their people, both foreign and known. Such was her mindful chant to steady her heart.
‘Tell me of your friends.’
‘What’s your favourite season?’
‘Here. Take my cape. Stay warm.’
‘There! Run for it! I’ll cover you both!’
After time unknown in the darkness, two of the three fled into the light at the third’s behest, as a well-timed throw of a polearm staged a cavern collapse. Slivers of light would vanish, sealing her chance. Sealing her fate, with the forlorn whisper between the tumble of rock—
...A knight’s duty, too, is their weakness.
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The day she first emerged from her grave, her mangled and emaciated form stumbled, robes torn into makeshift bandages tied around a missing right arm. Only later would the Doctor find evidence of corrosion, claw-cut gashes, stricken bone molten.
Pinned at the base of her nape pulsed the faintness of a god-gifted gem: a Vision, its years-worn shell fashioned in the manner of that faraway dandelion land. The dame that would later become The Lovers was far from herself, every breath a trembling, misting whisper—her body temperature had dropped below what ought to be livable for a human being, much less a surface-dweller. Of what tatters were left from the robes she donned, any such knowing eye would surmise the embellishments and craftsmanship to be sourced from the harbour of contracts.
A living contradiction, spurred step by step: motions jagged, stiff-limbed. Trekking through bush and undergrowth of a land foreign to its host, searching for the last bastion it recalls.
I have to go home.
In tandem, both parasitic occupant and vessel seek refuge and respite. Whatever thing had latched on to the knight in the unknown time of her entombment could not, of course, permit the death of the host—and so it endeavours through the thicket, through the blanketing snow, until it arrives at a starving village…
The howls in the woods were not of wolves, that day.
With regaining their strength came the seeking eyes of Her Majesty, and everything else that came after. Were it not for the presence of something that did not belong, Innamorati may have never been considered a candidate for the rank of Harbinger.
That sweet, forgotten knight, birthed anew from the soil, thawed from the permafrost. They do not recall it still, but the heart remembers in the spans between consciousness, when Innamorati is herself and not another. If only for that woman’s sake, Innamorati pursues her legacy—the tragedy she had inherited with her name, with the creature that shares her.
To love,
In defiance of Until her fated end.
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mogai-reblog · 9 months
hoarders who use obsidian share with me your secretssss
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senstless · 5 months
Splinterlands BATTLE MAGE SECRETS featuring Back to Basics
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Featuring Bronze League Summoner and Monsters in Action!
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Description: Units lose all abilities.
Summoner effects are still active.
Reasons Why I like it It really changes which monsters are most useful. It becomes very difficult to balance the need for a decent amount of help to be absorbed by your opponent's attacks, well still having attacks that hit, and have enough damage to burn to your opponent. You don't have to worry about anything but speed differential, and potentially armor. This can make certain cards that are otherwise not nearly as useful much more useful and vice versa. Taking a car away that normally gives martyr or has healing might make the card not worth the mana cost anymore.
The Matchup - Where Rules Sets, Splinters and Mana Collide
The Rule Sets
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Watch the Match Here
MANA: 16
Ruleset: Back to Basics: All monsters lose their abilities.
SPLINTERS: Fire, Water, Earth, Death
Initial Rule Set and Mana Gameplay Thoughts
Rulesets Anytime you play with back to basics it means that a large portion of cards are no longer favored. Anything with sneak, reach, or opportunity are out. Playing cards with snipe no longer have an impact as everything just targets the tank, and melee monsters in general are not favored outside of potentially the first tank.
Mana 16 mana is pretty low to start with, and then when you have a back to basics match it makes it extremely difficult. There is a typical blend to have between cards that might actually do some damage, and having enough health on the field to not get wiped out by your opponent. At 16 mana it won't be many cards that have a decent attack and decent health.
Splinters Only losing life dragon, so I don't see much impact. I'm anticipating it is to be a earth favored lineup although water with its additional speed and armor and also be used, and death is great to reduce your opponent's magic attack and take away one of their health. There's a decent argument to be made for all three if you have a full selection of cards
My Team
Summoner OBSIDIAN I chose to play heavy magic and just wanted to get as much damage out there as possible while hoping my opponent did not play death
First Position HILL GIANT One of my favorite three mana cards provide seven health for only three mana and even has an opportunity to attack if it lives long enough.
Second Position DJINN BILJKA
Honestly I think I messed my order up here. Should have played this one last and given the fact it only has two health and I think I messed up my order. Otherwise one magic with potential boost to two makes it a good card p for only three mana.
Third Position SPIRIT HOARDER Another three magic mana card that can get a boost to two even though it's health is very low
Fourth Position BLACKMOOR NYMPH Probably should have been my second position card but it's another romantic card with for health.
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Opponent Lineup & Match Play
Summoner KELYA FRENDUL Water is a decent splinter and adding armor to every monster is great if your opponent is using me later arrows it can really keep you around for another round
TORRENT FIEND Looks to be just Cannon fighter to protect their offensive cards that are in the back
HARDY STONEFISH Another good card to absorb a couple of hits especially if I wasn't all magic focused
CHAOS AGENT Since there's no sneak or opportunity you might as well put all these cards up front to leave Djinn Oshannus protected in the back
DJINN OSHANNUS Normally this devastating card would have void but since it loses that and now it's just a Ted health card with five speed and two magic damage
Solid play, adding a one range attack at the back never hurts and it might sneak a couple of extra damage points in against my low health cards
Round 1
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Honestly pretty concerned has this lines up just given the total lack of health on any of my cards that are going to be doing magic damage. Overall I think we have similar Total health but it feels like I'm behind somehow.
As the round starts off, on the last to attack but I do secure three knockouts in a row. This changes things a little bit and leaves me dealing significantly more damage each round in my opponent for route 2
Round 2
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If all of my monsters lived then I would have the potential health damage of eight damage this round. Unfortunately for me I will be attacking last and I lose Hill Giants before he get attacked, and then deliver my six magic damage against Djinn Oshannus.
Round 3
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Things are looking okay I guess, I'm going to lose Djinn Bilka when around starts, and likely take another hit. But the good news is that I will knock out Djinn Oshannus this round and lock up the victory. It was really crucial for me to have more magic damage each round as a potential being delivered than to have one big monster with all of my attacks
Round 4
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. Ground floor starts but it's lopsided, they don't have any attacking cards and I quickly knock them out for the victory.
Round 5
Thoughts -
This is a good showcase of not putting all of your eggs in one basket. At times it's easy to have too many small cards out there that can get overpowered by a dominating epicure legendary card supported by summoner. When you play back to basics much of that traditional powerhouse lineup goes away and things become much more about volume. Choosing to play three or four small magic attacking cards increased my total potential damage dealt each round to a level that cut through their team too quickly. Dealing six to eight magic damage health for round means that any card they can put in the field was just too vulnerable to my total attack, and they did not have enough attacks to get through my health and eliminate them first.
