#obviously there’s more moments I didn’t include but I will dw. i just didn’t wanna make this comp hella long
smallishbabes · 2 years
Emeralds boosting each other up part 1
MCM 10- Techno’s & Phil’s
MCC 2- Techno’s & Phil’s
MCC 4- Techno’s & Phil’s
MCC 5- Techno’s & Phil’s
MCC 7- Techno’s & Phil’s
MCC 8- Techno’s & Phil’s
MCC 9- Techno’s & Phil’s
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I definitely had to take a few months off of Voltron after that.. godforsaken season. But after thinking about it, and it’s all just theories obviously, what I think happened in S8 in terms of Lance and Allura becoming one dimensional, and lack of Lotor , might have been because of third parties too? Like obviously LMJDS were probably toxic and that can definitely cause the last season to be shit, but also third parties who owns some rights to the Voltron characters (1)
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Alrighty, my response is going under a cut cause we both made this super long!
Firstly, I know third parties are a thing, but Dreamworks itself has the exclusive rights to Voltron. They bought it in a deal along with other properties (including She-Ra), and LMJDS were actually pretty vocal early on about how much creative freedom they had. They had a couple executives to go through, of course (an example of the executives says ‘no’ was to their original pitch involving post-Galra Earth, Lance as a child soldier, and Keith has a white-haired half-Galra that filed his teeth and dyed his hair so no one would know), but largely could create the story they want. Netflix has the airing rights for it, it was the one that paid for it, and it’s pretty known to just say ‘whatever’ to what people want to make.
The DW producers probably did come back with notes about changing things for toys, but what you have to remember is that the toys largely would have been focused on the lions and the robots and everything. Yeah, some Paladin stuff, but it’s not like the relationships in the show would have been reflected on anything in that way.
I’m thinking back to the Power Ranges the early 90s (I was obsessed with it). The Green and Pink Rangers were a thing in the show, but that didn’t reflect anything in the merchandise. And that was in the 90s. Many companies KNOW they have to be more open-minded now. They don’t have a choice. When Disney is buying up EVERYTHING, unless you wanna fall under the radar and slowly get merged with the mouse, you really can’t risk being seen as a close-minded company run by bigots. It’s not third parties that are getting flack, it’s DREAMWORKS.
Also, no matter how the romances turned out, they thought they were getting a 5-10ish male demographic, and they ended up getting that, plus teens and adults. They got the coveted 18-25 range (the bigger spenders), and they adjusted the merchandise to that (t-shirts, jewellery, the funko pops, comics, etc). I cannot stress enough just how LUCKY they got getting the fanbase they did. Third parties could have made a fortune off of it.
It’s also pretty telling that they were able to add in the Shiro/Curtis scene without any real issue. Shiro, who was saved from an early death due to his potential popularity and toy sales. Think about that.
Not only that, but the writers and so many others actually thought that they were going to go with Keith and Lance. That’s a genuine thing. They originally thought they were writing a show where you got Shiro/Allura, and Keith/Lance. That was how the writers saw S1 & S2, and you can TELL. The moments we picked up on? On purpose.
We know that DW wanted Keith/Allura. We know that LM just wanted fighting robots (but I will always remain suspicious over the fact that she had the ship name Laith  in mind already, and drew the picture with Lance holding that sign). We know JDS wanted Allura/Lance.
Until someone actually comes out and says something else, the ones to blame for the shitshow we got are LMJDS. The fact that they keep spewing awful ideas of ‘we wanted to do this but were told no’ and ‘we wanted to do this but were told no’ is them trying to stick the blame on someone else because it’s ruining their careers. Also it’s terrifying to think that were got the BETTER ending compared to that shit.
The only way we’re going to be able to be able to tell is what DW decides to do with the comics. If they make them stick to the ending, then yeah, they were at least allowing the shitty, genuinely hostile writing to happen. If they saw change it, well, at least they’re smart enough to see how badly they fucked up.
27 notes · View notes
danfanciesphil · 7 years
Phan Teacher AU (Part 3)
(Part One)
(Part Two)
It’s Friday evening, finally, and Dan is in his kitchen making pasta, reflecting on the ups and downs of his first week in his new job. He stirs the penne in the saucepan, staring down into the bubbles.
The pasta does not, unsurprisingly, provide him with any insightful comments. 
Being a TA is not as bad as he thought it would be, he eventually concludes, considering everything that’s happened to him at the school so far. The children don’t tease him like he feared they would; mostly they barely even register his existence. The faculty, whilst occasionally irritating or dull, are just normal people for the most part. It’s obvious that none of them are living their dreams, but aside from making them a little snarky, that doesn’t seem to matter to them. 
None of this applies to Phil, of course. 
Dan stops stirring pasta, the tips of his fingers tingling as a wave of admiration sweeps through his body. Phil Lester is an unexpected, but very welcome, perk of this job. 
Dan had never even considered the idea that he might develop a crush when he accepted this position. Teaching has never appealed to him, so he has never found teachers attractive in the past. But, as he mentioned to Phil on his first day, Phil is not like any other teacher that Dan has ever met. 
He switches the hob off, and finds a colander in one of the cupboards. It’s not his, obviously. Dan would never be organised enough to buy a household item as obscure as a colander, but his housemates won’t mind. Probably. 
He drains his pasta, and scoops it into a bowl, then mixes it with some pesto. He adds some chopped cherry tomatoes and a sprinkle of cheese, then takes the bowl through to his bedroom. 
He’s glad he has the house to himself tonight. His roommates are out on a date together, being an excruciatingly cute couple, as always. 
He blames the exhaustion of first week in a full time job when he climbs onto his bed to eat, opening up his laptop. Facebook is open where he left it this morning, and out of nowhere, Dan gets an idea. 
He pauses mid-chew, wondering if it would be crossing a line. 
Then, before he can think his way out of it, he clicks the search bar and types ‘Phil Lester’. 
A hundred Phil’s pop up at once. Dan scrolls through them, peering at the tiny display pictures, searching for dazzling blue eyes and a mop of jet black hair. 
He’s about to give up, but then he sees it. As soon as he notices Phil’s photo, he wonders how he could have missed it amongst the sea of other Phil Lester imposters. 
He clicks the image, heart speeding up a little. Phil’s profile fills the screen, and Dan’s eyes widen, skimming over the scant information like he’s trying to soak it all up at once. 
Phil Lester  [Image]
💼 History Teacher at Rawtenstall Secondary School 🎓 Studied History and Philosophy at University of York 🎓 Studied French History at Université Paris-Sorbonne  🏠 Lives in Rossendale, Lancashire, United Kingdom 🏠 Lived in Paris, France 🏠 Lived in York, UK 🏠 Lived in Manchester, UK 📍 From Rossendale  ❤️ Single
His eyes are drawn to the ‘relationship status’ part of his bio before he can stop them. Embarrassingly, he smiles into his pasta, as though it changed anything at all. 
His photo is the most distracting part of the whole page. Dan stares at it as he chews, taking advantage of the opportunity to study Phil’s immaculate face. There’s something different about the photo-Phil, Dan thinks, trying to work it out. Belatedly, he realises that he’s never seen Phil dressed in anything other than a shirt.
The Phil in this picture is wearing a t-shirt in vibrant blue, covered in rows of white stars. There’s a red hemline around the neck and short sleeves too. It looks a bit like he’s low-key cosplaying as Captain America on his off-day, but somehow it suits him. 
