#oc brainrot moment
b-amboooo · 1 year
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saw this on pinterest and i thought, why not do this for my main oc alma? so here’s a huge info dump about alma forrest :>
1. Alma is 16, and she has two sisters. An older sister who is 25 (Kisaiya) and a twin younger sister (Remi). Both Alma and Remi are estranged from Kisaiya, who left them for complicated reasons. Both Alma and Remi hold grudges against Kisaiya. Alma holds a deep grudge that she just can't get over, but she hides her anger pretty well. Remi lashes out when people mention Kisaiya, but when they are reunited, she forgives her pretty quickly while Alma never quite gets over Kisaiya's abandonment. Alma and Remi were very close as children, even more so after Kisaiya left them. They developed a co-dependent relationship (they were 9 years old for stars' sake). However, they slowly drifted apart due to many reasons. Nowadays, their relationship is complicated, but they've been working through stuff. But out of the two sisters, Alma is definitely closer to Remi.
2. Alma (and Remi) were raised by Kisaiya on the streets ever since she was 4 years old, both she and Remi can't remember their life before that. Therefore, she doesn't have a relationship with her mother (she doesn't know who her mother is). When Alma and Remi were younger, they asked Kisaiya about their parents, which always upset Kisaiya and resulted in her snapping at the two. So they don't ask her about their parents anymore. Sometimes, however, she wonders what her mother would be like.
3. Same with the reply to 2, Alma doesn't know who her father is.
4. Yes, when Kisaiya left Alma, she was forced to quickly shove down her own tumultuous emotions to take up the role of a reliable older sister between herself and Remi. This is because Remi has always been impulsive and hot-headed, which gets her in a lot of trouble on the streets. This made Alma a lot more responsible and her childhood was basically cut short. She became a very paranoid person after this, always cautious of what harm could come her and her sister's way. To ensure that they can survive on the rough streets of Dragonmiles (the city they live in), she becomes more selfish in order to provide for the two. Kisaiya's abandonment had resulted in Alma developing some issues regarding interpersonal relationships. Her abandonment issues and trust issues were debilitating for the first year or so after what happened with Kisaiya. Although she tried hard to work through her problems in the following years, she was never quite the same person as before after that.
5. A pocket knife (for self-defence) and sweets (for my other oc, Cassidy, who burns away calories way too quickly due to her powers). If the story took place in our world, it would probably be a taser/pepper spray and sweets.
6. Alma doesn't dream often, but when she does, it's usually random stuff that doesn't make sense.
7. Like what I answered in 6, Alma doesn't dream often. Sometimes when she does have nightmares, they are typically about the people she cares about dying in front of her/leaving her/betraying her etc.
8. No, she hasn't. The only way for her to get a gun in her situation is to interact with the shadier side of Dragonmiles, which she purposefully stays away from. Even though she committed petty crimes and robbery in her early days of surviving on the streets without Kisaiya to sustain herself and Remi, Alma doesn't want to dip her hands in the criminal underbelly of the city (in fear of bringing negative attention and harm to herself and the people she cares about).
9. Sort of?? She doesn't squat in abandoned houses anymore, which is a huge improvement. She currently lives with her chosen family of three other girls (my other main ocs). She has somewhat of a parental figure whom she apprentices under (he is an ex-military medic and was seen as the medical genius of his time before things happened, and he was disgraced). At least now she doesn't live on the streets anymore, so that's a huge improvement
10. No preference. Although she does like the feeling of longer sleeves and longer shorts/pants.
thank you for reading this awfully long ramble jsjxnxnd
i love my ocs sm they are what’s on my mind 24/7
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choccy-milky · 2 months
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💖🎊the end, & thank you for reading!!🎊💖
im so thankful for all the support i got on this story, and i wouldn't have finished it if not for all of you, and for the love i got for seb and clora. so thank you again for giving me the motivation to write this 600k+ monster, and to see it through to the very end. LOVE YALL💖🫶 (ao3/wattpad)
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izzystizzys · 3 months
Ever since touching down on Triple Zero, both a military and quality marker for the planet in his mind, Marshall Commander Fox had become intimately acquainted with the biting pain of headaches and migraines.
