#oc asks vinny
shilonas · 6 months
Ok, i’ll do it! I’ll share the art! Including the terrible stuff! Ok??
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vinnybox · 7 months
I can’t believe the 2018 Luigi disease is back
You even gave him suspenders I love it
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I genuinely got so excited cause I thought it was about my Mr L design take but then I remembered that I've not shared that outside of friend groups
Anon, look what you've done
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nukacourier · 1 month
as both your Lone wanderer AND your Courier, how DID James get from DC to the Mojave- and what was that journey like for him?
Well. He walked mostly
But in all seriousness he basically did slowly travel out from the Capital Wasteland through the rest of the country throughout the years. I imagine he was actually by himself for a lot of it, but also probably just because he didn't feel like actually stopping and settling down in one area. He wanted to forget his experience in DC by gaining new ones and seeing as much of the world as he could
He probably ended up taking traveling jobs when he could anyways, like guarding caravans and shit like that, so I imagine eventually within those 4 years he wound up on the west coast and became a courier for the Mojave express, and well, you know. Got his brains blown out and not in the good way and got caught up in the story we're all familiar with
Honestly there's gaps between that but I do have some general ideas of some things he did between then. Just gotta actually sit down and think it out at some point
So TL;DR: The Lone Wanderer went and lone wandered
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OC: Vinnie Gallo
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blackfairy312 · 2 months
🎭 Vincent: I dare you to dance ballet in a ballerina outfit complete with a silver tiara with blue sapphires
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"Too bad Toni is passed out. I'm sure he'd love seeing this!" - 🐱
"I'll take some pictures to show him later." - 🎹
🍷/ both panels were drawn on two different days! i didn't put too much effort into the dress. i should've over designed it, like a Genshin Impact character. that would've been really funny.
Komi did Vincent's makeup AND tailored this dress as quickly as she could. she taught him a dance from Swan Lake :3
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poppybros-jr · 5 months
"Good day, Mr Cosmo. This is one of your competitors, Royal Mage Mapobas Dejasce Novavunora, writing to wish you good luck in this tourney. Your magic is- Impressive, certainly, and holds much potential.
A question, if you'd be so inclined. Is there anyone back in your home-reality that you would be happy to get to know better? Any friends you wish to strengthen a bond with, or..?
That is all. I hope you receive many more questions. Best wishes, xoxo"
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If I teach myself Beast so I can talk to Vinnie, do you think he’ll think I’m weird?
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whumpbug · 2 months
A whumpy ask for the Scarab Crew: How would each of the six act when delirious from blood loss/medicine/etc? Would they get weirdly giddy or affectionate? Would they become extremely paranoid and jittery? Would they just be really tired?
this man becomes Mama Bird 3000 when he's delirious. if you thought he was worried and concerned for the crew before, wait until he's not in the right state of mind. he becomes very affectionate, especially with vinny and ren because those are his Children. he often hallucinates leena when he's out of it though, and sometimes calls them by her name on accident.
hari tends to get a bit pissy when he's delirious. his usual "i can handle this" attitude gets amplified by ten-fold but is somehow also coupled with whining??? he'll insist he is fine and can walk fine too, but promptly face plant and complain that he face planted. medics never make very good patients, i'm afraid.
SHE is your giddy patient. she giggles and laughs and you'd think she was laughing at something funny but no, it's just the blood loss getting to her head. someone has to sit with her while she's recovering and make sure she doesn't laugh her way out of bed because it's happened before and it was Not fun.
somehow a worse patient than she already is. she gets paranoid. in her delusions, she'd convinced that anyone who gets close is going to hurt her and she becomes super flinchy and aggresive. she throws punches and kicks in efforts for people to stay away, even if she's actively bleeding out and goddamn it hari is just trying to help!
they get. so clingy. and tired. and scared. and they want their parent. vinny just tends to get very weepy when they're out of it, and their inhibition goes way down because they start to actively seek out people for affection and comfort. they want to be held and doted on and as soon as whoever is with them leaves their side, they freak out as if they were being abandoned.
he gets SO jittery and jumpy. hes on edge even though he's on the verge of passing out. he's just so scared that something is gonna happen and the fact that he's out of it panics him so much more and he just wants to curl up and hide forever. he often hides in cabinets and falls asleep and the crew spends a good hour just trying to find him so hari can patch him up.
