#obv i like men closer to my own age as well like in their 20s ahaha but i like older guys a lot too
inkykeiji · 2 years
I’m a few days late to this discussion but on the topic of Robert de Niro, daddy issues, dilfs, etc… you’re gonna judge me so hard, but yk the guy that sings the song like “my money don’t jiggle jiggle, it folds”—that song? I lowkey find the guy attractive and he’s like 60 what the hell-
oh my goshhhh hahaha no anon no judging here!!! i i had to look this guy up because i live under a rock and honestly he isn’t my type per se but i think he’s actually quite cute with the beard????? like the beard does things for him for sure!! and he’s definitely not ugly either way!!
#honestly anon i have really weird taste in men; i like them two to three times my age lol but i genuinely think that’s the trauma speaking &#i haven’t gone down that route#obv i like men closer to my own age as well like in their 20s ahaha but i like older guys a lot too#also!!! i really love people who (i think) are ‘unconventionally beautiful’#i find those types of traits so much more attractive and interesting idk#i think conventionally beautiful people can be kinda boring in terms of looks lol#like i want defined noses or high cheekbones or very sharp features etc etc#beauty is subjective tho so!!!#i love little flaws especially in teeth!!#i feel like little flaws an ‘imperfections’ add so much more character to a person#im rambling now but yEAH#own it anon#he isn’t ugly in the slightest#i also find im really attracted to TRAITS tho#like someone will be neutral to me and then they’ll possess a specific personality trait that i find very attractive and suddenly they#appear more *physically* attractive to me too#i love creativity; intelligence; authenticity; confidence/power#etc etc etc#but yeah bottom line is;;;; robert de niro in casino!!!#also robert de niro in the godfather pt 2 omfg like he’s young there but still he’s so attractive!!#i rly rly rly love vito corleone as a character tho so i think that has something to do with it as well <333#have an awesome day/night anon!#it’s one am here i gotta sleep ._.#stay safe and drink enough water!!#inky.bb#clari gets mail
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another relationship PSA advice post:
okay so i know that i’ve already made a big post about this... but i just had a flashback to when that weird chick at public school was trying to set me up with men in their late 20s/early 30s back in 2012 when we were LITERALLY 16.
like one of the excuses i used back then to deflect this girl’s constant pressure of talking to those men was “uh, *zara*.... my drama teacher at catholic school literally turned fucking 30 last year (or back in 2010) and my whole drama class called him old as fuck! so these men are the same age as my drama teacher from catholic school!!!! how the FUCK is that okay and NOT creepy???? they’re LITERALLY OLD ENOUGH TO BE OUR BLOODY TEACHERS AND WOULD BE FUCKING ARRESTED FOR DOING ANYTHING TO US IF THEY WERE????!!!! PLEASE! GET! IT! THROUGH! YOUR! HEAD! THAT! THIS! ISN’T! FUCKING! NORMAL!!!!”
but she obvs deflected the above with: “but we’re old enough to and are legal to fuck, so just fuck them and it’ll be ok!!!! just suck it up and do it!!!” like i just wanna say to my younger followers that:
if anyone your age pulls you into this sort of totally fucked up situation, and just refers to sex by saying “just fuck them” or as just as “fucking” without realising that sex is actually FAR MORE than that... then they don’t care about your safety and boundaries AT ALL, and you should dump that friend, STAT.
after all, if they were really your friend, they would care about your safety and understand your refusals/rejections towards the men. they would also care about your bodily autonomy and boundaries and understand that you’re not comfortable with this situation.... and so, stop harassing you to flirt and sleep with these men.... which literally NO TEENAGER in their right fucking mind should be fucking comfortable with a man who is basically twice their fucking age (and old enough to be their goddamned teacher) flirting with them and wanting to sleep with them.
finally, NO NORMAL dude in their late 20s/early 30s should be finding a 16 YEAR OLD GIRL ATTRACTIVE. FUCKING PERIOD. after all, these men ARE FULLY AWARE that you are a kid. but they don’t actually care. and that’s because they’re looking for someone to manipulate and abuse/harass etc. because no woman their age will put up with their, more than likely, manchild bullshit behaviour. but a 16 year old girl, according to these men, will presumably put up with it, because teen girls don’t know anything about relationships and sex and life, but they (the men) obviously do. they’ll use that excuse so that then you’ll presumably follow EVERYTHING that they say and want you to do. and the friend that’s pulling you into this sitch is doing the same thing, by being complicit in the same grooming behaviours of those men.
