#obx s 2
goingfullpogue · 2 years
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“She didn’t cringe when he brushed the hair out of her face and dropped a kiss to her forehead. She just stayed there, counting her breaths, and keeping herself stationary with her hands anchored to his hips.”
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crookshankscrew · 2 years
hello shadow and bone people,
they didn’t release the OBX s3 trailer until 21 days before the new season.
it’s probably just going to be the new norm.
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loveharlow · 8 months
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A JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader Series Rewrite
SYNOPSIS‧₊˚ Y/n Carter's life is turned upside down when she and her long-time friends, the self-proclaimed pogues, get set on the path to find treasure.
[Series rewrite; S1-S4]
WARNING(S)‧₊˚ smut, mentions of non-con, swearing, mentions of cheating, mild slow burn, angst, mentions of assault/s*xual assault, mentions of drugs/addiction, mentions/graphic depictions of murder, animal cruelty/death, mentions of death, general obx warnings, more detailed warnings for each individual chapter
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In Loving Memory
Kiss It Better
002 (pt 1)
002 (pt 2)
005 (pt 1)
005 (pt 2)
007 (pt 1)
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
...EXTRAS fic analysis (where I explain plot lines, character relationships, etc)
TR tells Sarah about Rafe
TR's car
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937 notes · View notes
I Remember Everything - Rafe Cameron (Chapter 7)
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Summary: You left the island two years ago, leaving the love of your life a shattered man in your wake. Now, when you return, you find the sweet boy you once loved has transformed into a monster of a man. How can you detangle the real Rafe from the terrible things he's done?
Timeline: begins toward the end of obx season 3 and is mostly canon.
Content: this story contains sexual content, alcohol and drug abuse, and brief mentions of violence. All chapters are 18+, minors do not interact!
(Prologue and Ch. 1) // (Ch. 2) // (Ch. 3) // (Ch. 4) // (Ch. 5) // (Ch. 6)
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“You should put that down.”
Rafe stood in the doorway, glaring at you as you held up the gun you’d discovered in his father’s office. Your mind was whirling with questions as you looked back at him, the sunlight leaking through the windows reflected off the giant pile of gold and onto your face.
“What is all of this, Rafe?” You nearly whispered, your stomach twisting in sickened awe.
“Put the gun down,” his eyes were dark and his jaw clenched as he stalked toward you, arm outstretched.
You just looked back at the treasure you had uncovered, mesmerized by the enormity of it. There had to be hundreds of millions of dollars worth of gold and precious stones here. You weren’t even thinking of the gun in your hand when he reached you, taking it from you slowly and tucking it into his waistband. 
He crowded your space with his towering frame, his stare menacing. You looked up at him nervously.
“You shouldn’t have come in here,” he growled.
“Rafe, you’re scaring me,” you warned him, your bottom lip quivering slightly.
“What are you doing tearing my house apart? Were you looking for the cross?” His mind was clearly somewhere else, flooded with a paranoia you’d never seen before. His pupils were dilated to pinpoints as he asked you questions you didn’t understand.
You started to back up and he followed you, his chest heaving as he berated you. “Is that why you came back, huh? Are you trying to get the gold? Are you working with those fucking pogues?”
With every sentence he stepped closer, and you continued to back away from him. You’d never seen him like this, so menacing, so unhinged.
“It wasn’t enough for you to break my heart?” His voice got louder with every word. The back of your legs hit the edge of his father’s wooden desk, nowhere left to go. “You had to come back to take what’s MINE?!”
On the last word, he raised his hand to gesture to the gold behind him, and you flinched. A terrified gasp left your lips and your eyes widened at the hand he was waving so close to your face.
Rafe’s whole body fell when he noticed your response. It dawned on him slowly, you flinched because you thought he was going to hit you. The fear on your face snapped him back to reality. You were scared of him. 
“Baby, I-” he tried to rest his hand on your cheek but you jerked away from him, ducking under his arm so you were no longer pinned between him and the desk. 
“Stay away from me,” your voice shook as you crossed the room to put space between yourself and Rafe.
Rafe took you in, your eyes wide like an animal caught in a trap. His heart shattered at the thought that you, the only person in the world he didn’t want to be intimidated by him, truly believed that he was about to hurt you. Tears stung his bottom lashes and he searched for the words to undo the damage he’d just done. As he looked at you cowering in the corner, barely able to meet his eyes, he realized he suddenly wasn’t seeing you anymore, he was seeing Sarah.
“It’s me, Rafe - your sister,” She had cried when he lunged for her, before she couldn’t speak anymore because he was holding her under the water.
He hadn’t had a full night’s sleep since he’d heard those words. His brain never gives him reprieve from the crushing guilt of seeing her gasp for air, trying to flee him, fearing for her life due to her big brother’s temper. He hadn’t meant it, he wished he could take it back. Now Sarah would hate him forever, she’d made that much clear. Was he about to lose you the way he lost her? He’d find a way to manage through life without his sister, but if you stopped loving him, he might just sink into the floor and die.
“Baby, please, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he tried to keep his voice steady as he raised his hands, like he was trying to prove they weren’t dangerous.
“Don’t call me that,” you snapped, tears flowing freely now.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. Just please come back over here,” he begged.
“No, I don’t trust you” you sobbed.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” his voice was pained. “I would never hurt you.”
“Something’s wrong with you, Rafe,” you spat. “You need to tell me what’s going on. Where’d that gold come from? What’s the cross? Is it the reason you were arrested?”
“I can’t,” he pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to maintain his composure even though he could feel his blood pressure rising again. “It’s just business stuff. It’s not important.”
You snorted bitterly, “clearly.”
“Why can’t you just mind your fucking business?” He bit back, unable to control his tongue.
That was your final straw. “I’m leaving,” you said as you hurried out of the room.
“No, no, wait!” Rafe called after you, following you into the hall.
“If you don’t want to be honest with me, then I don’t want to be here,” you don’t turn around, even though he’s right on your heel.
He stepped in front of you, his long legs besting yours. You step back instinctually and he cursed himself silently for losing your trust.
“Don’t go,” he begged, grabbing your hand. “Don’t go back to them. Stay here, be with me, we can finally have the life we wanted. I have the money now, I have everything. I can be the man you need. We can do this, finally.”
“I can’t be with someone I don’t really know,” you shook your head.
“What are you talking about? It’s me,” he actually smiled, as though he could charm his way out of the massive hole he’s dug. You snatched your hand away.
“That means nothing to me now,” you snarled, side-stepping him and fleeing quickly down the stairs.
He watched you go, feeling like his heart was being dragged with you, an emptiness left in his chest. He watched the hem of your dress as it flew behind you, and you disappeared like you had so many painful times before.
Three Years Earlier…
“This color was made for you!” Sarah chirped happily as she applied one of her MAC lipsticks to your lips. 
You fought back your smile so you could keep your lips steady for her to finish applying the makeup.
“Okay,” she said as she passed you her hand held mirror so you could inspect the full face of makeup she’d spent the last hour applying for you. “All done!”
You smiled at your reflection, you had never been particularly skilled at makeup, preferring a natural look. It helped that you had a boyfriend who constantly told you how gorgeous you were without it. “Don’t need all that shit on your face, baby, you’re already perfect,” he’d say.
But you wanted tonight to be different, you wanted his jaw to drop to the floor when he saw you. Plus his eyes wouldn’t be the only ones on you tonight, this being the first time you’d be attending Midsummers together as an official couple. Everyone on the island knew you’d been together since forever but, as Rafe had pointed out when he’d asked you to go with him a few weeks ago, you had never made a formal debut.
“Need everyone on this damn island to know you’re my girl,” he had whispered in your ear as he held you in the bed of his new truck while you stargazed by the beach.
“I think it’s pretty clear,” you giggled. “We already spend every waking second together.”
“Doesn’t matter,” he explained. “I wanna see their dumbstruck faces when they see the most beautiful girl in the OBX walking in with me.”
You nuzzled into him lovingly, “you’re too nice to me.” You kissed the tip of his nose.
“Impossible,” he shook his head, making you laugh as his nose rubbed against yours playfully. “You deserve all the niceness. You deserve all the good things, ‘n when we’re older, I’m gonna give you everything.”
“I don’t want everything,” you said, making his brow furrow slightly. “I just want you. You’re all I ever wanted.”
He knew he’d never hear more perfect words in his life, and he’d spend forever keeping them true.
Three weeks later, you were getting ready for Midsummers with Sarah, while Wheezie watched you wistfully from the corner. You sat on a tufted pedestal in the middle of Sarah’s walk-in closet as she added a few more bobby pins to secure the up-do she had crafted for you.
Wheezie wasn’t old enough for Midsummers yet and would be left home with a babysitter, an arrangement she made very clear she didn’t agree with.
“You’re so pretty,” she pouted. “Are you gonna marry my brother?”
You went red, completely caught off guard by her intrusive question.
“Oh! Well, I, uh,” you tried to think of an appropriate answer that a ten year-old would understand.
“Wheezie!” Sarah scolded her, saving you from having to respond. “You can’t just ask somebody that.”
You smiled up at her gratefully as she shielded your eyes from the hairspray she was adding to the front of your head.
“But of course she is, they’re like made for each other,” she continued. 
Though you were slightly caught off guard by her abruptness, your cheeks hurt from the smile you failed to stifle. You loved the idea that it was so obvious to everyone else, it made you feel like your certainty that you’d already found the love of your life at seventeen wasn’t so crazy after all. Your mother would call you naive, but here in this house with the family that already felt like yours, you had never felt so sure that he was your forever.
“You’re all done!” Sarah beamed at you as she stepped away so you could stand and look at yourself in the full length mirror. 
You tried to hide your blush, not wanting to seem conceited, but you felt absolutely beautiful. You wore a white dress, the snug bodice hugging your torso while the flowy skirt swooshed dreamily with every step you took. You had borrowed everything from Sarah, your mom refusing to take you shopping for an event she fundamentally protested, both for the flashy kook-iness of it all and the fact that you’d be going as a pseudo-Cameron - her worst nightmare. 
“You did such a good job!” You told Sarah, leaning closer to the mirror. “Thank you so much!”
“Anything for my future sister-in-law,” she nudged you with her elbow. “Oh, wait! One more thing!” 
She padded into her room and returned quickly, holding a stunning, sparkly diamond necklace.
“Oh, Sarah,” you said, eyes widening at the blinding jewels. “It’s too much.”
“It was my mom’s,” Sarah explained. “And it doesn’t go with my dress. But she’d want it to be worn for sure.”
You teared up a bit as she fastened it around your neck, the sunlight pouring through the tall windows causing the diamonds to glimmer against your skin. You blinked fast trying not to ruin your makeup, or let the girls know how emotional you were getting, but Sarah caught your eye in the mirror and gave you a knowing smirk.
Before you could thank her again, the wind was knocked out of you by Wheezie, who threw her arms around your waist and hugged you tight from behind.
“Please marry my brother,” she said with her face squished against your back, causing her words to come out in a funny whine. “He’s so much nicer when you’re around.”
You laughed and turned around to hug her back. “Aww, Wheeze! Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”
She looked up at you with a pout, “I wish I could go to Midsummers, and be as pretty as you.”
“Oh, but you are!” You assured her. You grabbed the lipstick Sarah had used on you from the vanity and dabbed some onto her lips. “There,” you smiled down at her. “Now we match!”
She beamed at you and skipped over to the mirror, smiling wildly at her reflection. Sarah rolled her eyes amusedly at her.
“Time to go,” she reminded you, handing you a pair of heels she had picked out for you. 
Rafe checked his watch anxiously as he paced back and forth at the bottom of the stairs. He wasn’t sure why, but tonight just felt like a big night. His dad and Rose knew you well, you had been around the mansion everyday since you were kids, but they never fully accepted how serious Rafe was about you. Whenever he’d bring you up in conversation, they’d give each other a knowing smirk that made him feel like he was five and they were discussing whether it was time for him to go to B-E-D.
The truth was, while he said tonight was about showing the island how serious he was about you, it was really about showing Ward. Maybe if his dad could see how mature he was around you, he’d finally acknowledge that you’re good for him and give his wholehearted blessing. 
But proving that the two of you were mature was going to be hard to do if you showed up late. Ward and Rose were already at the club, they were the co-chairs of this year’s event, which put even more pressure on the evening. 
Just as Rafe was about to yell to hurry you and Sarah along, you appeared at the top of the steps.
It was like he’d been punched in the gut, the way the air left his body. Everything stilled as he watched you descend the steps, floating to him like an angel in white. When you made it to the second to last step, you were finally at his eyeline, you gazed at him with a twinkle in your eye. 
“Hey mister,” you said sweetly, wrapping your arms around his neck as his hands found your waist, thumbs circling your skin through the soft fabric of your dress.
“How are you real?” He mumbled, eyes wide with infatuation.
“You’re too nice to me,” you giggle.
As your chest rose with your laughter, his eyes caught the necklace Sarah had given you. Your smile faded, taking in the way his lips curved down slightly as he realized where the necklace came from. Maybe wearing his mother’s necklace was a step too far, maybe he’d feel like it was a violation somehow. He didn’t like to talk about his mom, the memory too painful, and here you were wearing a big, shimmering reminder of her on what was supposed to be a special night. 
“I can take it off,” you offered, removing your hands from him to reach back and unclasp it.
He stopped you, gently grabbing your arm and bringing it down to your side.
“No,” he said softly, eyes beginning to water. “It’s perfect. She would’ve loved you.”
You reach your other hand up to his cheek, gently thumbing away the teardrop that had slipped through.
“I love you,” you whispered soothingly. 
“I love you, too,” he said before placing a peck to your lips. “Even though you’re making us late.”
With his teasing remark, he lifted you by your waist and spun you around, whisking you off the stairs. You yelped in surprise and smacked his arm playfully when he set you down. You stumbled slightly on your heels, being swept off your feet throwing your balance off. 
“Woah there, baby,” Rafe laughed, grabbing your hips to steady you. “What were you three doing up there, pre-gaming?”
“No, just wedding planning,” Sarah said from the top of the stairs as she and Wheezie descended.
You and Rafe both jumped slightly, too lost in your intimate moment to have noticed their arrival. 
“Wedding planning, huh?” Rafe smiled at you.
“Yeah, I’m gonna be the flower girl!” Wheezie informed the room, making your eyebrows shoot up as you chuckled at her excitement for your fictional wedding.  
“Nah, Wheeze,” Rafe said, grabbing your hand and his truck keys off the hook by the door. “If you’re the flower girl then who will be my best man?”
“You promise?” She asked hopefully.
“‘Course, I need my best bud up there with me,” He told her, winking at you as you looked up at him with a loving look that made his heart soar.
The evening hadn’t even technically begun yet and you already felt like you gained a husband and two little sisters. Your future was a bright, glowing light on the horizon. Rafe had told you someday he would give you everything, but he didn’t understand - he already had.
It was too late to make it to the actual rehearsal, but you had plenty of time to swing by the dinner. You pulled up outside the nice restaurant on the water that Chip had rented out, surely burning through his life savings to do so, not that your mother would care. 
You followed the sound of classical music and echoing voices around the back of the restaurant to the patio overlooking the ocean, black tie party in full swing. The crowd chattered with small talk as you searched the sea of people for your mother. You saw her standing by the champagne table, talking with some of the ladies she played tennis with. You steeled yourself with a deep breath and approached the group.
“...they had to sell their house in Cabo-” the ladies’ gossip was cut off as all of their heads turned to you, eyes wide in surprise at your arrival. 
“Don’t let me interrupt, ladies, just wanted to let my mother know I’m here,” you smiled at them, trying to recall the way you used to charm all the adults at these kinds of events.
Your mother smiled tightly, trying to play off her surprise, but you could read her better than anyone and you knew she was not happy to see you.
“Excuse me, everyone,” your mother set her champagne flute down and wrapped her hand around your arm. “Just need to catch up with my beautiful daughter real quick.”
“Oh, I don’t think that’s necessar-” your mother cut you off, squeezing your arm hard as she pulled you away. “Okay, okay, geez.”
Once she had led you away from the crowd, around the corner of the restaurant, out of view but not totally out of earshot, she whispered, “where the hell have you been?”
“What are you talking about?” You weren’t whispering, and her eyes shot past you to make sure no one could hear. “You kicked me out, remember?”
“I didn’t- keep your voice down first of all,” she said, making you roll your eyes, “and I did not kick you out, you ran away.”
“Whatever you need to tell yourself, mom.” You really had come here to try to make things right with her, but you couldn’t help the rise she got out of you, her tone so condescending.
“Were you with him?” She asked. 
“No,” you didn’t even think about the lie, it was just your instinct. You’d been lying to your mother about Rafe your whole life.
“Oh really?” Your mother raised her eyebrows. “Then why did I get a call from the credit card company asking if I authorized a bail payment at the Kildare County Sheriff's Office? And why did I hear from three of my friends that they saw you running out of the Cameron’s driveway this morning crying?”
“These kooks really need to get some hobbies,” you huffed.
“Don’t change the subject!” She snapped, trying and failing to keep her voice to a whisper.
“Well if you already knew the answer then why are you interrogating me?” You snapped back.
“You know what? Everyone has already seen you and I don’t want to have to answer more embarrassing questions about you, so you can stay for dinner, but then I’m done. I don’t want any more drama surrounding my wedding. When we’re done with toasts, you can go back to him and we’ll just stop trying to force the happy family act.”
