#i also find im really attracted to TRAITS tho
changbinsboobs · 1 month
What attracts SKZ at first sight?
🍄For this reading i used the Erotic Fantasy Tarot Deck🍄
*Keep in mind this post is solely for entertainment purposes and does not state facts!
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Chan - Page of Swords
His cards were incredibly easy to shuffle and sprung out very quickly and clearly. He def has something that catches his eye instantly and knows it and doesn't mind sharing information, thats something i picked up on in the past as well, he's very open and kinda even wants to share. Physically he likes athlethic looking women, almost with slight masculine look to them (lean muscular legs, lean (not skinny) muscular stomach, he likes a straight athlethic posture and kind of "hard" vibes. Maybe girls that are a little bit snappy and a tiny bit mean, someone that would tease him or roast him a bit. I feel like he likes powerful, dom looking women, i get siren / mommy typa vibe. Like a bit mysterious and scary, and i think he is kinda into someone that gives off toxic vibes at least based on their looks. And he knows it and is proud of it too😂 doesn't disagree. He likes women that wouldnt mind stepping on someone or hurting someones feelings to protect themselves or to get the respect they deserve. I believe this is something he actually wants to do/be himself, but cant allow himself to do so, and thats why he admires it so much on women. Although if a man were to exhibit those qualities i feel he would be annoyed cuz it would trigger him that another man allows himself to do what he cant allow himself. And by saying that im not assuming his sexuality, its just that this specific piece of information came like that. That specific behavior, when exhibited by women is attractive, when exhibited by men it puts him off. That all being said, based on the reading im getting the vibe he leans more towards women, but with a bit of masc qualities.
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Leeknow - Page, Knight, 10 of Cups
The deck was quite for a bit and than BAM 3 cards. All continuous cups, shows he is attracted to consistency in the building of the connection. Someone that seems serious. He doesn't have something to catch his eye immediately based on looks or personality wise. He is open to get to know any kind of person if they show genuine interest and are consecutive in their actions. He wants someone reliable in their emotions, someone who is self aware and comfortable with their emotions. Someone mature, that is visible that they have worked on themselves in the past to achieve the level of comfort and understanding they've achieved in themselves. He wants someone he can grow and build with. Contrary to Chan tho, his reading isn't that focused on romantic or sexual interest. The vibe is more platonic. Which also shows me, for him to actually feel attracted to someone in a romantic/spicey way, he has to know that person on a deeper level and possibly be friends for a while first.
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Changbin - King of Cups
The deck acted very dense, as if it wanted to stick together and shield itself from spilling anything. He is someone with deep running emotions, hard exterior but very soft and deep on the inside. He has to be conscious of himself not to overspill as this has caused hem feelings of rejection, pain and feeling misunderstood. I believe he has a bit of trauma regarding that. Feeling like too much for most people. I believe he doesn't "choose" based on looks or even personality. He goes by vibe! Even if he has a specific set of features he finds attractive, they don't hold that much weight in actually attracting him. That said, i think he has A LOT of traits, aesthetics and logical/personality traits he looks for/likes in a partner, when the vibe isnt there right away. I would say he is also someone that doesnt really have a set type, even if he thinks he does. He might have a few versions of girls he has in his head that he likes, but in reality those dont mean anything cuz the girls he actually falls for are never coherent with the type he actually has, and girls that would be his perfect type, he doesnt care for them. This is something thats confusing to him and might cause him some distress in his love life as he feels uneasy trusting his gut, and thinks he should stick to what his head thinks he likes. But he's a very hearty, gutty, intuitive person and generally speaking, in life the best decisions he can make always come from his gut and heart, not from his head. Also im getting the very strong vibe he's into women. Overall a very sensitive, deep person, that doesn't want to see or accept his depth and constantly keeps trying to be "normal" or like the "others" when it comes to this specific aspect, hence why he has over-logicalified his idea of a perfect partner. This may be something causing him to constantly choose a partner thats not really fit for him, leading to a love life full of disappointment and honestly trauma. All those ideas and features he has in mind go all out the window, tho, when he actually meets someone thats meant for him and the chemistry begins "torturing" him.
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Hyunjin - Ace of Swords
He likes striking, high contrast features, maybe some sharpness in the face or the body as well, probably someone on the taller side who's also pretty slender. Could be of either gender. I believe he likes more of a masculine look, if its for a woman for example someone like keira kneightly or jung hoyeon. Those two just popped into my mind. Someone with a good style, someone who KNOWS THEIR style. Like their hair, maekup, outfits, jewlery, shoes etc, are all picked up for a reason and consciously put together. He likes it when people put thought into their appearance and express themselves through it. He thinks it sends a message that this person is worth it and deems themselves and is of high value, someone that takes good care of themselves. He likes small charmies too. Like if the person has an incredibly unique charming smile. Or if they have a rare unique eye color or shape. If they have exceptionally long hair or an exceptional hair color. If they have their signature earrings or signature scent, or nails or whatever. He likes a classy aura, well put together style, but with something unique that sets that person apart from the others. Something he can remember them by. People like this leave an impression on hyunjin.
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Han - Empress & High Priestess
I immediately get the vibe that he likes older women. Women that are wise, have experience and are of a mothery nature. Women that take care of him. This could also apply to men that exhibit those mothery qualities. There's not much else to add here, this leads me to believe that this specific thing is kind of the "boss" and theres not much else that matters when it comes to first impressions regarding attraction.
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Felix - 7 of Wands
The deck kept blurting out groups of cards, but then not, but then yes, then another group etc. I feel like his type changes constantly and quickly so he can't really put his finger on what he likes and doesnt like. This is very dependable on the people itself and what experience he has with them. For example he meets a redhead and they hit it off right away, and suddenly his type are redheads. Then after a week he gets bored and then he suddenly doesnt like redheads anymore. Then he starts vibing with a short person, now his types that. A month later they have a fight or something, now he keeps away from short people, yk...his type fluctuates and is HEAVILY influenced by the emotion thats evoked in him during interactions & experiences.
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Seungmin - Emperor
Stern looking people. I think he likes tsunderes. People that look cold and stern on the outside and he enjoys the honor of making them smile, making them soft for him later on. He also admires the stability and confidence they excude. He also sees coldness as a sort of power. Like its an ability to choose who enters and who doesnt, and he likes 1. to feel exclusive when he gets in, and he also likes the privacy of being around someone like that or having a partner like that. I want to say he likes the emptinness a relationship like that would bring. Like theres no unneccessary drama, opinions, etc. theres enough empty space for them to be whoever they want and do whatever they want.