The picture-Phil is staring into the camera with that familiar intensity Dan recognises from the times he meets Phil’s gaze in real life. He’s smiling slightly, but it’s nothing compared to the way his beaming fills the classroom. 
He clicks the photo, unable to resist seeing Phil’s face larger on his screen. He really is rather unnervingly attractive, Dan thinks, staring unashamedly at the pixels doing their best to replicate the swirling galaxies of Phil’s blue eyes. 
He shovels more pasta into his mouth, sighing to himself. Just then, his phone buzzes. Reluctantly, Dan drags his eyes away from the screen, fishing it out of his pocket. 
18:54 Unknown Number Hey Dan! This is Phil (Mr Lester)
Dan chokes on a tomato. 
He reaches over to put his bowl of pasta on the bedside table, coughing, and turns back to his phone. Phil’s face continues staring out of his screen, those all-knowing, laser-eyes burrowing into his skull. Dan flushes, feeling caught out, and slams the lid of his laptop closed. 
His phone buzzes again. 
18:55 Unknown Number (the dorky guy who makes you  wear capes and help children to  build precarious structures out  of tables and chairs)
Despite feeling as flustered by this unexpected text as a yanderé schoolgirl encountering her senpai, Dan snorts at the joke. 
Fingers trembling a little, Dan adds Phil’s name to his contacts, and spends around three minutes typing and retyping a response.
18:58 Dan Howell did i forget giving you my number in a cringey attempt at gaining friends in my new job or something 😅
18:58 Phil Lester 🌠 hah! no i actually got it from the  school office 😳 
Dan frowns in confusion. 
18:59 Dan Howell Is that even allowed?
19:00 Phil Lester 🌠 Not sure. But I’m very charming, so it wasn’t an issue 😉
19:01 Phil Lester 🌠 I told them I wanted to ask you something important, related to class
Dan’s heart immediately sinks. That makes sense, he supposes, reaching for his pasta again. Phil’s just messaging him to discuss something work-related. Nothing to get excited about, after all. 
He types out a quick response, then places his phone aside, filling the disappointment-void opening inside of him with mouthfuls of pasta. 
19:02 Dan Howell Oh cool. Do you need me to do something for Monday’s class?
19:03 Phil Lester 🌠 I just need to ask you somethng in preparation
19:03 Dan Howell Ask away Mr Lester
19:04 Phil Lester 🌠 Do you think the Year Nine’s will laugh at me if I wear this in class (Attached: 1 image)
Dan stares at the message, uncomprehending. He scrolls down, laughing in surprise as he sees the photo Phil has included. 
It’s a picture of him, close up, with his chin raised, exposing his neck. Around his shirt collar is a bowtie, white with black polka dots. 
19:06 Dan Howell Without a shadow of a doubt, yes, they will laugh at you. Sorry bud. 
19:07 Phil Lester 🌠 Perfect! Thanks. 
Dan waits expectantly, glancing at his phone every few seconds as he finishes up his pasta. After he’s scraped the bowl clean, he picks the phone up again, wondering vaguely if he’s hallucinating this entire conversation. 
19:13 Dan Howell Is that it???
19:14 Phil Lester 🌠 Your TA duties are complete. Pls feel free to go forth and enjoy your weekend, Mr Howell
Dan blinks at the text, very confused. He’s about to shove the phone in his pocket, when another text comes through.
19:15 Phil Lester 🌠 And enjoy a cool photo of ur new favourite teacher, now saved to your camera roll free of charge
19:16 Dan Howell How do u know I won’t delete it
19:17 Phil Lester 🌠 Uh, you’d better not. I don’t hand these selfies out to just anyone Daniel
A little thrill shimmers through Dan’s veins at the sight of Phil using his full name. 
19:18 Dan Howell dw I’ve got it as my wallpaper already. I might even print it out, frame it for my wall
19:20 Phil Lester 🌠 Beats stalking through my Facebook albums I bet 😉
Dan’s heart actually stops for a moment, he’s sure. No, he thinks, feeling cold sweat pearling on his brow. There’s no way Phil could know something like that, surely.
He decides to try laughing it off, still terrified. 
19:21 Dan Howell Pfft as if m8
19:22 Phil Lester 🌠 tbf if you had stalked me I’d be super miffed you didn’t friend request me
Dan’s muscles melt of tension, the relief flooding out of his pores. Phil had just been stabbing in the dark with a weirdly accurate aim. 
19:23 Dan Howell aw u wanna be my fb friend? Cute.
Dan opens his laptop again, clicking determinedly off Phil’s profile, feeling his cheeks heat like he’s being watched. He’s just about to click off of Facebook altogether, when he gets a notification. 
Phil Lester has sent you a friend request!
Dan blinks at the message, gawping. 
His phone buzzes. 
19:26 Phil Lester 🌠 yes please
Dan spends the weekend wishing for it to end, which is an entirely new experience for him. 
His housemates invite him out for drinks on Saturday night at their local pub. Dan doesn’t bother attempting to refuse; Teddy and Tyler are not the sort of people who can be successfully argued with. 
They fail to mention, however, that they have invited a bunch of other people to join them for drinks, including Stephanie, Dan’s ex-girlfriend. As a result, the evening turns into Dan downing more pints than he is able to handle in order to deal with the glares from the girl he dumped a few months ago. 
At the end of the night, Tyler and Teddy have Dan’s arms over their shoulders, and are merrily singing The Phantom of the Opera as they drag him home. They take off Dan’s shoes and trousers for him and lay him in bed, laughing away at Dan being a lightweight, and then promptly climb in either side of him. 
Dan groans, feeling nauseous and irritable. He loves his housemates in many ways, but they are really annoying. 
“Unngh, get out,” he says, half into his pillow. Instead of obeying, Tyler and Teddy wrap Dan in their arms, squeezing him tightly. 
“Aw, Dan’s a grump because he had to face Scary Stephanie,” Tyler teases. 
“She was more terrifying than usual tonight,” Teddy muses. “Have you spoken to her since... y’know?”
Dan doesn’t reply; he’s too focused on trying to pretend he is currently alone in this bed. He has his eyes squeezed shut in an attempt to block out all evidence to the contrary. 
“Since he callously ripped out poor Stephy’s heart?” Tyler supplies, giggling. “I’d say he’s prrrobably been avoiding her since then, right Danny?” 
In the hopes it might get him some peace and quiet, Dan nods. 
“I still don’t get it,” Teddy says with a shrug that jostles the bed. “She’s pretty, and she isn’t a complete bore. Why chuck her?”
“Ted, you know why,” Tyler says, his voice mocking. “Dan’s a big fat gay now.”
Dan groans in frustration, elbowing Tyler in the side. “‘M not!” 
“Okay, that is bi-erasure, Ty.” Teddy admonishes, though there’s a smile in his voice. 
“Bi, gay, whatever.” Tyler says. “The point is, Dan’s ready to embrace his twink side at long last.”
Dan sighs, rolling his eyes despite them being shut. “Hate you both.”
“Um, no...” Tyler corrects, sounding affronted. “You love us to bits. Especially ‘cause we’re gonna take you to the hottest gay clubs in town and find you a big, beefy bear to help you transition to the dark side.” 
