#oc donatien
chaize · 10 months
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Je teste encore des trucs au numérique !
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morimhe · 1 year
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i got carried away with this mf just bc his song came on the playlisti hate it here. he belongs to my bestie @ertainall <3
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ghostlymatte · 2 years
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indecentpause · 1 month
In the Lion's Teeth
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Pascal has been fighting schizoaffective disorder for years with no success. His symptoms follow him like wolves. But one day, he finds potential treatment in the form of street drugs. It’s dangerous, but Pascal is smart, and he can handle it. Right?
Contemporary. M/M with two gay male leads.
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thetantiger · 26 days
Before you go ahead and scroll through all these OC-related links, here's some other places you can find me!
YouTube: The Tan Tiger Toyhouse: The_Tan_Tiger Artfight: The-Tan-Tiger
Here's a post about commissions!
Now, onto the OC content masterpost. This post is meant to link to every art piece, writing, or other posts about each individual character of mine. Characters are sorted alphabetically. Have fun! <3
WoW OC related content!:
Alfred Webster
Anne Di Leo
Arachnea Hellspider
Ashley Scorchmane
Beatrice Adams
Bella Sunhoof
Blue Nightwind
Carnie Moondancer
Cronia Wiltflower
Edith Wyrmbane
Felshredder Nightwind
Feng Mi Summerstar
Flicker Autumnbloom
Frost Donatien
Graysmite Wyrmbane
Hanethrick Grimsford
James Heisenberg
Kana Choi
Karma Ravenloft
Keyandrelis Coldspark
Macabre Sombershade
Maruhao Sunsprout
Miles Wilkinson
Mythodoran Talonstrike
Naomi Foulshade
Nyssedri Falconstrider
Pan Shanxui
Phoebelynn Swiftbreeze
Qiangshou Jadeblossom
Rachel Preston
Randolph Heisenberg
Raymond Charlton
Sanlasteron Falconstrider
Scar Hudson
Sjorkan Sorrowsea
Tasha Deadhound
Tiao Jiushi
Tree Gnarlbranch
Veronica Hudson
Winston Cash
Wisteria Darkbloom
Xiong-Ying Bearclaw
Yeochara Jadeblossom
Zimwii Goregouge
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rown-cheese · 2 years
Mes dessins de 2022 (partie 2)
Voici mes autres dessins! (ils n’y sont pas tous, certains sont réservés pour le serveur, voili voilou)
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Depuis juillet 2021, j’écris une fanfiction dans un AU où Donatien est mort, et avec cet AU, j’ai accepté de canoniser un HC d’une de mes lectautres qui est que l’écharpe de Kiddy lui vient de Donatien, et j’ai donc j’ait un dessin pour représenter cela, avec Kiddy, petit (à droite), qui obtient l’écharpe pour la première fois, et Kiddy, grand (à gauche), qui pleure en serrant l’écharpe contre lui.
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Ensuite, j’ai dessiné deux de mes OC ensemble, Lilie (gauche) et Carolina (droite)! Si vous connaissez leurs vieux designs, vous verrez qu’elles ont encore changé!
Fun fact: J’ai beau avoir créé Lilie, son prénom et son nom de famille ont changé tellement de fois que je ne sais jamais comment l’écrire :’)
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J’ai découvert, dans la POV de Tim, que Lucy et lui prennent un selfie ensemble, alors j’ai redessiné ça! C’était franchement amusant, ils sont chouette à dessiner, même si Tim est un peu galère :’)
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Rose est actuellement mon personnage préféré de RPZ, alors quand j’ai appris que je devais la dessiner pour la deuxième édition de la Fashion Catalog, j’étais extrêmement heureux! Je me suis franchement amusé, c’était trop cool, je l’aime si fort, vous n’imaginez même pas
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Ce n’est pas que Max est mon personnage préféré de Stranger Things, cependant!, c’est un personnage que j’adore dessiner, preuve en est que c’est la quatrième fois que je fais ce dessin!
