#oc minaeve
reapersynth · 8 months
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you could never hold me // and like me better in your head // make me evil, then I'm an angel instead // at least you'll sanctify me when I'm dead
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thydonutart · 7 months
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"Good night - I enjoyed sharing a moment of magic with you." -- 3 campaigns and 350 hours later, I live - redraw of my second campaign tav Evie and Gale in the 'magic trick' weave scene 💜✨
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andnatiabrosca · 1 year
malachite doesn't get on with viv much at all (at least so far) but I think viv will be her choice for divine. depends if/how relationship develops with leli I guess? bridges burned w cass fr here. leli's religious crisis At The Dwarf has made malachite uh. not talk to her ever again
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freesidexjunkie · 13 days
ooh interesting ask meme! maybe "lesson" for sarissa :')
ohhhh this one is good, I've been stewing it in my brain all morning. link to oc ask list here
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I think the first big life lesson she learns has to be connected to her leaving her birth clan. She was very young when her magic showed (7/8, had to double check my notebooks). Her clan already had three mages; she couldn't stay. She was luckier than Minaeve, in that she was sent to Clan Lavellan to train as first under their keeper. She was also lucky to be Dalish, so her magic wasn't a stain or a sin or a punishment; rather, it was a very big responsibility.
I'm stuck between "clan Lavellan was luckily close enough to her birth clan and in need of a First, so it worked out very fortunately" and "the arrangement was worked out at the Arlathven." I'm leaning heavily towards the Arlathven; it would be Sarissa's first wide exposure to Dalish culture as a whole, since it only happens every 10 years and she's still younger than that. Lavellan could have recently lost their own first. Or better, they could've just lost their keeper, and Istimaethoriel is brand spanking new in the role and needs a first, or maybe even a second at the beginning. So Sarissa is here as this terrified, shaking child, clutching at her mother's skirts, and what should be an exciting and illuminating first step into the wider world is actually her send off from everyone she's ever known.
It does end up working out well, though. Isti has no family of his own in my headcanon, and he's a very patient and kind teacher, so they form a very tight bond. She doesn't get to see her parents again; that bond just kind of...disintegrates. She was an only child when she left, but she has no idea if she has siblings out there somewhere. She doesn't even remember her parents' names, since she was so young and only ever called them mom/dad (in elvhen ofc but I don't think there's an elvhen word for dad off the top of my head?). I haven't decided exactly where they are or what's happened to them, but I think that's fitting; just like Sarissa knows she has parents but not where they are or why they never reached back out, I don't have a clear idea for why either.
So, long winded explanation, but I think the first lesson she learned was responsibility. She was chosen, by right of her magic, to bear one of, if not the, most important job any Dalish can undertake. Others always come before herself, because she lives to serve them, keep them safe and keep their stories alive. And that's why she falls into the role of Inquisitor so easily after the mark - she has, once again, been given what seems like a divine sign that she has to serve for others. Her life is not hers, and that might have chafed once in a while, but she has never changed that mindset. Is it healthy? No not at all, but who would I be if I didn't give my beloved OCs pieces of my own trauma? ❤️
Thank you so much for asking this and giving me an excuse to ramble about my fav girl 🥺 this really made me think more about her background in ways I haven't before, and I think it adds a really good layer to her story. Adding one of my latest picrews of her post-Inquisition bc I love her and I need to share her with the whole world.
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lavellander · 2 years
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more Regular Folk Of Skyhold!! 💛
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[id: a banner with Work in Progress Wednesday written in white font on a background of light blue watercolor texture /end id]
it's that time of the week again, folks! here's something i managed to write for the tranquil oc fic
Gwythren navigates through the village, seeking the Knight-Lieutenant. Logically, there is no reason to request Alain over Solas. Gwythren is familiar with Alain, but a few fights beside Solas is enough to know Solas is the more experienced mage.
But Gwythren’s gut urges them to consider it. Their conversation has disturbed Gwythren’s equilibrium. The Knight-Lieutenant will steady them.
Gwythren finds Knight-Lieutenant Wyeth standing with Knight-Corporal Bryant at the edge of the training grounds set just outside the village gates.
The Knight-Lieutenant watches their approach. “You are troubled.”
Gwythren is still unsure how the Knight-Lieutenant has come to read them so well, but it is useful. “You have met Solas.”
“We’ve been introduced. He seemed wary of me. Did you learn something of him?”
Gwythren does not know how to explain. “There is something calculated in his mannerisms. Perhaps it is no more than self-preservation, but…”
“Perhaps he is hiding something.”
“Perhaps. Or I am being unfair.” To see more sinister intent in another for using the same craft Gwythren employs.
Over the course of the war, Gwythren has found themself possessing a bias against apostates, found apostates to be more unpredictable than Circle mages, less understandable. But bias inherently skews one’s perspective, and Gwythren doesn’t like that they think this way.
Knight-Lieutenant Wyeth taps their shoulder, drawing Gwythren from their musings. “It won’t hurt to keep an eye on him,” he says. “We still don’t know much about anyone here.”
Gwythren nods, says, “The people are already making speculations of me.”
Knight-Corporal Bryant chuckles, and the Knight-Lieutenant rolls his eyes. “Yes, I’ve heard some of them. I’ll pass it along to the ambassador; if it’s a problem, she can deal with it.”
Over the din of shouts and clashing weapons comes the commander’s voice. “You, there! You’ve got a shield in your hand, block with it.”
The Knight-Lieutenant frowns, says, “Excuse me,” and strides toward the commander.
“There it is.” Knight-Corporal Bryant folds his arms, vague amusement in his expression. “Going to berate Rutherford for the Templars harassing the mages.”
Gwythren steps closer to him, turns their back on the confrontation. “The mages,” they prompt.
The Knight-Corporal raises a brow but gives Gwythren his attention. “The majority of the mage and Templar delegations were lost in the explosion. At present, no one’s decided what to do with the remains. There’s not been any major issues so far, but…”
“It’s not sustainable,” Gwythren says.
“Dealing with the fallout of the Conclave has taken priority for everyone, but already there are some Templars unhappy with the… lack of ‘security’.”
“The Commander among them,” Gwythren guesses.
Knight-Corporal Bryant frowns. “It’s difficult to say. I haven’t spoken to the man myself. He seems capable enough handling the recruits, but he also hasn’t done anything to corral the Templars.”
“Has kept her distance. Understandably.”
Gwythren’s ears prick at the sound of the Knight-Lieutenant’s raised voice. They turn, fingers flexing with the instinct to reach for their blades—which they aren’t presently carrying.
“Have we some quarrel, Knight-Lieutenant?” Commander Cullen demands.
