chimpukampu · 1 month
For the fandom ask!
11. if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
11. if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
I think the Light Dragon trinket dish is my current proudest art piece, not because it was well-received but because it was my first ever dragon clay art.
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16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
I don't think I have some "tiny canon detail" in Zelda or ML that haven't been pointed out by other fans/reviewers/commentaries, but in TDP, I've noticed that Bait can control which part of his skin he wants to glow.
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It may seem too unimportant, but not for someone who's currently working on Bait's trinket dish 🤓
✨ love your fandom ask ✨
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silentprincesszine · 6 months
Will there be another opportunity to apply to be a content creator down the line? I am super new to writing for this fandom so don't feel like I should at the moment, but would definitely be interested once I get a few more stories out and see if people even like what I have to offer.
Our applications have not opened yet! Today is the last day of our interest check, and then our next step will be to open mod applications. The contributors we are currently announcing are guests that we invited to the zine. General contributor apps will open later. So you still have time to prepare if you are interested in applying!
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summonerluna · 2 months
Did I start something for @zelinkcommunity’s zelink week prompt for today less than 24 hours ago? Yes. Did I somehow finish it? Miraculously, yes!
Another coming tomorrow. I will probably add a banner to this but want to get it posted here today.
Following the Yiga attack at Kara Kara Bazaar, Urbosa seeks out Link to make sure he is okay, and finds kinship in someone else who knows what it means to fall in love with a goddess.
[Tonight she is a third thing, and that third thing feels infinitely more important than either of her other roles. And tonight, she is nothing but angry at the world that put these children in the positions they are in.]
[For Zelinkweek 2024, theme "Under the Stars"]
Word count: 3328. Zelink with a side of Queenbosa
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mistresslrigtar · 2 months
Get to know your writer!
I compiled these questions from a longer list. Happy Sunday and don’t be shy. I’ll answer anything 🤣
1. Do you prefer to write one-shots or multi/chaptered fics
2. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas
3. Do you like constructive criticism
4. Do you have beta? How important is it to the process
5. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
6. Post links to your 3 fav fics
7. How do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
8. How do you write smut scenes? Do you get very visual or detailed? How important is it to be realistic?
9. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
10. What is your most used tag on AO3
11. Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story?
12. What fic do you wish you got more of a response on?
13. Do you start with the characters or the plot when writing?
14. Name 3 of your favorite fan fic writers
15. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
16. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
17. What’s the last fic you read? Would you recommend it?
18. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven,
19. How long is your longest fic
20. What is your total AO3 word count
21. What order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
22. What scene in [Fanfic Name] took the longest to write? What was difficult about it? 
I’m tagging @zeldaelmo @bahbahhh @cjracingpnf @dubiiousfood @flutefemme @summonerluna and @drsteggy
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bahbahhh · 2 months
Last Line Tag (writing or art)
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like).
I’ve been tagged by @mistresslrigtar @summonerluna @drsteggyy and @flutefemme and now I finally have something to share! Two lines from the next chapter of the depths. Tulin is back!
His dad doesn’t look happy. He rarely looks happy, but especially not now.
tagging: some of the other members of the discord monthly accountability group-- lets see it guys! @zeldaelmo @leiladebees @linktheacehero @newtsnaturethings @maqiisan @nocturnalfandomartist
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zellink · 2 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like).
I got tagged by the lovely @flutefemme and @summonerluna - thank you guys! :')
My last line is... well, for all the bells say. I won't disclose which chapter this snippet is in, but it is in Act 3 because (surprise LMAO) I'm still rallying all my brain cells to finish it. 🤪
She carries that emptiness as she slows Ares down into a walk, passing underneath the grand archway leading to the Citadel, eyes scorching upon her skin.
I'm tagging my beloveds @1up-girl @mustardcheesedog @bellecream (no pressure tho.) 💕
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ffviiibingo · 6 months
We now present... the team competition!
