#also!!! i really love people who (i think) are ‘unconventionally beautiful’
chaoticbardlady99 · 8 months
Twists and Turns (Astarion x F!Reader)
Synopsis: Astarion initially rejected you and you turn your attentions elsewhere- to his surprise.
By the time Astarion realizes his feelings for you- it’s too late. You and Gale are happy together and Astarion would never ruin that for you, but sometimes fate surprises us. Especially Astarion- who never thought he’d see Gale as a hero.
CW: Character death, angsty?, fluffy, crotch goblins (children)
Pairings: Gale Dekarios x F! reader and Astarion Acunin x F! reader- also some dadstarian
✨lightly edited✨
Author note: I was inspired by @thedomesticanthropologist post regarding an unconventionally attractive Tav. I didn’t really touch on it too much, but it is apart of the story to an extent. Please be kind because my writer’s anxiety has been so bad I almost deleted my blog entirely 🫣
Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated 💜
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Photo belongs to @venenum-cadaverinus on Tumblr
By the time Astarion had fallen in love with you- it had already been too late.
Oh he flirted with you, called you beautiful when he believed you weren’t much to look at, and then you had come up to ask if he would want to go look at stars with you the night of the Tiefling party. Astarion couldn’t get himself to even pretend he wanted to indulge in you. He assumed you were only wanting to sleep with him and he was not about to sleep with you just because you asked. Astarion no longer has to do anything anyone asks of him.
“I have standards.”
Your face falls and the book of Astronomy in your hand nearly slips.
“Oh- I,” you clear your throat, “I’m sorry to have bothered you then.”
He had rolled his eyes when he came back from being with whatever Tiefling woman he had approached- you had been crying quietly in your tent.
Astarion found the whole thing unattractive and well, really he found you unattractive. Astarion has a preference for traditionally beautiful people and you would never be that. You would surely get over it eventually and if he’s lucky, you’ll just be an annoying kicked puppy who will do anything for him like you have been since he met you.
So, for whatever reason, Astarion assumed everything would go back to normal the next day and the two of you would fall back into the usual routine- he sits and reads while you eat breakfast in the mornings, he talks about whatever book he is reading, you ask him questions about himself, and then you go about your days separately until going through the same motions for dinner. Astarion fights next to you and you protect each other. You are smitten with Astarion and he has you wrapped around his pinkie finger like he wanted.
So imagine his surprise when you don’t come out for breakfast or dinner at all- at least not to sit with him. All of a sudden, Gale is with you all the time. He had seen the man come up to you while you were holding your book and he hugged you- the wizard even glared at Astarion while he was doing it.
Astarion upped his game after that, but nothing he said ever reached you anymore. He’d call you beautiful and he’d watch you visibly flinch. He asked you to go to bed with him and you told him no- you wanted to be with someone who thought you were special and beautiful. Astarion said he does think that. You got angry with him and told him to stop lying- go back to “having standards”. Your anger stung and he knew it was justified, but the little pieces of your trust he could get eventually blossomed into a friendship. Only, now he wanted more and Astarion was entirely infatuated with you.
He had decided to tell you how he felt one night before the descent into the Shadow Cursed Lands, but you were quickly swept away by Gale the moment Astarion tried to come talk to you.
Gale was dragging you off somewhere very specific and when Astarion let his nosiness get the best of him- it dawned on him that he had truly lost you 2 months ago when he had said what he said.
You peer through a telescope excitedly, telling Gale about all your favorite constellations and why. He shares his own knowledge with you and you are wide eyed, fascinated- leaning in to hear more. Gale’s own lips hover over yours and the two of you are smiling at each other widely. Astarion thinks he’s going to throw up when Gale kisses you- not because he’s disgusted, but because it occurred to him that he might have thrown away the only person who actually gave a shit about Astarion enough to love him and he broke your heart. Fitting that he is the one hurting now.
Maybe that’s really all you had wanted- to share something you love with Astarion. You wanted to feel like he gave a shit about you too and he said, “I have standards”!? What in the hells is wrong with him!?
The part of him- the less prideful part- wishes he had gotten to see you this way for him. Why did he spend so much time focusing on you knowing him? Why didn’t he take the time to see you this way? Know you this way when you wanted him.
Gale said something that made you laugh heartily as he brushed stray hair from your face, his hands gripping your hips, and you gasped when he kissed you again. The sound fills Astarion with warmth, but makes him feel sick at the same time. That should be him with you, not Gale.
You went from being plain, unattractive and uninteresting to the single most beautiful individual he has ever met. Astarion found himself hanging onto your words (even the angry ones) and yearning to be next to you.
You continued to do your dance with Gale while Astarion continued his own dance with you. When you threaten that horrible Drow on his behalf, Astarion has to accept it- he has well and truly fallen for you.
Astarion decided he would tell you when you got back from whatever excursion you were on with Gale. He had to at least try. Besides, what could Gale possibly show you in the Shadow Cursed Lands?
Only it had been too late- neither one of you came back for hours and when you did, the two of yours’ scents were mingled so closely together he could barely distinguish you from Gale. You began sleeping in the man’s tent, holding his hand during meals, exchanging kisses, etc.
Astarion, on the other hand, had taken the unofficial title of ‘best friend’. It had stung quite a bit, but he happily took whatever scraps you could give him. It was hardly scraps though- Astarion feels emotionally cared for, protected, and respected by you at all times. Besides, Astarion has a feeling that, if anything happened between you and Gale, there was a very good chance for Astarion to take over that space in your heart again.
The love test at the circus proved it- you had been more compatible with Astarion than Gale. Thankfully you had gone at separate times (Astarion and Gale have since become friendly enough so Astarion doesn’t have to worry about losing you). You had avoided Astarion’s eyes while Gale boasted about the Love Test results.
You had been the first one to wake up and attack his siblings when they had tried to kidnap him. Astarion had never seen you look that angry before in the entire time he has met you- you were even angrier than when Araj had pestered him.
You admitted to Astarion later that day that you hadn’t been sleeping well- you were worried about Cazador or his siblings showing up and that you wouldn’t get there in time. It had been haunting you since the minute you stepped foot in Rivington.
When he finally did face Cazador, it was with you at his side and when he finally killed the man- you didn’t deny Astarion the hug he begged you for telepathically. You held him up as he sank against you and you said soothing words- you told him how proud of him you were. You still reminded him everyday after when he expressed doubt.
Astarion was certain he would watch you grow old with Gale and have a family. So Astarion promised himself that he will love you dutifully regardless and protect you and your family like you have protected him. When you pass? He isn’t sure what he will do then, but he has eternity to be without you and Gods only knows long to be around you.
Until the Wizard of Waterdeep just had to throw him a curve ball the night before the battle against the Netherbrain.
Astarion was sitting by the roaring fireplace as he tried not to make it obvious to Gale that he’s silently pining for you. You were laughing and telling jokes with Karlach and Wyll- Shadowheart joining in and eventually Lae’zel. Your laughter is probably one of Astarion’s favorite sounds.
Only because he doesn’t know what you sound like moaning underneath him.
“You love her.”
Astarion’s train of thought broke and he gawked at the Wizard.
“I-um,” Astarion cleared his throat, “I’m afraid you have the wrong impression. Obviously I’m looking at…”
Actually now that he’s looked over there, none of them were believable enough for him to get out of this one.
“Yes- yes fine. I love her,” Astarion scowls, “you won, I love her and get to watch you live a whole life with her. Congratulations.”
“Astarion- I didn’t say that because I want to rub it in your face. I’m saying it because I have a favor to ask- for Tav’s sake.”
Astarion felt himself freeze. He was silently praying that Gale wasn’t going to tell him to stay away from you- to walk away and never come back after the events of tomorrow. It would be the thing that kills Astarion.
“Okay,” he says wearily, “I’m listening.”
“We all know it’s possible that some of us won’t be leaving this journey alive tomorrow.”
Is he suggesting you might die tomorrow? Astarion still stays right next to you during fights- no one even gets within an inch of you if he can help it.
“If it comes down to it and I need to use my orb,” Gale says solemnly, “I need you to take Tav and run- I don’t care if you need to drag her, cast sleep on her, anything as long as it’s painless.”
Astarion stared at the man blankly. He’s asking Astarion to drag you away as you watch your boyfriend sacrifice himself for the sake of the greater good of humanity.
“Why- why are you asking me? And not Karlach or-“
“Because I know you won’t tell her that I’m considering it as an option,” Gale said before adding, “and I am very aware that she loves you too. She’s going to need you if I die.”
“Need me?,” Astarion laughs in disbelief, “Gale, I broke her heart and I’m about to lose the only way I can walk in the sun tomorrow. It would be stupid of her to-“
“No, it would not,” Gale frowns, “she loves you, Astarion. Stop pushing her away.”
“You aren’t dead yet, Wizard,” Astarion said with an edge to his tone, “there is still a possibility that there is a Dekarios wedding in the foreseeable future.”
Gale smiled sadly at Astarion.
“That is the hope- is it not?” Gale got up to join you and the others, “you’ll remember that you deserve to be loved for her- won’t you?”
Astarion watched the man walk off like he hadn’t just dropped a massive bomb onto Astarion’s world. He watched as you smiled brightly at Gale and your hands intertwined with his.
But he also caught you looking over at him with a welcoming, pleading smile. Astarion smiles back and joins- hoping that he won’t be part of the reason that smile fades ever again.
Gale looks at Astarion- they are losing. Tav is hurt, but still trying to sling spells and cantrips. Karlach and Wyll are becoming cornered quickly, Shadowheart and Lae’zel too. Even with all of the support they brought and it still wasn’t enough.
You bastard, Astarion telepathically says to Gale, you really are going to make me the bad guy, huh?
Ha!, Gale thinks sadly, you have it turned around. It has been a privilege to know you, Astarion. Take care of Tav for me.
Same to you, Gale- I promise she’ll be safe.
Gale announces to everyone they need to leave. You run towards Gale screaming for him to stop- that he doesn’t have to do this, but Astarion intercepts you.
“ASTARION- PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW,” you scream while slamming your fists into his back, struggling to make him release you, “PUT ME- GALE PLEASE- I LOVE YOU!”
Gale smiles at you with all the love in the world.
“I love you too, Tav. Always and forever.”
Gale casts a spell and like that- they are on the docks. You are screaming and throwing magic- desperate to get back to Gale as Astarion holds you close to his chest.
“I hate you!” You scream as you push Astarion weakly, “ I… I-“
You look at him pitifully and Astarion’s heart aches with yours. Astarion pulls you back towards him in a tight hug and holds you. You sob into his chest and hold him back with equal ferocity.