“Kirkwall.” An accusation as much as a place.
He sighs. “I’ll admit, the Templars could have done better. But your disapproval seems more pointed than that.”
“Because it’s more than ‘disapproval,’ Commander. You served as right hand to a tyrant and allowed horrendous abuses to go unchecked—or worse, approved them.”
The commander looks over his recruits. “It is easy to judge from the outside, I suppose.”
The Knight-Lieutenant steps in front of him, not to be dismissed. “Do you think I am misinformed? Did Meredith force your hand? We should do what we can to see it doesn’t happen again.”
A touch to Gwythren’s shoulder makes their body go rigid, their eyes darting for the cause.
“Sorry,” the Knight-Corporal murmurs, hand withdrawing. “The mages are encamped on the far side of the Chantry; Helisma and the others are there.” He gestures at the Knight-Lieutenant. “I’ve got him.”
Gwythren nods, glances at the Knight-Lieutenant, turns on their heel. Beyond the other row of tents, Seeker Pentaghast besieges a training dummy; Gwythren leaves her to it.
The mages’ tents are clustered together in the shadow of the Chantry. Gwythren finds Helisma in the center, sitting with a red-haired Tranquil and an elven apprentice.
“You’re the Herald.” The apprentice frowns. “Or the one they’re calling the Herald, anyway.”
“Minaeve and Avexis handle creature research,” Helisma says.
“I didn’t think you’d really be Tranquil,” Minaeve blurts.
The statement is so unexpected, Gwythren is briefly speechless.
Helisma turns to her. “What else would they be?”
“Well, they wouldn’t call a magethe Herald of Andraste, let alone a Tranquil, would they? Most people don’t think Tranquil can do anything they aren’t told to.” Her feet shuffle in the snow, face pinched. “There’s lots of things they’re saying, I thought that was just another of them.”
Gwythren does not like knowing people speak about them. They are accustomed to being unseen and un-thought of.
Avexis watches Gwythren with wide, unblinking eyes. “It is an unusual position for a Tranquil,” she remarks.
Gwythren decides it is not useful to ruminate further on the subject. “You do creature research.”
Avexis nods. “Demons and other such things.”
tagging @mrs-theirin, @gaysolavellan, @midnightprelude, @cciarants, @dumbassentity
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tanaleth · 3 years
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Pella, from my Inquisition fic. 
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dalish-gloves · 4 years
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Bioware: Well, Wes, we prepared a smorgasbord of fine and sexy smoochable characters, all suspiciously available and easy to flirt with
me: coolcoolcool wordwordword, except i want this one
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elsweyrpalace · 5 years
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In Your Heart Shall Burn  part 1
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hoiist · 3 years
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a beautiful commission from @spindlewit of some OC’s as kids. They absolutely did not burn down a house. It was an apartment
Left to right: Harlow Pavus-Adaar, Maxwell Arrington (Rainer) and Emley ‘Bebe’ Minaeve Pavus-Adaar
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skyerie · 3 years
WIP List of Shame
So I have been challenged by @fiadhaisteach and @oxygenforthewicked to write out every single fic title in my documents list... Which, I’m not going to do for one reason:
I have way too many freaking fics that are just... sitting there. And yeah, this would totally be an ideal time to actually get back into them all, but... I actually want to sleep tonight.
So, what I’m going to do is choose like ten or eleven of them, I’ll put where they’re posted if I have posted them. Not all of them are Dragon Age - I actually only got into DA a couple years ago!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it. And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I promise I will do my best for this...
1. Lance and Naruto 2: a sequel to In a Blank, White Space (which I have actually just remembered hasn’t been posted on ao3, but will do that before I go to bed tonight...) A Naruto/Voltron Xover.
2. Something of the Wolf (WIP, FF.Net): Doctor Who/Percy Jackson Xover (blink and you’ll miss it kind...ish? way...)
3. Naruto would live: Naruto fic. I got like two pages into this thing? I think it was a Naruto and Good!Akatsuki fic but I’ve got no clue... Probably never going to finish this one. Maybe.
4.Recalling: Naruto/LOTR... Maybe a Hobbit xover. I didn’t really get that far into it. Probably not going to finish???? hmmm...
5. Minaeve stared at her father through the glamour: A DAI/Marvel xover. It’s not actually... not canon for my first Inquisitor, Adhlea, but it really hasn’t been elaborated on. Not yet, anyway.
6. Cloud had to admit: a time-travel FFVII story. -actually going to look into this one more...
7. Mo Xuanyu: A time-travel story with The Untamed.
8.Shruiken had never been set free: an Inheritance Cycle/DAI xover with my Inquisitor Adhlea as Shruiken’s actual Rider. It... In my defense, I feel REALLY bad for that poor dragon.
9.John Sheppard had seen quite a lot of crazy shit in his life: Stargate:Atlantis fic featuring Atlantis as a sentient, independent city with John having Hive mind powers and Atlantis becomes a hive mind? Idfk. It’s still a wip. That’s why it’s on the list.
10: queenlavellan: current doc name for ‘The Future Is Not Yet Set In Stone’, posted on AO3, and before you who read it get in a tizzy I am sometimes thematic, I’m not even close to being done with it. Besides, I named the sequel to ‘Never Again’ -
11.leilanigirl2: the sequel to ‘Never Again’. Not yet posted on AO3. :D
12.nextnoct2: sequel to ‘No Need (To Say Goodbye)’, the sequel being ‘It’s On Us (It’s Not Your Fault)’. FFXV fanfic dealing with many, many OCs and Nyx Ulric in need of rescuing lol. I don’t know...
13. Chocobo Retainer: A challenge from... @elements1999. In which Prompto’s spot as Noctis’ retainer is taken by a chocobo. 
14. Being a healer: FFXV fic in which Ardyn kidnaps Prince Noctis, Lunafreya, Prompto, and Ravus and takes them to live in Galahd and is their weird-as-fuck uncle. It’s... I know. Okay? It’s less weird than it sounds, personally. Also characters from ffvii show up.
And lastly...
15. witcherandleilei: Like it sounds. A Witcher xover with my Inquisitor Leilani because I can’t really see my Inquisitor Adhlea within that world where she’s not... kind of tragic. 
So there’s my current wips that I suppose I’m most invested in. Little bit more than eleven, but... you wanna know more about ‘em? Ask~ I’d love to answer questions about them!
Now I do have to say that, er, this wasn’t a ‘graveyard’ list. Again. If I did that I would probably lose a lot of sleep. I enjoy sleep even if I don’t enjoy the acts of getting ready for said activity...
tagging @thejabberwokk, @lolieg and whoever else wants to do it! no pressure tho!