Tyler tickles Dan in the side, making him shriek. Teddy joins in then, laughing uproariously at Dan’s reaction. 
“No, stop, I’ll throw up on you both!” Dan cries, feebly attempting to fight back. 
“Say you love us, Dan!” Tyler cries over Dan’s agonised laughter. “Say it!”
“I’ll say it if you fuck off!” 
“Deal!” Teddy shouts. 
Despite this, in the morning, as predicted, Dan wakes up with his two terrible excuses for housemates still snoring in his bed. 
As soon as Dan’s alarm sounds on Monday morning, Dan hops out of bed, eager for the day to begin. 
He showers and brushes his teeth in lightning time, then spends twenty minutes sorting out his hair and changing his outfit. He tries not to think about why he’s so obsessed with his appearance today. 
After his fifth change of shirt, Dan checks the time and realises he’s about to miss his bus. Swearing loudly, he bolts out of the door, just about managing to grab his bag and coat on the way. Tyler snorts with laughter at him as he goes, blowing a kiss, and Dan just legs it to the bus stop. 
He makes it, just, but only because the bus is a minute late. Luck must be on his side today, he thinks as he struggles to get his breath back on the jolting bus, sweaty and already exhausted, his stomach rumbling. 
Forty minutes later, he’s wading through the swarms of schoolkids up the front steps, heart beginning to pound as he thinks about what lies ahead. 
He doesn’t need to check his timetable to know which class he has first today.
He gets to Classroom Nine ten minutes early, unable to dissuade himself from seizing the opportunity to spend a little bit extra time talking to Phil. 
This plan backfires a little when he opens the classroom door to find it empty and dark. 
He debates what to do, dithering on the spot, and then decides to just come back in a little while. He turns to leave, and bumps straight into Phil’s chest, spilling the mugs of coffee he’s holding in either hand. 
“Ow!” Phil shrieks, and Dan plunges feet-first into the hole opening beneath him in the earth. 
“Shit, shit, sorry!” Dan cries, taking the mugs from Phil’s hands as he flaps his hands in distress. 
“Ah!” Phil hisses, shaking his sleeves as they drip with hot coffee. “No, it’s cool don’t worry- crap, that was hot.” 
“I’ll get some napkins or something- ” Dan says, at a loss for what else to do. 
Phil chuckles, shaking his head. “It’s fine, Dan, I’ll live.” He straightens up, smiling at Dan in reassurance. “So, I brought you a coffee!” 
Dan stares at him in dismay. “I am so sorry.” 
Phil laughs. “I know. It’s fine. I just hope there’s some left in the mug.” 
Dan turns his attention to the cups in his hands. “Yeah, there is. Um, thank you.”
“No problem.” Phil says with a smile, then takes one of the mugs from him. 
He steps carefully around Dan and through the open door of the classroom, sipping as he goes. 
Dan takes a moment to internally scream at himself for being such a prat, and then follows him inside. Phil flicks on the lights, then goes to put his coffee down on his desk. 
“So, you’re keen.” Phil says to Dan, grinning as he rolls up his coffee-soaked sleeves. 
Dan notices for the first time that Phil is wearing that stupid black and white spotty bow tie he’d sent Dan a photo of on Friday. 
Distracted by the sight of it, Dan takes a moment to process what Phil said. His eyes widen. “Um, sorry?”
“You’re here early.” Phil points out, one eyebrow raised. “Not often that you see TA’s getting to class before the first bell.”
“Oh!” Dan says, relieved. “Yeah, well... I just thought...” He scrambles for a reason that might not sound weird, coming up blank.
Phil chuckles. “It’s okay! I’m glad. Setting up for first period alone is always boring.”
“I’ll do my best to entertain you.” 
Phil giggles, then goes to one of the cupboards at the back of the room. He pulls out some unreasonably large rolls of craft paper, along with several bundles of bamboo sticks. 
Dan sets his mug down immediately, going to help him haul everything out. 
“Oh, thanks,” Phil says, surprised, as Dan takes some of the things from him. “Just put them on one of the tables.”
“What are we doing with these, then?” 
Phil laughs, glancing at him. “Wait and see.”
Dan rolls his eyes, smirking. “Such an enigma.”
“It’s all part of the experience.” Phil says. “I’ve got to be mysterious and keep the kids questioning everything. Their curiosity makes them more receptive, I find.”
Dan nods thoughtfully, considering this philosophy. “But I’m not a student.”
“True.” Phil allows. He places the rolls of craft paper down on a table, turning towards him. “Maybe I'm just trying to impress you.” 
Dan laughs awkwardly, not knowing what to say. He fiddles with the sticks of bamboo, swallowing. 
“How was your weekend?” He asks, deciding a subject change is probably for the best. 
“Good!” Phil says brightly. “It was my brother’s birthday. I baked him a hummingbird cake.” 
“A hummingbird cake?” 
Phil chuckles. “Yeah! It’s pineapple and banana flavour with cream cheese frosting. Also I made it into the shape of a hummingbird, because why not?”
“Right.” Dan says, at a loss for what to say. “Why not?” 
“Wanna see?” 
Dan smiles, nodding, and Phil walks over to him, digging his phone out of his pocket. Dan stares at the device in Phil’s hands as he scrolls through his photos. 
This is the object he’d used to message Dan on Friday. Dan’s number is now saved into it. He is, in some small way, more intimately connected to Phil through this rectangular slice of technology. 
“Sorry, I took lots of photos of my brother.” Phil says, laughing, swiping through several pictures of a grumpy looking man in a glittery party hat. “He hates having his picture taken. Oh, here it is.” 
Phil moves closer, his shoulder pressing into Dan’s. He’s deliciously warm compared to the chilly, early morning air in this room, and he smells strongly of the coffee Dan covered him in a few minutes ago. 
He tilts the phone for Dan to see. The cake is astonishing to behold. It’s been moulded into a 3D hummingbird, complete with a chocolate pocky stick for a beak, and covered entirely in a pastel rainbow of frosting. 
“Okay, wow,” Dan says, not bothering to hide how impressed he is. “I was expecting a half-hearted attempt to shape a flat cake into the Twitter symbol... but that’s incredible.”
Phil giggles, looking bashful. “Thanks! It was tasty too, which is a bonus.”
“What do I have to do to get you to bake for me?” 
Phil turns his head to face Dan, still just a little too close. “Hm, I can think of some things.”
Dan can feel it as Phil leans a little more into him, his shoulder pressing slightly harder. He holds his breath, feeling like a rabbit caught in the path of a devious fox. 
And then the bell rings, of course. 
Phil leans away again, still smiling, just as the first students begin to bowl through the door. Jonah happens to be one of them, and he lets out a low whistle as he walks through strolls into the room.
“Oi, sir, you givin’ Mr Howell your number?” 
Phil laughs, pocketing the phone in his hand and moving swiftly away. “Nice to see you too, Jonah. How was your weekend?”
Dan tries to hide his furious blush by going to retrieve his coffee from the desk where he left it. 
The rest of the students file in, and Phil welcomes them all in his usual chipper way. For the first fifteen minutes, Phil does a brief recap of the last lesson about the Algerian War, then introduces the topic they’ll be looking at today, following on from it. 
Today they’re going to start studying the failed revolution of May 1968 in France. 