You sighed heavily, “I can’t.”
“You can’t sit politely through one dinner?”
“No, I can't… go back to him. He’s, uh, that’s over.” You saw what could almost be mistaken for concern flash through your mother’s eyes, but she quickly regained her impassive composure.
“Well, that’s not my problem. You wanted to be an adult? You got it. You’re on your own,” she squared her shoulders, stepping back from you and returning to the party.
You just rolled your eyes, your mother always made empty threats. You knew if you did what she wanted and smiled your way through the party, not drawing too much attention to yourself, she’d forgive you by the end of the night and soon you’d be sleeping in your own bed again.
So you returned to the party, the picture of a dutiful daughter. You made small talk, carefully weaving a web of little white lies to cover up what you’d really been up to for the past two years. You listened to the toasts from your mother’s friends, faking a pretty, charming laugh as they made terrible jokes. Finally, Chip stood, tinking his fork against his champagne glass and clearing his throat. You turned to watch his speech. 
Chip began with the story of how he met your mom, and she beamed at him as he spoke. Even though you were angry with her, it made you happy to see her so in love. Chip was so…uncomplicated. You ached for the days when your love felt so simple and clear.
“...what I love most about my soon-to-be-wife is…” Chip’s words faded. “I love that she, uh-” You followed Chips’s distracted stare to the back of the patio, where you found Rafe leaning against the brick wall of the restaurant. He had put on a suit, looking like he was just another party guest. The blood drained from your face at the sight of him, afraid of what he might do.
Your mom had spotted him, too. She shot you a fiery, warning glare. You mouthed, “I don’t know why he’s here,” but she didn’t understand what you were trying to say.
Chip decided to continue with his speech. “...she’s so selfless, she always puts others before herself.” 
A loud scoff came from the back of the crowd, several people turning their heads to see who was protesting, shocked when they saw Rafe Cameron was here. Your mother’s face went red with anger.
Desperate to defuse the situation, Chip just continued, eyes darting helplessly between you and your mother, who’s stare was fixed on Rafe.
“...she’s also kind and generous.”
“Bullshit,” Rafe spat.
Tick, tick, tick…boom. Fourteen years of tension exploded all at once.
“Excuse me?” Your mother rose from her chair abruptly, and pushed her way through the crowd as she approached Rafe, who started stalking towards her as well, the two meeting in the middle of the crowd, staring daggers. You and Chip both rushed over to them.
“I said it’s fuckin’ bullshit, calling you generous when you can’t even take care of your own kid!” Rafe yelled in her face. 
“What the hell would you know? You’re just an irresponsible waste of a trust fund!” She shouted back.
“And you’re a selfish bitch!” He bellowed.
You finally reached them, placing your hands on Rafe’s chest so he’d have to back away.
Your mother watched with poison in her stare, ruefully glaring at the sight of your hand on his chest.
“Ward was right,” she said quietly.
Both you and Rafe snapped your heads towards her at the shocking sound of Ward’s name coming from her lips.
“What did you just say?” Your hands left Rafe as you started walking towards her, Chip moving to stand between you and your mom.
“Hon, I think you and your boyfriend should just go,” he put his hand on your shoulder, but you shook it off and side-stepped him to get closer to her.
“No. What does that mean, ‘Ward was right?’ Tell me, now,” you raised your voice more the closer you got to her, her face completely impassive, unflinching as you yelled at her.
“Leave,” she said.
“What did you do, mom?” You questioned, desperate for understanding.
“What I had to,” she said, shrugging her shoulders as if it was the simplest explanation in the world. “What you couldn’t.”
“What does Ward have to do with that? What did he do?” Your voice shook with tears. Rafe looked around the party, all eyes were on you as you teetered near the verge of full meltdown. He hated the way everyone was looking at you, entertained by the drama of it all. He knew everyone on the island would hear about your meltdown within hours. He had to get you out of here before things got worse.
He walked up behind you as you continued in on your mom.
“What kind of mother are you? To let me suffer like that for two years?” Rafe placed his hand gently around your elbow, saying your name, trying to calm you. It has the opposite effect. 
“No, no!” You turned on him. “You’re just as bad as her! I’m not leaving here until someone tells me the fucking truth for once!” You ripped your arm from him, stumbling backward and into the champagne table. A dozen glasses crashed to the ground dramatically, shattering loudly. The crowd watching gasped.
You didn’t even care about the mess you’d created, you wanted to keep going until you got the answers you needed, so tired of being in the dark, of your life being decided for you. You opened your mouth to yell at them some more, but when you saw Rafe’s eyes flash around you to the rest of the party, you realized for the first time just how many people were watching and your voice died in your throat.
“Are you done making a scene?” Your mother snarked from behind you.
“Yeah,” you nodded ruefully. “I’m so done.”
Done with her, done with this family, done with this whole fucked up island. 
You stepped over the broken glass and pushed through the party-goers, hearing them murmur about you as you exit. You took off into a run as you exited the patio onto the beach, disappearing into the night.
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“I’m sorry ma’am, it appears your card has been declined.” 
The fluorescent light in the motel lobby flickered, casting a shadow across your face as you nodded ruefully.
“You’re on your own,” your mother had warned you. 
She must’ve canceled your credit card, and now you were alone, being turned away from a motel in the middle of The Cut. No money, no family, no home.
When the front desk agent tried to hand you back the card, you shook your head, “no, it’s okay, you can toss it.”
You turned and exited the motel, wrapping your arms around yourself in the chilly air. You stood in the parking lot for a moment, at a complete loss for what to do next. You pictured yourself spending the night on a park bench. This was officially rock bottom.
You started walking, not sure where you were going to go, but you stopped short when you saw a familiar black truck parked across the street. Rafe leaned against the car with his arms crossed, illuminated by the dim streetlight. 
He lifted his chin, staring you down. Your shoulders fell as you shared a knowing look. You both knew you had no choice but to get in the truck.
(to be continued)
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a/n: feels like this story kind of found a second life this past week and I'm so grateful! We're nearing the end, I think there will be 9 or 10 chapters and an epilogue. Now that work is less crazy I should have more time to write so I won't leave ya hanging as long! Thank you for sticking around it means the world to me!!! 😘
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jessmaybank · 1 year
Cardigan - Part one; hand under my sweatshirt
Based on the song Cardigan by Taylor Swift
Series Masterlist
Paring(s): Rafe Cameron x Fem! Reader.
Word count: 5.2k
Summary: in which coming back from college and seeing him again, ruins everything.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drugs & violence, cheating, SMUT (a little), mentions & implications of public sexual acts, nipple play.
AN: lots of mutual pining, angst, jealousy and everything in between. Ex’s to lovers again. Flashbacks are in italics!
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When you are young, they assume you know nothing
But I knew you
The day she had been dreading had finally come. Ever since she left for college, ever since she abandoned the life that was once all she knew, she wondered how it would feel coming back to outer banks. Coming back to the place where it all started.
She left for college about a year ago, eager to escape the harrowing memories of her past, and the people she lost along the way. That’s what she told her family anyway, that she needed a fresh start. That she needed to get away from all the familiar faces who chewed up her kindness and spat it straight back out, again and again, without a second thought. but in reality, the only person she was running away from was her ex boyfriend Rafe.
Her mind had been permanently plagued with memory’s of him since she left, tainted by the deep-seated pain of her first love, and as much as she would love to avoid him forever, summer in obx was something she didn't want to miss, and she missed her family. So, inevitably, she sucked it up and got a flight home.
She wished the memory of him would dissipate into the evening breeze as she sat in her mothers car, watching the horizon pass her by just as quickly as it came as they drove home from the airport. The radio played quietly in the background as she gazed into the golden skyline through the window, and the closer she got to figure eight, the more the memories started flooding back, like a whirlwind reminder of what could have been.
“3, 2, 1, go!” Topper shouts from his seat on the camping chair next to her, the light crackling of the fire filling her ears as the flames devoured the wood that they had gathered.
The beach was littered with drunk teenagers, and numerous crowds of tents to house everyone for the weekend, as part of the annual camping trip which graced the Outer Banks beach every year, to mark the start of summer. This tradition also just happened to be her favourite.
Topper opens his beer as quickly as possible, wasting no time in tipping the liquid down his throat, gulping it down swiftly. Everyone else followed suit in chugging down the beverage, and her eyes screwed shut as she got about half way, the questionable taste making her regret the decision to partake in these games.
As always, Kelce finishes his drink first, scrunching his can in his hands and chucking it into the fire, the smile on his face an indication that he’s clearly impressed with himself. She envied his drinking skills as she gave up, retracting her lips from the can when only about a quarter was left, her face scrunching up as she swallows the last of the liquid in her mouth.
“Has beer always tasted this bad?” She says, not sure if she’s asking herself or her friends around her.
“If your a pussy Y/N, just say that” a male voice taunts, and she didn’t have to turn her head to know who it was.
Rafe made his way towards the group, a backwards baseball cap sitting on his head rather lazily, as the sound of his footsteps trudging in the sand got louder and louder.
She was thankful she was wearing sunglasses as she took in his shirtless state, her jaw threatening to drop as she gawks at her boyfriends washboard abs, the defined muscles practically staring back at her.
He halted his movements as he stood right next to topper, just in time to watch her stick her middle finger up at him, a fake glare hidden behind her sunglasses. The corners of his lips turned upwards into a devious smirk, the sun painting his face in a golden hue, and she had to poke her tongue into the inside of her cheek to stop herself from smiling at him.
“I thought you couldn’t come until later?” She says, reaching to get another beer from the cooler, the condensation from the can running down her fingers, before she extends her arm to pass it to him.
“I’m good at sweet talking” he says smugly, sending her a subtle wink that only she noticed, before taking the beer out of her hand, their fingers touching briefly. She rolled her eyes, even though he couldn’t see it, but it wouldn’t of mattered anyway. All he was concentrating on was the small grin that graced her features, her sweetness practically radiating off her. Rafe couldn’t believe someone as sweet as her would want to be with someone like him.
He thanked her for the beer with a quick peck on the lips, ignoring the gagging noises from Topper at their affections. She had been with Rafe for a while now, and although they had got used to the teasing from their friends, she wondered how much longer they would keep up the act for.
“Debatable. I bet you just didn’t wanna help set up the tents, so you lied about being busy” Topper says, used to his best friends lazy tactics.
“You think so low of me, Top” he says, a cheesy grin on his face as he adjusts his hat, before opening his can. He takes a swig, relishing in the cool liquid which contrasted heavily to the beaming sun which reflected down on them.
“Right, I’m going for a swim before the beach gets too crowded” she says, standing up from her chair and finishing the rest of her beer. She took off her rings that previously decorated her fingers before lifting her shirt over her head, blissfully unaware of the stunned expression on her friend’s faces as they admired her body.
Rafe, on the other hand, was all too aware. His clenched jaw was hard to miss as he slapped Toppers chest, sending both him and Kelce a glare.
“Wait for me” Rafe shouts as he watches her begin to walk down to the shore, almost loosing his balance as he observes her hips swaying from side to side. God, he could get used to that.
“Wait for me” Topper and kelce say at the same time, the mocking tone in their voices evident as they both laugh. And if they weren’t making fun of him, Rafe would of been impressed at how unionised they were. Rafe held his middle finger up, trying his best to maintain a serious look when Topper raised his arms up in surrender, a small smirk painted on his face.
The water was cool when she got in, her muscles relaxing almost immediately. She sighed as she fully submerged herself into the water, swimming deeper into the sea, but her relaxed aura disintegrated when she felt something wrap around her foot. She screamed as she turned around, her fearful expression contorting into a glare as she realised it was just Rafe, clearly trying to fuck with her.
“you make it too easy for me, baby” he laughs, pulling her body towards him, in awe of the freckles which danced along her cheeks, and all the way along her nose. But as her chest was pressed flush against his, she realised just how exhausted he looked, the bags under his eyes making her cringe a little.
“Are you okay?” She asks, concern laced in her voice as she runs a thumb along his slightly sunburnt cheek, just below his eyes.
She knew his dad had been putting him under a lot of pressure recently, and it pained her to see him like this, all tired and deflated. Even though he did his best to hide it from her, she could always tell.
He nodded, melting into her touch as he tilts his head, relishing in the gentle feel of her skin. His eyes shut for just a second as he snakes his arms around her waist, and it was moments like this she realised just how different he acted around her, compared to everyone else. And as much as she wished he wouldn’t put on a front all the time, she was grateful he let her see the real Rafe.
“Nothing I can’t handle baby. I just needed to see you” he says, and she couldn’t help but smile at her boyfriends sweet words, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck.
“I can’t believe Topper and Kelce are going to be cock blocking me all weekend” he says, and she rolled her eyes at his vulgar statement, his sweetness evidently short lived.
“Like that’s ever stopped us before” she says, a tight-lipped smile on her face as she tries to hide her smirk.
Rafe had a shit-eating grin on his face as he recalled their past public escapades, reminiscing about the numerous times they indulged in public, even when their friends were too close for comfort. He just couldn’t help it sometimes, and neither could she.
She giggled as he grabbed her thighs, giving them a gentle squeeze before wrapping her legs around his waist. The gentle waves crashing around them drowned out her gasp as she felt his cock press against her clothed pussy, already starting to harden underneath her.
“Well, in that case…” he trails off, his smile never wavering as he takes a quick look around, making sure no one was too close before he tightens his grip on her waist, dipping his head to claim her lips in a harsh kiss.
And as she tangled her fingers into his hair, making him hum into her mouth almost immediately, she knew she wouldn’t be able to resist him.
“Have you thought about the summer camping trip yet sweetie? Seemed like you really enjoyed it last year” Her mother asks, ripping her gaze away from the road ahead, and it was moments like this where she had to question if her mother could read her mind.
She turned her head to meet her mothers gaze, scanning her features as if to look for signs that she was in fact a mind reader. She noticed that she had a certain look in her eyes that she couldn’t quite place, but whatever it was, was tinged with concern.
“Im not sure, i'll think about it” she says, fidgeting with one of the threads on her jumper sleeve, one of the many tells of her anxiety.
“Okay. Oh- I forgot to say, I know you didn’t want to do anything big for your birthday, but I just couldn’t help myself…” her mother starts, and the side eye she gave her was unmissable.
“Oh god. What have you done?” She says, eyes wide with fear. She never really cared for her birthday, and therefore never made a big deal out of it. She hoped this year wasn’t an exception.
“I’ve invited some families around for a small party, nothing crazy. The Thorntons, the Cameron’s, the-“
“The Cameron’s?” She says, her voice raised as she draws in a sharp breath, head snapping to face her mother so fast, she could of got whiplash.
Her eyes were wide as she attempted to register what her mother just said, her muscles tensing with fear as she felt her heart practically sink to her feet. She was going to have to see him again. And as soon as her mother took one look at her daughters face, she knew she had fucked up.
She wanted to blame her mother, but she couldn't really. To her mothers knowledge, there was no hostility towards her and Rafe, and their breakup was mutual. In other words, she has never told her mother the real reason they broke up, or the fact that they don't talk anymore. At the start, it was just too painful, and telling her meant it was actually real. Now, it was like bringing up old news, and she didn't want to revisit the ghosts of her past.
She spent the rest of the journey pleading with her mother to un-invite them, but she wouldn’t budge, claiming it would be too rude to tell them they couldn’t come now, and the damage had already been done. Although she had always had soft spots for Sarah and Wheezie, she knew seeing Rafe again would break her into pieces.
But that didn’t matter now, she thought to herself, eyes trained on the raindrops which had started to trickle down the car window, the moody clouds a reflection of her own dismay. Using her mothers words, the damage had been done, and it was now time to face the music.
I knew you
Hand under my sweatshirt
Baby, kiss it better
She tapped her finger erratically on her leg as she sat on her desk chair in her bedroom, trying drastically to calm her nerves. This was officially the worst birthday ever, and she knew the worst was yet to come.
She finished the last of the wine she stole from her parents cupboards, the alcohol warming her insides as she inhales a deep breath, exhaling slowly, before checking her appearance in the mirror once again, ruffling her hair to give it more volume. She had already changed her outfit multiple times, wanting to make sure she looked good. But no matter how many times she checked her makeup, or fiddled with her hair, nothing felt sufficient.
She practically jumped out of her skin as the sound of the doorbell engulfed the house, her breath hitching in her throat. She sprayed her perfume on herself as her mother called her name, and gave herself a small but reassuring mental pep talk, before making her way down the stairs.
Her shoulders dropped with relief as she saw it was just the Thorntons, and she extended her arms out to embrace Topper as soon as she reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Happy birthday! How is my favourite mai tai drinker?” Topper says as he hugs her, reminding her of the time she threw up after a long night of Mai tai’s and joints at his house; something that seemingly, she has never been able to live down.
“God, don’t remind me” she says, cringing at the memory.
“But that’s what friends are for?” He says, more of a question than a statement. His features held a playful expression, and she realised then she had missed her friends more than she thought.
She greeted Toppers parents, the familiar faces calming her anxiety a little as they all made their way to the garden, the music from the speakers getting louder and louder.
“This looks amazing mum, thank you” she said, a bright smile on her face as she hugs her mother, admiring all the decorations. Although this is definitely not what she wanted to be doing on her birthday, she could tell her mother put in a lot of effort, and she didn’t want to be ungrateful.