Astarion’s ability to comfort you only lasts about five minutes before the sun begins to burn him again and Karlach is dying- Wyll convinces her to go to Avernus with him. Astarion races to the shadows- certain that he is about to go into the darkness alone as he hides behind the crates.
He cradles his burning hand to his chest and hisses through the pain. Astarion doesn’t register the frantic footsteps approaching him.
“ASTARI- oh my Gods.”
He looks up at you in disbelief as you get down to your knees next to him and begin pulling out healing scrolls, potions, anything you can think of that might help.
You stay next to him until it’s time to move to a different set of shadows and you stay with him every moment afterwards.
You spend the next 6 months together starting your search for a Ring of the Sunwalker in the Underdark- successfully assassinating a very powerful Drow Priestess for it right before Wither’s party.
When you head back to Baldur’s gate together- Astarion sells all of Cazador’s shit and his castle. He invites you to live with him and you pick a house together.
Your emotions have been foreign and not easy for Astarion to handle over the last 6 months and even a year after moving in together, but he thinks about how crazy he would feel if you had also died that day and so he has weathered every storm you throw at him.
Astarion sits as you angrily rant about how unfair it was for him to make that decision without you. You wanted a choice, some kind of say, and you even occasionally just screamed at Astarion for preventing you from staying with him.
This continues even after the party that Wither’s throws. Tara adored you just as Gale had predicted and his holograph healed a piece of you, but now your grief is all consuming. You lay in bed for days on end and you stop eating or even coming out of your room. Scratch lays next to you dutifully until Astarion takes him out to use the restroom. They have to disguise the poor dog as a cat, but he doesn’t seem to mind very much.
Astarion lets you sit and do what you need to do, but after day 10, he finally needs to help you feel like a person again- in whatever way he can. So he runs you a bath and he helps you numbly walk towards it. It’s been about 30 minutes since he left you upstairs. He considered offering to help you, but he wasn’t sure if that would be crossing a line.
You walk downstairs moments later and quietly say his name. Astarion looks up at you and smiles- you took a bath.
“Well, well, look at you,” Astarion teases, “you sure clean up nicely.”
You laughed hoarsely at his joke and sat next to him. Astarion doesn’t move- he wants to pull you into his lap, but he doesn’t want to push your boundaries.
“Can- would you-,” you choke on the lump in your throat, “would you hold me, please?”
Astarion’s face softens as you begin to sniffle and your shoulder begins to shake with the sobs you are trying to hold back.
“Of course, Darling.”
You crawl into his lap and you lean the side of your head against his unbeating heart. Astarion just goes back to reading his book, enjoying the comfortable silence and how your body finally seems to have relaxed. You’d been so tense for the last two years- constantly on the verge of breaking in half, but he knows how resilient you are. He knows your strength and he knew you would get out of it eventually- even if only for a little while at a time.
“What are you reading?”
Your voice sings through the air and is like music to his ears. You sound like you again- tired and still a little melancholy- but you nonetheless.
“Well, Darling, I thought it might be worth learning about some of this astronomy nonsense a little over a year ago so we could talk about it when you felt better,” Astarion says, trying to say it as nonchalantly as possible, “I’ve come to really enjoy the topic.”
You beam at him and it’s the first time he’s seen a smile reach your eyes in what feels like eons. You quiz him, correct him, you tell him everything over the ‘stars’ and then some as you so horribly said. Astarion can’t help but find the moment to be so bittersweet.
He finally had the moment he wanted with you, but he didn’t think a single moment would cost a life.
“Elanora! Gale! Get back here you little-“
The twins giggle as they run from Astarion around the house. He understands what people mean by terrible twos now.
It’s been a little over 10 years since Gale died. In that time- Karlach had her engine fixed and five years ago, you found a Wish scroll for Astarion. Being a living breathing human again was a very difficult adjustment for the first two years. It’s been 3 years now and it’s not as difficult, but he did forget about the whole pregnancy thing.
It had been a massive shock when you fell pregnant a few months after you and Astarion had gotten married a little over two years ago. Astarion had been so focused on the proposal being perfect that it took longer for him to ask than he wanted.
You giving birth was probably the most terrifying experience of his life and you very well almost died, but by some miracle, you lived through the gruesome endeavor. He gives his thanks to Shadowheart, Isobel, and Dame Aylin. Astarion suspects Gale might have had a hand in it too because you had been out cold, but woke up with tears in your eyes and told Astarion that A. Gale says hello and B. how dare he think you’d just abandon two children with him like that. You are responsible “dammit!”
Astarion is so grateful you didn’t die giving birth to his children. He loves the little crotch goblins to death, but you are the only one they really listen to. You always tell him it’s because he gives in- Astarion argues “how could I not!? Have you seen them!? They are adorable!”
Scratch tried to help him initially after you left to go spend time with Shadowheart, Karlach, and Lae’zel at Elfsong Tavern. The poor dog didn’t last much longer than Astarion- hiding under the bed from the monstrous toddlers that are definitely from his gene pool.
“Are you sure? I don’t mind saying n-“
“They are my children, Darling,” he said all too confidently, “I can handle time alone with my children!”
Evidently there is a difference between handling and surviving- Astarion would consider himself trying to survive. He should have taken Halsin’s offer to hang out- maybe the twins would listen to their Uncle more than him.
Astarion eventually caught them, bathed them, read them a book, and got them to bed. The minute Gale fell asleep around 11:30 pm was the same time you came home.
Astarion came down the stairs and you began to laugh as quietly as you could behind your hand. He leers at you playfully.
“Did you have fun, my Star?” You tease.
“Once I finally caught them- yes,” he says flatly.
You walk up to him and wrap your arms around his torso.
“Let’s go to bed- then you can tell me all about it and I’ll tell you all the hot gossip Karlach has heard from Wyll about the upper class in Baldur’s Gate.”
“Will it be in the paper tomorrow?”
“Oh yes,” you grin widely, “ oh yes it will.”
Astarion loves when you come back from meeting with Karlach- he always knows what’s happening before it even happens. It means he gets to watch everyone else be scandalized which is usually 1,000 times more entertaining than the gossip itself. One time- the paper had been so explicit that the next door neighbor (an elderly woman) quite literally died of shock after reading about an affair the Magistrate had with the Duke. Apparently she was a hard core supporter of the wives and never anticipated such ugly men to cheat on their wives (you may have found him using a talk to the undead spell on the poor woman).
You fall asleep faster than you anticipated- at least that’s what Astarion thinks. The moment you lay your head on his chest is the same moment you slowly, softly begin to snore as he tells you about the evening. You chuckle when he says he is going to need help cleaning up the water in the bathroom tomorrow.
These are the nights that Astarion finds himself looking up to the heavens and smiling sadly- thanking Gale for his sacrifice, for giving Astarion a life he never thought he would ever have.
Most importantly, he thanks Gale for you. For letting go of what future he could have had with you. For not asking you to stay and die with him.
Gale Dekarios is the only reason Astarion Ancunin believes in heroes at all.
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bloodykora · 1 year
If you’re still doing Buggy headcanons: Sooo I always actually thought big noses on people are INCREDIBLY attractive. Give me men with noses that look just a bit too beaten up, women with noses that are big and wide, give me Roman noses and hawk noses and any unconventionally attractive nose and I am SWOONING.
… I feel the prompt almost writes itself at this point, what would Buggy think of someone who sees his funny looking nose not as a flaw but a mayor charm point and just constantly gives it kisses, traces it affectionately, boops it or comments (in all honesty and absolutely genuinely) how handsome and distinguished it makes him look, how it really suits him etc?
Wanna read about that man bluescreening because he hasn’t even treathened them yet to not make fun of his nose and they are already at the „flattering him to save themself“ stage? What do you MEAN you’re not saying that to safe yourself?!
This fucking anon/ask made me giggle so much, I literally showed it to my friends. I hope I did you and the prompt justice!
Enter the moment in Annie where Ms. Hannigan sees Warbucks’ diamond and goes “Oh my god, is that thing real?!” in shock but also delight. Me at that dude’s honker. (I want to be put on his nose like he has gangrene and I’m a leech who sucks on it to get the blood flow going) Also enter the Doja Cat quote of liking big noses.
- At first, dude is fucking weirded out. People have made comments and jokes about this stupid little red thing on his face and you… you think it’s attractive??? Huh.
- Definitely thinks you’re lying at first (and for the next few months), you’re literally the only person who is able to shut him up.
- Curtain drops, spot light is on, the blue haired clown walks in. Blabbering on about how his entrance should be more enthusiastic, but you got your eyes on your own prize, bright big red nostrils. If he wants an entrance, you’ll give him one by starting to clap loudly, getting so giddy that you start slightly hopping.
- “Oh my goodness, that is just.” Loss for words. “Are you making fun of me?” He approaches you, you hear him but his words don’t really seep into your brain at the moment. “It’s gorgeous, literally the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Your eyes are locked with his eyes and before he can even reply you reach up to brush your fingertip against his nose.
- Wants you dead first, no one has gotten close to touching it in years. And you, a low life nobody insults him like that. You get strung up immediately, your arm stretched so your fingers are out.
- “For that little ploy, I’ll take your fingers first and then your life.” Yes you’re scared but really could you regret it? This was the pirate’s life. “Oh, darn. Well, I’ll at least die happily. My eyes set on the most lovely nose I’ve seen in my years of life.”
- Thinks you’re still making fun of him until a few compliments later it clicks in his head that you mean it, with no hint of sarcasm or mockery. He lets you down, immediately ordering his crew to take care of the others you came with while he returns (runs) to his quarters. He’s a little intrigued by you, willing to die for a graze of his face. He keeps you as well, not that you’re upset by it.
- Crew thinks you’re hilarious, stopping a task to gaze longingly at the captain until either he realizes in which he shoos you back to work or he walks away. You boost his ego a ton though.
- From a distance he can ignore the thoughts he knows you’re thinking but up close, when they’re said in front of the crew, other pirates, hostages. He’s been known to cover your mouth with something so he doesn’t freeze up. When yall get together though, its game over.
- The first time you licked it, he almost saw some form of god. The angel's chorus was in his ears and he couldn’t help but say a little prayer in his head about you.
- Kissing it at least 3 times a day for good luck, rubbing up and down the bridge to soothe him to sleep, nipping at it when you feel playful. Not to mention he now has your voice in his head if he ever insults it going: “That’s not true! It is like one of the top 3 of the things I love about you and if you are mean to it again then I’m gonna cut it off and keep it all day!”
- Laying in his bed just watching him go about the day when you drop a “If my memory was wiped tomorrow I hope I’d get to keep at least the picture of your nose in my head.” before just turning over and going to rest. You hear him physically stop in his tracks and then a thud, he had let go of a boot.