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I.N - 2 of Pentacles
Thats very random but he really likes bright green eyes. This is a feature that instantly catches his attention and no matter the other features of that person, if they have green eyes they immediately become highly attractive to him, or at least their attractiveness level rises, like from a 3 they're now a 6. He also likes ankles and looks at the shoes, those are things that can impress him. His reading is very different, he has very set things he knows about and almost actively looks for, i feel like he would be someone that has a list of things he looks for in a partner, some things being even as shallow as the type of shoes they like to wear, and he would date a person just solely based on this list of his that he has. And i think he would be pretty happy too😂 like i don't see much emotion, in the sense that he falls in love without him wanting to because that feeling is stronger than him - no, he deliberately chooses who he feels attracted to.
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confusedlittleguy · 9 months
i love thinking abt fashion and beauty standards in WoF bc its so interesting how different the culture between each tribe is
i tried to type out my ideas but its not coming outta my brain hold on
icewings with being shiny and having the biggest antlers and being the cleanest and who has the bluest eyes and having the sharpest quills, theyd probably only wear white or blue 😒
sandwings with having the coolest patterns and having well-groomed hair and stuff abt hair length and style standards changing over time and whos ruling them - up until Oasises rule the beauty standard for hair would be whatever the queen (and sometimes her relatives) look like, and then during the sucession war youre hair could indicate whos side you were on, like being on Blisters side their hair would be braided and long and never cut and facial hair meh :/ they can do whatever as long as its taken care of, but on Burns side theyd have shorter hair, often being shaved/cut into a buzz cut and then cut/shaved back before it grows back and always growing out facial hair and on Blazes side they would care more about their hair being shiny and light or colourful, often beached/dyed white or blue to show that they are allied with icewings, and even soem dragons imitating Queen Glaciers mane of quills but not growing any facial hair even tho they are based in the Ice Kingdom bc honestly Blaze isnt that much of a practical thinker (or one at all) and Scorpian Den dragibs giving zero fucks abt the beauty standards of the rest of the tribe, individual gangs/cults/families/whatever have their own thing and after Thorn becomes queen hair styles become less 'everyone should be like this and or strive to be this' and more of an occupational and place in society type of thing, and also things like obsidian and sapphires and black, blue and pink fabric would probably be something that they think looks pretty
rainwings and being bright and colourful but also being flexible (BECAUSE ITS COOL AND THEY WOULD THINK ITS IMPRESSIVE not for sexual reasons and if someone makes a comment like that im going to throw up a foldable IKEA table) but also smelling nice, like certain flowers or fruit
nightwings with being large and healthy would probably be the traits that they find most desireable, i think that they would incorperate lots of moons and stars and space imagery into their fashion as well as silver and gold
mudwings actually probably wouldnt have beauty standards because they dont care that much about attracting other dragons, but for specific rare 'falling in love' type of instances they would learn about what that dragon likes, for fashion they also probably wouldnt have much except for gold veins between their scales and some headpeices that look like plants or are woven from plants, but that would be more common for higher classes and less common for lower classes
with skywing fashion i was thinking sorta based off european culture (mostly gaelic culture), but for skywings their beauty standards and fashion change with their royalty more than any other tribe, i think in Queen Firestorms rule the beauty standards would be far more relaxed than Scarlets beauty standards, but under Queen Rubys rule the standards would be the most relaxed, but all of them do have one thing in common - jewels, although commonly skywings will uphold the standard that traditional european based (closest to canon) skywings and rocky skywings are more beautiful, although within the avian skywing community they do have similair standards to birds, although its more that avian skywings of all genders look for shinier and brighter partners, duller avian skywings who dont end up having eggs probably end up with each other in toxic marriages/partnerships because they dont really love the other but they want to keep up appearances within their community
seawings - i think they, surprisngly dont have that many beauty standards despite the only two queens we've been shown being absolutely obsessed (/j i am joking) although they definitely do like pearls and probably shells, and patterns of sea stars and sea jellies would be used in clothing
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oceanlandworld · 4 months
was thinking about this and i realized fairly recently that what attracts me to specific characters is much less their traits in isolation than it is their relationships with the rest of the cast + role in the narrative
my favorite protagonists tend to be ones that are in some way denied agency and dont have much of an external support network, if any - i didnt realize for a long time but this is largely why i find most "found family" narratives alienating/boring/otherwise uncomfortable
this is also why a lot of Conventional Narratives in the spirit of campbell fall flat for me i think and reading some of jane schoenbrun's commentary on owen as a protagonist really made me realize that i don't have a problem with fiction or protagonists, i just have a problem with how most popular stories are told. i am much more interested in internal narratives of characters who don't fit popular "hero" models (at least ones im used to)... been thinking about it in the context of piranesi and freshwater as well, which also very much fit into "internally-focused narratives about isolated protagonists who are in some way characterized by lack of agency" (tho you could argue freshwater has multiple protagonists + ada's support network is not strictly internal)
also theyre all plural but u know
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midnightmah07 · 9 months
I’m back again! Exams have been ok so far so that’s fun. 2 done 6 to go!
Anyways to the main subject of my ask: what’s your oc’s first impression to Daria and they’re current thoughts on her.
Also I decided for the sake of me adoring your oc’s, that Cyrus doesn’t despise Neige and just doesn’t really care for him. Is he civil and nice with him? Yes. Would he inconvenience himself for him? No.
(Btw saw your pfp and just, how we feeling about the new animation cause I wanna hold them in my hands they look so good😭)
Also so happy for your exams!! Hope they keep going well!!<33
Hmmm ok I have only the info you posted about Daria, I think her strongest relationship out of my OCs would be with Isabelle bc that's her housewarden lmao. Because you said so much about Daria's slight arrogance (I think that's what's written there, I might have to double check later tho bc it's been a while since I read Daria's character info) and other very negative traits that she has Isabelle would probably get a headache with her rather often when she acted like this, in fact I think sometimes she would have to remember she's dealing with a dear student (she holds all her dorm members very dear and near her heart) and not Leona since they share some traits, but overall I think they would have a positive relationship outside of these headaches; Daria is inspired by Athena and you yourself said she's plenty smart, so that's something her and Isa have in common, I feel like they could get along pretty well!