Back to basic matches are basically a race against health, this is why you typically see people stack as much health as a can up front while protecting your heavy hitters in the back. My opponent likely would have been fitted much more from having even a 2 minute not attacking card in front of Djinn Oshannus that would have made their Total health too high for me to overcome. Back to basic games are as much about stacking health as they are stacking damage. Spreading your attacks and damage out also allows you to continue to dwindle your opponent as your team starts to be eliminated
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mfmsty · 8 months
I can see the ocean when it's clear blue
I remember waters where the roads ruled
Catch a flight,
Catch a hype off the wrong mood
I been the dude to always have an "attitude"
On the spectrum of things they say I might move
Kinda hard when the devil has got the right tune
Vicious thoughts obsidian in my mind swoons
How the demons collide with the dirty work
Shiftin' the weight
Had it carried in first
Second to none I could never be versed
Battle to one got my heart in a curse
Conversing with verses to idolize merc-iless
In the clips [eclipse] when the shadow is worse
Oh hello to future when the angel is merged
My mama a hoarder a courage I burned
Diverging my paths as the certain is turned
Say hello to the worst
I come from a carrier of a heli- cop the thirds
Copped the 1st I told you I never place
2nd or thirds
You guilty lil liar how the benevolence submerged
Diversify your thoughts and watch the human come first
You at,
An alien who alienates the herd
The eighty ways of murder can concur
Silly little sinister desserts
In a desert w a word
Worth work to the nerds
How cute.
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mercury-lurks · 1 year
Avarice's Trial
Avarice felt dread pooling in his stomach. The feeling bubbled up through his esophagus and spilled over his teeth and ran down the front of his shirt. He had been hearing rumors, had been seeing glances thrown his way and fingers pointing in the halls of Lucifer's domain.
He had thought little of it at first. Many demons and impish fiends often balked at the sight of him when he appeared before them, and Avarice believed these stares were no different. After all, he was the Second Sin, Greed Incarnate, a Fallen Angel descended from the bowels of Heaven. Power and might dripped from every pore, his unholy presence caused mortals to weep with fear. Avarice was strong. Of course he was no Pride, but he was just as feared and respected as the First Sin.
But standing there in the Courts of Hell, not in his gilded and bejeweled throne but on the boiling floor of the Courthouse, Avarice felt weak. His shining medallions and jewelry had been stripped off of his form, leaving him in nothing but his lavish clothes and obsidian armor.
"Avarice," a booming voice rang out, reverberating through the Courthouse and striking through his heart like a dagger. "The Second Sin of Hell, Hoarder of Wealth and Material Possessions, Patron of the Rich, and The High Demon of Greed."
Hearing his full title usually would have filled him with unholy pride, but right then he felt sick to his stomach.
Lucifer himself stood before the Court. He was a beautiful man, more beautiful than any angel or elf could hope to achieve. His dark feathered wings were the only thing about the demon that was particularly demonic in nature. While he was the Ruler of Hell, Lucifer was not strong. He was a smoothtalker with a snake's silver tongue and a lamb's body. But Avarice, in this moment, feared him.
"You are present in the Court due to charges pressed against you by Hell's Own Courthouse, the Judge of the Most Low and Despicable. You are being charged on seven counts of treason, blasphemy, and an unwillingness to complete tasks delegated to you. How do you plead?" Lucifer's voice was silky smooth, bearing no emotion behind it.
Avarice breathed in and exhaled, clenching his fists at his side. He folded his leathery wings behind him and opened his mouth to speak. "Not guilty, Your Honorless."
Sloth spoke up next. They were a creature of soft edges and cloudy tentacles, their short hair fluffing pleasantly around the curves of their face. Sloth was a pale figure, almost a soft blue. Their figure was tall and lanky, but they moved in controlled and fluid motions. Avarice knew from experience that their flesh was malleable and just as fluffy as their hair. He thought they were friends. "You have been neglecting your duties as Greed. Everything given to you has been ignored. You are no longer inspiring mortals into greedful acts. Even I do more thoughtful work than you."
"That isn't true!" He exclaimed. "The Kings and Lords of the mortal plane are bleeding every serf and servant dry! Their empires and kingdoms are flourishing with the might of their taxes and fees! Their coffers are overflowing with riches. Countries are being raped for their wealth as we speak, Your Honorless. That is all my doing, I assure you. I have been ever vigilant in completing my mission to bring greed to the world. Where have I wronged you?!"
The Court quieted as he closed his mouth, the words disappearing into the walls and flowing right past the ears of his peers.
It was Lust who opened his mouth next. He was an intimidating presence, a bit taller than average but built like a truck, and he knew it. Lust was bulky, the muscles cording inside his body bulging against his skin as if sculpted in marble. His eyes were four pools of pure white, dripping down his face. The features adorning his face were elegantly sharp one moment and soft the next, his body shifting from one visage to the next. He was a being of all sexes, his straight white hair emphasizing his androgynous features wonderfully. Lust was beautiful, even Avarice could admit that.
He raised a rose-colored hand and spoke in his suave voice, almost sounding coy. "Darling, I think I speak for us all when we say that you aren't doing your job anymore. The mortal world has been stagnated like this for centuries. Nothing has changed. You have been coasting for too long on your previous work."
"I have not-"
"HE'S GUILTY! HE'S FUCKING GUILTY!" Wrath screamed, pointing an accusing finger at him. Xe was tall, extremely tall, all arms and legs. They were composed of fleshy joints and rough patches of skin, corded muscle and sinew poking through his flesh. Xer mouth was permanently twisted in a cruel smile, their teeth yellowed with rot. Their hair was a shock of blood red, tangled and knotted. Wrath's eyes were a glowing magenta and spines jutted out from his back.
Lucifer snapped his fingers and Pride pushed Wrath back into xer seat.
Pride, the most powerful of Sins. His skin was plated with gold, shimmering and shining so sweetly, pure and soft. Its hair was crackling with blue flames, winding down his back like the River Styx. A sharp, polished crown of obsidian lay on his head, the red gems embedded in it glowing angrily. He was on the shorter side for the Sins, but everybody knew that he was not someone to be trifled with.
"Wrath," It spoke in a calm and even manner, his voice dipping into something dangerous. "Be silent."
Wrath snarled and shut up, leaning back in their throne of gore and viscera.
Pride looked down at Avarice with quiet contempt. "Avarice. You understand we do not wish to see you suffer, but corrective action must be taken to ensure Hell runs optimally. You have been a wonderful companion and I have trusted you with a great deal of myself. I will never forget how you treated me with such kindness and empathy, my most trusted one." Those empty eye sockets gazed upon Avarice with equal amounts of anger and love as Pride folded his hands, a frown adorning his gilded lips. "But we cannot ignore your shortcomings any longer. We have.." It swallowed, closing his eyes and turning an impassive face away from Avarice. "We have unanimously agreed to strip you of your title and your power."
The words hit Avarice like a slap in the face. He balked, the dread curling around his stomach turning to unadulterated terror.
Pride rose from his seat in a slow, fluid motion. Liquid gold dripped off of it as he moved, walking down a set of stairs and coming to a slow stop in front of Avarice. Pride was shorter than Avarice by a great deal, but deep in his unholy soul he knew it wouldn't be for much longer.
"Pride, please don't do this to me." His voice was wobbly as tears of magma came to his eyes. Avarice was not beautiful in the traditional sense, his brown hair greasy and striped with orange. Around his vibrant orange eyes lay twin rings of ash, and two long fangs rested inside his mouth. He was dressed in a type of royal garb, a red formal undershirt laced with gold underneath golden trimmed obsidian armor. Two horns jutted from his forehead, curling back slightly and twisting into a spiral. Several more horns lay on his shoulders, his elbows, and forearms. His clawed, talon-like feet were adorned with boots of fine black leather. Before the Court, his horns had been decorated with golden bands and rings, and around his neck had rested dozens of jewels and priceless gems. His wrists and ankles had never known a day of quiet, always clanging and rattling with precious metals, his fingers stiff with rings. Two large, leathery black wings that had once been armored with gold and obsidian, now lay limp at his sides as fear attacked him from all angles.