JUST RUN FOR YOUR MOTHERFUCKING LIFE (if it’s safe to). report it if it’s safe to as well. please. because it’s not worth your safety and sanity dealing with either the fucked up friend who thinks men twice your age will apparently “keep you safe”/“look after you” (when they’re obviously fucking not!!!) if you “just fuck them”.... or dealing with the creepy adult men who SHOULDN’T BE FUCKING FLIRTING WITH A GODDAMNED CHILD IN THE FIRST MOTHERFUCKING PLACE ANYWAY.
in short, the real safety in this situation is caring enough about yourself to firmly set your boundaries and standards, which will allow you to block these people out of your life. listen to yourself. if it feels wrong (which for a good bulk of teenagers, it will feel really fucked up), let the friend know. call the friend out and these men out on their behaviour if you feel safe and confident enough in doing so.
if they actually take the time to listen and consider, the friend should realise that they’re wrong and stop.... and in general most decent & normal adult men should stop as soon as you say you’re a teenager and hopefully stop harassing you. if neither happens, just straight up block the men on social media like facebook or snapchat (which was where this girl was adding them for me) and just stand your ground with your friend if they don’t listen.... and report them if you feel like you can. then block them on social media too.
but if you get stuck in this situation and feel like you can’t get out of it, reach out for help to someone else that you can actually trust, like another friend that you’re actually closer with or something (like this girl I wasn’t actually close with at all) hopefully they’ll help you out and get you out of this fucked up sitch.
but don’t hate yourself if you’re stuck with the weird friend or unfortunately stuck in a relationship with one of those sickening men. because i easily could’ve been too, after all of their creepy “you’re so mature for your age 😊😊” etc comments. and it was all because i was young, insecure, naive and desperate for any kind of positive comments/feedback/attention because i’d never received any from any guys in my age group. you may feel the same. but DON’T FALL FOR IT. or don’t hate yourself if you do fall for those comments, because it is very, very easy to when you feel lonely and whatever in your teens. because, sadly, this is EXACTLY WHAT these men are latching onto. they are latching onto your low self image/esteem and giving you the attention that you want by giving you those seemingly nice compliments. they know that’s what you want: someone that’s ready to shower you in compliments. but once you get into a relationship with them, those “compliments” are probably likely to stop... as they’ll try to use the age gap against you, like i said earlier.
basically at this point, i’d come out of a year-long depressive episode/mental breakdown, so i was trying to build myself up again to be confident and everything.... and that’s why i became so suspicious of these men suddenly giving me those creepy comments/so-called “compliments” and my friend trying to set me up with them so forcefully. but yeah. again, DON’T HATE YOURSELF FOR FALLING INTO THIS IF ANYTHING HAPPENS, because it’s so, so easy, at that age, and in that state, to feel that you need love from anyone or anything. but please remember to set your boundaries and standards and stick to them before anything DOES happen. because you are WORTH your boundaries and standards and safety, despite what these people (as well as your depression or low self-esteem/image) tell you.
this also falls under the whole “hoe phase” body positivity thing. like if you’re 17-19 and some friend is like “be a hoe with that dude in his late 20s/early 30s that keeps hitting on you on *insert chosen dating app here*”..... i again suggest to run from or ignore that guy and to ignore/leave that friend. because if there’s a 10+ year age gap between you and the guy/other person, there could/can be a BIG disparity (well i think there will be idk) in how the guy/other person will treat you....
like obviously it’ll depend on how decent the other person is generally.... but again, if they can’t pull someone their own age, but pull an 17-19yo instead, when they’re like 26-33 or whatever, then you’ve got some serious questioning to do towards that person, to yourself. like my questioning of the men on this hellsite, in this age bracket, that i had hitting on me at 17/18 on me, was: “but they pay bills/rent/a mortgage and shit.... like I DON’T EVEN FUCKING KNOW WHAT ANY OF THOSE ARE!!!??? why the FUCK are they even bothering with hitting on me when they’re adults that i’ve actually told that i’m still in high school????” and that was substantial enough to turn me off them tbh lmao. but yeah. just STAY SAFE in your hoe phases/sex discovery phases y’all.