This, however, feels like it’s going to make his skull cave inside out.
“I can hear voices, Thorn”, Fox hisses, wide-eyed, breathing harshly through his nose. His bucket sadly lolls around on the pavement from where he ripped it off in a panic, unable to breathe all of a sudden. But even exposure to the open air hasn’t helped much - now, Fox just feels like a fish drowning in water, desperately breathing in the air but unable to keep it in his lungs.
“I mean, we all hear voices, ori’vod, that’s really less concerning than if you couldn’t -“, Thorn begins, hands stretched out towards Fox like he’s trying to approach a rabid beast. “Voices, Thorn!”, Fox repeats, whisper-screaming over the strange sensation of all his blood pooling in his head and ears popping. “In my kriffing head!”
Thorn’s mouth opens to gape, then closes again immediately, countenance turning decidedly more alarmed than before. Fox crumbles to the ground, head clutched in his hands, moaning in painpainpainpain-
The only thing like this he’s felt before is after one of his private meetings with the Chancellor, the one he never lets anyone else have and Fox never remembers. It feels like there’s something else in his head, worming around his thoughts and bouncing off the insides of his skull-
“- is kriffing losing it, Thire, I don’t know what to do -“
“- keep position, help is -“
“- kriffing RED ALERT, what the -“
“- do you mean a karking Venator exploded over Coruscant?!”
“- call it the Zillo Beast - it caved in the side of the ship, apparently, and is making for the surface -“
The pressure inside Fox’s head increases, warmth dripping over his cheeks and from his noise, swelling until he thinks his head really will explode, and then - stops-
Fox looks up, gasping, at the shadow that has fallen across his and Thorn’s patrol, into two massive, glowing eyes. The thing tilts its head, and chirps. It sounds like a greeting.
Silence. Then -
“You’re right”, Fox says, in a daze, “we should kill the Chancellor.”
“WHAT”, Thorn screeches.
Fox wakes an indeterminate amount of time later to a gentle breeze and nebulous feeling in his head. This is strange for several reasons - one, Guard HQ are both insulated and airconditioned like ass, thus the temperature is always wrong and the air constantly stuffy, and two - he hasn’t woken up not in pain since touching down two years ago.
“Stabby gave you the good shit”, his own voice says, and yeah, that would explain that.
“Stabby is a little bitch”, Fox tries to say, which comes out more like a warbled gurgle. “You’re welcome”, a third voice replies, sarcastically. Fox pries open his eyes with great difficulty. Ah, yes, that’s Stabby looming across the room - and Stone, next to his bedside, lounging in a chair next to a passed-out Thorn, whose head is tilted across the back of his chair at an angle that will definitely put a crick in it.
And, behind them, where the medbay wall used to be, two gigantic, glowing green eyes, tilting along with the rest of the eldritch face floating next to Fox’s bed.
“Hgngndndnsndnfnfffhhh”, he vocalizes, and Stone shrugs. “Yeah, been there the whole time. Do you remember anything?” Fox frowns. Stabby snickers somewhere from his far corner, quietly bustling around and probably concocting something nefarious to make Fox sleep or “take a break”.
Stone’s eyebrows rise incrementally. “Really? Not even when you mounted the space monster, took a joyride through half of Coruscant, crashed through the Senate Dome and battled a lightning-launching Chancellor?”
Fox blinks. The Zillo Beast chirps cheerfully. “Huh.” A sense of strange, deep satisfaction spreads through Fox’s chest, raising goosebumps. “Did we bite his head off? I think we bit his head off.”
Stone chokes, and Stabby races over to thump him on his back, Fox watching warily for any sharp objects. You never know on that one - one second he’s checking your pupils for dilation, then you’ve got a needle sticking out of you and boom, ten hours gone. Or suddenly you’re spitting out decaf - ew - at five kriffing in the morning, being lectured about heart health and some other banthashit.