“Of course. Happy birthday darling” she says, before retreating in the kitchen to sort out a few things.
Once her mother was out of the sight, she pulled on Toppers arm, dragging him further down the garden, away from his parents “Top, I’m freaking the fuck out”
"what? why?" Topper says, his eyebrows furrowed.
"because, my moms invited-" her blood runs cold as she hears the doorbell again, and just by the look in her eyes, Topper instantly knew what was going on. “Rafe?” He asks. She nodded her head.
Luckily, it was just some old school friends, and she allowed her body to relax once again. She wondered how many mini-heart attacks it would take for Rafe to actually show up.
Her question was left unanswered as an hour past, and the Camerons still hadn't shown up. She didn't know whether she felt relieved or disappointed, but based on the heavy feeling in the pit of her stomach, she definitely felt uneasy.
Despite this, she was actually having a good time. Kelce and the rest of her school friends turned up, and lets just say her mums wine stash was growing lesser by the minute.
"okay everyone, inside for the cake!" her mother yells, and everyone followed her inside promptly, taking a seat on the large dining table. She was just about to offer to help her mum cut the cake, when the doorbell went again. Her eyes shut in defeat, knowing there was only one family that was yet to turn up.
"ah! your just in time for the cake! come in, come in" she could hear her mother mumble from the hallway, and her heart dropped.
Low and behold, the Camerons waltzed into the dining room, and suddenly, she was stone cold sober. Ward was absent, which wasn't exactly unusual. He had missed so many of Rafe's important milestones growing up, so it wasn't a surprise he wasn't interested in hers.
Her eyes grew soft as they met Rafes gaze. He looked pretty much the same, although his hair had grown, and the way his dirty blonde locks fell in front of his face was doing something to her that she couldn't quite explain.
She hadn’t seen him for so long, that the memories she had of him where that of a timid ghost; one that always lingered but never pounced, and never allowed her to fully heal. But as she was standing in front of him now, in the flesh, everything felt so much more real. And it was clear his ghost had come back to haunt her, as vicious as ever.
But as he got closer, and she got a good look at his face, her insides started to twist in the worst way possible. The skin of his cheek was bruised purple, his eye was basically black, and the numerous cuts and scrapes that danced along his skin were accompanied by a cut lip. She bit the inside of her cheek to hold back a gasp, and she was sure everyone else was doing the same.
Rafe's heart skipped a beat as he saw her, his rationality crumbling before his eyes as he glanced at the girl who was once his everything. It was like their whole relationship flashed before his eyes in that very moment, and it was hard for him to breath. He tore his eyes away from her as the overwhelming emotions became too much, finding solace in staring at his feet instead. She wondered then if this was as hard for him as it was for her.
Wheezie was first to approach her, giving her a big hug as she wished her happy birthday, before Sarah and Rose did the same. And then, it was Rafe’s turn.
“Hey” she says, her lips turning upwards into a small smile. God, he had missed her smile.
“Hi. You look nice” he said in a soft voice, hands hidden from her as he fiddled with something in his pockets, a hesitant look in his eyes. It may of been a while, but she still knew the boy inside and out, and just by the deflated look in his blue orbs, she could tell he wasn’t doing well.
“Thanks” she said, giving him a tight lipped smile in response. There was so much she wanted to say. But with so many people around, she couldn’t.
The next twenty minutes were extremely awkward. Rafe didn't say a word to anyone, and you could practically cut through the tension with a knife. Her eyes were glossy as she blew out her candles, and it took everything in her to fake a smile and hold herself together. She had a good poker face, but Rafe could see right through her as he sat across the table, a pit of dread in his stomach as he observed the sadness that lay behind her eyes. He poked and prodded at his untouched piece of cake as he matched her dull expression, before Sarah decided to break the silence.
"so Y/N, hows college? are the people nice?"
"um, yeah" she says, swirling her fork around her plate. She really wasn't in the mood to elaborate.
"she's made lots of friends, haven't you sweetie? she even has a new-"
"mom" she says, more as a warning, looking up from her plate now.
"what? as i was saying, she as a new boyfriend" her mother says, as oblivious as ever, pausing to take a sip from her wine glass.
her eyes shut in defeat for a second, but she didnt miss the way Rafe's eyes snapped up, his jaw clenching at the revelation. she's moved on.
it was true, she had a new boyfriend. The relationship was new, but he was sweet. She would be lying if she said he made her feel the things Rafe did, though.
"oh, thats wonderful! whats he like?" Toppers mum says, blissfully unaware of the chaos she was provoking.
"um-" she was cut off with a clang before she could even start her sentence, everyones eyes darting to Rafe as the sound of him dropping his fork on his plate fills the room, his fists balled on the table.
"excuse me" Rafe says, not waiting for a response before he jumps up, storming out of the room without so much as a glance. She mumbles a quick "fuck" under her breath, her guilty conscience getting the best of her when she too sprang up, following him out of the room without giving it too much thought.
She walked down the hallway and into the kitchen, her movements coming to a halt when she spotted him outside, staring at him through the glass doors that led to the garden. She grabbed a random sweatshirt from one of the kitchen stools, and took a deep breath before heading outside.
He didn't look at her as she walked out, but he knew she was there. instead, he gazed at the pool in front of him. "new boyfriend, huh?" he says, shoving his hands in his pockets, his jaw still clenched.
"Yeah well, atleast he can actually look me in the eyes" she says, folding her arms over her chest. He took that as a dig, and turned to look at her then, his adams apple bobbing as he swallowed thickly. It was painfully obvious he was still in love with her, hell, he probably always would be. But who could blame him? It was the kind of love you only saw in the movies, the same kind of love Rafe never believed in, until he met her.
"what happened to your face?" she says weakly, just above a whisper, as if it pained her to say it.
he opened his mouth and then closed it again, like a gulping fish, debating whether to tell her the truth or not. His mouth opened once again, ready to speak before his eyes trailed down to her sweatshirt. And just like that, he froze.
“You kept it” he says, and her eyes followed his, peering down at her sweatshirt before she too froze. Holy shit, she forgot it was his.
She walked with Sarah out into the garden at the Cameron house, taking a sip of her vodka orange as she walked past Rafe to the sun beds. He was watering the plants, no doubt a chore his dad asked him to do before he left the house this morning. But given his shirtless state, she definitely wasn’t complaining.
They had just started seeing each other, but they hadn’t told anyone yet, not wanting to deal with the agro from their friends. But again, she wasn’t complaining. As it turns out, sneaking around was a lot of fun.
“Have you no shame? Uncle Reggie doesn’t even drink this early” Rafe taunts, referring to his alcoholic relative Reggie, who had a reputation for always ruining family events.
“Debatable. I once saw him use tequila instead of milk in his cereal” Sarah says.
“Bite me, Cameron” she claps back at Rafe, smiling sweetly at him before perching on the sun bed.
I’d love to, he thought, but he bit his tongue at the presence of his sister. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her summer dress, the flimsy material just daring to be pulled down her body as he glanced at the flirtatious look that danced in her eyes.
“That’s a dangerous thing to say to a man with a hose” he threatens, his signature smirk gracing his cherry red lips. She wasn’t sure she could get used to his smile even if she tried.
“You wouldn’t dare” she says, confident in her words as she laid back in the chair with her eyes closed, letting the sun drench her skin.
“Wouldn’t i?”
her eyes shot open as she felt cold water being sprayed all over her body, a loud scream leaving her lips.
“Holy shit!” She screams, springing up from the chair to run away from him, a breathy laugh leaving her lips. He stopped eventually, once he had his fun, but the amused look on his face turned into a stunned expression, his mouth agape as he noticed the way her dress had become somewhat transparent.
“Perv!” Sarah says to her brother, eyeing the way he was shamelessly staring at her wet figure. She mentally cursed him then for his lack of control, he didn’t even try to hide it.
She went inside to change, grabbing the first thing she saw in the laundry room, which happened to be a pair of sweatpants and a blue sweatshirt. It wasn’t the most flattering outfit in the world, but it would do. When she opened the door to make her way back into the garden, she found Rafe on the other side of it.
“Scale of 1 to 10?” He says, a cheeky look on his face.
Whenever they would bicker or annoy each other, they would always ask the other to rate their rage in a scale of 1 to 10, as a way of gaging whether the disagreement was serious or not.
“A strong 9. I’m plotting my revenge as we speak” she says, a smile painting her face that made all of his defences crumble. He let out a genuine chuckle at her remark
“Your wearing my sweatshirt” he observes, a cheesy grin on his face as he raises his eyebrows.
At this point, their secret relationship was lacking a label, and she wasn’t sure if they were at the clothes-wearing stage yet. “Oh, sorry. I’ll take it off” she says, her voice weak. She went to lift the material over her head when he stopped her.
“No, no, keep it. You look good in it” he says, wrapping her arms around his waist and pulling her closer.
“Plus…I want you wearing it when I do this” he says, guiding her backwards into the laundry room and shutting the door with his foot. She giggled as he began peppering sweet kisses on her neck, and her hands immediately clung to his hair, relishing in the feel of his soft lips. He just couldn’t help but smirk into her skin as her breathing got heavier and heavier, and it dawned on him then that, label or not, he was hers. “Your smooth Cameron, I’ll give you that”
“Of course I kept it” she said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. And to her, it was.
His features softened at her words, and he came to the realisation then that maybe, just maybe, all hope wasn’t lost. He tried to stop himself from stepping towards her, but he just couldn’t. And as soon as the smell of her perfume invaded his senses, he knew he was a goner.
“Does your boyfriend touch you like I did?” He asks, his voice low as he dips his head to hers, eyes focused on her glossy lips. One wrong move, and his lips would be on hers.
She couldn’t deny the way her insides melted as her eyes widened slightly, a certain intensity laying behind his eyes that made all of the blood rush to her head. The lust within his blown out pupils only added fuel to the fire as he brought his hands up to her thighs, tracing his fingers upwards along her skin, before his hands reached under the hem of her sweatshirt.
Her breath hitched in her throat as his hands dipped under the material, roaming around her bare hips, pulling her closer to him, if that was even possible. One hand then settled on the small of her back, whilst the other creeped up to her clothed breast. He swiped his thumb over her hardened nipple, and as she let out a small whimper, he had to bite his lip to suppress a smirk.
“I-“ her words turned into mush as he pushed the top of her dress aside, making her jerk against him as he pinches her nipple. The cold metal of his rings cooled down her burning skin as he touched her breast, and she felt like her knees were going to give way at any moment.
“I bet he doesn’t” he whispers in her ear, taunting her even further, even though based on her reaction, he already knew her answer. She could feel his smirk when he placed a kiss on her head, his familiar after shave making her question why they even broke up in the first place. She knew then that she was screwed.
The sound of the garden door opening snapped her out of her blissful trance, and she pulled away from him, ignoring every urge in her body that wanted to pull him close again. The loss of her warmth almost made him frown as the distance between them increased, and when he saw topper standing at the top of the garden, he never wanted to punch his best friend more.
“Uh, your mum wanted me to check if everything is alright” Topper says awkwardly, scratching the back of his head as he tried to ignore what he just walked in on.
“Yeah, um, we should probably head back in” she says, refusing to meet Rafe’s eyes as she turns on her feet, making her way back inside.
“Top, give us a minute” Rafe says, and she halts her movements, turning back around to face him. Topper nodded his head swiftly before treating back indoors.
“I just- I got you this. Happy birthday” he says, walking over to her, before pulling out a small box in his pocket. It was wrapped in blue wrapping paper, finished off with a small white ribbon, and she couldn’t help the wide smile that escaped her lips. He got her a present.
“Oh. Thank you” she said, taking the box out of his hand. Their fingers brushed briefly, and she couldn’t ignore the butterflies she felt in her stomach.
“We should…” she starts, gesturing her hand towards the house.
“Oh. Yeah” he says, his voice somewhat shaky. It was strange how he could go from dominant to a nervous reck in the space of a few seconds. He hated what she turned him into. She was the only one that could break his defences by the click of a finger, and it was terrifying.
He wanted to grab her hand, or yell for her to stay, but he didn’t. Instead, he waltzed back up the garden steps behind her, before entering the dining room again with one question on his mind.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much did you miss me?
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barbiiecams · 7 months
Can you write about Drew with his little family visiting him for his days off from filming? 🩷
Also I love that you write about black oc readers!! It’s rare in this fandom to find that.
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dad!drew starkey x mom!reader, not proof read, & yes more black representation for the obx fandom pls! also this is kinda long soo enjoy 😖
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drew had been gone filming for about a month now.
for you, it was easy not to get so hung up over the fact he was gone for such a long time.
when you first started dating, it was definitely a tragedy. and it pained you everytime that you couldn’t just go with him.
and even now, of course you missed him like crazy. but after all these years of being together, you’ve learned how to deal with it and it got easier.
but for his baby aaliyah who’s never been separated from her daddy? oh this was hell.
she couldn’t even stand the sight of him walking out the door for 10 minutes, so now that he’s walked out the door, and hasn’t come back for weeks?
she definitely was not having it.
you knew how she was going to react as well, so for weeks you prepared yourself for the endless tears and tantrums.
“you know she’s going to be a pain when i’m gone, right?” drew reminds you while you guys get ready for bed.
“trust me, i know. im getting myself ready for it as we speak.” you reply as you start to wrap your hair up for bed.
he chuckles. “you guys can always come with, though. that’d be a good idea especially for her.”
“maybe like a visit for a few days, but i don’t think her being out of the country for that long is a good idea.” you said as you laid down in the bed. drew agreed with that statement and you both moved on to the next topic.
that was weeks ago. but now? you were starting to consider whether or not you should’ve just taken drew’s idea.
you tried so many resolutions with liyah, and nothing seemed to work.
the girl never seemed to tire herself out either. she just recently turned one, yet you were already seeing the tunnel to the terrible 2’s somehow.
to be fair, she was an angel. but once she got started, you didn’t know if and when she was going to stop.
currently you were trying to feed her. you had ms rachel on your phone in front of her because that seemed to calm her down in the tiniest bit when she would get upset.
it was going good, until drew had started to call you.
and as soon as she saw the picture of you and him pop on the screen, waterworks flooded all over again.
“i just calmed this baby down and now he wanna call me.” you mutter to yourself, partially annoyed even though he couldn’t control it.
facetimes never seemed to make her feel better and it actually quite made her even more upset, but maybe hearing his voice at the very beginning of a breakdown could ease her, so you went ahead and picked up.
“hello?” you propped the phone up on the table then picked her up and tried shushing her.
he didn’t even need to ask ‘how are my girls?’ because he could clearly tell.
“awe, i miss my baby too.” he pouts.
you picked up the phone and put it in her face so she could see him. “talk to her, your voice might help.”
“hi my love. shh, it’s okay daddy’s right here.” he says through the phone.
she stops wailing, but she’s still making whining and crying noises.
“she’s taking this even worse than i thought,” you say. “i knew it was going to be bad, but not this terrible.”
“she’s just a true daddy’s girl. what can i say?” drew smirks through the phone.
“you might find this funny but i have real life headaches from her, joseph.” he laughs at the use of his real name.
“i bet you do, im sorry baby.” he says, “why don’t you guys come and visit for a little bit?”
this time, you were quick to actually be on board.
“i think that’s a good idea too.” you started bouncing aaliyah up and down and gave her kisses. she wasn’t as loud with her whining, but she was still continuing. “i think it’s time we go see daddy.”
drew smiles, “i can’t wait. i’m gonna take some time off and buy your tickets. when do you wanna come out?”
“shit, tomorrow.” you sigh.
he laughs again at your comments but knows you’re being completely serious at the same time. “get to packing then baby.”
that’s all he had to say for you to pick the phone up and make your way upstairs with liyah.
first you started in liyah’s room. drew was still on the phone with you, talking way more than you were because she seemed to be getting quieter and quieter. it bothered her that she couldn’t feel him, but right now she’s was taking whatever she could take.
you showed him outfits, he decided whatever or not he liked him. you made sure to pack a whole separate bag for all of her baby necessities as well.
because you were connecting with drew in some way, it felt like an easy task you were able to accomplish. you knew for a fact if he wasn’t on the phone it would’ve taken you the rest of the day with her wailing and screaming.
when you were done packing her bag, you tried putting her to sleep. of course it took about an hour, but eventually she was soundly asleep. all you could do was thank heavens.
placing her in her crib, you had to really tiptoe out the door. if she woke up while you were in the middle of trying to walk out and leave, that would be another meltdown waiting to happen.
you and drew stayed on the phone even after she was liyah was put to sleep, but you made sure to keep the volume of the phone down so that his voice didn’t travel to her. now it was time to pack your clothes. he helped you pick out your outfits, and you did a mini fashion show for him with your outfits.
he loved them all, and occasionally gave a ‘do a little spin for me.’
every moment with him, or even just talking to him was great. no matter if you were actually next to him, or through the phone.
but unfortunately, you guys couldn’t stay on the phone forever. it was soon time for him to start filming again.
“i gotta go baby, but i love you so much, and i’ll see you two soon.” he said while walking back to his set. “kiss my baby for me.”