*side note: again, yes. this post is primarily aimed at straight girls, but also applies to any sexuality/gender orientation. i want all my followers to be fucking safe y’all.*
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beverlyr0ad · 6 years
crimes of grindelwald thoughts
alright obvious spoilers not that it matters bc i have one follower lmao but !! i need somewhere to scream abt this movie
first of all i love jacob and newt so much. best parts of this movie honestly i love them and i want them to be happy 
but to be fair i actually rlly rlly enjoyed watching this movie!! like,, there are a looot of things i dont understand about it and i have no idea how they happened or why theyre happening but thats Okay i would still recommend everyone watch it! its so good!!!
good things:
- grindelwald !! i mean,, no hes not a good thing but i really liked how they wrote his character. like i can UNDERSTAND the power he has over people and how hes manipulating them. hes really not just a Voldemort 2.0 and i respect that a lot bc thats not what an entirely different villain should be like. but casting issues and all aside i really liked this
- i also liked the interaction between leta lestrange and dumbledore that was some good stuff and the actors were rlly good too !!! - i like the direction queenie is going in. i mean i dont actually of course but it seems realistic and i think its important and its good character development n stuff so hhh hope that works out later tho !! i am Suspense
- jacob walked into that movie and i was like !!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDD i love him so much and it was rlly nice to see him back even if i dont think it was that neat to have him lose his memory of everything that happened for significance and in this movie have everything go like WHOOMP hes back but i uhhhh loved it anyway so this is not a complaint its a good thing - i still loved newt and having a good main character makes the whole movie a better watch in general. ive seen sequels where i just Cant get attatched to the new characters but wow i didnt really have much of a problem with that here
- it was also never boring and i really just loved n enjoyed this movie a lot!!!  okay hhh bad things/things that i personally disliked:
- ive seen different opinions on this but??? what was that blood pact????? what are u doing??????????????? i cant even be coherent properly so here are the main reasons that was rlly dumb
1- w-who does that in a romantic relationship ever :o and yes jkr has literally said dumbledore n grindelwald were in LOVE HELLO feel free to correct me if im wrong on anything but if ur gonna say it u should show it,,,, Continuity Please. anyway separate issue but if u love someone youre not gonna be like “hey lets make SURE we dont fight each other ever” because youll trust that the other person?? isnt gonna fight u???!!!???? im
2- thats literally not the reason he “cannot move against grindelwald” okay like it shouldnt be. this conversation literally happens in dh and dumbledore says he was scared of facing what rlly happened when ariana died!! there was no actual physical thing stopping him!!! the only acceptable justification is that he doesnt want to face this ghosts of his past and that moment and he is SCARED okay so COME ON give dumbledore his faults! hes scared of his past and that IS the reason!!
3- wait how did grindelwald, aberforth, and albus fight if they had already entered a blood pact. like i dont think albus would aim for his own brother EVER but could he even attack grindelwald if they had a blood pact?? not sure how this works lol but who was he aiming for then??? just firing everywhere randomly without intention cause that sounds,,, significantly harder to believe and makes that scene loads messier esp if grindelwald couldnt aim for albus either so
4- the blood pact was so frickin unnecessary im sobbing. like there was the scene where its all like “oh some say you were as close as brothers” and dumbledore is like “oh we were closer than brothers...” and im like OK! the little scene in the air doesnt explicitly reveal anything either so thats ok but the closer than brothers line was rlly revealing for me. at least for like two minutes and then dumbledore looked in the mirror and saw himself making a blood pact w grindelwald. like ok is That what u meant by closer than brothers bc thats what everythings pointing to but it shouldnt be and i.............ugh
5- im honestly just kind of hhhhhhhhhhhh. i can concede that the blood pact might be significant in later films and i look forward to watching them! but. at the same time i. wish that if you were going to say dumbledore was gay it would actually be explicitly referenced in the movie, instead of dancing around that and dropping it in hints and pieces that fans of the series who know this information will understand and others can just dismiss as friendship! there were So Many good places in this movie to include this fact (altho feel free to disagree w me haha) and i think that not including this fact was honestly tiring.