Daisy's surrounded by screwed up people at NRC so this isn't news to her, + she always aspires to see the best in everyone because of what her parents taught her, so I feel like even if her relationship with Daria wasn't that deep, I feel like she would be intrigued and want to assume the best out of her
Jeanne............ Yeah she looks a Daria and gives her a thumbs up. Like idk why but my gut feeling is to say that even if Daria and Jeanne probably aren't close, Jeanne probably finds her interesting and admires how smart she is-- not as smart as her captain Leona tho sorry😋 jokes aside, she would low-key push Jamil to talk to her and stuff just so she could get Jamil off of her and Kalim's dates
Perse and her are...... Surprisingly similar? I mean they're both incredibly attractive women who are extremely smart and (if I'm not mistaken ofc) keep it to themselves. But exactly because of that I don't feel like Perse would have a strong opinion about her, maybe she could see her as a rival because Perse is rivaling Idia in Ignihyde and in the Island of Woe as the smartest people there; other than that, Perse is very closed off and puts walls around herself all the time so good luck getting those two to get closer than a simple "hi." "hey."
Also I'm pretty sure u weren't thinking about Jasper and Angus but I wanted to include them still :] I think they'd be both very wary of her, as they are with most strangers, but seeing how Daisy is supposedly only talking good things about Daria would lower their guard... Only by a little bit, if Daria ever does something to Daisy those two little mice are gonna make her pay lmaoo
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glitterparpaing · 1 year
ok dip queer related headcanons bc im tired of doing all the gay work around here and i need my delusions to be recognized
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first off i like to think of him as gay and not bi, bc sure he had a crush on florence and an evil gf but like i, too, pretended i had a crush on florence bc she’s gorgeous but i just liked her like i liked lady gaga (and for the evil gf part..... idk it just makes sense)
but he could be bi!!! i don’t have anything against it i just hc him as gay
is used to being made fun of for his allergies and very autistic traits and thought for decades that his homosexuality was just the same weird ol stuff, something that society tolerates as long as he finds a way to hide it
catherine somehow ends up telling him about it and he denies it until she puts him straight in front of the facts
doesn’t want to admit it bc f*ck no he already has too many personal issues
hopeless romantic, once he gets over it
thinks it would be easier to flirt with men bc he is truly attracted to them but he is EVEN MORE OF A MESS if it’s even possible
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she is 10000% a pure ally she LOVES queer ppl
i don’t think she’s queer herself tho??? there’s a good chance she tried it but i think she just loves men too much
she watches drag race and her favorites are the weird queens, try changing my mind on this one JUST TRY
she helps organize the st-marie pride parade every year and gives water bottles and hugs to every kid she can get her hands on (with consent of course)
a huge mother figure for all queer kids on the island (maybe i am projecting a bit on this one but like. am i wrong?)
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at first he was one of the bros so he wasn’t really open to it :/
it went away!! i like to think he also got a trans gf at some point
definitely straight but an ally!
wants to show supports but has no idea how (example: going up to a lesbian and saying stuff like "so like.... women amirite?? what do u like in women? personally i looove their hips")
not into politics but if a queer friend tells him to search information on something he will do it 100% no questions asked if it can make them more comfortable
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wlw she/they queen
aren’t all naomi’s she/they queens anyway
very calm but will absolutely riot if necessary
maybe a lesbian?? i haven’t yet decided (and idk if she has a canon bf in the series i don’t remember)
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bisexual and i’m not sorry
has only dated men her whole life and is TIRED
loves to educate those around her but wishes people would LEARN by themselves instead sometimes (was probably annoyed by marlon at some point)
has a whole other queer life back in paris
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i feel like he is bi-curious like rn he likes women but u know i don’t think he necessarily shyed away from novelty back in his 20s
by novelty of course i mean men
i don’t. i don’t have much else to add lol im just gay and have daddy issues so like....... yeah
this is it for now, i don’t know the other characters as much as i do them but maybe i’ll do others!!
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vtoriacore · 1 year
(This got explicit in the sexual sense (just for context it's not elaborate) im sorry you can still delete if you don't wanna answer)
Kay so I'm queer
A walking pride rainbow if you will
Then I'm also asexual, and majority know what asexuality generally represents
So when it comes to gender, as per cis men and women, I'm unsure if I can still be interested in 'men', cus we all know how boys are like (and I'm in the worst continent to look for a boyfriend in X_X )
So I've constantly asked myself 'What is it that a man could give me that women would still be able to provide, but is more common and easier to obtain from them?'
And the top answer I could get from that was ✨cock✨ (trans women would still provide and I'm greatful)
But then I'm asexual????? And I don't think I want a meat stick in me besides when I wanna start a family
And strap ons still exist sooooo
So then I asked myself 'what else can they provide???'
All I can come up with is muscles, strength, height and deeper voice
All of which women can very much still provide
So the question is
Am I under the bisexual umbrella? Even doe the only genders I see are society's cis quota cus they keep trying to shove it down our throats, yet for queer peeps gender is just another detail of identity, so aren't I pan cus gender doesn't really factor into my attraction?
Or am I lesbian? Cus time and time again the universe seems to be trying to convince me to just be queer and woman lover all the way
What do you think
hmm this is actually very deep and im so FAR from a professional so don't take my opinion to heart bc im not qualified for anything but
okay in short it seems to me like maybe you're attracted to femininity and fem aligned genders? it doesn't have to be sexual or anything (but even if you're asexual, that shit is a whole ass spectrum with levels to it so could still be possible and normal!!).
bisexuality is attaction to more than two genders (it's the definition!!) so you can still be attracted to masc aligned people, yes! but if you fully do not see gender even if you're asexual, but rather find people romantically appealing for who they are then id say you could be panromantic? gender as a whole is so damn complicated too, bc it makes pansexuality in particular a bit difficult. i used to think i was pan but then i had a preference for 'women' because of some traits society put on them such as being more emotional (which are stereotypes) so i then reverted to being bi. but if you find that you prefer fem aligned people then maybe you're biromantic with a preference for them? if you still hold attraction to men or masc aligned people then you still are bi yes. you could very well be sapphic actually tho if you find that fem aligned (or masc - but not cismam and non-binary too!) hit different depending on your own gender.