To emulate the frustration of the liberals taking part in the revolution, they’re going to make pickets and signs with anti-capitalist slogans out of craft paper and bamboo. 
Phil gives them an entertaining rundown of all the issues the left-wing majority of French society had in 1968, and then he tells everyone to get into this mindset, and begin crafting. 
It’s a bit of a madhouse from that point on. The students, despite being in Year Nine, seem to love being let loose with the art supplies. They’re excessive with their use of paint and glitter, creating huge, garish signs with aggressive messages. 
A few of Dan’s favourites read: 
‘We stand, we march, we dab’
‘Marx’s favourite bitchez’
‘Communism ftw’
‘Destroy France’s capitalist infrastructure u cowards’
Phil is loving the enthusiasm so much that he even lets a few curse words slide, though he does insist that Jonah change his sign to ‘We are unTRUCKable’, for the sake of his reputation as a teacher. 
Once the signs are more or less completed, Phil claps his hands to get everyone’s attention. “Right! Ready to get out there and protest?” 
The class look confused, a hush falling over them as they look at one another blankly. 
“Protest what, sir?” Jonah asks.
Phil tuts. “Haven’t you been paying attention? If we don’t protest, then nothing will change! Workers and students will forever be bottom of the ladder! We have to push the change! We must make Marx proud!” 
Dan stares at Phil like he’s gone insane, as do most of the students. 
“But...” A shy, timid girl Dan thinks is called Anita, pipes up. “This is all in the past, right? They already protested this in France in 1968.” 
Phil beams at her, winking. “True. But tell me, gang, has the fall of capitalism come to pass?”
The students shake their heads, looking unsure. 
“Exactly, Anita!” Phil cries. “So, did the effort these French liberals put in have any effect?”
“No,” Anita answers, her eyes round as she gazes at Phil. “They failed.”
“So we should continue what they started.” Phil says, picking up a nearby bamboo stick and raising it high. “Who’s with me? For the revolutionaries of ‘68!”
The class cheer suddenly, finally catching the glint in Phil’s eye. They grab their pickets, and follow Phil as he strides to the door of the classroom. Not knowing how else to respond, Dan hurries after them, a little panicked as the crowd of fourteen-year-olds pour out into the hall. 
If only his deadly strict advisor from teacher-training could see him now. The Health and Safety of most of Phil’s activities would absolutely not pass regulations. 
“What do we want?” Phil cries, oblivious to his own rule-breaking as he marches the gaggle of teenagers down the corridor. 
“Revolution!” Jonah shouts, laughing. 
“When do we want it?” 
“Uh, 1968?” Someone calls out, and Phil chuckles.
“Ideally, yeah, but forty-nine years later works too.” 
Marvelling at the boldness of this man, as usual, Dan jogs to the front of the pack of students, marching along beside Phil. 
The rest of the class begin a chant of their own, their signs waving above them in the air as they walk determinedly through the school. 
Several classroom doors open, and students and teachers alike poke their heads out into the corridor, laughing and pointing as they pass by. 
“You’re nuts,” Dan says to Phil, feeling breathless with the adrenaline of this mad activity. “Won’t the other teachers hate you for this? You’re probably disrupting a few classes.”
Phil laughs, shrugging. “Maybe.”
He grins at Dan as he veers unexpectedly to a nearby door leading to the playground. He holds it open for the students as they march through; several of them high five he and Dan as they go. 
Dan smirks at Phil. “I think you might be some other people’s favourite teacher too.” 
Dan tries not to be too gloomy as he helps gather up all the students’ pickets at the end of class. There are now just under three and a half days separating him from his next chance to assist Phil in the classroom. 
Sure, he might be able to snag some of Phil’s attention during lunch and break times between now and Thursday, but it’s not the same as having a full hour with him. 
“Guys, before you leave!” Phil shouts as the students pack away their things. “I thought that, as we’re studying the ‘68 revolution, it’d be cool for you to see a French film from around that time! Cinema is really important in French history, as a lot of the prominent left-wing figures were filmmakers, and they produced some really cool stuff about this period.” 
Dan looks up in interest, wondering where Phil is going with this. 
“So basically, as there isn’t enough time to show a whole film during class, I thought it’d be fun to have a little film night this week!” Phil tells everyone, beaming. The class squeal in excitement. “I thought Wednesday evening would work. I’ll bring a film in, and if you’re free that evening, stay behind after school and we can all watch it together!” 
The class all begin chattering at once, the excitement evident in their voices, even if it’s difficult to distinguish exactly what they’re saying. 
“Sounds like you’re all keen!” Phil laughs. “So if you can make it, I’ll start the film at about four on Wednesday.” 
“Have you invited Mr Howell, sir?” Jonah calls out, turning to wink at Dan. 
Dan glares at him, trying to suppress his own urge to blush. 
Phil chuckles, turning to Dan. “Is Mr Howell interested in coming along?”
Dan reaches up to rub the back of his neck, feeling awkward. At least twenty-six pairs of eyes glue themselves to him, eagerly awaiting his response. 
“Um... sure.” Dan says at last, shrugging like it isn’t the most exciting thing he’s been invited to in months. “I’ll try and make it.” 
The class laugh, and Jonah chucks a ball of leftover craft paper at him. “Oh, got something better to do, sir?” 
Dan chuckles, rolling his eyes. “Fine, fine. I’ll be there.”
“Awesome.” Phil says; Dan catches his eye, and has to keep himself from grinning. 
“Hey, we’re going to the pub tomorrow.” Tyler tells Dan on Tuesday, falling face first onto Dan’s bed. 
“I’m never going to the pub with you and Teddy again after last time.” Dan tells him, kicking Tyler with his foot in a vague attempt to push him off the bed. 
He’s been scrolling through Tumblr for an hour or so now, but just because he’s been holed up in his room since he got in from work, does not mean that Tyler gets to just wander in and annoy him. 
“Aw, come on, that’s mean.” Tyler says, pouting at Dan. “Stephanie won’t even be there this time, I swear.” 
Dan swallows, shaking his head as he turns back to his screen. “Nope, sorry.”
“Dan, you know we’re not gonna let you mope about the house while we go out.” Tyler says, raising an eyebrow at him. 
“Well, you don’t need to worry.” Dan says, feeling awkward. “I won’t be here.”
Tyler is quiet for a moment, then perks up, catlike, catching the scent of some gossip. “Oh?”
Dan just presses his lips together, saying nothing. He reblogs a photo of a cute panda, trying to stay calm. 
“Teddy!” Tyler yells, making Dan jump. “Dan’s keeping secrets!”
Dan looks up at him with scorn. “Tyler, don’t be-”
Teddy bursts into the room, wearing an apron with a naked man’s torso on the front, a spatula in one hand. 
“Secrets?” Teddy asks, wide eyes darting between Tyler and Dan. “What secrets?”
“Dan has secret plans tomorrow night.” Tyler informs him, grinning. 
“Plans?” Teddy repeats, acting shocked. “But Ty, Dan doesn’t have any friends apart from us!”
“Wrong.” Dan says gruffly. “You two are not my friends, I hate you both.”
“Is it a date?” Tyler asks, sucking in a gasp. 
Teddy leaps onto the bed beside Tyler, squealing. “Oh my God, is it a date, Dan?!” 
Dan rolls his eyes. “For Christ’s sake, no. It’s not a date.” 