Something that feels strangely like a chuckle titters across Fox’s mind, and when he looks over, the Zillo Beast is blinking innocently at him.
“Yeah, your little friend did actually bite off the Chancellor’s head” Stone confirms, once he can breathe again. Thorn slowly stirs, until he jackknifes to awareness all at once, and then Fox has a lap full of hugging vod’ika.
“ - took twenty years off my kriffing life, goddamn, ori’vod, you’re giving me grey hair -“
“It’ll match your old man bones”, Stabby murmurs, making Thorn screech indignantly into the top of Fox’s head. The Zillo Beast trills mournfully, aiming a sad look at the medic, who shakes his head and brandishes a hypo at the thing. Fox wonders if he’ll have to intervene - he would try to hypo an eldritch space monster, the absolute lunatic. “Absolutely not - we talked about this, no scritchies until we can be sure it won’t bust more of Fox’s ribs!”
Fox’s mouth opens, and Thorn snickers mercilessly. Stone, far too dignified for it, buries a grin in a datapad. “It’s imprinted on you, Fox’ika”, he says instead, the traitor. “Tried to gte to you in the Jedi temple, but it wouldn’t fit - which is when we brought you here. The interior design was so butt-kriffing ugly it wouldn’t matter much to tear it out.”
“Imprinted?”, Fox asks, not even willing to touch on anything else that’s been said yet. An image flashes across the inside of his skull - him, tossing a space-tennis-ball into the air, and the Zillo Beast slithering off after it. In reality, it perks up and mrows hopefully at Fox God, he wishes he was still insensate. Thorn snickers again, and the desire increases tenfold.
“Yeah, like in that one holoshow, whatchacallit - with that one blonde chick, the Mother of Krayts - you know, the one that made Hound cry when they killed the loth wolves so we had to ban it in barracks?” Thorn’s eyes light up. “Wait, does that make you the mother of Zillos?!”
“Oooh, mummy Fox!”, Stabby screeches, the absolute traitor. Stone breaks out into barking laughter, and Thorn sounds like he’s actively asphyxiating. Fox hates them. Fox turns to the Zillo Beast.
“Please, please eat them.”
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totallynotzzombiecat · 5 months
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·· Commorragh moments ·· ♫: Jakob Ahlbom - Fracture
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malk-with-tea · 6 months
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Some magma doodles I did last night :)
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that-foul-legacy-lover · 11 months
the Fontaine archon quest is still making me feel too many things so here (spoilers for the 4.2 archon quest if you haven't played it yet):
what if you were from Fontaine, the first sin on your shoulders and Primordial Seawater running through your veins like the rest of them. the prophecy hung heavily over your head, a source of constant worry during late nights when you're alone and can't sleep- Childe begged you to leave the nation of Justice multiple times, to come with him to Snezhnaya, but you refused to leave behind your friends to be swallowed by the waters. your worries only worsen when Childe is arrested in the Opera House and taken away to the Fortress, then spontaneously goes missing in the dead of night.
your heart squeezes with dread and sharp concern when Foul Legacy suddenly reemerges from the maw of a colossal stellar narwhal, the edges of his mask and armor smoldering from days of battle. the final glance he gives you is full of pain and desperation before he falls back through the rift in the world, and you want to start screaming but can't, the words stuck in your throat as you swallow and simply stare at the starry crack where the whale and Foul Legacy vanished.
you can't lose Childe. you can't lose Foul Legacy. you can't lose Ajax. so despite every instinct screaming not to, you follow Iudex Neuvillette and the Traveler through the portal.