J’aime beaucoup cet exercice, ça me permet de voir mon évolution dans ma façon de dessiner, voyez?
Après, j’aime beaucoup Max!
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Plus tard dans l’année, j’ai eu une envie soudaine de faire une base chibi et de dessiner tous les ships que j’aime dessus, ou du moins jusqu’à ce que j’en ai marre, j’en ai fait trois pour le moment! le Rilucie (que j’ai involontairement créé, dis donc, moi et les crackship wlw!), le Sarally et le Inirose! Ils sont mignons, hein? :3c
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isfjmel-phleg · 2 years
@fictionadventurer was curious about background for the adult OCs' names, so here it is! Plus Josiah's siblings since they didn't make it into the other post.
Marielle Tietra Valencourt (nee Mariella Philene Gremondi): All the Gremondi sisters, like many Otionovian women, have the first name "Mariella" and use their middle name instead. Philene was named for her great-grandmother. That name didn't translate well into Faysmondian, so she chose "Tietra" as an anagram of her fiancé's name.
Etriat Donatien Odilon Valencourt: As the only son of his parents, ended up with a high-pressure name, in honor of his grandfather, father (named for one of Faysmond's patron saints), and a deceased uncle.
Antavia Edella Ellaset Phemister: Lots of pressure here too! She is named for the descendent of Gearalt III from whom the Phemisters get their claim to the throne, her grandmother (a much-beloved and -respected queen consort who did a lot for Corege), and the arguably greatest reigning queen in Coregean history. Probably went by Tavie in childhood. Since taking a different title after her abdication, she encourages people to refer to her as "the Duchess." Hardly anyone gets to call her Antavia anymore.
Andras Marbert Adrend Phemister: Named for an obscure early king of Corege, the king who founded Hollingham College (his mother, Edella, was of course very interested in education!), and one of Edella's many brothers who died young. As a second son, he didn't have expectations of inheritance placed on him, so his parents could use names with more personal significance for him.
Bethira Catrin Liddick (nee Goswick): The Goswicks gave their daughters names that were stylish among their peers. Bethira's common name has made her seem more approachable to Coregeans.
Talfrin Gearalt Stamwell Liddick: His middle names are for his father and Gearalt III (the common ancestor of the Phemisters and Liddicks), but I have no idea where his first name came from. His mother might have just liked it.
Edmara Nelsie Melbray (nee Delford): The family names were all used by the time she was born (fourth of five), so she has a normal, down-to-earth Coregean middle-class name with no more to it than her parents' preference. As a child, she was Edie to her siblings; Elystan is literally the only person who calls her Mara.
Levico Dermond Melbray: Probably the same goes for him. He was also fourth of five (all brothers!), so who knows where his name came from. I don't think he's ever cared much for it though, hence the use of initials professionally.
Odren Linnaf Norlo Adrend Callon: Named for his father, because the Liennese are big on carrying on tradition. His middle names are for his uncles who died young (yes, that's the same Adrend Andras was named for--Edella was Odren's paternal aunt), a sentimental choice on his father's part. Maybe the association with lost brothers had a subconscious effect on the elder Odren's reluctance to get close to his heir.
Mariele Liane Rosanna Callon (nee Marielle Liane Rosanne Valencourt): Liane, as the youngest of a large family, was given fashionable rather than dynastic names (Faysmondians often use "Marielle" as Otionovians do "Mariella"). When she married, her name was simply translated into Liennese; lee-AHN became LY-uh-nuh.
Nyella Josefa Callon (nee Mellsbach): Her middle name (pronounced yo-ZEH-fa) was chosen for its resemblance to her father's first name, Josia.
Ayra Liane Edonora Callon: Named for her aunt, mother, and great-grandmother. All safe, conventional choices, with dynastic significance in case this child ended up having to inherit.
