#oc Marley
violetsandclovers · 2 years
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Saturn and Marley
Saturn lay on his stomach on his queen sized bed, facing the pillows and his tiny boyfriend. Marley stood there, quietly looking into the giant man’s eyes. He searched the giant blues, a sense of wonder in those tiny pupils. Saturn was huge. Or was Marley just too small? It was an interesting thought. For Marley’s entire life, he was kept from the giant species, his mother in particular had a problem with giants and didn’t think her human son should have relationships with giants. Whatever would she say if she knew what he was doing? When he was applying for college, he somehow got into the most prestigious school in the country. He was 19 years old, extremely excited, and so ready to go out into the world! The only issue: the school was multi species. That meant that he would have to study around giants as well as humans. Which meant that his mother would definitely not approve of his school choice. Alas, after a lot of begging and pleading, he was sent off on his own to find his way through the world once his mom realized that he would go regardless of what she felt. This school was an opportunity of a life time, and what harm could being around giants cause? He told her he would be good and stick to other humans in his program. That was until he met Saturn. Tall, buff, and extremely handsome, he was a breath of fresh air that made him feel so rebellious. So what if his mom would never approve of such a friendship? Let alone… a relationship… I mean, come on. He was a guy, and he was a giant, and his mother didn’t approve of either of those scenarios. It’s not like he felt that she would abandon him or anything, but she had made it clear that he was to marry a human woman and give her all the grandchildren one day to carry on the family line, to make her and the rest of the family proud. While Marley was thinking these thoughts, Saturn gave him a soft smirk.
“Are you feeling ok? I know your nervous, is there anything I can do to make you feel more at ease darling?” Saturn asked, tilting his massive head in question. Marvin was feeling conflicted to say the least. Him and Saturn were dating, yes, but it was the first time that he felt somewhat uncomfortable and worried about how things were. The first meeting, the handholding, the smiles they shared… nothing was as intense as this, sitting alone on a bed while talking late into the night. It felt so good to let out his feelings for Saturn and it was like nothing he had ever felt before. At the exact same time, he had never been alone and intimate with a giant. It wasn’t his first time seeing a giant when he left his city, no, but he had never even thought about becoming close with a giant. Why would he? He had human friends, human only cities, he did not expect to fall so hard for a giant man. His heart wanted Saturn with such longing. Marvin cleared his throat, feeling awkward and like he was giving off the wrong vibe.
“I’m sorry if I seem that way. I don’t think it’s you, it’s just that, I had never been around giants before you. And it’s like a whole new experience, trying to be ok with feeling so vulnerable, not that it’s a bad thing… oh gosh, I’m rambling! What I mean to say Saturn…” Marvin fumbled with his words. Saturn was always so patient with him. In the 4 months they had known each other, he had felt more seen and heard than any other time in his life. Saturn was so full of wild energy that made him feel so alive.
Saturn thought for a moment, before speaking.
“I can understand where you’re coming from. When I was growing up, I had few experiences with humans. This is something I’m learning too.”
On the walk to Saturn’s dorm room, He was ok with being carried and having dinner with the giant. After they had eaten, Saturn asked Marley if they could cuddle, which was a first for the both of them. He had nervously said yes, which led them to their current situation on Saturn’s bed. He wasn’t going to mess this up for either of them! Marley wanted this. Even if his body was scared of feeling so small, his mind knew that there was nothing to fear around Saturn. He wasn’t stupid, giants were extremely powerful beings and Saturn could kill him in an instant, yet he knew that he could trust the humongous man that had shown him such care. When he talked to Saturn, the large eyes never left his own, and he never ever touched him without his permission. He was so grateful that they had taken things slow, because it was kinda scary being small. After a moment or two, Saturn asked,
“Can I… touch you? I promise to be gentle, I would never hurt you Marley. I promise.”