basically, this shit complicated as fuck and i think you're biromantic! BUT always go with the term that feels right to you! if you're fine identifying as queer that's perfectly fine! or if you feel panromantic is right then that's also fine? or bi and pan for short if your asexuality is also complicated because lord knows that shit took me so long to figure out fr. this was deffo an interesting rant so thanks for sending it in! i probably didn't help bc as you can see i know next to nothing JDNDJFB someone more qualified could probably answer better
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og-danny-dorito · 2 years
hey !! i wanted to request a match up with anyone from class 1a of mha
pronouns: she/her or they/them
age: 17
sexuality: omnisexual
mbti: infj-t
personality traits: blunt, emphatic, calm, reserved, both emotional and logical, passionate, altruistic, reluctant to open up, perfectionist, stubborn
love: cats, horror movies, drums, working out, reading, painting, physics, dancing, spicy food, lemonade, making poems, music, listening to social research podcasts (different perspectives over certain trends and/or issues), basketball, volleyball, running
hate: sweet food and drinks, car rides
appearance: i am 5'0ft, brown hair (mid- length), brown eyes, small oval face, spectacles cause weak eyesight (not too weak), brown skin, hourglass body, weight around 45kg
a lil more about myself: i can make friends pretty easily, i love teasing the people i love and getting really sarcastic with em, it's easy for me to adapt to people and the environment, i love taking walks, i love kids and animals and get along with them really well, i can learn new skills pretty easily, i know 3 languages, m touch starved and also suffering from severe anxiety and depression.
thank you in advance, have a pretty life like yourself <33
omg thank you sm!! im so sorry this took so long to answer, but thank you for your patience!! i hope u like them <3
ɪ ꜱʜɪᴘ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪᴛʜ… ʙᴀᴋᴜɢᴏ ᴋᴀᴛꜱᴜᴋɪ!
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ᴛᴡ: none!
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look im gonna keep it real with you i hate bakugo but ill do this 4 u dont worry <3
ITS LIKE. i kinda view yall as an opposites attract sort of thing i think
you share some traits with him but for the most part you're a good balance to his otherwise explosive (lol) personality
you tease him a lot and it gets on his nerves, but he also knows that you can take it if he teases back (he knows not to overstep his boundaries though)
you also seem to like,, innately understand the emotions he's trying to portray even though it seems like annoyance most of the time. like if he's tired or sad you know that him being snappy isn't just him being shitty and you make sure to try and help him as best as you can and he really appreciates that out of you
in turn he's like, really protective over you considering you mean a lot to him
he admires you a lot too, since you seem to be a very balanced and intelligent person and he genuinely feels like he can learn a lot from you
that means that you're usually right when it comes to arguments though and he doesn't like that
both of you being stubborn means that you're not willing to quit when worst comes to worst, but you're able to move past arguments through talking them out
considering his family situation i feel like he has in issue with discussing things, but he gets better at it since he's too stubborn to break up with you and ruin a good relationship
EVEN THOUGH I DONT LIKE HIM i know for a fact that he tries his best to be better if he cares enough and he most definitely cares enough about you to change shit that would put a strain between you
like i feel like he has issues with physical contact since he didn't receive a lot of affection as a kid so he tries his best to be affectionate with you even though it's a process to get used to
he really likes it though!! it just takes him a while to get over the embarrassment from it so i feel like in the beginning he wouldn't be a big fan of PDA LMAO
as he gets more accustomed to it he just starts being more aggressive towards people that give you weird stares, but no matter how long yall are in a relationship you'll always be able to catch that little blush on his cheeks when ya'll hold hands in public
ALSO LAST THING. since yall share a lot of interests he probably finds it easier to find ways to spend time with you, even though he does in fact go out of his way to do things you're interested in. he'll deny it until he dies tho lol
[ ᴛʜᴀɴᴋꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛɪɴɢ! ꜱᴇᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇxᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇ <3 ]
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j-nope-not-today · 2 years
Hello. Can I request a Victorious match up please? Im Gabby, 17 years old straight girl from Slovakia, 6'0 ft tall, Libra and my hp faculty is Ravenclaw. Im an only child. Im half Russian and half Slovak. Russian and Slovak are my native languages and I have a Russian accent. To others, my accent is hot and attractive. I have brown-green eyes, dirty blonde hair to my shoulders, Im tall and slim with wide hips and I wear black glasses. I have little freckles all Across my nose and cheeks but you need to look closer to see them. Im ENFP, introvert, shy, quiet, observant, reserved, witty, creative, accepting, a shoulder to cry on, caring and really shy. But I have a temper. Im hothead and impulsive. I hate argument tho. When someone will raise their voice, I get scared. My grades are mostly A's. Im allergic to strawberries and sunlight. Im literally a vampire because I have white skin and fangs. To others, Im monster. It makes me sad but whatever. I have lots of panic attacks and breakdows mostly because of my grandfather. He died 4 years ago. Its so painful because we had a special relationship. Im a huuge coffee addict and I ADORE cappuccino. I am an artist and dancer. I love music and I mostly listen to pop,rock and roll. I spend my free time studying, playing mobile games, reading books and drawing. Art is my passion. I have my black headphones in 24/7. I cry easily.. My biggest fears are rats, Dark, clowns, spiders and heights and I hate the sound of chewing. I love rainy days and Im the biggest bookworm ever. Books are literally my life and you can see me neither with book, textbooks or headphones. Im really shy and I stutter when Im nervous. Thats All. Thank you so much ❤️❤️
I would match you with Robbie!
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I feel Robbie would be your perfect match!
Robbie would love your accent and would have you teach him some of your native languages. He would think your really beautiful and your freckles would be adorable to him!
You and Robbie would get along really well, because he has a lot of the same traits that you do! He would try avoiding arguments with you bc he doesn't like them either and he would find ways to help you with your temper.
He would help with your allergies the best he can! Maybe carry around an umbrella in case you need it to keep the sun off of you, but he wouldn't think your a monster.
He would help you with your panic attacks and be there for you when your missing your grandfather.
He would always bring you coffee bc he knows how much you adore it!
He would love how artistic you are and ask for your help with his art projects bc he's not so good at it. He would adore your art work and dancing. I feel he listens to all sorts of music so no worries there he would love to jam out with you.
He cries easily too..so you can always cry together :)
He would do his best to help with your fears, but he's probably just as scared about all of those things, but if there was a spider he would kill it for you bc he cares.