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coldturkeyshivers · 4 years
Wow that was fast! Minaeve, Yes that was it! Do you think Ellie will meet Wisdom or Felassan? I wonder what they would think of her. Now that she's a level 2 grizzled adventurer does she get new weapons and armor? Is there like a professional footwrap maker, like a cobbler as a job? Your OCs are fun, annoying, and real, so real. When you talked about her pulling energy from the veil it sounded like the attack restorative veil. Will Maryden write a song about her? Good luck at school!
From what I understand Felassan is dead (or at least his spirit is) so he can’t really show up. No comment on Wisdom. 
My impression of Felassan is entirely based on fanfiction, but from what I’ve seen I think he’d get a kick out of Ellie. Were Ellie ever to meet Felassan I think she’d just be a little confused because my impression of Felassan is that he’s a lot goofier than somebody Ellie would expect to be Fen’Harel’s sorta right hand man (which is what Ellie thinks Felassan was). I’m sure Sandy presented Felassan in her fics as goofy and (hopefully) true to character. I don’t think Ellie remembers anything about Felassan other than that he was friends with Fen’Harel but Snoop Dog killed him anyways. 
Since we’re on the subject of Felassan... I’d even argue Ellie knowing FH killed Felassan is, in part, why her initial impression of Solas/FH is so negative. Ellie views FH’s murder of a friend like Felassan as a betrayal of their friendship. If Ellie had a friend she trusted to share her goals/plans/some important task with and that friend suddenly decided not to help, it would probably make Ellie take a step back and reevaluate if she should be doing whatever it is. At the very least she definitely wouldn’t kill them over it. That Fen’Harel did just screams “batshit” to Ellie. 
Edit: Wow I forgot to address like half this question. 
Ellie is at least level 4 at this point (though it depends on the RPG system, I suppose). She’s about to get some upgrades/new weapons/staff/armor/etc. Right now her armor is pretty close to trashed, so she needs to replace a lot of it anyway.
I don’t think footwraps would require a professional to make. I bet a lot of Elves make them themselves, or there are a handful in the community that do. It doesn’t seem like something humans would think much about, though I could def see a shoemaker making the leather sole portions. From there the Elves could likely just fix it to the fabric/cloth/whatever they use to complete the footwrap.
I looked up restorative veil, and I don’t think Ellie’s quite using that, but it sounds like something she’d figure out how to do. I should probably look closer at all the magic spells available in DA:I.. because there’s no way Solas doesn’t do that and it’s something Ellie would notice.
Maryden will 100% write a song... or at least have a song “meant” for her in some fashion. I’ve actually written a Maryden song for Ellie already, but I might decide to take Maryden’s choices in relation to Ellie’s alien weirdness in a different direction. If the song doesn’t make it into the story it’ll be added to Unqualified AU.
Thanks for the school well wishes! :D This next year is gonna be tough, so I need it! <3
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
OC Introduction - Nehriel Lavellan
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Template by @slothssassin !
Fandom: Dragon Age Inquisition
Role: Inquisitor, Witch of the Arlathan Forest
Class: Mage
Specialisation: Blood Mage
Full Name: Lilea / Nehriel Deshanna Lavellan
Nickname(s): Nehri
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation and Titles: Inquisitor, Witch of the Arlathan Forest(post-Trespasser)
Birthday: 17th Guardian, 9:13 Dragon(28 at the Conclave)
Physical Description: Nehri stands at 5′11″, very tall for an elf, with medium brown skin(warm undertones) and thick, straight hair falling(when undone) to her lower back. She has yellow-gold eyes and Dirthamen’s vallaslin. Her build is very lithe, though she has quite a bit of muscle for being so slight.
Clothing Style: She wears mostly loose flowing robes with billowing sleeves cinched at the wrist, as well as leathers to protect herself. She favors vibrant tones such as blue and orange, as well as reds and greens.
Born Lilea, Nehri was raised a slave in Tevinter, owned by a not-so-progressive Magister(yet to be named) who enjoyed tormenting his slaves. She regularly faced beatings and abuse at the hands of her master, many of his guests(fellow magisters) and members of his family. They worsened as she got older, leading to lasting emotional and physical trauma. Her magic manifested when she was 12, in the form of a massive electrical blast which killed the magister and much of his family. After that incident, she ran - never looking back. She managed to keep herself safe from slave hunters using her magic until she found a Dalish clan willing to take her in. She was given a new name, a new identity, to hide her. She became Nehriel Lavellan, first to the Keeper.
At some point during her travels, she met a spirit of Purpose willing to help her in her quest. She allowed herself to become its host. Purpose is a benign spirit, and while being similar to Justice in many ways, it only seeks to help Nehri on her path, never fully possessing Nehri to ensure her safety. Nehri thinks of Purpose as a parental figure, remarking that “Purpose... has always been there. Even in my darkest days, Purpose has guided me.”
She is a very disciplined, intelligent woman - unsettlingly calm, due to Purpose’s influence on her. She is not shy as much as introverted, preferring to keep to herself most of the time, remaining mysterious to much of the Inquisition and even the Inner Circle. Though outwardly she does not show much emotion, as time goes on she grows to care deeply for each and every member of the Inquisition, whether they share her views or not. She respects them as individuals and loves them as friends. She and Blackwall share a special bond, and after Revelations Nehri mentions that “We’re quite similar, you know. We both wear names that aren’t our own. We’ve both done things we aren’t proud of, ashamed of who we were in the past. But we can do better. We can be better, lethallin. I know we can.”
Nehri was very hesitant to willingly join the Inquisition, understandably suspicious and terrified of being held prisoner. During the early days, she found solace in Solas - the only other elf in the Inquisition, apart from Leliana’s spies and Minaeve. She appreciated his quest for knowledge and loved to hear stories of his adventures in the Fade, comparing them to her own. It wasn’t long until their relationship became more than simple talks. Solas helps her understand that even though the humans have wronged her, being Inquisitor gave her an opportunity to forgive and change her mind. Once she reveals the fact that she’s a vessel for a spirit,  she grows to care for the others in the Inquisition a little too much.
A passionate revolutionary, Nehri leads the Inquisition not as an organization of faith but one dedicated to changing Thedas for the betterment of all people, especially mages and elves. Her intelligence and determination are a great boon to the Inquisition, and her knowledge of Dalish and Elven history and customs help a great deal. Her familiarity with Tevinter also adds another, slightly more critical, perspective.
