#Tim Lambert
rahid · 1 year
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tim lambert
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fashionobsessed3 · 8 months
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allthatlives · 6 months
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Tim Lambert by Gabe Ayala for Coitus Online.
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Nathan Tomasello (left) wrestles Tim Lambert
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rown-cheese · 2 years
Mes dessins de 2022 (partie 2)
Voici mes autres dessins! (ils n’y sont pas tous, certains sont réservés pour le serveur, voili voilou)
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Depuis juillet 2021, j’écris une fanfiction dans un AU où Donatien est mort, et avec cet AU, j’ai accepté de canoniser un HC d’une de mes lectautres qui est que l’écharpe de Kiddy lui vient de Donatien, et j’ai donc j’ait un dessin pour représenter cela, avec Kiddy, petit (à droite), qui obtient l’écharpe pour la première fois, et Kiddy, grand (à gauche), qui pleure en serrant l’écharpe contre lui.
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Ensuite, j’ai dessiné deux de mes OC ensemble, Lilie (gauche) et Carolina (droite)! Si vous connaissez leurs vieux designs, vous verrez qu’elles ont encore changé!
Fun fact: J’ai beau avoir créé Lilie, son prénom et son nom de famille ont changé tellement de fois que je ne sais jamais comment l’écrire :’)
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J’ai découvert, dans la POV de Tim, que Lucy et lui prennent un selfie ensemble, alors j’ai redessiné ça! C’était franchement amusant, ils sont chouette à dessiner, même si Tim est un peu galère :’)
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Rose est actuellement mon personnage préféré de RPZ, alors quand j’ai appris que je devais la dessiner pour la deuxième édition de la Fashion Catalog, j’étais extrêmement heureux! Je me suis franchement amusé, c’était trop cool, je l’aime si fort, vous n’imaginez même pas
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Ce n’est pas que Max est mon personnage préféré de Stranger Things, cependant!, c’est un personnage que j’adore dessiner, preuve en est que c’est la quatrième fois que je fais ce dessin!
J’aime beaucoup cet exercice, ça me permet de voir mon évolution dans ma façon de dessiner, voyez?
Après, j’aime beaucoup Max!
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Plus tard dans l’année, j’ai eu une envie soudaine de faire une base chibi et de dessiner tous les ships que j’aime dessus, ou du moins jusqu’à ce que j’en ai marre, j’en ai fait trois pour le moment! le Rilucie (que j’ai involontairement créé, dis donc, moi et les crackship wlw!), le Sarally et le Inirose! Ils sont mignons, hein? :3c
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dialogue-queered · 2 years
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Image: model, Tim Lambert
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massivefanmilkshake · 2 years
Du Tim/Devon ? en voici j’ai écrit ça sur un coup de tête et Devon flirte un max
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A few days late but hey, better late than never! This is a non-comprehensive list of my favorite fics that I’ve read in 2023! Criteria for a fic to be included on this list are:
I read the fic in 2023
I reread the fic at least once
I can rate 5/5 stars without hesitation
The fics are organized by fandom but otherwise are in no particular order.
New Wave by yellow_caballero Batman (gen), 103k, Reverse Robins, Stephanie Brown is Robin Some lunatic in a bat costume is running around Gotham clowning on fools, but local delinquent Stephanie Brown has way bigger problems. When her father and friends start joining mob wars Steph knows she has to do something about it before Gotham collapses. If that means joining up with rich dudes playing dress up, pasty nerds with hacking and photography habits, and throwing on a costume herself, then that’s just what she’ll have to do. Even if Batman works alone. She’s convincing. In which Stephanie Brown rocks the radical nineties and becomes the first Robin, ruining Batman’s life and giving Tim Drake a hobby.
birdsong by ScarlettSwordMoon Nightwing (gen), 22k, Dick Grayson-Centric After getting a face full of Scarecrow’s newest toxin, Dick isn’t haunted by his typical nightmares. No. This one has little green pixie boots. AKA Batman: Ego but make it Robin. Nightwing 60th Anniversary Bingo: Drugs & Toxins
Keep Your Head, Your Backbone, and Your Heart by MrMich Batman (gen) 54k, Dimension Travel, Duke Thomas-centric The last thing that Duke expected on what was supposed to be just a regular patrol was being suddenly thrown five years into the past, coming face to face with a darker, more violent Batman than the one he knew, a broken family, and a Tim who was a foot shorter than Duke, and not even Robin yet.