He could never, in a million years, be that lucky. 
Just then, his phone pings. Ignoring the probing eyes of his two housemates, Dan plucks the thing out of his pocket to look. 
18:34 Phil Lester 🌠 excited for some french cinema tomorrow night? je suis trés  joyeux que tu viennes! :)
Dan’s heart flutters, registering who the text is from, and then his phone is being plucked out of his hand. 
“No!” Dan cries, lunging for Tyler. “Wait, don’t-”
“Okay, who is Phil?” Tyler asks, holding the phone out of Dan’s reach; Teddy grabs hold of Dan by the waist, restraining him. 
“Ooh, Phil!” Teddy repeats, giggling. “I knew you were looking for a man.”
“I honestly loathe you both.” Dan grits out, struggling uselessly against Teddy’s grip. 
“French cinema?” Tyler asks, tilting his head to one side. “Is that code for something?” 
“Give me back the phone, Tyler.” Dan says, going limp in Teddy’s arms, defeated. 
“We’re just taking an interest in your personal life, Dan,” Teddy says soothingly, patting Dan on the head. 
“Phil’s just... he’s a guy I work with.” Dan says, feeling the redness spread over his cheeks and neck, betraying him. 
“Hmm,” Tyler says, throwing Dan’s phone aside at last. “A guy who is ‘very happy you’re coming’ tomorrow.” Dan blushes harder, not having worked out what the French bit had meant just yet. “Is ‘Phil’... how do you say, un beefcake?”
“Is he a teacher?” Teddy asks excitedly, releasing Dan in order to cover his own mouth with both hands. 
“He’s a teacher, yes.” Dan confirms, snatching up his phone and pocketing it. 
“God, that’s hot.” Tyler sighs, looking wistful. “And he speaks French. Think of the roleplay opportunities.”
“Aw, we can try some schoolteacher roleplay, babe,” Teddy assures Tyler, patting him on the shoulder. 
“Fine, but I get to wear the cute schoolgirl outfit.” 
Teddy rolls his eyes. “Fine.”
“I’m pretty sure I can smell burning,” Dan says, sniffing the air in distaste. 
“Shit!” Teddy exclaims, grabbing his spatula and jumping off the bed. 
As he bolts out of the door, the fire alarm begins to shriek, making Tyler scream with laughter. 
“Everything’s fine!” Teddy calls from the kitchen. 
Despite the irritation sitting under his skin, eventually Dan finds himself joining in the laughter too. 
Dan is half an hour early to the film screening. 
He would have come straight from his last class, which ended at 3pm, but he decided to make a quick trip to the grocery store round the corner from school. 
He returns with two enormous bags, shuffling through Phil’s classroom door with some difficulty. Phil looks at the bags in surprise, coming over to help Dan haul them in. 
“What’s this?” Phil asks, clearly intrigued. As he takes one of the bags from Dan’s hand, he looks him in the eye. “Hi, by the way. Haven’t seen you all day!” 
Dan chuckles, setting his own carrier bag on Phil’s desk. “Hi. I brought popcorn!” 
“Oh, God,” Phil moans unexpectedly. “As if you could get any more amazing.”
Dan chuckles awkwardly, a warm glow spreading through his gut. “Uh, you like popcorn?”
“It’s literally my favourite food of all time,” Phil tells him seriously. “How did you know?” 
“Damn, I need to be more subtle with my stalking.” Dan says, making Phil laugh so much that he drops one of the bags. “Anyway, it’s not all for you.” 
“In that case, the kids better hurry up before I inhale it all.”
Dan laughs, watching fondly as Phil flits around the classroom, closing blinds and straightening chairs. The projector is on, currently throwing an image of Phil’s desktop background onto the smartboard. Behind his jumble of icons, there’s a picture of what seems to be a large, photoshopped capybara taking up an entire paddling pool. 
Dan decides not to question it. 
“So what film have you picked for us all?”
Phil beams at him. “It’s called Les Quatre-Cents Coups. Have you heard of it?”
Dan shakes his head, the corner of his mouth twitching in an almost smile. It’s obvious to see how passionate Phil is about this subject; he talks animatedly, looking eager and focused.
It’s adorable.
“Wow!” Phil exclaims. “I’m kind of jealous. I wish I could go back to a time before I’d seen it.”
“What’s it about?” Dan asks, mostly in an effort to keep Phil talking.
“Oh... well, it’s about a little boy mainly. An underprivileged boy living in Paris. But it’s about much more than that really. It’s about the oppressive structures of French economy in the fifties, classism, the bourgeoise... and it’s about growing up, y’know? How even if we all experience it differently, there’s a certain relatability about puberty too.” Phil pauses, reddening a little. He chuckles. “I mean, that’s what I take from it, anyway. I studied the history of French Cinema for a while, so I’m a bit of a geek about it. But you can form your own opinions, obviously.”
“Me?” Dan says, laughing. “I dunno. I don’t know the first thing about film. Apart from that I like going to the cinema.”
“Well that’s a good place to start.” Phil tells him happily. “There’s all sorts of theories about spectatorhood, and why audiences enjoy the activity of going to the cinema, watching films as a collective experience...”
Phil trails off again, shaking his head.
“Okay, you have to stop me if I start rambling, Dan. I get carried away.”
“I think it’s cute.” Dan says before he thinks about it.
Phil’s eyebrow lifts in surprise, but he seems to take the comment in his stride. Dan, on the other hand, blushes furiously, cursing himself for being so transparent.
“I think you’re just too nice to tell me to shut up,” Phil jokes, but he lets his eyes linger on Dan’s, warm and fond.
Luckily, before Dan can shove his foot any further into his mouth, a couple of girls from the class wander in, looking trepidatious.
“Hi, uh... can we come in yet, sir?”
“Of course, Joanna!” Phil says, jumping down from his position on the desk. “Hi Bethany! Would you guys mind helping me and Mr Howell to set up?”
They jump to the tasks Phil gives them happily, chattering to him about the petty dramas of their day, complaining about their homework and the fallouts they’re having with friends.
Dan watches with amusement, marvelling - as always - at the ease with which Phil converses with his students, giving each one his undivided attention while they’re speaking, never replying in a condescending tone.
He’s such a rare gem of a teacher, Dan thinks. Phil sends Joanna to the staffroom to collect bowls, and they put one on each table, filled with popcorn.
Soon enough, the other kids begin to arrive, all wearing the thrilled grins Dan remembers from when he used to stay behind after school. There’s something about being in the building outside of the mandatory hours that just seems a bit naughty. It doesn’t matter that they’re here for what is essentially an extended history lesson - the students are excited to be involved in this extra-curricular activity.
Dan hasn’t asked them, but he’d bet a lot of that excitement comes from having Phil here, providing his ever-shining rays of brilliant, sunny exuberance.
The kids take their seats, restless at first, but settling in once Phil dims the lights and presses play. Dan finds a seat on one of the empty tables at the back, and is all prepared to expand his cultural knowledge with some French Cinema. Then, once he’s sure the film is running, Phil walks to the back of the class and slides into the seat right beside him.
Immediately, Dan releases any hope he was holding onto of immersing himself in the film.
“Ready?” Phil asks in a low, quiet voice that pierces straight through Dan’s gut. 