Well, now that all users have received their cards - and maybe someone has even started working on it! - I want to present another little idea to add some more fun on the bingo cards!
And this is...
The Team Competition!
Users have been randomly assigned to a "team". The two teams are:
Island Closest To Heaven
@angelosearch (1 card requested)
@cynic-view-ahead (1 card requested)
@antidiluvianobservatory (1 card requested)
@summonerluna (1 card requested)
@aleheartilly (2 cards requested) Total: 6 cards
Island Closest To Hell
@wickedlittlewordsmith (3 cards requested)
@gardengalwrites (2 cards requested)
@rowrowmyboat (1 card requested) Total: 6 cards
The Rules
Every fanwork will grant points to the team assigned to the users. Points will be distributed following these criteria:
The team will gain 1 point per word for fanfictions. This will be considered the base score. AO3 word count will be used as reference.
Other fanworks such as fanvideos, fanarts, comics, music and so on will grant a fixed base score: 5000.
Using the challenge word will grant an additional point haul, consisting of the base score multiplied by 0,5 for each challenge word used.
A monthly summary of points gained by the teams will be published as soon as the submission form opens, with a breakdown of the points gained by each team.
Here's an example: User publishes a 4529 words story using 1 challenge word. Base score: 4529 Additional point haul: 2264,50 Total points gained: 6793,50
Wait, so what do we win?
Well... nothing! Except for some lovely graphics that @pinnadraws will prepare for the winning team and all the users who can complete their cards.
And some harmless fun, which is a win in and for itself.
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angelosearch · 2 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like).
Thank you to @summonerluna for tagging me in this!
So excited that I've made significant progress on Chaos Theory today. I am currently finishing writing the first draft of Chapter 24. The last thing I typed... I will probably rework the wording, but I think my readers will appreciate the sentiment.
He wasn’t expecting it to, but as soon as he touched her, coming to a physical understanding of the curve of her body, he felt many, many things, including very hot under the collar.
I tag any and all who want to participate! I know I just did a tag game, so I don't want overwhelm ya'll with tags.
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irishais · 1 year
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Rollerblading Barbie-inspired renaissance festival garb for @summonerluna !
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aleheartilly · 7 months
Writing patterns
Tagged by @angelosearch
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern! (Or however many fics you have!)
A shell, unveiled "She has just closed the book she’s been studying for three hours straight, massaging her temples as she thinks if she’d rather have a cup of tea or something more fitting for a cold, rainy night, like hot chocolate, when someone knocks on her door. "
My mind "This is what Rinoa remembers of her mother: a soft scent of iris, clothes in tender hues of roses, sometimes her laughter and the way it made her eyes shine, her finger moving swiftly and precisely on the white grand piano in her music room."
Pet Names "It’s quiet."
Choices "It’s a cold and snowy day. Squall looks out of the windows of their home in Balamb, as Rinoa waits for the coffee - Timberian roast, the only kind worth drinking, she always says - to brew, and he listens smiling as she talks excitedly about the decorations she saw in a shop and how she’d love them for their house."
Heroes of the revolutions "“Laguna, for the love of Hyne. You want to get to know your son, right?”"
Pieces "Rinoa loves Yuletide. She really does. The small cabin hidden in Balamb’s mountains feels cozier and warmer, when she looks at the snow softly falling outside her window."
A seat next to you "“You know I love you, right?”"
Playful ever after "Early summer really suits Timber."
Normalcy "It’s the normalcy he dreads."
Diamond "When he opens his eyes, all he feels is pain. All-encompassing, breathtaking, mind-numbing pain."
...only pattern I can see it's the present tense tbh
Tagging @deemoyza, @irishais, @summonerluna
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suleikashideaway · 6 months
Heads Up Seven Up
I was tagged by @summonerluna to play the writing patterns game! Thank you for the tag! I already played it so I figured I'd do something a little different and play the Heads Up Seven Up game I've seen floating around before. So here are the last seven lines I wrote for my WIP!