Saturn spoke with such sincereness. From the heart. It dripped with honesty, a voice like honey, so sweet and deep. He nodded. It felt right to say yes to Saturn. After a short consideration, Saturn lifted his left hand and ever so slowly reached out to Marley, staring into his eyes to make sure he was ok with this. Marley stared at his massive hand coming towards him. This part was normal and he was used to being carried by Saturn by now. It was when his hand wrapped around his shoulders, around his face, when he suddenly felt overwhelmed with emotion. All his life, his mother had been so wrong. Giants were amazing. Saturn was amazing. The long heavy fingers gave him a slight squeeze, pressing against his body with a warm pressure. The skin was so comfortable against his, never hurting, only making him feel safe. Against his will, a tear dropped down Marley’s face. He grabbed onto Saturn’s finger and leaned into it. He thought that Saturn would question why he was crying, but he simply brushed the tear away with his thumb, making Marley feel incredibly understood.
“My adorable little Marley. I will protect you.” He said, leaning down and placing a kiss on Marley’s cheek. His face blushed bright red and Saturn chuckled at his tiny boyfriend. Marley may have been physically tiny compared to Saturn, but he was the first person to show him such love and respect.
Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think, I’m nervous to post my art and writing, but love g/t and I want to share 😊
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sparkdoesart · 4 months
Hiii spark if I were to draw something for you which character wojld you like it to be. NOOO REASON AT ALL AHAHAH nothing suspiciosu going on here . Smiles
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Alright...... i suppose hypothetically if you were to make art for me... which youre totallyyyy not gonna do...
Heres my main 5 ocs + extras
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Can be anthro
Cat creature
Very anxious/always worried
HUGEE tail. Size of her body or bigger
That is a shackle on her leg that she cant really get off. She hasnt tried
Dont think of the black parts as fur patterns as much as some sort of growth (thats why the overlap at the white parts is so spiky)
The orange yellow lineart is a strange glow in the story but ive done those since before i wrote the story
Gay for marley
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Can be anthro
Almost always wearing her collar
Pretty confident
Very caring
Will kick ass
Gay for spark
Exes/besties with rusty
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Can be anthro
Axolotl serval capybara hybrid
Tail is actually pretty flat
Always wears the bow
Calm and relaxed
Suspicious of Puzzle
Very friendly
Somewhat quiet
Paws dont have fur
Paw pads are just black
Tongue is red, since i forgot to add that
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Can be anthro
Eyes always have tear-like melting effect
Ears, eyes, nose, tongue, paw pads, claws, and blood change with emotions
Controls what emotions are shown with mask on
Always wears their bandana around their neck
Easily startled
Very smart
Worries a lot
Presents as carefree
Likes to help others
Very good friends with puzzle
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Can be anthro
Two forms - demon and angel
Demon form (black) is in control 95% of the time
Tail is an entirely separate entity
Colors can be toned down if they hurt your eyes, would prefer them very vibrant
Very mischievous and generally somehwat evil
Always has either an angry, serious or (most often) mischievous face. Often smiling with almost angry eyes
Seems to actually somewhat like ash
Dislikes rusty more than the others
Eyes always half closed
Tail can talk, rarely does in front of others
Tail is always excited and/or happy
Tail never stops smiling
Puzzle and Tail can sleep
And then theres Ghost ofc
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Not many notes to add really
Feather is preferred
Andddd Me!
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Shapeshifter that can be literally anything. I mean anything. Objects, plants, animals, humans, other people, characters from whatever, anything. I could mimic you almost exactly, even.
Base form is the one pictured above tho.
Can wear any outfit that doesnt have sleeves too hight above the wrist or pants too high above the ankles. They are uncomfy and icky to me. Can also wear gloves and whatever shoes. Prefer boots. Very rarely wears stereotypically feminine clothes (dresses n whatnot)
Very sharp teeths and tongue usually
All of these guys represent me in some way! I love them all<333 you could use any of em for something id go "hey thas me!!!! :DDD"
Any questions just ask me in messages or my inboxxx
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appleberry-art · 1 year
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me when job interview tomorrow
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dead-fox-art · 2 months
The video of Marley! (If Tumblr will allow it)
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londoneh · 7 months
Drag Eddie!!
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(featuring my welcome home oc, Marley!)
Playing dress up!!