He’s leaning in close, eyes sparkling as the light of the opening credits reflect in them.
All Dan can do is nod silently, and try not to let the squeak out of his throat.
Phil’s one of those people who doesn’t shut up during a film. Dan hates those sorts of people usually, but he can’t seem to find Phil’s inability to keep his comments to himself anything but ridiculously cute.
His musings vary from the way in which the cinematography emphasises certain aspects of the narrative, to the strange dress sense Parisians had in the days of the 'nouvelle vague’, as he calls it.
He talks so much that he is shushed by the students more than once, but he just giggles and apologises in a stage whisper, to which the students roll their eyes.
“See that?” Phil says at one point, basically pressing himself against Dan’s side in order to point at the screen. “The photo of the man Antoine is putting on his shrine? That’s Balzac. He’s one of the founders of realism in literature.”
Dan smiles. “How meta.”
The responding look Phil gives to Dan is something so warm and proud that Dan wants to melt it down and spread it on a thick slab of toast.
Their hands meet in the popcorn. It’s like something out a cringey teen TV show. Phil just laughs and winks at him, but Dan about faints from how fast the blood rushes to his cheeks.
Phil seems to have no issues about personal space, and allows their legs to rest comfortably against each other beneath the table. He’ll grab Dan’s shoulder during his favourite scenes, eyes shining, breath held as he watches the screen.
Honestly, by the time the final shot (apparently an incredibly famous moment in film history) appears, Dan is not totally sure whether he’d be able to say what the film had been about. He’d spent quite a lot of it staring at Phil, and the rest of it thinking about how it felt - elating, blissful, drug-like - to sit beside him in the darkness, in a room where everyone else was steadfastly facing the other way.
Phil turns to him as the image fades to black, a knowing glint in his eye.
“Did you like it?”
Dan stammers out something that isn’t really words, and nods emphatically to make up for it. Phil grins at him, tongue slightly visible through his rows of teeth, and then he stands up, much to Dan’s dismay.
“So that was Les Quatre-Cents Coups!” Phil says to the class, climbing up to sit on the desk at which he and Dan had been sat. Dan cranes his neck upwards, leaning back in his chair to watch as Phil crosses his legs underneath him on the table. “Could someone get the lights, please? Thanks Bethany.”
The lights flash on, garish and bright, and the class groan, rubbing their eyes.
“What did we all think of it, then?” Phil asks, beaming.
“Awesome!” Someone shouts.
“I thought I hated black and white films, but that was cool.” 
“I loved it! Paris is so beautiful.” 
“That kid was well sick at acting, sir.” 
Phil nods encouragingly as students call out their opinions. 
Jonah snorts loudly. “I couldn’t concentrate on half of it. Kept gettin’ distracted by Mr Lester and Mr Howell flirting in the back!”
Phil laughs, shooting Jonah a disapproving look. His smile stays in place though. 
“I’m sure Mr Howell has far better options, Jonah.” Phil teases, and Dan just tries to pretend he’s somewhere else. 
He might kill Jonah at some point, he considers. 
Then, someone sticks up their hand. Phil points at the kid, smiling. 
“Yes, Matt?”
“What’s the title mean in English, sir?”
“Well, the English version of the film is called The Four-Hundred Blows.” Phil answers. “Which is actually an inaccurate translation, as it doesn’t mean anything. The original title comes from a phrase that people use a lot in France - ‘faire les quatre cents coups’ - which kind of means ‘to raise hell’. It suits Antoine, don’t you think?”
“Suits me, sir!” Jonah calls out, making everyone chuckle. “I’mma start sayin’ that. What was it again? Fair lezzer cooper?”
Phil laughs, hands holding his ankles as he leans backwards. It’s such a sweet action, so innocent and playful, that Dan can’t help smiling.
“Faire les quatre cents coups,” Phil corrects gently, enunciating each word. “I think it suits you as well, Jonah.”
Joanna is sat at the table in front of theirs, her chin in one hand as she gazes up at Phil, marvelling.
“Do you speak French, sir?” Joanna asks, obviously smitten. Dan can relate.
Phil beams at her. “Yeah, I do! I spent a year studying in Paris.”
Dan’s eyebrows lift in surprise. He’d suspected that Phil knew a few phrases, but the fact he speaks fluent French is a surprise. Why is that such an attractive quality?
He imagines Phil speaking to him in that low, quiet voice he reserves for when he wants to tell Dan something the class or another teacher shouldn’t overhear, but in French. A warm trickle runs teasingly up his thighs, like light, tracing fingers. A full body tremor comes over him. 
Phil throws a glance towards him, presumably having seen that peculiar reaction. Dan doesn’t miss the way his mouth twitches in a smile.
“That’s so dreamy,” Joanna sighs, retrieving Phil’s attention. She sits bolt upright, blushing. “I mean! It’s a dreamy language.” The rest of the class chuckle, and she reddens further. “I wish I could speak it is all!”
“Well, you’re in luck!” Phil announces suddenly. “Because as you may or may not be aware, our Year Nine History trip is coming up in two weeks time!”
The class immediately descend into loud, excited chatter; students grab at each other, squealing.
“Hey, come on, guys! Calm down, we’re here after hours, remember?” Phil calls out, but he’s grinning, evidently pleased by their enthusiasm. The class simmer down gradually, their buzz of excitement still palpable in the air. “So, yeah! We’re off to Paris for a weekend! If you can make it, it’s only fifteen pounds per student, and if you can’t stretch that, come and have a word with me, I’m sure we can work something out.”
Dan’s eyes soften as he listens to this last part. This man really is one of a kind.
Again, the class begin talking animatedly about the trip, discussing outfit choices, places they want to visit, room sharing, and other trivialities.
“Are we going up the Eiffel Tower, sir?” Someone asks.
“I’m scared of heights!”
“Where are we staying?”
“Are we sharing rooms?”
“Are we going by coach, or ferry?”
“Ooh, maybe we’re flying!”
“Can I bring my dog?”
“Hey!” Phil interrupts, hands held up in surrender. He’s laughing at them all. “All questions will be answered in class on Monday. I’ll also be sending out permission slips tonight via email, so get your folks or guardians to print them off and sign them, then bring them to me when they’re ready.”
“Sir, I just have one more question!” Jonah cries out, sticking up his hand and waving it. “Just one, sir, please?”
Phil sighs, clearly debating it. Eventually though, he rolls his eyes and nods, smiling. “Go on then. Just one.”
Jonah grins, eyes flicking to meet Dan’s. “Is Mr Howell coming with us?”
Phil lets out a low chuckle, his vivid blue eyes sliding to Dan’s, questioning. 
“I don’t know,” Phil says in a voice that surely isn’t appropriate for the situation at hand. Dan swallows, feeling singled out by the gaze. “Is he?”
(Part Four!)
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syzyg3tic · 4 years
Yuletide 2020 letter
Thanks so much for writing for me! I’m excited to see what you come up with :) Here are some of my general likes and dislikes, as well as fandom-specific thoughts. Please think of this as a grab bag of starting points or inspiration, not definitive prompts (of course)! I know I rambled about these in disproportionate amounts, but please know I’d be super happy to receive something for any of these 3 fandoms.