After the Exalted Council, once she realizes she’s pregnant(after a deliberate tryst with Solas before he left), she disbands the Inquisition and retires to the Arlathan Forest west of Tevinter, becoming an informal Witch of the Wilds. There she gives birth to her son Fenesvir, and they spend the time they have left together far away from the shemlen. She still keeps in contact with her friends from the past however, and if something does come up, she’ll be there to deal with it - again.
Preferred Fighting Style: She fights defensively, though she definitely loves to use her staff blade. She mostly hangs behind her allies, preferring to find a vantage point and cast spells from there.
Favorite Weapon: Her staff. She carved it from Ironbark, and it appears to still be living. The magic that courses through it keeps the wood alive, so much so that it still bears leaves at the ends even though it was cut many years ago.
Magical Abilities: She’s a remarkably powerful mage, so much so that the Anchor hardly fazes her.
Special Skills: She’s a BLOOD MAGE. Only on weekends, though.
Family: Her adoptive mother, Keeper Deshanna. She doesn’t remember her birth parents, as she was sold to the Magister when she was very young.
Love Interest: Solas
Best Friends: Solas, Varric, Cole, Vivienne, Dorian, Iron Bull, Blackwall
Positive Traits: Intelligent, Disciplined, Calm
Negative Traits: Hell-bent on revolution, A little too radical for most people
Likes: Kids, Fashion, Long Conversations with Purpose.
Dislikes: Templars, Magisters, Humans(generally).
Fears: Loss of Purpose(figuratively and literally), Irrelevance, Loneliness
Guilty Pleasure: Trinkets from Tevinter. As much as she goes on about the problems in her homeland, she values small little gifts of common things very much. There are a few things she still carries with her from her childhood in the Imperium that are incredibly dear to her.
Hobbies: Being A Forest Witch, Raising Her Son, Continuing Correspondence with Varric and Anders.
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[id: a banner with Work in Progress Wednesday written in white font on a background of light blue watercolor texture /end id]
wednesday again!! here's another bit from the tranquil oc fic ;3
The mages’ tents are clustered together in the shadow of the Chantry. Gwythren finds Helisma in the center, sitting with a red-haired Tranquil and an elven apprentice.
“You’re the Herald.” The apprentice frowns. “Or the one they’re calling the Herald, anyway.”
“Minaeve and Avexis handle creature research,” Helisma says.
“I didn’t think you’d really be Tranquil,” Minaeve blurts.
The statement is so unexpected, Gwythren is briefly speechless.
Helisma turns to her. “What else would they be?”
“Well, no one would call a magethe Herald of Andraste, let alone a Tranquil, would they? Most people don’t think Tranquil can do anything they aren’t told to.” Her feet shuffle in the snow, face pinched. “There’s lots of things they’re saying, I thought that was just another of them.”
Gwythren does not like knowing people speak about them. It has been a long time since Gwythren was paid any special attention. They are accustomed to being unseen and un-thought of. Their hands flex on their knees, nails digging into the fabric of their trousers.
Avexis watches Gwythren with wide, unblinking eyes. “It is an unusual position for a Tranquil,” she remarks.
Gwythren decides it is not useful to ruminate further on the subject. “You do creature research.”
Avexis nods. “Demons and other such things.”
“We use our findings to help the soldiers fight them,” Minaeve explains, “and to help the healers treat those with injuries. The materials can also be used for making potions and gear.”
“The circumstances are unfortunate,” Avexis muses, “but it has been very easy to find specimens, even those we rarely had access to before. We are learning quite a lot.”
Minaeve shakes her head, but her expression is fond. “Don’t let anyone else hear you say that. Last thing we need is anyone thinking we like this. Might make them start suspecting we caused it.”
Gwythren’s head tilts. “They don’t already suspect.”
Minaeve snorts. “Sure, some do. I think—I think Seeker Pentaghast might not, or else we wouldn’t be allowed to stay as we are.”
“Conversely,” Avexis says, “if the perpetrator is among us, they will be easier to find if we are kept close.”
“Well…” Her frown deepens. “That, too.”
“The Templars,” Gwythren prompts.
“At present, the Templars have their side of Haven, and we have ours,” Minaeve says. “They’ve been busy teaching the new recruits and scouring the valley for any lingering demons.”
“It is unlikely to last,” Avexis remarks.
“There is a tension,” Helisma agrees. “The villagers have accepted us because no one has told them otherwise, but eventually the shock of the Conclave will wear off.”
“The Templars are losing patience with the situation.”
“Some are more lenient than others,” Minaeve puts in. “But there are a few that come skulking around.”
“Moira chases them off,” Helisma says.
Keeping her distance from Commander Cullen, Moira has remained near the mage encampment—close enough to intervene should other Templars cause trouble. Gwythren can see her red hair over the tops of tents, hear Alain’s boisterous voice.
“Some sort of decision will have to be made if the Inquisition moves forward,” Gwythren states.
“Probably too optimistic to think it’ll be in our favor,” Minaeve mutters.
A tense silence settles around the four of them.
To break it, Gwythren says, “The Knight-Lieutenant and I are leaving for the Hinterlands tomorrow.”
Minaeve looks confused, but Helisma nods. “We should get things in order.” She stands, Gwythren following.
“If you find anything interesting in your travels,” Avexis says, “bring it back, if you can.”
“I shall,” Gwythren replies.
tagging @mrs-theirin, @gaysolavellan, @midnightprelude, @cciarants
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tanaleth · 4 years
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Pella and Minaeve for OTPtober day 15.
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customhawke · 5 years
I love your questionnaires... would you consider making a version for companion OCs? I have a few and fleshing them out is. hm. hard
Thank you very much! I’m glad you enjoyed my questionnaires. Unfortunately, I wrote them when I was deep into DA hyperfocus, and I don’t know when/if I’ll ever be that interested again to write new ones or finish the ones I started and abandoned
However, there is already a DA companion meme out there! I believe this is the source for it, so you can use that to help flesh out your ocs! There are little links that lead to other parts of the inquisitor companion meme in the original post as well.
I have a slightly more detailed version in my notes that I used for my inquisitor and warden (which I never finished and posted lol) so I’m adding that under the cut if the extra questions are any helpful. I’m keeping my answers in because some of the questions are little vague, so hopefully the answers help with how I intended them to be answered. Feel free to delete them to use for yourself, or use the shorter original one in the link!
Inquisitor’s Name: Phaedre Lavellan
Alternate Name?: Phaedre Athevera
Race, Class, & Specialization: Elven mage, specialized Rift Mage
Varric’s Nickname for them: Dewdrop
Default Tarot Card: Reverse Judgment (Self-doubt, refusal of self-examination)
How they are recruited:
After being snubbed by the templars at Val Royeaux, a cutscene with Josephine is available where she can speak of gaining more allies, specifically with non-human species (since the Chantry/humans are pretty much non-communicative). She’ll mention that a Dalish clan near the Emerald Graves has offered to meet with Inquisition forces and discuss possible benefits of an alliance. If the Inquisitor is Dalish, they will have the option of learning they are the Athevera clan, one of the largest Dalish clans in Fereldan/Orlais, and one of relative renown—their Keeper tends to lead the Arlathvhen,and mainly decides where the next one will be held.