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coolprettyleo · 3 months
truth, dare, spin bottle - jack hughes
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wc: 2.1k
tw: parties, slight angst, falling, drinking alc, cringe games, hs friends
jack hughes x oc
so highschool au
jack watched as marley sat at the corner of the rink fiddling with her camera. it had been two weeks since she started working with the usantdp boys and he was making no progress in the plan of how to get the girl.
he had only managed to awkwardly flirt with her while she stared at him clueless. he was pretty sure she didn't even realize he was flirting.
"you like taking pictures?" he asked the girl as she nodded.
"yeah, it's pretty cool" she mumbled
"you going to the party on friday?" he asked, trying to desperately hold a conversation with the girl.
the thing about marley, though, is that she's never been romantically involved with anyone, ever. so anytime a guy tried to flirt with the girl she would shut down.
"i don't like parties," she said
"have you ever even been to a party?" he asked teasingly as she blushed embarrassed
"i never have time. plus i have a football game that day-"
"it's going to be after, obviously,"
"sorry i rather sleep, to be honest," she said a bit dryly coming across as a bit bitchy but that only made jack want to pursue the girl ten times more,
"well think about it, i'll be there" he said with a charming smile before walking away.
leaving the girl to sit with her own thoughts. she had never been interested in attending any party that consisted of drunk teenagers, but something was screaming at her to go, and she wondered if it had anything to do with the blue-eyed hockey player.
marley and her friends sat around the lunch table on friday as brady talked about driving arrangements. usually, the girl would sit quietly and eat her lunch at times like these; her friends knew the girl wouldn't go, but she had considered going.
"where is it at?" she asked curiosuly as her whole table shut up.
"by lowes. why? do you want to go?" oliver said excitedly.
"oh my gosh. it's happening," as her best friends squealed.
"i have a shirt that will make your boobs look awesome"
"i'll bring you some seltzers"
"please let me curl your hair"
"you can come in our car"
her friends let out excitdly. they had been begging the girl to go to a party since they started, and she always shut down any ideas, so when planning to go out, they knew not to ask the girl. so today was a big day for the friend group. their baby was finally growing up in their eyes.
"GUYS!" she raised her voice at her overly excited friends
"i was just wondering," she said as she put a fry in her mouth as they all eyed her suspiciously.
"you never just wonder," oliver pressed.
"one of the hockey guys told me to go-" she said before being cut off by squeals and the guys letting out 'no ways' and snickers. all surprised in their goody tissues friend.
"that makes a lot more sense now," her friend jackie said.
"which one" mary nosily asked looking behind them at the table where the hockey players sat.
"don't make it obvious," she groaned at her friends, who all turned.
"we just need to make sure he's good for you marls" brady told the girl as they let out snickers.
"if I tell you guys, you can't say anything or even look their way," she said as they all put up pinkies.
"I think his name is jack," she said as the girls squealed and the guy's eyes went wide.
"dude your set for life if you get with him"
"he's cute!!"
"he's projected to go number one"
"you have to go tonight"
her friends all flooded her with thoughts she hadn't even thought about. he wasn't inviting her to get with her, right?
"It's not like that. he was just being nice." she calmed her friends down as they all looked at her like she had three heads.
"oh sweet innocent marls, you have so much to learn" marnie said wrapping her arms around marley as the friend group snickered and nodded at the girl.
marley walked out of the football game with no intentions of going to that party.
"marley!" she heard and turned to see brady jogging up to her with oliver and garrett in tow.
"we're meeting the girls at jackies to pregame, you're coming with us," garret said
"hell no. my leg hurts so bad, I landed from my toe touch awkwardly," she complained as they rolled their eyes.
"i don't care. you're going tonight." oliver smirked as he gave the guys the go. garret reached for her cheer bag before oliver threw the girl over his shoulder. brady with keys in hand.
"guys don't be annoying" she squealed
"if you don't have fun tonight, we'll never make you go to a party again," brady said as she groaned.
"at least make sure my ass isnt out" she said feeling inscure knowing there was people most likely watching them.
she felt oliver flip her skirt down and hold it as they walked to the car, not knowing the certain boys that were watching.
"are they a thing?" cole asked as jack watched like a kicked puppy
"i didn't think so," he said as trevor patted his back
"that would explain why she wasn't really flirting back with you," he said as jack slightly glared.