Loading and Aspect Ratio by JUBE514 Batman (Superbat), 45k, Wings AU A world where nobody has wings, but people think they do, and that changes everything.
Our Bodies & Other Fine Machines by SilverSkiesAtMidnight Batman (gen), 13k, Starvation He has never argued with a punishment, not since he was a toddler, if then. Surely she’ll listen, surely she’ll see this is too harsh, that he wouldn’t be disrespecting her like this if he was simply sulking over not getting his way. He needs that food, needs to be able to eat enough if he wants to be Robin. He’s been hungry before, but back then, it never mattered if he was a little weak or dizzy. It never risked his life or the life of his partner when he was a kid. She turns, sighing softly and pursing her lips. She reaches out to pat his cheek, and for a moment his heart soars hopefully, and he barely restrains himself from leaning into the rare bit of contact and soaking up his mother’s touch. “Oh, Timothy,” she tuts. “This is for the best. And honestly, I think it’s wise for you to cut down a bit on the snacks. I’d hate to have to listen to anyone tittering at the next gala that you’re getting chubby.” And without another backwards glance, she turns and heads upstairs, leaving Tim alone and frozen at the bottom of the steps.
You, Me, and the Humanity in Between by JUBE514 Batman (gen), 65k, Non-Human Robins Bruce is trying his best to protect the city that he loves. He doesn't know how exactly his Robins came to be- they're not fully human, not even at all. All he knows is that he wants to keep them safe.
Little Red by destiny919 Batman: Under the Red Hood (gen), 39k, Series, Jason is Tim’s Parent AU where Tim is younger and has been illegally adopted by his hero, the Red Hood.
A Different Game by Hinn_Raven Batman (multi), 62k, Red Hood!Stephanie Brown, Role Reversal Stephanie Brown died with a mouth full of blood and her eyes wide open, staring at the locked door, hoping still for a miracle, for a rescue. She died in a hidden place, still hanging from the ceiling by her wrists, bleeding out from a wound in her stomach, and no one was with her when her heart gave its last beat. AU where Stephanie Brown dies as Robin and becomes the Red Hood.
bad news, this place is magic as fuck by mikkal Batman (gen), 28k, All-Caste Jason Todd, Magic Jason Jason's on the trail of a killer who's targeting kids in Crime Alley for an unknown magical ritual. Between that and his family who insists on butting in, he's got his work cut out for him. But, as they say, nothing is as it seems.
Wings over Gotham by icarus_chained Batman, DC (gen), 190k, No Man’s Land, Independent Gotham An AU where an altered version of No Man’s Land happened while Bruce was in his late teens/early twenties, and Batman was born in the hellish crucible of a trapped city that was left for dead and then violently retaken. Gotham may pretend to run by mainlander rules for the sake of those who would have died otherwise, but under the surface, Bruce, Jim, Leslie, Ivy and Oswald and their pack keep their own council, and look with jaundiced eyes on the mainland.
A Meditation on Railroading by eggmacguffin Batman (gen), 24k, Hurt/Comfort When he ends up ditched in Atlanta after a fight with his dad, Tim decides to do the only sensible thing: Tell no one and make the 800 mile journey back to Gotham on his own. Because the "call Batman when you're in trouble" rule only applies when he's Robin, right?
I’m a Good Pretender by shipNslash The Batman (2022) (gen), 40k, Dick Grayson-Centric Dick’s mother raised her son to be a star. Dick’s father raised his son to be an athlete. Bruce's new ward is charming (manipulative), dedicated (obsessive), and way, way too smart for either of their own good.
In This or Any Other Universe by wildsofmarch The Batman (2022) (gen), 33k, Dimension Travel There was a new vigilante in his city: a man who smiled too much and talked too loud and knew his way around a fight a little too well. Bruce wasn't bothered by his antics. Except the man also seemed to know a little too much about him. Who was this Nightwing, anyway? OR: Dick Grayson (DCU) accidentally lands himself in Battinson’s Gotham.