Robbie isn't much of a reader, but he would love to give you suggestions or have you read to him if you wanted too. He also stutters when he's nervous so he understands your struggle.
I mean overall he would really like you and would be there for you and he would be the best match for you.
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impprtante · 2 months
Eira's 7 Children (their problems and their origins)
Imma go out and confess: i messed with the features of the first batch of kids.
I was very early in sims 4 gameplay, i still wanted all my sims to be really pretty paragons (yes Snow White was the pinnacle of cute as a middle schooler, shuddup) so when they came out ugly or fat (yes fatphobic tiny me, i promise im better and working unlearning anything else i got in there) and now whenever i get a sim i just find them all so precious and different im not really bothered by eccentricities.
Also, now that i look at them i'm a little creeped out by them, Just a little.
But yes, i did mess with the features of the first batch of children.
The least offensive ones is that i just wanted all their hair colors to be different so i could differentiate them. This proved not to be a problem for me now, but yeah none of these were like the original hair color.
The other thing is that, yikes, i had kids with townies. That doesn't sound like a big deal, but in case i ever want to divorce the family from the sims, have them live without it as a crutch so hard (like when people make minecraft OCs and later when they write the world for the character is has minecraft mechanics and monsters lmao) so im actually kinda like, if i write a story i don't want their names attached. The biggest offenders of this:
J Huntington III and Travis Scott
Mr. J was the father for the first child, Phoenix. I don't know how it happened anymore. How did that tied sweater work on me to think he was a good candidate ;; __ ;;. As for Mr. Travis, EIRA LITERALLY MARRIED HIM. NO JOKE. I was like "she settles in the end," and ITS HIM. THIS DUDE. It's literally like when there's the super pretty girlfriend (i thought she was super pretty) and she gets with the nerdy dude who people think isn't that attractive. Again, in real life there's other factors but in sims, i was new and hadn't formed any connections with the townies, i didn't know them at all. and i choose this dude to settle her with. Whuff.
Anyways, here's the profile of the 2nd gen as young adults:
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VAMPIRE WHITE SKIN FOR LIKE, OVER HALF OF THEM. AND THE HEIR AT THAT ;; __ ;; AND LIKE ONE OF THOSE DON'T EVEN COUNT, HE WASN'T FROM THE GENE POOL. They scare me. Also, you can tell i was trying to lean into CC for Nephele but i gave that up, here lemme get you a non CC ver. Also, lol the clear women preference
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Going in order (first pic bundle), we have
Phoenix. He's the eldest, child of Mr. J, and Snow 1.0, and as the first child I love him way dearly. I think he's like, my favorite, straight up. I've also played as him a lot just because he's in the starving artist catagory, and he's gotten the most character changes. I'm still uncertain whether to like, cut things or to merge things for him. His design doesn't change, I think he's cute and im too attached to him to consider it. His bad trait was being gloomy (depressed). To be talked about later.
Lamia, she was 2nd eldest. Her trait was jealous, and she was supposed to be a bitch (im currently playing as her and that kinda fell to the wayside whoops, i'll try harder). Her thing was being a pianist, entertaining at first, party person / aspiring musician. But her aspiration was joke star (._.). Her dad was a randomly generated person randomly named Adrian Buff. No, i didn't save him ;; __ ;;.
Basilisk, eh his age is kinda debatable. He's actually adopted. He was one of the babies you could adopt like, immediately starting a save file. Idk if it's different now, but when i started playing i had made (face palm) made AUs for them like i was gonna start over even tho i was on gen 02, not even that far. But for a while i kept adopting him just because i'd known he was there available in other different saves. ANYWAYS, he's a slob. I made him the stereotype of jock (ew) and he wanted to be an athlete professionally (aspiration body builder).
Next we got the twins, Griffin and Sphinx. TWINS. Challenge 7 kids going quick. Griffin was supposed to dress in black, Sphinx in white. They're supposed to be the genius troublemaker trope, and i had no idea what to do with them. Their dad (exposing myself) was a sim named Jumin Han (jwgelgdlwefnsd) no i don't have the sim saved. Their hair is genetically modified to be red, and their eye color the slightly diff blue shade. ITS ALL FAKE!!!! they were basically the same person, but one was clumsy (griff) and the other lazy (sphinx). They were so alike, i had them marry a set of identical twins at first.
Cindy, Ella, Eleanor, Nephele, was our heir. Also randomly generated sim, I think i have him saved somewhere actually. I remember Kian Cavanaugh's (randomly generated) name because i had her visit him and eventually he died on my lot (old age). Anyways, she didn't have any flaws because, heir (sigh) but she was supposed to be like, chronic foodie. So i honestly should've put glutton ._. (bruj). We'll get to her characterization later. But I didn't want her father to have been the one Snow 1.0 settled with, since i thought that was dumb (little me living for the drama of having different parents, not realizing she had no way to convey the kind of trauma and complex relationships that creates, thx).. I distincly remember her hair being a black (not me white washing her hair huiwlljlg ;;;;; __ ;;;;;)
Youngest and brattiest, Arachne. She got a shit name because she was supposed to be the most hated, the one doted on (because Snow 1.0 settled with her dad (ew travis) that spoils her) and the stand in for evil step sister. She has anger management issues. She was supposed to be bratty, then terrible edgy teen (last picture), and then mellows out, taking her outlet of writing to gain success.
There's the run down, we see what changes i've done (so far) to le Eira clan. I took the liberty of playing as them as teens (children aging up messes up the faces) so they got some relationships due to growing together :3
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adalanaisdying · 7 months
Tell me why whenever someone tells me they like me or whatever they immediately get so ugly to me and I start being repulsed by them
Like wtf is wrong with me ????
This is specifically men tho btw i haven’t experienced this w women but no I am not a lesbian so don’t start. Im pan.
But Fr like, im kinda talking to this guy I met on tinder and im now like super annoyed and slowly getting repulsed by him?? Which is interesting cuz usually it’s immediately but maybe it’s slower cuz I swiped right after initially finding him decently attractive ? Idk.
Idk it’s so complicated. Like I could psychoanalyze it and stuff but I literally just ??? Like idk. I don’t have the mental energy to try and figure out another behaviour of mine on my own in my head.