I’m not new to Yuletide, but I started over with a new Ao3/fandom twitter recently (nothing wild, just wanted a fresh start). My DW is still linked to my old Ao3 acct, so I made this sideblog for my letter. This unfortunately means there’s not much for you to poke around in to see my taste, so hopefully this does a good enough job! 
General Likes:
Character study/character motivation exploration
Multiple selves interacting
Expressing emotions physically--sex or kissing or any physical interaction as conversation/argument/apology/confession/goodbye
Characters A and B both having feelings for character C, and kissing/having tension charged conversations about them. 
Reveal moments (confessions, when a couple is discovered by friends, in general just the fallout from the moment when characters have to stick by the choices they’ve made about their feelings because other people know the feeling, now)
Getting together moments/firsts
I’m happy with 3rd person prose, and I also love 2nd person, so if you like writing that, feel free (not in a self insert way, I just come from a Homestuck background, you know).
NSFW likes: Again, no pressure to write porn, but if you do want to, here are some things I like to read about! These are for He’s Coming to Me and I Don’t Care only, not for Great Men Academy.
Sensation play
Sneaking around/trying to not be seen but very much going for it in sketchy locations
Emotional sex
First times/exploration of each other
Hard AUs (canon divergence is fine though)
A/B/O dynamics
Soulmate/one true love stuff
Daddy kink
Illness fic
Underage explicit fic
1st person POV
FANDOM 1: Great Men Academy สุภาพบุรุษสุดที่เลิฟ (TV)
Characters: Love, Rose, Tangmo
I watched this show after tag nominations closed and was gutted that I didn’t get it in the tagset, but luckily someone else had my back! I love it SO much, especially the gender stuff and the self/identity stuff. I also loved how silly and whimsical the worldbuilding was. The fact that it was mostly a regular world just plus a few magical elements with some handwavy “don’t worry about it” aspects was delightful to me. 
I requested Love, Rose, and Tangmo, but you do not need to include all 3 unless you'd like to! I would be most happy with these combos: Rose & Love, Rose/Love, Rose/Rose, Love/Love, or Love/Tangmo.
For this canon, I’d appreciate keeping things at a T or light M rating (kissing and tension are both great, fade to black is fine if it is a part of the character study/plot, but I am not interested in pwp/explicit stuff for these characters).
Love/Rose or Love & Rose -  I adored the bathroom scene where Rose showed Love all her secrets. I loved their tension, as well as the sort of tentative trust and understanding they came to. Once Rose didn’t see Love as a threat, and once she started chilling her ass out a bit (partially because she saw how Love was handling things), they had a really interesting dynamic! I’d be happy to see them in any combination of Self forms. I do love Rose despite her many flaws so feel free to dig in to her fucked up side, but I’d appreciate not bashing her!
Friendship or Frenemy fic - Rose has been perfecting her look and her smokey eye makeup even in her Sean form, so her giving Love some makeover tips for her new form would be great? Or I’d like any way where they’d have to work together despite their tensions and come to form a tentative bond. Feel free to play up Rose’s big distrust/manipulative side.
Ship fic - I don’t see them having deep romantic feelings for each other, but I really love the idea of them in a sort of combative/understanding weird tension filled makeouts.  Mid-canon, the fact that they both are pining desperately and know each other’s secret could lead to some interesting interactions (Kissing About Vier? Swimming in the lake together? Shotgunning some lakewater?). And postcanon, they still understand each other in ways no one else does, because of what they’ve gone through. So I can see them keeping in touch and one thing leading to another. I like the idea of Rose thinking she’s in control of the situation, but Love’s straightforward no-nonsense caring and forgiving self sort of trips her up.
Love/Love or Rose/Rose - I am a huge sucker for multiple selves interacting, so when that happened in canon I lost my shit. I would be so happy to see more of that! Especially without the rest of the world watching on live TV, haha. I like this in a platonic way and also in a selfcest way, so feel free to have multiple selves kissing/experiencing the weird fraughtness of trying to understand themselves through the eyes of their other self emotionally or physically.
For both Loves, I’d love to see more of Original Love showing/telling her new self some love, maybe them going through her clothes together and deciding what to keep (I’d love to see new Love getting comfy wearing dresses again!), or talking about Tangmo and how things are going with him in the post-canon, or just being sweet and emotional and complicated! Working through what it’s like to live in the body she’s got for the moment! Love grew a lot over the course of the show, and both of her selves have a lot to learn from each other. I’m not interested in reading about her magically being turned back, though I know it is an in-universe option. 
For Rose’s two selves, if you went with a happy/bittersweet take like how she was at the end of the show, some forgiveness for her former self? Or Rose-as-Sean sneaking in to try on the VR goggles to see what it’s like? I could also see some messy combative fighting/making out happening, since she has a lot to work on inside herself/potentially some self-hatred. Or if you wanted to get really sad and dark, having her-as-Sean tell her the things she wished Vier would tell her? Anything in this vein. 
Love/Tangmo - Love is my favorite character, which is why she’s more heavily featured in my prompts, but I DO love Tangmo, and this pairing! I love that she inspires him to want to put effort into things, and that he has feelings for her as a person no matter that her gender is not what he thought originally. I want him to make her feel loved and wanted in her new form, and to make her believe him that he’d still be into her if she ever switched back (though I’m not particularly interested in reading about that happening).
Vier wasn’t in the taglist but you can include him if you like, as a side character!
Optional Gender stuff: 
I know that no two humans feel the same way about gender identity, and writing about it can be fraught for some people, no matter what their gender is, so don’t feel like you have to Get Into it, if you write this canon for me! That said, if you ARE interested, feel free to take into account these thoughts I have about gender and this series! 
It’s not all perfect in there--it is messy and complicated and multilayered in a way that really resonated with me, as a person with a convoluted self gender concept. The mishmash of magical gender wish fulfillment stuff AND dysphoria stuff AND fear of telling your family about your identity stuff AND identities misaligning and aligning romantically all really worked for me. I also appreciated that there are some really chewy difficult moments in there, but that it stays consistent tonally about both “your body does not dictate your gender” AND “sometimes you want your body to reflect your gender.” I feel like those are baseline concepts that can both be true, but often in gendery media you get “born in the wrong body” simplification and that’s it, which doesn’t resonate with me. Anyway, if you wanna get into gender stuff, I’d prefer it to not get preachy or label-heavy (i don’t think it’s a straightforward trans narrative, so trying to make it that doesn’t seem like a good idea to me). I mostly just like the concept of Love working through what it means for her to be a girl no matter what she looks like, and for Tangmo to be into her no matter what her gender is. So even when she’s in her new form, please use “she” for her, though obviously it’s ok for characters who don’t know her real identity to use “he.” 
FANDOM 2: เขามาเชงเม้งข้างๆหลุมผมครับ | He's Coming to Me (TV)
Characters: Mes, Thun, Praifah
This is one of my favorite Thai dramas! I loved the romance, the family stuff, the premise, the friend group stuff, the grief and death and life emotional stuff--all of it! I loved it so much even though I watched it with the world’s worst resolution and not good subs, but (eta in december i learned an official translation and release exists now! here!) I’d be most interested in a missing scene or postcanon fic for this fandom. 
I am happy with fic that includes any combo of these three characters--they do not all 3 need to be present.