Countless Roads by nirejseki Arrowverse, DC Legends of Tomorrow (Mick Rory/Leonard Snart), 231k, Medium Leonard Snart, AU-Ghosts Due to a family curse (which some call a gift), Leonard Snart has more life than he knows what to do with – and that gives him the ability to see, speak to, and even share with the various ghosts that are always surrounding him. Sure, said curse also means he’s going to die sooner rather than later, just like his mother, but in the meantime Len has no intention of letting superheroes, time travelers, a surprisingly charming pyromaniac, and a lot of ghosts get in the way of him having a nice, successful career as a professional thief.
Straight On Till Morning by nirejeski Arrowverse, DC Legends of Tomorrow (Sara Lance/Mick Rory/Leonard Snart), 17k, Time Pirates Left alone in the Refuge, Mick and Sara decide they're going to be proactive about their fate. They end up becoming time pirates. Because of course they do.
A Beginners Guide to Exploiting the Kaedweni Tax Code For Fun and Profit by Heronfem The Witcher (Aiden/Lambert), 190k, WIP, AU-Modern Setting, AU-College/University Aiden Kett and Lambert Wilkson accidentally get married, and this is honestly probably the least of their problems.
By the Broken Lock That Freed Me by inexplicifics The Witcher, (muti), 46k, AU-Daemons, Accidental Warlord Series Aiden takes a contract on the Duke of Velen. He's not expecting the most interesting part of the whole affair to be meeting the duke's betrothed. His daemon thinks they should keep her. Aiden's not sure how that will work, given that he's already got a Wolf and doesn't know how Lambert and his daemon might feel about adding someone else to their little pack, but it's awfully tempting. And Cats aren't very good at resisting temptation.
Intent by tnico The Witcher (Aiden/Lambert), 18k, Non-Traditional A/B/O, 5+1 "You think I don't know what you're after?" Lambert accuses. "Well, I'd certainly hope you do, by this point in the evening," Aiden (so he says) agrees in a convincingly genial tone. It'd probably be enough to fool someone else on the matter of genuine interest.
gonna crack a rib (when i get home) by eneliii Spiderverse (gen), 40k, Cannon Divergence Miles Morales, recently landed in Earth 42, has had enough of everyone’s shit and he’s going to save his dad or so help him he’ll lose his mind. Miles Morales 42, just wants to know what the /hell/ is up with his doppelgänger.
The Hero's Journey; or: What Jasper Sitwell Did Last Summer by pagination MCU, Welcome to Night Vale (multi), 23k, Crossover The thing is, when an agent reaches clearance level five, it’s because they’re valuable, capable of something an exponentially diminishing few can offer in the ranks of SHIELD. Clint Barton, his personal issues notwithstanding, is unstoppable behind a scope. Jim Woo is an analyst and extractor par excellence. Melinda May has infiltrated half the presidential offices of Asia, and Phil Coulson has an instinct for the unusual that could be the basis of an entire TV show. Jasper’s less certain what he brings to the party.
If I Knew You Were Coming I'd've Baked a Cake by OddityBoddity MCU, Hawkeye (gen), 27k, Baking They’re the broken ones. That’s what Clint figures the rest think about him and Barnes. Clint with his eardrums trashed, Barnes with a regiment’s worth of trauma and a psychotic cybernetic arm, put in the same room and told to make nice while the others get to go on missions and do important things and save the world. Well they're not broken. So of course they got bored and tired of being sidelined and decided to entertain themselves. And of course they ended up wanted, running through the streets of Paris with bananas down their pants and gendarmes in pursuit. Of course they did.
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carpyow · 2 years
Me while torturing my favourite character in fanfic: oh you poor baby
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cleosven · 1 year
Tyler in Season 2
A lot of people are worried about how Tyler will be portrayed in Season 2 of Wednesday. I am also concerned. 
But I’m not as concerned as everyone else seems to be!
The writers convey Wednesday’s wounds, misbeliefs, and fundamental truths clearly. And the specific truths they want us to believe make me think that they will treat Tyler’s character with compassion. 