Ateva Edella Rika Callon: Named for her paternal grandmother, great aunt, and distant cousin Rietta. The first name was an attempt on Liane's part to mend a damaged relationship, and the others were useful for pleasing international connections.
Nyel Mikaiah Tilo Callon: Named for his mother and her two brothers. Nyella and Odren had not chosen names before the birth. Not knowing what his wife would have wanted, Odren chose all names of significance to her. No one has been able to bring themselves to call him Nyel, so he has always been Mikaiah, or Miki.
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
1 or 9 for Alaris for the DAI codices?
Oh god it's been so long I had trouble finding the damn prompt list. Send me codex prompts!
something written about your OC by the cook
His Worship isn't eating enough. He thinks he can hide it from me, but I've been a cook since I was a boy; I can tell when someone's eating their full meal and when they're pitching half of it out a window. I've tried to ask if there's anything he'd like to eat, but all he does is smile and insist that anything is fine. At first I thought he was worried that we were short on supplies, but even when I made sure he knew we had plenty he still wasn't eating enough. I'll have to see if I can find some Dalish recipes, maybe he'll eat a whole serving of one of those if Orlesian recipes don't tempt him.
Perhaps I should speak to that Qunari mercenary before I start tracking down those recipes. He seems to have a knack for getting His Worship to listen to him; maybe he can get the stubborn fool to eat a decent meal before he collapses in front of his followers.
Head Cook Donatien
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eldragon-x · 1 year
If you are ok with it, could you explain your OCs/Original works? And which ones you like to discuss?
I have two OC-verses: Starstrike Cuts and Mourners Tale, both of which I have tags for. You can ask about either but I'm less likely to give away things about Starstrike Cuts. But I am willing to talk about Mourners Tale and can give a bit of explanation on it:
There was a Goddess of Life named Enedina who gave up half of her soul to create Donatien, the God of Death. Donatien's birth brought along the concept of death and after a man named Baldur and his daughter Clemency lost many family members to it, they attacked Enedina and Donatien planning to take their places as Gods and do better. Enedina died and Clemency took her soul, though Baldur died in the conflict as well. Ever since, Clemency has been trying to revive him.
I have yet to draw concept art for all the characters and you can find more in the tag, but at least for this post I decided to get started on the designs of Enedina (right) and Ermengarde (left), who is a result of Clemency's attempt at reviving her father.
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squeakedout · 1 year
1, 13 and 14 for the codex prompts!!
1. something written about your OC by the cook
“Lady Josephine, 
I can bear this no longer. The Inquisitor is one of the most finicky eaters I have ever cooked for. Her standards seem to have no limit, just like her expectations. She insists on traditional Dalish recipes as often as possible, and even scolded me once for ‘poor preparation’ as she put it. It’s almost as if she is intent on torturing me! But to suggest that out loud…No, no, I shouldn’t. Either way, I ask that you please, please appeal to the Inquisitor on my behalf - I can’t continue on like this when I have all of Skyhold to feed as well!
…But, maybe don’t mention to her that I have asked this of you.
Head Cook Donatien”
-A scrap of paper found in the kitchens of Skyhold. There are multiple sections scratched out, as if the writer was in great distress. 
13. something written about your OC in the two years between defeating Corypheus and the beginning of Trespasser
“It seems, my babbling brooks, that a new craze is sweeping Orlesian society! 
Red is the color of the moment, specifically the shade of red our beloved Inquisitor Lavellan herself sports atop her head. It seems like her victory against the decidedly un-chic Corypheus (with not a hair out of place to show for it, my sources say!) isn’t the only thing inspiring the people of Orlais and beyond!
Whether it be your choice of rouge, fabric, or whatever else you fancy, the color of the season is red red red!
As I sit here, dye settling in my hair, I can’t help but wonder how the Inquisitor will inspire us yet! Perhaps next season a Qunari lover will be à la mode!
As always, keep your ears to the ground and eyes to the skies! (and don’t forget to tell me everything!)