Show interest in this option and the war table operation to unlock a special area will appear. It will take 2 power to complete with Connections. Fast travel there, and you will be immediately ambushed by local human soldiers—while the Dalish waited for the meeting, it seems the humans decided to drive them off, killing some in the process. Phaedre is the only one still alive, and the Inquisitor helps kill/drive off the human forces.
Afterwards, a cutscene will ensue with Phaedre introducing herself. She was part of the welcome group that was to escort the Inquisitor to the clan’s location to discuss alliance terms, but now that the humans have acted up it is very likely the clan has packed up and moved. Phaedre thanks the Inquisitor for helping her and with varying levels of enthusiasm will offer her services to the Inquisition, both as a mage and as a connection to the largest Dalish clan in Orlais (she will wholeheartedly help if the Inquisitor is Dalish, be neutral if the Inquisitor is dwarven, and be reluctant if the Inquisitor is human/Qunari, though this may be nullified if the Inquisitor is a mage—this enthusiasm level will determine her starting approval rate). If the Inquisitor agrees, Phaedre will join as a companion.
Where they are in Haven:
In Josephine’s office, next to Minaeve. If the Inquisitor waits, idle banter will sometimes appear where Phaedre speaks to Minaeve, either asking her about Minaeve’s research or arguing with her about the Dalish.
Where they are in Skyhold:
In the secret library beneath the war room, near the kitchens.
Things they Generally Approve of:
Asking for her input on anything will generally yield approval, as well as asking about Dalish history and/or magic. Showing support for mage freedom will garner great approval, as well as choices that help the helpless, even if (or especially if) it means the Inquisitor must give up something (ie charity, or taking on quests that do not have to be done). Being lenient in judgments and showing interest in learning new things/history will also gain her approval (ie, accepting quests that involve magic/rune gathering, reading certain codexes, etc.).
Things they Generally Disapprove of:
Supporting Templars/the Circle in any way, expressing hatred/fear of magic or mages, being harsh in judgment or refusing to help civilians/be rude to them (she will disapprove if you walk away from conversations with civilians, so watch out for that), asking for her opinion on the matter and then ignoring her advice, expressing disinterest in her stories and history, expressing distaste of elven culture.
***Depending on race, Phaedre will automatically be at a certain approval level (similar to how Dorian’s approval is automatically changed depending on if you sided with mages or Templars). She automatically Greatly Approves if you are an elf, Approves if you are a Dwarf, Slightly Disapproves if you are Qunari, and Greatly Disapproves if you are a human. She will also Approve if you are a mage (so add that on to whatever approval and disapproval already gained). It’s pretty easy to build a good relationship with her as long as you’re pro-mage, though, so it’s not too much of a detriment.
Mages, Templars, Other?:
Super pro-mage. She’s very sympathetic to the cause, and believes that while there definitely needs to be a checks and balance system it’s basically a system of oppression and abuse under Templars/Chantry. She actively fears Templars and will avoid them in the beginning, which she can reveal through conversation to be because she once witnessed a Templar group brutalize their mage charges as a child. She believes magic is a gift, not a curse, and the way the Chantry teaches mages to view their magic and themselves is despicable.
Friends in the Inquisition:
Solas: Phaedre takes on a bit of a mentor-mentee relationship with Solas, and their banter generally consists of her peppering him with questions about the Fade and of his journeys there. Later on, she will express interest in learning how to walk in the Fade as he does, so she can learn more about her lost history. However, several banters will appear where Solas derides the Dalish, and depending on whether or not her personal quest was completed, Phaedre will either uncomfortably change the subject or argue with Solas on the point.
Sera: Phaedre and Sera are BEST FRIENDS due to Phaedre’s initial reluctance to make herself seem contrary, and their similar ages. Their banter will consist of references to pranks they’ve pulled, inside jokes, gushing over girls (mainly Cassandra) and general goofing off—if neither Sera nor Phaedre are romanced, it will be referenced that they may have slept together (if the Inquisitor’s friendship level gets beyond a certain point, they can ask about the encounter either at Haven or at Skyhold). However, after IHW/CotJ, banter will appear where Sera derides the Dalish, and (again, depending on status of personal quest) Phaedre will become uncomfortable/angry. This will spread over several banters (Phaedre will inevitably become angry and argue, regardless of personal quest), to the point where other companions will remark upon their “spat.” Eventually Phaedre will apologize and say that even if Sera doesn’t consider herself an elf Phaedre will always see her as a friend, but any romantic entanglement ends.
After this fight (or, alternatively, sometime after either Here Lies the Abyss or Wicked Eyes, whichever is completed first), Sera will start to comment on a hidden crush Phaedre has on a member of the Inquisition. Depending on the Inquisitor’s actions, the identity of the object of Phaedre’s admiration will vary:
if the Inquisitor has flirted with Phaedre and either hard-locked or soft-locked into a romance, the “crush” will be the Inquisitor (which Phaedre will outright confirm to Sera once her personal quest is completed; otherwise, she will be close-lipped about it, saying she doesn’t know if “the interested party” is willing to advertise the flirting—the Inquisitor can make a comment during this banter)
if the Inquisitor has not romanced Phaedre and has not romanced Cullen, it will be Cullen (which Phaedre will be close-lipped and surly about, saying that she’s not sure “the other party is interested” and “even if they are interested, I’m not sure I want them to be interested”). Later, after both her and Cullen’s personal quests are completed, Sera will accuse Phaedre of having kissed Cullen, revealing him as the object of her affection
if the Inquisitor has romanced Cullen, the object of affection will turn out to be Cassandra (which Phaedre will not reveal, saying she knows “the other party is not interested”). Later banter with Sera and Cassandra will have Cassandra letting Phaedre down gently.
Varric: Varric outright compares Phaedre to Merrill (you’re like another Dalish I knew, but with less blood magic), and treats her in a similar manner—calling her “Dewdrop,” he often expresses worry over her battles and constantly invites her to play games of Wicked Grace to “get her out of those dusty tomes.” Unlike Merrill, Phaedre happily accepts the fatherly concern, allowing herself to be drawn out when asked to appease Varric. After her personal quest, she will thank Varric for looking out for her, but asks him to let her take a few steps on her own.