Pride, with his gauntlets of gold tipped with claws, took Avarice's bare hands into its own. The crevices and notches of the gauntlets began to glow like the Sun, a blinding white-yellow-orange that let the tears fall from his eyes.
"Apologies, Avarice." Pride didn't look that sorry. "But you are a threat to the safety and security of Hell, and you must be removed."
It took a deep breath. "I, Pride, the First Sin, Beholder of Unholy Majesty, The Righteous Unrighteous, and Selfishness Incarnate hereby remove Avarice from good standing in Hell, revoking his status as both Greed and as a demon. He is not to use any demonic powers or gifts as punishment for betraying the Courts of Hell. You, from this moment forward, until the snake walks again and you regain your favor with Hell, shall be banished to the mortal realm to live your eternal life in solitude and loneliness."
As he spoke those words, the glow emanating from his gauntlets crept up Avarice's arms, turning orange as soon as it hit his flesh. The glow carved intricate binding runes into his flesh, Avarice crying out from pain. His knees buckled, but Pride kept him upright.
Avarice felt his body burning with the weight of Pride's aura around and inside him. There was a vision-shattering crack as his wings began breaking into nothing, the now-former demon screaming in pure agony. The runes encircled his head and glowed blindingly, Pride letting him fall to the boiling floors of Hell, watching with a bored expression as Avarice lost everything.
He scrambled forward and grabbed onto Pride's boot, crying and spluttering as he was slowly but surely falling apart. Unintelligible begs and pleas fell from his mouth like the bright orange blood he was coughing up, the liquid smoking.
His horns snapped off and fell to the floor, the ash around his eyes blowing off easily. The twin fangs in his mouth dulled and his claws faded into regular, human fingers. Avarice sobbed as he felt himself get punched in the gut by Pride's magic and bled dry of his own, clawing at his chest to try and keep something.
Soon, though, Avarice was laid naked and bare on the floors of Hell's Court, his clothes having burned away. Orange blood dripping out of his mouth was the only indication of anything demonic, the runes fading into tan skin. His tears were clear, tinted orange.
"Please," he rasped, bowing before Pride and overwhelmed by his presence, hornless forehead touching the ground. "I'm sorry.."
Pride kicked him back. "Sorry will not fix this. You have enough magic to survive, and that is all." It paused, and added in a low voice, quiet enough for Lucifer not to hear, "I look forward to the day you come home, Avarice, for I will welcome you home with open arms. I will be taking over your duties for the foreseeable future, until the day the snake walks and you regain favor with the Court of Hell."
Avarice stumbles to his feet, not even trying to cover himself up. He notices that he's now just a bit shorter than Pride. In a moment of rage, he pushes Pride. It of course does not move, but he looks sad. That makes Avarice want to punch him more.
"Fuck you," Avarice seethed, tears falling down his barren face and clawless hands clenched into fists. "I will never forgive you for this, Pride. As long as I live, nothing short of seeing you grovel at my feet for forgiveness will sway me. I will get my seat back, and I will not be bested by a pompous ass-wipe."
He wiped his eyes and scowled, shoulders tense as he looked at the floor, not daring to meet Pride's eyes.
There's a ripping sound, and a portal to the mortal realm opens behind him.
Avarice looks up and Pride looks down to meet his gaze, hesitating for a moment before putting its hands on his shoulders. The touch burns.
"Goodbye, Avarice."
Pride pushes him back, and all he sees is yellow.
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stella-welly · 3 years
Do you have any witchy HCs for Stardew characters (canon characters or even farmer OCs)? Morning fog got me thinking about a farmer who grows herbs and whatnot for spells to resolve town problems.
I LOVE THIS ANON. I absolutely do! I have FOR BOTH canon character and OC <3 I couldn't give too much away since I'm writing a little fic about this teehee.
Personally, I think everyone in Pelican Town has a little bit of magic in them since I mean...we know magic is definitely around them but some are just more in the know:
Evelyn is a kitchen/hearth witch. I just feel it in my bones. I mean why else does she send you cookies at times when you need them? And cake?? She even gifts you the recipes when you become friends! Because she is a sweet ol’ kitchen witch that's why.
Emily...my sweet Emily is an eclectic witch. She has her hands in a little bit of everything. She is definitely dancing in the forest on full moons and collecting storm water. Tries to invite people to go with her but so far as been unsuccessful ( that is until my farmer shows up ohoho)
Haley unintentionally charges her make-up brushes and hairbrush with self-love on a rose quartz tray Emily bought her one year and it explains the CONFIDENCE. I HC that she likes the color pink but not because it’s girly but because it makes her feel “Powerful”.
THERE IS A REASON ALEX FEELS SO CALLED TO THE BEACH. "It just makes me feel so calm...like it soothes my soul if that makes sense? I don’t know, I just really like the beach and ocean haha” He finds a lot of rocks with big holes he can see through (hag stones) and really pretty shells. Usually Gifts them to Evelyn and Haley but has a collection in his room.
Now some OC ones:
The farmer definitely has those herbs you speak of. Rosemary, lavender, thyme, mint. You name it and they probably have it: dried or fresh. I picture them in a raised garden bed right outside the farmhouse. They also have beautiful fairy roses growing in the greenhouse along with all kinds of other witchy plants,some even poisonous! It's basically their own apothecary. They identify as a green witch or hedge witch most def. 
When George asks for a hot pepper to rub on his knee, they do him one better and make him a balm to rub. They charge it with their energy and place a piece of obsidian (for protection) they got ethically from the mines ( they only take what they need! Gift if they have extra or return it back) When they go over to give it to him and explain how to use it he looks at them like their crazy“ Are you a witch or something?” He jokes. The farmer just chuckles nervously and declines.
In their first year, as they prepare for winter, they make their fire cider and elderberry syrup to combat all the 'yuckies' as they call it. They decided that maybe good doctor Harvey would like some too! So they get to crafting. It’s the first day of the winter season when they walk over to the clinic to give it to him. Harvey is obviously a little skeptical as they explain the use and benefits. They see this and reassure him that this isn’t to get away from Modern Medicine, just a nice tried and true way they grew up with.“ Remember to always consult with your doctor right?" When he starts to feel a little tickle in his throat and a slight case of the sniffles, instead of going his own tried and true route, he tries the homemade concoction and DOES IT WORK. He shows up the next day at the cottage asking if they would feel comfortable providing him with some jars for flu season and...for him to have also.
I think what’s beautiful about the idea of a witchy farmer is that they don’t necessarily resolve the town's problems, but help the residents work through them and find their own magic within themselves.
Lil bonus:
A witchy farmer absolutely knows what’s going down when the Wizard invites them to their tower and suggests drinking from the caldron.
“ I'm going to hallucinate huh?”
“ Just a bit. You’ll be fine. Wizard promise.”
“Eh, f*ck it. I don’t have anything else going on today.” and they drink from the caldron, downing it like a shot.