- nagini...........obv this isnt a huge problem bc idk where her story will go next n it might develop n become important but as of rn, i have no idea what her role in this movie is. i wonder if her reappearance in the harry potter series will actually be of significance and if itll be explained how she will end up under servitude to voldemort bc i genuinely dont understand right now. it just seems like a cameo to draw attention in the trailer ghgdjh
- leta lestrange’s death didnt feel right or impactful and im sad . definitely a huge opinion here but it felt like a mandatory character snuff to make the movie sad and ghdsjgfh oh well :(
- little continuity issues?? dumbledore being DADA professor instead of transfiguration bc Boggarts Are Important For Foreshadowing. also how is mcgonagall an adult or actually how is she even alive and um of course the fact that this movie doesnt confirm what jkr has said about dumbledore and grindelwald beforehand. 
- im actually going to totally repeat myself bc this deserves a separate point umm why arent dumbledore and grindelwald actually shown as in love with each other as young men. its completely relevant to the movie and its not hard to put it in there instead of the bLOOD PACT (ask anyone irl ive been screaming abt the blood pact ever since i came out of that movie). anyway i know david yates said he wouldnt be including that as part of the movie as fans are aware of that aNyway but its not that hard to understand. people are asking for actual representation?? not smt vague??? because this is just here to Please People. if u refuse to see this ship, ure just gonna see them as having a friendship! maybe u havent heard about what jkr said or maybe ure choosing to ignore it bc,, idk that says smt about u, or maybe another reason idk! but if u go into this knowing they were In Love and hoping to see confirmation of dumbledore being canonically gay, youre going to hear that “oh, we were more than brothers” line and be like oh yeah we been knew, or more seriously like hey! maybe we’re getting a canon confirmation, not just floaty young people leaning towards each other! like when he looked in the mirror i was like okay This Is It this is gna be confirmation but then it wasnt oop. it was the !!! bloooood paaact !!! which means that people could interpret the “closer than brothers” line as meaning oh we done did a blood pact that means we blood related look at us go! Wow! so this is basically just a half azzed attempt at pleasing people w stereotypical viewpoints and people happy to see representation. hmmmmmmmmmm.. (psst if u actually ship older dumbledore n grindelwald tho What Are You Doing Stop !! thats not a healthy relationship, grindelwald is an awful person and dumbledore deserves to grow from the person he was before!!! he deserves so much better!!! im not saying to ship them but im saying that if we’re gonna say they were in love as young men and if we are going to confirm that dumbledore is gay well,,, lets put that in canon pls!!!! we need canon representation but we dont need to pretend this ship is healthy or good bc its representation either. this isnt shipping this is asking to acknowledge that dumbledore was gay and in love with grindelwald and its confirmed that grindelwald was in love with him too. in the place the story of tcog is now, that relationship is not ever going to happen again and if u actually think it is ure suffering from some next-level delusion. just be definitive and acknowledge that your characters are LGBT tho pls!! u said they were!!! actually i would be so much happier to see a Happy And Healthy LGBT Pairing can we have that? please?)