- He doesn’t ever want to ask for praise about his nose on the days where he feels more insecure but you can tell by the way he rubs it on your collarbone and shoulder. You immediately pull out the good old “Have I told you how dashing attractive your nose is today? I seriously would just hop on and ri-” he doesn’t let you finish the sentence, cutting you off with a kiss knowing where it’s going.
- If anyone comments on his nose, you are the first to bite back. Threatening to cut out their tongue and string it up for future people to understand their place. Then squish Buggy while speaking highly of his stunning feature and how lucky they are to see it in the first place.
- You’re kinda crazy but hey, so is Buggy and he loves that you’re insane about him and his nose.
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pawnshopbleus · 9 months
hi! i was wondering if you could do a corio x plinth reader where he aproches her bc she is a plinth (and she notices and gets mad bc she think that corio takes her for a stupid girl who would just fall for his lies) but he slowly falls for her. i would really like if it ends well, like them together. i hope you understood my idea, i love your work btw.
𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
coriolanus snow x fem!plinth!reader
summary - basically what the request says, but there is no happy ending because i'm evil.
contains - angst, the capital being described as beautiful, gold-digging, rude coriolanus, not beta read
author's note - i'm so sorry @simpovereveryone for the unhappy ending, but i feel like once someone finds out you originally wanted to date them for their money there is no coming back. originally, this was going to be a happy ending, but I just couldn't write one that felt natural and real. if you want, I can do a happy Coriolanus later, but there is no happy ending in this one.
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IT was no secret that Strabo Plinth’s daughter was in love. It was the only thing people would talk about at the Academy. In between each Hunger Games, Capitol citizens were bored. Gossip would spread like a wildfire. They didn’t know how to keep a secret. 
Coriolanus knew that you liked him. It was obvious to anyone that had two working eyes. The way that your eyes would follow him wherever he went, and how your back would straighten every time he walked by was evidence enough that you had a crush on the blonde boy. 
Coriolanus was flattered, really, but he just wasn’t one to date. Many girls have tried and failed at dating him. None piqued his interest. He found that most pretty Capiol girls were dumb and had no interest beyond their physical appearance. They also lacked what he needed most, money. 
Coriolanus wanted to continue his education at the University after the Academy. He needed to keep a roof over his, Tigris, and Grandma’ams head, or he would have failed as a cousin and a grandson. Those necessities don’t come cheap after a war, no matter how long ago the war was. 
And then he heard the news. Some new students were chatting during lunch. His name and yours got thrown around, and after some intense staring at his apple, he heard what they were talking about. Your little schoolgirl crush on Coriolanus, and that was confirmation enough. 
Then there you were, sitting in all your glory. 
Being the one and only daughter in the Plinth family made you susceptible to fake people. Always after your money and status, but they will talk about you behind your back. Coriolanus has heard it all. He needed to outsmart the many and study the few that made it to your inner circle. Just because you already had a crush on him meant nothing if he didn’t have a good enough reason to chase after you. 
Your red school uniform mixed in with the rest of the crowd, but your face was what drew him in. It was so different, unconventional, and beautiful. The unconventionality of your face made him want to paint a picture of you from memory. You were unique, which he liked. This won’t be too bad, Coriolanus said in his head. 
Your tired eyes met his and he didn’t look away. The bags under your eyes accentuated the fact that you couldn’t sleep last night. The thunder crashing outside of your window was probable cause to keep you awake. 
Coriolanus got up from his chair and stocked towards you. His stride was purposeful, guiding through clumps of students gathered around the room. He sat across from you and said nothing as he studied your tired expression. It was weird that your brother's friend and your crush were sitting across from you all of a sudden. You were in no way ready to talk to him right now. 
“Did you want me to tell Sejanus something?” was all you could manage to ask. Your brain was begging you to ask more. Why are you here? How is your family? Do you think I’m crazy for liking you, even though we’ve never had an actual conversation? But your mouth stayed shut, which saved you from a boatload of embarrassment. 
Coriolanus smiled. His teeth were imperfectly imperfect. A natural color, not too white, but not too yellow. His right front tooth was slightly crooked, giving his teeth personality. 
“No, I came here to talk to you.”
Your brows furrowed for a second. Why in the world would he want to talk to me? Besides being the sister of his friend, you had nothing going on for yourself. There were far prettier girls that he could talk to. You weren’t all that traversed in philosophy and classic books like he was. You were just…you. 
Your lips pressed together in a small line and then returned to normal after a second. You couldn’t form coherent words right now. You nodded your head at the boy in front of you and looked across the room, not ready to make eye contact with him at the present moment. Students talked and whispered with each other as they took in the scene. Coriolanus Snow talking to the girl that had a crush on him. Many girls who had tried to date him in the past narrowed their eyes at you. 
You had not noticed that the room was almost silent, save for the whispers of the nosey students. Coriolanus kept repeating your name, trying to break you out of your trance. You liked the way your name rolled off his tongue. An unlimited amount of syllables were repeated over and over again in his baritenor voice. 
“What?” you ask as you are broken out of your trance. 
“Do you want to go on a date with me?” he answered your question with another. 
This seemed too good to be true. The boy you’ve had a crush on for years had just asked you out for seemingly no reason. Either whatever higher power in the sky was on your side, or this was one huge prank. Either way, you agreed. 
˖ ࣪ . 🦢 ࿐ ♡ ˚ .
You stood in front of the full-length mirror in the corner of your room. The baby pink silk slip dress you were wearing used to belong to your mother. She had given it to you two years ago in hopes that you would wear it. She hoped that you would wear it on a date with a nice boy. That’s exactly what you were doing, but there were two problems. The first problem was that you were nothing like your brother, outgoing and outspoken. You preferred to keep to yourself, and if you had to socialize, you would do it with the handful of friends you had. The second problem was that it was two years later. The dress no longer draped beautifully around you like it did when you were younger. It clung to every curve, crevice, and roll you had on your body. You were lucky that the dress still zipped up. You studied yourself in the mirror, going from the tip top of your head down to your painted toenails. At least it looked like you had enough money to be well-fed and groomed. 
Coriolanus was taking you to a new rooftop restaurant. The women in your mother's book club raved on and on about how elegant and regal the vibes in that restaurant felt. They also recounted how hard it is to get a reservation. For a new restaurant, it seemed pretty picky with its patrons. 
He picked you up around six. The sun had already set and a chill breeze kissed your skin, causing goosebumps to rise on the bare skin of your arms. Coriolanus kept you close to him, placing a strong hand on the small of your back. His hand was cold, causing you to shiver. 
The reviews were right. The restaurant was beautiful. The entire place was lit using nothing but candles. They lined the tables with pristine white cloth. There were other details of the restaurant that were otherworldly, but the view of the Capital made you swoon. With Coriolanus long forgotten, your eyes lit up at all the lights and such that outlined every building and street. You had forgotten how beautiful the Capital was at night. Your heart panged with gratefulness at being able to experience this even though you weren’t born here. 
Coriolanus studied you once again. The city lights flashed and shone across your body, accentuating the way your skin looked. It looked soft, almost perfect. Nothing was ever perfect. 
“So, Sejanus told me you like to paint,” Coriolanus commented, breaking the silence between the two of you. 
Your eyes broke away from the shining lights and back to the companion in front of you. “Yes,” you simply said. 
The simplicity of your words made Coriolanus fix his hand into a fist under the table. He was doing you a favor! You were the one who had a crush on him, not the other way around. He couldn’t say anything, though. He had to remind himself why he was doing this. Flashes of images passed through his mind. They all had one thing in common; they were dear to him - the only things he loved. That was the reason why he was here. He needed the money that was attached to you. 
“What do you like to paint?” The food that he ordered for the two of you was being placed down on the table. He ordered steak and potatoes with a side of steamed vegetables.
You are a vegetarian. 
Everyone knew you were vegetarian. You loved animals and couldn’t fathom eating a living animal. You didn’t judge people who ate meat. Everyone was free to live the lifestyle they wanted and you choose to live a meatless lifestyle.
“Why did you ask me out on a date?” you questioned the boy in front of you who was currently eating his food like a starved man. Which he was. He barely had enough money to pay rent, let alone pay for this meal…
That’s why he asked you on a date - for your money. You’ve lived your entire life having to question whether or not someone wanted to be your friend. Your last name followed you everywhere you went. There was nothing shameful about your family, but you hated having fake people around you. It was literal hell. 
Of course, Coriolanus didn’t like you. He just needed your money. You scoffed at him and didn’t even let him finish as you sprinted out of the restaurant, leaving him confused and with no way to pay. 
It’s safe to say that Coriolanus is never welcomed back. 
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drearygenie · 1 month
Amada McAllister and Claire Han
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inclusivity rant:
i think it's really important to represent aro/ace people without the stereotypes. not all aro/ace people are nerdy unconventionally looking introverted bookworms who need nothing but themselves and their animal (sorry mudd, you'll always have a very special place in my heart). they can be pretty. they can be conventionally attractive. "if theyre attractive why are they ace" ok so looking nice = romanceable? people who don't date dont have the right to look good?
On the flipside, fat people shouldn't have a character arc about their appearance and self confidence "oh you're not fat, youre cute! people can learn to like you," please stop. fat people can have problems other than their weight. they can be sexy and hot and wanted without their confidence being the butt of a joke. stop telling them their weight is normal and treat them like their weight is normal. Also the fact that in most fantasy settings, being big was the beauty standard, it showed that someone was in a place of wealth. dont erase that??
on that note, meet my ocs, the change I want to see out there:
amada is loud, and wants love, and she's conventionally attractive (except for her big nose I guess?). she's stupid and likes being pretty.
claire has always struggled with power and her responsibilities. and then a new problem was thrown into the mix: lexie. a sweet lanky nerd that is so in love with her. lexie treats her like a goddess. even the gay man tried to marry her.
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shakespearean-snape · 7 months
Hi there! so glad to see you posting again I like a lot of what you have to say about Snape. I noticed you say a few times tho that your visual headcanon for Snape isn't conventionally attractive and I just wondered if you had any reference of what he looks like in your mind? An actor or other famous person? just someone like that?
I'm just curious how you imagine Snape because I admit I just see Alan Rickman as Snape in my head since I started with the movies as a kid and didn't read the books a few until years later. It always interests me so much when people say they read the books before the movies or read the books with the movies coming out and saw Snape as someone else.
Its ok if you can't think of anyone just thought I'd ask. thx!
*waves enthusiastically like an idiot with zero chill*
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I get so giddy when someone sends me an ask like this so I hope no one thinks I don't enjoy questions about Snape or my headcanons. As anyone who knows me knows, I think a lot and especially about those things I love so I always have lots of thoughts rolling around in my head I can be positively overeager to share with anyone interested.