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watchers !! here is my extensive lore for them. be warned this is long
watchers can be born watchers, but most are 'recruited.' basically some ppl r born w/ watcher magic inside them and if they have it it's possible to be recruited. born watchers automatically have magic in them
watchers can sense watcher magic. this is how they recruit ppl
they have a server all watchers can join thats just the end. the tall obsidian towers were repurposed into buildings, and those towers are throughout the entire server
watchers are also shapeshifters, but the reason most chose to have wings/be birds is because that it has the most advantages in the end. all other 'magic' is just cool purple fire cause i said so. and also maybe healing magic too
watchers are so queer!! born watchers are referred to as they/them until they pick their pronouns, and are named after numbers until they pick they're names!! it is encouraged to explore your identity!! many keep their number names into adulthood if they like them.
most watchers also have two names. btw !! one for more common/friendly use, and one for formal use. some use the same name for both but some are also name hoarders and have many more. if u keep ur number name its usually used as informal but it doesn't rlly matter
the common way to introduce urself if ur a watcher is "hello, my formal name is [blank] and my informal name is [blank]. i use [blank]/[blank] pronouns." it has some variation tho.
they do have 'school' but its like. mostly how to use magic, how to fly, etc. etc. they do have optional classes for recruited watchers to learn about the culture.
there are different like. jobs for u to take up as a watcher? the main one is to watch servers. those guys pretend to be players and go to make sure a server doesn't go into chaos. these guys also recruit watchers<3
some do healing, some teach, some just dont. jobs not required !! OH u can also help disabled watchers as a job<3 cause i said so<3
admins sometimes hire watchers to come to their server. sometimes watchers are banned from servers for whatever reason.
watchers are just a big species of guys. my blorbos. my beloveds
also grian was recruited <3 his informal name is grian his formal one is xelqua <3 pearl was recruited too <3 her informal name is pearl and her formal one is cresent <3
Oooh!! Cool!! :}
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cloud-ya · 1 year
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the volcanic glass guy
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Abronia—Map of Dawn (Cardinal Fuzz/Feeding Tube)
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Map of Dawn by Abronia
Abronia is a psychedelic six-piece out of Portland, whose droning, ritual grooves conjure everything from Velvet Underground to Popul Vuh to Richard Bishop’s Arabian-influenced experiments. Centered, literally, on a huge drum set on its side (played by the one-named Shaver who has also been in Plankton Wat), the the band has a huge, blues-inflected, Eastern-shaded guitar sound, with two regular axes and a pedal steel played by Rick Pederosa. Keelin Mayer, who plays the saxophone and sings, is in some ways the band’s secret ingredient, adding wild sprays of reed and priestly incantations to the mix.
The band has been together since the mid-2010s and has two previous albums to its credit, The Whole of Each Eye from 2019 and Obsidian Visions/Shadowed Lands from 2017. Both share Map of Dawn’s emphasis on weighty, processional drumbeats, but the guitar work has grown subtler over time. Licks curl and frolic in opener “Night Hoarders.” Bent notes kick up a celebratory dust around the steady march of percussion and bass. And just as important, Mayer croons and wails like a prehistoric seer, finding a mystic center amid spiraling guitar work. 
Elsewhere Abronia exudes a trippy Americana vibe, in the acid spaghetti western “Games,” in which Pederosa’s pedal steel traces eerie jet trails of sound across against the sky. “What We Can See,” the single, lets the big drum rumble, finding a middle ground between an Appalachian barn dance and the mind-melting psychedelia of Ash Ra Tempel. “Wave of the Hand” starts a pensive cowboy-movie soundtrack, softly evoking the space and loneliness of wide-open horizons, but then it starts to gallop, heedless and headlong, and full of kinetic energy. “Invite Jeffrey Over” borrows Link Wray’s lick from “Rumble,” slowing it down and laying wandering threads of pedal steel over top.  
Map of Dawn pushes out into some very cosmic directions, playing with rhythm and structure like a country cousin of Sun Ra.  Still, it’s not the least bit inaccessible. Surf, blues, raga, jazz and rock slip in and out of the forefront, but the big drum keeps pounding, bringing everyone along for the ride. 
Jennifer Kelly
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enemiesofcreed · 4 years
Mind and Might - Prologue
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Our twin hearts pound in our chest as our wings strain to carry us beneath the clear, moonless night. Death comes for us as surely as the stars continue their silent paths across the sky. 
Creed has killed our nephew, Khan the Hoarder. He killed our uncle, Nash the Hunter. They did not heed our warnings, and they paid with their lives. 
And now our cousin comes to kill us. 
There is a spasm in one of our left wings, and the uneven load causes our other three wings to fail as well. We have pushed them beyond their limit trying to escape the inescapable, and we land hard on the desert sand below. 
We are not alone for long. Creed’s wings flap as he lands, creating a localized sandstorm in the process. The pride emanating from him is palpable. 
“Ah, the Destiny Sisters at last,” says Creed. “Good evening Vy. Good evening, Bea. I’ve been looking for you. It seems you’ve somehow wandered a long, long way outside the borders you and those other traitors agreed to.” 
“Bold of you to call us traitors when you’re the one killing the last of your own kind,” we reply in unison. 
“You have only yourselves to blame,” Creed spits back, malice dripping from his voice. “The moment you and the others betrayed what you are and entered into this farce you call peace, you sealed your own fate.” 
Creed’s face twists into a hungry grin. “But then, you know all about fate, don’t you cousins?” 
“More than you ever will,” we reply. 
A jet of fire lights up the scene as Creed roars in fury. “Then why choose the path of blindness and a slow death by atrophy when it came time for us to make our choice?” Creed bellows. “The others I understand. Khan just wanted to be left alone to admire his ridiculous pile of trinkets, and Nash only cares about his fun at the top of the food chain.” 
“But I expected more from you,” he says, a quiet sadness now creeping into his voice. “You were supposed to be the wisest of us all. If the two of you had sided with me, Khan and Nash would have been outnumbered, and they would have listened to reason.” 
We stand on our feet. Our limbs and tail are strong and ready for a fight, but it makes little difference while our wings are still useless and spent. “It was your sense of superiority and entitlement that made you deaf to reason,” we say. 
“Am I not Creed the Proud?” he roars back. “If I don’t speak up to uphold the pride of our kind and all those who look to us for inspiration, then who will? We spent an entire age of this world enduring wars and attacks from those who should be little more than insects to us. And when our enemies finally wore themselves down into broken fragments, it should have been the hour of our great final victory over them. The dawning of an age where they would have to scrape and struggle against us! And instead you accept a truce?” 
“You imagine a future that would not have been, because you lack the sight we have been entrusted with,” we say. “You say that we should have been the wisest of our kind. Do not delude yourself, Creed. We Destiny Sisters ARE the wisest of our kind. And if you were wise, you would listen as we tell you what you are blind to under your own nose.” 
“And what is that?” Creed asks derisively. 
“That the Primafolk are far more important to this world than you realize,” we say, “and they were at their breaking point. If our kind had pressed our advantage while they were at their lowest point, it would not have caused their subjugation. It would have caused their destruction. Followed by the destruction of us all.” 
“You speak nonsense,” says Creed. “Excuses invented by the weak.” 
We do not argue. Creed knows we speak only truth, but is too proud to admit it. Instead, we let our flame speak for us. Black flame with the sheen of a hundred colors washes over Creed, and for the first time since he began hunting us, Creed looks truly afraid. He was not expecting this. 
Creed’s body is unharmed of course, but his eyes cloud over with the same color as the flame. He whips his head wildly from side to side as he sees the vision we have shared with him. When it is over, his eyes return to their natural golden color. 
“I see,” he says. “It appears there are powers at play greater than I had realized. Powers that even our kind would stand no hope of defeating, though it wounds my pride to admit. You’re right, cousins. The Primafolk must survive.” 
“Yes,” we say. “You finally understand.” 