THANK YOU ANON!!! i really love these whumpy asks there are so many oppurtunities to whump these characters!!
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pistachions · 3 months
Hello in 2014 I made 2 ocs ( annie and erika) who are SOO beloved to me and then when mml came out and Cavendish and dakota were introduced I was like lmao they'd get on so here's a very self indulgent Venn diagram comparing them that I made cuz I couldn't sleep lol
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peapodsinspace · 4 months
boom more Starrynight
This time introducing Key's brother, Jax (real name is Kekoa), and Jax, Key, and Jackie's boss, Mrs. Hushabye
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[Image ID: a two panel comic featuring original characters. Panel one: Jax, a blue jester themed character stands across from Mrs. Hushabye, a purple colored character with a veil over their eyes.
Mrs. Hushabye: “It’s pride month, Jax. You know what that means.”
Jax: “huh, what?”
Panel two: Mrs. Hushabye turns and walks away, while Jax looks at them with a confused expression. Key, a purple jester character, stand in the background and looks over at the other two.
Jax: “what do you want us to make like, gay lullabies? What.” /End ID.]
WAUUAUW!!! These characters are super cool looking!!!!! I love how expressive Jax is :]
Also if I got the characters’ names wrong then pls correct me!!
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atomic-insomnia · 2 months
For the potential AU question, how about a Victorian AU, you know with balls, fancy big outfits and all, an 80s AU aaand a post apocalyptic AU. I gave you 3 so that you can choose :3.
i will probably come back for the 80's and post-apocalyptic au's, but i actually drew a victorian au a long time ago but never uploaded it! it was inspired by the sort of dark/gothic/melodrama victoriana like sweeney todd, crimson peak, penny dreadful etc
-this takes place vaguely in "london," not the real place but the grimy, perpetually overcast, singing and dancing jack-the-ripper style place of sweeney todd & the like. everyone has magic powers, often of the sort that has terrible cost to their own health & sanity the more they use it
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like these , with nothing "normal" in between
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Amelia contacts real ghosts through her crystal ball (containing the skull of a mysterious someone...) which act according to her orders, so that it looks to anyone else like she's moving things through telekinesis or learning things about other people's activities through extra-sensory perception; she's started hearing the ghosts all the time even when she's not intentionally calling them up.
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makoto paints pictures which affect the real world, either predicting future events or being able to paint an object and then just reach into the picture and take it out as a real object; she's working on painting life-like animals and people and trying to turn them into real living creatures which is slowly turning her into a sort of doctor frankenstein mad scientist (except, an artist instead of a scientist).
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rolls royceton acts like a rich swell but can transform into a huge monstrous creature like the hulk/jekyll and hyde; he intentionally does it to fight/threaten people so as to build territory for his gang but it's started happening out of his control.
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vinny was supposed to be executed for theft...and it didn't work; he's essentially a zombie that is still thinking and feeling and doesn't understand it at all but is too scared of dying for real to try to "fix" it.
-various murder mysteries happen through magic or strange dramatic circumstances (no one gets shot with a regular gun for normal murder reasons; it's always some rare poisoned dagger or bizarre curse or something), which amelia & co solve (or technically solve, by getting someone to reveal what's happening)
-a lot of the world revolves around the powers people have & what that means for people of different social classes or genders or ethnicities--a wealthy girl who can blow people up with her mind wouldn't do such a rude thing in society, it's unladylike! a street urchin who can heal people with their hands is probably just using that as an excuse to pick pockets, you know how those people are... as a result, a lot of those murder mysteries are something ironic, like a kindly old grandma whose cookies force people to mind their manners or else be poisoned because manners matter more to her than murder. it's the sort of place where if someone jumped off a bridge, everyone else would judge them like an olympic diving competition
-the characters first meet at a masquerade ball all wearing masks and different clothes, where a murderer is hiding by changing costumes. there should be an exploration through the crypts of an ancient cursed church, a mysterious carnival full of actual magic and deadly games, a theater with a ghost directing (and possessing) the living actors to have the Perfect Performance(TM), twisting back alleys where you could find anything (literally anything) for sale or might get murdered or simply disappear; gothic-steampunk-esque vibes...