“i will. i love you too.” you smile then hang up the phone. you sighed and rubbed your face, thinking about how quick this was happening, but how ready you were at the same time. if it was going to get her to stop crying so much and was also going to get you to see your man again, a win is a win!
after everything, it was about 5 pm. this was a late nap for liyah and she would be up end up being bouncing up off the walls, but maybe that was good cus then she would sleep on the plane ride tomorrow.
heading back downstairs, you made dinner for yourself & made sure to leave a little for liyah cus she’ll get hungry out of nowhere.
you also made it a chore to clean the entire downstairs of your house, because coming back to a clean house after a few days on vacay is always a nice thing.
surprisingly, liyah didn’t wake up once. you weren’t too loud, but loud enough for her to start yelling, waiting for mommy or daddy to pick her up.
you love that girl to death, but her tantrums are for the birds.
after you were done, you went to check on her. she was still soundly asleep, most likely for once tired herself out with all the noises. soon, you were going to have to wake her up so she could take a bath. but you weren’t worried about that at the moment. you were finally able to pamper yourself for the evening, then deal with her later.
your phone dinged, and knowing what the message was you opened it right away.
2 attachments from drew, and they were your tickets to morocco for 10 days at 6 am.
hearting both of the attachments, you started to get excited.
one month wasn’t too much of a long period of time, but it was always enough for you and your baby to miss him more and more each day.
you could finally see him again, and you’d be reunited as a family.
the night went smoothly. she only woke up once, and that was to bathe and eat a bit of what you had made. she was easy to put back to sleep, and that’s what matter the most. you could’ve had more sleep for yourself, but the hours were efficient enough.
sooner than later your alarm rang for 4:30. you weren’t a morning person whatsoever, but you definitely did not have a problem waking up right now since you knew what was to come in only a matter of time.
it was going to be a real long ride of 11 hours, but the outcome would be worth it.
getting up out of bed, you brushed your teeth and washed your face with your products, then put those into your suitcase.
you let liyah sleep for a few more minutes, then woke her up knowing you were just going to put her in her mini uggs and throw a coat over her pajamas.
and as for you, you were keeping your hair the way it was and throwing on a hoodie and sweatpants.
you took this time to order the uber to the airport, and bring both of your suitcases and her baby bag downstairs.
walking back up to her room, you picked her up from the crib and started to pat her back while bouncing her. the movement would keep her asleep and peaceful instead of awake and cranky.
“we’ll see daddy sooner than you know it, mama.” you whispered to her.
not even bothering to make breakfast since it was too early for the both of you to be eating, you turned off everything in the house and waited for the car. it was now 5:15 and the car was going to pull up any minute.
liyah woke up for just two seconds, “mama?”
“yes baby?”
“where dada?”
“we’re gonna see him in a few hours, don’t worry.” you softly laid her head back down so she could close her eyes again. as she was falling asleep, the car pulled up and it was time to go.
stepping outside with a baby and one hand and dragging suitcases in the other, the driver stepped out to help you load up, and you placed aaliyah in the car seat you had requested the driver to have.
he closed the trunk and hopped right back into the car. he pulled out from your driveway and made small talk with you. you tried your best to keep up, but it was just too damn early.
after a 10 minute ride to the airport, he unloaded your things for you and helped you bring them inside while you carried liyah. you thanked him, then did all the stuff you needed to do before waiting to board the plane.
aaliyah was still asleep, clearly all the tantrums finally caught up with her.
you texted drew a few times, even though he was most likely resting.
but about 30 minutes later, it was time to board the plane. you had all your luggage ready, and you guys were finally able to start the real travel.
the plane ride was long, but it wasn’t bad.
you kept liyah busy with movies, coloring, and eating a few things.
she didn’t eat everything since plane food isn’t the greatest, but she ate some and so did you.
you had boarded the plane around 6 in the morning, well now it was 4:30 and you had just landed.
aaliyah had a burst of energy, and you knew she was ready to just play and be carefree again.
thankfully, the passengers were nice enough to help you walk off the plane and help with your luggage when they saw you with a baby, so the plane experience overall was definitely a 10/10.
you had called drew on the plane, and he let you know he’d been waiting with open arms. you were overjoyed, practically jumping with excitement on the inside and out.
but if you think you were over the top happy, seeing the look on aaliyah’s face while you walked to find drew waiting at the morocco airport had you all the way beat.
“DADDY!!!” she screamed in your arms once you started to make it towards him.
you giggled at her her volume, and was also just happy enough yourself to laugh at anything knowing you were finally with drew again.
he walked towards the two of you and met you halfway, “is that my baby girl?” he smiled and took her from you. their bond was something so special to you, and you were so grateful for how strong their relationship was.
he gave her many kisses and tickles, which made her laugh. this was the first time you saw her so excited in a while.
“and my other baby girl.” he turned to you, pulling you in and giving you a passionate kiss. you weren’t holding back either, you hadn’t seen your man for far too long now. because of this, you covered liyah’s eyes which made drew laugh.
finally pulling away, he kisses your forehead. “i got our whole week planned out.”
this made you smile. “and what will we be doing?”
“there’s restaurants i want you guys to try, there’s a really nice beach, and i got us a really nice hotel. i promise you these 10 days are gonna make up for the month i left you with this little drama queen,” he started liyah a bit at the last part which made her laugh again. her laughs were always so contagious and it made the two of you laugh as well.
“i know they will, you never disappoint.” you kissed his cheek.
he gets close to your ear and whispers so liyah doesn’t hear, “and i promise once we wrap filming, i’ll make you finish everynight, baby.”
this gets your cheeks hot. you can’t lie at all, you really did miss being tossed and turned by him once she was asleep at night.
“be careful with what you say,” you point a finger at him, “i’ll make you a daddy for the second time.”
he laughs, “please do.”
you roll your eyes at him, then start walking out to where his car is.
drew spent the wholeeee time talking to liyah, even though she mostly still speaks in her baby language.
he was having so much fun too, constantly giving an occasional ‘oh really’ and ‘what happened after that?’
it kept him entertained and so did you. you stayed recording the entire thing and could barely hold in your laughter.
you made finally made it to the hotel (not before stopping for some real food though of course.) and he was definitely not lying when he said it was really nice.
nice wasn’t even a good word, it was gorgeous.
“wow,” the three of you walked in. your hands dealing with the cart of luggage while his carried aaliyah. “this really is beautiful.”
“i know,” he looks like he’s in awe himself while he takes in the hotel. “only the best for my girls.”
you smile at him and he wraps an arm around you, the three of you making your way to the hotel room.
you were very happy you took this vacation.
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hii for the obx requests could i ask for 2 and 7 with jj?? no pressure you totally dont have to if you dont want to 🫶🫶
‘’We’ll worry about the consequences later.’’ + ‘’Some rules needs to be broken.’’
Request: Although you have a boyfriend and that your brother (John B) made it clear that no pogues could touch you, JJ wants to know if his feelings for you are reciprocated but doesn't know how to ask. He says a bunch of stupid things and eventually he finds his answer
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Rain was pouring outside the chateau, drowning your plans for a cookout and forcing everyone to hang out inside. Pope and Kiara were playing cards in the kitchen, Sarah and John B. were in his room probably making out and you and JJ were sitting on the pull-out couch talking and playing with the ukulele. JJ was terrible at it, but you could play some tunes.
‘’How is it going with that boyfriend of yours and all? Tristan, right?’’
‘’It’s good,’’ you said simply, surprised he was asking you about the guy you were seeing.
JJ nodded to himself. ‘’It’s good? Alright. Eh, in the bedroom is he freaky or only does missionary like all the other Kooks.’’
You wanted to disappear in the couch’s cushions. Why was he asking those weird and intrusive questions? He never cared about Tristan. The last time they were at the boneyard, JJ almost picked a fight with him and John B. had to step in. So, why the sudden interest?
You raised your eyes from the ukulele. ‘’Why are you asking?’’
JJ sank into the couch and shrugged. ‘’I don’t know. I’m just curious. I…I’m spitballing.’’
‘’Please stop spitballing.’’
There was a short silence, until he spoke again. ‘’Is Pope a better kisser than him? I know you and him have kissed last summer—’’
Your hand slipped from the instrument and an ear-buzzing noise cut JJ off. That kiss with Pope was a dare at a kegger and you both agreed it was weird and to never do that again. How did JJ know about the kiss? His tongue was in a touron’s mouth when this happened.
JJ sighed and took a swig of his beer. ‘’Forget I said anything.’’
‘’Gladly,’’ you agreed, wishing you could erase the last minutes from your mind. ‘’Why were you asking about Tristan?’’
‘’I just wanted to know if everything was good with your boyfriend.’’
‘’He’s not my boyfriend.’’
‘’But you told John B.—’’
A breath left your lips. ‘’I lied.’’ You put down the ukulele. ‘’ I didn’t want him to know I was hooking up with Tristan. I love my brother, but my sex life is not something I want to share with him.’’
‘’Yet you’re okay sharing details with me?’’
You didn’t reply.
‘’Is…is Tristan good at sex? I’m guessing he is since he’s your bootycall—’’
‘’Oh my god. Why do you want to know about my sex life?!’’
JJ spoke in a nervous whisper, feeling his heartbeat in his ears. ‘’Because I…because want to know if I stand a chance.’’
‘’No. With Tristan,’’ he deadpanned. ‘’Yes, with you!’’ JJ groaned, taking his hat off to run a hand through his hair. ‘’Forget I said anything. Forget everything. Do you want to play Dominos? I think the box is in the kitchen.’’
He made a move to stand, but you grabbed his face and kissed him.
‘’Why did you do that?’’
‘’Because I wanted to.’’
‘’John B.’s gonna kill me…’’
‘’He’s not the boss of me. Besides, some rules need to be broken.’’
JJ quietly followed you down the hallway and to your bedroom, his hands never leaving you. You shut and locked the door behind you, humming as you felt JJ’s mouth sucking softly onto your neck from behind you, impatient and needy.
He’s wanted this — you — since you put a pink bandaid on his scraped knee after he fell from his skateboard when he was seven. It didn’t hurt that much, but you insisted he needed one. He remembered the concentration on your face, the way you stuck your tongue out to align the bandaid better. And the kiss you had pressed over the bandaid after you were finished to help the healing process.
Suppressing his feelings as he watched you grow and go on dates with the biggest idiots was hard. But your brother had been clear about you: no pogues were allowed macking with his sister.
You dragged JJ to your bed, crawling back and pulling him with you. He smashed his lips into yours, quickly sliding his tongue into your mouth. You wrapped your arms around his neck and bucked your hips voluntarily into him, getting a soft groan from his throat.
‘’Shh,’’ you reminded, covering his mouth with your hand.
If your brother heard any noises coming from your room, he would know and JJ would have to run for his life.
He looked down at you with desired filled eyes. ‘’Sorry.’’
You attached your mouth back to his, hands exploring each other’s bodies as the rain hit against your window. JJ’s hand wandered under your shirt, massaging your breast over your bra. He wanted to tear it off of you. Reading his thoughts, you unlocked his lips from yours and peeled off your shirt, then reached behind your back to unhook your bra.
JJ had seen you in bikinis many times during hot summer days, but he never got to touch you or see what was beneath the small clothing. Until now. His eyes immediately met your breasts with admiration and lust, perfect to his eyes although he heard you complaining to Kiara and Sarah about them. He sat there for a moment, letting his entire body and mind come to realization that this view was real. He wasn’t having another wet dream about you.
‘’Merry fucking Christmas to me,’’ JJ mumbled to himself, making you giggle under his gaze.
A soft sigh escaped his lips as he let his hands crawl to your breasts, massaging them in an agonizingly slow pace. You moaned at the touch, feeling yourself becoming more soaked than you were before. He flicked your hardened bud with his calloused thumb.
‘’JJ,’’ you moaned, arching your back into his touch. You slipped your hand under his shirt, feeling the soft planes of his stomach and the blond hair leading beneath his shorts.
Although this was wrong, nothing ever felt more right.
His eyes locked with yours, finding a matching burning desire in them. You reached to undo the button of his shorts, but JJ reluctantly stopped you, remembering that he used the one in his wallet last week with a girl he met at a kegger and didn’t replace it.
‘’I don’t have anything to…’’ JJ rubbed his hands over his face and groaned.
He never hated himself more than he did right now. He had not planned to have sex tonight — even less with you. He could go get a condom in John B.’s room or ask Pope if he had any on him, but they would never let JJ get away with it. Any other days where they weren’t all stuck inside the chateau because of a rainstorm, there would be no questions asked. But the only girls at his proximity were Cleo, Kiara and you, and since Cleo and Kiara were with Pope, it left only you.
JJ got off you, profoundly cursing his forgetful brain for cockblock himself.
When you started getting sexually active and talked to Kiara about it, she made you promise to never do it without a condom. Guys are liars and nasty, never trust them when they say they’re clean or that they can’t wear a condom for any reason — it’s all bullshit.
But this was JJ. Although he was known to get with girls a lot, he was always safe. You’ve seen condoms wrappers in your father’s old room.
‘’It’s fine,’’ you said, breaking the silence. You sat up and glanced down at JJ. ‘’We’ll worry about the consequences later.’’
He lowly gasped, a bit shocked. ‘’Y-you still want to…oh, fuck.’’ His eyes shut as he felt your hand over his cargo shorts, cupping him through the fabric. 
OBX taglist: @moralina @eudximoniakr @toylewestinnyc @rottenstyx  @sweeterheartxamerica  @jordierama @viridwityy @izzy-laufeyson @kenzi-woycehoski @lilaconner @Katsukis1Wife  @hawkegfs @mommyruuetrue  @acornacreacure @snownjune @nmedina8611 @slvtherinseeker  @slvtherinseeker @poppet05 @1stevelacyfan @illf4iry @withbeautyandrage  @maybankslover @sunflowerziva @laylasbunbunny @Honey-marvel15 @leoluvsur-pappy
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny 
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spiderlingh · 2 years
obx s3 thoughts (obviously contains spoilers!)
this is just my opinion, please don’t come for me if u disagree :)
i was a bit disappointed with this season ngl, definitely my least favorite season of the series so far
action sequences were really good but i felt like a few episodes were just straight meaningless action scenes and that definitely felt unnecessary to me
cleo pope jj owners of the season <3
drew starkey can certainly pull off a buzzcut but man do i miss his sexy haircut from season 2 😭😭
WAY TOO MANY BIG JOHN SCENES oh my god look i get it, it’s a miracle the guy turned up alive and shit but i am not john b i do not give two shits about this rather mean looking man and i felt like he was on my screen more than the main cast
shoutout to his actor tho. he did a great job portraying him
i thought i would be a jiara shipper but i don’t like them together at all… i lowkey hate that the writers now literally paired kie with every guy of the pogues when that seems so out of character for her
saw a post about kie being lesbian and you know what? y e s. even though i think a love interest wouldn’t be necessary for her to begin with
i’m a jjpope girlie sorry their chemistry is just chef’s kiss but it’s never gonna happen bc according to the writers there’s not a single gay on that silly lil island
(it’s completely fine if you do ship them bc they did have chemistry in the previous seasons)
not the sarah x topper drama getting reused from last season… i love sarah but girl what the hell
speaking of topper i thought it was fun how they included him in the train heist
but the way sarah manipulated him and used him… i’m no fan of his at all but i did feel for him bc he pulled so much for her and she went straight back to john b 😭
my boy really said i’m gonna light this place up like a damn bonfire lmfao
anyway back to it
the main villains (ward and rafe) of the past two seasons became pretty much irrelevant this season?? huh???
rafe did a near complete 180 out of nowhere… which was strange
like this man’s whole trauma was solely fixed on getting love and respect from his father and the whole donating the cross situation really sucked if you look at it from rafe’s perspective but i do not believe that THAT was all it took to suddenly become so hostile towards ward. even if he still ended up saving him.
this guy was so stuck in the cycle of violence from the pilot up to the final episode of season 2 and his character development was so interesting to see (that scene in s2 when he says he’s not okay and needs help and ward tells him to man up still stuck with me) and it feels like they threw it out of the window and pretty much sidelined his character for no reason at all.
new boring villain is introduced and gets killed in the same season
worst parent award goes to mike and anna
they’re such a fun dynamic like give me that please i’ve been asking for this before s2 even came out
the pogues had pretty much 2 scenes together and that’s it… i had hoped to see more of them and their dynamics and just more of them on that deserted island??? wasted potential oh my god
is it just me or was the filming style a lil different this season…
wasn’t rafe’s love interest supposed to be a bigger thing? because the few scenes he shared with her were completely irrelevant and so was her entire character tbh 😭
rafe and kie teaming up… was awesome i loved it
jj and kie running into pope and cleo when they were just about to get off the bus and immediately had to run from people with big ass guns is peak obx energy and i thought it was hilarious
i audibly gasped at the time jump!! such a weird way to end the season, it almost seemed like a series finale but knowing that season 4 is already confirmed i’m genuinely wondering what direction they’re gonna take this. the root of it all was that they were looking for the treasures because some of them were connected to it in their own ways (john b and the royal merchant bc of his dad, pope and the cross/denmark tanny bc family) and rafe and ward were perfect villains up until this season.
if there’s something i want to see in the next season, it’s just more pogue scenes, strengthening their own characters and developments and their dynamics with the other pogues. we really do not need the same romance drama every season. it’s boring and frankly annoying. honestly in this show there’s so much going on that i don’t feel like each one of the pogues needs to end up with someone. i would love to have jarah and jjpope as endgame and have kie and cleo end up solo or maybe have other love interests (but not really).
just give me the pogues doing what they do best — bickering while they’re off chasing some mystery and putting their lives at risk and miraculously getting out of it alive and well.
because season 3 was just weird. really weird. idk this is all for now but i might add more later!