So to answer your question, I don't have a specific person pinned down that is 100% like how I picture Snape in my mind but some close candidates would be a young Adrien Brody (which I think is common enough among Snape fans as a choice, right there with Adam Driver these days), obviously the man that JKR based Snape around, John Nettleship, someone like Adarsh Jaikarran as a potential Hogwarts-era and early 20s Snape (even if he is more good-looking than I usually lean, in some pictures he just channels Snape vibes for me quite a bit) and a very young Julian Richings if you've ever seen photos of him in his younger years (I have two here for you so you can see my point a bit, here and here).
Ironically, Julian Richings in the later years of his acting career would probably have been my first choice for a Voldemort fan cast back in the day when any Harry Potter reboot was purely in the realm of the hypothetical (I mean, c'mon, look at this and tell me you can't see it too) but as JKR is an unapologetic anti-feminist/TERF I provide no monetary support to any of her projects including any licensed games, the watching of future reboots or purchasing of future tie-in books in the HP universe, officially licensed HP merchandise, or even by giving traffic to what was formerly Pottermore, etc.
All I bring to the fandom now is my fan theories and love for Snape, which she not only does not benefit from but never seemed entirely at peace with given how the character got away from her and took off. I can't think of a better way to spite someone so utterly spiteful herself than to take the character she was most shocked by people loving in any capacity and celebrate him in every incarnation (gay, bi, trans, ace, autistic, poc, etc.) with my queer, gender-nonconforming little heart while she gets zero money off me for it.
Anyway I hope the visual guide gives you a little more insight into my mind. I've never seen Snape as "ugly" (even when I joke my Snape is "ugly" and I like him that way) but my mental picture of him is of a man whose looks might fall into that unconventionally attractive sphere or what some people call homely. Occasionally I veer off that a bit, as with Adarsh Jaikarran, oh, oh! And also Lee Soo Hyuk, Song Jae-Rim and Kento Yamazaki (ever since I saw him in the live-action Bloody Monday manga series adaptation)!
But yes, my favorite Snape and the Snape I love isn't usually model attractive but also not quite the gargoyle Harry describes (that kid had some ridiculously high standards of beauty tbh, about the only characters he didn't have mentally critical notes on their appearance was the unnamed Veela, Fleur, and Narcissa Malfoy so yeah he totally thought "Draco's mom has got it going on..." Lol!) but somewhere in that "unconventional" categorization of attractive which I feel really suits a man who so often defies easy categorization in general.
(Excuse all the edits. After I gave a few examples more started hitting me and I was like ohhhhh I should have shared them, why didn't I think to share them? So I may come back and make more edits throughout the day, no promises I won't! Lol)
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inu-yasha · 1 year
I never understood how Kikyou could ask Inuyasha to become human. It just seemed out of character for her because Kikyou would know that's a selfish wish. The shikon jewel would've become corrupted right away. Besides, Kikyou loved inuyasha as a half-demon, she kissed him while he was half-demon. If she truly wanted him to change, wouldn't she have waited until after he became human? I think Kikyou telling Inuyasha that she was going to get rid of the Jewel (by wishing it out of existence but not telling him these details because she was rather cryptic at times) and wanting his support on the day would've made more sense. Then when her body burned she could've forgotten everything for some reason or other...you know...
I'm very happy about your question!!!
Key word: "asked" She just asked him to do it. He made the decision himself. She didn't force anything on him. She really couldn't ask anymore because it would make her not 'love' him? At that moment, Kikyou thought that if the shikon no tama grants wishes, maybe if used for good purposes, it will simply disappear and she will be able to live with Inuyasha in peace, without being attacked every day by demons who wanted this cursed jewel.
She loved Inuyasha as a hanyou. She was the only one who cared for him and talked to him and didn't want to kill because she felt that she and he were similar. Kikyou understood him as Hanyou better than anyone else
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She herself felt that she was a human being, but she also couldn't behave like a human being. She felt like she didn't fit in anywhere. Literally like Inuyasha. This loneliness and speech to Inuyasha comes from Kikyou from the depths of her hurt, lonely and suffering soul and heart.
Inuyasha was the first person Kikyou came into contact with and honestly said what she thought. Her speech is truly full of sadness, suffering and loneliness, like her whole person.
Kikyou just wanted a normal life. There's nothing wrong with that. She found someone with whom she can share her pain and someone who understands her. It's good to share your pain with someone who understands you well because they are going through the same thing. Kikyou was second only to his mother who didn't treat him like dirt, but gave him respect and later developed feelings for him.
She meant well by asking him. She wanted them to live a normal life without any harassment from both the demon and human worlds. I don't think it would be a bad thing. Kikyou shows how much she loves him and cares about his well-being.
Kikyou also accepted him as he is. She loved him as a hanyou, so her feelings for him are true, and this request to him was the greatest and most beautiful proof of her love for him. He agreed because he felt the same.
She hadn't forgotten their promise after being brought back to life, but now the situation was different. She gave her life for Kohaku's life, pushed aside her revenge. This shows how great and wonderful a character Kikyou is, and even after death, when she came back to life, the goodness in her hasn't faded away, and she has undergone character development. After calming down, she still cared about Inuyasha and his feelings. Only she did it and no one else took his feelings into account, not even his so-called 'friends' Kikyou is a person who can think unconventionally.
She is willing to take risks, such as giving the jewel to Naraku, her method was bad for some ppl, but I see the good side that she wanted to finish him off faster so that the person responsible for her and Inuyasha's suffering would increase the punishment.
It's easy to say "You don't have to change for me" when you live in a free society and have a different worldview than people who have experienced the same burden. This is different. One looks for every solution to be happy, and Kikyou tried to be happy with Inuyasha and her sister.
Kikyou is a truly loving Inuyasha, her love is always present, even when she is angry with him. Her request was truly for the good of both of them and their happy life together. This is a sign of caring, true love, this is Inuyasha. Inuyasha also proved that Kikyou's death did not kill his feelings. He loves her more than anything in the world. These are two people separated by death, but death cannot kill the love in their hearts.
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ladypiscesmoon · 1 year
hello lovelies! Hope you’re all feeling well on this beautiful Tuesday. Last week I answered only half of the ask that was sent to me. Today I post the reading about the other question that was put in that ask. The anon wanted to know what will happen to Timmy and Armie after they are outed. (Career wise) reading done on 15th of August.
So first I pulled for Timmy’s career and got:
10 of pentacles (keywords: dynasty, leaving a legacy, long term success, affluence), 3 of wands (keywords: waiting for your ships to sail in, awaiting results on a decision made, progress, expansion, new horizons, a milestone), the fool (keywords: new beginnings, free spirit, taking chances, leap of faith), judgement (keywords: judgement, wake-up call, inner calling, self-evaluation, reckoning), ace of cups (keywords: love, creativity, compassion, emotional awakening, proposal), the hierophant reversed (keywords: personal beliefs, challenging beliefs& authority, originality, rebellion, unconventionally, new methods).
With that it looks like being outed will not harm Tim’s career in the long run. I feel he will be judged by some people (others will be very happy for him), but people will still want to work with him and he will have a lot of success in doing it. Maybe he will do some other things as well, like producing or directing. With the ace of cups and the fool I think it will be liberating for him in a way, like he will be relieved he doesn’t have to hide anymore.
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As for Armie I pulled:
6 of cups reversed (keywords: stuck in the past, nativity, unrealistic, clinging), ace of swords (keywords: breakthrough, truth, insights, new ideas, focus, mental clarity, success), 4 of swords (keywords: rest, relaxation, mediation, renewal, self-protection, retreat, peace), the sun reversed (keywords: feeling down (temporary), overly optimistic, delayed gratification, inner child, blocked happiness, pessimism, conceitedness), the fool (keywords: new beginnings, fresh hope, taking chances, leap of faith), 5 of wands reversed (keywords: conflict avoidance, harmony peace, release of tension and conflict, cooperation, agreements)
I think he will be more afraid to be outed because at the moment his career isn’t there where he wants it to be. I feel he will be alright in the long run though. He will be temporarily at a loss, but will find a way to build something he’s really happy about. It’s not the first time that I pull for him and feel really strongly that he may not go back to acting, or maybe only go back for a short time. I see him writing, maybe also directing or producing, or it could be something completely different he will end up doing. I also see him being at home more, being the one who’s cooking meals and making a real home of the house.
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When it will happen I think it will be be discovered by chance. They will have to act quickly, but it doesn’t seem to harm them in the end. They will feel a lot happier, especially Timmy. I feel he’s afraid someone will see or hear something that gets them outed, but at the same time he wishes it to be over with. He doesn’t like to hide:
Oracle deck: the soul’s journey: Courage, loneliness, abundance, success
(all readings are for entertainment and alleged)
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witchyamethyst · 3 months
El drawing dump
Been doing some messing around and I realized I had yet to show this:
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And I did this one today
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Design choice explanation under the cut
I actually ended up thinking a lot about what I wanted El to look like. She's a character I relate to an insane amount, largely because we're both half white half Desi. It was super fun to giving her a bit of an unconventionally beautiful appearance.
I wanted to make sure to give her distinct POC features, so I opted for large thick brows which I think would also give her a nice terrifying glare as described in the book. And if any of these were coloured she'd have dark eyes and darker top lip than bottom (as many Desi people have).
El describes herself as being beautiful but with dark witch energy. I decided to give her a prominent hooked noise as a reference to the fairytale stereotypes, and I really fell in love with it. I am aware of the antiemetism around hooked noses but I'm not Jewish myself so if anyone who is has thoughts I'd appreciate them.
I also paid attention to creases in her face. Overall I wanted to give the impression that as she grows older El will look more like a 'crone'.
Showing El as not thin was a priority for me, but unfortunately I don't think it's really came across in either of them. It doesn't have much reasoning except for the fact that I'm not thin and I kin her :)
Thanks to anyone who read this far and indulged me
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marciabrady · 1 year
Rank your favourite princess sacrifices!
Meg taking the crushing blow of a pillar for Hercules.
Mulan taking her fathers place in the army.
Belle offering herself in exchange for her father.
Tiana turning down facilier’s deal.
Cindy’s day-to-day life
Rapunzel’s promise to never escape for Flynn’s life
Any other you can think of….