Cassandra: Early banter with Cassandra will reveal a puppy-crush on her, which may or may not blossom into full-blown infatuation. Cassandra will ask about Phaedre’s life as part of the Dalish, which will reveal more about Phaedre’s life not otherwise accessible; Phaedre will also compliment Cassandra’s ability as a warrior and her opinions on change (she very much approves that Cassandra is willing to see the innate corruption within the Templars and her willingness to admit that she’s wrong/change things). If Cassandra is chosen for Divine, Phaedre will offer to help Cassandra; Cassandra will then point out that Phaedre isn’t Andrastian, to which Phaedre will say “you don’t need to believe in the power to believe in good people.” Depending on the Inquisitor’s choices, post-game dialogue may reveal that Cassandra has taken her up on her offer and she will be leaving the Inquisition with Cassandra.
Several banters will also include arguments surrounding the Chantry and its purpose, as well as Templars.
Cole: She and Cole get along great. She constantly tries to decipher what Cole (and sometimes Solas) are saying, and other banter will reveal that she actively tries to help Cole with his “helping” people, which Cole appreciates.
She will, however, get rather uncomfortable when Cole tries to help her, though she’s pretty much used to people trying to help and protect her and therefore her reaction is very mild compared to others’.
Dorian: Phaedre and Dorian both get along well, though initially Phaedre is hostile to the “Vint.” She will often make references to Tevinter habit of slavery, and most of the early banter is her arguing with him about his stance on it (Solas, if in the party, will often have extra dialogue). Later banter will allude to the fact that Dorian was properly convinced about slavery, and the banter becomes much more friendly and lighthearted (if Sera is also in the party, she will contribute, alluding to the idea that Phaedre spends a lot of time with them and Varric).
Companions she doesn’t get along with:
Vivienne: While they don’t necessarily fight, Phaedre clearly acts uncomfortable around Vivienne, and Vivienne treats Phaedre like a child that is to be ignored or derided. After her personal quest, Phaedre will actively stand up to Vivienne and argue for mage rights, and during a particular cutscene they can be found discussing the issue on Vivienne’s balcony, where Vivienne will tell her that even if they never agree, Vivienne will always respect her articulate way of debating the matter.
If Vivienne is made Divine, Phaedre will express disapproval.
Iron Bull: Phaedre’s interactions with Iron Bull reveal she is rather intimidated by him and his bloodlust, and strongly disagrees with the importance of the Qun. Iron Bull, for his part, treats her like a little girl who can occasionally make things explode.
Later on, if Bull saves the Chargers they will become closer, as banter will reveal she has started to spend time with the Chargers and learned a few new tricks from Dalish, spending more time with Iron Bull as a result.
If Bull does not save the chargers and Phaedre’s personal quest is completed, Phaedre will actively tear down Iron Bull for his decision, and calls him despicable.
Blackwall: While she is always respectful of Blackwall, they are distant with each other. Their banter typically involves him giving her advice on how to better fight—she more or less treats him like an elder, but not one she is especially close to, though she does express admiration for his noble goals and purpose, and if asked on her opinion of him she will speak praise BEFORE it is revealed who he is. Blackwall, for his part, admires Phaedre’s dedication and kindhearted nature, and takes on a benevolent-uncle kind of relationship with her.
After he is revealed as Thom Rainier, she will say that she doesn’t know who he is anymore, and she cannot trust him to be a different person than he was before. Later he will say that he will show her he is different by earning back his honor as Rainier, to which Phaedre replies with a neutral “We’ll see about it, then.”
Small side mission:
After moving to Skyhold and approval is around 35+, Phaedre will comment that there are various tomes missing from the Hidden Library that she cannot find anywhere. She and Solas have together looked (in the Fade) for the various possible locations of the tomes and asks the Inquisitor to keep an eye out for them. If she is present when one is discovered, she Approves; if all are discovered, she Greatly Approves at its completion.
·     War Table Missions:
There will be various war-table missions concerning Phaedre’s connections with various Dalish clans. Depending on who is used to complete them (generally anything but Forces), Phaedre will gain approval.
Companion quest:
After HLtA, a cutscene will occur the next time the Inquisitor tries to speak with Phaedre. Josephine will ask after Clan Athevera—though the war table missions involve connecting with various Dalish clans, none of them are her own, and Josephine wonders at their safety. Phaedre will be dodgy and walk away, and Josephine will go to the Inquisitor and express distress. If you ask Phaedre about it, she will say the clan is fine and not to bother them, but it will unlock the war table operation “Find Clan Athevera” regardless. Only Josephine can complete it, and doing so means gaining a letter asking to meet the Inquisitor, with Phaedre, to properly discuss an alliance—the entire letter is worded all shady and shit. When traveling there, Phaedre is a locked companion.
When they arrive, the Keeper of the clan is there to welcome you. She expresses happiness that Phaedre is safe and unharmed, and talks to Phaedre like she is a young child. She will tell the Inquisitor that Phaedre should not have been waiting to meet the Inquisitor with the hunter group, as it is too dangerous for her to leave the safety of the clan—she was never given permission to join the Inquisition, and as such was never working on behalf of the clan. Phaedre will attempt to interject at various points, and will be shot down by the Keeper. She then asks the Inquisitor to let Phaedre return home where she can be “safe and taken care of properly,” away from the dangers of the Inquisition. In return, they will send a new representative to deal with the Inquisition, and the true force of the clan will be utilized in the alliance.
Option 1: Tell Phaedre to return “home.” Phaedre will go back to the Keeper without complaint, and while very quiet seems to part with little ill will. New war table operations will appear, and a Dalish agent will be added for Josephine.
Sera and Solas Greatly Disapprove; Varric and Cassandra Disapprove; Cole Slightly Disapproves/Approves (depending on dialogue choices made); Vivienne Approves
Option 2: The Inquisitor insists Phaedre stay with the Inquisition, saying that Phaedre has been an invaluable asset. The Keeper will get angry and says that Phaedre is still too young and too inexperienced to make it on her own. The Inquisitor can either encourage Phaedre to talk the Keeper down or further the break by egging her on; either way, there is no alliance, and any unfinished War Table operations involving securing Dalish clan alliances will disappear.
Phaedre Approves, Sera Greatly Approves, Varric Approves, Cole Approves
Option 3: The Inquisitor insists that it’s Phaedre’s choice to make, not theirs. Phaedre tells the Keeper that while she loves them all and understands they are trying to protect her, she needs to make her own path now, and her past has begun to choke her. She respectfully asks to leave the clan to join the Inquisition permanently. With great reluctance, the Keeper will agree after seeing how Phaedre has grown, but will refuse to cut Phaedre off from the clan, telling her she is always able to return home if she needs to. New war table missions specifically concerning Clan Athevera appear, and Phaedre remains a companion.