But overall I think it’s a mix of a few things—- the first being that I feel like none of the people around me are good enough for me or like, I’m just straight up not attracted to anyone in my life rn. And so it’s like when someone confesses feelings for me I’m like, sorry what?? U think you’re good enough to be with me??? And Ik that’s not a good trait but I legit dk how to stop it. But I also think like, it’s not the worst thing in the world for me? Cuz I have a rly RLY bad history of being with people who are so shitty and not good enough for me and etc etc and this is kinda like me realizing my own worth in a way?? I just wish I could be less gross and toxic about it. The second thing is that I feel like I need to be with someone very obviously hotter and better than my ex. Because I feel the need to prove my worth and that I’m not his anymore by doing exceptionally better than him. Which tbh is legit anyone given the fact that he a nearly middle aged pedophile broke coke addict. But still. Idk. I have this weird image/idea of him in my head I can’t kick because of shit. And ig that’s why I feel like no one is better than him ig. And also that I compare legit everyone and everything to him even though he’s a literal sack of shit. The third I think is that I just don’t want to be in a relationship rn maybe?? Like I’m happy by myself. Like yeah it would be really nice to have someone and sex and everything but I feel like I’m just in a spot rn where I just like, don’t want to focus on dating or even have the energy to do that. And I also really don’t want to meet someone online cuz god it’s so hard and such a confidence killer cuz everyone on there just wants one mf thing like 99% of the time and if they don’t I’m not attracted to them. But legit always the second I start focusing on myself a million ppl always find their way into my life and catch feelings etc and I’m just like … what???? Idfk man. But also I feel like I just don’t have the emotional capacity rn to have strong romantic feelings for someone? Like I’ve almost forgotten what it feels like to genuinely like someone. So I guess I’m just super horny and rly want sex. But I’m also not gonna go have a one night stand or fuck someone random etc cuz I only have one body and it’s my pedo ex and it took me a YEAR of his shit to finally sleep with him so I’m like, yeah that’s not gonna work for me. To have sex I need to be in love with someone deadass. And with them long term. This is so fucking annoying. But also whatever it’s not rly that big of a deal I’m just super annoyed by it all.
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ooglywooglies · 1 year
i might not be the person to answer this, especially bc i'm more rad-adjacent than actual radfem, but i'll try to answer your question abt gnc transmen.
2 things beforehand, tho: 1) i think it's disingenuous of you to say you don't see us talking about certain points when you also state you have many of us blocked. (also, can i really trust you, internet stranger, to read our posts in full? & in good faith?) 2) b4 you make any assumptions — radical feminists like gender nonconformity... a lot. i have never seen a radfem suggest otherwise, & any woman who does can't be an rf, as challenging social/patriarchal norm & convention is part & parcel of radfeminism.
ok, now onto your question & trans gender nonconformity! when you replace "transman" or "transwoman" with what they are ("adult human female" aka "woman" & "adult human male" aka "man", respectively), they aren't being gender nonconforming at all. (i'm going to use "you" in a general sense here) if you, as an adult human female aka woman, are wearing high heels and sparkly dresses and a full-face of makeup... you're not breaking convention at all, even if you hurry to tell someone that, "no, no! i use he/him pronouns, so it's totally genderfucky." you're still a woman in heels, a dress, & makeup.
i will say i think a lot of rfs & rad-aligned women find femininity as a whole generally harmful (i pulled up a chart listing feminine vs masculine traits & it's clear femininity is meant to be degrading. that's not to say there aren't negative aspects of masculinity too; those are just exceptions, however, and not the rule). but on a more personal note, i don't think liking pink or something shiny really counts? pink used to be a "boy's" colour up until the mid-1900s & everyone wears jewellery. i'm definitely getting into semantics there, but those are just my thoughts. :)
again, i don't know if i can speak for radfems, but i think everything up to that last bit is what you'd see. if you need any more clarification or if you have any more questions, feel free to ask, and hopefully more actual radfems answer, so you don't just get my perspective. have a great day/night!
response to 1) its only really disingenuous if you were under any impression that i wanted to have some kind of debate, which i dont. so yes you can assume i read radfem posts in bad faith, but its irrelevant to my question. i havent personally seen the topic mentioned which is why i reached out not because i assume its NEVER mentioned. its purely a curiosity thing which is why im even engaging this community in the first place.
response to 2) i am aware.
i think the reason i wanted to ask is because ive seen before radfems trying to reason why someone would want to be a transgender man in the first place yknow. like, psychologically (from a radfem perspective) the whole point is to escape misogyny right? or because you dont follow societys typical expectations of women (used liking pink and glitter as an example but yes this obviously applies to everything from wearing makeup and heels to being a mother) so you think "oh this must not be for me then, i must be a man"
and as a trans person i dont think gender is quite so logical, like ive personally never had a moment where i was like "oh i like x and y and dont like z so therefore" its all about the body and labels really for me, which extends in to concepts but im not gonna make an argument here i know im talking to a brick wall. (and realize i too am in turn a brick wall)
but anyway so when that aspect:
"im a man because i dont things associated with girls"
"im a man because i dont fit in as a woman"
"im a man because im attracted to women"
are removed from the equation (as a trans man i can personally say that none of the above apply to me) what is the logic from a radfem perspective of why an AFAB person would want to transition to a man.
(also note none of this is meant to be passive aggressive or anything, im being completely genuine, i really dont want to start a fight)
EDIT: (also also it might help to mention when i say trans man in my minds eye i generally picture someone whos fully transitioned so deep voice and beard maybe even penis)
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cielospeaks · 1 year
i dv meme just bc i thought it was interesting
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surv main: either doctor or little girl, but thats mostly for the outfits. id say rn its little girl but i also sometimes play doctor or painter
hunt main: leo, but id like it to be antonio ; ; barely play hunter tho tbh
fav assist/contain/decode/rescue: i dont rlly play different characters much so really idk. ricky is lovely and amazing, but hard to play w bad connection, so him for decode. lg stun is nice, so maybe for contain? doc's healing is fun when i dont get tracked down immediately, and coord or painter are good for rescuing. so -shrug emoji-
overall fave: ricky (composer) and antonio all the way! gosh i love those guys so much!!