-this has gotten more grim than the request implied haha, but i think there's an element of a group of selfish, sometimes callous people coming together in a found-family way and realizing that they want to be better than that and eventually either working to be better people or tragically failing because the terrible things they've done in the past have come back to haunt them. like most of the story would be somewhere between horror and dark comedy, but the final act would actually be life or death for the main characters
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small-world-au · 4 months
Vinnie: Why are Bailey and Pebble sitting with their backs to each other? Finn: They had a fight. Vinnie: Then why are they holding hands? Finn: They get sad when they fight.
@baileythebean @the-sugar-demonboy
Sora places both boys on a wooden crate as he sat the floor. Then in a stern motherly tone, Sora asked them, “why were you two fighting???”
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perryisle · 1 year
I think that every morning mae has to like. Psyche herself up in preparation for work. Like she's looking in the and she's like "its gonna be a NORMAL DAY today you're gonna be FINE nothing bad is going to happen" and then she goes out with Vinny and he starts Doing Shit
real and true!
mae, hyping herself up in the mirror: today is going to be NORMAL everything is FINE you LOVE your job SO much
later that day:
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nukacourier · 11 days
So I heard that you have an OC named Apollo who goes shirtless and punches stuff. Tell me more about him 👁👁 He seems like a himbo on first impression
Oh yeah, he's another character that started as a joke but then I grew every attached to him. Hence why strength is his highest stat to the point he can kill things bare handed
He's a pretty neutral character in the way he can see benefits in any side of an argument. He would be an expert at playing devil's advocate if he actually cared enough to really commit to anything, but his philosophy is basically "I don't see why this should involve me"
He's a pretty chill dude, likes to wander, likes to meet people. He was actually raised by a super mutant so he didn't really meet many people till he was older...it's like birdwatching to him almost lmao
I have to draw him at some point because he's pretty epic. I actually think he'd not be shirtless ALL the time, but definitely is not bothered going tits out most of the time 👍
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OTP: Lite Sneeze // Macha Richter & Vinnie Gallo
The continuation of yesterday's post. I am sorry not sorry for this just basically him carrying her out of the water but! I wanted to do something interesting with those beautiful poses and there needs to be a *reason* for him to carry her.
He doesn't fully understand how her magic works and she doesn't tell him because it's not for him to know. And he respects that.
I love them being supportive of each other without interfering. She in return joins him on his free climbing trips but she usually looks for a place to meditate while he powers himself out. And then they relax together afterwards.
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blackfairy312 · 2 months
🎭/ why is Vinnie bald?
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"Kids these days have no manners..." - 🎭(Vinnie)
oh, look its Glenn's son ... the "Michael Afton" parallel of the story.
🍷/ ivlis finally figured out what Chandler should look like. so here's a brief cameo of him :3 he's Glenn's son, and when he grows up, he gets a job at Candy's Burgers and Fries. he is the security guard who brought a crowbar to work! but right now, he's the Candy Man's kid, and often has to be babysat by the Theater Cast. his mother isn't around and his father is negligent... he's a child of divorce.
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hideawaysplace · 1 year
Who is Vinnie? If can't tell us for story reasons can you tell us what they look like?
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This was back when I Headcanoned Vanny and Vanessa as separate entities, I did that because of the funko statue plus some evidence pointed to them being different people. However since the release of Security Breach and even more recently The Security Breach Guidebook, Tales from the Pizzaplex and Ruin, it is 100% confirmed that Vanessa is Vanny, which is all good except I didn’t want to scrap this character concept since I had a lot of facts about my version of Vanny already.
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So this character's name is Vienna! Also known Vinnie, VinVin, and Vins, she is a former Fazbear Entertainment employee, she was fired for researching a “forbidden” topic (she was searching up the company files for Fredbear and SpringBonnie as she is a big fan of the older generation). Once fired, she had an episode of depression and started walking around at night, sometimes taking pictures of the nearby forests at night, though this, she realized she has a passion for photography and people loved her photos, so she changed her life path and chased photography as a career, she takes a lot of landscape pictures and also goes into abandoned facilities to take some pictures, this leads her to the Pizzaplex, curious beyond belief, she ventures in, intending to only take a few pictures, but she gets a lot more than she bargains on that night.
She also has two rabbits! S’mores and Spring are both allowed to roam around her studio apartment (given that they don't chew on her computer cables again).
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