-Thun and Mes’s first time - You could expand on the tasteful fade-to-black we got in canon. What’s it like for Mes to feel things? I love physical exploration of sensation for undead characters! I can see it being overwhelming (in a good way) for him. I love the idea of Thun giving Mes a lot of attention, either in a slow methodical way or just being all over him, but wanting to let him feel things/feel good. I also like the idea of Thun wanting to take all he can of Mes for himself while he has the chance, since he’s not sure if they’ll get another.
-Thun and Mes in the future - The end of the show is happy, but their issues are definitely not over, and I’m interested to see how they’d deal with them. I’d love to see any kind of established relationship (potentially with flashback to when things were unclear between them?). What’s it like when they know each other well, either day to day or in their sex life? How do they deal with Mes not being able to expend a lot of energy without losing form? Is there a way for Mes to give him energy (hehe)?
-Far future angst - Mes is still gonna disappear one day. I am not always into angst, but I would be for these two, especially if it is balanced with bittersweetness/dashes of hope. How do they prepare? Would Mes find a way to leave a sign if it happened when Thun wasn’t around/what would he do if he WAS there in those last moments? How would Thun deal? I assume they have some good years ahead of them, but Mes DID have a heart condition, and may not have lived to old age ordinarily anyway, so there’s no telling when his actual time to go would have been. What happens if Thun dies first? Lots of ways you could take this.
-I also requested Praifah, because I really liked her character, and would be interested in seeing more of her. If you choose to include her, I’d enjoy seeing how she’s coping with all of this. I’d also like to see her and Mes have a conversation without Thun (I guess Mes can use a computer so he can type to her?? Or feel free to handwave or come up with a way to have them be able to talk face to face or something?) though he can be there for part of it too, if you like! Whatever ends up working. Mes and Praifah just have a lot of things to discuss, being both long lost family to each other, as well as having each been involved in the pain of the other. I really love when two characters who both have feelings about another character bond over the character they both love. I know Praifah has moved on to the lovely Prince, but I still feel like there’s some unresolved stuff going on and I want Priafah and Mes to talk about Thun, and what happened between all three of them! Lots of tasty tension and joy in there!
I didn’t nominate the other characters because I wasn’t interested in fic that focused on them, but feel free to include the other friends, Thun’s Mom, etc, as side characters if you’d like.
FANDOM 3: I Don't Care - Justin Bieber and Ed Sheeran (Song)
Characters: Singer 1, Singer 2
This song is a little gay love story all neatly tied up in a catchy bow! I am not interested in RPF of Justin Bieber and Ed Sheeran here, but they are absolutely singing to each other in this song, huh?? 
You can take these characters in a lot of directions, since we mostly just know that one of these guys doesn’t like to wear a suit and tie, and the other is experiencing deep social anxiety, and that’s about it. Name them! Run wild! 
-The story of the song, fleshed out - Either the whole of it, or a scene or two within the party.
-Reveal moment/decision moment - I love moments where a queer couple braves the concept of PDA for the first time, or where a reticent person finally feels comfy enough to admit to others that they’re in a relationship! Not really looking for mega homophobia here, but if the people at the party don’t know they’re a couple yet, them finding solace in each other on the dance floor/kissing in the middle of this party could be a big Moment. If you want to keep this a sort of Vague non-bieber/sheeran but still a celebrity concept, the idea that they’d be photographed and it would be big news that they’re a couple could be an angle to take. They don’t care! They’re finally happy together after a moment of panic!
-Tie pulling  - It’s great and wow one of them at least is wearing one!
-Post-song -when they go home and presumably have a great time one on one. Can get E rated if you like.
0 notes
oberin · 7 years
1, 11, 21, 31, 41, 51
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?The first fandom I got involved in, actively was FF8. Then FF7.
11. Who is your current OTP?Cid Highwind/Shera Highwind.
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?One that has not seen the light of day. It was about Seifer finding a junked out container, or bottle or something. Inside is a Squall Genie. Turns his life upside down.
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?I have three that I keep looking at because … man, they’re the best.“I’m not crying you’re crying. Seriously, thank you again
“I’m excited you found this! I saw it on AO3 and had it open in my browser to read, but kept forgetting. After I saw that you posted it here, I figured I’d get to it now, haha.
I’m seriously so intrigued by this crossover. I usually steer extremely clear of crossovers, but I’m always down for anything involving Seifer. I love that you kept his personality intact, even though he has absolutely no clue where Ivalice is. So many people throw all that out the window and the character becomes someone else entirely. Obviously as we’ve discussed in PM, we adore Seifer and I doubted that would be the case with this story, so I’m glad to see that held true.
Seriously though. Color me intrigued. I’m following this :)”
“There is so much potent emotion in this short piece. It’s so difficult to get that much into something of this length, so it’s incredibly amazing that you did. Totally a testament to your skill as a writer!
Seriously though, Squall. Snooping on Seifer?! Tsk tsk. Seifer’s reaction was so on point. So him. Loved this!”
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
Not gonna lie, anything by LeakySneakyOprichniki on FF.net. https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2518912/LeakySneakyOprichniki which is @diamondwerewolf on tumblr
I have a lot saved on a txt that i never got around too. They have notes for comments when i finish! I also have a lot of links saved in my draft folder in my email. 
Edit: anything by @esaa-tas or @diamondwerewolf are “drop everything and read them” firsts. Esaa’s writing is kjlasf;kljagkjl;agsdjkl. and Celeste (who does amazing artwork) writes my OTP Cid/Shera and RPs to my Cid. 
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
One thing? Oooonnnne thing. Damn. I guess the biggest thing: Comments. At one point, I had something written out about comments vs Kudos and shit like that. It was this huge, long in-depth things, but in the end, I didn’t add to the thread post b/c it felt very much like yelling into the void. Only the void is indifferent.
Personally, I am not so much a fan of Kudos any more. At one point, I felt it was like a “Hey, I read this and I think you did great!” but now, I’m jaded, and so fucking bitter. Now I see them as the ribbon every kid gets when they participate. The easy way out from commenting. It’s the Buddy Christ giving you the thumbs up but not having to talk to you.
I see fandom and other people make comments about how people should comment. That without it, the authors aren’t gonna wanna write any more. That it’s fuel for our fires.
My fire is almost out. I’m a Charmander stuck in a rain storm and my protective leaf just got ripped away. Now, if I write something, it’s because I really, really, really fucking love it for that moment.
I mean, I get it. I know my writing is shit. I’m the bottom of the bottom of the fucking barrel. I’m the one you read when you’ve exhausted everything else, including your faves a few times, but you’re still to lazy to take that fic you found in Russian and slap it in a translator… I’m that sort of fic author. The last of the last. 
But even then, if you read my POS work, even a small comment would be nice. I see the hit counter go up. I see that I don’t get a lot of Kudos, and even less comments. Not gonna lie, seeing this hurts. 
Open up the dialogue with me. I love talking about my fic, about the ideas, or what could be improved upon. I might not ask for Concrit - not any more b/c there are some assholes out there that instead of giving concrit, they cut you down. When you’re new, that hurts in a way you don’t always heal from.
Seriously though. Comment. Open up dialogue with me about it. Was there something that was off for the fic for you? Tell me/ask me why I did it that way.
I’ve already started taking down fic down. I’ve got it up on my LJ/DW/IJ for ..some sort of sake.
I don’t post any more but will email things to people. Sometimes I don’t get much feedback there either. 
That’s my over tired rant.
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