- big spoiler but hOW IS CREDENCE ALBUS’ BROTHER WHAT IS HAPPENING DKFJDKSH i need to separate my thoughts again
1- AGE DIFFERENCE........apparently dumbledore is like 46 in this movie right?? credence doesnt look over 20. okay percival dumbledore is put in azkaban before albus starts school right?? so the maximum age albus can be is 11. now im gonna say that kendra was not having any more kids w anyone else after that incident fs so the oldest albus can be when ariana is born is 12, leaving room for some other stuff okay. ALBUS AND CREDENCE DONT LOOK LIKE THEY HAVE A 12 YEAR AGE GAP WHAT IS HAPPENINF
2- i saw people theorizing that credence is ariana’s son and NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO PLS NO
3- not an actual issue but i thought grindelwald said his name was berrylius dumbledore which i later remembered as berrylium dumbledore and anyway thank god for the internet
4- okay at this point i cant tell if this has just been brought in for shock value or smt like. is this relevant to the plot. is grindelwald even telling the truth. w-why did the movie end there. help....... i think thats it but i do want to say that i respect the rights of the creator jkr to do whatever she wants w these characters. its her world! but i can have a whole bunch of opinions n feelings about this movie and still support it. after all, i love harry potter and the whole wizarding world w my whole heart. 
did anyone even read that LOOOL that was so long sorry
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naptis-lucis-caelum · 6 years
HAPPY 420 (Noctis x Reader)
welllll it’s officially 420 and I’m stoned so might as well right? based on this photo of Noct, Iggy, and Prompto getting high as fuck floating around, posted by his-shining-tears, and the source says Twitter but the link just goes to the homepage. if anybody knows the original source, kindly send it to my inbox please! idk why it got fluffy in the end, but yall know me i’m a thirsty Noctis hoe and will do just about anything to write about him lmao. AANNNNDDD ENJOY 
p.s. I know they’re in a tent in the photo but wtv
Rating: SFW
Pairing(s): Noctis Lucis Caelum/Reader
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Warning(s): Drugs, swearing
Plot Summary: The guys invite you to celebrate the mystical stoner holiday of 4/20 with a little help from Gladio’s not-so-secret stash.
Words: 2,143
As soon as you finished your last lecture for the day, your phone began to vibrate violently in your pocket.
New Message from CHOCOBO BUTT HEAD:
Tumblr media
“Oh, for the love of–” you hurriedly scrolled down in order to hide that extremely compromising photo of the Crown Prince and his Crownsguard. 
You lowered the brightness of your screen and scrolled back up again, pinching the screen and zooming on their faces. The only thing that gave Prompto’s current state of mind away was the redness in his eyes; Iggy was clearly stoned, with his eyes almost invisible; while Noct’s cheeky grin-and-thumbs-up combination made your heart flutter a little bit. Leaving the classroom, you replied,
omfg whose stash are u smoking?
CHOCOBO BUTT HEAD: irrelevant question
You knew for a fact that Ignis had grabbed Prompto’s phone to send that reply himself. 
CHOCOBO BUTT HEAD: u didnt answer the question
i just finished class
CHOCOBO BUTT HEAD: k cool were at the apartment
The sender’s disregard for mentioning whose apartment they were in specifically only meant that the person currently holding Prompto’s phone was none other than the owner of the apartment himself, Noctis.
...is that an invitation or
With two paper bags filled with chips, candy, and Ebony, you stepped off the elevator and entered the hallway. You could already smell the dank from there, hearing laughter faintly echoing the corridor. The noise gradually got louder as made your way to the apartment, confirming that they were indeed the laughter of your friends.
After a bit of struggling, you finally managed to ring the doorbell. Obvious shuffling from the other side of the door moved closer to you until a blondie opened the door.
“She’s here!” Prompto yelled out. He looked back at you and noticed the bags you were carrying, taking them off your hands and adding, “And she bought the food, guys!”
You closed the door behind you and followed Prompto into the living room. On the floor sat the other two who appeared in the photo; they were missing an additional person. You stared at each of their obviously stoned faces one by one, adding two and two together until it hit you.
“So,” you grinned, joining their circle and taking the space between Noctis and Ignis. “Does Gladio know you’re smoking his weed?”
Noct chuckled lazily, “Nope, but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”
Ignis passed you a freshly rolled joint and a lighter. “Spark it?” he offered with a sluggish smile.
“Why thank you, Iggy.”