“And yet, there’s something that bothers me,” he says, narrowing his eyes. “Vy used her Obsidian Flame to show me this vision, but where was Bea’s Opal Flame? In all the centuries we’ve known one another, I’ve never seen the black without the white. Could it be you’re holding something back from me?” 
“You underestimate how far our sight extends,” we say. “We knew you were coming to kill us and take both of our flames. Every destiny has two sides, and it is impossible for any being to possess both at once. So we have already entrusted the Opal Flame of Destiny to other caretakers.” 
“Is that why you’re out here in this worthless desert?” Creed asks with spiteful laughter. “You know I’ll simply find whatever gullible worms you’ve doomed with your gift. All you’ve done is ensure your allies will die, and I’ll still claim both your flames.” 
“No, you will not,” we state as simple fact. “You will hunt high and low for the Opal Flame for a hundred years, but you will not find it until it finds you.” 
Creed’s hungry grin then returns. “So you violated your own borders to grant one of our kind’s greatest weapons to our oldest enemies,” he says. “I can think of no greater act of treason.” 
He steps towards us, slowly and menacingly. His sharp teeth illuminated from behind by his own crimson red flame. “A hundred years you say?” Creed asks, closing in. “Perfect. That will give the Primafolk enough time to recover and prepare so they can actually survive the coming war.” 
He looms over us, and we lay both of our heads down to the cold sand, resigning ourselves to the fate we could not escape. 
“You know what?” Creed taunts. “I think I’ll even give them a little help to make sure the fight is worth my time.” 
[Want more? The story continues at EnemiesOfCreed.com]
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senstless · 1 year
Splinterlands Share Your Battle Weekly Challenge SPIRIT HOARDER
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Another Bronze League Deck, Competing and Winning in Silver 1
That was pretty excited to see the weekly challenge this week as I really think that Spirit hoarder is a key card that can be used in many different scenarios to give your team a massive edge. There are not that many cards that have triage and allow you to heal a card outside of the tank position
This week's match was even more important given the rule lineups of equalizer and his but scratches..
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Weekly Challenge -SPIRIT HOARDER
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Edition: CHAOS LEGION Rarity: EPIC Element: NEUTRAL Attack: MAGIC Abilities: TRIAGE Health: 3 Speed: 1 Attack: 1
Reasons Why I like it
I think the biggest key on my spirit order is such a good card is because it has triage allowing you to heal card in the back line that is sustained the most damage. The same healing rules apply and it gets to feel 25% of its health around.
This is especially useful when you have a card that has taunt in your back line that will both attract the attack of the other monsters and can be healed stick around even longer. Having a magic attack is also a big bonus since most healers tend to have a ranged arrow attack. Find that magic attack healers especially powerful especially when. With the Earth splinter to get an additional boost their attack the only draw back really help Target for opportunity cards and can be taken out before provides the benefits you're looking for.
The Matchup
The Rule Sets
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Watch the Match Here
MANA: 49
Ruleset: Equalizer: All monsters start with the same health, based on the highest health in either team.
Ruleset: Tis but Scratches: All Monsters have the Cripple ability.
SPLINTERS: Earth, Life, Death, Dragon
Initial Rule Set and Mana Gameplay Thoughts
First off 49 mana it's quite large and will allow you to play almost in accommodation of cards you want. Well you can't go all 10 plus mana, you do have the ability to add significantly higher man of cards in combination that will allow you flexibility and The heavy hitters that you're looking for. I'm making all the cards equal to the highest health card while also reducing the health for each attack that hits. The one nuance to tiswood scratches is that blast damage attacks do not impact total potential health, just normal Total health minus attacked and. Splash the triage can come along and still give it back to its full original health. What's that time Anna I assume likely be heavy magic.
Summoner OBSIDIAN I chose to go heavy magic, well not exactly a traditional route given the assumed high health I like to guaranteed hit to take off one health from potential given scratches.
First Position UNICORN MUSTANG I wanted to play unicorn mustang because I think it's the best counter I could get in case my opponent chose magic. It has decent speed void and red damage and I know it will get boosted to 13 health which will make it healable for a couple of rounds
Second Position RUNEMANCER FIORRE The biggest beast of a card you can pretty much pick at least found dipping into gladius packs. It's 13 health three magic and two range attack will help to drain down the potential health of most opponents all working them down towards getting knocked down
Third Position REGAL PERTYON Not necessarily traditional powerhouse tech card but given it's boosted health and speed was flying means that has my card start to get taken out this one like proved to be harder to hit from other monsters and allow me to continue to heal it as much as possible
Fourth Position SPIRIT HOARDER Put it here put it in a lineup to allow it to heal as many times as you can anything in the back row. I assume it might get damaged from a scatter shot too but given the high health of the match I assume it will be beneficial to my team in a long way
Fifth Position GOBLIN PSYCHIC I think having matches like equalizer it's best to have as many healers as you can on my team. This helps to keep cards healing and revealing as many times as possible keep the health high to avoid cars getting knocked out
Sixth Position MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN I wanted to play I slipspawn here since it has taunt and I'm hoping to draw some attacks off the unicorn mustang along with the same time getting healed and triage and spirit quarter long enough to stick around till around 2 or 3.
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Opponent Lineup & Match Play
Summoner QUIX THE DEVIOUS honestly this was the least likely route that I anticipated my opponent play. Although it's pretty good because it counters both life and provides access to a powerful Dragon cart which I overlooked.
VOID DRAGON not traditionally a great tankard in high man of matches but when you consider its health will be boosted to at least 13, and it has void, flying, and high speed it's actually a great card to taste a lot of misses from the opponents.
CHAOS DRAGON the big heavy hitters in a dragon lineup for sure chaos dragon has a nice powerful attack and he's a scatter shot to hopefully knock out some cards that I expecting it. Although this is not a match where a single scattershot can take out a key card giving everyone's high health you think it'll be slightly less effective
TIME MAGE pretty solid choice here for a meddling card that allows another reduction of speed which should make my entire lineup attack last.
ADELADE BRIGHTWING Disney monster with those flying and repair. I get the addition to boost of increased health due to the rules which means you should stick around much longer.
PELACOR ARABELIST solid play especially in Pittsburgh scratches play since each attack can reduce primary health by one and it can deliver up to four temporary damage on each turn. I do love pellicore arborist the most when combined with General Sloan but I understand it's placement here
PRISMOLOGIST it's decent attack Plus blast damage and increase health can help provide some rear tank support.
Round 1
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Round one kicks off and all of that negative speed is really slow in the monsters down. There is a significant amount of damage delivered to both teams but given the fact that he's starting health is 13 of all monsters it leaves quite a bit of room especially after all of my monsters are healed by both triage and thank you. Several of them took some rather large reductions in health
Round 2
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Round 2 starts off with a bang for me and I get to knock out Floyd dragon. As the round progresses nothing really changes other than I do finally lose Slipspawn. Good news is unicorn dragon can get healed again and so can goblin psychic who took some splash damage. By the end of the round my team is mostly healed to Max health that's left.
Round 3
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as round three starts I still feel like it made anybody's match. There is a lot of monsters with a lot of health doing a lot of damage and eating away at the underlying Max health. And it's round three progresses I do get another knockout of chaos dragon unfortunately I also lose unicorn mustang. The attack switch from magic to ranged is hurting me a bit more than I thought. As round 3 comes to an end I feel pretty good as my monsters are mostly not to tell her and I'm still doing some pretty good things
Round 4
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Round 4 follows much of the same as the prior rounds, they're heavy range attack is doing lots of damage and with both score a knockout leaving each with three dragons and full health.