Hi there! I'll rank the ones you listed, just in the interest of time! In order, from favorite to least:
Cinderella's day-to-day life: I think, while Mulan is very valiant in her sacrifice, Mulan has an end goal in mind she's fighting for- her Father's life, family honor, peace of her own mind- while Cinderella is fighting for her life. There's no outcome or goal in the way she lives her day-to-day life other than trying to find happiness and survive. I think often about how lonely she must've felt and how much mental strain it would've inflicted on her, to live in such close proximities with three people who genuinely hated her with everything in them. This is who she grew up with, the people who supposedly know her better than anyone else...and for people to go around and try to, now, frame Anastasia as the heroine of the story because of the sequels and how Anastasia being unconventionally attractive makes her more of the victim is sickening to me. Cinderella never resorts to being an abuser, the way the other three do, even when things couldn't get any harder for her and she's at the lowest of lows. Instead, she fosters a haven for the mice- she saves them from traps, feeds them and clothes them, and harbors a sense of community and love. That's so beautiful to me and to think that it even naturally occurred to her to be such a resource to others when no one had ever been that figure to her is both heartwarming and breaking to think about.
Mulan taking her Father's place in the army: I actually just rewatched Mulan last night and I think there's so much value in her story and I was surprised at how non-Western they made her struggle and really admired it. Mulan is a very selfless person, but I also think taking her Father's place in the army was a way for her to connect to her family and achieve something in a way that she believed they would've finally seen her at the level she was at. I think the focus on her Father's safety and contributing to family honor, instead of a more selfish goal like some of the other heroines have, is something that is, by nature, a deeper motivation and driving force. It did used to bother me that she and her Father had such an underdeveloped relationship prior to her leaving so that we couldn't really see exactly why she'd go through the intensity of all of this, but again, she had reason enough to go and I do think the framing of her doing all of this so they would have a way to relate to each other more and get deeper in their bond than they would've had she stayed at the family home makes a lot more sense to me.
Meg taking the crushing blow of a pillar for Hercules: I know Meg gave her life up for her ex, but this was the first act Meg performed that was selfless for Hercules. She's jaded, which everyone praises her for, but it irritates me at points because she's allowing her past relationships and views of men to color the way she treats Hercules and characterizes him, even though he's continually kind and understanding and expresses that he'll be there for her no matter what and he'd never do anything to disappoint her- and that's such a rare thing to find in a partner, so for her to finally reciprocate after being so cynical (despite having such a treasure right in front of her) and trying to either kill him or betray him through her deal with Hades, just made their dynamic seem more equal.
Tiana turning down Facilier's deal: I really love Tiana's friends in the parks and some of her spinoff books, but I always felt bad at how the script kept forcing her to be humorless and just blindly ambitious. There's a real heart to Tiana and an emotional depth and complexity I hope they tap more into in the series, instead of writing it off for more "I have to work even harder!" jokes. That being, this was one of those moments where she connects to the second part of her Father's message and not just her relentless pursuit of her restaurant. She called back to the family values and the loving parts of her Father, and it definitely gave emotional weight to the scene...though the mucus line makes me very uncomfortable and the execution is off, which is why I docked points lol
Rapunzel's promise to never scape for Flynn's life: Maybe it's just that I dislike Rapunzel and Flynn as characters so I never really connected to them, or it's the brevity of this scene, but this always felt hollow to me. Not much more to say/add
Belle offering herself in exchange for her father: You all know Belle is my least favorite princess, or one of them, and everything about this exchange highlights why lol the act, in itself, is touching but she breaks it like ten minutes later. She says "take me as a prisoner in exchange for my Father and spare him his life" and once the deal is made, she shortly runs away right after because she's yelled at for trespassing in the West Wing. She's not a woman of her word. Moreover, it's just...frustrating. Maurice was rotting away in that cold, damp cell forever and Belle shows up and doesn't even stay in it for longer than a minute before she's upgraded to that incredible room with a magical wardrobe and Mrs. Potts cheering her up. She's asked to go to dinner and she refuses...but then the entire enchanted crockery is performing "Be Our Guest" for her. She's told she can explore the entire Enchanted Castle but just not to go in one room, and when she goes in it and she's yelled at, she runs away, breaking her promise, and showing how little she must think of her agreement and her Father. Idk it just irritates me...she's treated so much better than Maurice and she still breaks the agreement, so it never really was one in the first place
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timebeingtarot · 2 years
First of all, congratulations on 100 followers, truly happy for u 🎊💗
And I hope u don't mind me asking for another reading from u, I really enjoyed the last reading ✨. My question is about my FS or my forever person if u ok with that.
Like whay they would love about me? Or what they think of me? So I think spread 6 is the best one for this question
Take care n tysm <3
thank you so much! I don't remind repeat questioners at all! I appreciate the continued support. i really enjoy doing tarot readings and I spend a lot of time on them, so I appreciate the kind words and that you'd want another one!
i hope you don't mind, but instead of thoughts/feelings/advice, I did a variation of what attracts them intellectually, what attracts them emotionally, and what they love about the relationship.
what attracts them intellectually (the empress) - the empress is compassionate, she is caring, she provides for the people around her. she appreciates the beauty of the world around her, and sees worth in things other people may not. she is creative and thoughtful. these are the attributes that attract your f.s. to you. whether you want kids or not, they may also be attracted to you because they see you as someone who would be a good parent, or who generally has a nurturing energy.
what attracts them emotionally (the hierophant, reversed) - this card deals with unconventionality, free-thinking, originality. they may see you as a non-conformist, as a rebellious spirit, which attracts them to you. whereas the hierophant upright is conventional and conservative, the hierophant in reverse is spirited and bold, unafraid to stand out and to stand-up for what they believe in. your willingness to be exactly who you are despite conventional norms will be something that really appeals to them. they will feel safe with you because they know that they can be who they are and not be judged.
what they love about the relationship (justice) - one thing they love about the relationship is that you hold each other accountable in life. you push each other to be the best versions of yourself you can be. you encourage each other to stand by your beliefs and help each other when you waver. they will also appreciate that you have a very fair and balanced relationship; it is a relationship of equals. lastly, i see that they will value the honesty in your relationship. this card indicates a relationship characterized by open communication, give and take, sharing responsibilities, owning your own actions. your partner will likely feel comfortable knowing that you have a relationship based on mutual respect.
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inkykeiji · 2 years
I’m a few days late to this discussion but on the topic of Robert de Niro, daddy issues, dilfs, etc… you’re gonna judge me so hard, but yk the guy that sings the song like “my money don’t jiggle jiggle, it folds”—that song? I lowkey find the guy attractive and he’s like 60 what the hell-
oh my goshhhh hahaha no anon no judging here!!! i i had to look this guy up because i live under a rock and honestly he isn’t my type per se but i think he’s actually quite cute with the beard????? like the beard does things for him for sure!! and he’s definitely not ugly either way!!
#honestly anon i have really weird taste in men; i like them two to three times my age lol but i genuinely think that’s the trauma speaking &#i haven’t gone down that route#obv i like men closer to my own age as well like in their 20s ahaha but i like older guys a lot too#also!!! i really love people who (i think) are ‘unconventionally beautiful’#i find those types of traits so much more attractive and interesting idk#i think conventionally beautiful people can be kinda boring in terms of looks lol#like i want defined noses or high cheekbones or very sharp features etc etc#beauty is subjective tho so!!!#i love little flaws especially in teeth!!#i feel like little flaws an ‘imperfections’ add so much more character to a person#im rambling now but yEAH#own it anon#he isn’t ugly in the slightest#i also find im really attracted to TRAITS tho#like someone will be neutral to me and then they’ll possess a specific personality trait that i find very attractive and suddenly they#appear more *physically* attractive to me too#i love creativity; intelligence; authenticity; confidence/power#etc etc etc#but yeah bottom line is;;;; robert de niro in casino!!!#also robert de niro in the godfather pt 2 omfg like he’s young there but still he’s so attractive!!#i rly rly rly love vito corleone as a character tho so i think that has something to do with it as well <333#have an awesome day/night anon!#it’s one am here i gotta sleep ._.#stay safe and drink enough water!!#inky.bb#clari gets mail
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jeynearrynofthevale · 4 years
Sansa Stark is a lesbian and here’s why:
So, in honor of sapphicsansafest, I’m making a meta master post about why I believe Sansa is a lesbian. This will include a few quotes and I’m going to separate it into a few sections.
Sansa’s descriptions of other women:
“The queen was drinking heavily, but the wine only seemed to make her more beautiful; her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes had a bright, feverish heat to them as she looked down over the hall. Eyes of wildfire, Sansa thought.”
Even when Sansa hates Cersei, her descriptions of her are always focused around her beauty. The way she describes her eyes and cheeks is also similar to the way the men that are attracted to Cersei describe her.
“Twenty mules awaited them within the waycastle, along with two mule-walkers and the Lady Myranda Royce. Lord Nestor’s daughter proved to be a short, fleshy woman, of an age with Mya Stone, but where Mya was slim and sinewy, Myranda was soft-bodied and sweet-smelling, broad of hip, thick of waist, and extremely buxom. Her thick chestnut curls framed round red cheeks, a small mouth, and a pair of lively brown eyes.”
Similarly, her description of Myranda is very focused around her looks and specific details like her being “sweet smelling” and “extremely buxom” seem to point towards Sansa being attracted to Margaery. Once again Sansa’s descriptions of women mimic the way straight men describe them. Sansa’s interactions with Myranda are something I'll comment on later.
“Sansa had never been this close to the Dornishwoman before. She is not truly beautiful, she thought, but something about her draws the eye.”
Her description of Ellaria is also interesting as it helps show that the way Sansa thinks about women isn’t solely an aesthetic appreciation. She also enjoys the way unconventionally attractive women look.
“Slim and sinewy, Mya looked as tough as the old riding leathers she wore beneath her silvery ringmail shirt. Her hair was black as a raven's wing, so short and shaggy that Alayne suspected that she cut it with a dagger. Mya's eyes were her best feature, big and blue. She could be pretty, if she would dress up like a girl. Alayne found herself wondering whether Ser Lothor liked her best in her iron and leather, or dreamed of her gowned in lace and silk.”
This might be the best example of Sansa’s attraction to women. She once again thinks about the beauty of a woman who isn’t conventionally attractive and she even comments on her eyes. She then contextualizes her attraction by convincing herself that she’s thinking from a man’s perspective. In reality though she’s thinking about how Mya looks her best to her and is unable to really think of that because it's not considered proper.
“When Margaery Tyrell smiled, she looked very like her brother Loras.”
This one is pretty self explanatory. She thinks of how lovely Margaery looks repeatedly and when Margaery is admirable and happy, she once again contextualizes her attraction by bringing a man into the picture.
My thoughts on her “crushes” on men:
Now, her 3 real crushes in the books are Joffrey Baratheon, Loras Tyrell, and Waymar Royce. They all follow a very similar template. Men straight out of the songs and stories that Sansa loves.
“Sansa did not really know Joffrey yet, but she was already in love with him. He was all she ever dreamt her prince should be, tall and handsome and strong, with hair like gold.”
“Joffrey smiled and kissed her hand, handsome and gallant as any prince in the songs.”