Xoxo, Conversational Catherine”
-An excerpt from Conversational Catherine, a popular gossip and lifestyle column in Orlais, found framed in the Inquisitor's personal quarters.
14. something written about your OC, post-Trespasser
“...Simply put, the former Inquisitor is a formidable woman. We never spoke during my time at the Winter Palace, as other - arguably more important - matters had the entirety of her attention. What little I did see of her, though, struck me. You may think that now that the Inquisition has disbanded, Lady Lavellan may drift off into relative obscurity. 
I do not believe this will happen. 
She is a shrewd, calculating woman, and though the Inquisition may be disbanded in name, I do not believe it to be disbanded fully in practice. With a new threat on the rise combined with Lady Lavellan’s rage at the conclusion of Exalted Council, I suspect that she will pursue the matter herself. Whether or not she is successful, of course, is another matter. Either way, I do not believe her to be a threat to our personal agenda.
Take that as you will.
-An excerpt from an intercepted intelligence report. It is currently not known who it was to be delivered to.
(Thanks for sending me these prompts!!!! I had so much fun!!!)
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heniareth · 2 years
for codex prompts: marelas 1 (something written about your OC by the cook) or 14 (something written about your OC, post-Trespasser)
You bring me joy with these asks!! I have done some research on the head cook and did you know they ordered four willow switches to break in the new kitchen hands?? Yeah, no. Not gonna happen.
1. Something written about your OC by the cook
A note is tucked into a corner of one of the kitchen boy's beds, the message written in large letters so that everybody might read it. It has clearly been ripped off from wherever it had been displayed before.
This is an apology to the new kitchen hands. The willow switches will no longer be used, under direct orders of the Inquisitor. Neither will any other corporal punishment be allowed. Remember that we have a busy week ahead of us with the incoming visiting dignitaries. I want everybody on their best behaviour.
Head Cook Donatien
In a scrawny handwriting somebody has added the following to the margins:
I saw them talking. The Inquisitor got him good. Made him write the sign and said if he ever heard a complaint from us there'd be consequences. Next time he steals some baked stuff I'll just make more. Somebody ought to teach him how to steal.
14. Something written about your OC post-Trespasser
A missive brought to Divine Victoria by unknown means. The paper is slightly damp, but shows no other signs that could point to the location of the sender.
Intercepted the included message from a Fen'Harel agent. Cypher was a bugger to break—knowledge from the Well helped. I've included and distributed the key. Agent has been identified, but not engaged. We think they remain unsuspicious. Awaiting further instructions.
Two more pieces of paper are included in the letter: a coded message and its transcription. The transcription, pinned by the same hand that wrote the first message, reads:
5th of Bloomingtide, 9:47 Dragon
The Inquisitor is pulling strings with the cities to allow the hahrens of the alienages to be present at the Arlathvhen as well. Kirkwall has already said yes, but that's no surprise. Halamshiral has also said yes, which is much worse. I've managed to get the location. It's supposed to be held in Wycome. The time frame is still undecided. It will be a tricky event to infiltrate. Rumor has it that the Marquise will be there, as well as (maybe) the Arlessa. We still haven't found out where she disappeared to, right? And then there's the Keeper, Dread Wolf take her. I'm lucky the Inquisitor isn't half as distrustful as her.
Blight it, it feels good to be doing something. Ar-melana dirthavaren, revas vir-anaris.
These were very fun to write!! Marelas is definitely the guy to say drag all the truth out into the light and let people do something with it, so at least they’ll be informed. I personally don’t know how good a tactic this is, but... Well, he’s the Inquisitor, not me. Thanks for the ask!
(Ask game’s here)
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kickingasssince98 · 3 years
Ikèmen Vampire OC:
The Dark Temptor
Marquis de Sade
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Birthday: June, 2nd
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 1.90 cm
Past Occupation: Nobleman & Libertine Novelist
Vampire Type: Lesser Vampire
"Do tell me all your sins, little dove. I can't erase them for you, but I sure can make you become proud of them..."