"let's just go," he said before driving away.
marley walked into the party a bit tipsy. she was already two drinks in with a seltzer in hand as she looked around. it was a shock for the girl to see people she thought she knew making out, hitting vapes, and feeling up on each other at every corner.
she followed her friends deeper into the party as her eyes roamed the party, hoping to find the hockey player who had told her to go. she soon found him surrounded by his friends with a beer in hand, looking as handsome as ever.
instead of going up to him and making her presence known like she thought she would, she hid behind oliver.
"what are you doing?" he laughed at the girl as he followed her line of sight; he truly did see her as a younger sister, and the fact she was so nervous about a boy was so funny to him.
"I'm feeling insecure about being here," she told the boy as he frowned.
"you shouldn't, you're one of the hottest girls in school it's no surprise he has a thing for you," he said as she looked at him odd
"how do you know he has a thing for me?" she pressed as oliver threw his head back and laughed.
"I'm a guy, marls," he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. she rolled her eyes and took another sip as she went to dance with the girls.
meanwhile, jack was watching the two with a glare,
"do you want me to ask garret if there a thing?" alex asked as he followed his gaze to marley. he was friends with the lacrosse player and he knew he would tell him if he asked.
"i don't think they are" cole said before jack could even respond.
"it's fine guys-"
he was cut off when the guy in question came to dab alex up, going around the group to be polite.
"hey, question, which of the girls in your group is single," he said as he looked at the dancing girls.
"aside from marnie, all of them. except I know jackies seeing one of the football players"
"oh," alex said as jack allowed himself to relax again
"why do you ask?" he said
"thought they were cute," alex tried to to play it off. jack could have sworn he saw garret look at him.
"we're getting bored; we were planning to play spin the bottle upstairs in a bit; you should bring the girls," alex said nonchalantly.
"I'll let them know," garret said before walking off.
the upstairs bedroom reeked with beer as marley stood in the corner. when garret asked if they'd be down to play games with the hockey players, her friends were quick to jump at the opportunity.
"whoever the bottle lands on, you have to choose between truth or dare," trevor said, putting the bottle in the middle and spinning it, for it to land on mary.
"truth," she said
"who was your first kiss" trevor smirked.
"austin logan" she said. marley blushed because if she got that question, she would have to voice the fact she's never kissed anyone.
mary spinned the bottle for it to land on the one and only, jack hughes. the girl looked at marley and smirked. as jack mumbled 'truth'.
"whose the hottest girl in this room," she asked the boy who only smirked while looking at marley
"marley love" he said without skipping a beat holding eye contact with the girl as the boys clapped him on the back and let out 'whoops'. the girl blushed crimson red not knowing how to react.
"i'm gonna go refill my drink," she mumbled to her friends before basically speeding out of the room.
leaving everyone to stare at each other. jack felt horrible after seeing the embarrassed look on her face, so when marnie stood up to chase after her, he told her he had it and went after the girl.
"marley!" he said over the music as the girl turned around.
"oh hi jack" she said a bit chirpy
"I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. I do really think you're the hottest girl," he explained as she kept a straight face
"thanks, you are too- well not the hottest girl; but like your cute too not that you arent hot, because you are. but I'm not calling you a girl or anything" she finished with a gulp as he smiled down at the girl. she was tipsy and he could clearly see that.
"yeah?" he said hoping she'd keep rambling. he loved her voice and could listen to it for hours.
"mmhm," she said, looking at his lips, an act that didn't get noticed by jack.
"you wanna go back? or we could go somewhere quieter-" he said hoping this was his moment to make progress.
"actually, if you're not drinking, you think you could take me home?" she asked, feeling like going home.
"completely sober, yeah," he said, flashing the girl his keys as she smiled and went to bid her friends goodbye.
the two entered jack's car with an uncomfortable silence.
"so how was your first party," he asked the girl as he drove.
"everything I thought it would be, to be honest," she said as he smiled.
"i'm glad you had fun-"
"oh my gosh! can we stop for tacos!" she said as he drove by a whole bunch of taco trucks.
"you have a curfew?" he asked a bit skeptically, knowing the girl wouldn't normally be out this late.