Joffrey is someone Sansa likes because he’s the prince out of songs, the idealized prince in the stories. And Sansa loves songs and stories so she thinks she loves Joffrey. When she comments on Joffrey’s beauty, it’s almost always in the context of songs or stories. He’s also the easiest crush, her betrothed who she has to learn to love.
“Ser Gregor was the monster and Ser Loras the true hero who would slay him. He even looked a true hero, so slim and beautiful, with golden roses around his slender waist and his rich brown hair tumbling down into his eyes.”
“Wed to Ser Loras, oh . . . Sansa's breath caught in her throat. She remembered Ser Loras in his sparkling sapphire armor, tossing her a rose. Ser Loras in white silk, so pure, innocent, beautiful.”
Loras is also an ideal out of the songs. Sansa says it herself. He’s the hero she wants. She always thinks of him in that context. It makes sense that she crushes on him. He’s a safe easy crush. It’s like the asoiaf equivalent of crushing on some guy in a boyband.
Sansa’s interactions with Margaery
“You will love Highgarden as I do, I know it.” Margaery brushed back a loose strand of Sansa’s hair. “Once you see it, you’ll never want to leave. And perhaps you won’t have to.”
The way Margaery tries to appeal to Sansa and talk to her almost echoes a flirtation. Pushing a strand of hair behind someone’s ear is a textbook romantic move. And the persuasion relies on Sansa liking Margaery and is all about finding love.
“”Margaery’s kindness had been unfailing, and her presence changed everything.”
The way Sansa thinks of Margaery is quite striking and loving. It is as though Margaery was this big important force in Sansa’s life.
“Margaery was different, though. Sweet and gentle, yet there was a little of her grandmother in her, too. The day before last she’d taken Sansa hawking.”
Sansa also goes on what pretty much amounts to dates with Margaery. And the sentiment of Margaery being different is very similar to Arya’s thoughts on Gendry: “Only Gendry was different” and their relationship is often considered to have romantic undertones. It’s also interesting that gentle is used to describe Margaery when that is one of the words Ned used to describe Sansa’s future romance.
“She is so brave, Sansa thought, galloping after her.”
Sansa clearly admires Margaery immensely and her thoughts are always complimentary. She clearly crushes on her.
Sansa’s interactions with Myranda:
And you must be the Lord Protector’s daughter,” she added, as the bucket went rattling back up to the Eyrie. “I had heard that you were beautiful. I see that it is true.”
Alayne curtsied. “My lady is kind to say so.”
“Kind?” The older girl gave a laugh. “How boring that would be. I aspire to be wicked. You must tell me all your secrets on the ride down. May I call you Alayne?”
The complimenting of Sansa’s beauty is another common trope in flirtation. And the way she interacts is very sexual and ostentatious. It’s flirty. And asking to call someone by their first name is also a romantic trope.
“Randa. It seems a hundred years since I was four-and-ten. How innocent I was. Are you still innocent, Alayne?”
She blushed. “You should not ... yes, of course.”
Sansa is nervous around Myranda in a way she’s not around men. She even blushes. Myranda is also directly questioning Sansa about her sexual experience.
“Despite herself, Alayne found herself warming to the older girl.”
She starts developing a crush.
“She is trying to make me blush again.
Lady Myranda must have heard her thoughts. “You do turn such a pretty shade of pink. When I blush I look quite like an apple. I have not blushed for years, though.” She leaned closer.”
Once again, this is super flirty and seductive. She’s complimenting Sansa on her blush and implying her own experience. This whole conversation is ripe with that stuff.
“She ate with Mya and Myranda. “So you’re brave as well as beautiful,” Myranda said to her.
“No.” The compliment made her blush. “I’m not. I was so scared. I don’t think I could have crossed without Lord Robert.”
Once again Sansa blushes at Myranda’s comments.
“By the time they finally reached her father’s castle, Lady Myranda was drowsing too, and Alayne was dreaming of her bed.”
This is some interesting word play. It might not be intentional but ships like Braime have similar lines.
And a few miscellaneous/bonus things:
“Septa Mordane said all men are beautiful, find his beauty, try.”
This is how Sansa thinks about Tyrion. She’s a child forcibly married to him so she’d probably judge him harshly regardless but this phrasing struck me. It’s very similar to the way lgbtq people are often told to try to love another gender even if they cannot. And the way Septa Mordane taught Sansa about attraction and gender obviously has a huge influence on her perception of her own sexuality.
“When a serving girl brought her supper, she almost kissed her.”
And this is Sansa thinking about kissing a girl.
“I am coming for you, Lady Sansa, she thought as she rode into the darkness. Be not afraid. I shall not rest until I've found you.”
The fact that the true knight Sansa wishes for, the hero out of the stories, the romantic trope is Brienne, a woman, has some awesome queer implications. Even if her relationship with Brienne isn’t really a romantic one, it certainly fits the idea of courtly love.
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endobiologist · 3 years
1. Just simply treat us like regular human beings. This means don't be assholes, and don't be fetishizers.
Trans people are just like anyone, their brain just happened to form in a different way than their body did in the womb.
If you treat them with the same respect that you treat everyone else, you're doing right.
Don't be that person who asks if they had surgery, and what their genitals look & looked like, and all those personal questions that are maaaybe well meaning but come off creepy as fuck.
2. Take their name & pronouns seriously!!
If someone is trans, even if they don't look like the gender they are, try not to ever misgender them.
This can be mental anguish for a lot of people who are trans.
There are a lot of trans people who look perfect, yes, but there are also a lot of trans people who don't pass whatsoever.
If you just support the beautiful trans people and not the unconventionally attractive ones, that counts as transphobia because it implies they're not real men / women unless they look like them exactly.
And it's okay if you mess up on their pronouns and/or name sometimes, it's just an accident.
The only time you're an asshole is if you're doing it on purpose to be mean.
3. Ask questions!
The most important thing you can do is gain as much knowledge on the subject as you can.
Do this by researching yourself, and also by talking to the person, and asking them about any questions or confusions you have.
Almost all of the time no one minds being asked, and you are in fact showing you respect them and want to know how to show them your respect.
4. A nice thing to do that's become very popular as of late, is when meeting someone, asking their pronouns.
Such as she/her/hers, he/him/his, and they/them/theirs.
This way you never misgender someone by accident, and it shows that you're friendly to those who are trans.
You can even support this movement yourself by not only doing this, but also putting your own pronouns in your biography on social media, spreading the likelihood of people putting more in, which means way more people get gender fulfilled and makes it a common thing to give strangers respect of their gender!
5. This is yet the most important rule of all.
Don't be a coward.
Stand up to injustice when you see it, no matter what.
If a trans or gay or otherwise LGBT+ person is being bullied, attacked, r*ped, or anything of the sort, either help them yourself quickly or get help for them as soon as possible, and speak up loudly, protecting them whilst also not drowning out their own voice and their experiences. I've known some trans people who have cried after I defended them online from hateful people, and as a fellow trans person I know that feeling.
The feeling of someone having your back,even a stranger, can mean so much.
Also stand up for LGBT+ people even when no one is listening. Even when a single person that's LGBT+ isn't there.
Stand up for them always, not just conditionally.
This rule is important to me personally, due to one of my ex-best friends, at the time best friend, letting me get harshly abused verbally by someone who is transphobic in their family, and they stood around and did nothing whilst I cried.
That's pretty much a textbook case of what not to do. Lol.
6. When you notice they're feeling dysphoric about their bodies, try and remind them of the traits that they like and the traits that they will have in the future (if they go on HRT that is)
things like calling them 'handsome', 'dude', 'bro', 'milady', 'miss', all these different nicknames can be cathartic for trans people who might have never been called those terms before, or very rarely.
Obviously you're not expected to know every whim of your trans friend, or any friend, but if you see them actively upset, this is a very sweet thing to do that can cheer them up very quickly.
7. Even if you do not understand it at all, and can't comprehend the transgender concept whatsoever, please try your best to think of where your loved one is coming from.
Sometimes it's hard to see the pain they go through, so you may assume nothing is going on, and that they're going through a phase, or faking it, but that is usually very untrue/unlikely.
And even if they are going through a phase, if you support them, that will make all the difference and they'll remember that the rest of their lives, even if they do grow out of it, which is extremely rare so it's unlikely in the first place.
What matters is having each other's backs, even if not understanding everything.
Not everything is meant to be understood by everyone. People come from wildly different generations and cultural backgrounds and it makes sense that it would be hard for some, but it,'s so important to try!
8. This is a small, cute optional thing, but if they're in the closet and unable to use their real name anywhere, try taking them somewhere like Starbucks where they get to have their name written on their cup.
I know that might sound funny, but it was one of my favourite moments in my life when I saw my new name correctly on my Starbucks cup.
Little things like that can really boost your mood!
Just a random thought, but I thought I'd add it in.
9. If you're close with them, make sure they practise self-care and wellbeing.
Trans people are known especially to have very high suicide rates, over 50% of trans people have attempted suicide, so it's extremely important to make sure your trans friend is as supported as possible, so that they always have people to fall back on.
If needed, remind them to take showers, remind them to eat, and sleep, things like that.
This one mainly has to do with if you live with the person and know them well.
But even people you don't know them well, you can suggest self-care practises to them, or even put together a little care package of self care products, but make sure they're all natural!
10. A good way to train to use their pronouns and name correctly, is to think of them in your mind hard, and then repeat their new name and pronouns in your brain or aloud with the picture of them in your mind over and over for as long as you need every day or so.
Eventually this association will become so strong you'll automatically get it every time!
11. Most importantly, just be there for people in need.
Stand up for those without a voice, whilst giving them a voice. If you're one of the people out there who is not LGBT+ in any way, but is making an effort to learn about us,
I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
People like you are extravagantly rare, and so kind. And it definitely means you have an open badass mind.
Anyway, that concludes this article, please comment your thoughts!
Many more articles about being transgender I'll write in the future, and I'll post the ones I write soon.
Please feel free to check back at my account to see if I write any new ones or additions to previous articles!
Thank you for reading.
- Atom T. L. Yorke
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thed4rkhand · 3 years
Kim Taehyung Nakshatra
Kim Taehyung and his Nakshatra analysis.
I got this really cool request about Kim Taehyung and him potentially being a Vishaka rising, and I really wanted to analyze it. So here is what I came up with, hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed poking about.
Let me make it clear right off the bat, that since I’m not a professional astrologer, some things may not match up, further since we’re not super sure of his birth time, it’ll definitely affect the reading. What I can be sure of is that I’ll do my best and I’m completely open to constructive criticism from you all!
Now lets get on with some basic stuff, for those who have not yet read the post with Namjoon’s moon analysis, I’ll again reiterate some principles of Vedic astrology! In the scenario that you’re still confused with all this jargon, feel free to reach out and I’ll be more than happy to help you out.