Donatien Alphonse François, also known simply as the Marquis de Sade, is a French nobleman, ex-revolutionary politician and philosopher who had became (in)famous for his scandalous erotic writings, which combined philosophical discourse with pornography, depicting sexual fantasies with an emphasis on violence, suffering, sodomy, crime, and blasphemy against religion.
De Sade spent almost half of his life in jail and later in an insane asylum as punishment for his freedom of thinking, but he was revived as a vampire by his old friend, le Comte de Saint-Germain, and brought to live in the 19th century together with him and his other well known historical residents.
Detached, indifferent and covered in mystery, De Sade seems like a very unapproachable man.
However, even the Devil himself was once a beautiful angel...
Messy neck-lenght, strawberry red hair with silver gray bangs
Tall and well-built
Eye color: Charcoal black
Has a long scar over his right eye
Black cross piercings in both his ears as a mocking simbolism to the fact that he's a vampire and that the cross had been used in the past by the romans as a torture device
I will start this up mentioning that De Sade is not everyone's cup of tea most often than not. He's a very difficult person to be around to at first. He came back to life full of barely surpressed anger thanks to the trauma of his past, seeking out and picking fights just for the sake of it. So don't be too surprised to find out that he's not getting along with anyone in the mansion, not even with the sweetheart that is Vincent van Gogh and that is saying a lot...
Spiteful. He has a personal beef with Napoleon especially, due to the fact that our boy Leon, when he was the emperor, was the one who ordered the arrest of the anonymous author of the infamous novels "Justine" and "Juliette" and imprisoned him without a trial. De Sade is not the one to forgive and forget that easily...
But he's very intelligent and wise
Rafined and full of grace...
Listen... Thanks to him the term "sadism" was invented. He's yandere self is top notch and can make Shakespeare feel like a walk in the park any day, so choose your battles carefully around this guy
Sarcastic most of the time
And he's a man of a few words. Doesn't like to waste his breath and time explaining himself and is very anti-social
On the reverse of the coin, if you get to know him better, you gonna find out that he's a very sad and depressed person
Wanting nothing more than someone to accept him with all his flaws and traumas, someone who's willing to not judge him for the simple fact that he just wanted to explore the nature of the humanity with all its darkness and sins and speak freely about it...
Writing, philosophy, politics, dancing waltz, taking long walks on the garden at midnight
Fine clothes, luxury, comfortable and cosy beds
The taste of champagne, birds, hypocrisy, being restrained to can't speak his mind directly
In Love:
Like I said above, Donatien is a very difficult person to approach at times due to his rough past. But this doesn't mean that, when a certain little human lady walks into the mansion through that mysterious door just Le Comte seems to use it, he's not as curious and interested like the rest of the vampires. Actually, he's the second character MC meets after Napoleon.
Picture it (Sicily, 1922... Lol, jk, but if you know, you know😉) after hiding behind a curtain, Napoleon's trying to find a way to help her out... Only to meet the owner of the footsteps that had made Leon going into hiding in the first place. A long arm coated in dark green velvet reach out, leaning its palm on the wall next to MC and Napoleon's heads, cutting their way of exit, a tall shadow looming over them
"My, my... And what do we have here? Why, Vôtre Majesté... the handsome man with bloody red hair who the arm belonged to couldn't help a sardonic grin to lift up a corner of his mouth. Sneaking mistresses into the house at night? I must say, I have expected this from that dim wit of a womanizer, but from you? I'm shocked really... Speechless"
From that encounter alone you're in for one hell of an emotional roller-coaster.
You can't help it but being attracted and fascinated by his darkness from the beginning...
Lots of angst? Sure. Lots of drama? You can bet. His dark eyes, black as the sins his at fault for, hides more than just harsh and mean, empty words to keep himself at distance.