least fav survivor: tbh i dont really like any survivors not ricky that much :/ especially the backstories of a lot of them
least fav hunter: i think i like the hunters just a little more, and any hunter played well is a pain to deal with, so again. neutral answer
fav backstory: i love my boys but tbh we dont know so much abt them. so ill say my bois bc i love them, and prologue detective bc the prologue story was actually interesting, as opposed to everything after it
fave s tier: oh absolutely demon symphony (essence antonio). hes got big devil went down to georgia energy and is just sexy/attractive in general. wish i couldve gotten him
fave hunter trait: idk. does teleport count? bc it looks useful
fave game: rickys game just bc hes in it (and antonio's too for that matter) but other than that idk
fave map: i like eversleeping town since its easy enough to get around and kinda fun to look at. i like the interactable stuff in moon river park, but dont get to play on them much
fave crossover: conan and dr1+2! tho id say dr2 for personal reasons, and it had a good array of characters. conan got screwed over in the intl release which is a shame, bc it was really fun too
fave a tier: im gonna say rickys infernal sonata for this too bc its cute and has very good energy.
fave mode: just quick match? or actually that one from last halloween where you had to find things and make it out of the maze, that was actually fun. besides that dont really care for any mode lol
fave event: 2020 christmas event. antonio cute. why he not get a feature seriously
fave essence: the s tier antonio one bc it was nice. its a shame i dont care much for the other characters but antonio is very cute and has a nice neutral role in the story
fave emote: i like that new high five one that was added. tho for individual characters, maybe the take a picture emote from the collab? or any of antonio's ones. resonance is so cute to see him playing violin
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inkykeiji · 2 years
I’m a few days late to this discussion but on the topic of Robert de Niro, daddy issues, dilfs, etc… you’re gonna judge me so hard, but yk the guy that sings the song like “my money don’t jiggle jiggle, it folds”—that song? I lowkey find the guy attractive and he’s like 60 what the hell-
oh my goshhhh hahaha no anon no judging here!!! i i had to look this guy up because i live under a rock and honestly he isn’t my type per se but i think he’s actually quite cute with the beard????? like the beard does things for him for sure!! and he’s definitely not ugly either way!!
#honestly anon i have really weird taste in men; i like them two to three times my age lol but i genuinely think that’s the trauma speaking &#i haven’t gone down that route#obv i like men closer to my own age as well like in their 20s ahaha but i like older guys a lot too#also!!! i really love people who (i think) are ‘unconventionally beautiful’#i find those types of traits so much more attractive and interesting idk#i think conventionally beautiful people can be kinda boring in terms of looks lol#like i want defined noses or high cheekbones or very sharp features etc etc#beauty is subjective tho so!!!#i love little flaws especially in teeth!!#i feel like little flaws an ‘imperfections’ add so much more character to a person#im rambling now but yEAH#own it anon#he isn’t ugly in the slightest#i also find im really attracted to TRAITS tho#like someone will be neutral to me and then they’ll possess a specific personality trait that i find very attractive and suddenly they#appear more *physically* attractive to me too#i love creativity; intelligence; authenticity; confidence/power#etc etc etc#but yeah bottom line is;;;; robert de niro in casino!!!#also robert de niro in the godfather pt 2 omfg like he’s young there but still he’s so attractive!!#i rly rly rly love vito corleone as a character tho so i think that has something to do with it as well <333#have an awesome day/night anon!#it’s one am here i gotta sleep ._.#stay safe and drink enough water!!#inky.bb#clari gets mail
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ayathescorpion · 3 years
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1. Let's start with scorpio and jealousy, its not necessary all scorpio placements feel jealous toward one thing, scorpio suns tend to get jealous when someone else outshines them and they kinda get more "competitive" over jealous, i observed that scorpio moons tend to feel jealous abt their moms tho
+8h moons tend to feel "responsible" for things that happen with their siblings
+ their mothers tend to project some kind of jealousy toward them which is toxic (i noticed this w lot of 8h moons including my sister its concerning :(. )
2. Cancer placements arent necessarily the "motherly" type it's more 4th house concept than cancer itself, ngl i noticed cancer placements having rly feminine features (big eyes, smaller nose n rounder faces) which makes them really desirable by men/masuline people
3. Pisces placements are so sexually appealing they are so sensual tho example. Maddison Beer (pisces sun), Billie Eilish (pisces rising)
4. Venus/pluto aspects can be really possessive toward everything n everyone that feels like "home" to them, they need to slow down their possessive side n be more careful cause they're more likely to create a toxic being out of this
5. None talk enough abt mercury risings beauty, (mercury-ascendant, virgo/gemini chart ruler) they're so different its so attractive,, they tend to not try much yet look so appealing <3 one of indicators of beauty in astrology tbh
6. Dominants do effect appearance waaay too much!!!! Also planets conjunct the ascendant,, i ve a pisces rising but mars conjunct ascendant (mostly people think im an aries or scorpio rising)
7. Houses do matter too, if your moon is pisces but falls in 5th house u may have some leo traits added to your moon sign
9. The placements i ve noticed have the prettiest hands are gemini dominant/chart ruler/maybe ascendant too
10. The placements i ve noticed have the prettiest feet are pisces dominant/chart ruler/ascendant/suns
11. No matter what ascendant or sun placement is, leo moon will always be loud!!!
12. I kinda associate virgo moons with stomach problems out of stress :^)
13. Social butterflies placements are libras!!!! They always have the tea they always know people they always will make you feel welcomed sweethearts tbh but quite fake if underdeveloped
14. Jupiter dominance makes you a giant it just outshines other placements n dominance,, you can be 5'3 but look 5'6 or smth it just makes you look way taller way bigger we're talking abt jupiter after all <3
15. Leo venus tend to be obsessed with love and wont take rejection! If you reject them they will keep trying till they get your heart (can apply for all leo placements tbh, they love the chase)
16. I ve noticed people relating to their chart ruler more than their ascendants!!!
17. Scorpio placements and revenge, they really are the karma they just take revenge in a way none will ever think of (kinda reminds me of nanno from "girl from nowhere" series)
18. I find leo n virgo in big three indicators of beauty as well! (May be just my virgo descendant that i find every virgo placement so fineeee)
19. Pay attention to your tightest aspects, the tightest one i have is moon conjunct saturn and even the fact im a cancer moon i do feel like a capricorn moon way too often!
20. Sagittarius placements arent players they just are here for good time not long time n that what makes them special thats their role
21. This cliche but marina's oh no reminds me way too much of earth signs energy idk how to explain
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(These are just my observations so if it doesnt apply to you dont come @ me thankss) <3
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halfeviltotty · 3 years
What your favorite Mr. Osomatsu-san brother says about you based off of my personal experience:
Osomatsu: you cope with your loneliness by making titty and pussy jokes. If you're not a lesbian you want to fix him like he's an injured bird and he will ruin your credit. A lot of you guys make these silly funny ass jokes and then literally draw him going through death and trauma and make him experience just earth shattering grief and loss...and then you draw him saying "i got coochie lice" immediately afterwards. insane. i love yall so much.