Starting out, we have to note that while western astrology is usually more advisory in nature, Vedic astrology’s main purpose is to predict. Also, we usually go a sign back from western astrology in Vedic astrology, so according to that for example, if you’re a libra rising, you become a virgo rising in Vedic astrology and so on and so forth. All planets will also shift back a sign, so a Capricorn Mercury will become a Sagittarius Mercury.
Since this is the first ‘only nakshatra analysis’ concerned posts on this blog, ill pre-explain some other facets of Nakshatras too. For those of you who don’t understand it still, you can refer to my post dedicated to explaining what nakshataras are through the master-list.
Now a person may display qualities other than that of their ascendant nakshatra, or moon or sun, because sometimes people have stellium or maybe an exalted planet or maybe a really strong planet in another Nakshatra, or maybe a lone planet in a certain Nakshatra is aspecting the lagna or even a stellium, that would all alter the degree to which the nakshatra would individually affect the person. So for this analysis, we will check the ascendant only, and other than that, we’ll check any aspects and lastly the nakshatra lord, and the dispositers.
So for this reading, we’ve taken the birth time as 4:15am on 30th December 1995, and birthplace is set to daegu, south korea (even if this isn’t where he’s born, rest assured since south korea is fairly small, it wont matter much).
Now on with the actual reading part-
So his ascendant is at 29’37 degrees in libra in the Nakshatra of Vishaka, within the third quadrant, where quadrant ruler is Mercury through Gemini. Vishaka’s ruler jupiter is in the third house, conjunct sun and mars in sagittarius, (i.e mooltrikon for jupiter). Jupiter itself sits in mula nakshatra and within the second quadrant of this.
Now onto the really cool stuff, since this stuff is being introduced for the first time, i’ll create a proper post explaining it, post it before this so you guys can check that out too. So keep cross checking it, otherwise i'll have to add it before each Nakshatra analysis.
His nakshatra here is vishaka, misra in nature, caste is mlechh, guna is sattwic, gana is rakshasa, purpose is dharma, deities are Indra and Agni, element is fire, gender is female, animal is tiger, Nadi is kappha and sign is libra.
So now getting on with the actual interpretation of the Vedic jargon above is here-
Firstly, lets get started with the main Nakshatra here, Vishaka. This falls between libra and scorpio, with the first 3 quadrants in libra and the last one in scorpio. Vishaka is represented by two forked branches, reprinting the constant inner battle inside the natives. They may appear very orthodox at times, very stubborn and fixed in their views and traditions, however such people are also extremely progressive and accepting. Due to this weird polarization, some natives have extreme trouble putting forth their views on many subjects here, and tend to observe others for a long time before making up their minds about something. Since the sign is inherently ruled by fire, such people are extremely intense and intimidating to others and love being in the spotlight while being surrounded by loved ones. However due to this intense nature and love for the spotlight, these people have a hard time maintaining friendships. Jupiter is their ruling planet, and you can see that influence in them, too. They are some of the most unconventionally intelligent people you will meet. Add to that their beliefs of spirituality and non-violence, and you’ve got the perfect person, however They are prone to addictions like drugs and alcohol, and they are also overly self-conscious. Instead of enjoying what they have, they will always concentrate on what they lack, therefore being called ‘the star of purpose’, for they’re always searching for a new purpose.
It is often believed that the lover of lord Krishna, Radha was born under this nakshatra. Thus it is believed, such natives have immense charm and beauty, while being innately pure within. They have people falling for them one after another, but once they find someone or something they like, they’ll remain devoted to it. Such people have a ‘Je ne sais quoi’ about them, one can’t very well point it out, but something so magnetic is present. They’re often said to be in direct connect with the divine (lord Krishna was after all a god), and are blessed by god for good fortune.
The native of this nakshatra might be interested in astrology and art.The natives of this nakshatra are good-natured and likes fair-judgement. They have a interest in religion and love the religious rituals too. They speak softly and due to which they easily impress others. They usually don’t speak harshly. Due to the effect of Jupiter they are always ready to learn and teach others. They are ambitious and don’t believe in following the societal rules. They work hard to achieve their ambitions and due to which they receive success also. The natives are wealthy, powerful and have an impressive nature and therefore people get easily impressed by them. The person is compassionate and confluence of ethics, rites and good qualities in the person. Due to the combination of all these qualities the native becomes financially sound also. The native believes in saving money due to which they never face financial crisis. They can influence others with their word. However on the flip side, They like showing off and are a bit arrogant by nature. Vishakha nakshatra is the nakshatra of Jupiter, that is why they have a mild behavior. But they are short tempered also. According to their behavior they are always ready to fight with others. (see how jin and tae, and vmin always fight, in-fact he was named as one of the members most likely to pick a fight)
Something I found very interesting is how Taehyung’s ascendant falls in the 3rd pada or quadrant of Vishaka, which corresponds to the sound ‘Te’ as in pronunciation wise ‘Tae’, and being named taehyung is thus extremely auspicious for him. This is rare among people unaware of Vedic traditions, and no wonder it has worked so well for his fortune and luck.
Now Jupiter through vishaka Rules Lower Abdomen, Bladder parts, kidneys, pancreatic glands, Genitals, Rectum, Prostate Gland, Descending colon. Thus the natives are prone to nose bleeding, renal stone, dropsy, rupture, prostate enlargement, fibroid tumor, urinary trouble.
Now he’s born under the third quadrant. These natives are light-hearted and curious. They enjoy learning and acquiring knowledge on diverse topics. However they may be afflicted by anxiety and often struggle with conflicting emotions regarding work and love, material and spiritual realms and so much more (remember that gemini is two faced, and vishaka itself is branched). Since it falls under gemini, such people are social butterflies, amicable, smart and communicative.Due to their warm and altruistic personality, they can easily make friends with others. Their diversity of personal interests also helps them to form friendships with a wide variety of people. Thus they have no issue maintaining an active and vibrant social life. They are extremely wise for their age and have a natural insight into the workings of the world and of human nature. They are truthful and devout, and are naturally-inclined toward spirituality. They bring energy and enthusiasm to whatever tasks they undertake.
Now we’ll brush over the nakshatra lord quickly, and then move back into really fun nakshatra stuff.
Jupiter as ruler of vishaka is in the 3rd house, conjunct sun and mars, with no aspects.The natives are good planners (3rd house is short distant journeys). Besides, they are highly curious and enjoy making connections with others. They feel happy to share ideas. They are able to see the larger picture and often turn to others for advice and suggestions.  Also, they easily put the people at ease in social situations and have higher mental capabilities. They can become intuitive as Jupiter will expand their mental power, so they can even grasp new information quickly and comprehend things effortlessly. The placement of Jupiter in the 3rd house will also help the natives in education. The natives are likely to excel in writing and literary fields( his degree is in communications and broadcasting I believe). Since this is also the house of younger siblings, people have great relationships with their siblings here.Since the 3rd house is also a upachaya sthana (house of growth) the native will have good growth of career and wealth, and with its aspect on the 7th house, marital bliss is also guaranteed. Aspects on the 11th and 9th houses promise a powerful social circle, and gains through foreign land as well as fame.
However, despite all these great results from sitting in its mooltrikon, Jupiter is still afflicted by sun and mars. Such people with age (upachaya house moves with age) speak less and less because they think twice before they speak and choose their words very carefully. With this conjunction of 3 masculine friendly planets thus when together in a house, makes people highly influential. The native tends to enjoy a good financial and social status. This conjunction is often found in the horoscope of influential and high-ranking individuals such as politicians. When Sun, Mars and Jupiter are housed together in a horoscope, the native earns a lot of wealth, fame, and respect in life. Such people live a prosperous life for the most part and do not have to work hard to make it big, as they have unpaid karma they receive in this lifetime. Moreover, these natives tend to be very loyal and straightforward.
Now onto dissecting the nakshatra even more, let's get into the characteristics of vishaka.
Being of Misra nature, they are of an extremely fiery temperament, are actually prone to being pyromaniacs too. I have noticed that such people also have great metabolisms. They are quiet in large crowds, and prefer one to one conversations and are also extremely philanthropic. Great organizers, extremely interested in art and technology, and absolutely brilliant at getting rid of bad habits (fire purifies).
Vishakha is a monstrous nakshatra. People in this group are generally intuitive, strong-willed, and assertive. They may be prone to anger and violence. However Libra natives possess excellent taste and good judgement. They are friendly, learned, and dignified, but may be prone to arrogance as persons born under the star of Vishakha have a wide sphere of influence. For this reason, they do well in social and political arenas. It is said that that the natives under vishaka have vyapana shakti, or the power to “Achieve and Make Manifest, Power to Achieve many and various Fruits of Life” (remember how he always talks to his angels?)
Now he’s a mleccha caste, which according to Vedic traditions means an outsider or an outcaste (as these people did not follow societal rules, or fit into the Vedic practices as they were of foreign origin). This could honestly be why we talk about his 4D personality, because of the caste. He has an unconventional way of doing things and thinking, which don’t fit into the broader spectrum due to this. Also we can see that it follows the dharma nakshatra, so he is inherently concerned with principles, morals, duty and finding his life’s purpose. This can make his very spiritually inclined and intuitive, also very restless and prone to depression. Now coming to his dosa of kaphha, (the Water quality). This makes a native very philosophical, calm and patient, sometimes so much so that other’s perceive them as lazy, and simply ‘lucky’. With his sattwa qualities here, with Jupiter, a rajas planet, he can often has a duality between rajas qualities with fiery temperament and passion for everything and then an extremely calm and cool quality of sattwa, where one is not concerned about the consequences of their actions and are concerned with being in the moment.
The yoni of the nakshatra is a male tiger (tae tae?). This means the natives have attributes similar to those of tigers.Tigers are handsome and powerful people with an innate self-confidence and elegance. There's a sense of immediacy and an aura of electricity that surrounds it, and when it walks into a room, it feels like something is about to happen. Once a tiger has found its groove, it will focus on its goal with a brightly burning intensity. In social situations, the tiger is an excellent host and there is no such thing as a casual party in its home. Guests can always expect a memorable occasion with an extravagance of food and drink, and yet, there is a distinct coldness to its den. Having sacrificed comfort for style, the tiger outfits its house with austere and modern furniture, and comfortably worn easy chairs are replaced every few years.But their emotional detachment should not be confused with a desire to avoid tenderness; for intimacy is the tiger's greatest sensual tool. Offering its lover some deeply held secrets adds another dimension to both platonic and romantic relationships for a tiger. They are fiercely independent and always on the move, so it can be quite hard to discern such people.