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notbadweird · 1 year
Things I Realized In Obx
Me realizing Kie was asking them if they should peel from the motel while they were already outside on the ledge.
Me realizing Peterkin was never able to discover that Big John was alive.
Me realizing we never found out if they found Scooter’s boat.
Me realizing Wheezie has been the only person I’ve seen ever throw up in a show.
Me realizing Sarah bonded over the stars with both of her boyfriends.
Me realizing it was basically impossible for Tanny to get the gold off the ship cause I know damn well those rubber lifeboats couldn’t stay afloat with that much gold on it. Shit the gold weighed a whole plane down, let alone a boat!
Me realizing John B told those kids to stay in school even though he never did.
Me realizing that Sarah said buttercup in 1.4 and then the next episode JJ mentioned the Powerpuff Girls.
Me realizing Pope called Kook land Kooklandia just for JJ to then call the island Poguelandia.
Me realizing that when Sarah mentioned John B’s dad who was supposed to be dead, she called that a lame thing to say. The same way Kie pointed out that JJ calling her a Kook was lame.
Me realizing Sarah said she was gonna sugar momma John B in both s1&2.
Me realizing JJ mentioned John B was 16 in the car in season one and then yelled he was 17 during the court case which means his bday passed at some point.
Me realizing that Luke said he saw JJ’s mom in him and that’s why he roughens him up. So he basically sees a woman in JJ and in his mind is “oh let me beat his ass”.
Me realizing that it would’ve been really stupid for Ward to kill John B on the boat considering how Sarah knew that John B was with her father. If he had died, no one else could say John B was with them, only Ward could.
Me realizing John B has been hit with a car in s1 just for him to hit Cleo with a car in s2.
Me realizing that both Kie and JJ thanked the person who was telling them I love you. Kie thanked Pope and JJ thanked Kie. They also both said what when it first happened.
Me realizing that the cops were knocking on a vacant home when looking for John B so I never understand why they said open up when nobody fucking lives there.
Me realizing that if JJ never stole from Barry, Rafe and Barry never would’ve followed Kie’s car. It makes me wish JJ was the one to save Kie since it was his technically fault that they were there to begin with. But I also know that Pope needed his hit on Rafe sooo there’s that.
Me realizing Sarah and John B did not have on life jackets when The Phantom flipped over. So when did they have the time to find the lifejackets and put them on in a thrashing storm.
Me realizing that John B was wearing Topper’s shirt the whole time during s2 until they got back home.
Me realizing that we never saw how The Pogues figured out it was Gavin who flew the plane. Like they figured it out so fast.
Me realizing that we don’t know if Terrance and Stubby are alive after the shootout. Cleo heard the shootout but she never mentioned whether or not they made it.
Me realizing both Kiara and Pope left their dad’s trucks after they had accidents.
Me realizing that we never figured out how that sick patient knew JJ’s name.
Me realizing that so far Kiara has been the ONLY Pogue to interact with Luke, the same way JJ is the ONLY Pogue to ever go inside her house.
Me realizing that Kiara straight up told her parents about how she was abducted and how scared she was and they still had the audacity to let Kitty Hawk abduct her the same way they did her back in the Caribbean.
Me realizing that Topper called Sarah a liar but yet he still continues to go back to her no matter what.
Me realizing Topper denied he wasn’t a jealous person in s1 just to then burn down John B’s house in s3 cause of his jealousy.
Me realizing if Kie’s parents never turned Sarah away, she never would have been found by Topper which means she never would’ve cheated on John B…so again FUCK KIE’S PARENTS.
Me realizing that Big John really switched up on Sarah, went from welcoming her to the family to leaving her out of the search.
Me realizing Sarah is no longer wearing the “ring” John B gave her. Her neck didn’t have it the entire time during s3. (Could be wrong)
Me realizing without Sarah literally they never would have been able to figure out the clues to get to El Dorado
Me realizing Singh has to have some type of blood kink cause he sure as hell was eager to touch every patch of Big John’s blood he found.
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loveharlow · 16 days
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SEVEN [SEASON 2] - 007 (PT 1)
PAIRING ‧₊˚ JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS‧₊˚ [8.9k] based on Netflix's Outer Banks Season 2 Episode 9
WARNING(S)‧₊˚ swearing, general obx warnings, discussions of sexuality, mentions of suicide
A/N‧₊˚ still love me?? not the biggest fan of this chapter but
˗ˏˋ series masterlist ˎˊ˗
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PULLING UP TO THE BUNGALOW ON THE END OF THE STREET AND KILLING THE ENGINE, you and JJ were quick to jump out of the truck, calling out for his cousin, who owned the house in question.
“Ricky! Ricky!” You both shouted, helping Kiara drag Pope’s limp frame out of the backseat. The three of you helped walk Pope to the front door, JJ frantically rattling the handle and slamming his palm against the door before his cousin Ricky appeared — shirtless with a bowl of cereal in his hand.
“Hey, Ricky!” The blonde called through the window. “Look, I know you’re mad at me-”
“Remember the time you stole my ambulance?!” The dark-haired man argued through the glass, face turning red.
“Yeah, I know. I know you’re mad but - please, don’t do that!” JJ begged, watching as Ricky slammed the actual door in his face. 
The rest of you begged and pleaded, voices creating a mess of protests behind the door. JJ was quick to hand his portion of Pope’s weight off to John B, walking towards one of the windows and banging on it.
“He’s a having a reaction, he needs help!” JJ screamed through the glass. Ricky was JJ’s EMT cousin, who also happened to be the cousin who’s ambulance he’d stolen to break John B out of jail, which failed anyway. “He can’t breathe, Ricky!”
Something one of you said must’ve gained some sympathy because it wasn’t long before the front door behind the glass screen was swinging open again. “Who can’t breathe-” Ricky’s word died in his throat as he took in Pope’s swollen face this time.
“Look at him!” You cried — you, Kiara, and John B holding up your friend. “He needs help.”
“...Alright.” The man caved, pushing the screen door open to allow you all in. “Jesus Christ…” You were quick to hand off Pope, rushing into the man’s house.
“Hi, nice to meet you. Sorry.” You quickly threw in Ricky’s direction, making a b-line for the first flat surface you saw and swiping everything to the floor. Your friends were trailing behind you, using their strength to lift Pope onto the now cleared island counter top.
“You know, I wouldn’t come to you if it wasn’t an emergency.” JJ clarified, being the last one inside of the house.
“What’s wrong with him?” The medic asked, placing two fingers against the side of his neck to feel for a pulse. 
“Wasps.” Sarah and Kie replied in sync.
“Wasps?” Ricky repeated, asking for clarification. You all nodded. “Is he allergic to wasps?”
“We were kind of hoping you could figure that out for us.” You quickly replied, not wanting to be rude but wanting to speed up this procedure.
Ricky sighed, backing up from the table. “Hang tight, I gotta get my kit.”
“Hang tight?” JJ asked incredulously. “Hang tight, Ricky?!”
“It’s in here somewhere!” The older man called, disappearing near the bedrooms before re-emerging with nothing in his hands.
“Where’s your kit?!” You asked frantically — Kiara tending to Pope on the table as JJ and John B kept his legs elevated.
“If I knew I wouldn’t be looking for it-”
“What does it look like?” Sarah asked, the two of you intending to help the man look for his supplies.
“Like a duffel bag…” He offered, vanishing into his garage with his hands atop his head in distress. “Okay, I got it!” He returned after a few seconds — a navy blue med-kit clutched in his hands as he rushed towards the six of you.
He planted the bag on the counter top next to Pope, JJ scooting over to make room. “What do we do now?” The blonde boy asked.
“You don’t do anything because you’re not a paramedic. All you all can do is give me some space.” He said bluntly, the five of you backing up — similar expressions of distress etched on each of your faces. You watched as Ricky unzipped the duffel bag, pulling out a syringe and a small vial. “Here’s the thing,” He started, pushing the needle of the syringe into the vessel. “This a pediatric dose of epinephrine.”
He explained, extracting a precise amount of the medicine before removing the needle from the small glass bottle. 
“Is that gonna be enough?” You questioned, motioning for your teenage, six-foot tall friend laid out on this man’s kitchen island. “He’s not a kid.”
“It is ten times the normal dose.” Ricky informed you, holding the syringe up between his fingers. “So…if it doesn’t stop his heart, it’ll help him.” He shrugged sheepishly. “But I gotta use the whole thing, or else it won’t work. And I’m not goin’ down if he dies.” He said firmly, shooting a pointed look at his cousin.
“...Okay, fine, do it.” JJ urged, pulling at the roots of his hair. 
“Okay.” Ricky said, turning back to face Pope. “Okay....” He reiterated as the rest of you urged him to hurry. He seemed to mentally evaluate where to put the needle before settling on a spot on the boy’s bicep, pushing it in and injecting the dose before slowly pulling it out. “Alright, that’s it…” He said, setting the used needle down carefully.
“...Now what?” Kie asked, eyes flickering back and forth between the paramedic and her friend.
“Now, we wait.” He replied, chewing on his bottom lip. 
You all stood around and no one said anything. Not a word as all eyes remained laser focused on Pope, waiting on something. Any sign of life. The TV played mindlessly in the back, the tribe of you waiting for something to happen. All you needed was a gasp or for his chest to move, hell, you would even accept the simple twitch of one of his fingers.
But ten seconds turned to twenty and then thirty, and still…nothing.
“...You killed him.” Kiara said, staring angrily down at Pope’s swollen features. 
“No…” Ricky drawled out. “I didn’t do shit.”
“What did you do?” You asked angrily, eyes pinched as you searched Pope’s face for any sign of movement or life.
“I did exactly what you asked me to do.” JJ’s older cousin reprimanded. He was right and you all knew it. 
“Pope.” JJ said, grabbing the boy’s shirt and shaking his limp frame on the tabletop. “Pope, c’mon!” His voice raised, shaking the boy harder as you all stood back, distressed. “Come on, bro!”
A second passed and suddenly Pope was breathing in a large gasp of air, his chest rising by inches off the table before he collapsed back down, taking in steady breaths.
You all let out sighs of relief, watching as Ricky almost fell to his knees. Pope began coughing, his frame lurching off the table as he hacked, eventually springing up to sit straight on the table, his face swelling already going down.
“There he is!” JJ cheered, the rest of you laughing or sighing with relief. 
“It’s hot.” Pope wheezed out. “I’m really hot, guys…” He exasperated, the boy sliding off his patterned fleece jacket as he slid off the table, all five of you crowding around to help.
“Take it easy...” You instructed, helping the boy off the table as JJ helped him rid himself of the jacket. 
“I gotta get outside.” Pope breathed, letting his jacket fall to floor and gently pushing you all off of him as he set out for the front door, the five of you trailing behind.
“I owe you.” JJ patted his cousin on the shoulder, Ricky still standing shell shocked at the turn of events.
“It’s hot!” Pope said again, this time sounding much more irritated as he stumbled through Ricky’s front yard like a baby deer learning to walk. 
“Thank you so much.” You commended, looking back at JJ’s cousin before he closed the door. “Are there any side effects we should be concerned about?” You asked as he shut the door further and further.
“He’ll have a rocket up his ass for about half an hour.” He told you. “Then, he’ll be fine.” Was the last thing he said before closing the door, leaving you to turn around and watch your four friends chase Pope through the front yard like an unleashed puppy. 
“WHOOOO!” Pope exclaimed, hands on the steering wheel of your Ford Bronco — driving down an empty road back to Freedman’s church just as the sun set and the street lights came on.
“Pope, you’re driving kind of fast…” Kie piped up from the backseat, in between Sarah and John B. JJ was in the passenger seat while you seemed to get booted to the trunk of your own car.
“Pope…” JJ started. “Last to judge, but I think you should slow down a little-”
“No.” He cut off the blonde. “That would definitely delay our arrival to the cross. We gotta get there.”
“Okay,” You piped up, shoving your face in between Kie and Sarah in the back seat. “As the primary driver and sole owner of this car, I’m saying you need to lighten up on the gas pedal, bud.” You advised from the trunk, wind whipping through your hair. “Why did we let him drive again?” You questioned. “And why is JJ in the passenger seat instead of me?”
“Because I said I’d rip your ears off.” Pope replied in a single breath.
“And because I fixed this piece of shit on wheels-”
“You call my car a piece of shit on wheels one more time and I’ll rip your ears off-” You warned, squinting at the blonde through the rearview mirror.
“Okayyyy,” JB spoke for the first time in minutes, interrupting the small dispute. “Pope, how’re you feeling?”
“Great.” The curly-haired boy smiled, continuing down the road at a constant, life-threatening speed. “I don’t know what JJ’s cousin gave me but I am movin’!” He exclaimed, taking one hand off the steering wheel to make a speeding motion with his free hand.
“We couldn’t tell...” Kiara smiled awkwardly, buckling her seatbelt.
“Okay, well, um, you’re going really fast right now.” John B tried to parent, leaning over the shoulder of Pope’s seat from where he sat directly behind him.
“Yeah, really fast!” Pope laughed, craning his neck to look back as he drove, the car swerving wildly between the two lanes.
You all panicked, grabbing whatever you could as the car continued to basically drive itself until Pope refocused his sights in front of him, speeding up the car to miles you didn’t know it had the capability of going. 
“God, is he driving slow…” Pope sighed, attempting to pass the car in front of you all by swerving into the wrong lane, paying no mind to the car coming straight at him. 
“You don’t need to pass-” Kie tried, sitting up straighter in her seat.
“Pope, if you crash my car-” You warned, gripping the edge of the backseat for stability as you slid around in the trunk.
“You don’t need to pass!” Kiara continued as the other car swerved into the grass just as Pope swerved into the correct lane, now in front of the car you were previously behind.
“Man, what an asshole. Am I right?” The boy in the driver’s seat scoffed.
“He was going the speed limit...” You huffed, straightening yourself out.
“We’re not gonna get to the cross if we’re dead, Pope!” JJ exclaimed from the passenger seat, holding onto the safety bar. The tires of your car screeched over the road, your headlights not focusing on one single thing for more than a second.
“We’re not gonna die. It’s our divine right to get that cross.” Pope dismissed, looking back as he spoke, the car swiftly making a sharp left.
“Pope, look at the road!” You screamed, watching helplessly as your car drove into the left lane before nose diving into the woods. Pope tried to make an attempt at turning the car which only made things worse, the side of the car slamming hard into one of the six-inch wide Oak Trees as the airbags deployed and your frame went flying over the side of the trunk, tumbling through the grass. The windshield shattered, leaving glass littered throughout the vehicle as you heard your friends groan in pain, the hiss of whatever was damaged under the hood sounding out in the woods.
You held your ribs in pain, rolling over a sizeable rock on your way down. 
“Y/N!” You could hear your name being called in the distance, the sound of glass crunching, your friends coughing, and one of the car doors closing ringing in your ears. The voice called out for you again just as you’d found the strength to roll over on your stomach and push yourself up onto your knees.
“I’m over here!” You rasped, coughing. 
It wasn’t long before the familiar sound of JJ’s heavy combat boots were heard crunching over branches and leaves, a warm hand finding home on your back as the other slid under your stomach, helping you stand. “Hey, you okay?” The blonde asked, turning your frame to face him as your hands grabbed his forearms.
“Perfectly fine.” You strained, stretching out your back a bit as the boy brushed hair and leaves from your face. “Are you okay?” You asked, your eyes finally zeroing in on him to find a small cut on one of his eyebrows as well as some red-splotching on his cheeks and forehead, most likely from the airbag.
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” He assured when your own hand reached up to brush your finger against the small cut, one of his hands ceasing yours.
“Is everyone alright?” John B weak voice echoed out into the woods, both you and JJ turning to watch as your friends all climbed out of the vehicle before making your way towards them.
“I think so…” Sarah replied.
“That is the last time you drive, Pope.” JJ reprimanded.
“Look at my truck...” You pouted, examining the destroyed windshield and the odd ways it was bent, not ignoring the steam emitting from the hood.
“One word.” JJ spoke. “Totaled.” He cringed. “Yeah, I don’t think I can fix it this time, princess.”
“Well, we’re gonna have to walk the rest of the way.” Pope ignored the damaged vehicle.
You all shared a look of confusion and bewilderment.
“...Dude-” Sarah tried, watching as Pope tried to walk away, shoulder brushing against JB’s.
“I’m going to get my cross.” He stated.
“Hey,” John B piped up, gripping Pope's arm to stop him. “Just relax for a second.”
“Get off of me.” Pope said, snatching his arm away. 
“I am trying to help-”
“I am getting my cross.”
“You just crashed her car.” John B said as Pope managed to finally brush past him, walking aimlessly down the road as John B caught up. John B tried his best to restrain the boy once more, but Pope continued to brush him off, time and time again. “You’re gonna get hit by a car!” John B reprimanded, the sight of a huge semi-truck coming down the road going ignored by Pope, who was hell-bent on getting his family heirloom.
“Get off of me!” Pope yelled.
“Stop!” John B yelled back, Pope’s struggle suddenly ending when the truck passed, his dark-brown eyes stuck on whoever was in the vehicle. His eyes never left the vehicle and when it got far enough away from him and close enough to the rest of you, it only prompted the four of you standing behind to see what he was looking at...