Phaedre Greatly Approves, Sera Greatly Approves, Solas Approves, Varric Approves, Cole Approves
If the Inquisitor picks Options 2 or 3, a following scene back at Skyhold will ensue. Dialogue will slightly vary depending on if the Inquisitor defended Phaedre themselves or if they let Phaedre choose, but the main portion is the same. Phaedre defends the Keeper’s actions, saying that the clan is just looking out for what’s best for her. She tells the Inquisitor about the death of the clan’s old First—her best friend and future Bonded—and how his death essentially destroyed her for a long time, making her unable to really care for herself or make decisions. She states that joining the Inquisition was the first time in years she truly made a decision for herself, and it’s one that made her remember why she needs to stand up for what’s important. She decides it’s time for her to put aside her past and remember what’s truly vital about living. If the Inquisitor has flirted with Phaedre in the past and picks the romance option here (and approval is high enough), Phaedre will say that staying with the Inquisition was the best choice to make because it meant meeting them. A kiss scene will occur and the Inquisitor will be hard-locked into a relationship. Romance dialogue options will now be available.
Romance-specific quest:
After a romance is initiated, the Inquisitor can ask more about the clan’s old First, Ghandriel. They will learn the circumstances surrounding his death—he died protecting Phaedre from rogue mages escaping the Circle—and Phaedre will lament that because of the clan’s need to flee, she never retrieved the body or laid it to rest. This will unlock a war table operation to scout the area where Ghandriel died to find his remains—the mission is unsuccessful, but they do find the place where Ghandriel likely died. The Inquisitor can then take Phaedre to the clearing, where she will confirm it is where she watched Ghandriel fall. The Inquisitor will tell her that she can finally put Ghandriel’s soul to rest here, and they will help her create a small pyre to burn. A cutscene will occur where the Inquisitor witnesses Phaedre sing In Uthenerato small shrine that she built before lighting it on fire. Back at Skyhold, Phaedre will express a wish to have properly burned the remains, but feels that Ghandriel’s spirit may finally be at rest now—at least, she now feels more at peace with it.
Tarot card change
Option 1: (If Phaedre returns to her clan) Phaedre’s tarot card changes to a darkened Reverse Tower.
Option 2: (Friendship card) Changes to the upright Star
Option 3 (Romance): Changes to upright Sun or upright World
Yes, by any gender and any race. However, she will be easier to romance as an elf, a female, and/or a mage, as flirt options will gain more approval if you are a certain gender/race and there are extra dialogue options that will gain approval for certain races/classes.
Sexual/Racial Preference:
Phaedre is bisexual, with a stronger preference for women. She is highly wary of humans and prefers to date within her own species, but is amenable to advances from any race.
Nickname for PC:
“Arla,” meaning home.When asked what that means (or why ‘home’, if Dalish), she will respond that home is wherever her heart is.
Being asked for a kiss:
“Really? Well, I was just in the middle of this book…I’m just kidding, come here.”
Halamshiral Dialogue:
“Wow, there are so many people! Look at all these masks—have you talked to anyone yet? I’ve been talking to the elves, but they don’t like talking to me for some reason.”
Being asked to dance during the mission:
“Oh, dancing! I don’t actually know how to dance. You might get your toes stepped on, is that all right? Oh, but maybe later, too. There’s another elf over there and he’s giving me a look, I think he wants to talk to me.”
Asking to dance post-mission:“-giggles- Well, remember to watch out for your toes.”
Party Reactions:
Who is concerned about their relationship?
Vivienne expresses disapproval at starting up with a Dalish apostate, even if the Inquisitor is Dalish.
Varric will worry about Phaedre’s feelings, and tells the Inquisitor not to hurt her.
Sera threatens the Inquisitor to keep Phaedre happy or else.
Who supports the relationship?
Solas will offer congratulations to Phaedre about the relationship regardless of the gender/race of the Inquisitor, saying that a strong partnership will only help her, and that he’s noticed she’s been happier.
Blackwall will offer congratulations as well, but depending on whether or not his personal quest is completed, Phaedre will either respond positively or negatively.
Cassandra will make a comment on it, saying she’s happy to see Phaedre happy. Cassandra will allude to the fact that she knew about Phaedre’s infatuation, and is glad to see her with someone who can return her affections.
Sera will be sour about Phaedre not telling her immediately, but will later be enthusiastic, talking to Phaedre about possible pranks to pull on the Inquisitor.
Who had a bet running on it?
Sera and Dorian will have been trying to find out who Phaedre’s “crush” is, and will have willingly or unwillingly dragged various people and companions into the speculation. Regardless of who Phaedre actually holds affection for, Dorian will always choose wrong and Sera will always choose right.
Breaking Up:
If PC Breaks it off:
If NPC breaks it off (and why):
Love Confession:
End game dialogue:
Cole’s reflection on their thoughts:
“She waits for the sunlight, strength to stand on her own, a solitary sapling with hearts carved in the bark, still bleeding, still sore.”
“Sick of trying for her, sick of dying for her, she walks away instead of wagering lives.”
(After personal quest is completed) “Home stays in her heart, roots no longer planted in the ground but in the soul. The bark still bleeds, but the pain has faded.”
(If in Romance): “She tires of trembling, but standing beside you gives her the strength protect herself.”  
(After romance quest) “The breaks in the bark fade, not gone, but no longer bleeding. The hearts smooth out into scars.”
Comment(s) on Mages:
“Oh…well…yes, I think that mages deserve to be free. It just…it’s right, you know? It’s the right thing.”
“I’ve seen what happens when you trap and keep a wild animal still for too long—they try to hurt themselves, trying to get out. People are no different, and mages have been struggling for centuries to leave their cages.”
“Why is everyone so angry that mages just want to be treated like people and not weapons?”
“All power is dangerous, and all power corrupts. But you don’t see anyone locking away the swordsman because of how well he swings, or the ruler because she bends a country to her will. Teach a mage how to control themselves, not how to be controlled.”
“Stop speaking that Chantry nonsense. Magic is a force of nature like anything else, not something to be put in a box. Does the Chantry also claim that the monsoon rains are meant to serve man? What about thunderstorms, or the snow, or the sun?”
Comment(s) on Templars:
“I mean…I’m sure there are nice ones. There are nice everythings. But…well, I was taught to hide whenever I saw the flaming sword insignia. That’s all.”
“It’s amazing how people will deride mages for being so easily corrupted when the people we expect to protect them from us are already rotten to the core.”