And lastly coming to the deities of the nakshatra, the two deities, Indra (Lord of Lightning) and Agni (Lord of Fire), are known to rule this nakshatra. Hence, Vishakha witnesses the relay of characteristics of both of these ruling deities. Since both of these deities exhibit some characteristics which are not in accordance with the other, Vishakha becomes a mixture of different kinds of characteristics. Lightening tends to have similar impact with the forcefulness of the light, and the destructive power to do what it sets out to do. The energy of Agni however, is more cleansing. Agni is the God which takes our oblations offered to the Gods to them. It is the energy that gives us the opportunity to cook food and nourish ourselves. It creates ashes from all that is offered making it pure and able to clean any impurities. The natives can have a lot to do with justice, social righteousness and causes. There could be a lot of intensity here especially to do the right thing and a lot of righteous principle because of these two deities.
Finally, a shortened version of Vedic tradition story associated with the nakshatra-
Indra, according to Vedic Mythology, is known to be very goal-oriented, and who is often insecure about losing his throne to someone else. In an attempt to keep his throne intact he commits many deeds that can be bad karmas according to Vedic Astrology. For example, Indra once tried to kill the pregnant wife of demon Hiranyakshipu in order to stop him from worshipping Lord Brahma and getting great powers as a result of his worship. Indra feared that Hiranyakshipu will gain powers and then attack the heavens and remove him from his throne and in order to save his throne he tried to disturb the worship of Hiranyakshipu by every possible means. Though he did not succeed due to the intervention of DevRishi (Sage) Naarad who was able to influence the higher Gods to stop Indra from committing such a heinous deed. This goal oriented nature of Indra is relayed through Vishakha and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of this nakshatra are very fixated on their goals and they are always in a danger of engaging in bad karmas in order to achieve their goals.
Indra is also known for his deep interests in drinking, women and enjoying other pleasures and these qualities of Indra are also relayed through this nakshatra and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of this nakshatra are likely to be fond of materialistic pleasures of all kinds. Agni on the other hand is seen as the ruling deity of Fire according to Vedic mythology and he is portrayed as the one with a good character. The influence of Agni on Vishakha brings sufficient energy to this nakshatra which can help the natives achieve their goals.
An incident is quoted in Vedic mythology where a demon prayed to god Agni to protect him and then after assurance from Agni, he started worshipping lord Brahma for gaining powers. Indra, seeing it as a threat to his power came to kill the demon but Agni who had promised the demon to save him, came in the way and fought Indra and prevented him from killing the demon. It should be noted that Agni fought with Indra in order to practice the right deeds despite the fact that Indra was his king. So the influence of Agni on this nakshatra brings positive qualities of Agni and how a particular native under the influence of Vishakha will behave is very much dependent on which of these two ruling deities is controlling Vishakha in his horoscope.
Anyway, this was my analysis of the nakshatra, hope you guys enjoyed it! Let me know about other stuff too, and ill be more than happy to help!
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gureishi · 3 years
Hey! This is the anon from before with a MysticMessenger HC request!
From what I understand, it is very uncommon (almost impossible) for Koreans to have natural blonde hair and blue eyes. What would the RFA or GE saeran or V's reaction be to an American MC (she/her) with extremely long (natural) blonde hair and really bright blue eyes?
You can choose what MM characters you want to write a reaction for! I'm not picky!
-🦋 anon
Hello, lovely butterfly anon!
So, we know that the Mystic Messenger world isn't quite like ours: V's hair is naturally turquoise, after all! That said, let's assume that blonde hair and blue eyes are still not very common traits in Korea, even in their world.
Zen thinks you are the most beautiful person he's ever laid eyes on, no matter the color of your hair and eyes and skin—no matter your body type or weight or height. He thinks you are absolutely resplendent. It’s also true that his own unusual hair and eye color have been a source of both joy and pain for him: he's received so much attention because of his uncommon beauty, and not all of that attention has been positive. So he feels a sense of kinship with you. He knows that people probably stare at you on the street, because you stand out—and he gets it (perhaps more than anyone else). Hold my hand, he'll say. Let them look; they could learn something from us. No one is in love quite like we are.
Jaehee had to cut her hair because of her job, and she's absolutely enraptured with your long hair. She'd love to grow hers out like that; she'd love to stop wearing her fake glasses so she can finally show off her beautiful eyes. So perhaps you can encourage her: let's grow our hair, you'll say, together. She loves this idea—and you can encourage her when the growing-out process is discouraging; you can tell her she's beautiful. Oh, and she feels that way: with you at her side, she’s more sure of herself than she’s ever been before.
Yoosung might feel strange about your hair color at first. He dyed his hair blonde to look more like Rika, of course—and falling in love with someone who's got hair like hers might make him a little bit sad, since he is still grieving her. Ah, but it doesn't take long for him to see the differences more than he sees the similarities—and you are the loveliest person he's ever laid eyes on. Oh, and how absolutely adorable: the two of you on a date together, with your matching hair and bright eyes. You'll get stopped a lot—everyone wants to take your photo. Smile and wrap your arms around him; you look so good together.
Jumin doesn't really have a preferred hair color. He knows that you are gorgeous, of course—he is taken aback right away by your heart-shattering beauty. Since he’s traveled a lot, he doesn’t find your hair so unusual. It is not the unconventionality that is striking to him, but everything else about you: the way you move; the sound of your voice; the feeling of your fingertips on his cheek. From now on, his favorite color is blue: he only wants to own things that remind him of your eyes.
Saeyoung falls in love with your voice, in the beginning. He’s head-over-heels by the end of that very first phone call. And he knows how you look before anyone else does—and his heart pounds, of course, when he sees your face. But it is the way you speak to him that does him in—it is the sound of your laugh that makes him feel as though he's falling off the face of the earth. He isn't particularly fazed by the color of your hair or eyes: it is the way you are around him that utterly destroys him. Ah: but he will buy a long blonde wig, just so he can dress up like you. And it will be easy for him to mislead his friends: his you costume will be perfect—of course it will.
Jihyun is used to unusual hair colors—though it's odd for him at first that you've got the same color hair as Rika. It's not that he minds, necessarily—but it's unsettling when he is first getting to know you. But oh, your hair is the color of a candle flame or liquid honey or a field of buttercups. He wants to photograph you at sunset; he wants to paint you in every color of the rainbow. You inspire him; all of a sudden, he finds the whole world more beautiful than it ever was before.
GE Saeran has spent much of his life trying to become someone he could stand to face in the mirror. He loathed his own appearance; he loved when his eyes were no longer gold, and he buried his hair under layers of poorly-applied bleach. But it is with you that he discovers who he is. And you are spectacular, he thinks—everything about you. Your eyes are the color of the sky, and he feels like he's falling into them. Perhaps he will want to grow out his hair, in time—or if he continues to dye it, it is because it is his choice (and no one else’s). You are perfect just the way you are; perhaps he can be that way, too.
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daydreamrry · 3 years
🌻 tarot here! That’s great thank you Libra sun anon. I can do a very basic interpretation for you. To the other anon, you are correct in order to get an accurate reading in the chart you do need the rising sign / time however, you can still get some basic info regarding synastry with the other placements. Given, that I can’t go into exact detail I won’t be able to be as in depth as I would like. That said, this to me looks like amazing compatibility. Dare I say, there is even potential SM indicators. I’ll explain a few reasons why 👀
The harmony of Fire and Air placements that you both have. 🔥 While the dominant placement in Harry’s chart is actually water (once you break it all down)💧if you combine the houses and the degrees three of his personal planets (presuming he is born in the afternoon of Feb 1st 1994 / Redditch Manchester GMT) Sun (ego), Venus (pleasure and love) and Mars (action, drive) are all in the 7th house (the house of Libra). The 7th house governs all matters of Libran things (ruled by Venus) such as harmony, beauty, diplomacy, romantic partnership and business partnership. Not to mention he is a Libra moon? (his emotional sector) Hunni! Please👌🏽 All in all Harry is VERY Libran. Your sun is in Libra which is your ego, your basic nature, and the personality traits that remain constant despite all. What this means is you both have a similar way of understanding how each other operates. You also filter your experiences in the same way. Now, does that indicate smooth sailing? Not necessarily. We need conflict too. Sometimes being so alike can create issues of complacency and boredom but it really depends on so many other factors of the charts (Pluto, Chiron Saturn etc) birth chart synastry is like one big ass bowl of skittles so many different colours of the rainbow. You can get a lot of varying flavours 🌈 The SM indicator here is two fold, the Libran stuff aside not only do you and H share a moon sign. Your (Tropical/Placidus) Virgo moon conjuncts his (Vedic/Sidereal) Virgo Moon. you have a Venus in Leo, that is conjunct to his rising. In my opinion this is HUGE. In my readings I view this as an indicator of love at first sight usually 👀 Venus governs love and the rising is what we project out in the world first, it’s the first thing we see and who sees us. That’s why Harry (who is presumably a Leo rising) is such an amazing showman, he can turn it on when it counts. Leo’s need the spotlight, they put a great deal of energy into being admired. They also require someone to show them love by way of admiration, courage and bold gestures. This is amazing because you’re both so similar it’s like sharing a big warm hug! Awh! Jelly! A big factor that could be a potential red flag 🚩 let’s not forget that although Harry has all these qualities he is still very much an Aquarius (Sun, Venus and Mars). 🥶😅. Aquarius isn’t the easiest, emotionally to say the least. They are for the most part pretty detached and they don’t like being tied down in any way. Which may explain Harry’s constant habit of getting into a relationship quickly only for it to end after a period of time, *i don’t want to be alone* 🎶 Libran’s struggle to be alone they need a counterpart to balance their energy, whether it be romantic or business. IMO He has trouble balancing all that Libran energy that requires partnership with all that Aqua energy that requires freedom. In all honesty, most of the time Aquarian’s need to be with someone who have at least one prominent Aquarius placement in their personal chart, either Sun, Moon, Rising Venus, Mars or a personal planet in the 11th house. Aquarian’s are ruled by Uranus, they are the freedom seeking, rebellious types. If people think they have them figured out, they’ll do something to throw them off just to regain their sense of personal autonomy. They’re turned on by unconventionality. Which can be problematic for other signs who don’t get this vibe. For instance, my moon is in Aries in the 11th house and I never stick to convention. I came from an academic household and I dropped out of school as a fuck you to my parents, just to use that as an example. You being a Leo Venus is in opposition to his Sun, Venus & Mars could go both ways. While there would be some serious attraction 🥵 it could potentially create some toxicity between how you seek and acquire relationship stability. You being about the personal and he being about the collective. You would definitely have to work on it. Of course I could say so much more. The more info I have the more I can speak on it. I hope you enjoyed anon! 🌈🔥
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