Rafe and Renfield, Limbrey’s body guard, making direct eye contact with the six of you. Rafe was driving, a sick grin on his face as Renfield offered you all a salute. 
The six of you watched as the semi-truck continued down the road, standing by as it got smaller and smaller. But if they were driving back the way you all were coming, then…
“No…” You sighed, face and shoulders falling.
“...We gotta get back to the church!” Pope screamed, all of you looking at him. “Now!” He ordered one last time before he took off running down the road, the rest of you following.
YOU ALL WERE TOO LATE. And the cross was gone. Arriving at the church and seeing the cross no longer splayed out on the wooden floors was the biggest loss of the day. And no one said anything as you all piled into Kiara’s, freshly stolen, SUV — the only operable vehicle left amongst the group with The Twinkie being parked at Ricky’s which was too far at the moment and your car being completely totaled. 
If she got it back in time, he parents wouldn’t even notice it was gone.
“Oh, shit.” She cursed, slowing down as rapid flashing blue lights filled the car. “They found your truck.” She said, looking at you — you, JJ, JB, and Sarah squeezed into the backseat.
You all said nothing, watching as Shoupe approached the vehicle, flashlight in hand. 
“Good Evening, officer.” Kiara greeted, the driver’s side window already being rolled down.
“Sheriff.” Shoupe corrected.
“Sheriff. Yeah...”
“...Speed kills, huh?” John B spoke from the backseat, you nudging him in the ribs as he let out a soft ‘ouch’.
Shoupe just eyed each of you individually before speaking. “I pulled the tags.” He said, dragging out the sentence. “I know whose truck that is.” He said bluntly, eyes landing sharply on you and you cringed and offered a small wave.
“Sheriff…” Pope started from the passenger seat. “I just wanna say that this is all my fault. She had nothing to do with this. I take one-hundred percent responsibility.”
“Nothing to do with it, huh?” Shoupe pondered. “...The car’s in your possession kid. I have no choice but to take you home.”
Your face twisted at that. “...Uh, in case you forgot, I don’t really have one of those, so…”
“You do now.” He replied. “The Carrera’s,” He emphasized, eyes drifting towards Kiara whose attention was grabbed by the mention of her parents. “...Have ever-so generously opened their home to you. DCS went through your file and saw they were listed as your Godparents and they agreed to foster you. Right after they mentioned that their car was gone and the keys were missing. “
Well, that was quick. 
“I’m takin’ you home. The both of you.” He said firmly. “Or I can take you all in for leavin’ the scene of an accident.”
You and Kiara shared a look before silently agreeing with another and turning to Shoupe. “...Okay.” You both said simultaneously.
“Good.” The sheriff nodded. “Plumb?” He directed the female officer to remove you and Kie from the vehicle — the woman opening the driver’s side and back door. Kie exited the vehicle, looking down as she shut the door.
You spared your friends a glance before climbing over JJ’s lap to exit the car, one of the blonde’s hand finding a place on your waist, pausing your movements. Your eyes shot up to his and you held yourself up above him in the cramped space.
He didn’t say anything, just bored his sad, blue eyes into yours. You frowned pitifully and placed a soft hand on his cheek. “I’ll call you. Okay?” You said, tone hushed. He just sighed, eyes racing back and forth before caving in, nodding sadly. You nodded in a silent reply, leaving him with a soft kiss before climbing fully out of the vehicle, closing the door behind you.
“Come on,” Shoupe instructed you and Kie. “Let’s get y’all home.”
ARRIVING OUTSIDE OF THE CARRERA RESIDENCE FELT ODD. Or maybe it was being back on Figure Eight that felt the oddest. Or maybe it was the whole thing.
In the middle of the night, pulling up to Kiara’s home in the back of a squad car as Deputy Plumb parked the SUV in the drive way and Shoupe let you and Kie out of the backseat of his patrol car. You wondered if the rest of your friends made it back to The Twinkie by now — the absence of the SUV leaving them with no other choice but to walk back to JJ’s cousin’s house and get it.
You and Kiara watched in silence as the headlights on her parents vehicle went dead, Plumb exiting the vehicle and walking over to drop the keys into the girl’s palm and walk off, getting into the passenger seat of the squad car.
“Well,” Shoupe exasperated, hands on his utility belt as he moved to stand in front of the two of you. “Y’all gon’ inside, now. ‘S gettin’ late.” He said, nodding his head once. “Stay safe.” Were his parting words as he walked away, shoes scuffling against the concrete and he rounded the squad car, got into the driver’s seat and drove off, leaving you and a nervous Kie alone in her driveway.
The girl stared up at the house, shaking one leg and taking a deep breath. “Look, before we go inside…” She started, eyes on you. “My parents are probably gonna be super intense. I know it’s been a while since you’ve really seen them…so, I’m just warning you.”
You shrugged, glancing at the house before looking back at her. “Can’t be any worse than my previous living situation.”
Kie just scoffed lightheartedly. “Trust me.” She said, shaking her head. “You have no idea…”
Just then, a creaking sound in the distance grabbed both of your attention — heads whipping up to find Mr. and Mrs. Carrera standing in the doorway of the front door, both of their arms crossed over their chests as they stared down the daughter.
“It’s time for you two to come inside.” Her mother said bluntly, offering no other words. You and Kie spared each other one last glance before walking up the length of the driveway, up the small staircase to the front door before stopping in front of her parents.
“It’s nice to see you again, Y/N.” Mr. Carrera greeted from behind his wife to which you nodded awkwardly.
“It’s nice to see you, too.” You replied simply as the man stepped to the side, making room for you and Kie to enter the house. Kie went first, not even a foot into the door before her mother’s voice stopped her.
“Nuh-uh.” She said, holding a palm out but still not looking at Kiara herself. “The keys.” She prompted, curling her hand in on itself. Kiara complied quickly, dropping the ring of metal into her mother’s hand and proceeding to enter the house, you right behind her.
You can’t remember the last time you’d been inside. Even when you lived on Figure Eight, most of your time was spent at home or at Sarah’s. 
“Take a seat.” Her mother directed the both of you, the front door closing as she motioned for the couch in the living just feet away. You and Kiara did as you were told, walking over and taking a seat on the couch — her parents coming over and standing on the other side of the coffee table, right in front of the two of you. “There are two very important discussions to be had here.” Mrs.Carrera started, clapping her hands together. “Starting with you.” She said, pointing at her daughter.
“What you did tonight was…beyond unacceptable.” She began, hands moving wildly and blinking rapidly as she spoke. “Stealing the car?”
“I was bringing it back-” Kiara tried, voice small.
“It doesn’t matter, Kiara!” Her mother exclaimed, scoffing unbelievably and shaking her head. “Here you are, once again, making these stupid decisions against us, your parents, for some boys-”
“They're not some boys, they're my friends. Why can't you understand that-”
“Listen to your mother.” Her father cut in, fishing in his back pocket before pulling out what looked like pamphlet, letting it fall to the table.
Kiara’s eyes went between the paper and her father before picking it up — the words ‘KITTY HAWK’ etched into the front. “...What is this?” She asked, twirling the object in her hands.
“That’s your future, Kiara, if you don’t turn your shit around.” Her father said, pulling his lips into a thin line. 
“You’re joking, right?” She asked, voice wavering. “This is like one of those places where they kidnap kids in the middle of the night. Do you know how many kids die in these places? O-or kill themselves?-”
“No, it’s a program for troubled teens with behavioral problems.” Her mother inserted herself, hands on her hips.
“...So, now I’m a troubled teen?”
“What the hell would you call it?” Her dad asked, face twisting. “You disappear for days, Kiara, and then when you do come back to the house, it’s to steal my truck.”
“...I thought my friends were dead.” Kie spat, the room falling silent. “And you guys just wanted me to go back to school like nothing happened-”
“That’s not what we wanted.”
“-Like everything was fine, nothing about that is fine!”
“Nothing about any of this is fine.”
“I’ll do whatever you want!” Kiara pleaded. “Okay, I’ll pull double shifts or whatever. But I don’t want you guys to think I was wrong to help them. Because I wasn’t. I was doing what I thought was right. And I didn’t mean to do all of that to you guys…And I’m sorry.” She explained, tears gathering in her eyes. “I’m sorry for sneaking out and skipping school. It was stupid and I…I’m sorry for going to Charleston. I’m sorry for stealing your truck. I-”
“Baby…” Her mother stopped her rambling, rounding the coffee table to crouch in front of her daughter, taking her hands in her own. “I know. Okay, I know.” She reassured. “We love you so much.” She told the girl before shaking her head. “...But sorry is not gonna cut it anymore.”
Kie’s face fell at her words, eyes drifting towards her father who stood firm in his spot — arms crossed over his chest. “Let me tell you what’s gonna happen.” He started. “No more sneaking out of the house, no more treasure hunts, and no more Pogues. Or you’re going to Kitty Hawk.” He said with finality before his eyes landed on you. “And Y/N, I know you just got here so this may be a lot, but these rules go for you, as well.”
“Yes.” Mrs.Carrera nodded, standing from where she was comforting her daughter to rejoin her husband. “We’ve cleared out a room for you upstairs, you’ll have your own bathroom as well. You’re welcome to work with us at The Wreck but that is completely up to you. Shoupe told us about your car when he got to the scene and if you’re okay with it, we’ll pay for you to get it fixed. Anything you need, you can ask us, don’t be afraid. We only ask that you just respect us, our home, and our rules.”
You understood their rules and expectations but you wondered if that was the only rule that went for you…What if you continuously broke them under their care? Would Kitty Hawk be held over your head, too?
“I completely understand and I appreciate it so much.” You said, trying to offer a polite smile. “Thank you for taking me in and I’ll do my best to help out at The Wreck.” You assured them. “But... I do have my dog, Marley, if you remember her. She’s at John B’s house…along with the rest of my stuff.”
The Carrera’s shared a look, seeming to have a silent conversation before turning back to you and Kie. 
“We’ll take you.”
“FIFTEEN MINUTES. ANY LONGER AND WE’RE COMING TO GET YOU TWO.” Mr.Carrera said from the driver’s seat of his SUV. 
“We got it, Dad.” Kiara sighed, opening her door and getting out, you following shortly after.
The gravel crunched under your sneakers, the porch light being the only source of light in the dark of night. You didn’t wait to make your way up the small staircase and to the front door, it already being unlocked due to John B’s lack in one’s basic sense of security. 
Walking in, you were immediately graced with Marley’s presence — not having seen the animal in hours. You bent down, scratching the top of her head before looking back at Kie. “I don’t have much.” You said. “I shouldn’t be long.” You assured, standing up to your full height and walking into the guest room of The Chateau where you kept most of your belongings — that were mixed in with JJ’s.
“It’s fine.” Kie shrugged, the girl waiting in the living room with her hands in her back pockets. “Even if you do, they’ll just blame me like they do with everything…” You didn’t say anything, just continued gathering your things — throwing them into your heavy-duty backpack and zipping up the bag, throwing it over your shoulder as you walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, picking up Marley’s bowls, toys, and food. “...Can I ask you something?” Kiara said, voice small.
You sat your backpack on the kitchen table, eyeing the Carrera girl as she fiddled with her fingers. “You can ask me anything.” You laughed, a slight look of confusion on your face.
“Do you hate me?” She asked, eyes pinching together like the question brought her physical pain. “‘Cause, you know, I wouldn’t blame you if you did. After what I did…”
“Kie.” You started, pausing in your movements and letting your hands fall to your sides. “I know we haven’t been the best of friends lately, or, friends at all…But I could never hate you.”
She simply scoffed, running her fingers through her hair. “You say that now…”
“Because it’s true. We’ll always be friends, even if-”
“That.” She spat, laughing, but you could tell there was no real humor there. “That is my problem. And I don’t know how you can’t see it.” She said, shaking her head as her sad eyes met yours. “Can you not see how much…pain being your friend is causing me? And I know it’s not your fault, I know that-”
“What are you talking about?” You asked, mildly offended. “Being my friend is causing you pain?” You asked her, eyes wide in disbelief. “Kie, you kissed my boyfriend while you were with Pope. And you expect me to act like nothing happened? What about Pope? Have you even apologized to him?” You reprimanded.
 “I got kidnapped and drugged and all of sudden you have, what, some kind of epiphany about our friendship? Because up until then you were treating me like shit.”
“That’s not why I-”
“Then explain it to me-”
“I can’t!” She yelled, cheeks taking on a shade of red. “...Okay? I’m trying, I have been trying but I can’t. It’s like the words don’t match up or…or nothing checks out. None of it makes any sense.” She rambled, pulling her fingers as she paced on the spot. “It’s so much more complicated than you think and I feel like I should tell you but I could be ruining everything-”
“Just try.” You sighed, shoulders falling. “It’s just us here. We have a little over ten minutes before your parents come marching in. I won’t say a word.” You told her. “I promise, I’ll let you speak and I’ll listen. I just want to understand. I want to understand where our friendship went wrong.” You pleaded. “I miss you, Kie. But somewhere in this mess of what our lives have become, you and I fell apart and I can’t figure out why…”
“...I saw you.” She struggled out, failing to maintain eye contact as she spoke. “During John B’s memorial, I saw JJ kiss you.” She said. “And…I felt this, this pang of jealousy. And at first, I thought it was because things weren’t going great with Pope. But at some point, I realized it wasn’t that. So, I jumped to the next reasonable conclusion — that I liked JJ.” She sighed. “Seeing the way he looked at you, I thought maybe I wanted him to look at me like that. Y’know, maybe I had feelings for him and was just realizing it. That’s why I kissed him in Charleston.” She explained sadly, eyes finally meeting yours.
“It was a shitty thing, I know.” She scolded herself, hands waving wildly. “Kissing him to figure out my feelings while you two had something going on wasn’t cool, I know that. I hate myself for it. Because it was pointless.” She swallowed. “...I didn’t…feel anything. I kissed him and I felt nothing. And it didn’t hurt my feelings when he pushed me away and told me he didn’t see me that way. And I was so angry at myself but confused, too…” She said, almost like she was working out her thoughts as they left her lips. “Because if I didn’t like JJ, then why couldn’t I stomach the sight of you two together?” 
You listened as she spoke and you were glad you were finally getting her side, truly. But the direction this was going…
“...And then, seeing you in Barry’s trailer. That’s when everything fell into place.” She said, a stray tear rolling down her cheek. “Seeing you like that made my entire world stop. I wanted to be the one to scoop you up and hold you and tell you everything would be okay. And my heart shattered when I realized that I couldn’t, not in the way I wanted to.” She confessed, taking one weary step in your direction. “I know it’s a weird way to come to a conclusion like that, but…I think that’s when I realized I wasn’t in love with Pope or JJ.” She said, shaking her head. “...I’m in love with you. I don’t know when it happened or how or…why…” She confessed, voice wavering.
“And I’m sorry.” She cried, wiping her eyes. “For being such a bitch and ruining our friendship over something so stupid. Because I know that it’s too late and even if it wasn’t, even if you weren’t with JJ — you and me would never be anything. And the thought kills me every time.” You didn’t know what to say, standing completely still and listening to her talk. Although, you weren’t sure if you were listening. 
Your longest best friend was standing less than a foot in front of you, telling you how she was in love with you. 
“So, if you hate me, I understand, okay?” She cried harder, pressing her hands into her eyes.
“I don’t hate you.” You finally spoke, voice flat and small as you made no move to comfort her. You didn’t know how. Would a hug make it worse? Would the touch of your hands on her skin make things better or worse? “Kie, I-” You stuttered to find a response. “I don’t know what to say…or do. Do you want a hug or…?”
There was no right way to go about this, you realized. You’d caused each other so much pain over the last few weeks — knowingly or unknowingly, justified or unjustified, it was all the same.
The brown-haired girl just shook her head, wiping her eyes clean. When she made eye contact with you, her eyes were red and slightly puffy as she nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “No, please, don’t.” She requested, voice breaking. “It’s my fault.”
Your face fell at her words, taking a single step in the girl’s direction. “Don’t say that.” You said softly. “You did some shitty things, for sure.” You laughed lightheartedly. “But…you can’t control how you feel. You can’t dictate who you love…”
You words only made her face twist further in sadness. “...I never wanted to hurt you.” She sighed sadly, eyes filling with tears once again. You simply gave her a tight-lipped smile of pity, gently taking one of her hands in your own.
“Neither did I.” You assured, your own voice wavering when the loud honking of a horn came from outside — the both of you jumping at the loud noise.
“Guess our time’s up…” Kiara spoke, avoiding your eyes once more as she let her hand fall from yours as she turned towards the door. You nodded to yourself, taking a breath and grabbing your bag from the table and securing it before throwing it over your shoulder once more, whistling for Marley who met you swiftly at the command.
Kiara opened the door, the Golden Retriever bolting out of the house and to the SUV, wagging her tail as she waited for you to open the door. You walked out of the door silently as Kie held it open, letting it close behind herself as you both walked back to the car, shoes crunching once more as you swiftly turned to face your friend, stopping her in her tracks.
“I…” You stuttered. You didn’t know what you wanted to say or planned to say. But you felt like you should say something. But no words would come out. 
Kie just offered you a sad smile, patting your shoulder. “It’s okay.” She said to you. “I’m happy for you. Honestly, I am.” She spoke, voice low seeing as you standing right next to the vehicle with her parents inside. “You’ve been through so much and you deserve to be happy. You deserve to be with someone who makes you happy. And JJ is that person, not me. I can see it your eyes and his — you’re meant for each other. And one day, I’ll be fine with that.” She said, not waiting for you to speak as she went around the other side of the car, getting in.