Round 5
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Things are pretty even as we eat to Three monsters in each team has some slightly different advantages or disadvantages. For my opponent They're upside is they will do more damage around if everything hits they will do a total of nine damage to the tank plus two splash damage well I am only going to be doing seven damage to the tank with no splash damage the benefit is that I have a tank heel and a triage card left to help heal me up.
Ask around the place out I am starting to love Regal Peryton, it's high speed plus flying has allowed me to get two misses out of three arrow attacks. Key to allow my health to return to its Max by the end of round.
Round 6
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In round 6 my trio continues to dominate. I scored two more misses with regal and it's flying and high speed, while Spirit order and goblin psychic dealt out magic damage while healing both regal and spirit horde back to their full potential. I think this is going to be a long drawn-out match to get it over into final victory just due to their high health.
Round 7
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Found seven starts off much the same but they're down to one attacking monster and it's only a matter of time before I can eat through all their health.
Round 8
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Round 8 I finally finish off Pelacor Arabelist, leaving just one monster I need to eat through.
Round 9
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Round 9 and 10 are just a one-sided attack Battle as it takes me awhile to finally knock them out. Matt wants to talk about her strategy here it was just a one-sided attack until it was over.
Thoughts - and Chances to Win Again
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It's nice to see his number as high as 98% and have your strategy validated. Having some middle damage magic cards that always hit doing damage each round while having both a tank heel and triage card really helped me to keep an upper hand against my opponents. I guess there must be some small chance of me missing if I don't get lucky on the RNG and I don't score as many misses. Overall I think this is a prime example of how powerful the spirit holder can be to protect your attacking cards and back row and keep them healthy for when they move into first position so that they can be healed by your tank heel card. That way they're not showing up as the new tank with only one or two health left from splash damage. If you don't have a spirit order I would highly recommend looking at a new one to your collection.
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spiderjars · 3 years
Do you have any thoughts on the attributes of avatars (like, how Desolation avatars are mad out of wax and tapes appear around Jon as an Eye avaatar) ?
Not particularly actually, some fears I find rather abstract and hard to tie into any kind of avatar. I mostly just work on what seems to feel like it fits? So I wrote down at least what popped into mind, sorry it took a hot minute.
Also PS, I got this ask before the most recent episode so. Spoilers for something.
The Buried: Shovels, anything weighted, vials of dirt, bog bodies (I just think there should be a bog body avatar. Cool End/Buried mix.), Gravediggers
The Corruption: Insects of course, fungi and particularly cordyceps (if you wanna make a corruption/web avatar), disease and mold, whatever is going on in the houses of those extreme hoarders, moss (I actually really like moss)
The Dark: Obsidian, blindfolds, sunglasses, and also honestly blinding oneself? I'd almost call the Dark the antithesis of the Eye. Eclipse iconography.
The Desolation: Fire. Yes, I know it's about heat and not fire but y'know. Also like you say wax, burns, charcoal, and anything that's broken and torn due to the desolation being so about destroying things.
The End: Skulls and Bones everywhere. Also while being a more death-positive person I think the End would be about preservation of bodies, steel lined caskets, formaldehyde, catheters, the waxy appearance only treated dead bodies have. Either way I would hate it.
The Eye: Eyes, portraits, cameras, security guards whose eyes you can't see but you know are staring, books, and honestly way too much academia stuff.
The Flesh: *Jonathan Sims voice* "Meat". Also just the warping of the human form in ways that shouldn't be possible, I feel like any flesh avatar should get to reassemble their bones the way they want. They're neat. I also think anything that touches on a warped image of the self fits into it, the fear of the body itself.
The Hunt: Animal features, claws, just everything that turns folks into beasts? But I also personally classify regular old human hunters under this, like guns and snares, traps and all that.
The Lonely: Fog, empty rooms, being at parties where you know no one and honestly? In some way phones and social media could be a good asset of the Lonely, seeing others having fun and being unable to partake in it.
The Slaughter: Weaponry and war paraphernalia, it's so distinctly just senseless violent. Also I'd say those military bands that precede an army since music is also tied into it.
The Spiral: You know those optical illusions and magic eye pictures? I personally classify any patterns that are difficult on the eyes as Spiral, also ferns because of their shape, and impossible architecture you get persistently lost in.
The Stranger: Masks, anything that obscures or warps the face in some way since so much is that you know something's wrong but don't know it. Also mannequins, taxidermy and wax figures.
The Vast: It's very location based so I'd say space suits and submarines are the way to explore the fear of the vast. Bungee jumping too, the nagging fear that maybe the line snaps. Also this:
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The Web: MOTHER OF PUPPETS IT'S ON SIGHT Obviously webs, spiders, I'd personally think of any kind of string bound puppet too? That and those tv personality folks that try to sell you things that break on day two for too much money. Also the Tapes, like I suspected.
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gardenofgods-a · 3 years
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Name - Rayquaza Age - Unknown Residence - Liyue area Element - Anemo Weapon - Skyward Pride (Claymore)
Rayquaza. Revered across Teyvat as the King of the Dragons. A being that has existed for countless eons, and has witnessed the changing lands, and the rise and fall of cities and kingdoms. He’s an obsidian colored dragon, black as night, with glowing gold accents. Ancient dragons would answer to him, his strength and wiseness unparalleled. This was what gave him his title, and while some dragons in the past sought to challenge him for it, they were swiftly put down.
In the past, before the Archon Wars, Rayquaza made friends with a young girl named Aster after saving her from certain death. While her parents unfortunately didn’t make it out, having died before his arrival, he brought her home to her people. They, in turn, showered him with praise and thanks and treated him like a hero. Rayquaza became close to these people, known as Draconids, and even made himself a humanoid form to walk alongside them. He kept them safe from monsters like hilichurls, mitachurls, and lawachurls, along with bands of treasure hoarders and abyssal creatures. He grew particularly close with Aster, taking care of her and raising her like he would a daughter. They were frequently seen together, Rayquaza flying through the skies with her on his back.
Two decades later, the Archon War broke out across Teyvat. It was a brutal and bloody war, with many casualties already in the first day. He continued to protect the Draconids, trying to usher them away from the fighting. He knew firsthand how fragile human life could be, especially in the path of a power hungry archon.
Unfortunately, a fight between a god with geo powers, and a god with hydro powers erupted close to home. The Draconids were caught up in the crossfire, losing their lives, including Aster who died in Rayquaza’s arms after suffering a fatal wound. Enraged, he took to his dragon form and clashed with the two archons, tearing apart the geo god and killing them, and subsequently wounding the hydro god and forcing them to flee. Rayquaza himself suffered heavy injury taking on two archon at once. To save himself from succumbing to his wounds, he retreated to the mountains towering above Liyue, sealing himself inside to hibernate uninterrupted and recover.
The world he emerged to was far different than he had left it, after his few thousand years of slumber. He walks the lands of Liyue in solitude, taking on the same humanoid form he had in the past with the Draconids. He has met with the adepti of Liyue and talked with them, making deals and treaties so he can pass through their lands unharmed. He still tries to be warm towards humanity, and holds bitterness, anger, and resentment towards the archons even thousands of years later.
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areyougonnabe · 5 years
‘rings’ and a/c for the ficlet prompts, if you please!
ok for context this is set in the dearly departed universe, following the events of the fic! :-)
In the past, when Crowley had approached his telephone to dial Aziraphale, picked up the handset only to change his mind and put it back down, there had been nobody around to see it. The world had gone on turning, with Aziraphale never the wiser that Crowley had been moments away from reaching out.