Karamatsu: you're insane. You desperately want someone to spoil you rotten and sweep you off your feet and it's bleeding into your platonic relationships. You're probably quiet as hell irl too and cool. Unless you're not and then you're unhinged as hell... Ngl a lot of you have very basic media analysis skills and sincerely believe Karamatsu is the only victim in the house and are usually the loudest and majority in the fandom bc of it. You're influential but very few of you use this power for good 😭
Choromatsu: you find him relatable and are typically obsessive and you respect his comedic timing. Love is blind and you're willing to look over his bad traits or break his arm in eight places so he quits it. You want an Otaku nerd boyfriend to listen to music with and watch anime with and bc Choromatsu can be normal sometimes and cute in romantic situations its running you ragged.
Ichimatsu: you also find him relatable and are loving him to love yourself. Most of yall have been chill goth kids lol... I haven't met anyone who liked Ichimatsu as an opposites attracts, all of you are spooky goth girls. or you're the biggest nastiest freak on planet earth and you want Ichimatsu to do some shit that would require you to sign a waiver. Two opposites of the spectrum. He's not gonna dom you like that tho... Not until your 20th wedding anniversary. Some of yall need to chill imo. Not the cool ones - you other bitches.
Jyushimatsu: rare this side of the fandom but you guys love genki boys, or Ono Daisuke, or you just find him funny and enjoy his positive point of view! I've seen a few of you and a lot of you are very level headed but clearly are into his weird shit. I can see Jyushimatsu falls in love, Jyushimatsu festival and especially the episodes where Jyushimatsu is mature and shows that he actually is quite intelligent and emotionally intelligent at that is probably what yall latch onto. I've noticed a few of you are really into the fact Jyushimatsu is introspective and philosophical. What I'm trying to say is yall are usually the geniuses of the fandom.
Todomatsu: you're of excellent taste, of fine character, your mind and your meat is huge. One of God's strongest soldiers and one of the rare and exquisite. Refined palette, you see that frankly unlikable sonvabitch and you get heart eyes because he's sooo cute! When other people say he's normal you closed mouth scream because you know tottys got 5 severe disorders and is jus special and neurotypical passing. You'd give him a script of antipsychotics and a kiss and a hug. A lot of us find him super relatable and just love his low vibe. im bias, i'll admit it but Todomatsu imo is the only one who would wouldnt be torture to be roommates with. you'll just have to deal with him stealing your skincare but you can literally crack him over your knee and break his back like youre bane and hes batman. its okay dw about it.
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actualbird · 3 years
Marius be like "I'm the hottest out of all the nxx bitches" but are you the hottest in your family? Checkmate
i (predictably) want to analyze this for too many words than is strictly necessary tho so
// cn server spoilers, how marius' dad looks like
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hey, quick question, why is this family so good looking? i know the answer, it's because of genes, but good LORD. gonna skip over marius because we all know hes hot but HEYYYY, AUSTIN VON HAGEN, ARE YOU LIKE....FREE THIS FRIDAY NIGHT? i jest of course but he looks great (sidenote: his sprite in game is actually shorter than marius, so the tall genes must have come from dead mom, rip, but man, i wanna see mrs. von hagen, tall waman, sign me UP). but like, looking at how attractive marius is due to how elegantly beautiful austin is, like, giann must look SO GOOD.
i already screamed about how i think giann would look like in this post so i'll move on to how the other nxx bitches, as youve dubbed them, react to how giann looks like!!!
vyn has reacted long ago, marius hasnt met vyn yet when vyn meets giann. vyn and giann founded the Giannovyn Research Center together (guys you have GOT to get better naming skills, u two rlly just put ur names together, it's ridiculous) so vyn knew giann!! and he probs found giann attractive but in a passing way since they were both working on setting up a mental health center together.
artem also got to meet giann at some point. since neil and giann were the original members of the nxx and neil was very very close with artem before he went missing, i figure neil introduced the two. i dont think artem found giann hot because artem only finds people hot once he's drunkenly expressed his deepest insecurities to them, or something.
okay luke and mc maybe passingly know what giann looks like since giann was like, a Huge figure in society. but they saw him through skimmed news articles or magazines here and there, they never really looked.
so when the day giann (and neil, no nxx bitch left behind!!) are safely found from wherever the fuck they went missing to, after the initial YAY UR BACK vibes, luke and mc are like
luke: your older brother is hot
mc: yeah hes very good looking
but it's all very playful lol. after a few jokes about it, everybody moves on.
if marius is in a relationship (and choose whichever ship you fancy, mc, one of the nxx boys, full polycule, i support it all) and the other party/parties of the relationship express this joking appreciation of giann...
something very dark and afraid hisses in marius' heart
marius is the youngest child. when he was growing up, giann always called marius his "baby brother" which makes sense given that theyre 10 years apart but also. youngest child syndrome is fascinating. giann was the one who took on the business, he was one of the people who started the nxx, he was the one who did things big and meaningful and marius, ever since he was a kid, always felt as if he was in his older brother's shadow.
giann was never bad, of course. he always treated marius well, if a little bit protective and shithead-y (a von hagen trait i assume is consistent thru them all) way. he never did anything to make marius feel inferior. but marius couldnt help but feel that he wasnt good enough. that he'll always be a step behind giann and he'll never, ever be able to catch up
a joke about giann being better than marius in any way may trigger just a whole slew of insecurities for marius, if hes in a relationship. which is SO DUMB, he KNOWS OKAY. he trusts his partner/s and also giann is ENGAGED and so so whipped for his fiancee but feelings dont make sense 90% of the time. marius isnt jealous, hes just afraid that the people hes given his heart to will realize that
hes never been great. and he never will be.
marius tries to not let it show. he hides his fear under overdramatic annoyance, his own dumb jokes, his easy smirk and deflections.
but when youre in a relationship, whatever you feel will always be known somehow.
marius doesnt know what's worse: the fact he feels like this, the fact he thinks he doesnt have the right to want assurance for this, or the fact that
all of this makes him feel so young
he wonders, is he ever going to grow up?
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