You stood in silent contemplation for a few moments before snapping back to reality — opening your door for Marley to jump in as you threw your bag to the floor and jumped in, shutting the door as Mr.Carrera drove off, the radio playing lowly.
When did your life become such a mess?
IT WAS THE NEXT MORNING AND YOU WERE LISTENING TO MUSIC AS YOU STRAIGHTENED OUT YOUR BED SHEETS. You’ll admit, it was nice to have your own room again and have some normality as a teenage girl. 
You and Kie hadn’t said more than two words to each other since last night — those two words being ‘good morning’ as you awkwardly passed each other on the way out of your rooms and downstairs to join the Carreras for breakfast. 
The meal was awkward but mildly comforting. It was nice to feel part of a family again, even if deep down something was telling you this picture-perfect act wouldn’t last long. 
You heard Mr. and Mrs.Carrera loud and clear — break their rules and it’s Camp for Cuckoos. 
After breakfast, you’d freshened up and started to put your room together. Mrs.Carrera had generously gone and bought you a bed set, some new clothes, and even some small decorations to make the place feel less empty. She even went as far as to buy Marley, who was sunbathing in the middle of your floor, a new, much less worn and tattered, bed that was sitting in the corner of your newly furnished space.
Even if it was only temporary, you figured you could get used to this. It was still in the early hours of the morning as you played interior decorator — your music pausing on your bluetooth speaker as a call came through.
Picking up the device, a smile spread on your face from ear to ear as you answered. “Hi, Blondie.”
“Good mornin’ to you, princess.” JJ’s voice broke through the other end. “You sound wide awake. That’s a first.” He said, the sound of wind whipping by coming from his end.
“And you don’t sound like you’re home.” You pointed out skeptically.
“I’m never home.”
‘Y’know what I mean…” You pressed, sitting on your bed and rubbing your hand over the soft blanket. 
“I’m with Bree, right now and we, uh, may need a little assistance, if you will.” He told you, voice sounding nervous even through the device.
“...What’s wrong now?” You asked.
“Well, uh, Rafe’s got the cross and Pope latched onto the back of his truck and went God knows where and Rose has Sarah and she’s taking her to some loading dock.” JJ explained quickly, hearing both boys curse as John B took a sharp turn, you assumed. “So, the two of us can’t really do this by ourselves but John B here is determined.”
You bit your lip in contemplation — breaking the rules on day one?
...Seemed pretty on brand.
“I’ll be there soon.” You assured before hanging up the phone. You stood in thought for a few moments, opening the Find My app on your phone to see how far your two friends were, trying to mentally decipher whether you could get away with just sneaking out or if you’d have to sneak out and sneak your car keys which were sitting on the counter downstairs…where Kie’s parents were.
A quick request from your location to JJ’s told you that without your car, the estimated distance would jump from a forty-five minute drive to a three-hour walk. You sighed and peeked out of your window. To your surprise, the Carrera’s SUV was gone, leaving only your freshly fixed Ford in the drive way, looking cleaner than ever.
A small smile of relief spread on your face as you quickly exited your room, skipping down the steps and heading for the kitchen only to find Mike and Anna downstairs — Mr. Carrera testing new recipes to add to the menu down at The Wreck while Mrs. Carrera cleaned up the dishes he left behind.
Both of the adults turned to you at the sound of your feet skidding to a stop. 
“Good morning, again, Y/N.” Mrs. Anna smiled at you, dropping dishes into the sink. “Are we in your way? Did you need something?”
Your mouth gaped like a fish until you settled on a smile. “No, just…came down for a snack.” You lied, both of them sending you a polite smile in return as they returned to paying you no mind. Eyeing the arrangement of small chip bags conveniently placed next to the dish that held all the keys, you padded across the kitchen, noisily grabbing one of the bags to mask the jingling of the keys before shoving the metal in your pocket and heading upstairs.
Your face twisted as you ascended the staircase — if the Carrera’s were downstairs, where was their car?
Allowing your intuition to guide you, you skipped the door to your room to stand in front of Kie. A twist of the knob and a push of the door told you that the brown-haired girl who wasn’t occupying her room was responsible for the missing vehicle outside. You wondered where she went before remembering you had her location as well.
Closing her door softly, you pulled your phone out once more to see that she was driving in the middle of the woods. How long had she been gone and where was she going? Pinching your fingers to zoom out, you could see she was closer to Pope than any of you, that realization answering your question.
With the turn of events this morning was taking, you wouldn’t be in this nice house much longer before you and Kie were being shipped off to Kitty Hawk.
Entering your room, you closed the door gently and threw the bag of chips on your bed. Trotting over to the window, you lifted the glass and screen — the familiar North Carolina breeze hitting you as you did. You looked back at the bedroom door one last time, feeling bad for having to ruin something good. But these were your friends. Your family. Helping them wasn’t a question.
Tiptoeing onto the roof and closing the window, you quietly made your way down to the driveway — getting into the driver’s seat and quickly driving off.
“WHAT IS THAT?” You could hear John B’s hushed voice as you got closer to the sound you were emitting. “Dude! Turn that off! Why are you ringing?” He reprimanded his blonde friend as you approached the two of them from behind from where they were hiding behind a family of crates and boxes.
“It’s Y/N, I don’t know why she’s pinging me-”
“Hi.” you said quietly, standing in between your two best friends as they jumped at the sound of your voice. You tapped the button on your phone to stop JJ’s from making noise.
“Jesus!” JJ whisper-yelled, both boys sighing as they looked at you.
“You should find a better way to announce yourself when we’re on important missions.” John B told you, steading himself.
“Well, having your location doesn’t really help when your in a junky ass shipyard.” You sassed, shooting a grimace at the boy which he returned in full.
“We said the pinging was for emergencies only.” JJ told you, putting his phone on silent and shooting you a playful glare.
“It was!” You said, hushed. “I couldn’t find you and I had to hop the fence. What is this? A private dock?.”
“Guys,” John B grabbed your attention. “I think that’s their ship.” He said, pointing at the large boat the dock members were anchoring.
“Wait,” JJ started. “The Coastal Venture…” He thought to himself. “Dude, I know that ship. My dad did legs on her last summer, it’s a total tramp steamer. I worked on her in port…”
“There’s the cross.” You added, referring to the wooden crate being lifted with a pullet system — what look like Rafe with two unknown men standing and watching as they pulled it up.
“God, I hate that guy…” John B whispered as he eyed Rafe from afar. You couldn’t agree more. “There she is.” He piped up, eyes drifting to the side — Rose and Wheezie walking behind Sarah, who was being escorted roughly towards the ship. “Guys, we gotta come up with a plan.” John B urged to the two of you.
“I know.” JJ said. “We’re working on it.” He continued as your eyes scanned the ship, thinking of possibilities.
“Hey,” You cut in. “If we can get over that barge, we can go over. We’ll have to get in the water, though.” 
“Then we’re gonna be sitting ducks-”
“Howdy.” Kie’s voice startled the trio of you, her and Pope’s footsteps coming to a stop as they appeared behind you three.
“Whoa!” JJ exclaimed, whipping around before realizing it was just his two friends. “I was about to stab your eyes out…How’d you guys even find us?”
“Geo-located your phone.” She said simply. You made brief eye contact with the girl before you both looked away, the action not going unnoticed by your observant boyfriend but he seemed to settle on saying nothing.
“Yo, Pope. You okay?” John B asked, a hand on the boy’s shoulder as you all looked at him — covered in dried mud and dirt and specks of blood. “What happened?”
“Rafe, round three.” Pope whispered, voice raspy.
“Are you fucking kidding me? Again?” JJ said angrily.
“This was a tie.” Pope told the blonde, calming his boiling rage. “Is that the cross?” He asked, eyes on the wooden crate across the shipyard. He sounded so focused and determined.
“Yeah…” You answered, sighing. “And they’re holding Sarah hostage.”
“We gotta get on that boat.” Kie worried, hand on her forehead.
“First, we gotta get past the Goon Squad.” JJ pointed out a crowd of workers and guards that would surely kick you all out.
“We gotta move.” John B urged, the four of you walking forward before he looked back and saw that Pope was going the opposite direction. “Pope, what’re you doing?”
“I have an idea.” He held out a cautious palm. “Just trust me.”
“Trust me and go.” Pope called, walking away. “I’ll meet up with you guys.” He said before disappearing. But something was screaming at you to follow him, to not leave him alone. So, in the middle of your running, you quickly turned and headed the opposite way.
“Hey!” JJ called, eyeing you wildly. “Where are you goin’?” 
“To help Pope.” You told him, never faltering in your steps. “He’s not thinking straight and it doesn’t feel right to leave him alone. Just go, okay? We’ll meet up with you guys.” You urged him before turning away and following Pope’s trail.
You arrived to the boy just in time to find him unscrewing the tops to a family of propane tanks. “Pope.” You whispered, creeping up to him to avoid being seen. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Creating a distraction.” He told you bluntly, stepping away once at least three of the tanks were hissing — the gas being released as he stood back, pulling a gun from his pocket. 
“Jesus-!” Your eyes went wide, immediately stepping forward and grabbing the weapon from his hands. “I’m not going to ask questions about how or why…” You said, referring to the gun as you pushed him back with a firm hand on his chest. “But, Pope, you’re already caked in dirt and shit.” You pointed out. “...But, you are the brains of this shit so if you think causing an explosion will help us get on that boat, then fine. But you’re not getting whiplash after fighting.”
Turning away from the boy, you cocked the gun back — aiming it directly at the tanks.
“It’s fine, Pope.” You breathed, glancing back at him quickly. “We’re gonna get your cross.” You assured before refocusing your sights and pulling the trigger, barely having time to register your actions before you were blown back by the explosion, you and Pope landing on your backs as smoke filled your airways.
“Oh, shit…” You coughed, pushing yourself up as you heard a marching band of feet coming your way. “Pope, c’mon, we gotta go.” You urged, helping the boy up as you both ran from the scene and to your friends.
You both fell to a stop in front of the three of them, breathing heavily as you dropped the gun to the ground.
“What did you do?” JJ asked, worried, crouching down in front of you and brushing hair out of your face.
You just coughed before laughing and tapping the brim of his hat. “We were playing with guns.” You smiled, one last cough leaving your lungs as the blonde rolled his eyes and helped you up, fighting the smile growing on his face.
“You’re a dork.” He scoffed, placing a small kiss on your lips.
“Pope, what was that?” John B asked, helping up his friend. 
Pope just ignored his question, pointing to The Coastal Venture. “Look. That’s container’s going on the ship. We can get in that way.” He told the five of you — John B wasting no time in charging for where Pope had pointed, the rest of you following.
Pope leaped into the back of the shipping container without hesitation, JJ being the first to speak up. “Hold up,” He urged, looking up at the curly-haired boy in the container. “Did you think this through?”
Pope didn’t even seem to think before answering, tone blunt and short. “Yes. This is the plan.”
“That’s a trap right there. You see that right?” JJ asked, pointing to the other shipping boxes. “We can’t get out once we get in-” The blonde panicked, John B stepping forward and putting a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey,” He started, looking JJ in his eyes. “You guys don’t have to come, alright?” He offered, briefly glancing at you and Kie as well. 
“Right.” Pope agreed, nodding his head at the three of you. “This is our fight.” He told you all — referring to himself and John B.
You, Kiara, and JJ shared a weary glance before JJ tossed his hands out and tilted his head, eyes on yours. “P4L?”
You glanced nervously inside the dark, tight space, cringing — were you claustrophobic? Because that’s what it felt like. Looking back at JJ, a groan rose from your throat. “P4L…” You exhausted, turning and sticking your hand up for Pope to help you up into the container — followed shortly by JJ, then Kie, then John B.
“Guess it’s better than boarding school…” Kie pondered, pulling her lips into a thin line.
The five of you bolted to the back of the container, crouching hiding behind the contents of the space. You and your friends watched, holding your breath, as a man came by and swiftly inspected the container with a flashlight before seemingly deciding nothing was amiss.
“Okay, she’s good to go. Lock her up.” He patted his hand against the metal.
Your breath shuddered as the men sealed the space shut, leaving you all with dim light and humid oxygen. Metal clanked and engines revved as you felt the container begin to sway — you were being lifted onto the ship. It was such an odd feeling, so much so it made your stomach turn in the oddest of ways — JJ taking notice and intertwining your fingers with his.
You shot the blonde an appreciative smile before looking straight ahead to calm yourself. 
The five of you groaned as your heads and backs hit the walls of the container as it touched down, letting out breaths of relief.
There was no telling how this was going to play out or end, for that matter.
But hey, P4L, right?
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feedback is appreciated! thanks for reading.
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iloveavatar · 6 months
…this is awkward..
i’m actually not dead!! i literally lost all motivation to write ANYTHING. but! i hopefully am back now. so whatever you guys have requests for, i can hopefully pound some out while i have the energy to do so!!
i will write for:
avatar(1 and 2)
billy thunderman (saw the movie recently and diego was looking MIGHTY fine idc)
any disney movie tbh
pjo series
just let me know!! hopefully i can focus on you guys now so please don’t hate me for being gone for so long<3
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blkafro-dyte · 2 years
My OBX3 Rant
So, it’s been a few days since the season 3 trailer for Outer Banks came out, and I’m irritated and scared for the fate of this show. Netflix is notorious for having a great show turn to crap around the 3rd and 4th season. I fear that Outer Banks will become a hot mess.
Like don’t get me wrong, visually the trailer was really appealing, and some of the storylines were intriguing, but overall I’m concerned for a few reasons:
1. This show is so heterosexual. Like there aren’t even side characters that are apart of the LGBTQ+ community. Like be foreal, a friend group with all straight folks....hmmm just doesn’t seem that realistic. Like, the writers are telling me Cleo is, checks notes, straight? Like sister was all over Sarah in season 2, “Sarah, my girl,” ring any bells? 
Also, Kie, definitely doesn’t like men, because when John B kissed her, she immediately was thrown off. Then she gets with Pope, and after having sex with him, she literally said “that didn’t feel like it should’ve, like no fireworks, etc.” I just feel like that’s room for her to open up and explore her sexuality. The whole Kie and Sarah friendship, turned enemies back to friendship, would’ve been so cute if they had a fling their freshmen year, but Sarah didn’t want others to know about her and Kie, so that’s why they ended their friendship in the first place. I just think having Kie being passed around her friend group just pisses me off and the lack of her story line also pisses me off. 
Lastly, for this point, I am a JJPope stan, so I want JJ and Pope to be together, they just have so much more chemistry, but even if they don’t get together, I need Kie to be with a girl. This show is just so STRAIGHT, like BFFR. 
2. I’m mad they keep bringing folks back from the died, but not Sheriff Peterkin..like if anyone should be brought back it’s her, not Ward. I love that John B is gonna reunite with his dad, and that scene that was shown is gonna be heartbreaking, but I’m mad they one, showed it in the trailer, and two, made that a little predictable. Like I know we saw him at the very end of season 2′s finale, but I thought it was a flashback, I was very wrong. 
3. I want Cleo to have a good story line, not just the token Black girl, and I know the writers have Pope and Cleo lined up to get together, and I wouldn’t be upset at that, but I need it to be NATURAL, slow burn if you will. I don’t think Cleo likes boys, like she just doesn’t give me that, and it’d be nice to have her and Pope be a bestie duo. But on the flip side, I do love the black love representation, I just don’t know if the writers will even do that storyline justice. 
4. I need all of the Pogues to get rest. Like these folks haven’t showered nor rested for 2 seasons, and then this one looks like it’ll be nonstop. Like Sarah needs to rid herself of her family, and save Wheezie. Justice for Wheezie. Like that scene with Topper, I wanted to vomit. I know it’s most likely a flashback, but I don’t wanna see that. He’s a weirdo and folks keep wanting to give him a redemption arc. JJ needs rest, I wish he’d stayed with the Heywards. I hope we see his anxiety being addressed this season. John B needs a break too, like please let this man rest. 
5. Rafe and Ward need to DIE, or get thrown in prison and throw away the key. PERIOD, he doesn’t need a love story, nor a redemption arc. 
6. Why are they solving ANOTHER mystery? I know that’s the plot of the show at this point, but they haven’t even gotten the gold or the cross. Like moving onto another mystery...really? 
I know this rant may not seem like I’m excited for this season, I am, but I’m scared for the outcome. Also, this shows lack of representation is concerning. The fact that the directors are feeding into the fan service is also telling of what the show can end of being in the future. 
But that’s the end of my rant, I’ll just be reading OBX fanfics. 
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Word Count: 2.5K
Pairing(s): Rafe Cameron x fem! Reader.
Warnings: Drowning (not dead), rescued,CPR, kissing, cuddling, fighting, head injury , swearing etc.
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Here I was held captive by the one and only Ward Cameron on the Coastal Venture sailing out to sea away from the OBX. I was trapped in the boiler room where the temperature was rising by the second. He had handcuffed me to the pipe that my back was leaning against. It was a small, dark room and the only light that was seen was from the seam under the door. At this point I was starting to panic, I didn’t want to be here, I was all alone, I wanted Rafe to save me but how could he, he doesn’t even know where I am.