You took the joint and placed the filter between your lips, leaning forward as Ignis sparked the lighter. You took a puff, then another, and one more until the burn looked even from your end. A deep exhale with a cloud of smoke escaped your lips, adding to the already low visibility of the room. Psychedelic rock music softly blasted from Noct’s speakers on the table as you passed it over to Prompto who was busy digging in.
He grabbed the joint and took a sip of water. “You guys know what,” he inhaled sharply. “I love eating.”
Prompto took another puff, holding it in for a couple seconds before releasing completely. He passed it to Iggy who just opened a can of Ebony. Careful, he took a quick sip from his fountain of youth and followed it with a deep inhale of his perfect roll.
“And I love Ebony.”
The Prince happily accepted Iggy’s joint offer, moving forward to grab it before leaning back on the couch. He stretched out his right leg and fixed his left knee up. 
Giggling, he took his first drag of the new joint. “And I love–” He turned to you for a second then quickly looked away, shaking his head. “Lucis!” he quickly finished, exhaling the smoke.
“You always get nationalistic when you’re high,” you pointed out, erupting in laughter with Prompto and Iggy. 
Noct joined in and ran a hand through his midnight hair, “It’s because I think the past Kings of Lucis try to speak to me when I’m stoned!”
The roaring got louder with his comment and the joint started another cycle. You took it from Noct and passed it on to Prompto who kept it between his thumb and index fingers. 
“Do you guys think the past Kings see us right now?” he asked.
“If they did,” Noct said. “I just wanna say sorry to my great-great-great-grandfather’s grandfather,” he finished off.
Next thing you knew, Noct was already handing the joint to you. Has it been that long already? Or did I space out? Wow, this is some pretty good shit.
Your eyes began to droop, but from the corner of your eye, you could see the Prince watching you take a hit. Unsure of whether it was the weed or just you, you started to become more conscious of your actions as you handed the half-joint over to the marksman. Prompto let it hang on the corner of his lips for a few moments, fixing the snacks you had bought on the table in the middle of your circle.
“... I’m fairly certain His Majesty’s done his fair share of rule breaking,” Ignis chimed in, snapping you back into reality.
Okay, you were transcending your current realm. 
You shook your head to look at the three men chatting away. You must’ve been quiet for a while now, considering the fact that you weren’t entirely sure what they were on about.
“King Regis toking? Fuck me, that’d make for one hell of a cover!” Noct exclaimed as he entered a fit of laughter. 
Slowly, Iggy exhaled once more and a cloud of smoke appeared above your heads. He tapped Noct’s arm and showed him the remaining of the joint, prompting him to calm down a little bit so he could take his hit.
“Your old man? A stoner?” Prompto reiterated with his thumb under his chin. “I could so picture it, dude!”
“And as it turns out, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” Ignis teased.
“Get off my dick, Iggy,” Noct joked in response, making all of you laugh this time. “And stop trying to sneak vegetables in my food all the damn time. If you like them so much, just eat it yourself!” He puffed out and stretched his arm out to you. “You should roach this,” he suggested with a faint smile quirking up his lips. 
“Nah, go ahead,” you offered back. “You’re already holding it.”
“But you just got here!” he retorted, moving his arm up and down to add emphasis to the burning joint. “Those in favor, say I.”
“I!” Prompto and Iggy voted together, raising their right hands in support.
You shrugged, “If you insist.”
You roached what was left of the roll, then killed it on the ashtray on the table. The moment you leaned back on the couch, you felt a tap on your arm and saw Noctis doing the exact same thing he was doing just now.
“Wait, what the fuck?” you said out loud, looking over at the filter of the last joint on the ashtray, then back at the joint Noctis was holding. “Didn’t I just kill one?”
“Dude, that was ages ago,” Prompto answered you as his right hand dove inside a bag of chips.
“No way,” you replied in disbelief. 
On your left, Noct refrained himself from chuckling, in turn making Iggy chuckle too. The two of them looked at each other and, unable to control themselves, burst into a mixture of heavy wheezing and loud ha-has.