Wednesday has many misbeliefs at the start of the show including:
Caring is a weakness: from the very first scene with Pugsley, she told him that ‘emotions’ are a weakness, but she means caring because that spurs sadness, happiness, love etc. because anger is an emotion, and she seems fine expressing that via revenge 
People are good OR evil: she reacts as if those boys are pure evil when they are likely just assholes who don’t have their shit together
People can’t change: This is shown when she implies that Dalton doesn’t deserve the chance to have children, implying that he will never ever be good or worthy in his life. This also applies to how she treats herself, she doesn’t fully believe that she is good, and so it doesn’t matter if she does evil in the name of what’s right
The best way to show love is physical violence: she put piranha in the pool to hurt Dalton and his friends to show she loves Pugsley, and she also just tortures Pugsley (waterboarding was mentioned)
Authority isn’t on your side: again, not turning them in, but enacting her own violent revenge. This also goes for parents, teachers, the school system, and the justice system in general
Normies aren’t as powerful as outcasts: She acts on her revenge as if there is no way they could hurt her back in the same capacity, and they don’t, further fueling the misbelief 
Wednesday’s Wounds
Each of these misbeliefs came from a ‘wound’ in her past. 
The main one is that her pet scorpion was murdered in front of her. She felt like those normie kids were evil, and no adult came to help her. And those kids, as far as she knows, never changed for the better. 
Another wound was that she sent her book to an editor, and they rejected her. That might not be a very old or fundamental wound, but it’s another case of her protecting something she loved (her books) with exaggerated violence (dozens of mousetraps.)
Over the course of this show, Wednesday will slowly grow by proving her misbeliefs wrong and revealing the fundamental truths of the world that the writers want Wednesday, and the audience to see. 
Tyler’s Situation
So, going back to Tyler, he will be very useful in disproving these misbeliefs.
But if the writers don’t treat Tyler’s situation with care, it will enforce Wednesday’s misbeliefs, so she won’t grow, and the show won’t be interesting to watch. 
And I think the writers know that. They addressed multiple of these misbeliefs throughout season one, but she never completely out-grew any of them. Which is a great set-up for a multi-season show
Fundamental truths that the Writers need to continue addressing (and how they connect to Tyler):
Caring is STRENGTH
They showed this in s1 with Enid, Xavier, Bianca, and Eugene all playing a part in helping save Nevermore
They can show that caring is strength if Wednesday cares about Tyler, or even if someone Wednesday knows (like Xavier, Tyler’s father, or the new principal) turns out to care about Tyler, and is able to help him out of his situation because of that caring
Everyone is part good AND evil: 
They’ve already shown me that Tyler isn’t just evil, but they need to prove it to Wednesday in season 2
If they don’t prove this Wednesday won’t be able to grow 
Like Tyler’s been saying all along, he’s done bad things, but that doesn’t make him a purely bad person
People CAN change:
They need to show Tyler’s growth! 
This will reinforce the fact that Wednesday can grow too, and help all of these truths fall into place
However, Wednesday won’t be able to see this truth right away - this is where Tyler could get hurt - but if they let him die or make him purely evil, the whole message of the entire show will fall flat 
The best way to show love is CARING: 
If the writers still want Tyler to still be a love interest (unnecessary in my opinion, but I’d live), then Wednesday is going to have to prove to Tyler that she cares about him 
But they can prove that ‘love is caring’ to Wednesday by having those around her care about her, like Enid or Xavier 
Personally, I want Wednesday to see that love is caring by Tyler’s dad caring for him
Authority CAN help: 
Weems proved to be good in the end, as well as the mayor and the therapist, and that will be helpful, but Laurel having been a teacher won’t help this progress
Someone besides a student will need to be a big part of the s2 plot to show Wednesday that adults and authority members aren’t always useless
This could be shown by Wednesday (or Xavier or Enid or another student) working with and adult to get Tyler to safety. It could be any other adult showing true compassion
I doubt Wednesday is ready to work with her parents yet - that might be an s3 hurdle
Normies ARE powerful:
This was mostly proven already in s1 via Laurel and Crackstone, but it was undermined by the fact that they still failed
The other truths would benefit from a normie being powerfully good 
This would be a great chance to throw in an amazing normie therapist who really understands Wednesday’s dark side 
I know this is a lot of information
But I've been analyzing this for a while, and I think it’s important that these ideas are out in the world. 
The writers made Wednesday’s outlook morally grey. She tased Tyler after knowing how hydes work, after all. So, at the start of season two, she likely won’t accept Tyler as a complex and real human being who deserves love. 