"no, my grandmas asleep. I should be fine," she said as jack pulled over and wondered why she lived with her grandma. he just wanted to know her.
"don't open the door," he said as he saw her reach for the door
"what?" she giggled at the boy as he ran around the car and opened the door for her.
"I'm being a gentleman," he said smugly.
"someone has a crush," she sang as he rolled his eyes.
"as if i haven't made that obvious" he sassily told the girl as she laughed
"well, i never knew! you're not as good a flirter as you think you are" she told him as he gasped
"I mean, you're here," he quipped back as she let out another laugh. Jack felt a rush of adrenaline, knowing he had caused that.
"I- you have a point," she said, accepting her defeat.
the girl ordered, and as she reached to pull out her card, jack was already handing the cashier his card.
"it's on me" he said as he smiled.
"i feel bad, i made you drive me and now you're buying me food-"
"you can repay me with a date," he told the girl as her eyebrows raised.
"you're serious," she said, looking for any form of jokiness, and all she saw was a hopeful look.
"why you barely even know me"
"I want to know you," he said, and the girl could squeal. He knew all the perfect things to say, and she was finally getting why all these girls would jump headfirst into a guy.
she smiled at the boy before outstretching her hand,
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cecils-dragons · 7 days
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A Marley tonight to match yesterday’s Meadow! Like Meadow, I gave him a little dog charm to represent the missing one :) (also I messed up his tattoo, whoops)
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constellationcradle · 16 days
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Sundrop's first meeting with Marley was about as interesting as you think it went. This is from when he was working as a technician and not daycare supervisor, heheh.
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kidwbeanie · 7 days
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Princess Peach original palette!
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bluesnailsstuff · 4 months
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they're having bug talk :D Marley Mellow belongs to @londoneh! I really hope it's okay I drew her! I think they would get along well. I had to improvise some small parts so I'm sorry if I got something wrong in the design!!
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violetsandclovers · 2 years
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Saturn the giant, and Marley the human. Thank you all for the support on my drawings, I appreciate it so much!
Marley is a sweet but shy 19 year old human, and Saturn 🪐 is a 20 year old tough guy giant who tries to pretend that he doesn’t care about what others think. He was bullied as a child for being a ‘nerd’ and he now wears contacts, and tries to keep his interests to himself. His trauma keeps him from being nice or trusting towards others. When he meets Marley, his attitude slowly begins to change, and he opens up to this sweet human boy who is kind to everyone he meets. Marley considers himself to be goth and enjoys wearing black clothing and listening to gothic rock. He loves to show Saturn his music, as he plays the piano and wants to be a music teacher one day. Saturn is happy to listen to Marley 💕
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sparkdoesart · 9 months
What are your oc's favourite snacks? (and yours, if you'd want to say that as well!)
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I couldn't possibly do all of my ocs as theres too many, but i will do the main 5!
For Spark, it'd probably be the various fish native to the area around the island she grew up on. Her girlfriend used to catch them for her. Marley's would be a successfully made batch of cookies with her mother's recipe! She loves her parents a lot. For Rusty, I chose fish also because i think he'd enjoy the thrill of hunting them a lot. Also, it was inspired by art that someone gifted to me of him! Ash would probably like some kind of fruit that grows around the area they grew up in and Puzzle... doesn't really eat? He's a demon and doesn't care much for things like that.
Also, for me, it'd probably be the rice krispy treat things me and my brother used to make with my grandma :DDD
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appleberry-art · 1 year
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I should redraw this someday...
2 school girls skipping class so they can make out :3
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dead-fox-art · 2 months
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Bf finally gave this green weirdo a name lmao I've drawn him a lot lately
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londoneh · 5 months
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When I saw this I squealed. I HAD TOO!!
Collab with @cinnabon0’s post!
🌸 🍬 🌸
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cecils-dragons · 7 months
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It has been done! Meadow finally has a design and I think he’s cute :3. I forgot to add his horns at first, but in the end I kind of like it. He’s just a silly guy who loves his big fish boyfriend. I had to add some extra doodles of him and Marley together, it’s just fun for me! My brain is blanking big time so I can’t explain or fully know what I’m gonna do with the two of them, but what ever I plan I’m excited as I quite like them both.
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