(If CotJ is completed) “Mages are dangerous because they can be taken over by demons—but who was being led by a demon this entire time?”
“’It’s not that simple?’ No, I suppose the consistent brutalization of the fellow being isn’t that simple.”
“It’s funny, but somehow the Dalish managed to deal with magic without Templars for centuries now.”
“Don’t tell me the system is needed. Don’t tell me it’s good. For every good Templar, there’s a bad Templar giving bad orders. The entire Order is designed to terrorize mages.”
When looking for something:
“I’m feeling a thing. Maybe we should look a little closer?”
When finding a campsite:
“Oh good, my feet were just getting tired.”
When the Inquisitor Falls:
(If romanced) “Arla! Stay with me, I’m coming!”
“No, not again—I won’t let it happen this time!”
When they are low on Health:
“Where are the healing potions again?”
“This is harder than I thought!”
When they see a Dragon:
“Oh, look at that majestic beast—no, no, looking at it this far away is good enough, thank you though.”
When doing their small side quest:
“This is close to where Solas and I think a tome is!”
Default saying: (when you want to talk to them in Skyhold, how do they respond?)
Default: “Hello again.”
Low approval:  “Oh…it’s you. Um. Did you need something?”
High approval:“Is there anything I can do for you?”
“Here for another story again, huh?”
“Oh, there you are. I was just wondering if I would have to go searching.”
Travel Banter with Canon Companions of your choice:
P: “Solas…”S: “Again? Here?”P: “This is really boring. Please?”S: -sighs- “What would you like to hear?”P: “Tell another story about that one faith spirit. The one that was always near those temple-things?”
Iron Bull
Location Banter:
The Hinterlands:
The Fallow Mire:
The Storm Coast:
Exalted Plains:
Emerald Graves:
Emprise du Lion:
Forbidden Oasis:
Hissing Wastes:
The Western Approach:
Leaving the Inquisition: (what do they say or do if the approval is low enough for them to leave?)
The Fade
How they react: They’re pretty excited. Actually walking in the Fade can lead to new and interesting information about magic.
Their Tombstone: Abandonment
What the Fears look like: They all tend to look like Ghandriel’s corpse, following her and whispering about protecting her.
What the Nightmare says:
Their reflection about the Fade:
Hawke or Warden: Phaedre is upset that anyone is left behind, but will Disapprove if Hawke is left—she got to know Hawke while they stayed at Skyhold and apparently looks up to them. Beyond that, she likes Hawke because Hawke is Varric’s friend.
As for a Warden, she will show varying levels of distress at their sacrifice; for Alistair, she will be very distraught, especially if Alistair is in a relationship with the Warden (she’s a romantic at heart—even more so if the warden is Mahariel). She will be sympathetic to Stroud, but she won’t show that much distress over Loghain’s departure, as she never really trusts him.
The Wardens
Their feelings: Her clan fought with the Dalish forces against the Blight, and while Phaedre herself was too young to fight she personally knew people who had to go up against Darkspawn (one of whom is revealed to be Ghandriel). As such, she has a healthy fear of Blights and believes Wardens to be necessary; it is one of her points of argument against Solas. The idea that Wardens can’t actually stop Blights once Archdemons are dead makes her very, very scared.
Exile or Allies?: Allies, though she expresses fear about the chance of the Wardens being corrupted again. She will not disapprove heavily if they are exiled, though she will express fear of the organization disappearing.
The Ball
How they feel:  Excited!!! There’s so much food!! So many pretty sights!!! A secret library!!! People always like talking to her, though the elves don’t seem very happy here, and that makes a her a bit upset—she will tell the Inquisitor afterwards that she helped them deliver certain messages while hanging about.
Where they linger: Near Cullen in the main ballroom. When asked, she says that she thinks it’s funny that Cullen is so uncomfortable, but ambient dialogue will show her intervening when Cullen gets too overwhelmed with people.
Are they good at the Game?: To the surprise of literally everyone in existence, Phaedre more or less accidentally masters the game. Her nature is so guileless it comes off as dissembling, and everyone more or less takes her polite, passive remarks as hints that she knows what they’re thinking. There is a chance to gain Court Approval during the mission by talking to Phaedre while she’s conversing with a noble—the noble will then make a comment about the Inquisition not being made up “completely of rustics” after all. (+5 Approval. It will only occur after returning to the ballroom after meeting Morrigan. It cannot be accessed after you leave the ballroom.)
What people say about them:
“The elf, the little one. What is that knife-ear playing at? I don’t even know what she’s thinking.”
“Oh she’s so very polite, for a knife-ear. She’s even nice to her own kind—how quaint.”
“I spoke to her for ten minutes and know nothing about her! She never seemed to say anything true—what is her game?”
Gaspard, Briala, or Celene?: For obvious reasons, Phaedre supports Briala and will Greatly Approve if you put her in charge. However, she will show a romantic streak and Approve if you reconcile Celene and Briala. She will Disapprove if Celene or Gaspard rule alone, believing them to be a threat to elves and the country at large. She will have no opinion of them working together, except that she doubts it will last too long.
Temple of Mythal
Rituals or Hole?: RITUALS. She will Greatly Disapprove if you bypass them.
Agree with the Elves’ bargain?: Agree. She will also have extra dialogue about learning Dalish history and culture if she’s brought to meet Abelas. She’s hurt by his dismissal, but will continually insist on helping the Temple elves as they go through.
Morrigan or Inquisitor for the Well?: As she’s a mage, she can be asked to drink from the Well herself. She’ll say she can’t say she’s not tempted, being an elf and all, but says that she isn’t really equipped to handle that kind of power, and will decline.
As she seems to heavily dislike Morrigan and her remarks about elven culture, Phaedre will Greatly Disapprove if she drinks from the well. She will Approve if you drink, though she will warn you that the effects of such knowledge may be detrimental.
Comments on Canon Romance (little remarks on the inquisitor getting lucky)
Dorian: “Dorian seems much happier now. I wonder why? I’m joking, I know why.”
Sera: -pleasant voice- “Hurt her at all, and after she’s done with you you’ll have to deal with me.”
Iron Bull:“I didn’t realize you were into that. If you need some extra…um, rope or anything, I can find you some that doesn’t chafe.”
Josephine: “I see her smile all the time now—you two are so cute together.”
Cullen: “The Templar? Well, he’s a good one, at least. Or better than most. Stay safe though, okay?”
Blackwall:“Uh. Okay. Well, as long as you’re happy!”
After Rainier:“If you can trust him after…well, it’s not any of my business.”
Solas: “But…isn’t he old? I mean, okay, but I’m just saying. He’s a little old.”
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