But I think the writers know that Tyler deserves love even if Wednesday doesn’t. And I think the writers want Wednesday to eventually know that Tyler is real and complex, and I think the writers want the audience to know that even now!
I could be wrong, but I don’t think I’m far off base. This show didn’t just become amazing by accident. A lot of thought was put into this plot, and Wednesday’s and Tyler’s characters. 
So I think a lot of thought and care will be put into how Tyler’s character is treated in season two because these truths that the writers have set up are caring and compassionate. 
Thank you for coming to my crazy long ted talk!! ❤️ I appreciate you
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Froger Love Is Looking for Role Players!
If you’re interested in playing any of these characters, fill out our questionnaire: https://forms.gle/Nx5iYy9wVgdeRstr7. 
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fyeahtimwalker · 1 year
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English Pear & Freesia Cologne campaign by Tim Walker for Jo Malone, 2022
Starring Adwoa Aboah. Set design by Shona Heath. Styled by Harry Lambert. Film co-directed by Emma Dalzell Khan.
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midnight-star-world · 2 years
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MSR 6-18-22 Midnight Star Report 6-18-22
So today I will be bringing you the Top 20 Country Music Songs for the week of 6/18/22 with the help of CMT (Country Music Television), the Billboard Country Music Airplay Charts, & even myself. So let's get started right now.
Number 20 belongs to Dustin Lynch who is new to the list this week - Party mode.
Number 19 belongs to Thomas Rhett who is dropping 14 spots this week - Slow down Summer.
Number 18 belongs to Kenny Chesney who is moving up 2 spots this week - Everyone she knows.
Number 17 belongs to Jackson Dean who is moving up 2 spots this week - Don't come lookin'.
Number 16 belongs to Carrie Underwood who is moving up 2 spots this week - Ghost story.
Number 15 belongs to Kane Brown who is moving up 2 spots this week - Like I love Country Music.
Number 14 belongs to Jon Pardi who is moving up 1 spot this week - Last night lonely.
Number 13 belongs to Cody Johnson who is dropping 1 spot this week - 'Til you can't.
Number 12 belongs to Chris Young with Mitchell Tenpenny who are moving up 2 spots this week - At the end of a bar.
Number 11 belongs to Dylan Scott who is moving up 2 spots this week - New truck.
Number 10 belongs to Maren Morris who is moving up 1 spot this week - Circles around this town.
Number 9 belongs to Jake Owen who is moving up 1 spot this week - Circles around this town.
Number 8 belongs to Miranda Lambert who is moving up 1 spot this week - If I was a cowboy.
Number 7 belongs to Tim McGraw who is moving up 1 spot this week - 7500 OBO.
Number 6 belongs to Jason Aldean who is dropping 3 spots this week - Trouble with a heartbreak.
Number 5 belongs to Scotty McCreery who is moving up 2 spots this week - Damn Strait.
Number 4 belongs to Walker Hayes who is moving up 2 spots this week - AA.
Number 3 belongs to Keith Urban who is moving up 1 spot this week - Wild hearts.
Number 2 belongs to Morgan Wallen who is dropping 1 spot this week - Wasted on you.
Number 1 belongs to Parmalee who are moving up 1 spot this week to take the top - Take my name.
And that's a wrap for the Top 20 Country Music Songs for the week of 6/18/22 with the help of both CMT (Country Music Television), the Billboard Country Music Airplay Charts, & even myself. Thanks as always goes out to both CMT, & the Billboard Country Music Airplay Charts for doing their weekly Country Music Song Countdowns. And thanks as well goes out to you for taking the time to read this weekly list. See ya all next time.
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badmovieihave · 2 years
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Bad movie I have Lost in Translation 2003
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downthetubes · 2 years
Celestial Toyroom double issue offers some cosmic Doctor Who art
Celestial Toyroom double issue offers some cosmic Doctor Who art
Available to members of the Doctor Who Appreciation Society, the latest issue of the organisation’s long-running magazine, Celestial Toyroom, guest edited by Alan Stevens, features a terrific wraparound cover by Andy Lambert – and comes with a fantastic Dalek postcard by Tim Keable. The full wrap-around cover by Andy Lambert for issue 531/2 of Celestial Toyroom. A summer double, issue, contents…
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gazzabarnaby · 18 days
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