1 Month Before……
Rafe and I had been dating for over a year now and nothing had ever come between us because we wouldn’t let it, we loved each other and would doing anything for each other.
My parents, Rafe and I had been after ‘The Cross of Santo Domingo’ for the last 2 years, never stopped looking. We followed trails which lead us to the Island Room that happened to be at Tanney Hill. Rafe let us in and we started to tear the wallpaper away and uncover the map illustrated on the walls. “Y/N we are so close” my mother says as she smiles at me. As I go to speak, I’m interrupted “What the hell have you done to my house? You have no right to be in here” Ward says angrily as he looks at Rafe and you can see the rage behind his eyes. “Go wait in my office,” Rafe starts to speak but is hit with a slap to his face. Y/N runs to Rafe’s aid and is alsohit with the same response. Ward yells at Rafe to go now and he does, looking back to make sure you were okay. You nod your head at him. 
After that day I saw ward arguing with my father about his cut of the money. I knew that Ward had found out about us looking for the cross and that we were getting closer. Ward was always greedy and wanted more money and power. 
2 weeks on………..
(Y/N parents died in car crash)
After the funeral I received a letter in the mail addressed to the last living Y/L/N relative, I couldn’t open it as tears started to run down my face. Rafe and I had stopped looking for the cross since the accident. However Ward never stopped asking if my parents left any clues to where it could be. He wasn’t going to give up on the only thing that could make him the richest man on the land. As time past I started to be more motivated than ever to find this cross and that's when I opened the letter.
When my parents past away they left me a coded message and coordinates to a church called Freedman’s Assembly of God, where the The Cross was hidden in the architecture of the building. “OMG…….. I can’t believe they actually found it”. Y/n yelled. “I can’t believe we found it y/n” said Rafe. Y/n ran and jumped into Rafe’s arms and kissed him. 
We arranged for a truck to come and pick up The Cross and take it back to Tanney Hill. When we got back to Rafe’s house we had the cross stashed in the guest house and went to decode this message my parents left me. I read the message and automatically start to hyperventilate. “Y/n what's wrong? Talk to me, I’m right here baby” He says holding my hands in his. I look up at him “He’s going to kill me…….I’m going to die” I say while tears start to form in my eyes. Rafe looked so confused as to what I said. “What are you talking about y/n, who’s going to kill you?” Rafe tried to calm me down by rubbing circles on back. “Ward is going to kill me, I’m the only one who can open the cross!” I breathed out. “The letter says to open the cross they need the blood of a Y/L/N ancestor.” I say quietly so no-one but Rafe hears me. Rafe can’t believe what he hears as he stands up with his heads to his head and starts to pace back and forth. As I watch him, I bring my legs up to my chin and put my head in my hands and start to cry. 
Wards POV
Just getting home from work I see four men leave the guest house and wonder what they could possibly be doing on my property. As I watch them get into the truck and drive out, I go into the guest house and see ‘The Cross of Santo Domingo’ leaning against the wall. “OMG they found it……………..I must have it, my son wouldn’t know what to do with it, it's better in my hands than theirs”. I say to myself. I enter the house and go upstairs to make arrangements about stealing the cross when I overhear Rafe and Y/N talking. “I’m the only one who can open the cross, a blood sacrifice is needed.” I ran down stairs into my office and called a pick up truck to have the cross transported on to a freight ship. “I need to transport at 6 foot cross it the next 24 hrs and my family will be onboard but not apart for the manifest.” I say to the captain of the ship. 
The Night Before…………
As I sleep beside Rafe in bed all I can think about is Ward killing me to make himself richer. I toss and turn all night until I finally wake up and go down stairs to get a bottle of water. It's about 1:30am and I hear people outside talking. I walk to the window and that's when I see the cross being lifted into a wooden box and driving away. I go to run and tell Rafe, as I turn around I see Ward holding a damp cloth “I really wish you hadn’t seen that.” That's the last thing I remember until I woke up on the ship.
Rafe woke in the morning and saw a note on the pillow “Dear Rafe, I'm so sorry I had to leave this way. I could never fully trust that you weren’t going to kill me in my sleep and sell me out to Ward. I suppose I never really loved you enough to try and work this out. Please don’t look for me as I never want to see you again , Y/N.” Rafe’s heart melted and he got so angry that he punched a hole in the wall. Ward came through the door and said to Rafe that we were leaving in an 1hr and that he had to pack a bag. Rafe obliged and started to pack. 
Ward drove the family to the docks and told them to get on the ship. Sarah not wanting to leave was forced on to the ship, as Rose, Wheezie and rafe followed behind. “My family I have with us a The Cross and it ours to keep or sell if I wish” ward said proudly and smirked. “I’m glad Y/N isn’t here for this” Rafe thought to himself. What Rafe didn’t know was that I was on the ship. As I sit it the heated box handcuffed to the pipe I can feel my lungs starting to close from the lack of fresh air. I start hitting my handcuffs against the pipe to get attention from anyone. I hear someone walking past outside and I call out “help me, help me please!” The door opens and I see Sarah Cameron, she looks back at me and comes to help me escape. “What are you doing here? What happened to you? She says. “Ward kidnapped me, he’s going to kill me to open the cross” Her eyes open in shock at how here father would kill an innocent person just for another dollar in his pocket. “There's a lifeboat, I saw it when I got on, I can help you get off. Your like my sister y/n im not letting him kill you” she said as she helped me up and hugged me. 
As we make our way to the back of the boat we approached by the captain. He tries to stop us from leaving. He radios ward “I found your daughter and another girl with her, what do you want me to do?” “Don’t let them escape” ward yells. As he goes to respond Sarah hits the captain with a piece of wood. While he’s down Sarah and I run to the lifeboat and wench it down. I go to jump off when Sarah is struck to the back by the bunt end of a machete and fall to the ground. I go to help but then Im hit with a strong force to the side of my head almost knocking me overboard and then placed in a headlock. “I have the two girls, there not going anywhere” he says. Rafe overhears the radio “what is he talking about, what two girls” he yells stepping up to ward. 
Ward and Rose push past Rafe and storm out to the back deck to see y/n almost unconscious and Sarah knocked out. Rafe following rose see the scene before him. Rose runs to Sarah’s side at takes her back inside. “What the Fuck is this?” He says as he goes to help y/n. Ward grabs his son my the shirt and throws him up against the wall “You have been holding out on us, your family. You had the key to the cross this entire time sleeping right beside you and what you forgot to tell me, your father.” He speaks abruptly as Rafe looks into wards eyes “I have no idea what the fuck your talking about.” He yells, this captures your attention and you try to free yourself, not getting much luck. Ward turns around and looks at me. “Any last words Miss Y/L/N” he laughs. “You’ll never get what you want” I say before making enough space to undo the hold around me and go to hit the captain with his machete. As I swing my arm around he clocks his fist into my head I stumble back and he pushes me overboard, hitting the water face down. “nooooooooo, what have you done” ward screams running over to the side to see y/n lifeless body floating in the water. “Y/N” Rafe yells sprinting over to see her. Rafe jumps overboard and swims over to y/n and flips here over. rafe lightly hits my face to get me to wake up. “Y/n wake up baby, wake up. Don’t die on me, I need you to wake up please wake up. I love you y/n.” My eyes slowly open and I feel rafe’s arms holding me up from the water. “Rafe” I say nearly above a whisper. “You saved me” “I love you y/n” “I love you too Rafe.” Ward shouts from the deck “you have made a huge mistake boy, your done, your not getting a single dollar, your cut off. You’ll have nothing to come back to if you ever survive out here.” Rafe shouts back “I have all I need right here and you better hope I never see you again, because if I do, your a dead man.”
And with that ward walks away leaving us to drown in the water while the ship gets further and further away. “What now” I say. Rafe has been trending water while desperately trying to keep me above him for at least an hour now and I can see him getting tired. He looks at me and signals his head to an island he can see in the distance. We finally make it to shore and I feel the tiny grains of sand between my fingers. I turn around and lay flat on the shoreline. 
The sun starts to set in the west, and rafe carries me bridal style and places me next to the fire that he built from scratch. He comes and sits behind me handing me the shirt off his back to keep me warm. I feel like I’m in a freezer, my body is shaking from the hit I took back on the boat. I can see my vision starting to blur, as my eyes start to close I hear rafe speak up “I’m sorry what happened to you baby, when I saw your letter I was so hurt and angry that you had just left without a goodbye. But when I saw you there held against your will, I knew my father had brought you here to kill you.” I turned my head to the side and looked into his eyes. My fingers intertwined with his. “When I was in the boiler room I never thought id see you again and tell you how much I love you…………….I love you Rafe as much as my heart can take. “I love you Y/N and no-one will ever take you away from me again.” Rafe said as he leaned down and his lips melted into mine. i kissed him back sliding my tongue through his teeth and deepening the kiss. His hand was on my face, and the other was on the back of my head. He slowly withdraw his face and held me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his biceps and leaned my head on his bare chest as we both watch the fire burn. Rafe rubs soft circles into back to comfort me and I can feel my heart starting to slow. I feel my body slowly shutting down and my eyes getting heavy and my blinking starts getting longer and longer, until my eyes finally close.  
(Play while reading last paragraph)
The fire begins to subside and Rafe lifts me off to put more wood on the fire. He returns back to me to find me as cold as ice, he tries to wake me up, although I do not. “Y/N, baby are you okay, your freezing?. Y/n, baby, hey wake up.” He cry out. He turned my body onto my back and leaned over me to feel my pulse. He felt nothing. He tilted my head back and opened my mouth, he placed his hands over my heart and started to push to revive me. “Please don’t leave me y/n, I need you, I can’t live without you” he said as he gave me CPR giving me two breaths of air and repeating this five times. On the final breath, I gasped for air and saw tears dropping from his chin as he had his forehead against mine. “What happened” I say bringing my hand to the back of his neck. Rafe lifts his head at looks at me “You were unconscious for over three minutes and I…………….I saved your life baby!” He said as he lifts me up and he hugs me into his chest. “Never do that to me again, I can’t lose you y/n you're all I have” he say as looks into my eyes. “Your all I have too” I say hugging him back and placing my head in the crook of his neck. “Seems like I owe you one Cameron” I laugh. “Just don’t die on me and we can call it even” he smirks and kiss me on the forehead as we watch the sunrise together. 
Hope you loved this as much as I did Like & Comment below
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narcobarbies · 9 months
Post your favorite and most popular post from each month this year (it’s okay to skip months).
Tagged by @maxxxines <3 thank you so much for taggging me!!
MOST POPULAR: india love via instagram stories (2,547 notes)
FAVORITE(S): victoria monét via instagram stories , ryan destiny as alex crane on star on fox 2.02 , beyoncé as lilly on the fighting temptations
MOST POPULAR: victoria monét via instagram (1,716 notes)
FAVORITE(S): ryan destiny via instagram , carlacia grant via instagram , joyce wrice's bittersweet goodbyes MV , keesha ward from general hospital , joyful joyful from sister act 2
MOST POPULAR: victoria monét via instagram (2,901 notes)
FAVORITE(S): nikolas cassadine calling out everyone in port charles from GH , carlacia grant via instagram , tessa thompson for armani beauty
MOST POPULAR: sydney sweeney via glencocoforhair's IG (1,152 notes)
FAVORITE(S): victoria monét via tiktok , sydney sweeney via glencocoforhair's IG , sofia wylie via tiktok
MOST POPULAR: taylor russell by kali kennedy (2,789 notes)
FAVORITE(S): victoria monét party girls MV , saweetie via instagram stories , tems met gala after party , carlacia grant via instagram
MOST POPULAR: victoria monét and janelle monáe at the age pleasure LA listening party (06/10/2023) (2,283 notes)
FAVORITE(S): saweetie via instagram (06/26/2023) , saweetie via instagram , ryan destiny via instagram , victoria monét via instagram , carlacia grant as cleo for obx s4 promo , kiana ledé via instagram , sofia wylie via tiktok
MOST POPULAR: Earth, Wind & Fire sit down with Victoria Monét (1,682 notes)
FAVORITE(S): flo milli in want em hood MV , saweetie birthday mv , india love in flyest in the city mv , sydney sweeney via glencocoforhair's IG , carlacia grant during the ACQUA DI GIO and Gen A event by Giorgio Armani. (07/15/2023)
MOST POPULAR: victoria monét via instagram (1,651 notes)
FAVORITE(S): foxy brown in i'll be mv , mya whine mv , kiana ledé via instagram , saweetie shot o clock mv , saweetie via instagram
MOST POPULAR: victoria monét via instagram for spotify’s RNBx (779 notes)
FAVORITE(S): FAITH EVANS | CAN’T BELIEVE FEAT. CARL THOMAS (2001) , NELLY FURTADO – 2023 MTV Video Music Awards , sofia wylie via tiktok , saweetie via basedkenken’s instagram , ryan destiny via instagram , victoria monét via instagram
MOST POPULAR: victoria monét photographed by byjamiebruce (615 notes)
FAVORITE(S): kiana ledé via instagram , saweetie via instagram , savannah smith via tiktok , alina baraz in breathless mv , faith evans in never gonna let you go mv , saweetie via instagram , danna paola via instagram
MOST POPULAR: sydney sweeney for armani beauty (1,150 notes)
FAVORITE(S): VICTORIA MONÉT photographed by chanellington , cassie photographed by jorden keith , india love for true religion , sydney sweeney via glencocoforhair's IG , ryan destiny for off white
MOST POPULAR: tems via instagram (2,333 notes)
FAVORITE(S): tabyana ali as trina robinson on GH , sydney sweeney 'anyone but you' NY premiere , victoria monét via instagram , chloe bailey via instagram , jhené aiko via instagram
tagging: @miss-lauryn-hill , @oneofdem , @itszonez , @blackerthings , @ivanpellicer , @agorahills , @saw-x , @keatinglayla , @zendadya , @possession
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chrisfavslut · 1 month
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you can call me ardy! (ARDY IS A FAKE NAME)
i dont write often so dont expect a story from me
i use any pronouns!
favorite things:
color: purple + blue + green
fandom: sturniolo triplets, x-men, spiderman, obx, deadpool, ahs, criminal minds
show: bojack horseman, ahs, criminal minds, disenchantment, once upon a time
cartoon: spongebob!
movie(s): x-men: days of future past, spiderman(2002), spiderman: across the spiderverse, x-men(2000), x2, spiderman: into the spiderverse, the dark knight, deadpool, deadpool 2, deadpool and wolverine, joker, suicide squad, death note
(theres way more but i dont wanna add them LMAO)
anime: death note, kakegururi
animal: cat, meerkat, shark
your going to hate on anybody or myself!
my account is 18+ so if you are a minor please be aware! i do not want anybody feeling uncomfortable on my account💗
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jokerislandgirl32 · 11 months
since it's already october, do you and Zach have any plans for halloween? are you two gonna dress up?
i hope you both have a lot of fun things planned together!! me and snail would be happy to send some candy to the both of you :3
-kittnsnow / snailchans-imaginarium
Hi, thank you so much @kittnsnow for this ask, I am sorry it took me a while to get to! But I love it, and it came at the perfect time because I’ve had a draft about this topic I’ve been working on, and now I can post my thoughts here! So thank you!!!
I have a few Halloween ideas for us/Zach and Violet (I usually refer to Violet in 3rd person, so I’ll do that throughout this post), but the one I’m most obsessed with right now is Zach and Violet’s first Halloween with their daughter Varina!
I’m putting the rest below a cut because I got carried away, not surprising, right, lol. Please note these is a gun image shown in one of the reference pictures I included, proceed with caution!
I’m a history major with a deep interest in the Lost Colony, aka, the first English colony that was established in North America but whose members disappeared without a trace.
I of course incorporated this obsession into my s/i. Violet is from Manteo, the location of the Roanoke Colony, and Violet, her mother Virginia, and Zach and Violet’s daughter Varina all share the name Virginia (middle name for Violet and Varina) after the first English child born at this colony, Virginia Dare.
So, I imagine that for their first Halloween together as a family, Violet would rope Zach and Varina into dressing up like the Dare family. Violet will be dressed as Eleanor Dare, Zach will be dressed as Ananias Dare, and Varina will be Virginia Dare.
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Varina would only be 5 months old at this time, so she would not have much complaint with the costume, but Zach would be complaining about how itchy, heavy, and uncomfortable it is. But, after he realizes that his grumblings are upsetting Violet, he will stop complaining and they will enjoy their time together.
Since Varina is so young they won’t really be able to take her trick or treating, so instead I like to think of them going to visit Violet’s family members, enjoying a ghost tour or historical candlelight tour of Manteo together, and taking a moonlit walk along the Manteo boardwalk, maybe pausing to kiss in front of the Roanoke Marshes Lighthouse where they shared their first kiss six years earlier 🥰!
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And they will end their night by eating their own stash of candy once Varina is asleep. Zach would be eating dark chocolate and Violet would be eating KitKats, (which were supplied by you and snail of course, thank you, let us know if we can repay the favor) lol.
I included links to the tour previews, they are so silly sounding, but I love them so much. Zach would probably hate them, but he’d be mesmerized watching Violet enjoy the tours.
Image 1: Outfit Refs | Image 2: Roanoke Marshes Lighthouse
I may make another post with an additional Halloween idea I have for them, and I’m working on a Ziolet/Wild Kratts oneshot for Halloween, so stay tuned!
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