Your eyes switched from studying Noct and Iggy’s face, bouncing back and forth as you watched them either slap their thigh or clap their hands. The Prince favored the thigh slap more, while the Royal Advisor preferred to clap his leathered hands.
“Ah, you’re so fucking cute when you’re stoned,” Noct blurted out, turning his head to face your blush-mantled cheeks. 
You rolled your eyes in a response but you could feel the heat on your face rising. Mockingly, you grabbed the not-so-new joint from his fingers and inhaled. “I swear,” you held your breath. “I just roached the other one.”
“If you did, we wouldn’t be having this conversation, now would we?” Prompto fired back as he pulled his hand out to take the joint. 
You paused, “But we were having a totally different conversation before this.”
“Indeed,” Iggy nodded. “Prompto and I best be going.”
“Huh?” you responded. “I just got here, Iggy! Come on, stay a while longer?”
“Just got here?” a voice from below you asked.
You looked down and found Noct’s head resting on your lap, his glassy blue eyes looking straight into yours. Once you began to feel the physicality of your body, you found your right hand unconsciously combing through his hair. When did he lie down?
“Yeah, didn’t we just...?” You pointed over at the overflowing ashtray on the table, spotting the countless filters resting on top of each other. The food was completely devoured, and you realized you actually felt pretty full.
“Holy shit, how stoned are you?” Prompto taunted. “It’s almost midnight and I’m fuckin’ sleepy.”
“Again, you guys don’t have to go,” Noct said. “Just sleep here!”
Iggy and Prompto looked at each other, rolling their eyes at that comment he just made. You stared as the two of them conversed with their eyes, obviously making sure you wouldn’t get the hint. 
“Nah, I’d rather sleep on my own bed,” Prompto declined.
“I share the same sentiments,” Iggy nodded, moving his hand up to adjust his glasses. “By the way, Noct, I’m in no mood to drive so I’ll be leaving the Regalia in your hands.”
“Ha,” Noctis scoffed. “I’m a great driver!”
“I meant to say, ‘don’t fuck it up.’” Ignis bit back. “Goodnight, you two.”
"Later!” Prompto called out.
This left you and Noctis’ head on your thighs all alone. You awkwardly continued to play with the softness of his hair, pretending like this was a normal occurrence in your friendship. He attempted to do the same, lightly grazing the thumb on his right hand over your left knee. 
Finally, he cleared his throat and broke the silence. “I don’t... I don’t think you’re in the condition to drive,” he stated.
Was he seriously asking you to sleep there?
“I think I’ll be fine,” you nodded.
“Please, I insist!” he maintained. “If anything terrible happened to you...” 
Noct’s voice trailed off but he kept his eyes locked on yours.
You took a deep breath, “Alright. Alright, yeah, sure.”
Okay, he gets it, you’re staying the night. Calm down.
“Cool!” he squeaked, getting up and patting the dust from his cargo pants away. “I’ll... I’ll get the couch ready. You can take my bed,” he generously presented.
“Noct,” you titled your head. “Please, I’ll take the couch. I don’t wanna displace you in your home.”
He scratched the back of his head and aired out a laugh, “It’s no big deal, really!”
Your heart began to beat faster as the seconds passed. Finally, you plucked up the courage and proposed,
“I don’t mind sharing the bed.”
His sea blue eyes grew wide for a moment before he quickly bobbed his head up and down in extreme concurrence. You entered the bedroom behind him, and even though you’ve been in there countless times before, being along with Noctis was pushing your mind into overdrive, your heart into arrest, and your primal want into a need. 
As you settled into bed with him, all cleaned up and still quite blazed, you snuggled up to his side and patted his arm in an upward motion. He looked down at you and grinned, lifting his arm up and allowing you to place your head on his shoulder. Tilting your body sideways, you closed your eyes and rested your hand on his chest. 
It was a relief to know that his heart was beating just as fast as yours.
“Happy 420,” he said randomly, causing you both to giggle.
“Happy 420, Noct.”
He planted what seemed like a long, overdue kiss on your forehead. Maybe the next time you smoke together, the two of you will finally be vocal about how you feel for each other.
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