Foul Legacy is there, curled up on the ground, but he still lets out a raspy trill when you rush over to him, weakly leaning into your arms as you pull him far away from the ensuing fight. you bury your face in his coppery hair, shaking from the weight of stress and worry, and you feel Legacy's claws curl gently around your wrist.
everything from that point seems to pass in a blur- the narwhal's defeat, the flooding of Fontaine, the waters slowly receding... and finally, finally- everything seems to calm, smoothing out like silk and soothing your frazzled nerves. you plan on leaving for Snezhnaya, wanting to keep Childe company as he heals from his ordeal- the very first thing that he did when he transformed back to his human state was give you a silly grin, bringing out your first smile in a few months.
and yet your peace did not last, for Celestia judges all at their own discretion. although the sins of Fontaine have been washed away, they still deem you a sinner for colluding with the Abyss, your love for Childe and Foul Legacy and his love for you considered a horrible crime in the eyes of the divine.
your sentence? execution.
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sanddusted-wisteria · 5 months
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"So you won't brush your hair, but you'll brush mine?"
"Combing my hair is an unnecessary use of time. This, on the other hand, is not."
Hehehehe Wis and Qi brainrot is the only thing getting me through finals :> My tumblr/fics have been pretty dead for a good part of this semester, but rest assured, I've been thinking about my blorbos constantly. I've still been cooking behind the scenes and I hope to get back into it as soon as I can <3
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anonymocha · 1 month
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cosmicharm · 4 months
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“Then, Auvrel, how would you like to spend these precious moments together?”
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idcfriend · 1 year
Ok so I've been thinking about a someone from our world getting sent to another attracting various yanderes for like a week now so hear it is
What if you were get transported to another world where for whatever reason people just keep misunderstanding you?
Now i personally think it can go in quite a few directions but the ones i like the most are the following!:
1. You get mistaken for a villain but there's a catch people think you've had a tragic past (partly because of how you explain things and how you act but what would you expect? you're from a different world literally! Of course there's gonna be some things lost in translation!) and are getting your revenge on the world! Some try to help you "heal" so that you no longer do bad while others whole heartedly encourage you to "take revenge"
2. you're seen as something "abnormal" in that world wether that means your simply not human or your actions cause a major culture clash depends on how you're perceived
- for a non human protag i personally like where your transported as a spirit do to you dying in our world, this causes major misunderstandings with those that come across you. For some reason they believe you to be a powerful spirit with knowledge of the unknown (mostly do to how much time you spent at your local library or deep diving into the internet because for some reason all the myths and stories you read are useful to them? But seriously you discovered some scarring things while deep diving *shudder* never again)
- as for it being more because of culture difference i'm gonna pull the "they can't understand you because of the difference in language" trope like for real you could be talking about how some people place beads and stuff in their hair or showing them your tattoos and they mistake it as some sort of tradition or right of passage your people do (extra points if for some reason your wearing some type of native or traditional clothing) or you're telling- or more miming about how your dog was almost run over and they think it's you telling them about one of your myths or beliefs of your culture (like they think your people believe in some sort of beast god or something) stuff like that
So yeah there's my current hyperfiction! But anyways comment if that's something you'd want to see more of!
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b-amboooo · 1 year
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my oc robin :D
some robin stuff i’ve done a while back because i was having a robin brain rot moment-
the last piece is a bonus!! younger robin doodle :>>>
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josephslittledeputy · 5 months
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Lucian & Celeste || Wes & Celeste || Sel & Sidra Endymion & Sparrow (W/hand & w/o. Couldn't decide which I liked more, so I just included them both lol) || Daryl & Hanna (TWD)
Tagged by the wonderful and lovely @inafieldofdaisies @carlosoliveiraa @marivenah to do this cute couple picrew, thank you!
Tagging @clicheantagonist @strafethesesinners @skoll-sun-eater @g0dspeeed @shallow-gravy
@adelaidedrubman @henbased
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usurperss · 1 year
Sorry I cannot hang out I have to think of my ocs having gay sex, yes it's going to be all day
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tartetasin · 25 days
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little sneak peek into the first concept for my esoteric duo, “truthseeker” lane & elias “the seamstress”, ocs for my labyrinth town project. kudos to elvaneyl for the base i used for this, trying to actually stick to the definition of rough *draft*… ^^;
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waning-and-waxing · 1 year
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they mean Everything To Me
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xisanamii · 5 months
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liu wei featuring his homie (gay) and homie (platonic)
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