But now, in the close quarters of Aziraphale’s bookshop, as they packed up what seemed to be infinite boxes of books in the preparation for their Big Move, Aziraphale could not have missed Crowley’s restlessness and hesitation, lifting his head towards Aziraphale each time he passed as if about to speak, and then lowering it again in silence.
Finally, Aziraphale had had enough. He grabbed Crowley firmly by the upper arm, and said, “Out with it.”
Crowley squirmed under the gentle, insistent gaze of the angel. What was it they said on that outer space show he used to enjoy? Resistance is futile. Yes, that’s right.
Oh well, he might as well get it over with. He’d certainly been thinking about it long enough.
“I need you to get something from my storage unit,” Crowley said, relenting. “I’d go myself, but—“
“You’re technically dead, I know,” Aziraphale said, with an indulgent smile. Then he frowned. “But you said just the other day you didn’t want to bring anything from there. I asked you.”
Crowley shrugged. “Changed my mind.”
“Alright,” said Aziraphale. “I’ll make an afternoon of it, and bring us some lunch in on the way back—“
“I can drive you,” offered Crowley quickly, but Aziraphale was having none of it. “Oh, I don’t think so. You have plenty to do here,” he said, waving a cheeky hand at the chaos that surrounded them. I see your game, thought Crowley fondly, as Aziraphale went on: “Now, what is it you want me to fetch, dear?”
Crowley carefully wrote down a location in the vault on a scrap of paper and handed it over, but now not even the most wide-eyed pleas from Aziraphale could cajole the answer out of him.
“Won’t be hard to spot,” he promised. “Just call me if you have any questions.”
Upon arriving at the vault, Aziraphale had to remind himself once more that he was here on a mission, and could not possibly spend any time dilly-dallying amongst the statues and shelves, perusing the place like a personal museum.
Only twenty minutes later, he was finally making his way over to the wide black cabinet along the east wall indicated by Crowley’s note. He pulled open the long, flat drawer marked with a 4, as requested, and stared down into its contents.
“Oh,” he said softly. “Oh, my.”
Not a moment later he was pulling out his ancient flip phone and dialing Crowley.
“There a problem, angel?” said Crowley upon answering.
“I— well—“
“You find it alright?”
“I’m— I’m not sure,” stammered Aziraphale. “There’s rather a lot to choose from, and you— you didn’t say which one…”
For inside the drawer were dozens of rings, arranged neatly in rows set into black velvet. Gold rings, silver rings, delicate bronze hoops and thick stone circles; some shining with jewels and some plain as paper.
Crowley was not a hoarder like Aziraphale, an indiscriminate enthusiast, a materialist with an appetite. No, he was a careful curator, a most selective aesthete; every ring in this drawer must have had a story, a meaning, a memory attached to it.
“See a pair you like?” came Crowley’s voice in Aziraphale’s ear.
“I’m sorry?” said Aziraphale, on autopilot as he ran a gentle finger over the rows of smooth, beautiful forms.
“I said, see a pair you like,” repeated Crowley, and now Aziraphale was tuned in to the sound of the demon’s voice, fancied he could hear it shaking, just a bit, underneath all that confidence and bluster, and he understood why it had taken a hand on his shoulder and a steady gaze to get Crowley to ask Aziraphale to come here.
“Are you implying what I think you’re implying?”
“That depends on what you think I’m implying,” Crowley replied, the very snake.
“It sounds to me,” Aziraphale said, concentrating very hard on not letting himself get choked up, “as if you would like me to pick two rings from this collection, for— for us to wear, as our wedding rings.”
“Aren’t you the clever one.”
“But these are your rings,” said Aziraphale. “Oughtn’t you be the one to—“
“Of course not,” said Crowley. “Your call, angel. Always your call. Go on, pick two. One for me, one for you. We wouldn’t want the villagers to think their new neighbors are living in sin, now would we?”
“We certainly wouldn’t,” said Aziraphale, with a happy sigh.
Some time later, as the two of them stood amidst the half-filled crates that occupied near every square foot of the bookshop floor, Aziraphale slipped a graceful obsidian ring around Crowley’s finger, set with stripes of silver. He held Crowley’s hand in his, admiring the way the inlay caught the light, for a good long while before Crowley gently lifted it away, and slid home onto the angel’s ring finger a rose-gold band inset with dark red stones.
“Are they alright?” Aziraphale asked quietly. “It took me ages to choose, I wasn’t sure—"
“They’re perfect,” said Crowley, “because you chose them.”
Aziraphale blushed, and buried his head in Crowley’s warm chest. “Oh, I am going to miss this place,” he said, apropos of nothing except, you know, everything. “I really never thought I’d leave.” 
“Don’t tell me,” said Crowley knowingly, a hand in Aziraphale’s hair, “but you’re happy to be leaving, because you’re doing it with me.” 
“It’s not all about you,” said Aziraphale defensively, but it was a useless pretense, and they both knew it, and they both laughed. 
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aliferous-ly · 5 years
Seeing Red
based on this by @illogicallyinclined​ because um? i love it ? i took a fewww creative liberties also wrath is rage bc i didnt see the wrath tags until After writing so /peace sign/
warnings: injury, blood, knife as a weapon, loud terrible noises (like nails on a chalkboard esque), bliiinding, eye trauma, basically all the og warning tags plus like. logan freaking out
Logan clutched at his collar. Air clogged in his throat like it moved through molasses, and he tore the first few buttons clean off of his shirt. His tie, already loosened, flopped, almost completely undone, against his chest. 
“Shit shit shit shit!” 
“Honey, what’s going--”
“Goddamnit!” Virgil’s voiced pounded against Logan’s ears. He could hear Patton worrying, hear Roman asking what to do, while Virgil shouted, his voiced fused with frustration-anger-fear-fear-fear. 
“I’m gone!” Virgil finally said. “I’m gone! He took control, I’m gone.” 
And by that, of course, he meant he no longer could influence Thomas’s decisions. Patton’s control had flown out the window rather early on, similarly with Roman’s. Virgil, the deep-seated highly volatile Anxiety, usually kept the reigns for… ever. He’d never slipped yet. Anxiety had some sort of hand in nearly every part of Thomas’s life. 
Logan could hear all of this happening, but he was in another room. Not completely by choice, he’d been tugged there by… something, something, why can’t he remember -- and, well. He couldn’t really breathe. But it was fine. Everything was fine. 
A sharp, piercing noise shot through his head like a knife scraping down a chalkboard. A warbled gasp of pain shot from his lips but -- but -- 
“Logan! We have to get -- we have to get Logan--” Virgil’s voice cut through the walls, loud and frantic. 
“Calm down, calm down, he’s fine.” Roman’s. Strong, willful Roman. Steady and flighty all at once. 
“No, he’s -- Rage -- he’s --” Logan could hear the words tearing from Virgil’s mouth in gasps, bullet words catching on the wind. 
“He’s just in the other room, I’ll go get him.” Patton, now. A gentle force from behind, a safety net. The doorknob rattled. A knock. Logan hadn’t locked the door. 