If he falls in love, De Sade will give gladly and selfless everything that he is to you. He's a yandere so expect to be super possessive with you, to want you for himself.
He will tie and bond you to him (sometimes literally if you're into this, after all he's one of the pioneers of bdsm *wink*), keeping you safely into his arms, cuddling and opening his heart to you as time goes by and your relationship evolves into one of full intimacy
He'll respect and seek for you, adore you and protect you with all that he has, you're his world, his one and only true love that he ever known...
Trivia/Fun facts:
The long, ugly scar he have on the right side of his eye is the result of an old fight he got himself into in his "glory days" as a convict in Bastille. He might tell you the story if he trust you well enough
After all the years living in prison, sleeping on cold floors covered in rotten hay, smelling of igrasion and wearing a rag of a jail uniform, De Sade developed almost an obsession for fine stuff like clothes and smooth, cosy and so comfortable beds that he can feel himself sinking into them, things that offers him comfort, warmth and a sense of safety
He's one hell of a ballroom dancer, waltz being a personal favorite. If you're invited to a ball in the 19th century make sure to ask him for dancing lessons, you won't regret it. He'll make you a pro in a blink of an eye :)))
Even though he appears like a total jerk and some people will state that he is a real, scandalous monster, he can be a real charmer if (and when) he wants. He's a nobleman after all, he's a gentleman by default and can easily rival Le Comte smooth attitude if he cares to show his true colors to the right person
Being brought back to life as a vampire haven't made De Sade wanting to blend in with his new existence so he hadn't even bothered trying to find a new identity like his other house mates had for themselves. He prefer to go by his title of birth and if someone asks him out of pure curiosity he is his own "descendent". He's amused that even to this days some pleope whispers about him - his "ancestor" - with fear and contempt
He posess a ball python snake as a pet that goes by the name of Jaunir and De Sade has a real sadistic pleasure to let her roam around the house to scare the other residents. Sometimes you can see him wearing Jaunir roped around his neck like a scarf
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morimhe · 2 years
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ocs // some sketches from the rps o/
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ghostlymatte · 2 years
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pink green purple
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indecentpause · 1 year
Hiya buddy! Who is your favourite oc and why, and who is your oldest character in terms of when you first created that wip/started writing. If that makes sense?
Hi friend! My favorite OC to write about at the moment is Meara (clearly, from the stuff I'm posting, haha) but overall, I'd have to say Donatien and Pascal, both as individuals and their relationship. Between them they have most of my mental health issues and being able to write about them in a creative way, with no pressure, and from a place of kindness (meaning, I love these characters and want to do them justice) does a lot for my own mental health.
My oldest active WIP is The Most Beautiful Puzzle, and the oldest character in that is Meara! My oldest finished work is Two Heartbeats on One Page, which is actually the third book in the Holding Our Hearts In Our Hands trilogy, lol. I wrote the other two later. My oldest character that I have actively written about as an adult is Cal Owen from The Art of Losing Touch/Sheraton Academy, but I finished that one a few years ago. Sometimes I write little short stories about him and his boyfriend, Craig, and their dogs though!
Thank you so much for the ask, it was such a delight to see it in my inbox!
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allycryz · 3 years
9 and 16 for the OC asks :D ♥
9. What was their first kiss like?
Nerys probably had her first *ever* kiss when she was living in the Cavern with the other Duskwight families, maybe around elevenish with one of the girls her age. Something short and sweet. (I'm thinking of how my first kiss was technically on a bus with another kid in my class but also not what I would call my first kiss)
They later moved to the Central Shroud. She was sixteen and mooning over a Wildwood boy her age named Donatien. One night he kissed her beneath the trees near Bentbranch Stables and she found it both awkward and like the heavens parted and the twelve were singing a chorus
16. How do they like their baths/showers? Hot/cold, long/short?
Nerys is a fan of standing under a super hot shower until the water goes cold whenever she gets the chance. It helps her relax and put her thoughts together
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