Squall clenched his teeth. He really did need to get out of bed. He was acting like a fool, sitting here thinking that this bed was going to protect him from what he had to face today.  It was time to grow the fuck up.  Squall ripped the covers off. When Rinoa curled up helplessly he did his best to tuck her back in.   He put on his formal SeeD uniform, kissed her forehead, and made his way to the cafeteria.
Not sure if this is going to make it into the final cut, but whatevs!
I tag anyone who wants to play <3
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aegon-targaryen · 2 months
10 First Lines Challenge
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
I got tagged by a lot of ppl, thank you @summonerluna @sparklyhyperbole @linktheacehero and @wouldyoustilllovemeifiwasawyrm
The Missing Horseshoe (precalamity BOTW): "Some people, Zelda thought when the sound of hoofbeats reached her ears, would be thrilled by this reunion."
Beneath the Skin (post-TOTK): "Some days, Link couldn’t take his eyes off her."
Mirage (mid-canon OOT): "She was surrounded by flowers the first time Link saw her: pink tulips and yellow lilies, bright with color against the white walls of the courtyard."
Ghosts That We Knew (post-TP): "Link dreamed of a golden wolf."
Lost and Found (post-TP): "On the other side of the suspension bridge, Link took a deep breath of chilly air and released it in a long gust."
Like A River's Flow (post-OOT/MM): "As soon as he finished packing, Link shoved his belongings back under the bed and decided to stay."
Of Cats and Wolves (post-TP): "By the time the gifts stop coming, all Zelda can smell is nectar: so cloyingly sweet that she could choke on it."
Bit by Bit (precalamity BOTW): "'You have to talk to her,'" Link told the mirror.
The Fortress (mid-canon TP): "Death howls through the throne room."
Pumpkin Tarts (post-TP): "When it came to respect, the head cook at Hyrule Castle reigned second only to the queen."
Is there a theme...? I guess I try to use the first line to establish how the narrator is feeling. Also I wish my 2 most recent works didn't have such similar opening lines 🤣
I shall tag @kazraza @mailrebel @nocturnalfandomartist and @korokposting if anyone is interested in playing!!
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The Successor Challenge Submission: What is Sung Under the Mountain
Written by Summoner Luna
Synopsis: It starts with a theory, and ends in an obsession. Quistis Trepe, Blue Magic, and searching for the Source.
Genre(s): Horror
Featured Character(s): Quistis Trepe
Current Word Count: 4923
Rating: M
Theme: Fear
Status: Complete
Content Warning: Blood, Gore, violence, and passing mention of self-harm
Chapter 1
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summonerluna · 4 months
He knows the shadow he follows isn’t his Zelda, because he knows his Zelda is gone. Two truths. One lie. And still, he follows, because what if? (he cannot bring a sword to her no matter what has taken up residence inside.) [puppet Zelda horror. Link plays two truths and a lie with himself, and this may be what finally kills him]
Word Count: 4337
Rating: E for horror and sex
For @sheikfangirl who FEEDS US with puppet Zelda
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mistresslrigtar · 2 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like).
Ty @drsteggy for the tag! It's probably crazy to post this during Zelink Week, but this is a zelink line for Chapter 11 - Lay All Your Love on Me (yep, you heard me, I went there and I regret nothing 😂) in my modern au sequel that I just wrote this morning before going to work and it's about love. 😉
He’s certainly not going to allow her father to tell him how to love her, no matter how much respect Zelda knows Link holds for him.
There's no way I can tag 26 people, so I'm not even going to try! I tag @zeldaelmo @flutefemme @bahbahhh @summonerluna @theangelicstoryteller @cjracingpnf @arylltea @spices28 @hyylia and anyone else who wants to play along.
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emeraldlatias · 7 years
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"These are all mine, sorry." (Happy birthday @summonerluna ! May today's coffee be tasty and all yours. :D)
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