“Logan, buddy?” Patton called out. Tentative, concerned, fear-fear-fear--
The piercing noise grew to a cacophonous level until he couldn’t hear what was happening, here there or anywhere, a never-ending onslaught of high-pitched noise barraging his senses, stuffing his brain with nothing but echoes and ringing and he couldn’t hear everything he touched was static and -- 
“Oh, Logan~” 
He knew that voice. He knew that voice, so why couldn’t he remember -- 
His senses flooded back to him, one right after another. Carpet under his fingers, a steady beating in his ears, two black leather boots with pitch dark spikes. 
He looked up. 
Rage smiled, lips stretching and gruesome. His teeth glinted bright, bright white. Logan could feel his heart in his throat, a foreign feeling sweeping through him. An external pounding echoed in the back of his mind, like it was happening but he couldn’t -- really -- hear -- 
Then Logan blinked and realized that his teeth weren’t the only things glinting, that he was holding a long -- silver -- knife. 
Logan scrambled to his feet with a reserve of energy he didn’t know he had, everything loud and narrow and bright. 
“Oh, don’t freak, freak,” Rage said. He twirled the blade once, twice, before a power-hungry grin overtook his face. “I’d say it’s nothing personal but I’m going to relish every moment of this.” 
“Don’t--” Logan extended his palms but in moments Rage was upon him, gripping at his arms his shirt his tie -- Logan pushed against him, something primal and raw erupting as he yelled. Rage’s wrists were burning, hotter than anything Logan knew, his hands slipping against rough obsidian skin. Rage was a flurry of limbs and Logan couldn’t see, couldn’t see, couldn’t see and --
The knife hovered above his eyes, just between his glasses. Rage laughed and laughed and laughed, eyes flung open wide, golden red eyes -- orange black eyes -- fire and brimstone -- 
The bridge of his glasses snapped. 
The world erupted into red. 
“Can you see it?” Rage might’ve whispered or yelled but it all sounded the same to Logan’s ears, crashing waves of fear and pain filling his head. Can you see it? 
The color was never ending, lacking depth and feeling and Roman loved red, he loved the color, but it didn’t feel like Roman, this hateful burning hellfire scarlet -- everything hurt, it hurt and he couldn’t see because of all the fucking red in his vision, he just wanted it all to go away and --
Rage was gone -- Logan could sense it, in the room. Rage’s presence filled every crack, every hole. He needed to be seen, had to be known. Rage was gone. Rage was… gone. 
Logan choked. His ears burned. Something viscous and warm slogged down his cheeks and Logan thought, well, tears are thicker than I remember, well, would the others find him, well, Rage really got what he wanted. 
And then he remembered, oh. Oh. Tears don’t hurt, not like this. Not like this. 
And he remembered the big silver knife, settled between his eyes, and Logan realized his eyes weren’t closed. He wasn’t guarding himself against a bright world. He no longer saw red and instead everything was -- 
A sob tore from his throat. His shoulders shook and he trembled, trembled for someone to help, for someone to give him his sight back give it back --
Hysteria rose and he forced it down. Object impermanence renders you --
But Rage was different than Remus, Logan knew this -- 
Object impermanence renders you pretty unintimidating. 
Something loud cracked, like wood splintering in half. 
What’s so frightening about something with no real world impact?
A warm touch, cool against his burning skin. Soft hair against his neck and ears, a pressure on his arms. Movement, smooth and swift, the fabric of the couch against his elbows. 
Someone wrapped their arms around him, sideways, like they leaned against -- against the arm of the couch, and his own back was against the back of the couch. 
The muffled ringing in his ears subsided, just enough. He could feel fabric -- a sweatshirt? -- against his arms. A voice murmured in his ear and as time trekked on he could make out more and more. 
“We’re here,” the voice was saying. Virgil was saying. Virgil, who was holding on tight to Logan, unwilling to let him go. Undoubtedly getting blood all over his sweatshirt because that’s what was dripping down Logan’s face. That’s what was… 
“It hurts,” Logan said. 
Virgil pressed his forehead against Logan’s jawbone, lips against his shoulder. “I know. I know. Roman and Patton are here to help.” 
Logan made a small, pitiful noise, but when they asked -- Roman, Logan thinks, but the voice was so soft it could’ve been Patton -- if they could help him, treat him, he nodded. 
It hurt so much less than he thought it would. 
Logan knew that cleaning wounds -- anywhere, not just on the face -- hurt like hell. Hurt almost more than the initial wound, because the residual adrenaline had worn off by then. But he barely noticed it -- a prick, a tug. He was more aware of Virgil’s heavy weight around his torso, his head pressed against Logan’s neck. 
“Done,” Roman (definitely Roman, Logan was positive this time) said. “Patton brought some soft clothes for you.” 
“Thomas,” Logan said. “What about--”
“Thomas is fine,” Virgil said, interrupted. “After…” He swallowed. Logan could feel it in the way his shoulders shifted, in the closeness of his chest. 
“After Rage left,” Roman picked up. “Patton found a crack and forced through.” 
“Thomas is letting off steam,” Patton said. His touch landed on Logan’s arm, feather-light. Fabric followed soon after and Logan just -- Logan just moved when he could, as Patton and -- Virgil, slowly dressed him. “He needs to take a breather. Rage is being released in a healthy coping mechanism.” 
Logan nodded, suddenly exhausted. “He’s okay.” 
“He’s okay,” Patton confirmed. “And you are, too.” 
Logan didn’t say anything. Because he didn’t know if his sight would return. Logically, probably, maybe. When Thomas recovered his faculties then Logan would… return to himself. Five senses and all. 
What if it didn’t? Would he be blind for -- for the rest of Thomas’s life? 
Virgil tightened his grip. Not enough to be painful, but just enough for a surge of appreciation and comfort to flow through Logan’s veins. He felt -- he felt safe, in Virgil’s arms. He knew Patton and Roman were close. And with those around him he was guarded from the rest of the world. 
Another wave of exhaustion swept through him. 
“I’d hug you, but Virgil’s kinda hogging all your hug time,” Patton said. Joked. 
Logan’s lips quirked. It was weak, but it was there. 
Virgil settled his chin atop Logan’s shoulder. “Nope. I’m legally obligated to stay here.” 
“Rude,” Roman said. “I knew you were a dragon but I didn’t know you were this much of a hoarder.” 
Virgil hissed at him. Something comforting and relieved exploded in Logan’s chest, releasing in a singular exhale of almost-laughter. 
“Did you just -- did he just hiss at me?” 
“There there, Roman,” Patton said. “It’s okay. I’ll hug you.” 
“Thanks, padre. You’re my favorite.” 
Logan imagined Virgil sticking his tongue out at Roman, imagined Patton and Roman giving each other the biggest, most obnoxious hug known to man. 
“Thank you,” Logan said. The words were dusty, and warbled, and choked, but they were there. 
“Of course,” Virgil said. 
“It’s no problem,” Roman said. He sounded like he’d tried for boasting but couldn’t manage to sneak out the soft undertone. 
“We’re always here for you, Logan,” Patton said. 
His heart lightened. Logan didn’t smile, he didn’t know if he had the energy for it, but he was… content? Comforted. Maybe even happy. 
“This won’t happen again,” Virgil promised. “I have a brand new crippling fear of Rage taking over. He won’t ever gain this much power, ever again.” 
“That’s good,” Logan said, because it was. Thomas shouldn’t be enraged so completely, he shouldn’t lose control so fully. And now Virgil had the means… to prevent it. And Patton had evidently grown stronger, too, being able to wrench some of Rage’s control from him. 
And with Virgil by his side, Roman and Patton aiding him every step of the way… they were okay. 
Logan could breathe. 
Everything was okay. 
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